Section A | Opening Note You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mahatma Gandhi I far as I can remember I have always followed this with my heart. Since I was a kid all I wanted to be is a change agent, to bring change to the world and I have always believed this as my purpose in my life. I think that everyone wants to make a change but no one wants to get up and do it, everyone wants others to do it for them. Prior to joing AIESEC I was involved with many societies and fests in the campus and I used to look for opportunities that aligns with my purpose and my principles. But none gave me the satisfaction of working towards something good, something great. Joining AIESEC gave me a clear view about what I want in life and what I expect from life. This experience made me a more aware person, more determined and hard working. AIESEC gave me the joy of working for a change and now I think I am capable of giving something in return and make a change of my own. I want to step up, take this opportunity and make the best of it, influence and try to change for the better of the entity that in the past gave so much to me. My motivation comes from passion for this area and from determination. I strongly fight for things I want and believe in, I never give up! AIESEC Thapar University is constantly growing and we are growing with it. This journey has got me into another level of thought process, confidence and thrist. A thirst to have a bigger change, to be the change and to 'revolutionize' the meaning of change. Let’s ’Revolutionize Change’.
Section B | Personal Information Name E-mail Phone No Address Date of Birth
Ayush Jaiwal, +91-8872230050, +91-9050982959 H.No. 262, Sector-14 Rohtak-124001 October 3, 1991
Academic Qualifications Year Degree/Certificate
Institute/School, City
B.E. (Electronics-Instrumentation & Control Engineering)
Thapar University, Patiala
Class 12th, CBSE
Tagore Public School, New Delhi
Class 10th, CBSE
Model School, Rohtak
Academic Achievements • Top 1.5% among nearly 450,000 aspirants appearing for IIT-JEE 2010. • Received the certificate of merit in Maths, Science, IT in class X Boards and in English in XII Boards. • Won the North Zone Round of Intel-CBSE Science Talent Discovery Fair (2005) at Gurgaon and Represented North Zone in the National Finals at Bangalore in 2005. • Won the State Level Environmental Science Quiz in 2006.
Additional Experiences
Skills MS Office Internet Adobe Photoshop Business Development Marketing Market Research Event Management
Excellent/Good/Average Excellent Excellent Good Excellent Good Excellent Good
Extra-curricular Activities
Working as an active member of Dramatics team, TNT (Thapar Nautanki Team) of the Thapar University. Active member of Literary Society of Thapar University.
Joint Secretary of SPIC MACAY, Thapar University Chapter.
Interests Photography Dramatics Blogging Swimming Billiards/Snooker Travelling Music
Section C | AIESEC Experience 1. List all positions held in AIESEC along with duration of the role. Also briefly elaborate on your contribution/performance, as well as the main learning you derived from each role.
2. What have been your main achievements and non achievements in AIESEC in the past? (Mention a max of three each) Achievements 1. Getting selected as Manager, Business Development, managed to expand into NUL, Patiala 2. A life changing experience as the GCDP in China 3. Attended SRC as the OC where I learnt more about AIESEC and understanding its full value propositions. Non-Achievements 1. Not becoming TL BD 2. Not getting selected in JNC On site OC 3. Failure of Smokilling as the social cause event
These Achievements and Non-achievements have been a learning experience throughout, its because of these what I am today! I have seen a substantial growth within me as a member, Manager and as a person. I have become more matured with my AIESEC experience.
3. Describe the experience of being a part of the Leadership Body/Management Body of AIESEC Thapar University. How do you think other members on the team would evaluate your contribution to the team & LCs organizational direction? The experience of being a part of the Leadership Body/Management Body of AIESEC TU has been a really challenging and a satisfying one. My first task after coming in the MB was getting contacts in RGNUL, then organizing an Information Seminar and setting up a first step in the direction came with lots of difficulties and bottlenecks. Though we were not able to raise any one from RGNUL this time, the whole experience provided me with a vast knowledge of how to penetrate into a potential OGX market. The first step into MB was actually the hardest, because then I had an amazing set of people around me, always on their toes to help each other. It was like I found a new family. It is simply great when you meet people who share your thoughts and dreams. What AIESEC TU is right now, is because of this awesome team!
4. What are your three basic Learning’s/Values for life, which you have derived through your AIESEC experience? (Answer objectively)
Patience Understanding people Getting up after failures
Section D | Motivation 1. Why did you decide to run for LCC of AIESEC in Thapar University? What are the qualities required for this role & what makes you best suited for this role? I am applying for this term because I want to make a difference in our organization, in my life and in the life of others. Being part of this organization has always been a great passion to me, I have always enjoyed even being a part of this big machine, adding to it and benefiting from other experiences and knowledge; and with no doubt, I have met some of the most knowledgeable people I know. Today is the time I take a bigger step and aim higher, have a larger part and give more to the platform that offered me great experience and knowledge, as time passed I realized that the more time I invest in AIESEC the more experience I get, hence, the decision to invest more time in it. The main motivation to apply as an LCC stems from the urge of having a greater impact on this entity, I have a vision for the part I am leading and I am striving to apply this vision to make a change. The contribution I offer isn’t only limited to performance and commitment, it also includes an addition to the entity spirit. For this role, I believe LCC need to possess;
2. Highlight your time commitment throughout the whole of next year (till Dec 2013; Academic or otherwise). Ideally, how much time should an LCC give to his role?
A leader has to be available to his team every time and leadership doesn’t follow any time specifications. And I am ready for such commitment. Plus working in an organization such as AIESEC I have learnt how to manage my time well.
Apart from that I will be busy in March & September for two weeks for my Mid-semester Tests and in May & December for three weeks for End-semester Tests. Regarding the amount of hours, I actually don’t think it’s about a fix number. There will be weeks where you must invest 25 or 30 but others when 45 hours will not seem enough. But on an average, if I have to say it will be around 42 hours per week. I consider is not about the amount of hours, but about the results and process you can reach from those hours, how effective you can implement your time and the of your team members.
3. What is your vision for AIESEC in Thapar University for the year ahead? What legacy would you want to leave behind? Also, frame a mission statement for the LC for 2013. I want to see AIESEC TU developing as an entity as I have done as an individual. Becoming an OE, then concentrating on operations and programs to sustain a stable and constant growth figure. Create leaders that would take it to the newer heights. Mission Statement We aspire to be relevant by pioneering Youth Leadership and by becoming the first choice partners in the region, thus creating a positive mark on the society. 4. Describe your leadership style? Explain how your style will be suitable for AIESEC Thapar University in it’s current state. I think AIESEC in Thapar University needs an Aggressive and Aligned leadership. Leadership that knows its current stand and strives towards what it wants to achieve while keeping in mind the vision of the organisation. I believe that I am perfectly aligned with AIESEC’s vision and what it stands for. As a leader I am passionate towards what I do and whom I lead. At the same time I have an aggressive approach towards my targets. In my term I have aligned my department to our vision and made sure that the experiences that we deliver are of the best quality possible. AIESEC in Thapar University requires leadership that is Strong but not stronger or bigger than the organisation and its beliefs. A leader should never be bigger than the organisation and I completely agree with this. AIESEC in Thapar University needs a leader who has Faith and Belief in his/her ability to lead change. I do not lose faith in my beliefs easily. I have believed in myself and my team and the ability to create and adapt to change throughout this year. We changed the way we operate and the way we think and I am happy to have successfully led this change in my portfolio.
Section E | General Questionnaire 1. Make an analysis of AIESEC’s key competitors in the region (Local Chapter Geographical region) and what challenges they present to AIESEC and what can we learn from them. As far as our core operation is concerned there are no competitors in the region.
No learning, as AIESEC is much better than the other external organizations is its operations and processes.
Section F | LC Administration 1. List down the different aspects of the job role of an LCC. Aspects
Job Role
Action Plan
Management and Accountability
Financial handling and auditing
Manpower management to ensure performance tracking, accountability and synergy between the departments
Reporting on Entity’s status to national level Strengthen the management of entity to ensure efficiency, accountability and sustainability of operations and processes
Task force creation Timely reporting/ auditing Proper paper work to be carried out Defining team purpose and goals
Strategic Planning
Responsible for the direction and development of the Local Committee
Aligning the targets with National goals
Channelizing Strategies and implementing them effectively
Making sure that MB attends the commission and report back
Heading all the task forces
Focussing on the major focus areas set for the term
Stress on focus areas Administration
Maintain University Relations Identify and develop culture and identity of the entity Board of Advisor management
Implementation of proper processes and operations Regular meetings with Board of Advisors Operational and strategic tracking
Representing the Local Committee in at national/international forums/conferences and all external events
Being present in all the External and Internal forums/events/conferences along-with the MB
Leadership Body
Reviewing the MB performance
Monthly and quarterly reviews
Training to the MB
Internal LEADs
Leading MB
MC visits
Leadership pipeline
2. Analyze the trends of the past two years (including 2012) of AIESEC Thapar University’s strategic direction (include performance & culture). How do you see the organization direction of AIESEC Thapar University’s shaping up in the coming two years? Also, give a SWOT analysis of the LC for 2012. SWOT
3. What focus areas do you propose for AIESEC in Thapar University in 2013? Give action steps that will contribute to these focus areas. Focus Areas
Action Steps
Driving growth in programmes
Strengthening Exchange departments by more members and operational training for members Expanding exchange market Marketing campaigns More EwA activities
Marketing and IM
Partnerships with Media (Radio, Print, Outdoor, Online) and with other external organizations Extensive Marketing through physical and online modes Specialized recruitment for Marketing and IM External collaborations for Marketing training for members TL IM to be introduced in LB
Leadership and culture management
Setting up of department culture Regular MBM’s and GBM’s Proper engagement plans for the LC Members Conducting EB Team days, EB-MB team days, LC Days Introduction of a two day ‘Local Strategic Seminar’
University relations
Setting up of a BoA
4. Propose the organizational structure that you plan to follow for the next year including the middle level management, functional roles as well LC entities.
Local Committee Coordinator
TL Finance
TL Marketing
Manager IR
Manager IR
Manager iGCDP
Manager Events
Manager Partnerships
Exchange Coordiantor
Manager oGIP
Manager iGIP
Manager ER
Manager Social Media
Task Force: For Q2, after a stable membership in hand, I plan to create two task forces from the MB for better efficiency and working of the operations and processes.
5. Layout a synergy plan & accountability structure between different portfolios in the LC. How will you as LCC ensure you track common bottom-lines of two VPs? (Also consider LC Entities, EwA and LLC activities into account) ICX ICX
IR Strategies, LC – LC partnerships, TMP TLP On Exchange for OGX Raising
Forums/Session to get volunteers.
Knowledge Management, Virtual Spaces,
Talent Planning Support, MB, CEEDs
Finance Model, Budget, Project Feasibility
Online Campaigns, Partnerships, Events
Feedback Mechanism, Website Promotion
Recruitment, EP Induction, CEED, Talent Planning
Investment in CEEDs
Feedback Mechanism
Product Packaging, MDPs
Member XP
Budgeting of LC merchandise (T-shirts & bands etc.)
Member Data, Documentation
Financial tools
IR Strategies, LC – LC partnerships, TMP TLP On Exchange for OGX Raising
Project Documentation, Reports, XP Sharing
Expansion knowledge
External Communication
Feedback Mechanism, Implementation of policies
implementation through MDPs
Project knowledge, Funding
Talent Sponsorships, Event Selling
Product Packaging, Standardized Proposal
Knowledge Management
TMP TLP On Exchange, Appraisals
Raised EP data
Promotion for TMP, Partnerships, Campaigns
LEAD partner, Recruitment partner
Logistical Management
Funding for communication channels
Planning according to budget deficits
6. Give an activity calendar of AIESEC in Thapar University for the year 2013. Event
Time Line
Youth to Business
Giving the youth an opportunity to interact with the Corporate
Global Village
OGX centric
MNC preparation meeting
Corporate Fair & Flash Mob
A outdoor media strategy to attract local businesses towards AIESEC TU
JNC preparation meeting
Lead Session places
Local Strategic Seminar
Operational training
Post NSC planning
Event Selling, Inkind support
RnR, subsidies, CEEDs
Awards Night
Last LCM, passing on the baton
7. Critically analyse the culture of AIESEC in Thapar University. What aspects of the current culture will you retain and what aspects will you change in the coming year? How do you plan to do the same? The culture of AIESEC TU is in it’s nascent stage. We are doing good in membership retention but a lot has to be done. The members are not much aligned with the MB and LC goals, very low accountability and sense of ownership is there. The thing which I would like to maintain is the bond and the dedication. As AIESEC in TU is a young entity, it can still be moulded in a good shape, so we can definitely add something to it rather than changing cause luckily there are no negative trends because there are no trends. I would like to introduce following things which will bring the sense of ownership, professionalism, synergy, accountability and respect for the hierarchy:
Formation of core values and making sure that they are followed. EB and MB having their own stand and vision aligned with LC’s vision. Setting up of department culture Respecting the hierarchy Getting the members connected with the higher purpose and vision Proper engagement plans for the LC Members Conducting EB Team days, EB-MB team days, LC Days and LCongs.
Section G | Programmes 1. Please give your (probable) targets for the next year. Please justify the same. GCDP ICX
Minimum Promise
2. State your understanding of the inter-relation between the 4 ELD programs. What do you propose for 2013 that will ensure capitalization of this inter-relationship?
Global Learning Environment
Leadership Opportunities TLP Please refer to TM and programs section for the action plan for capitalization of the inter relationship.
3. List down any innovation(s) that you intend to bring in Program departments/teams. GCDP OGX 
I plan to create two specialized units, one in RGNUL, Patiala and one in Kurukshetra.
Stress on CEEDs
Tapping on the vast engineering market we have in the college, plus the MCA/MBA market, which can provide a stable operation. Setting up of a GIP OGX board comprising of faculty members from the university.
Task Forces As mentioned earlier, I plan to create two task forces in Q2. Please refer to question 4 in section F.
Section H | Functions
External Relations 1. What is your understanding of External Relations and Business Development? What all according to you falls under the purview of the portfolio? Anything that happens outside the University, and outside the organization, is the area of responsibility in Business Development. The main goal is to attract, create and build partnerships with external organizations via different products and platforms that we provide and use to maintain the relationships. This involves resource generation, in kind generation, BoA management, partnerships and MDPs. Creating new events and products which in turn help in boosting the operations also comes under this portfolio.
2. Give your (probable) ER target for the next year. Justify the same, considering the ground realities faced in the LC in 2012. Last year we were able to generate 2.2 Lakhs for Smokilling, and that was because of a good product and a good selling technique. I am sure with new products coming up and after Y2B plus with a proper BoA, we will be able to generate 2.5 lakhs easily. Getting members on Advisory Board and meeting with them at-least 4 times a year Maintaining CR Tool Market research team Proper research and Planning Product Packaging Stress on product creation Better sales kit and preparation Doing MDP’s so that it supports Exchange Portfolios as well as
3. What sources of revenue do you propose that will bring in regular income to the LC (apart from direct exchange programs)?
Financial Management 1. Describe your understanding of the role of Vice-President Finance in the LC. The Finance department takes care of all earnings from various sources and efficient and economic utilization of these earnings in various projects. The members of the finance team are engaged in all financial aspects of our work. This extremely multifunctional work field consists not only of classical financial business like accounting or controlling but also of the area of project support and consulting. Ensuring transparency and clarity in all financial matters is one of the most important tasks of TL Finance. Budget preparation and reviewing plus presenting the inflow/outflow to the entity is the responsibility of TL Finance.
2. Define a financially sustainable LC. How do you envision AIESEC Thapar University in 2013 with respect to financial sustainability? A financially sustainable entity is one, which can support its activities and events through its operations. Technically, inflow is always greater than the outflow. Action Plan:
Interpreting the number of exchanges to be done in the entity in that quarter Pricing of products Making strategic moves to make sure that growth brings maximum money in. Investing model to be designed Book-keeping Accounting Tally Planning and determining areas of investments Passing budgets for events Making proper and concrete processes and policies
3. Attach an outline budget with respect to your ELD program targets, including ER income from events, collaborations etc. Inflow Source
External Relations
ICX (Intern Parties, Reception etc.)
LCMs and LC Day
Contingency and Travel
Expansion Initiatives
Fixed Deposit
Amount with Entity
Talent Management 1. What is your understanding of the distinction between TM as a function and TM as a program? Evaluate the performance of both in 2012. TM as a Function involves:
Recruitment drives PGS Promotion and Induction Departmentalization Preparing learning modules
TM as a Program involves:
Good TMP/TLP experiences Strengthening membership base
2. Analyze the recruitment’s conducted this year. What innovations do you propose in the existing processes to make them even more effective for next year? Recruitments held this year were the first recruitments ever held in AIESEC TU and we also got a good response. Where we lacked was the Marketing strategies that were employed plus the selection criteria. Also recruitments were held late and thus all the new recruits missed the RYLC. Innovations to be proposed this year:
Capturing the good first year people during the first month only Talking to parents during counselling LEAD session to be delivered Promotional events to be done during recruitments Training the selection team well before selection starts Timely promotions, timely selection and induction before RYLC.
Marketing 1. What emphasis does Marketing as a function hold currently for AIESEC in Thapar University? Critically analyze the same. Also evaluate its contribution to growth in ELD programs. Marketing as a function in AIESEC TU is in a very bad shape, till now it just had the importance of a designing team. Also, a good membership strength is necessary which lacked this year. I don’t relate the success of our programs with marketing because comparing the products and the opportunities we had to offer, marketing was a low affair this year.
2. How should Marketing evolve in the LC in 2013? How do you see it contributing to ELD programs in 2013? o
o o o o
Marketing as function is very critical to the growth and success of AIESEC in TU. With so many engagement opportunities for students at the university level, right from the starting of recruitments, we need to have properly devised marketing campaigns. Specifically trained teams for handling physical and online campaigns. A separate media and PR team to boost partnerships through various channels. Recruitments for IM and marketing to be done separately External training sessions for the team
As I have already mentioned, I plan to expand AIESEC TU’s outreach in the region. Marketing will definitely play an important role in this because for externals what this portfolio showcases is us. As for ELD programs, marketing can help them grow exponentially.
Showcasing what is required/needed Tapping the right market Initiating strategies and partnerships at the right time. Creating a good internal brand for AIESEC TU Also maintaining a proper external image for us