Exam booklet

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Exams at


A guide for students and parents Winstanley College, Winstanley Road, Wigan, WN5 7XF Telephone: 01695633244 Fax: 01695633409

Contents Introduction Important Dates for your Diary Preparing for your Exams JCQ Exam Rules and Regulations Exam Day – What to Expect Access Arrangements and Special Consideration Exam Absences and Lateness Results Day Your results explained Post Results Services Re-sits Aptitude Tests for University Applications Complaints and Appeals

Introduction At Winstanley College we aim to deliver the best service possible to our students and to make sure that you have all the information you need to prepare for and succeed in your exams. This booklet is intended to answer many of the questions you may have regarding the exams process at Winstanley College. It will be reviewed on an annual basis. Please direct any questions you may to; Ruth Harrison Exams Officer ruth.harrison@winstanley.ac.uk Tel 01695 633244 Ext. 1258 May we take this opportunity to wish you the very best for your exams. Louise Tipping Principal

Important Dates for your Diary

Re-sit entry deadline

29th January 2016

Access Arrangements deadline

21st March 2016

GCSE/AS/A Level Exams

16th May 2016 – 29th May 2016

End of Term

30th June 2016

A Level Results Day

18th August 2016

Post- Results Services Available

18th August 2016

GCSE Results Day

25th August 2016

Deadline for Priority Re-marks +

26th August 2016

Advanced Copies of Scripts Post-Results Services Deadline


Certificates sent out to students

By end of November

Preparing for Exams  Check your exam timetable. It is your responsibility to be available for your exams. There are NO alternative sessions.  Revise, revise, revise! Make a revision timetable and give yourself plenty of time – see Study Support for revision help and advice.  Remember your candidate number; it is the 4-digit number on your college ID i.e. if your ID is X1234 your candidate number is 1234.  Check the materials needed for each exam in advance – you are responsible for bringing your own materials; pens, pencils, calculators etc. We are unable to provide materials to all students during an exam.  Exam stress is very common but there are some simple strategies to help you cope – speak to your PT if you are worried.  Look after yourself. If you are tired, hungry or thirsty it will affect your concentration.  The night before the exam  Do not revise into the early hours. Stop working well before bedtime so that you can relax and get a good night’s sleep.  Check that you have all the equipment that you need.  Double check the time of your exam and the location.  Avoid people who make you panic or knock your confidence.  Make sure that you set your alarm. If you have any questions at all or you are unsure about anything – please ask.

JCQ Exam Rules and Regulations Information for candidates For written examinations - effective from 1 September 2015 This document has been written to help you. Read it carefully and follow the instructions. If there is anything you do not understand, especially which calculator you may use, ask your teacher.

A Regulations – Make sure you understand the rules 1 Be on time for all your exams. If you are late, your work might not be accepted. 2 Do not become involved in any unfair or dishonest practice during the exam. 3 If you try to cheat, or break the rules in any way, you could be disqualified from all your subjects. 4 You must not take into the exam room: • notes; • potential technological/web enabled sources of information such as an iPod, an iWatch, a mobile phone, a MP3/4 player or a wrist watch which has a data storage device. Any pencil cases taken into the exam room must be see-through. Remember: possession of unauthorised material is breaking the rules, even if you do not intend to use it, and you will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification. 5 Do not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens, highlighters or gel pens in your answers. 6 Do not talk to or try to communicate with, or disturb other candidates once the exam has started. 7 You must not write inappropriate, obscene or offensive material. 8 If you leave the exam room unaccompanied by an invigilator before the exam has finished, you will not be allowed to return. 9 Do not borrow anything from another candidate during the exam. B Information – Make sure you attend your exams and bring what you need 1 Know the dates and times of all your exams. 2 Arrive at least ten minutes before the start of each exam. 3 If you arrive late for an exam, report to the invigilator running the exam. 4 If you arrive more than one hour after the published starting time for the exam, you may not be allowed to take it. 5 Only take into the exam room the pens, pencils, erasers and any other equipment which you need for the exam. 6 You must write in black ink. Coloured pencils or inks may only be used for diagrams, maps, charts, etc. unless the instructions printed on the front of the question paper state otherwise.

C Calculators, Dictionaries and Computer Spell-checkers 1 You may use a calculator unless you are told otherwise. 2 If you use a calculator: • make sure it works properly; check that the batteries are working properly; • clear anything stored in it; • remove any parts such as cases, lids or covers which have printed instructions or formulas; • do not bring into the exam room any operating instructions or prepared programs. 3 Do not use a dictionary or computer spell checker unless you are told otherwise. D Instructions during the exam 1 Always listen to the invigilator. Follow their instructions at all times. 2 Tell the invigilator at once if: • you think you have not been given the right question paper or all of the materials listed on the front of the paper; • the question paper is incomplete or badly printed. 3 Read carefully and follow the instructions printed on the question paper and/or on the answer booklet. 4 Fill in all the details required on the front of the question paper and/or the answer booklet before you start the exam. Make sure you fill these details in on any additional answer sheets that you use. 5 Remember to write your answers within the designated sections of the answer booklet. 6 Do your rough work on the proper exam stationery. Cross it through and hand it in with your answers. Make sure you add your candidate details to any additional answer sheets that you use. E Advice and assistance 1 If on the day of the exam you feel that your work may be affected by ill health or any other reason, tell the invigilator. 2 Put up your hand during the exam if: • you have a problem and are in doubt about what you should do; • you do not feel well; • you need more paper. 3 You must not ask for, and will not be given, any explanation of the questions. F At the end of the exam 1 If you have used more than one answer booklet and/or any loose sheets of paper, place them in the correct order. Remember to fasten them together with a treasury tag before you leave. Make sure you add your candidate details to any additional answer sheets that you use. 2 Do not leave the exam room until told to do so by the invigilator. 3 Do not take from the exam room any stationery. This includes the question paper, answer booklets used or unused, rough work or any other materials provided for the exam.

Exam Day – What to Expect Morning exams start at 9am and afternoon exams start at 1pm. You should arrive 15 minutes before to find and take your seat. Seating plans are available on the intranet and can be seen in the foyer. Sports Hall seating plans are displayed in the reception area. Turn off your phone and leave it in your bag. Mobile phones and any other form of communication device e.g. smart watches are not allowed in exam rooms. Please see the JCQ Rules and Regulations. You must bring photographic ID to every exam and display it on your desk. This can be your student ID card, driving licence or bus pass. In the event that you have no photographic ID, you can purchase a temporary exam ID slip from Student Services or main reception.

Exam Clashes If you have 2 or more exams scheduled to take place in the same session or 3 or more exams on the same day please check your timetable to see how your exams have been rescheduled. Where possible you will take two exams one after the other, however, if you are required to take a morning exam in the afternoon session please note that you will be kept under supervision throughout lunchtime. Please remember to bring your lunch and refreshments as you will not be able to use the canteen. If you have more than 6 hours of exams scheduled on the same day you will be able to choose if you want to take all the exams on that day or if you want to move one to the following morning. If you choose the latter, you will be subject to overnight supervision. Please see your Exams Officer for further information.

Access Arrangements and Special Consideration What are Access Arrangements? Access Arrangements enable a candidate who would otherwise be disadvantaged to demonstrate their true ability in an exam. This might be because they have a learning difference or medical or other difficulties. Access Arrangements are intended to reflect a student’s

normal way of working in college. Access Arrangements include extra time for students with special or particular medical needs, allowing students to type rather than write (for students who usually work in this way) or having rest breaks. Please make an appointment to see Angela Gregory in Student Services if you have a medical condition and you think you may be in need of Access Arrangements. If you had Access Arrangements in place during GCSE exams to address a learning difference and related difficulties please see Linda Jones in the library. Speak to your teacher or PT if you are struggling in classes and you may be referred for support. Please note medical or other evidence may be required. The deadline for arranging Access Arrangements is 21st March 2015 unless in exceptional circumstances.

What is Special Consideration? Special consideration is a post-examination adjustment that compensates learners who were suffering from a temporary illness/condition or who were otherwise disadvantaged at the time of the examination. Special consideration is an adjustment to the marks or grades of an eligible candidate. It can only seek to go some way to assist the candidate affected by a potentially wide range of difficulties which may influence examination performance.

Special Consideration does not take into account predicted grades or student potential. Instead a % increase of marks is applied; the size of the allowance depends on the timing, nature and extent of the illness/misfortune.

Maximum 5% allowance 4% 3% 2%

1% 0%

Exceptional cases including death and disaster Very serious problems such as severe injury or major surgery Recent trauma, serious illness and assault Most common allowance granted, illness, hay fever, stress, last paper taken of the day when a candidate has exceed 6 hours of exams Reserved for minor problems like headaches, stress if student medicated, excessive noise during exam Consideration was given but the addition of marks was considered inappropriate.

Who is eligible? A candidate who has been fully prepared and has covered the whole course but performance in the examination or in the production of coursework is affected by adverse circumstances beyond their control. Including –  Temporary illness or accident/injury at the time of the assessment  Bereavement at the time of the assessment  Domestic crisis arising at the time of the assessment  Serious disturbance during an examination  If the exam paper is defective and this cannot be rectified by the exams department  Participation in sporting events at international level at the time of examination  Failure by the centre or the awarding body to implement previously agreed access arrangements

Circumstances which are not grounds for special consideration  Long term illness or other difficulties during the course affecting revision time, unless the illness or circumstances manifest themselves during the exam itself, or within hours of beginning the exam.  Permanent disability unless illness affects the candidate at the time of the exam  Failure without good excuse to request access arrangements on time  Bereavement occurring more than six months before the assessment, unless an anniversary has been reached or there are ongoing implications such as inquests or court cases  Domestic inconvenience, such as moving house, lack of facilities, family holidays, weddings etc.  Minor disturbance in the examination caused by other candidates or mobile phones going off  The consequence of committing a crime  Failure to attend the exam at the correct time  Misreading the question papers and answering the wrong questions If you think you are eligible for Special Consideration please speak to the Exams Officer.

Exam Absences and Lateness If you are sick please let the college know as soon as possible. If possible, you should get a note from your GP to confirm your illness. If a student misses an exam special consideration for the absence can only apply when the following criteria are met. The minimum requirements for eligibility for special consideration under these circumstances are  50% of the total assessment must be completed  For three unit AS certification, this must comprise of two out of three AS units.  For two unit AS certification, one unit worth at least 50% or one externally assessed unit worth 40%  For A level certification, a minimum of three units including at least one A2 unit must have been completed  An A level certificate cannot be issued on the basis of AS units alone.  For modular subjects enhancement given at AS level will be carried forward to A level.

Exam Lateness If you arrive late for your exam you must go to visitor’s reception and let them know. You will be able to take the exam and you will be given the full amount of time to do so, however, the exam board will be informed and may not accept your work depending on the time and reason for your lateness. For morning exams; depending on the time you arrive in college and our ability to accommodate you, you may be kept under supervision and have to take the exam with the afternoon session. For those students who are using any of the private bus services to college we usually bring forward the departure time by 10 minutes. Please keep an eye on your e-mails for potential changes to services.

Results Day Results Day is on Thursday 18th August 2016. A Level results will be given out in the morning from 8am and AS results in the afternoon from 1pm (rooms TBC). Your Personal Tutor will give out any further information about this nearer the time. If you are not able to collect your results in person we can either post the results to your home address or you can nominate another person to collect the results on your behalf. Please provide a stamped addressed envelope if you would like us to post your results to you. If another person is going to collect your results for you, you will need to provide us with written permission stating your name and ID number and the name of the person who will collect your results.

What to do if you’re unhappy with your results If you didn’t get the results you expected or you are disappointed with your results please let somebody in college know. Personal Tutors will be on hand on results day to talk to you and give you advice. A2 students will be able to receive help about the clearing process or careers and apprenticeship advice on the day. AS students will be advised about the process for A2 progression before the end of the summer.

Your Results Explained What are UMS Marks? The Uniform Mark Scale is a way of turning raw marks achieved in a particular unit into a mark that can be used to compare with other boards and series. UMS marks will not be utilised in linear subjects as all exams for each subject will be taken in the same series, instead raw marks will be used.

Grade Boundaries Grade A* (Modular) – students must achieve a grade A on the A Level overall and also achieve at least 90% on the UMS in their A2 units. Grade A* (Linear) – A* grade boundaries will be set by exam boards based on statistical predictions and will be awarded to students who received the highest marks. Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade

A – 80% or above B – 70% or above but less than 80% C – 60% or above but less than 70% D – 50% or above but less than 60% E – 40% or above but less than 50% U – less than 40%. Grade U is Unclassified

AS GCE AS/A2 GCE AS GCE (1 unit) (2 units) (3 units)

A2 GCE (4 units)

A2 GCE (6 units)

Total UMS










































Post Results Services Post-Results Services can be broken down into two categories; Access to Scripts and Enquiries and Results. You will receive the deadlines and fee information with your results and you will be able to find them on the Parent Section of our website. Post-Results Services can be requested by making the relevant payment on Parent Pay – a link to the payment page will be created and circulated to you nearer the time. Please note that fees are fixed by the exam boards and not by Winstanley College.

Access to Scripts Copied Scripts Priority copies of scripts must be ordered by 26th August 2016. Any scripts ordered after this date may not be returned in time for you to have the papers checked by your teacher before the re-mark deadline. Original Scripts Once the deadline for Copied Scripts has passed it is only possible to order your original script. After a script has been released by the exam board it is no longer considered a secure item and, therefore, it cannot be subject to any kind of appeal or re-mark.

Enquiries about Results Clerical re-check This is a re-check of clerical procedures which involve checking that all sections of the paper have been marked; that marks have been added up correctly; and that the correct marks have been recorded. Marks can go down as well as up following the outcome of a clerical re-check. Re-marks If you wish to have any of your papers marked again by a senior examiner you can apply for a re-mark. Although your teacher can make recommendations it is vital that the decision to request a re-mark is the students’. There are three possible outcomes;

 The original mark is confirmed as correct so there is no change to the grade  The original mark is raised, so the final grade may be higher than the original grade awarded  The original mark is lowered, so the final grade may be lower than the original grade awarded. Every year a number of students have papers re-marked which result in their grade going down. This is why we recommend that only students who are very close to a higher grade boundary request a re-mark of a paper. Please check your overall UMS mark and where it sits within the boundary of the grade you have been awarded before paying for a remark. Once the outcome of a re-mark has been received it becomes the final grade; there is no opportunity to choose your first grade or to appeal the outcome of a re-mark. Priority re-marks should be requested only if your place at university is dependent on the outcome of the re-mark. All applications for re-marks for students going from Lower into Upper 6th will be processed as standard re-marks. EPQ and coursework are not eligible for re-marking. Refunds If a re-mark results in an overall grade change you will be refunded the cost of all the re-marks you have paid for in that subject. Refunds will be processed at the end of the Post-Results Services window. Please check with the Exams Officer if you have any queries or concerns.

Re-sits If you are dissatisfied with your results please speak to your subject or Personal Tutor in the first instance. It is possible to re-sit any of your exams however students wishing to re-sit an exam must cover the cost of the entry fee, which is determined by the exam board. Re-sits will be available on Parent Pay from midNovember until the end of January. After this, late fees may be applied. Current students should discuss this any potential re-sits with subject and/or Personal Tutors before any payment is made to ensure this is a good course of action for you. Don’t forget, re-sitting exams means more revision is required and may result in extra exam pressure in the following exam session. Previous students can email the Exams Officer with your college ID number, contact details and the exams you are planning to re-sit (if known). You will receive an application form and exam entry costs in mid-November. Please note if you are not a current student of the college there will be a £20 administration fee per person.

Repeating an AS subject

If a student has re-enrolled on an AS programme that they undertook the previous year they will be liable to pay for the unit exams that they have taken in previous academic years.

External Candidates

We are happy to accept external candidates for written exams where possible, this will be dependent on whether or not we are running the exams you wish to take and if we are able to accommodate you. There is a £20 administration fee and invigilation costs may apply. Please contact the exams officer for more information.

Aptitude Tests for University Application Some university courses require applicants to sit additional aptitude tests as part of their UCAS application. The results of these tests are used to shortlist applicants for competitive, oversubscribed university courses such as Medicine and Law and for elite universities such as Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial and Warwick. Some aptitude tests are sat on a particular date at College while others need to be booked at a local Pearson Professional Centres-UK by the applicant; details of which are available on the test websites. It is a student’s responsibility to ascertain if they are required to sit an aptitude test and register to take it before they begin applying to university through UCAS. Any associated fees are payable by the student and must be paid before you are registered for the test. The current requirements for aptitude tests are all available online. Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science, BioMedical Science: UKCAT: UK Clinical Aptitude Test http://www.ukcat.ac.uk/ BMAT: BioMedical Admissions Test http://www.admissionstestingservice.org/for-test-takers/bmat/ Law: LNAT: Law National Aptitude Test http://www.lnat.ac.uk/ Maths: MAT: Mathematics Aptitude Test http://www.admissionstestingservice.org/for-test-takers/mat/about-mat/ STEP: Sixth Term Examination Paper http://www.admissionstestingservice.org/for-test-takers/step/about-step/ Aptitude tests to be sat at College require registration with the Exams Officer according to the following procedure before the deadline of Friday September 23rd 2016: 1. E-mail the Exams Officer Ruth Harrison with ‘Aptitude Test’ as the subject line requesting to be entered for your particular test.

2. The Exams Officer will register your interest and forward to you a digital ‘Aptitude Test Application Form’. 3. Complete the ‘Aptitude Test Application Form’ and return by e-mail to the Exams Officer before the deadline of Friday September 23rd 2016. 4. Your registration for the aptitude test will only be confirmed once you have a collected your ‘Aptitude Test Entry Receipt’ from the Exams Office.

Complaints and Appeals At Winstanley College we aim to provide an excellent service and we hope the exam process is a smooth and positive experience for all concerned. If you feel you have cause to complain about any aspect of the exam process please contact the Exams Officer in the first instance. If you are dissatisfied with the response please refer your complaint to Mike Woods; Support Services Director. You can find our Controlled Assessment Appeals Policy on the intranet in the Exams section.

If you have any questions about this content of this booklet please email ruth.harrison@winstanley.ac.uk.

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