GrinderZZ 5th Issue

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GrinderZZ Sept/Oct 2018 Issue

24/7 Magazine & TV

An Interview With Actor

Gene “Groove” Allen


Hello everyone! Welcome to my world....the world of GrinderZZ. My name is Angie Christine, C.E.O of GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. I am a mother, an author, a writer for Fuzionz Magazine/TV, actress and soon to be talk show host of my very own show titled "The Ultimate Surprise Show". When it comes to being a hard worker, I always strive to come out on top. I decided to create this magazine to applaud and to recognize all of the Grinders across the world who are out there doing their thing. These people come from various backgrounds, work trades, even different religions, but the one thing that makes them all the same is that they are hard workers. It takes a special person to become one. You have to eat, drink, and sleep your skills, your talents, and become that head honcho. I know you all will be very pleased at reading the different interviews and articles inside this special magazine. I would also love your feedback. If you would love to drop me a message, please send all inquiries to Take care and keep grinding! (If you dream it, make it happen) Editor and Chief - Angie Christine Assistant Editor – Shenoba Kinsey


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GRINDERZZ 24/7 Inside This Issue: Music Entertainment Artists Interviews

Magazine & TV

The information contained in this magazine is for educational, entertainment and general informational purposes only. This information is provided by Grinderzz 24/7 Magazine & TV and other sources. We will strive to keep the information as informative and as up-to-date as possible. Through this magazine, you may see the links to various website which are not under the control of Grinderzz 24/7 Magazine & TV. We have no control over the nature, content or availability of those sites. This magazine contains materials which are owned by or permitted for us to use. This material includes, but is not limited to, photos, articles, designs, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited. Your views and opinions may differ from the content; therefore, you may leave a comment at

Editor and Chief, Author Angie Christine



Male Flava of the Month

Hey what's up everybody! My name is De'Maja Hines, but I go by the artist name, Lotto Bush. I was born in Newport News Virginia and grew up in the Denbigh section around the Blvd. I'm a 23 year old singer, who is looking for that big break. My music is very unique and I am constantly holding the pen and pad in my hand, because new ideas are always coming to me without a moments notice. The best way to describe my music is R&B meets hip-hop. I have a lot of material now, and soon I will start making videos for the songs. It's a goal of mine to, one day, hear my music on the radio. My hobbies are writing, making music, networking, clubbing and shooting pool. GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine asked me if I was dating right now and I am here to say that I am single and ready to mingle. There isn't any rush either for a relationship. I feel everything is on God's timing and this is why I give all my love and faith to Him. If you would like to reach out to me and check out my music, you may contact me on: 1) Facebook -Hugh Hef 2) Instagram - Lotto Bush 3) Lotto


GrinderZZ Steps Into The World Of

Gene “GROOVE” Allen

When you all think of the movie House Party, there are a lot of things that will come to mind. The movie itself had a remarkable cast, and to this day, someone is sitting at home watching, and doing the Kid & Play dance. Actor Gene Allen starred in this epic 1990 movie, and he was so gracious to sit with GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine just to let everyone know some tidbits about him that we may not have known.          GrinderZZ: I am so honored to have you in the GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine  Studio, Gene. Please start off by telling the audience a little about yourself?    Gene: Well everybody calls me “GROOVE”, but my real name is Eugene Allen, friends call me “Gene”…born and bred from New York & grew up with Hip Hop – graffiti; break dancing; rapping – This was my backdrop, my training ground when it came to my love for music, but more importantly HIP HOP music…I started rapping for fun at parties, and it just grew from there…I use to hang out with Afrika BamBaataa & the Mighty Zulu Nation at the “T” Connection in the Bronx with one of my best friends James Smith – Smitty D; older brother of PMD of EPMD…I found I had a knack to put words together and rock a party growing up and the rest is history, so to speak. 7

GrinderZZ: You starred in both House Party 1 and 2 as the mack daddy aka drunk guy that Play had to drag and dropped off in front of the house. How was it working alongside the dynamic duo, Tisha Campbell, and comedian Martin Lawrence?  Gene: Wow!!! Really looking back at that time, we were all just trying to have fun and really just enjoy the moment – everyone had a little sumpin’ sumpin’ they brought to the table, but we would have never guessed the success that the movie as well as most of the characters have been able to attain even to this day -   My brothers Full Force heavy in producing hits from some of the biggest pop stars;  Kid & Play going on to making several movies afterwards; Martin Lawrence – what can I say about him other than BAM!!! Tisha Campbell, incredible comedic/dramatic actress; AJ Johnson – trainer to the stars… GrinderZZ: You also starred in the hit movie "Boomerang alongside Eddie Murphy, Hallie Berry, David Allen Grier,  Eartha Kitt, Grace Jones, Robin Givens, and again had the pleasure to work with Martin Lawrence and Tisha Campbell. How was it on set working with everyone?         Gene: That was real weird because once again the Hudlin Brothers really loved working with us as we loved to work with them; they told us to just do adlibs as we were interacting with Eddie Murphy – now Eddie Murphy is Eddie Murphy, but being from NY we said let’s dive in – we were trying to hustle him into buying something from us as street vendors – we took about 15 takes, but because of budget – we never made it to the editing floor – you may see the back of our heads real quick LOL…We saw a lot of our old buddies during the filming but just for a sec because call times and scenes being shot is never a 1,2,3 step you know… GrinderZZ: Gene, with so many great movies under your belt, you also starred in the movie "What's Love Got To Do With It alongside one of my favorite actresses Angela Bassett, and Lawrence Fishburne. Were you a little nervous working with these 2 powerhouse actors?     Gene: This was an important project for me…I had returned to L.A. to reclaim my acting dream; I was doing voice-over commercials to survive with a young brother from the Bronx Darren Glowers – Nitro we called him; during my time out there I started knocking on doors and found an agent that tried to help me with some auditions. I was fortunate to go in front of casting director Reuben Cannon…This guy is a Hollywood ICON, and he liked me for the Tina Turner project. But my height was about an inch to short – I’m 5’11” and Ike’s band members were 6 foot…So he casted me as the club owner…Now I remember sitting in the makeup room with Lawrence Fishburne & Angela Bassett at the same time, and I’m saying to myself, “I have to make this last because I like being a part of this type of flow.” GrinderZZ: You've done voiceovers in commercials for Toyota, Post cereal, Coca Cola, and Pringle chips. Are you currently doing any commercials now?    Gene: I actually just finished a demo of my work and start soliciting out there in voice over land; so far I’ve received a few call backs so I guess they still like my voice. GrinderZZ: Your career really started in the mid 80's when you were with the hip hop group "Rock Squad", and was signed with Tommy Boy records. You guy's released "Facts of Life". Do you still stay in touch with the guy's?  Gene: My brother from another mother James Smith was the reason why I got into recording rap & if it wasn’t for him, there may have not been a GROOVE B CHILL…Jerry Jones AKA Jerry J is on FB and we connect; Kevin Madison AKA K Solo from the DEF SQUAD we’ve touched bases every now & then…I’m very close with the Smith family, and PMD of EPMD is the brother of Smitty D – James Smith – it’s all relative. GrinderZZ: Where did the name "Groove B Chill" come from?

Gene: From not being able to record under the name “Rock Squad”. I literally read about the old group getting ready to record in a trade magazine…rightfully so because it was Smitty D’s idea…So as I was recruiting talent so to speak – DJ Belal – Belal Miller, he recruited Chill E Dawg – Daryl Mitchell…We sat around trying to find a name and after several attempts we came up with Groove B Chill – sing, rap, dance & act!!! 8

GrinderZZ: Your group performed with some of the hottest pioneers in hip hop today....Rakim, Dougie Fresh, Big Daddy Kane, and Biz Markie. If the right opportunity was given, would would dabble back into music?   Gene: We are actually working on putting together an “Old School Hip Hop” tour…We have made so many friends in the industry so our close friends are discussing something in September or so…So get ready for us to come to your town. GrinderZZ: Are you currently working on any exciting projects?  Gene: So my other brother from another mother Daryl “Chill” Mitchell is currently on NCIS New Orleans as well as co-starring in “Walking Dead” so we’re looking for material to work on and present to a few production companies for us to star in and possibly help others live their dreams…If there is anyone out there with some cutting edge ideas hit us up so we can discuss opportunities

GrinderZZ: Any words of encouragement for someone who is looking to get into the business?    Gene: The biggest thing I can say to people who want to be in the business, or who just want more out of their lives – “Never stop dreaming; Never give up; There is no tomorrow, so get it done TODAY!!!”              GrinderZZ: How can people reach you?                            Gene: I’m on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook with the following: FB/genegrooveallen Instagram/ @evoorg4 Twitter/ @allen_evoorg4 GrinderZZ: Any final words/shoutouts?         Gene: First my creator because without him I would be an empty shell; my family because they hold me down when no one else is there for real…Shout out to my brothers “B & Chill”, let’s get this tour on the road!! My Uptown Crew, always in my heart…Thank you to you and your amazing team…I appreciate you and all you do for Hip Hop and it’s culture.  Gene thanks again for taking the time out of your busy schedule to chat with us.  (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Gene Allen)              ______________________________________________________________________________________ Advertisement



(Photo Credit: Courtesy of Juel Vas)

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Los Angeles native, Elvira Guzman released her 2nd book Purpose Awaken And Succeed and it can be purchased on Amazon and! Purpose Awaken And Succeed is a quick read and it will awaken, inspire, and teach every reader how to discover their purpose in life, how to clear out their internal chaos, how to forgive everyone including ourselves and many other much needed topics to be successful in life. Celebrities like the Kardashian’s, CEO’s and everyday people with real questions about their future love the book! "It's one of my favorite books!"- Rob Kardashian (Reality Star & Entrepreneur) "I read your book, Purpose: Awaken and Succeed and it was life changing. I will now be going back to read the book a second time. Words cannot express my sincere gratitude but...Thank you!"-Glen Cusano (Vice President Operational Planning at JetBlue Airways) “Such a good read. If you were searching for your purpose before you’ll definitely find your way after you read this book”- Jay Styles (Radio Personality) Pulling powerfully from her past experiences, relationships, and life lessons, the 17-year Hollywood executive brings forth a wisdom that surpasses her age and yet, remains relatable and applicable to all. In this book, Elvira dives deep into the power of thought, the magic of clarity, the possibilities available for those of us who have a plan, while powerfully demonstrating the importance of self-love and the necessity of forgiveness. She leaves no stone unturned, as her words lovingly awaken us to new horizons, confirming God’s promise that we truly can have as far as we can see. A few of her clients over the years have been Musiq Soulchild, Roy Jones Jr., LionsGate Films, Metro PCS, CodeBlack Films, Terrence J and many others. Prior to her independent success, she worked under comedian, actor, radio host, and author Steve Harvey for 9 years holding various titles including Executive Producer of his radio show and Director of Publicity & Branding for his radio network. She also assisted Steve Harvey in writing “Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man” and since then, has helped several celebrities with their books. She has also released her own book “Your Blueprint” in 2013 and most recently, “Purpose Awaken and Succeed!” Latina Magazine considered her one of “The Future 15 Latino Entrepreneurs”. On her spare time, she goes to local juvenile halls and at-risk schools to mentor the youth, as well as donating her time at universities. She has guest lectured at USC, UCLA, Loyola Marymount and several other schools, seminars and events. (Photo Credit/Content: Courtesy of Elvie G PR) 12

Support Wawela Cancer Organization at 13

Former Yo MTV Raps Host “Doctor Dre” Interviews With GrinderZZ Doctor Dre has been an icon for over 20 years. Back in the day, this New York native hosted the show Yo MTV Raps, alongside best friend, Ed Lover. They recently celebrated this summer with an anniversary show at the Barkley Center in Brooklyn New York. Let's find out what's been going on with this living legend. (GrinderZZ) Hello Doctor Dre! We welcome you into our GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine studio. For those who may not know who you are, please tell us a little something about yourself? (Doctor Dre) I was born Andre Brown. I grew up in Westbury, New Castle Long Island. Music has always been an influence in my life. Back in high school and college, I would do high school jams, college jams, and park jams to get the peoPhoto Credit Heidy Z ple jumping. I was an excellent student in school, and even made the Dean’s list. I went to Nassau College and also Adephi College. I met Chuck D (Public Enemy) in school and the rest is history. Chuck also was a DJ, at the time, with me on the station. Later, he went on to create the group Public Enemy. (GrinderZZ) When you were in college at Adelphi University, you were hosting your show, The Operating Room on WBAU back in 1983. What was that experience like? (Doctor Dre) It was great. I did an interview with Run- DMC, back then. This was their first interview on a radio show and they were also new to the scene. We became really close. Later, I worked with them on their album Raising Hell. (GrinderZZ) You adapted the name Doctor Dre while working at the radio station, so clearly you had the name before the west coast Doctor Dre. Have people ever confused the two of you? (Doctor Dre) There's no comparison......I'm the sexier one! (GrinderZZ) What was the one interview you conducted on your station that was your ultimate favorite? (Doctor Dre) Well actually, there wasn't a favorite. They all had their blend of flavor. I enjoyed them all. (GrinderZZ) You were the writer behind the song, "Proud to be Black" for the Run DMC album "Raising Hell". What was that experience like, as you guys watched the album go triple platinum? (Doctor Dre) Wow, that was the highlight of my time. I had so much fun with the group. I was able to travel with Run DMC, and back then I was the original DJ for the Beastie Boys, who were also on tour with them. It was the Raising Hell Tour and the Licensed to I'll Tour. At that time, I introduced Chuck D to Rick Rubin, and Russell Simmons.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Doctor Dre 14

Doctor Dre (cont‌)

(GrinderZZ) ers?

You had a group called Original Concept. Do you still stay in touch with the oth-

(Doctor Dre) Yes, I do... we all hung out just a couple of weeks ago. (GrinderZZ) Yo MTV Raps was one of my favorite shows that ran from 1989 to 1995. Will you and Ed Lover ever work together on any projects in the future? (Doctor Dre) Well, we just celebrated the anniversary of Yo MTV Raps 30th Anniversary, in June 2018, at the Barkley Center in Brooklyn New York. Ed and I were there alongside other living legends. That night was crazy! There was so much electric energy that night. (GrinderZZ) cast?

You and Ed also did a movie called "Who's the Man". How was it working with

(Doctor Dre) Ahhh man! Working on the set was a lot of fun. The late Bernie Mac was in the movie. In fact, that was his 1st movie he acted in. The movie also starred Dennis Leary, Queen Latifah, the late Heavy D, Ice T, Run DMC, Bushwick Bill and Flava Flav. That movie was one of the most bootleg movies that was out back in the day. It also came out the same day as the Rodney King verdict. Everyone in New York City saw the movie in theaters, but on the west coast, they were too busy rioting. No matter what, it was still a great blessing. (GrinderZZ) You were very open about having diabetes. How has it been for you? (Doctor Dre) I have been taking it one day at a time. I have type 2 diabetes and because of it i went blind. I believe though, along with other friends of mine, I will get my vision back. I also had my toe amputated. At one point, I was on my death bed saying good bye to my family and friends, but a voice told me to get up and that it wasn't my time. (GrinderZZ) You have a podcast show with T Reid called 2 Bind Mics. When can we catch the show? (Doctor Dre) You can catch us on now, anytime, and type in 2 Blind Mics. My other show, Doctor Dre Fleshwound is also on. You can reach me at Doctor Dre Fleshwound, 2 Blind Mics on Instagram, Facebook, and Doctor Dre on Twitter. (GrinderZZ) Any final words/shout outs? (Doctor Dre) Yes, I would like to thank my family and friends and my fans for their support. I also want to thank my wonderful Public Relations lady Heidy Z and, also, I shout out to you, Ms. Angie Christine, for reaching out to me so I can be in your magazine. God Bless! Thank you, Doctor Dre, for this great interview. We certainly do appreciate you very much.



Anthony Ponder & Ministry's Desire Pay Tribute To Gospel's Greatest In Youtube Video Series: "The Tribute Sessions" Anthony Ponder Launches Video Series Honoring Gospel Music Icons

Anthony Ponder & Ministry's Desire (APMD) are a collective of singers in the New Jersey area who focus on authentic music ministry. Founder Anthony Ponder directs these young but seasoned singers who released their Billboard charting single "Favor" earlier this year. APMD's "Favor" single features popular choir director Natalie Wilson and boasts vocal production by multiple award-winning singer, songwriter Vashawn Mitchell. APMD has developed their powerful and poignant artistry in part by gleaning from many of Gospel music's greatest artists. As they continue to develop and elevate their craft artistically and broaden their brand notoriety, APMD feels it is important to acknowledge and honor some of the pillars of the Gospel music genre. Anthony has launched a series of videos called The Tribute Sessions in which APMD performs classic hits by Gospel's biggest artist. The first Tribute Session pays tribute to Grammy, Stellar and Dove Award winning legends Donald Lawrence and Hezekiah Walker. APMD invites fans to watch as they rehearse and record Anthony's tribute arrangement of "Oh I Feel Jesus", which was written by Donald Lawrence for the FAMILY AFFAIR album by Hezekiah Walker & The Love Fellowship Crusade Choir in 1999 on Verity Records. "With each level of success, I personally and publicly achieve, it's important I never forget those who helped me along the way," Anthony explains. "This first tribute video is dedicated to Donald Lawrence and Bishop Hezekiah Walker. Working on this video also allowed me to work with Marcia Sapp and Don Corey Washington who have been great inspirations to me as well." (Photo Credit/Content: Courtesy of the Bellamy Group)



(From Left to Right) Media maven, Cathy Hughes and the "Queen Of Soul" Aretha Franklin during the taping of TV One On One. (Courtesy of TV One)

On August 16, 2018, "Founder and Chairperson of Urban One, Inc., Cathy Hughes, a radio legend and close friend to Aretha Franklin who worked with and interviewed Franklin many times over the years, issued a statement of her sincerest condolences to Franklin's family, friends and colleagues upon receiving news of Franklin's passing. Today, I join my community, my industry and the world in mourning the loss and celebrating the life of my dear sister, friend, and ally, Aretha Franklin. I send my love and offer prayers of grace and peace to the members of her family, her friends and colleagues who walked alongside her and shared her with tens of millions of fans around the world. I have so many fond memories of Aretha. Throughout her career, I was blessed to share her music and her iconic story. I am humbled to have been a part of her journey and to have served as an eyewitness to the evolution of her artistry and the formation of her legacy. Like many of our musicians, Aretha's musical roots are embedded in the black church, and gospel music was at her core. Her talent transcended genres and not only earned her the title of the "Queen of Soul" but also the distinction of being the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. And while many will remember her for all of the titles she has received, I believe, Aretha Franklin, in her own words, said it best, 'being a singer is a natural gift. It means I'm using to the highest degree possible the gift that God gave me to use. I'm happy with that.' And Aretha Franklin, so are we. Rest in peace my sister."


GrinderZZ Talks With Renee Mickens, CEO of The "Royal Hustler Company”

Photo credit: Mr. Don Pittman..NYC Shootathon Make up: Nicole Webb Dress by: Isolicious

GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine TV went to my hometown of New York City to catch up with the C.E.O of entertainment, Ms Renee “Royal” Mickens. Ms. Mickens run's the "Royal Hustler Company. The Queen, Ms Royal is def a grinder, and we are simply honored to be sitting with her to conduct this interview. GrinderZZ: Good afternoon Queen! Tell the GrinderZZ audience a little about yourself? Renee: My name is Renee Mickens…aka Royal.. I am a resident of the Bronx, NY. Born in Suffolk County, Bayshore, NY (Long Island) I am the CEO of Royal Hustler Company. Royal Hustler Company is an entertainment proprietor, event planner, marketing/promotions and networking organization that markets and promotes music, artist, and events etc. and recently joined the ranks of Curvy/Plus Size Model GrinderZZ: How many years have you been the C.E.O of Royal Hustler Company? Renee: Royal Hustler Company was incorporated on May 4, 2017. So the company turned one year on May 4, 2018. GrinderZZ: Please tell everyone what you do in your company? Renee: I promote and market people, places and things that arouse passion in me…fashion products, music, events, artist. I also help make connections with artist and venues or artist with promoters, beat makers with artist, basically I connect dots…to make things happen in a seamless effort. Most of Royal Hustler Company’s movements are strong and silent… very important behind the scene movements unless its promotions and marketing. Then my movement is visible. GrinderZZ: I, myself, know you represent so many talented hip hop artist. Name a few for the audience? Renee: Under Royal Hustler Company, I represent Gabrielle JoyY. I am booking agent for Scott La Rock, Jr. he is the son of legendary DJ Scott La Rock - Founder of Boogie Down Productions. SLR Jr does speaking engagements, hostings, walk throughs, interviews…etc…under his music label titled, “Scott La Rock Music Group” I serve as Public Relations/Marketing/Promotions Executive. The artist I represent under this label are as follows: SOS Bishop, Alonzo Fury and Flock Goddy. Under West 176th Street Entertainment with Founder Otis C. Pope - we represent: Sensomatic, D Heaterz and Lady Rush GrinderZZ: In this business we always try to keep it professional when we meet up with the clients, but has there been a celebrity you met and/or worked with that had you covered in goosebumps? Renee: Never any time for goosebumps. The connection is always a means to an end and it’s always business. So I am always humbled and honored…. I was impressed seeing Pioneer DJ Kevie Kev Rockwell (DJ from WildStyle play for the first time (he is so dope). I was super excited to meet Legendary MC Spoonie Gee. I think I may have gotten goosebumps when Distinguished Gentlemen promoter Troy Buckery put together my 2017 birthday party. I partied amongst the legends Grandmaster Caz, Grandmaster Melle Mel, Pow Wow (Africa Bambata) with DJ Kevie Kev Rockwell on the turntables… all the Hip Hop royalty and legends…that was a great DOPE night…… 19

GrinderZZ: What's the best part of running Royal Hustler Entertainment? Renee: The best part of running Royal Hustler Company is hearing people verbalize how much of a great time they had at the end of each event (no matter what role they played performing artist, promoter, venue owner, supporters, etc.) and how much love people have for the artist music and/or products I promoted…. GrinderZZ: If you can go back in time and meet Renee Mickens when she was fresh out of high school, what advice would you give her? Renee: Pray and Always do what is right in the eyes of God, never remove your moral compass to make others feel comfortable, don’t let people take you off your track, remain humble and trust God. GrinderZZ: Do you have any upcoming projects you can discuss with us? Renee: Yes, I have a few. I have (2) blog radio connections that reach over one million subscribers a week for people seeking exposure: Diversity of the Mind Radio Blazin Heat Radio with Queen Diamond Diva Miami based Strong Arm Radio (owned by Flo-Rida) Hosted by Ricardo Tubbs aka Benny Negro Wu-Wednesdays – coming to NYC – Music Artist showcases with Vega Don (VP at Wu Tang Management) With West 176th Street Entertainment – August 18th 2018 we have our annual Old School Hip Hop Appreciation Award Ceremony to be held at Madden’s Uptown in Bronx, NY August 18th 2018 I will be in the Harlem Week’s Fashion Show located on the Outdoor Stage of Percy Sutton Education Complex September 8th 2018 – I will be in the Beautiful You Fashion Show at the Skyline Hotel NYC GrinderZZ: How can anyone reach you if they want to be apart of Royal Hustler Company ? Renee: I can be reached via phone at 917-373-9083 Email at FB: Royal Hustler Promotions Company IG: royal_the_ceo_ GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs? Renee: I would like to thank you Angie and GrinderZZ Magazine for your interest in Royal Hustler Company and its movement. Blessings of much success to you... Shout out to my followers and real supporters. Shout out to people that hit me up on the daily with new business propositions…and shout out to my current business partners and teams that I am part of. Again, we here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV would like to thank you for your time. Keep grinding Queen!

Scott La Rock Music Group Team

Photo Credit: Michael Ivory Photography


Renee Mickens

Pic From... Mermaid Photoshoot: Dress Designer @flavorsoffullness MUA @fierce_fabulos_ Nikki Web @xaero_one


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The 2018 Black Music Honors Pays Tribute to Aretha Franklin

The 2018 Black Music Honors kicked off the taping of its show with its renowned red carpet, at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center. Gracing the carpet were honorees BeBe & CeCe Winans, Bobby Brown, Stephanie Mills, Faith Evans, Whodini and Dallas Austin. Performers who walked the red carpet included Raheem Devaughn, Angela Winbush, Demetria McKinney, Regina Belle, Jade Novah and Sammie. Also gracing the carpet were Rickey Smiley and Latoya Luckett. Shortly, after the red carpet, the taping of the show commenced. The highly anticipated evening, hosted by television and radio personality Rickey Smiley and Grammy® Award-winner and actress LeToya Luckett, celebrated the artistry of the music industry’s most respected icons, with a tribute to the legendary “Queen of Soul”, Aretha Franklin, who recently passed. Stephanie Mills received the Legends Award, honoring her illustrious music and acting career spanning more than four decades. Brooklyn-based rap group, Whodini, was presented with the Hip Hop Icon Award, for their musical contributions. Featured performances included Keyshia Cole, Raheem DeVaughn, Next, Young Buck, YoYo, Ruben Studdard, de Novah, Demetria McKinney, V. Bozeman, Tasha Page-Lockhart, Monie Love, Kierra Sheard, and Jonathan McReynolds. The annual two-hour television special taping will broadcast in national syndication from Sept. 8-30, 2018, airing on Bounce TV Sept. 28, 2018. Proceeds will benefit the 2019 opening of the National Museum of African American Music (NMAAM) in Nashville. NMAAM’s mission is to educate the world, preserve the legacy, and celebrate the central role African Americans play in creating the American soundtrack. Event sponsors included AT&T, McDonald’s, Walmart, Johnson & Johnson, Chevrolet and State Farm as title sponsor. For more information, please visit and connect on social media @blackmusichonors #BMH2018 and #BlackMusicMatters. The 3rd Annual Black Music Honors show is Executive Produced by Don Jackson, with Jennifer J. Jackson serving as Producer and Michael A. Johnson as Producer and Director. (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Fuzionz Magazine and TV)


Female Flava of the Month

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Angel Joy Rosado

To be apart of the GrinderZZ 24/7 Flava of the Month, you have more than beauty, and more than a great smile. That individual has to have a type of flair that is eye catching, and we def found it when we met Angel Joy Rosado. Angel was born in San Diego California, and if you guy's recognize the last name, it's because she is the daughter of one of hip hop's mogul, dj Johnny Juice Rosado (Public Enemy, Sons of Beserk, Oddysy). A former dancer at TJEM entertainment, Angel really never took an interest in modeling. Angel performed alot of dance shows for local artist, and a photographer for one of the artist took a interest in her. It was something about her style that made him ask her to do a photo shoot with him. Angel took a leap and did one, which lead her to more photo shoots. She explained to GrinderZZ she didn't care of she was paid or not. Angel said she was just captivated of the creative aspect of the photo shoots. Angel's favorite hobbies are swimming, reading, dancing, and making dream catchers. Angel is currently in school majoring in Psychology. Her goal is to become an adolescent psychologist. In 2017, she stared embarking on making dream catchers. Going through difficult times, she needed something to take her mind away. Her first dream catcher took 5 to 8 hours to make, and it came out perfect. That encouraged her to design more for her audience. Her website, A Catcher's Dream is currently on Facebook.


The Marriage Blog By Kim Tuel

Marriage. It’s not for the faint-hearted. I recently got married, again. Really, I never thought I would. Just figured I’d shack up with him and we’d live happily ever after. Well, I guess you should Never say Never. LOL

I’m very happy to be married. I love this guy. He is The One I was searching for while I tried the Sampler Platter. Funny, but I think it takes time to make us wise. Not all of us, mind you, just some of us. There Are Those who are Blessed when they find their life mate early. Personally, I think they are the folks who learned all of their life lessons in a past life and NOW, they are ready. The rest of us still have lessons to learn and miles to go on our journey before we get that lucky.

Marriage takes Patience. You must be willing to Share, Compromise, Discuss, Talk, And Listen. You must possess these traits every day, because you don’t know when they will be needed - or not. It’s really not that much different from just Living. The difference is, now we sign a legal document saying we agree to Commit to One Person - ‘til the end of time.

Living with someone, every single day, 24/7 not only requires the virtues listed above, but sometimes, the most important of all is a Sense of Humor! When your spouse is the passenger seat driver - don’t take it personally. Just laugh and know they are slamming the imaginary break on the passenger side for your safety and theirs. Make a joke of it - especially if you Really do know what you’re doing. If they are the ones who are Right, Laugh, admit they are and tell them Thanks. That little bit of laughter, no matter how small, makes it all easier.

As much as I love my kids, I have to say that getting married now that they are grown, makes marriage easier. We don’t have the worries of raising them right, making sure they are clothed, fed, decent little human beings that we alone are responsible for. Now, we are responsible for just the two of us - 2 grown humans who’ve wiggled our way through life to the place we are now. We feel Free! We feel Young again. Despite the changes in our bodies and minds, we’ve learned to accept who we are. We know we’re not ready for the swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated, and that’s ok. It’s ok because we’ve learned as we went through our different relationships and seasons of life, that the wrapping is a just a perk. Sometimes, the most beautifully wrapped gift is a disappointment. It truly is what’s inside the person that counts. I am blessed to have the beautiful person and the handsome wrapping with my husband, but even if the outside wasn’t as appealing, I know the inside is. We Talk. We communicate. We have silent times of companionship. And, we express our love - in little ways sometimes, that mean the most.

A text during the day, even just a smiley face, lets us know they’re thinking of us. A note they find in the morning, hanging their shirts the way they like them, making their favorite food, and hugging. They are all part of a great relationship.

Don’t lose sight of what brought you together in the first place. Remember it, Smile and give them a kiss. Enjoy your life together. It’s all good.


Author Marvin Brown Talks to GrinderZZ About His Book

"The Soldier of the Leaf"

We here at GrinderZZ 24/7 are delighted so much with this interview. I was able to skype with my uncle, Marvin Brown, who is also an author. Marvin Brown has a remarkable story to tell. He was actually adopted into the Hitt family when he was 14 years old, after hitch hiking to New York City with two of his friends from Georgia. Marvin is a relative of the late Jackie Robinson, #42, of the Brooklyn Dodgers. Jackie was Marvin's grandmother's first cousin. GrinderZZ: Hey uncle Marvin! Welcome to GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine. Please tell the listening audience something about yourself? Marvin: I was born in Jacksonville Florida, but I grew up in Cairo, Georgia until I was 6 years old. My mother moved me to Savannah, Georgia to start school. Once I turned 11 years old, I went to live with my grandparents on their farm in Cairo, in Grady county. I stayed there until I was 14. GrinderZZ: When did you navigate to New York City? Marvin: When I was 14, I went back to Savannah, Georgia and two of my friend's and I decided to hitch hike up north to New York City. This was back in 1957. GrinderZZ: How was the experience? Was it tough? Marvin: We decided to split up because it was hard for three individuals to hitch hike together. They stayed together, and I went solo. It took them two weeks to get there, while I made it in three days. GrinderZZ: When did you first meet Grandma Alice? Marvin: I was in the subway station on Ocean Pkwy and a police officer approached some people asking them if they knew who I was, they all replied no. Afterwards, the officers took me to a local diner to get me some soup, when suddenly a man approached the officers saying he was an older cousin of mine. The officers released me into his custody and I went home with the gentleman. He was renting a room with his wife, at the time, from my future adopted mother Alice Mann (your grandmother). I decided to sleep inside her kitchen by putting a couple of chairs together to make as a bed for myself, so I could get some sleep. Hours later I was awakened by a door being slammed open. It was Alice standing there screaming who was I and why was I burning her electricity. I then ran out the house until I felt it was safe to come back. I felt it was a need to let the man who saved me know what had happened. GrinderZZ: When did Grandma Alice decide to adopt you into the family? Marvin: Well, after she saw that I wasn't leaving, she alerted your Uncle George (her oldest son) about me and how I was all alone in New York City. After I had explained to him that I hitch hiked up north for a better life, George then gave me a place to live. Alice told me I needed to go and find work, so I did. I also helped around the house and she was pleased. She decided to keep me, and the rest is history. I did as well and stayed in contact with my family back south. They were happy I had a loving family that was raising me.


GrinderZZ: What was your job description? Marvin: SPH, Seasonal Park Helper. I made the ice, post rules around the rink & etc. Years later, I because supervisor of all the parks in the 5 boro's. I retired in 2004. GrinderZZ: You had a couple of near death experiences. One back in your house in Brooklyn, before you moved, and another one when you were over in Switzerland visiting your fiancĂŠ, Susan. Please tell us exactly what happened. Marvin: I became ill. I had two heart attacks and two open heart surgeries in 8 days. The doctors had to revive me twice. My sister n law, Betty Hitt (your mother), kept pushing me back away from the light. She was standing there with my brother Johnny (your father) telling me to go back, and it wasn't my time. I also spent 11 days in a coma and wound up staying in the hospital in Switzerland for five months before I was able to come back to the United States. GrinderZZ: You also wrote a book titled "The Soldier of the Leaf". It talks about your life as a child, all the way up to working for the Parks Department. You also explained that your book is about to be republished with Westwood Books in Los Angeles, how exciting is that! Marvin: Yes, I am very excited. To all those who are interested in purchasing the book, go to and Barnes & Noble.

GrinderZZ: Is there anyone you would love to give a shout out too? Marvin: Yes, my daughter, Sarah Lee Brown, who resides in Brooklyn, New York. I love you! my step daughter, Tammy, in New York City. I love you, too. Also, my finance in Switzerland, Susan Eggen. I love you! And to my family that's here and the ones gone, I love you all. Last but not lease, A huge shout out and a thank you to my wonderful niece, Ms. Author Angie Christine, and to her editor Ms. Shenoba Kinsey. I thank you both from the bottom of my heart for the interview. I love you both always and forever. Thank you so much Author Marvin Brown (my uncle) for the interview. I love you to pieces! (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Marvin Brown)


LOVE AND LOSS EXPLORED IN NEW TV ONE ORIGINAL FILM “DINNER FOR TWO� PREMIERING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 Original Drama Film Stars Tristan 'Mack' Wilds and Chaley Rose in Complicated Love Story About Life and Sacrifice

How do you mend a broken heart? TV One's new original film, DINNER FOR TWO, poignantly illustrates that it can be a long journey from love lost to acceptance. Premiering Sunday, September 2 at 7p.m./6c on TV One, this complex love story stars R&B sensation and actor Tristan 'Mack' Wilds ("HBO: The Wire", "90210") and breakout star Chaley Rose ("Nashville"), along with Prince Hammond ("Claws") and Shaun Baker ("House Party"). In a complicated love story about life and sacrifice, DINNER FOR TWO stars R&B heartthrob Tristan 'Mack' Wilds as Chris Moore, a man trying to come to terms with true love lost, playing opposite rising actress Chaley Rose as his beloved Angela. When his soul mate, Angela, leaves him, his life became a complicated mess. Now he is facing a major decision about his future, and drinking heavily, as he can't seem to move past mourning the relationship. Broken-hearted, Chris prepares a favorite meal that he and Angela shared on many romantic evenings together. As he breaks bread with the love of his life for perhaps the last time, he revisits what made him love her in the first place. "TV One is thrilled that we are able to showcase the talents of up and comers Chaley Rose and Tristan Wilds, whose acting skills seamlessly bring this emotional and intricate script to life," says Robyn Greene-Arrington, Interim Head of Programming. "Their natural chemistry lends itself to the story, offering viewers the chance to get lost in the relatable narrative of love and loss. "What drew me to this film is how much heart the script had," said Tristan 'Mack' Wilds "It helps you understand that through all types of obstacles and conquests, love conquers all." (Photo Credit/Content: Courtesy of TV One)


On The Grind With Angela Stroble

Angela Stroble was born and raised in Muskogee, Oklahoma. She is a mother, sister and aunt. She has been a server and bartender most of my life. Her most recent job was a detention officer. Last year Angela created a NEW MUSIC & NEW ARTIST facebook page to share her friends music and show support for artists. Angela told GrinderZZ, “I love All music.” Currently, Angela is a home health care worker for my Godfather and Rick Morgan's publicist. (Photo credit: Courtesy of Angela Stroble)



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Photo Credit: Kendrick Lasane


GrinderZZ Steps Into The World of Rapper Frisco Zane

What's up world? My name is Mason McClellan, but I go by Frisco Zane, in the rap game. I am 22 years old. I am a Native American artist, from Shawnee Oklahoma. I fell In love with music when I was very young. I’ve always had a good ear for good music! I was 13 years of age when I wrote my first rap song. What's crazy is my mother still has that song ‘til this day. I didn't really start taking my music serious until I was about 18! I recorded my first song in a home made garage studio, but we had to do what we had to do and it didn't sound half bad. We had people telling us that we sound good and people would always ask me, “Hey Mason, when are you dropping some new heat?” I'd reply, “Very soon.” So you know, me and a couple of my friends had put some money together and we fixed up a legit studio; been dropping heat ever since. We have been doing shows over the last year, around our state, and self promoting our own music. We make and produce our own beats and songs! Our music label is called Regulars Entertainment®, but my dream is to one day make it big and make a big impact on people with my music. You never know who may relate to your story and struggles. It’s not about the money and it is not about the fame. I just want the world to remember my name. I want to be able to take care of my family by doing what I love and that would be making music! So never let anybody tell you that you can't do this and you can't do that. I've seen the impossible become possible. Never sell your self short you can do whatever you want In life, as long as you have an open mind, open heart and a support team. You can do whatever you want, so go chase your dream. I know I'm chasing mine! Frisco….. (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Mason McClellan)


An Interview With

“ GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV is pleased to announce Ms. Angela Richardson aka Boss Lady of "Nod Factor Records". GrinderZZ: Please tell us a little bit about yourself? Angela: I am from St. Louis one of 5 children, pastors daughter, with the love of music. GrinderZZ: When did you 1st decide to step into the music world? Angela: I knew that I loved the music business , so I decided to learn all I could. Looking up to Sylvia Rhône, Mona Scott, Tina Davis,. Plus I wanted to rap like MC lyte , but I was a better teacher and boss. GrinderZZ: Can you remember back who was your 1st client? Angela: Myself, Huey, Kayo, G Nut. GrinderZZ: Growing up in your household, what were some of the groups that had you dancing? Angela: Bobby Brown, Slick Rick, everything in the 80s and 90s it was pure good music message and fun. GrinderZZ: Tell us a couple of names of people in the hip hop community you have already worked with? Angela: Jazzy Fay, Trey Songs, Lloyd, and many more. GrinderZZ: Have you ever been star. Angela: No, Just wanted to meet some great people to learn from, like Queen Latifa. GrinderZZ: Are there any cool projects you are currently working on right now? Angela: Kayo -Js video on youtube, Young OG- Bandz ft Fat boy video coming soon, Kirah Green since she was 7 years old, a great singer now 18 and ready to hit the red carpet. GrinderZZ: Is your company, Nod Factor Records currently looking for new talent? How can people reach out to you? Angela: You can find me on IG BigAngie59 Facebook Angela Richardson, St. Louis are my business partner Tonya Brown -Atlanta GrinderZZ: Is there any advice you can give right now to someone who is looking to get into the music field? Angela: You have to love what u do and invest in yourself. GrinderZZ: Any last words/shout outs you would like to give? Angela: Polo from Murder Inc, Blue William, Melinda Hall who I’m grooming to be a A&R and great on getting things done for me. Tonya Brown, many more. We, at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV, would like to thank you for your time. Continue the grind. (Photo Credit: Courtesy of Angela Richardson)


An Interview With TaPs GrinderZZ 24/7 is always searching for the greatest people that's walking on the face of the earth, and we really struck it with this guy. Terence Blocker II, aka TaPs was born in Hollis Queens New York, and he is becoming a household name in the industry. GrinderZZ: Good morning TaPs, please tell our audience a little about yourself? TaPs: Good morning, how's everything? I'm not really too good at talking about myself. I'm more of those you kinda gotta know me, vibe with me ppl. GrinderZZ: I grew up just across the water from you in Brooklyn. Tell me how it was growing up in the neighborhood that birth some of the greatest hip hop artist that's out...... TaPs: It was cool, a lot different back then. A lot has changed. GrinderZZ: You are into fitness and maintaining a healthy diet. When did you 1st introduced yourself to weight lifting? TaPs: About 15 years ago. I wanted to build that exaggerated comic book physique. It's always going to be an ongoing continuous chase but I'll get there eventually. GrinderZZ: TaPs, I also found out you're an actor. Can you tell us about some of your projects? TaPs: Well i'm just kind of like dabbling into it. I just started with it the end part of last year. I haven't done any major roles yet, it's still early, but just give it some time... you'll see me around this year testing the waters... so to speak. GrinderZZ: You starred in season 2 of Luke Cage. What was that experience like? TaPs: Noooo, I didn't star in that, I wish, but no I just had a small cameo shot. That was actually the 2nd thing I've done at that time. GrinderZZ: You also have a Amazon promo commercial on YouTube. Tell us about it..... TaPs: Yeah it was for Amazon's show, a spin off of Top Gear, The Grand Tour. It was fun shoot. We got to drive around motorized furniture. GrinderZZ: Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now in acting? TaPs: Hopefully somewhere deep in the game. GrinderZZ: If there is one actor out there you would love to work with, who would that be and why? TaPs: Samuel L. Jackson. He seems like a pretty cool dude. Funny. GrinderZZ: How can you be reached if somebody wanted to seek you for advice? TaPs: Gmail would probably be best. I can be reached at GrinderZZ: Any last words? TaPs: I just want to say thank you for this opportunity to get myself out there. Much appreciated! Again a big thankyou to Terence Blocker II aka TaPs for chatting it up with us here at GrinderZZ 24/7 Magazine & TV. (Photo Credit: Courtesy of TaPs)


Kim Tuel On The Grind

Kim Tuel Fannin is one of the newest names you will hear around the office here at GrinderZZ 24. The mother, grandmother, and newlywed grinder was introduced yesterday as our new blogger. Each issue that we release, Kim will add her humor, and opinions of different topics that surrounds us everyday. Kim is also an actress here on the west coast. We are so honored that she was able to sit down and do this interview with us. GrinderZZ: Hey Kim! Thank you for sparing us some time to chat with us. Let everyone know a little about yourself? Kim: Hmmm what would you like to know? I’m kind of a hippie, free spirit person who’s working on loosening up even a little bit more. I love creating things, so - I write, paint, act, draw & doodle. GrinderZZ: When did you first got into acting? Kim: My junior year of HS - I was chosen to play Gramma Tzeitel in Fiddler on the Roof and the acting bug Bit Me! GrinderZZ: Have you ever done any projects that were made into a movie or a tv show? Kim: Well, I'm part of an all-senior Improv group called The Jesters. We used to perform at Five Star Tavern in Sun City Summerlin. Recently, we were invited to become part of an entertainment channel on a new streaming TV network, WAWO. Right now, we have individual videos of each of us on there, and we are planning a talk show format. We’ll start filming this fall. GrinderZZ: You work for a great theatre company out here in Las Vegas. Please tell us about the company? Kim: We are The Sun City Summerlin Community Theatre. Our members range in age from 55 to 90 years young. I've been an active member for 5 years, since I moved to Vegas. GrinderZZ: How many shows do you all do a year? Kim: We do two shows a year. GrinderZZ: Are you currently working on anything new? Kim: Right now, we're in final rehearsal for ARSENIC & OLD LACE, a hilarious comedy set in the late 1930's. Show dates are 7 p.m. September 8 & 2 p.m. September 9 at Starbright Theatre. GrinderZZ: What advice would you give someone that is thinking about going into acting? Kim: Just do it! GrinderZZ: Any advice you would give to yourself right now back when you were 20 years old? Kim: Yeah - Don't worry so much about what others think. Don't be afraid to try something new. Save More Money :) GrinderZZ: How can people reach out to you if they need advice on getting into acting? Kim: They can email me at GrinderZZ: Any last words? Kim: Life is Short. Enjoy It! (Photo credit: Courtesy of Kim Tuel Fannin ) 33

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Brooklyn’s Best Logos


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