Annual Report: Moving in the Spirit

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Repor t l a u n n A 4 1 2013-20

“We are a family.” I hear this declaration often at Moving in the Spirit. It’s expressed by students when their peers give them encouragement during a particularly hard time. It’s voiced by parents when they form unexpected friendships while waiting lifelong bonds and now watch their own children dance together.

Our donors are our family as well. Ralph Edwards, an entrepreneur and community leader, was introduced to us ten years ago. He is a Principal of EBS Property Investments, a commercial real estate company he built from the ground up. Having had of giving back. Over the years he has harnessed his connections to open many doors for Moving in the Spirit. His Founding Fathers giving circle has raised over $100,000 for our Men in Motion program. And it doesn’t end there. Philanthropy is an Edwards family value. Ralph's eldest daughter Colie, a dancer, began volunteering as a teacher in 2005. It wasn’t long before she was asked to join our Board of Directors and chair our much-loved Holiday Store, where students use “points” they earn in class to “buy” gifts for their loved ones. Colie engaged her sister, Tyler Gardner, to help co-chair the event. Over the past nine years, the sisters have generated $163,000 in donations for the Holiday Store and impacted over 1,800 children. The donors cultivated, the events hosted and the funds awarded from the Edwards Family Fund have added over $1 million to our bottom line. Yet, what touches me most is the way the Edwards family personally connects with our young people.

I remember several years ago when Colie choreographed a work for our teen and felt insecure and anxious about her ability to perform. Colie encouraged her and took time to give her extra practice, all the while saying, “You got this. You can do this.� She never gave up on Autumn, and when the show With our new year underway, our classes are full and we are embarking on the next phase of our strategic plan, which focuses on accommodating our growing family and preparing for a strong future. All of our success we owe to you, our donors. Our work together has impacted thousands of lives, and we now have the opportunity to impact thousands more. The journey ahead will be full of excitement and challenges, and I know in my heart we will be successful. After all we are a family, and we can do this. With love,

Dana Marie Lupton Executive & Artistic Director Ralph Edwards and his daughters, Tyler Gardner and Colie Neidlinger.

Mission & Vision Moving in the Spirit is an award-winning youth development program that integrates high-quality dance instruction with performance, leadership and mentor opportunities for young people in Atlanta, Georgia. Our mission is to educate, inspire and unite young people through dance, propelling them to become compassionate leaders.

Honors & Successes •

100% of Moving in the Spirit’s seniors graduated from high school

Governor Nathan Deal presented Moving in the Spirit with a 2013 Governor’s Award for the Arts & Humanities

Our Director of Outreach Programs, Dr. Charné Furcron, presented our evaluation model at the American Dance Therapy Association national conference

Student Kai Lewis won an 11 Alive Kids Who Care Award for her phenomenal commitment to creating change through the art of dance

Atlanta City Council proclaimed June 5, 2014 as Moving in the Spirit Day

Moving in the Spirit created and premiered The Wonder Years, a dance tribute to the music and social justice work of Stevie Wonder, at the Rialto Center for the Arts at Georgia State University


214 211 59 children & teens directly served

new donors engaged

need-based scholarships awarded

All classes offered at 63% below market rate


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22% 49% 39%

Bartow 1%

12% Cobb 1%

DeKalb 47%

Fulton 43% Clayton 5%

Ages 3-7, 8-12, 13-18 1% Native American 9% Multi-Racial

Henry 3%

15% Caucasian 75% African American

Program Highlights & Impact

The Apprentice Corporation by Brianna Heath, age 17

Moving in the Spirit has taught me to not be afraid of my goals, not be afraid of my dreams, and to just do it. For me to step out on faith and say, ‘This is what I’m going to do,’ has freed me. Before I came to Moving in the Spirit, I’d always been taught there’s only one way to do something. Then last year, I had the opportunity to work with many wonderful guest artists, including Roscoe Sales (Atlanta Ballet), T. Lang (Spelman College), Lillian Ransijn (Ground Delivery Dance) and Amanda Lower (Northwestern University). Working with such diverse choreographers opened me to new perspectives in life and dance. I continued to grow on our summer tour, because we took classes with new artists and performed for new people. We went to Rocketown in Nashville, Barking Legs Theater in Chattanooga, and Berea College in Berea, Kentucky. The tour team became my brothers and sisters who I can go to even now and say, “I need help with this.” Part of our tour bonded with one young lady who shared her story with me. We collaborated with Youth Creates at 7 Stages Theatre for the Atlanta part of our tour. Their teens did the production design. To see kids my age analyze a dance piece and then make it look like a professional show just blew my mind. I think audiences left the performance feeling inspired and empowered to go and do something extraordinary.

The Apprentice Corporation is Moving in the Spirit’s most advanced program. Teens ages 13-18 take on leadership roles in the organization and study modern dance, ballet and choreographic composition.

The Junior Company by Trinity Mosley, age 12

Because the Junior Company is an all-female company, it really puts an emphasis on girl power. We talk about what it means to be a girl and how we relate to society -- at home, in our communities, and outside in the world. We also learn about compassion, how to carry ourselves professionally, and how to be respectful toward one another. help other girls boost their self esteem. It just branches out.

Last year, we got to work with female dancers from Atlanta colleges. We went to Emory University and had the best experience. We learned about impactful female dancers throughout history and experimented with their styles. There was collaboration between the college students, Junior Company members and Lori Teague, the dance director at Emory. In the spring, Agnes Scott College hosted us for our very own Junior Company show, You Grow Girl. The dance director, Bridget Roosa, and all the dance majors were really hospitable and encouraged us to not be nervous. We felt so energized from the crowd that night. It encouraged us to keep going and know that we’re on the right path. I am so happy I auditioned for the Junior Company, because I would not be the dance student I am today without it. I wouldn’t have the technique, the drive, the passion -- nothing. And I would not be the academic student I am today. It has really, really impacted me.

The Junior Company reaches young women ages 9-12, providing modern dance and female-focused leadership training.

Men in Motion

by Toren Mosley, age 11

In Men in Motion, I learned about We bond together as if we’re all a group of brothers. It’s fun because your friends here don’t put you down. They bring you up. It makes the performance that much better because you trust people. We had our own Men in Motion show, and I think it proved to everybody that all guys can dance. We had two guest artists come and help us with our show. One was an all-guys hip hop group, TrickaNomeTry, from Emory University. We went to Emory to work with them as a whole team, and we each gave ideas about what to do for our piece.

Men in Motion serves young men ages 10-13, providing modern dance training and exposure to male mentors.

Blake Dalton was our other guest choreographer. He had a cool martial arts style, and he loved to help us. He understood us and he listened. We also performed in The Wonder Years at the Rialto Center for the Arts. We wanted to knock the socks off the audience. In one part, we did a trick we made up called the mockingjay, and I saw the audience smile in awe. A big part of Men in Motion for me was public speaking. When I was a little kid, I was shy and wouldn’t talk much. I came to this program, and I’m not shy anymore. It changed me a lot in positive ways.

Stepping Stones

by Rania Mirza, age 10

My favorite thing about our teachers was that they pushed us. If some dancers were having trouble learning the steps, the teachers would tell other students to help them. It pushed all of us to work harder, and it certainly helped me grow as a leader. The most important thing I learned in Stepping Stones was to be too scared to try something. Even if you mess up, just keep on going. I also learned a lot about how to position myself and how to show clear movement through my posture and core. For The Wonder Years show, we collaborated with our teachers on a being segregated and then being united. We each got to come up with our own steps, and our teachers combined them and added parts to make the whole dance look good. I was nervous to perform, but when I stepped onstage I was excited because I got to express myself.

Stepping Stones is Moving in the Spirit’s most expansive program, offering one-hour weekly dance classes to young people ages 3-18 at our home theater, the Beam, and Our House.

We keep coming back because Moving in the Spirit has such a positive impact on our kids. They display all the qualities Moving in the Spirit instills: leadership, maturity, individuality. Not just the individuality to do something different, but to express themselves and speak out in their own voice. We always hear comments, especially about Nandi, that she’s a leader and not a follower of her peers, that she knows her own mind, that she steps up. No one believes she’s only 12 years old. There’s no other program you can go to like this, with such a familyoriented environment and caring staff. You can just feel the positive spirit. (L-R) Nandi (age 12, Moving in the Spirit’s Junior Company), Hope and Thomas Thompson. Children (not pictured) Jasmine (age 23, U.S. Navy), Darion (age 19, Alabama State University) are also Moving in the Spirit alumni.

Board of Directors Board President Jaimie Hardin Hardin and Associates Consulting, Inc. Vice-President Marcia Mayoue Buckhead Investment Partners Board Treasurer Darin Elkins QE2 Consulting Board Secretary Valerie Rusk Turner Broadcasting System Program Chair Lori Teague Emory University Development Co-Chair Colie Neidlinger Edwards Family Fund Development Co-Chair Syd Williams Residential Appraisal Marketing Chair Sean Sprague AT&T/Bellsouth Alumni Committee Chair Andrea C. Lewis, alumna, ‘06 Howard University, law student

Annie Archbold Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, retired Brian Bentley The Art Institute of Atlanta Cynthia Amisano Brown Camisano Consulting Eric Estroff Microsoft David Felfoldi Sherpa! Web Studios Roberto Young One Touch Holding Company, LLC Charisse Williams Woodruff Arts Center Jason Wu PricewaterhouseCoopers Diamond Lewis Student Representative Kai Lewis, alumna, ‘14 Student Representative

Faculty Dana Marie Lupton Leah Mann Co-founder and Artistic Director Emeritus Genene Stewart, Managing Director Dr. Charné Furcron, Director of Outreach Heather Infantry, Erin Weller Dalton, Chris McCord, alumnus, ‘97, Director of Men in Motion, Summer Camp and Facilities Kacey Dennis, Mentor Director and Volunteer Coordinator Amanda Byars, Program Coordinator Jessica Scudder, alumna, ’05, Parent Relations Coordinator Betty Legette, Blake Beckham, Grant Writer Emmalee Hackshaw, Grant Writer Roderick E. Rolley, alumnus, ’05, Facilities Logistics

Teaching Artists Danielle Aldred, alumna, ‘12 | Stefanie Boettle | Erin Weller Dalton | Dr. Charné Furcron | Jordan Heusner-Wilkinson, student | Camille Jackson | Laurie Jones | Kai Lewis, alumna, '14 | Andre Lumpkin | Chris McCord, alumnus, ‘97 | Roderick E. Rolley, alumnus, '05 | Roscoe Sales | Jessica Scudder, alumna, ‘05 | Kala Seidenberg | Neelam Thadhani | Alina Tillery, alumna, ‘04 |

Special Thanks 7 Stages Theatre | Agnes Scott College Dance Department | Bank of America Plaza | Ellen Bowles | Greg Catellier | Gayle and Larry Cummings | Blake Dalton | Susan Eldridge | Emory University Dance Department | Crystal Faison | Jessica Gaines | Tyler Gardner, Holiday Store Co-chair | Leslie Gordon and the Rialto Center for the Arts at Georgia State University | Samantha Hardin, alumna | JD Scott Photography | Alexia Jones | Dawn Killenberg | Francine Labiran, alumna | Ann Law, Barking Legs Theater | Randi Layne | Anna Leo | Amanda Exley Lower | Jeff Lupton | Jim Mallory, Rocketown | Marion Mann | Rick Marschalk | Chris McCord, alumnus | Celeste Miller | Colie Neidlinger, Holiday Store Co-chair | Lynda Lee Osborne | Our House | Santiago Pรกramo | Peachtree Road United Methodist Church | Lillian Ransijn | Bridget Roosa | Jessica Scudder, alumna | Crystal Sherrill | Sallie Smith | Mary Rose Taylor | The Atlanta Ballet | The Lucky Penny | Alina Tillery, alumna | T. Lang | TrickaNomeTry | Kim Trimble, Development Committee CoChair | Eve Turner | | Randi Williams | Womenetics | Pam Wuichet |

Financial Statement For the year ended June 30, 2014

Public Support and Revenue Contributions Government Grants Performance & Teaching Fees Donated Goods & Services Rental Income Special Events Investment Income Other Income Total Public Support & Revenue

$605,885 99,670 45,691 79,663 23,870 15,581 121 1,678 872,159

Expenses Program Services Management & General Fundraising Total Expenses

$618,744 105,370 122,188 846,302

Moving in the Spirit Donors July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 *Denotes Founding Fathers, donors who pledge $1,000 or more to sponsor students in Men in Motion.

Legacy Legacy is our planned giving circle.These donors added Moving in the and foresight ensures our sustainability well into the future.

JoAn Huff ^ | Jean Redding | Marilyn & William Rosenberg Sallie Smith | Clayton Whitehead | Pam Wuichet & J.D. Scott ^ Passed away December 2013

Transformation | $51,000 + The Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

Stewards | $5,000 - $9,999

Anonymous Julie Lanier Balloun and James Balloun Beacons | $20,000 - $50,000 Bloomberg L.P. Ilene and Phil Candreva Cultural Affairs Robert and Polly Dunn Foundation Fulton County Board of Commissioners Ralph and Ree Edwards* under the guidance of FCAC Edwards Family Fund Erin and Michael Forestner* FCS Urban Ministries Georgia Council for the Arts John and Mary Franklin Foundation JoAn Huff^ David and Carolyn Gould Metropolitan Atlanta Arts Fund Jaimie and Peter Hardin* Watkins Christian Foundation Byron Harris and Marie Taylor-Harris Zeist Foundation A.J. and Lynne Land RSUI Group, Inc. Sallie Smith Leaders | $10,000 - $19,999 Sarah Horne Smith Scholarship Fund Anonymous Kim and Reid Trimble Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Turner Broadcasting System Atlanta Women’s Foundation Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation Pam Wuichet and JD Scott* The Dewberry Foundation Angels | $2,500 - $4,999 John H. & Wilhelmina Harland Wade and Julia Collins* Foundation Abraham J. & Phyllis Katz Foundation Dennis and Lavon Chorba Fund for Community Support - Bob The Rich Foundation and Peggy Lupton* The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation Dana and Jeff Lupton

Morgens West Foundation - Jim and Sally Morgens* Nordson Corporation Foundation Jean Redding Time to Dine Lynn Wentworth Syd and Randi Williams*

Patrons | $1,000 - $2,499 Samuel and Angela Allen* Anonymous Annie Archbold AT&T Foundation Atlantic Realty Partners - Richard Aaronson* Catherine Autry Elaine and Robert Baillie Frank and Susan Bishop Peter Bowerman Ellen Bowles Mitchell Brannen* Bright Wings Foundation Jesse Brown and Cynthia Amisano Brown Nancy and Jim Cantrell The Chelko Foundation Lynn Cochran-Schroder and Bill Schroder David and Christine Cofrin Gayle and Larry Cummings* Chris Devine* Larry and Cathy Dorfman Mark and Ly Douglass Enid and Jerry Draluck* EBS Property Investments - David Brooks* and Don Stone* Darin and Elizabeth Elkins The Ellis Foundation Eric and Dianne Estroff Noah Estroff Daniel and Susan Faulk David and Jessica Felfoldi FIG Partners Marion Glover* Chris and Rebecca Gray* Greg and Amanda Gregory* Nancy Nichols

David Higgins Craig Houck Edmond Jared* Laurie and Frank Jones Dawn and Tim Killenberg* Michael Knight* E.G. and Marianne Lassiter, III David and Pamela Leonard Andrea Lewis, alumna Robert and Nan Mabon Ray and Mary Maynard Marcia Mayoue Atiba Mbiwan* Thomas and Rae McWhirter* Dougald Monroe, III Colie and Brince Neidlinger* Nordson Corporation Nordson Corporation Employees David and Marsha Norris Donna and Mark Paschal Elizabeth Pearce Milburn Poston* Valerie Rusk and Robert Northcutt, III Raymond F. Schinazi and Family Foundation Leonard and Erin Sjostrom David Skid Sean Sprague and Dan Preister Genene and James Stewart* Rosie Stewart David Stockert* Mary Rose Taylor Ben and Jessica Teague Lori and Mark Teague William Toomey Kathleen Walker Steve and Debra Weir Eric Weller Clayton Whitehead John and Sue Wieland* Jason Wu Roberto Young

Commitment | $500 - $999 Kathryn Aberson Robert and Judith Allen Mindy Allen and Nancy Flippin

Gordon and Carolyn Amisano Anonymous Billy Belding Paul and Peggy Benkeser Katherine and Norris Broyles Virginia Carver Mildred Clarke Susan and Steve Crain Ann and James Curry Waller and Jeanne Dalton David and Catherine Dixon Michael and Pamela Elting Jan Ferguson Charné Furcron Billy and Melanie Gross Lucille Heusner-Wilkinson Elizabeth and Christopher Jordan Linda Langstraat Amy Leff Susan Marshall French McKnight Eileen Millard Lisa Mitchell Sally and Francis Moravitz Myles Alexander and Associates Connie Cousins Baker Anne and Kirk Ossewaarde Eugene and Elizabeth Pearce John and Joni Per-Lee Meme Smith Oya and Wendell Townsley Kay Troxell Eve Turner C. Wilbur Warner, Jr. Jennifer and Clifford Warren Kristie and John Whitaker

Friendship | $100 - $499 Actio Marketing Jeff and Lisa Adler Gail Allen-Redmon Charles Anderson Art Institute of Atlanta Helen Bailey Janet and James Baldwin Brian and Susan Banner

Joel and Grace Barr Emma Jean Bell Llewellyn Bell Brian Bentley Bill and Haqiqa Bolling John and Iris Bolton Radm Peter Booth Patricia and Timothy Bowers-Young Dana and Shawn Bowlin Mrs. Milton Bracey Kevin Brady Cindy Brantley Brighton Collectibles Kristen Burton and Patrick O’Donnell Laney Capron Lydia Castle Richard and Beverly Cheatham Virginia Christman Cara Cimmino Jane Clark Gloria Clay Verna Cleveland Rosalie Clough Kimberly Kleiber and Jim Coley Mary Cook Maro Cooper Jeff and Ann Cramer Geoff and Susan Dalton Jennifer Delanty Curtis and Georgia Dilworth Erin Dolan Bratton DuBose Carol Dubose Katherine Dunn Hillary Dunson Dunwoody Woman’s Club Ann Walter and Derek Economy Steve Olson and Germaine Ehlinger Martin and Anne Emanuel The Engel Foundation Malcolm and Andrea Estroff Dorothy Evans Martha and Eric Evans Diane and Jenna Francis Jody Franco

Aimee and Nicholas Franz Joel and Annette Fye Deborah Gammill The Gendell Family Foundation Liza Glenn Christopher Greene Martha and William Greer Tony Grooms and Pamela Jackson Claudia Guild Betty Harrison Ann Hazzard Michelle Heusner-Wilkinson Michal Hillman Carter Hipp Merle Hoch John and Carol Hopkins Felizitas Hybl Sheila Isoke Alice Jackson Janet Jared Bryan Jenkins Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Andrew Smith and William Johnson Gail Johnson Marsha Johnson Lou Joslin Zigmas Kaknevicius Forde Kay Susan Keller Cara Yar Khan Marilyn and Curtis Kimball Martha King Kip Kirkpatrick Nat Kirton and Wendy Ward John Kirven Timothy Knowles Edward and Emily Kropp Richard and Pat Lakes Rebecca Leary-Safon Samuel and Betty Legette Danielle Lisenbey Nicole Livieratos and Alan Loehle Brandegee Livingstone Dawn Lockwood William and Carolyn Luesing Staci and Kevin Lynch

Meg MacLeod Cary Mandeville Margie Stockton Stephanie and Chris Marinac Frederick and Joyce Marschalk Ann Martin Judith McCarthy Chris McCord, alumnus Phillip McCrorie Rebekah McDonald Paige and John McFall Barbara McFarquhar Kay McMaster Peyton McWhirter Judy Zaban Miller Trey Miller Timothy Mitchell Sue Mobley Naomi Monge Nina Moody Sung and Carolyn Moon Tim Murphy Jeff and Leslie Muscarella Alisha Nasse Leslie Netter Roger and Dotty Nittler Keenan and Danielle Nix Northwest Presbyterian Church Sarah O’Brien Susan and Steve Owings Lisa Parsons Lynette Payne Peachtree Communications Michele Pearce and Matthew Feldman Dean and Linda Perry Lisa Petrovich Isaiah and Ester Pettis John and Nancy Pope Sarah and Wendell Prescott, Jr. Tom and Johanna Rackley Susan and Albert Redd Raymond Reynolds Christine Robinson Art Schiller Julie and William Schmitz

Sue Schroeder Fred and Ellen Seidenberg Aarti Sekhar John Seymour Andrea Shearer Thomas Shelton, Jr. Daphne Sheran Crystal Sherrill William Shippey Kate Wheeler and Andy Snel Mary Stack Terri Stewart Joseph and Jacquelin Stradley Sarah Yates Sutherland and David Sutherland Allen Taylor The Kroger Company David and Alfea Thomas Leslie Thomas Evan and Lisa Toporek Karen Townsend Mary Beth Wafer Katharine Walker Robert Walker Kelly Walls Tracy Wertz Mark Wilhoit Thomas Wood and Corissa Castle Wood, alumna Jeannie Wright Mary and Tim Yoder Michael and Kelsy Zehfuss

Spirit | $1-$99 Benjamin and Erika Afeman Najwa Ahmed Anne Allen Sharon Pomeranz and Mark Almazan Jeff Alperin Cotten and Valerie Alston Cleora Anderson Dawn Anderson Augusta West Dance Studio Cassandra Baker and Carol Brown Joyce Baker Leslie Barbaree Lin Barker

Charles Beard Ophelia Beard John and Nancy Bell William and Snow Benedict Bob Berg Susan Bernstein Necole Best Dennis and Pamela Betz Linda Biram Ann Blessin Jeff Bloom David and Jane Bockel Stacie Booker Janine and Thomas Bowen Canangela Boyd Robertson Ann Braswell Pam Breen Jay and Bethanne Brown Sandie Brown Gregory Burbridge Juanita Burney Frances Carpenter Elaine Carter William and Susana Chacon Andrew Chamblin III Donna Church Jessica and Andrej Ciho Unique Clay Georgia Conner Karel Copenhaver Marshall Coursey Gail Cox Laura Coyle Janet Cross Lavona Currie Kayla and Carol Davis Max Davis Jonathan Deloach Kacey Dennis Alice DePass Miller Lynnessa Dial Jennifer Dickie Jennie Lee Dietz Erica Dotson Sesha Dow Hugh and Erin DuBose Sally Edwards Gloria Smith Elder Chip Epsten Bruce and Ana Faurot Pegi Follachio

Jacquelyn Foster Bob and Beryl Fowler Otto and Gallina Franz Kathleen Friend Lisa Fusillo Catherine Futch Joseph and Judith Futral Tyler and Ashley Gardner Robert Gaul Mario Glass Carver Johnson Mary Scott Gould Robin Green Christopher Hagy and Mary Stewart Hagy Chad Hale and Barbara Antonoplos Robert and Judy Hanson Michael Harbin and Rowena Worrall Craig Hardesty Donna Hardy Betsy Harrington Jim and Carol Harris Johnny and Valencia Harris Robert and Tricia Hasty Mary Hayes Victoria Haynes Shirley Heil Brooks Heiser Carey Helal, alumna Olivia Kioni-Hendrieth Kathy Hill Michelle Hiskey and Ben Smith, III Margaret Holman Charlie Holney Kelly Hopkins Adrienne Howard Julie Huff Norma Huff Tony Hunter Heather Infantry Robert Infantry Renata and Miles Irving Elizabeth Izard Jeff E. Schwind Stephanie Jehlitschka Renel and Bryan Jenkins Ellis and Ann Johnson Gail Johnson Allen Jones

Albenia Jordan Colman Jordan Bill and Carol Kautter Susan Kossak Virginia Kriho Melissa Krodman Jennifer Luu Lai Nwandi Lawson and Vincent Hutcherson A. Leon Nina Stratt Lerner Nelda and Ronda Lewis Loretta Lewis Kathryn Loia Lori Lott Brian and Julie Lowring Hadley and Lisa Lowy John Mandeville Ela Lamblin and Leah Mann Linda Garr Markwell Joan Martin Masonry Works Phill Matthews Tia Matthews Cheryl McCollum Bill and Nancy McCord Jimmie McCord Louisa McCullough Hazel McDaniel Valentino McDowell Tiffany McHale Charlene McNabb Darryl Meadows Joan Mencher Steve Micham Lorraine Mills Lynn Mitchell Martha and Billy Mitchell Christine Moon Kristin and Brian Moore Lisa Mount Deborah Myers DeLisa Nelson Kim Nolte Liz Opsahl Anne Overstreet Kim and Lula Palmer Eric Payne Barbara Pearson Marietta Petters Miriam Phields

Elizabeth Phipps John and Elizabeth Poindexter Shanti Price Sherone Price and Tandrea Carter Sally Radell and Kerry Moore Mark and Lexie Reese Kim Resnik John and Andi Nay Richardson Sean Rindge Janet Robertson Rose Rocker Ginger Ross Maria Rouse Darleen Rouzun Vicki Rubel Gina Rude K. Russell Barbara Saunders Jennifer Savage Douglas Scott Diana Senior-Crosby Shaw Management Associates Margaret Shealy Thomas Shelton, Sr. Lester Sheran Brenda Shirley Ronald Shoatz-Bey Matt Shoemaker Latoya Simmons Victoria Slater Ellen Smith J. Smith-Colin Duncan and Rachel Spears Mike Starr Bruce and Jeanne Stevenson Lianne Stevenson Eleanor Stewart Jason and Shawn Stinson Jack and Brenda Stubbs Patricia Study Myoshi Terrance Martin Terry Hope and Thomas Thompson Justine Thompson Martha Timlin Lorraine Triggs

Janet Trotter Jennie Trotter Frank and Susan Troutman Sandra Tucker Janet and John Turman Joy Turnage Abby Turner Amber Twine Jasmine Twine, alumna Monica Varner Nicole Wade Mekel Wakshlag Allen Wallace Betty Rose Watson Neil and Maureen Wheeler, Jr. Houston and Anne Wheeler Kelly and Matthew Wheeler Mark Wheeler and Jan Bates Wheeler Katherine Whitaker Nancy Whitson Wendy Whittington Carrie Wilkinson Ethel Williams Suzanne Williams Shernita Willis Robert and Lauren Winborne Elise Witt John Wood Dahlia Wooten Julie Yarbrough Yolanda Cunningham Young Annie Zahradnik John and Nancy Zintak

In-kind Donors Jamie Adams Kenneth and Debbie Alexander Robert and Judith Allen Sharon Pomeranz and Mark Almazan Anonymous Annie Archbold Atlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Deborah Ausburn Anne Ballard Tangelia Banks Charlotte Barns

Joel and Grace Barr Mindy Berenson Ellen Bowles Pam Breen Mary Ann and David Brock Rolanda Brown Kristen Burton and Patrick O’Donnell Philip Butler Amanda Byars Perry and Cathy Byars William and Karen Callen Taria Camerino Martha Carroll The Chastain School The Chelko Foundation Ron and Alice Cholaj Unique Clay Elizabeth Cleveland Debaja Coleman Lynn Coleman Janelle Collins Community Barbeque Howell and Brenda Copeland Tiffany Cox Gayle and Larry Cummings Russell Currey and Amy Durrell Erin Weller Dalton Bridgette Davis Zenobia Day Carla Rabb DeRosa Gary Donlick Enid and Jerry Draluck Louise Durham John Duval and Erin Green Michelle Eason Ree Edwards Sally Edwards Darin and Elizabeth Elkins Sandra Erickson Escorpion Eric and Dianne Estroff Patricia Evans-Little Louise Faurot Lora Fishman Erin and Michael Forestner CharnÊ Furcron Tyler and Ashley Gardner Gillian Grable and

Johnny Mason Martha and William Greer Jaimie and Peter Hardin The Hil Lynette Hill Karen Hilliard Carter Hipp Miranda Hocevar Mary Sue Hodes Angela Hodgkins William and Mara Holley Scott and Leslie Inman Renata and Miles Irving Jack & Jill Consignment Boutique Amy Jarratt Catherine Jeff Renel and Bryan Jenkins Lou Joslin Rebecca Jones Dawn and Tim Killenberg Gerry Klaskala Fontaine Kohler Taqueta and Miesha Lanes Nwandi Lawson and Vincent Hutcherson Steven Leclecq Megan Levine James and Margaret Lientz Lovies BBQ Brian and Julie Lowring William and Carolyn Luesing Dana and Jeff Lupton Ellen Mathys Cary Mandeville Frederick and Joyce Marschalk Stephanie and Chris Marinac Ann Martin Lisa Maselli Melanie Mauldin Marcia Mayoue Alison McGowan Charlene McNabb Lynda McNeeley Matt Meadows Josh and Caza Miller Kris Miller Margaret Miller

Nathan and April Miller Gina Misher Monday Night Brewing Sabrina Montgomery Rhonda and Tony Moore William and Nena Moran Tamara Mosley Louisa Mouchet Doug and Dawn Mullins Murphy’s Atlanta Jeff and Leslie Muscarella Alisha Nasse Colie and Brince Neidlinger Diane Neidlinger Nordson Corporation Foundation Liz Opsahl Anne and Kirk Ossewaarde Oxford Industries Foundation Dacia and Ashley Palmer Lisa Petrovich Peachtree Road United Methodist Church Elizabeth Pearce James and Sally Phillips

Allison Plummer John and Elizabeth Poindexter Pricci Piero Premoli Martine Radcliffe Ratio: Bakeshop Ginger Ross Andi Nay Richardson Jean Redding Shanda Rogers Rosenthal’s Boutique Valerie Rusk Sallie Smith Savida Sangria Jessica Scudder, alumna Kala Seidenberg Sherlock’s Wine Merchants Sherpa! Web Studios Shirley and Grace Sigmon Brian and Katharine Sorenson Mary Stack Anne Stern Lianne Stevenson Zeb Stevenson

Genene and James Stewart Ann Carter Sussman Steven and Sallie Tanner Lori and Mark Teague Anne Thallman There Brookhaven Time to Dine Tommy Bahama Karen Townsend Kim and Reid Trimble Doug Turbush Verde Taqueria Nicole Wade Tina Walker Kelly Walls Betty Webster Lindsay Wegener Karen Wertz Kate Wheeler and Andy Snel Averill and Mark Jones Syd and Randi Williams Jeannie Wright Yolanda Cunningham Young

Photography: JD Scott Photography

Inspire. Educate. Unite. Moving in the Spirit PO Box 17628 Atlanta, GA 30316 (t) 404-624-5295 (f) 404-624-5299

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