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angel palmerin ruiz


i This is an incomplete portfolio. It presents fragments of academic proje accompanied me in recent years. The architectural project is not a finished ob produces images that become part of a personal constellation of references. T Two ways of reading this portfolio are proposed: without expectations, focus or seeking some coherence, relating the numbers accompanying the images t 2018

2019 001

012_threshold labyrinth.

009_masks of the city in black and white.

001_blue ghost.

2020 002

2021 003

004 005

ii ects, professional work, competitions, and photographs. Everything that has bject. It is an excuse to group and make sense of a set of ideas. In return, it The interest arises from the relationships established between these images. sing solely on the images and their relationships; to the corresponding project numbers. 2022

2023 006 007



2024 009 011 012 010 013

2025 014



008_weird perspective for an unconventional sportscenter.

007_architectural wildlife.


012_narrow passages for children and pets.

010_new faces for old buildings with some space to breath.

fala_a bigger splash in the portuguese landscape.

001_A first exercise in illusionism. Deception and photographic technique as projective tools. An object that never existed is recreated in the Madrid. Long exposure becomes the only reliable means to capture its testim 002_The relationship between inhabited space and productive space has alwa a vertical congestion exercise is explored. Domesticity and industrial and agr projected as an urban pixel of unlimited growth. The chosen form correspond accommodating such a miscellany.


009_ugly duckling (i).

003_limitless garden between 2 walls.

clearing of a forest on the outskirts of mony. ays been complicated. The possibility of stratifying human activities through ricultural production coexist in this fragment of the (dystopian?) city, ds to the industrial typology. Flexible and generic spaces are capable of

008_when kanji becomes architecture.


008_a centipede carrying a tower.

010_5 stages in the park.

003_the first time you see a corridor.

003_The house is a work of art. Domestic projects are embraced as opportunities to explore radical architectural ideas. They become exercise language that directly affect users on a minimal scale. This project proposes a located between 2 walls into which server modules are inserted. 3 courtyards function as independent chambers, capable of becoming 1 single garden. The exercise will allow us to understand how the vegetation of the house itself me beyond the walls.


fala_i will not make any more boring art (i).

003_structural continuity.

es in manipulating form and a basic cell that clusters into a larger system. The dwelling is a linear object, s alternate longitudinally, enclosing 2 conditioned spaces. These 5 spaces e poetic touch is provided by the planter at the end: a mental elasticity erges with the landscape, transforming into a continuum that extends

008_3 strategies for the void.


008_a plan that shows how unnecessary the program was.

012_small correction on the facade.

004_An approach to the influence of logistics on the modern city through scale. The logistics centers currently being erected on the outskirt to the grand temples of the past. New gods to pray. 005_Ephemeral architecture with an educational purpose: raising awareness a materials for the city. The action of decontextualizing elements from the rura 006_ Urban analysis of a significant public space in the city of Milan, the Darse Therefore, play is adopted as the methodology, accepting the rules proposed


009_ugly duckling (ii).

ts of our cities reach scales more akin

about the impact on rural areas when obtaining certain essential raw al world, with their own logics and scales, achieves a powerful effect. ena di Navigli. The analysis is understood as the first approach to the project. d and distancing oneself from the prejudices inherent in the discipline.

007_a complex program solved with a complex form that ended up looking like an omelete.


002_the dystopia of the city in the countryside.


004_mix of intentions.

007_The ruins of the old Autobus Park No 7, on the outskirts of the city of Kiev, host a series of unconventional programs. A zoo, a seasonal the storage of a series of large abandoned artworks. The proposed strategy pr With renaturalization as the main objective, the entire surface becomes habit reproduce their original environmental conditions. Climatic aspects are utiliz large works recovered as artistic waste turn the space itself into a grand scen


008_singular object in Ciudad Universitaria.

008_the dance of gravity.

l complex for nomadic societies, and reserves the ruin as testimony and boundary for these new spatial parasites. table space for animal species, acclimatizing in different regions that zed by humans to establish various, now more conventional, programs. The nography.

ba-rro_obsession with the grid.


012_preserving parallelism.

002_culture of congestion.

008_In an impossible plot, attending to an unnecessary program, an excessive project is proposed. For this purpose, programmatic co The resulting project becomes a towering landmark. A building of hypertroph with spaces of such characteristics. The final object necessarily stands out, c heterogeneous and incoherent archipelago is formed. The tower is accompan between two large voids. The bridging element does not touch the ground. It stranger in the place. Lastly, a large athletics track crowns the composition. A


fala_rules and exceptions.

ba-rro_cloth pavillion.

008_singular islands in Ciudad Universitaria.

ondensation is employed as a strategy. hied dimensions housing sports facilities in an area of Madrid overcrowded competing with other equally unique buildings in its surroundings. A nied by a large stack that collects various programs and serves as a connector navigates the irregularities of the terrain through thin supports, making it a An exercise in excess.

008_singular voids in Ciudad Universitaria.


010_2 stages: the market, the high -line. 011_square opening in a circular wall inside a square box.

003_concrete relief.

009_If we can’t turn disgusting buildings into resources, then there is no reason to particularly stay in Tokyo Porto. The ugly ducks are the result of research and cataloging of ugly, extravagant, second half of the 20th century. They are cheap constructions, offering conve morphology of the plots, typical of another era, forces these buildings to rise main facade reflects a genuine desire for individuality. The compositional rich exuberant handrails, and contrasting geometries, with unexpected colors and


003_summer garden / winter box.

fala_first collages always suffered from selective naivety.

, and underrated buildings that emerged in the city of Porto in the entional domestic solutions, occupying narrow and elongated plots. The e above the city. Their interest lies precisely in their urban appearance. The hness of the elements that make up their facades reveals proud rain pipes, d patterns. A modest lesson in the ordinary.


003_spring belvedere / autumn temple.

fala_i will not make any more boring art (ii).

010_5 Urban Scenarios. From the void resulting from the transformation of the industrial landscape, arises the opportunity to create a scen operations. The intention is not to profane the memory of the place, so preex different morphological configurations become the stages. 5 new facades cov rigor and precise modulation contrast with the wild and chaotic nature of the 5 squares. 5 scenarios. 5 preexistences. 1 park.


006_strategic puzzle.

012_a boring exercise that becomes fun when repeated.

nic space through precise aesthetic xisting elements are preserved, adapting to new social uses. 5 squares with vering the old preexistences take on the role of the backdrop. The geometric e park. This contrast allows for the new function to take place.

fala_baroque cuts.


004_logistics centers larger than the Duomo.

012_pure exercise of repetition. 010_a plan to set the stages.

011_The triumph of form over function is assumed. An object emerging from nowhere transforms into a winery and tasting space. Th a circle, and again a square. The result is a building with an empty central spa appears. An exercise in delimiting a space that does not differ from its surrou identical. One has been perverted to accommodate the program’s requiremen


010_3 stages: the cultural center, the open cinema, the welcoming plaza.

011_brick and shadow.

he geometric rules are precise: a square, ace. The controlled nature that seems to justify the project is not as it undings. The geometry is composed of four corners. Three of them are nts. The roof slopes, revealing that great void.

012_sponsored by Léger.


008_sort of a diagram of the sports centers in the university area.

003_the planter helps the garden blend into the background.

012_A boring exercise, constructively dull. An object measuring 11 x 11 x 2.50 meters. 9 rooms measuring 3.66 x 3.66 x 2.50 meters arranged meters in the center of each of the 4 blue walls of the room. 24 openings in tot these premises, a simple spatial game is proposed: to seek maximum complex of the piece allows both facades to be perceived as parallel to each of the mai transformed into a true labyrinth. The wider openings become narrow paths, meanings.


fala_swiss competitions are the hardest.

005_decontextualized object.

004_a map of Lyon and its logistics.

d in a regular grid. 4 openings of 1.22 tal. 10 centimeters of pine shavings cover the 121 square meters surface. With xity from the simplest gesture and the most naive intention. A small rotation in streets that make up Plaza Escuelas Trevijano. The simplest object is , the exits are hidden from view, and the objects in the square acquire new

003_Siedlungen Halen but in Madrid.


fala_i will not make any more boring art (iii).

011_brick and shadow and Tarkovski’s dog.

011_the same thing from above and from below.

013_The New York depicted by Saul Steinberg for the cover of The New Yorker magazine in 1976 is a grand architectural project. The appro representation of everything under minimal rules, reducing meaning to the e lies in profaning such a perfect exercise. To address this, a new naive perspec Manhattan suddenly becomes a work of art.


007_caged animal.

003_digital models belong to the uncanny valley.

opriation of empty space, the essential, is possible through the orthogonal grid. The risk of the proposal ctive is proposed. The orthogonal grid gives way to a work by Morellet.

011_a mistake.


009_ugly duckling (iii).

003_clarifying that the view is never blocked.

fala_a kindergarten in Geneve.

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fala_post-digital images better capture the essence.

005_how to make a Carrefour stand out.

m ad minim veniam, quis nostrud ute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore magna nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim odo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

011_satisfying plan.

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