The Graduation Project 2016
Finding a Neverland.
尋找 一座永無島 | 李 妮 燕 / Lee- Ni Yen | 許 憶 尹 / Hsu- Yi Yin
「如果有一座永無島, 人們在那裡不會變老,你去不去?」 從前你老愛跟我講著同樣的故事:關於那個不願長大的男 孩,與時間永恆的島嶼。當時聽著一遍又一遍同樣害怕長 大的我總嚷嚷著,要你帶我去。 每日每日,我的成長推擠著你的衰老,眨眼之間,歲月忽 然就在你背脊上長成了一座山丘。看著你漸漸緩慢的步 伐,跳針似的對話不斷來回在我們之間。儘管總是笑著一 遍遍回答你,我卻無法忽略那像是掉落了一個零件,機器 嘎嘎運轉著的不安感。 「總有一天,你會不會忘記我?」那個我將要離家的夜晚, 你看起來就像個無助的男孩,身體快要隱沒在牆角的陰影 裡,徒留電視機的強光閃爍在你臉上。 雖然自己總是容易落東忘西,但我最不可能遺忘的就是 你。我能夠用全世界向你保證,所以你能不能也不要忘記 我是誰。
Smile like we are kids again.
You used to tell me the story about the kid that was unwilling to grow up, living on the Nverland. I’ve heard it many times, but for now, I am still afraid to grow up and I want to know if you can take me there. Day after day, I grew up as you aged and in the blink of an eye, the years started piling up like a hill on your back. In time, your steps got slower and your speech slowly diminished. I used to respond to you with a smile, but as I saw you getting older, my smile started to fade away. “Will you forget me one day?” On the night of my departure, you looked like a helpless boy as you sat in the corner of the room like a dark silhouette ascending on the wall while the light from the television glimpse your face. Despite the fact that I’ve been forgetful sometimes, your name will always remain with me as long as I live. Would you please not forget me either?
高齡社會裡的銀髮世代 經 預 測 , 2025 年 台 灣 即 將 邁 入 超 高 齡 化 社 會 。 但 在 現 今 的 台 灣社會,卻少有為銀髮族設計的娛樂產品。然而在老化的 過程中,不僅得適應身體上的變化,還得調適生理失衡的 心情。在這段心理與生理都失落的階段,設計能做什麼?
Silver-haired generation By 2025 Taiwan will soon enter the super-aging society. But nowaday in Taiwan society you can hardly find any entertainment products that is designed for elderly. At the basis of the aging process, we have to not only get used to the changes of our bodies but also keep our mind and emotion balanced.
Aging society
Aged society
Hyper-aged society
台灣的高齡趨勢 Aging trends of Taiwan
沒有老人想被當作老人 看待 Nobody would like to be treated like elderly
Find the joy in their second life.
How to keep healthy?
如果無法逆齡,那就努力凍齡! 以系列趣味休閒輔具,讓老人在不知不覺中快樂動起來。
If we could freeze the age Even though we could not get back to our 18th, we can stop aging by now! With a series of funny leisure devices, the elderly can get up and stretch their arms and legs happily.
目 標 族 群 範 例 PERSONA Mild dementia
Mild disability The glands do not function so well
Health Promotion Body recovery discipline
Muscles become weaker
Slowing down the aging Decreasing bedrest rate
Decreasing mobility
陳月娥 /72歲
Chen, Yuee /72 years-old
情 緒 旅 程 USER EXPERIENCE JOURNEY New leisure device excites the senses
Vicious circle
Even if I only stay here in the Thought
Confined to bed
morning, I still feel ner vous o leaving home.
don't k
Physiological condition: Mild, moderate disability According to Barthel Index
Complete independence
Mild dependence
Medium dependence
High dependence
Complete dependence
Choose the retirement villages and sheltered housing elderly as target user Stage
Aging society
Retirement villages
Care homes
Mild, moderate disability
Sheltered housing
Severe disability
Come to the end Hospice Service
Nursing homes
Hospice care
Needs and Opportunity
Arrival > morning activity
-患有輕度失智症,容易陷入同樣的對話當中 Mild Alzheimer ’s disorder, and come to the same conversation easily -常常忘記關火就出門 Forget to turn off the gas when leaving home -與大兒子一家同住,包括兒子、媳婦、兩個讀小學的孫子 Living with the older son’s family, sons, daughter in law, two grandchildren. -內向被動但喜歡與人互動 Introver t but easy going personality
Why are some people
Why are we treated
like kids?
not cooperating and even are not joining us? Group activity is about to
y of ar ts are about
The lunch was
star t! Team up competition
g ar t. What is ar t? I
pretty good!
sounds exciting!
Static activity
Lunch> Break
She has never got to “artistic creation ” so that she was a bit nervous at the first time. After the instruction, she felt confident to do it and found out it was not challenging at all to finish the easy posting stuff.
warm up activity
After lunch break, caregivers helped the elderly get up and stretch their bodies so that they were able to continue the activities later on. She was not curious about the phone buttons, bus stop or anything on the wall, so she went back and forth on her own.
Dynamic activity
Daily feedback > Home
Yuee was excited about the dynamic activities, for she is too introvert to interact with people before. During the dynamic activities, she is likely to get to other people closely; yet, at the beginning, there are some partners are not willing to join in, which really upsets her.
變化性 Variability
選擇性 Selective
挑戰性 Challenging
Dynamics props with variable playing methods help the elderly make it even though they used not to do it.
Yeepie Castle Painting set: 150x300x100 mm, Stamp set: 150x150x100mm, Spraypainting: 150x150x100mm,Pigment set: 150x300x100mm, Drawing board: 340x270x8mm Plastic, Silicon
作品/畫家常 品項/畫筆組、噴筆組、 品項/印章組、顏料盒、 品項/畫板 材質/塑料、矽膠
以創作帶來改變 「什麼美術,我不會啦!」阿嬤羞澀的說,卻在拿起我們塞給她的 畫筆那刻,笑得像個孩子。 許多長輩因為過去沒有接觸到任何美術,而認為自己沒有創作的 天 份 。 現 有 日 照 中 心 的 藝 術 活 動 , 多 以 簡 單 的 DIY繪 畫 為 主 ( 如 拼 貼、手指畫),使長輩們容易上手。在此系列的銀髮休閒輔具裡, 我們希望以創作改善衰老所帶來心理與生理的失落。 當長輩手部無抓握能力去防止摔倒,就有可能發生嚴重摔傷意 外,因此平常手部的訓練對它們就格外重要。「畫家常」將現有 的 DIY創 作 方 式 轉 換 進 畫 具 裡 頭 , 使 長 輩 們 能 夠 輕 鬆 對 繪 畫 上 手。讓長輩享受創作樂趣的過程中,同時不知不覺達到健康促進 的效果,使身心快樂不老。
增進長輩自主防摔 與指尖抓握能力
增加動腦機會 強化認知能力
Promote elders fingertip gripping ability
Increase opportunities for brain exercise to strengthen cognitive ability
以創作帶來快樂 Let creation bring happiness
Let creation happen unhindered. The current art activity in the day care center is basically about simple DIY paintings such as collage and finger paintings, which is easy for the elderly. “Yeepie Castle”is expected to create something in simple way during the elderly’s daily conversation. “Yeepie Castle” creates a new painting tool that turns the drawing into hand practice so that the elderly gradually don't feel grief over the physically and psychologically loss. Hope the elderly enjoy the pleasure of creating while improving their health without pains.
創造新式特殊畫紙,以印刷局部 上光方式將圖案藏在畫紙裡頭。 運用其防水特性,便能在上色過 程中慢慢顯現圖案。 Using spot varnish printting to hide the pattern in the special papper. The pattern will surprisily show up when the pigment be paint on it.
Yeepie Castle
靜態玩藝 模組化的畫盒設計,讓消費者能夠彈性地依照其需求購買適當數量的畫 具,在收納上也更為簡潔方便。三種畫具(噴筆/印章/畫筆),讓創 作方式更為彈性,同時每一樣畫具的握把的設計都有著握力訓練 的考量,更將色彩與圖形的認知訓練藏匿於特殊設計的畫紙裡, 讓長輩們在玩樂中能夠達到健康促進的效果。
If we could freeze the age The modularization of painting box design is flexibly based on the needs of appropriate numbers of painting tools, which is much easier to be stowed.
Three kinds of painting tools ( airbrushes/ stamps/ paint pens) make the way of creation more flexible when the same painting grip. There are various sensory and color discipline hidden in the specially-designed painting paper that will get the seniors up,having fun and moving about.
訓練指尖抓握能力,按壓時幾何邊角則能夠刺激末梢神經。 Training finger tip gripping ability, and stimulate the peripheral ner ves by pressing the edge of geometric stamp.
底部特殊抹布設計,讓印章使用前都能輕鬆去除上次的顏色 Special design of the bottom rag, let the color on the stamp can be easily removed.
筆尾造型與筆頭形狀相同,讓使用者在筆洗中仍然能分辨不同畫筆 Tip pen with the same shape as the shape of the tail allowing users to distinguish different brushes.
比正常畫筆略粗的筆身讓長輩們更容易握筆。切線筆身設計,防止 畫筆在桌上滾動。 The body are thicker than normal painting brush, which make it easier for elders to hold them. Simple tangential pen body design prevent the brush rolling on the table.
噴筆為軟矽膠材質,運用噴壓原理進行作畫,以握壓方式訓練手部 握力 The airbrush is made of soft silicone material. Pressing the body to spray out the pigment to paint, in the same time can also train the elders hand gripping ability.
作品/好彩球 品項/燈球、球座、 品項/地墊 材質/PVC塑料、LED燈、 材質/塑料、橡膠、EVA
Lucky bounce Lamp: 220x220x260 mm, Softmat: 450x450x20mm/1 piece PVC, LED, Plastic, Rubber, EVA
Back to 18
For the extrovert and introvert senior, “ Yeepie” was designed specifically to make life easier and more interesting for older adults. It’s all based on the personality’s most basic unit: physical or sedentary. Highly suitable for care homes, day centers. Any type of ball can give the arms some movement. The flexible balls are suitable for people to play with various kinds of rules to help keep health levels maintained. Knock things down with a ball and try to discipline the upper and lower parts of body through the balls.So our leisure device is based on this series of physical activities. “Lucky Bounce” is aimed to create a new leisure activity for the elderly. Traditionally, we trained the body with some passive exercise. But for now, the training turns out to be active and interactive game. Lighting technology is involved in “Lucky Bounce” with different games, which brings the pleasure and the effect of improving health for the elderly.
的系列玩藝,來符合不同長輩的興趣。 在觀察日照中心的動態活動情況後,我們發現球類運動被運用的 最為廣泛。彈性相同的球,運用不同種類的玩法便能達到不同的 健康促進效果。(拋接訓練上肢肌力、踢傳訓練下肢肌力) 於是我們便以此作為這系列休閒輔具裡動態活動的出發點,設計 出「好彩球」系列輔具。 「好彩球」 旨在創造一個新的銀髮活動型態,將原本的被動式的 肢體訓練,轉換成主動式的互動遊戲。將燈光科技帶入玩具球 中,搭配不同遊戲進行。宛若一部立體的桌遊,讓長輩們在玩樂 中同樣能夠達到健康促進的效果。
創造互動機會 Create opportunities for interaction
增加動腦機會 強化認知能力 Increase opportunities for brain exercise to strengthen cognitive ability
增進下肢平衡能力 Promote the ability of lower limb balance
動態玩藝 運用震動感應的程式原理,讓 球在拋接的過程中隨機變換顏 色。將顏色的變化融入平常的 球類活動中,以視覺刺激長輩 們進行活動。除了最基本的球 類活動運用外,也能夠搭配不 同顏色的題目卡進行遊戲。
Too happy to be old By the principle of vibration sensor, throwing things at each other really gets your arms going and also automatically changes colors.This pretty ball will give a visual experience for older adults as it makes the change of colors in the normal ball activities.The basic ball activities are for use with different colors of cards that you can be kicked off the game.
Another way to play
The playing mat helps maintain hand-eye coordination and can be used as a derivatives of “ LUCKY Bounce”. If you play it without “LUCKY Bounce”, a group member will hopscotch with the music and try to offer their legs discipline. If you want to play it with the ball, just throw the ball and see where the “dice” takes you! Great for exercise competition session and to maintain focus for those who have different needs of ability makes the playing mat the most suitable game design.
的 系 列 商 品 。 當 其 單 獨 存 在 時,可以配合音樂以跳房子的 方式進行下肢訓練。而當其搭 配好彩球使用時,則變身成為 一部大型的立體桌遊。讓擁有 不同燈光顏色變化的好彩球, 成為遊戲裡面的骰子。搭配地 墊上不同的色彩圓點,即可進 行類似搶旗的競賽遊戲。
Lucky Bounce
燈球可與燈座分離,在活動進行時 獨立運作。於電量耗盡時回到燈座 以無線方式充電。 The lamp and the holder can be separated while doing leisure activity. And when power is exhausted, the lamp will be put back to lampholder to charge the power by wireless charging.
時間不老 我們都是長不大的孩子 讓我為你細細修補影子,一同找尋到達那座島嶼的路。 在那歲月一片靜好,我沒有長大你也不會變老, 我們同樣笑得像個孩子。
Let us put the pieces back together and fix your shadow. We’ll find the Neverland where it is full of serenity and peace, where people don’t age, and we can smile like we are kids again.