Crafty Carper January

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over £1500 o f b a i t a nd ta c k l e

FREE FISHING underwater cameras for all inside will it catch you more?


arper.c o

No.209 January 2015

January 2015 | Issue 209 | £4.10

everything you need for the weekend


Bite Indication

Get Crafty... GET CATCHING!

On sale 24th December 2014 – 21st January 2015

Change your lead setup to achieve the best results

Bait Tactics Tackle News Venues

off the deck

Why Zig Rigs score so well, even in the cold


How to boost the pulling power of your bait


Give your maggots an extra edge this winter

features from bartlett | warwick | paisley | lane | RUSSELL | cundiff 001_Cover_CC209.indd 1

05/12/2014 15:00

Crafty Carper /// Issue 209 /// January 2015 /// On the cover: Steve Spurgeon with a scale-perfect common caught during this month’s feature.


Editorial James Turner

Editor James looks at what’s in store for


Better Bite Indication Steve Spurgeon

Improving your bite indication at this time

you in this issue of Crafty Carper, and also


In Focus – Ion There’s a bit of a trend to equip yourself with

an underwater camera in order to get amazing shots of

of the year can give a better view of exactly

your prize being released, or keeping an eye on a margin

what’s going on out in the lake. We find

spot you’re priming. The options are endless, and here’s

out how with the help of Mr Spurgeon.

a new underwater camera option – and it’s camo too!

gives you his thoughts for the month.


The Knowledge Dave Lane

Laney sets his sights on a new target, and discovers that the Northey Park carp are a bit more wary than most. Find out how his latest adventure starts off on page 9.


Particles and Dips in Winter Mitch Smith

An approach which tends to be ignored during the winter months is one in which Mitch has huge confidence. Find out more on page 15.


Nash Competition Fancy winning a set of the

latest Nash Siren alarms? Silly question – of course you do! Who wouldn’t? Head over to page 24 because we’ve got over £900 worth to give away!


Get Out There Jason Umney

The hours of darkness are longer now than at any other time of the year, so take advantage of those fish which love to have a bit of a munch in the moonlight.


Crafty Catch Column Sponsored by Sticky Baits

This is the place to get your catch pictures published, so send them in to us, and you’re in with the chance of a great prize from those top guys at Sticky Baits.


The Good Ol’ Mono Rig Myles Gascoyne

Keeping rigs discreet is something which is practised by many, and Myles does exactly that with his trusty mono rig, which has done him proud of late. Find out how to create it on page 40.


Ramp Up Your Hookbaits Rich Seeds

Want to add more attraction to your hookbaits this month? If so, you’ll be pleased when you see this feature on page 43, as there are loads of edges for you to try out next time you’re on the bank.


The Great Crafty Debate This month’s panel of experts give

their opinions on fining-down the end tackle. Is there any point? Find out on page 48.




fish can still be found in the upper layers during the

many anglers switch to them for their winter

British Young Carpers’ champion, Michael

colder months, and nobody knows this better than

angling. We find out how Joe Atkinson gets

Bamber, checks in with his monthly

Mark Bartlett. Not many anglers fish this way in

the best from his and how he uses them.

blog. We’ve also got a new addition,

Zigs in Winter Mark Bartlett

Seen very much as a spring or summer tactic, the

winter, so he often uses that to his advantage.

My Take On Maggots Joe Atkinson

The glorious goots are devastating, and

Crafty Carper Under-21s Young Tyler Lane tells his story

in this month’s under-21s, while our 2014

as Troy Cavey becomes our Under-21s blogger abroad. This lad is mustard!


Crafty Carper

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08/12/2014 11:09



you can get 12 months of Crafty

and give you the low-down on

of experts. If you get your question

Carper delivered to your door,

what’s hot and what’s not. Plus

answered you’ll be receiving a cracking

along with a shedload of top-

the Crafty Team give you their

prize delivered straight to your door.

quality Gardner terminal tackle.

essential items this month.



essential, and having the right kit for

catches, he hauls! Turn to page

cuisine on the shelves of a tackle

the job is a must. This is especially

108 to find out his approach to

shop near you, as well as the

so when selecting a sleeping

working the swim successfully, and

Editor’s Choice of the month.

bag to keep you toasty warm, no

getting the most bites possible in

matter what the weather is like.

the time you have available.

Subscribe With Gardner Make the most of this

generous offer on page 57, as

Carp Food Here you’ll find the latest

and greatest products of carp


Sticky Baits Competition For the chance to win an

absolute stack of munga from the guys at Sticky Baits, all you have to do is

Carpers’ Kit We take a look at some of

the best products on the market,



The Question Is This month’s carping

conundrums are answered by our panel


One Bite At A Time

In Focus – JRC Keeping warm in winter is

In Focus – Phat Fish New clothing alert! We take

a closer look at the latest additions

Darren Belton

Big-carp-catcher Darren not only


Memories Of Winters Passed

Frank Warwick

check out the competition on page 63

to the extensive Phat Fish clothing

Frank looks at some of his past winters,

and then answer the simple question

range as the 2015 range is revealed.

as well as revealing a few nifty rig

which follows. If you win you’ll have boilies coming out of your ears.


Lessons From The Fish Tim Paisley


tweaks he has worked on to good effect. In Focus – Starbaits In the market for a new

rod? The M5 from Starbaits is well worth a closer look, and here you


Inbox Keep up to date with

what’s been going on, and you

Tim goes on a learning curve of a

can, by flicking to page 93. There’s

can also get in touch with us and

journey with his article this month,

something for every occasion here.

see who won the Facebook catch

as he looks at what he has learned from some of the trickiest fish in the business. You’re never too old to learn, and this man has always got questions he wants answering in his own mind.



competition in conjunction with Alternative Hookbaits

Fox International. This month we’re


also giving away a signed book.

Team Crafty If you fancy trying something a little different as a hookbait over the

The TicketMaster

coming months, or you’re trying to

We’ve got four day ticket


The Diary Of An Everyday Carp Angler

Julian Cundiff

beat a boilie ban on your club water,

Julian wrote a piece on his mush

fisheries from across the country in

you’ll be glad of the information

approach last month, so his diary this

the pages of TicketMaster this month,

we’ve put together on page 94.

month consists of 2 months in one.

and there are free fishing offers for every reader to take advantage of.


The Best-kept Secret Lewis Read


You might think that the captures have Subscribe with NGT Head over to page

101 if you want your favourite carp-angling magazine delivered

slowed down, but not for our man Jules.


Mega Deals If you’re up for a bargain

Visit our website to find your local stockist

Hugely underused yet massively

to your door each month, and take

effective, while not breaking the

advantage of an amazing free

over to page 130 to check out our

bank – bread is an all-out winter

gift from the guys at NGT. There

Mega Deals for some of the best offers

winner. Lewis gives his take

are two gifts to choose from.

from the country’s leading retailers.

then you’ll definitely want to head

on the magical white stuff.

Crafty Carper 004-005_Conts_CC209.indd 2




Contents /// January 2015

It “Rig orked w on kle Tac magic end r e i the C’s, th tely SS bsolu .” a my y ult e awa e r s m tam w e l t b Co Bill

5 T 07722 881 823 E 08/12/2014 11:10


Jason reveals why fishing through the colder months can be both rewarding and extremely productive.


have just returned from a hectic

going at times, but the rewards are

weekend at The Carp Society

certainly there for those who are

Show in Sandown, Surrey,

committed. More often than not,

which is the first consumer event

the banks are very quiet, so the

of the show season, and for most

carp receive less pressure and are

anglers it marks the start of the

usually at their biggest weights, as

winter. Whilst working on the Avid

well as displaying their stunning

Carp stand over the course of the

winter colours. For me, these reasons

weekend, one thing became very

alone make it the best time of the

apparent; lots of anglers hang up

year to be out there doing it.

their rods until spring as soon as the temperatures start to plummet. It actually really surprised me

If you’re considering doing a bit this winter, I think it’s a really good idea to fish short and organised

how many anglers believe carp

sessions. There’s nothing worse

fishing through the colder months

than sitting at the side of a lake for

is a complete waste of time. Don’t

days on end freezing your taters off,

get me wrong, it can be tough

especially if you’re blanking. Day

tHErE! angLEr prOFiLE.

jason Umney age 27 Hometown

Shrewsbury Occupation

Avid media co-ordinator UK personal best

35lb 8oz Favourite venue

Weston Park Did you know...

Jason has a secret man crush on Dave Magalhaes.


Crafty Carper

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08/12/2014 14:54

Get Out There! Jason Umney

sessions can be extremely productive

on the bank. It’s not carpy and it’s

winter target venue, try to get there

of anglers are intent on using super-

during the colder months, but due

not cool! Winter is a time to get a

as much as possible, especially if

slack lines. This style of indication

to work commitments and a busy

couple of bites, not fish for carp

you plan on doing overnight sessions

has its place on the right day, but

social life, most of my sessions are

which are just as tricky to catch

between work. Most anglers will tell

it’s not something I employ during

overnighters in between work. I often

through the summer months.

you that carp retreat into deeper

the colder months. Instead I like to

water during the colder months, but

fish bowstring-tight lines and fish

arrive at and leave the lake under the

Once you’ve found a venue that

cover of darkness. Although this may

you think is worth

seem like a nightmare to some, it’s

targeting, make sure

actually extremely enjoyable. As long

you stick with it.

as I’m wrapped up warm and have got

During the summer

access to coffee, I’m happy. Plus, it

months you can

beats watching rubbish midweek TV.

afford to flit around

If you’re serious about carp fishing

different venues

“Once you’ve found a venue that you think is worth targeting, make sure you stick with it”

don’t take this as

for liners. Should I receive a liner on

gospel. Carp are wild

one of my rods, this indicates that

animals and will

a carp has swam past my main line

go wherever they

between my lead and rod tip, so I reel

want, depending on

in my rig and cast it 5 yards shorter.

weather conditions,

I keep doing this until I eventually

angler pressure,

receive a bite and locate the fish.

and a whole host of

This may seem like a strange tactic,

factors which are

but it was extremely popular and

through the winter, it’s important

because the carp

that you pick a venue which contains

are extremely active

a good head of carp, or a lake that

and more catchable. This changes

well beyond our control. Don’t follow

very effective many years ago. It’s

has decent winter form. I’ve fished

when the temperatures plummet,

the textbook, follow your intuition.

strange how things change, isn’t it?

extremely difficult venues straight

but each session you spend on

through the colder months before,

the bank in the winter is one step

the carp in the colder months is to

then it’s simply a case of keeping

with nothing to show for my efforts

closer to catching your just reward.

fish for liners. For one reason or

your eyes peeled. During

another, on the modern scene, lots

the colder months, I have

after countless freezing nights

When you’ve settled on your

One of my biggest tips for locating

If the tight-line trick doesn’t work,

Crafty Carper 028-031_JasonUmney_CC209.indd 2

29 08/12/2014 14:54


Myles Gascoyne Age 42 Hometown

Winchester Occupation

Carp school coach UK personal best

43lb 10oz Favourite venue

Ashmead Did you know...

Mono Rig The Good Ol’

Back in 1995, Myles won the Blue Marlin Championship with a 953lb fish.

Why complicate things with rigs when there’s no need to

how I like when using critically-

some rig putty into it before threading

at all? Myles Gascoyne has had some great results using a

balanced baits. I use either a wafter

it onto the Hair, making sure the

or balanced pop-up, which is my

Hair goes through the centre of the

preferred presentation in the winter.

putty. You can remove, or add, tiny

Not only does a critically-balanced

pieces of putty to get the hookbait

bait come to rest on top of any

buoyancy absolutely perfect, which

basic monofilament rig, although there is a slight twist to it, which seems to pay dividends. Let’s take a closer look.


ith all the fancy, expensive

exiting the eye of the hook, but

bottom debris, such as dead weed,

is why I prefer it to using a split shot,

rig materials available to

it’s important to use a hook with

leaves, sticks, etc., it also takes less

with which you can’t be as precise.

us today, it’s easy to get

a straight eye, such as the Solar

effort for a fish to pick it up. The

caught up in the latest and greatest

Stronghold 101, because an in-turned

result is often that the hookbait

that this rig rarely tangles, and the

release, new trends, and to generally

can reduce the hook’s gape too much

ends up further back in the carp’s

supple Hair allows the balanced bait to

overcomplicate things. This rig is

and create a pressure point on the

mouth than perhaps it otherwise

sit almost directly on top of the hook,

one of my favourites, particularly

hooklink when you’re playing a fish.

would, which in turn leads to more

completely hiding it. This can give you

chance of the hook finding a hold

the confidence to use a larger hook

stiffness, mono is still

and a better hookhold when it does.

than perhaps you otherwise would,

more supple than

You can pinch a split shot onto

during the winter months,

Even with this inherent

and the majority of it is made from good ol’ monofilament. Unlike a basic mono rig though, this one has a slight but significant difference, which

“I’ve been using this for almost 9 years now, mainly during the winter months, with single hookbaits and tiny PVA bags of oily stick mix”

I’ll get to in a minute. Mono is often overlooked


which again helps with achieving a more secure hookhold. I’ve been

which helps the

up to balance it, but

using this for almost 9 years now,

rig to lie on the

my preferred way is

mainly during the winter months,

bottom better,

to bore a hole in the

with single hookbaits and tiny PVA

particularly when

bottom of the pop-up

bags of oily stick mix, or Solar’s

fishing in areas

and push

unique Up & Down Mix. CC

such as up against snags, where there’s

likely to be sticks and

as a rig material, or written off as

debris on the bottom which

being too basic, but it has a lot

the rig could be lying over.

going for it. It all but disappears

the Hair below a pop-

The stiffness of the mono means

You’ll notice that the

on the bottom in clear water and I

Hair on my rig is not made

have found it to be stronger than

from mono, and although a

fluorocarbon, which is why I prefer it.

small point, it’s a vital one. A mono

Mono also has an inherent stiffness,

Hair is stiff, which restricts the bait’s

which gives the rig a nice angle

movement and stops it from sitting A 20lb+ mirror caught using this exact rig in the depths of winter. It really does work.


Crafty Carper

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The Good Ol’ Mono Rig

Myles Gascoyne

HOW TO: Create Myles’ Good Ol’ Mono Rig

1 Firstly, take your preferred Hair braid and tie a simple loop, like so.

4 Now take the needle through the hole and putty and pull the Hair braid through the bait.

7 Now fold the Hair braid down the shank of the hook, like this - simple.

10 Here’s the finished article, ready to go out there and catch some carp.

2 Using a fine bait drill, make a hole in your chosen pop-up.

5 Add a sliver of silicone tubing to the Hair braid, as shown in the picture.

8 Take your chosen mono hooklink through the eye of the hook and tie a standard Knotless Knot.

3 Add a blob of putty to the hole you’ve created, just enough to sink the pop-up.

6 Take the hookpoint through the tubing, and the Hair braid through the back of the eye of the hook.

9 All that is left to do now is trim both tag ends and you’re finished.

11 Due to the added weight of the tungsten putty, this is how the hookbait will sit on the lakebed. Absolutely perfect, and all the added attraction of a pop-up fished as a bottom bait.

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41 05/12/2014 15:19


here’s something intrinsically

them to bag mixtures to help them

attractive about bread – it

spread out. Particularly in the winter,

screams food from the instant it

I almost always add a bit of finely

hits the water, leaching off a delicious

ground white bread to maggots. The

trail of particles and flavours. No

addition helps the bag explode and

need for a vast array of fancy modern

the bait go further, and it degreases

additives here, just the enriched

the maggots and gives them a tougher

wheat aroma and a wonderful visual

skin. This makes them easier to thread

colour which seems enough to tickle a

onto a piece of floss with a needle, or

carp’s taste buds (or olfactory glands),

onto a Covert Maggot Clip without self-

so that it can be tempted to sift the

destructing and oozing maggot innards

bottom until all the remaining particles


of food have been hoovered up. As far as I understand it, bread is

It’s Easy to Prepare

not exactly a nutritional marvel, but nevertheless, virtually everything

A fresh cheap white loaf and a

which swims, whether with fins and

blender is all you need to get started.

scales, or feathers and webbed feet,

Personally, I always blitz the absolute

goes crazy after the stuff. It’s

granny out of it, to make the

almost as if the milled

texture of the finished

seed and yeast has an

bread really fine

intoxicating effect

– almost like a

which triggers

groundbait. By

an automatic

using a nice


fresh loaf, you

response; they

end up with

can’t help

a lovely soft


liquidised bread

Using bread in various forms as bait has been around as long as there have been anglers on the

mixture which can be compressed nicely into a bread stick, or a small mesh bag using an Easi-Loada PVA

bank, and it was the very first bait

system. There’s no need to take off

on which I caught a carp. It was a

the crusts either. If you just use the

long, long time ago, and I used a bit

soft fluffy inner, I think you lose a bit

of crust on the bend of a hook, with a

of the overall allure. The crusts have

small piece of paste moulded around

a different, slightly stronger smell

the shank so that the hook would lie

and taste which adds to the overall

gently on the silty lakebed. It was

finished bread mix. Do at least one

heavy enough to flick next to the pads

loaf at a time and then put it in a

which gently knocked and swayed,

sealed plastic bag and freeze it, so you

betraying the presence of at least a

always have a decent supply whenever

few of the lake’s scaly inhabitants.

you fancy going fishing. I also use it

Whilst I would find it pretty hard to revert to that exact method of fishing with bread now (why that would be? I don’t know. Indoctrinated attitude

ABOVE I often use bread sticks to focus

the attention towards my hookbait. RIGHT There’s something

maybe), I often use bread sticks as

about bread which any waterliving animal can’t ignore.

a means of really focusing feeding

BELOW It’s vital to ensure you really

activity on my hookbait, and I also add

compress the bread within a stick.


Crafty Carper

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The Best-Kept Secret Lewis Read

for chub fishing in the winter, so it’s all an investment in effort which is worthwhile for fishing at some point, and just makes life so much easier.

ABOVE It’s quick and easy to add

a little extra attraction with your chosen liquid if needs be. BELOW My two favourite rigs for use with a bread stick mix.

A couple of years ago, I was fishing on Black Swan Lake, at Dinton Pastures Country Park. I

consequently I enjoyed a month or so of work nights which

was doing work nights

entailed bread sticks

in the bird-feeding

flopped in off the rod

area, and it was a

tips, with relatively

dream scenario

consistent success.

for the bread

Rig-wise, all

stick method

I needed was a

(*I’d checked

simple Trickster

with Simon the

braided hooklink,

head ranger, and

combined with a

fishing in there was

balanced slow-sinking

OK as long as I packed up and was gone before the

hookbait. I’m pretty sure it didn’t matter what the

park got busy). Just imagine the volume

hookbait was, but at the time I was

of bread which was deposited in the

using Carp Company Coconut pop-ups

area over the years! It meant that the

which I trimmed down to a core, so the

public had been baiting up for me and

weight of the hook caused them to

the fish were well used to sifting bits

sink down very slowly. The logic was

of bread safely off the bottom, and

that when the fish was sucking up the contents of a big chunky bread stick (no casting, remember), the hookbait and hook would invariably be sucked in as they devoured the patch of bread. It was so simple, and a really enjoyable bit of angling too. I was still baiting up with

TOP TIP: When threading a stick onto the hooklink, roll it in the palm of your hand while on the stick needle to create a decent bore for the hooklink to go through easily.

Crafty Carper 077-080_LewisRead_CC209.indd 3

79 08/12/2014 09:37



T E A M c r a f t y

If you want to be a little bit different in your hookbait choice, or even get around the likes of a boilie ban on your water, then an alternative hookbait is the way to go. Here are some of my favourites. Introduction

it was brilliant. The truth is, it is just

PVA bags, and that’s it. The only other

I’m often asked the question about

as good today and can be presented

type of meat I use regularly and have

which hookbait to opt for that isn’t a

in a wide variety of ways – flavour it,

the ultimate faith in is Peperami, in

standard boilie or pop-up, and it wasn’t

dye it – in fact you can do just about

green or red. In my opinion, this is a

until this last year that I actually

anything you like. My latest little trick

must-have, and I always have some in

asked myself the same question

is to use a Bell Ball Cutter to turn a tin

my bag in winter. For the best results

after beginning to fish a club water

of meat into perfectly round hookbaits,

I use a small lump of ’Rami with the

which had a boilie ban. In the past

which I put in a plastic bag and give

skin removed, or a cylinder punched

I’ve always advised people to use the

them a good sprinkling of cayenne

out of the centre of a disc. To give

same two or three hookbait options,

pepper. I finely chop the leftovers

the hookbait a bit of extra buoyancy, I

but when it came to thinking about

and mix with tiny pellets to use in my

add a disc of foam or a piece of plastic

being different in my own approach

corn, and again, any excess is finely

and actually having the time to ponder

chopped and mixed with pellets.

hookbait options daily, I realised that they really are endless – from lentils and the usual old-school cheese and meat-based products, right through to various kinds of fruit and veg. If you’re stuck with this problem or are just looking for something a little different to the norm as a hookbait option, here are a few alternatives, and how to get the best out of them. Meat

All those years ago when Noah was a lad, luncheon meat was one of the first baits I ever used for carp, and


Crafty Carper

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05/12/2014 17:19

Alternative Hookbaits Revealed Team Crafty


Many anglers shy away from using paste because they convince themselves that if will fall off the hook, but for short winter sessions on prolific venues it is deadly. You can buy off-the-shelf boilie paste from a wide variety of manufacturers and they all work brilliantly, or if you want to make your own it’s dead simple. Three of my favourites are tinned sardines, cat food, and dog food. Simply empty whatever you have chosen into a bowl and mash it up with a fork, and then add a boilie base mix and knead it until it forms a stiff paste. My last paste is trout pellet – get a couple of handfuls of pellets and add to a bait tub, cover them with boiling water for a couple of minutes, and then drain off the excess liquid and leave overnight. By morning it can be kneaded into a firm paste. All these baits will start dissolving from the moment they are cast out; they release loads of attractors and have a lovely soft texture that carp love. I’ve found that the best way to present them is to mount a piece of plastic corn onto the Hair and then mould the paste round that. This gives the paste an anchor point and allows you to cast out with surprising force, and also adds a tiny bit of buoyancy to the hookbait. Finally, if the paste dissolves you’ve got a hookbait over the top of a nice area of attraction, a little bit like a PVA stick. One thing is for sure – all the above have caught me stacks of cold-water carp. CC

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95 05/12/2014 17:19


Darren Belton Age 43 Hometown

Wells, Kent Occupation

Train driver UK personal best

45lb 6oz Favourite venue

Stoneacres Did you know...

Darren is competing with Ian Russell for the title of carp angler with the most tattoos.



BITE AT A TIME During the colder months, big-fish angler Darren Belton often retreats to a few easier waters to keep the action coming. But they aren’t always a pushover, and he recommends that you always fish with a plan.


Crafty Carper

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08/12/2014 13:54

One Bite at a Time

Darren Belton


t is good fun to tackle high-stock prolific waters any time

of the year, but it definitely comes into its own for me in winter, when bites on the big-fish waters I often tackle are few and far between. I choose to fish this type of venue from roughly November to the end of February, just so I can keep getting bites. After all, there’s nothing worse than sitting behind motionless indicators, week in, week out, especially when the weather is diabolical. With this in mind, I often spend a lot of time on Elphicks in Kent, which is a day ticket complex with a twist. There are several lakes there, all with a wide variety of different-sized carp. If I fancy a bit of a challenge, I tackle one of the big-fish waters like Pullens, and perhaps spend a few days there. If it’s a day session I fancy, then I head to the more prolific Prairie, a water

“If it’s a day session I fancy, then I head to the more prolific Prairie, a water where several fish in a short time is always a possibility”

where several fish in a short time is always a possibility. Even on this

To start with, I try to be as organised

and will get you a bite just about

type of water, I fish with a plan,

as possible, and have everything

anywhere. It is tied KD-style because

and it is perhaps more important

ready the night before. It’s amazing

the angle at which the hook sits is very

because time is of the essence.

how much time you waste doing stuff

aggressive, and is perfect for catching

BELOW LEFT Before I even consider

putting bait out, I just use small bags. BELOW RIGHT I always time my

recasts and baiting up so I can keep to a regular routine.

on the bank in the morning, and it is

the mouth of a rig-aware carp. The

contain a pinch of pellet and crumb.

often hard work. For the sake of a few

hook size is small enough to get a bite,

Finally, I add the baits, which are

ABOVE RIGHT Always be prepared

minutes at home, I often tie a few rigs

yet strong enough to bank the largest

10mm pop-ups; through experience, I

– it saves loads of time.

and bait them ready to go. I always use

of fish. The braid is essential, and is

know exactly which shot to add to just

BELOW It’s only when the fish

a Size 8 hook on a very supple braid

all I use, unless I’m fishing at extreme

sink them. The shot is on the Hair so

hooklink, tied KD-style to a 10mm

range. It allows the semi-buoyant bait

I get the advantage of the buoyancy,

pop-up with a shot on the Hair. The

to behave as naturally as possible,

but the bait stays close to

reason for this is simple; this rig works

something in which I set great store.

the bottom so it doesn’t


have proved they are feeding that I start applying bait. BELOW INSET Boilie crumb – they just can’t resist it.

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08/12/2014 13:55
















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An Evening of Carp (Doncaster) is back. After much demand we are pleased to announce that we will be returning to the Holiday Inn Doncaster. Our guest speakers for the evening are the legendary Frank Warwick and the one and only Alan Blair from Nash Tackle, the original Urban Banx angler. More details will be announced in the coming issues of Carpworld and Crafty Carper and also on our Facebook pages. • Cost of entry is £5.00 per person, payable on the door • There will be a raffle in conjunction with the PAG, with some great prizes to be won • Licensed bar on site • Doors open at 6.30 p.m.



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• Doors close at 11.00 p.m. (approximately) • There will be trade stands from Angling Publications and The Predation Action Group, others to be announced


An Evening of Carp (Doncaster) is being held on the evening of Friday 30th January 2015 at The Holiday Inn Doncaster A1(M) Jct 36. High Road, Warmsworth, Doncaster DN4 9UX. Accommodation is available for anyone wanting to stay over and can be arranged directly with the hotel. The event organisers are Angling Publications Limited, and any questions (excluding accommodation) should be directed to

We are pleased to announce that all visitors will receive a special gift from Nash Bait on arrival, comprising three hookbaits and a 200g sample of one of the brand new baits due to launch early in 2015.

The event is being held at the Doncaster Holiday Inn (A1 (M) Jct 36) • Pay on the door • £5.00 per head • Doors open 6.30 p.m. Rooms are available for anyone wishing to stay over at the rate of £70.00 B&B based on a twin or double room. For reservations call the Holiday Inn, Doncaster on 01302 799988.

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Doncaster Holiday Inn (A1 (M) Jct 36) Warmsworth, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN4 9UX Tel: 01302 799988 Fax: 01302 310197 ROAD: A1 (M) Junction 36 to A630 (T) Rotherham RAIL: Doncaster Station 3 miles AIR: Doncaster Airport 12 miles DIRECTIONS TO DONCASTER HOLIDAY INN From the A1 (M) Southbound/northbound leave at Junction 36. Take the A630 in the direction of Rotherham. The hotel entrance is 100 yards on the left-hand side. From the M1 M1 Junction 32 to M18. M18 Junction 2 A1 (M) northbound. Take Junction 36 for Rotherham/Doncaster (A630). Turn left at the roundabout (signposted Rotherham). The hotel entrance is 100 yards on the left-hand side. From the M62 M62 Junction 33 to A1 southbound. Leave at Junction 36. Take the A630 in the direction of Rotherham. The hotel entrance is 100 yards on the left-hand side. From Doncaster Town Centre Take A630 to Rotherham until you reach the A1 roundabout, go straight over the roundabout and the entrance to the hotel is 100 yards on the left-hand side.

23/10/2014 15:41

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