Name: Timothy Ward Ministerial Position: Evangelist/Associate Pastor Facebook Link: Birth Date: February 24, 1964
Anointed Fire Magazine Writer Interview Anointed Fire is blessed to have you as a writer. 1. What prompted you to want to write for Anointed Fire Magazine? Answer: I saw a post on a friend's facebook page, and thought the magazine was interesting. The articles were anointed, and I felt like I could contribute to others spiritual growth. 2. As a writer, what do you want to bring to Anointed Fire Magazine? Answer: I am a teacher of the Word of God. I want to bring understanding to God's Word, with simplicity. 3. Most of the writers have separate active ministries. Do you have a ministry and if so, what is it's name? Answer: I do, it is Timothy Ward Ministries. It is an Evangelistic teaching/preaching ministry. I travel and conduct seminars, conferences, and preach at other churches as the Lord opens the door. 4. If you can say that you are passionate about 'anything' or any form of outreach in relation to your walk in CHRIST, what would that be? Answer: I am passionate about people being "real" in their walk with the Lord. Don't pretend to be perfect, or like you have everything under control. We all face trials in this life so be honest with others and admit your struggles. 5. What, in your opinion, has been or will be the best part in writing for Anointed Fire? Answer: Seeing/Hearing that my articles have touched someone's life, and has given them a better understanding of God's Word. A fringe benefit will be it might possibly open doors to more ministry opportunities. 6. What are your hobbies? Answer: I enjoy writing. I have written three books. They range from a book of poetry, to a non-fiction story of the Prodigal Son, and a book giving the reader ten keys to a successful marriage. I also enjoy walking with my wife. 7. Please share any other information that you would like readers to know about you, including your biography, family information, ministry information, etc. Answer: I am married to Lynn H. Ward. We were married in October 2002. We have between us four grown children, and six grandchildren. I have been a licensed minister since 2001, and an ordained
minister since 2003. I am a published author, and I write books to encourage, uplift and give understanding to the Word of God.