The Irish Volunteer - Volume 1 - Number 24

Page 1

Saturday. July

Vol. 1. No. 24

18, 1914

Price, Id.

Volunteers, enough' to make one snSPiCi_',mouths, an,d will be more bitter stilt in ous, i: they were not captured to shaw that future. The growth of Ireland's army in there is no preferential treatment for the I the wake of the Ulster forces is oraly anpetted province that John Bull has been other proof, that the crookedness that mothering for so long. While we are told. England sows in her best politic all interest that friendly Liberals rose in their seats she will have to reap herself. She has and cheered the extraordinary progress of sown the dragon-s teeth of sectarian btthe Irish Volunteers, {he English fleet is i terness, and the crop is ready when she zett nz much. needed exercise chasing coal: is prepared to rea? it-when_' ~O;ltstest the same Irish Volunteers should I' become more than a toy organisation. A ~ hundred l~hOIlSlnd marching men whose , ranks are Ibristling w i th rifle. and .oayo~et may parade the s.reets of one city with irnpunitv, in the other a private motor car is subectcd to a thug's attentions, lest , '" h ld b hid ~ , it S Stil! the arms are coming into Ireland, a rue or two s au e icuen -m it. a Iff' d hi I slowly enough, but they wi.l come quicker mucn or r.encs lp. presently. It is a grea pity from one ~ point of view that they cculd not have been procured at once. If '<his were pessible then the Volunteer Committees would l have been able to see to their distr-ibution, to see to it that only the best men were On lv C!lE: argument could be advanced provided with arms, and that these arms to support the theory that Ulster is not, were kept safely. !\ ow the difficulty of -' 110,t beng e 'ett'nO' preferential treat- getting rifles has whetted the thirst for !.!.~ d h as 1

that what it has decided upon is right it is always advisable to look for a minority. If there is. not a minority things are bad. So it is rather a relief to look to the Longford Co. Infirmary Board. They .....don't want arms. \\e presume it is a National Board in the old acceptance of the term but just now they have the concentrated wisdom that the rest of Ireland that does want arms, so badly needs. So the 'I marked the Edenderry reso~tion - demanding the withdrawal of the Proclamation "read." 'Yell there's always the recruit who can march better than every man in the regiment' as the old woman said of her son wlien he could not keep step, and Longford Co. Infirmary Board is laughingly emulating him. In justice to Longford it must be said that this attitude most emphatically does not represent publ.e opinion then>.

ment in the matter of arms. That argu- them amongst some who, under normal mcnt is that it looks so much like the circumstances would' not have had so keen .. .. h' I ti f the a desire to arrn and findinz the difficul:ies authorities wrnkmg at t ¥. e "'0 a Ion o. '. 0 ¥

Our readers must have been amused over a recent correspondence which took 1 bcetween C01 j.loore and a gentleman piace from Kin zstown on whom the cloak of





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Ulster and Ireland.


proclamation in the ::\,:rth that they are 111 the way not insurmou ntahle are arming individuailv This is not in not dong it. The proofs are a1 I on t h e j themselves ~"¥ ¥¥ ._. ). ",,' side of a' deliberate attempt to place Ire-, the best interest of things; perhaps, but at , . , until tho_ proclarcation is r:cIan I under the heel of the reac.ronarres In f '0]1 .. - events ´.'. .., _vá ',,'!ster, SO much so that one would sus- moved It will go en. pect that if this were really the case mere ~ "C


pain; would have been taken to conceal it. But anvhow the Government i3






Friends of Ireland. \Yhile thousands of Ulster Volunteers ''tre parading the streets of the Northern ,Capital with rifles in their hands, torpedo ; destroyers are patrolling the cocsts of . 1 Ireland lest a few stray rifles shonl~ he ' n,uggled into the other three provinces : by tramp steamers. )lachine guns are! , being hauled around Ulster at the head or armed battal icns and someone _~a~'s, i : 'C .srer ~ J'or the rest of Irelarxl=-p kes. ." Volunteers chartered steamers, held up: the ports, and landed thousands of rifles, 1 and a feeble protest after the event was i the Governmental measure with regard to I




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'I scope for his martia! genil,l¤ till









. ¥. ¥¥¥¥ But the great danger from retaming r ¥ '. . ¥. or the Proclarnaton m force IS that It IS ......~. : . , -r3. ldHe". lllcent,\e. to CIVIl war. ih,}se . who are keen on arms-and _whoin Ireland . . not? W11] .. leek With , . just now 1S envicus

g~ t}E)l-!=h~'I


I _, I -. -some minor POSl busied himself »: t K-' B caODU ingstown. ut his old superiorir t ~. f ' . . . '-'" 1 _:' reasser eu itsel ann rn a letter (he sho Id h ' aYe written to the' "T' "'L' ¥¥ 0 U. '.' . ' . ill1t!~ J he r<Eslgned his commrssron in di Th -, " . isgust. ~ e cnlY Qlfference between his positron and Huck Frnn's father is that hi _ w ile the latter often threatened to leave America as a protest against the state of society ther~ Mr Lombard actually did leave whatever position he held in the Volunteers,

I and




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eyes upon those who have got them, There will, "naturally, be a tendency to reason as follows: "''''-hat rifles are in the conntry were got by breaking the law . 'Yhy should not we break another law, particularly against an assumed law-breaker, and arm too ?" Orily the prudence and good' sense of the -Iiish Volunteers has prevented the result of such' log:c up to the present, and will, doubtless, continue When the '~olunteers were started they to do so; but the incentive is here-perwere so all embracing that it was quite haps deliberately there. natural to expect that as there is still a fairly large percentage of fools in the country that there should also be a it, A tramp steamer with a cargo of corn! But one thing that the Englishman only percentage in the Volunteers. So the exI cannot pass into any port in another part : realises dimly, that, protest how he may, pectation is not disappointed and in one of Ireland without being held !IP at sea the UIsterrnan is still Irelands. He may or two places we are informed there is a I and searched for rifles. ::\'0 wonder an consent to play England's game when it split in the ranks. It would be giving English Liberal has accepted the Chiltern suits him or when he thinks it suits him, malevolence _in Irelan'd too much credit to I Hundreds. explaining that the Government but the end will always be the same. The But anyhow we will have arms. Ireland believe that it is always sucessful in prois always the same i~ reality, w~ether It joke of arming the "Ir:sh rebels.á' in is clamouring for arms and the arms must moting dissension, so we can safely put !,'" Liberal or Torr in name. No doubt UIster, as thev have been facetiously come. When the country- makes up its down the present instanoes to sheer stulew rifles have been seized on the Ulster ca.led , tastes bitter now in many English mind upon anything to assure oneself pidity and chance it.


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Le/'s Have The Fools.


Dragon's Teeth.





I, Napoleon 0>must h3.H~ fallen. Ireland was too small for the letters military exploits, and from the dignity of his standing he looked down UPOll the officers and the Irish Yolunteers. The :,lexican ,-raf suggested' better of it an;! fOl!:l.d..


"Irien:lh'," they have. said so again and a.;~'n. So we Will have pikes for the - 1,' ~.. \ ciunteers if another 1S not issued to clo,.-ellD all the forzes in Ireland. Jndeed. if "'e had the ecr of the Cabinet \."~ would suzeest that to show their deter'¥ ,. - co -' ,., ~,_mination to prevent civil \,\'2I in Ireland all the blacksmiths forges in Ulster should be closed :0 prevent Ul ster arming. Meanwhi le, the Dreadnoughts and Torpedos that patrol the coast could be withdrawn from t h a Northern ports and concentrated on Kerry and C:alway Bay. It would not be at all too far fetched a scheme to put into operation, for it would be quite a piece with the handling of the matter up to the present. ¥

A Threat Fulfilled.


Don't Want Arms. "-








COMRADES, The Future.

",XTEBD Bandoliers, 50 rounds, Is tit! eacb ; Webb Bandoliers, 70' reunds, superior quality, Is. 9d each, Haversacks, extra strong ... ,IO-}d.and Is. each; best quality Brown Leather Belts, with Buckla, Is 6d each; Putties. Is 2-d pai r ; Waterbottles, felt covered, with sling attached, Is 2d and 2s 6d. each. Orders promptly executed. Terms-Cash with order.c-v-

. l'l

A Street Ballad d~a]il')g ",til an epissds of the Battle of 1'\ew Ross. in '98.

(Air: "The

Men cf the Wes::")

By IHJGH A. l.IacCARTAN. Reference was made in a ~revious ar- I ticle te the distorted mirror which 'las held up to the Irish people as the authentic expression of their past. It was fortunate for the permanent interests of Irel and th at in her case tradition came to her assistance ¥ in her hour of need, and corrected the Anglicisation of "history" that loving kindness which tradition always displayed in regard to Ireland's past, and, which indeed it always bring'S to the service of countries to whom the fates have not been generous. Ireland's valhalla of heroes, disfigured in he pages of history, renewed their youth and comeliness at the' hearth, and retained their place in the 1 deep heart of the nation. Few countries indeed have cherished their past and its heroes so ardently, and in few countries 'is the past so fresh and so marvellously gear. People will point out to you the scenes of var.ous phases of the Battle of Clontarf, as though .it were an event of the more recent past, and yet it belongs to a period of history to which, for example, the great bulk of the people of Engl-and would never th ink of turning their minds, even for a passing moment. Aughrim, too, is chronologically remote I' yet phsychologicaJly near, for the peasants ~he:e wil: point cue the scenes of every incident m the battle. Even in the less j


imaginative North you will find:: Remember 1690!" emblazoned on the dead walls of the towns, with all the aggressive modernity of an election poster. No Englishman can visualise the lineaments of ,Yilliam the Conqueror half so clearly as an Irishman can v.sualise the features of Brian Boru, and even their Prince Rupert does not ride through the night with such unmistakable realism as Patrick Sarsfield - t on the destr of on hiIS ch arger ....oent rrrrction u , '. t h e Will vunamue



. . is well ~o c~erish hi:_tory, ,but."t rs better to cherish It well. In Irelan a 5 attitude towards her past ~here has hitherto . _ . been too much of a broodmg preoccupation as of a mother who has lost all her sons . for ever and from whom the light of hope , has flown. . Ireland Revelled 11l the Past It







She clashed in amcngrt the red foemen Though bullets fell round her like hail, And slashed at the hcl.s of the wounded, Her heart was not made for to quail. Then snatching the ccrtrjdge's up, boys, These into our ranks she dod toss, And so, between pikeheads and powder, '.Ye cut our way into New Ross.

~nd re~r~a~cy, but she will=only remember that O'Ne!!l and O'Donnell proved more than a match for ma'ny of Elizabeth's chosen generals; that the Desmonds stood magnificently at bay; (hat Owen Roe put the generalsh.p of the unconquerable Protector to its severest test; that Grattan rose to greatness with his battalioned i\:Io bhron, the foe got reinforcements, And night sew us forced from the town; Volunteers , th at Fitzgeraid was unconYet pledge me that cailin again, toys, quered at the last; that Parnell and DaHer fame for ;:,11 time we'll hand down. vitt smashe~ the gyves of feudalism from Her name will yet thril! generations, the limbs of the Irsh peasants, and that They'll crown her the same as a queen at long last there opens out before her While they prJy that t~eir arms may be a prospect big with promise and red with lifted victory. Let us keep our heroes in spite In another good fight for the Green. of the historians. When they would de-lWHY OF THE HILL. prec.a;e the character of Shaun the Proud let us remember Armagh; when tney

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e memory or ::oars,.



hearts. 'Ye must hand on their torches to , the future. Before us it stretches-vthe virginal and allur ine- future=-waitinz to "''' be won, With courage, with confidence, above all with unity of purpose and aim add' ¥¥ " ':"t' T: b" an en eavour we can wm J ¥ ne est tribute we can pay to the heroes of our past !is ~o 'be worthy of them in the ¥ "I'-' -,~ present and to make the future worthy of. their sacrifices ~, . ~ H(;GH /l.. MacCARTAN.


~+.~.~.~ ..


generally ~hould become tinged with a! England, but she dwells on (he memory sort of Oriental fatalism, a feeling that of her great Napoleon. The greatest need she was in some way providen~ially fore- of Ireland is the development of a genuine : ¥¥¥


~ .; ?\ aticnal Pnde.A


based on the memory of the past and on the hopes of the future. We must not

any other Eueopean country, Irish literature, whether in English or in Gaelic, is . 0 . . gemmed WIth tears. The ssianic laments . f F' for the passmg 0 mn an d t h e F''Janna and of Tir-na-Noz the laments that fol0' . lowed the restruction of the house of Desmond the laments for 'O'Ne:!l and

wear the past -heavily like a burthen, but lig~tly and gladly like a crown; we must. not thinj, of the past as of something dead d lb' -anm ihil 1 ate, ost- ut as a precious her.taze handed to us and to lie handed " on by us to the future. We must cease to look back on what is over but bea'!










.. VOIUn .....,

the gloom of her hills and valleys. Hence it is that, to a larger extent than

5-Pocket Brown Lather Bandoliers 5s. 9d. and 6;;. (3d. Belts - ~ - 2s. Od. and Is, 7d. Bayonet Frogs ¥ - - - Is. (jd. Haversacks - - Is, 2d, Postage, .j d. Made on the most approved pattern by Bandolier and Football Manufacturer,



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HA LT -,For~

I . hT f1S.

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F'rom 40/¥



r';:_"-' . ;:ir

KILT l;);IFOH.i\iS SUPPLIED, Materials Approved by the National Committee. ' Send for Self-Measurrnent Form.

The Munster Ready-made Clothing JA~IES NASH, SEC.), CORK,


A NATION ONCE 1. GAtN. Irish Flag with G:>ld Harp. Mottoes: .. Goo Save Ireland." H Erin Go Bragh." ,. Home Rule" over the Harp Size, 18" 35 inches Price 2S 6d each if x so " .¥ - ,,3Si 6d . '" 36x72 ...¥ , Ss6d .. 45 x 80 .. .. ,. 75 6d .. ., IS x 30 Bannerettes " Is Hi ,.

Irish Volunteer Badge, Home Ru'e Badge, A.O.H. Badge, 7d. each. Post free.

Andl~ei'V Maguire North St., BELFAST. cot.ersne counmciu.e (THE ULSTER IRISH COLLEGE). CLOGHA~CEELY, TIR-CHO:\'_-\lLL. OPEN 7th JULY to 30th SEPTP.1BER. Classes to suit all Grades of Students.

College The IPioneer bi 1 thod l'

n i-ungua me, ous. The College is situated in one of the .rnost genuinely Irish-speaking districts in I re I an d ,an d' IS unrlva. IIe d f 0 r heautiiul 0 . surroundings. , h . it' . PRINClPAL-l1n<\ 111 r <\'11Ce<\v '''S, m.~\ , For Illustrated Clar app'y ta- ~ Ll . pe.(\'O.(\R 0 cc.<), W15, S ND CO TYRONE COALI LA ,. 1.


~.~~.+~ ..~ ..



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L. DOYLE, Propnetor. ¥¥

To buy Loughlin's Irish Tr ade Mark~ 0 u tfiirt timgs. 'W .. Irish Outfitting Hear'quarte rs

t ~



10,000 Volunteers ..

~ 19 PAH.LIAMi;:NT STREET. DU3L!N v ¥¥¥¥



To Mezsurc

O'DOnnell, for the WIld Geese an(l for the It 1D our hearts and look forward. We ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ unhappy and unworthy custodians of the must march on with our heroes in OUT



d S .t


~ ¥¥¥¥ ~ ¥¥ ~ ~ WANTED!,

M 69 OtConncl! Street, ¥¥



Individual Orders ~ 25s, 6d. each If ordered throuzh committees in quantities - ~ ~- - - 23s. lld. each

~:::I: ~ ~





field let ~s 1 emember Lirnerick ; wnen . ._ , . " they recall G, .. ttan III the hour of hIS h 1 1 ' . , .e p essness let us recall. him rn the hour hi ., of rs glory. A grea. people must have great memories to feed upon. Let us concentrate on (he "greatness" of our

doomed to failure, and that the broad . lig . h ten noonday of hope would never a"'am

Irish National Volui teer Equipment

When, lo! a' young girl rose before us A gleaming scythe held in her hand She brandished it high, her eyes blazing, And called on the boys of our band. "Are ye men, are ye po.troons : what holds ye; . Ye've sworn your CC1IJ'ltry to free; Who [ears not to die for old Ireland Will fear not to fellow with me."

. ~ ... , 0' _ c; a' because the future held little or no pro- history and Iorget the meannesses, Eng. 1 d I h f h h . mise for her and a country WIthout a! an c eaves to t e memory 0 er erorc '. . " ,i or' future turns instinctively to Its past. It ..past, and even where her. past Goes not . I.'.I>~', was .inevitahle that in bendinz over the stand the test of heroism she forgets or ' ~ "", , . ashes of a past rich in heroism but poor justifies It. France does not recall the in success Ireland's attitude towards life! days when she was a vassal country of I.



(Late of T J Callaghan and 0')., Dublin), Gentlemen's Outfitter, !lrout.JlJeJlick.

The sogcrs, they answered right bravely, With a vo llev of tlrick leaden rain, And many's the brave-hearted bouchail That na'er saw the sun lise <gain. The boys paused, when' evening was Around them their dying and dead; Their powder was spent and with hearts sore They soon would have broken and fled.

Irish Dissensions



"To Ross: " was (he cry and the order, Our pikes we proved ready and true, John Kelly, of Killarmc, be led us And told us the work we'd to do Soon Ross came in sight, we sped onward And then -.vii]! a deafening cheer 'Ve poured in all hot fer the fight, 'boys, Tbe foe that we bated was near,

Stuart cause, form, with the- famine lays and the melodies of Moore, a very Iliad of sorr-ow, and even in the poetry of our own day the .note of sorrow is conspicuous to such an extent that the word "Celtic" has become associated in many minds with the word "melancholy." The grudging fates have at last pre-' sented Ireland with that most priceless of all blessings___::'afuture, and in the growing splendour of that future Ireland will re-adjust her attitude towards her past. She will DO longer stand idly -by the graves of her hecoes, who died dighting in a hopeless cause ; she wiH recognise in her heroes those valiant hearts out of whose defeats bas sprung the flower of victory, She will think no longer of the past as a weary record of dsaster, but as a lengthy preparation for a, future grand in proportion to the bitterness of her purgatory. History will be to her not so much a: lament as a prophecy. She w il! exercise discrimination in the memories she will keep in her deepest heart. Historians may wrote learnedly about

JULY 18, HlH.




Field Glasses, Tc!e~ \ scop-s and Compasses at rock-bottom prices. See ,my water, oust ar d Fool-proof ever-ready Binccular2S used in the German Army. The b"trieldGlass malle. Riflemen, caJl and have ycur ""hI tested free. E. J. KEARNEY. Sig Testing Optician. 26 and 27 EssexQuav,DUBLIN. (Late Manager of Cah;]!'s)


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18, 1914.

self of very great importance. Newry is itself a town of considerable size and importance, and has good harbour accommodation for small vessels. The railway from Dnblin to Belfast does not actually p:u.s through Newry (which is served' l>Y a: short branch), but slightly to the 'West of it. The Iine, however, passes through several defiles near there. The main road does pass through the town, and there is no other road of any consequence for many miles to the westward. On its other flank New:")' is completely. secured by Carlingford Lough. Besides the Belfast road by Banbridge, there is also good road dnrect to Portadown and lesser roads ~pray out in several directions into Armagh and Down. Lastly, Newry is connected with Porta-down 'by canal.


IRISH COUNTIES. DERRY-DERRY. The strategic importance of Derry City arises rather [rom the importance 0{ the town itself than from its situation, placed as it is in a distaat angle of the county, Derry is one of the largest cites in Ir eland, and is an important seaport: It has two miles of quayage, and even at low water is accessible for aU but the larges.t vessels. A!0 ~"'. heing an important 4;;:;:::; , ildimg yar d ¥ an d ..... -..Jlll I 'tar bo ur, It' u fair-sized graving dock, and is, moreover, connected by railway with numerous towns and villages OR the shore of Lough gil' illy, an inlet affording splendid anchorages. Another railway line runs East, alo-ng the coast to Ooleraine, and is paralleled by a fine tourist road; while on each bank of the River Foyle a road ~,nd a railway run to Lifford and Strabane .. reo spectively. A good road also runs southeast, across the Sperrin and Carntogher mountains; to the country near Lough Xcagh, and on the Donega-l side of the Foyle numerous roads tap the different districts fairly completely,

~ DUBLIN-LUCAN. The main s"gnificance of Lucan is as one point in a district the occupction of which would cut :dl the communications from Dublin to the West and South of Ireland. Lucan would mark the eastern end of this tract, and Leixlip the western. The inter-evening country is vcry thickly wooded and broken, and capable of being stubbornly defended. It is traversed by the Liffey , which winds considerably. The Midland Railway skirts this area on the K-orth together with, the canal running parallel to it, The Great Southern Railá wayan the South is well within striking distance, and the roads to Mull.ngar and Edenderry branch out from Lucan. There are very good communications with the City cif Dllbli'n by both banks of the Liffey and there are also many considerable expanses of ground suitable for an exercise



In the last sketch mention was made ground. of the road end r,ailway lines from Derry City to Lifford and Strabane-the two FER~IA}\AGH-EKNIISKILLEN. towns at opposite ends of the bri~ge over the Foyle, just below its formation by Enniskillsn is the western 'key of Uister the junction of the Mourne and Finn, -as Newry is the eastern. It is situated Now, Lifford is, in a mil.tary point of at the southern end of the main route to view~ the most important p~int i: County Derry City by Omagh and S~rabaáne. Th:s Donegal; and the reason IS this : The i is the railway route, which passes south surface of County Donegal consists of a and east through Clones. There is also number of mountain rang-es, all running the railway through the Clogher Valley, in the same direction, from south-west to from Maguire's Bridge towards Armagh. noreh-east=-with valleys in r.::etwee.n. It Also, the only railway line from Connacht follows that all routes jo.ning Donegal into UIster passes through Enniskiilen. with the centre of Ireland must go out of All 'these ri il routes are paralleled by ibis mountain region by some pass or good roads, because an lie through valleys ether; and, 0.5 a matter of fact, t~ere are between ranges of mountains. There are only. two such routes of any importance, also good roads on each side of both at Ballyshannon and Liffcrd. But Bally- Upper and Lower Lough Erne, and a ror d shannon is of much less importance than strikes one south by Swanlnbar and Mothe other, because far less central. Lifford, hill to Longford. In situation. Ennisk illcn 0:1 the other hand, is the centre of railway is centrally placed in the County Ferlines to Glenties and Donegal, and of managh. Hut the actual ,position of Enroads to the same ,places, and 21so to niski llen is also extraordinar ily strang, Letterkenny and Enniskillen, and there are lying, as it does, on the River Erne, benumerous branc.h roads. in all direction,s., tween 'two lakes, the smallest' of . is But the occupat:on of Liffcrd alone would ten miles long, and which are only five be merely a defensive measure; a force miles apart. And on to this narrow neck from all parts of Donegal could ~e con- .all the road's and railway lines converge, centrated there, and an advance mto the It affords, then, a position that cannot be country could be resisted by breaking the turried , and at the sarne time one that bridge to Strabane. But to advance out from its importance must be forced if it of the country it would b-e necessary to is desired to pass into Ulster by the master both ends of the bridge,-in other western line. 'worids-e-to oc\,::upy' ~Stra,bahle as well as Lifford. This would give entry into the GALWAY-ATHENRY. ::\Iourne vaJley, and so by the railway line up to Omagh, Athenry is important in ~ military sense for very different reasons than Enniskillen. It is the only important railway junction DO'\VN-NEWRY. .. in Galway, and is, moreover, fauly cenNewry is one of the most important trally situated in the county. Now, G31points on the eastern route from the South, ~,ay is a very large county-the second in of Ireland into Ulster, and this route, Ireland; it is largely poor and barren; }Vhifh fCBl!ect.llD\!bl4! and Belfast, is it- and the roads hrough it are fewer and





Daniel McDevitt, TAILOR,

5 Rosemary Street, BELFAST. A large Selection of Patterns from the leading Irish Manufacturers of TWEEDS and SERGES always in Stork


.........................~ ¥

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Specially designed for marching, and manufactured in my ¥ own factory by Irish Trade Union Labour. Fost orders promptly attended to. ¥


worse than


MALONE, North King St., DUBLIN. ~

in most

p a rts of Ireland.





~4i1itar1 Musical lnstrumeut Dealers.

.. .. ~






The following is a tvne of "Come-all- II -, ye;" that did good work in many move- i merits in the past. Rather out of date 1




BCGLES-Army Model, Bb 4:-9 3 Vib. ; Second-hand 7s.6d. Soiled, as New, 12s. 6d.

; -

lBa IHna[ec.






1 f' _ ...~ ....~:o."lI~

Clearly, coll.ecting tr~ops from the dif"'i -ferent districts In such circumstances, the railways are of gre~t importance, because the distances and nature of the roads and the long distances prevent concentration by marching. As a matter of feet, _the only important read through Athenry is that from Galway to Ballinasloe to Athlone. One line of railway follows this lne, and another crosses it at right angles from Sligo and 01aremorris to Ennis and Limerick.



THE VOLUNTEER SOOTS 13/6 to measure.





FLUTES-Army Model Bb 4 keys, equal to new, 4s. 6d. DRC~1S-(Deep) Guards pattern. Second-hand, 27s. 6d. Soiled, nearly New, 37s, Gd. D''T"'I T'IE ,"), ADS 1,'It t eddtan re urnc . d ''l-,_\ .r; ,th hIS' within t r:e ours. 'on.

now, they still spur patriotism in +. places: , . . You men of. Co. Longford, I hope you It 2s. ea., 19;n. 3s, 6d., JOID With me ~ As 6d . lapping 9d. And give three cheers for the Vclunteers l ~ -" , 0' that marched to Ballinalee., REPAIRS-To any maker's InstruFive thousand strong they marched' along t men s. on the 5th day of [uly, I~ And to, lo<;k_ at then' ~ppearance I'm sure they d fight or Ole.






II ~

I ~~~~

The reason 111:?t they marched that day: ~ 'twas tha they're Irishmen, I~ And thousands strong they marched along I


\Vith va~;~;I~~p.clnta~l:;~L 'twas a,', splendid Sigh, to see, An.d a terror to our foemen that day in Ballinalee. . And . now to .name the battal.ons-e-I mean to let you knowThere was Edgeworthstown and Bnllinamuck, there was Gr anard and Killoe There was Longford town of high renown, and they marching left and right With the three battalions from Clonguish, it was c. splendid sight.


I and I

There was Clough, and Ballymahcn the men of Columcille, Drumlish and Abbevlara and all could show their ski ll ; . The men of Tarmon and Clondra and back to Kilashee ~Yith C!onbroney and Mul lin al aghta they, , marched through Balknalee,












n do 11° eI~S --

'Ye are now in a position to supply Solid l.eather Bandoliers with fivePouches AI'PROVED PATTER~. These Bandoliers are manufactured in Ireland from a superior quality of IrishTanned Leather..

7/9 EACH Special Quotations for Post orders receive perQuantities. son al attention.

I T Jell h a ag an

S:J no,:~ I'm going to end my song, I'll S $J II Just say one word more, & Co., Limited Let e~e,ry man in Ireland be sure and :MILITARY SADDLERS AKD ARMY 'Jom a corps; Let you all be in time and fall in line and CONTRACTORS, before the coming year 13, 14, 15, 16, DAME STREET, There won't be a man in Ireland but Willi' , DU N be a Volunteer. ~ BLIl . -.JOSEPH LEONARD. j ~ ~ ~~~






'SATURDAY, JULY 18; 1914.



I~ VIEW OF CERTAIN STATEá :;t the local clergy, collections are to be MEKTS IN THE PRESS WHICH ARE oragni-sed at the church doors. CALCULATED TO LEAD TO GRAVE Th" varicus Companies are, therefore, DISCORD AT THIS JUNCTURE, j'r:;cted to take immed.ate steps to have ---<>IRISH VOLUNTEERS WILL ABIDE t!1b decision of the Provisional Commit. I'ELLOV\'-OOUNTRYMEN, ,'STRICTLY BY THE PRIKCIPLES OF !~~ rut iota effect. Tl.e members of It is close upon ~ve.o month; since tl.e THEIR ORGANISATION Al.'D WILL yrur Company shall nominate five memo Irish Volunteers were caned into being by DISCOUNTENANCE ANY AarION bers of the. Company (to be called the a manifesto issued on the 25th November, TE);DING TO INTRODUCE DIS. Ocmpanv Collection Committee), whose 1913, in the name cf the Provisional Body SE);SIO~ 12" THEiR RANKS, WHICH, ~<;!y shall be 0 arrange for the who now make this further appeal to the D; THE WORDS OF THE MANIFESTO -Ccn.pany Collection and al?point courage and patriotism of Irishmen. OF THE IRISH VOLUNTEERS, "ARE ,fl ~,n amougst their number) a The time is not inopportune. To that OPE~ TO ALL ABLE-BODIED IRISH. Ccrnpauy Treasurer, who shall receive rfi.rst appeal a splendid response has been "{E~ WITHOUT DISTINCTION OF 'il: moneys call acted by rhe Company, and given by the youth and manhood of IreCREED, POLITICS, OR SOCIAL wn J shall rorthwith brwa~d all moneys lend. , GRADE." " received to the Treasurer of the DisThe call to Irishmen to form an army trier Collecti: n Committees to be appoin. of national defence against aggression tt j a's here'nafter mer tioned. The local' from whatever quarter it mght some, and. , .¥ I Companies, by arrangement amonzst them- to take upon themselves the defence of' . e h' ... ;e.1' f'S,. shall~ collect In any adjoining dis- t ose rlghts and Iiberfies common to all rr.cts ID whirh no Companies as yet exist, the people of Ireland has not fallen on The Companies in: a district shall elect deaf ears or cold hearts. i from their number a representative who, The right of a free .people to carry with similar representative' f~Jr:u. other arms in defence of their freedom is an Companies shall forrn the District Collec- elementary part of political liberty. The ti C itt hi h h 11 . denial of that rizht is a denial of political IOn omrmt ee, W rc S a supervise .. Iliberty and consistent only with a despotic generally the work of collection in the diS-I ' . . . form of government. They have r izhts trrct, and shall appoint two Treasurers for . . "uct, --<>-each district to act jointly, and who shall who dare maintain them. .. The demand of the I a Ie of Ireland is undertake at their appo.ntment to forward pe P . . . k 'tillIIlistakable. They demand this elemenDIRECTION TO SECRETARIES. t o H ea d quatrers within one wee' of the á f h F d . C tary right of freemen-the right to place I un 1D the ounty 'áarms the Keep 10 touch WIth Headquarters. Re- c osmg ate . in the hands of the orzanised and . moneys lodged With them, and a correct " port: and fixtures for thi s column mnst be . disciplined defenders of their liberty. . th ... á 6 G I return thereof on the forms supplied from, received at e omces, 20 reat -Brnns, Ireland to-day possesses' an army of men '0' street, not r . Wick later t h'an Fnday morn- Headquarters. actuated by a common spir it of patriot> ing. O~jci:.l report forms can be obtained ~ ism, daily acquiring and cpplying the on applicaricn. Company Treasurers shall forward (with habits of discipli~ed and concerted actio.n the moneys collected) to District Tre a- i and rapidly fitting themselves to bear surers, returns on Official Forms, arms. -<>-,We de.nounce as. hostile to o~r. liberty, CiViC as well as national, the denial of this 'H =adquarters desire secretaries to adSecretaries of Compan:es shall at once I' nght. dr,~;o all orders for Membership Cards, . H d . 1 And Iurcher since the action of the ea cuarters particu ars ~S~ct:O:l Books, Company Books, Enrol- communicate to. '.. . Gcvern ill ent ulace r is of the formation of District Collection P s in the~ w avJ a f Irish 'lI',t!!'t Forms, etc, to the Volunteer PrintCommittees and names and addresses of! men favourable to national autonomy -ang Wer]», 65 Mdidle Abbey Street, DubTreasurers. I' obstacles which admittedly are inopera:ive lin. Mernbershipu Cards, 3s 6d per 100; 111 the case of these opposed to the pO.ICY Enrolment Forms, is per 100; Section of Irish se:f-government, we urge the de-I , , . ' Becks, twopence each; Company Becks, . . T rnand through every represent ative VOIce; 1: each. Ail post free. Cash , .. ith order. Individual \ olunteers are to be encour-] in Ireland for the immediate dithdrawalá


sound and well-defined national lines, to associate tbemselves by jD'o.!blic declaration with a work which the nation has span. taneously taken iei hands. Their accessian is all the more welcome since, from the outset of the Irish Volunteer movement. we have made it our constant aim to br:ng about a whole and sincere unity of the Irish people on the grounds of natioriall freedom. In that spirit, too, we look forward with eager hope- to the day when th-e minority of our. men, still apparently separated from 'us in affection, will be joined hand in hand with the majority in a Unie.n, with'n which the Tights and liberties common to all the people of Ireland' will' be' sacred to , all and WI!! be a trust to be defsrrded by . .' , the arms and lives of all Irishmen.







Hon. Secs., Provisional CC<ir.mittee. Every Irish Volunteer will rec~;;e ';he d ~- ".. ., ULY, a s omcmg on nis own persosal icond f d .' . a en eavourmg to secure the' u.mty f II Ireland d f 11 I . h th a a re an 'an a a ris men on e . " . ground of national! liberty. Irisb Volun' teers will, therefore, discountenance all manifestations of i ll-witl as,lbetween different sections of Irishmen; and will do their utmost to promote ,peace and g,>::>odv.,;jIl throughout Ireland.

'206 Gt. Brunswick-st.

. .









Several lying and


acts of violence or hostility on the (part of the Irish Volunteers towards the Ulster Volunteers Force and towards Irish Unionists, The authors of such reports hope and desire that their fictions may lead to






actual occurrences such as they falsely d 'be d . diff 1'. h escn an may r aise- I ICU ~ m t e " " way of national umty and national liberty. The conduct of the .Irish Volunteers will be such as to defeat any, malecious and unscrupulous designs of the kind. ' . B Order of the Provisioaal



Defence of Ireland Fund Dear Sir, 'The Defence of Ireland Fund "iii be .o:.-~"cd in e':=.:y district on Sunday, 12th .'}u!y, anc1 ',v'l! be continued for four weeks f\li:uwing, 3,l;d will conclude on Sunday, 9th August The mc;:1=y subscribed to this Fund will be direded solely to the PURCHASE or ARM;; AND AM!VlUNITIO~ FOR THE VOLUNTEERS. (N.B.-The equipmeat so purch3.sed will be distributed Il:u..:ng the various Volunteer Companies in proportion to the amount they have cell ected OIS ubscribed).

In CIder to give

everyone an opportunity of subscribing, house-to-house collections are to be undertaken by the vari0'.15 Com!>s.nies, and, with the perIil5ssi9n


Committee of the Irish Volunteers.

aged, where they can afford it, to sub-I of the proclamation prohibiting the im- 30th June, 1914. scribe the price of their own rifles to the I par t 0 f arms In. t a I reInan d.. ,I Company Rifle Funds. We are glad to recog~ise that. the time: ". S¥ has come when the Insh Par Iiatnerrtary I Party, with- Mr John Redmond at its head,



sensational reports

have 'been published, professing to relate

"'- '¥Z¥2



The moneys collected for the Defence of I have be-e~ abl~, owing to the de~'elopme,nt Ireland Fund <hall delray the expense of I of the Irish \ clunteer on i arms for ~hose v.:h~ cannot s~b-I ;;;;..., ¥ _, ¥ "'.''''''0'_ \ scribe IQ full the pnce of their own eQmp-, \ ment. >i~"'I<+>{~>I<>I-ol<áIolo>i.. oIá+áI-c"I">i<>{~~I<"i<~~~r. . , I~

1P.!.1!. S . ..:~ I'liotice to ecretanes ,.;.. --~ pur- I ..t






'*' i


Arms and a_rnmnn:tion cannot be chased on advantageous terms except in I ~ OFFICIAL ME}'IBERSHIP CARDS ~ large quantities. A standard weapon can 3s. 6d. per 100. ~e procured only through a central author- I:t: Enrolment Forms ... Is, ;per 100. ity. I Company B 00 k s "'","'A.." ... ... 1 s, eac.h


:t I tI

+ "'I" ~

+ I+

That the collection in all districts may start at the same time, the Company Col-I lection Committees shall be formed on or before 21st of June and the District 001lection Committees on or before 28th of


+ ++


Section- Books

Is. per half-doz. .

Orders supplied per return post. ALL POST FREE. T erms: C ash WIth . 0 r d er.


+~ ...1..

O!.. ' >to

June. By Order,

i:~ 65 o{..



Middle Abbey Street, DUBUN.:t



~ +++++++>I.. >Iá+ . :. . +áIoI..I. .á}l+++++



+ \j +

+ "Insh Volunteer Printing +*' 1I "'+l< Works, + t








MONUMENT .,~ .. ...,-.=- .¥.


~orS'8 0



e 1-1

¥ OU N.


PHONE 2388

Bagpipe Teacher Free








18, 1914.


Shooting before'

.County Board for Wexford




-Volunteer:' Oilffits.


Splendid Bandoliers, exact as on this pi-ctu re, Is. lId. each. Tan Haversacks, exact as on this picture, 10d. each. Caps, dark green, exact as on this picture, Is. 6d. and 2s. Gd. each. Volunteer Boer-shape Hats, dark green, Is. IOd. and .... 2s. 6d, 'each. Solid Leather Belts, Is. 3d. each. Aluminium Water Bottles, felt covered, Is. 10d. each. Uniforms, approved design only, Ir ish Manufacture, 25s. ' Puttees, Is. 4-Jd. per pair. Officers' Caps, Haversacks, etc, Send for Self-Measurement Forms, and full Price List. Cash with order. Postage extra.

Si~' Ian Hamilton, ill his remarks to Upwards of forty Wexford corps were Australian riflemen, said :-Th~ fast thing represented at a meeting held in Ennisoor- that taught him to attach a proper imthy on Sunday to eonfer with Col Esmonde, portance to good musketry shooting was Dubli';, with a view to estahliahing. a Board an incident In the Afghan campaign in for the government of the organisation in 1880. At the close of one of the battles the county and arranging the headquarters he, wi.h two compr.nies of Gorden Higha! \h~ different battalions. In the course landers, had to negotiate a mountain pcss. of an abi!l ll..ggr!)Ss Col Esmonde said that At the head of the pass W.1S statio~sd an all danger of 3ry un21~;t!?il:g~P.~~$ i!! the .A.f!l;hansniper. As his troops appror ched m9"-(,F~1;Rt had eas~¢ and they were auj the man evidently lost courage, for he stanliing !;olic:1 benind 'tte representatives in made a bolt up the hill and three hundred of the Irish people ; they were soldiers at a range of about 600 yards caW' ~il thoroughly united. immediately opened fire. The mc.n, how':\Ir James Doyle, secretary of the Ennis- ever, escaped over the hill. There was a 63 and 64, QCAY, \YATEl{FORD. corthy Carps, was unanimously elected han dt eadfuil failure to shoot accurately, and sec of the County Board which will con- in the circumstances he was very pleased sist of a delegate from each company. to see the man get c.way. At Majuba, Headquarters 'were appointed for the van, South Africa, the Boers taught them a ous regiments, battalions and brigades. severe lesson in '~he way of rifle shooting. On the proposition of Mr J J Egan, D C, They were opposed to men who knew not Michael O'Leary, Dinnistown, -Glasgow, seconded by Rev P Cummins, C C, Ennis- the ethics of military training, but who writes-" I .have much pleasure in en},! corthy, a vote of thanks was passed to Col as riflemen knew how to handle their closing G,;. to help to find guns for heEsmonde, who" in reply, said the only mrs- weapons. A British officer. thinking himland's ::trmy, Good luck and God prostake his ancestor, Henry ,Grattan, ever made, self safe, climbed a rock to view the su-rper them. I will send more later on." was the disbanding of the Volhnteers of rounding country. He W:lS not long there 1782. If the Volunteers had not been .iis- before .:\ shot from one of the Boer snipers "'1 banded then there eou1d have been no A,': fired <.1: about 800 yards hit him in the : PRESENTATION : of union which was the greatest curse stomach, inflicting a fatal wound. This ¥ WALKING ¥ that had befallen the country since the had rather a bad effect on the Britishers, : STICKS. : 'Treaty of Limerick. Now that they had but it taught them to respect the shooters .WE stock a big variety of Walking. Medico wrtes :-" Most Irishmen will Volunteers established again they would of the other side. Many authorities con¥ Sticks suitable for presentation .¥ agree with the remarks of Mr. Laurence +They make most acceptable gifts for. be careful not to fall into Grattan's mistake . Th V ' . tended that the Defence Department was your issue of last week, re .Drill Instructors, etc. Prices, 105. 6d. ¥ Keeran in a secon d time. e present olunteer starting at the wrong end by encouraging :upwards. In ordinary \Valking Stic1;S-:force would never be disbanded (applause). clu'os t-o learn to shoot before they under- organisation. There is no doubt that effiwe have an almost endless varietv. dent -org::lllisat;on and strict disc:pline are They would make it a permanent force for stood discipline. He was, however, one of .Prices from 6d, each.-FRAS. S~fYTir:: the defence of their own country and they, the men \~ho believed in making shooting as essential as rifles just now, in my opin- :and SOl\', 75, Grafton Street, Dublin;. .4 Lr. Sackvil le Street, and 12 Parlia-. would see that they as a force were recog- one of \~he ':13se1l'tial~ictors in ~6gular ion, more so; because one can ec'sily ima¥ ment Street. ¥ gine the danger of rifles in the nised by the English Parliament. It had ~ training, The sooner a man was proficient hands of a badly organised and -undiscipbeen stated by the enemies of Ireland that with a rifle the better He became a lined .army , in fact, it becomes nothing the Volunteers of the Co Wexford -and Shooting could not be national asset. more than an armed mob. Now that the TAWIN SUMMER other places were out for money-that they picked up in a day, .a week, or a month, Provisional Committee or Governing Body \ were not sincere. He wished that some of while it d d not take a: great deal of time has been modelled accordmg to, the W:Sh-1 AUGUST SESSION, 1914. the gentlemen holding those views were to lick a recruit into shape in the ma.ter es of Mr. [ohei Redmond (a fact which present that day and they would soon see of discipline. The School will open on 1\lon-'"v, proves the p~,triotism and se:f-sacrifice of that the Volunteers were out for business August 3rd, and continue for k UI the men who originated this movement), and that they meant busine~s. The best weeks. it is to be hoped that the National Volun, thanks they could give him was to drill, to For further particulars apply tc teers will be as thoroughly organised as become efficient, to learn obedience and se.en 6 concunen, any Ellrop~an crrny. The l)rov:sional discipline, to make themselves an effec-tive Hon. Secretvry. Committee are very' fortunate in having fighting force. His last word to them was 59 Serpentine Avenue, sandY'j mount, Co. Dublin. so many gent!enlen interested in the moveto drill, drill, drill. Leave the question of Or to ment who hold, or have held, commissions, rifles and arms to others; they might take E. R. l\I'C DIX, Han. Treasurer, in the arnry, their advice arid assistance his word that they would be got in some24 Clan Street, Dublin. how (applause). In the course of a letter on the language will be of the utmost value, They are ~aB~~~~~~m==apa __ .a~~-=, 'During the evening there was a mobilisa- question, L. P. O'Carolan M'Quaid also very Icrtn nate ill havng so. many tion surprise in the town when three full writes: -" We constantly hear at ex-army men as instructors, to 1\ hom the '.mff2,a~~~~~j0.* companies responded within half an hour the achievements of Hungary; greatest credit is due for the manner in Ce11' :SO 'DEl and were inspected at Bellefield by Colonel this gallant nation - thinks it worth which, according to all accounts, they while to jeopardise their national have "iicked" the recruits into shape. Esmonde who expressed his delight at the --<>Ideedorn, so that the youth of their coun- Therefore, the Comrni ttee have the rnec.ns prompt manner in which they had astry -be not subjected 1£0 orders in the at their disposal of a thorough and complete sembled. language of the foreigner. Our new army system of organ' sat ion , and it is to be is free from foreign control; are we t-o hoped they will not neglect this important --0--use it to entrench the Ianguage of Crommatter. The men" on their part, must IRISH :KATIONAL FESTlVM" well and Elizabeth in OUT h.alf-resuscit'l.ted learn that the first duty of <l! soldier is FIRST DUBLl~ REGLVIE:KT. country. Our Volunteers must not lend to obey. They must .not consult their own 14 their support to goods dumped down in wishes or stop to pick and choose. A our midst ; nccordi ngly.j al] a;ccoutrements (\\ DRAMA--ORATORY Q man who does not obey an order promptly must be of Irish manufacture, and in ad2nd BATTALION-COMPA~Y C. SI~GING--DANCING. ~', and diligently had better remain outside O/J. dition, gun and powder factories must be BA",\,DS.~; the He is not likely to be of much ~ ATHLETICS-PIPERS' started without further delay. " GRAND EXHIBITION OF !lUSH- ~. use to his country, at any rate, as a! sol;;'I" MADE GOODS. ~)l\ Election of bfficers beld on Wednesday dier. I may appear to have laGREAT HUR.LING CO:\'TEST evening 8th inst. at the Drill Hall, 25 boured .this point, but I think it will be ~ , JULY 26 MBROCATION, Coates' f-rish-made Parnell Square. The following are the admitted at least by those best fitted to brand, unequalled for muscle strain, ~ CORK TIPPERARY ~'. results': Tomas Mac Donnchadha, comstiff joints, bruises, chest complaints, etc. judge, thrt the foundation and success of pany commander; Tomas Slater, right-half May be had through all grocers, etc" in the Special EXCLUsionsfrom all parts. ~ this great movement rests on <thorough company, and) Michael 0 Cathain, left-half country or direct from the makers; p-ost ~\cdmission to Oireachtas, 2s. 6d" Is and efficient organisation by the Governfree, 9d. and Is, 3d. per bottle.-R Coates c=pany commanders, Secretary, Michael and 6d. Exhibition, 3d. ~ and Co" 15 Brighton Square, Dublin. Body, and strict discpline :lUG ohedio h.Annrachain ; treasurer, Se~gnan See the Irish Trade Mark. Don't use ing '{J Season Tickets, lOs. '{J ence in the rank a-nd file." foreign stuff, @~~~~~~~@~* o Ceiri,!!.




HEARNE & Co., Ltd.

From an Exile









Volunteers and the Language



An f -Oireachtas '*

~ JULyK~;~A!~;~










us. DillonáJell :,and three of, our captains,' and many.of our men, but »re did not halt or fire. Some one. shouted "CuiJilnigidh ar Luimneac agus ar feile n a Sasa .nac :" and the soldiers took up the cry. Then not even the fire of hell could have stopped our rush, and we ran upon the English with our bayonets, and broke their line, and drove them back, and won the battle for Louis I" "And was it then Duwardach O\).furchadha saved your life ?', said Delia. "The French Carbineers mistook our red coats for those of the English, and the fools charged us, and killed some of our

"'vVere you in the cay aIry then ?', asked <the boy, "and had you the chestnut?" "1 was in the cavalry, and my horse was black, a good strong trooper. To tell the truth I never saw the fighting till our broken regiments came running over the crest of the hill. We had been listening to the firing on the other side, and were wondering when we should be ordered forward. We were all angry, too, for we knew why the French General had sent us out of sight. He was jealous of our commander. '''hen the rout came, we could not believe it was a defeat for some minutes, and thought it was only a few men driven back. But horses soon followed rid, ing at first in order, then wavering, then breaking rank. Still we did not think the battle had gone against us tiil we saw the infantry corning. There was no order with them; they were utterly broken. Then Sarsfield showed what he was. He made us open out and let the rout through, and alter that steady in our saddles cur faces to the beaten field, we charged the pursuer and held them back. He brought order into the broken ranks, by his 0001ness and courage he made the flight an orderly retreat, he led an army into Limerick I was unhorsed in one 6£ the charges, and had some sword play with a Dutchman." "W:as it your sword, Orna, that had the charm, that you fought with ?" asked the


boy. "?\ o. Orna is in a grave on a battle field, but no one knows where thai battlefield is or that the bones of men lie under the clay. It has been ploughed five hundred times, and been meadow three hundred times." "Did you ki.ll the Dutchman?" "Some of his men came round me, and I gave one thought to God and my soul and the next to my sword. Then I heard the galloping of hoofs, as our squadrons charged again, and death passed me by that time." "Was that your last battle?" said Delia; she had picked some red clov~r, and was twisting the st,alks .together .: , "You mu~t have been gettmg tired of ltvmg by then," -she added. Carroll threw a ke~n glance towar~s the curved peak of Nephin Beag. He did not speak for some moments. Then he turned his handsome blue eyes on the girl." The young do not grow tired of living," he replied. "Youth~)) there is no gift like -youth. Some of our men went to the Land of the Ever Young. But that is as death; for they must never return. I had a better way. No, -that was not my last battle I was in one that was fought out of heland, the first that I had ever been in that was !:lot fought in this country. I was in tile Irish 11rigade, aud we won the battle tcr France. " ":~r~lti .t~at ~ Fcntcnoy ?" said the

men before they found out their mistake. I was knocked down, and Duwardach de. fended me ti!! I got on my feet again, but I was too late to' save him. God rest hi-s soul." boy. "I've heard of Fontonoy." "'Yhat was your next battle ?" said the Carroll nodded his head. "I was in boy after a pause. "Di.d you stay with the Clares,'" be replied. "And were you in the silk tunic or the Irish Brigade ?, "I stayed till I was forced to return to armour this time?" asked Delia looking up Ireland. It is only in Ireland I can find from the clover. "I wore a scarlet coat of cloth," he said. what I want." "It had broad yellow facings, green turn "What is that?" asJ';cd Dena, backs, and I had silver epaulettes on my ";:\eamhain, a pearl from the river." shoulders. I W:lS a young lieutenant. The girl looked at him for a few-moments There ",'ere six .reg iments of the Brigade in reflectively; he had turned his gaze to the the battle. The nigb t before we camped mountain, and she could see the blue veins by a wood, and we knew we were going to Showing through the white skin of his foremeet the English on the morrow. We head. Then she lowered her eyes to the talked of Limerick, we talked of Ireland; clover again. we ceased to speak in French; we spoke "Are there no pearls out there?" dealone in Irish. I went amongst the men m;).n~ed Dudley, of my company They were from Connacht ";:\'one that have the spell of the Tuatha and Clare and Kerry. Your great-grand- de Danaan," answered Carroll. {ather's uncle was there. His name was "\Yho are they?' the brother and sister Duwardack 0 Mu rchadha-eyou would call asked together. hill in your Bearia to-day Dudley M'ur"'Mightly people who had power here in phy. He was tall and bad girl-eyes of Ireland." blue+eyour eves cai lin 00""-;nlld it be the Enoo-lish?" asked the ~ o} and somethino-! t:I of your dreamy Iook-e-ti ll he smiled, when boy. you saw he thought life a summer day, "I think it is the sidhogs;" remarked or HI he grew angry, which was not often, Delia without lifting her eyes from the when they changed and shot blue-fire, and clover," and you are making up about the it would take the devil then to hold him. pearl as you are about the battles," He saved my life next day, and was killed Carroll broke into a laugh. "Ab, my himself, and I saw his body trodden upon little eailin, hew wise you are," he said, by the hoofs of a squadron." "I am making it all up," "1. nev-er heard of him ,' said Delia "But the battles are true," said Dudley. softly, but her brother was looking up at "Oh, yes, the battles are true, CluainCarrol! with questioning, kindled eyes. Tarlh, Beal-an-Athn-Bu idhe, Aughrirn "iYas it in a book you read he was Fontonoy." there T' he asked. '!I would like to have "Only you weren 't at them," murmured been in that tattle myself," Delia, "But we are to keep on pretending he Carrol! suddenly h-eld up his head and straightened his shoulders; he looked with was," interjected her brother. "You are breaking faith with me," said flashing eyes into the distance as if he saw some stirring scene. ,"'.Ye were not Carroll, arid he looked straight at her face, "It's 'because y-ou are so young," the sent forward ti!! the battle was nearly lost," he said. "\Ye were all young men, girl answered, and raising her eyes she disciplined and in splendid form. Colonel looked back into his. Dudley moved impatiently on th grass. Lally had talked of the Brigade, he spoke of our wrongs and of Limerick, of the "Where was your next battle ?" he asked broken Treaty. He told us what to do. loudly, "out in India? Old Johnny Burke, He was a great soldier. It was a pity that the pensioner, was fighting out there, He LouiS,. the King, listened to his enemies has eyery curse out of him now because he and beheaded him. "March without firing is not getting the old age pension as ",ell." ":lly next battle," said Carroll, and his against your enemies," he said "till you hav~ t~e points of your bayonets on their eyes left Delia's fac-e, and for some seconds bellies." Lord Clare led us; he had com- he was silent as if musing on some past' rnand of the Brigade ; they had made him event. ' "My next battle," he went on¥ ¥ ¥ it was between the Four a Marshal of France. O'Neil! was our "Yes. Colonel. Saxe ordered us to attack the Seas." """There?" right wing of the foe, and -We advanced with fixed bayonets. The English formed God! it "It was dcwn in the South. a long line in front, massed deep on the was a different battle from Fontonoy! slope of the hill; their ranks were steady, There was no disciplined men, none actheir muskets levelled ; I could see the customed to arms, no soldiers on our side. whites of their eyes, and their hands on Dead on the battle-fields of Europe lay the their weapon~ waiting for the order to fire. men of the Brigade. If they had been with My heart was leaping. I heard young us, then had we won the freedom of IreMae'Namar a laugh. Then, half way up the land again tetween the Four Seas. We had -Icpe, the f.:l.' opened, a line of storra and a fe<Y pieces of artIlery captured hom l:'µt 3.n:i j-t-a.t:', and t!':e bu;!~'t:! were ;I:!l the enemy, maaned by moen who ha , but ..




SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1914. few days to learn how to l-oad and train, _and fire them; and three thousand .peasants carrying ,pikes, and two thousand with firearms, and many others with scythes and pitchforks. They were. brave men, un .. trained, without knowledge of war, withant order of cohesion, or skilled comrnan .. der, yet they went down with valourous souls to the battle." "Why didn't they make you commander ?? said Delia, since you were a soldier. r.> ¥ "I had come to the SLaney for the Neamhain. Dut when I saw them g-olng down the Hill of Gorey I fell in by the pikemen. They were tall, agile men, with good looking faces for the most part; their coats were of grey frieze 'With swallow.tails. They wore shoes with buckles; their stockings were grey, their garters blue or green, and their breeches of oorduroy. Young Aodh Power gav~ me a pike. He "ad the face of Roberts Ie Pore, his ancestor whom I captured when a spearman in a hosting of Donnel, Prince of Ossory, "'0 watched together; he showed me a long tress of brown hair. It had been on the head of the girl he had loved. She had been killed by the Yeomanry. "'e went fourteen miles, and found the enemy waiting for us on open ground, their cannas at each wing. Our cannon opened fire. Then our division crossed the field, and were raked with the guns of the foe. Others came t-o our help, and I fauna myself with, Aodh Power and the pikemen rushing towards the soldiers. A cavalry regiment charged us, and we repelled them and drove OUI _pikes into their horses, and killed the riders as they fell. Then we went forward and met the Foot. Many times we flung ourselves upon them, till they broke and ran. It was a victory; but we had no real commander, no leader to order us in pursuit of the soldiers. Instead we were sent back to Gorey Hill, and the enemy rallied. But Aodh Power had his revenge. Vi'e l-eft his body 'On the field, his blood-stained pike in his hand." "A,nd the girl's hair?" said Delia, "It was against his heart. After the baxle I went to find the pearl and it was c. week before I get it." "Do you often haye to Iook for the pearl?" she asked, and stretched out her hand to pick another clover. "l'~{),if I find it ten yers after one hundred have passed, it will do." There was a brief silence which the boy "Was that your last battle?" he broke. asked. "'Yell, I stood out in the snow one long night after that with a company of young men. They called themselves after the Fianna. They were fine young men their cause was hopeless then, but they had great h~3.TtS.


"The sun is near Nephin Beg," said Delia suddenly, Carroll turned his head and looked towards the mountain. His brows met; the gay and gallant expression left his eyes, and he fixed a deep gaze into the 'Vest. Tense, like a soldier in some pass of peril, he remained motionless, expectant and ready. The cloer fell from Delia's hand as her blue eyes watched him. "Tell me of another battle," said her brother. "The time is up," the young man repiied without removing his eyes from the luminous W'est. "Give me the pearl." The boy raised his ohin from his hands, and threw a glance towards the sunset. Then he drew himself slowly up to his knees and opened one palm. Delia's eyes suddenly sank j she looked a yeung, saintly (Continued


Page 7\"




á.For Volunteers

.-$..-\,TjJR.D;:\Y,JULY 18, 1914. .~"







Something touched her hand. She thought she felt the sunshine on her face' (CO~TINDED FROM PAGE 6). i1gai!l, and, heard a: Iadk singing. As the ~ -. . son+ rose into the air Carroll's voice, close thing. half child, half girl, as she gazed to her, struck on her ear. Çlownward, the rcd lines of her lips ready as "_-\ thousand thanks, cailin, Were you It seemed to move in prayer. afraid ?', "Here it is " he said slowly. Delia opened be::- eyes. Young, erect, Carroll turned his head. "Opell the handsome, Carroll stood a yard from her .",:t~i! ~ . ., he commanded, The boy untied the string, .and crew the side. c ¥ I was only 'btt'llg on' to b-e eld," he :h"lves' of the shell apart." The pearl is said. .g0ne:" he exclaimed. ':~\5 ycu \SI¥ere lett:n:g on about the bat. ThE young man's eyes took a swift, fieree .~á.e3,á" she whisperedz li~'ht as if the battle had broken and be a. b.!es5ia.gwith '''Yes. was about to defend his life. He glanced .,. ,,_ you, caurn. at the empty shell, then sprang to his feet. He turned away, and leaping the' wall, "Cet me another," he said, his tone was calm ~et commanding, the tone of a man went over :he field. Ebe watched him, wade discip lined to meet danger. Hc pointed a th.rough tne r iver, climb the bank, and, striding through the meadow, disappear besteadv hand to the river. ","Vhere you hind the brow of the h ill. As she stood + Iound that there will be more. Be swift, with dreamy eyes her brother joined her. Be swift!" '{I wonder if he'Il COiEe' he said, Dudley gat to his feet, and ran down by "I might yet get him a pearl. that the river bank. "-hy the young man could old Patsy Walsh i!l. the borin ?" command him 50 easily his mind did not "Look



for the pearl,

was som-e pressing


the handsome


at hirn now."

face, the

magn.etic glance, the cool voice, steady in an :-wger te boy felt but could not guess, sent him fly:ng towards the roc~,s where he had found the shell." i "He won't get one," said the girl with- I .011 ,.. raISing ' ' They are seldom " h er eyes. found." Carroll made no answer. lIe was, standing with his face to the West. Presentl v she looked up; the rays of the disappepar. ing sun touched his hair and forehead; his youth and air of courage kept her g:rze npon him for a minute. If he had been in th-e battles he had told them of he wou ld h ave baked Iike that she thouzht. Then . ~ I rer eyes fell aga:n. Presently he turned , ,.. " 3 -ide, and without a word, left her and went synttly across the field. A. borin ran ~ O~ tLC ether of the "Nail. She saw h im et . . . ss the wall and disappsar , her eyes, _.... " -, "\\ idened, questioning, restm» on the are, 1 ~ ~ 0 "". 1..0o=,elyásetstones. , T 'nere came the sound of running feet on the grass; Dudley 'vas conling back from th e river. "I can't find a pearl," he pan&ed as he reached her side. Delia got up. {(Did },'OU see anyone in the borin ?, she asked. ':1 sav.. a man s!tting there,' he replied, ":tn old, bent man."



stooped, halting, came down the path leanirtg on his stick. The two wa.tcd for hirn, the boy idly puIling some blades of gms3 from the hank. When near to where they stood, the old man stopped. "Your father told me if I seen ye_Jo tell ve drive horne tue wn r e cow vLO be rm'1'xe d", I it he remarked. "Patsy," sa.d Df:lia: "Did you ever hear of. a neamhain ?" The old man put both his hands on his stick, and thus, r~st:'n_gon it, seemed to search his memory for a few moments. "1 d id," he replied. ":'vIany a time I heard it said that 1£ you swallowed cne ye'd be cmrpOSIT!OKS. )oung agai,l." C . , . -' omp::mes to De formed for war ds r-> "\\áh\- don't yea swallow one tnen ~', said " Lst Company North \'r~,rd' 2nd Comthe bey. ' T Dany East 'Yard; Brd Company "est "Oe, sure} scneer., I III tired of Iife. I :r ' l.ard. won ldn 't be Ev:!!g it over again unless ITá ." . h ese Companies will eventually beh ad tnern wit a me thats gone .. And'you . . " . _. . . ccme Battal:ons and will be desizmated as won t bel.eve me, either when you re near ¥ ¥¥. the 8110"0 Temperance Brio-a-de Irish Vol. ninety, and :1J:VC the pcuns In you the vvay':_' b _ , .,' unteers. To each company WIll be allotI have. Run now, ch ild re, and dnve In ted the Icllowing officers :-North Com, the cow. Thanks be to God fer the fine pany officers (the whole to lbe elected by e-'-~"ling."á the members of Companies). And Del ia knew, 2.S she turned to drive Rank. th e CO~N, that Carroll youth renewed, 1 Company Commander would be ready again when Irishmen once 2 Field Ooronets Field .Ccronets. more armed i.;t the defence of their country. 2 Ensigns Ensign. ':'"R9'PS"I'Z .. An old





-- I






C'Y,:it here till I coree back !', cried the and she ran across the field. Her fftC2 ':;3.5 r.ed, her heart was leapin~ in her sde, her eyes frightened. Clambering over the wall she looked do .wn the borin , what seemed the figure of a bent old man was resting on the gl"0l1!1dat a turn in the way. She ran towards it, and dosing her eyes, - held cut her hand. 'I stole the pearl from the shell," she said. girl)




15 3d.

aá:d advertisement.

Roe M'lVlahon, , DUDLl~.


!!a:-couá:: St.

. Pocket Is to SS 6d


JOHN LAWLER & SON,2F'ownes'sSt ()if D~:n! St.) DUBLIS,

Don', Forget

: LARKiN.~ Little HOUSE, ¥ ¥


~ Irisl, Good.; " Sp.e<:i,,,lity. ... WEXFClRD STREET,


~.»:»~ ¥¥.~.~ t.~.4~~+~



Officers. 1 Commandant General 1 Adjutant 1 Medical Officer and Chaplain. 1 Transport Officer and Quarter-Master. 1 Sergeant-Major. Cyclist section to be formed to each Battalion. ,S lib') Terqpera nee Yo!unteers Nursing Service.-l Matron-in-Chief- 1 Matron to, each ward and 6 staff nurses to each ward -the whole to be under the control of the Medical Officer.

Mauser Automatic Pistol, sighted 1,000 yards, £4 lOs.; .22 German Target Rille, 25s. Browning Automatic 15 shot Pocket Pistol, 50s. Savage 2D shot .22 Repeater, 80s, Bandoliers, 25. Haversacks, 6d, W. and 15. each. Belts, Is. 15.' 6d., 2s. each. Waterbottles, Is. 3d.; Putties, Is. 3.d. each. Bull Dog Revolvers, 7s. 6d. each, Lists Free Postage extra.



grades: .__ 4 Signallers , 2 Pioneers (must be tradesmen) Staff; 3 Mns.cians , 2 Buglers.


........ ~ ¥¥ ++ ¥¥ ~¥¥¥¥¥¥



¥....... ..~~~~~~~.




1. .....

GARNETT,-1.. Gunmaker, ¥ 25 Essex \Juay, DUBLIN.





Recognised House for

BAND Instruments from 21/-


DRUMS (S.ide)

".36,'(Bass) " 561r


" 3/4 " 55j-

Special Terms to Volunteers. Write for New Catalogue,

, HI1WI\ES & SON, Denman



Piccadilly Circus, LONDON,



~ ¥¥ +~~ ¥¥¥¥ ~ ¥¥

).~~~6 ¥¥

iMW'HAEL'S CAPS ALL ~Hr' ! ~ 3s. 8d. HilTS.

lOs. 5d. BOOTS.

~~.~~~~.$~~~+.~~~.+. ¥

AI! One Price I\EL" 77 1 albot Street,

~~ MrlCH_,,'-1,





PlOb'(>"11'l1 no n.emeo.nn.

All Pipers Requisites Supplied Cloth (aii colours).

Standards, Pipes, Drums, Brooches,

Buckles, Stockings, Suoes.


IRISH VOLUNTEERS "Te have a splendid assortment of rare prints at a very- cheap rate, For example -Emmet, 'Volfe Tone, Henry Joy :'1'Cracken, Emmet's Execution Scene, Arrest - of Wolfe Tone, and numerous others, . 'Ve stock Volunteer Badges. \Ve also supply large Portraits, framed or unframed, for Helme, Hall, or Club, of MrRedmond, Mr Devlin, Mr Dillon, Mr Davitt, etc. Irish Literature of all kinds including the Lives of Emmet, '"Volfe Tone, Speeches from the Dock, THE IRISH ,NOVELTY STORES, 153 Divis Street, Belfast.



Ida Yeates & Sisters

, 7~ DllMB STREET. YOU FEEL WEAK, Depressed. or run dawn? CAHII..L'S ARO.' Engrossers, Die Stampers, Lithographers. MATIC QUININE AND IRON TONIC ¥ AUTHoas MS. CAREFULLY CIIPltD. tone yoo up, steady your nerves, IRISH, CONTINEHTAL, FREHCH AND CEIIMAN. : will improve your appetite, enrich your blood. ¥ For snmmer lassitude, for Neuralgia. Try ¥ a 'bottle, Is. and 2s.; posta"o-e,4d. Made ANTED-...."et of Union Bagpipes; (~ only by ARTHUR .T. CAHILL, The Na s~condh~nr!. in !rood o~der; qnote ¥ ,t'?~~~ Ch->>'t, &2.\ Lowet Dor~ SL price an:.! t'l'! paticldars; Knuck, ofh:e ry .... ilA. of this papec.




Samples of National Costume lent, and advice given free, Only Irish Manufacture Stocked. III Section Commanders Cash Trade. Sergeants. 4 sub-Section Cornmc.nders Corporals. O. ctelR1511, ,o.n 'CulT'ne bec..5~ Each Company to find the following bc..lte Cdlf,tec..n, Co. .c-on'Ofttl1m,


Pa'~!'2rnont DUBLIN. St._ ¥..

m-ent; don't delay; send phctograph, po.tal order,


Hairdressers, 55 South King Street, DUBLIN.

¥¥ ~~~*.~~~~~~ ¥¥¥¥¥¥ ~.

2I.l x 16. life-size, from photoaraphs evenif faded; : hut the better the photogra nh the better the enla-ce-



: for all occasions designed and made at : ~ Lowest Prices. ¥



Knives, and Razor Strop=, from each.

..~.;.~*~.~$~"."'. \ Al



: Banners, Flags and Sashes: !.1M . C~'uhill & Co ,__ .',



............ ~"

The Sligo Temperance COTPS of the Irish Volunteers is open to all total abstainers ill the town and county of Sligo, and is subject to rules of the Central Provisional Commrttee. The Corps shall be formed into a company or companies as occasion permits, which companies shall be designated into sections or wards, snd members on joining shall ;00 allotted to each section or ward as commanders so think fit.' Attendance for drill takes place at Hall, on Monday and Thursday cf each week at 8 o'clock p.m., sharp. Roll cal! by section commander shall take place each night of drill and roll handed over to secretary, Strict discipline must be insisted upon, and any breaches of discipline will be immediately reported to Rev. Presid-ent. The following Provisional Instructors have been appointed, whose instructions must be ,carried out: James Scott, James M'Lolfghlin, J?e O'Rourke, James Staunton, Martin Downs Paddy Sweeney, Michael Ternan. A meeting of instructors takes place , week 0.11 Sundays at 8.30 o'clock, p.rn., and punctual attendance is requestoo. Any instructor missing three consecutive meetings will automatically cease to be a member. All regimental orders will be published weekly.-T. D. Fowley, Sec.












S:\'Tt!RD_W, JULY 18, 191&

Reports and fixtures of an


If the need were not so urgent. we coulcl gro\y up tr airied

I afford to see a new Ireland


should" be sent as ea.rly as possible to ~ Editor, "Irish

The Famous Boer Hat and Milifary Boot are new Ready.


street, Dublin.

I guarantee to make rmiform suits of approved Irish material and design, including putties, for 3Ds., made to measure on the premises by Irish workers, or refund the money.

Land disciplined from the primary school to the military academy gradually acquiring arms and armament until the rifle would be as much a part of the social life of the people as the bicycle or shotgun 'But we cannot afford to wait. We have struggled too long and our existence as a nation demands the immediate arming of the Volunteers. How pressing that demand. is the future will tell a future that is not r emote. In the national collection which is now being made all oyer Ireland is the possibility of meeting the demand for arms and of measuring the real patriotism ot Ireland as it has not been measured for a hundred years.

Mid. Abbe,

MaUer not intended for

publication in the official organ should be addressed,




Headquarters 'Staff, 206 Great Brunswick atrerl.

Bandoliers and Belts made on the premises by Trade Union labour. Xo foreigners employed. WRITE FOR' \I'HOLESALE PRICE LIST.

--Bandoliers, Approved Pattern. :\Iade on the premises by Trade Union labour-Cs 3d, 6s 6d, and 7s 6d each.

Special Materi al for Officers' Uniforms.


Beannacbt Ie Dun-na-Gall



the lrishVolunteer





l1el1ry gtreet





Thy mighty clans are scattered thy strength and pride are shcttered, But ::;\,-ill i.hou'rt !true and nd)le and queenly in thy fall; And Gaelic hopes still clingeth and Caelic speech still ringeth, ':yrid the glens and on the l1P::lI~Js of lonely Donegr l.

SATURDAY, JULY 18, 19}4.


It is an elementary duty of e\'cry citizen Those glens have bred brave clansmen, to bear arms in defence of his country. who joyed to meet the foeman I It is also an elementary duty of every Kern, n agh , gallowglass, were "'!) citizen to provide the necessary arms to freedom's Jiying wall; defend his country. For generations Mo Bhrcn , the clans are broken, and the ever, confiding enough when you told me Ireland was forbidden to fulfil this duty, " Cathcch " but a token you were living in Kingstown to suggest which is also a l':ght. For generations Yet their rnernory still's cherished in the as an alternative that you might get into Ireland had perforce to submit to the homes of Donegal. communication with the Kingstown Com- decree that bound he-r to the wheel of mittee, with a view to helping in some ca-I tyranny and set the seal of slavery upon At far Kinsale, by Yellow Ford. Oil Cur-

The Henry StreetWar~h~uSe) ( Company Limited, ,

of Hugh and Rory chiefs and princes of mountains stern and tall; All hn il to thee! proud T'ir.Conr-ill. nu rse of ihe line of Dornnai l l, Bright Stars in Eire's chivalry-Beannacht l e Dun-na-gall. Of mighly

- ...7)

Enquiries are invited by our Contract Department for Clothing, Marchinzo Boots, Headgear} Etc.


- ---+--------.-








pacity. That was the utmost extent of my her. J:,he United Irishmen and the Young lew 's iside they felt thy sword, confidence, and I find even that was over- Iielanders and the Fenans dreamed of Where Saxon Clifford, good and great, at thy hands received his pall, stra~lled, b.ecause I see your letter was writ-I arms t~ be procured by st~alth and hidden ten rmmediately afterwards, and I can only away m dark places unti l the hoped-for O! Gould we have but back agai», a tithe of those great fighting men, presume your offer to join the Irish Volun- hour arrived that would see them freemen What fire \\Iculd leap through Ban bn S carrying freemen's weapons. If the sacriteers was merely to gain the ephemeral noveins, what hope in 'Donegal: fices that the best and bravest of our peotoriety of a public resignation. You are


Captain Fitzgerald Lombard wrote to mistalcn in your presumption that Major Colonel Moore resigning his command of Crean's the only officer in Dublin connecthe Kingstown Irish Voluuteers and also I ted with the Irish Volunteers, but as your connection with the force. The Irish Vol- I connection with them (slight as it was: unteers are now, in Captain Lombard's lasted only a few days, this is not extraoropinion, in the gravest danger of becoming dinar)'; nor is YOU.r estimate of an officer a purely party machine. They were a who served with distinction throughout the 1eaderless force as regards offioers-a ship South African "-ar more correct. How'without a rudder, and it was, therefore, a ever, all's well that ends well; you have menace to the Empire. He suggested that relieved me from a slight, embarrassment, with the Ulster '\ olunteers the Irish Vol- and you are free to embark on the Mexi. unteers should become a territorial force can expedition. You' will have mv best under the War Office. Colonel Moore has wishes, and I hope you will be fortunate replied under/' date of 7th inst, as follows: . enough to escape President Huerta and Dear Captain Lombard-I was away in General Villa. As you sent your letter to the country when your letter came, or I the Press, I am obliged, in fairness to you, would have replied more pr~mpt:y. It to send this also.-I remain yours truly, seems to me that your resignation was "'IA'CRICE :\100'RE, somewhat superfluous, as there was no apá ( 1 C '. \ .Ca 1 one. omrnandins Irish Volunteers. pointment to resign. You may remember e that when you came to me and voluntarily proff.ered your services as a Commander of a Battalion in the Irish Volunteers I declined to make the appointment, remembering your fantastic proposal when we first met to raise a corps of Volunteers to fight against the Mexicans. I was, how-



Volunteers, Support the Movement.


ple made in the effort to procure arms could be recounted it would be such a tale as would. make us blush fer shame at our own letargy. The day of the pike is past. The blacksmith will never 'again forge a freeman's weapon to the music of one. two, three, out nevertheless men determined to be free will not be' w.thout arms. In spite of the proclamations which the the children of oft recurring distrust and Ia ws the embodiment at centuries old hate and fear, arms will he put in the hand , of the men of Ireland, There is no question as some of our friends suggest of arming and drilling a small section of our people and so forming a national army in the sense in which the word army is understood. We want no army, because we are determined on no . . . . expedition of aggression for empire for plunder for vengeance. \Ye do want to have every son of Ireland, trained for Ireland to fight if needs be, to defend every inch of Ireland. lYe want every man 'Who is capable of bearing arms to fulfil his first duty to Ireland and to claim hi, first right as an Irish citizen. -


... <.io



Dy thy wild shore was writ the story of cur loved mother's olden glory, In words of fire whose every sentence thrills as a , Saying, .: Men of Gaelic breeding, up 'mel onward, nothjng heeding, " Hear ye net the Master's pleading, from that ruin in Donegal." I)

Joy; at last, the day is breaking, JOY at last, the Gael is waking, Soon, full soon, the long dead heroes wil] troop from Aileach's hall, And again to land of Conaill, nurse of princely line of Domnaill, Will lead in Eire's chivalry= Beannacht Je Dun-ria-gall. -G. London



Don't get mad because you don't understand the reason for a command. It may have a deeper meaning than you can fathom. J ust do it and let it go at that.


to B. & K. PAGEdI Parliament Street, for Irish-made- Boots at Popular r'r ices; ~,

SATURDAY, IUL Y 18, 1914.




Order, Law, Brotherhood and Peace, ¥

Mrs. A.


vo. JNTP


., DThe ::. ..s",-er ance ~" wortlry and ignorant. folly is. rile r,r"h Voluntsers. .:C nionists ha-re 'tauntingly {-aIled for arms. As every Vorunteers is a Home Ruler, so before long every Home Ruler vciJI be a Volunteer_ U there is no other means then by this will they proclaim to Englishmen that there is in Ireland a National faith. They may yet save England from disastrous blunders remindinri' her that hi:;:l Ireland is not, as she is told anew in every generaiiop, a fiction of the village ruffian."



The SupreJr<¬ ;\'ational ]'.- ';h,




C!~'Y TIR.4:á;CI-J.

On last Thursday, Frio:.~:ty áá}d 8atr!t~~áy nights the branch brought cff a fe~e in. ad of the Defence of Ireland Fund, :tl\d the event each night was :"I.. pronounced success, Patrons were well caieued kr in the line of amusements arid C:1 each occasion the Limericj- City Regic.cnt of the Irsh Volunteers g:we a spleuc id d'''plcy of battalion dri.l. As a result of the Ic;o the ladies handed over the S;;::1 of £220

,,<,I..".~ .. U1;'sives 51'''111'' tc1,.. 'I'¥ e in aid of the equipment. Iund, and Icr the .::0, which I ,,\;..:S 0 1. - "1-" 1..,. .... . 'f toe 1 v'la un t eel's. "\,-ve r.n - d among. untiring zeal they d'isplayed th~y rise 0' . '". arc domoral sense of security to isolated !,;roups tliem not onJy.the men .who have so long servlng of the highest ccngra.ulctions. 1 he

In :~c J];ly number of the ;'British )~ev,eYJ," Xrs Alice Stop ford Green con-tr ibutes an article on the wonderful growth 9f the Irish National Volunteers, and quotes as an answer to the Eng l ishman 's ~F<:~:!á~n ::'.:5' ~c \i hct is the cause of this ;;!,e\'i\ a] the manifesto of the Volunteer

of Nationalists scattered in remote dis- supported Home Rule at the polls, but the tricts among newly formed forces." young men of the athletic asscciations=-as Mrs Green in her own. inimitable style, daring a race as exists in the world-the speaks of the long and sharnefu] story of Iar.ners' sons, the clerks from the towns, jury packing and its: attendant vices un- the sons of professional men, the Gaelicknown to the bulk of Eng lishmen but whic Leaguers, the rising world of Ireland which Central Executive in which they say "a has not in half a dozen years had to is without votes and not enrolled therefore plan has b-een deliberately adopted by one fade Irorn the Irish mind and recalls that in the lists of the Urrited Irish League. of the g:'2at Englsh politir-al parties, ad- men still alive may re:nember fl::e distribu- The significance of the move.i.cnt lies in "cealed by the leaders of that P:lIty to tion If arms from the Castle to Orangemen the fundamental fact that to :d Ireland, make the display of military force and the against their fellow-citizens. How the old and young, there is one supreme fact menace of arrr ed violence the determining ascendency party view the duty of equal -t.'Je existence of the Ir ish nation. It is fae:or in the future relations between this and' just administration she illustrates this faith which makes the Irish people country and Great Britain. The Act .of by referring to Sir Edward Carson, once indivisible. The single aim of the Union deprived the Irish nation of the pow the head of "law and order" in Ire- Volunteers is the self-government, the, er to direct its own course and to develop land, 'áthe prosecutor of some three peace and the well-being of Ireland. and use its own resources for its own bene thousand Catholic Irishmen" who now The City of London sends them no monev e I't gave us instead the meazre and sel- "'combines with men holdinz,,- from the E ngus i: h peers and 0 ffiicers do not offer their .-. i,t. ¥ ,"" 0,1f votes State leual com etff" ectt ve r izh t of throwinÇ '" , official and military position , wea I tnI an d' expenence, Instead of recei. v. ." ",' to defy and break the law when his . h" . m;o tne vast and complicated , .. . mg pay t ey bring their money with them . . . . excuse 1S the benefit of hIS Protestant ellf hei 'b'l' T . movement of British polit ics. But a tel' t ell' a 1 ity, hey have nothing be(he new policy goes further than cnts." Cl b lai d I I d hind them but an ancient Nation and the lam er am an re an . . the Act of Union, and further than all spirit that moves OYer Irish soil. Their subsequent Coercion Acts taken together. The death of ~Ir Joseph Chamberlain difficulties cannot be exagg,e::;ted. The It proposes to leave us the political franch. wi.thin the last week has produced in the men are selected for _ character and conise in name and to annihilate it in fact. If biographies of his life in the different news- duct. Instructors are needed, and we fail to take such measures as will effec- papers many stories of his connection officers who will solve the problem of how tua!l)< defeat this policy we become politic- with Ireland and the Home Rule movetrain village companies in regiments and ally the most degraded population in Eu- i ment, 'but there is one little incident told battalions, when each group has to march - rope and no longer worthy of the name of ! by :lIrs Green in this article (written, of after the day's work five or ten miles to Nation. It is vain to rest inactive in the course, while he was yet in the flesh) which the common meeting ground, to find the hope that the course of 1polit:cs in Great has escaped noticc in all that has been light almost gone, and the march home Br.tain may save us from the degradation written of a life distinguished by ability before them, with no motors of Ulster land:'penly threatened again~t. us, British pol- but blighted by a per."ers;ty of disposition lords and facto~y owners. preceding :he 1ilCS are controlled by Br itish interests and I to everythtng human 111 nature. Mr Cham- wearied men WIth refreshing feed. The are. complicated by problems of grea.t im-I berlain was ~o. friend of Ireland. His con- poor ha\'~ a long fi~ht and a hard one. p:)r,~nce to the people of Great Bn,tam. In'l tempt for x at ion al ist Ireland is best told But the roots of th.elf strength a:e deep, .<l crrsis of thiS. k:nd. the duty. of sareguard- I by,. our a~thor.m :~ese wordsand ~elr defeat IS st'l~ far off. It IS not to ing OUr own nghts is cur ,Quty first and' There IS yet a third occasion for a force be wondered at that the Irish Volunteers, f::J:'emest. "They have rights who dare of Volunteers. Irishmen, whatever their the rising generation, should find their maintain the:n.' If we remain quiescent se.lf-restraint, cannot forget the taunts that .pride in :h3 fact that the young Ireland has by what title can we expect the people of . srifl pursue them. They remember how Its own vital and unborrowed strength, that (;r~3t Britain to turn aside from their own when all methods of force were laid aside born outside the ranks of the Parliamentary pressing concerns to defend us? From in long years of disciplined and constitu organisation, it stands-not in rivalry or time immemorial it has been held by every tional effort, :lfr Chamberlain held them up hostility to the Xat.onnl ist Part! that has race of mankind to be the right and duty of to English scorn-a disarmed and un- carried the fight so far, but as a new force "- freeman to defend his freedom, with all trained people-for not rising in rebellion ranged in its support, sprung freely from his resources and with' his life itself, The during the Boer war. "1 have never feared the people and a proud sense of its exercise of that right distinguishes the free- them,' he mo~l,ed, "when we were enga,ged original authority. The National man frorn the serf, the discharge of that in war. }Ir Hedmond may be allowed to Ioree is enlisted on the side of order, of duty distinguishes him from the coward." bluster as much as he likes; he is not a law, of national brotherhood and of peace." A Logical Xecessity. dangerous person. Let the Irish amuse ~ This, :Ill'S Green explains, is what themselves by cheering until they are brought about the Irish Volunteer move hoarse ant! they won't do any harm to anyOn Tuesday an inquest was held on the merit, and points ant that three provinces body," The taunt is repeated by the speand a half in Ireland refuse to consent that cial correspondent of the "Times" of June body of. a young man, Frederick }l'Kee, liberties constitutionally granted should be [}lh. Time was, perhaps, in his own life, who was drowned in the Black Lough, annihilated by the revolt and armed rebel- when men were imprisoned for calling near Dungannon, while batbing. The delion of the half of a province. And she I "halt" on the way to a public meeting , or ceased was a member of the Dungannon p ith ily points the moral when she says : transported f<ff seven years for saying to Ulster Force, but the Irish Volunteers, as a "1£ a covenanting ulster defying tbe Gov- thirteen men ranged in line in a private mark of sympathy and esteem, decided to ernment and assured of the non.interfer room, "Right shoulder forward." Now forego their usual drill owing to the sad ence of the Army, holds a defenceless peop when for thirty years the people have been occurrence.





patriotism of the Limcrick women i: net declin'ng. and the scrvices which they are prepared to give in the C:;át:~~ of tho old' land to-day reminds one forcibly of the glorious tradition which they hare inherited from the women who foug ht and bled and died in the defence OJf t.he:: f:ne old town on the. Shannon's banks.

A:-.r:-.rAGlnlOHE-Al'~B,CH. This COJ11p~ny-ihe first organised -in the county-is well advanced in company dr.ill, and will undoubtedly reach t: high state of efficiency in a very shcr t t'imc under the instructor-ship of Mr. D. IIq,;arty R.I.C. The movement genere ily ", forg: "1,' co lDg a h ea d rap:u y In 1 h e distr.c: IS,:." ,- .._\e"g:J.ll )1 NT' '11 A.' <;; "ac i local , ¥."Cdl1g cec,

áááááááááááááááá~á~~t : VOLUNTEERS : ¥


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r.<5.11::: e .o5US r 1Ce CotA1f'Oe tlA\

mUYt1l1An Ballingeary, Co. Cork. An . ideal spot to study ~Ii!itary tactics and to learn the Irish Ianguage. Ample facilities for Shooting. 'Write at once for prospectus to




'Dun ne n5.1e'Ohe.1t-,Cork



t ~ ~ ::

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.+ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ~~.~~.~~~~~~ --

[RISH --



Ulster Volunteer Drowned

Ie at the mercy of its .maxims and rifles the arming of the rest of Ireland is a logical necessity under such circumstances of dan_t ger. And in fact the enrolling of Irish Volunteers makes for peace in giving a

exhorted, to appeal to Parliament, the acA~~DOLIERS-5-Pocket, best quality ousation is changed. Kew, he asks, do leather, 6s. 6d. each postage, 4d. ex::\ationalists show their "supposed" feeling tra. B. S. A. War Office Miniature for Home Rule? It has not been by "the Rifles; Cartridges in every Calibre; large Crampton C-ourt, raising, of an army by open manly defi- stoC1;;.-:I1. Garnett, Dublin; Phone 811.



Attention Support the Volunteer Movement

Support our Adv-ertisers.





_, -


":J~- ,:/l.l1~j'";"'J;?

.sATUR11>A'Y., JULY 18, 1914.

the wel3'ht q_f the body thrown well forward, In lounging with the second point, rise the left ear, the LlIlet bCL.'1g raised above the r.ght hip, right forearm horizontal, -on the toe of the right foot. To "Advance.": Move the left foot kept well forward and close to the body, and the left elbow slightly bent and clear about eighteen- inches forward, and bring of the body. At the same time draw back the right foot up to the position of the the right foot about eighteen inches, the " Engage:' Retire, by carrying the right foot about body, held upright r.nd balanced 'equally on both feet, the knees well bent and for- eghteen inches to the rear, and bringing the left foot back to the .. Engage."? ced apart. These exercises are performed to "ac.cusIn baycnet fighting the so.dier has two things to consider simu ltaueously : attack 'com the young soldier to handle his ri:fie Though gun-fire and rifle-fire are, com. counry. Fcr, ~ close quarters, men and defence. Therefore, bayonet exercise w it h bayonet fixed, and to make him quick parnively speaking, the ~ Il-important fac- armed only with .the ri.fie are no mvtch is a repetition: of points and parres which a ad precise in his movements. toy:,; in moderz warfare, the use cf the for a mounted force armed wLh either For attack, and defence between t~IO '.'{hen thoroughly understood should be bayonet as a ,\"c~.pcn of attack and defence sword or lance. practsed with the utmost quickness, bu: ranks facing each other, spring Iba~onets can uot be entirely dispensed, with by the men wust wear ID2.Sks, On the other hand, a bodv of infantry at the same t(m~ with coolness and pre, are used. The i nf: .ntry soldier, body pads, and gloves, and the point of with fixed bayonets can bid defiance to A consideration of the power and range the most furious cav alry charge; for cavFrom the Ç Engage":' deliver the first I the bayonet must be well protected. The 01 modern artillery, and the accuracy and alry horses wIl not charge steel. And point as high as the breast f.)y forcing squad forma.ion is the same as in Physical 1':1pidity of rifle fire, has gi ven rise to the interv t.l from. the knowledge of ths has often saved in- the rifle out to the full extent of the left Drill with Arms. "Full idea in the mnds of many that the b~yo-' fantry b::lt'~,~lionsfrom utter destruction arm, the butt in iine with the shoulder. the Left. Right Close-March." net is practically an obsolete weapon ; The rear rank retires one pace, and litt.c beter than an incumbrance. . And by pursuing cavalry when fighting a rear- At the same time incline the body well the front rank turns abcut., Both ranks forward and str aighten the right leg, both this idea has been strengthened' by the guard : c 'icn in c,ases of retreat. come to the "Engage." magnificent work done by the Boers, who To repel a cva.ry charge the front rank feet to be kept flat en the ground. To "Prove Distance," the men of the Return to the 4, Engage:' did not ccny bayonets. I of the infantry troops ON one knee, each front Tank will give the first po.nt slowly There is no para llel , however, between man holding his rifle in his right hand, " Second-e-Poin t." Deliver the second :3r in Africa and war in Ireland. the bu~t ~Ia;;ed on the grollnd, the bay- point as high as the breast by throwing and the men of the rear rank will cdvance ,11:) conditions under which the Boers onet pomtlllg to the front. The men of the out the rifle to the full extent of the right or retire, as necessary, until the bayonet Iought were entirely different from those rear, stand close to these of the front arm, at the same time quit the rifle wi.h points of the front rank are over their which would obtain in this country were rank, rifles held in both hands, bay- the left lund, which should be cat away left hands. The front rank will then return to the the Irish called upon t.) repel ; he advance onets held forward in with those of quickly to the sde. In this movement the Iront rank. Thus, an unbroken line the body snd right shoulder should be "Eng;)~e." of 3. invading army. The first point is delivered by the front to the charging forced well forward, i he right leg straight, -In the first instance, one hac; to consider of steel is presented rank. Without drawing back the rifle, ened, and the foot fiat ou the ground. the immense size of Sou.h Africa, and squadron, lower the point of the bayonet, passing Recover the rifle, and come to the" Enthe fact that the English soldiers were, The c iva.ry men may speed their horses it under the opposing weapon, and, withoperating over ground aosolutely unknown forwa-rd Ior all they ~ re worth, but their gage." out pause, deliver the point. The rear to then outside the pale of their actual attempts to get within striking distance' of Ç F'irst-e-Parry." and return Keep the right foreparry, ran k VI ill form first vsicn. They had no ordinance m~,ps to the infantry are vain. Their horsese will arm clcse to the side, and without any with first poin.. not face the gleamng steel. guide their movements. The duties of the The front rank wi ll diseng : ge, and deis movement of the body, jerk the rifle, to the If the position held 'by the infan . Intcl.igence Department had been, preright front by a swift straightening of the liver first point. <, samably, among other things, to acquire I OP~I~ grcu~d,. they are obliged to form in left arm, z t the S.:Hn~ time turning the The rear rank will form second parry, a topographical knowledge of the country, ,hO,.ow squate. It was this formation formed oJJ the ,,;i!lg towards the right. Ths parry wards and return w ith point. But when the time carr e for this knowBritish infantry at "'aterloo that .:\ " ,j off ::t. thrust directed towards any part of The front rank w ill deliver first point Icdge to be imparted to the different cliviat the waist. sional commanders the L~ ell igence Depart=] "-ellington's centre against the fierce at- the right .side and head, ,. ~tack of Napoleons cavalrv Return to the " Enga3e.á' The rea rrank will iOl"P:1 third parry, and ment pr-oved to be anyt.ung but "intel. . . h:::ent." In tnu.s reS!s:lllg a cavalry charge Lttle Ç Second-Parry." Keep the right fore- return with Erst point. -As a cop-sequent of th s a. small Boer <kill in the use of the bayonet is needed, arrn COS mentioned in first parry, and gi\'e The front rank will deliver second poi~t The re t.r rank will form first parry and the rifle a quick turn to tha left by straight Iorce could hold 3. kcpj e , ana direct a I But fer .r-, ,An Aetna! Conflict eni ng the left arm. This pa::-ry protects return with second point. terrific fire on advancing troops until they were qui.e close. Then, when danger between two oppos'.ng forces of infantry ; the left side. The front rank wi.l disengage and dethreatened, they could rush to their horses S) far any movement 'whatsoever carried Recover smartly to the c, Enguge," !li',er second point. and vcnish by a pre-arranged rente into out by .1 number of men with fixed bayc c Third-Pa-rry." (Seldozrr used). 'Yith The rear rank 1\"]1 Iorra second p~:r~y, unknown territory as trackless as shadows. o nets, a strict preliruiua ry training'is an a slight crcular sweep of the rifle to the 1 and return with second point. A body of infantry in ths country would absolute necessity. Net alone is the uri- left depress the rauzzle sharplv by turning The front rank wi ll deii vsr second point have no such means of escape from an! trained man at a disadvcntage if engaged the leit arm until the point of the bayonet at waist. The rcar rank will form third p~::-:r, overv. helming force of opposing infantry, wth cn enemy; but he is a danger to his is opposite the right knee, c t the same . -1' time anew the butt to come under the and return with seccnd point. or from a charge of, cavalry. The Irish own comrades. Bayonet practice canrict be cc rried cut arm-pit. To beet and pcint : 'Yith a quick, sharp Ioot soldier would have no horse to carry to advantage by the J'c~ng soldier without hi;;:t to safety, And, unfortunately, every Parries and Points in succession : From blow s.rike the opponents weapon to one inch of Irish territory is mapped ant ,with the Services of a qualified instructor at the first p:lrry quickly deliver the first side, and as soan as the opening is formed nrathematiq precision in the Ordinance first. But the following i3 a description point, a and return to the c c :t~áng2ge.á'From deliver the porit. Survey Maps. Some years ago it W~,S of bayonet drill in the regular :rmy, and, The front rank will beat and deli ver the second parry deliver the first point, quite easy for any person to purchase one if. studied, and thoroughly mastered should an I return to the t , Engage." From the second pcint. .hose maps. Into whose hands they, give the volunteer recruit a fair knowThe fear rcnk will form first parry third parry deliver the first point, and reraa)' have, , since then, found their way, it iledge of what he w,:li be expected to do, turn to _the "Engage." and return with second point. would be Impossible to tell. and should save his instructors a gre:lt ~rolll the first p:1!'ry. deliver ihe second The front rank ~/ill beat? d!seo.gagc, aad If any foreign power had-or IFs-:tny I deal of troub!e. pornt, and return to the 'n Engage," de]1ver second po:nt. s~niste~ desig.ns on either England or Ire-I ~ ~or. b1.yonet exercise the squad is forFcrm second parry deliver second point The rear rank will form sec::md pll:'ry, L'nd, It would have been qUl':e = easy L<,ed m two ranks, With ar!l1S at the and ..E..e~urn \vlth second point. and come to the" Eng3ge." matter for a secret emissary to gain ~o;- "order." To \~ary the exercises the rear raánk "",ill Form third parry and proceed as above. s<';Ss:on of one of those maps. And in the At the command:: Ç For Bayonet Pracbe made take the ofiensive and th2 ir0nt The point should be deJiYered quickly The men cf the rear rank hands of an officer commanding an invad- tice-Prepare." to parry. a,fter the parry; but a dist:nct ,pause should ing army, it wou;d be of priceless Y~lue. will step back two paces. The odd numWhen recruits a;e eff;c:ent in the perThat such maDS de!ineatin<T eyer" field bers of the front rank will ~iClvancefour be made between the pcints and the" En- formance of above they are practices ... , ~ J , aD''!:) " fence, roadway, stream, mountain, hill, paces, and the even numbers of the rear g ""~. t3.ught to execute them by attacking rank and vaHey should e,er haye been offered rank will retire fOUf .paces. The above exercises are sometimes per- lounging, the rank acting en the d.efence for indiscriminate sale, was an llnpardonAt -the Ç Engage." Keep the h~ad and formed with the Lounge and when retiring retiring as f::r as necesss;y. able, and, an apparently senseless and eyes directed to the front, and turn on that is: LOll!!lging with tlle point and form suicidal crime by the English authorities the heels to the right until the right toe ing parries while retiring. Apart from its utility in the actua'lities ,in Ireland. point to the right, and the left toe to the The Lunge: The left foot is moved for- .of war, bayonet figh~ing is a' spl-endid M many instances =all. detached forces front. At the same time raise the rifle, ward about twelve inches, at the same; for the young soldier. It gene" ~1f ,l'i.-.e Boers might have been surroundE"d seiz:ng it with the left hand at the lower t;me straái[!:htening the right leg. The left rats.e in time a fighting spirit, a marti..'il ~~. ,<::eg'i~h", ca\'~:ry, and CHt to pi('.ce-3 had band a:1d w:th t.he right han.::! at the small 'I k!1NI shou!~ be perpeildicu!ar O\'er the in, :Jrdáogr. and is a 't!1! lat~er p~~5sed a knowkdlje ()f the b"hln,j til!' g-,l,ar..L ~te,?, tile r:;;ht _r;oot flat Oil the ground.

The Use of

LGwer t-ae rille with the left haad unG.: l the pcint.of 'the bayonet is in line with


- The Bayonet By F_ P. Mullin





















JULY 18, 1!)l4. j




The use of two single pull-throughs attached t-o one another so as to make a double one, is strictly forbidden, bec:l'use this practice has been found to prcduce " cord-worn" barrels. \,i'e gauze in pieces >" In........5 . che b y I''2 should 'be used for the removal of hard ..







to scour the .fouling ;.l~ft by the, round. - The firing also 'is in most cases Raise the Ienc'b as fa.r~as it w.ill :go, draw more .prolonged and ,a greater interval must. back -the bolt-head to the resisting shoulder usually elapse before the rifl-e 'carr ~ and release it .frorn the retaining spring. thoroughly cleaned. When blank firillf, Raise the bolthead as far as possible (in precedes practice with ball, the rifles will' the short rifle, Marks I, P, II, and I1*, be carefully cleaned before ball practice draw back the charger gude, then turn commences. th~ bolthead to the left) and remove the An effective means of cleaning the bore bolt. To Replace the Bo-lt. whether ficing has taken place Or not, is See that the resisting lug and cocking-' found in the use of bo.Iing water, Be~e boiling water is used superficial fouling piece are in a straight line, and the bolt head screwed home. Place the bolt in and grease should be removed. About .five the body with the extractor upwards, and or six pints should 'be poured, thorough press it forward until the head is clear the 'bore from the breech, using a fun'nel to prevent its entering the body or maof the resisting shoulder (in the short rifle Marks, 1, 1*, II, II*, turn the head to gazine, The rifle should then be t~O: NI(, the. right, then push the charger guide for- oughly dried and the bore oil-ed. only does the boiling water remove tJ ward as far as.... poss.ble). Turn the head . . . fouling, but the expans.on of the. metal downwards unti l It IS caught liy the retaining spring. Close the breech and due to the heat of the water loosens any rust there :nay be and' makes it easily repress the trigger. movable. In some rifles, the bolt C1n be replaced The appearance of nickelIing or metailic and closed with the bolt-head in this posiIt is tion if the there is a cartridge in the cham- fquling should be watched for. 'jer. The greatest care should therefore caused by a portion of ',he cuprc-nickel of be taken to see that the bolt-head is the envelope of the bullet beillg Ieft ' on screwed fully home before J.IC 'bolt is the surface of the bore, and appears as a whitish streaks on the lands, or as a slight placed in the rifle. roughness on the edge of the grooves. J' Daily Cleaning. it is deposited near the, muzzle or tL, The outside of the rifle will be cleaned breach it is visible to the eye when th; daily, all parts of the action wiped wi.h bore is clean, but in the centre of the an oily rag; the bore of the rifle will al- bore it can only 'oe detected by: the use ways be left oily-once a week this oil of the gauge plug. It is a cause of inwill be removed and the bore- re-Iubr icated accuracy and if a rifle for no apparent In the case of rifles that have once be-:-' reason shoots oadty, its presence should come rusty, the Lore will ll~ ~:lily wiped be looked for as a possible explanation out with flannelette and reoiled. It will, The soldier wil l make no attempt to re in addition, be cleaned once a week with' move it himself, but will hand his rifle [he gauze on the pull-through. The gauze to the armourer , or other qualified person to be packed as directed so z s to fit the to be cleaned, bore tightly. The Action and Outside. CleJ.ning Before Firing.

For oiling the bore, a slightly smaller piece of oily flannelette, whch will fit --<>-the Dare loosely, should be used. Care 'Year in the bore of a rifle is due to must be taken not to 'use too much oil, fhree causes: (a) the friction of (he bullet; as it will be squeezed out 'of the flannel. (b) the heat generated when ammunition ette at the entrance to the bore and -will is, fired; and (c) the friction of the pull- run down into the bolt when, the rifle is through gauze when the bore is being placed in the rack, and may'1'hen cause miss-fires. cleaned. \Yhen is used in cleaning, 5,000 to G,OGO rounds can be fired from a rifle before it becomes unserviceable. endue weer is caused by improper and unnecessary use of the pull-through gauze to prevent which it is most important that the ins.ructions for cleaning be adhered to, It is recognised thai it m~.y be necessary to modify these instructions to snit local elimarie conditions, or individual rifles which are in a. bad state of preservation. '''-he.;:} OJ. rifle barrel is new, the interior of the bore carries ;;,. high polish, r nd this is a great safeguard against rust and meta llic fouling, but it must be recognised tbat, as ihe bore becomes worn. this polish will diminish. Efforts to restore it with wire gauze on the pull-through result in unnecessary wear _ At the same time it must be clearly understood that, in a wellcared-for rifle, 'while the brilliancy of the polish will diminish, the lands of the bore should stIl be bright and free from all stain of rust or fouling. A IPull-through fitted rwith a weight, and an oil bottle to contain Russian petroleu m, are carried in the recess in the butt of the rifle. The pull-through is packed above the oil bottle as follows :-Hold the pqll-through (loop end) between the forefinger and thumb of the left hand, so. that the end falls about 2 inches J_}elow the third finger; roll it loosely three times round the first three fingers, and lap it tightly with the remainder of the cord, leaving sufficient to allow the weight to drop 'Pnsh easily into the recess in the butt the cord into the trap. leaving the loose end uppermost, drop the weight into the recess, and drop the trap. The pullthrough is made with three loops- the first (i.e. nearest the weght) is for the gauze when used; the second for the flannelette ; the third is provided merely as a means of withdrawing the pull-through in case of a jamb ; neither flannelette nor gauze should he placed in this loop. 'Yhen signs of wear appear a new cord should be taken into use, to avail the risk of the pull-through breakinz in the rifle. If a


To Remove jbe. Belt.

fianne.ette large enough to fit the bore tightly (about 4 inches by 2 inches) should be. placed in the second- loop of the' pull, through.


fouling rust. In attaching it to the pullthrough the following method should be adopted; Turn the shorter sides of the g auze towards the upper, so that the longer sides take the form "S," Open the first loop of the pull-through and put one side of it in the loon "8," Then coil each half of the gauze tigh:ly round that ; portion of the cord over which it is placed till the two rolls thus formed meet. The gauze must be thoroughly oiled before use to prevent its scotching the bore. The object of the gauze is mainly to scour out the grooves, and it should therefore fit the bore tightly. 'Yhen it fails to do this, it should be partial ly unrolled and packed with paper cr flannelette t-o increase its bulk. Grit must be removed Irorn the gauze and pull-through before use. Cleaniug with gauze entails wear of the bore of the rifle. Gauze should not be pulled through the barrel more often than is here lad down without sufficient cause, The surest way of preventing the necessity for the continued use of gauze is to keep the bore well oiled so as to prevent rust. A barrel which has become rusty win always be more liable to rust

Thoroughly clean the bolt, paying P' The action wJI be wiped with an oily -rag, and all traces of oil will be removed ticulan attention to the face of the boltfrom the bore and cham'ber by the use head, the striker point, and the extractor. of a pull-'through which has no gauze on If the bolt requires cleaning inside it willbe taken to the armourer. it. Cleaning After Firing. See that the recess for the extrc ctor spring is clear of dirt. Take out .he math'l.n. one which has been kept in good Arms wiil be cleaned immediately after gazine and wipe the inside of the body condition, It will therefore require more firing. The fouling can be easily removed and the entrance to the chamber with an attention and more frequent cleaning with while it is still warm, and before it has oily rag. Remove all dirt from the slots gauze, S milar ly, a 'barrel in which ero- had time to set hard, while the less the sion has commenced, wiil require more time th t t is allowed for the foulingto ex- in the charger guide and from the extr:lr care than one of which the surface has ercise 1';5 power of absorbing moisture tor recess in the front of the body, Tal: ~ot been a.tucked, for, the eroded portion from the air, the less chance there is of out the rnagazne platform if required ::!::./ oemg rough, moisture is more likely to rust forming, If it is impossible to clean ,clean the inside of the magazine with collect on it and form r ust. It is also the rifle at once, an oily rag should be dry rag: 'Yipe the exterior of ',he rin e more difficult to remove rust thoroughly pulled through the bore, and the rifle, with an o:1y rag, s-eein9;tact the" U " of from a rought su-rface than from a smooth should be cleaned at the earliest oppor- the backs'ght, the hole in 'the aperture lone. tunity. sight, the gas escape 'holes and, in the I Y '1 th th I' . The E/Jre.-The followin-r method of short rifle, the rack o.n the side of the leaf ~ _,,0 01 0 er an x uas ran petroleum are free from dirt. Remove any fouling bre::1kage does occur the rifle must at once should be ailowed to remain in - the bore. , clewing the bore should :.Thoroughly oil the gauze t J prevent its has collected on the bayonet boss be taken to the arrnourer. No attempt ĂĄtile function of ths oil is to cover the scratching the surface of the rr eta l , drop on the nose-cap. If allowed to accumula'c should, be made by the solder to remove bore with a waterproof film, and thus pre-= the weight of the pull-through through this may cause difficulty in fixing the baythe obstruction. vent moisture attacking the steel and formthe bore from the breech, and puli the onet. The instructions regarding ',he uoing rust. It must 1::e well worked into Use of the Pull-through. gauze through three or four times, Then of an oily rng for cleaning the bolts ~l! the flannelette with the fingers, otherwise bodies will not apply In dusty countrit ncmo,e the bolt from the rifle and, in it will be scraped off by the breech end place a tightly-fitting piece of dry flannelwhere all parts of the action will '0e ke order to ensure the gradua-l compression of the barrel. When paraffin, has been ette in the second loop of the pull-through dry and clean. of the gauze, if used, and of the flannel- used, all traces of it should be thoroughly and draw it through till the bore is clean. Finally, oily the bore with a loosely fitting Cleaning ,22,iI!ch Rifles and e.te, drop the weight through the bore removed and the bore coated with Russian Aiming Tubes. from breech to muzzle. The pun-through pertroleum, for Ra-rafiin, though an eff i- piece of flannelette, using enough oil to




should! be drawn through in one motion, otherwise the spot where the flannelette is allowed to rest, while a fresh grip of the cord is being taken, will .not be properly cleaned. Very great care must he taken not to allow the cord to ru'b against the muzzle, otherwise a groove, technically known as " cord wear," wOll be cut, which in course of time will destroy the accuracy of the rifle. When cleaning or drying the bore after washing out with water, a piece of dry

cient agent for removing rust, does not prevent its formation. No gritty or cutting material, such as emery powder or bath brick, is to be used for cleaning any part of the rife. Superficial fouling is readily removed when warm by the use of a pull-through and flannelette, but if it is allowed to remain long in the barrel, it will !become hard and will have a corrosive effect equal to that produced by internal fouling.

cover the bore thoroughly. The rifle will As a foul rifle shoots very inaccurately, be cleaned: 'in this manner for three days it is of the utmost importance, from confollowing that on which it was fired. siderations of safety, that the 'barrel should After Firing Blank Ammanition, be frequently wiped out during use, The rod and 'brush should be inserted special care should be taken that the cleaning is thorough, as, although there from the breech end. Under no circuis no friction 'between bullet and bore and stances should they be inserted from I so no internal fouling sweating," muzzle, as the friction of, the rod is Ii s there is greater accumulation of superficial to enlarge the bore and make the Il!U: fouling from blank than ball cartridge, [Jell,mouthed, thus causing inaccuracy. " Musketry Regulations.' there being no bullet in blaiik aramuuition




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In the

. '



Fighting Line i~'

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.- .. --, ... - .. --' '.. ..



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SATGRDAY, JULY 18, 1914.





Mr. P. J. Brady, i\I.P., was the principal speaker at a largely attended meeting held at LUlSk on Sunday for the purpose of forming a corps. The Rev. 17r. Byrne, P'.PI, lLusk, wr.s moved (to the chair and said the object was one which should strongly appeal to every wholesouled .patr iotic Irishman. Ireland's bope was in her volunteer army (aplause). ':\'lir. :III2i1'k Taylor, R.D. C., proposed, and Mr. Thomas Sweetman seconded, resolutions establishing a corps of the Vol-

At Frenchpark on Sunday, 5th inst, a meeting was held for the purpose 0.( forming a corps. Great enthusiasm was exhibited by young and old, and in a few minutes 150 members were enrolled, which number is in a short time expected to be doubled, A committee with Very Rev Jas Keary, P P, president, formed, and the services of a highly competent instructor, secured.

unteers h! Lusk ,distr~ct. , Mr. ~ee SUP-I' .GLASGO"- AKD WEST OF SCOTL..'L'l:D REGL\1El'iT. ported the resolutlons 111 In~h, wll.!.£!! ~'ere passed with great ~clamatlO!l'




Brady, u.r., who wr s BATTALION. H COMPA~Y cO.n. thusiasticaly .received , said paradoxical as Ist BRIDGE. J Bracken, !II Dowling, J Costigan, :\1 it might appear, the Irish Volunteers were / Cunningham, M 1301ger, F Scott. \V Dug- doing great work for peace. They had gan, treasurer, and Vv l\i'Donald, han sec. given an eloquent answer to those whu The usual meeting of the above comSomething about sixty names were handed say ',hat the Irish people did not want pany took place on Sunday, the :jth in st , in and enrolment cards taken out. The Home Rule. at 5.30 p,m. in Shamrock Hall, Coat's co~ps are yery fortunate in securing the The Arms Proclamation. street, Mr John Sweeney in the chair, services of Mc ssrs. Wm. and Joseph MurThe Irish 'Parliamentary Party, said Mr phy, \\;'0 excellent drill instructors. It Brady, will use all its influence to secure Messrs M'Glinchy, Kilbride and Clyne at. was decided to hold weekly meetings of the withdrawl of the arms proclamation. tended from Glasgow (head quarters) and the committee? and each Monday evening Indeed, speaking for myself, I think the were very much pleased at the harmony and unity which prevailed amongst the was selected. Governrnent would be well advised n vt +o members, who, previous to the Volunteer exercise the ,powers vested in them by movement held widely divergent political LOUGHREA. the proclamation pending the legal deciviews. Sergeant Major Kilbride gave a lecsion as to its validity. But let me be A, B. C Companies of the Lcughrea ture on the necessity of perfect di sci pI i ne quite !Clear-we 'are not going to turn Battalion have gone through their second in a Volunteer army, after which a comant the Government and lose Home Rule, day's scouting .and skirmishing drill. The pany commander was elected, :\Ir Charles if the proclamation is not withdrawn men J-!ave. g,ven general satisfacjtion to ~i'Ginley being appointed to the position (hear; hear). Speaking with regard to the their instructors in the creditable and effiby a majority of 22 votes. The company cient mariner they have gone through the incident which occurred to Mr L. Kettle now numbers 70 lllen and hopes to reach field manoeuvre. Party politics is a deed some days ago when his motor car was the 100 shortly. All Irishmen resident in searched for arms, Mr. Brady said he had letter with the men during drill, and even Coatbridge are invited to call at the Shamoutside the drill hall and, parade ground taken the first opportunity of seeing :IIII. rock Hall, Coat's street, to enlist Birrel lab-cut the matter. The Chief Sec. in Ireland's army.-M Maginnis, secretary disclaimed all responsibility for the occurpro tern. renee. I may say when I return to London to-night, said :-'1(. Brady , I promise you I win find out who is responsible, DEMONSTRATION IN GRA:,\(;I': (Loud cheers). (CO. SLIGO.)

Mr. P. 'J.


A meeting of the committee of the Clara Corps was held in the Parochial Hall on Monday night, Messrs, S. Clyne in the chair, Francis Ward, ]\1 \Vhite, sec; P. Quigley, P Coughlan, M O'Grady, J. .Iohnstcn, J :\-Iiller, ~I H White, J Carry. It was decided to call a' general meeting -on Thursday eright to elect representatives for Clara to attend TulJamore on Sunday, h . Th ey a I so desi ÛSlfe to not!if y t h at I 19I inst. they - purpose holding a general field-day á2.I1d parade at Olara on the 15th August, at which aU corps in the King's County and South Westmeath be invited to attend which will be inspected by some of the delegates of the organisation in Ireland. In conjunction with same will be held Athletic sports at which they ~ope to have ma'ny competitors. They decided to calli the attention of all the surrounding corps to take advantage of H{e coming weeks to ,prepare that they may be efficiently drilled







On Monday a special meeting of the committee in charge of the Templemore Corps was held in the Young Men's Hall. It wc s decided that the company units be enrolled in all the adjoining parishes, and that these when proficient shall assemble at the regimentnl headquarters at stated intervals to practice company and battalion ,.moá,e,nents, field work, etc. It was arranged that a great muster of the entire Volunteer force in mid-Tippernry within a reasonable area be invited to ar.cnd in marching order on Rock Sunday, which ,_ this year will be celebrated on the Devils Bit :\Iountain on Sunday. 26th July, and -t hat speakers from Dublin be invited to attend. The fol!owing resolution was unanimously passed-That we respectfully invite our brother Volunteers from Thurles Roscrea, Borrisoleigh, and from all the

A start has been made in Howth and district to organise the Irish Volunteers and upwards of 100 men have already been enroll-ed, The committee expect that a great number will fall into line irnmmediately and it is hoped that the men of Baldoyle and Sutton will flock to the ranks already formed in Howth. Drill takes place on W,ednesday evening at 8 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 3.30 p.rn. for the preThe oornnuttee have obtained the services cf several ex-army men as instructors cr.d rapid progress is expected under their care. It is to be desired that all local members will attend regularly at drill and take advantage of the opportunities offered 0' becoming 'efficient Volunteers. Intending members can enrol at any time with the secretary, or with any members of the oomrn ittee on drill evenings. H on sec, B P Bowen.

surroundiug towns and villages, to assernble in marching order on the historic Devit's pit Mountain on Rock Sunday, July 26th.



On Sunday last the members of this OA:,\:,\OXS WOOD. corps 'tssembled at their drill hall, marched On :\Ionday night last a. meeting was through the street, then on to the historic held at Cannon's Wood for the purpose village of Oullen, a- mile distant, the pip. of establishing a corps of the Irish Vol- ers' band heading the march and playing unteers. :\II..T J Carroll, Coolkerry Park, Irish airs. Arriving at Cullen, the men prdsided , 'and was '\~ubsequently elected were divided into sections, and drilling chairman of the Provisional-Committee, gone through on the square. The men :\Ic<scs .Jarnes Rvan , R.O: turned to Oola about 9.30 and marched to J .. .i.I'D~.u~H, IV :d:UláPb.y, J 1l:r:p~j', K their h:111 where they were CiS,:rr:S3ed. j ohn Fitzpatrick, J Dunphy, P Dullar, M Jacob Lunden, hon secretary ¥. ',Ç ..."'....




Xot An Aggressive Force.

unwritten Flynn, sec.



~!r. John Gore, solicitor, said he came ohere as ~. representative of the Provisional Committee of the Irish Volunteers. The Volunteer Force was never intended to be an aggressive one. lYe are a, defensive force, said 1111'. Gore, and if we are attacked by regulars or policemen, coastgunrds or Ulster Volunteers we shall defend ourselves like men (cheers). Speaking with rezard to the equpment of the Volunteer n:J~ce, he said -that Irishmen in every English-speaking part of the world had sent them money for this purpose, He hoped that the Irish Volunteers would be the army of the Irish Government (cheers). ~II.





ilk .T, D. Xugent said thct he did not _ agree that the \ olunteer movement was going to take up i he attitude of folding it, arms and standing to see who was going to come along to attack it. V~-heá tJ,ler the Prcclamation was .removed or not there would be plenty of arms in Ireland and plenty of 'aInmLUliition. There were other things as good as rifles and a little more dangerous that they made in days gone by and they could 1:le made in Ireland again to-day (cheers). ':\Ir. J, P. Gaynor said that any man who would attempt to divorce Ireland's' army at home from the Irish lanny in the House of Commons was a traitor to the cause of Ireland, It was :\h. Redmond's 'bounden duty when he saw a possibility of such danger to prevent it (cheers). Mr. T P O'Tlrien proposed a vo~~ p£ t)Ja~ks to 17:::. Byrne for presiding, ,¥ " " ':' .... ,J ~ ..¥. .i:'.


On Sunday, 28th nIt., the various compaxes of 'different corps of the Volunteers in Korth Sligo assembled at Grange under the command of their various drill masters. About 400 men-a good number of them equipped-and headed b:v :1 party of horsemen, under the command of :\II. Duignan, arrived from Magherow at about 3 o'clock. Shortly afterwards about 100 men arrived from C:iffoney, and late: in the day the DaUintrillick Corps ar rived. The Grange Volu-nteers, to the number of 300, under the command of MI. Devins. who, iogether with other able and competent :::55' stants, have , judging IJ:; the splendid disci p line and order' of the corps, and the wonderful progress they have mr de ill a short time, shown themselves to be able " and competent dri ll masters, escorted ihe different corps into the town. For hours par ading was kept up i.n the streets and immediate vicinity. The order and discipline was splendid and evoked the ad' miration of the onlookers who lined the streets on iboth sides. At about 7 o'clock the different corps marched off to their various destinations as fresh looking as when they started, even though some of them had travelled tefl or twelve miles. The men of North Sligo have taken theadvice of Sir Edward CarsQ,n as to their duties of citizenship, and the inspiriting demonstration which was witnessed was one which showed the patriotism and enthusiasm of Irishmen, and will form a landmark in the history of the district in connection with the volunteer movemeat. " ;; ,~._J: '_ : !: . ...J. ...:;.




18, 1914.

The O'Rahilly inspected Killeshandra c:JfPS, numbering 200, on Friday in a field kindly placed at the disposal of the Volunteers by Very Rev P Clarke, P P, V F. Amongst those present on the drill ground were-Rev P Donohoe, C C; Rev P Osborne, C C; Rev James ~I'Cabe, C 0, Carriz allen ; Rev Father Led d)' Drum110;~ _\1 Ki~rnan, J 1', Rockfield ~onse; l' Donohoe, J P, Cappa House; T F MacCabc, P Brady, l' Cassidy, J Cassidy, }1 J (;affney, K T; Miss O'Connor , K T; Philip Kan e and s-everal others, there being a good sprillkling of the fair sex. The O'Rahilly 'ha'.-ing inspected the corps congratulated th~111 on their appearance and efficiency and explained their scheme of government, \\ h;ch has already appeared. He hoped and l::(l:ieved that their rifles would never be used in anger against their fellow-man, and if the same spirit always prevailedthe spirit which prevailed, at the recent Ki l leshandr a oock-fight _ (laughter)-they and the Ulster Volunteers would yet be rr,c.,'dling together. The battle of Clontarf and the siege of Limerick were mentioned in the history of Ireland, and when the his-

BELT Ul~BET. By order of Colonel ~loore, InspectoriGeneral I N V, Captain The 0' Rahilly visite? Belturbet on Saturday at 12 noon for the purpQse of inspection and with a view to establishing the different companies in Battalion order. At a mectinz held in the Town Hall the followingb committee attended : -~les3rs J J Gleeson (Cha.r.nanj, E O''Rei l ly, treasurer' P Small, U C; J - Small U C'. E 'Viggins, J Gillick, Inst-ruc;ors: YJ,e'ssrs J Tallon, P Reynolds, J Halligan, J )I'Partland, and J Morris were in attendance The O'Rahilly said he was sent there t~ help the committee to form the different companies iota battalion order. Belturbet was selected as headquarters for Lower Loughtee, and the companies for the battalion would be Redhills, part of Scotshouse, Legakelly, Milltown, Staghall, Cran. aghan, Teemore, and it was optional, with Glasstown to go to Belturbet or Killeshandra. Messrs Small, Wiggins and O'Reilly were appointed as a deputation lo notify the compan ses named, each company to send one representative to meeting within ten days of Battalion Committee in RelturbetP J M'Cail, secretary, On Saturday at 4 p.m. the corps numbering over 160, assembled at the Town Hall for inspection by The O'Rahilly. At 1 o'clock the men formed up in charge of Ohief Instructor

. ~Y order of Colonel Moore, InspectorAt a public meeting in Bunclody (Co. CT~ner,al~f the NatlOnal. Volun~eers, Th~ '''exford) on Sunday presided over by 0 Ra:_,lly, who was making an inspection .h e Rev R Gaul. C C, Corps equiptour III County Cavan during the past ned w it h bandoliers, haversaoks,' and week, visited Bailieborough on Sunday for wooden guns, and accompanied by the ,purpose of inspecting the local corps bands, were in attendance from and to take steps to form -a committee for Bun~lody, .Myshall, Cara Hill, Clonegal, the barony of Clankee. A meeting was Balhndaggm, Rossard, Glasslacken, Cloheld at Shaffrey's Hotel, and delegates hamon Kildavin and other centres in the were in attendance from Bailieborough, Counties of Wexford and Carlow. LieuKingscourt, Knockbride E~3t, Knockbride tenant Mellows and Mr M J Judge repreWest, Clifferna and Sherccck A"monO'st senting the Provisional Committee who those present were :-Rev Fa~her Lyn~h, had promised to attend, were unavo:dablY 0 C, Bailieboro", Rev Father ~I'Carmack, absent. C C, Knockbride ; Messrs T 11 Farrelly, Rev L O'Neill, C C, Clonegal, in the 00 C; Philip J Carroll, R DC; John T course of a spirited address, said the moveCogarty, Co C; Thos O'Reilly, Bailieboro'; merit had its origin in the new spirit that John T Finegan, Thos Kelly, John F'itz- had crept into Ireland within the past ten gerald, John O'Reilly, Kingseourt , T 11 years. He wished the Volunteers every Sexton, Clifterna , L Maguire, Thos Sorag- success because the movement made them han, [ames Mitchell, Owen Carolan, secre- thinking men and helped to advance them tary ; P Carroll and P Reilly, drill instruc- on the road to liberty. tors etc. The O'Rahilly explained the ob. ~Ir Patk Sinnott said under the glorious jects of the Volunteers and how battalions leadership of Mr John E Redmond the shculd be formed. It was proposed to have ~olunleers would soon secure for them their ei6ht battaiions in County for liberty. They heard a lot of blowing and each barony, the battalion for Olankee to bluffing from Carson's Volunteers but yet h ave its headquarters in Bailieboro'. All while Xat ion al ists did not wish to be inmatters relating to the barony were to be tolerant and while they were ready to asdealt with by the Baronial OOITL'11ittee and sist those who worshipped at different alal! matters r,zlating to the county by the tars they were not going to stand a,l'lY hum.

tory of the present Ireland was being written he expected that in its pages the people of the Iu ture would read of the Ki lleshandr a cock-fight. (Laugbter), _ Commander ~eenah called for three cheers for The 0 Ral11l1y,which were heart;ly given,

Tallon, assisted by Instructors yI'Partland, Reynolds, Morris and Holahan, and marched through the town, a large crowd of persons assembling to see the march pa:~ The corps ag~in formed up on Fair GI_,~n, where The 0 Rahllly addressed the men whom0 he complimented on their effi;0 " ~' ' ,.'_

County Committee. It was proposed that the County Committee should be formed by a me.nber from each barony with a coopted man, who should be well qualified in ~lilitary busin.ess. A Provisional Comrrnttee was appointed, and :0. general discussion took place upon the irrrocrtation of _ . ¥ ¥ .

In the Fighting Line. --0--






bug. Dr ,y 0 Lawler, J 1', in proposing a resolution to the' effect that the Volunteer movement was worthy of their support, said they ~,'ece to-d.ay ~repared, if nece~sar~, t~ take up arms m dE!fe!19!i of tftE)(l: D°Yle, ¥ who seconded the resoluI CO~1"tr~1' !" r -' a"~lb and other matters. The O'Rahllly I tion, said he supposed Mr Redmond had said there were 130,000 National Volun- good reasons for not demanding the withteers at present in Ireland, and they expec- drawal of the Arms Proclamation and no ted the number would reach 500000 who I goo d pu rpose cou Id b e serve d by cross" , would be prepared to fight, and, if neces- hecklinz hi b t't 0 Inl a ou 1. sary, ,0 die for then country. The"J were Th e Ráev Chai . putting . airman, In t h e renot to attack their opponents ' but they I ti id ith "I so u ion, sai WlL a v o unteer army no f oe must be prepared to defend themselves if .II1 the world wou Id b e ahl e t 0 wrest H orne .¥ _ attacked, The Volunteer mQycment ',"OS - ,n,! I Ru 1 e f rom I're 1 an d . I~Ot to be used. for an;), political or sc()tar'ian II Th e reso ¥ I'UtJO!l havmg . ! . been carr.ed with purpose, , and If any person wished to use it i __ acclamation _. , the¥ assembled _. corps wen't f~r t~ose purposes the ~O:Jl:~), he was on~- through a drill display and parade. Its ranks the better. The lccal corps, Recent eorps Icrmed in Co. \Yexfcrd inwnn. the Temperance brass hand, attended elude Kiltealy, Clonrcche, Killanne and outside the hotel. The O'Rnhilly con-, Rathnure. gratulated the corps en the progress they had made in a short time. He regretted that he could not remain any longer, as he had an important engagement at Callan, After he had left by motor the local corps, and corps from Knockbr.ds East and ~ '.Yest, headed by the Temperance brass We are unable to supply pa~rs direct band, proceeded in martial order to Mr They must be procured :li'Breen's field beside the creamery, where to agents. drilhng was carried on for c -. ..: :"'-0 hours. through our wholesale agents.

At a committee meeting held subsequently c,~ncJ,' IL explained the scheme or county presided oyer by Father Donohoe, C C. ~,galllSat,on reported elsewhere, and sad The 0' Rahilly explained the scheme of it was proposed that Bellurbet should be th ~,Ir TosI ' headquarters , ¥ ,0 for Lower Louzhtce. county organisation which would be adopallen, chief instructor, called for three .".. ted. stating that Ki lleshandra would be '1 _~ c, eers for Captain 0 hahlll'f which was reheadq uarters for Tullyhunco battalion, 51""1 . . . ...1 ponded to In' a most enth u s astic manner. Th e rch company to elect a representative on ¥ e companies then formed up again and the battalion committee, and each batmarched through the principal streets or the ta lion committee to have the right town, being subsequently dismissed. ~ to elect a representative on tbe "<..0-00' County Board, Rev P Osborne) 0 C, proposed a vote of thanks to The O'Rahilly \HIAT YOLUXTEERS IIAYE TO DO. for his attendance, which W2.S seconded by :Uajor Gerald Dease" D L, Coole, who ']'cy Father Donohoe, C C, and passed by bas taken oyer the organisation of the acclarn ation. The O'l(ahilly having re- '." estmeath Volunteer Force, has actively plied, the proceedings terminated. entered upon his work. In an address he points out the callosal task that is before the headquarter's' staff, and asks the. local Volunteers not to be in too great a hurry, as the most necessary virtues for SOIJ:e Tl'LLYHUXCO BATTALIOX ooxr. months for them to practice are patience ~IITTEE. and self-control. It wi ll, he says, be a In accordance with the instructions is- lime of drudgery for any man who is sued by the Provisional Committee re the worth his salt for squad and company drill formation of baronial battalion committees, must be thoroughly me.stered, and they DUBLIN-Eason and Son, Middle the following corps are requested to ap- would have to confine themselves much to Abbey street; Dawson and Son, Middle point delegates to represent them on the them while the national system is being Abbey street. Tu llyh u nno Battalion Committee, the basis laid, This drill, he points out, is the sum AUGHNACLOY. CORK and the SOUTH-So O'CUILL of representation to be one delegate from total that any army have to master before and Co., 19, Queen street, Cork. The above company marched to Clogher musketry and field practices are undereach company of 100 Volunteers, and to on Sunday, 5~h inst., under the command DERIRY CITY-O'Connor, Creggan send the names of their delegates when ap- taken. of Colonel Singleton. A review was held street, Derry. pointed to the han sees of Ki llesh andra DONEGAL, DERRY, Etc.-Eason's, BLAl\'CI-L-\l{DSTO\YX. at which 1,200 men F:raded and were incorps, J ames Reilly, newspaper co~r.esponDonegal Place, Belfast. The above corps gves promise to be spected by Captain White, D.S.O. The dent, Ki lleshandra, or Alex Prior, PortaSCOTLAND-~lenzies and Co" West Company were singled out Iiffe, Kil leshandra : -Arva, Doogra, Ki l. one of the smartest in the County Duhlin. .\uághnacloy and Captain \Yhi',e Nile street, Glasgow. dallon, Cornafcan, Cormore, Drumard, and After drill parade on Sunday last they for special prase LO"DO" S em pz¥ m . , H _1. I1 .:'IlillOw'n. As other corps in Tullyhunco took a route march from S:. Br iz,::, id's::, 1-1"11 and u., carne. and congratulated CJ~, Singleton ~'i l"i-. ".lar:;;.ua may be omitted from above list, 'all dis- Blancbardstown, to Cabra, headed by St. 0'1 t;l" fine appearance and splendid' drill Co., Paternoster Row, London. tricts in the barony having a corps of 100 Brigids Brass r.nd Reed Band } retur ninz .;:'. of the men; he also appointed Colonel _., mt , or over will please name a delegate for via Blackhouse Lane, The march of the Smgleton to the command of the Aughna If your newsagent is unable to procure each company of 100 Volunteers and for- corps was watched with great interest::tll cloy Battalion, .and arranged for a review a sufficient number of the "Irish Volunteer," kindly get the name of the wholeward. his name when appointed to the han along the route, and the discipline of the to be held here on the Dth August. The saler supplying your district with papers, sees as soon as possible. A meeting of the men while on drill parade ,2nd on the line company now numbers 130, and new re- and send both names on to our "Cir65 Middle Abbey battalion oommiltee will be called at a of march was worthy of specal note, more cruits are coming every night. Practices culation Manager, street. " convenient date.-Reilly and Prior, han especia-lly as the corps is not long formed'l are ar~anged for e,;,ery Monday and Thurs: Give the "Irish Voluntee~" t{) a .fden~' -G 0' . I day mght at 8 0 clock and Sunday at sees. eo. Dnscol. secretary. 3 o'ciocl-!a.., IF" n m .-lU 11,' .. ""L ~ !..Y.1__ ena, .secret a.ry. w he:l finish.e<l w'ith. L"







I -I'

" ', .. , - -, - "


N ewsagen is.

Imoortant Notice.



SATURDAY, JULY 18, 1914.


-,In the Fighting Line.

fine manly appearance, their ages ranging .frorn 18 to 3-5, and showed a sfriking aptitude for drilf 5nstrubion. Mr. B. Continued from Page 12 'Curtin, ex-militar-y sergeant. put them through some preliminary evolutions, and was highly pleased with their genera! appearance and physique. The committee BALLINACREE. in charge of the corps was present and A meeting of above corps was held at busied themselves in perfecting details. -::ondy Reilly's Cross on Sunday. It was' ~ decided to send ,Messrs Ahern and Bro~vn ARDFERT. as delegates to the Volunteer Convention in Navan on Sunday. As football is inAt a meeting on Wednesday, July Lst, terfering with the drill on Sundays, it the Committee of the Ardfert Irish Volumwas decided to ask the football clubs in teers unanimously agreed to make their the district to suspend operations until the corps a temperance one. As the result on crisis is over, Drilling on Sunday next at Friday eYening the corps marched to the hacks.and would feel quite happy if they KILKENNY. Farrell's Cross.-C. 'V. Ahern, HOD. Sec. parish chapel under the command of had rifles. The men are anxiously prel\Iessrs Barrett, Fernane and James Sulli- paring for the end inpection Under the presidency of Alderman J. van, and was met by the Rev Fr. Barton, work, which will be done _soon. A good Nowlan, the usual weekly meeting of the P.P., who ga\'e a most impressive address ma'ny new recruits are enrolling from day Provisional Committee "as held on WedRING. on temperance and the Volunteer movement to day. Drill is carried on during the nesday night. AlI the committee were ,ill attendance and also the Drill l\Iaster and A ~rps. of the Volunteers has been fO"-l in general,' Afterwards he gave the pledge week.-K. 'O'Connor, Sec. med 10 Rmg, Padraig 0 Ca-dI a, Principal, to those present; who numbered 89 in ail. three 'Captains. A letter was read from is president, and, needless to say, he has -Wm. Lynch, sec. Mr. John E. Redmond, M.P." stating that left no stone unturned to make it a suehe would: do all he could to convenience cess. The local corps meet three nights the committee as to definite date for Pl'OKILGLASS (CO. ROSCmIMON.) 'a week at the College, and all the students posed Grand Review, A letter was also LIYERPQOL. - take part in ths drilling. All instruction read from the Secretary Agricultural SoOn Sunday, 5th July, a great Volunteer The attendance at driiJ in Gaelic League is carried on in Irish by Padraig Traoin. ciety, statiI)g that the application for the All who intend to visit an Irish College Rooms, 78 Duke street, is, despite the parade took place, at Knockall, Kilglass. giving of St. James's Park for Review and _this session would do well to avail of tbe hot' weather, yery satisfactory, and new Over 350 members marched in processional Sports would 'he considered at a meeting cpportun.ty of coming to Ring, as a great recruits flock in every week. On Tuesday order headed by the Laragh A.O.H. Fife , of the Committee on the Ist August. Dri llknowledge could be acquired of The 12n- 7th inst., the monthly gj3neral meeting ,and Drum nand, and the driil movements were carried out under the supervision of master ";ubmitted draft arraugemcnts in guage by mixing with the native speakers of members was held, ,l\:IJr_ M. Ger3ghty several drillmasters. Several spectators connection with proposed Grand Review presiding. Many matters dealing with dt driII+ng.-~1. 0 Cinnfaolad, Sec. watched the movements of the corps and and programme of sports, which, with the interest of the company and the Volsome si'ght alterations, were approved of. unteers in genera-l in Liverpool were d's- were highly impressed by the discipline An order wcs made that St. Patricks cussed. Messrs. T Gleeson and .T., Craven and efficiency displayed throughout the Brass Band be invited to co-operate with referred to the inactivity of the Provisional proceedings. After the drilling operations the Committee in making the Review and UULLAGH (CO. GAUYAY). a public meeting Committee, and explained that on several were duly terminated Sports a 'success. An invitation was read A meeting for the purpose of establish- occasions meetings had to be abandoned was held. l\Ir. Edward Clyne, C.C., Prefrom Mr. Westerman, Han. Sec. Bennets ' ing a corps of the Irish Volunteers for owing to the non-attendance of the elected sident of the local corps of the Volunteers, bridge Volunteers' Committee, to have the the parish of Mullagh was held at Gurty- officers. For this reason it was decided addressed the meeting, and said that with City Battalion co-operate with them in. madden on .Sunday. - Mr. Frank Ryan at the last meeting of the Provisional the Volunteers properly equipped with their proposed demonstration on the 1Dth presided and explained the aims and ob- Committee (there being only four mem- firearms no power en earth could cheat inst. Pending the forma:tion of a County jects of the movement. and said he hoped bers present!) to invite the various com- Ireland out of the victory ,purchased with Committee, who would regulate important shortly to see every man in the parish in panies in Liverpool to send four delegates her 'blood over and over again, The matters in connection with the movement ,the fighting line and ev.ery woman in to a meeting to be held in the Foresters' Irish Volunteers were the controlling clegenerally, no action was taken, 'Cumann na m Ban, 120 merrrbers were Room, Scotland Road, on Sunday, July ment in Irish politics .now, and they meant then enrolled and a defence fund w as 19th. t discuss the advisability of form- to keep up the dignity of Ireland in spite County Committee. opened by Mr. Ryan with a' handsome sub. ing a. -; ..v committee which could be re- of everything (cheers). Speechmaking scription. Drilling, under a competent red át!~J.n to push forward the work of 'vas no longer in vogue, as; henceforth acinstructor, took place, and will. be con- the r,~:)lunteers movement ~n Liverpool tion would take the place of words. They It was decided that a meeting of duly tinued on IYednesdays, Fridays and Sun. an-d district. ::o.Iessrs. Ryan, Butt, Thorn- would quietly and .pers.stently proceed authorised delegates from centres in the days at 8 p.m. A committee and officers ton and 2>I. Gleeson were appointed de- with their work for the redemption of Ire- 'County Kilkenny where corps were alwill be elected next Sunday. ready attached, would be held in the Ci~y Iand c-+Thornas C. Burke, Secretary. legates to attend the meeting. I-hU, K'Ikenny. on Sunday, 26th July, at 2 o'clock, wi.h a view of constituting a county committee. County centres will CAPPAMORE. please, note that they are entitled to sene! TCLLYALLEN. FROSSES (CO. DOKEc;.AL). one delegate for each company of \-O!UI1This corps organised oyer a mcnth is teers 'wi~h a number of 6J, and the remaking great progress in drill, eqclipr::cent A meeting was held in TulIyalIen, Co. The FLOsses Corps had a parade on spective secretaries are respectfully requesand numbers. Drill:ng takes place twice Tyrone, on Friday night, Mr. P. Murphy, a week, and on Sundays there is usually Comn+-nder, in the chair. .1\. resolution Sunday to the Hibernian Hall at Letter- ted to communicate with the Town Clerl;, a. parade and march to some neighbouring' 'proposed by 1fr. James M'Hugh, seconded more, headed by the Volunteer Fife and Kilkenny, on the matter, who wi Il S1iPP!Y village. Such '" march-130 strong-took by Mr. Martin M'Donald was passed un- Drum Band. Some drill exercises under 1 all information beforehand. place a week ago to Pallas the two corps animously calling on the British Govern- the direction of Mr. MacMenamin were joining forces with bands and banners to ment to immed'ately withdraw the pro- gone through, after which a ceilidh for the "Surprise Mohi lsation ." the number of 250 through the streets clamation that prohibits Irish Volunteers purpose of funds for the Volunof Cappaghmcre amid scenes of unboun- from getting the supply of arms arid am- teers was held. Before the ceilidh opened Re the proposed "Surprise ded enthusiasm.c--Tohn Crewe, Sec. munition necessary for the protection of ::o.Iessrs. A. F. Oá G all ag!,<e r and Peter l\feetion," the necessary informaicn concernhan addressed the Çathering, and said it life and pr-operty in Ireland. was the duty of every Irishman to sup- ing it was submitted 'by the Hon. Sec. port the movement. Whatever would be !Collectors for the several districts were BALLYBRITTAS. the fate of Hie Home Rule Bill they would appointed and days of collection decided accept no division of Ireland. If ulster upon., It was decided that the Hen. Sec. Ballybrittas Corps marched to MonasK::\OCKX AGOSHEL. -or any part of Ulster-were excluded would communicate wi.h Hon. Sec. Catliotervan on Sunday, 5th Jwy-10 horseirc Young Men's ,S)JCiety and ascertain The E:nocknagoshel Corps, which now from the control of an Irish Parliament, men and 120 on foot-he?-ded by Bally'what their intentions were in support of num'oers 125, promises to become one of then Ireland couldn't be a nation, The brittas Fife and Drum r:~nd.- J. Pender, the most efficient in the county. The re- ceilidh was then proceeded with. Several the Volunteer movement in Kilkenny, The Secretary. were announced cruits are most attentive to the instruc- songs were rendered during the evening" following subscriptions tions of the drill instructors. The usual the chief singers 'being Messrs Patrick and and the best thanks of the Committee acBALLINDEREE)[. Mr. "V. F. Oá::o.1eara(E. weekly meeting will be held every Satur- Thomas Love and Joseph O'Byrne. At the corded :-£2, On Saturday evening the local company day night, and a long route march every conclusion l\fr. A. F. OJGallagher thanked Smithwick and Sons); £1, Mr. P. CorlOs., :'1r. Stephen mustered at Balindereen for their usucl Sunday, The greater put of the company all who contributed to the success of the coran, John street; Lalor (per l\{r. P. Lenaon.) instruction at drill. They presented a is equipped :with Bandoliers and haver. ceilidh,









- - - --_ ---




¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ~ ¥¥+ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥


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Personal Worth . ¥ and National Strength



a headline Loyal.y



£Vi ¥ ll parties c r

to the common cause, unse15shr;er:s :J.1}G disinterestedness. The standard set' for the Volunteers must be high, for "Freedom comes from Gc d's right 1.1,!,ryU And needs a Godly train."

Xot narrowness and 'F~,:'::SC1;obip., but gener;}si(y and the hcnd of brotherly BRASS, REED, BAGPIPE, ~ friendship, ~ot sectional dornin ation , b ut FIFE .'!"ND DRUM, BUGLE, : mutual forbearance; not self-seeking, b",t nc. ¥ self-sacrifice; not the empty rattle of boastDon't buy secondhand, diseased .. Seumas O'Haodha ing phrases, but the true ring of pregnant Bugles when you can get XEW ¥ ONES at the following prices: ¥ realities will bring ns a~l to the dawning No. 1 for boys, lOs. 5:.1. ¥ -<>-of a better day. The' Volunteer movement No. 2 full size, 15s. ¥ No.3 large bore £1 Is. ¥ 'policy. Hence the men of 1914 can do must be honest to Iive ; a rea) hc-,~:- if it No: 4 heaviest type, £1 Ifls. .. \,"hen Freedom OODles again to Ireland with impunity things for which the men smells at all of humbug it will die. We Liberal discount for cash-carr. .. have taken a greet and serious step wlieh the people on whom it wi]] pour its blessá16f 1880 suffered death, paid. Fife and' Reed Bands, .. ' complete for about ...... £5 lOs ¥ has attracted universal attention t-o \1',. ings w;JJ be already free in mind and Up, then, Ir.shmen, and Jearn the sol, Bugle Bands complete for £7 LOs ,. "-ece it to collapse through our Iack of heart, a rr ce who kno,~ their God-given dier's trade. If words alone could bring Bagpipe Bands complete £10 Os .. Brass Bands .cornplete £15 Os .. nghts and take them without any undue you liberty the millions of speeches deli- virility it would leave tiS stultified :l:!1d Caps, Sashes,_B,andoliers, Banners : ceremony. vered on your behalf since the Union in disgraced before Europe and the outsde Etc. Right, backed by the will of millions 1800 shoudd have left you freer than the world. The deciding factor in the f.;;.~me Estimate and Catalogue Free. : is irresistible; but there must be the re- great Republic of America. That you are of the movement will be, not the wisdom solve to get what we desire, and the heart stil l impoverished and oppressed is the or quality of our leaders, tbu~ the rranto pay the price for it. Too many of our proof to all ,that something more is needed hood of the rank and file. J'JJE;. YO;UDMonument House, DUBLJN. ¥ people <i-re stIl at the nursery stage in' -that something is Force, not necessarily teers, as a' whole, cannot be be-tter than ~ politics; they want the rights and privi- put into action, but present always in t~eir aáverage number. Comradeship and leges of citizenship, or a free country the case as a factor wirh greet possibili- honesty of purpose:will enable us ,to' handed into their dormitory, toys with ties, the weight behind the stroke. triumph over every difficulty; while ths which to play the game of men. In this I ' work itself will bring about the best that "When Grattan rose, none oared oppose is in 'UtS, and, by ralSJJ1g the founda.icn of rude world the things we get for nothing The claim he made for freedom; FR. >I- without effort or expense, are not worth individual worth, raise the whole superThey knew our swords to back his words structure to the level of the t20K tbe! hes having. It is pre-ordained that a price Were ready did he need them," before us. must be paid for any acquisition of value.


¥ ¥ ¥ ,..-... ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ .. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥








i+ ,IRISH . CYCLES i +








Pierce Cycles



"Thou, shalt earn thy bread by the sweat O'Connell's words were mighty and eloof thy 'orow;" and from this heavy law quent, but, as Wellington ; drnitted, it AND of personal effort ,... e cannot escape. Those was the fear of what the f anaticised milIN THE who sh.rk their duty only meet with grea- lions behind -him might do; the danger ter troubles in consequence, and having. of civil war, that caused the Government developed their cowardice by practising it! to pas,;; a Catholic Emancipation Act. ~ Are made in Ireland. They are unsurpassed in the realms ~ they are less c.ble to face them. The ex-I It is pretty genera]]y admitted that '" of Cycled om, and they cost DO Jo!.e ertions .put forth to achieve success, bu.ld great man as Parnell was, Feni anism more than foreigners. up the strength of character, to hold what I and the Land Lecgue were the forces be>to Prices from 6 Guineas or zs T cotxisce tm,1E;'De. we win, while thr.t which we have handed: hind him that helped the British Governper week. Volunteers should consult ~s for TJ res and OMEATH IRISH COLl:EGE. to us without au!' having earned it either ment to see the riecess'ty for the various Accessones. corrupts or escapes from our gr-aep for Land Acts then passed. The Language of QucbullaiD. want of the strength to held it. In our days the establishment of a native Boating: Bathing: ilIountain Broadly speaking, a nation receives the Ilegjsla:ure in Ireland seems imminent, Climbing. Ia:e it deserves, If the people of Ir~land and through it our people expect to r eare net to be known as Irish slaves but new the, _n~tional life. Let us add to Mr. First 61 SOUTH RICHMOND ST., as Irishmen, they must dare to claim Redmcrids leadership the force that ga\'e DUBLIN. H, J.. 'l1!. the r.ights and lberties cf rnen , the Tight effectiveness to the tactics of his prcdc1ft (0" the Corner'. , ' to work cut ccssors. The Volunteer Force will gi",-e Ott.emh : e01l1 n1.6C Their Own Dest.ny, significance to his nt.eranees and uresisApply at once to he: tib le strength to his demands. The union in t re.r own ,Irish W2Y' to run Irelands ., . , ' ' o-f the vern to do Wl~l'l the verb to say -is P'EADAR O'DOWD, ousmess for the benefit of the Irish eo le -' 1 P P bound to pro\'e fruitful in results for all Omeath, Newry, an .. to hold their place in the sun azainst 11 "Th . concerned. One method completes the FeR V0LUNTEERS a: comers. ieir duty IS plain ; the way . I h' ' , other, and neither is sufficiently effective .$ ¥¥¥¥ ~~.~~ ¥¥ B. S. A. Rifles, No. 2 Mode1, is c e~r; t e call is urgent. In the ranks t h I 22 caL... ... 30&. : Irish Made Boots tor fleland. , I w en used a one. of toe Volunteers they must learn the War Office Miniature Rifles, Meanwhile, to every man h!c. own part, ~ CARLOW BOOTS r"aae on ~ 22 cal.... ... 45s. freeman's lesson of discipline and selfSeeb~od UTi'll: ~ -*'!t. B. S. A. Air Rifles 35s and 455. and if each one does h.s duty in this time ¥A sewn principle. Smartest ann best the "" tho name GOVERNEY, Ca.-low. W restraint, of cordial respect for brother. Shoots accurately up to 50 of crisis, the cause, as a whole, is safe. .. is stamped on CVr.:fY bod, and don't accept ¥ yards. Ir.shmen , and the habit of placing the ~ Never were the nation's interests more de- ¥ substitutes Militi a Air Rifles, 32s. shoots common gocd before their own selfish ends .. accurately up to 25 yards. pendent on the conscience of the individual By the building up of these moral qualiGoth, 20th Century Rifles, 22 and never were the workings of the law cal. ... ... 128. 60. ties, through the lessons of the drill-hail, Now 0;) ~ale, .. of averages more Ciearly visible than in ¥ 22 Rim Fire Cartridges [varithe nation w:11 fit itself to gain and 110ld Rise of AN AVD;;ESS By T, ous brands). these times of political travail. Whatever ¥¥ " The hi' I H!GGI~S. B,L. J,P. "rice. Greener Spotshot Target Rifle A.. t e rIS lONE PE"NY - v. bcles ale .iO.. 'its rights; not otherwise. measure of freedom comes 10 Ireland as ...". Aperture sights, 22 cal. 405. V I t from The I.áish 'OilY 0 un eer ',Novelty Stores ~ The price to ,be paid for Freedom by a result of all these politics and velum- ¥ B. S. A. No. 12 model Target ¥ Movement" 153 Divis Street, Belfast ~ Rifle, 22 cal. with apex. o'UJ' generation is but light indeed comteering, it will correspond exactly with 4> Should he read by every Volunte e r ~ ture sights, the best Min. pared with that our forefathers paid withiature Target Rifle on the the average of political wisdom in all our out attaining it, for "that tide in the -market... ... £4 3s. 5d. affairs of men" which left "Ireland a age fitness as a nation for freedom. Any corpse on the dissecting tab-Ie" 60 years considerable section of our fellow-countryGun al;; i:~i~ ago, has placed her now-a-days in a posimen ignorant of their rights and power as Quay, Dublin. tion of power, the arbiter of citizens or refusing to exercise them will England's fate. The children of the Gael inevitably drag down the level of our nascattered broadcast over 'the earth by the tional achievements. Come to your drills as if you were go- effects of Pitt's accursed Union hold in The Volunteers, then, as the premier a,nd ing to see your best girl, clean shaven and their hands in e\'ery clime power enougb national movement" of the day must aim with It hair cut. to make or mar the vital issues of British at raising the general level of POli~ical


~ +




Gaedhealtacht Oriel.





+ +




:t- The Irish Cycle i+ ~

+ + + +

Depot '



++ :t~ or


Target Rines

Session Open, !v!onday, [uly 6















~ ¥¥ + ¥¥ ~~~.~ ¥¥ ~

¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ $+.~ ¥¥¥¥ +~~





.ss. z..


3 Inn's

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Irish Manufacture

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., -:'/;"~,;.':~~ ', .~".,,; -..: .: ::- !


l'~á:~::: ~<




-~ I

Nlini'ature Ranges

Programme of


~ Ranzea=-Out foor , u ~,' --, -.




out! i s open and there are no houses OT roads behind t he butt within that distance, the dimensions given above for the ston butt rnav be reduced a: t!1e dis'. . l cret.on of th e inspecting officer to 12 and

i- ,

An outdoor !':lnge




range, .It will often' be found possible to construct an outdoor .range, with very little expense, in a disused quarry or chalk pit, or against a cliff or bl.vnk \\,111. A range on which it is proposed to. use .220 bore rifles must be 'pro\'id.ed ether with an efficient stop butt or with ~, danger area be:.tind the targets of the fo llc w ing dirnen. sions :-Depth (measured from the ~a!'gets) 700 vards : width, 83 raárds on each .die I lines of fire m'f:asur ed I rom the... fian _u ... ~~ T'nus, for a oYUe--tarrret ranee tho.... no" .. u ~.. , ":" ..... ~ d' mn l d<nger area measures 100 yar s In depth bv ISO ya-rds in width; but for 3

it m:1y be constructed' of any convenient buiet proof material. A brick or concrete \\'ayj', a foot of e~Tth or :l::wld, 6 inches of zravel 3 inches of sh 'ngle or granite chip,;ings,' held between planks, old sleepers or other material, or 1-8-tncL~ steel plate on timber supports, are all proof a-gai?st occasional shots. .Addi.icnnl protectlOn should in all cases be given immediately round the targets for a distance of a1 least one feot radius fr= their centres, An ' 1l~n " 0 f nn inch steel plate ",ill soon be elg . ' trat d 1.J if coritinua'llv . pene rc:.' .. e .. h.t on the same . ,_' nny be "'>'!Dspot. ,ThIS extra protest-on " ~.t" vided f~r by means of ::r bullet catcher of

I','!nge of 12 targets spaced at three foot tervalj, centre ,0 cerrsre the normal danger u!";"a is y~.fc1s irr depth by 160 / ~ vards d,:" 11 bv ;> (feet-Ill yards in "l~''i;' ! \ \P'P \'-FF>V':\DIY" "widt h.) . "'- .< ..... ',L, 1- r," ,,1\ ,.,~."-' ". 26th J'eL 1, 1914. It is necessarv to obtain the consent of all the owners 'or tenants of the land in this danger area to the cons.rucricn of 1st TlATTALION. the range, and steps must L_ v-e t a kcen t a A Cc,:-::.pany-20th July, Bl::lckhall st. see that no person cr~~ers 'JlIe d .ang...~r ..u"~ ~-e"' II C:JIT;p~Dy-ZOth, 41 Parnell squ::lre, while firlnn- J$ lR progress. CQ:npany-23d, lllackhall st~eet. ~ .sh:Cu!-d ICOi1~al"i.1 , , . T'hc a:-cJ. no d'weJIng ~ D C:>rup,:ll1y-25th, do. "!1enses nor should It !.)~ cr áS&;:l by ,.r.~ E C:::-c~pany-23th, 2,5 l'-ll'ne-ll sqUGre. , rll"I'-l ... " 1 G" 0,11°1" "'h3.ilr.á~-I ato~'T wh:ch 101 F C'~,"p,my-23rd, Blac!<h;!ll stre~t. is c:'n"iderab:e tcaáffi:. Lesser rcac!s. )~I ..1 2nd BATTALION, ... ,.., 1'- r'( :1~- of \V3.\' C~C_ [t!onf)' which ~ '_, ", ,~., ~ , , ~ n C _:l:pany-'-21si July, Fairvie'.\á. there is little tr3.ffic, do net CC!1.:;titute an C C'omp~ny-2211d, 25 Parnell square. c,nso!ute a.bjectio!1 to ::I r:H';;'~, but they D Company-22;::d, do. .1.1"3 Ya:-y (l1,ndesira\~le., ~1-; ~ool,-out men E Company-21st, ]'ain ie~<. 'I ' h ,'.-i~h ft3.:gs h.1.VC to te p:v~:de-( to W!l',Cl F Co:np:ny-23rd, do. th~in \v:l~le firing is going 011, ::!nd firing G C:Jmpany-2J,h, Gl:.l,;nevin. must b~ stC?ped \'ihile pel'S0n3 ::t~'e withi!:! 1st :lnd 2nd Batt3.,ions will p::tra-de as . . 'Il10tlg 'h the danger a;-eo.. These c20ndltlons, strong ::ts pos,ib:c at F::lirv'~VI on 25th inst 3t fmes e--siiv ootainab:á~ in :h~ -cutskirts at 3,'30 p,m, -of country ;i~~ag("'.3 are a.:; a rule im3rd BATTALION. Drv.c~icable in the outs1á.ir:s of towns, A Campany-23d July. S"niymcllnt. . h ad where resort must b e ell'áhe r D C)mpany-21st, dv. to a large stop butt or to a closed in C O:Jmp~my-23rd. do. range. Although when ::t c:~ng~r arca is D 'Cotnp2.ny-2:1 :1, DcnnyUrook. a\'ail,~.b:e, a stcp bl1tt is not an absolute E Comp~'ny-20th. Ca!'1de,1 ow. necessity, it is \'ery desirable, and should F Company-21st, d'l. b~ at least G feet high and 5 feet clear I 'G Company-23rd, d:), ontside the ftanl. ta'rget3, It should be 4th BATTALION. borne in mini that the chief source of A OO!llpany-20th, K'mmage. danger on 3JI ranges is the ricochet and B Company-21st, do. every effort shOUld be made t::> catch all C Company-23rd, do. b!.;lLets ai the target. D ~:bmpany-2-±th, do, 'Yhere no danger a'rea is aYai!ab'e, 2.Il E ~ompany-22'nd, James street. open range up to 100 y;t,-c1s in length S;gna!lers-22nd .and 2.)th, Fain'iew. may be constructed pro\'ided that a st{)P A.S.C.-22nd and 24th, L:l:l:kftelc1 and 'bntt of the following dimens:ons be p:oRathmines Park. yided :-F:)r ranges not exceeding 50 y~,l'ds Rathfarnham Companies-20:h and 23rd, in length: 'at Ballyboden. Heighr, 12 feet; width, G feet clear on Bla.ckrcck 'CompaniE:s-22nd and 24th, either si-de measll'red from the flank lines Blackrock Park. of fire, l Dundrum Companies--Windy ArbouT, For ranges e.,ceedil1g 50 ya,:ds, 'but not Goatstown, 22nd. exceeding 100 yards in length: "',sf ' :41DI!,niea_ > -v TIattalicn-213t, 23rd, and ~3,h, HeiO'ht j~ ~ , 15 feetá, width . 10 feet cleaf

fu~Ii'~Ted steel plates on i1'te louvre system ¥ "J1~::t~e or a b-Jx or art additional .1..-lI1ch r: filled 'l'l'tth shingle, .gravel or sand TJ:i~ main feature 'll'pon wllrich the safety of these' ranees _ vertcal ¥ . ciepen _, dsS IS I me butt "'_ If the butt

"I" ' i .::,aturd3.Y, at 4 o'clock sharp, '

~ Dt;BJ.1:á:;- REGBlENT.


Ill, ¥












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hopeful thing that ever happened for Ire- I ia;d, but which a, \'err li'ctle-es?fcil1Iy 1 in the form of neg.ect=-could make it into a mighty uncomfortable evil. It i; :1 case where the leaders, and especlal.y the local Ieaders, must feel their respcnsibIitv to the utmost. There is a call for :il these who have leadership in the:n to came forth and lead and guide, an:i ccntrol :!!!d steady, and help the ranks to fee! the irnmense significance of wh at they are doin,5 =<l that is not to be a fiasa-ia-tae-pan or holidav outburst, but dogged work w ith a ft1~Hre, work with strict disci:-'::ne, selfcontret and oerseverance. Tb..1: is whnt ,1 into them t h e I ea:r.Jers - h:~~ .;>...... got to l'-n~"_' ,b. .... ...l.-\.l _ ........... J








¥¥ ' '"'




II !

Volunteers, Support our Adver.tise;s



frillJiDa aad



,')n e:t:'CI ,,:d? T!1 th" h,ttf'r C~'''" v,lH'n rond and fire 24th. the country for, 700 ,aIds belwla me "top allJ ;sUP"'.;o" the









Comio- 'anl~-:-22nd






- ~..

your spare tme you can. give some I,tent,ion, to that work, so as to get the thing :ye_ll !n hand, and en the r:g~t and . 1 'l t S-"' of Ilnes=the men-' 11l th e r'" 1\4:l. ~., 1 ..., (,,; l'lo7[1 0 control of it " This is a work of the . most momentous nature, which rs of m:ghty promise for good-vto my feeling the most Iil



'ball Gt,_''lUnds..

I, ' -., - _'_ ',-'










hi,gh pnbltc. official :-H;)~v are :heT Ko_r.:h TIpperary \ ol'd!1'~~~~ ~e\\!!l3 ')tl: ,h2"_~

s,tl1atai behind the targets. is not' vet-ticul, but consists of a sloping bank or earth, Of if the vertical butt 1S situaterf ~O 1 or 20 fent _ "ellinc? '-' '" tho_ taro'ets, the rac.t-or , 0f Sl,\"fe'\' 1'::>' cO:'bi'de,a'bl, rednced be. h as reg~l-~s .... _..'he an""e ~ _:, of s:::.fer'<' ._ one. If,. howe.y(".r". th.e ro3.i w;;" b:Jun:!ed _.'. :1O'."linst c[rec~ shots gOlUg over t.h.e butt , by a 9-foot. fall e.,:endi!::g SO!!!", (~:":Jnce and a.I~"Ef as reg .Ids t hr;:.. . ..... n grd' of safety right and left of tP-e ta~ágcLi,. t~~:'e \\"uu1d. l ¥ n-o\.'ld'e...2 a(Tainst ricoche'.:s v:hich b~ye then be.. no. obj,en.tion. til t2.e s,~t", f:r:)v;d.:d s~ruck moe grann:! just short.:[ the ta~-I that the usu,:!l 12. or 13 fe'c::.t 0: b"'.:6~~ ~ycr oPts' it is this laCer f3;ctor wInch IS ITIC::,t the prescribed "\vl.dth \va-s p:-OV'::i::...l Slnce ,,- , -' h " '. , , - d"~ '-h:~," thn freqUeat!y o'Vel'lool\ed, ;:.7ld \,'me l1eá~a:: aH traffIC on tu,fl" '-_;:'... kT..... ~pecial attention. "~ " butts. would be. <lomplete.Ly de5.i:,id by If 3. natural banl, or cl1ff 15 use", ..s a the 9-foot boundary \':3.::. stop tJutt,. the !arge t s s h OU1" 00' pTa'ced as Firing through loopho:es 0: s~r:~ns of ne;!I to. the foot of the slope as possL!.)ie. any sort is to be- dep:ei:~eJ.. S:.lch ÛrecThe stope of the ground sould !lot be less tions h::ampef' lli.-e .firer- 1:3. be f:~e 1.:33 of 'f or a h elg ' ~t tho.n three over two _...eauivalent . to th~ requ'r~d s-:op bn(t, Tf) a£cert;llll the ta:.rg"S:ts. this height, erect a 12 or 15 foot rod (3.5 thei, edg~s. th~ Cl12'e Ina'y be' verticaHy at the t;:.rg~ts, Me::nbers, of Yifle ct"':'::)3, s:~o",l:i c.lW:lF lme b-e gi\"er:il G'a'l:ehd inst:uc!:on ':'r!. :4tr::in; and note t 1:' le po,n, " ,hel'e a ¥o~r::ti(Yht ¥ '" dra\vn from the ground level a:t the nearest S!1aOp'!I~' with an eirD~V r-:fi.e 0ef:;:e ~eino' ~. ~--.::, ~ "" .:;:, I firing point throngh the top cf the rod allo,.e:I -,r ~u() n,e.-.,Iuo_. . . - 11 .... t.á<:tn ~ __ tY F''''S,,"_,t :J_.,. I cuts the bc.nk. To b~ eq!.,:\'alent tD ::t \'ert;cd stop butt th~ slope must be at least 3-2 from the ~\rr Rol)crt 'Yadde!:~ of ?-;t:v áYc!"~: City, targets to the point thus found. and fonuer1y of :r':'e:tiy, CJ A::-:r:~~b, in reIf the tot::ll effectiye height of th~ hill, sponse to an appeal for funds ip- aid of the i,e" the perpendicubr distance from the X ation:::.l Volunteer rr.o\'err.ent, has or;sanline of s'ght produced to the top of the ised a County Armagh VO:i.li1te;,,~ A5sccia-lg hill, exceeds 80 feet the range m3.Y b~ tion in Kew York for the purtJose of sendconsidered sa,fe provide::! that the slope ing' home m-oney e\'ery month nntil eye-I'}' of the ground exceeds I-I. ~ational Volunteer in coun~y Ar!:t1agh tS The line of sight should if possible be fliE:- armed. Mr Waic.en is ::t b~á:;ther-inlevel or slightly downhill. Ranges with b.~yá of ~lr J D :\u-gcnt, DubFn. uphill Enes of sight require extra "Precau, tions and should be avoided. If other con- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>,~~~. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>~- ~~~~) siderations 'Permit, the targets should f'--Ce South to obtain a good light. Other cirHALT! cnmsta'aces may sometimes call for special precautions, For instance, sl1'Ppose th2.t, en a s:te on level ground, it were desired to place the stop butt a\'!'ainst a main




f::cci' to be aGI ordinary e;edge 0: a Any traffi e passing by would be safe while it was 'oehiad the oatt, but might be hit b..y au accidental suet right C1: left, and though S.LCU. an accicen ~ I shot would not merit consideration it: -t h e open country, it, 1.., aosolutely necessarv t o provide against it. where a. main roud is C:OSE behind the hutt".. The 5~:c- :n qn"s.ion






0 __


1 The following is an extract b::n 1. e~tet' .... L~m -addressed to Mr. R. P. Cd,: a ve.y

a pcpu-



nesday and Friday at 8. B Company-Ardoyne, on Friday, at 8. C Co::npany-'North Queen street, Monday and Thursday, at 8. D CompanY-North Queen street, Manday. and Thursday, at 8, E CompanY-Kotified during week. F Compnay-(Sacred Headt), North ' Q::een ,street, on Friday, at 8, SOU~(l and Eeasr Battalions Io St Mary's nail on iYednesday night at 8. I ' An::b<.:l2.llce Section in- St. Mary" Hall ~:I on S;,;nd.1Y, at 3 and" ednesday at 8. Genera! Parade in Shauns Park on



h-,t (y~e .of minaure c:~rtrid~e, ~~~ge: lou, d{strict with targets, 3 feet _l\'P:l,:t PROGRA~1ME FOR WEEK. The l'g,1t IS natural, the effect or w.nd '0 fr'~:r: ,,;,:.'r(, \9 ~;rt;,~, 'I SfOp b,l\t 10 fe~t . ',1 nd the condi.icns crená~raJl" -r- ,. b ' , ' , spprecia c ; a ,. ' " ' l;> ~ l1ligh and 30 fed 101"6 w':il.d "Gcces::'~J' are more , , _. ':11 than on an 1 ndccr ;'1.,g" 'I It must be c.ear'ly understood t!1f Ist West - Bacralion. On the '~" .: hand pracuce 15 ':Jt(!:'fe~~~ dimensions given above for the stop but!~ Aij Companies parade in Shauu's I itl 1., incic.r.cnt weather and fi",nJ< C_, ., d'ISParl; wun u) '''--~ _.. '" " ~ d''';'~'-l''o-n'r. st ..nct .li.áC rrurumum lah..l S! .~. "~nod ...... on Monday, at 8. only take p'ace dnrring the hours of d' y. 'j' t I' s I ~ c"erác.lásed at the . ... 4"rre.. tiP lnÛ rnus a \\áay )... "_\. 2nd West Ba ttalion. light. I'hese d isadvantages can somet .:-" fi'1':ng ponts to avoid all risk of accident. AH C'omoanies parade in Shaua's Park ue overcome by cover ng 111 the fi"I'~ If posaible, it is advisable to somewhat on Thursday, at 8. ¥ .point, but if ii i3 necessary that much increase these measurements, especicJlv Korth Battalion. practice should take place dmin2; winter when the ground behind the stop butt is evenings an indoor range shcu zl be pro- much frequented. A C():npany-~orth Queen-street, Wed- I ,-ided if poss Irle in c ddtion to an outer "-hen an artificial stop butt is necessary




8 feet resoect ve.y. -, a 100 yard rrnge Thus for

. .1 '0:" iv t.henndcubtcd



towards O,JU!.ll:',)'

the rmd oi tha: roa":

oa "á.l"iw h1a1a 1[olwaleel.'!





Abth1J ."'~

D .. b~

I I'


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