Ploughing wrap 2012
Page 1
Supporting small farmers, consumers and the environment FOOD SOVEREIGNTY and food security should be the overriding goal of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson has told the European Parliament in Brussels. “Governments have an obligation to protect, respect and fulfill this fundamental human right whilst ensuring that a reformed CAP contributes towards environmental protection,” Martina said. She argued that to achieve this we need an agricultural policy framework that takes into account the specific production systems in each country and region. The Derry former Assembly member said that such a framework needs to be one that supports small producers, is regulated throughout the food supply chain, and guarantees a fair price to producers and boosts local markets. “Simplification of the CAP is also crucial for both legislators and beneficiaries. “The food crisis shows that market regulation in favour of small and medium-sized farms is indispensable. Any reform of the CAP must ensure that
Sinn Féin MEP
direct payments to ensure the CAP budget is shared fairly. Martina Anderson, who is a member of the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee
Martina Anderson on CAP Reform
Any reform of the CAP must ensure that small and mediumsized farmers are getting a fair return for their products
these farmers are getting a fair return for their products. “Reform should be aimed strictly at active farmers and member states should be able to formulate and apply their own definition as to what constitutes a ‘small’ or ‘active’ farmer.” Sinn Féin wants to see a ceiling of €100,000 on
(Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) added: “A reformed CAP should include a focus on sustainable farming and co-operatives, coupled with a political will to give priority to local and regional trade.”
Sinn Féin ‘Defend Rural Ireland’ launch in Castlebar, Co Mayo
Stand up for rural Ireland
€10 FOR 12
FOR 12 ISSUES GETTING An Phoblacht every month has never been easier. €10 will get you 12 issues of the paper online PLUS IRIS - The Republican Magazine free PLUS access to all our online archives of newspapers which are being added to every month
5 Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams TD joined by Senators Trevor Ó Clochartaigh and Kathyrn O'Reilly with Kerry TD Martin Ferris
Easpa suime ag an rialtas I bhforbairt na Gaeltachta » LE TREVOR Ó CLOCHARTAIGH TÁ GO LEOR díomá ar phobal na Gaeltachta mar gheall ar Acht Gaeltachta, acht atá thar a bheith lochtach, agus tá go leor imní orthu nach bhfuil go leor á dhéanamh ag an rialtas chun an Ghaeltacht a chaomhnú. De réir an bille tá deireadh le Bord an Údaráis a thoghadh, agus in ionad toghcháin, beidh Aire na Gaeltachta in ann seachtar baill den Bhord a cheapadh é féin agus ainmneoidh na Comhairlí Chontae, a bhfuil limistéir Gaeltachta faoina gcúram, cúigear eile. Chun go bhfeidhmeoidh an tÚdarás mar ba chóir, tá ionadaíocht pobail riachtanach agus tá toghcháin poiblí ag teastáil chuige sin. Tá sé soiléir
De réir an bille tá deireadh le Bord an Údaráis a thoghadh, agus in ionad toghcháin, beidh Aire na Gaeltachta in ann seachtar baill den Bhord a cheapadh é féin agus ainmneoidh na Comhairlí Chontae, a bhfuil limistéir Gaeltachta faoina gcúram, cúigear eile
go mbeidh an bord nua seo go huile is go hiomlán faoi smacht an Aire as seo amach. Laghdaíonn an Bhille seo an tionchar gur féidir leis an bpobal a bheith acu ar fheidhmiú an Údaráis. Do cháin go leor eagraíochtaí pobail an Acht, ina measc Conradh na Gaeilge, Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, agus Aontas Phobail na Gaeilge, ar an mbonn go raibh sé mí-dhaonlathach, agus nach raibh an maoiniú, atá ag teastáil chun é a chur I bhfeidhm, ag an Údarás. De réir an Seanadóir Trevor Ó Clochartaigh, ní hé seo an chéad sampla den rialtas seo a bheith ag déanamh neamhaird ar pobail na Gaeltachta agus Gaeilge. “I mo thuaraim, níl go leor suim ag an rialtas seo sa Ghaeltacht. Is léir nach bhfuileadar ag cur an Straitéis Fiche Bliana I bhfeidhm, agus nach bhfuil an Ghaeltacht á caomhnú mar a ba chóir.”
IT’S TIME FOR ALL OF US TO STEP UP TO THE MARK TO DEFEND RURAL COMMUNITIES OUR ECONOMY should support our society – as opposed to society supporting the economy. We shouldn’t be working just to pay off the debts of reckless bankers and speculators to the detriment of vital local services and community projects. Our taxation should be about equitable redistribution of wealth so that we can keep our communities vibrant – be they urban or rural – and to support our citizens across the island. It should provide the necessary infrastructure and supports so people can live fulfilling and meaningful lives wherever they live.
We seek parity of treatment for urban and rural dwellers alike. Government policies are draining rural areas of services, infrastructure and economic opportunities. They are driving thousands into mass emigration, leaving rural communities dependent on an everdecreasing working population. They are closing Garda stations, health clinics, schools and factories. We see the decline of fisheries and agri-
culture. Shops, pubs and businesses in rural areas are in dire straits due to a decrease in activity. And all this is exacerbated by inadequate energy, communications and travel networks. The social consequences of increased unemployment through exclusion and mental and other health issues are going to be seen in greater difficulties for families and society in years to come. Sinn Féin is engaging with rural communi-
Our economy should support our society, as opposed to society supporting the economy
ties through our ‘Defending Rural Ireland’ campaign. We are travelling throughout Ireland, listening to communities about what they need and the solutions they see to survive this economic downturn and maintain the fabric of rural societies for future generations. We want to hear from you. Help us to build an Ireland that recognises the needs and gifts of all our citizens and put structures and resources in place to harness and support these properly. Help us realise the vision of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic which calls on us to cherish all of our children equally.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU Email – – Please put STAND UP in the Subject line
Ploughing wrap 2012
Page 2
COUNTRY HEALTHCARE EMERGENCY HEALTHCARE provision has taken a severe during the Fine Gael/Labour hit Government’s austerity programme, supported largely by Fianna Fáil. Cutbacks to Roscommon Hospital are a perfect example of how people living in rural areas are at a disadvantage when it comes to access to health services. While they are equal citizens, pay equal taxes, have an equal vote, they are not treated equally. This is the reality for people in rural areas all across the country. The closure of local acute hospitals has led to widespread opposition where rural communities feel that the level of care in emergency situations is greatly reduced as a consequence. There is also a significant lack of staff in the country’s health services to cater for the needs of the people. Since 2007, 8,700 staff, including 3,500 nurses and midwives, have left the public health service and have not been replaced. These low staffing levels are putting lives in danger. Those in rural areas are often the worst to suffer as health staff are dispersed over even wider geographic areas. The downgrading of local hospitals must be halted and reversed if there is to be equal access to healthcare in Ireland. When the lives of people are at risk due to their access to essential medical facilities, there must be a continuous campaign for regional hospitals to be protected. It is the right of people in rural areas to receive the same level of healthcare as those in any other part of the country, and this is a right worth fighting for.
5 Martin Ferris and Martin McGuinness down at Castleisland Mart
Protect the West
A Chara, If you want a real Republic you have to make a stand. If you believe in a better way, in a just society, in a united Ireland you have to make a
Pobail na tuaithe faoi míbhuntáiste ó thaobh oideachais de TÁ POLASAITHE an rialtais ó thaobh scoileanna beaga tuaithe, agus ó thaobh an Oideachais i gcoitinne, tar éis go leor imní a chruthú I measc pobal na tuaithe ar fud na tíre. Tá go leor daoine den tuaraim nach bhfuil go leor cur amach ag an Aire Oideachais, Ruairí Quinn TD, ar an ról tábhachtach atá ag scoileanna beaga tuaithe. Tá go leor scoileanna tar éis múinteoirí a chailliúint de dheasca na gciorraithe a rinne an tAire níos luaithe sa bhliain. Cé gur chúlaigh an tAire ó roinnt de na ciorraithe a bhí I gceist aige ó thaobh scoileanna Uirbeacha DEIS, cailleadh 192 post i mbunscoileanna taobh amuigh de DEISopportunity / appliance / chance Banda 1 & 2 agus in iarbhunscoileanna DEIS; cuid mhór acu sna ceantair tuaithe agus d’fhéadfadh suas le 73 scoil ar fud na tíre múinteoir a chailliuint ó mhí Mheán Fómhair 2012 ar aghaidh. Tá droch tionchar tar éis a bheith ag na athraithe ó thaobh na scéimeanna iompar scoile, agus tá sé seo tar éis go leor fadhbanna a chruthú do thuismitheoirí nuair nach féidir leo úsáid a bhaint as an scéim seo a thuilleadh. Tá pobail tuaithe á gcur faoi míbhuntáiste ó thaobh Oideachais tríú leibhéal chomh maith, de bharr an chinneadh go dtógfar talamh feirme isteach san áireamh agus measúnú á dhéanamh ar mhaoin dos na deontais tríú leibhéal.
De réir an Teachta Pearse Doherty: “Dé réir taighde a rinne Teagasc i 2011, níl ach aon triain den feirmeacha ina ngnó inmharthana, agus go bhfuil 35% de teaghlaigh feirmeoireachta I staid leochaileach eacnamiúil. Dá gcuirfí talamh feirmeoireachta sna
Cé gur chúlaigh an tAire ó roinnt de na ciorraithe a bhí I gceist aige ó thaobh scoileanna Uirbeacha DEIS, cailleadh 192 post i mbunscoileanna taobh amuigh de DEISopportunity / appliance / chance Banda 1 & 2 agus in iarbhunscoileanna DEIS áireamh agus maoin á mheasúnú, cuirfear faoi míbhuntáiste daoine óga ó chúlra feirmeoireachta. “Ba chóir don aire córas a bheadh bunaithe ar an bhfíor ioncam atá ag teaghlaigh a chur ar bun, agus gan muintir na tuaithe a chur faoi tuilleadh mí bhuntáiste.”
5 'Love Leitrim' anti-fracking protesters take their message to the Dáil in Dublin FRACKING and multinational exploitation of Ireland’s resources – such as the oil off of Rossport in Co Mayo – are key issues that should concern all the people of Ireland, not just those living there. The community of Rossport have been engaged in a ferocious battle with Shell to ensure that the onshore pipeline is not brought through their community. Not only do they believe that the pipeline is a danger to families whose homes it affects but also threatens the ecology and marine life of the area which locals depend on for a living. A similar battle is about to start in the communities surrounding the Lough Allen Basin. Tamboran, a company involved in gas exploration, is seeking to use a process called ‘fracking’ (hydraulic fracturing) to exploit a gas field in the Fermanagh/Leitrim area. Fracking has already been banned in France and Bulgaria. In England, near Blackpool, fracking has been suspended because of strong evidence that fracking caused or contributed to a number of minor earthquakes. In several states in the United States, there is credible evidence of damage to water, to human health and to animal health. Fracking companies have to deliver bottled water to affected families. Tamboran talks of Ř7billion investment; 600 full-time jobs, 2,400 indirect jobs, and
energy security in Ireland for up to 40 years. They also claim fracking will contribute Ř4.9billion in tax revenues. However, gas exploration projections almost always fall short of stated values. This is compared to Ř10billion that agriculture contributes to the
The €10billion that agriculture contributes to the Irish economy annually could be irrecoverably damaged if fracking were allowed to go ahead Irish economy annually which could be irrecoverably damaged if fracking were allowed to go ahead. It is essential that the West of Ireland is protected from exploitation and abuse from multinationals such as Tamboran and Shell. The Irish Government must stand by the rights of its citizens to enjoy a safe and clean environment, no matter which part of the island of Ireland they live in. Sinn Féin have supported the communities of Rossport and the communities of the Leitrim/Fermanagh border and we will do so into the future.
Sinn Féin delivering on Agriculture THE third tranche of the Farm Modernisation Programme, an initiative to help rural women to set up in business, and a ‘Get That Job Toolkit’ for the young unemployed in rural areas are some of the areas Sinn Féin Assembly Agriculture & Rural Development Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA has led out with her department. Launching the third tranche of the FMP (worth £5.5million), Michelle said: “The Farm Modernisation Programme is about improving our industry, embracing new technology and increasing the competiveness of agricultural and horticultural businesses. Another core objective of this round of funding is supporting young farmers who will be at the forefront of driving the sector to become more competitive and sustainable in the future.” Since 2010, over 2,900 farm businesses have received funding from the Farm Modernisation Programme. Michelle is also keen to see real advances with an initiative to help rural women to set up in business. Speaking at an event organised by Rural Network, Michelle said: “Women are a key target group for the Rural Development Programme with over 200 projects where women lead or are involved in having received a letter of offer. “To ensure that the views of women are represented in the decision-making process for the award of funding in local areas, a total of 66 women sit on Local Action Groups across the North.
stand. So I am asking you to make a stand. If you support Sinn Féin – become a member. Mar bhall de Shinn Féin is féidir leatsa fíor athrú a dhéanamh. Is mise,
Gerry Adams TD
Seol d'ainm, seoladh agus uimhir guthán chuig / Send you name, address and phone number to: 44 Cearnóg Parnell, Baile Átha Cliath 1 / 44 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. 5 Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA (Sinn Féin) – pictured centre – launches ‘Social Farming Across Borders’, a cross-Border initiative linking healthcare and rural sectors, developed with University College Dublin, Queen’s University Belfast, Leitrim Development Co. and the College of Food and Rural Enterprise. At September’s launch was Minister of State Fergus O’Dowd TD “In addition to the positive work taken forward through this programme, my department has set itself challenging gender targets to reach by 2016, across all of its business functions. I am confident, that by working together we can increase the
‘By working together we can increase the involvement and participation of rural women generally’ SINN FÉIN AGRICULTURE MINISTER
involvement and participation of rural women generally, and ensure that they have strong voices and seats at all decision-making tables.” A ‘Get that Job Toolkit’ CD provides unemployed 16 to 24-year-olds with a complete package of resources, support and guidance to ensure they have the skills and attitude needed to compete in today’s difficult job market. It is part of the BOOST Programme, which is designed to help this age group get the opportunity to develop skills to increase their employability and improve their chances of securing a job. Michelle says the initiative is an excellent example of government departments and agencies “working closely together in responding to rural challenges”.
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................................................... ................................................... ................................................... FÓN/R.PHOST / TEL/EMAIL:
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Ploughing wrap 2012
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COUNTRY HEALTHCARE EMERGENCY HEALTHCARE provision has taken a severe during the Fine Gael/Labour hit Government’s austerity programme, supported largely by Fianna Fáil. Cutbacks to Roscommon Hospital are a perfect example of how people living in rural areas are at a disadvantage when it comes to access to health services. While they are equal citizens, pay equal taxes, have an equal vote, they are not treated equally. This is the reality for people in rural areas all across the country. The closure of local acute hospitals has led to widespread opposition where rural communities feel that the level of care in emergency situations is greatly reduced as a consequence. There is also a significant lack of staff in the country’s health services to cater for the needs of the people. Since 2007, 8,700 staff, including 3,500 nurses and midwives, have left the public health service and have not been replaced. These low staffing levels are putting lives in danger. Those in rural areas are often the worst to suffer as health staff are dispersed over even wider geographic areas. The downgrading of local hospitals must be halted and reversed if there is to be equal access to healthcare in Ireland. When the lives of people are at risk due to their access to essential medical facilities, there must be a continuous campaign for regional hospitals to be protected. It is the right of people in rural areas to receive the same level of healthcare as those in any other part of the country, and this is a right worth fighting for.
5 Martin Ferris and Martin McGuinness down at Castleisland Mart
Protect the West
A Chara, If you want a real Republic you have to make a stand. If you believe in a better way, in a just society, in a united Ireland you have to make a
Pobail na tuaithe faoi míbhuntáiste ó thaobh oideachais de TÁ POLASAITHE an rialtais ó thaobh scoileanna beaga tuaithe, agus ó thaobh an Oideachais i gcoitinne, tar éis go leor imní a chruthú I measc pobal na tuaithe ar fud na tíre. Tá go leor daoine den tuaraim nach bhfuil go leor cur amach ag an Aire Oideachais, Ruairí Quinn TD, ar an ról tábhachtach atá ag scoileanna beaga tuaithe. Tá go leor scoileanna tar éis múinteoirí a chailliúint de dheasca na gciorraithe a rinne an tAire níos luaithe sa bhliain. Cé gur chúlaigh an tAire ó roinnt de na ciorraithe a bhí I gceist aige ó thaobh scoileanna Uirbeacha DEIS, cailleadh 192 post i mbunscoileanna taobh amuigh de DEISopportunity / appliance / chance Banda 1 & 2 agus in iarbhunscoileanna DEIS; cuid mhór acu sna ceantair tuaithe agus d’fhéadfadh suas le 73 scoil ar fud na tíre múinteoir a chailliuint ó mhí Mheán Fómhair 2012 ar aghaidh. Tá droch tionchar tar éis a bheith ag na athraithe ó thaobh na scéimeanna iompar scoile, agus tá sé seo tar éis go leor fadhbanna a chruthú do thuismitheoirí nuair nach féidir leo úsáid a bhaint as an scéim seo a thuilleadh. Tá pobail tuaithe á gcur faoi míbhuntáiste ó thaobh Oideachais tríú leibhéal chomh maith, de bharr an chinneadh go dtógfar talamh feirme isteach san áireamh agus measúnú á dhéanamh ar mhaoin dos na deontais tríú leibhéal.
De réir an Teachta Pearse Doherty: “Dé réir taighde a rinne Teagasc i 2011, níl ach aon triain den feirmeacha ina ngnó inmharthana, agus go bhfuil 35% de teaghlaigh feirmeoireachta I staid leochaileach eacnamiúil. Dá gcuirfí talamh feirmeoireachta sna
Cé gur chúlaigh an tAire ó roinnt de na ciorraithe a bhí I gceist aige ó thaobh scoileanna Uirbeacha DEIS, cailleadh 192 post i mbunscoileanna taobh amuigh de DEISopportunity / appliance / chance Banda 1 & 2 agus in iarbhunscoileanna DEIS áireamh agus maoin á mheasúnú, cuirfear faoi míbhuntáiste daoine óga ó chúlra feirmeoireachta. “Ba chóir don aire córas a bheadh bunaithe ar an bhfíor ioncam atá ag teaghlaigh a chur ar bun, agus gan muintir na tuaithe a chur faoi tuilleadh mí bhuntáiste.”
5 'Love Leitrim' anti-fracking protesters take their message to the Dáil in Dublin FRACKING and multinational exploitation of Ireland’s resources – such as the oil off of Rossport in Co Mayo – are key issues that should concern all the people of Ireland, not just those living there. The community of Rossport have been engaged in a ferocious battle with Shell to ensure that the onshore pipeline is not brought through their community. Not only do they believe that the pipeline is a danger to families whose homes it affects but also threatens the ecology and marine life of the area which locals depend on for a living. A similar battle is about to start in the communities surrounding the Lough Allen Basin. Tamboran, a company involved in gas exploration, is seeking to use a process called ‘fracking’ (hydraulic fracturing) to exploit a gas field in the Fermanagh/Leitrim area. Fracking has already been banned in France and Bulgaria. In England, near Blackpool, fracking has been suspended because of strong evidence that fracking caused or contributed to a number of minor earthquakes. In several states in the United States, there is credible evidence of damage to water, to human health and to animal health. Fracking companies have to deliver bottled water to affected families. Tamboran talks of Ř7billion investment; 600 full-time jobs, 2,400 indirect jobs, and
energy security in Ireland for up to 40 years. They also claim fracking will contribute Ř4.9billion in tax revenues. However, gas exploration projections almost always fall short of stated values. This is compared to Ř10billion that agriculture contributes to the
The €10billion that agriculture contributes to the Irish economy annually could be irrecoverably damaged if fracking were allowed to go ahead Irish economy annually which could be irrecoverably damaged if fracking were allowed to go ahead. It is essential that the West of Ireland is protected from exploitation and abuse from multinationals such as Tamboran and Shell. The Irish Government must stand by the rights of its citizens to enjoy a safe and clean environment, no matter which part of the island of Ireland they live in. Sinn Féin have supported the communities of Rossport and the communities of the Leitrim/Fermanagh border and we will do so into the future.
Sinn Féin delivering on Agriculture THE third tranche of the Farm Modernisation Programme, an initiative to help rural women to set up in business, and a ‘Get That Job Toolkit’ for the young unemployed in rural areas are some of the areas Sinn Féin Assembly Agriculture & Rural Development Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA has led out with her department. Launching the third tranche of the FMP (worth £5.5million), Michelle said: “The Farm Modernisation Programme is about improving our industry, embracing new technology and increasing the competiveness of agricultural and horticultural businesses. Another core objective of this round of funding is supporting young farmers who will be at the forefront of driving the sector to become more competitive and sustainable in the future.” Since 2010, over 2,900 farm businesses have received funding from the Farm Modernisation Programme. Michelle is also keen to see real advances with an initiative to help rural women to set up in business. Speaking at an event organised by Rural Network, Michelle said: “Women are a key target group for the Rural Development Programme with over 200 projects where women lead or are involved in having received a letter of offer. “To ensure that the views of women are represented in the decision-making process for the award of funding in local areas, a total of 66 women sit on Local Action Groups across the North.
stand. So I am asking you to make a stand. If you support Sinn Féin – become a member. Mar bhall de Shinn Féin is féidir leatsa fíor athrú a dhéanamh. Is mise,
Gerry Adams TD
Seol d'ainm, seoladh agus uimhir guthán chuig / Send you name, address and phone number to: 44 Cearnóg Parnell, Baile Átha Cliath 1 / 44 Parnell Square, Dublin 1. 5 Minister Michelle O’Neill MLA (Sinn Féin) – pictured centre – launches ‘Social Farming Across Borders’, a cross-Border initiative linking healthcare and rural sectors, developed with University College Dublin, Queen’s University Belfast, Leitrim Development Co. and the College of Food and Rural Enterprise. At September’s launch was Minister of State Fergus O’Dowd TD “In addition to the positive work taken forward through this programme, my department has set itself challenging gender targets to reach by 2016, across all of its business functions. I am confident, that by working together we can increase the
‘By working together we can increase the involvement and participation of rural women generally’ SINN FÉIN AGRICULTURE MINISTER
involvement and participation of rural women generally, and ensure that they have strong voices and seats at all decision-making tables.” A ‘Get that Job Toolkit’ CD provides unemployed 16 to 24-year-olds with a complete package of resources, support and guidance to ensure they have the skills and attitude needed to compete in today’s difficult job market. It is part of the BOOST Programme, which is designed to help this age group get the opportunity to develop skills to increase their employability and improve their chances of securing a job. Michelle says the initiative is an excellent example of government departments and agencies “working closely together in responding to rural challenges”.
................................................... ................................................... SEOLADH / ADDRESS:
................................................... ................................................... ................................................... FÓN/R.PHOST / TEL/EMAIL:
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Ploughing wrap 2012
Page 1
Supporting small farmers, consumers and the environment FOOD SOVEREIGNTY and food security should be the overriding goal of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), Sinn Féin MEP Martina Anderson has told the European Parliament in Brussels. “Governments have an obligation to protect, respect and fulfill this fundamental human right whilst ensuring that a reformed CAP contributes towards environmental protection,” Martina said. She argued that to achieve this we need an agricultural policy framework that takes into account the specific production systems in each country and region. The Derry former Assembly member said that such a framework needs to be one that supports small producers, is regulated throughout the food supply chain, and guarantees a fair price to producers and boosts local markets. “Simplification of the CAP is also crucial for both legislators and beneficiaries. “The food crisis shows that market regulation in favour of small and medium-sized farms is indispensable. Any reform of the CAP must ensure that
Sinn Féin MEP
direct payments to ensure the CAP budget is shared fairly. Martina Anderson, who is a member of the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee
Martina Anderson on CAP Reform
Any reform of the CAP must ensure that small and mediumsized farmers are getting a fair return for their products
these farmers are getting a fair return for their products. “Reform should be aimed strictly at active farmers and member states should be able to formulate and apply their own definition as to what constitutes a ‘small’ or ‘active’ farmer.” Sinn Féin wants to see a ceiling of €100,000 on
(Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety) added: “A reformed CAP should include a focus on sustainable farming and co-operatives, coupled with a political will to give priority to local and regional trade.”
Sinn Féin ‘Defend Rural Ireland’ launch in Castlebar, Co Mayo
Stand up for rural Ireland
€10 FOR 12
FOR 12 ISSUES GETTING An Phoblacht every month has never been easier. €10 will get you 12 issues of the paper online PLUS IRIS - The Republican Magazine free PLUS access to all our online archives of newspapers which are being added to every month
5 Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams TD joined by Senators Trevor Ó Clochartaigh and Kathyrn O'Reilly with Kerry TD Martin Ferris
Easpa suime ag an rialtas I bhforbairt na Gaeltachta » LE TREVOR Ó CLOCHARTAIGH TÁ GO LEOR díomá ar phobal na Gaeltachta mar gheall ar Acht Gaeltachta, acht atá thar a bheith lochtach, agus tá go leor imní orthu nach bhfuil go leor á dhéanamh ag an rialtas chun an Ghaeltacht a chaomhnú. De réir an bille tá deireadh le Bord an Údaráis a thoghadh, agus in ionad toghcháin, beidh Aire na Gaeltachta in ann seachtar baill den Bhord a cheapadh é féin agus ainmneoidh na Comhairlí Chontae, a bhfuil limistéir Gaeltachta faoina gcúram, cúigear eile. Chun go bhfeidhmeoidh an tÚdarás mar ba chóir, tá ionadaíocht pobail riachtanach agus tá toghcháin poiblí ag teastáil chuige sin. Tá sé soiléir
De réir an bille tá deireadh le Bord an Údaráis a thoghadh, agus in ionad toghcháin, beidh Aire na Gaeltachta in ann seachtar baill den Bhord a cheapadh é féin agus ainmneoidh na Comhairlí Chontae, a bhfuil limistéir Gaeltachta faoina gcúram, cúigear eile
go mbeidh an bord nua seo go huile is go hiomlán faoi smacht an Aire as seo amach. Laghdaíonn an Bhille seo an tionchar gur féidir leis an bpobal a bheith acu ar fheidhmiú an Údaráis. Do cháin go leor eagraíochtaí pobail an Acht, ina measc Conradh na Gaeilge, Chomhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge, agus Aontas Phobail na Gaeilge, ar an mbonn go raibh sé mí-dhaonlathach, agus nach raibh an maoiniú, atá ag teastáil chun é a chur I bhfeidhm, ag an Údarás. De réir an Seanadóir Trevor Ó Clochartaigh, ní hé seo an chéad sampla den rialtas seo a bheith ag déanamh neamhaird ar pobail na Gaeltachta agus Gaeilge. “I mo thuaraim, níl go leor suim ag an rialtas seo sa Ghaeltacht. Is léir nach bhfuileadar ag cur an Straitéis Fiche Bliana I bhfeidhm, agus nach bhfuil an Ghaeltacht á caomhnú mar a ba chóir.”
IT’S TIME FOR ALL OF US TO STEP UP TO THE MARK TO DEFEND RURAL COMMUNITIES OUR ECONOMY should support our society – as opposed to society supporting the economy. We shouldn’t be working just to pay off the debts of reckless bankers and speculators to the detriment of vital local services and community projects. Our taxation should be about equitable redistribution of wealth so that we can keep our communities vibrant – be they urban or rural – and to support our citizens across the island. It should provide the necessary infrastructure and supports so people can live fulfilling and meaningful lives wherever they live.
We seek parity of treatment for urban and rural dwellers alike. Government policies are draining rural areas of services, infrastructure and economic opportunities. They are driving thousands into mass emigration, leaving rural communities dependent on an everdecreasing working population. They are closing Garda stations, health clinics, schools and factories. We see the decline of fisheries and agri-
culture. Shops, pubs and businesses in rural areas are in dire straits due to a decrease in activity. And all this is exacerbated by inadequate energy, communications and travel networks. The social consequences of increased unemployment through exclusion and mental and other health issues are going to be seen in greater difficulties for families and society in years to come. Sinn Féin is engaging with rural communi-
Our economy should support our society, as opposed to society supporting the economy
ties through our ‘Defending Rural Ireland’ campaign. We are travelling throughout Ireland, listening to communities about what they need and the solutions they see to survive this economic downturn and maintain the fabric of rural societies for future generations. We want to hear from you. Help us to build an Ireland that recognises the needs and gifts of all our citizens and put structures and resources in place to harness and support these properly. Help us realise the vision of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic which calls on us to cherish all of our children equally.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU Email – – Please put STAND UP in the Subject line