Grinderzz 2 issue

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Grinderzz 24/7 Magazine March/April 2018


& TV

Letter From The Editor Hello everyone! Welcome to my world....the world of GrinderZZ. My name is Angie Christine, C.E.O of GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. I am a mother, an author, a writer for Fuzionz Magazine/TV, actress and soon to be talk show host of my very own show titled "The Ultimate Surprise Show". When it comes to being a hard worker, I always strive to come out on top. I decided to create this magazine to applaud and to recognize all of the Grinders across the world who are out there doing their thing. These people come from various backgrounds, work trades, even different religions, but the one thing that makes them all the same is that they are hard workers. It takes a special person to become one. You have to eat, drink, and sleep your skills, your talents, and become that head honcho. I know you all will be very pleased at reading the different interviews and articles inside this special magazine. I would also love your feedback. If you would love to drop me a message, please send all inquiries to Take care and keep grinding! (If you dream it, make it happen)

Editor and Chief - Angie Christine Assistant Editor – Shenoba Kinsey

Inside This Issue:

GRINDERZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV

Music Entertainment Artists


The information contained in this magazine is for educational, entertainment and general informational purposes only. This information is provided by Grinderzz 24/7 Magazine & TV and other sources. We will strive to keep the information as informative and as up-to-date as possible. Through this magazine, you may see the links to various website which are not under the control of Grinderzz 24/7 Magazine & TV. We have no control over the nature, content or availability of those sites. This magazine contains materials which are owned by or permitted for us to use. This material includes, but is not limited to, photos, articles, designs, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited. Your views and opinions may differ from the content; therefore, you may leave a comment at Editor and Chief, Author Angie Christine

GrinderZZ Interviews Angela Gibbs

GrinderZZ stepped into the world of renowned actress, Angela Gibbs. Ms. Gibbs not only gives us a glimpse into her life, but into the entertainment industry, as well. Check out our interview with a lady who wears many hats‌ GrinderZZ: Ms Gibbs, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to do this interview with GrinderZZ 24/7. For those young GrinderZZ who are reading this, and don't know who you are, please let them know a little about yourself. Ms. Gibbs: I was born in Detroit, the oldest of two brothers. I loved and still do love my home, Detroit. It was great when I was coming up. The Automotive Industry was great, my neighborhood was truly a community and Motown was booming. In fact, the leader of the Four Tops, Levi Stubbs' mother lived next door. So, I grew up playing with his children and their cousins, Deborah, Zenobia and Beverly. My grandmother was a respected preacher in Detroit, Rev. Princess Ophelia Kemp, and although I grew up Catholic, it

was her Church that I looked forward to going to every Sunday. I started acting when I was in grade school at St. Gregory, in a small school Christmas play. We moved to LA when I was going into 10th grade and that's when I was really hit with the acting dream. I took Drama at LA High and then my mother and I joined a workshop called PASLA (Performing Arts Society of LA). The Watts riots resulted in funding, going into that area, and we were the recipients of free training. There we met actor Roger Mosley who talked us into joining his workshop at a place called Mafundi. While doing a play there, I was scened by actor/writer Max Julian. He offered me a role in his movie Cleopatra Jones. Roger got me an agent and I was off and running. GrinderZZ: I'm a smart person, but I never put two and two together on figuring out that legendary actress Marla Gibbs is your mother. How was it growing up with a talented woman in the household? Ms. Gibbs: Many people think I grew up in the business, nothing could be further from the truth. My mother got her break in the business when she was in her mid-forties. Her meteoric rise was truly a result of her innate talent and ability to inhabit a character authentically. She also looked much younger than her years and still does! So, I was in college already, attending Howard University when my mother struck gold. I can say from that point on, evolving as a young woman was definitely impacted by her success. I learned to stay grounded, never forget where I came from and to keep the Creator first always. GrinderZZ: Being born in Detroit Michigan, I know you have seen a lot of talent come from your area. What music artist were your favorites growing up? Ms. Gibbs: Yes, Detroit was the mecca for talent. I was a huge Tami Terrell & Marvin Gaye, as well as, Smokey Robinson fan. Of course, I loved the Supremes and the Four Tops. Now I would be remised not to mention that the Temptations reigned high on the list. In fact, we had a group called the Montegos (the guys) and

the Montelettes (me and my girls) and we had dreams of going to the Motown review one day. It didn't happen, but it was a wonderful time in my life. GrinderZZ: Sandford & Son was one of my favorites shows growing up and you were on an episode titled "Party Crasher". How was it like working with the cast, especially working alongside the late Red Foxx? Ms. Gibbs: Oh my, Red Foxx‌ How lucky I am to have worked with him. He was like a father figure during that shoot. He gave me advice, loved my work and I felt so confident working with him. Stan Lathan was our director and was so easy to work with. This was my first television job. Fond memories for sure, Foxx was a legend and I remember laughing every day. Grinderzz: Living in Atlanta, you taught acting in the drama department at Spelman College. How many years were you there and what was that experience like? Ms. Gibbs: First of all, I love Atlanta and think I'll return there one day to live again. At Spelman, I worked for the then, Department Chair, Professor Glenda Dickerson. She has since passed on; however, her legacy is set in the wonderfully talented students she taught. I ran a project which we named Starteam... and it was a drama outreach program that targeted at risk youth in Spelman's community. We used oral history style interviewing to draw stories from the high school students and the crafted freeze action scenarios based on their stories. These students were from high schools, boys and girls club and surrounding community centers. The dramas were interactive, the students had a chance of hopping in and helping us solve conflict. The purpose was to use drama to teach critical thinking. It was a huge success and some of our drama students have gone on to use their art to teach and uplift. GrinderZZ: Back before 227 was a hit show that starred your mother Marla Gibbs, and the funny Jackie Harry, it was a stage play that you produced. Norman Lear took notice and decided to make it a TV show. Did you ever imagine 227 ever going that route? Ms. Gibbs: I certainly did not! 227 was brought to me by our resident director, the late and GREAT Edmund Cambridge. I convinced my mother to be in it and get the rights when Christine

Houston did not give them to the theater. I think because I was so young she didn't trust our theater would know what to do. Well, she did give them to my mother and the rest is history! My friend and co-producer, Shay Wafer and I cut our teeth as producers on this play. We merged our community artist with professional artists and magic happened on the stage. Regina King, who has gone on to be a powerhouse in this business, played one of the roles as a young girl and my mother made sure she came along as her daughter, once the show was developed. Sonya Winton played my mother's daughter and today she is not only my daughter, but one of TV's most successful writers. It helped launch other careers, like Curtis Baldwin and Nia Long, who were also in the play! It just shows how powerful it is when we trust our stories have value. We must be the gatekeepers and preservers of our culture. GrinderZZ: In 2004, you were a makeup artist for the Soap Opera "The Bold & The Beautiful. Have you ever done any acting in soaps? Ms. Gibbs: Nope, that was it! Although, I did have a short run with Bold & Beautiful. GrinderZZ: Are you currently working on any new movie projects? Ms. Gibbs: I'm in the movie LOVE JACKED and it's the first time my mother and I star in a movie together. It just was the opening night feature at the Pan African Film Festival and screened to sold out houses, winning the Programmers’ Award-Narrative Feature! The film is a romantic comedy and stars Keith David, Amber Stevens West, Shamiere Anderson, Lyric Bent and Mike Epps to name a few. Also, you can see me on a new Netflix show called ON MY BLOCK! GrinderZZ: I just crack up from laughter when I watch the show "Black Jesus". On that show, you worked alongside the late Charlie Murphy. What was it like working with him and the other cast? Ms. Gibbs: Oh my, Charlie. How I miss him and how grateful I am to have our scenes I can go back to. Quite the gentleman and a huge talent. He will be missed for a very, very long time. I remember he texted me after binge watching BJ (he was on the road

so much he hadn't had time to catch up). Anyway, he texted me, "Gibbs you killed it!" and as for our scenes together he said, "we played!" You know that meant and still means the world to me. I absolutely loved working on that show! Slink Johnson truly holds it down as our lead, I so love this man. He really is responsible for me getting on, he said he knew from the first time he met me that I was Ms. Tudi and he advocated for me. Corey Holcomb, what can I say, I love beating him up, he's a very funny and imaginative talent. I laugh just thinking about him. Dominique Witten just has to look at you to make you laugh and of course I save the best for last, our icon John "Pop" Witherspoon is comedy Platinum! All of the cast members are like family! GrinderZZ: You are the recipient of 2 NAACP Image awards for the theatre production "The Meeting", and the Broadway Play "Checkmates" that starred Denzel Washington, Paul Winfield, and Ruby Dee. What was it like working with these legendary actors? Ms. Gibbs: I learned so much from each of them. Denzel taught me how preparation and opportunity is the only way to create "luck." His work ethic is amazing. Paul Winfield taught me compassion and grace and Ms. Ruby encouraged me to get behind the camera, which I am doing. ALL of them taught me to honor my craft as a gift from the Divine, to make good use of it and impact people when and where I can. GrinderZZ: Ms. Gibbs how can your fans reach out to you? Ms. Gibbs: They usually find me on social media! @angelaegibbs on all social platforms. GrinderZZ: Any word of advice you would love to give to someone trying to get into the industry? Ms. Gibbs: Honor and respect the craft by doing the work. If you love it, and stay consistent, your turn will come. Do not judge your art, just allow it to come through. Do not compare yourself, whether you see yourself as better or not as good as... you lose. Your gift is your unique humanity that you bring and the work you put in. If you are in it for the money, find something else to do. GrinderZZ: Any last-minute shout outs?

Ms. Gibbs: Shout out to my mother, Ms. Marla!!! who is my shero and our maverick. To my son, Amil, for always seeing the best in me and for me and keeping me focused. To my daughter, Sonya, who inspires me daily. Shout out to my brothers, Jordan and Dorian, who are always there to support me and finally, my grandchildren, Samuel, Aila and Niadjetey, who remind me what life is really about... loving and being loved! GrinderZZ would like to give a huge thank you to Ms Gibbs for allowing us in her world. Many blessings and love to you Queen!



Sanaya A. Snell is age 13. She has been playing basketball since kindergarten. Sanaya played ball at the Doolittle Rec Center and for the first girls team at Swainston Middle School. Sanaya now attends Lied middle school and will soon be transitioning into high school. Upon completion, her dreams are to further her education at Uconn College or UCLA. Shout out to Sanaya A. Snell, GrinderZZ Student of The Month.

An Interview with Diamond Cut Publications Diamond Kut Publications is a cut about the rest. The company was created to help those who want to get their stories out, to have a platform, without being taken advantage of and receiving the compensation entitled to them as an author for all of their hard work in crafting their book. GrinderZZ had the opportunity to interview with the CEO’s of this publication company that is definitely on its grind. Check out our interview:

GrinderZZ: Hello guys and welcome to GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. Please tell us something about yourselves, Ms. Silent Storm and Mr. King Diamond. Silent Storm: I am an Author and a CEO of Diamond Kut Publications as well as the new subsidiary company Silent Storm Publications. I’m a hard-working businesswoman who absolutely love and enjoy people and helping them to achieve their dreams. When I am not publishing books or writing my own, I can be found volunteering and advocating on behalf of others in the Criminal Justice Center, Child Protective Services or helping with Crisis Intervention Training of Law Enforcement and Correctional Officers as it relates to how to handle a person in a Mental Health Crisis. I am currently working on my third book, which will be available next month. King Diamond: I am a CEO of Diamond Kut Publications and Author of five books. Diamond Kut Publications was created as an opportunity to help those who wanted to get their stories out to have a platform without being taken advantage of and receiving the compensation entitled to them as an author for all of their hard work in crafting their book. GrinderZZ: Silent Storm, how long have you been into the publishing game?

Silent Storm: As an Author, I have been in the publishing game for three years and a year as a publisher. GrinderZZ: King Diamond, how did you link up with Silent Storm? King Diamond: I met her in 2015 on social media as a brand new author and she was asking me questions about the industry because she had some concerns about her contract during that time. After mentoring her in the industry and based off of our experiences with both of our publishers at that time we decided to come together and form DKP. GrinderZZ: Silent Storm, a lot of people want to write a book, but are afraid to take that leap. How was it for you writing your first book? Silent Storm: I wrote my first book ten years ago but was looking for someone to publish it. I submitted it to a few well-known publishing companies such as Dorrance Publishing and I soon discovered that the publishing companies wanted to receive all of the compensation for my creativity and work. For example, I was offered 20/80 split where the publisher would take 80 percent of royalties and give me 20 percent and they wanted me to sign over the rights to my work for 3 years. I wasn’t going for that. Finally, I signed with a publisher who offered 60/40 where the publisher received 60 percent of royalties and I received 40 percent and the rights to my work was signed over for 7 years. My book was published but it just didn’t feel right that I should receive so little for my book, my work. Thankfully, my publisher agreed to let me out of the contract without all the hassles that most authors endure trying to get out of such a contract. Now, writing my first book was easy because I allowed the story to flow. If you are thinking about writing a book, go for it and tell your story. Just be very careful when it comes to signing with a publisher that you don’t get caught up in the excitement of having your book published that you don’t take the time to do your homework. Check out the company’s reputation and talk to other authors who are signed to the company. Always read the contract, even the very fine print and if you have questions don’t be afraid to ask questions. GrinderZZ: King Diamond, do you currently have any books out, and if so what are the names of your books?

King Diamond: Da Ghetto Gospels According to Matthew Da Ghetto Gospels According to Mark King Me The Game Triple Cross Winner Takes All Blood Ain’t Always Thicker GrinderZZ: Silent Storm, you currently have a great amount of wonderful authors under your company. When did you first decide to start your company and was it hard? Silent Storm: King Diamond and I decided to start the company based on our experience with our previous publishers. Starting the company was relatively easy. When King Diamond announced that the company was open to accepting authors there were more submissions from authors than we could count. GrinderZZ: King Diamond, have you and Silent Storm done any seminars and mentoring classes in helping people become authors? King Diamond: We haven’t held any seminars or mentoring classes, but that’s something we definitely will be doing in the future. However, I am always answering questions of potential and current authors and advising them. GrinderZZ: Silent Storm, are you currently working on any new material? Silent Storm: Yes, I am currently working on the follow up to my current book A Thin Line Between Love and Power, which will be out next month. My readers and supporters have been patiently waiting for it. GrinderZZ: King Diamond, if there’s anyone right now that is interested in joining your publishing company, how could they reach you and Silent Storm? King Diamond: They can send a submission or inquiry to the company email at GrinderZZ: King Diamond and Silent Storm, any words of wisdom you would like to say to your audience? Any shout outs? King Diamond and Silent Storm: Always remember that the Publisher is nothing without the Author. It is the Author who gives the Publisher an opportunity to share and be a part of his or her work. The sky is the limit. If you believe that you can do it, you can.

We would like to shout out all of the Authors at Diamond Kut Publications for allowing us the opportunity to work with them. A special shout out to Diamond Diva Authoress Carolyn Ballard of Diversity of the Minds for all of her support. We love you. A special shout out to Authors K’wan, Treasure Blue, and Aaron Bebo for the guidance, mentoring and for being pioneers in the industry. We truly are thankful for all you do.

Photo Credit: Ato Essando

On The Grind With Author Vonche

GrinderZZ recently caught up with this new and talented female author, Vonda Roche aka Vonche. Vonche was born and raised in Augustine, Florida. I first was introduced to her when I heard her interview on station, back in November. She'll tell us in her own words how she grinds... GrinderZZ: Good evening Vonche and thank you for sitting down with us here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. I must say, you have a very impressive resume. Please let the audience know a little something about you. Vonche: Well I’m born and rasied in St. Augustine, Florida. I was in the gifted program from 4th-12th grades. I played basketball from age 4-21 when I stopped in college due to an injury. I went to Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia for 2 years then came home and went to Jacksonville University for 1 and a half years. Majored in Communications (focus in Print Journalism). I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to write anything from speeches, to poems, plays, short stories, songs, and most recently a novel. I enjoy music and movies. I like to lift weights, draw or color to relax my mind at times. GrinderZZ: I see that you started writing plays and poems for your Ministry coordinator at your church at the age of 12. What made you say I’d rather be writing then to be doing other activities like the rest of the 12-year old kids were doing?

Vonche: When I was younger, I went from wanting to be a doctor to playing basketball in the WNBA, but when I saw my 1 st play at the church come to life and not just being something in the pages of my notebook, is when I realized that writing was my life’s calling. Nothing gave or gives me more joy than when a story or idea that I imagined in my head comes to life and makes sense to others and gives them as much joy reading/seeing it as it gave me to write it. GrinderZZ: How does your family feel about your writing? Vonche: Well my mom has always been my toughest critic and when I was younger she was my editor and soon became my producer for all my plays at church reading them all and letting me know what needed to be changed or if it was fine and proofreading them for me before I took it to my kids to perform, so I would say she LOVES my writing no matter what it is. My best friend and the cover model of Pure Chaos has been another big tough love supporter since I began writing my novel not letting me give up on myself when my first couple publishers didn’t work out the way I had hoped. She is not a big reader but when it comes to me she is there. Those 2 people stick out the most. The rest of my family has been in love with my writing ever since I started the plays at church because we are a huge church family and they were all excited for me to have my book published after I had been talking about doing it for so long. They come to me for all their writing needs and I have the nickname ‘the writer’ of the family now so I would say I’m official with them. GrinderZZ: You were also a Division 1 student athlete at Georgia State University. How did you juggle writing with your star athlete status? Vonche: Well, when I went off to college, I had to focus on my schooling and basketball, so I could only write things when I was home for breaks and things like that. I kept a journal with me writing down ideas for my future writing plans after school. It was tough not being able to write like I wanted to, though. I felt like there was never enough time in the day to do it all. GrinderZZ: You also majored in communications at Jacksonville University, do you believe that helped you a lot when it came down to you becoming an author? Vonche: When I was at Jacksonville University, a lot of the courses got into the breakdown of writing and the fundamentals of it all and I did learn a lot of things that I overlooked in my writing and even though I was learning to write for radio and television,

it helped me to develop my style of writing and better my craft with my plays and definitely, later, with my novel. GrinderZZ: In 2010, you published your very own magazine "In the Zone" spotlighting the young talented kids in your area. How was that experience? Vonche: The experience with my magazine was difficult not in the writing of the magazine but in trying to get people to buy into the concept of what I was doing. I had to understand that sometimes people only support what they don’t have to pay for but that is a different conversation for a different day. But overall, I loved taking the pictures of the young people and doing the interviews and seeing their faces when the magazine was printed but it got to be too overwhelming for me to maintain without the proper support and financial backing for the project. GrinderZZ: You later returned back to your old stomping grounds, your high school as an assistant coach basketball coach, and then went into doing some criminal justice work for 7 years at the local detention center. How was that experience, and when do you ever find time to sleep? Vonche: It was easy to get my rest because I was fresh out of college where I was used to running off of 4-5hours of sleep anyway so that wasn’t the tough part of that situation it was looking at the young men in that detention center and hearing their stories and that experience forcing me to appreciate the little things that I had that they didn’t that I can admit I was taking for granted like just having both parents at home. The coaching was fun, because I was at my old high school with my old high school coach who is a very influential person in my life also. GrinderZZ: Your book titled "Pure Chaos" is a hit! I am proud of you due to the fact that your novel is on the shelves at the Barnes & Noble stores. This is such a great accomplishment! What was it like to see your work in such a popular book store like Barnes? Vonche: When I walked in and the manager told me to follow her and she walked me to the shelf where it would be, I was in shock. It had been on the counter at the help desk for a few weeks and I was told that there was no urban fiction section in the store, so I had no expectations of getting it on the shelves. I was satisfied with it being at the help

desk. Seeing it on the shelf was unbelievable because I knew my work was good enough, I just needed the opportunity, but I never imagined it would come with my very first book. GrinderZZ: Your publishing company "Diamond Kut Publications" has to be very proud of you. Are you currently working on any other books? Vonche: Yes, I am currently working on a couple projects at the moment. They are totally different from Pure Chaos but will still be pleasing to my readers. I’m trying to dabble in other genres as well, so I’m not just limited to just 1 group readers. GrinderZZ: Tell everyone how they may reach out to you. Vonche: I’m on Facebook: Author Vonche’ Instagram: TheAuthorVonche Twitter: @MzOfficer15 GrinderZZ: Any final words for your fans? Vonche: Thank you for all the love and support and patience through my journey to get myself established in this industry as a new author. I promise that as long as ya’ll want to read, I will keep giving you great material. I love you guys. We, at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV, would love to thank you for taking a break and chatting it up with us. You are definitely a Grinder!

(Photo Credit: Courtesy of Author Vonche)

(Photo Credit: Courtesy of Juel Vas)

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Hanging Out With Kendrick Lesane When I say the name Kendrick Lesane, some people will automatically know who I'm speaking about. If you are a huge fan of the late Tupac Shakur, then you will know a little about Kendrick. His mother and Tupac's mother, the late Afeni Shakur, were sisters and the resemblance is uncanny. We here at GrinderZZ 24/7 were very happy to chat it up with Kendrick in Atlanta. Check out our interview: GrinderZZ: Let everyone know a little something about yourself. Kendrick: I was born Kendrick Lesane, on November 10, 1966, in the Bronx New York. I was born at a time when the revolution was big among black people and having black pride was huge. Back then, my auntie, the late Afeni Shakur and my mother, who are sisters, helped organized and established the free lunch programs at school. GrinderZZ: What is the Makaveli group? Kendrick: It was founded in the early 2000's to produce and to release music that was inspiring. I also reached out to other artist who would love to be a part of this great foundation, as well, but had to shut it down 5 years later because of the way it was going. GrinderZZ: The rap group you were in... " New York Corporation" consists of you and some of your closest friends, back in the day. How was that? Did you guys perform a lot of places? Kendrick: Well, right after I was discharged out of the military, I moved back to the Bronx. We came up with the group and did some performances around the neighborhood.....local stuff, block parties, etc. Back then you couldn't tell us nothing. We wanted to be "dope rappers". Tupac name back then was MC New York.

GrinderZZ: up?





Kendrick: Tupac, growing up, was very intelligent, sensitive, courageous, and inquisitive. Tupac had a strong sense of society. He was very strong in the community and always wanted to help everybody. GrinderZZ: message?





Kendrick: It was very powerful, because Tupac believed in peace and love. He wanted to see his people treated good and did all he did in the community to make sure everyone was safe. GrinderZZ: When Tupac was 14 you challenged Tupac and his friend Mouse in a rap battle and you was that? Kendrick: Tupac and Mouse blew us out of the park! I was so shocked because he was much younger. His friend Mouse did the beat box, and Pac rapped. They were so dope. I knew at that moment he was going to be a star. GrinderZZ: Do you have a funny story about Tupac? Kendrick: Yes...This actually happened: The last Thanksgiving before Tupac's death, R.I.P cousin, the entire family was sitting in the living room watching the basketball games. There were a bunch of the little cousins, nieces and nephews running around the living room and Tupac started to interact with them all. He started taking target practice with the throw pillows from the couch by throwing them at the kids, making them fall. It wasn't hard that they were hurt, it was like, as if they were having a pillow fight, he was just throwing the pillows. We all laughed hysterically because the kids were all falling and rolling around on the floor. That moment in time showed the family and the friends, who were there, what a fun-loving and playful young man he was when it came to the children. Tupac had love for everyone. GrinderZZ: How can fans get in contact with you Kendrick via social media or email?

Kendrick: GrinderZZ: words?









Kendrick: To my entire family, I love you all and to my baby cousin Tupac, may you R.I.P. Keep ya head up. We here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & Tv appreciates you coming to do this interview with us. Peace and blessings to you my brother.

Kendrick Lesane ‌(continued)

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Kendrick Lesane.

EXCLUSIVE: Odette Russell On The Grind She's a mother, a wife, a doctor and a lean mean fighting machine.... Well, I'll leave out the mean part, but don't push her because Odette could break every bone in your body within seconds! Odette Russell, aka SiDaGoo and sister Mutakabbir, is a well-known martial arts teacher who has her Ph.D in Health Psychology. This lady grinds so hard, making it difficult for us to track her down, but we were able to grab her for this exclusive interview, so sit back, relax and enjoy. GrinderZZ: Odette, you have a tremendous background and I'm very excited to be speaking with you. Please tell everyone a little about yourself. Odette: I’m a 56-year old teenager who enjoys living life in the fullest. This includes sharing my knowledge & wisdom to others. Interestingly, the more I learn, I realize how much I don’t know. GrinderZZ: You have 37 years of training and 26 years of teaching, that's pretty amazing. How did you juggle that, along with raising two sons and being a wife? Odette: With my husband being my martial arts instructor and my sons being dojo babies, it was easy, as martial arts training was a normal part of our daily lives. We would train several hours a day. GrinderZZ: You have received the highest title as a top ranked "Black Belt Grandmaster" under the Swam Martial arts Academy. How does that make you feel? Odette: Amazing, so honored to hold such a title that is incredibly difficult to obtain, especially being a female in a male dominant industry. There are only a handful of women with this prestigious accolade. I am the only female within the SWAM Martial Arts system that I train under. I have developed a division within the Swam system that designed only for females. GrinderZZ: Growing up in New York City in the late 70's and 80's was tough. Gangs flooded the streets at that time at a rapid pace. Were you ever put in a situation that you had to defend yourself using your art?

Odette: Yes, I’m a Native New Yorker, who had my shares of fights growing up in the Bronx. GrinderZZ: You have received Woman of the Year award in 2016 and in 2017, Grandmaster contribution and Life contribution achievement in 2016 and Grandmaster of the year in 2017. What was running through your mind as you walked up on stage to accept those awards? Odette: I hope I don’t trip on my gown while walking up to receive this beautiful award, lol. GrinderZZ: Right now, you and your husband, Siji Abdul Mutakabbir, reside in Atlanta, where you conduct selfdefense and wellness workshops. How well does the public respond to you? Odette: Wonderful! I really feel like I’ve assisted to improve people’s lives. I love to impact others, whether it’s by empowering them through Martial Arts’ training or teaching them tools on controlling stress, as well as Wellness tips that can improve their quality of life. GrinderZZ: What advice would you give someone who wants to start out in the martial arts industry? Odette: Please do it, it’s never too late. Martial Arts is not only about learning how to kick and punch, it’s also about how to develop discipline, tenacity, confidence, courage, persistence, loyalty, patience, endurance, & most important self-trust (feeling selfempowered & knowing that you’ll always make the best decision for yourself.) Everyone can benefit from learning martial arts. GrinderZZ: Have you ever considered writing a book, because I really find you very interesting? Odette: Yes, I have recently published my dissertation on a research data base tool. My dissertation is on the social & cultural acceptance of obesity on African-American women. Currently, I am writing an article of my dissertation for scholar journals. Of course, I plan to write books on wellness and the mysteries & beauty of being a female martial artist. GrinderZZ: How could people get in contact with you?

Odette: The best way to contact me is through Facebook under Odette Russell or email,

GrinderZZ: Any final words? Odette: The true joy in living has nothing to do with what a person accomplishes and how many friends and loves ones are around them, it has to do with self-love. Odette would like to share a story with your readers: Although her primary training in the arts is through the SWAM Martial Arts system, she did train Taekwondo at the age of 10, while visiting her grandma in Jamaica WI. This training did continue in the states until she reached a green belt, which lasted for about a year. Although she never considered herself a martial artist as a child, she always found the mystique of the training fascinating. Being reared in the Bronx, the discipline of martial arts would have guided her to make better decisions, especially as a teenager. At the age of 15, she started to get stalked by a 23-year old drug dealer who harassed her for 3 years. His aggression became physical as he beat one of her boyfriends, terrorized neighborhood friends, and forced her to engage in a fist fight with him which left them both with black eyes. She did involve the police, but received no assistance. The scariest moment for her was when he threatened to pay a stranger, (most likely a neighborhood crack head), $5.00 to pour lye on her face. This terrifying threat was provoked according to him because she tried to avoid him. For months after, she would walk around carrying weapons, unsure if the next stranger she passed in the streets would attack her. Living the code of the streets in NYC, Sidagoo knew one thing, that she had to empower herself and did so after meeting her husband, Sijo Abdul Mutakabbir, in a college she attended at the age of 18. It was from these

hardcore experiences that she developed survival mechanisms that lite an incredible strength that not too many people have today. Making sure no other woman has to deal with any form of abuse, she has dedicated her time in making herself available to empower as many women as possible. Overall, she still believing in the best of humanity; however, Sidagoo never leaves her retractable claws unsharpened. We here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV want to thank you so much for sitting down for this interview. You are truly a remarkable woman.

A Tribute to Erick Townes aka Unique

Erick Townes aka Unique, is the very first member of The Blackwatch Movement to release an album. The 1989 Warlock records "Black to the Future" has been considered vintage due to the fact that the vinyl is very rare and few DJs have it. Although the album didn't have much success, the group became known thru the club "The World" which was located at Ave C and 2nd St in the Lower East side of Manhattan in 1989 and 90. It was there that the Blackwatch Movement became known and almost every hip hop artist that was relevant at the time came to either perform or to party!! Unique, born in Brooklyn, a veteran MC, has been writing since the late 70s. He and his DJ, Dashan, left the group

shortly after the album was dropped, due to poor management, but maintained a relationship with Professor X. Dashan, (Harold Kennedy) passed away in 91' leaving Unique without a producer, mentor and best friend, which became a major setback. Today, he is currently a part of The Mighty Mic Masters, another group who released an album in the late 80s and have new and upcoming music about to be released. Look forward to the album DJ Freddy B releases in early 2018!! It's sure to be a banga!! Hopefully, one day, Unique will get his rightful place in the stream of hip hop history, for he is truly A poet in his own time...

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Unique

GrinderZZ Baby Of The Month

GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine is very proud to introduce you to this miraculous little baby who caught our attention when he was first born. His name is Mason Marte and he is melting the hearts out of everyone who's able to meet him. You have to see his photos. Mr. Mason is so photogenic, that we just had to reach out to his parents, Ashley Smith and her fiance Robert Marte. GrinderZZ: Hello Ashley and thank you for doing this interview with GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. When did you and your fiance’ first know that you all had a model in the making with Mason? Ashley: Every time I would pull out the camera, Mason would always pose and say cheese!!! That's when we knew Mason loved to take pictures. We knew we had a little model on our hands. GrinderZZ: What was it like giving birth to your first child? Ashley: Giving birth to my beautiful son was the most memorable life changing experience. I was given the opportunity to have an easy fast delivery. After a couple of hours of labor and 24 minutes of pushing, came out a healthy beautiful 6 pound 15 ounce baby boy.

GrinderZZ: Ashley, I had the privilege of attending to high school with your Mother, Tonia, which it's a blessing to still be in contact with her. How excited was your Mother when you told her she was going to be a grandmother? Ashley: My Mother always wanted to be a grandmother, so giving her the great news was ecstatic. I announced the news on Father's Day with a present of a pair of baby shoes. I had my Mother, two sisters and my Stepdad to open the gift together. As soon as my mother saw the baby shoes, she started screaming and jumping in the air. Till this day she still has those shoes. GrinderZZ: Mason?

Have you or your fiancĂŠ reached out to any modeling agencies for

Ashley: My fiancĂŠ and I looked for modeling agencies online but was unsuccessful finding any. There are so many scans on the internet I encounter, I wasn't sure how to properly look for an agency that I didn't have to pay money to make my son a model. It was very discouraging and frustrating, which lead me to stop looking. GrinderZZ: Mason has grown before our eyes so fast. Does he automatically start posing on his own, once he sees you're about to take his picture? Ashley: The first thing Mason does when I pull out the camera is say cheese! And then poses. It's the cutest thing. He loves the camera just like his mother. GrinderZZ: The market is big right now, with different agencies who are looking for babies to model clothes and even diapers. If someone would offer little Mason a contract for modeling/acting, would you both let him pursue that lifestyle? Ashley: If someone was to offer that opportunity to Mason, of course, I would allow him to pursue modeling/acting. He's very energetic, he loves to pose for the camera and he's super cute!!! GrinderZZ: I know you're very proud of Mason. Right now, there could be someone that's connected to an agency, and they're reading this interview right now. What would be the best way people can reach you? Ashley: I can be emailed for any opportunities at: GrinderZZ: Is there any advice you would give another parent that's looking to have their child in the modeling business?

Ashley: Networking and posting pictures on social media, in my opinion, is the best way to show your talents such as modeling. Everyone has a social media page and networking allows you to talk and meet new people that may be in the industry you’re trying to get into. You just never know who you will meet. GrinderZZ: Do you have any special shout outs you would like to send? Ashley: I would shout out to my Mother, because she's always there to help me with everything. If I'm struggling with something or need help, she gives me the best advice a Mother can give her daughter, especially when it comes to parenting. I would also shout out my fiancé for always being there and encouraging my decisions. I would also like to send a shout out to my sister Brittany, because if I ever needed her, she will be there in a hurry. She also encourages me to step out my comfort zone and pursue my dreams. GrinderZZ: Mr. Mason Marte would you like to say anything? Ashley: Mason would love to say Hi! and Thank you! to GrinderZZ for giving him the opportunity in featuring him in your magazine. We would like to take this time to thank you Ashley Smith, your fiancé Robert Marte and Mason, for stopping by and chatting it up with us at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. Photo Credit: Courtesy of Ashley Smith.

GrinderZZ Contest Winner Sandra Wolff Forwards Winnings to Desperados of Faith Thank you so much Author Angie Christine editor of GrinderZZ 24/7 magazine and TV. I have never won anything like this before. But I would like to pay it forward, my winnings to Desperados of Faith, Mr. Ben Wade. He went to Rockport, TX just to volunteer for two weeks, over 3 months later he finally went home. Today he is busy restoring himself, life, career, and Hope in others with his testimony's of faith even in a Hurricane. Families with children still living in tents, in the Rockport TX coastal areas. This was the first place Hurricane Harvey made landfall. These communities are still trying to recover. Elderly, disabled and families with children make up a large portion of the residents. Families with children still living in tents, in the Rockport TX coastal areas. This was the first place Hurricane Harvey made landfall. These communities are still trying to recover. Elderly, disabled and families with children make up a large portion of the residents. During the Holidays many volunteers and groups headed home, after being boots on the ground. Some folks since the beginning, away from their families, jobs and businesses. Many Facebook page groups have archived or gone back to doing normal group activities. But many local residents and local groups are still hard at work helping their neighbors while they try to rebuild their own lives after Harvey. One group is the Rockport Relief Camp (" AKA tent City") Samantha McCrary has been a constant beam of light on this long road to recovery for residents and volunteers. The Louisiana Cajun Navy remains active since the beginning. Whether it's boats in the water, boots on the ground or behind the scenes. Supporting their neighbors in times of Disasters or Crisis and their affiliate's. Desperados of Faith, planned to volunteer for two weeks. Stayed over three months. Still has personal equipment out on loan aiding in the recovery efforts. Ben Wade, still doing volunteer work behind the scenes. With the start of the new year, Team leader and contractor from Massachusetts Remey Vanni. Boots on the ground. Residents are facing experation dates from FEMA and other recovery entities. For more information Visit: Remey Vanni (978)460-8121 Rockport Relief Camp Rockport TX 78382 (432)634-8370 Desperados of Faith

GrinderZZ Contest Winner Sandra Wolff ‌(continued) Photo taken by: John Harness dirty lense multimedia Content: Written by Sandra Wolff Louisiana Cajun Navy @La Cajun Navy 888-37CAJUN. 888-372-2586


Check our website out at:


JAZ GRAHAM released her new music and video “Step By Step” with a #stepbystepchallenge. The challenge is a dance step created by Joe Brown and members of Stroll Grove around the world, when they performed a dance skit Saturday night at the Sherman Oaks Galleria movie theatre after watching Black Panther. Graham is a rising International R&B/Pop solo recording

artist. Fans could find the dance steps on Instagram @IamJazGraham), for an opportunity to win two tickets to see the movie Black Panther, dinner for two at a locally black owned restaurant of their choice, (valued at $75), and an opportunity to appear on the red carpet with Jaz if they are local. “Step by Step” music video was directed & produced by Jaz longtime friend and choreographer Joe Brown and co-directed by Q Burdette. It was recently shot at The Eleven Dance Studio and the heart of Hollywood, CA. “Step by Step” was musically produced by Platinum producer Remo The Hitmaker of New Wave Music, Inc. “Step By Step” is an independent release through New Wave Music, Inc. Jaz has previously release “Waiting For”, and “Distance Love” also produced by Remo the Hitmaker. Jaz’s goal when recording “Waiting For” was to send a message that tells every woman to pay attention to the signs of a bad relationship, know her self-worth and move on from an unhealthy situation; “Distance Love” was Jaz musical love story three years in the making about a sacrificial love between a father and his daughter hundreds of miles away. “Step By Step”, “I wanted to express the steps to loving extraordinary queens like me”, stated Jaz Graham. On Monday, February 26 at 7pm PST, the music video was released on youtube at Jaz Graham. At the end of that video the winner of the "stepbystepchallenge" was announced.

Photo Credit / Content: Courtesy of

Baltimore Rapper Damond Blue to Take Kids to See Black Panther

Baltimore rapper Damond Blue, his foundation Beats Not Bullets and Dream Bigger Media Group bought out three theaters at the Towson Cinemark Theatre in Maryland to allow children from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metropolitan Baltimore the opportunity to view Marvel’s new movie Black Panther for free on February 20 th. Popcorn and soda were included for each child. Blue was excited to provide the opportunity to see this groundbreaking movie to children who may not otherwise have a chance to see it. “This movie is important because it gives kids from the African-American community a chance to see a superhero movie with a main hero that looks like them,” says Damond Blue. “He is a King and not a sidekick. Children from all walks of life can benefit from seeing a positive character of any color.” Blue was also available to speak to the youth about the importance of pride and finding their passion as a way to stay out of trouble. The Boys &Girls Club of Metropolitan Baltimore shared in Damond’s joy to bring their kids to the movie. "BGCMB is so very excited about this awesome opportunity for our kids,” said Kenneth R. Darden, President and CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Baltimore. “The opportunity for our kids to attend this 'Black Panther' movie event is such a wonderful blessing, and especially so since it is happening during "Black History Month. We cannot thank Damond, the Beats Not Bullets Foundation and Dream Bigger Media Group enough for making this special movie event possible for our kids!" Beats Not Bullets, is a Baltimore based music program celebrating its third year of operation. The community focused program endeavors to teach youth the “ins and outs” of the music business and other disciplines. What started as a kernel of an idea from Baltimore native and DBMG recording artist Damond Blue, has grown into a fully staffed operation supported by Dream Bigger Media Group. Photo Credit / Content: Courtesy of

The 33rd Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards will be facilitated again this year by production artist, Kirk Franklin on Saturday, March 24. Central City Productions reports the nominees in 28 classifications. Contemporary gospel group Anthony Brown and Group Therapy drives the field of nominees this year with ten nominations. With nine nominations each, chart topping soloist Tasha Cobbs Leonard with Artist of the year. Gospel choir J.J. Hairston and Youthful Praise with Artist of the year, Male vocalist of the year, CD of the year and Choir of the year and Albertina Walker Female Vocalist of the year. Veterans Deitrick Haddon and Ricky Dillard exhibit their backbone in gospel music, Haddon is perceived for Contemporary Male Vocalist of the Year, Contemporary Duo/Chorus of the Year, Contemporary CD of the Year, Duo/Group Chorus of the Year and Producer of the Year. Dillard is perceived for Traditional Male Vocalist of the Year, Traditional CD of the Year, Traditional Choir of the Year, Choir of the Year and Recorded Music Packaging of the Year. Along with other top nominees including Marvin Sapp, The Williams Brothers, CeCe Winans, The Rance Allen Group, Bishop Paul S Morton, Tina Campbell and Le’Andria Johnson. Don Jackson, Founder of the Stellar Awards and Chairman of Central City Productions, Inc. commented, "I am extremely excited about our 2018 Stellar Awards nominees and especially pleased for the role our annual Stellar Awards television special has played in the success of the 2018 multiple Stellar Award nominees The Stellar Awards show taping will return to The Orleans Arena in Las Vegas on Saturday, March 24, 2018 and is open to the public, ticket prices vary at Photo Credit / Content: Courtesy of JL Media PR

GrinderZZ Interviews The Imperial Brothers

GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV was able to catch up with The Bronx own "Imperial Brothers" to see what they've been up too! The Bronx duo have been out making us dance since the late 80's with their up tempo beats that only they can surpass. GrinderZZ: Thank you for sitting down to talk with us. Please tell everyone about you guys.... Imperial Brothers: We started in this world call hip hop in the early 80"s which everyone thought would be a fad. As the years went on we found ourselves doing big shows as we called " jams" back in the day in all the parks and schools all throughout the South Bronx creating a platform and brand for ourselves. GrinderZZ: At what age did you both know that you wanted to be into music?

Imperial Brothers: As for EL, we would have to say when I saw the Jackson 5 perform on tv sitting in the living room with my mother and I could feel the energy from the crowd’s reaction from their performance. As for Nesto, we would say when he came home from church with his mother and he would see Jazzy Jay and DJ breakout, playing their set in the back of Bronx River Houses center and he knew that was his calling. GrinderZZ: Being that you both are born and raised in the Bronx, where to me hip hop started, who were your biggest influences? Imperial Brothers: As for EL, my influence was the funky 4 plus 1. when I saw them perform it was in the cadet headquarters and I was underage but I managed to get in somehow and when I came home at 4am I got the worst punishment and beating ever... As for Nesto, his biggest influence was Run DMC and the Juice Crew. GrinderZZ: What makes your music different from others? Imperial Brothers: You pretty much don't know from record to record how we will deliver our vocal content. In the Electro hip hop world, it’s all bass and high energy so as producers send over tracks for us, our vocal delivery is spontaneous. GrinderZZ: You guys signed a record deal with the Cutting Records Label and released 2 singles "We Come to Rock and Live it Up". How did it feel when you first heard your music play on the radio for the very first time? Imperial Brothers: For EL I was told by a friend of mine that they heard my record on the radio and I didn't believe them. So, I sat by the radio the next day and waited and waited and waited and I heard nothing and assumed they were lying to me. So, two days later, I was walking home and a car pulled next to me and guess what I heard??? "my voice". So, I ran upstairs hoping it was not on tape and put the radio on station to station searching, and I heard the remainder of my song. I felt like a

GrinderZZ: I will always be a fan of old school hip-hop. What do you guys think about the music of today? Imperial Brothers: There is no substance and no lyrical content, and the music is dumbed down to a kindergarten level in our opinion and probably most of the hip hop world. GrinderZZ: Who would you guys love to do a collaboration on a record with, today? Imperial Brothers: For EL, I would have to say Jadakiss because of his delivery. He will keep all artist on their square. For Nesto, I collab with Sade. GrinderZZ: Growing up, who did you guys look up to in the hip hop community? Imperial Brothers: I would have to say Rakim for his lyricism and public enemy for their bravery. GrinderZZ: Are you currently working on any new material now? Imperial Brothers: Yes, we have a new single out called "Man Up" on the Wu-Tang coalition DJ wiz CD called “Sic of being overlooked". Also, we have a bunch of collaborations dropping soon with some well-known artist and also the Imperial Brother EP should be dropping in mid-2018. GrinderZZ: Any advice to the new generation of kids who want to get started in the music industry?

Imperial Brothers: All we can say is, do not follow the format to the music you hear on the radio today. They need to watch the Hip-Hop documentaries on YouTube of how, where and when hip-hop started and make their judgement from that point on. GrinderZZ: How can anyone get in contact with you guys? Imperial Brothers: You can contact us on facebook, instagram, twitter or on any social media platform or just type Imperial Brothers in google and you can find us. GrinderZZ: Any last words? Imperial Brothers: Thank you for this interview and the opportunity to let our supporters know what we are up to. Thank you both for stopping by for our chat session. Peace and blessings to you both. (Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Imperial Brothers)


GrinderZZ stepped into the world of Sammy Bee, a member of the Hip-Hop group, Jungle Brothers. Read what the renowned artist and GrinderZZ chatted it up: GrinderZZ: What’s up Sammy B, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & Tv. Please, for those youngsters who have never heard of the Jungle Brothers, could you please let them know something about you and the group? Sammy Bee: Jungle Brothers consist of three members from New York; Mike G (Harlem), Baby Bam (Brooklyn) and myself (Bronx) loving the art of Hip Hop under the tutelage of Kool DJ Red Alert, GrinderZZ: You guys grew up together and even went to the same high school. Who was the brain child of developing the group?

Sammy Bee: While growing up as a teenager, my family resided in Harlem, NY and was a friend of DJ Red Alert. After meeting Red Alert, I went to his house and met his parents and they quickly became family, as well. Red Alert introduced me to Mike G. and Bam. Mike G attended Murry Bergtraum High School. We started doing talent shows together at their high school and Red Alert encouraged us to record at his friend’s house in Brooklyn, and the music began… I must say Bam was the brain child of developing the group. GrinderZZ: What age did you first started spinning and mixing? Sammy Bee: At the early age of 14, I lived with my aunt on 119th Street in Harlem, and a friend that lived across the street invited me to his house where he had a professional DJ set. I was amazed after he and his brother allowed me to play on the equipment, and the love bond for spinning was created… Shout out to Devon…

GrinderZZ: You guys are the founding members of the "Native Tongue Collective" which has associated acts from De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, Black Sheep, Monie Love, and Queen Latifah. Are you working currently on any new projects with any of these acts, at the present time? Sammy Bee: At this time, we (Jungle Brothers) are currently working on a new album, so one never knows what can happen… Let’s keep our fingers crossed.


GrinderZZ: I know you and the group have traveled across the world, performing in different countries. What’s the weirdest thing you had to encounter on the

Sammy Bee: The last time I traveled to Manchester, a security guard tapped me on the shoulder in the hotel lobby I was staying in and requested my ID after I returned for the evening. They observed me go in and out of the hotel all day, so it became confrontational; I told him if he touched me again we will be fighting. Someone called him to say I was legit… Stereotypes are real and we definitely have to fight against it… GrinderZZ: When you were younger, who were the heroes who you looked up to music wise? Sammy Bee: Back then, there were first generation Hip Hop legends, and my favorite was DJ Jazzy Jay. When Red Alert took me to clubs, I use to watch DJ Jazzy Jay spin. I call him my mentor without him even knowing! Thank you, DJ Jazzy Jay, for being you!! GrinderZZ: If there’s one person you could work with now, who would that be? Sammy Bee: Personally, I would like to work with all my Native Tongue family. I think now, with everyone in a good place, we can create history. GrinderZZ: In May 1997, it was told you had left the group after the release of "Raw Deluxe. Do you still keep in contact with Michael Small (Mike Gee) and Nathaniel Hall (Afrika Baby Bam)? Sammy Bee: Yes, at that time my mom was ill, and being the only child, I had to stay close to her. It seemed like every time I traveled, something happened with her. Some of the best years of my life occurred during that time frame; I had 4 beautiful children and met my beautiful wife! I speak to Mike and Bam regularly and we are currently doing shows together.

GrinderZZ: Is there any advice you can give to any upcoming DJs? Sammy Bee: Be original, learn from others, and always remain yourself! Do You! GrinderZZ: Any last words? We here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV would love to thank you for chatting it up with us. We surely do appreciate living legends like yourself. Peace and blessings to you. Sammy Bee: Let’s make Hip Hop great again! Do your research if you want to become successful‌. Thank you for having me. Peace and love be unto you! SammyB

The Geechie Dan Hip Hop Tape Show

GrinderZZ: We at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV would love to welcome you Mr. Geechie Dan. Please tell us a little about yourself? Geechie Dan: My name is Geechie Dan. I'm originally from Hollis, Queens New York. I'm currently the CEO and Founder of the Geechie Dan Hip Hop Tape Show. The show is the only show in the world that plays the tapes, jams of all our Hip Hop ICONS. I'm also head of the committee that oversees all the jams, tapes, flyers for the Hip Hop Hall of Fame and Museum. I'm also a recording artist as well. GrinderZZ: When did you start getting into recording on tapes and then saving them all?

Geechie Dan: I started collecting tapes back in 1982, when I was a teenager. I used to listen to WBAU College radio, The World Famous Supreme Show, ZULU Beats show with Afrika Islam and Donald D. They used to play snippets or portions of the jams and I used to record it. I was always fascinated hearing the live parties being played on the radio. My 1st 5 jams were the Kool Moe D VS Busy Bee battle, the 2nd Treacherous 3 Anniversary at Harlem Word, 2 Zulunation Jams and 1 Funky 4 jam. Throughout the years...I lost tapes...I loaned out tapes…I popped tapes…I have since replaced most of my tapes and now I have the entire jam instead of just having snippets. GrinderZZ: Your show, "The Geechie Dan Hip Hop Show", is the 1st and only radio show that play's tapes. How proud of you of being the only one? Geechie Dan: I'm very proud of having the only show in the world that has dedicated a show to just playing tapes or the jams. GrinderZZ: How did you link up with Kahlil Murray aka DJ Kool K Gee? Geechie Dan: I knew DJ Kool K Gee since I was 12 years old ...Kool K Gee is from Brooklyn, but his grandfather lived in Queens, so when Kool K Gee came to Queens to stay at his grandfather’s, I would see him when I visited my homeboy, who lived next door to Kool K Gee grandfather’s home. We started talking about Hip Hop and discussing the tapes and jams

GrinderZZ: You once battled legend LL Cool J back in 1984, in which you took your 1st loss. Are you and LL Cool J still close? Geechie Dan: Yes...I battled LL Cool J twice...the 1st time he was present...I did a sneak attack move...the 2nd time we battled was at the game room that was on Farmers Blvd in which I took my 1st loss. Me and LL Cool J are still friends and I'm very proud and happy for him. We still call and text each other to this day! GrinderZZ: In 1984, you also joined the hip hop organization "Zulunation". How has that experience been for you? Geechie Dan: Yes...I got down with Zulunation in 1984 and use to attend the Zulunation meetings in Bronx River Community Center on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 PM. I met Crazy Legs from the Break Dancing group...The Rock Steady Crew...I met DJ Jazzy J and Afrika Bambaataa and B.O may he rest in peace. It was a wonderful experience to be down with an organization as big as Zulunation...especially with me coming from Queens...the 5% Percenters or the Peace Gods overshadowed Zulunation members in Queens, so with me wearing my Zulu Beads in Queens was always a challenge GrinderZZ: In 1984, you received a contract from the independent record label "Public Records" for the song "Let's Dance". How long did you stay with them? Geechie Dan: I recorded a song called "Let's Dance", in 1986, for WBAU 90.3 College Radio. The radio station had a collection of Hip Hop crews and groups...DJ's and MC's and that collective group was known as "Spectrum City". Chuck D and Flavor Flav, Bill Stephany, Doctor DRE, The Groups Original Concept, Dynamic Brothers, Son of Berzerk, Townhouse 3 MC's, DJ Johnny Juice, Wild Man Steve, Nasty 4 MC's, Deadly 3 MC's, Super producers ‌The Bomb Squad...we all were down with Spectrum City and I got down with them in 1984. In 1986, I made a demo for the radio station in 1986 called "Let’s Dance" and it was heard all over

the NYC TRI State radio waves. When the song was played, I received a lot love

and particular response was from battle MC Mikey D from Laurelton Queens. He was an established MC and he use to rhyme with LL Cool J ...he is responsible for the LL part of the LL Cool J name...Mikey D suggested to Cool J to add the LL to his name...he called up into the radio station and asked for me. I got on the phone and he stated he liked my style and my song and to come to Merrick Blvd and hang out with him. He was on a local label called "Public Records" and he told me to take my song to his label. I took it to them and they offered me a record deal for a single. I wasn't able to pursue my Hip Hop dreams back then because my mother was a Jehovah Witness and she did everything possible to discourage me not to pursue music. GrinderZZ: Your mother is heavy into the Jehovah Witness religion and you declined the offer to do rap music. Do you ever have any regrets from that? Geechie Dan: I regret it every day.... GrinderZZ: In 2014, you started up your show "The Geechie Dan Show" with DJ Shaun from Top Hill Radio on Blogtalk in Atl. How big is your fan base? Geechie Dan: My fan base is in the thousands. I have a huge audience and large following from everyone all over the world. GrinderZZ: I found out through the grapevine you have a song titled "Chillin on the

Beach". When will that be released and is there a video in the making for the song as well? Geechie Dan: My song, "Chillin on the Beach” was originally recorded in 1989...the producer that did the track went to jail, so I didn’t release the song...I redid the song 3 years ago and now, finally, I’m releasing it this Spring 2018, along with a video. GrinderZZ: If you can do 1 project with 1 rap legend, who would that be and why? Geechie Dan: I would love to do song with Mikey D and NAS and maybe Big Daddy Kane GrinderZZ: How can the fans get in contact with you and to listen to your show? Geechie Dan: I can be reached on Facebook under Geechie Dan and on IG as Geechiedanhiphoptapeshow and on Twitter under Geechie_nyc We here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV are honored to have you as our guest Geechie Dan. Keep grinding bro! (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Geechie Dan)

Amazon Releases the Long-Awaited Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child Documentary on Amazon Direct

The newly released Documentary “Girls Tyme Making a Child of Destiny (The Andretta Tillman Story)," revisits the humble beginnings of Destiny's Child as the group called Girls Tyme. The documentary shares never before seen interviews from key people who influenced Beyoncé and Destiny’s Child on their rise to fame. The documentary, produced from largely previously unreleased footage and personal interviews, examines Andretta Tillman's life as the driving force in launching Queen Beyoncé and Destiny's Child’s legendary careers, as well as many other Houstonian artists, who also rose to fame under Andretta’s management. “We felt an obligation to show the world the true impact of Andretta’s irreplaceable contribution to the success of Queen Bey and her Destiny’s Child band mates. We opened the vault of Andretta Tillman’s estate to provide the viewer with an understanding that, what you see Beyoncé and Destiny's Child doing on stage today, was rooted in them through Andretta’s irreplaceable influence and tutelage, from way back in the early 1990's as young ladies in Girls Tyme. Where they are today, is a direct result of the solid foundation Andretta Tillman taught them.” cited Executive Producer of the documentary, Brian “Kenny” Moore (from whose book the documentary evolved). “We at Dousic are delighted to have secured a partnership with Amazon to ensure the documentary reaches the masses. We are giving Beyoncé and Destiny's Child fans an up-close look at the excitement, distresses and sacrifices made to elevate the band to stardom, by revealing the hidden part of their story of Andretta’s enormous contribution and sacrifice that has not been told, or has hitherto been omitted,” said Michael Ferguson, Executive VP of Dousic Media Group. The documentary also features interviews with Gospel great Kathy Taylor, Original Girls Tyme/Destiny's Child members Nina and Niki Taylor. Former Co-manager Kenny Moore, Hip Hop Producer Cory Mo, Former Rap a Lot recording group Flajj, Destiny's Child first choreographer Harlon Bell, and members of Andretta Tillman’s family.

Purchase your copy today on Amazon at: Photo Credit/ Content: Courtesy of Dousic Media Group via


Purchase you copy at Walmart.

Photo Credit: Courtesy

Carlos Outten: CEO of Brooklyn’s Best Logos

Grindezz chatted it up with the CEO of Brooklyn’s Best Logos, Carlos Outten. He has done work for some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Check out our interview with the talented entrepreneur. GrinderZZ: What's going on with you Carlos? How's life? Carlos: I'm currently working on designs for the Allstar in LA this year. GrinderZZ: Tell us when you first got started in the logo business? Carlos: My first major logo was in 2001 for Lady FUBU. GrinderZZ: Your company, Brooklyn's Best Logo has done a lot of work for some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, and also big-time sports teams. Can you name a few? Carlos: Apple, The Knicks, The NBA AllStar, The NFL, ATLANTA HAWKS, The Mighty Shirt King's, Walker Wear, Awesome Two, Gucci. GrinderZZ: How did you feel when you first saw your logo up in lights, or on a billboard? Carlos: It was Epic.

GrinderZZ: What's the biggest project you ever worked on? Carlos: Apple Macbook Pro Launch. GrinderZZ: If you weren't doing logo's, what other career choice would you have made? Carlos: Computer tech / Hacker. GrinderZZ: Has any of your designs ever been featured in a commercial? Carlos: Apple Macbook Pro, Apple Iphone 6, NBA AllStar Logo. GrinderZZ: Do you have any big projects right now in progress? Carlos: All Star, Apple and Hennessy NBA. GrinderZZ: How can anyone reach you if they are in need of your services? Carlos: GrinderZZ: Any final words? Carlos: THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!

GrinderZZ Interviews with the Editor and Chief of Fuzionz Magazine and TV GrinderZZ: What’s up Shenoba Kinsey? Thank you for interviewing with GrinderZZ 24/7. Tell us a little about yourself. Shenoba: I give all praise and glory to God first and foremost. Thank you for allowing me to do this interview. I normally do the interviewing. Lol. I am the Editor and Chief of Fuzionz Magazine and TV, a mother, grandmother. I love my family. I was born and raised in Louisiana. I attended college at Grambling State University. I moved to Texas, where I still reside. I am an entrepreneur and I love helping others. GrinderZZ: Shenoba, when did you start Fuzionz? Tell us a little about the platform. Shenoba: I started Fuzionz in 2009, initially, as a youth outreach magazine, but it grew after I became a Radio Talk Show Host at Fishbowl Radio Network. After reaching out to various organizations in the youth arena, as well as interviewing with youth who had heartfelt stories to tell, there were other organizations in the community listening; cancer organizations, domestic violence organizations, gang violence organization and other awareness programs. They began reaching out to me and connecting me with different resources and people, so I decided to broaden the platform, across the board. The mission for the magazine is to promote an overall view of life events and serve as a platform for the best social media for community awareness worldwide and bring positive insights into our communities to spread good news, bring hope and uplift, as well as connect people to those organizations or others who have resources that they are in need of.

GrinderZZ: Tell us about one of your most interesting interviews? Shenoba: Through a mutual friend, my first interview was with former Editor and Chief of Essence Magazine, Susan Taylor, in reference to her National Cares Mentoring Program for youth. I remember being so nervous, until I actually spoke with her. She was so humble and down to earth and provided a wealth of information. What I took with me from that interview was confidence. GrinderZZ: In previously speaking to you, you mentioned that you have been to several Red Carpet events. Tell us about that. I know it had to be exciting. Shenoba: Yes, it is very exciting and fun, but I put in work, also. I have been to several BET Red Carpets: Soul Train, BET Awards, BET Experience; Stellar Awards Red Carpet / Press Room; 365 Black Awards Golden Carpet; SAG Awards Red Carpet, BMI Awards, BMA Awards. I also write articles from press releases as well as do interviews for Bounce TV and TV One and other entities. I was also honored, along with others at Who’s Who in Dallas Black, as well as, featured in the book. GrinderZZ: Have you worked on or currently working on any other projects? Shenoba: Yes, I have been working on screenplays. One of which is in the copywrite stage and we are in the process of filming the trailer. I am also doing some editing and writing for others on the side. I have been contemplating on getting back into radio. GrinderZZ: What advice would you give to those who have a passion for writing? Shenoba: If you have a passion for writing, write until you can’t write anymore. There are a lot of talented writers that are unknown. The sky is the limit, so don’t limit yourself.

GrinderZZ: Any last words to our readers? Shenoba: Live your dreams and reach your goals. Show the world what you possess, but always keep Got first, in any process. GrinderZZ: Where our audience find you? Shenoba: You can find or contact me at:; Email:; Twitter: @FuzionzMagazine; Instagram @ShenobaKinsey

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