Price, Id.
Saturday. October 17,1914 opinions, ~ a.rmed Ireland is - th~ ide.'ll at all. Theore are some yet · who can oruS betie'\'e ill the utility of the Irish ' Vo!tmteers as QJl auxiliary ro England's A-.my,. ' oot th.ey ~ ir~wing les~ ' ~ Dumbe- andi..hcir Opillions are vitiated by a doubt of the lN~esty of their convidioos. Anyhow, I rebind has progressed so far, <ki.ring the }.ast few months that ere long 'these opin. .willt ch.ao€e aIs()..
to the heart 'of Ireland for a l!lU.ndred
'Carried by Assault. "'L.....;:run,., _. I rtl1an d h <is c:l.moed. the OO"~-, ~~ J by 'assa~lt, 'Th-e" lea-ders " no longer l.em<i
Keep on the Work.
whait it would be I~ke, kno\....-i.ng ..11 aroug tha t , " ' hen . at last it Cil<=-. th.at. . , fo.rth '. ....-ould be worthy of its great origin and its grro.tet" destiny. And n~!V th<f± . it is here no power can tum it ftom its patll , It is m.ucbing. marcilip.g, =-ching ..2<log the path which Ireland has, trodden ior, c~tuJi~s, . an9 : it is , Il.e,,," tlr~ goa l. : n doub{' it" l~l ~ kx>k · roillld , .rt~'6ur po . ga therings , Is {ocee condemned as an
. We ha<7e bro,ken t he thrall cf ;r c entlli'}<, 'We haV'e advanced from posidoil ttl post· t~. liberating meQ's miJl.ds as weUas .p.1rtially freeing their bodies_ Wha-t .open :oppo~iti.o~· ,diere-: ;,s·'n 0 ',; . is '' MgUgible, wh.a.t~eJ.4d da.ngeni eidst ' ill the " b<i.~Pe of n·ew. polkies fl'fe not formidable. Greater 00pcs-sible chimer:l. or ri'fies as ... yqtl'ng ="'3 . st:1d.es. and mo~'e s~b-t!e 1re.:!S<>n men.uoo • • . • ., ' "' ., .' dre.:un? Is . the battle foc lrelall.d · .in: .l:.e- · them .at the start, but· the ohst.,des were
in." lnhiative, but · a;e _,COl1tent:- tO f~~ hlld: ~~.~~l · ;-? ,he~.e t. ofo.re _~: t~ .. , g . l!b o.:a. oTerci.:?me. the tr~ason, e,xpOsed. l~l.and . .' . . . attetIlPLto 'er-p1:~ .pdri- · t~~ as.. a , fOOl ~ o;: .- a: t~altot' s .-de:l.ce • ..~ o .i,s..tO.::day · a.n ·, a.rmed .c:unp, with an .rnae..: .. '.: .. ;;i~..il{~*~~li1l{es::~ ~~~e' ~~tf~;~~:~~-;t.'·. .. . ~~l:£~~ ,.w~jl".'ll~~ . s.§'j;i( ~~
~;~,~i.:~~~~pn.,~.1(t'1·;I:'l!t:~~i:~P"i " Sol~t .It . , a.j).;~"t
ohihe,d i5.6Ht+ci.~Ii$, '.
l! !¢.O!~~~US·I\!'~<iS;''; ~{\;~', ~~ea' 'ki~~ ;;':~t;l( t~"'~~t' of ~~ine=, §h'oft-9 .d )"ehild' ·oo 'atij ' :wild g.aM6 .er~ ne~ti6;,~ ';~i::~~~~. ~a'D stiil iina~~ ·~.eady,)-t~ J alj ' r~4. · b~db.~t ' ¥i1im~:~ ,·OCrt.'ll riij' strike the Vo~unteers into bein.g, hom the li.ps of the br;:w e iu .... or'ds, L1 the ~t sh~kles of slavel:}' .off our 1an4.
Iceland called a.nd: they mUst follow the inevitable path th:a-t - every movement' 'springing; from the heOiXt of the people ha.s followed-the p,a.t.i1 to.:freedom.. Our politicians did not start .tbe VohU1teers they ,laughed at' them, and 'fct:mle<l' them ' wner'e ,t hey could. So ~u froro. seeing their neeessity Oi: .e ndeavo·a r· i.n~ to· leg-aJise their existence' und--...r EngUs,ll'l.aw, the very Act whkh was to tnak.e ketan-d a Nation was deb.:tted <I.jflin an.d .~,ga1~ Ul. Pa.~i&m:ez.t~ ' wit~ll,t. .~;; f~t.t;. pl:'.o~st, aga.inst :f ~i denial ,~:.'j)f " I!',~~\,. " (,, ~ . right 00· an a.rmeQ force for the pnY.t',rti.)il, of h er ·own interests. In spite .f law and procedure of sneer and apathy, ~ armed f,c'ree grew up . in Ireland. and the leaders had to xeco"."ise it until to,<14."" 200,000 cr:- , " " ', Irish Vo.lunte~~s are the ' nucleus of the fiaest fighting farce in' th-e \'\"Odd.. We have a. ' long 1"Oad tG travel yet, but the mos~ difficult P'lrtof the road has been traversed .1..~ a 1re4.qy, and t h e 'men w bo outside....,
Outpost, ~
The V-oic£ 0/ th.e .Rifle:. . . ' Great 1.3. Irel,.:l..'ld. Su~ mu~ be . th~ e~C.!am.obtJ· ciri 'of e'I"el j thillld~ IrYlhman " In sp~te oJ' the rep,r~&sf()I,1 Gl' cen, tu~ie.s, . • ,<he.n :'Ill a: m-ed ·.·Wand was dtdwned i " the blood of jta· ~ie., in o-f :.he ~~rs of the gospel of ·a!i.g1icii~~i c:J., ill spj{tl of th.e timldand the 'I:TI~:ne:r""C(..; '. who '~'>r ' i n a.~i . a. c:altse ~ fear, . Ws ' :ue back 'at ' the"'bedrock of tsr~gs. Tw~ :re':ll"5 ago =d OUi' p<)li.ti.ci~s 'sheered a.t force, and 1aAloorhed ··wiUl7 sla>rish ta.a~ter 'a.t · tht1 idea o~ aanee lrishmeR~ OUr- ·U1.li<mj,3t trkll,ds ·· who c1a.rDoUrellt fo~
", ~T;~t;~ : ~. ~· ~ti~al v'p!.~s<
.' . .
'llot 'tt>1~e •~,;' ~"-mis- that . were' . ~t .,t o
.petpel~~ t~ tiu('9iY.l~...of
- :T~1i " ui-eJ:«l;; '.~~ ,~ :~ . -:\''''tu.uteer -FOcoe as lI. sPectaC;.l·lu ,b od,, ' which ' , .. J. . . ...;:;::!;.-t;~: , . 1'o ok welt Otl pll.i:'ade. To,a~ the 'Orator' s \ ".()ice j~ d ro \'~ n·ed by t he. voice of the l'i fle, and i n the g reat re·casting of . , te:m~,~:e " a -:fu1itJ.1I;al
of small policies saw' the o.e-
stead of . discm.'Sing the su~rel:\J.e y;l.}ue cf meetings., it is whethk'r O1lr ri~'es art> up, Ito·date an-d 5en' ice'abJe is t~ g.reat qUI$.lion, and Whole stOf'~ of future reseh.., tioa.s ace Il.egiigible wne. it is a · qo-estioll of tbe quantity of ammunition, Instead of the young ma~'s hope ' to' figbt for 'IreLand in In~Iand. old dreamers hJNC .moO.re l'O'Sj' yisioas s~iIl and dream of ·conqueiOing ' fo.reign armies afar, And meanwhile ·I re' lii-!\d : go~s ' en marcllif,lg., tra,iping •.' arm;ing·,' .iu. as~ $p6ntan~us( an erw.~ssioll ' of her:. n<l., . 1ionality as was the risIng of '98; Who' s~l! lead bu~ the men' wlK> are worthy, dHlmen who arc ' nearest in harmony with the needs ~ po~ibilitles. the desires iUlQ
lNpes of
the •
." '.
\lVe have oW.!?,,: so fdl', we are wi.,ning. and tll,e ~t1ttlfe Wiu sec our, triu.lllph complete_ But we 1»ust ke.ep ou he wci'.. The preparation~ of the SUJl).jpJl":t 011 the drill grou~ mlisf be S<lpplemeqted du.ring tha winter at the riae 0·U.tt5. 'the great work hef'Ore the VQlu.n~ 1S df.i.cien.cy with tM" {:ffie. and that (,..<'ID cisi1y be adueve\:L. The...-e :is no I.ac1:c4: co';petent instrueto!:s and AO dea.rt~ of f-a.cillties . {o~' r-ra<:tice, so ,tha.t wl}e.:a'· ned suquner C~lY).M the - Volun, 'slic:\UfI >~ 00' tae" .poi~t '" ~ . all·round e£f:ici.ency. Less parna.a wOrli: =d more s.oldieri~ shautd be ille a1m 6T&y.
soul ~f L.-elan~l.
What 1M Country Thinks,
" Where?
And j'ust because its ,leaders can onl! be such, itS course, too, is ciear • . No man , I 1 .1 ' .. _1
-In reJ.an .. no power In iL-"land or be~'On.d .. 1 . .' , ',.. ~ ;j" " , " .I:re_;tnd" can cbange IS · no, . , , ' : that.~ . ~ There , . . , IllGre fear .·of turmng' 1t to Impenallsm than ' t.hel'e is :thrrt the . pheasant's egg shou1d ~ a . ' pe.:l.Cocke , .As we have ,said • a Im.n041-e<;l. years the . Volunteer mO\"ell1ent .produce . ~. ~Jld aallle to . stay as ,t he final and it is bf the ·";ery soul of lre!-a.nd •. aU that u:a,",ns~em~e dema.tl.d fow: I ~e~'s , free- ' liS g.oOd in i.t~ all tM:t men wi!} honour , .
cess~~y , !or . the .: moyement and succeeded .. :. . " ' . . ~.::,_.l " 'II I' , h' t
0t( dya~' PoJi;: ~cian.s ;~; go "oUtsi4.e', the
'. ' .o.'iftle
Ill :
.:Ive ; In .!.LUe 15 cry : f I '~ --'. h ' th 1:"": ' de o. re~ w en e po H,Cl3.n3 a·re . se-n"edly" fru"C1'otten. Out- of the ~nies of .u.aT111g, It !>'i<>l.\..:;u .,Wi
During (he {!</.St few weeks
we hav-e
giveft ertI';t<;ts from s;?ceches ~nd article9, soo'ki.n g that .". the,:'. cO,untry .. is . ste~.astly~
an,: ,ittelllpt to il'ldu~ the Volun. t~~ ·\p %llt ,E~gund:'g b.3.-t\lee a~~ad. .And not,only is Fr'e~ agaInst ~t, but ~ !.ri.sa race everywhere. '\eVe h.al'e deieted the m.any bitter .,..,. ';"'rso:ri.a.l refe'l'~n-ce5 tg dQ.RI.'. ,:( "i . .. 'luid'Ii"e for,is' true' to :WJ.ancfiand ·to 'Ire> th~' v:"'o ' initla:ted':)th ~ : ~Jatu:~ailig re: .~ Lurdorily • . Those who bes~efed Eng, ctciting camp~lgn, {ox w'e believe tha-t no ,land ~;ith wb.lning praise" who gloded in g·o od can be a=mRlished . ~y su.ch. The Who Shalj Lead? 'England's Empire, ha.e 'm"vem~nt3 en·· kept Th'ess ,ma}' ~'hrkk its elf hoall:S<'!, or . OltgU of their ,o~'tt. Irelan<i teems with spre:od base insmU?-t!ons as to· cluu:;u:te:rs :!-\.;; .~0 '~€l . sh.all' ~d}pe: m~;ero~t V;~ -" t!$em .. q~b~, excreSeJlCe5 Oil the body p-oli. 3.oQd . m-oti:--es. hut . .t14.'0l:t wiU , not aitecl the 'against
dp,:-,:,,:or; 1.-no"r, :~_Wedo:,kMw that i't will .ti~:: _~d '~ little ~p'i:e , ~? ~:"i1:I .•~~,p. i.~ ~s,.~ ~~~ ~e-v •. ~, ,?'DaR-:teD •
be •. ka _"}ry !D~ who a!:e"< 'iIlo{th!?, \01 lea4 WiJ.,!iI them :md fulfi~. t!h~r 1.n~~IPU6 :I.o~d ':Slsh~oL Rij,pliwe ' pOll;'tS Qll:& i1l. aJ . . .' • "'f'!' ,_,.r , -'-'. " ,' .. .. ;__ "'_. , _ spi;its..will ,.be in sJmp:lith}', _ t1ll~~S , . ,pu-t mo.i'e "'t~~;1l..:~D::JIl ' o~er ~_~ . .. ~ss:i1>arLo{ wb;k\i .,we _ropl'Odu<:.e · ~tl
·~t." ~ 'Who~;;i~· sbrm" i'~;J,ve p{-?d~c:ea I from j'lsdf', 'The acorn grows itHo a.tl' Oli!!: no m:o·n~· su.rely tlmn ,o-the Volunt;l& ,;m:oye .. ' Il)ent forges rtself i:-:to Ireland' s weapon for fr·e" dom . It h a.s lain in e mbry o close
''''~ '
•• '~'~
1." •• "' ..........~ . ,-!.
·~ei...t;·;~:. 'Vllh~~ 7·at<e -. . Iri-Sh., .p;un;~ .. ~;;t~i: ' c~t~mn;..':t:p..is.:_w-:.i is .
n:o.t lre1a~~ ,
- a' 'i-l?ast that st~eU::hes bIlek o.eyond W('ir. Oa whatever sitle oJlr $Jmpathies ' flie ·misJ:s -cl Time, and, rl() attemp<t ~o reo- k. \\'e ' lla-4e quite tm.ougi;\ ·t(J dO to wort: form them into ' Ene with Imperial lUO'Ve · fer IrO!b.nd , i:md the fin a l ~nd \l.Wl.lterabJ.e men ts can eve r succeed . .w o rd 'o f t he n ation is " 1\0 recruits'"
• fLiilt:ll
.. q
"N ·" '. .''· 0 R,e crUI··t· S. •
What 'the "CQuntrx, Striking . We ""
" ~'
t .
jn battle . as the Dublin Fusiliers h2,\"e.; ' <'~ ' bless the ~ys with sturdy . str~de, great will be the blood'sacrifice "wh ich \,:il~ From e",,-ty hamlet .round; ~ otfertd . in . .qvance for' an .Act of l~ar· .from every dear old countrys.id!l h~ent w~,c~.' tho1.lg~ on 'I~ S'latute llo~k., . Beloved, in . ~relimd's . grouru:l~ ~",1! rem,run lnopemti ve until the last gur.; \\'ith pnrpose s~rong and faith well tIie~;; shaH be firoo in the greatest of Wfirs. . ' They'llstaiJd like thai e of yo;e,
give . below a expressions of opinion . th . R °t "Q / t··. II 'd ' t ' . d ' 9n , e eCfUl mg ues IOn,.. CJ,l ~ . a ran om from , various sources 4 ) ' :.. ._ ~.:. - • . . . . . o
constttu:te .an exhibit that -shoul d gi~e God bless th~ b~s with sturdy ,s tride,, ' .. .: pacie to their countyrmen, who in tte. With leager he.ad and han<!; ardour and ·tbcughtlessnes"s of youth may . Old Ireh~<!'s cause tp.,ey'{j 50011 decide. be tempt-OO to accept tlle . King's sh illing. :: They'd 'pro~ who, owns this land. Fq.r:ty:~o out' : of six ' hundred! '~ If Hhe ; No.l'\ wantic.g they' in fien;.est . fire . .other Irish l'eg~~ts that ~~;~ be ' ior~d' That na.tive· Br'sY'ery'. .' , . \. .' , iI?, cO,nsequ~nce of the recruiting ca~paigi A soldie.'s hie th,eir 'sole desire-~w ulld<)r full headway i.ll Ireland, suffer . .They'd, die :for cmmtry.
"A ,wa:r.worn band' of 42 men have ar· . rh'ed at Naas, men who a. . orith ~o reo ceh'ed an enthusiastic ·send.Off, the music ~d bless the boys with sturdy st-ride, of bands mingling with ,citeering sh~uts of. They••come from hill and dale ; th~ people. QUilstioned bv friends of their The brawn . aIKi oone-Old Erin's pride absent comrades, the rep'lies of the men' Those ~ns 01 Gran·Q·a!e. wer.e su,bdued and, in the ma.j.n, no.n-<;om·, ~Yjth aIlJ:y step and fearles mien, mittal, and a ~rea~ gloom seemed to o';'er. From to-wn , and village' pour' shado;w, them." '.. " .. : "fbose,. are the bOys that love .the .gr-een--' Th~\2 -y·;o.urng Jrishkn . in . th'emseh-;~' .;?,WhGlll:'i;.!.~<l'· theil- '~n'a.ti·ve t· shor~ " ~ c'
It was the hope of all rue lovers of Ire· A.n d win the boon so oft .denied . land . that she ;·w<luld ·''oe:,€p~red~t.he :a:gomJ '- :1£~tthcrii;,'6~-· Ir<tt.We''-·sKore; '''';'' · :' .. ..... ~J
~ ..
., .'
-~ /
s-igM of her , sons ' dying on·"tbe :.-, _., ble. ss ' ... . sturdy ,<. . -, ' . . ' . . • ""-'0 ""e b'oYS: Wtta strfiie. ''¥ r , ,. ~ • _ ,~ .... , .' : . field . ~ defen!(e .of a c.ause not her OWI1; ~ . . __ ,.."",."" . ~;.;..", . -" • ~.... _,,~ • . ~ "I.'" J", .(,~ ~\... ''''i'~ .Iy' _10.,../ , '<'I!'_.~,-~. ,-~ ... ~...... .. ~~ -:t-QX~~ ~ ....-t&-:~~;u-)_·.:>-\§",:,~.,..,;. ~~-w-' "-~1""~' I ~ ,...,f,}'~-f"" .~:~:" r6 ::'i ~!_j~~3f.J.. ~l,~~,,~,. ~~.f~-{.~~ ~ '>~... -"".. cr~"I<:"'~·:f.- ....;..;'"'".; • I rt:;'1',: {-...."tiS ":.~P.~ alk ~s·UG.dJ noM! - ~ .,.. ~ f~_~ S ~ t "..~\.-:r. . {(~ ~ '..-;."":-";:< • .;: .~:;,,"" • • • ~.'t..:: \ ~~ .... ...,..:.> '" ~-:!., .~-/ ~ '" .... :-.. ', . . . ~ -r . . . ., ".,'< -'01"';' ' l",-~ I' ~I i$' ~ ~ ..,~ .... 1," ~ ~ #'>" "'t.~ .....~.r.".; ",. - 'J :~ • • '-; 'r'~ . ' M!vY:~ ' a:ill ~1: ;i'.~ :~ 'f.';:....~\ ( ..,.~~* 'i- I ~ ~ ,r' '\ :,Z \-.:. ... "--t ..\- ~ . .A -, It" . \.;; ,,~ ~M~' J~ I~'~"""'I ~ ,ws·' ;"': ~l. s,-r. 't;- ,-'~ ;.",,~ ". .. \ •• o'l '.;f{,~ ~ ' - ;.'.'., "';:-,.r;-, '1 7 ... r : h , .gt,lO:l-t:1~ ~ t - . ' • "" , t, '~. :>, .... ~ \::".1.: ",A" Y: <..:,/'...!:"", l . .... 'f' "t<- !,.:~, ..../ ,.,-'': '~.;, "'"'. ~ ,~ ...t :,;-;":;' :.;,,} f\.tep~ ~., as- ;,t d ... _~ ~;. O:'~:ur w.~...1~- :...' ..:.J: ~.r,,,, ':Sj~ . . :-~,' • ~.. ~ ~ ... -<!rC""'" "'" .~I· /_ '~~:~r;~"'\ .. 0;;.,'_.l.(y":, .1'~1-:);..." .. , {>< ;ji.....:;·'tr~p; J:~:~\~:..: .: ..' .~\ lj -.::-, L~ ""t>u~ ~' ";fi1;h~~~'~ .'"ih~.~..~7r~~J::"~_f:~~ t :A..:-: ...n.o "" .. '", :J:sti .~ ""'.:3f , .~'···\ ~."~~'-~'" ~~ ,.- p :''''~' "i"'t...... "'.. t . . ,'.0...;. ... : .... ( ",:p-:.~ '~~._ " .... "'1'· ..~1; ... ,~ .. } ,_,~_~.~ •.•• ~ 'A'~" .A"~",, ... ~, ~'<' ~,.\.~':-'~~:;;;' ~ .,.\:I'~ ~UO ....~:tOIl£~ .....~~~ nielrK J _·, ...... ,:i ~ .. ~..,.~-l·'t:.:.~-"" , '. ) • • ,' ~ .~ 1 ... f"::. ,J"'i~' ' "'oIj . , '" H ~~ .... . , , ' ." !, ,.., r~.JI; . "t, .. J. 'i.'\ ....;,..:,~~. ,1'J~'I"'~-' ~:1-' "J'\'>.~;..;..:..~~;,,~, .-,?~~~j. ,M ~ . :- ~1~.;, ;-s: · "G . . -,1);'," 1..i·.... , . .- _. ,~ , ' caU.I", ·as a tern"".e ·.,...,uw<' ·.I!:.I!:~"u~~ ·'Th '" ·....1_ .W:~':...t' rr~:.r. .;t~"~~"W·",l?~tgr~~~!~\:·,:,,-i~~~L .: . ." <"' t'~ " . ' < ...., , ' .. r;QT OUR WAR. ' fer a promised 'J.imi.ted measUre of ' Ho'm e ' ' . ~ ' . . _ :.' " ." era: ;=a.ge fired 'l<;>.n ew, .' : . , . . posed that the task . the I:nsh " \:01\1011;. To ·""'ant til"" ....... - ... _... . . Rule, a plague would be a fal' better '. ,"'" " "'7 - " .JJe<I.• .u '-I.lelr natn'e share - ....--,., -...." th i ' I "1 " ,' . . / teers had set them..selves w.a.~ one whichLike he!'oes bold and. t ' ng In re and than .b a.rgatn mak~ of " . .~/ . • '. . ' ru e.. };. -MOST REV. DR. O ' DONNELL. ' O.F.M. , tn' k' d " :\1 R d d offe,red. th fullest scope for, the martral ~F'RANCIS 1!InLLIrs . , IS m. ." r e mon f OW cal s np- a.rdour 'o f young I~isbmen : W ha:t higher ·C~~I. · i~ ~ . . on Ireland ·~o·· fight: : Eng~tmd~ ~ttle. -' " j .- ,. . Wh,}'? 'Why should 'the men: of "Ireland , inGentive could · Iri.s hmen .hai'e ,t han- '¢he . ti' B' h f' n . h ' D opp " ~rtu'nit" .i~r ·!l:U&rdi . 'ng the1.·l~. ~ati\.'e 1;U~d. 'I. The pat no C IS op 0 ~"",p oe, r. go to war for England and leave. their J _ .-" . . ag ~ ;!lst all foe- If l'n' the perf~rmance o'f' bas b. een laTished :J.pon it, .t he ne'.'''.· policY '.: ,. ' Donn 11 ' O e , In an .....aress says·: families behind i~ <Ill im'p overished can~ ~' . ~. . . ~ .t ... "-roL:' t . I ,_ d • . th t o~cred d t the h ld • . ,,_. th· of recruiting for the . Britisb _"'rID", ;;"s ' : BUS 15 no ' eur war. re .... n IS 111, . dition, leave the ilJs idle and the fields a ~ 'u y y s .~)U sacrlI~ elf .. " J ... . tho tru I Th '7' . l' th . . ld ' be h ld . , offici any . adop.t~d the Ir",'sh p:~. ~t:·, h· ~~ ·~ .no way In is S gg e. . . e .o<unteers untilled? If the bargain has been m.a.de· lves, e1T memor.les wou · e. 11/ "::' .' ..., _1 I . f d..... b - no~ catIg-ht OD • . Nor. is su:ch. a result sur .. rl~' mu~ .rem..... n under !lsh oon~roJ.and Pe to take the ' }'oung Irishmen 'Ol:t of' Ire. pIO oun eE. reTerence y tlieu' eountryi . • _ _ ..>. c_ . th f b' h \.. . m'~n. "Th d' d f I' I . d'" Id b p,.'is-ing; for , . though the ' 'peonle of . thl'S . .' > ,I.1=<.11.vr e . purpose 'or' W 1C t,,,,,y were . land, . haw . much poverty and distress. will "':' , ey 1e , OF re -an . "'·ou ~. I' ~ted, the pre~rvation of Ireland for visit ' Ireland' before' the Home Rn~ 'Bill ~ their claim to the g;r",titwe of geneJ.'ation s country are not by any means 'favourably ' ': . h " been 0 f lns ' h men as,·yet unb· om.,' .out '[)... W h 0, out; disposed t oward s the Germ . ems, they'. ha':'" th c I ~·s.b.. IN 0 Irish 1ea d er ha sang t i Pecomes effective? Has this bargain .~ .
.. [.
' ••••
.'; __ " \ .
' J .....
. ,', -'
'to. p~ the suppor.t of Ireland to Eng. made? II . SQ, ireland. faces <lh worse: land <ag.;>~s~ .C;;ermany or any other n<J.tion. crisis than she has ever fa.ced before in . 1 hI' 1 . The d a1' 15 gone by w len t e . r~s 1 Gan her turbulent hislory.-'" New York Free. he dil".aJgged along and tied <J.t the ch.ariot.· ~an's . JournN"'Z wheel of war.makers. ". Bishop O'~nnell. . " ha long been treasurer of tbJ:! I ' sb.· · 51 ' '1:'-.. n ~ P 2.r Jamentary J:und. .
side of their immediate relatives a ye~t hence . will bestow a thought upon thos~ F . Dublin " usiliers who lie dead in the fields of Ft~ce, their young lives snuff.ed out ' that .the ., British E l npire may pe.r:petuat~ ., b ? I m . :ru~e over suo ject races. re land had rleed~· of de ad sons ' of her.s to 'defe n4 her in the troublous ' times which may- ye~ FOOLS FROM IREL.A;."'D. be in store for ·her. Neither they nor · the "THE LASJ" STli_nv. ' ~ thoughtless young Irishmen who a re 'ru sh: .' "Do you see the ·br.tze:l admission in -ing :to the. £ring line to· ·b e slaughtered b:i. Eveu s ome of the lead~s ,?onfessed that ·quotation, young men of Meath? ,. ·the :war machinery OI v modem . times \\I.m. 'privately that they :vez:e shocked when EnglIshmen' a.re to .if~y at home in their be able to ' answer ' 'Mother ' Ireland's call ' Re.dmond =t:le his p~omise tha:t the workshops, trying to grab ~ ' trade for .help . in the 'hour of · her need. V'Olunteers would l;10ld. Ir~l.and fo;- Eng· •Bu:,, for EJ).gland, and to. make their jobs peF • thank. God, .t he Iris h ' Volunteers wh'o h;p-e .ia.nd. But his hangmg up of 1,IOIpe Rule ma,nent • tools from Ireland ' are to be : turned deaf ears- to the ·solicitations of the .and his ef'fo;t to IrishmeB to be 111~ ont to France .and BelgilJ,m to fighl ~htered when he ' )l~ got . absolutely . for England and 'to 'drench the ba.ttlefields recruiting sergeapt still iem~n. · It'is fcr ' tHem Ito cioge ,..,..... their ranks and' bide their n~hing in return is the last ~t;aW'. There of Europe WL'th their blOod. And -I:' the ' Will .h e no mo~e American dO'uil:s apod: no tjme. ' Some of 'heir cdunrymen jus no;v .same~· time · I,teland' s . trade will continue UUllited Irish League ' in America.. : Thed· are war= drunk. When they sober up"thej to. be ctippl~I ' and . crushed' by England, lDol<d has cut the ground from under will realise fully the eha· r acter 'o f the ;J.W· a nd Englisb · officialdom will spit uPon ' his (iwn feet.- '" Gaelic Ameri·c an.': . th~ Irish language-tlre DePartment of " fu1 crime against Irish Nationality that .., Agriculture -at the pr~;:lt time refuSes to ' was perpetrated, when their native land recognise the Gaelk Col~ u.n~'s~ they ' ~ d~prived of ~ ~r ~a:uraJ defnders ~hat : BETTER 'A ' PLAGUE. keep tht)lf ..roll,? entirely in ~,.gris~and EIrglahd might,•.~ guard~ -: .;>g~i~st he:: , . '. It . lJi'oulcf ;~err; .that' ~ :>~di:ti~'nait h~r. Ir ela.nd. \\;ill .b e , fooled inro.beIreving ,tha:.t foos.-Irish World.
gain . was made whereby the ~ yputh of ' Ire1a~dare 11 9 \1" .s~p~~· to enliSt. ~n .t~; ~Il.ghsh A~y, and to glve.u p their m th~ con,:mental war WhiCh many de· clare ,vas ef England' s own making. If
sh'e ha~ rec(!i"lid a measure- of Home Rule, wllife sh~ has .a:~ ' much . pO\~~::, i~ rn;~ ;I m ~nacl ed han?s as a c,;mvj ct in.. a~ gal~ey !!hlP, and '~s p mch voi·ce in t he. affairs , of th e British Empire a.s a . YorkShire
th is js s o tbp. h ::r::r~in 1_ ;1 t1:Hlr:- ~!"()11' nnp . I f t ~~ a~i~~.bf"'lri~~·~ !~:!-"n o · Ip"'I"'" '7"~. "
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Bill-of a very indifferent sort-ha.s been ·' pl:aced on ' tb'.e Statute . Book ; b t}t then, ~:. it is not ~ take ' effect for qui:e a lo.ng ~i period. As -w e u nderstand T.·t t"'e BI'll J·'5 < ."';. • il ~ to be honoured twelve mont hs .a1:er date :4,. - with a possibili~y of an extended mor;-''!, tOr)'Um .at the e'x piration 6f that p e.riod. Worse still, the Amending Bill is 'still on ~. tJ.'J.e <carpet, cnd the " Home Rule 'e;;'otment " ~d ·as it alreoroy Is, st..an.ds more than'~ ..agpoIt~ng chance of be~ng r.ender ed stilI ', ' " wo.rs.e. m.lh. e Irish people i are h. eing ted:: 011~ the pap o f . prom,i se-and mighty ' U.Il,. ~r . , " wholespm~ food E'Dgli-sb promises here. ::.
'1l?fGI;e .~ve . proved. It is q~tite .. p~~sible.~ ' h Party;~ firmly:. conyj,nceci . , ~ " ;t h eI . r~ that the,Y- , h,!v~ 'aqopte~ the ' riglrt . ~titude . iv: . ; .rec~iting ,f or tf.~ English A.r~y--even 'J though it was · ~lDly . as late as Sund~y th~ la,st unavenged victi.m of the Ba(lhe-". ~:r::'s.~a:lk : mass,a>r.re ",a~' bwied: But it .~il1 Jt~ qJ}it~ q let .of 4io.reate p'l~u~us' , tl! ~n4n~ ,.. the inha-bitan~ . of this.;:c~nn.ti:Y .. ; · .t o.., believe-· that they ~r~ " bound t.o 1ak'~ j~ p-p~ lar¥ls in En~d's faTo'QI. lYrW.y' and' ~; ~Y- ,;thcpsamis o f our. ceu;n~rYm..eJf hare \ iil;read-y Jcaid dO'l"i'n . their lives <In, Ep.g!and' s :baitlefie d s, without profit or:: hOl)olllr, accr~ing ·-to unjort11llatE\ Ireland. We r:m' (J i ~i'1.'7 . told now that this is 3, . wa·r
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THE ,IRISH · VOLUNTEER. • : ; <, !?I
SATURDAY, Q(7TOB ER 17, 1914.
. This, we think, is beaten by the military The Burning of the Chapel at R-edmcnd in h.is ~ew recruiting policy ill< auth<>rlties .in I,eland in the exhibition of Boelavogue. the hope c of falling in.,Aor ~.?me of th e· LET E~GL.-\':'''D RECRUIT. a recruiting . poster at their recruiting de· ~ronage which the restoration of tim· There is. Dot a word ,about the un- pot. in Gmi-:on street, Dublin, which This was not .;lo,ne G~rm~. MT are lri f..h Parliament will bring later on. and tapped SOl!rCe5 of supply: of rec:u its, from shows a German ,~rbaria.n soldier, with manifested itself we So sure that ' the destruction of Rheims this element strongly dripping with bloOO, tile teemi.ng miUi.o:ns of . the ,great cit~~ , riBe and bayonet a;t the recent meeing ·addressed by Mz:. standl~g o,er the dead' bodies of :a. young : co:J.thedral, nomore than Louvain, w.ss indu.strial cent~es, and m.ining <;listrjcts of ~th~ a.nd ba~y. One of the hobnailed. , altogether .attributable to the Germans as' Asquith in Dul>lin. But ~he sincere and '~ngi1aI'_d, be::a~se it , ;5ufticieJ}t Te!cmits ll<Ul SO far held events have- since transpired to prove. thinking Nationalist ,wece fo-~thcoming from ·such ,s.oon;:es it boot~ feet of the baIbarian stamps on ., ' But in any ci?e IreIa.nd bas her own aloof from the .. new departure," whi.cb wQt:l4 J,,~ sca~cely l;I.ece~=y.. to, go to ,suc~,. , _thc yo?n.g. mother's body, while the other . . .. ; oextremc$ ill,~ 'l~e!ang~ ) ~~~~~,th~~g~~i:'t 5s." il!" ~e ~_aci o,f .CIt;sbing" ,the·,: ba.r~y: In;~ [ gr~evan~ to.!lu!"S~J ~d h~r .OW~ n~t10n~0., we are oonvWled i9~ some ')real'S in adis tohaye a big pro-port.o.n of the Britis~ the ~~4roulld is-~en' - a ~t's"~tage'~ ' raIse f.rom ..theIUJ;Il'S"oi :,tIle: P~!'.: an'f ., m ; >ap.ce,r:9~ : its .tin?~:, ,:;;~~ : ~y.co!l).e a Army recruited ,f rom IrC.l.aJ:ld. umd Kit- robfl.~SS and smouldering, ,.as. if just l;mm!?d ,thist.a.sk she can ill, sp;;re a. sil!gle SOil. , ti~e > when it ' =iY ',b.e: exepw'e,l1t f<H'" . Irech.e ner dCill'a nded Ii nc'\'\" army corps of oowll.Ii the shape of tl).e helmet wo~ to ge "-abroad from her shOres u;til tha.t lan.d to relax her pr~nt objectwn m 100,000, and the ' supply" ,ot.- suCh, a Ilum. b" the parbaIi~ . were slightly al~'red work 'is completed. It is now, nio~ than' s"..anding Slloulder' to should~ , with En,.. ~. ollglrt to'. :re.ooil)~!ia'ttJ;ir...bJlliil (;.·· 1rom ~..~h.e; '-p.lc.1~r';~',i~ : ~ne;· ,tb:~ t ,':m igh.t <1:re . lit:ed ; _eve~, the . 'bounden " duty_ .of, e,veryyoung~ land -in the field, hut that time is not England ,alone wi~out in th~ ~~ dis- · 'from ~;e ~i the" ~~ppi~ir;~~ts '.;, ';'\s~u~~;':' :tris!Unan, '/ wbe~er-;.,<:on~~l~~;lg!· .e~st-~ ~·et. . ¥il' were...we to' blindly 'fol1bw, such tu.::-bing ~ts iIid.ust!-i~1 or social balance. gr.a.ti5" by ' the Weekly Freeman rome ment.or emigration t-o remain &i home, }~,. lea.d "Witbdut ·;qiIestion, as ' il: nation "_ But in -a s-tar"V"ed, d¢ix>p-ulated , cou ntry, years ,ago t.efore it became a ,"reclJlrtiilg a..n.d give their youth, strength, energies, would be held with '.tS much s-uspici.oQ like ' ours, the eOli.Stm.e nt · of s llch' a ~Ul'IJ:- 'sheet, when evictions 'a nd ho'use burning. and brains to the service of' their own a.ru1 sincerity .as Lord MayO' wilea' 'bei would leave the conn try .wel.!-n.igh were everyday occnrrcn.ces 1 and when the ' lan.d,.a.nd when at 1ength we h~n-e Won he associated himself with Mr A.<>quiili's, bankrupt in its ,Qomestic, coIUmer<:~ ,and blood.reeking b:i1yonet , was not ·w::..hheld / , back eur status as a nation' str.ong and ' ~eeting in Dublin, and stood on the agricultural relation. ~'\part from . all in ·the exe-::uticn of. British la 'l't' in Ireland, resourceful in eur new-found liberties with p1aHorm to applaud the martial prowess this , what have we to ga.!n by such.a But all !:hese attempts to' create a war room enough' fo;: Irishmen to' live and. and services .of the Belgium n,a,tiOI1 to sacrifice? ,:We are prcmi~'ed in retum a spirit and infia~e the Irish ' peOple 'ag- thrive ¢ hOOljil, it w.ill be then time civilisation an<! learning"while bat a £ew. belated Act" ecnlerrlng t.;pon us ' limited ainst the Germa:ns and Au s.:ri.:ms .are as ' enough to contemplate " 'sending Irish ?"oIlths before tha: he , was the leage; in; a,tld rest.ricted pow~rs .of S&lf.gov.~:nment,; u steless. and ~l~ffective M the propagandJa soldiers to ¢h~ rescue of" other · afflicted 'd enouncing Helgium and its King in ~. ~ilich although ' a.tre:ady p.~ssed·t.th'ro;~ gh' lh:;if{tut:edl',bY ']'fr Joli'~~ E.ed~rdnd,· for~~a.ising·~~n,aJicnali,ties.. .<,Th~ ,aro_:~l1l ~de...""aP9n9; :~e3~on~i~le for :he ~u~ber . atrocities' OQ. . Parliamelll!, ~\; 11 not be allowed , to come,. recmits to sen-e' England in th,i s :war, . on. ., w.J 0:h ,should .:-veig~ with young lrish,me.n na ves ill West AfrICa and else\vhere., '. . ' h th' li ' ed ' " Lelnster Le.ider," into o~:ation nntil the conclns ion of the the ,o ffchance of the Home 'R ule Act bPing . no matter w at e'lr po tical ere may· ,. war. In other words, we are .a:slred to a ll:owed: "to <:;'6lnc into · o~r.a-tion la,:er on: be, and while we may not · see eye to ~. , .seU, Ou'~~'Ve'sbody .' an'd ,' soul) :',ana tc : ..The rndians,~~ wh.o ~ resiited Briti sl'l R.ule',' "eyco in ' regard, to new depa,rture,).q ', poli .. , j ahi~oonall th.ose'" " Sacred 'feaciu.~is ~' ot' 'tl~";: Egy~tlins;'~' tke "~r·s: thi -' GeTiDin;,-: l,tiW' .mCtic-~~ ,~ a:na': :i1rinciples,,:, i~; ';:yr be" ;,,"' ,-" l-'bR' HOi[I:~': DEE' E"JCE ' ... :~. .,'. .,~ "." :_.' ~ , .. __~ .... _ . ", ",;- 0' " . ~,~ , . ":' \,,' ~ " \ ' .,. ~ ·" "': ll l +,~ ':1. ' - d":" . ~' ,~ ., ,,",:i-"', ~'J \,( _ !\ J~." ~::' <'" _. t;a:ith <a.i;U' fatlierllln'd · ~~p6l.1i!&d..t q-:'';Is' by,~ :' a3:e :~nd, e.ven our~h ~ have',aJt ~e.n,~~a~i . ;..we,., ';:'t~t :f! " .,1~t1n~ ~UP.a,~,fStan<!l..~g- s~O<ul~~ , '.... "'j; /:. '., ~","i.' :" :,~ .:.",. .. ' ~ , . ' ;heS<iints" 'Sbh01ars /· Patiio:·~; . "nia.rt.Y~.: rW.:-With·; tlie" kine ;Brit!.s~' bit\S1it an'<f 'E"ng: ' ; ?bC3.i!l:.:sO" t~~ , ~"ere·:mlayi.::,be" a proper- .I>;r~e: :·. ti~e!"-e£~l,:a~~ p,t¢isiqns of ', me-) ~D.dSoldieTs, 'loved and lived ' lor lie:" llsl~ 'm;igri~i~ity ~\~,ifrds ' ~n '.~~D:iy foul eiitiin.ate of the 'reiiso~ actuatibg 3.11 With':' Jpresellt 'meaSUFe ha..\"e "been ' extended.~' ~and only; and whose spi rit alone in dark or ' fair is to.day wha:: it ' aJ'Ways was. ' . Il. view' to again returning .to a common to judge from th e pronouncements of pro· ..iuId evii days kept the lam;'" ,oj.. Irish .. goound of. action in the maintenance of minent politicia.ns on the Government side" ... Our ~eputation:' v Nationality and Irish conceptions o~ our . ·National rights whicb continue _to the issue is now contingent on the response f-aith and. free:dom. bur~jng brigh.U~, and It is not so _many years- ago \vben -We be -assailed " in the most" virulent_fashion ' m,a de in Ireland to, the recnljtin~.seigeQnt. . gUlding ~ur people st:eadify -through d e, . were condemned, to c9~rcion . a nd twenty hy the anti.Irish on both Sides - of ' the Nor, .e;an we see . ~ny way , ou~ of the' "ious paths and over all Obstacles to .: I,e years 9 f resolute. government ,bS the Channel. While Mi_Redmond is busy in . <:ijf;fi.oulty saye the preservation of .· the;c g',o.al of lIberty. Balfour fa.mily ' ~f B ~itish poUtieal quacks ' the propagand'a for recruits, 'Mr Carson national at.m y for ·thepurposes fcc whi:¢1 "Barbarities In~ t for the cure of our National ills, that the is losing 1;10 ' opporttinity of, adding it was formtid , To read ev~n the , Irish, !-a.~ LOf(~ SaJistury told' the world th'a t streng'.h to the Home 'Rule oppos:ltio~ , daily pJ;"es-5 at the pI'(."Sent mom~r;t wallid We m:s askep to take up we ~'ere a naticn ,below the racial i!lteni'. in the ' North, and paving the way in ·al.m.ost convince one that there were DO ' 'll.rms, not against tl~ose who have in gence of th~ Indian Hottentots, .a:n~ "tho ' England for rendering the Home Rule Irish soldiers sen'in~ at the' front ' instaad. the remote past !,obbed, plund~ed, de· stigmatised the p'>lIitiot priests tl>.at the Act abortive. "nile this is so, it is' ,of , which the contrj;~tion of this' cqyntry, 'Vastated, ~nd repea tedly oV'CrtilreU" our people boast,e d, as ,,'suipliced rufii11.ns .'"' well tha.t the Volunteers should continue' is .altoge}her in C?'cess of its POP\llatio~,. , <:our:(:ry, inilitting all tire horrors and Well, Irelan~ has survived .all that, as to uphokl t heir org;an.i$ation at any cost, aI}d mu<;h larger than that of England,. . .atrocities, and even lI\Ofe, than. have been she will survive the a,tte~pted degradation and stick to the policy propounded by wpose interests in the war are immeasur: alleged ~gainst the, Germaps .and Austrians of ~he p resent when the sons ~f the men . 11r Redmond , when he offered th eGo";." ably greater than those of any oi ilie in the field to-day, , . but against a. n<Ltio.n . whO', broke' the back of -Irish landlordism. '-ernment the defence of. -Ir~land by ·the AiJi-ed· Pewers-France . and Belgium , jeve~'~cse culture and ,lea,rning has ever ~n a'nd smashed Castle rule Ireland a re N.atioilal Volunt6ers. The defe~ce o f 'included." , :rhe asp~rsions Cast '" UPOll o~r' a.t 'the service of IreLand, and whose peo- asked to fight, shoulder to shoulder. in Irel d . d .~ ill ' h I ' character as a ' martial ' race dis.ap~r . " .' , " , an an "'" secure e ng t s ana · .. p~e have eve r been in sympathy with t!.he "defence of the EmplIe WIth the . successors "1 t th I" f the most casual inves:.ig~tioll" and would ' . . -: , pnVl eges common ,0 e peop e 0 Ire'. . . aspirations of the gl~eat lI!"'l-jority ,of the ' of tho~e who did tne dIrty work of Dub- land ·thout. d ' 1_ _ ' • be much more appl"icable to Engla.ru:t Wl; - regar to c...."s 01: creed 1'S . Irish peqp1e. This is the ,mornl 'and sen- , 1m Castle.m the past. .:.\re these. the 1deals ' th d . . of h > ,which with its forty mUlion inhabitants .. , . ' " . . " . ' e cctnne ' t e Volunteers. and fur ' , • ' " timentar"side ,o f the question. and to the for which Ireland ~ruggled In ' the past, h" h ' h i ; , s had to scour the Empire for s6ldieO, • , • . ' • . . .' 'W ~ ,they were 'called into existence. . conscientious 1hin1.<>er will p11CSenc ' illlore and 1S thIS the goal fer whwh the stand· ," , . andl. has done much" less to st~m the Gei~' questi~ns 'for ~sideratibn than we .r::rui ' ard Hom.~'" Rule was raised side by ' Let there b<l ~c departure from this policy ' ma.n advance ~tb.aIi little Belgium whicli i spare room to discuss in O,l lI <iolumns just side with the q.emand· ot the Land fox the ~d the force 'of me Volunteer mOTemen:t .. )cQol1~ have made wha~ terms it "liked wit&~ now. ' As sometimes OlCCUIS in the great , people? the- survivors of" the laIill ' Wl~l 500n 'a.,,"ain 'reassert itself in the reo t h e e nemy simpiy preserving its est and ' most appaJ,ling ' tragedies, the at- "war in Irelan.d (iO go back n~ furt~r1, unNln of !be force;> of Nationalism, ~ ,' tr.a1ity_ 'The I rish Velunteers" he, for ' temps <to aeate .a. wa.. f-eeii~O" 'in Ireland their scattered ki:h and kin 'beyond the the triumph. of the cause whkb we :ell ' home defence, aJid ~hether the Ge~" ttg.ain'st- 'Germany '~ not \.rlthQl.l~ · some seas .a nd the children, of ' 1#eit ~mur<lered' have. at hear:- ' ~1' Redmond' s !,.)lkyas S"lloceed , or not ' tn pie:-c~.g the ~, ludicrous touches and eve}1 m.e.'l.; ' and broken-he arted women anSweT, :''Propou.nded m li.lS famous speech' ()Ill 3rd fmes there will ' he plenty of Work iD} And what of the' specious v illificati-on and August, ., fou. nd a. ' responsive echo .a,ll over., ·Ireland. for out citizen ' army to pretect < Unconscious Humour. .plausi~ appeals ' made by tlie newly'. Ireland that , his · subsequent action ·has SL'Ch nghts ' as we already possess and to·" We all know that while th.e -B'ritfsh at constitutecI'rocruiters wpo, in the guise of ' £,ailed to evoke. This .a.etion ooiIls~itutes a , enforce 0 u.r Charter of Liberty, 'frhicla' the front are ' fighting ham, and there is .Nationali5~ urge our decent 'young men new departure in principle ' and Policy" IlI;s 'Yet , only exists in name~ from thea healthy regimenJtal rompetj,tic~ for dis- to take up lU"ms agairist Germany? . "Ve wh,!ch cannot con:uned ItseU to 'The peo~ on.slatl{rhts. of .fello,w ,subjects of tho Brio ' tinction. and h<aver;y in the field, at home ' ha,ie no; qua.rrel with ' Germany, bUt the' pIe at' the dictation ' o f '.any '·t IS ' h 'C roWD.-"K'U '" ",> . . immediately . 1 ,e.nny J .,nrna'... n , the English, newsp.apers seem to .ie mih recruiters reply what about Lo.uvain , t he l~lVld'llal nO' ,matter. how much he may'.,:c.a<ili Q,t her in their general denunciation destmction o~ Rheizp.s, and the BellR an . have enjoyed the oonfidence 'of -the people:; ·, '., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ",·f the barbarous German. . One illustnifed ' refugees. W~Jl if wrongs outside' d"\'ililleu and if. "Wquld 'be hu~ .a. poor ' tribute to paper last week excelJed , itself <\nd r.ivaJs warfare have- t o be righted let it be done' either 'tlie ' consist.-encY or d etermin.atio,n .. E~I . by <lOming oUlt ,vith a . 9~~tents, poster by t:hos~' conce, ned; We had our mana· of , the ' 'I rish people Should tb.eybe ~o worded as f.()llo!:" s: "Actual p!lotographs' stenes a nd churches destroyed"'atid their~ ..readi ly 'and easily .weaned from the pur -' (}i Drunken _ Geq,n ans." ""Yell, if that line . ,o ccupan-ts 'mas~,C'i:ed; and to -day gv:ey, ,suit of a National ideal, whose r ealisation ' did not ac-count for a corps , of Germans dismantled, a nd ivy-clothe d .old shrincs , . may t e said to be almost ·sacred to the it D111S t have . ,a t least st imulatecl. in th e churches a rid mon a steries , sta nd m ute b ut I r i shm.~'l n. ~he jo b- ~eeke r s and C astle thrO;H~ of the scandal ised TOj'Dm j~ s a eloq uen t \v~tnes s e5 of t he kind of \va~: r:. re hac ks w b ose bi ll ets a re -t~ rea t ened by the THE ' GAI~?
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SATURDAY, ()()'TOBER 11, 1914.'
impcsing appearo.nd'e, and loo'k ed weJl the old·tiIn·e grandeuT still hung ab out the .9,(\apted b oth fo r a' ie ud(l.] s1ronghold :.tnt! proud old place, ab but the massive, grey a sp1endi,d dwelli ng . and venet able walls, : about the 10ft, stone· Near th~ castle. w as a Dawn......"" $1rongl,Y. arched r oof, so h igb that a mounte.d horse· waIled enclosu re in wh ich the creaghts cf man cculd ' not ha~ t ouched it with t he the' chief ' and his people we,'e pell.ned for point of his spear, and which h ad so often s.afety i ll ~in1es of d/lng~r.· Aroun d the r ung to the warlike dash of sword and castle ' Clustered O'Rort.e's town of. D!onu· buckJ.ei, to } h e roeiodious strains of the haIte ; an'd abo ~'e it, on ~ g.ent!e s.lor...e, h arp and pipe, or tq th e hilariou s sound'S r . ~tood the ' dark t owers of' Cl"ee-"el~ Abbey. of such a: h igh rey~ as that : \ Yh en ~g'u s l ast locked. on ' t h.i.s ve:n~r· " O' Rorke's noble feast .....hich. w(111 ne'er a ble bu:tdlng, wh ich the p~ty of his an· he forgo{ c estors had 'cTeO:!ld to the "g10.· y of God Ey tho se who were there, or b ythose whQ. . and th~ honour o f &.. F ranci.s.," and aho were not." to serve as ':30 last resting for them · . The floor of the great Mll W QS cOTe:eu seh-es and the'ir o e.<;ceodam s .· its w:l.lls and ' towers we:-e broken d own,. its ahar;; dese· by a: straw.plaited mat; OJ. vast t.ab?e Jry MRS. T, PENDER, c('.;.ted, rt~ .brown·robed meeks , h idden reached n early the wbol:e ' l1eogth of the .<\.uthor of .e The Jacl..~ts Gi'een," .. Red H!l"n-b. a w-ay i,n mountain cave land !.a.s~l-gb.-,eve.n !.~t ely charn-bex; along the d:l.rk wa,Us~ Green Cocl;&ci-e,... E:~ ., Etc. the gra<;-e s· of i ts quiet de:ld',h.~d beCll · dug ' fr om' many. '· a ,.mur,a,l ., :I.!ccve, .,. g1~ed sil· up and their coffi~. 6n~ed bj'~ the E.tl~· ver cups and i'olden bowl,;; ,amid trophi-es --0-lish planters who had come to ci vilise the o f arms aild. b.l.Ime:rs· and paintio.,"'S b:r . I Flemish and Spanish m.a:sters. TPe cliff r oad wou~d .past t he a!'lclent Clan O'Rorke . CHAPTER VII. Across th~ up~ " I1art ofthe chamtrer ' ~-d ' d b T _.. f B . 1.. C..astl.e .of Decvorg:il.1.a-that. faithless wiLe ,_~~t the tosciI) o f war, b y o.ne wild h.l:tSt , ' lUI on an o-n '! the u .... e- 0 ng~tness, ,. ' . ~ a,.' rai~ di.1.S . ~nd : above the mantle· _ . ' . . " !i ,ot 0 1 ~Ol'ke, \vho eio~ W1tll Dena-o-t ~la':-t had :·'s:f~~·\_~way th~~e -civHi..<.e;;' ~ al\~ a lt V"a..~ , . "'.. :" . .. -., WItli a he<U't"of tlaJIl e·'a·o.d a ·foot -of , O'ht- I ", '. ." . ,' . . . ( - .. ,piece s tood a life·siz~:' pcr.rait by Vandyke ~h eir wond erful cinlit)'. Agai.1l the ab.. ness! . .," .'. . ' '. '" I Murr6ugh in tbe 12th c-eI1turYJ .and wh os,e u-, d h D_ bl--.l d _ .3 • 0.= shalt be f Ot" C1l"er as'5oc Utted °wi.th the bey towerl; ><" were ':renov;lted; ~ the b !'Own· of a.,·f3a.ir yo~h in a :la.:e conar =d .hluoa ..-....)0.0 t e nvnet, vvu-re a.l.l-\.l ra,Vl.O.g" most gigaI:ltic calamity 0'1 lri$ h i.story. robed brethr<?n p 3c&1 the cii;p . doist~rs blstck v-elvet clcak, on each side of which The .lion banner is proudly waring ; . A s olitary tower, it st<;>od grey a nd g ues t. once :l.;,"aL'l; alta.r a nd oratory 'i\"ere .s et up 't'as a carved oaken pane l beari.ng the And, the w a,r. pi~' s sc:reams on the morn· . , , like 00 the briaht 1a.ke sh ore v.';'th ' ;4 k :un- v.-ithin and under the lion b:wne l of G-rlnS of O ' Ro,ke ,two lions, surmounted Ing alr 0 . " , . --.",._ R k" '-' D h' . ing stream rnshing a round i t-th,'1t s-ame O'Rorke , the cross; long tm;np!-e'd ;!llod · reo by (1 b~lm~t, crow:n-e d , a.n~ a baD,d . grasp"kKl uar . 6 g'&tuenog .at roma ::lire.. :\ \\ \ .," ~. d '. . . . ' , .. ~ ~ ".~ :':'-r'~{;:.~; ./'-<,,,'.' ':t ~?·y;~. to~!¥~ ~~~~h:~~·:t;t~r.tce... oi ~B~r-e~f:DY ·' .~~ed~~_ Yf~\ r..e-«~' ..9~~ ,,;40~..:e.~ ¥"thc·~~r.~y, j.ng ~~_,.,\~y~;."".. : '.~. 1. :-' . The ttat' ~.,-;\ K,. of. . .fire' ·.an.a ae:itli 'e:.t:cn-cl.ed h~ : tumed .. h·ig ·. e~·e5' wh en "'Jl.e -I@ked ."tor tOweth.ead ' Without :,~ .. '. < '.. .' -. .,()u . the~, dais:..ti',seV'er",~ persons we-te a:>- : ~ : '" . . , ,. 'll';;l,'.''-. .• •. , •• '~ .~, .~. ," ',; ~ N .,~'", I"~ ' , . - . ' -~. :. ¥.r "",.~ _ t OO ' : ' .- )' -",;~, ~ " ~ tho ¥alley ~o witbin 'iibolit" two ,mires ' ; the J:am,..· 'Which-'sM ' t old h im ....shO(ll:cf -:sl;t,me: ::c~,_' M de .th;':' a,~.1'1 i':;,...,' ."on ....... ~<h:o;b ~~~";,,. reun-r.l' ~"',,"(';'''''mb~kd.:· ':: , Owen" O'Rcrke\, 'ij.11 hand~om~;. ~ ; • J..' ~ ~. t: ~ • • • ,'_\ ........ ~ ... [) ...'" ' • 0 ,1 ' J '~l J~ ·01 L>tj:5mab.aire, ' a,t a point whel'e Ldu~- when ~1',. pilgnLllc ret~rned~" ; aD.d~ w'liich wel'e · H u~ste;rJi· tft'e····.::.'1lhH;.. ~~h1· :· ·te..-its:· "ol ·nobie:1oE>.kin.g 01 ~ho" 'c:ttrrerl ' ,GiIl threw a S>.J.!J.rry ann iiito tbe land, and . stands there still, ·a boary gnom e on the O'Ro.rk e's 'camp, before a I'. d am on g which himself" with the ueculi arly lofty an.d -a lOll,g 1:a.~part of hold, sca rped aad l'OCle,. g;reen dial of the ·smoolli lake .;;hon~' , point. the t~ll form.s 0.1 tl~ Brefini;u\ fight i.ng stately bearu..g which he had inherited ibluffs ~e fo~rd close to th~ wa ter"s ing through i!.he ages to th.e first act .of a men, the gillowglas3CS i n saffro n Shirts from a lDng lln-e of the "proudest tne·!:I .edre, just le.:;(vin g room foJ' the ro~d to mighty historic tragedy, and kerne in sh o rt cloaks .,nd flowing th.at e.,.er w aJked t4e earth" > his wife, a. ~ between them and ¢he sparkli ng §Hhbs, could' be seen IDOTing about , stan d . fair woman with a SOlrow:·worn f.a.ce, in a . .a~, He;re An,,"'US met a party of O'Rorke's ing in grcu~ or sC.1.t.edon t he gra.s9 pol- wh.ite tu.rhan and bla.ck TeNet gown .; . 'These rugged highlands w·e re a:11 clothed p~n, accompanied b-y four 1~ranci5can ishin.g the ir pJJ,cs; swords a.n-d axes., alld Brian Ballagh, the cbief·s bro~, an-d ;CIJld croWlled by stately oak an.d hazel fria!s, and escorting a -IlUlllhei" ot ~v'aggons cleaning their fireiocks, tyine up . b-u:udJ.es y ou.ng Ca.pttin Boy . Macl.cughIin., Tanist 'Ii'Oods walle verdant s~opes and fai ry deUs la,dclIi with nr...al, bl1ut r, bee! and cloth.· of j';H't!lins, or otherwise furbish ing and ot his sept; and Granu Ni-C'Il, :I. bea-u ti. between were gay with a th~usind flowers; ing~ se!'lt by the chieftain of Droma haiTe -rep:tiring their arms and equi pm ents, wh-J1e fui girl with ai g~u h.ead, -which he~, ;gtlsten!J:I.g try and ~ok!en .wre:aths of wood· .a nd the Abbot of ·Ol:-eeve1.e<{ fo. the relief high a-boV'e all waved from its standard tholllgh happily its winsome owner deem-ed ~ t"rai1ed £.rom tl:'ee to tree; t'!i.e weUow cf the sufferers from h st night' ... ra:.id. th-e momi~ wiJld th e lion bano,e!' of it not, was Q€stined' tc a sin.gul.i.r llnd sad ~Il:d t~ crimscn'. ' foxg~~~'e: swun.~ The pik~.' wno 'were folfowe~of Co~ · O'R~i:~. . . . ·di~t~I!ct.ion.. ""- " .
The :.
·Kqight of alel1car.
01- ,
... ' ) '
ffrom' deft' an<Lbarik and ,bcss;: and,:'Up ~t; ·:H:'~6~~e ,inf.?,rm~Angus that OWe<l of 'O~,:'~heh?~n which hung . at the Castle .' Angus bowed l'rofcun<fly, S'WCCping the feces of the towering cliffs 'the ctasp. Dromarudre had . 'Seen out with l1is dan 'g:l:ta " Angus ' blew ' a ' rousing S UlIlill<lllS- . ll.'1atte,if ' with with· his Spa,o:ii\~. pltlllle three iing '~un!per ~ ade laJ3ers of tOugh boughs on the ni~ht before on a dist ant cxpedi, the peeulia:r note by which a. kinsm.:\n sepaFate times, as he 5alut-ed mst the :aDd"{eve~een shining leaves. ' . tion. Can had p~ed his Glenca r men;!t .C"A . O'Rorke . wjB.S lPrivikg.ed. .tq · s olici.t ..~antie:rn-a,.~ then..,_t~e!. !G'l>ely, .::surmy<h.ai.r ed At t1Us de1igh\ft~l p ass of fl.o?"efs : ' t.~e -llie- he.ad" of" the . pass to det~(L th-e ap ., en1.rancc"·to the ' ~5t;~Ph~IL Imrltedi~c' "GnnUl, :vhose .,. ~.ixOe ",is " yet ~: he did . ;;~t last Right's h~,.oc had sudd-enly' Stopped i' preaches to Dro.m ahaire, and there h3.Cl tely the CLaSSY porth was swung open by kn'o'w, and ' last ·~.f - all, ., the .chieftaill aRd .t~ Wi~ tnd borne he smok.e a.w21, or the met and driven Hamilton and his marau· . g:a t.ewaxcl, who doffed h is ,b ;i,nea:dh and gept1ernen.. '}Xufis had barred it out. Lough Gill d-ers back. But Con had hi1pse1.£ bUn . bo·we<,l !ow as .~us ro~e mto the court· All returned the gt;aceful saluution, 3ll.d :.iPrt .by majestic mountains and 6;tudded t aken in an impetUlo\lS a:n<i too fOi:w:ml yam.. . the eyes of ~l were bent with lively· in· IbY ·woccl.ed j.sles., lay si.lvery dea.·z in the chal'ge; Oil seeing 'I\'hich hi s lady, who A crowd of ho-rseboys , dogboys, cow. terest and cllrio5ay on the splendid.look· . rmoming ~ght, its sm.all w:/.ves daIl cing was with him, TUShed forw<trd, declarIng boys, groom s, falconers, p a.ges; an.d men- ng yO)-1ng cavalier who walked up the long ,a§aiast its etnei:l.ld b-anJ.-s. tbat she woukl never be sepa rated from at.arms , smiths, armourers, and such like, chamber with his easy.. erect and sold.ierly ",'Thank God /" munnure<! AngtlS, :IS he .her ht~nd, that whate.... er f;Ke was in wer e scattered about the s paci.eus ~ourt, ca_~iage, ,the SJ.If'l~~t fal~iiig en his ,.hand. "SUddenlyleft·'b.8 vale' of '~'lh .behin-d, and: 'store <fur ' him shou1d ·,3;J.s6 be sila'red by~ 'tara, wh;icb ' rang"-\vith the ··s 6un.ds of mi Jl:y . 60~ bronzed face aIlcS' bright hau-, an.d •..emer~ on th.e Ilnsralned b eauty ef the her, before anyone could s top be r, s~ ton~...s a-.,.,d .with the clang l:lf. hammd flashing on the polished,. 'hil-ts of his wea· '; Iovely lake sb-or-e; and faint a..'1.-d s.ick witli 'h ad flung herse]-~ int.o the mi.dst of the anel ' anvil. for O'Rorke's smhh s' ~ere polJS 'and the steel cuir,a ss under his open \ ~ . fool smolte ;tndevil $ eams, 'I\>1,th the· . enemy, and ~lasplng her ·",pns a~ot\1ld he'!: busily ::U: work forging pil-....es and axes I b-u.ff 'coot I fDr to :bl ·t hese per~ns t-he . auftacatill'" h=t and with the horn,r ·o f lord, both w-eTe carri-ed off together. The while others a t a. .. furn.;t-ce were mel1ing YOD,ng ~rish · wh.() had ripened t() ~ ~e: .th1'o~g'hr,' whicb..·he t h-ad. , ·1tU\-l · · J:'f;'Fr . ~ll • "gase .. ,,-ha§~; ..~t..: 3..9.; Cia~ lea<l . and ca!\Hng.J)~J¢~. "".' \ n.anlIOOd ' tiflder'" sI>anish '/ikiei, " ~ . q{\~~ " r~" hs gr;!tefully filkd' his lu.n ga with Hami.lton were all well mounted ~u strong, Two or three idle horseOOYs ha·st en.ed· a st:ra~r. ~p breaths .of the ·coo~. ·frag:>an·t air th.;g~ swift horses, and the O ' RQrli;es were on forwa Td at ih.e K.n4W,t's appro-a<:h l Angus . S-oon, howeveY, as he h.a.d ann.ou-n·e.ed 'brew from the c rystat lak:e a.t-ong th6 l~a.ss foot, the ehase wa:s Tain.. flu.ng· the reins to one of them, :;,nd ""'a s lU s name, he w-as ~Teeted ~itll much gJad 'af flO_IS; At the end o.f the p41s s of fiowe rs the straightl\ny ushered into. t h e great hall .welcome and eag;eT ~ iPqUirJ-. ,_ To Ow~Jl Beyo.ad ·t:ha·t :Inn of the 1.ke stood New. TCll<d 'oace 'more i)e:a-t sha·rpl.y t::l the len, of Dromah.ai re, aa-d .t'he asse!llhled chiets he deli.-ered his ~ ..0a:s1k<• .,'l· ·stro~~hohr belOll~ to' and.soon . the , castl-a tOWEit'S . c l D·,()m.a.li.air¢ The lo~, exh.anstive wars of Hu~h ]l}e-gs~.e· from ib-e Red (»Nem-.iz...,i~t 'Brl~ ~~h. ;!lI-ather ' , b rother to T~ rase ag.a!n,st the._so~~rll ~lry . TIl:: ~st1e <Y:te;~l, aad ·the · wno1-esale confisc;atio .n be h.ad · land¢ at · Doe .Castle with tlul~ ~a.~; ",ht~ B~ ~eJtliifl:eli ~y ' of O'~~ke. · a:Ji '·a:~l~lO.{. : ~rey .a...;d .. sta~l, i'£•.d ;s;poila~tiw,( ~1oyvedb-a<! ' d-epri'l-' ed . shjPs;~WQ of whichba ' h-a4 . taken .as' lre . ..... - C-~":'T.~."';-':'&t :,to'·a:~ :p..Il..;,.iiS:hw.'«lI. ll:i.lJl~ . If" ~.-;1~,. wtth . lo~ s"u' :m, to~v.~s., fal1 chirii- !he' ' O-"R~~~ of ll.eitt..-- ~ll ' ·1"eir 3lflei.eb:t. Cl'9'S~ . ..... UU'. ·~'~~ . ,.".. ";J .., . Ul; froD;l' , DllJ:tkirk., wilh amls. 3 <Z! • .
JI.a;rfI:ft. But .tlY:is .E.!i.g~sl;un,;m"ias-i~ l1:r~de \i.e;r-;., aDd .~~ :rQo£s. :I..,d, g:,ci>~, :ri;~ng .ieriit~; i<nd";, mu-ch ~·t;f .the · we~th aM ·: idii$i.:tk!ri.; , ~ni-e caStJa~:' alWndtoo- vet'e~s of h~s Irish fle.ighhoti~. h.ad 'lJot aho-re fhe trulSS of 1tOOds ilil.u clothed fhe s.p Ien.doLtr of 1b~.ir onc e high e.sta{e.. !IlUlI rt~n, S'=~ . =tIcJ\;, a 'hundxed ffiebeeII tumed ou·t a f Brian's castle, 'bur 1iT~ tuCky bluff on whlet i:t stood, with the But amid the uni're1:sa.l fuin and rob· ran officers, and one company of his own there stiT! "i n the bosom of O' D orke," as b-ri ght B onet fl ashing and fO inning along hery, Owen h:td some how man a·g ed to t rained soldiers; a-d that at Clones b e S ir F rederi ck Hamilton complained bit. in front, an d away behind it the e,.erlaot' l bojd on by the ancient, noble and hist oric would meet the Confederate chiefs of the terly, ,"vith all his people, tD o, i:1 perfect ing mountains soaring .to the fk ... in th ei, io'·!.1.!ice Df DroTI1.2hail'e, "".ith a sm~l! es· lr' '1 1 an d · 1..~Jng a~·oun d 1... t' CO"TI' _';'\' T._-ED oy· . roeace ana1 sr"unty. , ~),:.l:-p~e ooes} preSenl"l';"o a: 'c: 1y r..02~e i '~:1:.e 1-1.110. son!e tb~lng b f 1 . .\ J.'i I'.'GT:' ~1...L... '-. v
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om eyes-he p'[;.t a r ope
my son's
¢>$.~. . . . . . . . .~~. . . . . ...
no ble neck and ,launched h im from tbe .'; b;:ttle'ments todie the death of :J. <log!" "t' , T.he pr.md chief' s voice sa nk lower and lowcr urnti"1 2.~ the Iast d' reaa'f u I wor d , 1' t
• A ......
CREDIT. :. Iri -h Vol\lnteerUlliform~ made tn Measure.." T,.r.m" '''" , - , - R--a,m~llt --¥ - arran"ed to , uit alL ' T ... os , J. Little. The' Irish Tailor. .. 38 Dq.'TY' St (o~ door.frolll E xchange ,st.). ... , DUBpN., Spedal Terms f(}r liUlUl~ltles. •• b
d rcd in his throat i,n i1 deep, h ollow wHis- • p~~ , Tl1e r,e was a. minut.e's J;reaw;y sil«pce, ' '. an~ then the cagle ~pirit 'of the d escendant . . . . .-~• • • •~.+
;. of Brian of t he Ramp arts-"the ' proudeSt man th at e";er walked the earth"-ro&e': in ' take the bFii;}e a.nd ,release the captives;-: the bosom of his st<l!tely desce::ldan t, and for if there is one passion within h is helli- COKTINUED FROM PAGE ii , s:ernly fought down h is swe llil~g emotion. cate heart ~t ronge r' th ;:m the de'.ilish lust: "I h:ld but one s on," he s,ti d then, "and of b1'<10<1,\ ' i~ is {5!'eed-.ra ¥'Cuing greed. , :\or"..,,'1 and \Vest. with all thei. fighting Ged w ot, r do net grudge h im to I rel:md. H e is a humiln shark:" strength, on th e last day of Jaly, But this t3.le I will uever tell ;),gaia until i'A plcaso.'Ut ch a r acter truly:" s aid An ~ ·'Thi;) j g good ne'Ns and h igh . news, t !1:'.t son is avengoo! Nay , no words of' gus, 'gri'mly , " :,lll<;! I w onJd I m ight gO" n.ep:lew of mine," said t he chief; h~5 eyes soao'.", f :v~n d e-no looks of gloom-we wb:];' ),ou to make his acquainta.nce; bu t : flashing v;i~ h warlike joy ; "but look you, have wark to do and now is the time to duty compels me to carryon my cornman-Hade in Irelarid, beaut ifully ,f inished in A''lgU5, 'be fore Red Owen ' can le ad the do i;t, " der's message to O'·C onnor Sligo and to" Green and Gold, from o ld design by F. strength of the couutrp to the marches of "Ay., leA u s at it, uncle!" cried young ' O 'Reilly." J Bigger, M,R,LA ,M, Post FTee, 7d . each, Breffny, my bmve brother, Con :J.J;ld his c.:.p1ain Teige. or in oxidised metal 4d. each, post free. "Both will . be h ere t !ll-morrow," said-, wife Vv-ill ;j)e hanged by Devil ' HamiltonSpecial terms to ba.ttaclioIl8. "VVlla-t, then , do you propose doing, my O ' Rorke, "and sooner than th ~t you could, ay, h an ged, by the 'so ul <Jf Ruark! ' if we b roth er and chi~f?" asked Brian BaUagh. 'not have speeCh with them; so if you c~ie ' • ., rescue the m not by the power of our right "Tbis answered Owen; " we will march to accompa,., 'yus, my gallant, come; and ENAMEL BADGE MAKERS, arms . Y6u will have heard, riding down to ~!(al1orhamilton forthwith , and ,offer in since you wish to make the a.cq uaintance CHURCH STREET, BELFAST. t he valiey, of wha:: took place last 'night? '! exchange for Con ,and his v"ife this Cap- , of Devil Hamilton, we will g :ve 'you the l"he A.D.H. Badge, tne Home Rule Badge Angus repeated all that he had heard ta:n Cullen-Sir FT>ederick m.ay haye mote, post of ' honou:r a nd of d anger-that of, ",!,!,!!!G~r~een!'J!l!!!!!a!!!n!!!d!!!!G!0!!!1!:!!d~,~7!!!d~.~e,,!!ac!!!,!!!h~po~st~f,,!!r!!!ee~.~~ " nd see'n .on his ride to Dr? mahaire, and regard ' fo~, his capt~in th an he 'h:ld ;or ' carrying, o~r fuess~ge to Iiis c3:stle 'gate_h, ": ,. 'briefly narrated his advent ur e of the pre- Poor old Sir RoOer.t Banna); ; a nd, more.' "G _..> ,,,,.... --' ' 'h' hI 1 ___" a",,! ' \",1= Angus, 19 y P e....,..,.. , vious night in Glenear, his rescue of Lady over, we ' taught him a stem lesson thai with the prospect; ''there is nothing thalt BY Bride, and h,is c:lpture of Sir Frederick's ' day, I p-ow ," I should 1ike bet'ter un less crossing swordsoffice:" adding a h ope t hat the , la tter "I-l ow 7" whi spered Angus ,to young , with him. " m igh;t be taken in exchange for Con, and Capt&,in T eige, who was b eside. him. 76 L(}WER DORSET ST" DUBLIN. Angus ,then mooted the q uestion of send. Co!Ilpany Gwup a Speciality , some othe r prisoner of sufficient impor" T here we re six men -amongst the pri. ing a garrison to deme nd Sword' caStle; !!!'!!!!!!!'!I.!'if3"~"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! tance for b s lady, soners whom he had refu sed to ~xch ange; " ,b u1 the chief declared that it would be At mention of exchange- the mow of an~we~ed T eige briefly ; "we left them injudi~ious to' de tach any portion of his , O ' Ror ke grew suddenly dark , and the h anging on the nearest trees unde r bis SEND YOUR COLLARS, small force until after the expedifion to< beantierna, ri sing, waiked up to the c astle wall. The women were sent in SHIRTS, Etc., to Manorhamilton; ' and as S ir Frederick_ hearth, and, standing before the picture sa feAy t o their friend s," was sure to be shut up in h is castle restof tbe fair -faced youth, who seemed to " \Ve will, furthermore, offer b y way of 6G SOUTH WILLIAM ST., DUB.LIN. ing ,a fter the last night's raid, Glencar UNIFORMS GLEANED AND PRESSED smi le down at he r from above the mantel, r ansome, three hunp.red cows," continued and its ,c ranoge would I:;>e qui~e safe forIN TWO DAYS. began si lently t? 'wTing her white hands , the chief; "as Jor money, I wi s the war .$ at least this one day . while h er eyes filled with tears t hc.t has e.!npti~ e,'l l our coffers; and unlcss I AngU:s , was ebliged to submit. thougl1 ' coursed slowly d own h er ,pale , cheeks and sacrifice the last remnant of the , fam ily somewhat unwillingly, to this decisiot;l ,; , fe ll, la rge and heavy, on h<\r v<;:lvet gown. place"- with a wistful glance 'at 'the an- for 'he was filled with a t housand fe;t'l'S Knives, · and Razor Strops, from Is 5s 6d " You have n ot heard abouJt ' our son, tiqu e yessels of gold and silver that and anxie:ies for Bride's saf~ty , ; nd his . each. Tieman?" said Owen , i n a voice th~f. gleamed a)ong th e walls-"he irlooms these imagination pictured a thou and dangers WILUAM RUSSELL & SONS, ' quivered despite hi s lofty pride and, h'i s of u ncounted ages-and to H amilton, of to which s he might be exposed on' that. , Hairdre5l'ers, 55 South King Stree,t, DUBLIN. strong will. ' all men !". lonely and unguarded isle , with only a" Our or. ly one," hItered the weeping "No n eed to do that, uncle," s aid An- book-loving old seneschal and a dreaming , • g' t . ~ ~.,) mother-'"'fair, like you, Angus, and about gus; "'1 have with me five hundred .pounds- young poet for ' its sentinels and defendeTS. you r age. You remember him, don 't you, saved from my p ace and p rize-mo ne~ But whatever his fears ' and anxieties werethe noble boy? Th,ere is his por trait taken King Philip was a gene rous paymaster - h e was obliged to k eep them to himself,_ and I ",-i ll gladly <Jfier ,that in add iti on for the proud chieftain three years ago," ~ But almost RllY article o f Wel!U' • of Dromahaire• iog appa rel may be l:I€nt Ui to be • "I remembe. my cousin Tier nan ' very to your cows." would brook no cavilling at his comma'llds. _ thorDugh ly cleaned and retarued .. wcll," answcred Al1gu s , "\Vh at a hand• " But 'to rob you-t o b egga", y ou, my (To be Conti nu ed ), '. l'ooki.!lg just like new, 'GnifonT19. • c1eaaed and tailor-pressed, for. some fellow he mUSr: have grown, since boy, the momeqt you set foot on you r na : . 3 /9 : that is h is pott rajt! I trust no h ann has tive soil!" pro.~ es ted Owen, " I, (;ould n ever • befallen him 7" consent tG t hat," • ca4ria.g~ paid one way on COU ll< • PD1SES PATRIOTIQ'ti ES. • try emera. Write for 1)(10/<.' - , I""'-~ • "A so ldier is neyer robbed or beggared " \,ou will teU him ,Owen," murmur-ed : EUSTACE BRUS., : the lady, br0kenly, an.d s.he hurried from whil.e he h as his sword ," answered Angu s, Th e greatest prodigies of -our time have' of ~triotism ,-J. J. lightly; ,"by it I won wh:1t I nov; offer, been the result .. 110 & III Cork St. . D iP " I ~ the h all. . .. 'P4.,01).c,.,.....l108, .. " It 'i1 -" th fi t J f and by it I hope to :"'in plenty more. · Be- ROl1sseau . q+~~. . . . . . . . . . . . ~'''p pen eu .... u~mg e 1'S wee 's 0 T rue p.'l.trio:ism is not <J nl y love of the' the nsurrection, " b<lgan Owen, controil- sides, I do not l ook on the mone y as '::,ouT: try itseif, but lo ve of the past .and' mine; it belcngs to IreJand an d tq he r ~ ~~<>~.~~~ ing his , voice and counte nancc by a powerrespect for the generation s which havealene; for Rot a stiver of it would e\'~r fu,1 effort, "Sir Frederick ' preceded u s,-Fustel de Coula'1ges. , . ., ::. prisoner in a skirmish in the woeds, f<Yr havc been saved but in the hope th at it "'Vh3.t is thc:e sweeter than patriotism' : TE!) Slleea , ~' th e b oy was brave as a li on, and a11 too would one day b e burned 'in m atch and -wha: more c mel than to lose it 7 GIl .. r ash . "We had in our cllstody iit the ti:n~ powder in the Irish war. It is my con love of n ative land, gift more precious ., ForVoluntc:ers. ~ : W.&;\.1. TAYLOR DUBLlN. ~ ejeven prisoners of rank, male and fe;u.ale, tribu.tion to the cause, \~-e officers abro:ld tha n geld, nothi ng ' oan stifle thee, ~d! ~'*' ~~.++.~.+~.,. and one sen-ing-man; and with these we each l aid 'Up a little store for th e same such is tby power that you bring back ilt' advanced 10 Manor11:l.milton Castle and glorious purpdse--mine goes to that and spite of , themselves even , th e wanderers' I sh all Dever touch · a ,from your soiL-Robert BlondeL AILW./\Y Lost J:'roperty-500 g<XXi offered them all in exchange far TierMn; to that a lone. , Silk Umbrellas ; Ladies', 2s; Gents', while the most d istingnished amongst penny of it else," 2~ 6d, pos t free, Ladies' a nd Gents' them, Sir Ro'::>ert Hannay, sent by our, " T hen I will not r efuse the generous Waterproofs, Overcoats, Ru gs, Bags, Cycles ' ana. othe r m isceUi.meous articles. messenger a le tte r of urgent appeal to Sir gift, and may 'h eayen' bless and reward 5-pocket Leather Call or write for list.-W. CULLE~, 53 Frederick, praying him to co~clude' the the gi.v,e r!" ansv.:ered Owen, "My , friend~," •~ nandoliers, Wai~t' Lower D'ConneH , Street. Dublin. pr:oposed exchange and eft,eet theiT liberty , h e added,. "we will set out at once, for, 'Se lts,Oflicers" '6 e 1 t s, Bayonet: D AN"DOLIER8--5"Pocket, best q~: Sir FrederiGk answered his countryman' s Christ oe ab out us ! I have a hea,'y fear Frc g' oS CaD~ , H 'wersac1n leather, 6s, 6d. each postage, 4d. Ga:. petition al).d our just demand by , a ,fiend . upon me that chills my bl ood." Footh.. iis Hurling 8,,115, &c. tra. B. S. A , Wax Vu',O: ';'~'''''U ' ":ish jibe;, and there, whil~ we stood par"Have no fear," my chi ef, sa1 d thi "i\ _ _ _,' Price List 'frum ' j'tiiies; Cartridges in every _CaHbrjt; , laql! ' ' JYlanllfacturer. stock.-M.Garnett, Crampton 06tl!'!: leying, at }jis , castle gate-there" ,J:)ef?re 'Tanist ,-of Mac~_oughlm; ',/;! r ,,1m'I ton \";1L. ~ .' ". ' Li£n1or., Waterford
Irish Volunteer Badge
Be Photogr;;lphed ! -
.. ........... .. . Refl es ::
:We Don't :Clean..
i't..... :. PAT t',l il,D'" PLU,C!
.. ... •• ...
......, I
to~k Tiem~l1
Irish made f
EquIpment •
"",DUbtiSl :; Phone 811.
SATURDAY, oorOBER/ 17,. 1914. •L
"Questions of Policy"·,
Wellington Quay, DUBLIN, ',' ' Have ~'beeo Iavoti,.:ed~'Wittft.b.c ·ordc",-, · , ~' I
'OfficIal Uniforms
1. ,_ 4,"
For AnD' S«nriCe Corps'of lriU ' NatieGal VoiuatCior,
:Setting out to discuss Mr. Stephen Owynn's recruiting appeal in The Freeman's. Journal last week, a preliminary doubt 'sei~es me which ,must- be , cleared . a_y ';before I can deal with ¥r ~ Gw)'Iln. The doubt is: Are the Irish Volunteers, In whpse organ I a:m writin~ the proper
~U:nte0r . banDers. . .so far from "questIons 01 ~p<>li-cy" being alien to them, it is pre.cisely questions of ' policy that fqrm the who!e.r~on _of tneh; . ooing. So far from ;rencering an " "unquestioning opedience" on qu~1ions of policy ·.to "the ' proper' au!hority,', it is the,. bu~illess of the 'Volun-
'People to discuss matters of this - kind? .!Is i. f 'qOt their h,usines;; to do 3S thoev 3.1"6 ~ J :told and c arefully aVQid doing 'anyt~in§ OR their own account :-like Cilbel't's typi.ea.l, ,member (()f ParJiame , Ilt.> who '.'.never
teet'S to see to it that their leaders do not
.~~ought of thinking for himself at all."
: . Y<,1'U see,
I have been' re.ding
~d's spee~h
to the is what' .h e
Mr Red-
Volu.n~~~s .
es~~tial f(}f.· a~· ;¥~~. f6rc~: . ',Q~~tibn~
COM RA DES T Lee-Enfield Magazin" Rifles, Mar~ I, £5' , Mauser Automatic Pistols, £5 lOs.; Browni~ Pistols; Bugles, 786d, lOs 6d. 123 6d. A job lot of 'Leather Bandoliers to clear Is. Sd. ,Sword Sticks, Is 6c1., 2s 6d., an.J apwaTds. Lee-Enfield &-yonets with Scabbards, 2s 6d each. Belts, ls. Is 6d ; Irish, 29 00. each. Haversa.cks, 9d and Is. each. Kha.ki or blue Puttees, Is 3d. each. ~ge Stock of Rifies, l{evolvcrs and Au~oma;tic ?istOls, Cartridges, etc. · _22 RiSes, 128 6d and npwards. Telescopes, 17s. Sd. each_ See· L-ists. JOhD Lawler .:c SOfts, 2 Fown_to. Dublin
Th;y . mu~t: ~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~=~===
; tb.e!r .,. goyerl}i~g au$o~ty·t_o · Stlit
: tbeir:'
~utho~ity<" :.,
'p'l!llicy" to :suit their "proper Qf pOlice :lIe not for Y<f..lJ;, Wha.t you hiLVe ' ~fr Redmond is ,; out - to fig~ "militar- . '~""d,2 'is to satisfy yourselves , that the ism. " ' We kn~w h'e is, be=u,se Mr As-
,.. , orgamsahon 'IS quith 'is, =d Mr Redmond is -backing Mr. 'in the proper aHthori~ative hands. Theo Asq r-..ith. We have it heard it bO<i~ed .w ben vou are satisfied o'f tha . t your ' duty ' I'nto ou~ . = 5 f r om OJ.11 quarters that this :is unqlte stioning obedience.'" .'\nd ·Mr. war h~'s been entered tlpon .in : order to: RedDiond' we nt on to .s ay ' th~t, pending destroy the spirit " of ' militarism: All tl;ie.: .~ actua.l s ettinlZv up of Home Rule' Go,;.. E n gli' sh Press-and their Irish imitators-ernxften,t, the "proper aut!iorjty" was' ~'th~' , "'" o~ y "~v , an, d th eref ore,'It must \,_ l)O tru.e. m en who have won iIome R.ule for you," 'B u t _0.< H_ l> d J:\.e mon ddI' ctum,. that "Ullques-
a~ly, himself and his' Party. Now I a:m going to discuss, at present, whether a r ival claiin to ~ "the Ipeo who . ha\:e won Home Rule for you," . assuming it to be won - might not be set up by the,. men who raised and maintained the Vol.. -"~r Force l'n the 'tee-'" of thA open bos -""'= '-U ~ -
• &p.daHty
swerve one inch from ' ~he · policy for h'ch th "1 e yO unteers were fonnqed. The mome nt .that policy is altered 9r deT.larted from, ':hose : re~ponsible for ' such' al. . teration or . depa'r ture ce a,se ,!:utomatically to Iuwe (tny claim whatever on .the alle-
~~ ·'unq~~stioding~ olie.d/eDce; is '~~-~fin.~\ ihe~r,·polifY ; ·. i~~y ~ust not.:c~oose
~?~rol of the Volunteers
35/effieus DnUorms
We~f9tdYolu!lteerS. ~hnce ~f Sa,;; ! ~'bbedknce
UnUerma mad<t \0 Mea:>ure fro_
tiolii~ obedience is the fi.rst essential for an a~ force" -1S of the very essence' of militarism. The root-evil , of militarism C? !I slsts in its ·refus.tl . to . tbe .private ~iti- . zen. tw-ned soldier of the right ': 0 think for bl·m.~ ~.' f . II . t '-_ . a ~ e 15 0 I/C mere Iy a' cog' In
StraighlTal~' by ,MuI.Il~.l1ga.'r- p'floeS'.-t . _
I'·••••·;;,. ••· • .&A• • • • • • • •' • • •
>.>' ~ti;;~~
. ':
-+ . I~ Mat~rial ' a~-stYie as appro.ved 'by ProvisioDal-Committee
• At ;;t meeting of the Confra-ternity ' o.f the ': Holy Family in Mu.l1ingar Cathedral, the . •
upGn to take part in ll' w ax which was riet their making and in whi ch they had no direct int~rest. They were told that Ire- . land 'Wo¢d: be false to her h is.:ory if her s. 'Ons did 'not hlre the L.-ing's shilling, don
• +. •
Orders are now being booked
.1. H. WEBB
Rev H .Carpe~~ex, c.,~ " , in the .~urse -of: : a. rema.rkable sermon sald the · Umoll was : gone, ' but in the hour of triumph they were asked ~o make a blood sacrifice in return f.or t.h e restoration af their ' rilZhts, which they had acqu.ired only aft.er year~ of sacrifice and toil. T.hey were called
+. Volunteer Uniforms
eo., + _ • l,.td.,: eGrnmarKet, Dublin + &
• p rlCf.\/i . - 11cat'lon on-app . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ---v----------
FL:AGS Made to Order
machine, and do anythmg his superiors ~ Irish Material en.d Manufacture tility 'and insidiou.s nu.dermining of .Mr." tel Ihim, however n;p.~nant it may he to the khaki, sJ:lOulder the rifle, and go ou.t Redmon.d a nd his Pam \'inat ·1 want to the Continent and fight and di e in Eng. •• his feelings or opinions ; ' An armed force .to t;iirect a ttention to is the caAegorical de- org-aoised on those lin:es' .may usily be- laDd's warfaTe. The very th ou ght a few eF Bll0il PReVINeS d;a;ration of Mr Redmond 1 "Questions of . ... months ago that some . p£ the best y01lng com,e a real da!lger to . the liberties o.f its Or the Parliameflt House in College 1>ci¥:1 ar~ not for you.'~ O\'lltl and other count ries , because it can manhood of Ireland should fling the~ Green . , " , ... . sel:f'~ into .tpis .• aw;ful 'war,' ~hile p atriots , '1 .submit that this statement definitely . be ea..s ily· manipulated by a "few men ~ :' It'· . in England remain'ed at home to capture ,m arks out' :Jlr Redmond as incapable of ~s main ly thi s -principle of unquestioning __ -' : l ' German trade, would ' have " mwe them } uderstanding the basis of the Volunteer 0 "",.., e.nce t 12.t makes the difference be10 and 12 North Street. BELFAST. stand' aghast, 'W ere they to b e' told, atter liE organisation and as incap;l;ble of le!!-ding.. tween a militarist army, which is a c:lan. they had fou~ . for c entur~el5J' f·or their it. g er, and ;;t Citizen or Volunteer Arm.y, .. . • • • '. which is a ' s afeguard 41£ ~pular riahts rights, that now, in the days of victory , For, wh v were the Volunteers founded .. . 0 ' the ' SOM of Ireland were to ,,0'0 for;h to (2.ome to 1b~ Irish Firm lor Yoar -. and h b ert! es UrufoJ:"ms and Equipment .!at all? F or what purpose and with what ha.ve their ' corpses strewn on , European 'inspiring In otive did two hundred thou1.6: the Iri sh Volunteers, then, pay no b i ttlefields?, Were they to be to"7d to-day , lri~b. Labour oniy employed ·t;and· o f the best men of Ireland throw heed to M'r Redmond's , atte mpt to mili- that if they ·refused to send their. best ' and u,emseJve s into the ranks of the new or- tarise them. Let them m aintain their de- br~vest into the shambles of Elll'ope--for' I North !!ar l Street and .co a· my CIt ,-Dublin ,; ganisation, de.qpi.te all official discoUlrage- mocr atic basis, and, having decided on war was a shamble s--they would be false ment? V; us jt merely ' for the delights of Uleir policy, ch()()se as their leaders the 19 their n atioll.al hi story? These were 'forming 'fom'S? Was it because they wan- men whom they can tnlst to arry oult that momentou'S qUe€tions which he was no'. last r it. es .of the Church. "What say Eng:ted physiccl eJrercise of a healthful char- poIi)'. Having chosen the leaders , they .p repared to ,answe r to-d ay. But this h e lish recruiti!).g agents," continued the <acter? W as it because soldiering a'p pealed IDw;t, of c ourse, give them unquesiioning . did InlOW, that there was m any a n I rish pre acher, " to this charge?" An English them a nd t hey wanted to do soldiering obedieJke in a·l l military matters; but , home whe re, two or three month s 'a go, chaplain writes home: "I h av e seen WOUII.Ior its own sak e ? It was not for ~ny " qu<:-stions of polic:y" axe precisely the there were shouts and laughter of hu s- ded soldiers of Irish r eg ime nts who ha\'6 such m otiv e. The Irish Volunteers en- sphere wHhin which th e Volunt:eers them- bands and fal~ her a~d boys, tha t ,.,~ere now, not seen a priest since they left home. -rolled them selves ,b ecause they were deeply selves, I( he rank and ' file, must decide. :\Ye 'darkened with the' shadow 9 f death . H e' They have not'''h'ad, ' a priest to say Mass 'interested in a certain question of N a - .st a nd for democracy aMd. for the rights did kn o\v that. their Irish re giments-the on Sunday," If tJ;la-t were the return they tional p<>li cy, 2nd because they were de~' and liberties of a smalI nation as against Fusiliers', the Mun ster, .Dublin and Inni s- were gqing to reoeiY.e, they in I.:-eland had "termined to see to it that, so far as the y the milit.arism of Redmond and Asguith. ··killbg, · the Rangers of Oonnaught, the better Keep their boys at h ome. 'They were ab l e t o secur,e it , tha.t policy should It follows that th~ Volunteers and their Irish Guards and the, Irish Rifles-held wanted th em all; th'~y wanted them to 'be carried out. That policy is a simple organ have <the right-and the duty-to ,ba<:k ·.the German foe : _ He did kn ow till the ir fields , sta rt ind ustries in their ~d straigh Hor,,; ard' one:-to secure and discuss .the questions of policy raised by 'that when' their Irish boys fell, and fen ! own nati~ land, so that they might thrh'e 'maintain the r ights and liberties of the. '~1T Ste pl}en Gwynn's article. But I have to rise no more , at the post of hononI, and _ pros per in it, a nd when tb eir davs -people of Irelo.n d . It Vltas~ the inspiration left myself no space to discuss them this there-was not a Catholic chaplail~ to sh rive were spem leave their bones to rest ,of that mot ive that drew them to the V~!7. ~~ek. them in their last hour, to give them the holy Ire!i'nd. .
Andre,v · :a:laguir-.; .
SATURDAY, OcrrOBER 17, 1914.
I ~n' -'
,< ... l,'
.' / .,'>
army of defence·? Are we
," .•
'7 .p
forget qur
,Lost Opport\1oities
~POQ; tsteps '~ ~~~~s{~~;· ~;~~~!:?tGl;:: :~Sti::
..' ,
~'~"''''11~.'\ ' ",',
coq'.e to.., ma~e ,friends. ~ith . En!5land, to
For War.
take · a , 9h~relnthe · Bntlsl:i' Empl~e; ordo
;";:i;1:f"i~:0;.:i\~~i~';'tS!, ,~ .,:1' )"ti:f'I~. }';I~:I;" 'vo.~:XJ;;., f 'i~:~:"~.'; ';~ .~±~ ,,><f~< ~~tt~f~t~~~:~~::~":I":"~":' t~Z~" \~ .,' ·';'''~·''''':, ~i\t'Cl~t:l ~·.'':''. /; ;;.@ , )~ ,.;...,...., .";" "~';'",.,>
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l; .';~;~'{:: '~~"'(" . ~'~':; ,.}'D,,: ~.iS~~~,,;,#,d,ge:.,6,r,-l;~>tbt.an~ '~'7:~n~I' ~,:,}(r .J". . . ·,the tiic't ates of his ' co·ns:::ience. Here is t ltp.:t,~ "('. . ,L ~.' the on~ PJl,th trO<.Li~D. >by the feet ,of those ;
'. I f M:r. John Redmond " on account of ~is~ng lea.g.er' of a &rllamentary Pari!, o.f . seventy memoors, has a, right to ' the control of 140,900 . Volun·r eers, it followS; that Mr. Laurence Ginnell, being ~eader ... p till now we all believed 'tw-a~ "Weil they fq:~g ht for poo;r old Ireland I f 0 1lO'l! ? U of a party of 'one . has a. right to : i:wj tnpse , of-: ou·r r 1'athers - who.., fought ana . ",..-,,,,, .... , ', ;' . ' .. An.d full hitter w as ,·theix- "fate .; .. oon~ol of 2,000, and that , Mr WffiLa.tn d':.e;'l ,to? lre!;ind who . battl-ed >a.gamst 'Eng- ' you are. for the Irelan.d that· is DCW,,f 'Y?-I t O' Bnen: the l e:a.a.er -Dh '! what glol~.OUS ~rid~ ~nd sorr~w pa~y - ~f eight land. . But ' now, now we are urged to of the British 'E mpire you have a: varied Fills the name of~. ' has .a. right ·to the control of 16,000; sO, tOl)-' i follo w in the footsteps 'of those who racked choice: t6 join the regular British Army? when someone elSe has ' his claims to Yet, thank God, e"eIl ~ill are be.a ting; and ~ore , and hacked .our · motherLand in , ' Lord Kitchener's N.ew Anny; Mr Red· !ea.dership supported by a. section of theHt'arts in manhood' s burning soon I '93• . No;1" we are asked to follow in th.e mond's ;Brigade for service. abroad, or the : more or le;>s united P'lrty, he shall have Vlho .wquld follow .iIl their f06tstl!ps fo otst eps of the Y~ a'ndt~ ancient Home Brigade to hold Ireland mI· the ' a. right to .a.n army proportionai ill size ...I\~t 'the :risi.ng of the moon. ' " Britons and the ,Korth Cork Militia !,\Ve Empire. '. ~On the one side you h.ave the to the number o;f legislators in' his followW ere yOIl . ev·er out CD. a country road ' , a re asked to join hands with . ,v-olunteer-;; :hat follow in the footsteps of i.n.g-of a. Septemoor ' evening ', When ovel: ' the 1 ; .'.' th-e lllen: of '9~: 1 .On the other Y'ou have . .0 f• a ,11. I '1 '1 't:<1.me ' a f u11, round harvest .! .i The ScottIsh Borderers · ~ W h 0' foU ~w . ln ' , th e i00 tt .:.... Th15 " arrangement WIll . have- th~ a.ch·an. .,crest , ' .. . . .tho . &~ s eps 0. f "h .. e ·i. '" . ,",,'," '., "t j,m.e , " :,/ ..,~ ,""" \,,~, of the. f;¢.pire: . , ,There " .... . S..us;" /; ' .,!· 511 '0 ... ">.11. ' / &·1 ,,< -"" ii.J:"~, I~'" "t<l.~e , p.:LT''!l(mL-ulr in election . tir4e, of ' _. " _ :;.. ; m~,n . f·' ~~:r&e." ~'lU- '"I" e~ei'~ ;!t .sj¥: ,; lli'{~ , d>6'f'CllOO . £an"-;-~ :, .~~~;;ers ",;,r >:-,le, ... ~.e:lCe n..,.r \~ ~ ~ .~.! \ ~ ,,~'i' \, E ," . ~, J;t,,~ .~..,>t " " \~ I. .\.. '.' ~ .. t;;.· ..,..... . . eer - ...... ". ~" <.,,c '; , • , •. thi:nk .0i ''1n¢ ;Vc...-se"l!iiven ;at/9ve ?j 'I;!j;rl '.yolol ~.. "!l!l'<:. q'uitbling aoott-f ,it .... I! ' we jGin"' ,A.he ~ rpp",*:' , ~ ";'~\'~ ~.J"~ ;:"'" ,,:'" -'" - ,;" 1 gi.,ingt' the VoluP:f (; se me -e.\:perien~ in ;:;. ~;;' . ' , ' f" ?,. . ~("(.~_~ I,, ...... : ' :' . 'r~ ~ "J" (~ • . ~:~ . z'· . • (• .. ,~~'!:.- r- ,. 1 . \YI'-~"'" ~o:.·<-'L"~. , "- • , .... " , s~ ~ \ ..... ,...•; " ,., - . ,. ... " !e'v;er- . t~). ,:.;h , }kl t.lr " ~3U" I'Vlh4it:, a · ~~I1Cl.(d. ' .,)1n~l~!:.h ' "~ru:;'r' or" lf-;we, : ·' ;l;sS9qHtte:';' ~tb, \ ,'., <-, •.> ( ,"5~'. T~:r""''''I .. 'nE·,<·"" fj.':'.6 rE '· 1,.,_ ~'actual,';wp.rf$xe : ' Iiad'. if- VbrUnte~r F.orce
,~ ',,_
\v'bo"tll"'~..~r Ireland~', There is, the other ~ trodden '. by 'the Redcoats of England. Take your choice. If you are to,):' Ireland alooe ,become at ' once a.n efficient soldier . in the l::anks of the Irish Volunteers. 1£
of' :> '
.' .
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.'l".<cruld b~ t~ lk~>th .the meT\" ~ .'fj~.:. ~it!1,i~ J.:."tW 'o/e 'p ust accept .tfc ,'tr;ad'J.tlonsZoHha,t · ''.,; . ,'" .. f ' " <' .. '~"" , It'~l~''''- ,(,:,,!<i.:\ ~ ~!t - £1;, ). f,. -t..r-";t ~.!l..~,,..~" " \ r.\ ~'''l'''' " .pike '~:b')oli " o,wr sho~il.er ·a't ·,too 7rislBJ'! ."if <. atmv~ oc' _\'l;e:A,lll'e 'U~'kSp' to / it,:as ': fru.IHlOg ,~, ,~(' , ~ , . ~ 1.- ' " .. r, 'l-, "';'" • • ~ 0 t;. .t,he'1i<IDOOrr~hg"fitt.'ig '-ofd!' ~pobf; ~ o'kC'tr~i:;~~P'\ r ureo_'" ",;,,' e mu~;t F'Q'RGE"T It is: sa·i.cC,; Y~s;" ,< ,?,:l
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0 )', s..'ty, did yo u ev;):: when a young lad to !:Joe good figh:ing me~ for Eng~;md we to the stories of the of , forget Ollr Irish tradition. And, by the . Yeos or. of h'ow the people died ot .1 a ll 'that is true, . ,~e have much to forget.
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lO~Jl" i 1.atiOn bclievei n""U io the Uixi0n of ~' ~ , ~ " Hear:~ ; would now be ' a n iti~n ~f sea!. .
"G . '1 1 f E· ;, . reen s e 0 (1 n
-}.;J, . . ..,<
:~-n "~~?,H ~b,ed ~iil?·":~ i?'· l?~n 'f~~~" Years~. ;.I
soneq warr iors; superior in mili:ary educ3.ti()<ll. to either the Bulgars or S&vian&. .:md {l'!)rh""ps equal to the Me~icans.
starvati'on in " B~ck '47" feel your .you ng \\'e mu st forg et all our n~tion suffered .~ The I Home Rt!le Farty was esta.blished: h.eart throb vflh !l. i it l1te:P'us ar:d a . hol y '! at the ' ha nds ' of · thet ' English ' fpr"' se~-en in 187'4 ana since tha.t yea.r it ' has been' i ndign,ation? And did :vou ever {e.e r strong ! IH!ndred years. That gift of Gocl's. ." I 'T' . How often <1;0 '\Ve not h,e ar these worq,s eleven ye<l.l'8 united and twenty.. nine }'leafs t h O'.1gh ts In you r b ram wh1>e the ·b lood ; r;ne.lI'..()ry- we rn~sLcast away. IS a __ -, ' ., 1 -1 h' ' renP,ated both in son o" and sto"'.,' and vpt split. ' From 1814 till 1871 i: ,was united cog r""", throu:,;h your .eiJ?s t<;> out and dq I we rt I ess t mg, wor.s e than useless to us r" '.J .;under the leadership of Mr. Butt. From JJattle fo;: th e Q!~l . ~nd an.d be- th.e instru. I i f we go fight for England; ga !o.!low . is it not sad to think that \ve Irishmen <)f 1877 til:! 1886 it was split, 011e section m ent or C cd ':; jn sti ce a gainst its enemies.? in th e foots teps of the Yeos of .'98 . or the present <l;ay ~"'em to. be as green as t>eing led £lrst · by Mr Butt and afterwards. .Surely, ·,)'I;S. E very ri gLt .minded . Irish the Borderers of 1Q14. Or, if '\'<e do not . t~~ ti~dsof our ~untry. by Mr Sh ..w, and 'the other seed.on being lroy -.and' youn.;;< ~an ~J.1ust ha'v~ felt tlms .,:;.<;\St 't hat grf: of God' from us we m,ust. . .. TheEn~lis~ Empire ' i~ at war with G·er .. led by ·.Mr. Parnell. From 1866 till ~t &ome time or ot her , E yery lrishmall " utiLise it . to): .o, new purJ?(l'Se'-;o )·eih.ellJ,l~.r many and :na,.1{es a vigorous app.e..al for t~e the , whole ' party was ' u'nited under Mr. ,th at loves .Right .and J ustiN ; hates wrovn g.., the tradit!on ~ of the British Army', D,nd " splendid fighting material" to be found Parnell. Fr~~i800 till 1900 ,there war;> .}. «.:Kl injus:cil, m~st have felt those though ts the " ~ glories" of the B;ri!ish Empire! in Ireland, whkh . sa;n.e material ~b';;t G1 few anot~er spli~, during. which the' smaller ;m d , desires at som <: period in his life, \-'yl!.1.t ,t.-!membranoes , itUieedr for Irish· ~ort m~nths ago was simply a minimum. ~~~on was . redu,(!ed fromthirty .. five to What has called u s all to th e ranks .~f rw )n! \ViiI <!I).Y m emories of th ~ " glories" T~ey have give n us a Home Rule Bill nine, From 1900 till 1904 we had uni~y~ ihe, Irish Vo~unte€!:s? Not .m·e rely l;~e o{ of :\I ountjoy ' s: soldiers ' de50lating 1lunster ag;tinst . the wishes. of Ul:f.cr;~. King, and .and since t.hat ye.ar we have had two "n,ilitary di Llpla:;: we could h.ave got far s teal through? Or of the "glories " of 'i t ,i s to co.me . into ??Cration on the Kath .. parties again, the leaders being Messrs. ~rlo:e d1 splay in join.in g the )3,ritish Army, the Crcmwe man troopers? Ox: of the Redmon<l and ' O'Brien" both .of whom. leeuMa"oluneen syst.~em, ' . • ' .... ' N9t merel y .pol;·t~:al ' n~;;ssi' (y: ' if,\'as we '; 'pitch.t[fI:;pi~fr " in' 'D8? Qr 'o f :.. tb6~~w110.1 , • . I l'-av;e ,: na.d ;:~e' ~xperi'e~c~ of'" b~ing . Wane: aIe !lOW t old, with empn asL~ , tobelieye, ac~'().fripa.o·ie.:1 the' Battering Ram Brigades Y oung men of IreJa.11d, beware of the times L-l.uded and s ometimesa1.:used bY' .:m d if we rca n:; b elie-:-oo it in our h eaTt.s in the L a nd . ''''' art Or of the crushing 0'[ wily craits ·o f British 6tatesm~n. The 1:~ ng .. t,he majority of the p.; uiY. a s j·t is s.aid ,we bel.ie' c it, that };'oe<rs in South Africa, the spoH:).tion ot !i sh Prime Minister a short time .ago ~a.c re-d pl::ees in Egypt, the enslaving -of It will thus .b e se-e~ that during the stro,'ed ; tne Constitution and ' be,tmyed the Eng:,..n d 'I ~ Our .rri·en~ . the l~2.~:es 0: .Ill.dia,.? . Yes., .yes, ,t~e se n:illst tast ·..fotty .y ·ears there neve, \V,IS .a lengel" n; " at~hless, li p . patriotism ofUni;h'i~ts, bui 'fh at the Engli sh Go "ernm'c,nt will be just be p,~ rt o f our :remembrances if' we joi.n to.da.y he is the cherished idol of EnglaIld period tllan four y~ars during which we ·t:O u s, th ere. w ·~s· no. n eed 't o rush to anl,..,> ~or . " a.'>3OCiate " with the British Army. and c.i.J~ u s 10 wrap "ourselv.es in the Un'ion ~ not an: apportuni~y for militaIY skit" ~o gain a, poli-tic.al ad,'anta ge : 'Not me~ely .'\.; d .. \\ ·C must forget l;Iugh O'Neill and .Tack for En-gland's hono ur, fo~ she i~ the mi shing if we had' only the,. good fortune ~o , ::ounte r th e ilcti()~1 of onr . cGuntrym en Owen Rua and Sh;tlle; S:arsfield, Tone and to: have National Volunteers under the of the . North; for \ye w ere ' to ld from a ' "defender . of ·srrutll nations." Lnw e;; Davis, ?oFtchel, and the F enian ) control o~ members of P~liament.-Yours ·l!undrecL. SO tll:"-.e; that th .~ m en .of tb e North Mr LlOyd GeOl:ge, th~most villified man men. If we 3.re to be iaithfuPrl v/'ere only bl uffing, and tha t O'.lr "good England, has aheady bruised the in C ood Soldiers far England fri ends " . th e .E n gli sb Gq ve rnm ent w'Quld M. Ua 0.. knl lckles <:if the mailed fist, and -in co-n· -deal .wi:h them, Kot to .d efend our land we lUlls t forget the s:ory of o~r land and ju.nction with his chief has don·e more, £or :a.gain st th e C'erm an s : th ~ r e was no C~~r .. u:.J.t io" for seven hundred years as w-e ;; they hoth ·have cleverly trapped MI' John inan mcn a-~e l:1st D ocembe r. What called h.;Wcl thou ght of it and remembe. only the Redmond and pL:lced Home Rule on the " gl.ories ·" of :he - Br-itish:- Army and ~he lI S then l; tb <? Vol unteer 'standard? Simply Statute· Book to the' tune s ' of '·'God S;tve.,'· The Emp'i re calls yeu. Remember that " "triumphs" of the ~lIlpire .r t h is-the Iri:;u spirit. T!'le spirit of ou~' . }"or .the first time in many years tile tile King and "God. Bless El1gla:nd." Mr the foundation stones of EngJ imd's great· ·fath.ers which s till lh-es. Though their t>odi.eS be de 'ld ~h c jr spi rt lives, The ql,le,;:io·n .ut> to Iri shmen and up to Iri sh Re dmond says our place i s in the firing n ess <lfe blood, perfidy, plunder and treasp:i ~t .of o ur nati()1'l. The soul of our ra.ce, Volunteers , pa/.;(.: ularly, :is not, thank line, -but let U5 r emind him that too ofte n chery. Will yoU: resyond to her call, or God., " q u(", stion tetween political p'arties Irishmen have paid wit):! the coig' of 'blood listen to the better voice of conscience ac ting on ou r souls an d minds, urging . on to thi s. lYicmdries, ' such- as th.ose asso- or. l ead.e~~. ·, 'of p olit-ical . .?~~ti ~s. It . is no · h e p rice of li!x:rty in exchange for unrt 'within you? . Irelall.d does not dema·nd of you .big sacrifice in asking you not <to ·c·iated with the J{j sing of the Mo~iJ., were q1lesti o'u Of 'pa rt y O( f action:--'! It is a que s . d eemed ple dges, Wh:tt has b oon the English Empire's join the British army. Like a man obey '?.rith us, actin g 'kno win g ly in some minds. tion of 'pnre prin cipl~ and Deed~ to be 'u nconscidnsl y .i n oth ers: But we have d eG ided :hus . The principle is clear as r etur'n for Iri sh soldiers' bravery? A de.. her command, ~.nd then you shall have fJock ed to ·the · stan dard stlr ely for -:'the the s un at noon. Are we of the Iri sh pDpulated country, an in'dustrial d~pres. contributed a g reat deal to the true ideals 'highest a..'ld n obl es t ~nd p urest purposes. Vol unteers to fight for the British Empire sian, 3: colossal pile of buildings known of N ational;ty as ~\Vritten across t h~ pages. i\Ve a~~ e? ger to foll ow in the fbotsteps of <U for "h'elahd oIlly? Are. We .to join a,.; wodkhouses :md asylums to shelter the of hisory· in the blood of Tone and Em~ -',"ho~ ? Can t~ ere be any q uesti.on j' ba.r: ds with the KO.S.B. and other English declir.ing . di~Ys of the wast~elJ3 that have met. ;about i.t? In whcse f<>o':.steps are we to - ;:CSlUlf',nts or are we to remain Ireland 's fought their bames. PLASSY, LIMERICK.
,rp:s ,.
Irish Volunteer
! >
Compare with othe rs an d See the difference
-": "'ret
dotehs allowecl to Irish Volunteers.
.~ <>
T r a de
I b ~g to Offer a tlumb.cr of goop Rick Covers very little u -e.l, ct\<;., p Seco nd-hand Sac~ s. st , ong ~. nd fr~~ from hOI.es. suitable ior corn or pota toes. C.ieap. .
,H ired~ck~/i}E!:£~/Jtorand ·t : Maa" .ac; lIrcr. 2~ L..~. tI CHA1'<CEl(Y ST. ( t o r m~ rly Pill Lade) DU BLi N
1s~!:~~ W .o.i.....~r~:~~~~S i1:
For Sale or Hlrie on Rest Terms . . ' Up-to-D ate P"i r m l-n the
64 DAME STREJiT. 10 pe; cent discount on ail civilian
, when the followers of both lnfialued against ea.ch <Y.ner by party !::ries al1d pMlty influences showed their love of each other ' in suc..~"'eql\livoc.al fashion, claim TO THE IRIS'I I VOJ;l; l\TEE RS: ., that the Irish' P arty' as' a body is the nea,rest · • thing to a ' gOYE)IDrI)..ent ~. hat Ir{:k1.ud PO """ - Bi61d .th~, jort, 9 l1}cn of Eirea!tn ! ., i ,"-. , _ ,~~ sesses s,7!d ... as' sueil . should contrel lhe ;.' I~ thls h our 'b e , staunc.h· aml tflloC'; nation 's arrny,is unte~abi6' ;il~.. Jt' 'I',,~~ld / Foes !3s~a)) 'tirc' lind tba: 'o'ore' ~,~~: '\ ' ' he a.s r eisonable' t o argue that "because ' .\.!lcl' h e;;:' tru st' is' 'placed in you_ the TO.ries wilL o:>me into- qffi.:;e neS..--t . {,~ Let no h on eyed words ck-cE:,iv.e - you, th at the Tories should now <Xl o~ro l 'E ng10 ' biriste-~ing J mah yon qua.i~, -- •• li\,ld's forces. And' while the un.a~i~y 'S tand ye firm, 0 men of Eireann, ot' tjle part,,), on the question of rein-u.its -for , For t he h{)nour of th e Gael! England is wonderful, it is sc:lrcel y conSta."ld ye fi rm to-{]:n:, my comrades ceivable that 0·1'. Home Rulc becoming And the righte.'}t1.s C:lllse uphold, operative they wiU a ll be on t he one ben Give your hearts a'n d han ds to Eire ch es . ..1"0., instance, jf ) 1r. Reddy . and . As your _h"lle rs did of old; Mr. GWfnne use .tile same so!': of languilge Tney are calli.ng to you, pleading when recru iting ~neeti ngs are i nte rru pted F rom .the gloom of many a g.rave th:"-t is no guar-antee that they would haye Hearl,en t6 th em, h e,,! them, heed thern, the .'same opinion ~ , say, 'on Temperance Spurn the whisp'rbg of the slave. legis!Ja:tio:n, or th", law of copyright, Hold the fort, a meo of Eire::mn! Freedom's Rag is still nn~ollcd ; Let no fo·eman sncer to-morrow' That your m'lr.hoc-d you ha'Oe sold, IIold ·,the fO!:t" ,:met. do D,9'-: f.a.!t.el', ' '" .'{ ~· rlAV E· rtl~ .,' ." St rive t di'e th('t, h,md ,iin hancl, _ ~ . '; Til}· we, ' ~~~r ' ;~~.ay ~h~ fetter.:; , - . ~~ 0t' tM Saxoi1 I~()n~ . opr l;ud,J ~. . _ .... '/;;' .. URIA.lX NA BA:\,BAX. Ans\\~er- l, 'I:!ley 'have ~ma5hed in ;\
t ARTHUR & CO., t
t tt
OCrOBER 17, 1914.
Hold the Fort.
All letters intended for the hish Volunteers should be addressed PLAINLY t@ the "Irish Vol unteers;" Headq uarters. 41 Kildare- '
SAT(J~D_-\y, . o~~j'-rOB-£R
17; 1814_
~. ''!:- ~. f ,~~,,:.:~i..'
, . ~'f'
'We mr.!.y. take it for granted :hat th.ere 'are at t...'1e prescnt moment two riv::tl bodies of Vohl:,teers. In ~me diSitricts there h::ts been no· split up t o the present , beca.use the g ood sense of ~he oJrnmittees has been ·2'.reater tha.'l, that ' of the political leaders, ~
DON·r; ·?,,-.
,,.,' . . . ~ I.; ." , ~~ ..( .- ~.. ..; _ ,~~ ~~. ".},. .. ~ tw¢ . I::nglis'b ~tls l , ra'ws ~~ .
.fe\1r· .· m:91~ths ' th e
under"" ,\""I"hi ch ti·e II[~'K~+'enemy "wcrc'i for
il '
century deprived .0£ the right of aIilling and a::ming in the open . 2. Th{?y have killed ~he rec:-uiting of Iri sh -born men bto th'" Engli "h :lrmy_
John o :n.-\Yc don' care a ra.p, and you . dOll't worry abo:,t it either, Cailin,-Don't l<I10W . Ffe:lrd she is some hanger-on of her Excellency i.IJ. the' mic,obe-murdering business, and uses ano'..her name {)C.Ca,~Jon::ti1y. A contemporary devotes a llIle to lwr ; why we don' t know. P O'S.h ea-If we were to t ake you as. ser-iou.sly a s ,"Oll t:1.ke yourself we ;vQuld .. db something" de~pe rate. So live on. J. Kee-ran .-The hero of ~,Ollr verse was a. (qualified) fool,. ::tnd shooting was too good for him . In a. norm:ll conntry l,e' woul~ havc' di6Cl. in an asylum. P_ Clancy.-Surp,.ised. Are you s~rcas-tic about .:. our common l1ag. ,D Englapd has despoiled more small nationalitiesthan eve11Y oth er couru:ry in Europe together. J. J. O 'Brien.-We don't s';ve:lr, so wehave no answer left fo r 'yo~... P . C.-Th:ll1ks, but we would rather you g;;..ye us .a re~t. Galway.-_....n we say about him is " "Stephen Gw' an" as some people say t~ the K eddies. C2stler~!.-" The Leader ) gave hilTI that n:lnle. Don 't ' know for what f"o;l~,T _ C'u1ar re ason' except that it w;"uid."'.b e Wipissible t o keep from doing so. Rifles.-Ycs; tons of it. \'Vicklow.-We. would give up as hopeless if we thought you were a fair speciment of aDything except a vVest Bri·: on_ V<JhInteer.-Why not? It would be· a; good joo fo~ Irchr.d if the! and did no\;
T HEIR CRIME. in ~he majority of p laces the corps" have been ren t by skilfully introollced T hey achieved the above in despite of PEirson.::tl issues in which one set of leade~s ~i!ess'!'S Redmond, Asqui~h, D evlin, ;\lU _ 'h'lye been " held up .as mOJ;lopolists of na.- ge.nt, Kitchener and Co., whose permis- I Ma • • , . . .. tionality and a ll ochers as bankrupt in s.i on . they neglected to obt:lin before emhone;'ty and intelligence. The real. issue barking ' on the "profitless t:lsk of n:lli onis plain. In a nutshelL it is " Recruits for :building_ . rs ,,,_ s p eciallt, ' "'1'''' ' I Engl2....:1d or no Recrujts." And with the ~ "L~ JUDGMr"T l' ~" • is:;.ue t!J,.~ f.ate of Ireland a.."ld the movement B-eing guilty of the above crimes ;J.gainst is inextrica.bly bound up, If there are .. Ireland , a grateful natien, loyal to k in 9 22 and 23 Dawson Street. DUBLl l\< ~ other i"sues, if, as ha s been hir.,~~ at, the :;tepmcther EnglalJd; who sayed u s from ~~~>G~~~~~K>~~~<> J riS!l ParJ:y merely wished ~o raise a party the ' Germans in '98 and '48 ~nd ' G7, ",iD cry th.a.t would dissipate the influence .of dri"e them into tbc obscurity from which ~~~~<> some who were believed to hold different EngIrish Volunteer s. ~. poEtical opinions the nolicy has been a they should never have ,e merged. land has no need of such men . The orT HE fail ure and has ' only stereotyped th e g:ll1 of th e Sh::unr S quire has co.~,: the first lines of cJeav:lge aheady existing and stone. Let no sb.\'e hesitate to hunt them fm'tne;: confused the issue by alienating rule is once again from itself its most ardent supporters in down until English In Stock firmly esta, b lished in Ireland, or, at least, l re1anj and Americ:l who will have noW e are the sdle makers of ~he ~ thing to do with the new n::ttionality or {HIt:! th e str uggling smali n::l>:ions h a ,e Officia l Blltto!1~ and t he only I n sh the recruiting school. If Ireland- is behind ,indicated their right t o a pl:lce in t he maker s of UOlfo rm S u ttons . tile Irish P~r:y in all but the r.ecruiting EA~fO NN CEA)< NT_ question as it is practically is there was not Ltd ., IO 'ColJege Gr~eD, D ublin • the least £ear of the Volunteers getting TI'aJe only Supp!led () (nt·o th,~ wrong hands, no more th:ln the Dt.::BLIN 'REGB1EKT. ~~~~O United Irish League or any oilier poli:ic:l1 ~~~~.f&..~~$S.~.&~~~.& body. A section of them might indeed have h;].d different ideals blllt that is nmAll Cn,pta\ns of Dublin City a.nd Count y a.n d all fir~:' and 'secon d ljentblants are invited to attend at 206 Great R'l1n~.wick street on S:lturd::ty next, the 17th inst., n.t ~ Qe 7 p.m., for th e p:1~p0SI.l of conferring with ~ ~ the Coun~y Bc.:ud in regard to ~ schemc of training for the com ing winte.r. ~ Haversack"'~' All o=p:lnies ,,-hich have nO<! a l ready 0\1 S tandard Pattern and Quality (-9 don':) so sh,,-l1 immed,ate1y elect a de:egate to the coming G:mvention. oP as Adopted and Approved of b} '(ofS Several Pccts.-Xext week, or .tate,!"" The Provisior;a! CommIttee_ The Fo-,l!-th Battalion will {\~~ emble :tt ~ Kimmage on Sunday, the 18th ins·: at 12 p.o.~ably Ja!e~. neon" Full eq:1ipment and nrms to l::e James P. YIc:.-i.."•.::ty.-Quite Re carricll. Al so ' half a cLay's . r:-.tiGll s. ~ 62 M;;ry street. 10 liH3 U. N ~ C,olnp.;1.ni,es . . .vhi,ch have l{)::.t :\.',1 officer gret you blu ed Ollt fust lme. Keep .t he :ere cmpov,;e:ed to fill the vacanc:; by elec- f4g flying. ~1)~~%,%"&,,,€%,%'%"6"6'% tion, l~PJlar.ee.-Ccme along ag::tin. B y Order, . . JO~1 Le:r!,DOl1.-\Ye ar.e "it." Don't :)1. J . TUDGE, lIon. Sec-. T City and Coun~y Bo·a:.-d, J worry; th ank s fojr J\.meric~n Tn:!J}.ifesto . b1.1t
~ HOL~r;LJe~L£sc~r~~SlL!>. .~ R.,,.•• ~
}(ugbes, Bros, &-eo
~ <>
~ ~
Official Serge, 2 1 ~ TW~:,e:!~~Nt~~~~~_ *
t 2 0"
Alex COln·yu s & Son .
Vohmt~~r Equipm~nt Uniforms. Caps. Boots. Belts. Bandoliers.
SAT U RDAY, O arOB E R 17, 1914.
".,. ... ~ '
": '
-,Fighting' Line
~ ":
wh o, were he alive to-d ay, "vO'UJd sure ly be with us in our ,p resent fight." The great ra!ly of last Sunday will 'show O"'r friends-and onr enemies' too-th ~ t d espi,te - ',' ''a ' V€,ry "corrupt ana. cont:emptible ; Press, Wh1Ch j'g d~iJy_ trying to beJittlz our organisati'on, the spifit, of true ~atioI1ality "still liv~ i'n the ~en ,of to'-<:1:31- » l>el'Y man, i n ~ this ' C~mpany shou1,d bet orne a "recruiting ,sergeant" for t.,he Volunteers, and f5r his -oW'n -C ompany 'i.n ' partictiiar, Abse n~ees who are unable t o at:end t he , Comp'any d rills and parades should com municate with the Com pan}' -Secretary at 5 Blackhall street ; othe'-;",-;se their names will be struok off the , books, ;Hegtil,;lI and punctual attendance requeste<l drill nighr~s .
I prised ..
He wopld be . compelJ~d t o leave ' the room if the quest ion of for apd agaiast
: Warpipe Bands., : Ireland and can . gLye you b"ette r and ' Och'ea:pe'r In-strll'meDtS \t~an those 'who-at:eO
Olll£rely importers,
:, " D. MCC~'l!OT~~h, : WA h,LIO"S", T
~ N ',i H AWKES~ & SO~ IS THB
B " C011P:\~Y,
Recognised House for , ,
f ",--'
-Instrumenfs, -
G GP:HPA)<Y, ' 1;;t DUBLI).';BATT ,
~tem.o'ers of - C Company will" pa r ade at Company Headquarters, CoJumciJl.e H~ll, B lackhall st;eet, on Wednesday at 8 p,m, sharp, This company turned , 0'l1l~ wi~h the other
org~nisation, and crush :~e v~rJ bedrock,' Capt, Lawless, i~ reply,: pc'inte~, out t,bat " of Its co nst ltutJOn by 2Sli:JDg lts members the questlon of Smn Fem, Par_Iamen,arto enlist in Englund's army, cont~ar; to i,;ni sm: (;ni~nism, etc " w, e~e not at issue. thei.r signed declarJ.tion . He would iJe no As Insh volunteers each memb er gave party to such a transaction, ana he felt I his adherence to a consfitutiolJ bas(Od on sure that no member who had joined t.he fut1dam,ental principles' 'of' defence of
DRUMS (Side) . 11 36/,, (Bass) 56/- It. " FIfES 3/4 11#; " BAGPIPES " 55/-:
Icompani es o~, I:he ())u'o.lin Reg iment on Sunday to , honour the mem.ory of Charles Stewart P a m el!,
enlistment in .the army was to be put, by : T he abo\'e Company took p art in the the commander (Mr L awless), for whom , march ont , with th e 1st Battalion on Sunr ' t II_Jen1ober~ are ber, 19M, ',.:.hen a comlUUllicat i'on was 11le had ,3.. grea-t ' a d m 'lr,;hlo~, ,an d w b '~ as :: day llnde ," ,- I -itlUt , -'"A !rial, '"0 ~ • .1. read fro:r: Captcin M. J Judge, Hon, oSec, worker m the. cause. 'of Natronah ty m the to pa:rade on ' }Ionday nights, 8 o'clock~ DR:Plin {bunts and City, Bea-rd" Irish Vol -I d:strict was Ullequal~d b(}~h , in the ~_O.H at Cohrmc,ilic Hall! . B-Iackhall street, On ' . . ' He '-.--' to tli~_·l - Mr ~ T ;:t,m :Monda'~ nIght last'' sc.era-lp.e\V m.embers unteer :~ J d-ec1:::.n ng lIT favou;r of tIie Pr.o,.. u.u. oth'e~Ul',<~, "" -- ~. lJ.:.J.t.:J. .,dll\... . ( :' . ... ~ . ~., - .. _~ . ' '. , , , ',' , ' Ie ~ £ b' , ' h ' . t. ,,, ' 1 weFe ",enrolled and L~C'" wi'll sopn be , at , \' ~s!olIlal Co,m mlUee ; pe.t!,d mb. th'!).-- Co.zweu' , so " or n ,n gmg 1m : In.tQ . tH,e _. atlona . ' '-. ,' " . ., ',' " -'C l ' ., ~o"ement ~;"d "' e ap' p'.e~le' d to ..;.,., "fr La'~ fulL CDm""-l"'S ; aO'am:_ tlon . . ap't . La~·~ess ,. COJJlln';;llld.er,'i!""'i1.1.<Vlng . - .. , ~ \,.co.u U • .... , ~"Y. ~ ,r--.., . si'ren",th o · -. 0
. 0
Best Uillean Bagpl?e'S ' aJways , m O st ock, Chan~er, B ag ~n<;l Bellows, 57s,0 onett.. ; , 0 . Wholseale Agent for;.. all publications Gby Carl Hard eberk , \\~rite for lists. 0
A s?ecial meeting of the above com, pany W.lS held on Friday night, 2nd Octo-
reo.d :he ord<::r, poinnid out that the ori - I less not to put the question of enlistm€Th: gin8i con stit\ltion ani! , rec ent mo.nifesto to \he meefi~g, \' outlined i~ a ler'y c1eo.r mabner the ~b-I Seyeral "Other m'embers baving - s]foketJ. fects of the Volunte~rs_ This body:' he ahd int:=od uced ' the q uestio_n ' of Sinn Fein s to.ted, had bE'en called into existence to i as havmg captured the "Volunteer move defend 1he interests of Ireland a nation men.t and stated thut a lthough they were in side of thc sho!"e_~ of Ireland, It is now against, the policy of enlist:~~, ent ,t~ey were S0ught to change the policy of the whcle not go.ng t o support the SlDn F e:ners .
TO LUX TE,ERSA'we ask y our V port when S\t'~.fting B agpipe orO Clother Hands . ' We a,'!e actual ma.kers ·inO
0 ,.
Special Terms to Volunteers. Write fo r New Oatal ogue.
would s upport such a policy , as not 10ng 'I I:i Sh rights on the soi l ?f ' Ireland', ,;lnd , This Compan.y ' will par3.C!e at Colama go he was request ed by the general body "',ere the,Y going ,t o ad,here t,'o t.hose prin J oille Han, 5' ~1:::ckhal1 street, on Thursof the melT:be rs to define t h eir posi tion I ClP es ; If so they WOUld, remam true "to day at 8 p,m, }':11 are req uested to be a regards the army, as a>l. impression ha,li thei r declaration a nd ' woul~ ~h ow that regular ' and punctual'in attendance, Th~ thell !rot abroad (circalated by some mali- I they we:e against t he. policy -of enlistm~!1t ~ 'members are tv 'lie cong~afulated on their c ious pc;son or pe,'sons) t hat the form of in Ellg1and's army ; otherwise, to be con - splendid: turn ' out ' at ' Sunday'S de.:nonsdec}aration signed by tbem bound th em sjs~en t , t hey should immediately'- go 't o the tration, to the War Office, .4.t th~t t ime they n earest recruiting deppt- _and rain, He s l)owed their determ inatio:I to resist ,bein CT would ask for a straight answer" an d those
Hl1WKES & SON, Denm an Street,
P icc'7dilly Cir cus, LONDON,
i i
Jed blindly into t he bands of the
recrni~ i who
declared their adherence to the orihe :,'onld' continue to 'not let the cry of Catholic Belgium in work with and the others could make -distress mis:e ad them now, Their duty , th eir own arrangements , in this mat:er was very clear; Were th ey On ,the q uestion being put, 20 remained fo,!' Irela3d and the Volunt eers , or were: In the Hall ~lld 14 , ~vlthdr ew, he aded by they going to j,oin England's armed forces: an e x-so:dier and an ex-pollceman, and who clone 'to clec.th th~ wome n and chil- : were joined outside by two recently exdren ' a'~ Bach-eior's Walk? They all IG:ew : peEed members', and m~rched to the 'Iv~ where he stood on ihe qU>e5tion, His, Hou se, 'Drumcondra, ,,';here they were p~illcjp:es were tho£~ o'f Tono and Emmet; well supplied with liquid rereshments as and suppo;:t fo r e,'ery true Iri~hm.an work-l a re wo.~d for thei r work, A worl<ir.: ing honestiy , constit.uLcnally ' or otl;ter~":se , ' ocmm ittee was selected from those who for Irish Freedom, ,re mained, and , hav ing m,ade arr:mgement ~ ., 1" fdr field drill and ba:l firing on 'S'unday 1 he Prce'den+ ~/.t - G T ench s,...· "l"'''''r . .:c, - ',~ .~ ' ~, a,~ DardistDwn at 12,30 the meeting dis said he deprecated the iutrod uction of the ' I ':1 ' ' . ' ... , , , perse( m gooc 'order, - J V Law;ess., Comqu es:lon of en>lstlIlg In the army m ,o the man.der. d~scu ssiol1, ~i1d n ow th3.t l:Iome R'uJ e v;a.s ! on the Statute D-eok the I ri sh . pecple should be satisf.ed, He was no t in fav,o"tl r i A COMPANY, 1st DUBLL'~ BATT, of men le::'" ing the co:mtry, and he fel t ; sure :::'{r, Redmo:1d was of the sa:ne opiA full mu ter of the abD\:e Company nion, lIe <.lid not believe that the I;-ish , turned o~t las.t Sun d ay to honour the Pa:ty wished to do ,recruitin g for the army memo"y of one of the greates~ le;:,ders of and that 1'lr Redmond, ever appe:lled to constit utionalism in this country- Charles the I ris!l \'-cbnt~rs to take the ir p: ace in Stewa-rt, Parnell. .As one of eur present the firing line, a:ud if he fEd he was sur- llea.cLers veq well 'i;)~t it recently, '''<Due in'g sergeant, and he WuS sure they would' ginal programme
- --,-~-
E4 Ii
A ge:1eTal meeting of above oorps was There was a good muster of the members who have remained loyal , to Irela;.ld held Qll Thnrsday eveni~lg, 8th inst" Mr . P hc,th at the u~ual weekly parad'e on NichOlson, in the cilair, and t h~ following Thu-rsday and the Parn ell Commemor,a.::icn resolution , were unanimously adopted : (1) Pilgrimage on Sunday La.st, ' Ai ter p;uade That. we the Tub.berGu n:y Vol'Unteers reo on Thmsday different company offiG..ers affirm our allegia.lce :0 the pTj.noiples for wh i,oh we were enrolled, viz: to defend were elected' including the following.: Battalion Commander, Concu,bhar O'~o l w"ith. }he shores of' Ireland the rights and ,baci.ni; Right and Left Half Commanders, , liberties common to all Irishmen; (2) ,,;\.5 L. Murtagh and G. o 'Byrne, The .com- the ProvisioJ;lal Committ<::e, of whicli Mr pa nies have now been re-fOc.rnied <and Joha MacNeill is chaimlan, is the on ly Mor-days, Tuesdays a.nd Thursda.ys are !'lational -committee , n ow adheri,ng to the d rill l.ligh'~s at 7,30 ·'p,m . Delegates to - above pri,nci.ples, we het:eby affirm our CmweJ1tion will be selected' after ]XlIade on , allegiance to :bat committee; (3) That w e Tlm:-sday next when a full attend,moe is ea.rnesrtly urge all the able,b<Jdied men of Sligo to a:m themselves with -effective requested, -F , Banim, Hon, Sec, weapons without a mo.ment's delay, and 'w to giv;e the sD-called le'ld-ers: who want tD them to bloody , fields in ' a foreign o YOU FEEL WEAK, Depressed , &end IOI' run down? l.'AHILL'S ARO · land a 'Ve::y' wide berth, p' . Dyar, or failMATIO QUININE AN D I KON TONIC ing ,him, J, T , Kennedy, was depu:ed to ,will tone you u p , stead y y our .n erv ~ ,a ttend, the Kational CPIl\·e.ntion on Oct. improve ;you r appetite , enrich your blood Arro.ngements were made to start ' For ' summer lassitude, fo r Neu ralgia t r; 25th, ' a hottle, Is and 2s; Postage 4d, Mad L ritle practice o,n Sunday, 18th ;"",]3t, The .only by ARTHUR J, PAB ILx.., T he N a· C8-rps is :he firSt,i:l this county to provide tibnal Cliemist , 82.A Lowe, Do r set St. , milit :-:ry rifles ,f or its members,-Thomas Dublin. Murrican, Patk ' Dyar, Hon, Sees,
OCTOBER 17, 1914.
.....'.... . \
, . '
- .~
Sent by Rev. P. Walsh, ltD., Rathal1ga;l Presiden~ of Committee: Tile lNatioo:LI
Liverpeol B,a ltalion congratulate action Pmvisiona l CQmmittee in expelling the of original ..co,mmittee . in l'epudiating \ {lll ~'OO "noillin~es." (21 , Thaf s.i nce 'Our Roomend's t~:.:tics. St.!lnd firm for h e· ..... homes are s.itl!at.cd)n I\"eland we <:<lnriot land.-Clinch,.r!.!acManlls, Gleeson, Sim. ~efend them by gOiJ-lg. to F,ance. #(3, That Resolved, Tha t we the m embe rs ,'of the cox. : ~e only means -by whic.h El).gland .can S\~'ords ()orps (affiliited) of the Irish GOREY. '.vin the goOdwill of this country is the Voluntee rs d es'ire to. express' our cordial Hearty oo;rgra~\llations . ?\ow the air g;ranting of Ire]p~d of complete i.egis~ti \'e appro~'al of the action of the Provision.al is clear.-F.tchingham, By;nc, O'Kirwan, i.ndependence.-Signed en behalf ol the Committee in d eciding: :0 acil,ere to. the Kenny, Kav.anagh. ' Committee , John ,CoIn, Vice·President; . Oonstitution 'of the Volunteers as. enuncia· Dryan O'Connor, Treasurer, and Jehn ted at the 'inaugur::tl m'c-eting in the . BALINAGH, CO. CAVAN. Heartiif~ endort;e action of Pro\'isiona],.,. Fahy, Secretary. Rcit\!ntI~ Rink in :\'oycmh<'r last; and we CommiUee.-:F i.t zpatrick, Sec. · pled~C to ' th~m ' ';ur lo'yarC suppol.'t f~'" a~Y' DOOK, CO. LIMERICK. ft~tu re actirln they mz.y . take to. mamtaJn ,BIRR . • ~nc1osed COpj: of resolution p assed by . that ' constitutiOll im'iolate. Furthermose. Three t~u!knd King' s County and T;p· 0 ll'~ Corps. Se,a.n 0' Deagdh:t, Secretary. we protest against th-e resolution 'vbich· pem.ry \:olu.nteers an.:! folJowers at Review Resolved, th/it we, the Doon Voluntee rs, has already appea.red in the l)ress pur. here y~~erday staun9h . suppo!"t~~s Provi., decla.re ourselves Volunteets for Ireland port~ng to come . from the ,:"olupfeers of sional. Committee manifesto. Forced ' de·~ a'nd 'fo_r Ireland only . . We deprecate ~lY Swords,' su~h resolu:ion emanating ' from clara.ti6n ~ from reviewing officers. Volnn· :l.ttempt br w~~m ~o turn the Votunteer a bodY which has ne,-er received official teers ; for ~re1and's servi:.:.e only.--Gruagain . mO\'em ent int.:) rt recruiting ground io~ reooO' ,;ition from the Provisional Com, , and .!.~~3~~r. , , . ~he Bri\i sh , Arm,'. \Ye congratul,ate Mr. ~pea~ .in the n ame of the Volunt~rs at ~1ac~eill on the noble s"..2.!ld he has .all.-SignE'u on behalf of the m embers of }4ITCHELST.OWN. the integrity and the corps."-R . Celema;), Company Com· Mttche lstown Headquarter Comp:my, 1n1ce'to preil<lrve . Galt~ Regim ent, endorse your . action; purity of the constitution of the · Volun . · mittee, and is con sequently ' not entitled t o delighted nave old commi:tee at Head. teers , ' and we prom'i se him all support in nander; 1-'. J. Lawle'SS , Company Sec. . whatever steps it may be n ecessary to. take quarters.-:-Wal sh, Sece. KI L DYSART, CO. CLARE. to protect the movement from England's DI'K'GLE, CO. KERRY. h unger for Iri ~h ' soldiers. Q:.pies 'o f -Hiis NIl' John ?ll'X:tln:l.Ta , Sec., Ki1d y~3rt Dingle Volunteers hea rtily support a:· to. be sen,! to M r. Ma.c1l<eill, Mr. Lundo.n" Volunteers , wIi:/'-5 as follows: I heal-tily t.tt~de t aken up' by Provisional C;:ommittee. M.P ., and to the Dablin and loc'll Press. endors:e your action and feel su re you -O'Cqrcordr~l" Sec. · will h.·w e the support of every genuine CU.LL YHAKXA, CO, ARMAGH. .'l'ationaj i&t in Ireland . SLI GO.-=-Slig.o Volunteers approve mao I ;un highly delighted at the spirited ad. ni fes to.-~,I 'Gowan , Sec. FER~S, CO. WEXFORD . dress to the Volunteers which your Com. P'roposM by ·~Ir. .\v . . Brez:':.D:\n : (Compan}'. CORK CIT". init:~. h as i;;sued ' ~' fe~ days~ ago.-':Aodn' 'Commander F erns Corps 1. V.), seconded" The Execu tive Committee of the Cork o Ceallai.gh, Chairmaa, Cullyhan.a; Iri.s h bV P. Ron::tn and passed nnanimou sly VOlunteers, Cro~smaglen, 0 0. Armagh. Ci.ty.. Corps ' at its usual w eekly mee:ing' \\~i.th a.cch~m-1tion: R esolved: Tnat we the on Saturday night passed the following C E LBRIDG E , CO. DCBLIK. ctemb'er' of the Ferns Corps. Iri sh Volun· 'r'esolution by fltteen 'votes to three-That Celbridge Company. LV.-At a. m.eeting .eers, Olonee, vol ~nt~er-ed and drilled and we ' express our confidence in the Provi. ·of C~~mittee ~f aoo've ~o~pany . the fol. lr,rn ed for the sole and single purpose sional COlllmittee of the Volul~t eer on lowing rel'iOlution . was w-ssed-That we .. ,f defending th e right; and liberti~ of 6 ch~r issning a manife"to condemning 1\:Ir approve of the Il!anifestc! ?f the Provj.siolll~ .: . he people of Ireland in heland .and no· Redmond :s action. Cwn;niftee. dated Sept. 24th, as we C'Ons;i4er ;vhere else,
teen: 'w ere ' formed ~o secUre "Ind maintain the rights and liberties of Ireland; in our "pinion the best way o.f en~voudn; to a chie\'e these :Objects 'is to. soru·pul~:sl..Y adhere to the aims, objects and ideals emhodied in the oo)J~itution under whi-;::h they We.!:C ca!led into existenc·e. The above resolutioll was -proposed by Mr Michael G;iliiU and se=nded 'by Mr Thos Cor bett, a.ztu, carried u nanimously.-P. M'Seacain, lIen. Sec.."etary. 'KLIBA'I'<"'NON; TUAM. ~k J. D. OosteUoe, Hon. Sec., Kilban. n{)n Corps, TU.aln, writes en-cJosing . affilia. .!lon fee fOJ: hi s corps, and S:lYS : We are delight.ed with the fJ.CtiOIl of the Pro. vis:io~1a1 <;o;nmit:ee in clrpeHing Rercru'iting Ser.geant Redmond's nominess from the ''l''Crking Oom.lnittee o.f the Irish Volunteers.
·~.rr. Padraic O'Reilidh, Sec. of th~ Partrv Ballinrobe, Co. May'O, writes i~ endosir.g affili.a!ic.l\ fee for his corps : Th~Ulk God the Provif.liOTh'l.! ' ~emmittce h:J.ve proved themselves .worthy 9,f the con. fid enoe of e;very· "-ru.~ Gaeli\ and , DO rnatter what repOtis ' you may see in the Press, the "-men of ti>~ west" are at Jour back.
t '::orps,
l\fa.gherafe1t ' congrat!llate
Pro"isiQr-~1 i ·Oo a;:.ni t:ee on th.eir . indepen. dea.ce.-Louis S::r:yth, President. You have ther'support of every member of the Magher.at~lt Oompany. \ \''6 are prepared te endors ewltatever steps your committee may d eem it neoass2.l'Y to' taek in further. an ce of . the objec:s tor which tile Volun. teer mevement came into existence.-Si.oned oa beh:~lf 'Of the Committee, P. O '~e, PI
''!'' V -'''''' wn . S.f?CS;
s.."TURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. Mr. t'et<lr O 'Malley:
Loyal to Ireland.10. CON'U,NUED
(1) That we. ;the
Jriember3 of lfl-e C~;:hioug:)1 1.' en,dQfse the recent manifest.:l "of the ProYi~i~al Committee undZr. ' the ctiairm anship of
l"ROlrl PAGE
" \- "''C' . T K.· .l.w~,
Prof-essr)r l':.oin "-'f,ac'Neiil; ·- ·We strongly
. St .. J(}~ph's, Ca~ick.macross, ~fy
con g ~atula;:e
Mr. ~rac~em,-I . you an.d the other
heartily mem~rg
before you,r company witbout delay and to furniah the copy of resolution passed • the ua...T.C of delega.te and the affilia:titm f<n: Oeto,b. el1 to this ofnceas quickly as """"' . '" ·bIe. r:v--
:\:[i .' E. ' O.·'CC<l,'lc'J., ubn'aF, S&." wri.te,'~·, ·,.forr·" ~ rrV.Kl.ia"c.,tIl<:) :Lai~ .o f ~, . .JohJCl ~edmond :.o{, the 'Provj~ onaL'(;otniP'jttee6fhut' in~ ' :.,.~ ,. ...~ .:.,",.· . · · ~. f.,.~.~.~ , Pr;~~~fo~l ...C'o. m~ . . or'-' any9the,r'· Ullpef.ia!lst, fo , 0.ff~ ·. U:p?t1le · I , ' ...." . . . . . - . .•.•.•. ,> . . l ,:'.. ~~ , wa rdioO' affai.'ltion ;J'ee . fdr. four .C(lmD:J;-ni~s ; . '. ' " . \ r.'6Jt:n t~er~~oii ..·y,oYr, .fu,··m .: ~~~ . ·.ciftiie.'"",~.·j:~.~. . np~,.ee" 'I';'H-! ::l:ttei}(J a-s ];nembe,s of t:h~ Gcsr-' / eo ~ ~ . "-VI . liv~c; b!~~~ \of Gu...r;')~Qiu~g . Irisb~ef!"·. 't!o " . ~ " ~"" . ;'~~~;'~"",~ . .!'. ~. of the Tra.lee C. orpa. a d ' C Grran's ..,C:orps, ~ . ." i :\,st~ ;··/f-of.,· :l'ou r ..:o1e-..'ui'il g ·L'l8.'.,· aii 1l0( .··e,l'l1. Y .· Hriti:,b. Empire whilst' n o Nll.tiomil ' attached to. Tralee. G . . (3) W' America, · by y.o .:r Eor~ MAcxii'LL. 'ovemment is .:;.l'~owe d to ' enst; e for Ire.:iri d bUt fo.r publj.c declaration tha,t yOil no longe:- a.d·' HOIl. Sec. dec1..lIC th,l,t Ircl;;nd ca nnot honourar..ly CO:RK CITY. m it Mr. Rt'dmo.r.d·~ nominees" to. sit and participate .i.n !oreign qua:rrels save through act cn thc Committee." This action of , Th'e .appended resol'ut!on has been adopthe free act i,on of a national government .of you:rs ~lear ' the a.ir both here ancl. in .t~. n;'l.aIlimo.usly, not only by the 'Exccutive ; . . , . C her own. Ame,ica. JJad von ~ne 5 0. three months t,"9'mmit1ee, but enthusiam~caJ:ly by ·o m. ' A B ;;.LF}.,sT PROTEST. DlW11COLLOGHEl{ / COUNTY '<lJ6o, tkfo~f to ~'-k in a very mild 'an . .panies· A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H of the . LIMEiuCK. guage', we Call call want of friendli· . ;Cork ,C ity Battalion: That we congratulate ness to · Irej'and ~'as so dearly manifested the Provisional Committee, ' Dublin, on the .. .. Droadf0rd and . Drumcopogher Comp.any . of Mr. A. Ne:;""',..~~, ot n 'e lfast, ba.~ ad- . deteImined .st:3fd t~ey oo'''~ ta:kei:l~ir: .1(eep· : loyal ro :t,h ei.cJe~l<of the ' f~ish:~V-9:11,l.nteers II1..a.n·Y~?¢J~'ht c.:a.1l you impr;udeut. but to dei.~·Y· any longer in pedorniing . you. ~r~d him&e<.£ ~o fhe Secretary ()f the itr".. the Irish Volunteer movement .intact . ., . as migin:l11y laid doW-Po. by Eoin .\,.macN eill. .;IS an a.rmy fsr the defence ·of the rights Decision all bu,t unanimously cOme to on boun'den .duty to yoursel,,-es and .to the J3elf",,~ Din5i~1.l Lx.ectl:tiYe of the Unitie~ ~nd liberties of the Irish people, a nd we '4th October. Four diS;;.lnted.- Tomas de Irish. Volunteers under your control W'O".lld Iri sh I..ea.g-.Je in fM following terms:be both a breac..':l of £ai.th to the Vcl=te~s " A ;; a csmprugn fo~ the Cl1C()ura.'sement of :pledge our unstinted support to tile foun· .' Bhall. .<:lers of the movement in resisting the and trea.;;on to Ireland. Ha-d ~n avoided ..nli st.\T.t.lDt i!l t.."'e Bri6:Jt A=y is now the ATHENRY, CO. GALWAY. effort~ now being made by Messrs Red· this duty w~~ would th.e Irish in (l~fined policy Qf the Irish Party, I feel mond and O 'Brien to make the Irish. Volun. : At a · me.cting:of ~th~ Athenry, Battalion America. E.'ly of SUCll neglect . of. duty and with ttlC 1!>re;l.te;,-t ~rr(J\v Il<}d reluct=. teer organisatjo~ a recruit-ing ground for Committee,it was proposed by M r. P. of such 'want of fidelity, and would or ,,?mpel!.ed to hdd 01100£ from the Irish :th2 British Army .-Tomas MaCCurtain, . Jordan, seconded by 1fr. Fitzpatnck . d ~:n . !!'l1ght be ~d .at ~e in Ir:l.a.nd._ I co,n . . Party <l.!ld i.ts O1'gan'satiDn until sUCih time s:ider that" Mr. RedrrJQrid and his -frierids/~,; .,, " ~' ~ bec ". ......:":"le ' '" 'r \f'~l' ;;', e" ' 1"1' .w. 1' ll , ~_ :intill~ Sec~ , '. uh4lii}n:iio~lsty .\resolyed .; ·',~Tbt3;t ,' we ' ~::ana 'I....... ~ I t·. '" ... , " '~ . ~ .... , " \".:\~ ..... "'" .;;p.;r
. the
.F'. .
.:\ ~ f
~:.~ ' -
• ,
I .
, . KENMA13-~Cc)RPS~ .,. t . i.Oyii:Ny. by. ,tQe: ProviSibP'?-1 Ooromit~ee::.,:wh~ . , . . ha.ve iss~ed a manifestb. refu.$ii;lg 'to ':have '. ' The" Kenmare Volunteers hav~', adopteq I the Irish~ Voli!nteer ranks m&de a. :recruitlilg . ,the following resQlution: That we the I ground,.fer :l i.reign army, but~ determin. members of the ·Kenm.are 1. ·V. Oor.ps, de,. in'" to .k ee p it on the ' lines on wb.iS;h it 'sire to. convey <to , the ProvisionaL qom. l o · . / . Vias based .aiLd run since its' institution, ulittee the expressi.on of our unbounded . , and that in. oonsequence of Mr Redmond'9 :eonfidence a.'ld sup~rt; and to .assure them adion in having departed from the express that we will keep true to the old flag and '" purpose for whicll the J-ris.h , Volunteers :the: ca.use of national -independence. We ; ' . 'gh , , ",'ere organL.<;ed-'-the ' defence 'o·f I nsh n t9 . :also condemn in the most emphatic; manner ' ·-the o-reat ma}ori~y of us who were r..he action of Mor. John E. Redmond in . " ulways foHowers of his mu st now sever , becOming a recruiting S"'J'geant for Eng. · OUI connection wit.h him, as we do not land's Army, and for his unpatriotic can· ' ~ how Ireland 's itCcount with . England d·uct in trying to break up 'our s~and . . is closed, and why this alreadJ> populahon 'Ol!1!.anisation, u body that h'e neither e5tab. drained country cf ours should be called lLshed nOT helped tQ estat.lish but to'.)k over )Jipon, to contrit.ute the ·flow er of Irish «PIDmartd .cf when it became powe.rIul.)'Outh ~.Ild m<J.llhood tf Englund1 s army to Fl'om Ma::thew 0' Callaghan, Sec., KCJ;l" figh.~ E.n.gl.:lnd's battle• in a foreign country. xnaxe Corps. -Eelmond Corbett, Hon . . Sec.
B-allykeeran Corps, Commanded by . .Mhlone Co. '\Vestmeath , TIle members of : this corps, sixty.four strong, a.t t/teir met;t. ing ' on ?U~d.:1Y., 4th 0ctober;., unanhnot{siy~'l -decided to stand by the original principles : ~nd government of the Irish Volunteers. " They also -condemned .: he action of. Mr. 'R.edlnon:d in turning himself klte· a r.e· ' .c;ro.iting :lge!lt fa T the English A.rmy.:Fror'o. Seu:Ilas O'Briain, Secretary. GALWAY CITY. At a meetino- of the committee of the
('y,aJw~y .City C~rps of !hc Irish Volunteers now const itu:ed, con~isilng ot' .the cffi· .cers o.f A, C, and D Companies (B Com· .pa.ny officers ·absenting themselves) t.!Je :following ~esolution. was pasS"'...d unanim. X)JLlsly: That "e the oommittee o f the .(f.alway City Corps of the Irish Volu,lteers •pledge our whole·hearted support to the 'Eoin M::c:S: eill and the origina l Provisional C-.:llllmittee of the Irish Volunteers, and .that we congratulate them on th er manly .:Stand against the endeavour of England's -flew recruiting sergeants.-M: J. Alien, T. Walsh , Han. Sees.
WESTPORT, CO . )fAYO. . At a meetiilg of the Cushlough Volun. ·.'teers W estpcrt Co. M·ayo, the follQwing 'z:esol~tions we;~ adopted o.n the motion of 'Mr, Patrick Tunne",. sectetary, s~cnded by
'f:r~ a!ier.:l~,iI1g tr'0tn+lle<g :the f~~~''!.l . f~tl . ,.l~isp Xatio;;~li~ bo<iy' ~ o~ mC;r.e . .: ::f\iy m04:heys aod. th.e sonS ' and «.a.ugh~.:e~ (l,I: .' ·::plour ·)3 gT/ien' .tlSlg 'and i c~ot..he
Ire1u.ruf a.11<i their ini-uence is great.~ Eug....ne MacKe;.lna, P.P., V.G.
tnle to mv na:",'0l).ai coo~ie.n('e and assis~' iE the p~ti['_g 'of the Union J~Ck ' on the
. ~.:npa!'t,9 of ,Yest Belf-asi.' I am, there· .. ~.l i-e , resig.nii115 ~y S~·l.t on ~he . Exeoutiv.e." i·~· . :-1e'WrGb:n 's ' rcfere..x:.e to the Uuni.on <'0l: recei'7e:l additional force when we ' -e~Eect th ~ at M''r. Devlin's meeting m ·t. \fary',. H e.ll, '1J1cr the criginal Volnn· ee1' CO'l1!l1 ittee 30M lY.)() ef their SUppcrteFS "-,:;r.-:. the haJJ 35 ~ pto':<'.::1t agaL.i.St the re· ' ,".,.:,1 to he-<l.r thei'r 0.a.use, ~1r. Devlin's ·'i.j~}.?'0rten~ sunz U Cod Save the King/" "I_i1.C. ., Rule nritannia," as a fo-rmal COlil..;;'Wjcn to t.~ p:rcceedings.
41 Knee·re street, DabJ:L.'1. The P rovisional (JQ:mm~ o-f the l:ish VolJ,1 l1,~~erS at their meeting . 0.;0 28th Sept. unanimously decided to issuo ~he ~ollowin g
\· ORDER. ·
The I rish Voinritoers Oo'nventicn will be hel.:! on Sunday, Oclobe~ 2!'.)th. The Con· "enticn will consist of company deJ.egates~ One deleg.'lte , to be elected from among the activ~ niembers '/by 'ea.cll· cordp=y, which .1lC'CCpts the autbori~y of the' Dro' visional Committee and whlch a.dheres by resolution to th~ criginal and sole of the COU:\TY WEXFORD. hish Volunteer5, to. defend Ireland a"aai.'lst A Chara-i\1r. 11a..rtin Kellny, the Sec" t.he constant and decl ared eliiemies of her asked me to send YOl.l o.n the affiliation f&= o,'ltional righ~s and liberties. The' deci· for our company 9f seventy '~:nen in 5o10n of each cempany to thi,s eftect must Sutto";;s Parish, ' C~:'· \~exord. ·We h~ld a 00' oomrri~nicated to this committee on or meetino- last n.1Q'ht and unanimou sly de· b~tqcrp:1~.. Ltlt., ? f October, and the a.ffilia·, cided :~ stand b~ ;ou in .your determin'ed tion 'fee for '(),otober fit;$. be re<X:iced at fight .aga.insc recmiting.-Liam M a.c . an •. H~~qirarteFS "ii'ext Wer '~an th.~ t date. C'hrllitire:·C.C. (Roev. Father Harpur," ·:... . c. 'The name and a.ddress 0·£ the delegate B<!ile '(ji. Chean.aigh, New Ress) . appointed by your company should be for. warded togetb.er with ~ur .affiliation fee DUBLIN CITY .. for Oc-..ober, and a copy of the re~lution passed by the · company to Headquarters, SOLID FOR IRELAND. and a detegate'5 card admittiner him to t}.e Every company of fcm battalions of Convention will be forwarded to Iliin ~me. Dub-lin VolunteeI's, with three exceptioll~, diately after October lStb . has decided by a. large maju:rity t~ ~l'p . The busine5S of the C~vention will be port the origina l Pro 'J;3ion,a l C oml'l ·. : ~e!" ~..o f:raD;le a constitution for the I rish Vol· and endorse thci r manifesto. >j.·;; c,: -:, . .~ ,~ unteers, .and to elect a governing 'trody to not allow u s gi'<;e the reports received from ·, . c c.ntrol th e movement . th.;) "ar~ous DuUin Companies, but tKe An audited statement of a.cOOt!:1t~ will splendid turn out 0.£ Sunday, Octob er 4th, I be sub mitted to the Conveo':ion. . when th(, f irst Ba.t".-alion p.amded the The 1',o"is;o=l Committee b :\S fix ed ~;l~" streets .0.£ Dub:!!) 1,200 stron\! proved early dat," ror the C9nventioD b-.oo.,use tr.ej' o"Xlnclus1'vely th e fi-trength :and solida·rity of ?".re ~;.x i c·a s · a.t the earoost pos ~})(' rno the ranks ' jn Du]:}lin.· .... ;nen'l· t ') rel inquish -.he ' respon si "in:, of oont~011 i ng the movement and to ~: e i i GE:\,ERAL LOYALTY. . pJ'" C"~.il in the b,.l nds of' a:.'l ex.e::" ;ti,,C' :.. kct··· Irish Vohmtcers th ems-elve:'<. Letters and telegrams of oongrat~11a.:ioD Tile Convention will be heid in D '2'.:';:;-. oJn the m :llli!esto of the Provi s~onal Com . . ,nittec were also recei.V'cd from the Volun· T\h n e .o.nd p:.a.0e will be a..nn OUl'lO',:d. }.a~ e ~'S this i;l::t~f-e!" .is of the' utmost in1port.a.!:r :oor Corps of Tubbercurry, O:'ogher, Rock· . ' ..,.'1.d nr~nCJ Y'l'U are I'equested to bring i· .".crry, Ventry and Brusee.
hY 0.c
. The f;!tU:1.ti.on rl'm,~ins uncha.nge--.1 k>caliy. The only companies who have receeded a.re unaffiliated comowies and a £ew o f those people who always go with the party that they .are Bledy to make the most O\1t of. The A.O.H. ~e rema.inin:g neu.tral. Fh..-t throngh time and hard work and the a,ssiSta.n'ce ef the Vo.lunteers who stin remain true to Irci2..'1d·, . the Pro· visional COlll:nfttet; hope to make the ffiovement a ,. b.ig success mally; The Birkenhe.ad Company b eld a general meeting on Wedne5Qay night last fer the PU:Tpow of electing iu non·commissioned offi. "ers . The! fol!Qwing. we,e elected: 10~;-..~ct<)r , J. MiDonoell; sergeant, John Zenny; OOTpor:ll, S Cllr:l:)S L; •• Doinn:hia . t was decided to. c::tnv&.S the dis-trict for ·' O'.'l rocn:;.~s, ·=d e, ery moa n was asked ' '', t ry n:l.d cring O:le n ew member. It was .,1!;3 deci.de.a to change the drill nig;.\t r,,= Vted:!c5day to Tllesd:lY at 8 p.m. :J 8Xp . Ali V{),unteCJ:3 u..-e t:: ged to pass.. tile (( I d :.:il Vo ;'Un~ ec;" when they a:-e ',i :.. ~1e::l ,\ltith It to snme lrish.rna.:.l in the V01:~1.:: ~eeT3 w(.'~lkl O"rer. .tly :;lssist their ..:;:;': 1-::'!.Cir ~1 b y s:lUenrl iug th eir drills r e-
';~r :)" l'. !'cl ",t C,e apwin-:ed ti;ne.-I:r=k
' l:' ''~l;:cn, A3sl.s1.:J.,..t Ih,n. Sec .
.................. :
'Phone-lOU8 Ceotlal.
139 Oxford 5.treet, LONDON, W.
Irish ' Tailors.
. ' {; ¢
Specialists i.n Suits and_ O~!."l<~() ..h • • of outstanding merit., m1).o\'!l (r')<lJ , : Irish Materj~ls, b~ Iri!'h men .. prIces from- SuIts, i)(};1.; Ovet(:'., .. !;; ~ • 42s. A trial order re~~IulJy . ' .. solicited . Volun teer Unt lor,IL~ ~up· ~ '. plied at lowest prices ~
By A. Newrnan
Books recomntendec! to
IRISH VOLUNTEERS SHARPSHOOTING. IN WAR, 1&9 pages, 70 IIlmtrations, a oe{ exhau.stive intormatio.n on the selrctio n and U~ of modem rifles. 1/3 post frec.
A'u:thor of "'[1\e Jlqs3i:ui, t,"
Spe;::king at t~e Mansion 'House recrui:t. ·; \vounded' Dervishes who m ight be sham. ing ' meeting, :'.Ir ,4,.sqtrithdeclared that .illiog dc<>.th on fhe battlefield. U n less this some time. ill the f\'ture-~rhaps he didn't odious 'Work had been e fficie ntly 3ccom· ECTlON & COMPANY DRiL.L MADE l~ke to promi~e, but he felt qu'j\te' sure, the plisned it weuld h:J.ve been impossible for · EASY. 1(8 post free. I r ish Volun1eers \v'o uld become "aD integ· oux men to have crossed the ground with· RlFLEEXERCISE MADE EASY. 8:i ral and. cbaracteristic .P~rt of the fo rces of out the occurrence of m:l0Y casualties. post fre,, ~ the Crown ." There is' no Crown ill Ire. Another defence or the proceeding which FIELD FORTIFICATIONS. By Colonel land, so ob1'iously he ~eant the British has been advanced i s that every man who M'Donnel!. 414d pos~ free, HINTS ON TRAINlllIG INFANTRY. 1/9 CIown. The . Un!.on Defence Force of I is saved must ha've proper medica'l atter.. p ost free. South' Africa :i~ not one of 1he forces of tion, which mean s c.imini~hing. the pre· STRATE GY IN A NUTSHELL, 1s. 7!d. hi:, O:own. It has recently been "requ es. cious stock of 11n1 and other necessaries, post free. ted "-not o:de red-to take certain Ger· besides making fresh d emands on the lin, · AIDS TO SCOUTING FOR OFFICERS man pos itiol}S. Similar autonomous· forces iled staff." AND MEN 1/3 post fre e. exist in Australia and Cim ad 3.. Th-e.&e ,. Onr own free and independent EYening , .NIGHT OPERATIONS FOR INFANTRY. forces are n::-.t "Crown" forces' th ey ex. t /9 post free . ist for tbe deic:noe of their ';espe~ti~ coun . I Telegraph jon .its an,ti.recrniting days ,,,rate EXTENDED ORDER DRILL AND COM· tries. Occasionally <l> small ' per~entage of -"However, the fact rem ains that an . pany.in Battle. Is. 2d. post fTee. them volunteer to · se.r.e England out .of , Eng}.ishrr)an as patriotic as any', jingo of gratitude for the protection' afforded tJ;~m (bern ::l.ll (Wilfred S cawen lliunt) acknow· TRUMPET AND BUGLE SOUNDS.oy Englwd ' 5' army and more e.;pf--ci alJy ledges that the much ,aunted victory was (BritiSh), with music, Is. 2d. post England's .n~ vy . a bloody, unnecessary s.nd"on th \l'. whole, free. They u:'e not under the control of tae aisc:editable 'perform an ~e ." ,Sirdar Kit· THE SWORD &. HOW TO USE 'iT. Driti !;;'l. Vfar Office. ·The British \Var Of. chener ,was tbe victor of ·OmduJ:man. Sir. F ully Illustrated with photogr.apas. nce CO'1.;ld not dismiss 2! man of them. -,",:nd 1d~.r Kitchener is now a partner in t h e firm 2/3- post free. all Illi!, aloofne5~ £rpm' War Office contro l , of Red t;lOnd, Asquith and Co, whose plot mSTORY O F THE IRISH VOLUNTEERS is part of a well considered scheme of to p-<Kch ase the bodies and souls of the OF 1782, by T holwis' r.lcNevin. Wi th :niuding t he ir own business and fighting In sh Volunteers by a POSt d ated cheque descriptioh.. of uni1~~m~, etc. , ' of aJl in d-efence of the.ir own acquirc-d. ri;;bts \' on the credulity of the Ir.ish people was local corps of Irish Volunteers. A c:Itd Jibertjcs. ' blown sky hIgh by tha mani.festo cf the splendid b :lok that e"ery Volunteer The Asquith .Redmond scheme ' i~ nstly ' found er s of the movement . should r ea d, 8d. post free. tii!ier'ent. · Their pl;n is to hand over the And witness :the l!npurchasable Daily HOW TO SIGNAL, Fren'ch, Dutch, Eng, lish, Mone, ;>emapho,re, .a nd other metood". Sd. pO'st fi·Ce.
e t'<..,
Let us pour gr2ciously our chikhen's.. blood Into the barrel of En.ghnd' s infamy; l,.,et
•••••~•••••••~••• +*~.
SATURD.i.Y, OCTOBER 11, 1914.
Kitchener of
i t'uriong &XeH;,{.i~ •. , j-I '
That she has good! Come I let us brood Ah"-avs above And ~vith cur "England is food !"
1!l1p-eri :t1 i:.,t,
C~'!J. c.l
d-ell Y'
wrought us anyth ing b ut_ mock the martyr.souls whc>-' us froin'ihcir pitying sky,. Leader raise the 15attle·cO':, solclier.hun gry-giye her
Surely our day of desti ny had come~ For, as one ma n, our 1\ alion stood
Dark Rosa!een caressed her 'children's , feet Marching behind no id iot fife and drum! B ut lo! a cha=er cometh with hi.s charms, And we m u st wrap us in our windingsheet.
At last w e reach the h eights of our d esire,. .'l.nd / to us comes the str ong swell of ap. p lause; " . -. ' , Borne on, clear Endish air, a s Saxon cla."'5 Are ~lapped together. Let us all expire For joy on Britain's bosom, and admire,.. As our eyes glaze in de:?th, her splendid jaws \\:h1c.11 ha.\'e d evoured "small nations'." \\' e have cause ' To quench ·with our 'best blood h er Marti(!n nre1 But there is one among US WllO hath gained' Even a- greal~er hei~ht, whose dulcet yoice,. Imperial toned, wou.ld lure us from OUl" crimes. Beside bis brightness all our stars hanl' waned ! Caes3.{ hath sprawled to conquer. Come.. rejoice! Our leader hath found ja" ciur with "TheTimes !"
Recru iting the Cause of the Trouble
SEMAPHORE SDIPLIF,I ED.-29Ca:rd~ showing Fron t and HeM r>osit:~ The easiest method of at-quiring ~m'8. phore. 8d . post free. THE nA:-.rNA HANDDOOK.-Comp?-ny . Drill, Signalling, Rifle Exorcises, Camp 'York, First Aid, Etc., LtC. Proiuse1y Illustrated. Best Irish 0.!ilitary publiCation. I s. l td . pest free. ALL POST F REE. TERMS-CASH WITH ORDER.
...... ... ... at:.. Irish Volunteer" Office, ENNISCORl'HY.
.. ~\. • Banners, Flags and Sashes Q.t
.... :
ior all occas;ons designed and roade
111> Lowest Prices.
: Nt Cahill & CO., ' P·E~B~tJ. St.
............... I
hj ~h \'clun~e-2rs. to the Br:,:ish 'War Of- I Indepcnde:1t ·b efere it a ccepted the recrn,it.fice. IreLand is not to have th~e sta1us of iog adve rtisement- ' :~ illing the wounded a Bri:ish Colony. Ireland, deprived of its I af!d even the women caught on th" field' ~,ltiv<'l Parliament, is as!<ed to hand over of b"ttie has been a :nongst the .habitu;::l its n ati ve defence force to alien control, horrors prao:lsed by th e llnt,sh 111 every to th'e control of tbe British \\' ar 'Office Ca:~lp3 ign ,iIi ihe Soudan in. the past." . under Ecrl Kitcr.ene!'. Gr eat l S the power of Brh13h gold ! The K: tche n er was belter known once to' I leopard h as now changed his spots . T o·
readers of The l"reeman's Journal as Kit. di.ener of Omdur'man. That was in the days b efore the leaders of the Irish ;eople became r ec rni:ing, sergeants for Kitchen . er 's ~rilly. Kitchener,. into whose tender c;:tme Mr R edmond would commit ~le Irish , 'clunteers, sf-en t a great deal of hi s time in fighting · the. Arab tri~s who . had the :'\'udacity to take up arms in the SoUdan. in defence of their miserable rights ,an d. hberties . After the battle-or batt.;ue-of OmdUf:t=.ll) according to the Fipglish "S:t.'1p.f'J.ud( quoted in the English :'&t. mday neview," "bodies .of , ,t he So·urian · -es:e troops 'were told. off Ito. ~rform ,the ,e~)Ulsi \'c but necessary task ' o(i?l lling the.
day the "~ictor" of Omdurm~n, appeal~ to In sh S.aves through the mouths o.
I'~ed~ond, I' I
Devlin a<I)d Nugent to Jielp h b . m 'thIS present war Lor the defence of small nationalities, for the upholding of hOll· our, religion and truth ~ Shades of the' w.'mnded men, women and children mu:r· dered in far·off Africa; 'and of our own kith and kin shot down ' on Sunday, July 26th, at Bachelor's ' Valk o It is for: , the Irish Volunteers now to say whether :itt' is their i ntention to b ecomp '.'·an integral and cbara·cteri.5tic part of th<· force s of th e Cro wn." EAMO~N CEANN'I;. ·
A National Con .... ention, not one rigged' :n :he interests of any part:,', is now a '~atiqnal n ecessity.
Such a convention couk1 also discuSs.. the question of rec.ruiting whlch no mat· te~:-wq.at anyone may say is after ali at the bottom of the whole di spute. On the' question of recruiting \\'c st,and ex~.c tl F as 'we have stood since the war broke out. \Ve believe 't.1,at it is not :0 the interests. of Ireland as a whole that her popUl ation' Sh01Uld ,b e further depleted, and the man·, hood of Ire1a.nd may be required ~r IreLand's service after the war. CarsOll and Co. continue theil' opposition tp Home Rule. An Amendin~ BiIl is to bepassed. 'Ve have nothing to be grateful to England for what she h...:lS given with. one hand and taken back wit h the other. The smaH nations of ].~urope are mak~, ing :desperate efforts to maintain their neutrality. Why should Ireland .act dif· ferently from them? J n a word ,;Ii genuinely-constituted '. .~'!ational Conveu' ~Oi1 couLd decide whether lrish representati:,es, elected to win Ireland's liberties, are now ~o beCQ..'Ile recruiting seS'.,eants or not.-" Midland Tribu ne.':
MUSi~ ~~~;ument
umann .. ina·mBa nne
.. "
-----<>--- ,
At a .s~;i:;lly convened meetino:: of the Central ~.r:lncl1 6f Cwnanzt''lla ' mBan held . . . . a~ l :pper O'Councll street, on 6th in st." .. the mar_ilesio issued by the Provisional l':xecut;V'2 of th.~ Organisation was heartily .. : endoT,;ed by an' 'O'\.-el'\"helming ~jority o£ A~y Regulation Model, price 14ju; : the ·members. 'Mrs ' D udleY EdWards and
.. ..
second-hand, !!.,Ifi.
a k\\l: <rthcrs resigned on . ~e declaration
of the !:esuh of the voting. The
i.i~ ~~:::~::~~~:F~6MCU~IANN~A
::fitted and. re.~rned · ,within th~ee : .
As tJ>e . \I'omen's.Section of the Irish
• e.daIs· .:M ·":.gv·;':. 'e;';.·S, "..- .'·"r ,.·f·~'·~O: ., ,<:0:';~ . '.. '·:·a, O
1.0 .remind out- m'elhbers tha t they should
.l:' ~·
0 ·'
• . •
•. •
of, .
- ' , .•"
•. ' . f . " '
.. '"
:f~ft. liet.ance
- . . • . • ." h . , '....
,·.'...... ••• .• ,'
A meeting wa:s ~ej,d in the Hall, Drum· collogher, 01 the'. h?O ha)f:coJhpa.nies of . Volunteers yepFes~till.g B:ro~H()rd ", Qn~.· , ~ Drumcollog,hel'. TogetbeJ:. ~hey. iQroI the .. Gortnatiolbr:a.d Company, so·called in, hoz/ "" onr of Ii b<rt"J.o fO'ught in this locality in the year 1m, ill w-l>licll ,Uie lri~ leu by ·the t\VO S OltS of tile Ea.1 o.!~nd, romted \N'ith: g1'eat ~liltel!' ~he Fng~ ;u-my UJ:!der Drur.p, · P=ct1.1ally . lit 3.30
p.m. the B.1'oad.fru-Gi Clilrps filed lJlto ~ m,al'c~ thro:l.gh the
town ,an.d· M'YWg
~::; ':'!:~J:~:::C~~~~h~~Q~
P<l=S': i-e\v \?on
was ' eYk1ent 'siace Mr RcW,ll ::.:.l1''S ~J.Xf.ch ~t Woodell'brj,d~ tha,t ~e W~n-teQ tt!o" Vol.
''-' .~ We~ CeeI' hound <l;ifmake" the .pr6no.wlee:" "not, 'd~er~f'or-e.. /" r.i1l1>c~ ': · aethl Q'f
~e!lt that to tl~ie .o r encoll~~ge Irish v
~arcl<;d as coIlsiste.ot with the work we ·have S{.1; o urselves to do. At this time when
''''''''erful influences 'are at work to confuse ,
Militia Air Rifles, S2s. shoots '. ' ~urately up to ~5 yards, Gotli; · 20th Centluy Rifles, 22 cal. 125, M. Zl Rim Fire Cartridge. tv&{iOIlS brand.sl . Greener ~tsbot Target Rifte Aperture tri~hts, 22 cal. (()a.
· B. &. A,. No. 12 model, ~e. tQre
22 cat with apers4Jbt:s, tke· best liib- I . 1at1Ire Tvget 'Rifle OIl the ~... ... £4 85. lSd,
L KEEGAN 3 Ir.'·')·.;; Quay, Dublin•
Gun and RUle MilleT I Ammunillon Me.-chant
would help to .......
~ea<I ~1iS 1.".~
ilrlo the Briti-sh""-d .~-,
•• .)(Opk·IDS & J' 2lopkm· , .• ..
a:rmy_ 1o,u·O %I>eW 0-:'., 0 so·c·.•." '" VU-<UI1teers which M.r R~m.d .aM ~j:s friends are e.sta:bUshi.ng 'IIlill ~ u sed i.a the Srst illstan.ee as a recrurt.iJ:lg ~ f-o,r the £l'Ont. Aa.d those s~ned " "OflUlteel's w~ will
8.tan.d~,:.~ .Val,ated
and fittea -e<lmpJ.ete at 'my Studio.
J'W&- hue; SI)Ie...ld
a-mer>t of
'3>I'e Pr-i<>ts at:
cbealt rate-Emmel,Tone.lIt'Ctade ... andllGmeflJQII ocaers. . We tltoek Volu.,,~ B~ We ~ large Pannlts for Home. H<i.ll, orCWb «or Messrs RedmoD<I.
PeTUn. DiU .... Davitt, etc.
)~ Li£enotw'e of aU Tone, SpetdMt Woaia
It.....~&e.JRlSH NOV&L~ W~e STOR," '. tile
Uves of Smmet,
. ' . " .': "
. ,.....
. ...
' R,·a'nna Ita' ndbo'
.All PiperS Requisites Supplied
40 ••
· . IR'E' . ND ' " AM L..I.: · R FOR
NatiOliiat aD.
,-.",~,~. \ ~'., .~ ~. " iHi;wDlt : 'V OLU NT EERS
ag.a.l~st the NlCl'1.litin-g c..~mpaa{l:ll with the<;l. N '-_ ....., .L ·b.,rt l.aY ~VY '~''''''-l=s, L.L>e l'e5po.1'1Sl.,. 1 Y ." . _, ea.cA Ii!4 them t t, k on the consae1Ke ..... . 0 a II care that IJ..Q acl''l'O~ 9f tbeiIlS that day.
....., 153 J)in.·· Streeto BELFAST. and abS~t.rr6 the natlonal issue, 'and when .Iretand needs all he r sons, we call on lrishmell to rem... in iIi their own country and join the Army of ·ilie Irish Volunteers TOBACCONIST. ' --the Al'm~' which was founded to gain not enIist v/ill ~ ioco-rpooated UR~l' the NEWSAGE~7• . In~l anJ"S rights and gllard those rights . . :Wa,t• • Office, a:s ,. a;. Terrif»ri.al-.;F&rce.. ., !l~ AND STATIONER. when g.ained. . • .d. .d. • . . the6 " ....rned them .that the ~ndea of , T W \~e would pOInt · out to our · membeTS · , '. <' ,. " . ' .. , ' . , ' . .< • . . . • .. . . , . • war VtotUQ inevit~ly lItiJig thi·s DeW T~~ .. tb-at J·t lS tbelr duty Ul all ' con~l'Overslal · .' ... , S ~. ..matte.s t o cc:i~e by .the principles of. na-l' rjt~ial l;ol'ce at so.C<illeQ .~~it'I,l,teet:&. iAt-o .,~{~.~/!!!.!!"!!,~.!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I > the . fixiJa.g 'Jia.e.-. The ·Territo.ii~ot.t{)-4aJ... "'.,.\" .' · tNlnahty •. whIch are the, bedrock on,· which. . ". " , ' ,~~.~, . .!~, . Tl-EE ManufacttiBn... Jewellers • > ." '. .. 't' 1 f ' ':1 t· be a:-e bound te become rhe ias.t:.· resoutce of· , . . ' to '. , • ,,-,one any VI a na lon'a rnov~ can · .... ' , , ok~ the War Office · for the ftollt to-morrow. • OPPOSITE O'CONNELL MONU. • safely bruit. n"ecom_--'-' ' f t - , & M-_u-"l ~_ •. 1t~ENT, DUBLIN. • Since its 'i n3:uguration Cumann na m- The rey- . spea.].;er theR ' read tg'e resohrtioR ' ............. J.... "'3 "-lVl. ......~ W , . , '-___ h . d:ec~ adlresi.o~ to the original consU~ ~ ~Dd teacher in lrel""~ ' . i:5 • Telegrams: "Meyther, Dublin." . ' ~an has aimed at urutmg tuv,"", W o. CO be obtained ,from .. Book-n::?.... . u_ ' ,. tutj.o'Q of t.b,-e J,rish 'Vormrteel's, This was .....v~ • ~elephone: 3569. . • while diu.cring on mmor matters, were Irish Vorunteer PriDting Works. • • _0 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • • • resolved tJlat the integrity and honour of proposed by M~' O'Hoog.a:n of. the BroadEmUscorthy• . ')t~y~. post £Fee. ~h-e Irish ~.ation were their first conside- , ford Co.rps and seconded by Sean O'Riain. ~ation, anQ we relY' 011 our mejnbers to ~ Chairma·n then a:skeQ if ~here 1&Ias. J)toMlRf ' n~ h-em6.41nn~ ' lift erery difficult quest~on out of the any ~lIlent. No ame.ndmetlt v;,a-s PPI> ~ ~tJ:gio:n of peYsOnali-t.ies and parties on to pased.. Q.o.e· ~'01}ng man th()UglI.t ft W()uki . M~·]~LU.W. ~AGAN• tn{dligh ground of our ~ountry's weJ.f.are. 'be ' a· ~.o01:ld thi~ if flthe;rs ' Would '. ew-lSt,' . U ND E RT KER Oolb colours). GOD SAVE IRLEAl.:."·D! seeing that Ml' Redmond ha:d ciemanded ,.. ADd , .,,_, " , -" • T. •. h B ' ~. CARR.IAGE IP ROPRIETOit, Standards, Pipes. Cum.a.nn na mBan has sounded a note tb<:tt """'f SJ.i,·ou.:d e...,!·st ill all ..tllS -u. 54 Angier's Street. DrUms, Brooches, g-dI¢e.l .' .'t.,Jew "oth«;lS .hesit.ated, aRd :fi.rlalJy , ." Dt1BLlN. oi-., pa1.ri9!ti~l.. an~" digni,t y; . CQ~~¢~ , ~fes, <.. . k;::.<":clu~t~~rs~ §aV:e ~p ithci. ~ge anci~· !;'~No. IS. ' ; 'Ylth' its flosdo.n<'as ·the\¥o,m.en' s· SeCtion ' Stockings, .s~s. the ' Han. Tile' l'est fuelI nned UP in f'!"" j!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' Samptes of National Costume Ie,tt. lao of . (,he V Oluntoors. . We l{)<?k for a large ~wo ra,nks 1Wd-e.i their «>mma!l<ier, - M, i . advice given free. . ' . incte-a.si'! in its membersh,ip tbr'Ough:al!t the <YFogh.1u4M at:': ~l O'D1l'l'>bgain,ltnd re; ()n}y Irish Manufacture Stceke4'. , oo·! lll'try.Everywhere that the Voluntoon solred ~:g,imousry to ))e toyal to the h.3,v-e 'f emained klyal to lrela.,d i\nd k> cash Tra"~. Irish Vo.I-intesrs. Rev:r ~ :Bh:a.ll 1'{as .~tclU.g Socks. . ;P-Otl<~ Heels an4 ' Toes, fhe.i-r. 'J:;:OJ:lst.i1trtion there is room and need Cleln:i5l\, ~n t::u1'Jlf1e be..\s, ~mclUsiy clrQSaj 'to J;-e.p~ the \\1arue ls. &I. per ~ir. ~d& ~ Dublia. . .AwtoJ b~f1..e Utf\teAn, ~1-m. · · fO'); :.. b1'anch of onr organisation. It . is .compa-:ay Q·t tlke ce-mi~,~ . Duhl1If CWlVlQ· -.t.Ic ~ Company. '5 &vt8 ~ ·the pl~ing ~uty of Nationafut wom~n to Qreet, DnWa.. ---;;;t::::a::..". '":, 9 ~>;e' .uP the .. v,h)t~ of Cuma.nIl na mB::i~' tIl . tfon.. ': t: .1, ~ ~,-t.. ~ .t.. .\!t :t. ..t, ' ,!. '~ ~ ~ t-tli-s. ·cli$.~i 'afieqting tl'lil po~our , and the ."iiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ ~ .fi .t, ~ -t. ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ . ~ :t: ~ ~ . "e.~y ,~wt~a; ··of..: the 'Irish 'Nat~on..' as we .. ' Oll W:-i!.Q~~d'.a:r,:Nt1l §~he:r., tlI-e .. '. . ,:. A' · l\'lld~ntatld . it. . The CeI;ltral' Br~n::b lookS. V~ez:s · o~ j)r,1.}mc~r mret $'_ , Ute p~d,..ft».; ';l.?' a lIl.ark ~f tespect to in en>ery 1r~5h l relaoder ~ 'DUblm to "jOiD . i!;lJ( ro;it,Q :Sea$!. .Q;i~i~ \~~ ~. thti delt.dlliait'»o pu})1i'c ilrin Mlteld thltt . now t~ithe ~sstre is c1e.-u:. Do you ' stand lutioll 'of sym?~thJ with tWo ' members of aigfu. The :r;esolutlcms' were a~r'eed to for Ireland? If so, come to Cumann na the corps-with ' Mr, Jart!es Fitzgerakl on unanimousiy '~ln~ in silenc.e and the Vol· m Ean and we shall find work for you. th e de ath of his n: otl{er, and with I1Ir .:r unteers were dismissed .- Thomas De "L.'l.SAISFIO~XA;) H an , Sec. Whrte on t he deneh of his fath er . H e Bhail, c.e.
o o o o
have up.to.da:te facilitieS • .' for the matl1.1factme of aU , lind!; of MEDALS and BADGES • iD the n~west patterns. prices are the Io'w est possible, all work being proouced '. • eatizely ()'D the premises. . . . ·ln~iiesln\'ited. Ca~log~s Free. • •
22 cal, .,. ' . ... lOs. W~ . Office Miniature Rifles, 22 cal. •.. .,. 468. B. ' s.. ".A. Air Rifles " BSs and ~ Shoots &oomately np to W
bjil.d~ ;:'~ ta;ke" tM"·sa~oil;;'SliUHJi"':"'.
O voluntee;s to enlls' · , III the British ArmT cllnno:,under any cizcnmstances, be reo • 0
" >
FeR Ve>UJNTEERS . B. S . .A. Rifi.es, No .. ' 2 Model,
. O · _OTgarusation, . \ . ::0-:,. . unt-ee.rs~ tn elllist ~ th,e D.l-itiah .amy,' l~ , JOSEPH DEMPSEY Artist, .:., .... ~~;,<'\:'e,: f1me , i~:() ,'\];iei,ng to aqvap~ .;,thil \· ,<:>;p'~elit~:~t"'h:e~':~ . ~il:~ .'b<>~e ,,; .!,u~EI, ; 'I3J .~U·~fBeh~ "-, . :i'~~tl_ ~" ~:{0i: ci(.i:~r,t~ti: 'Iipen(.:, ~a.n·~ : .to,' oTg~~~~i :'~;i·f~uh!d;"J~\t~,e>~1f.":*~e'i ~'~>~~;~1I;. ~ }'). Js.., '. '7~ .,,:;} (.:,'>ii·"" ' l ·ds-h.,W.··-O nit'.n."ii.\ . . ' : 'oi7.,that.'; o. . '.:; "1. 1':-¥-,e\\l(. a<il··' \ . r. . . .'i.: .'. ,. . '. ,l... , ~' .·.I,.~,~.~.,~_.~ ......•.';.i I.~"'~ .\, .. i'~ fIj ",' .. ,~ ..:'! .. J•. ~;,,'.,....'- •. -' . • .• " --'--""
· . rop les IT h .,..
.: ; .
Q.bide loy"l]y by th e
..., . •;,i. ..:,
• 0 • 0 0 0 : VOIUlW~~S, we wish at this ti!1le of crisis ·~he· .. b.a-pp?z:~s of t.h-e
o· 0
~ . ..
Target Rines
C C, Ph D. \1rishwomen's Coun~il), then a-ddre-Sser.\ the "'clwrteeis. lie reo .... . .1 . : ' .". . minded UJ..-..m of tho teri:as ."t th", c· 'I'tti· 'fHl::- '~'o:vlEx's 'SECTION. oF"' TII-E:':':(· :·.t~~ion . undier ~i.ch ltky w-eJ'~ ..nrolJed VOLLfXTEEK~LOVn1ENT. ·' .' . . < ' wh~~ilie ' fust \ :OhUiteer corps ~!.S u ·a"b·
.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0 0 '0
'No Recruiting. fr:om Drumcollogher.
s.ide~, RC"i Tb.aiJl.as De
. . hours. 18m., 2/6; ~9m,,3{6;20 . 111 • • 1 ... 4;6. LapPlng" .9d. . ••. }
'I 0
. .- .~: '-.,
, \'J
., .
.. ~:.:; . . . . .~\ . . "'h;" .. :
it"'; i
Rank and File Notes.
A Song of Battle
is beca:use they , think us ignora.m and simple that they 'a ttempt the th ing o:.t all.
~ \
Little did I ever think I should live to Of snowy bosoms, of bright eYe!! glancing, Of silken tresses no more I'll sing., see , the day when John ' DilJ~n would l;.e a " But of anned hosts to the charge ,advane-.. 'li~ing sergea.nt ' for England! \\<"b,a;t has , ing VET~~Nj , oome over 111m? '. To. rejj,.d the .arg'llmeX;,t§he , ~ ~y " t\very notEl like a "rifle's ring:. '" puls forWard fills :me "Il"ith unea.:~ir;~,s" 'wd , ' pity. I'n order, to encourage rooruiting M,r. " ''Ii ! .re'a,d 'y;;ur 'thoughfs' aritht,,'my- 'broth-eT' "" v. --' Your soul is tired 0:£ the 'strang:er's-sw,a,:!" 'Those fellows woo want to ~ us Dillon said! ., " W:as , nM L'ord Edw..,u \~~:~. You and your tyrants hate each other, ' into !;.eing English.'1len! Can YOIl stand 'Mrse.lf d.ces llOC make "th&i ~cJ:aiin because ~'!J=g~~ld il'l ~t ~ritish Army]" , Tr,tle;_ !.>ut , t~e "grea.t yer~ldipe's memory is " re~, { With , a., ~e . that ~r.e~gthen~ ;da~ by da)/:. them! They m<tke me very tired. They ihe ~uld nOt in £ai.r~ d61~'.""i~~ , are like the blighters who used to try to 111at "in the d.a.rkest oou.r of -'~Irelan.d"s ve:ioo ' in Ire11'lnd' n~t\peCause .he 'wore th~· · ·Yotir '·sires "'~ere caHeid~t withcUt .reasollargue us into being Protestants ago trduble, ' when BritiSh 'pO'WeT ground. this red coat, 'but because he threw it off aJ:ld Born soldiers, ,a fight~.r~ ,or athiesis,. - As if religion was ~ thing cOuntry' in' ilie d l}st; ' r..o - bVga& huiried put on the green in~tead , ' To remind us And you will ~ rea,4y in ~tting ~ To meet YO'J,r taskmasters face to face.. ' buiLt oil argumeci. · The faith of an Irish fr?~ Belg'l,i lm to, bdp' us;- l)ot ' a: regiment, ot' Lord ' Edward's connection with the peasant is I>uilt on some!hi.ng mo.e 5O'lid not 13. OO!:IlpaI1Y, not' a soldier, n(J.t' a gwi~ English Army is the ' same ,as t~ reveal Full well I know that you <U'e not critVlmS, Y~ will not flinch" e:nd the goal in eight' 1ha.n log'<:-chopping. ' And our bei.ie£ in But the H Free.ln,:a.n'" with 'its tOiigu:e in St. Augustin·~'s 'moral I~pses ill h is youth. 'IreLand is just the same a.s our .b elief 'in i'ts cheek, is , not ~brldng;' fur ·Belgiulll- Father Mathew, no doubt, sampled tnc 'Their pampered bodies will g«'g~ tbBour religioq.. It has an armour ~ Oil 'Nor is it s.odeeP1Y "inte'rested iri 'ch~r<:hes, wine of 'the eountryJn hi s early d,;l.Y, and ' ravens, it whkh , th~ puny arrows of the critici priests and nuns as it , ~rete';ds,, : ' If., it according 0:.0 Mr. Dillo;l'S view we should What time mee, them in equli.l 'f ight. were it wo,u ld ma.k.e some protest ag~st 'honou.r nim tor the whiskey he foolishly can never pierce; , 'iiiv' "''',000 / the action ,of ,Fran<:e ' i.n foromg , drank rather th;w for the , great work o,f ' l will chan,~ a strain for the la.n<l tha! bOlr& pri~-ts 00 go to "Jthe frent- -as common sol.. h "lih d" )'Y" ' ;..:. l' '10 it ": -. us. temperance e accompl<,O e ' " S,,!~e,r. ,,,' Of lo~e" ~«'courag:e"and faith' and hope,.. ;;, We want to have lre~nd f~ our-setns WeI'3. , If it was the Germans who had was faulty logic of this" k1nd that bWll,ght .. , lli f th . , , As we bend ' oUI"'"clves to the t1lSk before us 'With no intedere.."tce from any fprejgIler. t hus degr.aded tue sacred ca ng .o e Mr. DiJJon to Englabd's side, and it is : • To haTe oUr 'Qwn language, om oWn ~a, clertSy how' fOl:'CitHy lhe ' "' Freent.all '''; 'ahd '' no W,},nde!" 'tl, erefoie ; th,~, so'- m.a ny I rish-' " ~o ll).Ore, thank ,God, in the , da:rk fD' OUr oW,n soldiers, ' and so We w.ant tbe "--Independent ,. ,would denou.nce them. ' men depline <to fol1ow "~'hl~ .• ~ ."" _ grope. , , ', " 1 'Nbt :on 'race' or creed, be your wriath e~" Ireland ,~o be, as fr~e ,a s Ca.nada. Ati~a~ ' Sad it ,~s to ~,.~e , K,'l,tioAal ' P~" 9.£ .' :', " " , ' . ,N,"-" , 'i ' ",::gotl~n'ia/-BWgari.a;~ or :'any' of~ -ginan ;'l:OO~~;in~e;' l>'.iil\ds< , ¢f '-J>~ch.: ~R6c.ri~~, 1 , , : : _ , . ' '~ :' ':-~pen~;~ '
By A
, "' ;
·'·<":~~~~£~~~3!~~~~~, :~i~~; ·'~;~f.~;~~~~:.:~~;jtj;;il~ :~~~:.~:::.::<: ",' ' ,'
say tlie woitd to-morrow. She 'knows w~t , .~" illustration . . L:oEd Ed'mrd~ Fitzg~ra ld, went ' warm '3S to say. She knows what to do• .and . y'et, ' to. America to learn in ,Englimd's ,sen-ice strong" If England we!'e bound to ge ~ lnto this _ she d~ not do it. the a.rt of war , We know what " he did I will sina a ~..nng of tyrants, q~kin"., 'war ' in eelf-<kfence there -would, be more " ,\'QU J -c>" ' when he returned to Irel.:lnd, l\lr·Asquith As <they list tl:(e tramp of our m.a.tl<bin:; ,_ ~ sympathy fol:' .her ' in Ireland.., 'But' she ' ' d rew .the ·sword, 'not in rself-defence, but should be very car~flli. Perhaps Mr. men, Mr. ,<\squith pretended to acCept )di'. , DiLlon :s't;Lggests to the,'Irishmen £gh~ing in Our thirst for v engeance in ho,t ' b1,oOQ ,t.eeauoo she S,'lW a good, chance .to crush France to-day that they s.hould pn their Redmond's offer to protect the 'shore of slaking, ' 9, trarle rivaL TW() membew o C the Bri· Ireland. 'He said he would not 's end ' retum follow:,t~e example of LOI:d' Edwa!'d The green flag floating o'er hiH and gle.l:l" -ti.s.h, Cabinet were honoura"ble enough to and endeavovr by their ' sharp swcmis tt;> , The band , in fri~nd s hip no more eitended. English 'Territorials into dus ODuntry, and protest against lattw;l,;,ing Gel)nan,y., ,,,, Lord cut fo~eign powet' c!ca.\l 'Ol,lt of this couu,yet the country. is full of them. ' He Said N~t craving justice on bended 1mee~ ' ,MJOrley . and Mr •• J ::hn Burns ,.I'CsigneQ, 'lle -'would trust us, 'and yet H'e ref'!1~s to , try; , YO-ur cheers with the roar of the ~ th.ei", tha.o. h%ve any bloOct,;g~ilt' 0;1, ,t helr do so. England" needs 'men t.a.dIY,at' the blended ~ ' hands, But whil~ tv.-o . Ev"glisJt ~abiJ!.et front, and set she keeps tens of tlu!.usandS Let ~ti;es be sigpedwhen 6¥+ }.iii! ~ ¥inis~ers sarupled to a:.~ac1i: qennany we' in Ireland with t,he bay=et still to the free. ~ " .. have not ~<lMd ttia.t' a single m~~be!: of r Irish .bntaSt. And 'while, she has a large How fond of us the English _th~ ;£risjl Party. 4esitated in .the matter, sing of your foeman 'fl~ ga.rri;;on of Englishmen here she is scour· gr6\vn aU at' once! A year ago t~ey would , Of :lrour sinewy arms, your gIea.miqg ing the country- ~ Irish ' recxuits- flor not let OUI young men drill; no~v they steel , France .. AVhy not send the marrison to want them to fight. Six mon,t h s ~~~o they rifle tD rifle ~n rage !"eplying~ the front and lea~e IreLand tD the Volun. \vp;en .Mr.•<\.sq,u ith, c.a.m.e to Dllhlin ~'nYlHd not let a: rifle into our hands; now The ' red' Hag crushed 'ne:ll:h an Irhb] teers of . ~otth ~ ~uth ' If Ire~ ;s .relie<L chiefly . on , one '"argmn,eilt t.o ..r;0USe , heel. ' ' they are pressing guns upon 'us. ' But of ' a friend ~w4y cam).ot she be trusted? If , }the SJ'ffipatby of tll.e Irish_ na~iog.. to,,'•.his': c'6urs~ we want~ to drill- 'and ' arm for · Your shouts' Qutvoicirig ihe b~ttle's thun.. 1d England can,not ,trust us, if We are stin~ .oau.se. ; He_said EnglaoJi ,shQ;1lo b,e he~p~ Ir~l';'na ; ·they want u~ 'to d rill -a~d ar111 d.er; " "the Ir'isli enemy '<, how ~n she expect b.eoau§e shoe ,w</S figj!1tin,g Jn ~, t.he , :i,n~~~ts ' £or ;England~ ' Tliat ~ is' the difference.. fA The vi~tOri gained a;ld the spoilS ~ us ~I> fight< her batt~es. for he:r? .gt .:~al1 n;¢oll?v' B,u,t\ tl:J,s;" vp,t WllJ.' Was own; .', ~ .~ . ~; .!~nock~ out ,(,'J! th<l,~ 'arg'\!rqe~t whe~ } t , sh~rt tim~ ago Irishmen 'were summoned", was ,shown_, thQi <1Jle. ~l! uati,oW' who for hav'irtg their rulmes in Irish; in the:, At those who live and thrive hy plu.nnet; \Perhaps , ,after clI, it is possible toaa:gue · _ar~ RJ?, tlJe spot, dq ~?t "a~r~e, ~t..h ~. t~iuiting o fflce' in 'Dublin to.day "" Ceo'd.::' Tufts of grass in vain ,a,re tnro\m. M1'ie l fai"!the M in Irish letters D1eets the'.~ . ~ ~ ., us int" .being Englislunen! OnlY they .~it~, , If, ,J lollatid, Den~~ ::.S~itzer" ej-e: ';; ' The langtlage of our fathers is;,: I will sing of my k~nsmen, d~er f.a:ciJ:Ig. lo.nd , a nd the ,rest think GeImanY is the . shoald make <I. ;d ecent a.~empt. And to ,._ • • -t • i J< V'. n'onoured- at ' lasH ' < Fpr Ireland's Sftke on the blood,saaked begin, they ·shou...1.d , ~k up th~, leader, enemy why do they :qat jump upon he(, p1ain 1 '" 'Writer, of the ,,; Freeman. ,. The stilt! he "n~ when her hands are full? \Vi;y ,should ' On our ' highest towers their sl;aJl~ $pins ,out ' is such drivel. . The otMt day cfu.mterested: lre~d b~ caii'~-" uP.9ii t~ ~ . placing, " I1JItt!-ons -, A,nd - jllS! he remin.ded ~ce again of '!Utbe t.~ir work? Ai'ld~ ~J· too,the .litHe' john 'Dillon 'r~cal,is Lord , · To m~k the close of the sti~gers rclgna ~. ",,: ~ ::. ;ry·r ,; ~,\," Irish students' who , ", fGUIld refu~ and" knQW: enoug~ of ,histOlty. to, questiC!l:\ the ', J;:dwar9- f itzgeraJd sq does Lord Durtraven ' And when all is o'er-eur f-ettiers, riveD i~t:er:es.t ~t , R ~a =4, Eniland. take ',in ~u.cation in' Belgium. A gcateiu1IfeJ.ahd try to '"touch ,t\le Irish heart by ;~:rn:inding' , (Nat -.by 'empty words wiU the tight b& neveF deq,ie9. her 9eep debt tp the Bel·" small. ,countries. . ..~ " of <!'ther, Irish heroes. He says ' those , . won), , ,'_" ) ", . : ." -~ , . gians, anq to..day we are. ready for every who leave Ireland now to jiO'ht the Ger.'; A' nation's "pr.aise wili be freety gi'f'e9 ~ ~ o.{ Irish ~tucient ,that w~ edUC(l.ted' in tll.e, ,.,:We say that . in t4is ~~ twal hom, the , .m~ns zvitL?e lik~ the hra:e " Wild G eese" , Where dUe'-To tpe man behind tM gw]. t in !ha.t 'country 4>' weloome .a nd ~~ young men , ,of lrelan.<L should, be true to ?f long , ago who fought so glori~u sly for , -J, lr~ . rote .. B.el~ll , ~.Q IreLand, to-day _ •N.aY->' their own '~~tp-,, ' ~v.;.r", did she , need'· France: But h ,is"lordship..£orgot to remind" r~ the "GaeliQ American.!? ' , ~ 'J :we will: ~U(::ate two Belgians fer .,ever:y more the· belp a-rtd loyalty 'of '· ~r ;;ops, , Us tliaf.we Ilo~'~ th~ '<l,atiilg <,' Wild Geese" one' Irishman they" h elped. Thus _"ill V{e' We should not be ~urned from our dnti: be<:a )lse. they went -to fight, not fOT our": meet our o!Jligations. lrela.nd by 1ugumebt 0.£ ani kind, be- oppressor, but against him. ' Th a:t made cau,se, strj:cUy spe'a:king, .1oYalty to ' on~:s ; al'l the <lifference , ' '. T·he ' ''~Wil d Cleese " . ~ ' '":' CG t1.n t.»y: is not\ a ' olLesti~;i for a;'rru1l1ent: , a~,cl \[;oi:d E dwai:d wG,tlld' turn in their; , ' . , ~ i .' nut t 4e " ,l j:recman" ~rgu es that be- ' .All.do.. a~r, attemp t , by r ugument : t6-~ cemv:ert , graves if they knew th eir memory '>1'~ S in- , c au se LOJIvain shelte~ed Irish studentS long ' us into E n glish..:nen can be easil y up set, voked in the servi ce of the p()wer th ey .=t go . .ve s ~o ~~d ,n aw S€ n d o~t an I rj~i. ! i \t.~ h~t~e r :.t is' ativ(lr: cca b Y t he " Fr eer::::.L n :' ' riied to o:!: ush . Th.e id Ea is si::,~'p; j' ":e\°:J: t_ fg) : , Dclc':':.! _:l ~::e .: I: . ,,!.;._:.::: s.c::l~ ._. c: ~:Y ct~~: one. It! :D'. ) "6' ¥
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...; .
SATURDAY, 001:0BER 17, 1914.
~aghah O'Neil(~
I 0
"Your country Needs ·You." :
:Lttw 1'H~ hes, ;. ,,' skeP.
our chief,
his. last long
" . ~ 'Neatb a cairn in the Northern land The Dublin newspapers will not publ~sh . Al.though the -statement was obyiously false ;And the ~ves arrear him their· V:J.g~1 'keep . a.ny items of news in conection . with the by :>eason ' of the fact · that tic.kets could ' , As they thunder along the strand. Volunteers who ha,'e remained loyal ' to only ~ procured through, Mr SteFhen H~~r E~ so thy voice UlIadh's echoos woke, ; , " . ' . ; . '.As it mustered the lmwe' ,and'ileal BY "J .J.B.'" their constitution. o;r Mli, J. D. Nugent, the first' battalio,n When the spell of slav~s p'all~vaB hTOke ~.volunteeIs ,:·shoul~ ~ re:nembe: '; this~ .:;~t.!,! :. ~JL()i"~~ ~ to It;av~ .no ;; roo~ ;': !.'l.r:: ~~u.bt,; i .,By thy h~umpet tones~' ·§:eaglwl O'!\":eil. , < . } reta.lia:e by refusing-!o. purchase the ..daily fnot.ilised at 11 o'clock and' :i~a.rched· 900 " . ' .' ::;.~"';:".::;':' papers unless full. and UllOOn.So.red reports : siropg through the pri.(''l1ip, ~I· st~eet9' of , the ' ,;.. . :_ .A' . • al::. were IDeet ttl. nd"e 15y thee, ' kingly are printed. . city. The Battalien "halted for 'a f.,w . 8eaghan, ., '-~~" "" . The re,b~ik!ini of tllil Irisll llation is ColOnel Maurice M.o ore has no official · minutes in UpPer. O'Connell street, oppo. t In the beat -<;>j, .•the . raging; fray tb " k . . , ';Where the • .blood . -dyed <mears of thy . e wor whIch has first cJ...i.m Oil the enconne::tion with the lnsn Volunteers DO~, site the Pro-Cathedral whUe Capt Judge • - r; ' . . • ' . ' " .. ,) roqunt'Hn~r ...., --, <!. , ~rgies of the Irish peeple · ..t the p!'eseD:t 17eith~!' have the r,equiting Qf(iCfrs: ai?-. h h,o. w~s: in ,~:nn::~~hfn " ~ :.~~?'t spe&h i ,K~ ~f:) ~~~~th:. Y\ ol1e,s 2:tba:y . . : ,t ime, Bewailin, g the fate of L::nnoa.in or """iuted ty him. ' He has been · .app·ointed ~ expl 'ned th ". f ' th . "'d " ·crt w~e' )(Jy,;"~ charge In 'fij'e Y-s wlft pu.r sUlt r--. ... al e purpose o ' elr para""" an 1 " b " " "Reims ",~li ~c.t \l·n an.y w~y h~"'" us. andD~.3n-chl ...f_ of ""~i. RedmOlld'll . . ,. . ; '0 the crf' of 'Lambli< Dhearq A 11, ~ ~!J 'The co ~~. ~.. "" the. £rea: . t · were ICY ' ' . , . . ~.~, . .D sta:ted that ~ unless_ the ' first battalion could It we7e.' p.ri,d e to li,'e .when iIJ ~ :J.ome Rule Bill won't make Ireland ' Ii Na- ' I..ri sh' Army Corps, and has ~r, J,' . be in t.wo pla,(o.es at the .same time _, it ..,' .. 'm en ' ''':''~';'''~ . . • ~ h ' tr·t · . d ' ·1 . f tion once again--even if the ".Ad. H - be'Nugeut as his ehie~ ,of staff. could hardly ~ :.ilL O'Conn'e ll street pro.J:>.<'" w en ai or~ an , .~e-a:yes we~e ew. . come a "Fact. " lleland cannot sp··ar. e Ol.le : Botil are busily engaged In .prep:trin,g . tt."3ting ' ;1.gainst Mr • .:- R.edmoJi,d's secession c. another sch~e ior pla(;inll: the Volun:eers ,t ro Irish NatiQn~aI~s~:. to:;'~;i.~'il:t':Ji~o- ~ 'the' minions mea.n .;..o f the ;:,axon of her sons just · now to }lelp Eng~. · under 'Wa.r Office control. A feature of I ism, a:nd .at the"" saine· time ' be'. a~'; w~' ! Queen. . . . ~~ngland saw te it that she -did not"leeTe' f ', " ~ ~red in' ch:illengidl'lGioss th" pa!~ . , ' any . I l'd f the ne'y scheme the provisioo for 'Jl'l,y- l ..nrtoutx:ed io the P;ess, at 'Vexford, .. ~; -rn;;en\~y sW01;d so b-q ghtdiashed fgr Eu;e's :u men' m re an ,{) the fighting bl~ . ing all .V,olunteer officers and men the sisti~g¥r. 'Redmond to. numbug In.·sh~in."·· J ....... right,., ." -<lit least not many who fed 'inclined to ! And· ybi-i ','showed ..th.~iri .. a chi-e.tain's 'fi aht h batHe l1h 1 h nk God " J l te.s .o,~. P'~Y.~'1lU~Jtt..!?- ,. ~ . .p.rf,t~~,,;~~y ~IJ~.je~j~ ~eJ .tl,r.i;~~ . After i wrath . • . ":. ~ , . ,0 er , -os; ' a o~g 1, • .t a , Whlre Mr Redmond . 'IV"!? addresslng ~heers had been- given ·for .tlle. greeri "'fl3:g ·/C .By:"the .gx.e.~!~ ~1-)'., ~.i.an who won ~h1s :ther~ ar.e ~~lt "::, J.:~_~.e,t 'K? fight. for IreWexford on Sunday week last ~e wonder ~he col'tunp'; reSuhled its march t9 ParnelL 1..... la,nd. . ,_ " '" ., . . ,l and s_: Fre eoom. ,"I'e hC't'B suffered: 1la;r4_,",. __ ~,;:.Jid"JiIe:';J'HI.7..m.Qer.~ h:is.to!,i.c..~':;l.,.~ . ~""lU'e: ~.:,:,,_~~" disi?.i.s "wa;; :<.ioe!\~~d:Y'ei!fthe~tbe,;::,,:.~()w':-~~hhocldtr!~a!Sroel·t"iio ' ~ ' h~ps gaJoce_a ll" ?4 re,sult of L"lglish.', l11le ,io:,:
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.~fIi~ my~:&.word,·iWd :nl_e.," ~ ;..r~l;an;d;-a1h'd J;:ll~I~I1d: f;,~~?V{,-ilee.l~l1:g. I?~II ';' ~ , .. .,. .~."" , ... ' , ~ ...... , "\':"~' 1 _ '.. · · , ' • 'i, ~~t·· ';-:~ . · .. ,,,,,.:,,~. ,thlit~~p~~ ~,..,. .: ~ 1Ittl~;~'t.'~~l'· "' . ~ .,J;i ~J,~,>;;~~...... ~ } ~X.~, ... " '_l!", -1 _ - .. ,.:-......£ \..~' .. .. ..... ,,",- .-J~ \ •• \' "J," ,iIi Wexfbr~, OO'~lQ>.!I~:: w'GuldLt}{'~.~I I:\et! \\'is~'; '~ 't.he"Ih1DliIl pa.~s; ' 1'if:e "Ftee. ;~ ::""' _ ">. ~.:.:,' .. ),,..~. ~~ .:; . " ...._ .'1£ t' " ,...,.'·n ' pn,. <;>Dt §~9.'I:: '0,,,~ l!t:.'~'"~' l>Tl; sg<%~\~n:ten..t: of}~~). S ,J.. . .. :\ \ ~ • f-Y'~."t ~~" \ t:X "",~. .I,,,::' .. J~7':-. " ... '-' •. ." ~L~';L ' K..~ t...Uot:::~"l:t:..I,~n, s , wCtru-::> ~~u ~ ... ~u:e "'~ "'~ di ' ., " ""'lo"" ~"'i , \"".\.H,. "" (~i.n~ ,a~-. Q-i.~·~~4..At~~b \,~\~, .-' aii'. . el~~'-£e'l1> bf " ~U:Fge'. ~ s.'t1lJ!; 1 ...... :.~'1'i1ifiI1d v.::3:~, :".' t'~':f _ .: .,. ',' \L~ < ~t ,;a p;vtra te " ;;"}~" '''' the ?el;>o.pula.tio~·: ¢ ; • l·iI;;.;-, • ;'" . ;~,P,'d>W~!o.ra; ,' wotl1eti'" o~ti~~a: 'l)y $e'" ;Jd;~'id: ~~>: fn~' '~a~rie~, Of' 'ih:-k~ir~¥ :-~'\'fa~t~ bie; tH{.iOi N~'$i{~ii" fd't~ ~ ~E:e. I..rrs.~ 'N itibn . ,iW e;'d~il't' ~~t;~re~~~ ; , . " . . -"! ' 1'.··· .: , "Jo ,b;t~t :Mll· Se-agh~ ",%as.·, l';o.;,,6d :- at . . ', : <, ~ . <, ,.. .. . : ,
- ' ;.
1'C"' ~~11 ' . -',~ ~~I: . .~..., . ..-=-tb~re 1S' jlO~ , ~9~1ph ,bJp<xi,}~ }~e ,Bq~.sh : . Where tli"e l!lu,r-?t'T;--rs.l¥!J· him I 0"";', .EmpIre to :l'.'enge that whic1,l w~ shed,Jn . iTl;1Cll.. ~~ :.p~~~, ~~:~.~ as.a trQ,p hy Ir.eland by England~but ".-c, ~.:<i'l'.t ~tb · S'l!~ ~ OD. 'theIr mfamous. Ca'!ltle gate; . t!tat our peop.le are ready to take up t¥ ,.And lhe,y ' b.l'anded him, ? UI ()\Vn ,Seaghan ..• esponslbili-ties of nationhood, and to take, _ .\ the 'Proud ,,"'.,. '" , '.y,. r~~ftt change in the editori: l depart- , As,',a Iet~~l to H Qu ~~ .~ and « State." our. phce amongst the natjons of the e.arth. tnent of the Herald augurs ill for thls I , ." . , . ... . To se;~ ..hout the work in front ' of us hope, ne\\ertb.eles~ the Irish Volunteers wiif . I ' ''. ), .1,. " :. ....... with anY'o,prospect o.f S'ucoc ss ",:e must h2ve ' -;'win tllrough i.n spite of all • .· · • ~ . sO'und rilen and scund ",;cmc n. If. conn- ' . Has any hody been told about the.aclu;tl }Now ~he sklves would barter thy dust, 0 try whi ch can p roduce Dlen of' the ' type ''state of t~e f cbief, ~ .. .. \ vhich made .up the II·ish .vohtnt.!ers and, f C th r Ch h" B l'? . f To the foes wh'Q thy life·blood shed : }. ,a 0 IC, urc . m e glUm lAnd the. 'wise ones tell us you fought in :no doubt, the Ul.ster Vo un,eers, whom I I'VeH, her7. ~t is. The Walloons, who in- : .. , "am ,,:' . . _. ba.e never s-ee n, 'by the way, ,shO'Uld have 1h . abi! thoe co ' untry aro' u'nd Ll'ege' and -N.J am ..~ r·'. ~. That the hopes {If •the . IA _.. ' past h are o.e.ad. f ·rth no. "a·ft· I ICU l IT 'm recoveung her fermer po','a re' entirely' anti: c1e'ric. S'orl' os of thOe . L,~~"" 'jDx :tsllJ'wi 'rsatrtohng ,,"Olee , ec , oes not~' 0 , ~ , ;;i.tion "in tb e s nn." Strong of limb, ·:.nd i ~erOcity of 't lie Walloon women and their r. Likc"the thunder-cloud's roilsing' peal . b \.e of mi..n d~th ese arc the ,.quali1ica. ! mm '1' ,·nhuman ., . treatment ef G·c ; rna . 'no p' ri~o.n.er.s·'· '.Nor do you awake frem your lonely bed , i" At the sacrelige done 0 ' .NciL lions ..vhich will .gain to.r :my people' , the· . . iUlcf wquooed are almost beyond behef. r ' . . i :re6pect of the,.world. These are our q,u.ali~,'et we ' ..a re '; aske.d to pity and sy~pathise · !IL o,w ' h" ~ st 1 D " ticatiens', f9L the p qsitien of . nlltiOJlhpod • . h' f " 1· iwith them. With. the exception ' of' >the ! . hsleeeples.. our c leO~~ In IS1,a 0 0 • ~ven our. enemi es adqtit . this nov.:--not .as. , 'Flemish, the' enti~e popUlation of B~lii~~ ; Clasped in death ,w his ~fother's brEl-ilst I • pr~ise, -h o:we"er, but to seduce us to ,thrOw LS ' • ju. st ~ a. s bad, i,f. nO,t ~or.,OO than, the an. .h,· _ ',~nd th':'oUl?nCrow:ned queen signs a }o~esome . . ~~ p vie l' o(m birthright far -a .r oes" 'cf pott;ige~ ·, f ~lencal ' party In I'ranee atout whom t Where the waves have the shore caressed . . In . . . ., : ' .,. .. lionius " wrote in the " Echo de Paris ;, f>ut the faithful !l:~tl!er with hearts afLa...·ne per.h.(lps. ~ " • And they cllen'sh t"·~ olden steel '! Brawn .:and h l:ain will '-- needed !., 'WEI'. t'hl}ee weeks ago, that "while French ' u~ t IJ<' , ,ll r ' , ~hile th.e.v call ',' .0,'. God, .. raise anothe r a re to complote t'ne ,vork l'~ (Are U ' ~.;s I priests were' in th,e firing ljne with the chIef , .' . . • -~ v= ~ ~ ,."...•• I. , t \ ' u"th h .. f c·_ h O'N'1 " f: aC1.~orily . 'l"'ne hattlefield s o? Fr=, Bell french 'Azmy, . and F t ench 'Nuns were in ' V1i 1. , ~ e spmt 0 =ag all l ' el " . the 'fiek:t" ~ith .the .Red Cross dOing hospital " -RORY OF THE HILL. *ium, oi: e ven .Germany · :tore not ",ery good' ! I ". . • , . '. « '•. 'recruiting" gl'01mds, or liI{e1y ~o impr~ I' v. , ' ork, the F fe?ch .auth.orities were•.,actu.al.lY .. . j ~me's , healtq. J,' n, ~ny- ' wa". '~'!l haTe no< en~ged confis€ating Church property " l~', oJ ! ' . .... J . ~n ,t,o .,..spare, We h:we ~ouU"h to do ~to 1 the 'neighbourhood of Mons and La .Fere. ~" .he · mos.t " fLrdent nshJ;,nan into ,a ' West · T-~, jl . . '. ' . . ..j, .. , . "p... " 1 X "1 ' · ' l..-O .. ld " ~bok<. a.fte. rthe crip'ples ,~tc., that God';'avc t is just as well that Catholic Ireland .onton. arnel 's ala no nSnman CO'U _ ., J
~hose J("'pers are dt:~ined weekly from , the Captain L. 1. Kettle told the men 0 .£ D pffices:.of the United Irish, League, but it C-ompany,' 5th Battalion, . that; Eoin-',~fuc: ',was hoPed that ,'t~~ ' "Ind; pCnde t .. arid Neill altd ~hose apsodate:I with him were Rerald would at least rernam neutral, and trying to introduce politics into the Vol. 1trea-t both sides impartially. . '.' , ,
cp.mplOD of small nations.
unteer .nlo,'ement • .• lIe also said that Mr. Redmoad did 'not ~ a ' sing~ Voluo·t ee.r to join the British Army, He was only .
English Politicians. . .'
At the satll~ time sandwich men' employed by the '~l.ar Office were patrolling the streets 'o f Dablin ' bearing placards he'a ded ., Irish Na'tionali.s. ts/',',an.d informing them th4t Mr: Redmond bad told them it wag their duty and should be ' their honour anP. g4>ry to g,o ,to the front ,a.nd a,'e.."1gc the gall~nt Kmg .s Own $cothsjl Bordt;rers.. , Wh.en Captain Judge arrived alone, to
.i·•• 1.
speak to the men .o f COmpany A, Captain Kettle se.n. t . for , the police ·a.nd i,he rest of the dnll w'ls . ~eld -qooer pollee prE>A', · tee:iOll. P O()r C @mpany , sh Captain Kettle '.uid Mr. George Wal removed the min:i ature rifles and other _ ap.plianees for target practice, 'which were st'orea at J~a;kfie~d, KiII!lIlage, and were ' of th '-' .. 1 -_.> 1' t.h e p.ro, per.t y e.. 0 ...., engIna , .~ . en Y 1 .1"-Pr oV1SJonav~~ttee. . .., So me ' 0 1t}Irteers are ask'lng '!'l'h ere wer.e " tl . J} 26'h ' tlIe th,000 gen eme.n on ,U y ", d unng figh! with the ' mi"iitary at Cklntarf; i.ut l should . know the truth about the people~ echo a.nS'\\'Crs "where?" . . Gn whose behalf appeals ' are 1ieuxg inade' ~Ir.· Kerrigan, of B Compan.y , Batt~lion y politicians who , are mean e,rrouah 1:0 ' II, has resig,ned. All ·Yolunteers -who: ilay ~pon the deep religious fee1i~g of knew him d~ply regret his resignation. tur people., ' .' Mr. Magee, of CompanY''!", ' Ba~n It: Politicians are playing, 'Po1itical ch..ess wept when . wti~~ wi:th t1:te me,n of l.i:~ - ti!.h me~'s ~es as !'iaw9s . ~P..o~ "the ihess-Com~ny and gomg- over 10- the .!Jth~ '~rd, F:-qr Ye;lrs 6ur brilliant statesme~ side. We have. not heard that any of the * a\'e been «demanding'" the re~toration ; COIl1pa:ny shed tears, nor did we bear it qf aur rights, Now they tell us we' 1I1ust announc ed ~h.at he h:w been' suspended by i ll u'P?~ ' John BuW,? - nee k and- ,.be~aver ' the Cou n:y Bo"td pr~"ious to his secessiOll. 4i:n b ec ..use he tells us. he 'It was stated by t}le Dublin Press th at 'Yill give just as little as .", ~ 1 ct. n nt~;l;:n n ho'1 P-'7" ::,"pn ~flo(';aJ r'l n in tw~l w, months' time , or
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~ t~:.teJ t~ rem'~~ falp1fu~ to Plinciple us witl;lO;ut sending an yof our Pl'op}e ~~wa;' . Jlh the atmosphere of Westminster for .3:. t~ i~cr~se their ~u..n~\"S, . ,17em ;if, ~y" . . ~:m~ period tll~m ten years~ John ' Red. ap¥ier-s c~me .out ,of waf_ ~s ,J~a1tllY, .~}ep- .. fond has pr()'\'~n " tmons1ratio~ tl),at t) 1iy ph)jsi..c alJy, ~s they" go int~ i!~~nd. ~itt. and P:mi1ell were, ,rigp:t. .. ~,;" _ . fyb~y' '~l:o ·~<a~t.s", t~. Oe of .~s.si~t~~~ ,: If, ~e ~yv~ !$, l'J.is.liJTI~ ,fire. ~o,X · ac:fi-'. Ifeland h as . more chance of .help~ng .¥~ i ~<>ed tha~ we may obtain Home Rute, in . st ayi.ng a,t ~)Ome n <:w-. Stand by ' Cath- . ~d':;' .Name :let 'the-Sacrifice be made here ,I een. ~i H QJil.ihan . . The st reng th ' o( Il .P,:i: the sa.cted soil of Ir-eIixnd already sane. t\on, c.~pend.s- up.o n t~c s!r engt of 'i;ts peptt£~ by the blood ~f m~rtyrs:an.d, patriots_ pIe, . and' it-'would, i ndeed, be :l m~kery Let ~I~ not' be' ~umbu..g;.e~ 'by,' poli[~cia¥s of fteland's peat p ast and ?- Da d. a·u gury ' into a. fal~~':' pOsition Lur,-' as.. !;:s-rsJ.in:'l1 -f~r [Ler. fUfur e if we were , to c:;ele.brate ~he Ijogue says : ~ (C Ii .15 tirrfe epobgn t ei. s!:low coming .o( ' the lon g-w.aited Chtld of L ib- .· our gratitu de when ,~e 'J{ n 9 w exactly ' what eh by an assemblage of lcgiess, ~,nnlEiss,
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de Mardievicz presided at .•••... theThefifthCountess'., . a nnual Congress of the F i3il1n.a "
12 . D'OLlER ST., . . ..
Eireanl). Ol\ ... Su nda y last BIt Dun E me:r Hall, iia,rd\~icke str~t, Dublin . Mes.srs . Bu)mei Hobson, Dublin ; \Yrn·. La.agley, Tuam; 0a.ptain Colbert, Captain Ea.mo.n.n
• .• :
• ·..........+•••• ~.·...~·.I•••••••~............ ATHY. .,.... 1·j;j.e . rtte~t}' . formed Athy Gom p:,.ny is p-rog~ ia d rill and signalling, e tc. There are "fYI': about 80' boy'S eru:oHed. "-.7b.ea . Jhe afi .• irs· 0. f HLe C.Oll}Pil . ny . are _
. ..
Ma.rtJ.n"CaptaJn S: Dem-pse)-, a.nQ. Leader . CHAPEUZDD. S. R~der, G1asgO"~; .Lieutenant J Seuil y ; .~ Kilkenn'Y ; L-eaders Croist 0 Failbhe an.d l\c-"twithstallding; th.e · f~cr tha t this· com- S o ·:M:a.OO!f~, Tralee ; S 0 Maoi.l Eoin ·p'a;lY .. w~oillf' form.ed a sh?rt wh.ile a~o, and S '- Brea~h);V~<cJj" MJa:fyboroligh j Leader ' its ra-pid progress bas by .now b rougbt it Quiri'n "'~~d Corporal . Kelly, ("h.'l.pelizod; up. t 'O tb-e le'\"et of man'" ot .t'-" -'.·!·la,' gllte· Li"eu~ en. 3?t, R . ) . 3h·.. ap~' P. F O'Sha~h an, " u . ""
I dshmen of Lh'erpccl :md D ilibct, your Oountry needs .YOll to keep the Green FJa,g flying over Ireland... . The only wa,y , to. do this i5' by joi ning the Volunteers.. Iri.shmen of Creeds and Classes are welcome • Volunteers . ca n be enco.lled at the following drill .H ails-BO<ltle , on ::'Ionday,
}Vegtl.esgar: Qn~ Friday nlglit.. at 8 9'dock ; 'Sun'd ay' ' morning ' at "12:30 . slla:-p ' at 211 Derby RO'ld, Bootie-; 78 Duke s-tree t. T t;esday and Frjd.}y nights at 8 o'clock; 202 P-r.i.ce" street, Birkenhead. e.'ecy Tues· ~ up " ai1r.1 it is. suffide ntly "o.r~~· ,:-:~l7!P9S0g t tp.~ ,' Dubj~ . B-attalion. Fo,. r Dol,lymount, .The D,ublin compa.nies were day night · at 8 p.rn sllarp. ised. it is iutended to starV co¢pahj~s;in.' . nfles are !WI'" 1Il their J.'OSsession, and the . ...• ,. .' . . repres.ented by CaIt-ain Martin, Lieuts. . ·B1tt;-alioJJ drill, Sundu-Y, 18th, a.t 3 p.m. . ~ the sw:roIl.l:l4IDO' distrid.",l\feamyp-ile th.~re maJ<l;r~l o~ t~ e m..."m~ av.e rage a high K a.vanagh, ..P.. O ' Connor, P . Holohan, sharp. no doQbt t1t;?j~ 'th~: tov.;'u ·.itself the or·' . pe~n~e. Of. h:its: .·~.· '.' , . r..,e.aaers . P.': C~~dy, A. ' Dtulrie.;. S >' Pn~!1'''' Ali ·,'Vohntee.rs' me«··c~l tside GrGlenwich ' gcni.s.:lti.on is " ~ .de~ided .success· . .It ~s lnten4etJ,' to propose' to the Dublin dergast, Co rPoral.s ..HQlIand, -" Kelly,' ' R . Pacle. New melub(mi. will ' be '-enrolled . DLStr.tct Council ' that inter-sh :agu competi, . there: AU Volunteers ' hal'ing bicycl~ are • ~ . Sa,;!!lders ,etc., etc. reque;;ted to bring same ta battalion drill. Hon s in ' ·ritl e ~h.otoing · be hdd. 'l'tu~ pro· The President 9 f the Fi~nn a., in b er Volun teers are reque5ted to {.tttend tel th-ei r \ 'l,",-\TERFORD. ject up to th.e ~nt 4as g airied gene· ope.nin~ . address, re~erred to the far,~ . d rills regtlIa rly and ::\>. tne .' lppoin ted time. • ' . ..~.. ", .~((l -t~;:ur. - Ids'Que ' to\t he eliott's ~i Le ;)... . . , . ...- .. " .~ t 1\U" s-Ubscrip{ions 'tor the Deiooce Of '1:e-" At a: .t:edtt-a~d.llel!tingr hclcl :re¢'eil.t1i~~n tlie d Q ' .... _. .. ..~ lUg eff-e cts of ~h . e F:Hl.!ina · upon ,. reaen l-an.d. ·F'}ln4 to -be sent to rll',ink Thorton, ... ' ". ." ·y' ec 1.l,.I.Il.Q t:u..... so lll'u;dl Jia.s .b een 41one · - . . ,'. ·"i &..~ The" ~- s " tb.e · fi.r.>t As~ st.a.n't H on'. · Sec ·, H e<adqu-arlers " ~3 . .' 'Ftaw 1-1311. Ne.w street, : W~terfon4-M~~ .F·~ sh~:fi'; );-'., .: ;.' ..... "..' ". . y ...., :_eVe~ , 1.n.:' . r.:..."" ··v . ;..}!~,:~~~, .. . ?''''••·. \~'(1·.· itO'Jid :··i;w .O<it~ .. ~~. ')" ~:i."., J<'::-:"\~-.'~ ,.',,, j .. ·M'ik>~la:~'-fiI';;;te~~t~~·p'i:e3id~n.t 'cif '¥~ . ·~,,,·r· ~:~,.,.. ~,:.~~~~ ':~:':':~~\< : :~,~~'" ,j' ;.tn:l~~ij,~ o/~fi.~. '.~~{~"i~ -: ,~;' ~5 ,1~. ~.it~;,. :~,.: .:: ':'." '~ :~, ~ .. ' . ' ,, C~ani wtr.U/h . I,low n·~mber-s.. '.;:O ·,mci:il. ~ · ;:, ... ~k ,: .. ~ ~ :: . I ~.~' '. . i~J. 4he :tc;omplere!o..m~~.\ o{ .;l te, :' .'; c'....f'" " .• ' '.. :. ." '.' ~-! ~ ,~." . . ' • ' ..J ;-'I' ' ': ' . . ,"i ' ':. ~ • T.'r:··' , e 'R te . . f ' . " '" .\ hec-s. ' The.... prosneroris 'congitio~ of thi s . \".., ". ':\ . , ..r.1~'Qr.h.... ~ ·.;i ,:.,. } ... . ·ta;ri"': , ': '-'~";y. .~·~'?i.£-~~l<.: ·~::: ~"?~ ,; ·. Y .,., · ,;:,~,:";.'l :1 .' . , . ." -. .: • - " '" . ':····· f . •· . , ;,' ',' ''U1«~ "" .. . ' .... ' '" Glh.,.';" 'm~'bp:e '-M>a:D"'E-ni:x,<';{;' P.ax-'· " .. ' ,~, I ' -'ibran.cb. is iA ' gt'eai ._ measure ' due ~ to ~ the e '-~, "f v"', .; _ :" ,'"i ~1"' .~' ~',~>' ~ . ~ny ·~ >~r....~ • , _ .' v~_ ·· . .,-~,!~ ,,'<4:~ . ~~". ""-.~ • -..'...~: •.•: [;.... -'''),· r ~ . .F; 'k foqs Qt, 6.a~i; i ·Ban ., ~;nd" u'ruler the' . :Th~8' ar~ tW'l) comtlar;ies in ~t'l.sgo w,'· ,Ua m:ent a..'> the '.i.d eal ·of lrish··N~ti.OiJality . . The ':jciat' ie~bip of the P resident and the t~e , t otal ~ . mbedng ~OOIH 100. S iuaglx Fia nna still regarded t~le connection
"';.", i
The Modern Minstrel Boy.
E ngliand to ·be never.failing 'Sl)Urce of aU ~r politica,l. eyils. In the troublous times 'tlJ.a~ were ~ing they should not forget tb.a.t ideal , They shol.ll~ ~t.inu.e· ~ . to wort v.<i.th might .and main for Irish .n... . J \. r ",rmlt m e 10 m.a (e a strong p rotest indepe~dencel' , ;s,' il<uever the out----erue of a.gainst the s'll~ing of the inane ditty: ~ ths w-ar b etween the great poweDS of " It's a. Long: Way to .T>ppeI:11CY." If the S{ii6 or e!fk(~:r . Eu.rope one thing was cerr.aln that Engi.a.lld . Vaudevill e Laurea~e ' who. wrote it \vould ·· --<>--' mu& come out of t~ oonfl.ict i n a. . we~ wri~ another fo r the Irish Tomm ... Atkins to ' ~~g while he is fig hting f~ the B·r it·isll NOTES ON FIRsT ..AID,. s.ia\e ~th,an .· sh.e . ~as, evec since her Empire ' Fla~ ';load '. crtU it, '-" We're.a ·.Long Way . teg~" .. Ireland haB,.nQ,w,.the 0pP9'ftunity from Ijein"' ;' a Nation' ,~ : he · miiYht "'make Wb~' is flie To r emq'lle 4 f-c;:eign .oody fre!U the eye, of bu'ading up a. gre~ military org.anisa- another . .t~g~Irish hi.t~ w ith: some of our Irish 'fke rece.nt successful Aeridbe acht ha.9 dr-a\'I' . dO'Vll :t h·e 'lower lid ' as shown and tion, and ...once the l!1ell and boys . of Ire· maUen . peq>Je of to: d~}'? Ha;voe thev p 'laced tke i!001'l etary condit ion of t~is rom· remQve gell.tly~ \ Davi.s . on.4 Mooce, and 100 were tr ained and armed th e i'OOepen. fO.J:'g;o~en Emm.et, in £avou t o.f 'Kitchenef' and ~Ily is a h~ghly satisfactory position:. dence ~f Ire.l.a.nd could no:. be delayed·. Roberts and the vaudecille writers of Metre .recco..its have come ~n, and under ..The . Hon. Genera.! Se<;reta,ry (Captain, .E.nglisb.I,rish 'oogs ? . tJae l.eadel'S4iip of L ieut . E . Mac..\:~ha a Pq.dFa-i·o O' Ria.in) read his " anqu!J-I. r~rt~ steQ.d, IUl-<1 ~ e .. est ing programlILe o.J work· The l\linstrel toy to the war has &031...., which was approved of. ' And as he there, is 'be(Dg ~.ooe through. The diificul-ry • The Treasurer s ubmitted a. st~~ment of . He sings o'E ': T~pperar}'," wil.ich ~s hillder,e d the WCH'k oithe sluagh « Piccadilly, Lei.cester Squa.re.'~ inoo~ .an·d expenditure for teh year a.n.d Well, God: s.a.Ye · Tipperary. .considerably, 1.3.-ck ·· of facilities for dI:iUing , the following offi.cers were elected: , 'And all of Ireland too. W-lll be r~'()'IP'e--~ soon, and thea the.r e · \vill ,P ·resident-<:ountess M.a.rdievi.c.z; Vice· But what.. d<> Vl'e care for Leicester 'Squ~' If Irish hearts heal: ttue. . . be a. mo.re atu.nd·ant flo" .of l'ectnit s . Presidents-Bulmer Hobsoll, Dublin, l4a:m Langley, Tuam; General Secretary, Tlle .'1\iilL')trel Bo,\" i.~ a tcaito£ now, ' :rhe people of ',Vaudeville. .Padraic O' R\ain; Assistant 8eore\lary-;TAI ,LAGH T . Alf:ced ,White: ,. :rrelllslXTer:.....se.agba.n M-'\C~ ,H,').ve : pla.ced . him under!,· th~.\· Union Jack An,d sent · him ·o ut · to k.ll.. . . Aodlia, Ard Cooisde-Lairn Mellows, Con O~! ",songs that were fur the ka,.~ a.ltd free, Oolbert,- A ilero.n, B~fast;. Seau Kelly, 'l'he ligh-~ of Fr~'dom's fkd t &1fas.. ;;E. Leahy. Listowel ; and E . Ahd to~a }' y ou are marle for. the sla:ve .'( ~&U1in. Du~lin. ..... s~e, ..,: .' Th,g,nk God.. Tom. lroore is dea.d. And ' as,- ove; the 'roa l: of the British gun:. ~~,. the Y04'e ' of. the ,:h'IinMreF rings. L~t IlS hope he may . se;are the .d~ of C'a.pta.ia it i.s .. ex.pected that the Sluag? will ~ak its -previou s . good records. It lS owi~ to toe efforts of the ofiicers ...that ~ani-es c~ ~I.te Fian na have 'b een estah~ lis~ in ~ll ~' ct the surrounding dis· triGts. aAd th.:.tt the orga~isatio<1 of ~he dty com;pall1f ha. reached Its present htgh
Willie N.elsoR, which has a. number of offieen; fOfmtlcty in the BeH..st R'l.tta.iion, at p2:es.etlt leads the ,. . ....y, but the other company,.. formed fo, the most pa rt of re, <;Tuits, is maklD.gstri~ tow~ efficiency. TWo ~l~ a,t.tell~ed ,the . Ard I~hei..~ ;J,s i:eprese~tatives of the, F i-ant.ta this cit"
'\\-I1h ' the oogrel versa
In the, " IriSh Wadd.. ~· . ..:.... ,,. ." ., . " ":: .- - "; :~