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S::.Jl1C game here with success in '98, '4.8 least Iorgiven, the past, and ,,'C, .<t.;;.r.c and '(j7: it failed ill the land agitation, aside now to see if Engiands bul lyir.g . ~ J.1!. ../ .// ~ I and a well sllb,;<li:;eu I'ress was forced which wc s so effective here, wll C3,Y:Y to bow to the, inherent ideas of right and her far afield in her encounter with Gerjustice in rhe Irish people. It will foil many, :'IIeanwhile we must. press fer a ~\~{1' ¥ to-day ;:g2in 1.Jec;::u:ác, txc('~ting only th~ settlement of our own ac~oui1't. We wal;~ \\~ I unc erstrappe-s ot 1,1'; Ca,,:e -who WOuld the Irish nation fer the Irish people, and lY~ \\.p . cn~y attack their m astx rs for power deá our motto should be no part p'lyment ~.:.(., ,..-a nied or place deferred, Ireland knows her no moratorium. Looking' bact- at :::-.~ <' .- \ t 1, f j D y -r-i.: t. 1-' Tl. fri~i1ds and her enemies. \"hen there history of Ireland we have proud tra-:iá1 i'V d(ft 0 au ,,? 1 nut); aile ,. _ , . .' ri' ':2, no 1'.1I r')pran wa r cloud the \ orun- trons of arms to uphold. "e hare hau HI rish .1\ OW ¥ teers sprang to a sp'~ll:aueoU5 and v ir.le victories, ;ll1d. "ictoriC;;. agans; t,.emt'~'l "_ ~\ "\ . . . ,,!lie, not to fight the Kaiser or to help the dous odds when arU1S dec dcd much. \\ e , '_ .~' In our U:1,;' nl.inz past we helped Lngá' . .. , .~~, \ ~. I. l~~';Hl "'" ': Allies, crnongst whom the'> ellow Jap 1S have had defeats when defeat was PeCD.to starve and slay tnt pCOD.C5 of half I, .... .. . 'J \ i I ..' . ' , I the latest to Jom Ill@Whiteman'sconliarl y Litter, but diplomacy teo often ~ ! ~.,.. ~~~ ~ the world. "'thOHt l ri- h arms the Beer _. ~Ph' , b d f fru: f d . t: . .- ~;.1\ \ . \ (,' ) ',,' _. . '.. ". . . "_ n.ct. " en there ,,'a., no. European war rob e us 0 the rurts 0 our a,nue VKá .. ~ ~ -q \\', . V'Reuublics WOUld ,ull ~ ll1 e""tu,cc and ",. , ..' d . 1 h f'l 1'~~"'tJ ~\'." " ~ '.' \ . ¥ . . . . ,cn~.and denied us the heeman's r ight tones an arms retrreved tea; ure 'r; ", \ II' rne people of Il~d!a free . Irish arms p~ll1' to arm, and Lngl~I1U. , , '. , I! ~ . '"'. \'\~'i\~ I, ~\~' aur rt i rorn her COI1á our dip.ornacy. L' ./~;\'" '~I ted the map of the world in the interests., 0 ,'f. " : inferi I 'I'" \. t,\ " h commerce, ali d tlre J uo1 as pnce tempt or us as a race ,", error to the I . \ o~r]' :.ngllS 't\' ' 0 r :It -11 ' . . VZ<S-..!.'<:"'_" I, "C::-, , ... .' a \';~.. s tne Dz,tronl:51ng ccntcrnp ,. . orf J 2P,. had her own reason for her procla- I. Ij .-, ~ ~'\ f ' J'. i '1 ' manon. The ignorant and cowardlv will ~, ¥. a e.\V cccxneys. n spite 0 2.. tne pro-. ~'" i '1' 'J ~:, _,.' \ ,', ~ : , .. ' , ~" ,,' ;, "r maffick oyer Lngl -h vrctorcs and refer' ¥ . ,~ ~,;:~ "'.. '.' Iessed gooc-w I, of rhe Ln",h_,l ucmoci ~c" ". .." . I Gur I ~ Ireta ud ¥ ~~ ~.,.;;,:~. ,to our' troops and "onr fleet 1I'1th al. ... Empire II "~.).i. '-.UII 11I" ~ ~t;. . i It Ll:e< the menace of :: Enrope.m I'oWEr: . i ~. t-~-' á.:.~.hr:á:~~:,...r.",,.....,' 'I.,.~ ~ \' ). i-1~. I::;~ ::'5 .. 'Uá 11 -á'~ u-:c :) l,'lC slaves I'e. j t: \ -{ ~ ¥.1 '_:::r.:..¥.:;:<'I.. '~:~. " ,":;"! \~ . to 1'",,1;e ;,!!,r.nc. ~ J ar]l?-"1"". "J~ us a.s ..' ~, _.' \\'t! 'J' ve ,. '." ." '., delr.,'; \\. ~ ~; f~ _" -".';:?~ ~-.:: r! _ .P.,á... . . .''''? til -"",,:,:: -r;~().;;!'~ -~ ('~;l.~tl_!q:l~ á';,ur.:::.~': [l': lG tnr n a,'á,',lS.;, ., r~h6C"" \\ill: u ,)1(,_ Ire;':;' . ' ,no colones for om foreign trade. If r». I 1 \/ if, l 4 1 gait'-', a. :~.;:e. t o be cajoled _'-, ~~ an ~~ : dia is láuIJb.:.J or ]JlackJ' \..lis tombs blowr f I ~ b" ""-"f'~~<: .. ~ v! Ame rican s.l.iunce. and .IlllP21áC"J!(áu. to . ,to the sky we O'et nothiuo except ' ...... P' "".;;;;;!; 'ráá,1 _ . . l7 T ¥ i ,to 0'. , , I ~~;"'~.....,.,.:=;.,,;r~~:?&~ feed her army of a:;gre:'Slon. _;r~~n\\h ile : . en wal. chance, the right to maintain at our 0\,;1 'I Englund's urny is in Ireland. Tn whose tXpen5e some of those who have helpe.: ',. r d I If :"'11 hF--Or\" J:-i net ., lie 'J cvcrv Ir 'j . intc rest ? Have vwc no count;? to, d "en 'I _ ... -. ¥. " _, .¥. v ¥¥ "_'.:., ':., ",S1 England. "-e pay 011r share for a Drcr."::.' , 'or are y;Û unable to defend n' )Jnst the.~ .. :"Jt Lam O~tJ]1 tQ. ~ull,~l lIcre l,Ot nought to pJ'otect Engli,h trad~, IJllt I Ilu..'3t gr'p of the British. bnll do:~ still f::rs. 1 ~~~~~1~ll1g .foOls, 1f patn,ut"'.l1 .,:sel~ lS ~ot, money that bl11lds it is ~pent in En;), i d 1,'\ 1 ten upon us unt:] he IS loosed by force,,: _,J~,e as hel.l: :Iel:ln~ s d'll). at_ .he pr~. and the money that equips it is ~~c:Jt I" tbough impen';ous to threats. I t~t. J.l.oment b ,0 make tht Jll0~t of tl.e il1 England, Sometimes the D..-eadnon;:,r., cl'l<ts, I.~H1e Belgium, ,the size of an weighs ll1 diplomatic relati~;s ;nd :!=reá IIn5h pro\'llTce, hurled ll5tlt upon the yents German liners from caJ:ing ~. Vlho is the Enerny? (;('r;]1an trool'" to \lipe out the insult of C.)noen5:0",n lest our t :\de miglit flouri':-; : J ~ <::-. nou.:-. She foresaw the result, foreá and we should be a recruit:r,.: I --0It i5 unpcce',;:!ry to go into th" hi,tory; o.,a,,- \,' th .!l h~r b:,.,'ery ,he \I a~ bound ground no longer. As long a' lof the e\'en:s leading up to the pre6el1t,;~0 ~l![ier uefe;lt, but her -"ational pride tbe \'01unteers are true. to thE':> Vr/hose V/ar? war, unn<,:cesscry to inquir,e who COlll-;, hclp"d her and she hdd the greatest army I selYes there is no foe to fear, thce . G l1litted the first act of agO'res!'ion hv moy.' in the \. ",'ld in check and probably is no neces,ity for England's fleet or Er:<;á I' The shadow of the t05s1ng erman. :. '" . I , ,. ' ", . . á 1l1g trOOps mto the neutral terntory of cnanged tbe llltllnate Issue of the war. If land s mut'nous army. The \ olt1nteH~ G erá E20'1e has fullen across E ng I an d¥ ¥ . , . . . I ' ". ~ ."1 fá '10 Bfl::611:11. It is none of Ollr cons.derahon, I the :nnwer of an hour n' cd tbIS sacl'\á I ::re the a;-111Y of Ireland, and agalllst -them m:ll1 leO-lOns are 11,'e honl's sal. \ om ,h ~ . , I '" . 1l' h . on;y we ~honld remember t]J;:!t \lhat I.ohn' fice of blood al.1d mon.: what Enr:'lj:,h coast and á.. ng :~. arrnles on 111.... ~ . . . . . wonld I no fGe ",;11 en~r land . . on Ollr cou,ts, VCj ¥¥I'j like ci,,;'iza:ion, E!lgli-h ru.c by, ferocious, crud and heartless. If we have net forgotten ;:ll the lessens of history that rule must be got rld of nail'. Eng. Iands war is not our war, except in so f~r. as it offers Ireland a unique oppor. tun.ty to achieve fr(~dO:ll,
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,láán g bá;'.1- Dull . lacks in. Ylllonr he more th~n il1~kes,' l~~,\'e ,.been the result..._' 1£ th, . 'f'l':lI'a-dll1g a:,! ", COá" .:r~. c,= L:},plle IS Ireland; our fag n1~bd. . .' ',.-.. l' d hác\áánO' 'il,;) 1!1 dlPlon,a,". ard the 11'lá.h p(ople,á'~'ad ')een In oCCllpa,IOIl fC'l ::>vO Years, and b l!c1a!1~', S:lI11<e ,he COlonrs! un ac I I, \:: . - _ ¥ ¥ ]~'plich "'"rl'i of findmg lhcá11á' -. or that penoe] not a ye.tr pa-sed but I "", ,," . were In ;:;r;;",e dan2'er . ~ .. . 1'" "fi d nd tl1° I-i'h secycs ranged ?l'ong"dc the hercditar). '~:: ,,,I baI]áa"itát$ accull",l.lled' were I ~ son' a:el, ;Pl!1~. "or:~_(: '<1 a. pre enemy cf thc Iri,h people wd ;!!!~inst the, ;"'Q:1 d; .if '.he lll't act of tIll! j"":"ader had '1 \IT k Tt.,lIeálR'{4",e coa:;t ll:e ~<;eng" ent , ". I ',1; 11' Gre \IV \I I '. . .... 1á' Ondb""" and l.arbed race with ;';hich we have no qu:urtI . .c,,"':cJ1 to ~"o.:;t .jo";)l tltf\!:n~e,~.ss r.\'omen I"" . .., agalnst }n";)~l()n, -!) s,_ U 1_ . .-of. 'J ....,., . _. .. _ r..") ~ . Tl C" Fle-t tha the Tr:"h Kno\VJ!1g hOll' the news of the Con centraá :" ld ,:'I<! ~il'" ,.' "I"" (5 ~,;,> hrt1<g~l~ I.. .,./ h .'" ' " ,i WIre. le ,eltnnn c: col ...... .' " _ . . ¥ ,. .~. _', , ~\'\. ~ \;ork \\lfh t . .e ~lLie !!jl ..... U...... ... "-.:;}~ cuuk , refu-eto tJon Camps Jl1 wh:ch Boer WOillen and-.N..,,:;\lá,;e lllen 111 lltlglll!l1 had f<lUugi,leu 'n}"\..i.c " . . á 0 [ht. e d ay. 'T'lle sanle lJo.lns . h < " d 3.1'l Y p..!.ÛSS h as:;o'often " ~ 1"':-'. s O~.:_. .:-! and the ('e"m"n t'oOI)S cnJldren \Vue mterned 2nd st~n-ed. I -~'. \'ieapOns In defiance of Germa.n, law. ,oe t a k'en to t'ram fl,'f! es b 0 t s III ' , t 'h b0 t'~m s t ar ate "u,',' ..,. every COll!",J ' shocked the In,h "'. l:H'ople, the Bflthh Pre:, I. l, ar.ce goes to war ",;;h (,ermaln'. lOr. re" In . I re I and' as 1S no'w b'clll£ t a k'en t 0 t:~. ::1 th at 1 la\'e b een \\1"perluá out so OftCl1 refuoe ¥ . á'd-er t'nen'spl"es de--' nnd IS now sedulous:\' c1[clllat;ng tales 0' I' \'enge for a. defeat of yesterday, :;nd WI' h ur I'1l1t.:Y" an d f 00 tb'lal t earns. T1á " a1 so t 0 con::;l .¥ "~.,. a.u, Co... _" r ur~ln!T .r~r'....L, "f" á'n playina at \"ar that is German crlle](\', The han6ersáon whi I' were in danger of mafficl : b.,ecause the; I' tb 011' i t th --" h en::::e lne e,'ellS ... " 00 '. . -. . .. -;.-. . .. .. 00 a . 1111pOI an as -ey are, call , ..áaL.. . h ere e\,'dent thro'lahout the coun- baye not enough ahJllty for ofilc'al En,á, 1 Press., 'SUhSldlSed by our' enemy, tOjd R't! everyw I ' b " ¥ . . ¥ ,. '. '. ~i' e prac t'Ice csnno,t an d th e sooner we
"'.' ('ontloent a::e.'. Ûn~ctge"'-d; _" }lant áástr .... tegác l'e+:'eat~ " láááááá Sllper)1 mora ,á:ctCTlb,
or lV.'fh
try. England's relations \\'ith Germany are a matter of indifference to us, just as England's defence of her coast is also her own look out, but when England sends troops to defend our coast we have a say in tbe maHer. We know what E'nglish
hsh news d,.st~'but.,on are spOIling .t)"", chastened officlal hgh\s on these ternb1e Teutons by overdoing it, und silly stori~s of poisoned sweets dro;ped from GermJ.n aeroplanes are marshal,ed as supports to the legions of lies which the interested
us !lh"it l~la~ old enemy :,s gOll1g to beat a nation wIth whIch I .. nad no qual" reI. There is a balance of power to be I presen'ed toáday in Pl~blic opi~ioll, just as there was U'terday m Parllament and Ireland must presen'e it along its own
make llP our minds on that fac,t the bette' The Gaelic Athletic Association is the be", 1 organised national association in Irei2J:~, and would give invaluable help in brin~iq; into existence a national. rifle associatio The need is urgeut, and if the wori< ;s ta;,en ,_
troops are ~ere; the Curr3~~ and the Ba. cheIor's. "all;: ,ml\1'de~S ~ ere unn-eces: sary to reIterate It. "e know tb,at alá ways nestling at the very heart of our social system, polished ana yeneered to
~magiil:tion :~ English jomn~l~sts t.5 lines, @~ "~to t~~. stru.",,,,le,. for the ca:ptu~,e Of. pubá he op111lon lU Leland, But III spae of Aeutraldy, al~ the interested lying Irish opinon, i~ not But ,a: we pointed. out before, w1 are gomg to be captured, England tNc the a forgn'mg race. \\ e ba"e . fOT.gott~n, at
up with anything like ,the same thC:'O\l~~'11 ness that b.as charact:onse.d the orE'JJ1lsaw:. )1 of the. nahonal pastimes the result shou:.] I soon be evident.
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2.9, 1914. .
At '1 meeting of the Newline COffillany'l of the Kilteely Volunteers there W'b a full attendance, and after one hour ',t company and section drill they spent three' hours skirmishing on a farm kindly gil'en for the occasion by l\Ir John O'Dea, ",.iilá town. In the evening an enjoyable ('C'llá cert was he.d. ~~
The Dun leary Corps of the Irish Volunieers cnntm ue s to receive acce~sICns to. ItS' membership, ne-rrty :ZOO ~;(\'Jng joined wlthto the past fortnight. I' urther recruits are expected to enrol at the d ri lls durinn the c;)!U,ng week,. and arrangements have been n'á ad e. for their rccepticn. The l;att~llOn "'115 lOsl?ected 13..-t ..:eek by Colonel (otter and '\Iajor Cre m , who expressed their saI ,t!sfaction at the progress in drill. et~ .¥ n.ade by the meml;~r~ of all stases, the Slg. (II r.a lli no- corps receivmrr a special meed of
nALLIXDEH,REEX. . I . f th I t n ;;pe~Hl. meet;ng 0 e a ),O,~ . r J~ Lane, ',0" presided, Also Pd=S~:l\ i\~e~srs J Liriane, ass ,sta)nt .. secretary '. ~.: QUlDn, hon.;; tn;asurer,. I To all! I~on. ~:': ,'1.. K.elJ,Y (~)" I Martyn, T, [ord: n:. 1 j" pn.nclpal business was . tne electj on of A
f~llo;\ál.l1g were
. )Jraise~ At the meet~lg of the Dunlearv !I'rO\'isional Committee on Friday night, ~rr ' Kenny presrd i nz , a letter was read from the Earl of Longfod :tgreeing to grant the. CO"PS the use of premise, for drill o-rounds Çnd rifle r1p.q;e,.. A cordial vote of thanks to his Lordshin
mou~!y :l;-cted: :'I,r E 0 Connor, C::Ii:' un ; the motion of Mr r. (dobon~, Colour, Sergeant; :\, <';'" . Rochford. I' Qu iun , :'Ii Moran, 1 rrehbert, P (..('!1': '1'
nol~,á, sergeants.
COI'er,. and a creditable attempt to re<teem the dlsadl'anta<"eous circumstances under w~ich the fight opened for them, . fhe Reds were finally r djudged the victory by the Urnpre, after a stirring charge, which was succeeded happily not 'I): ., collection of wounded but bv the adI .i )""nment of friend and foe a reno l~.. zv -us, where under supervision of that r-i'á.1l' of Tyrone Volunteerinv, Father (. 'Ialy, of Clogher, the whore of both lorces were supplied with hot lea- from cauldrons boiling in readiness,
I I i
was unnnimouslv passed on <r au lan , seconded bv )i{r
. I
,\t a meetin: of ahove Mr. W. O'Leary '{'sidinrr, a r~~,)~lItiC'n W<lS proposed by ~rr ,('mom. \ oll1~~ce,s ere ,rapw:y: !~:t:llll:g J'I!nes 'p Hughes an 1 seconded bv !'Ifr :M, s.rength, JU n~n,.be:s . ,al;u; efflcle~. ~ Q'C~fJne~l::wd P'5St'd llna,}imously, that, lJ1 dri ll. The .'anous evotutions ar :,.1. C the opinion of the. committee the holdiua l:IELD OPE~ATIO~S DJ CO TYROXE per,for~edo WIth "ease and cor:fide~cc t w rr e of oompetitions between Volunteer .Com"' .. _ a week, .. nd the corps pronlJses ,0 1,<, an janies at spots vnd football matches IS .nn. Interesting manoeuvres in which 600 exceptionally fine one. On S'"ul'fl~y I tksirabte.-Jan~-es J. Hogan, Sec, Irish Volunteers took part were held .;1 week 3.bout 100 of them, headed h.I', the I 0 . Sunday, 16.h inst., in County 'Tvrone. National Band, marched to C,1r:<--; \0 The scheme of operations W;!S set forth in meet tbe Pr tricks well Volunteers. 1~"rh I the following leaflet which was printed corps, nurnbei-ing about 100, marched ill and sold to troops and spectator" fours to Croom, accompanied l-.y the I Croom Xational Band and Patric!:well! FIELD O1:'ERA TIOXS. Pipers' Band, WEST LOXDON. To the Çir of 'á.\n S~a'lpin Fanach ," or Gienagorm Mountain, Sunday, 16~h Aug., , '''The (;iri T Left Behind :\1e," 1914. Th:s contingent paraded on Sunday at 5th BATT (TULLYI!AW) CA\á.\;{ I Shepherd's Bush ,when a' large number REGnlE::\T. sold my lei ne and bcughtia gun Troops encaged=-Cloghcr, Eskra, Five- I ef new recruits wer e added to the roll, , . ' . , To keep as all together, miletown, and Tempo formed the Red Mr P E Maguire addressed the men in Tlu5 battalion, compl'lsmg Teml''':'!l',rt, I The North an-d South, the East and West, Force, Fin tona , Tattyreagh , Moun+stew- respect to the position of the Irish Volu n- Ballvconnell, Cnrlough, and Sw:"dlllb<1T'1 In fair or storrnv weather. art The Br r and Tr ii lick constituted tile teers in the present crisis warning them Ki ldallon voted itself in for the first mus- ! ' 'White Force,' :..., make themselves effici~nt and prepare tel' of the regiment in August, ajrhou;.o;!' aere's a health to Cr rsr n v... ho showed General Idea.-A Red Force is advnn: 'r any emergency. He put them through not in the barony, The number of \ orthe wa," ing from the Sou.h, with a view to th e usual evolutions, which were carried unteers present was about 1 ,lif)l) , 3;Jd And Foin Mac}\:E:ill tbat followed, capture of G!enagorm }[cnntain, ,al11<1])Iá " t in excellent style, The numbers were about 1,000 spectators, .The S¬ \'e"nJ corn I And all the lads in the gllnner~' play for its u,se ~s a signal, station, t? esrab li-": :;. e~led by_.a: detachment fr~m the Ea1in_g pn, nies manoeuvred ~p iu q~.arter ,(,fllnmn 11 \Ye from the Northrnen borrowed . cornmurucaton by heliograph WIth a j:lq" . cction. With the new and increased faci- III the centre of wh,ch n' p.utior:), stood. area of Coigntics T_:vrol(e,_1~onagh'1l1 ~nd lities for dril] and recreation it would be I d.n. the platform were :-1Ifr, ,', :;tand stelf.v, (;.tels, and hold your own, Ferrnanaghr" A ,'- hite I' orce ad~~"n.cJl1g weil for I,h.e Brentford, Ealing a'h,(i:" Han- nedy, ?-I P, 'Vest Cavan ; Rev, 11 '.tMr The day is ours to-morrow, ~rom ,th,e ~or:h attempts to forestatlvhem well: Vo1_u~t:eJ's to c~nsider the';. ~visabiá1 Brady, P P, Ternpleport ; Father 'r~\',l)", Come reap the b-irvest by heroes sown rn gamIng poSSeSS1Gn of the moun~aJJ1, Iity of JOl11ll1g up With Shepherd'Ç Bush 0 C, Bawnboy ; Messrs T () Ltá,!1:" 1 In blood and direful sorrow. Special Idea.- The Red Force wI.ll con- and thereby reduce expenses in ccnnec- ?lICe, Balls-connell; !II J' Macauran, i centrate as follows before operations i-> ~on y,fih lthe organisation,-Thomas J, President, Battalcn Committee; :\J llRl'!á ',lIere'S a he tlrh to every Irishman Cl{)gher and Eskra at the Cross Roads at Ccnway, Secretary. non Regimental Committee, etc. ;\ftu Who adrui res the situation, Windy Gap. Fivernletown and Tempo' bein'g addressed by Father M'(",he and We care not what his creed or clan wIl concentrate at Ballyness Cross, about j ~ Mr. Kennedy, each Company n-:u-ch0d If he's for the Irish nation, a half a mire west of Windy Gap, These I direct to their respective quarte-rs "'i:h. two portions ?f the Red _Force ,:i11 pro- I ATHENRY, out making any delr-y in the \'il'?,g~,-.:r. Let hs colour he orange, green or blue, ceed to establish connection with each i --<>A, Hussey, Batt, Sec, \Ye'l,1 grip his hand as brother, other and be prepared to make :1 COllC(1'á _ And the (;áod of Love will love us, sure, ted advance on the signal bein;!; giYen, 1 ROCh.FIELD CO?-lPANY. .~ If we love one another. The White Force ,\1m concentrate r-n FLAGS FOR THE FRAY. I the line Geary's Bridge and Legcrnagher . :\ir J B Concannon, Rockfield, Athenry, Here's a health to the laggards, tho' late School, and establish connection betwee: .ias subscribed £10 towards the equip. CARBURY. they've come, its right and left flr nks along the lane n~ent fund of that compan~, and has also ! And to all goo::! men who speed them, which connects these two points. The gr~e',1 them the use of h:,s grounds for A most irupressive display was witnessed ! And to everv -sagart who 'blesses a gun ground appears to be slightly disadvant- dnllll1g, together With a rifle range. Mr in C'arbury on the occasion of the pre, In the QOl'v ca use of Freedom, ageous to the Wbite Force, They will, J ~ Morten, Rockmore, Athe~:Hy, has sub- sentation of colours to the local corp; I),i'! . however, use every effort to forestall the scn~ .(2, and has promised a larger the Rev J Maher. The corps, b=ndcd hy Oh, I sold 111'., leine and ran a gun, Reds in gaining possession of the high SUbSC~lptlOl: later on, . The above", corn- the fine 'hand 'of the Edenderry A 0 fT.,1 And now r ' welt can use it, ground, and should they fail in ths will pany IS g0ll1g ah.ead rapidly and ca? now marched to the res:.dence of thE" py~ i And to ,WI' foe who wants a shot, endeavour to .envelope Hed or, if necessary take the fiela WIth any company lU the where he presented them with ~. i..ea1{ti. i \,\'ho'd lare 5,l'" I'd refuse it? b take their position 'by assault, oounty,-M. Healy, Secretary, ful hannel', suitably inscribed, The), lhn, J ' Up to time of starting operations tbe marched to the ,illage, where thÛ' Hev P Here'~ a hea.ál:h t3 Oarson who ,;howcd Eskra and Tattyre~gh companies did not ~~ J Broughan, president of the corp~, pwá I the wa.\' turn up. , . posed a vote. of thanks to t.he :,~"\,, .J To treat with for.eign raiders, Messrs, l?ulme~' H.obson. D,?-rrell F]gglS ~lOYLOUH. Maher for hlSá kll1dness.-L13;n TlUlke,! .'\00 to every man ll1 th~ gunnery play an~ Padr:llQ 0 R'am ~;;,d l,o:,dly g'yeO Secretary. I We learned from the mvaders, theIr. serVIces to .Ca_Ptoll1 \\ hlte for (he The Irish \'olunteers of the Un't ..d par. ~ i , oCC<\;lOn:. l~r, FIgglS to~k comm~n,d of ishes of Moylough and Mount Bellew, ,_ c' , I GRAVES 0 :-'iARA. the, :Vh1.e I'orce whJle I adralc 0 hHlln, about 100 strong, carried out their first FIRST GLAS.C,OW A_' D r (11' I :'>SSlS.ed by lIfr. Hobson, was 'n charge of attempt at Oompany drill under BattaSCOTJ;A'l\_~ REGIMEN J. ,If 0 I) 0 0 0 I:) 0 Ç) 0 0 0 0- 0 the Reds. lion Instructor Ser"eantá';Ia:'or M r,- . _S;:O?vIIA::\), COATBRIDGJ'" '0 0 The aptitude show~ by the Irish Yolun, a manner creditable to - themse~nYa~~ Mr D ,Rogers ..bas been apP011lt['d j,)-! teers for f!eld work IS rema.rkable. Com, their- instructor at th M t .~ n structor m place of Mr 'V Magrath, Who!' I) ',' , 0 panies who have seldom d)one a' day's Sh:Dvr Girounds Th full o~n ,- ~e t~W has left the district. Member~hip hns OVOLUNTEERS, w~ askB yonr sup 0 work in skirmlshhl" drill go far/to com. ff:"" "e OWll1~ al e e been somewhat reduced owin!Y to the port when startmg agplpe or . ." , 0 leers a Olnted for the occaSlOn: om. ~ " . . pensate for theu strangeness 10 the busI. PP C number who 'were called' upon to rejo''l Gother Bands. We a,re actual mal,ers InO ness by the eager interest they take in the pany Oommander H Murphy; Hd.rCom. the British service but the gaps are slead. .Ireland and caa g,ve you -better andO effort to tactically outámanoeuvre '" the I;~ny Co=an~ers, Messrs Oallanan and ily refilling with fresh recruits, and bope' chea.per In'struments than those who are . naverty; SectlOn Co=<andeTs h f u II strengt . h agaill .. m a Ii ...... "'~erelll' _ enemy,'" . 0 n a: recent occaslOn, a fter a M'Guire 'C' H 'd' Messrs to 1__ u<: up to t e ~ J imr>ncte-s .r-' L.. .' .ánáight out in pourin" rain on a mountain, ,0 onnor, eavy, an Cheev. "ery short time. The men are ,t'ry en. I 0 Best pillean. BagpIpes always,!n 0 side, ihe Greencastl~, Cranough, Kiidrers elS. thusiastic, and good aitendal1r.c al alll stock, Chanter, Bag and Bellows, 51S, --and C'arrickmore Battalions of .the County drills.-M. Magi,nnis, Secretary, I, Gnett. , 'b . . 0 Tyrone Irish "olunteers showed su.ch ~ ,\rholseaJe Agent for ':ll pu ]tca(lons lurions elan in storming a hill oyer steep RATHMORE, ~ ~ IOby Carl IJa~deber!r, Wnte for ]IsIs, 0 and rough ground that the success of the '10 0, att:ack was e.ndangered by.the firing li,ne .. ~Iembers of the above coq~s marched to CLOXTIBRET, CO, MONAr;HX,\" T' '_ , '0 g0ll1g ,too qUlck for the supports to relná 1':~thmor.e Church, and the greater nU!D-' , , , . ~~ S~O.-\T~ \\ ,~~EHOUSE, , -{orce ]t, ber ca-rned rIfles. Later they were rem. , At a meetmg of abo~e a reso,utlOO of ., 8 HOW Al'<.D STREET, BELFAST .. 0 In last Sunday's operation, s much good, forced by a: contingent of Greeneguilla lDdign<l:t~on was pa~sed .at the murde; s by G " " GOO 0 0 I) 0 0 0 0 wo:k was done, the educational value of i Volunteers, The whole~rty then marched !he Bntlsh occupatton ',?- IrelaT)~ fO,!low; wh:ch oo~ld not be exa?gerated, The. to Rathmore village and were instructed ll1g the Hov.;t~ gunárunl1lng, H H; '<lgnf'(1 HOW TO KEEP FIT. Re.ds havll1g the shorter dlstance to adá. in company and rifle drill All the Vol .. by James M Kenna. Edward Sm:th, J ame.< . h ff ' t 0 th e pOln 't con t es t-.l . . dlstnct " , VOLUNTEERS and ot ers ,5UI' er, ,ance "'-' and d 0ll1g so I unteers of th,S are'-, VOlClnO' the'. JlI'N'a.1) y, P atk ,.\ 'f'M-.L<i:.llOn, . .. -, ' exce II en t ord er an d...' ,0. from ImpaIred VIta It" III ex,enSlon h ad comá IáoplDlon that there shauld be no move ,0.:'>' Ina _...mand of all advantageous positions before I other than eq'uipping themseh'es made b .w_, fab~ue aft~r eKerClse, want of energy, the Whites had debouched from a difficult I th V I te t'l H R 1 ; I edY sbou.ld \'\'nte at once for a bottle 01 ers un lome u e IS p ac Corne "[0 your diIl'f R h OSph'te p.,oJ. t alley up which (hey had to adyance, The l oneothe un Statute Book -D ¥ Denneh Sec r .s as: you we,-A'~ gowg -our T' . ODIC '~pop 1 s. l;-:tter however made a <Yood use of Y,' to. see yo~r best glrl-Cle<Jn sba,en a!1d free, -r~ 9d.-~I DONALD, Ch.emlst, , , Co ire, ary. Wlth a hauácut. Doneg,ll Street, BelfaMi. '_._
t..I t.
I Ii
I i
Warplpe . B an d s.
1-0 D . MC'Cullough
.I;.-J_;:;: . . <::-:!:._.~
29, 1914-.
..' 1 "BOY SCOUTS ¥¥á ~'l~~ ....................
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Drill Terms In
The following is the first instal1}}ent 01 a. -0-~. list of drill terms in Irish covering squad, . :\ ever once, in more than seven ccn.usection, com_pany and rifle drill,. which rres, has Ireland been solidly w.th Enghave been drawn up hy a Sub-Oommittee land In a declaration of war. Always, or, of the l'rovisional Committee specially nearly always, the pro-English section gf' appointed for that purpose, and sanctioned Ireland was "the I'ale," °or the "plan.b;, the Provisional Commit-:ce, The terms ters;" Or the "English garrisoil"; in shen:t ' glTen should not be taken as fill;)!1, but it is the Irish party which is !lOW headed LV' ¥. Id' ~ ¥ desired, in the interests of uniformity, th at ~!r l~:dlVa;'dCarson, And, this JaJ_y l'::lst,. ~ non.e of those adbpted should be departed SII Edwa-rd Carson, true to the traditions' from unless for serious reasons and after had promptly declared the support of hi~ mature consideration. All the terms baw, rarty for England, It was the right aad been applied with complete socces~; (roper card for him to play, and he played .: rIE;,D~n;ARTEHS: J~~ I),OLIER ST., DUBLIX, : drilling Irish-speaking corps 'in the ,. t wel l, But the mere fact that he had. halth rcht. If any Volunteer or ':;aeJ w;:. . p'ayed it ought, if things in Ireland were to sugegst a more desirahle substitut, ,:hll '15 they used to be, to have induced ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ~ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 9 ¥¥¥ any of the terms he is asked t-o comrr-, I his Irish opponents to take the other: side cate at once with Headquarters, No '"'0\:' ~ i and make what would have been a vir-. III order to read :1. m::cp correctly it is COt:'RTS ~1ARTIAL. will be taken of any suggestions or criri- tunl declaration of war against England. -necessary to know the points of the COIllá cisms made in the ~o!umns of the publ:. That wou'd have been the ecsy, one' might pass., In addition, :1. }'nilit~ry report gains Press." almost say the natural, line for the e-xIt should be pointed out Ih:>t the terms trerne Irish Nationalist to take, It would' in. value when it states the particular I.-PROCEDURE. make allowance for dialectical differences, have been taken, too, until very recently, 'bearinz of certain place" using the CODlJ.. When MI\" member of the Fi anna has thus, the Kerryman can say "esasaidh go In view of the Volunteers sweeping the p.a-ss. 'What IS ca lled boxll1g the compass ;" the opinion of his officers or of the samh, casaidh timcheull;" where the Wesá country, as somebody said, like a "prairie-'C,()l1s:sts in enumerating the 32 points, be- ",)mm~ttee of his Slu -gh, or an;\' hi,gher terner will say "seasaigi samh', casaigi fire," of the Howth gun-running, of tbs timcheall, gluais:gi." The - accent, how- Dublin shooting: outrage, and of the bit!;lnnin('J'with the north ~,I1U workinz round i cc:nTflJ~tee, broken any rule or committed ever must, as far '~s possible ,,ábe ''laid on ter fight which English Conservatives were = " I an, misdemeanour he may be courtmar the last (or in a few cases the pen-uJtil1'!afe) making, and, backed by the Ulster threat 1n the. same direction :15 the hands of a 11i,.l1ed. the first syllable of ~be word cor "f armed resistance were making with 'IIO~HI ! 2, A member who 11~s heen notified thnt syllable. responding to the "cantionary word" 1 áá15ure of success-in view 0.£ these 11" is to be courtma rti al led shr ll be a sus- commend given in English, e.g. "" QI::,'; -',nga, it would not have surprised. 11l'l~. ----=--------------( nl nded member until the decision of the a-March 1"-" Gluais-Ighidh !" , ;, the sudden, nnexpected moment of Courtmartial is announced, nnd he sball I ',is a few days a'60, if the 01d hostility i th ... be dealt with as the Courtrnnrtr l . i re-sserted itself.-Ulster imperialist ,! .,1] direct, .- ;" '}he Manchester- Guardian. S5,,0t: , 3. Ever. charue preferred agqinst a Squad t 1"q("f'ber P'lust in writina, anti the nc- Fall in bll'lt'5'-') ~~ I "1f<"rl 9h.1l! receive a COPY of this charge Attention \)'I';5'u ! ;): least two days hefore the charge is to Squad-Attentios. (\ r:sMc-'O;pr5';-O HOLD THE HARVEST. hI- tried. Sc,'ruI5r-o 50 rJ-.i ¥. Stand at Ease Ssmr".> )[r Joseph Gleeson, solicitor, presided Stand Easy 'Oc"r "";)J;I'C at the meeting of the Inchicore VolunfT.-COXSTTTr-TT()X OF C01;RTá Eyes Right ." ' .. teers' Committee on Thursday week when ;\L\RTIAL }:e,\c..'t'o r,o..,...\,o on the motion of Mr P S Ua Dubhghaitl, Eyes Front CMf~J;u"31l) seconded by Mr John O'Leary, a resolu! 1 Th~ Courtmartial shall, save in ex Dress '0' 6,., 'OC' -e _ cet.á ':f)n was passed 'l1nani~Dusl:>:.stating that < r+ional circumstances, consist of three Rizht Dress 11 I l cps should i)@ taken immediately to en\ rur mher s appointed to try the case by the ., . t:t1"S'U . .re that the product of the corning harI committee imrnedately suoerior to- the 'O'pe,.p ~t6-CUI'J;t1i~c.. -st and so much of the cattle. sheep, I or-'j"er or committee preferring the ch~r!!e I Left DI:eS3 .:.. ' .. ':gs and poultry rteoesaar y to feed the I .1'la1nst the accused-that is to snv, if " Cover North, 'OeIF'~1'O ¥. ',1ulation of this country for the ensut ln~'m1)1~_r ;-5 ordered for courtmar+inl bv Korth by East. ''OJ;''~Ot."'V--ue.p,y~ twelve .m~.nths ?e retained withi~ Iret dle officer of " S'uazh. the court .h~11 he Rear Files Cover 'Oe floC'll -oe'Tc land, the excess of its twelve months supNorth, N orth-East. , rnointe.d bv the committee of the Sma::ll : By the Right '. ply only being exported. jf ';" the committee of ::J. SIt1~"h. the court North-East by X ortlz. By the Left 'O~ pell' c1.e "'.:>11 be anpo inted by the D'stricr Coun:KortháEast, ~ -Oe.1r-l>em,~á'"S::6 1 i', or wh!'re none exis', bv the Ard Right Torn North-East by East. , ( hooisde, if bv it District Council the court Left Turn e\,e-,.omplr.l.;5,,-O ,t,,,.'1 1)e "nnointf'o hv the J\rdáChoirop: I R' ht 1 r THREE COFFINS. Ea-st. North-East. "Oe !'Ciá-~~L&on..u-6 i and if bv th~ Ard-Choisde, the court sb all Jg nc me East by North. --<>-C l,e-<H,<I<lá,.,Aro ('onsi<:t of fhrpp members of th~ Fianna Leit Incline (;\ memory of the murdered victims of T':~st, '"FPointed by the Ard.Choisde itself. Right Wheel -Oetre,,\'-~o.mp,uJ:!:;'u Englaánd, slaugbtered in Bachelor's East by South, Walk, July 26th, 1914,) Left ´iheel {;1",c"L-t-omp'á\1,S,'O --<Z>-East- South.East. Quick March 51,\1á,'>1'151'0 Three coffins ly:ng on three lonely hters, South.East by East. Mark Time 5Tfe.ttl>,"n'> r,;,{i \\'here many come to watch, many ,(0 A VOLUNTEER'S South-East. pray; Forward 4\ fl .:\5 sri» Sou tho East by Sou tJ.L Caze well, ye men, and maids sued not It seems there's a hitch in it somewhere, Halt S'[;.\'U""''5 Your te rrs, South, South-East, An' they haven't explained it to me, R' h Cl For'tears will but insult their silent' 'Oe,'r- .... L ",t1l>'SIU Hut we're just markin' time 19 t ose South by East. c1:ty. ! Without reason or rhyme, Left Dose Cl.e--ot,',tmSn) Xot such a-s die like they should e'er lie South, It's orders from the Committee; Double-March Tt, t:.u-lronlá41 . t) WCl.ft ¥ South by West, The Colonels are cussin their heads off, )-1urde;~J to glut the tyrant's lust tsrt Le !,",YO I'he Gáen'ral. is almost in tears, , At the Halt South- Son-thoWest. . 1 The Captains are sore. as a. hospita] One Pace Forward Ce>n\ ",1 ~~3"n:'-sL\1"". Gaze, blood; sire, and youth and maid, and in South. West by 'South, I corps; ,-Qukk March each breast '1"5'-0 ( All' the priavtes are kickiu' like steers! ' Southá West, XII!'se well hate's rising, wild, aTeng.ing Two Paces Back 'Q" CCI", .&'p 5c,il--' South-West by West. flood, Out there are the French and the Eng. =-Qutck March sLU~'lr'.Y{, West, SoutháWest. !ish, Three hearses bear them to the sacred C"r"'f'I:'J::I11'Ice,\l L I The Tricolor, Red, White and Bl'lIe, About Turn West by South, ground, Com(l'I"'S'-O [And our brave Volunteers have been FNumbeFr w-Ç. \\lle.re lon~ our Fenian Chiefs are laid Celtpáe I''''H'S'\. / f waitin' for years .orm 'ours in state; 1),\ lh\'J1S ~ West by North, An' are spoilin" for something to do, Form Tw? Deep \YheJ'e lies, perchance, forgotten, man,. 'a; m"I' " 1'i ,'á:gJ.ll} There's music and drill in the morning, As-You '~ere West, North-West, mound Cetm ~"''U'' An' drill an' music at night, Step Out Above one who for Ireland Iought with North-West by West .. Ce1n1 :!:;e"ttJl But can anyone tell what in tlnmderin' Step Short Fate, SS(lotl-tu 11,,)15" }lell n Ranks North- West. Behind them marching serried ranks 01 'otutl~'5n'> P-4,flS'\ \Ye're here for' to fiddle 01á fio-hP Re-rorm Ranks North-West by North. men-"I' "'5.\1-0, 11-jQU 1',\11;::; Honour' bright. .,' ce in Single Soldier5 of Liberty in Ireland's Cause, North, North-West, 4\m . \t-a Are we here just to fiddle-OR FIGHT? 'lFe .\ncl o'er their graves the loud salute is l .. h.1tl.}'3n> -With apologies to The Idaho Official S~lu~ Korth by West. fired e'l"5'-O 41' Bulletin. DLSmlsS (North), That yet shall herald death. to tyrant . laws. The Central Council IJ3~ ~Tdered that : CUMANN NA mBAN. : Three ~ore lives added to the long, long thc report forms recntly sent áto all companies shall be returned by the lst prox, ¥ (IrishwolllcnásCotrJl<:il) ¥ !lst . li d' tit th foo Any Sluaighte that na,'e n{)t yet paid ¥ This Organisationcameinto beinj!' ",ilh the ~ Of those who pens e nea e . t<heir affiliation fees are requested to do +'rish VolunteersInd ils worlds for Iretaánd (',. Y '" man's sword; , d th'e s;) at once, All affiliated companies ShoUld ¥ ProvisionalCommrttee-MrsEoin MMN,á! . ~ .\;dded to all the Wlongs that crow .Miss McCoy. Mrs WYle Power,MissB1oxl1, ill . .., mist elect representatives for the coming ."rdstock a big variety of 'Walldng: .~dam O'Rahilly.Miss t. Gavan Dl>IfJ. B. , , .~. That obscures freedom; but we 'pl-edge Sticlts suitable for presentation. l~heis and make arrangements to .:liable ¥ MISS Aznes 0 Farrelly. M,A., Mrs PaC!'. ';' d .The_y make mDst acceptable gifts for. t'hem to aUend, Colum. B.A., Mrs Tuohey, Miss MacD""_~:; \? our wer , .¥ á O'Mabony, Mi,s J\1:ugarct,Dobbs ¥ The heedless slaves may re ... et 111 then' : +Drll Instructors, etc. Prices, lOs. d,. ¥ .. This. widelyá spread Or2anisation i~ugl1r-.. chains, .upwards . .In ordinary Wal1<ing Sticks. RGAKISING ~OTES. at~d the .O_e,fence. of I~elan~. FUll!!, and has. B t while God's mills P'Tirui on we'll have an almost endle~s variety," many achvlhe.. mc1udmg hl'St Al'd Classes,. U.s: 0', : Drilland RillePrac:ticc. etc.' . _ ne'er lorget The rules in' eonnecti-on .... ithá'the rro- .Prices ~r~m 6d each-FRAS .. SMYTH: ¥ . T,he Provisiol!al Committee make'an..llr:ellt. In His' good time' we'll count áthe -cost, cedtue and const;tution of courtmartialS and SON, 75 Grafton, Street, Dublin;. Appeal for Fundsto ca~ry (}n t1teir wáork. ¥ and cr,are given this week, Neltt week the final Lr. Sa-ckville Str-eet, and 12 ParHa.-. ¥ Temporary,OIf!ces: ¥ " Ireland-'our heart's best blood; Enginsta,lment will be pu'blished, containing ¥ ment Street, ¥ ¥ 12 D Oller Street, DUBLIN .¥ \ la-nd-a debt," . the rules in relation to evi.cnce and apá ..................... RORY OF THE HILL ¥ peals.
+ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥
! !
I.-Squad Drill.
i l
I l
..................... ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ : Presentation :
i Walking :'iVE
; ,;' ! I-( i . _ ~
-~--'--'--::==========.~=========~.=========~ Important Notice. CHANGE
REGIMENTAL ORDERS. Regimental Order of the Belfast Regment f01: week ending 29tl1 August.
Appointments. Company Commanders Kearney and :\['(;urk have been confirmed in the rank of ColourSergeant. Sergeant ::'l'Closkey hJS been appointed instructor of recruits, Promotions, Colour-Sergt Kearney to be Sergeant. ::'Iajor 2nd Battalion. Smoking. It is to .be .distinctly understood that smoking in the ranks or on the march, Reports and all matter for. publication in un less when:' marching at ease,' is trct.Ç forbidden. the official organ to be sent to . . Jlands. In future no bands are to appear on parade,. unless. by arrangement with Headquarters. Pouce. Company Commanders will submit the' All orders for Official J"'embership Cards name of one man per com pan:>" for regi. Enrolment forms, Section Books, Etc" mental police, . Rolls. address to Secretaries of Companies will submit to head office bv Friday, 28th inst., nominal rolls in alphabeticat order of their . cornpanes and addresses, stating in remarks those who have served in the army or special reserve, and these who 11'1\'6 not attended drills for the past 8- weeks, Examination, An Examination Board for Officers crass '\'IiI! assemble at St Marvs Hall at II a.m., on Sunday, Z3rd inst. Musketrv. Sections Z and 3 ~f " IJ" Company wifl parade in Boys Brigade Hall at 7.45, p.m , d1.iTy during the ensuing week,
All communications for Headquarters must be addressed to the new ottices->
Headquarters, The Irish Volunteers, 41 Kildare Street, Dublin.
" Irish Volunteer" Office, 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin.
Manager, " The Irish Volunteer," 65 Middle Abbey St., Dublin.
'lXTEBBVOLUNTEERS! Bandoliers, 70 rounds, superior l' 't quality, Is, 9d, each; Haversacks,
, ¥
extra strong, 10}d and Is. each; Brown Leather Bandoliers, 5 pockets, good as new, 2s. lld. each; Best quality Brown Leather Belts, with buckle, Is. 6d, each; Drown Leather 'Bando1iers, 6 oblong poco kets, to hold 50 rounds ammunition, 2s. Ll d. each;' exceptional value; Putties, Is, 2d. per pair; 'Yater Bottles, felt covered, Is. 2d. and 2s, Gd each; Aluminium Water Bottles, f~lt covered, Is 9d each, Special 'terms for quantities, Terms-Cash with order,
'he JrishVolunteer EASED BCCLES . "nIEX YOU CA~. BRASS, REED, BAGPIPE, FIFE AXD DR(.T::.r, n,UGLE, ETC. ", DOX'T m:\". SECOXDHAXD, DIS, GET XEW OXES AT THE FOLl.OWá I~G PRICES: xe. 1 for boys, lOs, 6d, Xo. 2 full size', 15s. ::\0. 3 large bore, £1 Is. Xo. 4 heaviest type, £1 lOs. Liberal dscount for cash-canj paid. fife and l:"ed Bands, complete for about ..... ' ,', .. ' .. , ... £5 lOs, Ilu5Ie Band, complete for £7 lOs. Bagpipe Bands complete £10á Os. Brass Bands complete £15 Os.
Irish Volunteer Badge
Made in Ireland, beautifull~' finished in ('.re.en and Gold, from old design by F, J Bigger, I1I.R.l.A.::.r, Post Free, 7d. each, or in oxidised metal 4d. each, post free. Special terms to baltaáEons,
K EOG H BROS.. _ 70 LOWER DORSET ST., I?U.BLI::\. Company Group a Speciality.
4 BACHELOR'S 'YALK, DUBLL' ¥. Highest Prices Realised for Furniture of every description. Auctions eyer)' 'Yednesday.
... (';0
!'::'Iarching Socks. Double Heels and Toes; 115, 6el, per pn ir. ~Iade in Dublin. A~to. matic Knitting Company, 5 South Kmg Street, Dublin.
Auctioneer &. Valuer,
h d! MO?\,Gi\JFYT HOUSE, B e Ph10 t ograp! e .! ~~~~~~~~~~~
For week encTirrg- 5th September, 1914: ~[on9a~', 3] st. K irnrnage, 7.4.) p. m. Tuesday, 1st Sept. Fa'irv~w, 7 . .u> p.m. ~ ':~:ednesday, 2nd Sept., Camden Row, 1.4;) p.rn. Thurc1ay, 3rd Sept., Fairview, 7.45 p.m l-l1day, 4th Sept .¥ Sanoymount, 7.45 ~aturda.v for Bri'!!;ade Pra-ctice, SandyThere remains the question of arms for mount, 3.3D. An crosses to he presenl.the Volunteers. In the crisis now before us T IIntchings, Signal' Instructor. the task of arming brooks no delay, and must be proceeded with at once. No mat~ ter what the steps required an armed Ireland would justify them a thousand times oyer. The movement must be got upon a military footing and show clearly that it stands for Ireland. Events of the past few d,ys are far from reassuring that the Bvit ish Parliament wi ll or can settle the Irish C\:.RDIFF. question in a manner satisfactory to the great hulk of the J rish nation and it is A great number of .Irishrnen are desirous therefore requisite that we should take a of making themselves efficient to serve hand in set tl in o it ourselves. To do this ther country in the Volunteers. The arms are the p;'imary necessity. Corps is self-supporting, members paying only one penny per week contribution to In the heat of th.e war fever wh.ere every deJ ra I' expenses. Several competent inmans sympathies are on the side of the structors have been engaged. The hours Allies or on the side' of the Germans we of drill are from 8 to 10 p.m. on ::'londays should not forget the lessons that we have at the (;lad<;tone Hall, \;'i'yndham Arcade, learned in eight hundred years of bondage, St. Marys street, and 3. to 5 p.ru. SaturTacobites or \\'illiamites i'n the nast, day afternoon in a field at tbe back of 4G Ton' or Liberal in more recent times Conway road, kindly giyen by the veteran we 'too often allowed our predilections for Xationa list, Dr. Mullins. :Jlr, J.' ::'1. the foreigner to help us forget the fact tbat Dingle, Li .I.L. organiser, has been elected we are Ir ish first no matter in what direc- recruiting sergeant and honorary Iieuten tion our sympathies lean. "e must not reo ant. l rishmen wishing to join are asked peat that' mistake. Out of che crucible of to srive their names either to him or any war comes the gold of nationality if we are mel~ber of the committee. On last drill true to our trust. Every man in Ireland is night over 60 new members joined,-B. wanted for Ireland and Volunteer commit. F, Devins, Ilon. Sec" 102 Claude Road, tees everywhere should sternly repress any Cardiff. foolish talk of Volunteers going on active ~ service. The on];" active service for a Vol. urrreer 1S active ~ service 1£ necessarv to rout out the present invader first and then defend our cou ntry at any cost. DUBLIN.
The A.O.lI. Badge, the Home R~le Badge, Green aDd (;old, ,d. each ros, free.
Dublin Signal Classes.
(Late of T, J. Callaghan and Co, Dublin), Gentlemen's Outfitter, MOL'~T)IELLICK
IVe Iouzh t everv nation's battles i 11 the past to th'e neglec-t of our own. Let us see to it that when next Ireland takes the field, it will be 'for Ireland. Mercenaries may join what army they please but the nation must Knives, and Razor Strops, from Is to 5s 6d set itself agai nst any encouragement of Irishmen seeking sen-ice abroad, For ceneach. turies a state of war existed between Ireland WILLIAM RUSSELL SONS, and England just as exists between France and Germany. to-day, and we lacked the Hairdressers, will and power to punish those who de55 S-outh King Street, DUBLIN. serted to the enemy, 'With an armv of our own and the clearer conception of national duty which Ireland has acquired through the Volunteer movement the position in the TO COl'lTRlB-t:TORS. future will be more clearly defined, MeanWe are. again compelled t-o hold ever verv while we are free to treat with any nation many articles, reports, etc" owing to lack to help towards the' complete restoration or our nationhood, of space.
. Rockfield Company.
There was a general meeting of the above cornpany von last Friday night, August 21st, for the pu rpose of appoint. ing two half-company commanders. 1Ir. Tom Kenny and Ma, Gilbert Morrissey' were appointed as half-company commanders, For the past few months tbe above company had drill on Mondays and Fridays at 8 o'clock, p.m. For the future it will be half an hour earlier, 7.30 p,m" and in addition to' that there will be drill on Sundays at 3 o'clock, p,m., in the Rockfield Park. All members who are enrolled are most earnestly requested to attend regularly for the future, and it is also expected that all the young men and boys over 1G years in the surrounding districts who have not yet joined ",-i11 do so Immediatelyc--Morgan Healy; Sec.
to B & R. PAGE; 3! ParliamentStreet, for Irish-made Bootsat PopulIfPrices ... ' ~
Gunshot Wounds. The after-danger of wounds from modern explosives consists principally in sep.si s, whch is, of. course, greater in large -wounds where there is much laceration and consequent exposed surface. The hul Ict seldom causes infection, for its sides are scraped clean as it leaves the barrel of the gun, and its base sterilised bv the 'heat of the ch rrge. ,\'ith shrapnel and pieces of burst shell the case may be different. Infection usually comes from the clothing touching the wour;d, from the snrroUlld:ng skin, and from interference, especially through flulty tecnique in changing dressings, and occasional ly through ill-advised attempts to remove lodged. missiles that would be better left alone. Plugging wounds for haemorrh1.ge is a sure way of- infecting them. InIection may also take place from within, -especn lly when the bullet has r raversed some part of the alimentary canal, and a bullet may carry infective material from the stomach or intestine to a distant part of the track. Wheri suppuration occurs it is usually of mild type, and shows little tendency to spread beyond the bullet track, provided good drainage is secured, though, owing to the depth of the trnck , healinr- is often very slow and tedious. The ';orst thing thai can be put into a wound is a: dirty hand, and the next worst thing
is a stronrr
Every nurse ~ay not know that mcdical aid in war time falls under three heads,' .\t the beginning there is first aid. Ths is supplied sometimes bv a comrade or even the soldier h irnself , and is done where the wounded man fell or has dragged himself for shelter. The wound must on no account be Wiped, and the gauze must be handled a" little as possible. Before removal from the field the important points are to stop d mzerous haemorrhage and prevent the infection of wounds, . . The second stage of the treatment is given in the field hospital, to which the ~,'ounded are carr.ed from the field, and here the difficulties in the way of surgery are almost overwhelming, Female nurses ,0::111 not ilJe employed in these hospitals. and onlv a limited number of male nurses are available, and' food consists of ordi nan' rations. The on;" cases for operation :.\!'~ tho:O¬ iu 'which dangerous hnemorrhage is gc.ng 011. lt is only when' the patient has reached the fixed hospital that he can have the benefits of a "properly equipped and staffed operating room, good nursing arrd all the, conveniences of a well equipped hospital." It is here that the woman nurse is first employed, EYer), prec1ut~on must be taken to prevent infectiort' of the wound; the part should be. kept at perfect rest. Care must be taken to prevent :my of. the joints becoming stiff, and this is specially necessary in paralysis of the leg, where troublesome shortening of the calf muscles will occur if not prevented, and ll1.1:y necessitate division of the tendon of' Achi l les later. In injuries .to nerves light massage and passive lTIO,'emenis she.uld be begun a's soon as they can be be-me, and the nutrition of the muscles' should be kept up b), means of stimulation with the constant current. Cuu-shot fractures demand only ordinary lreatment with splints, In fractures of the 'upper limb splints .or bandazes, if app.ied too tight, may cause sw~lling and gangrene. and the nurse should be on the look-out for this. It is, of course, verv difficult to keep the wound aseptic f._r;it, if there is drainage to the soft parts and the wound is near the perineum. The result in cases of fractured femur de. pends largely on the skill and care of the nursing, .'\5 soon as the external wound have healed and it is quite certain there is no concealed suppuration in any part of the bullet track, passive movement should be commenced. It is important not to keep the joint fixed longer than is absolutely necessary or adhesions will form and give much trouble and a stiff joint nla,Y result. Gentre massage. assists the absorptions of the blood effused into the joint. "The final result as regards movement iu uncomplicated joint wounds depends on the tronble taken duririo- con, valescence with passive and afte~wards active movements to prevent adhesions forming," Gunshot injuries of the head often prove fatal and those who recover a:-e seldom restored to perfect health and VIgour, "In the treatment of these inju.
ries prevention of infection is of the first importance, The whole of the scalp should be .Isha'Ved and disinfected, the patient kept [¥.s quet as possible in a subdued light, the bowels opened by calomel or croton oil, fluid nourishment in small quantities and retention relieved by the catheter. " The greatest danger of al l is in wounds of the spine, "Absolute rest on a fracture bed is essential and sometimes the prone position is of use. Morphine is given for severe pain, bnt it occasionally fails to give relief. Extreme care must be taken to prevent or at least postpone as long as possible septic infection of the bladder ]1y careful cleansing of the meatus which sliould be kept covered by aán aseptic dressing, Cystitis must be treated by washing out the bladder and by giving urinary antiseptics.' The formation of. bedsores is often impossible to prevent, but everything possible must be done to prevent them, and they must be carefully cleansed and dressed when they appear. Cunshot wounds of the abdomen require absolute rest on the back with .the shoulders raised and the knees flexed oyer a pillow, The less a patient is moved or disturbed in any way the better. Nothing should be given by the mouth for .at least thirty-six or forty-eight hours, and then only in. small quantities, Thirst may he relieved by rectal injec~ons of warnwater or saline solution, and only very occasionally may hot water in teaspoonful doses be allowed by mouth. Feeding must he rectal at first and considerable quantities of sterile normal saline or.) per cent glucose solution may he injec ted. subcutaneously. The external wounds require cleansing and dressing in the usual way, "-(Abstracted from "Gunshot 'Younds,''' by C \, Spencer, F R c: S, :\bjor, RAM C. Hodder and Stouo hton. .).;, net). '"
THE RIFLE BROWN. There's an emerald sheen on Caltees side O'er Limerick's golden plain. A fair sun smiles by Sh".nno:\'s tide, On wealth of ripening grain. There's Ilea "en '3 peace in our }lun5tcl' home, By valley, field and town, Yet our sons respond at evening's gleam To the call of the Rifle Brown. The scythe swings free on many a sward Near Tipperary's hills, And plaintive songs of the rural bard The noontide glory fills, But when the mower lays his scythe At rest near Knockmealdown You'll see him march at eventide, On his breast a Rifle Brown. The hum of threshers' engines sweep Your rugged steep, Glandore ! Where sleepless watchers. vigil keep From Skelligs to Tramore. But when Atlantic mists creep in, And even in" shades come down, They sng th~ songs that freemen singThe song of the Riile Brown.
All Pipers Requisites Supplied' Cloth (all colours). Standards, Pipes, Drums, Brooches, Buckles, Stockings, Shoes. Samples of National Costume lent, and advice given free, Only Irish Manufacture Stocked. Cash Trade. O. Cle1RfSl1, .o.n t:llll'ne be~5, b~lte cA11'te<\n, Co. .o.on'07'Ulm.
Band Instruments Band Instruments, Flutes, Bass and Side Drums, Flags, Banners, Band Caps, Green Hats. Badges: A.O,H., 1.K,F,; also Ladies' AuxiI'ary. Home Rule Badge, Harp Shape, in Silver or Gold Enamel ; 6d. each. Irish Volunteer Badges 6d.
Oh : once I loved my old cainan, It's serried, ashen grain , \'\here twilight fell on a velvet lawn, In the heart of a Southern plain. But now it rests 'neath my humble bed Tn a peaceful )IlInster town, \\'hllst I shine the steel and store the lead Of a darllng Rifle Brown.
For the land we love, and bled to keep, Is threatened once again, And the homes we own where our loved ones sleep )lust be ours while we remain. So, men! ,Yollr mothers. children, wives, May be slaves ere night come down: Then woo wth me, as you love their lives The love of the Rifle Brown.
plOb.o.1R1 1M. u-emecnn.
Andrew Maguire,
.~~~~~.~~~~~. ....... 10 and 12 North Street, BELFAST.
(Inscribed to the Irish Volunteers)
)Iade on the premises from :\JOT. rogh Bros.' (Cork) Regulation 1'01. unteer Cloth as approved. by 1. V, PROYISIO:\,AL CO:\nIITTEE, ¥ These garments arc cut, tr.ed Q_', ... and made by our own regular !tan j ¥ in exactly the same manner a.id : under the same conditions »s ,'I,;; ~ 'best civilian t ailoimg is done, ~ See others-then see ours, and if ¥ you can't see the superiority of ours ¥ don't bu .... from us. ¥¥ ¥¥
on the march) :: Erin is the land we' own. . ~ Sweet i, the victor's crown. .\nd a man's best place in a martial ~
Ref r.rin (to be sLlng by Volunteers
: .-
¥ ..
Is behind a Rille Brown. : --<>_" C.-\RBERY:' ¥ Kathleen ni-Hou lihan, the great dawn is [n the "Cork Examiner." .. breaking, ~ Tile trumpet of victory is heard o'er the : hill ; ¥ The white bird of fre-edom in new strength ¥ is waking, ~~ ~ ~ AX ODE. And scorning her fetters, she mounteth at will. Docility in frigid iron cast , and love portrayed in stone; Thou has not forgotten, thy vigil e'er keep- Humility 64 DAME STREET. : All that the laws of Cod would have us : lng, be, : 10 per cent. discount allowed to .. '::-:eath the haunted dome of memory's More than the sternest codes of man's ¥ Irish Volunteers on all civil ian ordes, : decree; black night, 'firm, unimpassioned and stead o dream laden eyes, mysterious unsleep- So grim, fasting, .\ rock impregnable; the silent Loin. Aflash now with gleams of libertys I . . Ages have waited' on thy birth and went light. Lngratified and shedding blood and tears, _ ... Saw they the z'reen mantle of thv )lother Kathleen ni-Houlihan, arise to thy crown- I land~" ~ lng, Studded \VIm gems-tombs of her mar- They say that Iifes a battle, lad-I think you'll find it true; Behold thv fair iewels we 've guarded so I tyrs grand! ., . . Saw they brave blood and VOices lor her The same old conflict rages, tho' the weapons may be new; 'pent, _Ileard t hev the tyrants answring blows But in every kind of warfare that is waf!;ed. In perils by land, in peril of drowning, beneath the sun, and jeers. IIow hard was the task thou knowest The contest is decided by the man behind full \\'e11 , the gun . And 'twas to be-the saviour of his race o star- led bright feet to thy goal ever On waves of Llood. and carnage was to There are many hidden dangers that a come, nearing, soldier never seesTo raise dear E're from her bed of gore Thou leadest thy children with joy- And voice with martial tramp and can- Blind batteries to blast you, and sharpshooters in the trees; non's roar raised hand; :-'~h'ation from her sln verv and disgrace, And whether .lOll will falter, or the foe To-day hold on . life, or to death, never With warning in her sword and rumbling will have to run, . "'ill depend upon the mettle of the man fearing, drum. behind the gun. Y:E\-RAII RVIITlC\, III splendour of faith close around thee we stand. There will come supremest moments in the ~ ~ battle for the right, A. BOWEl{, I\'hen the deck is cleared for action, an J Pilley, Lyrnington, Hamps., the foe is just in sight; Then, oh, then, you must he ready; for But almost un;)' artcle of wear- .. glory is not won 'When a sluggard or a coward is the man ¥ ing apparel may be sent us to be ¥ behind the gun, ¥ thoroughly cleaned and returned ¥ looking just like new. Uniforms. cleaned and tailor-pressed, for. ,\Yhat tho' the foe grows boastful, and 1 ¥ .. 3/9 .. counts up his array ¥ " ¥. Of armies and of battleships to fill you T J UacSwiney-::\o fear, ¥ carriage pald_ .one way on coun¥ with dism av-eWe know where _ we are going, ¥ try .rders. "nte for Booklet Free.. Keep up your target praotice-c-victrys EUSTACE BR.OS ¥ certain as the sun! Tom ::'>lurphy-Bravo, Tom! Sorry we ¥ For it's not the heavy cannon-it's the can't use articles, but owing to the war ¥ 110 & III Cork St. DUBLIN, .. man behind the gun! our space is very, very limited. You have ¥ 'Phone-lIDS. ¥ the right idea of Our work. ¥ ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ 1 -A, R. COE,
: ARTHUR & CO., ~
~~~.$~.~~~~~~~ .
.. ..~.~ Refl es:.: :We Don't
l.il .
., +1
- --'-~
0ur Advertisers.
Out with the Connauqht Clans By }OIRS.
29, 1914.
Jackets Green," "Red Hugh Green Cockade," Etc., Etc.
I At this moment another loud scream of te.rror rang from the lips of her whom they had called the Ingean Dhu, and who tluoughout the fierce combat, had reo J(laiaect concealed behind her three brave defenqel's, "Help! help! help !" she c_a1!ed i.n wild and despairing tones, The. three Celts, her guards, were too Aotly engaged to go to her ass.stance ; hut O'Rorke, dashing. through the smoke tha.t obscured the place of combat, and cutting and riding down all that obstructed his way, saw the leader of the party of troopers, whom he had heard the lady .c,al! iCaptain Cullen, galloping hard on t.he. road to Manorhamilton with her on his horse before him, The knight gave chase, thundering after the 'runaw>Jy captain and his prisoner with the headlong SPeed of a rock hurled from the mounta-in top, '~rhe )Ianorhamilton captain rode a .a;tO\"I'el'Fut'i grey horse, istr~)llg and fieet, but he carried donble; .and O'Rorke's aiounr, a snow-white Spanish steed, withQ'Ut a; darfk hair, magnificent in size and appearance, and unmatched in strength and speed, gained on the runaway at every stride:á In a kw seconds he was up with him, "Staud! release the lady or die:" he c}'ted sternly. Captain Oullen turned on him furiously. "Not if King Philip and all his Dons were at yer back, Spanish devil!" he ~'IlSWel'~, discharging a long hor-se pis'tl)l, point blank, in O'Rorke's fac-e, The 'Weapon flashed in the paq and took no effect. Cullen fired his second holster {'liSIOl¥. hut O'Horke struck up his arm with a blow of his skene, and the bullet went up star wards instead of through the br-ain of him at whom it was aimed. Then Cullen relinquished his hold .on "i~,captive, and fell on savagely WIth broadsl'I'ord and poinard, his reins in his teeth. and fury in his ~Jaring eyes, He (ought with. the- ferocity of a wild cat. If he .had.á7idden away; evidently i~ was ~nly that he might make sure of hs captive, iO.nd .nor through any Jack of personal courage,
The combat was short, however, lor_the Knight of Clenca1' as an accomplished "'sabreur" owned few equals and no suo perior. Presently by a whi,rling strok~, Cutten's sword was sent flying from his :haod and almost in the same instant O'Ro~ke landed the heavy bowl hilt of illts Toledo on his adversary's head with a. blow, which, despite his steel merion, :brotight him tumbling to the ea..rth. 'I' ÇThat for your portion, Insh renegade !'" thundered 0 'Rorke: "and so may all traitm:s fal! who lift their swords again'ot their mother's breast .!" . . The," the knight uttered a nng1l1g cheer toapprise the others of his succes~, He wag answered by a long yen of 0 Rorke ALm,!'''' aga'n aánd again tr~umph~ntly ~e. peated, until the eagles m theIr eynes among the cliffs abo..-e, and th~ seaámews by the lake below, screamed Jl1 startled ('esponse. He was ,sure that, there were more than three \'Olces. swelhng that exá ultaut .slogan;, and. slmllltaneou~ly, he beard -the rapId cla,tter of horse~ hoofs down. the glen, WblCh a;5sured hl111' that _, h d h f't th'eY had t h e Sco t S h au a enoug 0 1 ' th e d'nec t'lOn 0 f the'rI o'''n . fied ¥ no t In ~ way to Manor h arm'It on, th e tOl'lná 0 f , l.. b cd b th' lJant ene W 1 He ... was an: y elf ga ' Rlies bllt , towards the smoking and glow.
Ss 9d,' lOs Od, Us 6d,
Irish Hade Footballs,
.. 'rllt
i!lg -citJ of ashes anent which tht.:r r.,::,~á g ade leader had taunted the lris-h three.
Agn in Angus O'Rorke, cheered ",;th a proud and bounding heart; and sent dcwn the glen a Ite r h:s hying eueiuies, ,,,ilb :~11 the power of his strong, yourhfu! *ungs, the fierce "Abu" (0 victory ') the warcry of his soldier race. "Oh, may God and our Lady rewarr] and bless yon!" cried just then a soft, clear voice from out the shadows, voice thrilling with wild music, wild earnest. ness and wilder excitation-the voce of the Ingean Dhu! She had leaped from her captor's horse the moment he released her, 'but had remained close at h.:md ir, the shelter of some bushes, a near spec. tator of the exciting combat, .. Senora.-you did not fly!" sa.d the knight in surprise, as Q t.:111, slim figure moved out into the roadway. Angus could only see that it was the. figure of a girl-young and lissom, with a face as white as a star, and eyes that shone in the faint light like [ewels. She, was clad in tC]ul", clinging draperies, in pleasing contrast to the hideous tub Iardiugales then in fashion in Spain, in England, and Scotland, and nearly ali over Europe; and had a veil of white. lawn folder around her head turban-wise, and fasten. ed on one side with a golde,n bodkin the gems in which gilittel'~d ~s she moved like points of irr idescent fire, This was the Irish fnsb ion; and 1 rish ladies in those days-c.that is. true lrish ladies, of the ancient stock, as d isting uished from áthe dames of the Pale, never dreamt of discarding ther graceful and classical National costume to follow the grotesque and inexpresslbly ugly modes then in vogue in most otber couun-ies. "You did not fly." repeated O'Rorke, "why-how had you the courage to stay so near?" "I could not help it; I .,.~:; fascinated -ho'" you. fought !-oh, it was magnifi. cent! And, besides, I meant to help you if you should be worsted;" " Y ou ~', excla/ rned 0' Rorke, and in spite of himself he laughed. The gid shrank back a step, s ¥ Pardon me, senoro.," he said gently, "~'ou are rery good, and .1 thank you a: thousand times for so kind a thought. Bul: you, a girl, yOllng, slerider-c-what did you hope to do for' me if I load been as you say worsted?" , "I do not know-c.notaing, 1 suppose,' she answered in a tone of sudden reserve. .. it was no doubt a foolish idea, but I could not go until I had seen how-the combat ended, Som-e women-girls even -can do, and have done, gre~.t_ things in a. strait, But I am sure tha-t I arn none sucb ." "XP~y, I am sure you ~re. Your preá sence has been a J>Owerfr~1 incenti"e to your friends-gallant feilows !-:\nd to me 10 fight against all odds ~nd at all risks, even to the death. I think you are offendec! with me, Wilt you forgive Ule, seá nora?" " Offended !-forgive !-for saying me from a f-,w tell thousand bnes worse Ihm death th~t would ha\'e awaited me as the priso~er of Ca~tain Cullen or S;r Fred. erick Hamilton. Oh, now, in.deed, you jest with me I You c~ll me senora" she d" d 'f '.. . !lude, ft" With a nngI of won el 1.11, oTide ¥ ' t. III her, so tones, , am not a ~nora, I lr' h '1 h 1 ~ d "ut1 on y a poor IS glr, o.llle.ess. an aá f " dl d f h b most nen . d ess.á -1' an bm 1 .0"I' r t ese ra,e men, an you ost lItter) .
"Then you are all the more like mvBUY AT HOME~ self, for 1 am bu t a poor Irish. youth, without home or house-hearth, '(lii: mot that.I C3n call my own to afford me áshel. ler-though here I stand ($n the tribe lands th at have been the lrer.tage of my race for uncounted ages." "Then you are?"-"An 0' Ror-ke. You m.~1Y have heard of Tiernmas 0' Rorke, Knight' of (~te-nc~'(, who some ten years ag-o was driven from I, this glen to make Nom for robber Scots and Sc ssenacbs, and who escoped with his thirteen.yea r.old son to Spain? r.a:::u fha't son. :;\'[y gallant fr.thel" felt at the defence of Arras under Owen.. Roe. 5';X years ago, where I saw powdec Irerued an.d 'blades crossed for: the first l;:me in .... ND deadi:y ern nest. .ltnd now, senoru-e-par . don me, the language of Ca:.qtj.!c l>l more familiar to my tongrre than rn-r native C;::I.e!ic. I have come' !lome to fight for ':Ily own ~g'lán.á~ "~fay God prosper :rour n;WIG;" sai'd the girl, clasping her li>a'!lds, a{1"J 9pe".1.;-;a,g in low and ueruu Ions toneS'~yes I hav e hc".r-d of Ti er nrnas O'Rorke and -A(lg~lS. hi,. son." ,.,,,,,,~ c ....."'T ..... '-0 <s u' e;'s, A.NDSAMPI...!i.5' FREE "Ah, perhaps lye know c~ch olh~r- . . £STIM..-,TES tt1l~NUMlG:HT HOUSE. DUáSL.I N I\-.ve met in childhood? May.r 3'lk W!'-O:1l '.. ANO ,-ONCON. I h~ye hac] the happiness of re~c\l,n'~?" WilltS,S"OIO&,O"'B<-'N. ' ,""OM!!: Z388 "I a':11 c tUed the Ingeaa Dh11. and I . am not a na ii ve of this gl'en; but .. -Iook Bagpipe Teacher free at me-do vou th'nk-do yoU' tfj:i.\li, W'f! have ever met before?" She came close to his side; :l:Il4' Uted her pale pure hce and soft shu." e.'tcseyes full of infinite lights and' sha.b",".ito his. 0' Rorke bent down and g azed a< the delicate, clear-complexioned, 9tl'~n~ely earnest face, and into the fathomless deeps Sped"J1y recot:lm-err.red 10 of the soft, n pl ifted eyes, until ~oOlethitl~ flashed into his own that made tbe I::>ng' lashes sweep downward over tfie eves be examined, while the young girl (Ire"",, hi.Sá tily hack with a proud and gracef(;i move- 'SHARPSHOOTING IN WAR, J80 pages, ment. 70 IlIu . tr ations, and exhaustive infor"I fear not-e-unless the past i" treamation on the selection and use of cherous,' said Angus, with a. sigh:, '-'\11) modem riflvs, r13 pest ft ee. memory of early days gives me' b"cl;: no HOW TO SIGNAL, Freneh, Duteh, Eng, v-ision sa enchanting. But you-r am lish, Morse, Semapeose, and other fortunate if you can recall '.loy. rernemmethods 8d. port free, br ance of me?" " I have seen an old picture FL<\:NNA I-LANá1DB'0:@it,. Ûl1ImpaJlY Signailing, etc., 1's, ~ ... , ]'i1Ost kee, somewhere - it may have been painted of YOU ián boyhood , ¥. an- SECTION & COMPANY DRILL MADE. swered the I.ngi'an Dhu, slowly ; ":t EASY. liS post free, bears some shadowy likeness to you rKIW, RIFLE EXERCISE MADE EASY. 8d' and it hils mode your form and features, post free, seem wonderfully Iarnilar to . me+-thnt is FIELD FORTI!'l¬ A.110NS. By Colonel all. " l\1'Donnelh 4/4d post free. CHAPTER UL HINTS TO YOUNG OFFlCERS, 1/3 posttree, 1 only ask what way my journey lies. 1/9-'W Yeats. HINTS ON TRAINING INFANTRY. post free At this moment the fallen office!' bezan to show signs of returning vi.tati{rá S-TRATEGY I~ A NVTSHELL, Is, 7-~d. O'Rorke dismounted and walked to where post free¥. he lay. AIDS TO SCOUTING FOR OFFICERS "Get up, sir," he said in no ge.... tle bn AND MEN 113 post f,ree. ¥ "You are my prisoner, and yot! must NIGHT OPERATIONS FOR INFANTRY. mount and ride with me," 1 i9 post free. ""Yhere to" asked Culleo , as he st.a~á gered up from the ground, hut slowly and EXTENDED ORDER DRILL AND COMá dizzily, rubbing his head from "'nich the paIL,. ill- B<atáHe-_ 1s. 2d, post free. h.elmet had fallen. TRUMPET AND BUGLE SOUNDS."To Castle Carr, the residecce. af Coo (British)" wifb . musi'C, Is, 2d. 'post O'Rorke." , free. .. Cullen uttered -a short, sardonio l-'~;sh. & HOW TO USE IT. "May I 'inquire, sir, what tncco is.: ~n THE SWORD Full \ Illustrated with photographs. my words to excite your menrirnect ¥¥ dz.2/3 post free. manded Angus haughtily, "Only this that if we travel t:rith~r HISTORY OF THE IRISH VOLUNTEERS we're both likely to get a wacrn \\..elcome at OF 1782. by Thomas McNevin. With Castle Carr." description; of uniforms. etc, of all "\"hat do von mean ?'" local corps of Irish Volunteers. A "Why that 'Castle Carr' is just ill such splendid book that every Volunteer, case as I am myself-both have- g:lát a should read, 8d. post free, knock down and a broken crown. V'{',tll SEMAPHORl~ SDIl'LIFlED, 29 Car-ds. both. egad, the fat is in the. fire; bt.lt more - Front and Rear. particularly with Castle Can; where 1)0''''-' dered beef, stored butter, and flitches of ALL POST FREE. prime bacon have been blazing merrily for the past week, and filllng the air "Jtth sud) TE-R~1S-CASH WITH ORDER. savoury steams that the wolves of the D:lr!; Valley, and the gleds and vultures of far BOOK DEPARTMENT. Glenade, with the red foxes from Cleoá fame woods, have ceased to batten 0:1 tiH! corpses of the l\Iagowans and rJ:1cOahill;;. and have ~athered in drol',es and flocks 65 )olIO. ABBEY STREET, DUBLIN .. about Castl~ Carr to snuff the odour of O'Rorke's burning victuals, Good !<Doth, it is a royal baleáfire! And I(uci-ed be. neath the blazing ruins, iu a cc!.la~, under the old round-tower keep, lie the thr-e" corpses of"Captain Cnllen pallsed .delihcc:l.tely, and eyed the young cavalier, ~(Jting' with vicious pleasure the ~udd-en emoti(''lil' of .¥. ~rie£, ang;'er, :m9 dread which h-i5 v[':)rds ev;dently prOduced,
T. l'El'\DI:R,
G'w7 W.
Kllight ofGlencar.
Aalhor of "The
NBREAKABLE Steam Camans, 3s ud. 55 6eL
Irish Volunteer" Office,
Support the
O:>ntinued on P<lge 1 Bent Ash,
;n~,AINCO_~ TS, crotty's, ~ Graf. !J.:\j ton Street.
29, 1914.
The Knight of Glencar CONTINUED FRQ:\I PAGE 6.
"01 whom, sirrah ?" cried O''Rorke, in an a~ony of horrible fear and wild suspence. "Three corpses of whom " "01 .a wife, a maid, and a man." "G-ood Cod! n-not Con O'Rorke, his lacy, and his foster-child ?" "No," put in the young girl, ernphatical ly, "all these are safe, as Captain Cu lJen kncws." "Th::tr.k heaven 1" ejaculated Angus, in a tone of intens8l'relief, as he wiped the sudden pe~qr;ration from 'his brow, "1 W;'lS going to say," proceeded Cullen, with another short, disagreeable laugh, "th::t the man was a soldier of Sir Frede ri('l~ :irtmi1ton's regiment ; the other two :,,'e:-e his womenkind. All three got heady ;;1 +he {'¬ ..)lar;and the soldier, like the 1!~e3t ass he W;'lS, beg~n to broach a cask of French l-rcndy by firing at it with his T;~.,kct. He did broach it, bv settinz the Ii.cp'::. ;:1 a blaze, and he and his da.:ne end (::1lYscl died .rollinrr in the flames, If tbey b s d not, they v.-;"tltl all have been ha~,ge-dIor setting fire to the castle before we had half the provisions carried out; and for nearly burning to death a good two score of Sir Frederick's chosen peop!efor :111 oar soldier's wives and brats were ~v,'aT!r..ingover the cast.e like flies over a ""::H-'bas;n, and hot. foot on the sport of plnnder ." Lee-Enfield Magazine Rifles Mark 1. £5 "A,.,d you were there lookinrr on-you! Ma'Use~ Aut?matic Pistols, ' . £5 io.. an Ir ishrnan, as I understand ?"~ Browning PIstols; Bugles, 7s, 6d" lOs 6d "J\'.ot only looking on; but in oomm and. 12s 6d. A job lot of Leather Bandoliers O'Ro:;:J.;eand his slught had fled; so we t-o clear, Is, Bd, Sword Sticks Is 6d turned C!Jt the constable he had left in "zs. 6d, and upwards, Lee-Enfield ' ' Ray. ., garrison-c-one Ralph Abercrombie, a little onets, with Scabbards, 2s, Bd. each, Belts Englishman (save the mark!), and were Is., Is. 6d, ;Irish, 2s. each, Haversacks, just J'K-ceeding to rob the nest, which we 9d, and Is, each. Khaki or blue Puttees, found quite warm, when our drunken musIs. Bd, each, Large Stock of Rifles, Re. keteer t:;ave us a áblaze we had not barvo1vers and Automatic Pistols Cartridzes gC::;led fOI." etc, ,22 Rifles, 12s, Gd, a~d upwa';ds~ "And you dare to boast of this deed to Telescopes, 17s. 6d. each. See Lists. me 7" ""-'hy not to you as fast as to another? True, J am your prisoner-an honourable 2 FOWNES'S ST. DUBLIN 1 ...,r;SODeI of war:', . '~lIoIiouTable :'.' "Jilld you can do me no bodily injury . without violating the usages of civilised w~:rfare. You ovetrhrew me by a devilish I ¥ trick of fence j but for- all your foreign ... 'Phcne-l<H78 Central. sword-play, I do not count you my better ¥ v I man, and one day, my gay caballero, I may chance to give you a passado as shrewd as I A.. ,YC",!r own.~'. 1 It I i'lkwM~, yOl1. forget ~hat you are a rene¥ {, II ¥ g.ade-a creeping, poisonous, unnatural ¥ ¥ reptrle, to whom neither ru,th nor grace ¥ 139 Oxford Street. ¥ need 00. extended. A_nd think you-you ¥ ¥ who sC? lmpude?t.ly claim f~r yourself the ¥ LONDON W ¥ protection of CIVIl usages III war-that I ¥ ' ¥ have-not heard of your devilish practices .' ~ at Mancrhamilton ?" ¥ ¥ "EOir Ferderick Hamilton is master there, not 1. I am but his captain of calivers ¥ I and hjs. leal c~ptain I, will ,be, so ,long as ¥ . ~ 1 Sff. WIsdom m fight111gWith a big batta4) Speci-alists in Suits and Overcoats ¥ glia rather than with a ragged regiment, ¥ of outstanding merit, made from so long as I like a tankard of sack under ¥ Irish Materials by Irishmen at ¥ my doublet better than a yard of cold steel, ¥ . f . ¥ and a snug bed 0', nights better than a Ao. prices rom-e-Suits, 005.; Overcoats -">. ' ¥ th e co Id' air, \VIith crows for com""ill' V SWlnO' In 42s. A trial order respectfully ~ Pa.'1Y: and with a hempen noose around rnv ¥ solicited, Volunteer Uniforms sun- ~ neck, Renegade, forsooth 1 God wot, I am ¥ plied at lowest prices. ., a renegade from a rope that's long enough ¥ ¥ to hang every Irish rogue in the five eounties!" "ADd which, I trust will yet hang you, as the greatest rogue of alL" "J have seen pretty girls at the end of ENDA'S COLLEGE. RATHFARNHAM that same rope," said Cullen, with a slow, deep, and terrible glance which included A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR both the .Ingean Dhu and her protector, CATHOL'C BOYS. "and young and gay and g-allant cavaliers H 'ad Master-P. H. PEARSE. B,A .Barrister-at-Law dashing soldiers who had fought in the St. ENDA'S gves its pupils a wide and gent TOUS 'Culture. with an Irish inspieation. It has classc rl a ad wars of Low Germanie and the Netherof Hapsburg- and -modern sides, and specia lises in viM voce teacbing of lands, for Ferdinand languages, Iás system appeals to the imagina tion a-id Phi Iin of Spain, against Gustavus Adolphus -a'rns at developing the best that is in the individual. and old King Kit, and who died railing a.t Puoils ate prepared for the University and for Prothe dog's death our colonel gave them, I fe-sional p-elirninarr examinations, recent successes i~cludjng nineteen mat-iculations an1 three scholar- have seen these things-for every day ships, COmmercial subject> and ManualTraininghave stout Sir Frederick hangs one, at leasttheir pre-per p1a' e. Special attention is given to the I-may see such things Preparatoryand Mental Classes. St, ENDA'S!-asa and you-and high reputation for its comfortable and home-like again." . a rr ange ments. The College stands on SO acres 01 "That my eyes may be blasted if I ever beautifulgrounds. Five Entrance Scholarship s. inwithout wreakirig dire cluding oneof £J.5 and four Of £15 a year, are offered see . such things COf' competuion in first w eek of September. Classes venegance on their perpetrat<?rs!" cried resume 7th September, For prospec'us apply to the HEADMASTER, O''Rorke, fiercely, "and now, sir mountmount, I say! If we ride not to Castle Carr we shall find you presently in other quarters. But first pass over your holster pistols, " ;WILLIAM. FANAGAN, "There they are j if their contents had passed to you as straightly, how it would UNDERTAKER have altered the fortunes of to-night !" And CARRIAGE PROPRIETOR, "It would be evil fortune, indeed', if the 54 Angier's street, band ot a traitor and renegade were oner..alf so sure as his heart is black, Your DUBLIN. poniard l1ow-lth;nk I saw you with one." "TelephQlle-No. 11.1 :. -. ':"
"'Twas a skene+-the hilt set with the very jewel which my father cut with its keen bl ade from th e crest of Sir Harry Bagenal, on the field 'of the Yellow Ford, I've lost it-with my sword-by all that's faithless!" , .. 'Tis well! an honest blade that flashed with the great Hugh on the banks of the Blackwuter would ill befit a traitor hand like vours.tt ,,( would you had it, cavalier;" said Cullen, lightl::_ "in your heart!" he added under his monsrachios, with diabolic ferocity, as he mounted his horse and but. toned hi, buff-coat over the long.bladed skene, which he had managed to conceal while lying on the grcund., "Your horse, I'ngean Dhu?" began AnP:ll~, then, as he turned to the young girl, who stood si lently stroking the white steed's archtng neck. "Is 'dead-ill:"" poor Aluin !" she answere-d. "_\ carbine ball sruck her when the Scots fired; she sprang into the air, th~;)",ing me ever her bead, and fell-my n~'lutiflll-qujte
,".\nd yon=-wcrc yell hurt?" ,,:>-;- ot in the Ie ast. I was flung clear out amoucst the lon,=!: ferns and grasses, otherwise the poor beast might have fallen on fr.áe."
¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ +¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ~¥¥¥¥¥
¥¥ f--ur1 08g & X IIIy :; I ¥
Irásh T atá1 ors.
.....~.~~~+.+. . . .
, I
". _" ...~---..:.' .....
Recognised House for
BAN Instruments BUGLES from 21/DRUMS (Side) " 36/(Bass) " 56/" FIfES " 3/4 BAGPIPES " 55/-
"Yell have h ad a fortunate escape, fair I"!!:~1n Dhn. \\,i11 you let me help you on m v horse?"
Special Terms to Volunteers.
The ~id put her hand in his, gently inclin iag' her :;raceful head. (To be Continued.)
New Catalogue.
Hl\WKtS 84 SON ,
Denman Street.
Target Rifles
BY J.IRS, M, T, PE:-;:DER, Close up, the Irish Volunteers! The great word has gone forth, It thrills a,long the sunny South, It thunders in the North; It beats reveille in Dublin's heart, And Crott.an's spirit heal'S, And sends o'er all his bµgle.call"Close up, the Vclunteers l' The, grand old City of the Tribes \\ akes to the summons proud, And Grannaile in every gale Laughs merrily and loud, "Sons of my sons," the Sea Queen cries, ,'Lift t;gb. your battle- spears, Dy.land and sea y~ur watchword be"Olose up the \{;~unteers !".
Behold' where Parnelle lofty brow Lifts from t he burial clay; He rends the cere-clothes from his breast And calls to yon this d~,y"By all the great hearts Di-c nd broke, By all the thorn-crowned vears, March on as One, both sire and sou"Close up, the. Yolunteers !' Rings out ysung Emmet's words of flame, The war- note of \Volfe Tone, Lord Edward's shout: "Your swords are 'outNow, gallant-s, hold your own!" O'Neill, O'Donnell, Owen Roe Spring from their l-ero-bcrs, And 11I3rch along, their battlesong-> "C!ose up, the Volnnteers !' From every clime cur gallant race Sends hail o'er shore ani ses ; From where Old Glory proudly waves O'er Greater Ireland-Free! How fa-st the heart-warm message fliesfast as the lightning shears"Good men and true, we stand by you, "Close up, the Volunteers !' Ten thousand heroes take the field, Woo died, dear land, for thee, "~-{y soul!" cries proud old Ireland, A glorious companyI Yet o'er thrice glorious hosts this. -day My sn n.br ight banner rears-La! 1 bend my brow for your crowning now, "Close áuáp. the Volunteers!'
Piccadilly Clrcus, LONDON,
We have a IP'eudidassortmentof rare Printsat, <::hea, rate-Emmet, Tone, M'C!acken, and numerous odlers. We stock Volunteer Badaes, We su ¥¥ I)' large Portraits fá,r Home,Hall, orClub. of MessrsRedmond, Devlin, Dill"" Davitt.¥ re. IrI..h Lit,..ature of ill kin"s. Lives of Emmet, WolfeTone, Speeches from
tb~:0.01.-. &c. THE IRISH NOVELTY STORES, 153 Divis Street, BELFAST.
peR veLUNTEERS B. S. A. Rifles, No.2 Model, 22 cal. ,,_ ,,_ SOs_ War Office Miniarnre Rilles, 22 cal. ,_. ... 458. B. S, A. Air Rifles 35s and 45s. Shoots accurately up to 50 yards, Militia Air Rifles, 32s, shoots accurately up to 25 yards, Goth, 20th Century Rifles, 22 cal. .. , '" 12s. 6d. 22 Rim Fire Cartridges (various brands). Greener Spotshot Target Ritle Aperture sights, 22 cal. (Os. B. S. A, No, 12 model Target Rifle, 22 cal. with aperture sights, the best Miniature Target Rifle on the market... .., £4 3s. 6d,
L KEEGAN Ammunition Merchant 3 Inn's Quay, Dublin.
and RiBeMakerI
Volunteer Equipment Enquiries are invited by our Contract Department for the supply of Clothing aod General Equipment.
Henry St. Warehouser.\UBLIlI. . !"
Henry Street Warehousec." Ltd. LI
iRi ';H
'.\TU'RD_-\Y, .H:CUST 29, I!JH.
r~'n' cc;'R' ':1 J\T;K'~:'~:' ~-,-.---::-....:-,- KE RN fi~N'~~"'" ;;il,' I : DRY GINGck l1_LE : ~,
., 1 't>ál .~
: -====~~ .. =..
:;;, .....
.. ,',.".,",
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App.icn t.cns for sp0:-b:,s to be n;ack to 'te:11p?!_á~ .. r'y headqu». rters, 12 D'OFer St.,
.. ,.".,',.,.,"'"
, .. ".
".' ....
Dublrn. l l eadquarters cannot n nder t; ke to sen d -peakers to meetings in response to t e lcgrams without previous intimation. B'-,111chesof Cumanu '\;). m Hnn h~\'i:1~ members interested .in the Commissariat i de~:Htl1'lent are requested to conununicnre 1\'1:,1 .II~adqu2rte!'s. Affiliated branches for the ccnvenence ~f office ~"slst;nis a:,e requested to wrii e tne worr] 'affLJated, ,=on their envelopes.
na mBan
... a
for two reasons.Lhe trusted the li vinrr r.nd he trusted the dead. \Yhen th~~ were' all oyer Ireland bodies of disciplined TEERS AT GULLADUFF, patriot men, such as he S:lW around him, l.e felt that the cause -of Ireland was se\,)"'e; and the blond of their ma r.vrs for f~~eJom would _surely ].}ear its fruit.' (Lot:d ~ r.nd renewed cheers). ~,:.<~It xr-. Charles OáII?rll, T.P., moved a '1-.:\ nn;5IAST~C, ]I~.I:RYnOROn;II . " . vote of thanks to Commander :\{'(;linclll' , . "o_,n.:'-. A hlgn:y successful review of the South which was seconded by Rev Fr. '['Curk; .\n ernnn srasuc and I'rgely atre nded I Derry Battalion of Irish Volunteers was (~ulladnff, and p~ssed w:~h. acclamation. D''!e:::tl?g of Cu~nana ~'.~ n1~J3a.n, 'vas kl in held in Gu lladuff O'J 1- h' ¥ Commander JI'G:ll1chy suitably replied the Court-house , JIary bor o ngh , OP S~turá . '" . '"", ~ i oi m st. Anthony ?lI'Gur];, Sec. "" dav, thc. 1,5th. Miss Bloxham addressed I 1he gath~nng at the field close by the the meetmg, and explained the obiec.s v illage wcs one of th-e largest and most _. and 1 acti\'i.t'es of the org;micáat.ion. JThe . . . spea.'er said that to accuse thorn of bei noenthusiastic ever held In the district. It is narrow because they avowed that thei~ computed that there were fully four thou. ATTENTIOt~. work was for Ireland only was as u n r-easand people peseni,. includino about two sonable as to find faut with a mother who thousand Yolunteers. eI ~ in times' of distress and anxi etv devoted . At :l.30 o'cl~ck the following Corps form. . ,. hsrsef to the cere of her child~~n. :\ji,~ ll1g the battalion were inspected bv Com. I Bloxham went on to o:1V that a,1I who ma nder ~,.I(CIi.nchy, Derry City, who W:1s . ., .. . ¥. ~ accepted the constitution .. of CtU113.nn ;\:1 t accompanied oy Bugler Hutton :-Is1and J.~~e couvert to tne freeman 5 sword, mB:1l1 were welcome to their ranks . At . Hall, Xewbridge, Ballaghy. Greenlouch, \on. come to tca~h :,S now out part! a time like the p~esci1t trv i+l differences; Ballinease, Culleann, Ji~ghcca and Gu l'a- Bll:_ we shall spe az tne final word, should be submerged, hut it was import. I duff, , . I 'Ie who the first to arm did s art. ant t~at. there should be no co.npromise ] A public meetIng after inspection "as 10f principle. ' : for all occasions designed and made at: held under the presidency of Rev Father II, ~ ¥ Lowest Prices, ~ :'1:Kenna, C C, Lavey. Amongst those pre, Xot for the Empire do we stand _ A meeting to form", ln-anch of Cn man n But for our old historic rr ce : ::\;1 mDan was held in Kildare on Tues- I Ca11~1'11 PHli2,,!ent sr, 9~ sent being the following: Rev Fr Faulkner, 'V. , ., DUBLIN, c.:.C., Balaghy , Rev Pete.r ::,r'0nrk, C C, Xo~v to make good the old den;:lnd, ~a!" Ill:. 18th:. Arrangemem-, were made:. (,~een10ugh; Messr-, 1.0\llS "2.1sh, B A, ::'\OIV to WJn back our old, proud place. .,01 holdino- J- Irst Aid ch.sses rmder the I ,0I1CltO]',Ballycastle ; Charles O'Hara. T P. Department-s scheme. Doctor' ]-;OIYRl1 I. ;[ag):m; J,.~.,ep~ D,;l' ison, J Ballagh~; III. klJ1dl~_offe:ed ?is services in, the ll1att~r. At r.cu.s S-m:- t n , ;-',a;_::ilCr"felt; Teddy 'I.-Er. A secretary, PIO tem, W3:, elected. ~I'''s 20 x 16. ~ifeá_.ii.e, from pnotocraphs even if f-aded ; 'he. Provisionn l but the better tile photog r a t-h the better rhe eli large- ,lailin" ]) _ C, C];-:dy; J~m{!s Shiness ¥ .T P, C::)J;le you, who wii l the sword unshcatli. ~loxha?l, representin.r mcnt ; don't delav : send pi1otos,r~p~. PJ tal orce r, ~ro~gn: john \,áa15:', _,r P S 1. ,Irt~herti.; Come. burning. at our country's cnll : Committee, sale! it w-is a tune when ,,'1 Is 3d. alii..! advertisement. , Henry Sh iness, do; John Hood t I'resbv- Swear hy the h'ing God till death who .. -ofessed to be Xatiol1aJists had :l11 ' D"p 83_ "erlan Home Ruler) Knccklouahi-im : John You11 place old Irele;d first of .'1 opportanity of pi'vvino- the sinceritv of 1 .. Harcourt St l' 1'" ....' . ~1.1 ¥ h . . I 'I ,. , .. :>ey,.e, D r, Drumi1~nck; _ J? =-!~tlhoJl:md., 1 ell' profession. , I' OUB .... lN. II) ~, Dreco an , r::!tl<. :'l'I',rla!l1',1, DC'. 1\-. <&~
á I
: Banners, Flags and Sashes ~
, I
& Co
.~~.~~+~~*+~~.~~~~*~$ I
, I
Roe M Mahon _~
,\/~.e Rrv ,Chalf1il1,,-n :.r>,tláoduced:'Ir Louis I' .'.: alsh , B.i' .. 1'1.10 ,;:,a-lt was to men 11',-(' those , - an,d' ,0 th.e assistance . ,::~'.: ~- l:r~sl:i1.'_. ;~'.;' ":;\C \r,l':1 l,ader~ \;,:15 due, the I '.:~.' ,tJ.~t tne I._om; R:ul~ _J31~1 had neen I ~.~,~d from ihe In;,, t;ra' ~ao threatened e. ..... . ~ t.,o~á~ ~:i.:t {(-".\J n'10il~:, n{fG \\:ilS no; ~- -,-'_ i\l.';(rEB::::'!):1U~:~, u".,-á~ T1..1 ''''-'-'-''' "'~. - .... ,. ,', ,- Court. and _utl.taUi, buttOnS, i d.OUDt, bilt Lh r!.t_., tn; ~ -English ,Drums, F!ags, Pikes, or anything i ~áe!átai'1, "'{lb1:Jler~;n .the Cn!)inet had ~en ' belono-mcy to Insh Volunteers or Yeoá l,n1pre:;sed hv the (Ister \ olunteel' m.o\'cá ffianry cl 1770 to 1780 periods. Full fl..'!.C:1t' -a;;d had t~'"Y net -S?TUU;; to amlS particulars and price to "Badge" oflice ~nd del1'on,tratcd that the failllre to out of this paper, th:; Hc-:ne F.u!e Dill cn, the StatulG B,ook best qU.'liity I,"oald Jl1>'ol\'e ~.r. m5n:,e!y more serIOUS Al\DOLIER3-5.Pocket, leather, 65. Gd, each postage, 4d. ex. d::J.rtgc~ j)f an armed ns;ng th:1n the passá tra, B. S. A, "ar Officeá ~iiniature of Jt the H,;l \I'culd ha\'e been killed long Rit!es; Cartridges in e\'ery Calibre; large ~µ:o (_loHd che('r~!. . They had kept it a!i,á.e stock.-!'v1. Garnett, Crampton Court, ~nd lt w~s t!JÛlr ollsm"ss nGW to see;t Dublin: Phone 811, ci:~cted (lo'ld cbÛer~. "'Gd cri~$ of ,( So we -XT ATERL00, Peninsular and ether WI,]. l. Th-e~' coula do l! 1: IhfV wEre truC {'+' old Ueda1s to Irish R~e:ilT'rnt" to thps~~l\'Cs (elK""'. lIe tDG1I!2'ht that, \"anted. Full particulars and p~ice to \1r. Rc~mo;1d h'ld' d"ne a ~t:lte.5m?nlike "Army" Irish Volunteer Office, thlng "'nel~ he o.ff~red. on Iheir behalf to ~. _ ,." ddeJ'd th{!lf own shorÛS; bnt the IIO'11() ' EMBROC..1IO::,\" Coates, I;tsh.mD.del Hule Bill must be r:assed if. thev were . ,b.rand, un~qua11¬ dfor mllsc ¥.e straIn, going to h::':e a'~\'t{ling worill defendine:, stJff ]omts. brn:ses, chest complamts,¥ etc. The)' dl'd no- 1'áa'ltáá ret .. ~~ ;" l' 1 I ....... \l ..!l(4'1 ¥¥ 1\ "<;0' "-' ..1. b n t l\lay ,De. had through nOT., go:n<r f ' d'-. fra!l "rocers, ' - etc., ,. _, m thet thE" J ,,'ere '" t'O "'rn' 1!_. ,.01 one counlry or I:ect _~onl tne ~lar.~::" pas ~\"rann\á against a~lo~her. and t1~ey ",,,ere not free, 9d. and_ ]s. .~d. per bottJe.-l' Coat~. ~o de[e"d ,e,lo nd hr D",b';Il Ca"tlp _. ."":o;nry __ " J. .. .c.~..u and Co., I? Bnghton f S,qnare, D,uba~'1 hut for, a nat;\'e gOverilme.'H ,loud e:teersl. Se,e ,the Insh Trade }"arK. Doc t u,~ BEsides, thev were no, going to sacrifice fOreH!D "tnfi. their inde.~eri(} r.ce rlS Vohinte-e!s. or thrOYl o YOL; FEEL 'YL\.I-;:, Dcpre,sed, ay:ay the' bes.t card Ireland had held for _ , lor r,:,n ,do:,":-? _,C'AI~IL~'S. Al~O- ye:ns fo rany bri~)e or any nretext \\'h:1t50' 11l,AfIC Q lJI::,\E\ L :\::\ D. II,O~ fO::\IC e,'cr (Gheen;). fb:}, would defend theIr WIll tone you Ui', steady yeur ncn'cs, o\\'n shores, bnt thev would not he turned improve your aPl?etite, emich_ your blood, into mililiamen, and generalled bv Hoberts For summer lasslt11de, for :1\enralgla try lor Kitchener (lond cheer5). If they saCTi. a bottle, 1,5 ~~d, 2s ~ ro~t~ge 4d.,~ :'Ila,de ficed their inde.pendence and allowed thei! qply by Al~Tl'1.l R J. C-!1.HIU" lbe movement to be con1rolled hy the Governá tlOnal Chem1st, 82A Lower Dorset St., ~nent and the ',\-~r Office their national use Dub1m. ,ulncs3 \I'ould ,oe ended for eyer Ilond T!RISII .Volunteer l:q:..ipment. Cuaraná cheers), There. \~as i10 danger, however. _l_ teed Irish :'Iannfacture. Five poco Of.¥ thiS, as thelf iea?ers ,,-onld neYer perá ket Leather Bandoliers, 5s £i.:l. and 6s 6d mIL 1t, <lnd so he beh~\'ed they ,,-ne on the each; 'Waist Belts, with special Vol\1I1' eye of the emanclpa~lOn of lreland. The teer Clasps, 2s. each; 'Yaist Belts, with ~:1.~~ of ~he Sn13lJ n~tlOus hÇ;cl ~ome at .last, buckles, Is 6d each; IIaverS:l.Cks, lId. and L1:;t,.k.(,od (ch.eers" Eng,,,,. pub!Jc:st~ Is 2d each; Officers' Belts, etc. ,lade in "a:d_ Jreland was too small. al1d too Door the best Military Pattern,-}l. ]\fL;R. fo, ,elf.governmen.t, but halfáa.doze.l1 mdeá PRY, Equipment and FootbaU :'Ilakcr, pendent States. 01 Em'ope hed each less Tramore \Yaterford. are~, populatIon and revenue than : ", , ij'iiep . (oUl(try',. and they were A)<TED Dnll Ins'l uctor f01 Castleá nch and prosperouF. T:ny Sen'ia, plunket and I..lsalway;, free l~ouse with half their popul::ition, had suc. and constant employment gIven; If la- cessfu1ly defied the might of Austria' bour.er.15s. a week; If tradesm~n ,contract and,l;ttle Belgium had h:,rled back tb~ ,~ork JD ,anr branch of the bUilding !.~e. armles of the powerful Kalser. That IreF,or part,cu.ars apply to P 0 Fuad21g, land would ta:ke her place amongst the Castleplunkett, Castlerea. nations free and prospe.rous he believedá ANDOLIERS-~OO Brown Leather , Bandolier: with five nockets Os Gd ... .. ..... !J, .. U J ..... l_,... ., -: post paid. Also quantity - of Ladies and Gents' Cyc1e.s from 15s, Call or writeW, CULLEN, 53 Lower O'Connell St., Dublin,
I.e~. Saxon, Teuton , .sl~v or Tur;, Icict 111 war, and w.n who v, iil ' F'o~m om, b faye legions rank on rank '. l'or
, \.
".\\ ~ '11
' ,. steel around+: 1 Ill_\'; our coast" .,.,1:11 , .',ye, .lJe2.,t ~he ,m~'~dcrs to ,the se:\; Dllt fj"t \/e)] ~m~sn on Insh ground The Saxon', old ascendancy. .
.,u~ ,'et the J Ei~lCa stIrS on'( drEnc1, . ,::'\ot o\'er us hlS banners frown; rh~:e's the o:d memc{! bere instend, \, ho ,h.')t QU;: helpless peopk dO'.\'ll! 'T
by tho .Nona Wenord l'nnliDa &DC1
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TH~f-< DAy....
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- , The.reás a !rysti?g in the valley \\ here Ule Shadows softly fall, And ]o':e,-s there :lre cyatherinc,' By the Abbey's grey, o"'ki wall The love that leads them thither ¥ Is not lo\'e of cQmely maid, 1t may le<ld them to the gallowsThey'll cl'mb it 11-:1disl1'!.aycd.
And now their bri,-;ht steel glitters In the white light of the moonThey're gettjng ready for the day, And prav God to send it soon; But their 'hopes,' alas! were shaHered; And some were forced to flee, Some phished on the scaffold, Some \.. ere e:iled .o'er the sea. , Their mem'ry liYes in Eirinn, Their' hopes haye never -died, The nres they rt are blazina By glen and mountain s:de; The dead who toil~dá fOl' Ireland In silence point . the way. Say, brothers, are you heeding?Be ready for the day. A~ BEARKA DAOGIIAIL
Company, Limited,
Mdl e, a ¤. Bad g n T roo t.,.i r es "
fOr -the Proptieton ot
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. ,\ hra'1ch of ('U:1'an;l :,-", l11,Ban was I' forme-:l at Lu,;k on the 18!!'! .inst. ::'>1 r5. \\-ys," Po:v~r and :,Irs .. Padr:\ic Colum, of 1 the Pr~Y1SlOn~1COlTI!:'1ttee, were present.j ,ITS. \'. yse Powo,' aOd. re"ed tbe meeilng and llrged lho~e present to '!'\,e the 01'á ~1"nj!'2:thn fhÛ;r !Jest. \<:uppo-'t. Father i Byrne, P.P" was 111 (h~ cha'r. I ¥
By. lhe oid yalour cur. race, , :_he,.old flag on tl;e wlJ1d shall ""aYe; T,~ sdll the Saxon Ice we faceO:1\vard to Freedom or the graye. - TERE:'\CE J, ~lacS\YI::\EY.
of (\l1)lC'nl1
med in Xewb,idge on ,Wednesda~': IDtIl.1 There was a large atteridance of tne "'0á , rá . ¥ 1 'Mil. or tne d sirict. .~Ij'. D~~_-"I\ T,l'.: W~S in the chaIr: ::md. T-<JthCl', Pbelon and a numb::r of Ir i sh \ olunteers were prcá sent. '[l~S Bloxham, of the Provisional Committee, cplaincd the ob iects of the . . I'" ',' org;ull"C 1 ion. .', ICOl1'l,.ml ..t(.~, secn;t:"'lr~~ r,nd tr(aSllrer v:e1:e <;l~C1,~<1.
~ ~ ¤ ~ ~ ¤ ~ lI'$ ~ ~ ~
\ _1.
~\ hr inch
a i!) (I
o ¥ o tl
-';}{TE have up.to-~:;.!t2 facilities 'f \i £0" the manufacture of all ],inus of M.EDALS and. BADGES @ in th'3 newest patterns. fi}1 (Ji'i.l1R prices are the lowest jilosá .P sible, all work being prodnced en!ire1y on the premises. 01 1 Inqniies Imáited. C"talogues Free,
++ 01,' a :"){c,pkifi! & ,iopkins,: Iá, a ~
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Tele;ra..'l.1s: "iileyther, G Telepho:re': 3:~69.
0-0 '" ~
(t I) ~ I)
0-0 .,
the lnsb VOluDteez, Middle Abb'ey S~eet, Dublin.
- Q (I,.