Consistency Is Key To Success Angie Emde
December 18, 2017
In life, we tend to do a lot of things including setting goals that we intend to achieve. But we have to sometimes change the way we do things or we will end up getting the same results. For example, if your business goal is to be self-employed and start a business that you’ll love from scratch, or your personal goal is to lose weight, you need to change the way you have been doing things in the past because they have not enabled you to achieve your desired goals. We need to change our habits and start working towards achieving our goals. It is only with the consistency that goals begin to show. Goals don’t show overnight, they are not instant results, usually, it takes time. It takes time to build and get the momentum. It can take a year, two years or even three years depending on what you are aiming for and the amount you are putting in. At the start of 2017 I decided to start affiliate marketing and each day I take steps in achiveing this by working on the business and on myself with personal development. I track everyday the steps I am taking towards my entrepreneurship goal. By tracking I can see the consistencies and see what I need to work on.
Consistency is key to success Most success stories told all over the world are as a result of consistency. Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Barrack Obama and even renowned athletes all have been consistent in doing what they do and they never gave up no matter the outcome. Just have a determination, believe in yourself and work towards your goal and one day you will achieve your desired outcome. 1/3
Consistent action You must take action towards achieving a certain goal. Without action, your wishes and goals will only be a dream. Consistent action may be practice, learning new things, trying to find information and so on. You must be consistent in whatever action you take towards achieving your goal and that’s the only way you can attain success. But when you do not take any action or stop when you encounter failure, that is the moment you will be preventing yourself from having your dreams fulfilled. When Carsten and I decided we wanted to move to Australlia we needed to put steps into place to work towards that dream. This included research on visa’s, research on job availability, research on neighbourhoods and Carsten needed to put steps into place to learn English. There were multiple action steps we needed to take before we moved to the place we call home, ‘Australia’.
Momentum Day 2017
Never give up on your goal There is no shortcut to success; you must put in the effort, determination, consistency and never giving up. Failures, drawbacks, and discouragements are a normal part of any success story. However, what differentiates winners from losers is the spirit of never giving up no matter the situation or outcome. You need to always stay focused on your goal, concentrate all your energy on ensuring that your goal becomes a reality. Whenever you get a drawback, recollect yourself and try to find out what happened and learn from your mistakes. Learn from the mistake and move forward, today many people call this motion ‘failing forward’. Recently I went to Perth to meet up with business mentors and entrepreneurs all building their own business brands or building affiliate marketing businesses. While in Perth, we were set a 90 day challenge, part of that challenge was to fail at something weekly. Why fail?, fail because by failing we are progressing as we are taking consistent action towards our desired outcome and only by implementing, learning and developing consistent habits will we reach our goals. The business model I use offers a free video training series to assist with developing consistent habits for business and life success. 2/3
Consistency is indeed the key to success. It is the spirit of never giving up and the amount of effort you put into achieving the success that will enable you to achieve success in whatever you do. Have a great day.
Angie Emde