The Restoration of Teachers

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The Restoration of Teachers By Javon Rahman Bertrand In the last two decades we have heard much about the restoration and reformation of the apostle and the prophet. Theses restorations are in full effect and necessary for the unity of the church and advancing of the kingdom of God. However, in the midst of those restorations there is another emerging restoration, the restoration of teachers. Teachers are as important as the other four ministries listed in Ephesians 4:11. What is a restoration? A restoration is a period of time where something or someone is brought to their original purpose and function. The five-fold ministry is a cohesive unity and all five need to be in operation and walking in unity. As the other ministries are being restored let us not neglect the teacher. The teacher is a magnificent function and must operate in the 21st century church. The apostles and prophets reveal the mysteries of the Lord and the teachers are utilized to break down the word on every level. The anointing to teach will destroy mindsets, produce miracles and elevate faith. We have overlooked the teacher trying to be grand. No one wants to be a teacher because there is no “glitz” or “glamour” but the function is anointed and necessary. Teachers were set in the church right after apostles and prophets. (First Corinthians 12:28) Teachers, along with prophets, functioned in a prophetic presbytery and release the apostles Paul and Barnabas into their apostolic assignment. (Acts 13) Teachers are utilized by the Father to breakdown to the simplest form. After the other four ministries have ministered, the teacher will dispense the word where all can receive. Teaching is as important as pulpit ministry, prophesying and working miracles. Teaching will define what the pastor or senior leader cannot address while ministering. Teaching will clarify prophecy by explaining symbolisms and codes of the Spirit realm. The TEACHER must be restored to bring balance and practicality to the word of God. The balance that will come will keep us as a whole from extremes that draw us away from the reality of God’s word. Balance will teach you to enjoy a holy life without telling you everything will send you to hell or cause God disappointment. Practicality is the ability to apply what we have been taught. This is what teachers teach how to live the world daily. Do not overlook the restoration of teachers. Teachers are anointed vessels used by God.

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