Start Strong!

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Tips to starting the school year on the right foot Sit down with your child/teenager at the beginning of the year and clearly state what your expectations are of him/her at school and at home. How have your expectations of them changed from last school year? Whether your child is 9 or 16, these discussions, tailored to meet your child's age can help him/her to develop important life skills. Topics you may want to cover include: Self-care (i.e. healthy sleeping and eating habits, exercise). School/life balance (i.e. homework/fun - too much of either may throw your child off balance). Organizational tasks and scheduling (i.e. being on time for school, packing knapsacks, planning what needs to get done and when etc.).

Be sure you understand what the school expects of you as a parent as well as of your child. Face to face contact with teachers, coaches and other parents in your child's class(es) in September can be the start of supportive relationships that you can benefit from throughout the school year. Even though you and your child may be enthusiastic to get going at the beginning of the year, be sure not to over-program yourself or your child up front. Parents and kids need downtown! PACE YOURSELVES. Whenever possible, and as much as possible, eat dinner together as a family. Connecting as a family is good for everyone (the research tells us this). HAVE A GREAT YEAR‌START STRONG, STAY POSITIVE!

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