Teamwork /home-and-family/teamwork Mar 09, 2017 Articles written: 14 Joined: 03 January 2017 Niche: Business Home and Family Self Improvement
Everyone is part of a team somewhere, however, ' team' may not be the name you give to the group of people who are connected together with a common purpose, mission or relationship. Yet, the definition of a team is a group of people with complimentary skills that enable them to complete a task. Teamwork is the combined action of the group to achieve the goal. Regardless of what you wish to achieve, the sayings are ' many hands make light work' and 'there is no i in team'. How about families is that a 'team' do they complete tasks together as a team. This week I've been grateful for the teamwork of my family, that is my husband and son (as well as the supportive messages from my daughter who is overseas).
Below I'll share four steps to achieve effective teamwork.
Teamwork 1. A sense of self - know the other team members, get to know their strengths, values, talents and likes. By knowing each other it is easier to build a relationship and work together. 2. Vision - Know what the outcome is to be. By being clear on the mission and the task at hand, members of the team are more likely to stay focused and work effectively and efficiently together. 3. Plan or strategy - Put a blueprint together on the tasks needed to be completed to obtain the agreed result. Be clear to clarify each member's input and ensure that there are no conflicting values, beliefs or that there is no friction between team members as teamwork requires synergy. 4. Synergy - Team synergy is important as everyone works differently and has different talents, habits, strengths, weakness, interests and ways of pulling their weight. If there is negative synergy there is likely to be team problems or conflicts that need resolving, but with positive synergy, where trust and respect are acknowledged the team supports each other and works collaboratively to reach their successes. When there is more than one person there is a team, therefore our family is a team and together we achieve to live a lifestyle of our making. This week my family worked together very well and recognising that I, an employee, business owner, wife, mother, sister and friend needed a little assistance they helped out. The task was simple, have a healthy dinner on the table for the family to share at evening meal time. I prepared the meal and then went to the pool for a swim (need time out to exercise), my husband went to hit some golf balls on the practise green returning to put the meal in the oven at the suggested time, when I returned from my swim I added additional ingredients to the meal, while my son set the table. We all sat down and enjoyed our evening meal and family time catching up on the activities of the day. With SFM there is also great teamwork with a supporting community that helps YOU succeed in the on-line arena in building a business to serve you so you can enjoy a lifestyle of your making. For more information on educating yourself about a digital lifestyle click here. Have a great day. Angie Emde
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