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© 2010 – 2011 Anointed Fire Magazine- AnointedFire.com

The Biblical Financial Bail Out:(Part Two) ...Bankruptcy and Debt according to Kingdom Favor Covenant... by Marc Click

Greetings People of The Kingdom of God! This month I want to continue discussing what the Word of God has set forth for us in the areas of financial stewardship or kingdom financial management. I am so excited to be able to share the wisdom of increase and biblical economics to you that I can't say it enough. If you haven't read last months article on this subject I really urge you to read it before you read this months article. However, if you do not read last months article this one with still bless you in the area of The Biblical Financial Bail Out because you will learn how to walk in a higher level of life and in a real manifestation of your wealth covenant. As we approach the forth quarter of 2011, we must know if the way we have made decisions so far this year has gotten us closer to our financial destiny. I want to start off by mentioning some of the verses in the last letter that needs more explanation according to our economy again. Nehemiah 5:1-19 (1)Now there arose a great outcry of the people and their wives against their Jewish brothers. For there were those who said, “With our sons and our daughters, we are many. So let us get grain, that we may eat and keep alive. There were also those who said, “We are mortgaging our fields, our vineyards, and our houses to get grain because of the famine, And there were those who said, “We have borrowed money for the king's tax on our fields and our vineyards. Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brothers, our children are as their children. Yet we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters have already been enslaved, but it is not in our power to help it, for other men have fields and our vineyards.” I was very angry when I heard their outcry and these words. I took counsel with myself, and I brought charges against the nobles and the officials. I said to them.... Return to them this very day their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses, and the percentage of money, grain, wine, and oil that you have been exacting from them. Then they said,”We will restore these and require nothing from them.... I did not demand the food allowance of the governor, because the service was too heavy on this people. (19) Remember for my good, O my God, all that I have done for this people. The only way that we will be able to execute great dominion and great wealth will be through having The Keys to The Kingdom of Heaven. The only way that we ill experience what people of The Bible experienced will be having keys to access heavenly dimensions by the Power and Wisdom of God. If you don't have a revelation and a humbleness to hear The Voice of God and a willingness to take action from your revelation then you are wasting God's time and disrespecting the people of the Kingdom of God as well. By the time you read or have read this letter we as Americans will have experienced the tenth year of an anniversary of the worst tragedy in recent times on September 11th 2001 and now 2011. On this day of a spiritual warfare there was a blood curse that was created due to some things that most of the world doesn't think was meant for America, however I beg to differ. This first was spiritual war of good and evil, wealth and power like no other in US History. In just seven years later we had another crisis that we didn't see coming and that was the debt crisis on real estate and stock market collapse like never before unless you lived back in 1929 when the great depression happened. I will discuss this on a greater level in the next letter, Part three.

© 2010 – 2011 Anointed Fire Magazine- AnointedFire.com

Now as we discussed the world system of finance and the war on terrorism from 2001 to now in 2011; We must wake up and know the good vs. evil battles that have kept us from financial rewards in our life. As we think about how we handle God's currency we need to realize that whatever we earn is a direct result of Him allowing us to see if we are worthy to being promoted to another level to handle more finances. There are agencies in the earth that has kept millions of people from crossing over to their rightful place in all areas of total life prosperity. Keep this in mind from the last letter, Leviticus 25:39-41 If your brother becomes poor beside you and sells himself to you, you shall not make him serve as a slave. He shall be with you as a hired servant and as a sojourner. He shall serve with you until the year of Jubilee. When we think about filing bankruptcy whether it's a chapter 13 or chapter 7; we again need to remember that God has a way escape for his people in the area of financial bondage through bankruptcy depending on what you are up against. The credit system of America needs to be upgraded and in some cases as a believer eliminated as well. We just can't be subject to all of the issues that we see and read on a daily basis of our economy, but because of our mind set and lack of knowledge most people have. So what are you going to do about it to be a strong and more focused steward or manager of what The Lord has trusted you with? Do you have a financial adviser, a wealth coach or even a financial mentor in your life? Be honest with yourself because if you don't then you will be like the ones in the Bible that has either had great miracles of release or the ones that completely has issues and had to wait until the year of your jubilee or seventh year of release and increase. However the best thing for use to experience in our lives is to walk in Divine Favor and in The Blessing of the Covenant. There are several ways to create wealth and have multiple streams of income and ways to build, protect, and transfer wealth or inheritance. What financial decisions have you made in the past ten years that you feel good or bad about that has gotten you to this point in your life? Be real with yourself so you can be real with the people that you love most in your life so that you can make mountains move with the Power of God on your finances! So you may be thinking, what does this have to do with The Biblical Bail Out? Well it is a direct illustration to get you to see how we can't think about our past and current failures with this thing called “money” fiat currency. In summary and In Wisdom & Understanding: I want to say this about what Jesus was letting us know through his relationship with Peter and the other disciples so as you see that this is the only way things will change for the miraculous in our lives by knowing these truths: Matthew 16:13…Peter said thou art the Christ…I’m giving you the keys… Heaven is assessable with keys… current keys will let you in…You can be on the other side of the door without keys to access the Kingdom of God. Life is lived on different Levels…and stages (dimensions) There are Agencies of demons…the blind the minds of God’s people… The devil has blinded the minds…so we don’t access the Kingdom of God! Your mind has to be renewed. A blind man can see with his mind… Kingdom of God is seen with the mind…we have to renew our minds its and benefit… You begin to see aspects and benefits that God creates within the confines of the Kingdom. John 9: Jesus healed the blind man…the works of God had to be manifested in him, that man had to live manifesting at a higher level of life or a higher quality of life.

© 2010 – 2011 Anointed Fire Magazine- AnointedFire.com

Sent. Means apoplectic/apostolicity (A realm were keys are provided for you) We cannot live our lives under privileged, under blessed, and at a lower level than we are supposed to… circumstantially, by what the environment provides…political, social, financial…if we live in a lower law those laws affect us, but if we live in a higher law them God said He will provide all of out needs according to, not out of, but according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus…when Jesus told the blind man to go to the lake and wash his eyes out…the man wasn’t in an apostolic flow to get to a realm where keys are provide to you…to access the life of the Kingdom of God!!! So as we move o a higher level in The Kingdom Citizenship we much live and breathe this word of knowledge to achieve greater things in our life to walk in total life prosperity! We will continue this discussion in Part three next month on another level. Remember... Matthew 6:24 when Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God or mammon (money). Be Blessed and Give me your comments at marc@lws-llc.com See you next month.

© 2010 – 2011 Anointed Fire Magazine- AnointedFire.com

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