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,----============ Vol. 1.
No. 29
22, 1914
l d.
man and in Jreland will hold tbq:r :::..r.-i:á._,.:-, ,_, 'd Iri-h hlJr~c~ last wee];:: Ireland [o/'thel.i-.;ish. Dori't rnaffick oyer ,:'1~J : .... 1.:-:":. ._;;.QPCi:llt l!;:!:,~e w.th which the battles ; whoever wins OlU battle may Iri~!1 ~(;(r.:(!',~,h::l\(~ bLLn ordered abroad . ;'lM -!1<':t:.'\ lr.:".:.4i:r Englulld warns the Irish be to fight yet, \ ~,h~".'l'(r>_ "'-:.;:, ", ere being d1'illed. in 1:',,,,. -';'; '~C,' !'Y' ''(;CC,\'> "1 en to be .. huze "'J ¥¥¥ ~ ", ~~. ',':
r -p.re the bloody, 1.á2;l'i k drown
Give us Our Country.
From the
Outpost Don 'I Ma rtick.
r e d isquie.inj,
. .....
would 'be quite in T{(t
h will .fail. The terrus on which we wi.I
spt them must ~,: E)ad~ by the YOIll!-.I" teers themselves. lhc y WIll not be a ::\":;
\1.'(' ~I:,,'c trade
were exparr iarc d in
,,~;' . . ; :~ »re
1:r._,;-li,_jo ir:c~"'"
.ih ill
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.Fr.(/~-, ;'.yL, \, c r .. ,á,1.. I)ce,n fOl~:_S, but nc.á .. :.-)' 3 O:Jr6~tlll. \\ e seck i
1~ ln~ ume
. Here are nicu tr:.:.~r::ál~ in tile Volunicc
thL! II
at K;II;cc-rt:1J Iiv e men. not that ~r(' afraid :J: (':unp He or th"j Volurr.ce ..... '\\'tr..: l"'lIti:.h d 'If) free Ir eÇ, ays coddle th"JlJSC~'':5 ill comfort ane I :ij,)J :'\. :_~ f .. ri-t !)""' i.nt'i:á fir-t concern. talk largely of whct "r,rrlship they wi.' 11 I endure .. when the: ;ir"c< comes. . . .' i . , l ....... ~ .. L.~~ ,nyc have heard 'irt 'ltc" hra"::,,c;> .._ \. I; J. ~"Fo).~,... _,--1- ~- , ~ . ,.",'n tll:!l it 1,-0-'" -u. :,.,' odour á",-t-n' n" " ." .1. ( _.:.,_ "'" , .... .,~.J ,,11P
,"~ ,á,1 '()r Ird~nd.
Sian. that Pled
: going on, i.f ~~nglandO',means a sg,uare ,d,eaJ I l~ her make It and ,,1\e l1S 0\11 count",
.-\"~l j::,:
CC au-e COl);"C') e/t
I~'''', ~,r-t
:~;It there is litt;c jl:l~d~hjp amongst lh volunteers encamped at Kilkee and c.,
I conditions generally a~'~ i<lea~ f~r a I"~ alit! enjoynble h0 i~ ](fpt I day. ". -JlOlher. tribute to.. the progr_- ~ I I ~ J
I,', ',llld's welfare is i h e \ o lurucers, the
moms; prof'(;ny h0_J~~"$ of Ireland IS i largely out o~ át. I he:' m adr- no SE<':"I, \"1,."' sp rit of the .u:le"'1(k Regiment whic ': , OUT Flag ,0' what wr s :"aced l':l.I,,,,hle, that th,:":, rcsponsib le Ior ,Pc venture. and t!á , I ' politiccl beliefs were to ma int an the ;\r, i c!1iy pity is thnt it ;, DC! more cxten-ivc'v ! Ou r fo:,_" is the green, and any man who of {~r::ol1 .uid sr"PPl)rt En.~!:lndás En1}ji;ál:.~ ~,::tr')ni:;ed.á ~ cheers for .another flag before he has done , , ;"I1O.1'il':: 1;1< ,,");";:1;011, of the Irish 1,'EO,
1 hIS utmost to h a ve h is own float oyer a free nnricn is a traitor. An v man who ! ..... h fl f ¥ b f
whi"'h w:á~ :',-
~~c.,'e,.:r;-.'I~.O:'Y~:_h~~.,bCC~. ~h:d ,gtl;ll:d:n~ and ~hey w ill 11C', b~, ju-t equrpmcru ~':_ ~1.d o:.a.)!.J ... ~ ... 1."0 and t h an would an Eug lish army. j,'''''S arc needed .. have 1" ne~~i1t: Ireland 1 ... n t i me s á0\1:;-. ,l-eiand for Ireland. ~Ioc:: ner;'~ Jietl ~. a rc,-uit of Enuli,}j 1 :
Ir:= ~i1~ tb~. ~a,;.jcs tll:: billna{ere~, throw t h , b<x. '.,1 at t>IC e;.»)e~l<e n. Ir ish blc L,
¥ cOllne~~on, our country f~r ourselves. To hell with all the caffling that has becn
'''hile Europe sweeps to war let ns not ..' forget the realities of the suutaicn at . . , home, Let ns start by realismg that this ¥¥ is Ireland and that across the sea Iies Englan<:l,. and Fran.ce and Cermanv and the other European Powers. Thev have . no nght here, not one of them, except . the right of conq~st. which is murder and t(;bb-ery. If at any time the Irish l>Cople by a clearly expressed wish any themsel\'es. to any other countr" or want to -. .,. share the blood lnst of Empire bUIlding, . . , there will doubt1ess be faclhtes for appeasá lUg the pnmal deSIre to rob and slaughter. ¥ . Dut that time 15 not yet. Let ~ repeat .... . I I d 1 .et us a I 50 repeat, I'f t<l1S)5 re an. we dare, the national faith that never ¥ shall we submit to alien rule again, whether that rule be the rule of the Kaiser or the rule of EDn-land. The man who says better ;nglish law thau German in Ireland is as slavish as he who reYerses the position. As long as we ha"e the Irish Volunteers we will have neither. If the Volunteers only: sprang into existence to help old taslfmasters or help new ones then the country might deá spair. But e,-ery day 'that passes makes it more dear, come ",bat ,.till, that e"ery
but '{ tht:.y
a~ hy ,...Cerman:\' or i France is a" damnable . I herefore
Jd:._. '-y
~.[cre arms wi l l 10::0"'. and ~~i:'l more. ~ . until; every J11an ill Ireland is armed. ~\'i:r Redmond h~s thou-auds of rifl.('~ at J.;,. ~ ' d i=posal also, and for the moment -that If ("~D~es the qucstiou. England offers ,. .. f S (on tCTlJ1S) bn-:' we are no . . Eng1J~;' !tl . .Jiers, and any a.tempt to make \!~' t~
J"!sl' res'bl:,imen: ,'áUJ.)Yá'lI'~ , . - ." "l~ááf~áA " ... : . .l.._ ".f w hoh, I ,. . ;)-". 0-('" ate , J he V 11'IR'" 11át be t' I U
Let us have our cOl1ntry, really ours. and we will hold it spite of man or devii , hold it for ourselves first and arranze OUtá international status after. '\'e are in a forgiving mood just now. \\'e have for, I gotten the hate filled generat:ons of Enz: Iish rule here, the massacres, the expatr iations and the murders. The plantation a well as the pitch cap have faded from on]' minds and while the corpses of Dublin citizens have scarcely r-voled in their ! graves, murdered h:; foreign soldicrv in the streets of Ireland's (';>,pital, n~:1ffic}:illg: is o ut of place. \i'e knew I';nghnd's reI cord and the trend and tenor of her 11~' tional life. and recent years saw fierce denunciations of our old a liy France fr(;111 i some who now desire to go abroad to fight Germany. Conquest by England cr any other foreign power.
'. eyery:_.,,_~áe
I !
2\~tá.\á::L ... t;'lrádili;.!
t hat
\'o'tJn:~, r constiuiion y; s wide enough to I cneers t e ,ag 0 our oppressors e ore I liT S .. '. ~t1m'-, e ve.rv man w ho I-e lieved in F~!fe, yv they have made restitution to the nation' . '. g:lardjn~ the r1!!:it.: nnd lil.erries COl)11nOn is doubly a traitor. He merits the same : .. -. I Uwing to the rc:i!1Gi".,rj in the sizl C; _ " to fill llie T;-J":l .... ~-('!J:~. Hut n penn,", not! .... .... . t fate as J- rnnce accords her traitor sons, 35 I . f . , .. I ne \ o.untcer ." :hrollS'h the dea n h ¥ ¥ ;:t Iricndlv \':()j't] I (!11)(' :0:11 tht'" gentJt-lllt.:n , .... every civilized country treats their coward I ). . Faper that pre vais by reason of the war, ¥ ., . l v.h o these !~\V da .» )J:l~; h~vc been trip ' offspring in time of war. And how 1\.0sá1 . . . , I'" -, are compelled :0 l,oJd over ? , . ,PH1" 0' er t~d1 ,,',11<' not to JOIll the F"- I ciusko and Tone leaning over the bars of ,'mInt of COl er;:Jl"LJ~nce, <lrttcl" I . . ~ !':tnko;, 1)11i tIJ a!-;~II'IIC pO";Ulons (A A~ ct. heaven must ha\'e smiled at RUSSia soffer . . " '" tTu,t th:-:'i c\!r clJl'resp'" d 1 .. n::lnd. \\ lE!l l!. W:t- lHJn poht~t..::ll It \, ~., . ..~ e:nts \\' r to ~'oland and Lngland s new found , . ¥ . ., ;~!,e til > ,,~ :1 >l1fn("t.'it t" -. . L.á.J'7'lortdá when !t Ot :l:1h; )o]inc:11 In lid .. ' ¥ .c.ndmaL1on as t .. friendship for Ireland. But it IS sttll a "" r 1\" hy m:ltt"r did r,'Jt ~ '1"1 I . :;c:-I:>e 0i ':\j')'1nrtin' th(' Ir:~1J P:11ty it \\:: .. , . A ~upear ¥ ..) . . eanWJll t.j matter of bnsiness-a matter of ne!totlaá '. . - I Iá ~ . i we hope to' , l' b , ' . . ,:l;lt.¬ rh' <l:tach,d nnd nul\' when thel r: IS (It; l1lJ to ~c (Yet ;)'ck to on , tJon as to where that [nendshlp will leao. o!d ,1, k"" 'I ., :; h0')e that lhe p(opk "f lrebncl mav be _ ... e pRper 11) a We';" or so. "e ha"e been fightl11g for freeuom for too i J ¥ ."_ seduced from t"t'll" Inn.' Hlle"'ance to I long to throw a,,'ay our chance nolV and I ~ 0 HI'> land it i~ finHered in th~ hope - '-, ' unl1l we get that freedom no help, no . .If caplurl1w "'ISI1 \. IEá t G ¥ "iT. E"ery man ,,,1\n f- .. ¥ ¥ ," <' .' 0 untecr :,c;'c1pmen. compromise. By all means we wlll defend ~",t1e\'e~ III the \ ojá teed lr:8h :\Iauufacture. Five ye. . C,ermany or I unlttr 1110á.-eme'ááá , ~ 9d an d 6 s L'cJ' , e\"e.ry so d 0 f TrÛ I and agall1st L 1 _, ant} who believes in the k'Ct LIB eat Jer an d 0 I'lá;r=:, 0~ any other power. but for Otlrselyes and future I), .(eland ",ill ~>1y to those "'£ntle. t3ch; 'Yaáiát Belt=:, "'!Ih ¤pe~iaI Yll-bm )'-. " t{,Gl' Cia-po 2,0 ",."." , ¥¥¥.¥. n.'U_ -.;', ourseiH'~ alone. I I _Gn, 110 matter whal theil' "'eaith Or poá b ~ '_I ~ -. .' C~""; \\ alst ...x:".~, , .... I ~Cll.J.eS, Is 6d ",aeb' Haversack lIe] __ -!llon. :-SIgn tbe \ r)lnt1leel' pledO'e fir;:t end Is I)d each, 011"; , 'B I .5, . " '~'V0' . . '" I ,.cers e ts etc. ~facQ ¥ aud then '-ome ,n:o the r:1nl(s," ,1!1 the hest :.\lilita:v Pattern -'-M MVP.- Iá .o<;'Q. 'Y>. ":IJáIrY, Equ,i,l?ment ~r.d Footbali . 1\falle~: I .....".._ ramore, '"terfo-d How many English and Scottish sol, ' .. I diers are in Ireland at the present time holding the railways and seaports? How LLLHI ,FANAGAN, many Irish Reser\'ists have 'been hurried Howth and scores of othel' places prQ"ed UNDERTAKER out of Ireland to fight England's battles ihat the PrOClamation was 50 much w:;"tr. And OD the Continent? .Is the presence of the CARRIAGE PROPRIETOR, paper; proved also Ihat ,r a people's wili soldiers here in any way c.on~ected ~jtll 54 .'\0:;i0;1á'5 Street, is mightier than thl; sea." SOllle oj commandeering the food suppli~ just as DC Bll:::-.r. arms <tore hATc, c)c.pi!e England, anu TelephQlle_~o. 12.
ar pace
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t'l 1"1'1~
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,uar;;::'lI .
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Within the Gates
.. '''.
. .'.,:: .......
Fighting Line FlI(ST GL\SCmy
.i\:\,D ,\'EST
, ,T'
The following fu tEH~ fiTst instalment of a list 'of drill terrn-r in Irish covering squad,
sided, elected'
The following ,committee were I Friday, 7th inst, a mate march took place Messrs J' \lexander .Townhead : around 'the hill of Howth being very well \'.:eá though!.. 'twas ]"..<JglGnd all the while, Hoor ay, hooray ~ .' ,r.' .' attended and the geueral discipline being J Cryan, Maryhi ll ; B GIbney, ClydebatLk;. good. The corps has. obtained the use of Taat. wJ:oug_)rt~ the wrongs of our green. isle.. T '11'Monagle, Pa:sley;, J Bradley, I'artick , a ha,ll for drill purposes and a field in Hooray, hooray: T White Queen's Cross: J Gh:ne J']3: Howth demesne for outd<llo~.dnll and ,,' .". ' , '" manoeuvres from Capt J C Gaisford , St 1,'", f '" .. Fox, Govan, and J Robinson, C.ova;nh:itL. Lawrence, of Howth CastIe. 'On 'Sunday -".lg_!lt. hundred, }en>i 0 Gerrna . l. s..... a)'. At a subsequent meeting of the commit- week the first drill, _w.').'S ,carri.ed out on the Has left ~l1L land forlorn to-day tee the followina officers were elected- i new parade, ground~ \\IIICn IS delightful ly M..e,venge' ill. Belg!um march ,awi.ly.: '" , I and convenient ly situated, and capable of Oh Enz land how we love vnu.: Mr J Alexander, president ; Mr J Clyne, I accommodating a very large body of rneu. , .. > .' ... -SEL;MAS Do,"dX .. treasurer, and Mr J. Robinson, secretary,l Capt St Lawrence- expressed his desire to p, " 1 ' . , c Olel~ the Volun~eers in every way he lOt was unanuuousiy deClded as a token or I could, which wish has been very keenly l: ,ij,!lteem to pre,sent i\1r Jl'(;linchey (out. \ appreciated. A 'b-c-a:neh of the Cumarin ria ~~'!'!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~'Oino'secretarv Prov '.' Comm) with an of- mBan was and inaug_t:.1!ated on Mon- g , . - . . ' ". ., " , ~" .) day week Ed's fair in to Howth be a great S\lc-tl ,\ }.ST j;,.OXDON .:o,IV~SIO:\,"'L (0.11á
section, company aad rifle drill, which have been drawn' \l'!p by a. Sub,Committee of the Provisionaf Committee specially appointed for thai' purpose, 'and sa~ctioned by the Provisional' -c:;omiUi:t~ee. The terms given should not <be taken as final, but it is By him Shane's gory head was hUD!,!; desired, in the interests' of ,uniformity, that Hooray, hooray 1 none of those adopted should be departed \´ith staring eye and lolling; tonlfiliil from unless Ior serious reasons and after Hooray, hoora'y! mature consideration. 1;31 tlre terms have Above his gates a warning dread, been :><pplied with complete success in To- all who'd raise their counrrys drilling Irish-speaking corps in the Gaedá A token of his vengeance red~ halth ccht. If any Volunteer or Gael ",-qshcs (England a-lways loved us), '~ to sugegst a more desirable- sUib5ti;tt:r~ for Andi (j).'~'" the sea in Sunny Spc1.1R' any of the terms he is asked' fo comrrmnillc<>ray;, h~-oray1 . ~ catc at ence with IIe;:tdquarter~: K o 1T(')r~c.e Young l{t:d 'Hugh by h is brood vs as- sla'1",~ wi!! be taken of any suggestmns. 0'[' armHooray, hooray! cisms made in the column", of the jD~'!Jh' 1\l"::,:ru;rwU'&,;",, too, and -brave 0'1~':l"<l;, ]"ress, It should be pointed out'til'1t t'lre terms Too long we did his rule endure make allowance for dialectical' differems-es, US', now for. 'H,nge<mce swift and sar.e~' tJh.s, the Kerryrnan can sa.y.- "'esasaid'i'F go (1::ngI3,Ldalways loved us).
influx of recruits i,,,,,, expected during the next few ,days, On. ~llmday, 2nd inst, Rev SCUTLA:\u R.l'.GDIE~ I. \ James Wl111ams, G Û, addressed the Vol. ¥ '. unteers on parade, eoucratulatina them on I'here was a meeting of company corn- I their progress ,U1d \\~shing them every tnanders of the above regllnent at Head-I success ~n any emergency they m ight be ... "l A' T11 1 '" h called on to tace. Althouzh he could not ,larters, U' nn street, on ursc ay, ,,1.' I' 1).0 a soldier himself, he °W()lJld hell) the 1;;rt, for the purp~se of forming a perá m?\'e:ne~t in, every :,:ay. h_e could. :,'ather .;asnent cornrmttee (Conntv Board), '1I,1r'I \\lll[am~ gave a ",abscnp"on of £'J as a ~ , ", start to the defence of Ireland fund which , ~rney, commander 0 ... the reg,'lment, pfeá is, now being made .ill; the district. On , "r
Drill Terms in Irish.
\Ye're going to beeak the Kaisers face, Hoor-iy, hooray! The fierce oppressor at ou-r J'" ce Hooray, hooray ~ His poison cups our fathers drained-rBy him our patriot's were Ghaiined "In dungeons foul, where devils reigned(England always loved, H.s-),
~mt', casaidh timcheall," where the' ~;esá ten1ier wil l say cc seasaigi samh, c(l'3a':Igi
gluais:gi." The accent, rrowá as far á35 possible lie, l'aru.' on &.<, Iast (or in a few cases th'e'pen'n'ltlma:te) ey.tTil!ble, the first syllable' of the> \vOIlE cor: res-ponding to the "cautionary' word'?" in á at~mlna'nd given in EngliSii, e:g.:. -t- tJ ... ~.=:!~t:!i: _'l,hrcn 1"--" Gluais-Igbii3,ii,!'"
á e"',-er must,
.lcer'5 uniforrn.v+].
D CO):tX'_'\:\'Y-i)th DAT:rALION.,
, @~
T!1e Iollowinz are the arranzeruents for '
l:\'CHICORE, "
dri lling, etc, unt il further nouce : -l,lght Half Battalion, ABC. and D' Companies, I Mondavs ¥ r- 30 . I' It H 1£ E F On the 3n:l inst under the presidC\'!.~yof ,on a~~, .~' '_. , ,e. a 0-Ir ,1. J (l)rovisional Committee- the G H, 1- rmays at /,30. Battalion Parade! election of company officers and treasurer ~orn Parade g'rounds, Inchicore every ~nd hon secretary was held in th",' A 0 H r.,> .sd " o r- 30 h F I Hail, Donnybrook, WIth the Iotlewlna re,~aUlS ay ev enmg at t . s arp.I sult :-Company Commander, Eamonn de ~anim, Hon Sec. I Valera, elected' unanimously ; 1st Lieutenant right half company, [ames Meehan, elected unanimously; 2nd L~eutenant. left half, ,company, Fred Radley Colour, Sergeant, 'Nilliam Henry, nominated : hon BLA:\'CnARDSTO\\':\, treasurer, Joseph Kenn):~ elected Ull(mlm. The above corps paraded and marched ously ; h,!n secretary, John G judge, eleeted nnanirncusly. to Dunboyne Sports on Sunday week headed by St Brigids brass and reed band. They were joined on the way by the Mulhuddart corps who also took part i <, in the march. Recruits will be enrolled! CORPS FOR::IIED AT ARTANE.
,~, Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights . ..' . . liter dull parade III St Brigid s Hall,1;eorg,e Dl~sooll, secretary. .<'O,<y:>.
I I I !
LUCAN.' The above corps is making rapid proá gress under the guidance of Mr .Cleary to " . . W.l0111 great credIt IS dEe. OWIng;fo re'l treat no drill will be held this week. A route march took place on Sunda week . . Y thro~gh Let:l:ltp__ and Kewbridge finishing '0 III Lucan. upwards of 150 took part. ,r:'he raffle for "old watch whi h t ¥ ¥ ¥ .. c was ~e place on 10th inst has been post. ~ned, j
r ' "
1'.111 1l .. L..
Th is- contingent is Iookmg for"";Hd Wlth. renewed. spirit to seeing service WIth their comrades in Ireland. Their att.-mdance au drill is good and now that they have -
I. - Sq uad: IDtitt ;Squad ; ran in á .\u.en'l;on
S<!uad;-AttentioD Stand at Ease the new drill ground at Shepherd's. Bush Stand E"sy they hope to increase the roll consider,abl::., On Sunday there was a fult muster Eyes Right the whole contingent bemg under the com, Eyes 'Frcd Jl:,a..nd of Messrs I' E Maguire and John Dress 1- muerty, who. put 1h~ members throuzh Right Dress 'I:<l(~tom; evolutIOns, The £<QlIPS feel that the time has 110W come when they 0ught to be m closer touch WIth the Executive Left DreS3 in Dublin. Cover
Rear Fi les Co~' XORTI-I J.O:'\DO;'\ DInSJOX OF TIlE HUSH \'OL Ul\TEE RS,
Drilling takes place on 'Yednesdays at 7.30 arid 'on Saturdays at 5.30 in a field at 27 Wood Lane, Archway Road, High, gate, K. Wood Lane is close by the Woodman. The Irishmen in the district have not responded as well as might be expected to the call of their country, though the Prov i aioria.l Oommitte are hopeful of an improvement. The Secretarv is Mr. .J. Kevin, 3 ~orth Road, 0 n 'I'ues d .'l~' wee 1\. a I arge an d en tllUSJaS. tic meeting of the residents ol Artane and Highgcttc, London, N. surround,=s districts was held for ,the pur. pose of forrni nt; a corps, of the Irish National Volunteers. ?lir Reddin, Rockfield D1ZU;)fCOLLOGHEK House, who presided, addressed the meet. ing and announced amid cheers that he A meeting of the Collecticn Committee would place his lawn at Rockfield at the disposal 'of the men for drilling purposes for the Defence of Ireland Fnnd was held until a more central pos.tion could be obá on Sunday week, and being public was tained. A provjsional committee was representati ve of proniinent people of the formed consisting of representatives of town and parish. ~h E D Daly, J P., Artane School, Coolock, Belcamp, Pucksá 1\11 C 0, who presided, returned thanks for town and Artane Village. Messr,s Kiernan the s_plendid response in snbscribing for arms for the Volunteers, the amount reo and .Connolly acted as hO~l secs. to the meetlUg and the former haVlllO' bnefls ex, ceived ibeing 'well over £40. Broadford and Knoclctoosh made a very fine collecá pla~ned the working of the ~~rps it' :W'" tion also, the amount fl'O´l the whole pará deCIded to ask -a gentleman.m the ~elg'h. ish being over £80, The money is being bOUl'hood who takes a ~ee~ lllterest III the movement to act as dnll mstluctor.. 1.1r sent on to headqnaTters,-(Ja-til ae Ball, Kennith Reddi? delivered an eloquent ad, Hon. Sec. ~ress on the "olunteers, their aims and obá Jects. At the conclusion of the meeting, chee_rs wer,e raised for Mrs Reddin. who occupied a s6.t on the platform and took a lively interest in the proceeding-s,-I' Connolly. Kilm'ore Cottage, > Artane, '
The ranJi;s of the Ho\\ih Volunteers still continue to increase in numbers. Over lSi). men are now enrolled and the ;;great 'I Come to your drills as if you were goin,f{ ~.orjtv ~I.'e dr.i!1;l).'" rrr,,á1 -1" A f ~l ,. \ to...see yoar best girl-Cle?11 s],ayeo and I .', . C ",' .a, j' .'1. !!l..H';., I \"Il~ ii. !wuát,;ut, 1
Volunteers! Support our Advertisers
and Irish M:inufacture
By the Right. By the I.eft Right Turn. Left Tum Right In~n.:Left I ncliee Right v,heel Left Wheel Quick l\larch Mark Time F,HW3i'<! Halt Right Close Left Close Double-;\Iarch At the Halt One Pace Forward --Quick March Two races Back -Quick :i\1arch About Tum Number Form Four3 Form Two Deep As You ~Yerll Step Out Step Short OFen lbnks Reáform Ranks Advance in Sin~e File Salute , Diso)li.s
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'1'151\'> '0.\ clhm <lol' ;scuL3LI.1-,\11'151'(; C,\l''''-O 1:,m(;e,\t13
telt:lle 1"\'iS" '1).& 11.",n5 m"'l1 ",I'l, "'5.110
Cellll 1"<\'0,\ Celm :j;e<il'l' 55~o'tl-O 1["'115" 'Ol6tU15'" 11~\115" .0.11 '\S~I'O.:ná<\on 1''''115 <Iotn4111 1I1ho.Lu'5'{>
C ;r't~á-l;
Volunteer 'Equipment
Enquiries - are invited by our Con. tract Department for the supply of Clothing and General Equip.
Henry St. Warehouse Henry S're"t \OVarenoll~ecs., Ltc_
DUB' I'".l" L.t
BUGLES-Army ~Iodel, ~ :rib. ; Second-hand Is. 60. /' Sojl~d, as New, '125. 6d. FLGTES-Army Model Bb 4 keys, equal to new, 4s. (\d. DR'UlI1S-(Deep) Guards pattern, Second-hand, 27s. se. Soiled, nearly New, 37s. Gd. DRlJM HEADS-Fitted and returned within three hours. 18in. 2s, eu., ] 9;n. 3s. ee., 20in. 4s. (id.: lapping, 9d. REPAIRS-To any makers merits.
Headquarters, Michael Dwyer HaJI, Merchants' Quay. L3St Sunday this ha'1(ácompan y mar, The following promotions have been ched to Glendhu, where they had ageá made by the Military Council: -Second Lieutenants, P Houlihan, P O'Connor; nernl good 'time, and did much useful work. The improvements to the hall are Leader J, Quinn, Chapelizod. being quickly finished and when ths han. A concentration march for all the Dub- dicap is removed it is expected that the lin (City) Companies took place on Wed- present excellent record list of membernesday, the 12th inst. Over 350 'boys ship will be considerably increased. Drill were presnt, of whom about half were in goes on in this hall every Tuesday and uniform. Company C (of whom there are Thursday, .cnd a'll boys of the neighbour. now enough members to form two com- hood are invited to [oin. panies) turned out in full strength. Pre---<>-ceded by the Bugle Band attached to 1st KERRY OOMPA?-:Y. IIardwicke street the battalion marched LISTOWEL. Tbe boys in the L'stowel Company ate through the principal streets of the city, and created a good impression by the ex- at .present in camp a', Ballyburrion and cellence of their marching. Particular are busy at work .amongst healthy and The Commandpraise is due to the newly joined recruits, beautiful'S'll-IrOundings. ing Officer \has planned out a most inwho, though many of them had only been teresring prograrrune for the winter sesin the Fianna for a week, marched as if sion, and th~ excellent arrangements fer they had had a month's training. Reemits contn ue to flock in in considerable the present summer session give a Iorenumbers, and are being rapidly trained in taste of what m:J.y be expected.
by the Dahlin officers.
~Target RUles F0R
1:<. S.
22 cal. .. , .,. 80s.. War Office l\Iliniature Rifles, 22 caL... ... 462. B. S. A. Air Rifles 35s and 45s. Shoots accurately up to 50 vards. Militia Air Rifles, 32s, shoots accurately up to 25 yards. Gctb, 20th Century Rifles, 22 en]. ... 12s, 6d, 22 Rim Fire Cartridges lvari. ous brands). Greener Spotshot Target Rifle Aperture sights, 22 cal. 4,&. D. S. A, No. 12 model Target Rille, 22 cal. with aperture sights, the best, Min. iature Target Rifle on the market ... .,. £4 3s. 6d.
G .. ~ and Rifle Maker I Ammunition Merchant
3 Inn's Quay, Dublin.
Irish National Volunteer Equipment 5-Pocket Brown Lather Bandolier 5s. 9d. and ss. 6d. Belts, - - . 2s. Od, and Is, 7d. Bayonet Frogs ¥... Is. 6d. Haversacks . . Is. 2d. Postage, 4.d. Made on the most approved pattern by Bandolier and Football Manufacturer,
'vOLUNTEERS! 'fie have 3 Ip'cndfn 3S!Orllllentof rare l'rintsat. c)\.e". rate-Emm~' I Tone, !..('C. acken, and numerous ethets. We stock Vo'unt-er Badees, We sUIOPIy Jarge Portraits of Home, Hall, or Club . ..,1 Messrs Rodmond. Devrin, .Dillon Davitt, etc. Lrlsh Literature of all kin"s, Uvescf Err-mot, Wolfc Tone. Spe<'1;1I1'S from the Deck, &c.
1st CITY OF 'YATERFORD CO~IPA~Y. The energy of Leader T. Barr and others is waking up Waterford, hoth City RIGHT HALF, CO~IPAXY A. and County, to an appreciation of the merits of the Fianna a's a boys organi Training Depot-Camden Street. sation. Several sluaighte have been lately This half-company turned out in strong formed and a considerable addition ha-s numbers on '\'\ednesday last at the general been made to the membership of the parade, a's a result of which recruiting original company. Company drill bas is proceeding at a rapid rate. The order been lately taken up, and a high state of work for the corning week is: of efficiency -has already been reached. -<>-::\[oncby-General Company Drill ORGAKISIK(; ::\'OTES. Tuesday-For recruits only (prelrninary This week-the rules relating to sluaighte training) .. are given. Next 'week we sh311 publish Thursday =Eignalling and First Aid. the rules relating to Courts martial. Friday-Pipers' Bands ~ E1LVAIGHTE (Branches or Troops). The examination of shops in connection
FELLOW C6U NTRYMEN, It is close upon seven months since tee Irish \:olunt~ers were called into being by a manifesto issued on the 25th Noyembe.T. 1D13, in the name .of the Provisional Body who now make this further appeal to the courage aud patriotism of Irishmen. ' The time is not inopportune. To that first appeal a splendid response has been given by the youth and manhood of Ire. land. The. call to Irishmen t? form an army of national defence against aggressi~ from whatever quarter it might come, allf to take upon themselves the defence cif those rights and liberties common to ",'.¥ the people of Irela.nd has not fallen on deaf ears or cold hearts. The right of a free people to carry arms in defence of their freedom is an elementary part of political liberty. Tbe denial of that right is a denial of politicaI liberty, and consistent only with a despotic form of government. They have rights who dare maintain them. The demand of the .people of Ireland is unmistakable. They demand this elernentary right of freemen-the right to place arms in the hands of the orga..nised an4 disciplined defenders cf their liberty. Ireland to-daypossesses an army of meg actuated by a: common spirit of patriot, ism, daily acquiring and applying !h( habits of disciplined and concerted action and rapidly fitting themselves to ~:;'1' arms. We denounce as hostile to cur liberty, c;vic as well as national, the denial of th'is And further, since the action of the, Government places in the way of Irishmen favourable to national autonomy obstacles which admittedly are inoperative in' the case of those opposed to the policy of Irish self-government, we urge the demand throqgh every representative voice in Ireland for the immediate dithdrawal of tbe proclamation prohibiting the ~, port of arms into Ireland. We are glao to recognise that the tilt.!§ has come when the Irish Parliament~ Party. with Mr John Redmond at its het>" have been able, owing to the development of the Irish Volunteer Organisation on sound and well-defined national lines, to associate themselves by public declaration with a work which the nation has spontaneously taken in hands. Their acces,. sion is all the more welcome since, from the outset of the Irish Volunteer movement. we have made it our constant aim to bring about a whole and sincere unity. of the Irish people on the grounds of national freedom. In that spirit, too, we look forward with eager hope to the day when the minority of our Iellow-countrja moo, still apparently separated from .., in affection, will be joined hand in ha~ with the majority in a Union, withiiá which the rights and liberties common &'1 all the people of ireland w il] be sacred \u all and will be a trust to be defended <by lhd arms and lives of all Irishmen. EO iN MacNEILL, L. J. KETTLE,
1\0 person sJl>~ll have power to start CU~L,;_,_~~ XA mBAN with the recent order is going on satis(IlUSIIWO::lIEl\ 'S COU~CIL). f: l~toTijy, and :he scouts appointed are a sluagh of X a Flanna Eireann without carrying out their duties in a thorough Erst gettinO' a written permission from the AI'<l.Chcisd"'e. '!i"UIIS Organisation . C?rue into beiJ:lg fashion. , t with tne Lrish '\ olunteers, and lts Slauighte ~1a!1 be af1;!'ááled 'by \'ot~,of work is for Ireland only. the ArdChoisde, and , ... ; pay an affi l ia. . . ¥ _ . f', '-'.-' f ' (ll' , , tI F'.~OVISIOf\AL COMMIT1 EL tron ee ~as provlut:-U '0: "'.0 ow.ng; r,,:Cj to the funds of the Ard '_'hoisde. In COl)á :Mrs Eoin MacXeill, ::Ili5s lWCoy .. Mr CO::lIPA:,\Y C. , tres where Coisdi Ceanntair exist no sluagh Wyse Power, Miss Bloxham, Madan, , " " O'Hahilly, Miss L Gavan Duffy, ' B A: shall be affiliated without first recelvmg Miss Agnes O'Farrelly, ::II A? Mrs Pad: Headquarters; Hardwicke Street Hall. 111C permission of that Coisde. raic Corum, B A; Mrs Tuohey, Mrs MaoThe pioneer section of this Company, A SIU;l."'h cf S to 16 members shall pay Don<l:gh q'Mahony, Miss Margaret J?obbs. , . e. This widely-spread Organisation inaugaccompanied by the bugle band and the .an aff iliat on fee of 2s. Gd.; a sluagh of urafed the Defence of Ireland Fund, and Fianna Trek Cart, proceeded to Clontarf 16á.'50 members shall pay 55.; a sluagh bas many activities, including First Aid on Sund-ay, the 9th inst.; (0 assist in the with over 50 members shall pay for every Classes, Drill, and ,Hille Practice, etc. , . _ 'Fhe Provsional Committee make an urgent forma-tion of a new company. Drilling additional 50 or part of 50 members, 23. 'Appeal for Funds to carryon their work. commenced under leaders P Houlihan, 6d. extra, Each sluagh having Irom eight to fifty Temporary Offices e Seagan Prendergast and Corporals T Macmembers shall be enti:. '. ,; (0 be repre12 D'OLlEK Sl'!{£ET, DUDLI~, Crane, Brown, and Oliver. The newly- sented at the Ard Feis two delegates, enrolled recruits are making steady proá and one delegate for o. y additional 50 gress, and will probably be examined be- boys. All .boys shall ,sel:,\'C ~~,,'ee 'weeks on All sluaighte shall be, as far as possi))); fare the end of the month. Several of approbation and pass the preliminary divided into sections of eight bOYS, áif.'tests before being administered the Declathe new recruits have already procured croding leader, . ration 01' giVen the bad~e of the Flanna. No sluagh of the Fianna shall t'~ke :r>:u't equipment and many more are expected Each sluagh shall hold a meeting for in elections, either Partiamentaryjor M". to do so shortly. General congratulations the election of civil officers, etc., at lenst nicipal. Any member taking part ilk eJecti.ons in his private capacity must 'JI\ct have been showered by the body of the once a year. Each sluagh shall forward á2. report of of rhe members on Leader Patrick Houlihan on the working of the sluagh at Ieast seven wear either badge 01' uniform Flanna, his recent promotion to the rank of lieu- days previous te quarterly meetings of the All sluaighte shall submit their rules Ard.Ohoisde.. tenant, for approval to the Ard-Choisde.
. ---
.'oluntecrs ' Le Photographer
Programme of Training
[The Irish I\eview
:.) LOWER D01{~LT ST., DUBLI~. Company Group a Speciality.
Ç Val rer,
Ist West Battalion.
BAOHELOR'S '\'ALK, DCBLI::\, . ~~hest Prices Realised for Furniture c,. ev cry description. Auctions every \\'ednesd1Yá
\11 Companies parade in Sbaun's Park , Monday, at 8, 2nd West Battalion. All Companies parade in Shaun's Park on Thursday, at 8,
North Battalion.
The NA~~L~~~~tcL~UNDRY, ';0 SOUTH ,nJ.LU::\[ 81'" DUBLIK. ,:_,SIFOR?IS CLL--\:\,ED A:\,D PRESSED 'IN 1'\\'0 DAYS,
r, 69
FOR C'H'Ol'MS. ;l1A])E ox THE J'REJIISES, 8.'T'´LE AND rrxr-rr GU,\R.\C\'TEF"
A Company-North Queen-street, Wedá nesday and Friday at 8. B Compaay=-Ardoyne, on Friday, at 8. C Company-c.Nortb Queen street, Moná day and Thursday, at 8. D Company-North Queen street, Moná day and Thursday, at 8. E Company-Notified during week. F Compnay-(Sacred Headt) , North Queen street, on Friday, at 8. South and Eeast Battalions, in St Mary's Hall on Wednesday night at 8. Ambulance Section ill St. Mary's Hall on Sunday, at 3 and Wednesday at '8. General Parade in Shauu's Park on Saturday, at 4 o'clook sharp. Colonel Moore has appointed Captain F. H. Berkeley to be Staff Captain the Belfnst Regiment.
, BANDS' .:1:'",
THE COl'llPLETE S/ONALLE.. In accordance with the latest )1:Iit"ry Signalti ng Practices, 1!Jl.!. Second Ldiron. By Arnold Graves.
THE MORSE ALPHABET; Or Nonsense khvmes About Dots and Dashes, By rt.. c. Lggar. By this method the pupil is ab le to under. ntand and a ppreciate the practical work. jng of the code ns soon as he has lear" 1;:,i:;; first lesson-e-n great stimulus and E' ccuragement to further effort, and to l" ultimate mastery of the complete :,lph' bet olus the numerals and tome. J~.oth are' printed on folding cards of a aize convenient for the pocket letter case. 'jlrice 3d. each, POgt:t[!;"I d . or 2s 6d per 'd{)z, Postage 2d. ALL MIJ.1TARY nOOKS KEPT STOCK.
fORSTER (jR{)OM & CQ., LIMITED, 15 Charing Crosa, S.W.
We Don't Clean
D\..iB~~X, '
..................... ¥ Best Value in '" ¥ : PURE NORWEGIAN ~;. : COD LIVER OIL : ¥
6d., h., h. 6d., and 2., 6d
ARTHUR CAlli!..!... Chemist, Dorset-st.
..................... ,4;
(Dub lin , August, 1914), 1. These be '(hy gods, 0 Dublin : These ,,\'ho swagger down thy suilied streers , In fudd.ed pride, Iull-betled ease, And lustful insolence that greets II. Each sodden comrade with a grin, Ec-ch pas~ing girl with a Ieer, That shows th e rotten soul within. 'l he r.At~n reuinarus left us h e re.
III. The remnants of a race thnt scaled Th" red heights of br ut ah ty, Anu p{u'l!bt:{.,_-whc~áe deY" is uright hu-v c qu ai.ed.L
By Thomas :\1acDon:J.gh. Commander of Cornpauy C, Second Batt.. Dub.in Regiment , Irish Voluneers. PRICE .. , SIXPE.\'CE
HOW TO KEEP FIT. OLUNTEERS and others suffer. ing from impaired vila.lity, fatigue after exercise, want of energy, should write at once for a bottle of our Tonic Hypophosphites, Post free, Is 9d.-M'DONALB, Chemist, Donegall Street, Belfaat.
of be::ijality.
IV skulked behind The Irish, on that dreadful day, When, whistling down Colensos wind, The Ma'use!' bullets fought their pre .... , The royal race that
v. Thou~h to Christ's Kingdom chosen heirs. Betore the khaki ::\101och y.e Have swung the thurible tha-t bec rs The incense of you~ flattery. .
'be JrishV,lunte£r iIb
And white you cross the fire-swept zone. And ",II le the bullets mow you down, He !fattens on the lost 2nd lone Yo u lea-ve behind in Dublin town.
SATUl{DAY, ACCCST 22, 1914.
VII. If from. the aisles of Paradise, The deed who died' Icr Ireland came, England is at 'War. That is England's How vain to them the sacrifice ' \i'l1O [it the sacrificial fla':ne. busness. The business of Ireland is to see that Ireland is not at war. The Ger. UII. man system may be subject to the 'Moloch How vain the wealth of blood and tears of militar-ism and France more interested Po-ured out since Ireland's life began; in closing churches and convents and lIow vain the valour of the years ~.lUS( seem to eyery Ir shrnaa ~ a;>ress:ng ~.)r Setj,l':::lr,e(4Jcation than in
;\ i\IO:>iTIILY ;\L-\G.\ZL\"E OF IRISH POLITICS, LITERATuRE A:\,D ART, Contributors to J u Iy-Aug nst issue: Picture: Casi.nir Durrn Markievicz, Politics and Literature : :,\Iiss 'Y. ?v;. Letts, Harry Reginaid King, Justin Philips, Pri onsias Airrneag, P. H. Pearse, Daniel Corkery, :'Il'ss Jane G. Mitchell R. B A:1de"50n, Peter McIlrien, '1 homas Mac Don : gil, Jean J1 aiye. SPEOI,\L SU Pl'LUIE);T_
2'2, 19l-J.,
training her ann)'. England needs no lurid light from Inrther back than "bloody Sunday" to tel! us what she is. But what is that to us? 'Ye have not much sympathy with rnIitarism gone mad, 'Ve have less with pr iest-hunting, whether it is done to-day in Europe or. whether we remember it; h;s!ory here of a few yenrs back. We have enough bad habits of cur own, enough acquired from Eng,:and YOU CA?-i without adding a few, unnecessary to EASED BUGLES WHE~ BRASS, REED, TIAGPIPE, FIFE A:XD specify, that w.Il corne to Ireland through DRUM', BUGLE, ETC. contact with Continental soldiery, But i' DON'T BUY SECONDHANID, DISá they , are at war, and many good :people GET NEW OC\'ES AT THE FOLLOWá think the Volunteer- should support one id h h "\,,' IXG PRlCES: si e or t e ot er. arious reasons are No. 1 foe boys, u». 6-:i. given for this, and all are bad'. :Ko. 2 full size, 15s. The business of the Volunteers is to sit No, 3 large bore, £1 Is. .\0. 4 heaviest type, £1 lOs, tight to perfect their .organisatiou, and, Liberal discount foe cash-carr. paid. above aU, to arm. Then and then only Fife and Reed Bands', complete for will we be in a position to profit b, the about .. ' ". £5 lOs. fact that Europe is at waer.' If we do this Bugle Bands complete for £7 lOs, the EUr<Jpe311'Var means the consumrna"Bagpipe Bands complete £10 Os, tion of our hopes within a compartively Brass Bands complete £15 Os. short period. If we do not, but go mnfCAPS, SASHES, BANDOLIERS, BANá ficking for one party or another vee are'l further from the goal than ever. KERS, ETO,
carrjage paid one wayan COURá , try orders. ,,'rite for Booklet Free. 110 & 111 .Cort, 'Phone-1108.
But al11103t anv s rtcle of wearing apparel nO")' be sent us to be thoroughly cleaned and returned looking just like new. Urtiforrns cleaned and tai:or,prdsed, for
s,nURD ..U:", ACGrS1'
rx, But I believe in Ireland still, Though dark the pan that on her Ii"",,) And 1 believe that freemen wil l \: et h . it the dawn in Irish skies. 1'. KEHOE.
The ~oul:;; (}'f nations are their marchin r men, ' God holds no shield above a COW'IIdrace, Go4:S hand the cause of weakllnvs datil . not brace, ~ But w.th the brave again, and yet again. Marches the Lord of Hosts with S1\'or<1 uashea.ned, 1"0< His high purpose falters' with the slave, But, ch, the br-ave, the all-inspiring brave. Doing His work, by Hi's hand shall be. wreathed. The soul of Ireland is her marching mea, She wi il not think of rest ti.Il there be I'eace, She w [l not suffer Freedom to decrease, Nor nurture slaves on hill, in rocky glen"
Nor anywher-e within her sea-girt shores Sbe sll';"l not falter under tragic days, In anguish or in hope her soul shan PA:llPHLE1' COMMEC\'DED. praise, At a recent ,meeting of the Bally-castle Even the tragic loss her heart deplores, Corps of the' Ir ish Volunteers a resolution was proposed by 1\-Ir J J\Il'Bride and sec;, Even grim Death, if Death be Freedoras , ended by ~lr ,F Black, R D C, 'thanKing ~ pl'ice;; M1' T A Higgins, J P, B L, for. the effec- Even her blood poured out to prove it~, l~ue, tive assistance rendered to .the cause of VOlunteering in Ireland by the delivery and Even defeat to .prove her purpose true. publication of the able and poptiTar"levture 'E-ven- the utmest: ultimate, sacrifice . which has had such a wide circulation in pamphlet form. The resolution, which The s:wio£'s tyrants slay shall 'rise again was carried unanimously, included cordial -\Vbe'[e one was slain, not one shall rise, , bnt ten, appreciation of Mr Higgins' little workthe author being himself a Ballycastle Oh, has-k ! the tramping feet in street and glen, ' man, and recalled the fact that the leeture was delivered at a critical period in The soul ef Ireland is her nrnrching men! Seumas O'Sheel in. the Gaelic American . the" history of the movement.
G'Q toB. & R. PAGE, 31 Parliame"nt Street,'-'for Irish-made Boots at PopuJa.r-Prices-<,
¥ ...."'t_~~
,~ Your King an:l Country Need You." WE DOK'T THINK. ,: Some . of the Exlies)} wr i tes :._ Some <o: tile "leading" Irishmen here, or the men who have made themselves leaders, hsve been asked as far back .as last Februa:'y to form a company of, Irish Volunteers all the Tee-side, '1 hey h., ve stoutly cp,posed the proposal. The only 1hing we could gei: them to do was to call a meet:ng at which they promised financ:ul ad, whether tbe 0 finances" h nve been sent or not is a mystery to most (of ns. ]\" ow rhese s.uue nien are ~l'yin:; 'to l':-";"e :1. bat.al ioa of Ir ishrnen to send iJ t he Con, tinen t ",illl the British Army, There i~ . o..ls.:) n report going the ro unds tl;:- .th e Irish Volunteers at horne ar-e YC1\!1~:ec:áir!:.:,~ fer foreign serv.ce, ; nd t hat 1,\ h.:.:. l~ .1": .. : ranks are reduced Eng:i::sh Iegj:nen:~ wi l. be recalled ar.d sent to J re .irid. "\a','\V,,) ~hiá.; 1:; what W~ do know-Two lris.~ reservists=-onc a sergeant and the other a. se, . :;e.:tn~-matQ.r-a.'re in communication w'tll K'tchener, and as soon as Kitchener rake; over the Irish Volunteers t hev (the -rcscrvistsj are proceeding to Ireland for the express purpose of i~dllc;ng as ru. n y a" possible to join the British Army. (The}r wiU g-et .;r wanner reception Ire.and than they expect. - Ed. 1. v'.
\Yb.1.fs that yon s~'y-the Border e rs Did S'lOOt your kndr ed down ~-\. month a':io in Dublin's streets 1-'0" Em;I,-"nd .ind the C~0"':11; IJ';1"!' ~ :-~:.y ~.::á~n"Chestf'r for Ccds \ sake, IIEcr.ceforw,1,d 1'i1 be ':"'3tYou: },l~en, Larkin ~n(( O'Brien I-f'1Ye i.0i.lg been turned 10 dust. ~"pt'\;1.;: of 1~i~('h\;'l:'~ .('bn~dn6 chn.ns, q u ite f~rget the narr;e. ~J:\' love !::-! ycu á~áft drove me \vi'u-On th:a L~.;: ~.!l ':11:; b~1.u~(:; ;:YOtlr,~; Emmet en the gal.ows s",~!!-"-I :Th.~ rope swnye d by the w:r:d.á' r f.".1.áá:e :hfl': l.1.D 1á.)!-:!g y~.1:-S ,'1.:50, "lis {-á:J,.:;l [~":in n-:y rrind ;
01:. h~:p me !l::>Y/-á-l \\-{)n'~ forget, Don 't leave me :t11 alone. For k,\'e of God s:op hlking Of t:'e ~c!jhed, reel threat cf -Tone ,
skic s
king and country need me"? Xu king on e::cth I own, No sword I'il draw save but to Disc
.My Eire's fallen throne , :'i[y iife, my love, my a.J are, here And some dnv blade to blade ,Ye'n meet ,1.g,~~in for her 'bright crown
When all sha.l be repaid. An BEAR::\:\
Iavourable reports helve been pub lished referring to ,he Madsen gun at the battle of Natscherid,
a lsc
in ta! . . ing the bottom corners also .here is the aim in 01 the sight, CHtS the neck These var.cus altern.u ivr s chanow, W'~l'O during ihe last SIX n-;on'~h') aL~ used with success A small wh i,e or the JilJ13!1eSe w a.r COD1!!.3ndcd .; de- dct b a very g.:>od device to use when .t 1'"'111Bent of ~JQ:I;..en guns. After t he firing at figule targe1.3. ': At 5(,:0 yards -W~! ,the number of Mr dzcn gu;-., in the there IS but one aim, just touchmg ,he RU~SI;11t Army was at1,~,m,ented to mere figurc ~r a llttle below It. .Here t~e ~h.R'n ,t""o thou.sand. TIle .rap.mesc Army I white Got'IS \{~ry useful. h.,t l31J\) yards Jatroa~lced the gtl!1 by al1ottl,n-; 1\,;0 to I a.<:d k.Ill;cr ran6e~, a i:n n:y Ij'" taken :].; e:l.Ch infantr-y comlyny. In Chinn sonie : the top or bottom of the target or at the -excellent weá::':, has been clone with the bu'l, touching it or with a 1, 1," while :\'hd:>e," .gnn during ,th~_ recent trouhles, ~lO":in;;: The lOP,' of (h,e target wrth the and apart from several r.uropaan Powers, Territorial blade Sight ,"'''kes a go-::-d "111 Br.iz}, l}rt1gU:ly, Argen!j!1~. Chi lc and for these who have net the ucenest si.f7ht. 3.S
hattle of Sitas, published in "La Fr ance of the figure; ~\Iilitai-re." of April 15th. IfJ08. ThE';'0 which the top reports emauate from Captain Colochtof the 5gtlle.
Mexico h ave all introduced g-ttn to thel{' armies.
Tbe effect cI le:lfIing 'tile sichrs is to cause the shot to strike a certain distance to one side of the object r imed at. in the direction of the lenn, and a trifle low. Th '" wit! be beter understood if it is reo membered that, p.a:rticnl.arly at long rnn. ges. the rifle barrel is pointin, at' a spct m3JlY feet a'bove the target. T'ne distance betwee ... this spp1 "nld the "target is the raDius of the Circ~e lhat represents the va<'ious pos,'ble di,placemcl1ls of aim due to lel1nin,2; the rifle, If a cálock face be takell ~s rep<:esnt:ng this ,circ~e, it will be s~en that the wori, of thc, first l:ninute past ,át\vehe, which' represents :1 lean Qf 6 ge.
gt'ess. is iu p1'oPQrtion much' f;n'th¬ r to the rtght thall it is low, Reference anv of the \>'elláknown tables will show 110'\1,1' con~d~('b!e js ~he error caused by~ (lot keeping ,!be sfgMs veTtic;:l. Under thi,; he~..ding :,t is n~)\"ada~'s necessary tc! deal only with apertu,e sights, since they hmáe OeCO<:l:e universal for t!\y:.(et shootisg 8nd it is u...,derstood are to Slloer;;eoe the open sight on the Service rifle: With reo gard to the point on the target ~t which t<) :um, tbi~ is a m~tter in which, mQre than others,. the rifle,hot must' 1e"\1'11 tc
Shall st.md upstaring to :';y:ub,:;1iC' of yom thrall.
define by experimen , his own part icular needs. '1 he ~O{) .y..:rds figure target OffCI::; a greClter temptation to try unusual points 01 s irn than any ether. 1he best is prcb ably to aim just below the figu re , the front sight just touching it. '1 here are
A large Selection of Patterns from the leading Irish Manufacturers of TWEEDS and SERGES always in Stock
I swear I'll .hu nt ,'l prest . no more, No more it riaked wall
The rate of firing of this gun is 250 rounds per minute, if the gun is served by 'One mala, and if it is served by two the rate of fire is 400 rounds per minute. The accuracy of this gun is very high; according to the instructions of 1906 for the Russian School of Mu-dcetrv the .IC, curaoyof the 'Madsen gun is just double that of the ordinary infantry r.fie. The Danish troops have more than 'One thousand already in actual use, and this nurnber is being increased yearly, The Rug, si o.n al'mr used several hundreds of these in some b att les during the Jc.'P~. . n~'S(3 war , with
TAl LO'R, 5 Posemary Street, BELFAST.
Do'nt let the Germans touch me, I aw.iys "vas you'!' friend, The piichcap, shears and famine times H<I!':e lor:>.g been z.t an end'; My own dear sons don' t like to fight Since the Boer chaps gave 'em gTuelIf Carson Jets IDe by-and-by I'll rc.rlly P:lSS Home Rule
I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ f
l.f .. the, ball oC'",n ,b~ seen .W:'th0,U; n;~,ch auu IS l"r0c."l,ly ,h,~ I ~e:;t. . Qnickncs., i~t: g-cá~áting. off the S~lO'~ n'~~' ~'I"~'" dv been G,ccáá~c:".cád 1'1 cO"nr~'1C'1 , .':'~ ~,, ,-." ... ~'~-, '. 'H ´~, ¥ lwi.h tea:n snooring. In individual matches it is unquestiona-bly c', f.!:rc:!t asset to he able to deliver a shot with the mi:umum deL0S' on the ann. Nat only Gees It gwe the 'wind less rime to change whilst the firer's attention is on his sight~", but it is hr less tiring. Of course quick' shootng must not be indulged in ::1'; the expense of accur acy, but a quick and at the same
, "
D" .
for .\.1
BI1C~!~$, StOCtiwgs, Shoes. Samnles of National Costume
(Bass) " 56/-
All Volunteers desiring to acqu',re semaá phore, Morse, Dutch, British and French methods of signalling, shonld send 8d. for illu;,irated book of instructions, "How to Signal by Many ?tlethods/' to nook Deá partment, "Volnnt~r" Office, Abbey st., I Dublin. '"
Writ-e for
" 3/4
" 55/-
' i
Kew Oatalogu6.
Denman Street, Piccadilly Grell&, LONDON,
Support our AdYertisers.
/ (
_ _ , O. ctelft1sh, .6.n 'Gl1qlOe be.d5, b.(\lLe, c.(\lf\Le.(\n, CO. .6.on'Of,l'lllm.
HI1Vii\ES & SON, ~ ...........
lent, and
Only lush Manufacture Stocked. Cash Trade.
Special Terms t-o-Vo!unfeers;
advice given free.
BUGLES from 21jDRUMS (Side) IJ 36"
Requisites Supplied- ""
Standards, Pipes. Dru s B h ' m, rooe. es,
Pipers ._
~ m ..
Itt nsá rumen
time -pc)I'fcctliy ~\~ClH.' te }leii'very of the shot should be the ideal towards which each rifleman, sllOuld, a;pire. As to the regulation of brea,thing, :the writer m:~,k~s :t pract:ce of t~king. OJ. ,full bream when putting the rifle to the shoulder and partly expelling it a..s he settles down to aim. This intermediate' condition is more comá fortable than with !l,e lungs' full -or ne'lriy empty, Such matters cs lhe~, ara reguá lated after it, while without conscious '~,cti'on,_:_A~' G', Fulton in' the "S,'R.A. Journal."
Cloth (ail colours).
H"'l~P 1 vu.:'>_
8" A' ~.~ ~"D' "
f (1:fj'Gll!~y at 0 cclcck
"," "
PWboi111 tl-1, ll-C1H.e.6.t111,
.. ,V~ "
Band Instruments, Flutes, Bass' and Side Drums, Flags, BaRner,', Band Caps, Green Hats. Badges: A.O,H., I.N.F. ; also Ladies' Au:xi. l'ary. Home Rule, Badge, ,Harp Shape, ig Silver or ,Gold Encmel; 6d. each, Irish Volur',teer Badges Gd. -0--
,Andrew Magujr(_ 10 and 12 North Str~t,
to have the wardship of so fair rt' prize: \0, you shall be rescued from <urh ernveri keepers, and you shall come with me
22', ];91-1.
to my nrrnze in Skreeny-e-rll Ior of those
mine, Ingean Dhu; there
ith \Vlh
vou would
Corne !"
Abu !"
~b~-t made ~.' hundred
len n
and tree, gorge and torrent. "Clencc"l' to rescue !" and with hs drawn swor-d in one hand and n holster 111SioJ in the other, the match alizht at both ends to give the idea of ,t least two men, and with his br idle.reins in his teeth. the 1 Knight of Glencar gored his noe.e. horse with the spur, hounded over the whit e torrent and roundnz the cluo-n of rocks c'nd trees, dashed into the melee like a' thunderbolt,
! its stupendous wall of reck, soon Jay f;n i !lehin;:]; and now he could heal' the th un'.".,., ""1C ",;'l'-bi",b .b:;:.stinO' to bind US der of the Three Leap Fall r s it plunged '~'J"c,:~O\'(;s.áá'" b e down the roarirlg trent ot Corrycrcss, l: :) ¥ J~~.i. iu:::" itu . Hid the torrent have ya\\"ned At 1 tne .S~Ine moment anovher sound ~
screams, exclamations, :-nd execrnricns in :);-~,".d Scotch. Could it be that the "three Irsh churls" were offering battle to "twenty braw bon, nets of bonnie Car lisle'"? Anzus O'Rorke vaitcd to he'll' no more. His heart leaped like 1. wild steed 'l[ the old battle-cry of his race, and h is hotblood bounded in his veins like Jigh:. ning, "U'H.orke Abu !" he shc nt cd in :1 voice
By ?-IRS, iII, T. PEXDEl\. (i
There rose 3. girl's \\-i!d aud cl(:s~"';:-tir;ng cry, which was suddenly drowned in the clash of arms. and the fierce yell of
the Connauqht elart~
.lLu her 0.£ ~(The j aclrets r;-reel~,~' Jtngh O"Donnell;' t'Tht :':'een Cockade;" Etc., Etc.
refused, but to-night you- wi ll ;101. \\~e are twentv braw 'bonne', of horm c Car lsle. ;:~s SUir Frederick vou ld :::;,lV, 10 three
"I vur
t hc sake Fr-ederick von. Yon are come ri'de with me-
memories, Hamilton shall never touch
ht of 0leflcar.
t..-O N DON. Wlft2I5,£lI ... "S.DuB~IN,
Bagpipe Teacher Free
{~-e:r gr,aá,,,£,;,. srruci on nis ear~the sound of horses ad-Dalton 't'illia'1lls. v a n c Hg at a rap.o trot o long tne g.en. " : . road which he was himself pursuing. llC' tcucaed hlS, h,or~-e w,tn, the spur, Angus O'Rorke instantly Checked his ~,;Jt,l ; t$ulnkly ~tHl)C, ng off all, that re- own horse,' drawing close within .ne sh aneyond the projecting spur the g1en n.airie d l;t t!l,C UlOlJlentary ch.Jl, dashed dow of the rocks and trees, and trusting read passed ovÛ<1' an' open, level tract, and .i":\~<JrJ en his Jc:urney.. 1 ~ that the roar of the waterfa ll, close to the starlight fell clearly on the combat. Specially recommended' flt ") wonder h::JW 1 ""j find them, al. ,,,t which he now was, had prevented the ants. There were a score of Scotch C;:,_;::e ~';;!H?"_ he museu, hIS spirrts ris- S01,11ds of the animal's hoofs from reachtroopers with an officer at their head, who ir.:g ,wi:h the. hr't. sprIng of his steed, ~nd in;; whoever was advancing, and who must have been lying in aJ'!llnls~l.'on the .at we ch~~':ng t!1oug~t that every stll?C might just as readily be fces as friends, other side of the wooded point which had cr ;~le wt ¥¥an, ber st :>!'ought hlm, ne::rer On came the ~o'tting horses. Angus concealed hirhself, The starlight shone IN WAR, i8(;), pages, t? !;'C_ ,h~~.tlcr '~[cr:gh:Jld o~ ~he () Rorkes, I 0' Rorke buttoned h s buff.C().at oyer h~s o~ their iron .bu,rgonets. brea~t and .back- SHARPSHOOTING, 70 Il lu ,tration., and exhaustive infertIle' 1l0.1á,t.\ule bo.nc of h s favou rite uncle, i steel cuirass looked to the zirths of hIS pieces on their buff-coats, wide calf-skin marion on the select ion ans u~e of i.:c,o., of whom, and .oi whose pleas~'nt j ,;: dd.e, and' the Jocks of his" pistols and boots and huge spurs; on their fierce eyes modern' rifles. 1,'3 post f. ee. h8;I,c)).ciu he~ had mauy a bnght 1"bOYIshI then placing one hand in the bowl hilt glinting under the peaks of their helmets, ¥ . 0 ¥ ,,~en!u':r., ~" wonder hew m,y uncle Con I of his Toledo, sat motionless in his saddle on the barrels cf their unslung carbines, HOW TO SIGNAL, French, Dutch, Eng. lish, ~i one, Semaphore, and other f~.,t .s "",th." two snort llll,e~ of Devil waiting and ready tor emergencies. 1 beside which their lighted matches shone methods, 8d. post free. ji"mil',Gl1 ;;'l~l his mara ..udcr~7" he wen: I .. Jl1tl:e are abo~t four," he conclnde~, like glow.worms. Every man. had a long on In lWi i"l,,), thoughts. I remember . as despite the no.se of the waterfall his horse pstol in his belt, balanced by a FlANNA HANDBOOK, Company Si~. ~,) ,well wh:11 ,he was l:ke-h~ndsom~, g~. sn:,,]> :'HO pracuseo ear took HI rue ape 'dirk al}d broad~word; ,a;~d with their nalling, etc., Ls. 2~d.. , post free. r.,,,', Luff ;)11') bold, ) et w i th a] simpre proachiny sounds and then he bezan to nel.s or bandoliers, their harnmerstals SECTION & COMPANY DRILL MADE ;-"" ~ t'~~'.d, ;<'1,\ wonderfully soft and gentle scan the'" glen ro~d with his l;eene;t gaze open, and matches lit, they looked a well. EASY, (3 post fn c. ,,":b. "'.;)l1]<':) : n~, vcung ~eop'e. ,:~'Iow .hls in order to catch the first possible glimpse appointed, hardy and ferocious set. , w.Ie, use ":Û.:l.tt~ldll be"nlIerna! . ': 01:á of the newcomers. On the farther bank Opposed to these were three mounted RIFLE EXERCISE MADE EASY. ~j' "h;PiWU hi!l1! ",,'<1 t?" Ii.t le Bridie-ni-Uara of the stream, which here went te.uing Celts, one with an eagle feath~r in his post free. ;0", t h eir lc.;:cr,ch d-a tmy, round, across the track was a clump of rocks anu barreadh, two bareheaded , their dark, FIr LD FORTIFICATIONS. By Colonel ",oil, "~'l rm i~ling., a.l eyes and curls, who trees, just where the path bent sharply, overhanging glibbs tossing: in th~ nght M'Donnell. 4i4d post free, "0~d tn tuml.le about \\,],11. my blscj- water- I Ioilcwing a spur of the mountain ; and wind, their wild eyes gIe-1ITIlng.their long 1/3 post cog, .he p'l:r getting mixed lip togethe.r, beyond this point nothing could 'be seen. pikes and heavy axes flashin, a'S "'JIb sud- HINTS TO YOUNG OFFICERS. free. SCl :b:-t, T used ha,.e to call RIckard off, in On th.s point, therefore, the knight fixed I den and headlong fury th~y f1lll:g the"!. erdcr to ':ind 001t which was dog and which his steadfrst gaze, ' selves on the Scots, 'hru5hmg aside tnerr H!NTS ON TRAINING INFANTRY, 1/9 'g:rl ~ Ah. wcll : the elf must 'be grown The horses were close to it but not vet caliver barrels, and desp.te rbcir iron post free, ,'li) no\\'~á ;;:,,1 ,J11nrried r:)ay~e! nI2dl'e de i in Y,ieW, when a startling , voice, deep, armour, impaling the first T:lnl; on their i s. 7~d. D,,')~' wh at ten years WIll eo! , harsh and resonant ransr on the air: lone pikes which, wielded by t!:e desper- STRATEGY IN A NUTSHELL, post-cfree, . áá:,l:J!Tied:á-'-he rnny be dead by th is á'Halt. rogues, or die!' ate 0 arms ~f the athletic Celts, crashed {l"~' _( 'Po,,:,t h-e about us ! and so mny lOne or twc an"ry exclamations in O'ut. I throuO'h breastpieces and b-;'eastbones as ,AIDS TO SCOUTING FOR OFFICERS :ht'y ~il! l~ i~ nine months since tbe war j turd (;:.lelic fr<;'m the throats of "'the if th~y had been eggáshelj,;_ , AND MEN 1/3 post free. he;~,a, al~d C:''itle Carr, an old, round i "rogues" thus peremptcrily challenged, Conspicuous amongst the three jig~t ng NIGHT OPERATIONS FOR INFANTRY. 't::;yer on the op!:n p~~ln, could :ll hold, accompanied by a woman's terrified cry I Celts was a man of hercule~n hÛlght, 1/9 post free. . 1 "t f 1"l.,e ~ .,.;:t ag"1nst ;'!anor.1:11r:,lon. , made answer to tn:s rude comm:md, which whosc nuge form towered a!o.t 'fhas his CI'owaed tnou!-;hts htlrJ;'le~ on whether of 'necess:~y c-r choice, was, howá shCldcwy Titan; his d2.rk and mat1ed locks' EXTENDED ORDER DRILL AND COMá pany in Battle_ Is. 2<1. po~t free. 1)5 bi,'i fleet ho",e b01l1ided HI' the SIlent eyer, obeyed. wavina- like eagle plumes ever hl-'3' :fjashá l<j~", i;i wllic!: 11,: COt!ld see, nellher h(Jl1~.eá1 :'\\'here- are you going villains, with ing ey"'es, 2S he haTtdJed his pike w~th oUt' TRUMPET AND BUGLE SQUNDS.l,;ght l.or hil!ll:m he,n,;. t Sru.nl.nar, 'l'n.h . this V:dy?" asked the loud, insolent voice h:.lnd and his enormous tuagh WIth the (British), with music, Is. 2d. pc,,;t .. . , ' ! of him who had given the challenge, other, neither of which a man d ordiná free. '. B~an,iern~, a ch:ert"~mess... . "Home," was the brief and SUllen reá arv streng~h ana stature could baTe ;- :"':'u,ni,r.'lr ($0 p1'OJ'lor;nred)IS m G::tehc sponse. ,yielded, showering his thrusts and blcws THE SWORD & HOW TO USE IT. Fulli Illustrated with phlltographs. ),:'ruth,a:l,:':I.~'n,,,:'d. "~!)lch means the "Wha! place may a'JI Irish rogue dare on aU sid~, the crash of clo,e.n casque 2/3 post free. Ii)tr~:l.m a,s" n,-t the Ifi'l. to call his home?" and cuirass, and the sound of smashed """line is in SEgEl." bonps and cut flesh following e"e~'Y biow. ' HISTORY OF THE IRISH VOU}NTEIiRS OF 1782, by Tllomas ?lIcNcvin. With ;'l'1a! by ine \leV.!'S teeth, then, we This terrible, bareheaded warn or held description~ of unitO!'ms, e{c. of all have made it hotter for you than e~er it IllS unG)e,j'ctn and a skene'~:'Ga' betwe,en local corps of Irish Volunteer'S. A will be again until you arrive in hell! his teeth, while he guided h!s hors~ wl~h splendid b')Ck thzt e7e,ry Volunteer And so YOll! a're going to hon.se th:s damá his knees. lIe rcde without a saddle, 10 should read, 3d. po.t free. sel among hot ashes !., tbe Irish fashion, as did his 1WO comá "\\'e are not going to"nward, but to, rades. He wore a long, dark cloak, SEMAPHQRE SIMPUFIED, 29 Card~, wards a quiet spot in the country, if you wh:ch, flapping backward, addcd to the Front an~ Rear. will permit us to pass on." apparent bulk of his towering fignre. The I "Permit! that sounds well.' And so, rest of his attire consist.ed of ,the J~llt.like ALL POST FREE. O'Dowd of T:rel'agh, your poor blood tunic, belted at the W~lSt, the trUls and TERMS-CASH WITH ORDE'R. I turns to water, too, at the first cli~k .of a ?alf.skin shoes laced ,wlth leathern thong: :::)::ot:ls11 cahve-r! HOI! ha! ha! thIS IS as Clown.he outer s,de o. the ankle, sue:' .. ,,, i~ should be. Down with your arms, were then commonly ,,:,orn by the Insh BOOK DEPARTMENT. loze!s, and yield this lady into the keepá peasantry whether fightlng men or other. ing of those who aJ'e better a:ble to take wj~. , , , care of her, You are my prisoners all." The other (:]ansmatt was slmllarly "I{J.,:c.e ilJ Ire~and, he(lnt:iully linishe<l in "Oh, Captain Cullen," pladed a girl's dresseQ. aP.Q accoutreo save tnat be WQle 65 :mD. ABBEY STREET, D,(;BLI~. Crcen and Gold, from old design by F. soft vo:ce, a voice full of mus'c, but wild aI short cochaI-; while he of tDe e,agle J 'Bigger, JLR.I.A.?1, 'Post Free, 7d. eat:h, with the agonies of fear aánd supplicati<ln, n)",,,.. h::l.d a \"dve! roguelaure hung;" utf flf in oxidised metal 4.d. each, post free. "you kriew me before these trol,ble? times his leff shC'lller, " .. . Special terms to' battaájions. came on; for sake of past memones, for All three were' figntmg Hke tl{iers, OJ: sake of the blood that warms YOllr veins rather like nothing on earth save gaHant -for you, too, are Irish, though you fight I,rishmen with their blood !Dused to desá" ::lgair,,;t us-do noi--for the 10Te of heaá peration 'and defiance unto de.>:IJ1, , EKAMEL BADGE 1o.IAKERS, ven, do not place me in the power of Sir The girl Angus O'Rorke could not see;.' Hamilton! Let me pas'S on with he rightly supposed that her ;bree devoá . CflURCH STREET, BELfAST. Frederick , my friends to the-tbe saelter towaJ'd~ ted guards had flung thems.ehes before ll~e A.O,.n, R:lcgc, the Rome Ru1e Badge which they werc escoitin<T mc.' C'refn al'ld Gold, 7<1. each post free. "By my soul a pretty ~et"'of fellows these Oontinued on Page 7 ,
Irish Volunteer Badge
I rish Volunteer"
Support the Volunteer l\\ovement
A. .l\,.
£~ 9d, lOs 6<1, lIs
Irish Made Footballs,
U NBREAKABLE Ca1l'l<lns. 3s
5s 6d,
AMANS, 3a..
Bent .o\sb,
25, 2s 6(1,
AIXCCM.TS, Crotty's,: tCQ Street,
R ,
62 Gra!á
ward as did the Volunteers of another Til e Knight of Glencar century and demand your rights. There need be no civil war in Ireland; if the 'CO:',TIKUED FRO:-'I ,PAGE 6. Orangemen attack the Catholics in the Korth let England prctect the Catholics. Dcnt do England's dirty work for her, she wants to pass Horne Ru le as much as Home Rulers want to (Yet it passed, Let her, finding parley and 'fair speech of na it be the work of t~e 1r,is11 Volunteres to avail .and 'bravely determned to die ia see that she passes It without massacring her defence. ' their Orange fellow countrymen in the Korth but above all let the Irish Vo lu nThe chief points of this wild scene Au. ~ teers \lOld their hands from such work, gus O'Rorke took in at one piercing glance . 1I for I'f]'",rlS[] .c::ttlOn~ ".. I'ists are th e ins . t ru, of eyes that for ~ix vears had been ac '''hen vou talk about fio'htin!;! Ulster change in the rulers of Ireland whic , , c ¥ ' . . ' " .nent with which England forces Home ~us,omed, to l,ook through the smoke of remember that no, only the province In :nl~!lt force ..rem .0 pay their ,err:ployees Rule on Ulster and if they are the stick ,powder and the flash of steel. born, but all better \'cage< or which they fear might tax which England uses to flog Ulster I~e sxw that there were fully twenty were which you countrv al l Irish.he:n to improve the conditions of Irish into acceptance of a Bill which policy ::lga;nst f_our-fe~rful odds! And, as he Ireland is your . -' _, ' .' compels her to pass, then a river of blood hurled himself like a thunderbclt on th:e men are relatives: Jour not only workers. I'h ings as they stand Just SUIt will flow between U'lster and South Ire .. rear rank of. the Scots, III hopes of territhose whom yon call "cousin or brother." the UIster sweat captain, but do they suit land which wi il separ-ite us more effec- fV'Etr, them into the belief, that a more kers ? "'1' 'h ow UI s.er + formidable force" was at his back, the 1 wor.-ers, ¥ lIS 15 caplit a I ' b'~l)' ~ than¥ the~ Bovrie . ~ ~ever did . Let EnD'á K' LTster \\'3.S not added to the rest of Ir¢, Lie , land reap the armed men where she her. night shouted III a voice of thunder the The Na- Iamiliar war.c;-y of Spain: l md by machinery, 'it was made an in, ists have learnt the lesson England taugnt self sowed the dragon's teeth. gentlemen-charge! Sandivisible part of o ur country 'by the hand them, If eyer there is a danger of the two ticnal ists of Ireland have never been in I "'Forward, creeds and parties becoming friendly and such a strong position as tbey are to-day. ti,'!go I S'mtiagc t and _c'ose, Spain!" . of C-od when IIe made the world. Is the joining forces in the interest of labour the The first grip on, a rifle seems to have At, the same time his pistols .flashed t_n successon, ever.!' well-aimed hutEfl1(lish Government to use its hn nd to Onmge fcctory owner is on the alert, brought back the gra;ld old fighting spirit qUICK sleeping bigotry of his into the Irish nation, and with the first :et findi n tr Its bll.let; his l?ng and bng!"t undo what God accomplished, is the rna- ,rousing the workers. A union of. all workers glow of pride and bravery which they foledo blade whistled ?-S It cut t!'e air, chincry of ,Parliament to divide what Gcd would be dangerous to Mr Vested have shown for many a day they have crash:ng through the HO~ heil:dptece of and the sweater fears no- dazzled the eyes of t.he English Govern- a' burly Scot, and cleaving him t.o th~ and nature intended to be one' Before Interests, I thing- &0 much as that his employees shalt ment. Never in the last fifteen years has teeth .. The~ It was cut and thrust III all you Irish Volunteers consent to this re, lone day forget the. superstitions of cen- th~re been sucl~ an ol,ltcry against the d:~~ct1Ons, right, left, and front. hl.S skene member a few facts about the "Ulster , tunes and start to think about the common ponce and soldier assassins as there was takiug the place of his emptied pistols. Problem.", interests of all workers. -~he Orangemen when, they shot down ,onr people 011 the Before the echoes Of. his warlike ¤l!ol~1 . I know except what their bosses tell Dublin streets after the Howth gunáruná h rd died away four tall fellows had btt Remember that the 1: lster problem was h em , their hatred for us is carefully xept ninz episode. The people of Ireland are the dust beneath his ,single -arrn ". The. three created by England when she drove the alive by the influence of .. those wh rse lililflamed at these cowar?ly lU~u-de!'s, il:nd ~rL&lllWm ch~!mxl, With fierce JOY III .re. , I' 1 f th 'I d 'anted an motto has always been divide and con, I the cress of America tnlks as If the thinz I sponse to his en de guerre, and yelling native rIS.1 (QHI e 501 ,~n p. . quer. It would, be ::I danger to them and W:lS' unheard of in the annals of rece!lt l th slogans of O'Rorke and O'Dowd, alien race on their land. ~bter was kept to the 1:;:g11sh if the workers of. Ulster Irish history. But we Nationalists, sl~owered the:r blows f~ster and fiercer; allen throngh all the centuries by the Eng. were to nnd out who were their true cially those of us who h ave worked III the while the crash of cloven arrnou r and l ish who etted' and favoured them to keep friends" so. between them the English a~d more rec~nt mo\'emer:ts, know that there I broken heads, th.e yells and screams of , p ,the capita lists have made a plan which IS W::IS nothmg unusual in the conduct of the wounded and dying men, the curses and them loyal to England, and to have them to diYid~ T.relond for all time, and cut off mJlitary and ,polic~ 0:1 this occasion. exc~7mations. of others, th~ hoa;,se shouts as her garrison, who would help to keep the wealthiest part of Irel~nd to.be the :JlurdHS by tile police are a. common oc- I o.f A Hamilton ! a .HamJlton! and the . "', no-li' t, ht property of England. Now this W:lS curenve 1!1 Ireland , they murdered many nng of scattered caliver shots, awok~ a. down the native Ir ish. The E e sn aug offered to us as all alternative to civil war, Land Le::tgu.ers, they murdered two un- thousand echoes among the surrounding, them that the native Irish were their ene- and many Nationalists have accepted it .vrrned and' defenceless men and wound Id steeps and fi lled the glen with clamour., mies. and that if the Irish should eyer be- gladly as the lesser of two evils, without 200, sO,me for life, during the recent Dub- The Scots, sure of their pr,e,Y, and stand. questioning their representatives whether lin strikes. There was no outcry and 'llg all at ease and off then guard, were come the rulers of Ireland thev would civil war ;,'vas certain if Ulster was not ex- why-just because the l)¬ OOple were n n- utterly confounded, and for a time almurder and rob the people of Ulster. cl~ded, I.f there was a, choice betw~en armed and, unorganised, just because' most p:u:~.]ysed by this s,?dden, unexpected The Ulster, men believed this, they did not fign~ll1g t Isler and accepting the exclusion they were inoffensive and could be murál.and terrific ons~t, both 1U front and read! . , ,,' of I 'Ister I would say fight rather than reo rlered Without fear of reprisal. No armed and by the r:ngmg war-cries of the plumed realise as native Ireland did that when Iinquish your rights, ,but the question im , hu lly ,fears a victim who tl-reatens cavalier, who, shouting the charging cry England pays out a smile or a favour mediately suggests itself to a Nationalist him with his bare fists. The fact that the of Spain, came thundering on their' rear. she expects you to repay her with your mind-'\\'hy shou.ld we fight Ulster to fight Dublin police killed and wounded inoffen- most rank a,s if he had a hundred broad. , enforce an English law? England would st ve people, and entered and wrecked the swords at his back, il"d 'I1,>I,llllg h.msel+ money and )'0\11' lite.blood. Only once not, pass IIome Rule for Ireland if she homes of peaceful citizens did not raise a blade that seemed charged with light. did they see through English treachery" thought it would hurt her own interes,ts, the wrath of the populace, to any extent be. nin,~'. that was in '93 when Enzlish zreed sousht no country unless a ~ountry of Iunatics :~nse th e v ~ver~ unorganissd :\I1d had no ' ~~eep ,back your men, . Senor Cabal. I ,"''' 0 would -pass an act which they were per- icea of then nghts. But the moment lero,' cned O'Dowd, thmk'n~ he ad. to crush out the linen trade of Ulster, and fectly wei! _'!ware would injUf,e their own they were organised and grasped their rif- <!re~sed a Spanish cava!ier, and fully be. when Ulster ran to the side of native Ire- country. );0 government has such a keen lIes thev z rasped als-i self,cnnfldence and lieving III the advancing succour, foe , .' ., sense of just ice that it would give another I an unflinching bravery. Their spirit has I rumours. of daily expected aid from Spain, land and sough, rue help of Catholics ago land ics freedom out of pitv and love, it entered into the hearts of the whole nation France and the Netherlands were rife all ai nst the enemy which was roLbing the the freedom of the subject country was a ~l:st, o,f Ireland and PI:t the government over the country. ,"Keep back your men," country. Only on that occasion did UI. l?ss to its rulers, Home Rule IS an ,Eng. III a COld sweat. And It has done another he shouted, 1~ his mad and sangumary . 11Sh law passed by England to conciliate gcod thll1g, It has shown the Irish Volun- br-avery, "until th.s bout IS finished , we ster ask the help of Ireland and hIstory the Irish in Amer';ca who h.we steod out teers their own streng'th, It only remains ca'n wbip the bodaghs without fu;ther teUs how gladly it was given. If Ulster staunchly against the alliance which the for them now to go on arming and when he}p!" , could be o'ot to realise that Eno-land is her English wa~t, to make. with that country. t~ey, are 3.1';1:",1 to ,nme their ~wn price to , Befcre the Scots had, recovered .from '" . " . and to concdlate the Insh at home so that England, rhe vOice of a nfle speaks ,hell' TITst shock of surpnse and bewilder. enemy, Ireland her fnend, hatred and btg. they may ha\'e Irish soldiers fighting th,eir c~e::lrertban the voice of any orator, let the ment half their number lay dead or d)ing otry would die out of that pro\'ince, and battles in the cDming war with Germany. volunteers speak through rifles this mess, on the earth; some lay s;iil enough, with l'agland',.; latest move 'by which she pro, af(e to England "'\0 peace till liberty, cleft hea,ds or gashed bosoms; some were Ireland would be one and undivided-not poses to leave the Home Rule questiQa" gl':e us an l1odi\',cf'd Trehnd, we demand !falling and Wlrithing among the horses' C\'en separated by the barrier of distrust hanging- in the balance nntil the end of Home Rul" for all Ireland, and that imme hoots, whole one, wnose leg had been Your go\'emment could pa£s the llopped off by the thigh, despite the iron which now stands between 1.' ];ter and the the coming war, shows only too plainl:r d,atelv. her re'lsons for dragging out the question. coerClOn act in ml(l night let them get busy tassettes that covered it, by a tremendous rest of Ireland. Fyery time the English want soldiers they nc,," and pass the repe:tl of the '{_inion in blow of the tall clansman's axe, was with
Ireland and Ulsters
I ';
espe.! I
,'" C B">a" Do n the B r 'e"1.0W e an .e" wan. There is an old saying "when yon make YCHlr bed ,You must lie on it," but when l:ngland m;:;l,es a 'bed of thorns she sees that some other conntry lies down and ,ufiers the pricks. _ England made the trouble in Ireland, let, England settle it. The descendants of the' people to whom England gave the ~orth of Ireland look upon England as their friend; England would like them to go on thinkin~ so. UI. ste!' is a very wealthy province, -at l~asl wealthy to aU appearances. The wealth of l'!ster is confiiled to two or three powerful shi p,building yards and factories. The men who own these factories are ';ery v:ealthy, but the great mass of th~ workers are no ,better ofi.-than workers in the rest of Ireland. :-.rost of the Orangemen are eo Ie who work thrQuD'h the days of thei.r ? ,P ¥ 0 -. cl;uldhood and thC:lr manhood (they seldom reach old age) under the most unhealthy co dition nd f swe ted w" i h n s a or a a"es n t e factories of the leaders of the Unionist, movement. Their bosses are mostly Engá , ~ ~a, ,~otJ;h, tJ:!os~ .w~l_O, a~e got !~(lr a TT
¥ ..,."'f...~.á
. á~'''''~'''_''''''áP ... ,._."
tempt the Irish natioil to fight for them one nieht." The Volun.teers of another' and prove their "loyalty to the Empire," gener,1tion \\'on ';;n independent parliament 5" that all England may be convinced tbat without ,heddin!l one drop of blood let Ireland is ,,-,orthy to rule herself, This liS fohow the Fngli"h that the present Iri~h was the rallyinil: cry of Irish Nationalists V"lllnteers are os good men '!s their falh. at the time of the Boer 'War, many a poor ",rs, Stand nO\,l fo~ an undivided lrel::t.nd: fool fOllght gallantly fer England at that don't desel't the '\ationalists of Vlster and time, but we haye not <been given Heme hand them over permanentl.v to tbe r.ule of Hille yet. Queen Victoria smiled on the Enghnd, If {'Isler is determined to fight Irish l1ation and they paid for that smile. let her fight England. and help her wll",1''' with their blood. King George smiles toá 'you can; if she only intends to riot and ill. day, he puhlicly express-ed his love for t:eot C~tholics let England restrc.in the Ireland. Immediately on the wake of that noters, England has a powerful army sup. sm.ile comes the news that Germ:tny has ported by Ireland with recruits and money' declared war,-the nightmare of England let her try' if her army will obev ord,er; h_3s come tru.e. Don't sit ~own quietly and ket;o the oe~(',~ in lálster. Dont. he' t1l! the war tS over and untIl England IS fooled 111tO fighting England, haUles elth, in ,il, ¥ .oosition to barg;lin. Now is the time er against Germany or Ulster, because for ",,' Irish Volunteers to assert them. England wants civil war in Irelarld to keeo se'tves, Eng!:lnd wants soldiers, she caná the Catholics and Protestants apart foe not trnst even those she has already, she <Ill time, and whea one side or the other is would pay a 1Jig price for the a.ssurance losing she will step in and take the P;lIt that she could trust her Irish soldiers, and of a motherly adviser, keeping the wild a bigger price for the knowledge that she Irish from massacrin!?; each other. :J[ake would nGt be attacked from bSlhind by a England sho\l' her hand now she is down ho.stile heland, when war with Germal1Y on her kneE'S begging for help against Ger. h<l;s taxed her to her utmost strength. many. Tbe go\'ernment fe~rs mutil1Y i.n Tnsb Volunteers know sour strength'! the ranl;s of the \'egular soldIers, foster It England can and J?ust break dcwn the if :ron can and seize this op~ortunity harner she 1S plaCing bet:-veen you and wh"h Y?ll_ may ~ever ha','e agam, F;ng, tThter: she c:m and must I!tve yO~l Home J;md's dlff1Cll,1ty IS Irel:tnd, opportUl11ty; Rule and a better Home Rule than sbe '~'N'mber th1S and get what you ~vant n':lw offers. without excl_u~ing Ulster ~nd right now." \\'Itb,?ut the horors of CIVIl war <break1l1g out '>0 Y0.nr country. Stand tog.;ther and ~r:n. \" h.~!l you are prepared come forá ,_ '.' John Brenn':m ¥ '1:,.{i:,;....: __ .~~:f,
his remaining ,foot in the stirrup, d:ag"eQ, -away by his frightened horlle, which ;as also ~everely wounded by the same tren. ch;;nt stroke. The 'l'emainder fired their carbines at random, and their capta'n swore at them for firing -at all lest they should injure the'lady for whose safety he seemed much more anxious than for that of his com. m,and. But the troopers, thrown into ut. ter confusion, appa<J:ently hurt no one by their wild voll~y save some of their own men and horses. "Fall on, dirk and -broadsword like true Lowland blades I" cried C'aptai~ CuI. len. "A Hamilton! A Hamilton I-if you let the lady escape you, Sir F'rederick will flay y:ou as the great devil flayed the pipet', lI1'Crimmon's dog." . "I dinna ca're a brass boodle for the ill limmer-the Jezebel!" growled a tall Covenanter, "unless for the O'odly sport 0' hangin' her by the neck 0; the Gal. lows Hock, as we hanged the dallchters 0' }IacCollsnava, an' as we'll hanO' this ane. gin we win sae far wi' her asollian. orhamilton,", "That for the dnu"hters of MacCous. nava:," C;;i~d Angus O'Rorke, as though engaged, WIth two t(Dopers, he unhorsed the banging Covenanter by a back-handed blow of his skene. " "And that for :yonr good wishes towards the Iug:ean Dhu" cried tbe tail dans. man,. :J:S:-:p,e--c,\o~'b,i.:;á !t.<;ad to th~ clliu, with -a 1)10:, ot his "i'e-rtific'tuagh,
8 ~
£10 Prizes.
£5 0 a FIRST PRIZE . £2 0 a SECOND PRIZE £1 0 0 THIRD PRIZE £2 0 0 SPECIAL PRIZES The Dripsey Wooilen Mills, Ltd., offer the above Prizes for Competition' to the National Volunteers, on the following conditions: Competitors to be photographed in Vol, unteer Uniform made of Dripsey Tweed, The Prizes will be awarded to the Volun teers whose photographs are considered the smartest. To the Tailor of the First Prize Winner and the Salem an who sold the material £1 each will be awarded. The date for sending in Photos will be duly announced.
The Dripsey Mills, Limited,
~ ¥¥¥ 6 ¥¥
~~~~d. :
+35. &t. HATS. -105. 5d. BOOrS. '
All One Price
"" ~*II Y"V~~ !!ud~:LT7~0~u~U~riC~J"
~iE-'D" ,. -,. 'R'-" .. -. '1' '-N' _.:":". 'K"áááááP" .. " ~E~~"
.'j,'" -"., , .. _. -,
, .. ,
;;.,.; .....
Cumann -na mBan I::\STRUCTIOl\S
: ~
,' , , , ;;;, l~ ,I,
'0/ quality, Is .¥ 9d. each; Haversacks, I extr~ strcng,'lO}d an~ Is. ,e2ch; Brown I Leather Bandoliers, o pockets, 2;ood as I' new. 2s, Ll d. each, Best cualitv Brown I . 1 ~ ¥. Leather Belts, WIth huckle, Is. 00, each; Brown Leather Bandoliers, (3 oblong poco , kets, to hold 50 rounds ammunition, 2s. lId. each, exceptional value ; Putties, 1 s. 2d. per pair; Water Bottles, felt covered, is, 2d. and 2s. Gd each; Ahtm inium 'Yater Battles, felt covered, Is 9d each, Special terms for quantities. Terms-Cash wrth order.
ILE : ~
22, ID14,
How our national army is regarded by (Late of T .. 1. Ca l.aghan and Co, Dublin), r,entlemen's Outfitter, a foreign but friendly critic may be of in~IOU~BrELLICK. Owing to overcrowding in 206 (;reat terest to your readers, ~ly friend, :II :'br. Brunswick street Cumarin nu mBan (Irish ceau spent some weeks here in Ireland at St EXDA'S COLLEGE, }lATHFARNH .... ~l womens Conncil) have taken temporary a comparatively early stage of the Volunoffices at ,12 D'Ol ier street, Dubl!n. 1. The First Aid and Ambulance Classes teer movement, and has contributed to the A Boardrig and Day School for Catholic of Cumann na m Ilan are recommended spirited bilingual Breton journal, "Le Boys, ,r~eadma3ter-,l:'. II. Pearse, B,A., to adopt the prcgramme of the Depart. .Barr ister-at-Law, ' Pays Breton," an account of his imurcsment of Agriculture, which cell be had T. E,\,DA'S gives its pupils a wide and 'I. with full instructions from the h eadquar- sions. In the forepart of his articles he ; , gel!ercus culture, with an Irish inspi ters of Cumann 11<1 m Bnn , 12 D'OJ!er recites how an English friend whom he ration. It has classical c nd modern sides, street. By an agreement between Cumann and specialises in viva voce teach.ng of na mBan and the Depnrtment, arrangeá met in London before coming to Ireland languag-es. Its system appeals to the irnarnents will be made for the recognition of had sought to prejudice him against the giriation and aims at developing the best {be classes conducted by local committees that is in the individual, Pupils are preá military spirit and the patriotism of the through the Curnann na mBan headquarpared for the Un iversity and for Professionters, Every assistance will 'be gven to Irish people, in vauntinq in rather inflated al preliminary examinations, recent suelocal committees by Curnann na m Ban. cesses including nineteen matriculations terms the superior qualities of "Ulster." 2. Branches of Cumarin n a mBan should and three scholarships. Commercial subremember that they are not merely organ. I This friend likewise sought to dissuade jects and Manual Training have their ised for First Aid and Ambulance Work, him from coming here for divers absurd propel' place. Special attention is given but to take their share in any Kational reasons which Mr Moreeau's sympathy to the Preparatory and Elementary classes. work that comes to their hands for the ST. E.:--JDA'Shas a high reputation for its good of the country and the snpport of and prior knowledge of our country comfortable and home-like arrangements, the Volunteers. valued at their proper worth. I cuote The Ccllege stands on 5.0 acres of beautiful 3.. Requests for speakers for the formaFive Entrance Scholarships, I from that part of his article which is of grounds. tion of branches should be .addressed to including ODe of £35 and fOUT of £15 a more immediate interest :-"Since Enzland fhe Han. Sec. Cum ann 11a mBan, 12 year, Me offered for competition in firs! D'Olier street. Classes resume 7th for certain reasons, at first through seep- week of September, 4. All branches are requested to have " September. For prospectus apply to the attached to them a small, corps of .g:rl ticism, and next through fear had allowed HEADMASTER. ~ cyclists, who should, whenever possible, Ulster to form her citizen arrnv she he taught signalling, so that they can be fo d it impossibl " available as messengers and 'despatch ~n I rmpossi e to prevent the Nationriders. al ists from doing likewise. And then one 5" It is suggested that br anches of beheld the magnificent spectacle of this Cnrnann na mBan make and present colI ours to their own local Volunteers. peop e who had been reproached with their TOBACCONIST. ' I indifference to liberty rise en masse and YEWSAGENT, organise an army already so large as to AND STATIOKER. II: spread consternation amongst their foes. ATIIY. DUBLIN., The' Xorth ern Protestants claim that thev The ladies of Athy and district have h ave on foot lOO,O()() drilled and trained started a very successful branch of Curnunn men. Let us grant these fizures. But na mBhan and have formed First Aid the :\"ationalists in a few mOl~ths have al~ and Ambulance Classes which are held ready much surpassed them, if my infer,., twice weekly on Tuesday and Thursdays mation is correct, and I have no reason at 7.30 .p .. m. Although the branch was to doubt it. In certain military and other only b1'ou<Yht into .z cti ve exstence last quarters there is a tendency to ridicule : lor all occasions designed and made week upwa~ds of 100 patriotic ladies har-e this new force, to undervalue its soirit Lowest Prices. .[, already joined, and their zeal and deter. and morale. All that I can say is that I s~. : ' mination to leave nothing undone in fur- have seen them at manoeuvres under the therance of the objects are deserving of .distinguished leadership of the O''Rah illv the highest praise. Th~ following offic_t:rs a~~ I confess t,bat their skiH and adaotahave been apponted : 1 resident, Mrs KI1, bi lity even at this early sta:g-e has excited f':>l'ide; vice- president, ~fiss Coyle; tr~a. my keen admiration. Their bearing and !t surer, ´ J Butterfield j hon; sees.. ~r,8'; I their deftness at drill reflect the areatest ENLARGEMEN-T At ]c"ephine D~r:J.Il, a~d Mt,ss. ~atbleen BOI'I honour on themselves and on their chiefs, 20 x t6, life-size, from photographs even if litd4;rI ; j lard. Comnuiee: .1"rs 0 l\etll? Mrs Gl~s. ~se you'ng men drawn from every so' bct tb e be-ter thephotograph the better the' enlarge~., pin, Miss M'Keon, Miss KIlroy, l\l1ss cial c~'pl!; are real Volunteers for it is on meut : don't delay; send photograph, po:.ta-l order, I I Dar.ey, Miss M'Namara. their own meagre resources they draw for Is 3d. and arrvertisernent. their equipment, nor h ave they the ad, Bel) 88 ~ vantage of the huge subsidies with which t Haecourr 51. 1[, ! 'I ihe 'Ulster' Volunteers have so far been as DUBLIN, i '\'ATERFOJ~D, sisted. Einally this movement is a strik. ing evidence of how the Irishman can ~~~~~~~~~~~~~IJ. A meeting was held on Monday week for, unite when the National cause is at stake. pm-pose of est~blish'ng, a bra;,ch of Cum- Ireland's enemies believed that this iuncann na mBan 111 th~ Clt~'. Miss A Colfer, ture would be signalised by divisions am. who presided, said Cumarin na m Ban ongst Irishmen, and their chagrin is all Knives, and Razor Strops, from IS to 5s 6d I' each. : might be described as the women's sec- the greater to see how all Irish patriots tion of the Volunteer movement, as most have rallied round their flag. That they WilLIAM RUSSEL~ & SONS, : of its work at .present took the f<?nn of i may conduct it to a glorious victorv is the ambulance classes and the collecting of dearest hope of their Breton cousins." Hairdressers, 0' ' money to ann and equip the Volunteers, K 259 B C . 55 South King Street, DUBLIN. but as some erroneous rumours had gone o. oy., Lst Battalion. about locally concerning the nature of the organisation she wished to' explain clearly bers, a committee was formed, Miss Col. ". that Cumann na, mEan, or the Irishwo- fer being elected president Miss Hyland COMRADES men's Council, was not. merely ~n ambul- vice-president, Miss M Ha~nigan trea'. . .ance corps connected with the \'olu~te~rs, surer, and Miss R .Iacob secretary. Miss Germa~.~ Bore Rifle, sighted 20{)but an independent women's organisation Harrison Miss !VI O'Neill and Miss 1\'[ '< ,.,..yards, 25s. to advance the ~ause of Irish liberty in Cassidy ~vere also appoint~ on the cc.m.' n: Brown~ng .25 Auto. P~stol, 40s, every way possible, and ItS memb,ers mittee. At a' meeting on Monday arrange. ,13rown~ng32 Auto. PI.stol, 50s. should pled~e themselve~ to d.o any kind ments were made for beginning work.Browning 38 A:uto. Pistol, 55s. of Nationalist work which might be reo R. Jacob, Hon, Sec., 16 Newtown Hill. Leal);,o" Ban~ohers, 2s. 6d. each. quired of them. In case of war, Cumann Web Baodohers,' Is. 8d. each. na mBan would help the Volunteers to Belts, Is., .10. 3d., Is. 6d. (2s. Irish). defend Ireland for the Irish, people, but Puttees,' Blu eOr- Kha1.-i, 15. 3d, each nO.t to defend it for the British Empire, 5'áPOOKET Leather BaJ'wiiers, 5s 9d, Bull Dog Revolyer, 7,s", 6d. ;;nd 85. 611.. Germany, or any <other country. Part of 6s 6d; Belts, with Volunteer Clasp, Price I..ists sen~ uee. áits work at present would be to do all 2s; Belts, plain buckle, Is '3d, Is 6d; JOHH LAWLER SON, that was possi'ble to keep the fo~ supply' Haversacks, Is 2d; Sword Frogs, Is, in the country and to preY<';ntpnccs from Is 6d: Officers' Belts. Made by MUR. 2 Fownea Street (Off Daae Street) being 1l1,necesS-1rilyra,ised,' Those preá PIIY, Bandolier and FootbalI Maker, DUBLIN. sent baving gi\'cn 'n their names r~, memo LISc.-rORE, WATERFORD.
77 Talbot~tre7t.
,DublUl ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ + ¥¥¥¥¥¥
..................... Irish Made
Boots tor Ireland. :
¥¥¥ 'sewn CARLOW BOOTS ~~~<'~a~d ¥ princiole. Smartestand best Seerhat !
... ¥ ¥
the name GOVERNEV. CarlOW, is stamped on ev<ry bo ..t, and don't accept substitutes
..... ~ ¥
Don't Forget
: LARKINS Little HOUSE,' : ¥
For b:g Valuein CH NDLERY.
¥ ilrish Goods. Speciality, ¥ WEXFORD STREET, DUBLIN
¥ ¥
¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ +~ ¥¥¥ ¥ ¥
~w~s~ The Rise
t hi. e nsh V 0 1un teer
¥ ., ¥
of . A N ADD~ESS By T, .A.¥¥
H!GG!1'S, RL. J.P .¥ nee .. OME PIH.NY ~ VI holesale ..... from The Irish V '~ovelty _ Stores ..
DivisStreet, Belfast ¥ by everyVolunteer .. 153
W~QRD STICK for Sale; good condi-. lion, reasonable offer accepted. Reply to Box J563 this office.
Brown Leather AJ\TDOLIERS-200 Ba.ndoliers, with the pockets, 2. 6d., post paid. Also quantity of Ladies and Gents' Cycles from l5s. Call or writeW. CULLEN, 53 Lower O'Connell St., DubIi:!.
Medals, Buttons,
Pikes, or anything W Drums, Flags, Volunteers belonging to hish or Yeomanry of 1770 to 1780 periods. particulars and price to "Badge" of this paper. I
Full office
BA~'DOLIERS-5.Pocket, best qnality leather, 6s. 6d. each postage, 4d. extra. B. S. A. War Office Miniature Rifles; Cartridges in every Calibre; large stock.-M. Garnett, Crampton Court, Dublin; Phone 811. ATERLOO. Peninsular and other old Medals to Irish Regiments W wanted. -Full particulars and price to "Army'~ Irish Volnnteer Office. M,BROCATION,
brand, unequalled for muscle strain, E stiff joints, bruises, chest complaints, etc. ~lay be had through alI grocers, etc" in the country or direct from the makers; post free, 9d. and Is. 3d. per bottle.-R Coates and Co., 15 Brighton Square, Dublin. See the Irish Trade Mark. Don't use foreign stuff.
~IARCHING SOCKS. Double Heels and TO¬ .s,1s. 5d. per pair. Made in Dublin. AUTmrATiC KNITTING COMá ,PA:-;Y, 5 South King :":treet, DUBLIN.
a:: LC W=r4
Iá I
.................. '
¥ Banners, Flags and Sashes.j
ááá. ¥¥..¥..ááááááááááI[ : M. Cahill & Co., P-DI~"~Lm.
Roe M'Mahon
Pocket ,.
..... _
Printing aDd'l'ublishina Compao),. Limited. fOr-the Proprietors ot
tho -1nSh -VoItiJiieer.
KiddIe-Abbey' S!,reet. Oublill.