DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M1 JOURNAL Annabelle Roper 699112 Josh + Party Whistle
Measured Drawings
First the party whistle was scanned and then measurements were made from there.
I used a light box to get a rough outline of the different parts that I scanned. This was quite simple and easy to do.
Next the party whistle was taken apart into its individual parts and then scanned. It was difficult to get the wire to straighten out or curl neatly the way it did with paper attached, instead it turned into a mess with kinks everywhere.
To draw the elevations and sections of the whistle I found it much easier to trace around the part itself. It was much neater and simpler.
Digital Model
First curves drawn were different diameter circles to create the plastic whistle part. This was fairly easy and I lined everything up with the origin point.
The selected ciuves were used to create the surface of the paper skin by using the 2 rail sweep command. It was difficult to create a cross section for the rolled up paper that would work for the whole spiral without making the surface convoluted.
The next lines drawn were the lined for the cirling paper skin that inflates when blown. This was more difficult to draw as the curved lines are hard to control and I had to careful to keep the two lines looking fairly identical and never overlapping.
The two circle selected were used to make the part wistle plastic piece using the loft command. It was a fairly easy task. The only thing to adjust was the circle at the end where the paper was attached. this had to be slightly smalled than the refference curve used for the paper surface.
Sketch Model
When worn on the wrist over the back of the hand this device provides a defensive mechanism. When ones hand is drawn into a fist the spikes fan out and provide a deffensive aspect. when the hand is flat however the spike are flush against the skin and are not intimidating at all.
First I tested the material I had chosen for the flexible bone. This was a flexible ruler. I seemed to work quite well.
Testing the spine when bent it seems I need more wires coser together so that the effect of the bones fanning out is more obvious.
The next thing that I did was tape some mobile bones (wire) to the spine and made sure they were inline with the spine when it was flattened.
Lining up the sine and bones while bent on material and then tracing them is how I got the shape of the material needed to ensure that the wires pulled the skin up to for a fin.v
Sketch Design #1 Reptillian deffences
This idea focusses on deffending your personal space while you are napping. Much like a lizard does when it is scared bending your arms and back into a comfortable resting position on a table will raise the fins on the arms and back to create an intimidating appearance
Sketch Design #2 Inflatable hood
How does this respond to your personal space? This responds to the personal space around your head. It is one of the areas of the body where the personal space needed to feel comfotable is greatest, so this idea protects this space through an inflatable hood that can cover on whil they nap.
Sketch Design #3 Protect and Provide
How does this respond to your personal space? This design responds to the need for comfort and protection while one naps. Deffense of ones personal space is provided through the verticle spike on the shoulder region. Comfort is provided throught the horizontal spikes that are filled with air thus acting as cushions for ones head.