The Waiting Game: Goals /the-waiting-game-goals/ Angie Emde
November 24, 2017
Playing the waiting game can lead to procrastination, unaccomplished goals and time wastage. Most people focus on waiting for good things to happen instead of taking the right actions. Before wasting valuable time ask yourself, what am I waiting for? Remember, getting caught up in the waiting game does not guarantee success. In fact, deliberating too much on unrealistic strategies can easily hinder you from pragmatic goal setting.
As I’m writing this, I’ve just returned from Perth where I attended a conference and accepted a 90 day challenge. The 90 day challenge is to set goals and tatics to reach those goals in health, in business and with personal communication. I have set a health goal to power walk for at least 40 minutes a day, a business goal to go live to my Facebook page and share tips on YouTube and a personal communication goal which includes blogging and speaking authentically to friends, family and all I meet. This is not the first time I’ve accepted a challenge nor will it be the last. It is also not the first time I’ve set goals. Every year I set goals, some I achieve some I don’t, however with each goal I learn new skills, new tips and each goal brings me closer to my vision.
Success is all about self-empowerment, proper planning and progressive assessment of strategies. Downsides of playing the waiting game include discontent, stagnation, and dullness. You cannot afford to focus all your efforts on mindless waiting games in our modern world if you want to be successful. Things are changing progressively at a quickening pace in today’s world. Hoping for good things to happen does not necessarily justify the end. Choosing to do nothing worthwhile to progress your life can come back to haunt you afterwards. For every second, minute, or hour you waste on playing the waiting game to start goals, others are achieving greatness. It takes courage, determination, preparedness, effort and actions Perth November 2017 to transform ideas into reality. Life becomes more momentous when you take action towards your goals. Although goal setting is regarded as the cornerstone to achieving considerable purpose in life, without actions it is pointless. With that in mind, it is upon you to make the right decision. You can choose to act on your ideas to turn them into reality or engage in meaningless waiting games and watch others get ahead of you.
Procrastinating everything is certainly not among the best ways to start your goals. People don’t build reputations by sitting down the whole day wondering why they don’t act on their ideas. Success can only be attained through hard work, aggressiveness, assertiveness, persistence, and actions. Your destiny depends on your ultimate goals and desires. Everyone has the power to shape their destiny. It all depends on how bad you want to succeed. Do you want to choose how you live, choose where you live, create a lifestyle you’ll love ? Well, stop postponing your success unnecessarily. Compose yourself, find motivation in your goals and you will genuinely achieve all that you desire. After all, only fools live on empty promises that they make to themselves. You can become whatever you have always envisioned provided you cultivate the culture of doing what it takes to get to the finish line. Write down your goals then commit yourself to completing them and you will never regret making that wise decision. The bottom line is; Be wise, choose to take action on your goals, your purpose, your vision, rather than waste your time on the waiting game. Have a great day.
Angie Emde follow on Instagram follow on Facebook For more posts on progressing forward with goals see – Turn obstacles into stepping stones.