Did Someone Call a Doctor? By Ebony Chandler When we suffer from what is called a “head cold,” we tend to have a difficult time with concentration and even completing simple tasks because we feel like we are in a fog. The same can be said for when we have an ear infection. An infection in our ear whether as a child or even an adult can cause our balance (equilibrium) to be off and we may find ourselves cranky and running into walls. An ear infection is such a simple thing to fix but until we get to the doctor and get put on the right antibiotic we suffer continually and things that should be done with ease seem a task. These comparisons in the natural are the same as the role of the husband (head) in the spiritual. In many scriptures Christ has deemed the husband the head and the priest of his home. That is more than just a title that speaks to the gender, but it also speaks to his place and his responsibilities. When the head of the home is not in order, no matter how stable the wife or mother may be it still causes certain aspects of home life and child rearing to be off kilter. While the role of the wife and mother are equally as important, their importance is different because they can not be the priest of their home. A man is predestined to cover, and to protect and to teach and to lead his family and when he is unable to properly do so, it causes the equilibrium of his family to be off and people may find themselves walking into spiritual walls and bumping their head unnecessarily. There is a Kingdom authority and grace that is given to the man by God so that he can create a firm foundation in the lives of his family and when he is not in his proper seat, the protecting of the home spiritually is many times left up to his counterpart. However fantastic and strong his mate may be she cannot fulfill all the roles of the man just as he cannot properly fulfill all the roles of the wife. It is in these moments of “infection” that it is important for the head of the house to report to the great physician for treatment and recovery. When entering into marriage as a man, one must be sure that they can cover what they commit to. A man who merely believes that his role is simply to work and bring home finances and occasionally cut the lawn and take out the garbage when necessary is naïve and will be putting his future family at a great disadvantage. This is why it if a man does not have a good example of a Godly man in his life as a child or young adult in the home, he would truly benefit from being mentored by one so that he can have a grasp on how a man of God runs his home. When neither a Godly father or mentor is available, that is truly where the Holy Spirit can be such a great counselor and example. What a man lacks in the natural teaching he may find , if he is looking and open, in the heart of the Lord. God will never leave us ignorant if we have a desire and heart to walk in truth and what he downloads can be considered a better education that can be had at Harvard or Yale University. While a solid work history and strong work ethic make a man dependable, a true relationship with God and knowing ones rightful seat in the Kingdom of God and the home make a man powerful.
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