2 minute read
Editor’s Letter
Welcome to the Launch Issue of Divorcing Well Magazine!
Monique, with three of her grandkids and four rescue pups. Each of us who have experienced divorce have a story and it’s probably neither simple nor amusing. We have quite possibly learned more than we ever wanted to know about the California family law code and have likely learned it the hard way. Because we’re trying to get our emotional bearings early in our divorce journey, we can be at risk of making costly decisions, like perhaps hiring the wrong attorney. This can potentially lead to years of disappointment as well as emotional and financial stress. Sadly, we sometimes realize we’ve made grave mistakes when it’s too late to make changes. Even couples who prior to the wedding day have sensibly constructed a prenup may not have every detail covered; some matters related to divorce cannot be prearranged. We can’t foresee the wild ride we may experience through a painful breakup while we’re preparing for marital bliss. We can’t anticipate the psychological toll we’ll suffer when a custody order strips us of a percentage of time with our kids. And we can’t imagine that the person with whom we will exchange vows may someday become someone who wants to destroy us. Even in the best-case scenario, divorce is not an easy experience, and in the most complicated cases, it can devastate individuals on a variety of levels. When a couple is married, they are not handed instructions about what to do if the marriage goes south. Most couples who tie the knot don’t go through a ceremony with the idea that the marriage may not work. On our wedding day, we have the expectation of a happily ever after. After my second divorce, I realized that I could have been spared much of the heartache and hassle had I been equipped with better information. I spent nearly $300k on legal fees but paid an even costlier price physically and emotionally because of the tremendous distress associated with the long and arduous process. There were many times I asked, “how can this be fair … or even legal?” And after opening yet another $23,000 invoice from my lawyer, wondered “when will this end?!” This is precisely why Divorcing Well magazine has been created. It’s a guide for individuals coming to grips with a relationship that is fractured beyond repair. The content we feature is designed to inform men and women about significant details pertaining to divorce so they can make wise decisions at every turn. Our objective is to help the soon to be divorcée become a better, smarter, healthier, and happier person not just when the divorce is complete, but every step across the process. I hope that this magazine, through the pieces by leading experts and articles featuring personal accounts, will equip readers to make more educated decisions. Thank you for picking up this copy. Our hope is that this publication will help you be well legally, emotionally, physically, financially and in every way imaginable. Warmly,
Monique Reidy