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Flourishing Physically
5 Simple, Natural Ways to Boost Immunity
Your body’s immune system protects against illness and infection, fighting off threats before you even know there’s a problem. Even though your immune system usually does its job automatically, you can give it a boost with habits that promote wellness and support immunity.
Eat healthy fruits and vegetables.
Although you may not be aware they contain flavonoids, these phytochemicals found in some fruits and veggies are a vital part of maintaining health. Flavonoids are found in colorful fruits and vegetables like cranberries and elderberries. When it comes to power foods, elderberries’ exceptional flavanol levels make them an immune system powerhouse. Especially important during cold and flu season, elderberries can also be enjoyed in a cup of warm tea for instant comfort.
Reduce stress with outdoor activity.
Keeping physically fit provides numerous health benefits such as reducing stress by being one with nature through taking a walk outside. The sun’s UV rays help your body produce vitamin D, which is important for your bones, blood cells and immune system, as well as helping absorb and use certain nutrients. Yoga and massage can also be used to help stimulate the immune system and promote well-being.
Rely on natural remedies.
Modern, stressful lifestyles and exposure to environmental pollutants can put immune systems under pressure. However, some of your existing soothing rituals can actually support better health, too. One example is relaxing with a hot cup of tea. The natural and organic ingredients found in Buddha Teas provide numerous health benefits. Options like Mushroom Wellness, Divine Immunity, Elderberry Tea and Reiki Mushroom blends all contain immunity-boosting ingredients.
While they’re not an obvious ingredient, mushrooms have been incorporated into healing practices for thousands of years for their immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich properties. There are several powerful medicinal mushrooms but one stand-out is the reishi mushroom, known as the “mushroom of immortality” and “divine plant of longevity.” This anti-inflammatory powerhouse is known to promote healthy cell growth and healthy blood pressure, along with improving immune function.
Keep a regular sleep schedule.
Sleep gives you an opportunity to recharge. This is when cellular regeneration and other healing is most efficient. Keeping a regular routine helps signal to your system that it’s time to rest so you can fall asleep easier and reap the whole-body benefits of a healthy sleep cycle.
Wash hands frequently.
Especially during the school year, when germs are rampant and easily carried from school to home, you can give your immune system a hand, literally, by frequently scrubbing away germs before they have the chance to attack.
A Golden Way to get Better Sleep
While golden milk has become a trendy beverage of choice, this comforting, herb-filled blend is actually ancient. For thousands of years, golden milk has been an Ayurvedic ritual, with Indian families enjoying a warm nightly cupful before bed.
In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric, the main component in golden milk, is thought to impart the energy of the sun to the body, hence its radiant, golden color. Turmeric’s documented healing properties impart substance to this traditional “elixir,” and have given golden milk a reputation as a healing cup of comfort.
In addition to improving physical and mental well-being, regularly drinking golden milk has the potential to lessen your chance of becoming ill in the first place. It’s also an anti-inflammatory that supports healthy digestion and promotes calm.
This turmeric-dominant blend includes ginger root and black pepper to aid digestion; ashwagandha to tonify, energize and calm; and cardamom, nutmeg, and vanilla bean, all meant to encourage rejuvenation and peace. Consider an option like Buddha Teas’ CBD Organic Golden Milk, which includes a THC-free CBD isolate for added wellness benefits.
Prepared by mixing with a warm cup of your favorite milk, the smooth, slightly sweet, pungent brew offers a soothing treat just before bed. Many people also enjoy golden milk prepared cold. O

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Greg Ellis: The Respondent

On March 5, 2015, Greg Ellis’ life changed forever. The actor, who portrayed Lieutenant Commander Groves in the Pirates of the Caribbean Franchise; Chief Engineer Olsen in J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek; had roles in “24;” “Hawaii Five-0;” and voice-over character portrayals too numerous to list; had met with fellow actor Andy Garcia earlier in the day. From there, he spoke to Sharon Stone about a possible project, met with his agent and recorded a voiceover for a Disney show. Ellis’ wife Dana was out of town, and he was at home playing with his two boys, ages ten and eight, when he answered the front door to find two LAPD policemen in front of him. They proceeded to ask him about the safety of his sons. They informed him that they had received a call from someone stating that he had threatened to harm his children. From that moment until now, his life turned upside down. The officers would not reveal who had made the accusation. There was no assumption of innocence. He was handcuffed and taken away into a quagmire of the family court system, bloated with indifferent judges, ruthless lawyers, and archaic laws, all chronicled in his compelling book,
The Respondent: Exposing
the Cartel of Family Law, which took six years to write. During our interview, Ellis sums it up: “The cartel of family law showed up on my doorstep, stole my freedom, kidnapped my children and murdered my family. I know it sounds like a Hollywood movie trailer for a psychological thriller, but that was my real-life experience.”
Q: Your book is heartbreaking.
A: It is one of the reasons why I created the non-profit and I have dedicated the rest of my time on this earth to advocating for families, parents and children. My sons, who are the meaning of my life, are gone. I can’t help them, but I certainly can be a father figure to many others, hopefully, and lead by example and put my story out there.
Q: It is hard to fathom that you had to let go of your sons. I understand that it was your final gift of love to them to not put them through the tug of war.
A: That was a particularly difficult passage to write –that one page, the letter to my boys. I think I tried it 56 times and 55 of them I just broke down and couldn’t type. Part of this is that it is so

important that people are given hope that they are not alone in this corrupt and dystopian nightmare of a system. I was blessed in many regards. I had a few friends who stuck by me and afforded me support. I didn’t necessarily have family support, but family is friends we make along the way. Sometimes it takes a day and sometimes it takes a lifetime to bring about change.

Q: It’s crazy that the judges didn’t even read your stellar psychiatric evaluations.
A: They didn’t care. They’re a legal system, not an emotional support system.
Q: But it was a required ticket to your children.
A: I had many tickets. August 6, 2015, was what I called my golden ticket. Judge Shelly Kaufman gave me three months if I was clean in my drug tests. I didn’t have a history of drugs. That was my pathway. And a week before, I had a lemon poppy seed muffin, which came up as opiates. And my ex-wife’s skillful attorney got it before a judge with no history of the case and just presented me as a drug addled, crazy, mentally imbalanced demon. The judges don’t want to make a bad determination that will come back to bite them.

Q: You were completely blindsided. You never saw any of it coming?
A: I had been married for 20 years. It wasn’t even an afterthought, the notion of divorce. We didn’t have any issues that would have led us to divorce. There wasn’t any disharmony.
Q: Divorce is one thing. This was complete assassination.
A: And this happens more often than we want to believe. We live in a culture where man has been devalued, where many groups and organizations want to do away with the male.
Q: Why are the courts so biased against men?
A: I think to a degree the system is biased towards families. It doesn’t really help families. It purports to do that, but it doesn’t. I think there’s a cancel culture. There’s a Me Too monologue and we needed a Me Too dialogue. I think there have been a lot of innocent men in the idea of all men are bad and we should believe all women. We should not believe all women, just like we should not believe all men or believe anyone, as a whole. We have to treat each case individually, look at the facts and the evidence. Everyone should be innocent until proven guilty and yet we don’t have a presumption of innocence in the one branch of our legal system where it should be the most important, which is family law. Why do criminals get a presumption of innocence and parents, partners and exspouses and by “de-facto” children get no presumption of innocence? It’s guilty until proven more guilty.
Q: Tell us about CPU (Children and Parents United), the non-profit group.
A: As I was preparing for the book to come out, I wanted to create something that was sustainable and had a sense of mission and purpose, so CPU was born. America is the world leader of children growing up in single parent households. There are many reasons for that: systemic, social policy, state legislation and laws, our approach to divorce court, how we generationally and intergenerationally approach relationships and the unification of marriage. So the mission of CPU is to promote and improve child wellbeing by providing information and resources to policy makers, legislators, practitioners and the general public, that result in enhanced relationships and reduced conflict for those children and parents navigating our current family law system. We’re building out three cost effective areas – CPU Communications, CPU Mediations and CPU Law – to keep families out of court. O