Craft Carper September 2014

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RIG ESSENTIALS - How to tie the perfect Chod every time



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No.205 September 2014

September 2014 | Issue 205 | £4.10


How to maximise your catch rate when the clock is ticking

side ils in Deta

On sale 20th August – 16th September 2014

36 0

Get Crafty... GET CATCHING!




Find out why this highly Get to grips with effective approach will this underused, yet catch you more carp highly rated tactic




PLUS LOADS MORE 08/08/2014 09:38

Crafty Carper /// Issue 205 /// September 2014 /// On the cover: Mitch Smith showing that working hard on short overnighters really can pay dividends.


Editorial James Turner

Editor James looks at what’s in store for


you in this issue of Crafty Carper, and



the country in the pages of

Perfect your Chods by taking

maximum potential; that’s what Mitch

TicketMaster this month, and there

the advice of Andy on board,

does and he regularly fishes short

are free fishing offers for every

and you’re sure to put a few

overnight sessions. Find out how to

piece and reflects on his time spent

reader to take advantage of.

extra fish on the bank.

up your catch rate on limited time.

on Burghfield, whilst talking about the

The TicketMaster We’ve got four

day ticket fisheries from across

Chod Rig Checklist

Andy Maker

Overnight Success Mitch Smith

Use your time at the lake to its

there’s also his usual monthly ramblings.


The Knowledge Dave Lane

Laney checks in with his monthly

great subject of bite times. Is a new water and target on the cards?


The Sweet Taste Of Success Mark Pitchers

Strawberry Fields is well known for its large carp, and we join Mark as he relives his quest for the monsters 10 years ago.


Gardner Competition This month two lucky readers

will become the proud owners of a set of alarms, buzz bars and indicators from the top guys at Gardner.


Crafty Catch Column This is the place to get your catch

pictures published, so send them in to us, and you’re in with the chance of a great prize from those top guys over at Sticky Baits.


The Great Crafty Debate This month’s panel of experts give

their thoughts on particles. Turn to page 46 to find out the experts’ favourites.


Crafty Carper Under-21s 2013 BYCAC champion Tom

Kerr checks in with his final monthly blog, and we also have a story from Jordan Owen about his park lake escapades.


Carp Food Here you’ll find the latest and

greatest products of carp cuisine on the shelves of a tackle shop near you, as well as the editor’s choice of the month.


Carp Food Edges We take a closer look at some

new products from Carp Impact, which will give you an edge for the month ahead.


Method Fishing


The 360 Rig Keith Attfield

Team Crafty

Want to fish the Method but unsure where to start?

A rig much talked about but

The Crafty team share all

very rarely used. Keith gives the

about this underused tactic.


Carpers’ Kit We take a look at some

of the best products that are new to the shops, and give you the

low-down on the pros and cons

low-down on what’s hot and what’s

of this highly effective rig.

not. Plus the Crafty Team give you their essential items this month.


Crafty Carper

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Contents /// September 2014


Stand Out From The Crowd Andy Richardson

Want your hookbait to stand out from the rest? Of course you do.

New for 2014


Head to page 61 to find out how.


Fox Competition We have two Fox Classic

Easy Dome Euro Bivvies to give away this month. That’s over £800 worth, so enter on page 66.


The Question Is This month’s carping

conundrums are answered by our panel of experts. If you get your question answered you’ll be receiving a cracking


prize delivered straight to your door.


Subscribe Fed up of going to the

newsagents? Let us deliver Crafty straight to your door, and this month we’re offering you an awesome package from those lovely gents at Taska. Get in!


30yds Out, 30ft Drop Ed Betteridge

Ed gives some cracking advice on how best to present bait on


Tried & Tested Hydrographic

Wrapping Service


Inbox Keep up to date

with what’s been going on. You

the contours of a lakebed which

If you like tarty tackle then you’re sure

can also get in touch with us here

goes to extreme depths.

to love the service that these companies

and see who won the Facebook

offer. Pimp my tackle gets real!

catch competition in conjunction


Chop and Change Dan Wildbore

Make your boilies go further with Dan, as he not only helps you save money but also bag a few more carp.


Fishery In Focus – Monument 2 – In Detail

RH Fisheries have been busy digging a new lake, and now it’s all finished


In Focus 30Plus

Carp rods are always a talking point, and when you can get top quality for an affordable price tag, it’s definitely something to take a proper look at.


with Fox International, as well as a prize from NGT.


Diary of an Everyday

Carp Angler Julian Cundiff Our monthly diarist is back

In Focus

with plenty of fish to report


after another gruelling month,

The AVL luggage range from Taska is

where he used every spare

it to help give you an insight into

taking the angling world by storm, so it’s

minute to catch carp.

tackling this awesome new water.

only right that we take a closer look at

we’ve actually managed to fish


Chub Competition The guys at Chub

have given us two prize packages

some of the flagship pieces of luggage.


In Focus


Mega Deals If you’re up for a

bargain then you’ll definitely


want to head over to page 129

Stainless is sexy – end of! Notts-based

to check out our Mega Deals for

include a bivvy, barrow and barrow

Star-Flite have emerged onto the scene

some of the best offers from

bag. Get involved on page 108.

and are definitely making waves.

the country’s leading retailers.

to give away to our readers, which

All the attraction of our original Popup Sweetcorn now available in a new larger size! RRP: From £1.99 “ I have very little doubt that the new Large Corn from Enterprise will be the product of 2014, it’s simply stunning! Can you afford NOT to try it.?”


Frank Warwick


‘The carp’s FAKE FOOD of choice’

enterprisetackle Ask your local Enterprise Tackle stockist for details!

Crafty Carper 004-005_Conts_CC205.indd 2

5 11/08/2014 15:58

Te a m C raf t y F u n d a m e nt a l s


It’s long been a winner on the coarse match scene, and anglers have recorded large captures of carp when using the Method feeder; it can account for carp of all sizes. Here we take a look at how you can use the Method to your advantage.

Fishing 22

Crafty Carper

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Method Fishing

Team Crafty Carper

Introduction The use of a Method feeder can be a very proactive way of catching carp on any venue, no matter how big or small, and no matter what carp stock the lake holds. It’s a tactic that the majority of anglers don’t tend to use, and this is for no other reason than because it’s too much like hard work. I seem to be in the minority, and tend to fish the Method quite often, especially on winter day sessions when I want to cast around and stay active to try to encourage a bite. It’s not just a winter tactic though, as I quite often have one set up on one of my spare rods throughout the year, even as a quick change of tactic. It’s pretty simple to knock up a quick Method mix, mould it around the feeder, and get it out there. Method fishing may quite possibly be one of the most successful ways of fishing and has accounted for a huge number of fish over the years, although its use seems to have dwindled since the advent of PVA; it’s a lot easier to simply fill some PVA mesh and nick it onto the hook. You may be surprised at how many top anglers admit to bypassing the Method feeder in situations when it could have been the difference between a bite and a blank.

What You Need

or you could even go for a standard

To begin fishing the Method, you need

10mm boilie. The Marukyu Credence

to choose a Method feeder. They’re

boilie range is available in 10mm

pretty easy to come by and your local

300mg packs, which are resealable,

tackle shop will undoubtedly have

making them perfect for hookbaits

what you’re looking for; a number

for a day of Method fishing. Creating

of manufacturers make very good

your own Method mix gives you

Method feeders. When fishing the

free rein; mixed particle and pellet

Method I always opt for a short soft-

is a great combination along with

braided hooklink material, nothing too

some Method mix straight off the

complicated either. If you’re unsure,

shelf. When it comes to additives,

the likes of E-S-P actually make ready-

take your pick. Include liquids in the

tied Method rigs. When it comes to

mix to help bind all the solid items

the choice of hookbait, I usually tend

together, or just use the liquid

to opt for a balanced bait, a piece of

to bind the straightforward

imitation corn, a pellet, a fluoro wafter,

Method mix from the bag.

TOP Short braided

hooklinks are the best bet when using the Method. ABOVE The hookbait

options you have at your disposal are endless. LEFT Method feeders

come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Take a look in your local tackle shop.

Crafty Carper 022-025_Fundamentals_CC205.indd 2

23 11/08/2014 15:59


People often talk about making the most of your time on the bank, but if you’re restricted to quick overnighters between work, it will mean more to you than most. The majority of Mitch’s fishing is done on quick overnighters, so who better to help you maximise your time?


ne of the best ways to create an extra few days on the bank is to fish

overnighters, which to most people means finishing work, going fishing all night, and then going back to work the next day. This can be the most gruelling of fishing styles and can leave you exhausted. I would say that this style of fishing is what I do for 80% of my angling, I do it so much that I now have it down to a fine art. It’s not like a normal day session or a weekend stint; you have to be strict with what you do and how you approach the fishing in order to be successful in your angling – and not lose your job in the process! The biggest thing I have learnt is that you have to be really strict with yourself. Everything needs to run like clockwork, especially hitting the sack to get some sleep. Decide why you’re actually there; it’s all about catching the fish, not having a social with your carping mates. If you’re someone who needs a fair lump of sleep to get through the day, you have to be prepared to get in the bag a little earlier than normal to compensate for being up through the night landing fish, a bit like the newborn baby scenario. You know you’ll be up, so make sure you get enough time on the pillow to keep you alert and awake. Don’t get caught up drinking and giggling until the wee hours with other anglers, as you will pay the price at work the next day. When I go to the office in France, I try really hard to spend every night behind the rods, rather than sitting watching TV. I attempt to catch a few extra ones, but I can honestly tell you that by Friday I’m generally absolutely knackered; I struggle to focus on my daily routine because I’m so tired.


Crafty Carper

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Overnight Success Mitch Smith


Mitch Smith Age 47 Hometown

Southend-on-Sea Occupation

Starbaits marketing and product manager UK personal best

44lb 8oz Favourite venue

Layer Pits Did you know...

Mitch has represented Great Britain in the shot put at European and International level, and was set to compete in the 1986 Commonwealth Games, until a multiple fracture of the spine put an end to his athletics career at just 20 years old.


If you take it home or take it into work

Pick a suitable venue to match your

with you, you will have to leave more

term of stay at the lake. You don’t

time to pack up and leave, so that’s an

really want to be doing three or four

even earlier rise in the morning. And

overnighters on the trot on a lake full

don’t forget an alarm clock. Most phones

of doubles or even rammed with bream,

have them, so set them early enough.

which will keep you up all night. This will

It’s best to be up and out of your bag

destroy you the next day, and if you’re

15 minutes earlier than be 5 minutes

doing a few overnighters in a week, you

late for work and get it in the neck.

will be dead on your feet by the end of it. It’s not enjoyable doing it like that.

MINIMAL GEAR TO CARRY>> As well as rods and nets, etc., I carry

TOP During the summer months,

this is generally the way I do overnighters; super-lightweight and easy to pack away. ABOVE If the weather is bad, a


one big bucket with me. It holds all


my bait requirements, from boilies to

BOTTOM Three days on the bank and

Once you’ve selected your overnighter

pop-ups and pellets. If I need spod mix

lake, decide which tackle you don’t

then that’s in the bucket too, and the

need. Obviously, rods, nets, alarms, etc.

bucket also becomes both my seat and

the fish started to come, but check out the baggy eyes! After 5 days you look like death warmed up – I know!

are a must, but bivvies, tables, cooking

table for the night. I generally leave

a mess, and it creates more litter for

gear, computers, etc. are all luxury

the bivvy at home and sleep under

you to clear up – and can have you

tag-ons – are they really needed? The

the stars in a warm sleeping bag, a

bog-trotting for the toilet! I make sure

object of the time there is to catch fish,

Gore-Tex rain cover, and at most, a

all my number twos are left at work!

so the last thing you want is to turn

small umbrella, Oval, or a quick set-up

I don’t want to leave my gear when

up and carry two barrows full of gear

session shelter. For me, it’s all about

I’m fishing short sessions like this for

halfway around a lake, and then have to


a toilet session – time is everything.

start packing up from 6.00 a.m. so you

determines the kit I take. One big

So, it’s chips, burger or a pizza, and

can get it all back to the car. It’s worth

carryall has all my gear in it, including

it’s often eaten in the car on the way

mentioning here that if the tackle has to

a small camera and any essentials

to the lake. I don’t want anything to

sit in your car all day while at work, is it

that may be needed, such as daily

waste my time when I’m at the venue.

safe? If you can’t

medicines, etc. It also carries my Jetboil

leave it safely

brolly is a must, but keep it light.

so I can have a quick hot drink. I take an


then what are

extra bankstick on which I can mount

So, you’ve left work, eaten your chips

you going to

the camera so I can take self-shots of

en route, and you’re finally in the car

do with it?

my captures, because at 5.30 in the

park at the lake. Get all the gear out

morning there’s never anyone around

and loaded on the barrow, or on your

to take them for you. Get used to doing

shoulders. There’s no time to chinwag

it yourself, and get a good flash for the

in the car park, and you don’t have

camera; take the pics when you’ve

the time to walk round the venue to

caught the fish, not in the morning,

choose a swim and then go back to

because it’s hard work on your own

the car for your gear. Get loaded and

with a fully rested, angry carp.

get walking, and watch the water as you walk around. Quickly ask where’s


producing and get in a swim. The first

When it comes to food, I generally

job is fishing rods out and baits on.

leave work and pick up something

Make the rods up ready to cast with

along the way; simple foods

bait and any PVA setup or the like. Don’t

like fish and chips or pizza

be putting up bedchairs and arranging

are great. Spicy Chinese

things. Get the rods up and ready, and

and Indian meals may

don’t even worry about pods

taste good but make

and buzzers; just rest them

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41 11/08/2014 12:41

Carp Food

Team Crafty Carper








1. Nutrabaits Blue Oyster Pop-ups

2. RG Baits The Formula Wafters

3. Sticky Baits Cloudy Krill Liquid

rrp: £4.85 per tub

rrp: £5.45 per pot

rrp: £8.99 per 1ltr




An absolutely massive success story since

Available in 15 or 18mm round as well as

Made using fresh krill, this is a natural liquid, and

they were released, the Blue Oysters have

dumbbells, The Formula Wafters are made

once it enters the water it creates a hazy cloud

been doing the business for anglers from the

using the same ingredients as the boilies,

which is full of attraction and sits close to the

off. The pop-ups include the identical attractor

albeit the liquid blend is used at increased

lakebed. An immense addition to any spod mix,

combination that’s used in the boilies and are

levels to create optimum leakage. This fishy

especially if you want to spod over Zigs. We love it!

definitely worthy of a place in your bag.

bait is sure to catch carp, no doubt.

4. Carp Bait Specialists Fish Amino

5. Enterprise Tackle Zig Beetles

6. Mistral Baits Fruit Bomb 6mm Hard Feed Pellets

rrp: £7.50 per 250ml

rrp: £3.99 per pack

rrp: £5.99 per 900g bag




This is awesome when used as a bait soak or

These imitation beetles have been based on the

These are low-oil pellets which are perfect for

dip, yet equally effective when added to a spod

body shape of the great diving beetle, which

all-year-round use, and as well as harbouring

mix, Method mix or general groundbait. It can

forms part of a carp’s natural diet. They are easy

fruity flavours they are also a fluoro colour,

even be added to base mix if you like to play

to mount on the Hair and also come supplied

so add a great visual aspect to any bag mix or

around making your own bait. Fruit, Frankfurter

with foam to give the ultimate in buoyancy.

spod mix. Couple some of these with a fluoro

Sausage and Maple Aminos are also available.


pop-up in a solid bag and you’re away.

Crafty Carper

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Carp Food

Team Crafty Carper







7. Bait-Tech Liquid Corn

8. Nash Suckers

9. Mainline Baits Activ-Ades

rrp: £3.49 per 250ml

rrp: £2.99 per 40g tub

rrp: £7.55 per 100ml




Corn is a proven fish-catcher and has been

Utilising the same proven attractors as the

Activ-Ades are feed-inducing flavours containing

since the start of time. Add some Liquid Corn

Slicker Floaters and the Riser Pellets, Suckers

a combination of amino-based attractors, taste

to anything you may be using, whether it’s

are balanced floating hookbaits designed to

enhancers and palatants. The whole range is

pellets, groundbait, spod mixes, or even just to

behave like soaked freebies to help encourage

water-soluble so has a good leakage rate. If

make corn offerings more potent. You can use

more confident takes. They are 10mm in size and

you use it to make your bait you only need a

as much or as little as you wish – perfect.

available in Pure Crustacean and Strawberry Oil.

bottle of this and a chosen flavour. Get rolling!

10. Kent Particles Mixed Combo Pellet

11. Starbaits Add It Fluoro Ink

12. Richworth Original S-Core Boilie Dip

rrp: from £12.49 per 5kg bag

rrp: from £3.99 per pot

rrp: £5.95




This is an assortment of highly nutritional

If you’re an angler who likes to create your own

S-Core has been a massive hit since its release

pellets, perfect for adding to spod mix to

hookbaits, then you’ll like this product for creating

back in 2013, and no matter what you use as

bulk it up a bit, or even keep some bait

high-viz fluoro pop-ups. You’ll struggle to find a

a hookbait, you still have the benefit of the

going in over a few margin spots you may

dye for bait which is brighter than this offering.

amazing Aminoplex, which is housed within

be prebaiting. It’s extremely affordable and

Available in White, Yellow, Purple, Orange and Pink.

the S-Core flavour. Glug your baits or just

available in 5, 10 and 25kg bags or buckets.

give them a booster dip before the cast.

Crafty Carper 055-058_CarpFood_CC205.indd 3

57 11/08/2014 13:29



Ed Betteridge Age 38 Hometown

Swadlincote Occupation

Media manager UK personal best

49lb 12oz Favourite venue

Burghfield Did you know...

In a past life as a lab technician, Ed carried out all the microbiological trials for the inception of Tesco’s Pure milk.


In this thought-provoking article, Ed Betteridge looks at the fascinating subject of steep underwater gradients and how to combat the whole host of problems that they can cause.

Crafty Carper

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11/08/2014 16:53

30yds Out, 30ft Drop Ed Betteridge


doubt that many anglers have fished in the depths at which I am currently angling, or have had

to contend with the steep slopes that are par for course in these deep pits. But I would also be willing to wager that most anglers have fished steep shelves at one time or another, whether that’s tight to an island, the side of a gravel bar, or in their own margins. What I’m going to outline in this piece is applicable to steep slopes of any kind, whether they signify a depth change of 6ft or 60ft. It’s not just my current water (Bundys) that has presented me with the severe slopes; I have also fished the notoriously deep Elstow 2, where all my bites came from the slopes in the edge. The main body of the pit produced very little and the average depth was over 35ft. Other waters that I have fished are a lot shallower, but still have big gradient changes. One such place is a huge gravel pit close to home, where the depths in the area I was fishing only really go down to 1213ft, but these areas rarely do fish. Most of my bites came from tight to the out of bounds bank in about 3-4ft of water on the steep gradient. On Elstow, Bundys, and the local water, the bites were very much depth-specific, depending on the times of year, so it is very important to hit the correct mark to allow the lead to fall into the correct depth

part in where the carp want to feed.

on the shelf. If I consider that the

It must be so much easier for carp

shelves I’m fishing can be as steep

to feed on slopes than on a flat

as 1:2 or even 1:1, this can cause

lakebed, because there is very little

Bundys can go uncaught for a number

all sorts of issues with hitting the

need for the fish to tilt to feed. On

of years. However, I really think the

correct mark. If I miss a mark by

a steep gradient the carp only need

water will throw up a big surprise

casting the lead 6ft wide on a flat

to alter their body position slightly

soon, with a few fish going half a

lakebed, then I will be fishing 6ft

over horizontal to graze on the shelf,

decade without gracing the bank.

wide of my mark. But if I miss the

which in itself makes our rigs a lot

spot on the surface by 6ft

less effective. If the fish doesn’t right itself after picking up

on a 1:1 gradient, I

the hookbait, this makes

will be 12ft away from where I want to be! And the water will be 6ft deeper! This can often mean the difference

it very difficult for our

“If the fish doesn’t right itself after picking up the hookbait, this makes it very difficult for our rigs to straighten and become effective”

between a bite and a blank. I’m using the 45% gradient

rigs to straighten and

ABOVE Even throwing round

baits by hand makes them spin and not sink vertically.

I’ve played with my rigs a little to try to swing things back in my favour and eliminate the slack hooklink, as the fish feed up the shelf which I mentioned earlier. I’ve played around with very short links and also very

become effective.

stiff ones, but I’ve swayed back to my

Combine this

usual coated braid or fluorocarbon

with the fact that

rigs, because there is a lot of

generally the rigs

undulation on the slopes, caused

hang down the shelf below the lead, and

the carp generally feed up the shelf; this means that

by rocks, twigs, weed, and general debris. I don’t think the short or extra-stiff rigs were fishing correctly on every cast; it’s too easy for a

as an example to illustrate my

the carp will pick up the hookbait

short rig to be buried in silkweed

point, but I try to avoid slopes this

and move towards the lead, so the

or the stiff rigs to force the bait too

steep because it presents all kinds of

hooklink will be slack in the carp’s

far off the deck as it sits over a twig

issues with keeping the rig and bait

mouth and easy for them to eject.

or rock, but a softer fluorocarbon or

in place, although there are ways of

This puts a lot in the carp’s favour,

coated braid is more forgiving and

doing it which I will come to later.

and I think that the pickups-to-bite

will present better amongst debris.

ratio is very low in comparison to

Whilst on the subject of rigs, I can’t

feeding habits are depth-specific at

fishing on the deck. This means the

stress how important it is that every

certain times of year, I also believe

carp get away with it very frequently,

cast is feathered down. I

the slopes themselves play a huge

which explains why so many carp in

hit the clip with the correct

Although I mentioned the carp’s

Crafty Carper 088_091_30mOut_CC205.indd 2

89 11/08/2014 16:53





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