The Biblical Financial Bail Out:(Part One) ...Bankruptcy and Debt according to Kingdom Favor Covenant... by Marc A. Click
There comes a time in our lives that we must realize that we are not of this world, but we live in this world system so that we can give life and transform lives for The Kingdom of God. Today, I am going to show you how to think like Kingdom Citizens, possess Kingdom promises, and walk in royal favor to fight the enemy with God's Word in the area of financial sickness and economic slavery with the Governor of Heaven and Jesus, The King of Glory as Your Judge, Messiah Attorney, and Elder Brother Jury. In this letter to the Kingdom, I am going to demonstrate the paradox of modern day religion and debt. What should our reaction be in this self proclaimed condemnation: compassion to make change or make a difference? Back in ancient times, there was loan sharking, revolving interest loans, even high interest cash advance loans, as well as mortgages. Why do we think that all of this just came around when we started working and paying bills? In the Bible, there are literally over 2,333 verses on finance, prosperity, and lack. There must be several reasons why God has allowed this knowledge to come to us and move throughout generations for thousands of years before Jesus and after Jesus was here on earth. Through many years of research, studies have shown that the average American family is only three weeks or three pay checks away from bankruptcy, and new legislation that will deny bankruptcy relief to hundreds of thousands of American families is now a law, so it is time to revisit what the Bible tells us about DEBT. The Bible makes it very clear that people are generally expected to pay their debts. Leviticus 25:39-41 If your brother becomes poor beside you and sells himself to you, you shall not make him serve as a slave. He shall be with you as a hired servant and as a sojourner. He shall serve with you until the year of Jubilee. Our obligation to pay debts must be a balance of compassion for order and the call to cancel debts as The Word of God allows us to do in periodic time frames. Now the Biblical basis for such considerations is based on the sabbatical and Jubilee years. Just so you know how God worked in the Old Testament, there were thirty three documented Jubilee's to cancel debt written which was every fifty year cycle during the 650 year period of the law. The secular basis arises out of Constitutional requirement that Congress enact uniform laws allowing business and consumers to cancel and restructure debt obligations to creditors. This Biblical support for the legal right to cancel debt is enforced by the even stronger Biblical doctrine that is against interest of any amount rather than just usury or excessive interest. There are several Bible versus that I like when it comes to God rescuing his own in financial crisis with miracles; however the one scripture that gave me a revelation to change the way I think in the area of finances came in Matthew 6:24 when Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God or mammon (money). In 2001, we as Americans experienced the most horrific day that we could ever imagine on September 11th 2001. I won't get in detail about that day in history, however what I will do is talk about the financial capital of the world and how the spirit realm had a lot to do with that day and even up to now when it comes to financial tragedy and corporate scandals. Now, when I told you about Matthew 6:24...God and mammon--- mammon is a spirit and it controls the world system of finance. Mammon
controls systems and cultures that ruin countries and economies. This letter will not educate you on the spirit of mammon nor will it warn you about the spirit of mammon. However, what this letter will do is help you know that regardless of attacks on the economy or warfare on your finances temporarily; God's Covenant has already set you free from economic slavery and the spirit of mammon, spirit of poverty, python spirit, and the kingdom of darkness. It is clearly up to us to wake up taste The Word and SEE the laws and principles come to life because they are LIFE. Let me give you an example of how we need to build a memorial to God concerning your financial warfare or situations. First, you have to know His Word on financial stewardship and Biblical economics and faith to move your mountains. Here's an example to read Acts10:1-48, but pay close attention to verses 30-33 in particular because Cornelius took his alms offering and made a memorial unto God with prayer and his prayer was heard by an angel which told him that God has heard his prayer in four days and nine hours (9:00A.M.). So the point is this, if God hears your prayer, it is answered if it is according to His Word and Covenant. There is another one that I am sure that you are very familiar with and that's 2 Kings 4:1-7 about the widow with the kids. Her husband died and left the family in great debt. How many of you out there have debt and if you went on to glory with the Lord, your debts would be taken care of without question and your loved ones would live the same or better financially? This has been a problem for centuries and we don't talk about it enough nor do we really care about it as much as we should. Now the widow in this story had a man with a message name Elisha. Think about the people that God has put in your path with a message, but you prejudged them as a fraud or false Prophet, but really was the person that was sent like the angel or Elisha to help set you free financially. Your subconscious mind or the enemy can hurt what has been there for you if you don't have a revelation or a protected focus for success. You need to financial mentor to help you walk and then run in the right direction for your life! Read 2 Kings 4:1-7 because this woman as we know today was an entrepreneur, was debt free now, also if her husband had life insurance she would have paid off every debt, and at the end she had more than enough after she heard God's Voice through Elisha. If you remember back in 2007 and 2008, the very heart wrenching economy with the mortgage crisis in America and around the world reminded me of the book of Nehemiah 5:1-19. This very particular chapter looks like a failed economy and they needed a leader to go to the people from all over and bring the wealthy centers of influence together to make change and create a bail out plan to complete what was started. Next time we will break down Nehemiah's book so that you will see how history repeats itself and show you that God is no respecter of persons when it comes to financial prosperity and favor. This letter is just the first part of three that you will read about over the next few months so Be Empowered and YOU will see how debt is a curse and how you can make it turn around and know how to fight in predestined Victory with Kingdom Principles in this life!! Be Blessed and Give me your comments at See you next month. Marc A. Click Š 2010 - 2010 Anointed Fire Magazine-