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Š 2010 - 2010 Anointed Fire Magazine-

Is This The One Or Shall I Look For Another? by Tammy Turner

“We are looking for our mate to come in one fashion or another but what does the scripture teach us about the ideal mate for the believer?” Jesus was the son of Joseph, a local carpenter, who came out of Nazareth (Matthew 2:23), which was a strike against him right there because, people of Nazareth were considered enemies of the Jews. He was despised by many (Isaiah 53:1-4). When Nathanael, heard that Jesus was a Nazarene, he replied “Can anything good come out of Nazareth”? (John 1:46). John while in prison heard of all the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples and said to Him, “Are You the Coming One, or do we look for another?” John expected the Messiah to come with a rod of correction and fierce judgment but instead he came healing and preaching salvation. So confused, John questioned if “this is the one or shall I look for another”. Just like John looked for Jesus to come a certain way, we are looking for our mate to come in one fashion or another but what does the scripture teach us about the ideal mate for the believer? 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 says, be, ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers… as Christians, we are not to be bound together with non-Christians in any spiritual enterprise or relationship that would be detrimental to the Christian’s testimony within the body of Christ. 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, Paul required separation so that the obedient Christians were not to fellowship with habitually disobedient believers. God has called us to holiness and we should desire a man or woman of God that stands for such and walks in integrity. Through the power of the Holy Spirit who indwells us, we have the ability to “abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul” (1 Peter 2:11). If you are in the time of courtship be sure that the person you are with depict the definition of a true believer and line up with the word of God for it is through the word that we find the answers to every question that we may have particularly the question, “Is This The One or Shall I look for Another?” We as a people tend to always look for the impossible, incredible, unrealistic to come and blow us out of our minds in what we are looking for to be our ideal job, mate, house, car etc. Let’s look at what most of us look for in a mate. We tend to set our standards so high that it is really out of reach the typical Leave -It-to-Beaver, I Love Lucy, The Bill Cosby Show image of the perfect family and Page 2 of 3 © 2010 - 2011 Anointed Fire Magazine- All Rights Reserved

marriage. It is our nature to try and find what we define as our soul mate, or the “perfect person”, that you and I dream about having in our lives until death do us apart. This person is flawless, handsome (beautiful), rich, intelligent, everything wonderful. What does the Bible which is the guide and compass for our life changing, decisions, say about the ideal person that we should be looking for or for the ladies, waiting for, yes woman of God the word says in Proverbs 18:22, He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord. Too many times sisters we find ourselves out here looking for our Boaz, soul mate, or perfect man and getting caught up in bad relationships and then we are miserable and unhappy, why? Because we chose to go out and look for a man when we are suppose to be waiting for our Boaz to find us. Just as Ruth was in preparation for the king, we need to be in preparation for our king. Some may say, well, how will I know if it is the right one? What does the word say? When Jesus came he came just as the scripture said he would come but the people were looking for some rich, handsome, head turning individual that was going to be so outstanding that he must be the Messiah. That is what the people had presumed in their minds he would be, but the scripture gave a distinct picture of how to know who the Messiah was Isaiah 40:3.

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