Be a sponge /home-and-family/be-a-sponge Feb 21, 2017 Internet and Businesses Online, Self Improvement, Home and Family 26 views Written by Angela Emde Articles written: 9 Joined: 03 January 2017 Niche: Business Home and Family Self Improvement
As Jim Rohn said 'If you want to live a top shelf life then you need to stand on the books you have read. Never stop learning, never stop growing'.
Be a sponge Learn to be a sponge with constant learning but don't just listen to the words, or read the words, listen and pay attention to the words. Here are three tips on how to be a sponge. Learn from your mentors and peers. - Sponges surround themselves with like minded people who tap into each others expertise and networks. Sponges ask questions, learn and do. Read. - Sponges like to absorb information on how to succeed at the task or opportunity. Sponges read manuals, how to do books and entrepreneurial books that assist with creating habits that will lead them closer to their goals or purpose. Study. - Sponges study heroes, the hero may not be in the same business but it is someone who inspires. An early hero of mine was my aunty, she inspired my wings to travel with her stories she shared. Today I am inspired by many different entrepreneurs especially those in the six figure mentors Leaders and entrepreneurs don't only absorb the books they read, the audios they listen to, the youtube's they watch, they take action on the information learnt. They practice, they grow, they practice and they get the advantage and keep on learning. The pursuit of constant learning is what sponges enjoy. Sponges learn to bolster and maximise skills needed to learn by using resources and create a way. Are you ready to be a sponge and soak up information, learn digital marketing with a FREE VIDEO BOOTCAMP start today. Have a great day.
Angie Emde
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Be a sponge