• :"'!;
. .• ~tur,day. Oc'tober .
them' 1;l.J
R~~. tQ:e~f.on;e the'. . nati~lpl ~rid. The nry, .. px:esence; ot the .gatul1ring
s.t1:Oj~ . irretn,e.vably the resolut:n~ .
is..'ll :th~t p':a.s~~ . gu.rr~nt.. fer. .so "long put bcto.re t~~ nation the greilt . fact Q~binq.... all , p~licies .and at the back of ,,., .. ......... ...... .c"". I const~:li.t:i,oDaP agitation is, force. ; .~
..... ;..< • •
:N qtion'alDigftify'. ' '.~., ',';'
1 ,
f~,l~un= , m; t i~ Ir,~and's c~pital with 'th~
COklscio~'neo~. ~ behi.n~.
·1814 .
B~ilerthan Be/ore.
is, ne.cesiarv to insist 'Upon all this just
we 'iei~~tedl~' Pr.o'phes'i&l ·' the ' Con· v~tion SbOWed the dt~e ~ ~h~' ~r~~nisa.
~ion . t? 'be so'U.n~er th3.<-i. e,:e.r. ,~ Wf'\.t . it has lost in .. 1Ilelubers-hip it has gained in uni:y;: in ~t~in~~ ' ~f ' pti'mose; . ~~d 'in ' national honesty, - Judging by recent ~\.e;;ts th~f1! weJ;'e sQ¢e oorps in r-reLand, I ,," . . . ." .... , . happily a v:ery few:, :~ha~ were merely lies, contemptib)c Ii ving .lies., n;~uerading as.' 3-·.t:o~ce for ·tl::\? qef-epce ,of '!re'land;: while all th.e \i.m~. th~1f ~~re-;~dy' t~ g,ye their litt~e ' , ....., " .
~dw .:wh~ -tn'in~ . are ' u" a sta<te of. trans.'ti9n.. _!:9~ I;res~nfly' the air , ,....-ill. be ,cleared il~C\ " t~.. : ~6!t:ihfeerswin' . J:l.:&e' ali -thei1: \V9,l:k ,before th8.D;1. -"
~ .
The .WorR:. Was never 8n . epoc.h during the.. century -more fraug·ht w.ith 1~0pe for H . 411 . OU! . peopLe, haGr" dO>le a..~ no~·m.al. country w~uJcl bi.'lve . dorle-pre, ~ ,~~,j~cd . to the, common en-, ohi'.""s:r.ulZ·5tle". 6f ,f.~l>ghthii.ndred · ; Un.. ...ixi: v:",·~v!'ek. .. '
t . ,wh ~Q.' .~i.\}llIpb
. , : __ Ehir~1?:
'a was ;.<It
1"I",IJ "<llll.!/: seCtion , pf.' th'e those peopl~ that England e\' cr our friend, selves remained and remain f.rom tJ:.e personnel and' tb:if .our 'duty' ""as to route ;be serving England:'. 'Th'ey woula came ·tog.e ther to form it. Th enemy' entrench~d withop. our gates, but place.bunting politician, the lip server, have been 3$ ' little use '~ lr~la~d aiid the i o' oth~ e;emies abroad and make a iq.e ~r:t!ii~ o.n DU9Un Ca-st:e and pub· VOlunt,ee'r C~nv~nt,ion s~,owed v~rj ;ve!J bl?od·. s.a-crifice . ~o s trength ~.n. the enemy at iin . Castle ' rule had" n'o place in its deli- ' it ' could _do wr~hout ' theni. ' N0 d~)Ubt . in . home . .. Plausible and SpeClOUS as English the de~erri~i\ i;.~~ ~he ' G~en Fia~" t~ ~h'e The ' pr.esence hf every man diplomacy ' bas ever ,been , ~n , Ireh~d, 'yhile meant . a sacrifice iu st as the . li ~ion J :J.~k were s~me mis~9~ '~d ,it was s~ccessf'i1. in makJng a division at honest patri~ts, " 'and " ili~y. ~i1i ~au.Se_ ,wh'ich .tbej. rep.Fesen t,c d m~l!t sacrihome, it .",~s . J)ot ,strong , ~!not1gh to break ~.e ~d' th~y .pledged their fut;re to . the come 'b,a~cLtq 'thei~ . -~!l~~<I.:;;c~, ~~');qg, down the barrier that the m::trtyr·blood of and proYeth:at . they are ~en·. ·by ... ~~~i~g .same , thorny path. Gain and advance· a.nd it fai:led to th e abu,e of 't he old . and neW re.:;:niiting cen,t~rie,s ba9, bl!:iJt 1,:J,ller.",v·' we;"" . unthought of there and i~.s.tead ~Sh~~V~> j ~~,~, sec~nd,: 'pu, ~ ~~, :. ao~ -will dm. " . '" ,..~~. . ' ' . rags tha,t ;DU'bli~' ~~t~ . keep~" .ready t-o do Itel.otnd's . best~, ma,nhood met to ·take wha,ttin1,l~ , t9. t;;:;J.. . Meanwhile. the men of Ire:' the. work th at .open , .eneinies . of Ireland ever': stePs may: . be necessary' f~t:. the reo 1apd: ;~h;f~i16~! ~h~ pa.t~f()JI~~~i.' Iri$h demption .of )r~land,', Th~re · was . no would filld t.oO ~ne.:ul. . • . p.~t~i~~s,. ~ thfp~gh .~~ . q.ges . !!~~l, ~o.t fail. . "~-:.(. .. . ~ .. ' whine aoout. the qfLfJger.. o~ the Empire, no Their '~yprky;hl be slower .and . mor.e diffi· gloating . over ".our fo:reign possessions" ~ ~~lt, ' qt~t' the gO~l is cert;in: ' "iluch reo and ;:J:1.o ·< h.ysteri~ . app':cals ,to ... make,.. n,ew ;P;J~~_ . be do~~ i~'::;~i~g,~q'Uippi~g, . foes (,a!)~}o~get 'old ~n~l~-9SW~. , It~a$ _ arid training ' the . Volt.mtee~ .. ~~~ Ireland" the ~~~,ue spiri~ of .a nation setting i\'bo.ut and.: that work . we must, bend to with all rts,; .o·',7n.;b';siness, .confident in itself and ,B,ut th~ heal;t p.f th~ ~9un.ti;' :,is s6~nd, the _pow.ers of ou~ natit;e. A Perkct ann}, confident ili its f1!~ure. ·a,-.> d no threa,t, no ' bribe, ca'll. turn t.llll o('..lr).sb,mf!P- , for Irelanq . is . 3: ,high ide;l people, .of Ifela~d ftOtn . tlle .:;';tion;ll ' path. ari~ . il gr~at· t,!sk,_ but-it · js ,a n ideal thal And though niither threat no; b~ibt: i's cl(n", b~ , a,Rhieved,,, a..taqls .. tbat can. be, ac· wan:ing, -: the . ~~nhood; ef .}he . ~~p.try : i, l';gq~p,!l s!a:e<:l, ., an~:L SU,l)4;IY's . C8nv-,ention j ,( " " " . • . . : .~ J" ~ ~" ': , true. ~. "eyer :,to" .the ~ natio?~~.~ f<,li~h. , ..The )he ',first ..ste.p, on . th~ I.oae!. t.o ,s.)lccess. ." ,,' fev: who ha-ve deliberately turned, ~s1e,:.to '" " A1>o~'<' all th,e~l,) . were no st.ereotyped see,k, \~e . fl.~sh.pQts ar1l f~w i~;!~Cj;i",~ ..and resoltlti?ns. , ~ Thc dei~'g:itesmet to deJi.be- the U~oll" .J.aqk.ifY:$ : o~;.er a r:api4lY, ,.<i):windl. In America .rat-e, ~? .,~tlis<:u,ss pelicies •. not. to express . ing number -of Iri shmen. . every lr~sh ,organiHttqn , bas e~pr~skxl un~ thelli. ;oo,nfide.nce ,-in. ~rsona.litie? tqou~p , '; perso,ris : t!t~~ ~e,e ' ,vcrthy of..'the~ 'equivocal1y ' the "deter~ination 'o f ' thi lri.sh .,. ~acf ' .t~ai '~?; s.;nct;qn m~si ~ . ;c~~;d¢ ·, ;O·wing to the pressure on bl~; 'space we copful.~enc.e.•..of the rnanhQoq oi·.ao,)" nation. to th e. a ttempt to dri've- ' t1~e Volunteer~ in~ a~e 9t;>-ligcd to h:old over reports of inany T~n~ fwere . no pJ'OAJ,i,.s.e$ ~~)-o!).dfilit> " . ." . " reach , of those pl;'esent to perJorm and.non,e to' the 'ser~ce of Engl;nd~ ',. Public '.~~ of riieetings, article;, and . comments on the ~vouJa: be tha~ :wi}l n.o~ williIlgly be redeemed. ' A~ve th:e , greatest ' weight in / the Un'l ted $tales pr.esent S'jtuation. have COlJle forwai'.d to warn the .l eaders of if <c orrespondents ~o~id" ~end ' matter for' , ~n,. there ,were · no res91ution approving of . poli2ies whi~h those s~;bscribin~ to tqe.. Irish .'p ecple of · the. irFep~rable wrqng.. puhlicat.j on. at .tl~e earliest. possible ino: To' obviate any delays we have ·the·' resol!,lt!ons kli'ew ·in·.their . hear.s ~hey .t \iey · would do IreLand .by advi.sing· the ment.. ,h ad Ro "intllntiQn ,.of carr5'ing . out. T.here young men "of , this .c ountry .,to , sp:ed~ their arr.anged ~h'l.t matter. reaching as late as So ~r<>ndaj' willl?e. dealt with if sent to the 'was no h yp.ocTis)' a nd ,no {!a nt, but a ,blood in defence of England's tra<le. conference t'h::tt will live long . in 'the EttIe 'do the ph.ce·.hunters even· be!ieve in V)lu_n teer Printing Works, Enniscorthy. history of Ireland; it was th e fir st public their own protes tations- that few of them "'latter not ' so pressing c.an ,be forwarded pledge in a cen:ury of the armed manhood have acted upon the advice of th eir leaders to our offices at 74 Leinster RQad, Rathand joi.ned the fighting line in FraItce. It mines, Dubli:'l. of Ireland fe r Ireland. ·
From tH~ .... ~.
'. .~
uPJ _
OHtpost National. "'S~nity. .Th~ . proceedings at the·..volunteer Con.
Su~'d~~tl'~il'~~ ~w ,hea.rt
new' h.ope in~o the
,. manhood. of .Ireland. TJ~ 1r~tb): li~ ~~i;~~'~i~y' \h~t :~a~~ iIJt~
the mO"eplent when. it , was no ,lopg.er: S{1.fe to . try , a~d ith.~~ disap~a,t:~d;" <.lnd there . r~m~ :ns Qnlyt~~"~~w'ent i0~li,' co~scious .of t~l e :~easons. . tha~ ..!.b.r oug.ht it into .e~lsten ~e Alnd .. ~f • the , :~th '. should :reacl. It is' no longer a col!ection of units with different . and warring ideals, but of men who .believ~ in, tpe ~~ .ideal ~nd who <tre at one in their opinions as t o .the heoot means · 0.fi1.~~e~ing,.,th a<.ici~al. . It was a lessqn in nation.a t s:mity,. , na~ tional dign:ty ~d .national ho;eSty, and. if in these ~:espects it ' providj'!d ~ . sba,t'P cqntrast to '1b,e ~lsual ~nventioll h eW to ratify the poli.tical dogmata of leaders it gave hope 'tJl~t the .country ~s' f.1St .l?etting tired of cant and settling down ,t o busiF or th e first time in a century dele.
~il i '
," , Clear.int·l/fe': Decks.,
S~TURDAY. \ OCTOBER 31' , 1:914 • g .;1(
. :::,
..... :;.
Battle. .
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.The .Training·of Recruits'in .the " Section~of
, -
. ',:
" r
Opportunities . fo·r its emploYJJ;l&lt. m attzzk ~iil <?,ften ~ pr~nt themselves to ," .. r those' portions of a M ng line which fraro ' :jIod;antag~s of !.lIe ~~nd' 0" Q\.he-f catJ.5es •.cording. to ili.~' CirCun:iSta.n;~ of .e\'l.ch. ~ •. haJv~,· ..been able .t o make progress· more '. In forming a q.ecision the follOWing cop' . tapidly than others. In d efence 0iJ~ sidetations must have weight: tunities of enfiladefir.e may be created i : The early opening. of fire disc ounts sur.. ' .jby , a ·ne!,!!.. prearrangement· ·be1wee~ 't he priSe .and ,often , indicates . the positions , 'commanders of adjoini;1i '\ mitS, troops which would be un'The Volnm-e' 0'£ Fire. ' notiCed by' the enemy . oCcasi~nally be -possible and desirap~e ,·I.or · b.:i.tta.Eon !;9mmandfrrs' to .iss1l,e orders on ~his 'p oint; but"~ ~ore usually ,.it rrius:t be dec;ided by company '~mmanders .
. 'In ' 'de::idi;g bn . the yolum·e of'flre ,~ ,·be o<'Q_,_4'Y:>\o . ". : ;': • • ~eyond 1,400 .. yards . the fire of even t . . .... '. -:-- 1:irge and well controlled units ' of inf.an.try .Clircted . against. the enem3'. at any parti. The section cojTI!lland.e r , .sh9uld be : pro~on , to the rounds u 'pe1l,ded l:. Oon, has seldom .much effect 'upon the decisioJ,1 bular t ime ' a commander sh<;)Uld . consider made r esponsible ' for the ' traini~1;1; and. sequentlY 'an '~en:emy can s~ldoj:ii 'be dri~en; of the '~ struggle .for superiority' 'of fire ,; ~hiJefly the' target p~ese,pted, theeffijot i.t ·education ' 'of . the men he' is to lead!n from {il.' g~:' position. T)y 'fire alone. Under: El.-ceptioD.al circmnsta.ruoes, . such as the "is desired to pI1~uf e , the range, a4d :'the via~ from ' the earliest pOssible' 'moment such . conditions :'~ri' .attacJ...=ing force must:. appc:)Iance . of Gonsiderable ,bodies of. the st,a,te 'of t.he,~a.'!lmtmition supply. 'Qf 'th eii: career as soliiie·rl;. . ~ u's e fire (' to J.:eep tb~ . . enemy's hea?s ·enemy . in vu4terable . formations, may., . )~lapid 1' ire. . . ': bri ll ' in close o~der is' an iffip:Orant dow~ " .. omdto d:m?rali~ him in ..order, h~iev.er, .ju.s tify the us!l of long .range! . J:, . fa;)~or . produCing dis~ipline, '~llesioll~" to be at,le to push on to close .qu.arters. . fire, . . especially in the ' defence: . Rapi!i fire is required .wlie? it is neoes.and. the hat its . of absolute·· ~d inStant' The actUal' ' d&ision "i~ then '~rQUght .Between 1,400 and (iOO yards, .carefull:(sa;y .to ·beai' d own t he enel!lY;s fire q'uicldy ubedience to the orders of a. superior..· a.~ by.' the'; ~~~l~; ' or moreoftelJ., if controll¢ collective · fire usually ' :produ-ces as 'yhe!.1. s~pp'orting t he ad'~m:e of rein The sold iers should be made to under. ' the enemy be dcfubr3iised, ' by ·.ad- .' be-:ter results . .than the ~nco:ntr9,lleJ flIe~ forceii{i:{~i~. or-of ne.ighbollri~:g unit!> ;· .\~hen stand at all period? of ' his training .how. {,a.n.ce ''to 'the assa~~l~ ' of ~lIpividual men, which ' ceases tQ. be co\'ering. the wit&lr~w;ir' of c~hel" tro'OIps ; the various parts of , h is oourse of instruc- ' S1.!fficie'lltly eff.eetivc beyond . rang~ of, lw~"n p'ur~i ng an: enen;t , v.:i~h fire; when tion fits him for h is. duties in war,' and, Fire D ii'ection ·and Fire .about 600 yards to counter-balance th~.i' 'm'~tinO' Q:.valry att aclts·:; 'ar whe.~ ., good in 'partic ul;r, th~ clO'?e conn€;ction .."lUCh Control. · expendit'ure of ammunition involved. . t~r~;s~ are ~xPOSed:"" io;··· ~'a very .<short should exist ~etween m·usketr.y and.. man. However skiiful indh:idu~( men .may , The "'idth of ·t he ·area of ground stru ck.' perlQci; alsO, in ~·att.a.cl~J 'a's a. final pre <Jeu:vre mnst be ..ernphasis~ . ' be, the .grea~.est e,ffect cal}be .prod,o ced by " by the bilI!ets of an effecti~ ~ ~hiap~e:l i ~-i pat~tid~ ' f.or the· ass:lu.f~" . 2.Il!g, "i~ d~ferrce ' t lOns. ' . - .their fi~e ' Ollly. wl~eri . - i (. ' is ~fficienfly '; abo·ut 25 yards. ~'t. ':!:ssault C. ·e!lera 1 C'onSI'd era '. . :.. to . beat. qfi a~ eti~my ". in.th.e . act r . . " '. .. dIrected and <;ontrql1ed by commanders ! ' ~lt) limit of the . f6rwarclr effectt- -e!!,"'t , mg, . The . e/fecst.o.f surpn se , byasuooen . In no t:W9 m~lit.ar! .op'era~~n~ is: th.e '0{ fire ' ux\its. .. ~ . .. . ~ -. ' .• shr.a~.ReL ·..:'i-~ff~tivi' ;.ing;ds:·'~~it:~2'oO·if l='t~~ '~~de: ljii;{.,\ ~o~:'.a:tr,,~x~ed
~" ......
si~~ati9ne~~ct1y ~~re:. ~.me.. ~. ~<;\~~~ac~ .::N~~.~~~~;~';~~~f;.~~~f;· ¥~t ~ ~~' ~~ . ~~~d:>.~ ...,:; "':_ ,~:.:.' :~': . ;'; ';':':;;"':" .~ J; :.: .e.>. ~~ ~~~~t.t;~i:S~: ~,~!. ~~~~~,~.: ... :.S.ll'()rt bur:'t ~ ?!t" . rer of the groun.cl, t~e exteDt~:pf.: .t,~e; Ii~: ~ , s~on;,';t~ou'gli';' nnde:t;':; ~rt'3iri. 't:O~jti~~ ~:;: 'l'M: ,) .athu's.';O;f;., too : e..~plosi011;' ..ot-';'~.~'i:gij'~" :i ·aItiJ! . ,fl.~ :tfp.)J€i~f;e~ .,·~t:Y.(;;Wi~J'~~~ ,. fa.~9-);lI:<.. :> <.. '.'<>peration of the 'oth~'r " ~'; ~lli~ 'Streng~ .' ~';i\li~· l~n.g~M ;~bge:;l.th-e;· ftf~: ~i ·a:·...;ilol"'e ' e~plosi~/';h~il 'is -- ';'~~t . 25' y~~d~: ;. '.' '~4~e;;·~ci'lr:t 'df·~~:i.n~ ~11(1 'g.i:\'~ t ~n:e , for .. and moral of the oPPQlling f()rces, their . .·Physical ~ndition ~4 the . oqjects they ' . wish to achieve must a,lways diff&:. . . . " It ixripo5s~ble th~refor'e, .to iay down fixed and llnva~yi;;g ~ystem of. .a,ttack :" '. . •.>·,nn er·al p' n' n·c·I·.p les .and or d efence'. VI" . . broad rules alone .are applicabl~ to .the l eading of troops ' in w ar.
Position and Duties '0·£ Leaders in Action.
compariy may 'be 'controlled' by its .. :coni- · . , . m:l?de-r: and ' 'closer ranges ~yfu.u.. to Fire Attack. ' ·" "ua.d commanders. .. . ' . .I, -.., Fire s..'lou!d, therefore, ' rar~ly :qe opened,'; " 'T hus cOmpany, h.alf.comp~y, s;ection in attack ",'hen $,&tisfactury progress can :' and squ~d ' cOmmand'e rs ~y ' be' 1ke.unit ;. . . . . be .m ade without doing so .. ~VI:~n . pr.o~' . commanders at variouS times and under ' . .gres.'> is no longer possible .fire, sh.ould various condition·s. normally be . opened ;by l>~!lporting . , and j T\le value of. ·a fire-unit cori:unan . der covep.ng troops to en.alle the . front. line.. d'epeJl.ds upon 'his ability·. toappiY the fire to gain . pos~tions •when the .. enemy's fi.r e hf his unit at the right time an'd in the . , . !:!3n . be t..aken down . . SubjElP,t to tpese right volume to. th.e rig.h\ targ~t, principles, it may ibe opened . in : attack Duties. o·f the Fire Unit when .there is a ,proJ:,.ability, of .its pro,.. Commander. ducing good effect, or when withholding fire might lead to he!ivy loss. • The duties of a fire.nnit commander in .
111e commander's position wiiI, as la rule, be selected so. that' he can obtain an extensive view. It should be sufficiently '. central to tacilitate the ' r eCeipt of reports and me' issUe of orders. The sn:bo'r dinate controlling and dire<t.jng fir.e consist in: Fire in Defence. " leade rs will take post where they can CarrYing out df such fire ' orders as he ·. . best 'e xercise ' supervision over their com- . may receive from his superior "commander When in£antryis acting on th e defenmand s; wat-ch we enemy, . and 'receive and usin.g ~is own juq,gment in. default sive there is usua]l}' less difficul ty in' art ransmit orders. ranging.· for . the supply of -ammunition . of definite oiders. . , . Fire I;may, thCl::efore, he opened at lo~ger Indicating targets. • Fire .- Uses ot; Fire.. Iasuing orders for sii!htirig, "elevation, . rangds <than when .attacking, if.. it. seems It must be realised that the' infantry- and deflection. probll.ble that .any advantage will be . man ' and hi s rifle are one, asd thM inof gained thereby, ~peciaJly whe!l the ranEnsuring the correct adjustment fantry on. the b attlefield, though com- sights. . ges ha\'c beena&ertained 'beforehand. , : . . paratively slow in movement, is in many If, however, .t he object is to g:ain decisive Regulating ·the vol ume of fire. respecrt:s ·the mo st mobile of the . various Redistributing the ammunition of result s, "it: i~< g~erally., . pref~~able to r eo. arms, . sinoe it can move over ground casualties. se.rve fire for . closer ranges. ;1 impassable by .mounted men or artillery, Checking 'the expenditure cl ammunition ·Concentrated Fire. o wing eit...1.er to physical difficulties or ; and arranging for its replenishment. to want of cover. . Further, by employIt is us ualfy necessary '. to keep the . The Company <;;ommander. ing th~ fi~~ Qf jTIen ' who are not moving enemy's fujng1 line under fire throughout to facilitate t he movement of men who Noi:mally the company COllJmander its length in order to disturb- his aim' and are not firin g , infantry can, to a grea.ter, . _to cover 0. prevent· movement, but against cE>Dtrc.lling the-fire extent .th·a n the other arms, make use of . whether he. is directly . very ' vulnera.ble targets· or to .produce an its weapons to inor~as~ 'it~ mobility. of his company or not, decides 'as .to the increased effect at .a particulax place, . fire This power of fa~ilitating, moveme nt must time for opening fire . subject ,to such may be concentrated .,,<itll adv.,antage. be tur~ed ' to account, if rifle fire is to be 'o rders as the. battalion command~r may issue; arranges for the distribution or O.bliqueand Enfila~e~ire~ u sed with the greatest possi:ble effect. concentration of fire j indicates the targets Subject to the limitations. of ran~ de. I n attack an important object of fire generally to h is fire, unit .commanders; scribed in the previous paragraph, ' the i s. to fecilitate movement. and reg:ulates. the supply of ammunition. ~ effect is increased if it is possible to orPower of the Rill e. ganise c oncentr.ation of fire from .widely When to Open ,Fire. D espite the gr eat power of the rifle, it separated fire positions. I n oder t o gain superiority of fi re, the cannot obtain rapid and decisive r esults, Such oblique or enfilade . fire ,h as exceTJt ,,,hen the enemy is exposed ~o the firing line , must have an :ampLe supply of greater moral and . material .ef£e<t. than £lull · effect of an acct,rate' and ~teady ammunition . '\;v11en the supply is limited fronta l fire, fOJ: it comes from u sually of wli€n to ope:! fire is fram an unexpecte:i direction and t he tarfi reo Against tro.ops u"der co\'e~ rifle fire t he qnestion has com p aratively little: killing effect in r-ffected by this consider ati on. It may get presec ted to it is gecerally larger.
Pie ac1jus.tmen~ "of : sigbts. tb"y also 'ficilitate the ~ont~ol of fi re:) n critj=1. situations. The dui:..:ttion of ' ·bc.!J. 'bursts , mUst . J:J~ sbcby controlJed, ~~d limiteci to ~he requirements o:fthe paJ:<:icular ocea.. .-. " . s. io, n, for ii tapid fire is .cc . ntinued for any 'l engt'h .oftime it ex-cites ancl exhauts, th4'" ' .
troo[>s' anq: leads' to waste of amm unition. . . . " Fire shQuld,. .therefore, as a rule, be ... . ' delivered d eliberat~ly, each man satisfy ing him self tha~ every time he pr~es the trigger he ~;ill ' h'i t tlg~ object aimee' at. Rapid fire shoulCl ,b e considered a.'" a reserve 9£ power "to be used when the · occasio·n s demands it. It should combin(.. accuracy with rapidity, and . m ust not d e gen~ra~'e ' " into ';"<ild expel).diture of a.m.. muni.tion at the '. fast est p ossible rate•
Supporting Fire. The difficulties of a n ad van.ce 'b y cia:;against a .well ·a rm·ed en em;, are much redoced .wlien the a dv ance is .cover ed an' supported !by the n re of artillery, () machin'e g'uns, al'!d of il1£antry uni~ wod. ing in co-operation. The "means of prq viding suc h fire piust b e prepared fo r b e forehan d. The -object ' of ~re in at~ack being t~· make the :tdvance of the attacking ,t.roop'; possihle,' the t argets t o be chosen are nor maliy ·those ~hose n re is, chiefly checkin& the advan-ce:.' ' . .
A Swordsman
of the Brigad ;
~Iess rs . Sands and Co.; Edin burgh an, London, :annou~ce for ' publication withi" the n ext couple of ,weeks " A 13wordsma" · of the Brigade,'; . by Mi·cheal 0 hAn.nra ch ain, a novel dealing with th e romanti tittles of t he Irish Brigade in the servk of Fra.'1ce. T'he [fory concerns i,t se ~\'ith the adventures of one Piaras GIaI' · who, 'fcir·ced t o fly from his own countr; finds employment fo,r his swo rd in t 1:> r2n ks of Sheldon's ' Horse, 11 famous reg;' ment of that Bri;:ade • .
s"~Tulm_w, OCTOn E~ 31,itii',f.· . · .·' ·,~' . ·:·',,-.. . ,.... , ·· '·' x
. .~;'.: -: ,'-
':. .: . . ~
', .; '
.:..: to' ;
Field',Eortification. ...
'< . .
.' t" C..o.rades ..~~'i"tom'''' '.
LeP En field Mogozine' Rifles
A .Job 'Let of ~"thu Bandoliets toQeu, u M. Sword &iclc!, Is68. ~ 1>:1 alld upwa rds, ~ Enfiekl B3 von~t. with Scabbard.. 21 6d cacJ;. Iklt~ Is., i'~ 'tid, Irish 2st\O ..."It, Ha venacks. 9d and !s ~. Khaki or Blue P,:,ttee., .1. ~ ea"h, La,,,. stock of Riiles. R evolver, and
. .:hem , and mu~t be strong e~ough to ' p'r~· ,22 RiH.·s, 12a 6d and cl?ward •• vent a n enemy ibreaking theII). · dol'\'n ·by:. :~ --<>-- . iheer,.' weight . .If .~sed 011 the -e~p ·-side" FOWNES S-tREIO.T. PALISADES AND :FRAISES. th~y 'a"~' . si~p'ed . ~iightly . downwar& so ..as . ~DUBLIN not to: caitch h~? :gr~,r;~es~ ~tc., thrown ~ PaEsadts are stout' palings; .. stiimgtli-: over by , the . gaqison, . but . their poiDJt.? e ned !by rib<inus ' top' and "bottom, I mai:r.e .·o f ~lu.St, lll'lny :~. ~ '. b~ '7 . ft . . ~r ,.from' ,,the, . ~.~ -logs, 3 or 4 in. apart, tria.ngular in sectio~ bottom' of th e. ditch, ~r men . may catcil ·rise· regularly and ' rather rapidly. ' The (each ·b"eing 7 tor' 8 i~.} and aboiIt: ' 10 ft. hold of th'em and heIR~h~s'elv~ uP' . , ,. . , . ". , .' ." . maximum . pra.oti~le heightbf Ithe· ·&am".' "c' ' Whe n U.Sed .Oll the counbersca,rp. side, . lon g. They are \ pMnte.d upright iii ' the they are given a slight ~t upwards to /being llssumed. its length, and the :·cori· : d itch of a work ' (3 it: in th~ grou~d ' and .' J3y "S.h<wlrock." · i ft. out) at 'the f~~' of' the counteiScarp! . inc.rease the"d rop from '{ hem into the ditch. sequent breadtli of the inundation,' will 'nted ota" kes ' may. " ;l'th advft~"" , ' ", 'e be ' ~pend :,on·..-the . slope of the sides of ' thc ' . H . f t h.e , '. .,atwna ' 7 ' 1>1'. tlie ditch in rear '.being deepened, and POl ~ .'~....., avo Y0:ll 1lear d--<>-0_ planted. all alor~g 'the bottQm of the di.tCll valley. ., '!'he rength .of the". inundllt.i6n nlepting , p:oya Jtiltl,de v.shaped, t.o preven: ' a n enemy form . 0;;0. are use4. w,ill' depend·', on ·.the!all •. 01" . slope. of t h e .'>.t , y; h 'I'C h. t,J,O. 1. K P' h a,'~ _b .een ..bl ' .. ing up in it, or eL<;e plante<:! all over with \vhen Ir aI'".,.." lI~ . ... s .' eatlDg valley itse~ sharp .stakes, They are als·o .often ' used )loys, bO dose the gorge of a work, or iri any ·INUNDATIONS. .~,. When it is en~ent that ' only ,' a 'shallow . ., Of .guns anq \If d r.ull1s.• position not expose.d.to 'a rtillery fire. A An i~~ndatici.~ is f01:"m~" by d~· ing. a . inundation ·.of 2 ft. " orS . ft . is .feasible, To ., lan\ilords and .bums? of puttin ' . · ! ! : u'p ' " ;r>all'~--'es I 'S " tO .' t " h t ,' th . at" --' ; 1 t . . ' ' a n effiCie n t o~t~ . ' le ' may be fo~ed' of it . th~ .great nion .JacJ,:}I~~Y" . ,) rc greetquick .·i>;ay Oh! • _ ."" """'" 'S rea.m so .t (\ e w .er .......,. ec s In .one . dig a n arrow trench f~Jr them first 3 '£<t, 'pLace, To.' .b e ';nfordable, . it ; h.ould be j1y digging pus and ttencnes in ', the ing, boys!. d eep; then prepare :and plant' them in '5 £t, deep in its sh allowest 'part,' ~d·· aS .iJ;round before ' :ftoo<iini it -'arid ' spre~in g h \ ;ftl\ f our hu nched ~ year -in my fob,,? panels of 9 or 10 posts each,- fil~ing ·in, ~e: it' ')'iil :: ~ly b-e . p~ctica.bl~·;~~ ' c~nstrli-i;'t crov.'s; !e~t, harreWS" . ang., other i~~di. s·ays he, trench , with earth well ·ramni.ed~ ~~ 'd.a.!11 tlia{'~oiil · retaiil ' a' · great.er . d~~. men~- ov et . ~,· , , " " .:" .Of , c OljrS~ I )r.ust s:ick t o my job:~ Fraises are. simpJy palis~s pl~ted ,i n '~qaI)' lO ' ft : ~t)L:w.~tef: in :the' .d¢epesfpart, : TH. e : th'kJme.ss" ~f ~ . -da~ ~ '~t.:' the npp . ,~........ i;M'.s he; " . -. : ..... . th e es~rp" ell; oounter-soarp . of the 'ili,tC.h.; }ty{;'.· ~~'id. §h~,!.,.~ . : ~~:,. t .h~. ' , · , . : . ~ ~ "c nJi . ~ ; . g . : .~. ~ ~' ~ , . ' n . ,~. · \ O · . ~ . ! , . ; i th! . , ~ ' . ; . " ~ . ' liG . •\,·;'!.•,cJ, .~>,~<,;e.~'q:~,~.·',;i.·:,:t. p... d.~,.~.~, t. h.".'}'G,!.~,~:'Ja.i~.·.~.:,!.'" ,.';:;:f:>':J ",,;ilJ ~ sPterejgf1s r<t\tl~i , in a near.IY· b·orizo.nkl ' p' O" S".. l'o"-n~"_' niUU A,"~ ut '>·' ' g"O d .' b '> ' <-' ~'-'" , "" ak ' :-. "" . . ., " un musL: e .t!ry .""VOU'I'...vle,·to m... ·e . '!efaiped "'b;f it. ;';>'·lts ' · s16 pes : ~re 1 :: ft'" 0,:' ,. ~~" ~f.:ire ):011 go 'tci b~We half their l~ngtli i s . ,bttried in the earth It worth whIle to attempt an" inundation . ~ : ' .t he . other way i in' l. A.nd ma.rch to the {rap.t for a bob," ;;',\:1S and h 'Jlf projects o ver the ditch. Thus that shall he formidable in its dimen. Up.stream, 1r . he. they arl'l on ly applicable to .wide ditches. ' sians , . The most favourable positioo ' 'will The soil of ~e dam ,should . be cif pud, . They should be .I aid, ridges upperin.ost.t6 be 'w liere the ~d".of the stream has 'o nly dIe clay, an~ well ra.xll.ineC. ! " -{f I · had .a son of my .own," . so ys 1?:..e incr~ase .t he. difficulty o,f st.a nding 'on a slight fall, and the sides Of the vaHey . A ' water.weir is aLways necessary to "I'd be car.eful that when . he was carrV' off water of the stream. If- pos· '1l rown ," says h e D EJ:"ENCE:
I "
A'"N a.t"lonaI" M '. ee t"Ing
, ,),h... e.;
'·. r
Stout Posts fj 'I rt IG.~ i , apa . 1Jar~d Hires Thidr Wire. '
or Barbed Wire
.. Thick Wire
i5i,u,i;J;p~d;; .' H.' ,,':;¢JjjfA . .~
• ~Showing Barbed Wlre,"I
' 3 wires on ly snow n ,~ to .lVOIO c::>nf u sJ on ) . J
fIG. 4
Plan "
fiG. 5
fiG. 6
The abo\"e with p;ate is in.JllJ Ga!/'l and Polden's excel:ent manual, b eatian,;, 4s. nett.
" Field Forti.
sibl; a: channel for it should be cut in the ~lid around clear of the dam. If .nO't 'tself e ' 'm th e dam. 1 . possilile; ' bi:t must b It mus t" be 'Well revetted, and its :Surface'
"He had . read all the. nooks About landlord s and duke,s And th e .Empire, I ' ve. now . made my own'S' says ·he.
.nrust 'b e 2 ft. or 3 ft. ·b elow that" of , th e " .'~e di.dy; n!3.il~ c:.-o\v'Cl· :in Tr~lee,~; dam . . A regul~ 'b ig inundatip'~ WiO!Jld says he; . .rarely come within the scope ',of neld " Thought they ' turned the 'tames "on n~e, t? oper,~tions, !but occasionally' an c:>ppor. · says' he, \ tunity for something Qf the ~ind: might . « Wben thes: pinnell on ' my ba2rl occur; as, for instance, when an ~mb~~. A small Union'· Jack; ' ment ' crosses a yalley, wh~n by blocking And I their elected ·]H,P.:·! " says ' he . u? th~ arches of the 'bridg~ in its centre an efficient inundation might ,b e formed with : " X ow trai.tor.s . such says ' he; . · oomparativ!)ly little labom. .. .' . : « Th.ough th.ey sa,y I!ve-done a fair sha;e~ BARRICADES. " " At ·. ·e·a.ch ; turn and twist ... . '.'. . But won't you .enlist? Barricades are used in the defence' o f ' . Wh ile. I sit '<Iot h.ome in my chair,'! says ' s:reets, bridges, etc. Thy ' can ' be' madeh~. of almost anything at hand, treeS', fumi· 1\ ture, carts, etc., but they must ·:Be cpn· . " Verra, Tom, sure the Gael is no fobl,'1' says we; · structed of earth if they are likely to 'be of Home Rule,':a' /battered by a r.tillery. · · Banquettes must··be " 'W e"re usi ng .a bit says we'; provided so that the defenders :can fire ." T~ et ~·ou go and' fight · over them, and 'they must be -fI·a nked in' As you say ' tis right; fr·ont and rear by looph.ole from the ad· jacent houses. . The houses d.own ' ooth \Ye'l! sit .down at hom e on a. stool," says: we. sid es of the streets should be !barricaded and loopholed, and communication ibroken i, 'There were others came here .b eforethrough Ithe . walls \from one to the other, you," sa~s ","e; so that · fire may be kept up from them ~' Who .go,t us their fighting to do,'-' 'say~ .on the adv,ancing cOlumn, and yet the we. r,etreat ·of the flanking p a rties secured; " B ~t the promi~e to pay P assages thr~ugh a barricade, or round Unredeemed is to-day, 'one end of it, are generally required . . T ell the Empire 'tis wiser we' g rew,;!.'; These ' can be arranged for oy ibuilding says w.e. th e b arricade in two parts overlapping eo..ch o:her; or by constructing it at a ",o.oh, Tomas, go off to the war," says. we; point ·wher·e a house stands back some· "And give ' to the British or Bar, " says ' what from the -gen-eral alignment, and we " Th e reply of Traleeaffords a good fire 'on the passage r ound That till Ireland is freeit. These , passages can be temporarily \Ye Irish wil! stilY where we an;, '~ says closed by chevaux.de·frise, etc. \ve.
' ).
Q{."TQBER ,31~
and man whe;D · iou' .. utr'l~, Will on~ ' day exact Ol feart.,l reck oni ng fer this 000 all qur foster,child sl1.ali not be givel'l into your. c..rimes I" , ;four vile h¥1ds, '. I w,o,~ki, ,that,'.,my'::cwn :'" "~rewe,lr~",]nl .. S6~!!.l,y~ prav;, Dono.ugh ~ex:e 'f~ee th#" I mig~tcmshjou'r bJack Boy r" 'a~~ XtacJ~u~:in, ,d 'he h~art ~nd~ y6~~ biack- d~ubiet> fo/th~ . too war pnshed forwaTd, "may' the C~d . bla<:ker t~ugbt th<:t prompted ' j'aur ba~ of our fatbt.rs bless you, and ev.ery blow your _o'ffer'; ,he ,said, h:lnghtily; "we" fling
i~ back.to YOll with c~mtempt and sCIUll 'l
Proposal I" ' you '~ril!:e. ag:'lil1;st..,th.is"4:r..~g~" Scot.;·. Tpen ,",' "Do YOll !T~filse?" roared Ha#!ihon, hi-s: pe:ndi~i' h.i3 ' ~~3d 'h~'" b~~in to p.ray fec~ face ,'. , su~den1\' ' !ike tb-e face f ,/"~row:.n!!: ~ 0 a v.ently in the Gae:ie .tongue ~ "A h :ecna fien, . ~a IWQ.14 cusin mi ! ~' 'I .• :" , :<.. ., t~JJ.tte.r,.l.'· •" " "Swi!1g them, to' hell~" was Bung across : ~i:rhen die>! 'die ! " .' b esbomed, with a . t1i-e p~yeT!L ot. the dcomed ones from, the bu.rSt ·d.f,::filri6us· maJedictio. n; . "a.nd I tell ' dark mouth of Sir :Frederick Hamilton. y;cu,.' :t:Oaiign;!:ills, mnw a, ~~ . as ' hard ..and,. n;de .and, rutbl S9 . , the wencll shall.
a: ;:' ..." ",'.
Out with , t,he eonnaught elal1,s
o{tpe .tewn' 'are feasting on . :"5. ~hiu ,of the :x04'~ " ~~a1:ts.:, and die " Crows · _on ~he' ~west pkd •.. .. ,.:'
. '. Author of ... Th-e Jackets : Qr,~n," ,It ·~ecl ,Hl;gh . O'Donnell," Green Cock~"'l,. Etc., Etc. '
>.~y .
1'1' was seized
brothel: , has·
~ansom, Hamilton, "
while' at Mass
tewt)r;' ~t~;in,g,;.out.. you:~ <eyes! s"";~·r .. . by .al!.'t-hat..J:ies ' .be'tw.een liell .a~d be.a ;en!
b];ass c<umon
above his
it;. ::; ':"1I,furdercl';!" .: cried. O'v'(m . O :R9.I)r.e• . "re.
l:l,l~9ughi :i~; ~~ ~, F1f1rili~t?,n,:~~qttc, . and."
~,. yPur, captai.n anq, tr~per &hall ,. ' , : 'J'swi a.g th~1;Il-ro .~l! " :r~peated the bfa. '
8ty.ai,ght;~y ,.h apg." fqr" 1his l'I,. .',
!j-i,i,i~ar fb: y~}l: I .:~al1 go :thto'ugh, w :th this 1" i····:Y<n\'. ~e.~r;,hj.m,:. q~~e~~~my ~Qt~er"a..J1d ~n ' lips ,--bLth-e\ ~astc:lan j~nce a~la iila offeted you a noble ' finS~ll'-: ;a.lI]~ : . :crred,:,c;on;: . •.'at:Jd. .".solem.:UlY '!ciye t~at.~~~ Ih.e~~.h~s ie3p fro~' to.w~F ' said Con, "will you I .charge :r.-e ,.,,1 to. gu.a r\d:' PJ., «h1 hd• ag~t · ~n4;.wall: ·,·.,; "~ ',' '" , -fuls b" od' t - ~ , ""''t' , ',,,",, . ., .. , .... "'," .' '.' " ..... - .. " ''',' . ' ' . '..,'
--<>::--. . CHAPT ER VIlI.-Continued.
~¥l,l,,:,th!;, iI';g~
8,. MRS. W. T. PENDEj;t.
' ,
l"i1>cce Pt " it -:'for" my wife " anU ' do-.5 "vIth . me _ ' , j.() . :s :UP , . rep lie.;. . ~ • v Ow.en ..O::F-o.r}!e.' an(! ' .D ' o!'lC'J,lgb .1;Io.y,. un .. ~,t· C locnclare, . '. ret;Jrne~ .the· old ~an; ~h.at;. ycu ' pt!)flse?" 1 'We ~rcmi3e.!'.'.::,<;:~ied~. O~en;;O'Rorke '.and ?b.I~.fo }O<!:~ o~ tht;l .final ~ene ~{ h:orror, . the church o,;:as b~rnt b~ ~'~n, HamIlton ":Ne !'.~ , sp,ar1e4 , SiI:.' Fredez:!'ck, . f ngus ::n . a .: hr:e.a~h:, . •. ·and.. I further . pro. . ~rned ..-fF.Orn · the; c••s.:J.e., g.ate. and, .g alloped " . "
, ' ! ' ',, :"
and mcst of the nOO~ peo.pl-e kIlled, , • : "
I, - . , . ' mise :'a.dded Anrrus-; fie-reely' "to aven"e .. :! Nor . ~q~Jd,.y ~)Ur · wliea.ccept tt fO,r her. '. ,' ., ',': ',.''''. .' '. ' "0 , ', ' '. my lln €~ and aunt of d :e' in ' thc' attempt I" ;r . " : ,' .. .... , ,,?elf, ul)less ' l't ,).1l,c:~ uded you, my .dear: lord . ; ' .C;::,· --', :. ; . ", "' . .' " ann before h:m-' was not so fortunate. . . " . ~ "A ba'raoii,n ,,, : J'e.eroo Sir ' Fz:ede~ick . and lOY.e as well,;' salt! the ladv m sw;eet; _ , 0" .. . , ~, _ .. l)o~o~.~~ BO}': gr~~~, :" . _cle'aj~,~-ea<;ifast;'~'o~e~, v" "-W~;:go~..t..?gel!,-er,' !" . (:~,~,:p1~- I'.~~~'~~~?~,~. to ~~~, :Tight. :Y?r". _' ':8~r'-Fred,erick .H~~i.l!·Oil/," ~~~~"beg~. t"! "~ke, t1l."e ' gT,d :;): Dothil.ig," '.• s.~id' Sir- J~::rut, rqg1;l~:l'}i::'!?~.t~ .~?' .k.~pj~g.-,.a. pla.ce . " , ~ } '>.Silence !" ,~ m~erru''Pt, c -1~? ,:Si'r\Vr:e~fCk,:. ~rM~r;:e1{; 'f~'y"cu",~l\' e ' tne "'· (;lir,:a,.; ncs;· ,', !fir, -youx' hea1,)",,:. ],te,s;l?y', !i1,eI!5L~~!;gI:l,>31n " ol ~' ,,~ . ~" J)., "J!: ' ,.,'C) .. ~ t:;).J " 1~ t.., ~ __ .-~... ,"'I"" ~":"";,.!:,,.'1.\" m~ son " -Wlth ,a glance at -the gallcws
"", . <. :
.... \
.. O'
" ...
",,",c:k .. :t oa,the ·Breffneymen:. . whc· were now
. ... , , !l>"l!j ca' tnelr"knees praymg ~loud ,-wlthdhe ' " , , ImpassloAed~ tellglOlLs fen'eur of. their r~ce ~~~ ;,r'lJiih-; "for" , tlje . S91l:s o~ tqeiT ~:no r",d 'a-bont to pass t4e__ gate :if '
iI"ath. YJ ~ ,:; ,' l. >!
1 "-,,
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< ':"
,; ";;::
" ,
... '6tampi,ni '-~is a!l~. " l'!i~t...n,g 'up' , ~i~ ,ar~.~ ,:t;;~~:'Ol'~' y'b\lr:~:~po~{jon ',)j~ti}i% :i-~~'i }'1~~,- :~~ ' ;':'~:.;,:t~t~;~1~I);.~S'¥?'V;t:,~I·::~!' :'i:,-,.'''~ i:~~£il~ ~sth)'e:d,;: l;~': ~n~\v,:'l\o:':" ~h,~:;,~ r1~~: ?'~:: ' -with ' :). g~$~p~~' '(;f', ~~~r~:~ iio;U,inffud tt~'O~,~ ,~'~pi, k ~i>tii'e'. l7iijf~g .' ~ai.pb:t~qi1f}:rbc~e-s, t~ :t~ .);; ~<~?-:''k'r~(Le§<~~:I}:l~p;liHon ,!" ~ ~r~~;! ' ~;;-p~:~j}~~~~ "S~ co1ilii::fti:o't~ q'urt'e<'§1'~e' up , ',"'" 'O'Rork!l, 'W:I,fe"' of O:'kor'ke.:~rid 'you; , -M~. t he "aogs, \- )~ll~·' e}~s 't o tb ~ ~rows !'" '' Y~,~.~~ :P?f~~u~ 1!6y ~f'Lol!g.hli~, !nag. 1:ri,:4;' hQ,Me,;.~ :task :a;n:d ,,'}eave the", doo.u~eo ' ' l.~ughlin," he went o.n · in tones 'of deep ;' ' IMa.Ix ,'::-,saiQ . Con O'Rorke; his eyes oni,s~~ .. tOl)~ ; ,, " I :l!~l;el;ly offer..you i.ll ex. 9ll.es,' to dl~ a·jone pe.rhapa bec,a:use' a 'h u:1 .. :,and frightful earnestness' " hear ·my ' pro· on his w.ife>s f~<ir .Jac.~; '''fun of. . a . stro.ng (;·~~·g~;lo.i;·;l?Y . 4~,ar,.,and' h.onou,redfat.h er 9ietl ...:;!~ha'Pe~le'Ss". wild ·. and · impessrbJe ;pasa:! . and h~r it..fcr the ' last time. Of ~an's ago~y, which was not for himself, ~l~ ~:at: YOUl:: :f;tpacity, has left me to caU . ~h-erile£ ':of- vengeance . ~ept ashing ,b efore .the ,gi,rl Oona I know ,noth,i ng. · i give y~ !mt w.hich ,. struck him through , v.:ith a my o~ "=':n:ys:J~.!" . ,·~ .I,;.:,,: "" '. . ' p~~, .en£tag:ed; anq -excited 'brain; furli-dding :three life and li\>erty",far , yqu, L9 rd of Sh·a:rper, hea"ier, s.troJ;;.e, "...~'ouz;., dear girl '! The lord of ~he c:1S t!e vO,uchsafed n.o re, hil,n ' t.c ,h irn ,a-way, ;ir.om _the- :pla~ QL.II!ur~ !the Lcug4liiiagh;. 1 i n:c1u,de.. also, though y.'ili g{adly-, . con,s~.nt;-I . ~an;Jot. see yO\! , ply to ,th!s heart'ir;rung filia.l prayer; b,u.t d:t!r without di:t;e; . ,! kep and dreadful 52.tis. 'DO \In.e ha!i ' asked , ~n.ch., gr~ce in your be· given q]p . tC' .. this J--:-8:w.:ty , with . t4at fcul- fpe afore,mentio,ned corporal, grinning £ac~ioo. haH-instant , 1if~., and lll?erty. en condition thiIlg from her tender" throat, dog! , Off ~v.el' the ·battlements, made answer thu s ,: , .,'\At . ~h~t momeqt a man ~ame rushing . ,.... , I , ·s "8 ' B r I . d' k'" , taat yeu serve no more in this. rebellion wit'h ,it, ,I say,!-'Mary, , ;yo..u shll:ll .wear ~e,; on 0 e l a , ye nee ~ . ..rna·.. SIC ;t:c~.qss. the ' open .sp'l€e in front of the fort. agaiqst',J,~e ki,ng, agail}.st .- me.. or in the Pe-a-rls ,~gai~ t4a~ 1 .,d;l,speq a;rou.n d ';.-y pur , ~aste . tae spill your .,blude . .:. I'lL . wad: ye a less gate~a man of large · frame and tcw. '- -1" , cause ';.... "nd , th·· """ .. J'lltC " k. '-qn " your:, " ,w·e. cid, 1)odle, pow soon.,. '.,be·. gnnnin:, ." , ...s tat 1J;r,e .,". "" th''' ' h. "' ''''-th '' f d f Teue ...... '~:o.u . '.CQn ' Q'Rorke ..' '. " .jVm~e : ~n-g 'ii"' d,3;Y,., nt,;;:er1 >:"" " ,:vo.ur J : . "w.ill ,'.. ' ~ ,,,,' , '.':, ', ,' ,be,: '. . ,el:ng" : '." ':i17~ U1<J , . , ac·e 'a n · cm\ give, ,gJ,e , yo~r )<?~e~.cl;"..ghtcl: as. ~ h()st . . ·so w~it~, ' il : ~.hi.i;h ~ as ~h~ .neck .Jhey "en.- 11de the carIe, :y o:or.. .fe;>-ther B, an· ·, ;tlJe SE;emed ,',,,:orn ·. 9Y: --ascetic.ism, study, toil,
' ' -' '
;age ',tor your loyalty, t o he kept j.by, me, ,Bs a -:plegg,e an4 ~t1ret for ,yO·Ul; ..g!:>Od. be· :ha~iour, in my cast~e ,of ·-';~lanor)l<lmi1ton .
'J. m~k~~:ycu. ,thi~ ' " I?~,~~i.£ul., p~o£osal,fQ.t;
~ir~I~,1 ,i'
:r';'sg 1 ,the:y
:wiil~' he. , good ,·.to our ~Oodi~ ~raws pykin:' . ~~t . y~t1r~n! ,. Yjea, " <f~ hU1'dsh:ip; or, more, 'pro'bably, by all
l;i.ttle; ear:k d a;nglr:te:f; '(lur .1ngean. D,htl".she, and venly, fo.r so It , l~ -:vntten , ',' . .. .. " V~~se'; ~JQr ' th~ ··\ne\":ccmer, from hi9 blaek ~s ~ ' f~i;'I .. so'., ~;h'lsp'~f';';s~; ; heart,a,ll)J.Ting, j- T?e hat~gbtyo yo.ung <.'umewassa-l- ma~' ~o' cloak ·anCL be~ver and the .. cross wHich he Lad);, "H'!;ffii;ltcq, ·an.d : Ch.t;is.tiapa.,', the;r~ .:wilt
.~nswer, . eIther: by
word or glance to ;t~ls ,h ,e ld"al.ott.,ill' :his ri ght haob.d, '~ was eviOen tli to' h~r.n:; U1iintelligi~e' , ii:, .pr.,iest; :,and it ne'e ds :hardly to be SOl id } <trgon. L1~I~ ,di4 .he. guess that the cant. , tli a;t the/ life of a pri~t in . t!Ie penal G3YS '. ;{ot,.a path. ~t;>f. z:oses." ·,lea,din.g by p k a. Br~de · in..o" Seot"s cut.tnroat . h.a d' giv-en '. diane:e - ut·,·. ,"-:Va~ Ha ~rance to. ·a "4ide , ' qll . s . pr~ction . in, his ~e. . , . ·,p - ..1I!-!=e.s .;,up. ' . . "' k : ' m · ! l W ....l.er;,' sy.ngy. S·I6$ •." Eve!1 n . " 1 .. £Il)peqs; ~t " .. >wa.s"Jtru 1y a- \. ",_' . neyer g.a rd, that w~.s, d~st.in,~ .. oI!e .day :" to .,~he; I."".. ~;;.· ....nm~est
,the ,~e"nest , ,IIlan =y , be. ,mex:cj.ful some, ~ kind, e.n ough ~ ,. ,,,heJ:-·,vha.t . ~ay. ,'-ypn, '~iece ;of i~~}ei:lt~nd"
-times"and Frederick Hamilton is, n9 s\l-ck . . Marj.?" .:" ing babe..-for · the sake , 0 f a'll 1d ' 1;utg syne ,, "It mtL~t not b€;, COIl!. ,Our.JitUe I in . .,',e ak · it, . in·a,s,m,I,lch." .as , .,....we 'haye been · y.-ould·.not be safe w~th S.ir Fred enc' ' k neigh ,i ,e.s:.-an . d I i~1ton. Y ou d'd ~, 00,ur:s"""OOuth.~eja . , . u., l.cl,.,,',c r, on 1 not k'now, f or I have e.aten . you, . .s.a-lt,,.,Con . O:W·or.ke, .and ~ar.e(k.to., ;t:eU })O\,l",,:t:bQ]fgh. J ~aw, it" ., f;get!I fil,tally fulfin~~·;.,f,ot; Sitd ,to say, .;.the ~4iy\li.a'Ve , ~",e~ ,.h.,eld ootto yeu the right h.<ind : i:o ,~Q:};..: a~' t!'1!t. w~ll;; ·that ,this. hr\l-.t;il "S~gta1-rcu~ youni PQn~.ug~':Boy M~cL9-ug~in
. <?~ ,"t~ .- .~rQ~ ' .,.e!J:~J~ :}-!l,:j:a¥;h.~: gra ne. ~n -e41gag~', an9.. !X>!i~cy,',.(,:h.rj.~~:Hke in ,~,
ot. the.
( ':>
':!n:~.. , ::Sh)~:~, .a.T,r:i,sf::~,~.1~\:.:~os:~~c;:,~ w~ ,wgdl~; <1.,~g ;(~vj~keql~, . ill" lqvt;l, .'Y,ith \l,U1; :t:::usO~;a:~;~~e. ~~:e:, v~tiIl1s , fair ... . ' '. ,sY{~t.~~ride,
, We ·, mu !l~ not ", d~r,e
~?,.,o,:.: . <~"y.,;_,.~..~o1., ~,:.:,ci~,!, (.' me ,U'~~:.~.~..')I!";~'t.~·:~Ith. ~
not tEust' h'i m ... his ,m"'ti~~ " his .intentions· " By this tim.e«" the the ropes .th'at~wild .lJasi' ..wa.s,:: FatJ:;;E\t', ':Moi'<\· ~se .Q'Me. 1"" ~" , , .- J; , ~~", ,~ , ,.,:t_ r ~ )... ...."'t'i " . '..! ' , ....1: , .. ~ere noosed. ~iound tli~ priSene1;"s necks ' the' ,s~,tl~ . prie.5;t "and~ s.aiptl-y , scholar v :'' D, 'tions., .,where there is roam yel,", , )J~ ad· You.,:(,v~H ,.lltlqEl~1i. t;a.ll.,q; me "'}'hen ,I tell. y'Qu ,'rere knotted a·round I?e , pea,ms ",.q£ wood ~ a~ a ?~bOtlr:oOo"'e ~nd c~i~iY, for seh ,1, .ded, with a, bitt.er. a.l1d ..feqlci Cl1ls . glance 'it ~ - wo~t9. !lie ·..ten",~,p.()t)s,;md. '.4eaths. r-ather .¥d pushed .out with ' a' partisan a few feet . ar;.d ' ccll-ege.s .":)V.~e, . forbids,ien by Ell,,' :s.h .iAng.us, "for th~ . q;tput ::mqrtt1111: of every !ha.n ., pllic~: ,t~~ • .d,.'l,Ughte¥ ..I , .o,npr~ an~ , .from tbeca.stle , wall. ." -,:,,1a.v.·: to · tJt1.~h. ':::You.t,h ·',i,n ':'., : I<reland in t il ,, (J rogu,tt .;In,~~.r,q.f:Her ...1n YO\lr.,sl-u.ght. ! . M~1i:e ' lciv.~d. ~.,~ .t,\le. . po.;veJ:... QJ,' this ,WT~*cl:\> eveJ:t .j,· " Con ,' 0 'R'orlie-"wi'fe ' 'Of ,,0 , Rp fk e."':::'lI,i lf, ' ~~s;.... h~d;'~t~\\gn.t,f,.Angus O'Rorke in "" ,YOUT chofce." .fo~ ; one'~~;~e ·h91lt:!,?,'> , •.,' , ~ ':> ,,: .Ycugi ..-e me the girl k a hcstage now?H : ~~,g~t·. ~yhoo<;i,. ,!-~d ·h,ad afterwards ~" i ,;: y. "Spea_k, rqy brother.,:" cried Owe.n ' ''Al~~.!.. tqy,,~Mary. ! :,!·.' ejasulate,d ..,C;9A,. : h.is , 9.emanded H;tm]ton, in 10w:,his~ing·.tOl.es. , : j.~t~gect · -t,b.e , e;d,uqa~io'l of Bride Na G,'1\ O'R6tke', in 'd eep anxiety ~ "we have of. ~oi<;.e and, :fE<aynr~!:\ ,,~J'lgi~g '~udde~ly: from' ~ ' I ask yen. for a last ,tiI)'le. '~: '. ' .' : s,lrriJ;lg"..th~, treasU1:es. ; 04:. hi s ' learnin g nd :fered in exchange , for ; Y9U. and .your w.i fe , e<Lger; <: <1,!lxicus <, hQpe,. tQ ..d~.k di~m ay,. ,5'it. ,', "No.!" amwered .both tcgether.· Again · a',.ffection . with " beth in large and <", ,,,1 ' ~o~e pOOl' girl oI ' the valley ~.:),rned was ofcyou I 'lhqugh,t,:)!nd yqu ,.;UQpe~ But O'Rorke s~ooped and quickly kissed hjs meas).lIe. 'Oona-for of my 014' friend _and ' uriagh, . since thi.s is so;-siace' th.is 4ev.i l plots. the' Wife. - ':F:ather' MoJ<\,i se 'O\-'as,. a man of som.. ,~} 1'he . MacLotl.gli}in , whqse fate ' Sir _fi:ed- d~struction Qfour ' ).ittle girl-through us ' "Good,bye;' roy Mary," said. y~~;, ' with a ; gr~ve, henign, ,i nteUc"'i'l-:+l >:erick links ;"nth yours, we k ew nothi!lg " "My love-:t is . riot goOcl.ble-W~ go ' face, ·deep.set grey eyes .. that had in . ~L~, this moment-w'e h ave cffered cap· "\Ye die, ' !larling.:...we die together! The together/' she answered -sweetly,. the pathos of t hose who hil';'e looked :1 ,,, :'1 '-:lain Cullen and a t rooper in e'x ch'ange, journe:l; is short· from this 'castle ' gate to , "\-'ie.go together-'t here shall .be no -good. on s~row>. ar,d a iofty" and ' COmmal1(.;;.g :ibes~des a further ransom of three hundred ' the gates of ..God! '" bye, " he rejcill~d, ' and then tliey were 'how, from which waved .;~ack ' mass-~s ( • .cows and we hundred pOl;ll,lds in Spanish "So, be it, 0 my 10ve !", answered Con, S'1'l"ept ,a part, dark ~a-ir, heavily streaked with wni:e . ~old. , But Manorh;milton will listen to- no l1J1d sto oping ' suddenly, ,he kissed h er "Da~k Hamilton!" cried Con O'Rorl,e, As his cloak flew back, owing t~, t:is · terms save those he has himself proposed,", m01}th.. Then, drawing u p his t all, sol. as he was seized and pushed towards the rap"d movements ,g!impses ",r~ "None !" ejaculated Sir Fredet;ick, dier] y form , h e turn ed calmly and stat ~ li ly battlement,." " t his day you rule in evil. ; caught of something bright beneath ';:'" )hang:
Ther-e_ a~e th~g.al1ow<;'
eoos 'of
,deL Y'?ur. ~~:ad~{ w..H,l gr.i.l\ beslde , !OUf_ r~~a' · a,.te :.al! :tt;'q ...:'M9d WW ' . 1I!:Y.1e~d ;an.d ;lo\!e,
,to ::;~r l-'::~~(;:~ck I'I"-J::ilton;
"We refu se
:::.1.t I can see that God whom you mock• . --.- CO'N11:NUED O~~
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31. - 1914. ':', •• '
I . . ......
" ,
.:f .'. ' ... ~ ......
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~.: . ... . . ~~'., " ..-.'C". ~: •• ~. ~;:::, ••• :~. ' ;" ' .....~.' .; .:;~ ~ ..., - ~ ..:", ~ !':...": ' ~:~ ~':~._ ,,:-,, ~; ;..,.
_ .
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.<':"" ~',;,;"
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" ;
'" The Militia 'Ballot Act i
. ...
I~ ...
In ' ,ha tdics '
fifty and sixty they have
gone~ c1eGl;ng ,vid~ trac:s ' ot c~untry in Rcscolnm on,:i£?_y 6;- a~d ali down ' th e ' 'weSt CC.l:St. ",And t'he lri5.k ' Times and th e
Freern.~n' s lol: 'm~l are b otli-':~s"
War {)ffi~e' ,Ol-gans-\' ~ry vex ed with"t hem
and' co ndemn' th cin ' cowa.rdiee _
rd~~~l;; f6f"-t'heir
. ~-'
FIRMi ' . lo . : "
. ":". '
. "
'By ':E:a~on~ ' C~a:I:tnt. Patte~~: - 'Ie l<",uU Regulation:Size..
~'6Y6 E.~&' ,-
,":-, .
. ": ~ ..
that weapon bl'oke :0 Mr Redmond's hands the newoold weapon'" et pn)~itaJ fot.ce-to ~'it, the Irish VO:,un~rl..::::was quickly f6rg~:an,.r it s quiet<f.rriiih'g'·~d iI<:>me iittk sh';rtcifr.:etn.3zk~ble 'invi~w Rule. ," . ' " i , ' f&r~eS of";mi~repre:s~~ktiooand : "And 'what ,p oli cy do the fOj"nders of- the
' -'up' to the eve of the E:onvention ,alme-"t FOcompanies of ilie Irish "Volunteers' had ,ih.(\irs~a:iia' 'by the ~itUtion ,and the : orig'nai 'Piovisio,nalCOmmittef. This
, ~(l'stage ~d; ~~trai
t1ieIriShVoluntecr" .;,~.
result' is
,;pre9Sion;)e~eJled ,.a:g.ii:iil~t .iDoSe
t~ : be '%z1lY~:t~br' caj~Jedintd' standing ' in
. .... ; .
aCToimR it,
/t,u t .'_fff~th ;'-agai,nSt .ll:i~::'*~e~';:'r~
crlliting departure?
,: One , ,f act '1:hftt ' the Volunteers must faco Many., com~ o '. ~!J:'hey c!aim to h,a-v; ' countered , 'eMs-oo-, ri~i l!Je ~t111n~utI'3;l, aid'Pl311Y 'V-j,lui.lte~isism';to h 3>vcmu se-d a N~t'ionai sp:'1'it ,in isJ th~": """Qi~ility , of c<inSc ri;pti on ' in ",soma'" are -yet iz{o~oubt' ':9 to d W , r~j~,\!~.,,·:" treland; 'to m.:l.decdear~,th'at iir~y ·v,,~r~ £orin :'in "Ireland: ' '~'hclher, ' ;;.s ' niportll!l'.. : )' 'fhe', 'l:i'6n,est~':.adv'i:lcates ,' . - Mr. .R~mond ' s ,det.ermiD'e<i ':eh ,,-" trome i{ti16-':at~ ~e.-..st"':' ~t , ..w\l.s ;:th'e "',intenti<:l'D.': o( ~ ,~hc ,Covemm&t enforoe ,tfi~~, Miliili!. ' Ballot , "\cl ~ot. lhC p~e:biea:king ' ' t.iberal~ !-h~er~~ ritt1o,: ~..ibt: i ~ 0
w.?th , th~ · BritiSliEmpireo
. ":;,,,,;. ... .
, 0 '
:t-3-ry.~ ~-~~j~~>I.
impQrteu, Best ..L3<U"-', ·
",' '
too.t"'orin joiu , f.r6m' gligibie. -, And i.IGe::m:w~;'.3 irad(} is to be ' Cd.plure,d " I;I.Ua C~rni.an~ t;('-'I power destroyed: mi'l.liOOs,OI :men W£fl be wantin~ Underthes-e ' o.Cu;tl6t8:~ ' rolDpulsory " , ' sen'ice will ~ a vital J>eceoS!. i,ty . • Just as in ~e' pr-esen.t army reglJ.Ja-tions, ~e !.eigh:" 'is ' ar'ra;n'g~ ; so as 'W g-et ptopor. tiemately more mea: out of I rel:9-nd, than
UiUeau ,: Bagpipea-: ,al'W IlY';c
',E.'D~~~~:':.I~:v0Yo' f?-r.n1t~{,i~~~9;(~tion , will ", 'be sd':;al-,ranged':;:QS--lO-:dioorim iu'ate ag-ainst , lrelaIld in. ,'Ule , &arne ",av. -AlI ' t!Iis ot
~~ll tet, B'ag and ~eJlo."f!S, 9Js.
cou;r.se; , prov'ided
-th:~t> ' lre.land:
J .•
to -stibmit ,to, tne new blOOd tax whiCh th·e ie&:ui!mg- ca.ihpaign , wa-"S 'd~;liCate'I'y' : lead· in'g 'up 'to:' DUl- ili'~' ""~i'SSdtf ' :of ' the ' Volunteers to °resist any st,ch irupositioil and aoo"e all wrth"'ihe --neces..<;ary ' p~par-a. ~i~n ' t~"'~eSi;t ':- it,we v.'i·Il , h.;o\"C heard tiles . ' .. last of C91lsc::iptioo. i,n Ire.La.nd . ~'.
'.... •
o YOU n:F.I, WEAK;
D' or 'nm d own? f C'.O\HILL'S ARO· ' lwfATIO QUI'NINE AN D IRON TONIC' ste a<iyo~',YQ~r '~' :eenlll!
win tone, you q?,
-improve ,you,r ,lippetite; enrieh ' yP'ur\ ~Iood ,:For 8n-mm~ ' lassitude, ' for,~;Neur~p -" t~ a bottle" , t!! a'od, 2s; Post~ge " 4.d ..,;r iMadt oonly ,-b1 ' A~TH~ --:T. C.-\Hl~L;f, :rne .1':i,!i-
tiona\ Cbe,inist. '82A Lower - Dorset 'St., Dublin. ' ,'" ","', .',.
~ .t. ~ ~ ~
~ .~ . ~ '~:<t
The Sm'all Nation ,
~: .~
That,'N:ee'ds_.¥O,UR~~H e.lp .
, .,
i ,
A.O.M. ,.,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r~H~\~.~~_~~~~·~¥!~S~~~~t~~,V"~~O~tl~Ju~,~N~r~~:.,~E~~~.~~.~~~~)~~~~·~.:S~A,=1~U~~~D~A~~.~~,.O~~iC~~~~,~~.B~J!~~R~·~3t~~~;1~,?:~~~.~ .
.. _, '.
1 t '. ' . '. ,' lflS n .n un.eers. , : Parli~pent·; (t
r V
· 1.+\' po,~T;Dm· E.D. ·FR0-4 < PAGE, . 9 . .. ' , . " . ' ..L · i 'v '. . .,~. \ .':' • "'.'."
I.: ,~: ~ <.
' . 'I nP'y t url1
.., -, ... ..., .,!' .
mond 's aUi.moo for ~t.9 own p,urpose, the ._,\ct, . a nd : th en ,inoot s1>,.ime-
'1l '
''.:-- " ' ~''''
enterprise was plann.~ . by the Origina.l T he issnc between MI' Redmond aud Commilttee ' a nd a _o\1r5elvea is 'clear and siU:lple. It io: this,
f~w ou~side frieRds~
. , . '. ' ,,-,,-:- '-- ', ," .... . ~
. . . . . ~.,
_•. ' . f t .
·t. • . • . ,.'
."'; .
'~" :V3tii 'th~: :rF~~!i '~~~f;;'~nd··~~i:r :~;-p,p~~e'~,~;~.)o ytb~: ~R~t ::~'l:i~~:.it ;,~.~ .j!l~'1#'e~~~~ ',tq7 ~e~'~~&e/~-t,I1j;f~, \~' }~l~~~ ' :-, -tp ;the oo uesti.on : o£ ' the. , o-~"1'~ i .e,n4:~00rtlp.e l:ted.l: Mi: j,~~~nd" to ' Yi~ld . a,t~' \vith ~bYas~ . :y~lla'lii6us , an ::el'ltel',pi:-is:el' "l,li : ,.,...~. oj., 'Ireland ""oo1Y;~'·a · : .,'aJl;e'; illie'l,.~ :. , ;' ,,..
'~·-!'~':I:;:%';.j;t;~< ;~~~; :.;J,:.4~~::;~'" '.': t~~fv~~li:,~·~.":/ .__' p~~.'"-"~, ~. : :.~.·_ ,.'·~',W.·'~!'.~;~: ~;.~.~" ~~~vas\ · ~~~ii:~~>to'·~"s~~e)~,.".-.,~ ;~1mpfl:!l!1~~~.ni~t :.,: .. ,,: ...,~*~,:,~.,.'::. .·r . . !' t~r~~~~iii4 ....:..;.,~ ... ~.·~t~, ~'~,:i~ ,. ...o.· ~~;~,ii. >;),'·,it~':."'' ?r.,.'~ .~ .t!(t ;~prJ§,~'k;f' .~~',',.,' , ; -~p)~n~d~:~'in~ . '. ", 'f,-!lll;ifirt ;,:cta&ti~~..~\l«;: ~"I~" ••; •••
.. <:{,.};:- .I:: .I.-::
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': ~:e.'i.t 'is ' at the To'oi>{jf '
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'i~o ' S00.; cr did it .becG...~c 'known that a,:' n~ver ' have y ieided an .. i nch, ' a·r.~ h e ' :J.Jld from ' that day on ~h,? pr05p:e<;t of 'against Mr Redmond's party and his :>set:iou.,,; movement ) wa s on foo t to, esta.1>. · would Eave " he ld the' ' Government to its united reeling or united ·action f adeq le:tdership. Our positifj,n, howevef', is li.~1l a Xc:iicnal D E:f.ence' f~·orce:,.fcr ire. pledges, I t was not ' u;til he was i n ;11'11". a.-;yay. practical ly wha t it was ~for!: Mr Red. 'iatd t 4 an the C o veirirnen.t lal1!J,e hed · its retreat ·'b e fore th e piedge.b~eaking ' Gov-.:, I wish f nrther to p rove ·tlJ.,a t Mr.: R~d. . ;:po nd , wit h the. Britisli GovernmeJl t be. <lo~ll)Je procl am<1ilori" ~.:l j nS t t ho .unpor ,/ ·ernmen~ t hat h e began to h ire a keen . mo nd, when w e .agreed ' t o ' h is . t erms, 'd id hind hi.m , crossed ' our path. tation of .a rrus :. · The G OY,e m ment. ha<;!. int-e rest in ' the Irish Volunteers . ..¥;hy?~ not ac t upon the agreement, He withOur . c ritics claim that a s Chairman of p ia.cecl: no ohstacle in the w a t' of , ~rming ' Tor t \VO re~sons,. b eca.use h e had" ~ha}"';n ; h eld from the J oint Committee a ll !funds th e Iris.'l P arty nir :Redmoncd is ' vi rtu al the Union ist Volu nteers dtu'ing the t wo the confidence ' 6f J;ris supporters in Ire. ' wh ich he h ad r ooei\·ed . fQr thepurpose8 go~'ern:or of. I r,ela nd and entitlCd', t'here. pmvio",s y e2.r5, thou gh. the Unio·n ist ,. land a!lc feared t he exist ev.ce of a pow. ' of: the Vol unteers, amountin g .as · has b re ,. to ru le the i rish Vo!unteers-th:lt luo':ement W-9.3 ,all. o p en t hreat 'against e.ful l1",t: ",]\:1 1 force ' asserting the fniI' sin ce been seen, t o £6,000, This .. p,lirres . \ he ·h o1ds .'t he p lace of an Irisn Louis t 'Iqme Rnie, to which the G~lV~rmne~t :. n ati.o l1al .:..: 'nand and eon!i<i'ent of t heIr '. tilat his pt:rpose was not t o assis t the Botha .. If that 1: e &:), tb~'n h e is e ntitled was pledged, a nd p rofes,')-c:l ·t o· tb e .f~ith. ' . po'iver to) enforc e i t ; and secondly, be· C ommitt ee in any way" u ntil h e co1:lld ' t o ru le Duh lin Castle, t'he Ir.ish ' pollee, h i'Hy pledged . '. c ac se ·t h e 'Gov ernmen: ' h a.d t aken" il p a , sneered in . wiping .out · 01;, reduci!)g to and ,th e regql ar fo rces i lll Ireland . 1 n ow ask d id th e G{)ve:mm{,'n'~ con suit . n c,"r a ttitude towards him, an attitt1d~ of im not enc e the origin2.(· mcrr:-bers of ~he W e, the h ish Vo1unteeI"il, are n ow in a their . lr~sh al lies, <loS evcr'y one lllust eXFct', ! c ::-rl'J.'fi'ulsion·, a nc). ~~!J$r.QL · '\1;e ·f.,110~ '!l:!l' , G;.o~mittee. ' '., "'''.'' \"" . _,. ', . . ' .. " , , , ' . ut~o·a f, t hl9 ·f(·'f· e:f1 ~nr:able ;'~de1?~~rl~\.,x~ ·~~iri'~*~h'f;ir . '.~itt~- · the~t~.Gl>,\~~r,tim·~ ri:r - \~oi1~ci: li.k~ .i¥;- <i'o,!,' ·<~"V~7~~}}~r.tt:~ '. ol~lb.t:e~1~ ··aof tr;,C' w?-t~,¥Ca.ni~ (.1.2\1( , ~;~':9It"~:" . ~'~ - v'~:~~:r"'." ~' h·;t.·\;~t-: 'f:.: ,l~ "'~:F'\j l' ~.~r,·/:";l' '''~ ~,''~";.fI'.f -:'1";- '/If'/'f ,;,,,,h.· ••"" . . . , .~,.: t .·· r.," ~"f'tl""""" ~.~- ,~",~,::"" "; ,.I ,.t ,",",,', '':'.-j.,,,::'~' .. , .'., .... ' . . ... ~ . . . . . ", :JJ:.I U-G·,:, . 03 '.L..o'Jlg~r,~.. · o'S.1'~ lOn ~ .~.,,!, t . 1~r,," OtiC}' ? , . !I-£ot'h;o~.··'~lfU;. 'i't11a,t".. ;as ' 'tl.l e ' w.i. t'h :,the..,'~,tolu.n . iee:-$', .: ·,::ivIi- ' .A:.:sq:u ithd .i':i6.• J.~lcl;; i~edillon6."s.. ·'d ec1a:•.atip n. ;tMj:. :if , ~h~ ! _Bf~t.is,,1r.) 7.;·, :,. .' ,, " ,.,-:, , ~,:;.. ..'., ..... , ',::.'" . ".' .. 'c, ~/' I' .t. . . ...... j'./. .. " , '~'I~~ ~\,'~, ;';". '~', .•. . " 'r.:~·\'.~i·' ...!:. '.; l "\.'~:;'~';;::'·<l",' ·'i·""'" ,", ..,-,·;t.,,:,,",(,"., c'~ "~~':'-~'<O·h." '-'>:1'." /' ,,' >-,.,c..l'f..f':';'I":· t' ~~·;.;,~,~~~'r.1 \~::'>1/,. ~\t~t ~1 1.f·( 1.{ '1 \~·"' :... ..t , ,, \···' j ' :J.I,~· i. ; "' - :',',/ ,"reS-Do n s£; r .I<~ >.y' '-)." - ~. ., . . ' ~)< '~',~ :i, "'~;' ", : "' as''''' """"Th~s ·:·!·ooula . ri'of" ·b e·:'· p5:opas':l.-:i( ] I~i"st ,":, 'h'''"mv '·~ '\',n~e : ..'~; i+ha" " \-,, , ~ .. · t·lle ~'···VoHjrl:teet s" .., ,,' .. I 0-P .>:\"\';01 'Were,'·.:,-~ .~ :< L le ~ ~o~~e , Q<l ~:. taS-l. '" -.,' eat . .. , / .
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Allied Itself " Vith the lJ.t licini st.8 To Coerce Mr. Rw m ond
tL~ 2OC:-pt ;the e~" ll! sic n p ropos;>l, . a nd h e acepted. j: G 11 the pu bHc un G1o: stariding -tha t i wC1.lid Ie.-,,:l t o :m <1g reem0~t b e ·
,c., ,
,·~ u
'awst,: ~H:e : L,'ro Cli!~:.rn.ta ttc ll . '~"'«' ,P Ql'r1.te,d 1cut". ·.G o't-e-r,z~m'Cn:e's..' pc,in.t"'d·Fvj'e",;j¢lir: th ~' :tl1.:g-y ~ '/J.'l1:~<t;o,~ej:;:;me~1tr " ,,,,Hi18 ' ~pp a.ren~IY ' ~f:~ . ~"c ' ·cumrp ,,:!: t:=u,~ n11) .. :'''S;U PPGll';;, , ,,,,' Glll ','!» ' 1 t hi:t it · wa:; < a rc.tn~11 'to' ;t~Hltr.,;,y .m c~surbs ' shb1;1d! . \~oIit rol J iH: ''Redm'ond .:an'ci ' 'that· "Ceptj';''g ;:~j s J teor2i.ratiol1" -'rc:1.1'kr 'went a,'b:aU't. ' , R~tii'i5'r\C!~ . CDr 'Ji'b~ ' t!~ l?i eS'5 ' ::tH~ . i';;U'f?· sp~f'ialiJ d ir eotedi against': 'I ..ch:().1d, i n ;"i)it: . Redmond sh o u ld coiifrt l -the VolLi" . '; to &~t, i t' <1-sid e: An' 'entirely ' ~iffei'ent : org:anjsati o:o·s a t, his ' h ack, A~rea1y in cth'~. v:ords, to C.oercion, .by..... a Govern · . t eers . When!IIr . P. edinond 'd emanded f;cl~ e;11e, ' de~igne.d t o 'bring th e' Volunteers" th e. ronflict t:l1.,'t t ilaS. be~n fa:rced 'o n the:n ll~e,n.t th"t pl'etend e.d t .o (jisa\' o\;, 'C oercion : control h is demand ~;as "b acked up ' by u r~d e r "/,:o.r Office control, was almost' .im · whatever verb al d eclarations !J).~v be on .ncr to £0·,w2_,d Iri£h autonomy. The the ' English journals that supp'or t the rro2d'iate]y substi.t:4'ed , and v,a t io-us · d . t~e' on e side th~ att~m'plt .!:o . i~,d !!ce t.~e l' rocl2.:1J,;J,i:·on w as p2~-tI:y successfuL It GO\'cn l m ent. fo~-ts \\'ereused to p£ess thi~ sch eme fI'om' ' [rish Volunteers to b ecru)lll I m.?eri:'ll m er· did '}lot pre":'ent. t he iJJ1Vo;;':~!tion <if arrr,:g ' It' has b een stated ' tha t I, on my" own di ffer ent qi.\atters on 't h e Volul1,t eets: ' Mr ' ~enarie9 m ay n ave prodn,ced l'!l:l.lly votes l i.q tb,:! Uniolli sis. The' ' Goveminent i n itia6ve; o penecL communic~.~ions with [<edmond' s declara{ion led t o a rush of- of confi d ence, h ut has not pfodnGcd m an y ?lainly (;oTIniv'cd .::.t the l an-din g' o.f arms .Mr R edmond' and invi ted hi~ t o tal~'e ex.army offioers and co;mtry gent1emeh - (eoruits . N ot a s ingle COOl'1Y.l which has i.J.~_ ;tt·.e n eighl)ourilood of Belf.ast. B ut on him&elf t he burden · of the V~lun teer ' to tal-:.e p art i n the Ve-lunteeT movem ent, g{)ne o xer to Mr. Rea;11; :nd\ ' ne";" . cdrr:y.. ~ile procl<C:ll atiOo. cbi£comag~d t he sul)- movement, T hat statement is nntrue, To .these gentlnJen, almost witho ut ex. " m'i ttee b :\~ offered ' its sen "ices 't o the ';Var .. '.cription of ::::OJ:WY to b uy am" for the and C3. n Qe d isproved . 'h oth .by witn esses cep ti oi1, the nati ,) n.3 l p ur p ose 0: the Vol: Offic e. Th e new Ccim;~i:tt.ce -them's erves: I rish Tolu;J.teers . D uri;).g six months the and: by doc ume,1(" , I was as oert.::ri n unteers wzs n ot the m ain ' purpose, that ' in the:r fi r st ·~.~;;'ifes':ci ;" h~,ve ' net- \;~tured .· er:i't~re income of th o Prc\'i!;io.nal Com mit-tee ( rom the outset a s I am to-day that· ~ is ~o say~ they did ~~ot ~on:ie to us in ' t c> :¥.lopt th e ." double duty " procla i!ned lu£ ,3,11 pl •.rpo ses. was a:bout '£1,200. / g ood f<1-i th, but with ulterior motives, tv th;ir Pr:esid~nt to' 'n;'/! V~lunteer9 a t The · Go,·er:G.Ul'eT!t also employed its d e· 1I.r. It ee mond. was :Makin,g the ' Then !Ilr. l{edm ond, a.dvanced, or ra . W('}0dcnbri dge, tx...'<..i'iv"e force d.nd even its: re,gular f.6roes G re~t es t Political Blun der We on . o \{r p.-:lrt "ndhere th~ Y ohin. fu:tn.e·r stage . 3:J.'d, d e· to w~tch an d hamp er the wQ,rk of the . . ' Of His Ca.r.ee!', . . . fQ.nvard ~~ith .the d ari ng a 'om e Rule and the new I rish con · t ecr prol;r iimm e and ~'Wl.""'~~ V6lun t8f;r' o.:g;:misatiol1. Onr correspon d. work of organi sing; t m iriing 'm d epuip, stjtu~ i on ' t o ,. be an accomplished fa.ct " he '1 parce1s v; ()re opene. . d , ,d" Cllca 4n:a '. [>os;", e- a. g~...€:ater ·b l un. d er .than h is fi.rst ccntemn.t " Ding a :Volun~~r ,'1;'6ice f.o~ the ' ::>e!vice ? :o.ch imed it ' t o be the duty of .....JO • ' . fe, ;: th e \ idl u ntects , .a "" greater b ~u .nd. e.r eV-en ,ayeu, ~Hl (!~ so m.~:ml es WIthheld by t h e ~f !r~land in Ire1and~ Such £on;e ni~y .n . ' 1 ' ~ha,n , lli s ' yJ el<;lm .. g ,.,t uoveT:O.me:ct. 'he 'G OY C,i .i1iJ:lent .. 'ref'u se t cf " - o, the . exCl us ion p:. o · 5' et r e the mean s sa·;:ing Home ' R ul e I rish m en t o Enter the Briti sh • ai16w O ;J to fo rm' rifle dubs for target . !)os ~ ls , wh. en h e ad.·opt ed th e c~";r£e o f f.om · dis:lst er and . o ra to' : :>mpe.l!iog the A.!:Ily for F~reign Service. . :lnd dominating th e. 'Vo]un tee, s They cO;:J fi sc:lted a11 ·arms com. co'1trolling I pra,c1:ce, Horee .Rule o- ovenlrr:y.ent t~ keep hith i1~ .g tb l.l ~ whcne t;!cr they CG~ l.d seize them T o my mind , th is was a cl ear proof of . ,;,,";th Irel and withQllt the ell.net.ton of Ii 8.nd '-they a lso co nfi soated &no. &till h oJd wea.kn ess, not of strength , o n hi9 part ; of T'.~ li s ,new d~~)~~-!~~re h :l ~ been .., a~ ~h1 i rr1cd rnj ce in ' 'b l ood , \Vh ethe r it s'Ilcoeed s in ii i ) practice rifles a rId rni.:U.atu,~e nmmunl- timid ity riot of oonnd·ence, 3 >J c;l 1 am ~er. as, ;';1. " . ~ ct '<, free l() y~.I.ty .and, gr.!1'titude this 0 :- n ()t; the ' Irish V O!llDte>!!T org.m.i.· tton, t.l)e pmpei":y of the Irish ' Volu!1t~ers . kin' that the Gov e rnme!1~ looke<:l on ' h is f0·vY.1.,rd s,,~ the D :- I tj ~~l dC :';1,OC!3,~0'·, ' " :.Jfs..~.reaJ , i;;.' ltion " will ' :.1.-t &11 c'Ve'(l1:s pi'ese-rve :the·. ·':t'fl8 c ou.r&e of events sinc e tb e b egin. he?! a ttitude t owuds th e Volunt eers w ith ' ~.spect .. ;s ,. ~:-,·,~~."d ·b y ~I r.r I P.at~ic1( , E g 0--n l tr:!st 'of 'Ire1,md, a" ?-\ ati,ol1:, - in th e seC ure ",:,":1.0 ~ h~. :; 1 :")_ +e~.:/ r f:t.U7T:cd f :-om A.nl erjcOl 11j,ng or M:aH:h '}'-'!te' t?"pia.in-e the . wh'o le ct>nfid enC'e th,,! sconer o 'r latet o'ur cou n ..·~ o fin-G:, t 1'le :w "·:: le I r i ~' h ~ A:nc::i c ;1.n .'p n h l}~, s.tticace of tb:l Go vemmelH towards "Ui e ':'i-y;in ' will i1 errigb-ts a.nd liberti es by' ~r?·h;, n. te~:r rnG~:em er;t . H a rti n g' m ade s~J re · cOl!ra.§'e r,l1d ten ac ity, wit4o:.~ c ompm- . of t b.e 1>.,,",1; 2liJ~rlt . Act, which ' w.as of r-r.ise and witho ut ab.asemE~1"!t, (App],w.se). p ri.J.J:le ir[J!?o r;-::~~oc e to t beir 0 7... 11 p~ty.\ and The s e~ re t a r:! read tJ1 C followtng; tel-eb8,dl<g mn.c1e ftdl lt se of j.be I rish 'Party fG I: t h:.t l-'u ;·pa.~ c , t he. G O ~'ernm~nt pr.M:. ti': ally
SATUIWAY. O CTOIlER St, ' 1914. 9' Q
VOWNTEER. .THE _IRJSH _ ._ _ _" __ . _ _ .:
________ _ --'_.. ~_ ._-L. --...-_._
: h' ',V· " 't"'eers' '~ ' ' : :' '., ". Trea-surer's R~~rt..~ .- " ~. .·.:.:: ..:.,·:~.~?:".,R~.,?~~?:.,.d,;,·.:,~.~~,i,.~N.:h~., .!r~~g:4k .: .ji;'~.,,~·~ ,;,;e,\ "I,·ns ' 0··t'un ~ ':"~ , ~: ''-';;''': '~'~>''': ':' '' ' \', ' .. ' '~' .: " " eeiving' ' corisidei:ible ·stiiriS . 4lte nded to 1 he finances of the' Insh v-olunteers h ~9
to the funds . o( the Pfovision'll Commitfee• •
~:i:r" :r6hri'~B'6j:~" hli~{Pf6~~~ :K~t1e~ : ~o~ '
QO!\'TIXUED FROM PAGE 10. Ab~ ,.JJ;»e ., ""subj~ct 'oI " o"'mu ch ' ~':scUS~;;01~' finance ·Volunteer 2.ftivities.· .,Tl~. 7;r pyi. me1{1·b.~r~.. of Nf '~ R~~Ulon~.',~ <?oIfu:ti~ ~ .". " ~' . ' " " ,,,. ". '.', .../ ., , . '. .·siMa] · Co'II1'lr~ ·ttee, d~ ' Rot '1iaITdl~- a ' peUIl)' . ;wlW" ann,91mcea 'f>,u blkJY.'in. the .~ . ~d ,.,. " that ~e ' <;pDgidef. it.·desir~~l~ t q, ~aj befor~ '. ' , • . ", , ' ~ ,.. .... ., . > ...... !fad~'e1tL -From 'L'(J-nder; ' '€oi.m t v. . , . , of this·, lP.oiley :".,h.·jCh. t,.;o,.n , .:Mi ·.. ~e9mc .: _ ~d;'.. G~; ': P.:i~1f6,):1..:}1.:'. ·.fh.,a.·t. :, tl1..~y , )~.a.", ·' .Co . ptrib'ute4 '" "'V , . . J th~ : Cd~iV'ent19n .· a~ ~ e~planato%y· st3'ten~e!J.f " ' L
.Board. ' . ,.. . ,~ •. , .
..\ . . ..',' ., :' ', '; ," . ... '." . ", ~ , .
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~~;J.Jrr"~!:l},:,",ag.to.]!!l,t~ .~ 1Q".0;i~~".£6.,6oO.,~. ai~:~ ,:M . su.m!>.~hl £i oo:.~~d . -£lO,_ i-~p~ti~ily,
.'. ';';'''e · '~' hcretaI"·' : ,1.th·'ell".·r da"d"'.· ·a..·.~ l.~ ·'O·.,;.; .\." '~; " .:.~ .:::'\ a:d . '·,d.i.t.io..p. .':.tfr ..n _,1..h.·.~,.. ~.,::.•.:,1...ld·~. t'o. r." s.',·. :.:r e.·.po. t.t..· .•. • ~., ... . ., " ,., ... . . ...... ~:.', ,.., ". ,..p ~:". ~, " "";" " ."-'Tlie ;.p.f¢tlme oft,he , .. ., . . the. ' :u l~.. :e. ~rriqIi. t;l.,~'. _ .. v;,'.a., ~ r,eqnes:t.ed ... t o,. ,~.a . Ye ·':rto . ,D.·.a id ,·.. , thes ., . ..e.·",su,. ~f:::ro . ·,J. ," tiq.llS!".~ _, .. '.' "'~ , ' -.. . '.Y .':. . P.l'oYl ~ i9nal ·· Ccm ml te: . .' .g, ~··.-~11I' , . . ', ..t,'.' . whICh h..e st ated that close· on 200 Volu,CI.- ., " . . '. ' ' . < .. . , ... • .' . ".' " 'h.,'1'l')<i :·,?v.eJ: : ta e :lP;oney. bY·.the.·, C6mmittee' . F>()UQ'w;:ng ,·thr,ee demand,s by your· ·t.I:ea, . ' . , . .. .'. tee;drv·irles Itself'1'nto two ·ivery dls!mct pe' " < t.eer c orps through out ' Ireland had' afft. .'. . : l ' .. . . 'on .which hi s: nomiri'ees. sat. '\-'lie h Old that 'surer m,2,de a,s early as July la.<>t au ' audi-
riod-s: ." when '-it ,vas control eel b y Its {) rJ : ' . ' .. " . . t4,·c 'l"et¢ntion':' Qf these fun'd s 'bY ' Mr Red; tor was appoi nted, bu.t 'the :audit ~va9 so "ina1' ifonnders .. ·a nd · when ~'it wis"jncreased:' . ," ,. m.eans c~iraust ~ the' list of ' tl'lese· corp's ' b ."" ' ;" ' .: ' . . ' • . m ond and the transferen~ of .tll efu t o a delayed . th at it became nec~Siarj: ·m.- ili~ .; bv ' tbe' addlhon .. of Mr Redmond 's noml. · ' .'. . .. . ..,. ' . . .... .. ' . . , · m li.ch approve of t11<:·. recent ..:clio"l)- ;··of · ! " new and sectJonal Commlttee contrQl!ed by presellt. mGnth t>(), ~ngage, Messrs- Stokes J. p,e.~~. ·, Twq , ba!ane.e s.heets " liave,i' tthere4 ., . . ' . . .' .. . the P ro vis ional' Committee. ~'. . : ".' ,. . himself .is enti,relj ~lnl(rst'ifialil e: . ·By. t-h: s-: .13ros: :'and Pim . t·o. ..P.1,a,k.e .,a,J? inde~ndihf fO!'e, ..&ee ....ri preparea,',"one "for' :1un-e ~3Qtfi i < I n many places a· d efinite decision h::J.s Policy .\Q~ .. v.J~ u!i'tOO',s. hive iq.een.; \lpu : ire 'audit , wbich audit:,. is::,p.o\v "before ~l" ". and ; one for September 30th. On ' June : .. , - . .. J "i • :net yet been at:r ived . a.: , a.nd : th e. <:;0l)),;. , at this mom , · ·.·enu·;d.ep. riv~'d . of ci~.e . r.·· £0;000.. :,.'·C.a~h acc.o:nn't <an. (f.." in,col.n e and. . e:!:pe!l . d. i~ ' '30th 09· r ~ntirll ji·abiL'ties, weJ:e £2()()., .and · , " , mnt ee is in possession of scores of reo \vor~h of r-eaI .,arIff..~,."' .·i,rpa ' :m..: ,nw..n, i.ii.on,: .~.:· '.': tU.re account fr9~ :.~~t.:. ll N{)v~n:bllr~ ·Y.j 9t9> : ;£I~ 4.4fH3s9d •... al1 .9.L whi£<ha~' • s:OlutiQl).s fr~mcomP<J,p.i e? tl1a,~ .vo;il.\ , .~fj •.. ot!. r . assets ' } After .a searcl:t;tJ~~.tigJ:t.· qui receipt .bookis · to ·30th Ju ne, .' 1914, anrl': IJ:alanoe she:et.,aS~' 'Sets 'ex,<ept £92 . <:o~si?ted ··Cif ~sh t'!)at w?"~ . . " ,.... . I " • • ,. li4te withi n th e n,ext Je.¥:' weeks.. .,. 'th ' .' .. \....:'..:k . ' . \7e h ave failed . ·tbl;~find . i ·hat · a ny tp.e~bei ·\ at 'SOHl June., 1~14. ': ". el e r In · UG.!' , on ·hand or invested. In ' .. ' ... . " ; ' " . ". ' ' . . .' " The T::e:lSurer submitted the report ,of , ' . ' '. of P ,a:rl,.iam~nt o,,-. ,!'n:r.' on,e of Mr. Reclmcp?~.s O,a -h acc. oun: , for·.•the peTiq;~. from.. 27V1 " • ' .. equipm,ehC.for::th.e Volunteers;.;; ,'. .".. the Aud:tors , :Messrs. ~/:{)kes Bros. an·d . . llommees has c6nt~but:ed, a s;ngle . penny I Novel'rrbe:r-, ' 1 913, to 30th June, 1914-·1 . ,. 0.' ,'l l, S.e~tem , .. . .' . .,' .' '.. _'. '. .. 'Pim, of. D:.!bEn, an d 'i! I'so'· t h e 1· U'd a nce " .· Iier: 30th ·.o u. Jia.h. i~ities . had .s neets,,. r:ove:;ing th e . entire .periQd s'nce ,beCOQJle. '£47~ 4s 5d .at;ld our a ssets ;inclu> --------:."*"i~..~.-;,.'--,.....,,..---......;..,...... "'~...::..------------.----the inoepiion o~ t h e Yoluntee," ~o"e;rent Qed .bes·ides ~early .£200 i;<;:>r . 0fficeexpen'/likd~ipTS: ,~,..';:.: . . .; > : , :. EXPEX DITURE. ditur e , t~e,regrettably high figure of: £727 To '1' . " .'. f. ' up to !be. end of l asf m{>nt~l... . .;. ' 19 n '11.:..'4 ' d " bts ' n l' ' .1.. h ' Affiliation : 18 10 ' : ". ' . : oS : !l coO ~,e . ",e . . : ...,M· lng Wl!>• • t e ,. .Genera!;."' . ' . . .27'3 10 2 : By ~ -r: RETARV'S RERORT balaJ;lce s.p;eet of September, aG:h i.n lie, CO. Rifle" Fund: . , 1~3 ~ 2 O' "."' " . Instructors .' 101 1 9 . "J:.:-, ' ...' . '.~_ ~ , '. ':'" . " t~1,' th~ "d~bt5 tK~t we i ~";"e,' @3;-~ l(is3d;' ',~ l!n:i!br~ ,I"t!.rtd", ~' :."...: ,7 -: 1 •. 4.".. . ";"~'l'. y"~Qts; iricludi.ng ~rjll. o ' j '.. .., .• . ,"f'''- ." ..... ",. . "I": '....:' ,.- .•; .. ~ . c, 'b " · ,, ·'-'Volun.teer and ·:! de. ":, ,.',....~ .. ,. .' ": ", R?-Jjs . .: . 105 1. 0 ". .'" '" <:? ::.:, ' ,.~~. " ' ~'. ;"" • 'wotilJf ;./ hq,y,e ··'h,e!ln ~ ruaterianfy-: · reduce';h : Y :?, ·,fe ice of. Irelan~', ( , •..• , '.:.":." <,·rt9~iRtiwnt. . ',' ,/ J'4l~ .. 0 ,. > 7~e.Irjsh.~'Voh:;nJeer :'1.: J.r(~V:'e~i'c:f<·;:: wa~~1w .,v:er~': ;~ " n~t;7,thi<i:t}1:('161~rl;;~,Q~~;: b~vf'.'F,l:i!l~fs; .. !~ :" ~ j,2Q6 :~O '\S~;l:- }::;~,)~:~ ~!Ofes:?<' ' 7 17 9 .' ,;. , · ~hcly :~nnched .at . a . great pu~h~. eet-.·· "tr:ea~ur~r'. 'for Mr t RedinGi~<i's ··.Coni mitteel ',. Anpny'rnou.s ,· .. ,60 6" :. u n !-'~~unt of ~Iowth ,., 109 h eld ~1 ·· Dt~b hn on th.e 2:.>th'-/ No... " ' .... ". . , .,. .' . \' , . I .. .•• -'J,,' - -. - £ 1,833 16 6 ... :u.d.~"llcool ;,hlp. · ..- • '; , . :.' ." .'. . . :' . refused ,. to' SlgTI c11e'llleS to .p~;y e,ven th~ . 1f' '''', 'I..- ·/,men.t~ ." . " . .101 6 0 • 1913, unoe, . th~. preSlc.enc-, of .~~om i\:f..21.G. m ore.'. urge,Jjt .of th'esc bills, .such as the ': ,." , " I~nntm;r, 8tatlQne~y Nein. .., " .. ' d ' k' h h f ."dvertising, etc 60 7 7 ii rf e rta-.1Il.g ..c 'a rges .for .~, e. une,r:t1of one r·, ,, __ ,;,., .....::,..... " .. : ' ;" ' ~ ;.... ,. , " , '\V""(>,s '·.·;' . ..,'~,;. '''.gg'; 2:"."1' .. ,, : :.' The ori.:;i)lal memb ers of the.. Proy.isiona l .. " of ,the v:ctims assassinated on Bachelor's .. . ... . > • ." 'L"avelling .. E xpe;J.ses 8 115 9 -<;,omm:ttee can<?d u pon th e. I ri;<h people ,. .\Valk ()n :' ,juiy .26th . . 6 ur iibalitv unde~ " ... ,~.,;~, . " Po,tage . . . ., ' .,' 5 , ·5 tq . or.gani.S:A and t(),.,ar)'ll and to end . for . -, C" : . . . , . , "" . ::'\(1'\(lry t xpen'se$" ' 40 ' l ' '$ . ,tll <:' . o,mEany . Rifle Fund .has since .SeP:. • . ,: . Furr.:tilre 21 0 0 -ever th e (J, il .t radit ion ().f <t·n Ireland •.~l?-' ... .. ., . " . '.' . .. . .,; . ". £5 ., tcm~r '· aOth" b een ..pract~caHy wi ped out, .,•. :,.': .. , .,. . -. - - - ' . "13.18 ,Ji r so?-utely dqpep1eq= u~on other] for h e· • ,ind ~v~ry. ·.·c9rupany ' t'llat ' s ent' ~1~niy t~ , '. , ' _.i '\ ' .~•. "'>.~ pl'Otecti ol1. .Tbat call ha s provoked .a . '. , . ' .' :;.<' .• Ba;an ce.....;., ~ .. f th ' I 1 d 'n ' tbe ProvlSlonal <: ·Commit too . has now r,e~, 'c.. «. " '" ()::s h in Bank £1,20'9 n 3 · ., ...;',c.. fe!Yp onse rom e peop_e ,unexamp.e J "eiyed ~!>' n13ny ,g uns a$ it' ~'is ' p~ssibi~ Cash in h and " . ',10 .>,6 . 9. . : ,~ " 'o ur tim e; F rom' ·the date . of the first' · .' " .' , , ' .' '~.,' .r.,-,'. Ca "h in h':\nds 0.£ " '. ' ." ' . ". to d eliver; foil' the amoUflt .sen.t .. in . .... r . ' .'.,'. , ..: . , ., , . , ' public t1w.,t in:j!· the Provision.al· Chm . · '. ~.": >. , ,. . ..' )OIr Ket-tl-a, "79, a 0 131918'., .'0 ) . .' Tl:1e . sto~es ... p~: hands , wl;l.'ch st.ood a~ ~. t .... . ' . , "!." . . ~~~--+ -~-,.-,-r-~~-'- ' m ift.·e e "r\l"'~l.~ i:1\!ndated with ' tequ.esiSi to £301 15s .on .September 30th , ll ave ~o'v '. £1;833 1 6 o;! ~ : t" "£1,833 i6~··.6· 'send spe.a'kczs'· 'to" 'mooti'iigs 'in 'a ll 'p;hts' , .' ., lJ.ef;B- p roponi.o nately reduced . .. Th e item, . ,,' . , oI the C 01 1l'ltry. Fo r s everal mont.hs " , " . s.l;1 n4ry· d e1?tors. , £72'7 19s,' ' . ·inc1udes · be: . I d r 'h l,oven:: ,b e1', 1 9'·1 3'"; to "3Otl'r" J,.un·e., 1,,1 no 4 · twenty public meetings ~er week. was> by .n come an E. xpend'ltUre Account f nm:"I" . .~ 'no means uriu sual, and hund-recl's of sides. s!l1'\ll~eJ:,.. amounts deb-t s, ~~e for ?~. 1_ _ . VollL.'lteer . corps were ' ~ormed. : It. : has . !,ll,m . },1auset: . rifles landed. .. at ' Ho\\"th and' ' )~XP);:ND ITURE. . I r. ~ : ,.. lKOO:JIE . • to the, T 0.,.,..' . "., ".. .' . '''' ·. · i.: boon statei in a certain Irish newspaper Kiicool~p. .. " afteI,'Wards .' . ' deTiiered .. . : ':' ..•..• ..vY " , ' . . . ,. <"" : :-:'·.b . .... . :'i .. , , eQr~e. · B . 'o y'l e', '. Esq " ., Derry' i . Instiuctors;' '. £101 1 9 Affi'liafi-'in F ees £13.'3 18 10 .. that the Volunteers . wer.e a ·small ' and followiI1 o" .:.::....G 'i> " • ,,' • 'l K , :ned~._..J M.artm J ·~urke., Es .,'q, Belfast. ; J Sma11~ ' R~ts, jllcluding GcJ:t era.1... .,:Recei pts 273 10 2 i.nsignific ~nt body until . m r '" ll>Oll'U " DriU " Halls 140 4 0 Vol unteer ' and De. Esq., J.P:,. ·M9~~gh. a n ' ; R~v.· Rathe~ Mac· "' 12 "'·2 0 .. I letice" 'o f rteJan' d ' '. forced lei' !:l c r.linees upon the Provisi:~ ... • . Equipment _'Commi ttee. This is . ver.v . far .. from bein.. C~ffertY.I:et,t~rkenny; · H~r.,! Maiming; Print'ng, Stationery; " ',':..' . j - . ' F~nd:s 1206 0 8 .. P k Advertising, etc ··90 2 ·2 lu:onynwus · GO 3 6 . t he c a,;.e. At the time pf the. admission J)ubli? r J?h.n~ D ~ugent,Esq, dO .i · at': Wages 33 2 '" . ------~;1673 13 !l ·of his .. rl ')mi lec~ t here . 'were '') Gver' : 500" .>,~al~ey.;; <.;Esq~ . do i J . Creed ' Meredith, Travllling Expenses 8 15 9 - - -__ ~ : ~ffili;),ted (,;;"'ITI1oanies . while . several. hUJ'l.. Esq, ' d~; 'D ublin Regiment I.\r. ({ the ap- . Postage .: . 20 5 58 ,1. . . " •. , SUlldry Expenses ;. 4Q 1 , .qred mom we re in process of formation. ·prost.m ate value of £659). ' ,£441? 15 4 , ',', The ;;:noveJTJent rlid n ot in fact recceive any . The £320·. in. Mr Kettle's hands 'was' Ex~s of IDcome_ over ExTiendi· v,ery ,great impetus from its adoption by entrusteil' to " hi~ nearly four ,months' ago tUTe 'for . Per.iod . . .... '.';. Th e ' . .. to ' "-Bal' , 'Mr Redm{);1d· a~ f:u as nu-mbers and, ·effec· . for the ' purpose' of buyi na '''' a'I1lls.' carried . -,. ',,'". .... . . ':;. '" ·tt· " h t t bt' ed ' . Sh" t ' . . , ' 1:227 1 .. 7 .. ';.0 ·tiv.e 5t:ri);:;~1:th i ~ ..concerned, and as . the com~l ee as no ye 0 am any ac· , ,, a.n~ , ee . '" ·t •. · h./!lteel
with ·the
c 01n1!1~~:ee, - this
".b1.Y no
"1 I
:. ' ;
. :,:
'r '
)'reasurer w,il l t ell you, was in . a . sounder ' . coUnt. of 'its ex.penciiture. According to our , , ~Id the total amount' Of the assets 6f,the . · J!'t.a~e fin p.n~~illl"·. b.e fore .the a.dv~ 0:,1'.... JUs cOinfnittee wh ieh are ' either ' in the ' poSsesSin.C-E! . tb e o rigin:.1 . members ' ., o~, the . sionor' in the control of members of Mr: approximately' . Provi~;o .oj .CQ.mlT-cit c~ dispen~ ~h the. Redmond's ' Comm:ttee' is leaving only the stock of stores, the: .'Servioes 0: in e no.-ninated memberS. 161 · corps of I ri .,h Volunteers have affili,a:ted immov~ble ' assets, and £6 8s 4d in harid' ' . with titi s Commi ftee and we are in 'com· . at the d'i~~osal of members of y'Our pre. municatian ..;-ith a hrge numbe£ of corps sent Committee.
; .: . _
..£1,67~1~,·.. Z
£1 673 13 , 2
Balance ' Sheet
, '. ~
30~h " ne,. 1914.
.:: :.
ASSETS. LIABILITIES.. . , Sundry Creditors "" . . 0 . , £ldo 5 7 :: Stor<'s Jon ' l;1and ' f h d £35 2 9 Company 'Rifle Fund 153 2 O . Paid ou ·Acc')unt 0 H owt an 101 6 (J Uniform Fund 7 ,1 . 4 ·: . : Kil~Qol' Shipme nts 32 0 0 El'ccss .. of Income Q'1'~!' Ex~n; FL!rni' llre and Fittings ~t Cost '. ' . • . . i (nure from 27th. NovemI Cash In M'llnst er and tluo:lghoilt the coull.try , who appro'V~ . f f . 'Oui report would be ·inco'mplete if · we bet 1913 to 30th 'J une " .. ' Leinster Bank " £ ] ZO~ n 3 1914 ' , " -; ..... '. , ~ ' 1 ,227 .r7. l0 ; O~sh' ; u ~ ).la nd 40 ~; . D . On! ac:ioD., ~nd it "is ' expected 'nat withi.' I'. did ' not say · ~ h ~,t fo! some time we have" . ' ,,' ,i. C",·sh in hand,s of the next fe w '," oek; a.t least fifty more' .be~m con·v inced that the policy of l\fr Red. i . .! L J Kettle E sq , , , ;. "will be added' v) the list. plona's adherents on the l'rovisiona.1 Comfor purch as'e' of . S10res 70 ' 0 0 D :::!'in cr th~ "car ~Iow but 'steady pro.. - mittee wa3 ·calcu hte,d to impo,1>'eri sh ,t.fie, .;,.. ,:'. 'la]'~'1 8 ' 0 ·.gTe..,s ha~ bei.!!l · !T'~'lde in the militar; t' ajn~~. :..Comm'ittee. ..W e attribute no motives, hut . ,n .as·, 6" · 9 ing of th e Vdunteers, and.- 'i n lll:itny" we ·submit ·the foll-owillg fac ts which forced ' ,. :' pla;'s th·: men .:t're fairly , efficient iIi' u~ to thi s 'Conviction ,-- . ' seveTal b.~ nch (,9 .. There ha.s ·~ bee:'l , H ' ·The Vohint€€r ,. and . pefence· of Ire:and We l ~t~:iJ:y .¢~. ;tb9vEh':iillan ce 'll~f' G : ;:;'l; ,"nr' ·~ \;;. "ubject to c ur' report of 'lhi date. . gre at " lad, ·of i.nst):\tctcrs and oompet.* :;t·· :Funds; '1\' hich . up too' d'une 30th ~ .h~ ..t01 (8i.gn~). STOKJ;1S 13ROS AN D P B i, . ._ " Qha rte~~'1.'A;; c') unt , nt9. 'Du': \ n,. '21st October, 1914. officers, ll·.~t ·in spi.te of . every ' t !I'f';rttl~7::. ;talJed £1;206, 0nly i:each'e d £Z43 bet"'eeri. . ", ' . ;':;:'·t" : . we. int.er a to succeecil in: creating' in effi. · ''t,ha't , ~a.'te-a.J?'d· S'ePtember ·l st. '. Dtip,ng th<f " """,_,,:,::;",_,,-,.,,,,~"",.,:,_',",,"=-=--"''---:-:=:''=:::-: cient!/ :;':1.9. : ,.,lly ar.,le~:1Volu';tt~r, :f"oP.~~. pl'ecedini , <J.t)r '~ec.eo.t )tl~i;i ~f~t,o >;l£ri . ,. ,,:.-~:..... "'~ . :.": C! 'i' _,<{aON'f,.1l\'UE.~ Q '' '; ', !'~~0 J;: J2·Ji. d . .......
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â&#x20AC;˘ No- Aeeoun: 'is takell of _this 'Liability. ; nal.i~oe Sheet, 30t.h StJjlt. _ 1914:.~ .
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Iu:sh civilizatipp
provided a. ,.sub~e.ct .. Ofg'reat .interest, ap- . .' . pea.lillg as it does, ..parti():Ular1Y" to· J~lOX: . mem.beTs·. of the CwhaWl. . ..b ,. . . Here .s:l1d .there .a; simple ·s ystem of commi=La.t haS·: been : initiated by local , '. Cum ann no .m B. a,n, ' and'. we branches of
Gponion was rather ~n ~. w.orked up and con;fu~ed '~ tat e; .~in~er~ atld well meaning I.:ishmen had" gone' on 'to ' opposite ·sides on the question 01 the ' I'ne 6f cond o uct .that
befitted' the :national dig"nity and iriterest in the present ·20nJ·,uncture.,.·~·, ail.e. 9fl. ian. c,e to
hope the sucCess'. attained makes for it m<lr~g\l~eral:de:velop~ent of .. this ac:iVity. Our .Northem fellow:.countrywomen have shO'\1l'l1 U.s' what wom~n carr do ' in the' way Qf c(H~pemtiO"J:l .with their yolunt~r Corps ' h'Ind' . . are . determined. . and we not to, be. be
diffe re'n t party groupings . made the fre,e exercise': of individu~l j-udgment hard; the horror of what w~s : h~ppe·otng in Europe made conccntriit'ion. ori our own affairs a matter of . effo.rt; ~any f~ctors were pre - . t t '" _ 1 'le o ; ' tho. ught. on ~ationa.l ~n 0 mil.Jre c "- .
them m .org~isy,tion and.. l,lar« ·work. · if questions 'very difficult. , ~e ~3~ lud.~ froh;'~ reports t'o hand there But th ere w~s 0Ile " fact that nothi~
is no lack ·of . another essen~ial, .r iamely, could ' alter, ' that' ou,r fir st, last and chief ent.b.usksip, ;rid nO work that .c an 'p<?nt'~i- ·.cO!1.sif.eratio~ was .Ireland, .and the t~st to t5u:te to ' the ,· ,y,l 'eat wcrlc ~we._have , lbefQre..us ,be',· aDpli ec. · to every cour.se proposed and is d~ised. ~ . .•.. . . ~.:'... ·to ~~ery step contemplated by . an ~ndivl .. The Cumann mBan has 'upwardS of dual was: h9w did it fit in ~ith our na-. 00 branches ,an.d··'I the ce~ral' . (;Qmmittee ,'ttiona1:id~a· ls,. h~W' 'did. ,:it ?-ff~c\ ()Il.!r • !latiol).al .. . _ . • _ 7 ,. ' \ f '. .• · " " • liIe:, no'N rem'ovm.,.: :the4- ;.6ff:iet:idp ·a~~/.I .'t!,<;!r; . ; intereit~/\ .:l l:elan<f Jl;ac!:' .·come· tl}roug~. alj ' .,.~ •. >\,.'• • .• •.•.•. ~ ....., ; . ; .. ,' ~,. ~~h;~),l~~~~ ;"a;.;o: 8 , I;>':Plli~r...stree~: . . ·age,lop.g·...stn;rggle with a ' fraction of ' her ., PeoPle, ".a "Iemnant o.f h~r ' prosper'ty 'and ~ national .aspiratioD5'" ; this genera·d on .The Central Branch has ihrought two waS' only the t'n Istee of these 'salvages fr'0;11 first . ald· c1as'se~: to a most 'successful the 'w reok, and they' must not be l ::Lvished conclusion.. A.."lother is about mi.dway · ' aw~y in any mad· r ush of excitement over through i~ ~nd : a: {o~rth will be h appenings which, after all, were not Irefo rm'e d next ' week. 'A . semaphore signal- land's first concern.' Ireland's enthusiJing·. ~la-ss : is '.' Illtl-killg' marked prbgr:ess , asms, her energies, her resources must be and a course of Str~..cher drill commenced kept tor 'her own service, and no Irishlast ';eek.' · A C:OI~tion ' for t~' Def~nce wom:a-n cOl.t'ld cons'der that she was doing of Ire.1a.n,S;i" l' llnd .was made at the Glal'e- he~ n~tional duty' if '~he put the "service .L eix h,ui'lirig final -on Sunday, 19th ' inst. of Ireland 'i n 'the second 'place to' any othe r A 'sum' of' £6 2~ Id. was realised. The ideal even tempo~arily_' Ev'en to think following . were' tlW collectors:. Inge.an ni natio~aily ~\:as somethi~g. .All ho'n est thinkCasadhaigb, Maire ni Tuathaigh, Ei..bhlin ing 'done ~ith t~e 'ey~s of the mind steanni Dhr~'i.n, · Ca,ftlin de Bhulbh, .L asaisfastly fi...xed on ' 'Ireland;s good was bound fionna. me.. .. SaIlJ-hraidhin, , the Misses t·) tell, an':! it did not gr.e atly matter wheElliotl.-" Lasaisfionna," H,on. Sec. . ther the thi,nking was ~one .in a man 's or .~ . in :a: ,,'oman's brain, At present .it. might . even ;;be that '!- body. of intelligent femi¥, LIMERICK BRA~O~~ ~ '.••, ... nin.e ~pini?n w.as spec:al!y likely to be A . ~.n eral .. meeting' of " 'the above ,vas helpfuL If Irishwomen set .~t , before .them h el d in the' Fianna H'aU, t.'ftt1~ Barrington- to think fo; Iteland .as clearly as they co~ld street, on Sunday, 18th inst, at 8.15 p.m. and 'to serve h er-,as fearlessly and as per· 1'here were ' l50 :members 'Pre·s·ent. '. severingl.)' .as it was in the!ll to do; good . The rrianifesto " ' frc;~ the ' Central Coun- must come. flut, of lit. They must be able cil read ' by the secretary was received with to giv,e 'reasons for the faith ' that was i~ acclamation. It was sl?oken" to :by ' 1\·f rs. them' "a'nit ' h old ·th.eirview~ witli. cle;~ness Q '.oal~ghan, .:' R;\., . Who sl)..owed':· v,ery. and 'character, but to " be cleaf ' ' a~d firm cle.arly theeconotnic impOssibility of ,re- did not;. necessa:·rily. ~ean to be " iritcil~r~nt cl:uiting' in Ireland; arid also that the trade of the rights of oth~rs 1:6 d;ffere;;'t views; interests . of Englal).d were in the present also they must not be' afraid or ·a~h.amed crisis to :be . conserved at the .expen~ . of if their· ·vi~vs were l.lUPopular', or'if-.. they Ireland. were ' called p):o·-this; ·that. or t he other; A paper "~ntit1ed "Women 'a nd Natio-nal. names did not greatly matter if they were Effort"'Was r ead by Mrs. O'DonOVan, B.A, trying to l;:Mp Ireiand';' good before th.e m; aud fo11O\ved ' .with keen interest by .all pre- an.d whe n all ·is said .and done, ' caIling sent. ,By examples she sho,w~d that ;'0- names is a' v.ery ' poor .form of argument. men held a·position of influence at. alJ· t imep Mrs. O'Donov'an appealed especially, in in ' Ireland, and, were often <?'!;.ped to ' p;blic <conclusion, liot a stuay of the history of duties of settlement and arbitr~tion; this Ireland ,as -being the best way of getting was of a pacific or unifying effect. In the r.ight spir it ·an d the proper staudpoint pen al t imes, t :eo, when the system of na- fOJ viewing· lJresehtcday. happenings. tive law \';;;:5. crushed out of 'Use, ami EngA vote of thanks to " the · Lecturer was rsh law, in wo-rj;:iI)g, only a mcckery, sub· then proposed b:Y :\il:iss L . Daly, seconded stitu:ed ...vh~n there were no civic righ ts by l\liss .J O'Farrell, and passed 'U nQni - , and, consequc:ltly, the mouling infl uenc~ 111ously. The proceedings t erminated with e::er~ pj by civic o'rder was withdrawn. a short concert.
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IrIshwomen did a
big .sha::-e in holding in a marvellous way the decenc!e;, the order, even the .~.~. . graces of family . life;. were 'PI.eserved by ~iRg to lateSt tepotts received . ..... . ." . .~ the influence Of the' womim in miserable from ~b.es .of Cumann na IIlBan . .. .' . .' . . ' . ,. .. . ..., 0>"'\:1 . an .' .g··ero.ds '·c.o n.·dit.ion,s, t.hou2'h .·. r.u in.. a.. lid . throa:gh.o irt .t he provinces .wi...,ter work is v . . ' confiscation "peered'iil ' thrOugh eve.y 'win . . well . ~: h;a&!.. Aalpn'g their ' v,a;rious ·Sue.. ' . . cess.fnl: a.cnvities parti.c·u iar 'm~ntion should dow and ' death , iurk~ . ~y 'ey~iyP-9or. · } 00 ~. '0£ their. . first aid. and rtuI!!;ing 'Ir:';h~~o~~n ' m.lgh't st:-flhelp ' to' .hcil4 Ire~ " . ... land and her hOp"es 10geth~r, but it would cla&s& . wbich . ha...--e . been taken up with . ., .' . need . cna:racter and.:' ·:i nte,U ige'n ce 'to do ·a enthusiasm throughout the country_ . . .. ha full share in tha.t work. ' ; Morse ·an.d ·" semaphdni sigrialling' s..
cu,matJfI l'fAmOAn. .
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O~rOn E~, .31, 19J,~ . if!!! :~ . ~ r¥" •
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COMP~~NY ..·
1st DUBLIN REGIMENT. . The a:ttendance of the members of .tlMr
: alro.v~ · Cq.xnPany 'at the ~~~kly drills hel4
. ~
on Thu~day. · n ights ' is ' very satisfactDr:;~ · aiu.! . is 'i ratifyirlg to n~te the headwa The foHowing Oompanies' parade a~' . . . . that is b:eing ·m ade in t~e irarious drill ex· Colmcille ' Hall, Blackhiil! Street. '·1\:" ,r egu •. ercises, wh;ch ' ~re: conducted b; insructme lar and punctual attendance is' :requested. . .,.r;>-f su.P.sta,.n!i~,l . exp~Jicnce ". Ho\\' e v~" . tl!. A COlnpany, Monday, at 8 ·.p;m· ;D : CQ~. . . :pro'Visional SecretaTY take.s the opport. . . , Saturda.y , 7.4:5 . p.m', 'd ' Cornpa:ny, " . P an~, J ~it.yof exhorting . the members not to' ; VVedn~sda:y, 8' p.m; .H Conipany·., 'TIiUl'Si -- . :slacl<en ,tneir efforts' in deve!opj'~, .the . daY', 8 _p' ,m;' First Aid Class, ' Friday,' 8 ' , , . ... 'strength of ~he Company, .which has mad«p.m•., ': ~u~h ' a ' ~pleIi'did stand in th,e re~ent , cri3i&.. 1st BATTALION • .,.
'Mlc~l" M:a~,: ?'Stain was ·"unanifuou sl""~:-. · ted ,\i.~reg~~ ~ to··, tl~e '~Con~renti:on. , .• ~. ,
,--- . ~~~-
'. I
. • ' <!: 1 -,' .'0'" ' 1 st B.,\:TTAUGN .~.'
'I.V .
,Th e usual meetings cf abov.e .C:;ompany . co:~n'ANY C . we re held during the week . . Qn Sattu'Clay Training Depot :· IIard ",icke street .ni.ghtthe Company h ad theIr w~kly route Theatre. < march to the Phoenix Park, .where tl;le--. men we'r e put through various ·evolutillns, 'T he· re-arrangement of the seotions of in, field .work by Oaptain . Heuston., The ' this comp~ny ' which wa s r~ndered ~~es. latter "expressed satisfaction at the pro .. .sruy by t4e large influx of new members carried out, and th' Dubgress m¥ie ~y, the Comp,any and i~s pre-.. has now . sen~ efficie,n~. , Returnin g to h~adquarters_ lin Military Council has .approved of the at 10. o,'clock" a meeting was. held"t.o Sl1Iect . following' . promotionS' and appointments·: a. delegate for the Convention, Mr . W Section Leader Sean ' Prendergast to be Lieuteriant ·commanding . left half-oom. .·YLu·, nane. lJlrst. Lieutenant, wa,s .choSf'J:l, I S.s~ It is p,articularlyrequestea. tha~ ' .m em- panY " Carppra!s Peadar :l3rown; bers shol.\ld turn .up punctu ally each Sat- BurRe, 'Seosamh Oliver, 'Tomas M'Grane, urday nig'ht at . 'five minutes to eight Se~n O'Rourke, and . Sean. Conway to ,be oZc1ock ,so that · the Company qLay start Section Lejlders. The following have out at 8 o'clock · for their we'ekly route , been ' appointed as Corporals, but have march.--:-John F. Maxwell, Hgn" . Sec" " not yet , .b~en. appro ~ed of by the Mili\atY Council: "Liam' .. Og Murp hy, . Peadar Moran, Riseard' . ~..(urphy, De~is . O'~ul!i. ,-a'n ~ Toma:.~ Mee!i·a n; 'Pat Colgan, C. ' IM'G r.ane, . Dia~mu!d . O'S.u:l1i;a.rl, Liam ' A COMPANY. Toonley, 'Tom~~ ;Whelan, Peter MUrphy, T-he attendanee a t the parades of the Eamon-n MUIIihy: ~nd J I~en:igan . All the ne\~ly-app~inted L~ader9 -and ~ above Company still continues to be very Corporals are arranging" ·to attend the· sa.tisfactory, and " the members will, ~we special officerI" training- c1a's ses organi~dI feel s.ure, fo11(;)w on ~ o the end the great cafise wh :ch they ' hay€; .s; pppr.ted s·~ · ",'eIL by the Militar&;"Counoil.
Considerable progress 'is being made with bayonet exercise, .and after a few weeks all .the members · will be p ut· thro)lgh the course . Members a re exhort ed to procure ·rif!. es as s oon as possible-:-the sooner the better-for in these times in which 'we now live preparedness' means half the
-,_ .-
' Hy R_.· J. KELLY, K.C. Ex -Assistant L egal Land Commis,s ioner;. ·b attle. The man . without a gun [S but a Ex·Chairman of No 2 Land Sub-Commistoy so ldier; therefore don't re~t easy till sion. you get one. This ~klet states the ' case fully for ' It gives d~tails of Lieut. :'I'Cormack was elected - to "he futu re tenants. represent the Company at the Convention. many cases ·of hardship-tenants ibeing debarred from pur-chasing their h oldings. A m ore p ractical .attend ance at drill s is under the Land Acts. It shows fully and .expected • . The more punctual the' attend· clearly the necessity 0'£ th e New L and Bill, embarassing the future and other aI)ce the more ,,'ork can be done . If .p·os- tenan ts n ot bought out. Eve:ry such t ensible attend 'en the drill nights of' the other ant in Irela nd sh ould h:1ye a copy. Pricecompanies e.t this .hall as ,veIl e.s on y our ' od. or ,d ' by p ost from own n ight.
THi IRISH 'VOLUNTEER. ;;;;;:r= \ .':
S;ATURDAv j bCTOBE.ll. $1, 1914. '
"Business as ·Usual.' J. B,."
i5 ~UWik~
gnash its teeth at their Iorclshir,s b&2.uSE> they did not hetzay ~ he JOL1l1g I5!l.{";J3. ef Ire1;;,nd.
Rank And File Notes
, :By "J.
(r:r:r&77?""""""i. ;;;;;;___
No 'q ne -re:;rets more th~n we do the divison in the ranks of the Volun:eers., ;aut the division had to come"because we cannot forget what the Volunteers were s·t arted for.: " They \vere not founded ' to defend Belgian ne utrality or to fight for any other foreign country_ Th e Vohin.
were consulted we would ne'l'er' in c()Id Sell the J;:ves of our young, m~n in that fashion. , Better an()ther speU of 'Castle rule than tha.t our Parliament should open with the blood of 40,000 young IIi:illmen' st a;in ing :its floor. A Parliament opened under such awful circumstances,
Mr. Asquith a,na Mr.: Redm or.d: very expJ.icit cn th'[s qu estion of , ·oi,.:mtie·er-' ing for s ervice , abroad , They £aid. it \'.';[s entirely a matter for t he fr e chojce o f the individu'a l. , 1'lr.. Asquith wants ~he . ValnI) t~rs' ~s "a free gift £r.om a free ~;~ple." That being the case, 1t may not be easy to "understand why the ' young mcn of th!> ' 'Nest are flying to Am-c,'ic-J..t.o esc<j,p'e..,con - scription. Do they' not trust :ir'r, Asquith? Apparently they place li'We re~i(l.nce npo£J British pledges. An d they fear t o h dr~gged by force t? the 'trrnche3 in F,.ance, Desperat<c and uni:elii1. ble thou[[).1 tl:l-e Bri-
:>rms. teers came together,. saluted with the biessOf course it ..'as hardly,. to bee:l:'p ected ..ings and prayers of the pe~ple, to protect tllat the ' Eilglisli "People would fight tht;ir ,~he .right~ and liberties or Ire land, :::\ot o ',vn battles ' wbile the i~ish and otiie~s ' thfl Tights and li berties of <lny other w<lre only · to~ wining' ~blige them " i~ cour.try. th is respect, ' but ' 1l0W that ollr "peGple" Q@ :<.re regaining National consciousness' .a.od Only .one qllestion di,;';des the two great rdusC'" to be ' butchered, so to spe~k,)o bod'~es of Vol-nnteers, The I rish Yolun~ r'\'.ke . Roman hhliday •. f~'En!ll~d,· , . .it . teer.s belie"e theil' entire duty . is to prct-rct , v
amid the l:l..'1l1ntation ~. of 40'000 berea:'ed widows .?Ed mothers, could not h ope f?r good l'uck, ' ~~ A ' statesman might, perh 3.p:-:, i~Jst)y ~11 up on the ill£n of his nation to ijive th eir lives i'n defence of its freedom. BOlt . to b<!,ter ' away the .lives cf 40,000 young Irish. ' men a s pa::t and p.~ :c.e I f ':> a' aT l lamen·
tish may be in t:loeir d eal ings ~'ttla Ireland, ,we scarcely expect tb.~y will be !!l<:d ' !In. , ough, after lVIi.', .\squ;th's pledge, to at. t ,e nipt to fore.e our young m en into· the. army. TIle conse.qu ('l:\ces- of such ap, a1.tempt would, we fear, t ·/': deplorable in lh~ exire·me, seeing that the \'()lunteel's lJ:J;\,·e pledged themselves to , resi" it. Th.e· Irish :P art(· cU~l'iecl the Ho;-nc R;;1c Bill to' th.e J
",'ems a.bsurd 'that the English'
.\ny peo-pls, I should tbink, would 'rush to arms Ito he,l.p their. CO'lllltry in a war." j~~t or unjUSt,, wrtii their country's enemies; · and a people 1hat ' does not act U'p to this first law' ·of 'Hiture, se!f.pre~erva. t.i<>ll, is not worthy '~f a CC'Untry-enough ' of {~ e2:..rth to gj:ve ~m decent birriaJ is '. 't;XlUt Q,S much QS s.uch a IJeopJc deserve. lii case I may be ,'accuse<! of bein·g- to'O b'a'rsh ' on "an entire' 'people for ' the fauHs of the few, i wiiili. to say that . ~hen I opeak ' <it' a "People;,' in .th'is article: I mea."\ tfiat of a 'o f beal ing
~CI'~e ~apa.bI.e'
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' N• BY'A VE . .[' ERA ,
.~ .;
shoul~ t~y and maintain the ~ights and liberties of ,t " ,~ ,~~;~ ~...n"~~ ~:~e.~~ Y" f.!: <on, .?cr"~l.d·, :Irela.lld-.' , The " ctb~,r, ' body ,a sseft , there ' is l';. ~ness. 't~:nes. '" h t I thO , , f' ' lsom..e' dnu$..upon". ,,them "to leare.' l r-elau'cj ·a.n d - 1 , ( ' d 'l:i ' t ' .." ""
bargain is an offence crj:ing to H eayen
B~ok ,
bTIt their ',',!e,,' d epartur e"
(for." .,:engeance" And ' t}!e price"i"";'j, "in' this ;tb.,re~t<ari.~ t o... dl"i l,e" .the.··yo·ll;;g. ln~'ll :;,i'~::,,:'; lway ,,,'ou!€! DCltneI' bring a :i/ ) ', ' nor '3; , lsa!~, out ,I;>f ' th'e c'c unt;-y and. ~O' .j.e:li'" "onlY' ," , I " , " ~'" , .1, -... _ " , . '\I'on express w a lOK an ,w . u ,. . tb ',..l!' " thc trenChes i'n ~'''~nJ1·c¢. ' b :cssin'"" . . Gh·en on' Ids)1 _s",.'i ,6r ' , Iri-sh fa de.Glma,ci:l n :.:t'on: .t o enjOy '-lie g:eBero',;g. ~ 1._1 ~ ''/ ' '\.-",, ' £. .. ~J" " ~-,:.,,;' >1" ~ ;JOl~ ~ ~..... ~ .. ~ . . 1.7_~J l~ t' • • , I':. -, ~ ,,,;' VI • ~'" .\1, r.tH~ 1" \' 'fI:):r. .'~ , ~, .I~ _~" ~~",~~: "4 ~ ;. _, ,..,H....~'\ )~ /J." -~ t; ••• ~:, ...<.. :r:. ~rt.-~'f\ 'i I~J~ r:f~ ••~ '.'" ~ ;~."';' ~ .... .~ ;""'~ ~ '" if ~', ~r=~ nl.uS1-J:liird£J' · ~~'· ~- ,'€RiY;<Bl:J': .~£ }m,dl ,' al1<&- '1.t "<ho-lid ' J'liheT:;y,"i" '\yQutf''}.J.ll'' ij.. "'10,!,.... to> tl'i.e I:~ce rui'd:, "me a;,urC' ,WOll',-..rm::l':, a, !2.ene)'\,; us ,;n",rron', " ,, •' .. : ...:.: . '''' ': ' 1 •. ~}..'71'··'·· ~;':'A ~~ ' t.m .. . ~' . .,' .''«(: · ... t;~l ~ a.'t,~' lS'';" ....iKe~-".di;:i.d'inQ" , J t) '~ ~/ ~ .:t.•: _ .... .. _ ' ,;.' ... ,t , 'I. ~ ."~ .:I: I.~~.'~.. , .~Jo ( • 1 .. ~'." .... ~ .t" ' " . . <\'ffPJ.? ~ - ";,,0' €Qn.";;u.c;:,, ~~$, ,~~s~ .....,,\ 'rno~~' be:·; £~tQ"Gtteri:" :,·"Ali " oThe~" ,;\l.e:-, ~"sues' ,th e>: I;l;'):t.Ipn",' ;and (1 iie J;,c:s,,!LltXr)g reward ' wquld,' ' '.' " " '<;:"(L~ ' . ' . _~ , , . ~\,"'r<!)r~r""-::G.i~ w.i:iiCt:'LH, ta. 'D& ·'A:'rGud{.,l.. ac;.fr: ·""'.ho~' e " 'l ·"''-; \ .:"i ..... , .. ~ ~ I ~ , " • • , "~ , I W; t::; ..J .. ~\ ' '''.'-.,; .... <./ ' r' :~ .. f • •((~'., :. 1 , ~ . >, . . . ~,\' ~ , I' t :._. ' .... , . , : ,) ~ 2-/ t{ '1.' ~I(,. ~.z':; (I:~' ":~~ ~ {....>• • ~'f ~.~; .~. ~~ ,_~\, i'v-· . :,.O::;.~ ':(:. : -'<' 1,1 Sll:Otiti'·~tt.e', S\vop' tf;-a~~~t'Cl<lS >th-w.;'·'" , :onF;"',;-jO" '(C0R:-· 1rSatc~fy·.!,th~ \ld-a-cfest '&'ream!7 0€ ,'i:0 Ur-r JPoorp·:~' .! ~., . ~' r'" :... _ . ~. > .;') •~n " ,~ ' ' t'.' ~ f '.~t ... t. .. ,~ ~ t :,;."" .... ,. ....,. . / :(lJ'"., .......:r..... ' . ' " 'U ' .,; , n- ., ~ • 7 ' ~ } " • . , .. , \, t · ,~ ~,, 'tqotiSm ' lJC~s ail:d:· , en<IS~ 1n:" v;;ag~ tru;' issue; ·.....·" : ' " ' ~ ' :Spe.b t on ' the ' ba:i:tle£(~ld of l~ra~'ce:' 'ilie~ .. - \Y'hoet·cx mayor, m ?,y not 30 to ne lOll l.' ('ion..Ja-cks ~ smgmg. ··'RuleB;rittania.:'~; ' ~ .'" b l,ood of ' our young men w;t1ld ~ lost i~ in this awful w.ar t9 fight for the .can,e and othe:r: ~1Jially jingOistic songs TlYs '. I fe of sma:ll nati·op.3, moryob, it is pretti ck;,r ' h I .'!l " th ' -'-ile ' ~. Some sa'" the moth'c of the Irisl1 " oi . .v,a i n like a drop 1D tne ocear., IT ·n: · w th f E I d 1_ h -~' n o "., m uc '!YJ" say,.. at. W'l, ".a. ,g ;re_r·IDaII? ,, ': J . " , . days th ey would b e forgj)tten \ ~y t.he jnen ' e men 0 ' p,gan. .as a r",'''' «, __ , .... 0','. th~ " ,Union Jacks" we~e 'p robabJe made 'unteers lS oppos1tlOn to :Mr, Reomond. . . ' , h d k ed f' sire to: ·go. In the K orth cf England thy -. , wno b,:red t em, an a 'I'; ea en na.lon 1 ;) Ger,ID?ny, ,and the bulk of th~ cheap But they 'know there .1S not a. word of truth 1 Id H. " d t th are- entirely a.pathet ic, a nd so me £n;;;:.i:;11 . . ,' " '.. ., at lome ' wou u< ~n ",e e):pose r {) , ' ,e ex· Nl, tions of the "anthems" was no doubt In th.a t, 1\1r. ·,,1 Nell! and other I nsll 'i 01· f ' . h 'I f ]'ir.zoes 'S~.y that· n':>tb ing will stir up t}lf;;;e . actions '0 Carson ana t o t e \V l es 0 a... ... Ir 'J'i!1ted iI,l Be.rlin, the "Business as usual" unteers were strong supporters of M;: Red · G 1 d ed t t · indifferent people bu t an 8.c:aal :il~va'S:c," . . . t::eacheraus oyernm ent p,e g no 0 . -.;-, "r-.cry, is strictly an ' all·British p~oduc- mood ;lnd the Party. The gave him erc · b" tiie Gehn~ns, T h ey m·e can:ving (,n' . , coerce Ulster. J tio n. Git for all the good work h e had clone" ' ' th:dir. =\vork and th{ lr g~1mes as Jight~ ~.~ ,:';Iost of the fQ~tories ~n Ell,gl.and are at They supported h im against . the Tories, h earted ly as if no fi ght i.il6' ',vas gGingo;l, L'o rds ' and against Car.son , "": '~sent working on half.time, and thoU; against the The;-e are no more generous people any· . And 'I\])iJe they a:t ~d to busi!le~s ~hc>y -.,<D ds 'o f able,bGdied . men are l , walking They were his mainstay in the fight ag:.:in st where than the Irish, and they are grate. ha,ve no obj.ection in the wo,r ld t':> the iri"h 2 hout the country doing nothing. .' This . the Ourragh offioers. The Iri sh Volu:ntcers 'ful to Ilir. Redn:ond and his Party rOl' all ·Volunteers going ~nd c1s i ng ill d~fel:ce' ot q(': may be gleaned. from any of the Eng. never wav,e red in' their d:evotion to ~Ir , t hat has been won rer them. But there ·Belgian n eutraIit)':" t f:;h papers! . and .on the , same p~ge that' Redmond-never for. a moment~ un1il in must be no mistake about this loyalty " t1 .,)w~" of this sort ,appears there will the teeth: of all Irish sent.:ment and feel'n o w, I t me.ans a' gc'od deal, but one thing ;)Frhaps be some editorial ,p a;ragmph con- ing he beg.an to urge that. the Volunteers \Yith their shu ffli ng an d delilying of ", mning or eulogis,i ng Mr. . Redmond for should !ro <in 'foreign service, a duty which it does not me.3ll, and that is th at YIr. H ome Rule 1218 English dished thernseh'c3 th e fine (or reverSe) way he is getting the Redmond's new departure has their · ap· 1r:"h ·to join the , army. All these papers they n!lver contemplated and ' for which provaL The I rish p~ople' warmly suppor. a.fter all. Had they g,:Yen Home Rule de · , , ":e~ ,the fact that these thOtu.sands ot they were never brought together. That 'cently ,as they had pledsed ' t h em"ei,e.s to "'o,' kles3 people would make as good a is a fact which cannot be gain's~.'d or t ed o:.!;: gallant Vol unteers , They admired ";'Clad against Genb.an 'gunriery as ' Irishth em; they honoured th em , But th ey do there w·o.uld be a Parlia ment in Dublin Who th en cnn --8;) . and hence they do , not . impress up- glossed over in any way. n eyer for a moment contemplated that the .to·day 'a nd NIr. R ·.d n: on::1 wo:.!1:l be, ii! tll-5 o them (as· our "Jx:ish" papers ha'l'e. been ola-me ~he VolunteeFs for the action they Vol'unteers should be eom'erted from the position th at G·ener.a1 Dot b ~ i3' in', Th·~re Oi ;1g for the past four or five months) the , l.' y isabihity of their learning the game ·of took? were founded, would· then b e no Am er..ding Bill hanging 'Pu ,pose for whJ'ch they ~r, and as soon as. they know how to "Cn6.c;: such circumTh ey never imagined th at these inno cent, over Home P.ulD. '~ ').l1t go to Fl'ance or Belgium to protect , stances a grat eful IT land !night, be telup... - p and from the German "brutes." BeA score or 'two ·of Liberal speeches could blame less young soldiers shou:k! be flung t ed t o encourage her Yo!imteers to go to ,'" s there is a good time coming. As.a be quoted in which' Mr. Asquith ',lnd othei's neck 'a nd crop into the cockpit of Europe; ~ ".l lt .. of this ,war to save small ·nationali· the 'front , par ticularly as · there would be it" England hopes to capture -a;1l the Ger- said UP. to a year ago that they were to take paIt in, a 'qu;luel of which t hey :-:, trade', so that there is really no ne- pledged to give Ireland Home Rule. " \Ve kno,,,- almost nothing; in a murder d ra..'!! ::. n o danger t en from C2r on 'at home, A.Jl d if Ir,eland is not in tbe po.siti.on to follow ':s ity for the ,people of 'E ngland to be brought about by h ate an.d jea.lousies with ·!' <::l.SV. When the war is ov.er there will will be true to our pledge," said th e Pri me the ey.:au"ple of t he -rrans'I"a al because' of The 'c ,.ufficient work for 'everybody, and so Minister, and so s aid Mr. ' Lloyd George which I rel.and has nothing to do. ih " del,ay of HO:lJe R ille, it is only right :'Y worry about doing anything ' at 'pre- and the others. The Irish Party h ::td well suggest [on, is simply 'r e,-olting. " r\: ? "Keep your hearts up, there 1S a that England should lose because of it. It They h ad kept the jOd. time coming" appears to me to be, earned the II'-easure. ~~s not Ir·eland that caused the delay, 'ad ing between tlie lines, the advice that Liberals in power for years, supporting ' Ie Press 6f Engl.a:nd is giving to ' the pe<>one great fight after anothe r. Xo; the Irish people .shrink in loathing ~~~®~5,0l ®{,g).~~~~~ It' of .England, while our "Irish" papers them 'in The devoted " t. insisting day afteT day that "Our ,:llhere th en was the onus upon· I r,eland to from this new dep::!.: ::r.e, ;'lg and country wants u s." purchase a' measure they had, aheady won priests who love ,th eir flocks cannot be \Vith the same breath that England is . no aning the temporary inco.n v,en.ience and well won? How can anyone say the Q'ot to surrender the Vol~~teers. in' such a 1 'ch ner sons are suffering (through un- slightest obligation rested !upon u s ? Any- cause, pa,):ticularly ",vhen their o.wn. la1}d r loyment brought about by the war) J:lOw the Liberals wer.e only returning as so .b adly n eeds !h·em, Th ey know th ere , , hewails the leth argy of the Irish peo· . in not coming forwal'd at once to 'Put what they admitted had ,been, unfairly is no ,national feeling to sEpport ,o r justify 'lop to this war whi-eh has most of her t a,ken from u , And now on the top of all a sacrifice so :immense, j'end om beloved ".!stries at a standstill, A oountry that " ; these ·things is not a country for a n y our sacrifices it ~s suggested we should Bishops, sde guides on sLlch a q"estion, They - cctable natio:J. to associate with, . much purchase H ome Rule (after w inn i..-1g :it in refused to be bullied or c:::.joJed , . light for, but there is no harm in tak· Padiament) , and tile fee asked is the lives could not be got to. sell the Yolunteers of 0 for ,ou r motto uBus:ness as . . ' usua.l," , ;:e the :3Iic.:i.wber p~tricts cf Eng::lnd of 30,OGO or 40,000 yo.ung Irishmen '! It Ii"eland fOj: - an~" mess of pottage, . waiting for German tr?..de to turn up , is an ·alDominable demand! If the nation der The Iri sh Ti:nes is angry e01cash to ~ ~'S':: 2~JS;~~":~f'~~S:'·,~"~~~~':V ~7,~~~ f
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Arc spent with striving il,l our land...!.. a m3:n~e:r whii h .wi-if dO,'eoogda, to revive YOIH' own - to keep' . h ~.. '." • . R \.. ' . . h ~ 'e memory of the b ra,:e:. cia}'s . of ot.:! aad . • , .\ . . emem~;e'{, Eire !blesses you to.nlg. t! t · , . ~ t o giye'. tho.se who part<lke . a rail" ~d....~ of ..,.,. , ~0" . The blazinl!' ,,'.In mav soorch you; toil the.' :plea.Su res of ·'·thl? : oM .histori~ Gaeli.e 4> • :" m'av slowly wear f' ,. ' 1 -. e5dva ~ • .' The h efty form of Celtic race, awhiJe · .. • ..; . ~~ . HEAD QUARTERS: 12 D 'OLIER ST~. DUBLIN. • 'B ht, . courage ! ., tired: s.<nH;: the ·dying., ' A ' Ceilidhti dn ..tie.y· p~eilel~JiOll.8 )ines is 'G .\. " . . .. • . sinkinl! gla re . 1 • . ~ , 'W ~ ' to be ~eld i~. th~ Gaelic JLeagu~ Hall, 25 ~~~~<t.~~(? . . . . . . . . . . . . i'i'ills~il~~. a.b~sh i,n -". Parne1rS:<iu aJ'e', on . S:at~~d;y' next, Novelp-' .~ . ., ..... ,..... ' '. ' . ':" ;-, ber ~.ve, an{.i· a . a,.or~ug·h]l.;' Iris~ -a nd en- . (2} \ '. :. ,. ~rriv:il1g at .:1 post, or. -wh.en \\ h:1.t, tho the .~tubborn patch IS net 89 , " . ' 'b I ; h i . . ,.' . ' ' . ....,"""'. . f " . ..' . yieldinl! . n'b-w, ' . '.. >,. ,. ~... Jo.. ya . e . n g t IS.. . ~. l;!:l~efl., to. a:tr . po,.S.,. ~ . b.o DISrA'I'CH GARRYING.' u",,,,,.lng nendly troops , he shou4L call . .. . , : F or oft a 'c1od 'i~ 'fotmd am-dog the turf. )<--ill have the Satj;s(action .of. knowiil.O' that out the na me 01" .roan), of the a.dd.ressee. . . 'T is all for Mothe,ln.nd, ' twill ',rich h er the~;.·are incidentally h elp' > • th· {"l . (31 H e ~llst calcula te to ~trike the' h e~" nO'h lci . bra ..,, ' ' ~., J ., ' . .... "ng ' e!C e, ow.; _ A rncd.:m a~lY CQ:l ' fmd·. ·n1anr uses 1'cep. aw~y ' the c:.ll beyoncl . the ' -C;aels " ~n: £a~..Qi(~~picli;l;,t·.; i :J. mov:in.e column to sa' '''~ An d .', '.. . .'v time. an:d f ' . . fot 9. tnlir' ed. scout, .and ·evc.u · for . a . boy tt.oubJc. sur . '~ . Danciilg . wilt: com.menq~ .:it 9p.n:t,., and . . entertainment scout. Thriyc.f!.h Y<}'ri::;us 'r easons: i~ · js , (.!) He shouid ahr·a i's obtain a receipt 'I.h e , peat lh at ·f,mokes. ·.from out . -yon . . ' .'for . ' the . del.irltt " .. 0[ '. 2.11. . who <..~--ten: imn ossibl; t o ·con)..l"UuIl:iq~c .by · ;~~_ on f h' thatched C6t~. at' eve, ' '. ',' '::-.: lack t};le '\~:goti.r to i.n. du;g.e 'lll v t~ .:rerpeipaper or l.S m e5~'lge. The ' ~ipt A ',erv be'H'0n t o ;t hea rth. stol'e bri",ht! o:rClnaI'v 'l"e~1,O<1s..,...· t.cleQ:=a.phy, wirelel>s' or sliould enumer.lI.t{l the reference llt~.mber ZI-I ake.;; lig-ht th~ lifting of an other ' ll;;"v'y choiean ~rt w~ll be pf()Vl(~ by first·class dl.ho.rw·i se, ''c'.nd· even {:ignallillg.:.....~1l~ ·: 8 /~d code , thne f9"r pU.rpos¢ .. of idc~~ifiGa·. . s.b~ave: .. .? rtist.s ~"'. .... ".'.1" > ' _:' "".... '.~ "',, , - , ' , . . .' . h ' ." Th.l.', k · (;" <1 yotir home is .. !ti§h; m;m, ': . Tickets ' 2i;; . 8i:F each may' be ha<1 from ul"1's:teh ·.;..:.~riH .. OecQ;ncs ncce"saq' " 'ffi~ ·','ti0.:1. 11liS . recclp-t S 0uld be haJ1dcd by· to.night! . .. . . . dudee are pa·rtly those of' G. seo.u t, i .e. , tb.e . c~t;ricr to his _sun.ario' r • . /. ,Mair~ . NicAOdha,. 16. S~. Pq.triGl(' ~ 'I'o:.bd, :' offj.cer on he mus'. keep h is e:J'Cs ,and e-at:; . open , ·.rqturn. OJ children of the soif! 'tis you our: 'pmnlcondra; Mair·e I'iicShuiblaig,h, 101 •\.~..a.u ...L :!... c"r:·";nT m::un cbiect . •..,H e fl ... \,; (-r~ . ""'''' . mother ; 1.o>.'>'e-.:, .!.~...l'v; "'Aun· · "'·~~. a .. '.,.. ' M ...... -~ ,l... out h.i" ~ ,,"' ... tl..llC \ll f.l,al ~c..a:I.roeT· 'Haf " ~ rn .. ''''''. -"~' , . "m0 I e,needs .. 3.!*nle.:V ~ t' '''''~' , 1,."''1;:)1''_''~~" .nu..,,,,::om ·. . ~.GD"'..:.as \,"t a-C . ' _ 't: '" • f . :1.Sue'l -'" " \ ' ~ .. 0ssage sent . our SL -wax'S <>" f ' ''l.cn~ 3$"1).'; .~' . ~.llOll1d be o.ql~ ~o aus:ocr qu.e~ l~~ . . ~. t:UG"~gh ' ~ ':! e of ci.lrrier.~ o~. pOsts should. ' ltOtl~ hp~eot sma,.. :,\,0:.11;, ma;n<:y ,~m, 'f-Gt" . P,9:n.hnaill . .~c ¥m?ie'~ Golle~. . 8s · !.h-c fo-'.lc.;mr" , such .·$}'3 ~c ~i?:(;i}: ..:~v~ { d~li.,.tI; r- .-,' ~-',t;.·" 0n a1i:" to' 't~ . ~. ': ,. ;" )'\!t !!-tIt'· d~~l>~ · :., ". ::;, ':'" .;; . V:ow-!l'teers ·· shcu!d~:ome m '~u.nd<G= ' . -'!o1
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(c) ' l,;,llat are e"ro.o;],f~·· l,~e . : ,,', ;~~t ' : ma.y-sometimas ·oo ileGeijS;l rytp\'ertg ';o. , ,.".' ,:,. · (.R. e.·;ek~c~ " n:m~~~)·. (d) Gi,~ p~,r~iculars anyone )'Oo!!. .a; mes;ng!' by ' pOsts i~ead of strai<7ht Go fu .p o.int - ... 01'! the ......1y. throug->. '[''''ere should be les~ th~n :PhC'·~ ... (D escriptionl. Re.:l1:.i ng . ... (Points of Co:npass). . A d e:;p.il.tca c ;~ITi cr should ne\"er fight o.ne o (fic·::" ;\nd .two Gl.TIicr ,; In one line e=pt in &ell·defence. He 'shOil~d as .a . 6f post.; . The di s taoc'~ oc~w eerr. pos~ Distance ... (Approximately! . ~llcr"l . :i!de .GoIP.mit t o . memory .every .. !Should Il:.e -five mil es for cyclists,...and H e will r<~ceive :1. -simirar message cli. m=ge. he c 3.rries, ~. that .h~· o..1.n .destroy much less for those on foot, acC;rding to recting h:m ': 0 point ]\'0. 2, when h e finds da...'l.lment s H it becornes ·nece5s.~-F~ to . do ''age and sizh. . th e s·cout at point No : l. All m.e ssuges sc. Ir..fOD1:!<1. tion sneh :If> the above . E,very despatch rider must k reac:ly arc r(}tained, . endo:rs·~d with th e time reo ~e :;:i""en from l'-lemory, n ot from wIitten start a t . any mom-ent when ,. his time ceived •. and panded in ,Jo. ·t he !HtJpire . ~t not&3. .! .' comes. end of c ours e by the, ~ts at th~ dif. The. training hf a . desp:atch carrier is Posts shOUld ~ easily discovered by fcx2n t points. ·X o conv~rs;ttion ' is · tq be essentially thci s ~mc ' as th:lt . of the scout incoming carriers, 'and their pOsition l;le1d: betw,,:en ... s\>outs ~nd c01~petitors. .. anG iucl~<:les., :.0£ c~ursc,. g:Cl.1 ~):.at milit'lry shOuld be knQ,w.tl ,to all other posts. . (5) . Competitors must be in... uniform, In:w.uction; ":";'11}· dm'eiol; ment ·.of the . If it b ecomes necessary to ch<lnge the ' fully eqnipped a.nd bear anumb:er at least POWilrB of slJE\, h carill!;, a~.d observa~iom positipn of a post, adjacent posts shOUld 40 inChe$ long, . p:.inted . , in . b~k . on a "oe U S" 1-.'" ch·o' and nl· ~·~ltt, ~be u sc. of the be notified, or ' .' rn.·l.rticulars wr~tten in white ground, ~bove each ,elbow.... , l.' . _ ', _ " . m, '~' ak; n"," .~ ipher · wh ere necessary, . left in , ~~e' (G',. Lots .. ar~ t<?: l:e drawn tor. tim.e q£ =-p' a w:1 compass, [K<!.C.;.lCC J!l • ~~ . f :1 d ' t P ~nd position wh ep t"ey will be a ' l'S~ e ed startitlg, and. inter . v,a Is ',0. . £ .ten.. tp.inutea son, . 0_ grCU::i C an cov·:;r 0 eso:~ .e, . '" ; . ~ " . . uvV r . . . . .. . . ' • b r d ay and ··:J.llow~ between each. st.art, UJ: mqvln.g acrcss CoUU '!~ ) , , COJIPETI-TIOKS. ' . . . night with the a id ot '3. compass and t (i ) If the competitor is. fj.red .en .b y' the map, .o~" bv- u:;.~ng n.:1.:1!raJ or other fea. :. {I} Competi tions behveen .. opposing !Ullb~scade. o.r .if his n umber is cali.e d . out
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~ ......;,-; . . ...~ ' ,'. , , .; . .; . l Lia.m O'Brion-Crowded out this week ; nen iSSllC'; Tomas Va: Ban-Tlianks for tetter. G~ad to.. lmow.all. goes Ive11. He is. not a Co.lI· t1'i:butor; 'will mention it, to him" R .. Ma4khatha:.,-We have ·he.ard some,thing a:J:?o:ut .t he .firm. '\Yill deal w,ith it later. J . ' Kenny~~an}; .tballks for kind offer. ,"Ve have' all the- pi·e ces.> 'e;cept the. first. but . might neve, .. be ab-le to use them. -Good; luck. An Rumble I'rivate'- More power; that ~s ·. the right spirit . .. OwirLg . to the Conven. ' . space. r ..on we a~e not ~ bl e to gIve It
one of them, . . E;tglish . carat . . .' ~am-Don't mind . ,lI.b6¥t the voting. 1£ 1 h 1£ d I la d t th tJr·Oaul'neldav;e . . a : a . , oz~n lre · n wall s em ~ You an~ . not an· Am.erican ci.ti. tUr-e'3 Ol .cc:.miry <1. guides ' tQ direction . . t~l'hS :lr e held on courses .n ot ·.exceeding ~ m\l st -surrender.,' Or he may b e .per.. ' ""h. ~ '. ••~9.1";,. ; •ng.__ sl.l"uld .b e pro,,~~s.. ~'e . an d ',. five miles in.: }.~Bgt.-h. and, w. h.i ch are un· ll:itted to eocape a.nd· ,ip ay ' ~ . cap. tureu ~e!l,. .. . '.' ... -v ~ . y 1 ·Belfast Cumann . na mEan-Notice of s.d~pted to the !,. )O. WCS1' of :i hose. UD.der.~~i.ng . known to ~-n-~tit0IO, by being hit with a <bal1." or t OUched. Th e . ~ . . ' .. . ,.. , .' ~ (2 . meeting . a:rrived ,late ' for last issue, .and ''''' ct " '} } At :l number of points· a good dist· 0lompeti!or must not l;.eplIrslloo until his l.ll., .i:'Il 10; . :. . .. '. . the' date of meeJing is no,v passed. a1:e <,.o•. d.a.i " l'U1cs \~.'hi.ch m ust be. a ll.ce ap,:ut sc.9 uts are~,..ationed and hid· pumber is c.aUed. .".... , . ,n'~"'e "-~ - '" .. , . . : "·K insale Voluntee," writes cautioning Th ese (l.r e: .d en 3S well '!.~::. possil;i\e., 1:h.e poin,ts are' i 1..oss of: ma,rks will eI,ls ll,e · if..his num· . . ;.. '. '. ..... '. . pl.lmber<1 and d~sC:ri~.. cl~?-rJy by natu. ~r is called qut? .e ven if he succeeds in Vl?lunteer -c<m~~ .'}ga.ins( h aving . a,nything :-rE SSAGE S . r a! fC:J.t u res t.o ttt e C9J1<petitol:o. escaping, to' do ~"ith R. t!I~atrie.;l1 qqmpapy" which r e-~ (3) Atobusc:1dcs -9 f ri#~men <mfled w~th . . (8,) Disquaiification ~cllrs.if com.P'<titcently tou:red. th,< 's:outh 9f Ir~l<lnd. promis. Tl) )I.f .~s.iages sho-u:!d be written on i bl.ank ·c art ri:dges , or 'wi,:tli . t;~g: ~l!s· , . and o,s [~) are c .:l.ptureq. (1;i hide ~r remove ~.ng 1>9st r.~ip~~ to" ' 10~3Ii COlOpS. Receipts forlll,~ rul ecl to show (it)' reference n um · . ibe., ; (9-) cc~e time, or time ' at wh.:Lch · reinforced ' by o..o e . cyclist,. ~i : ~ompetitors th ei r number,:; ; (e) do not properly d eliver have .not materialised . copceaioo . at ., t wo · . th~ir ruessage~ Liam-Kext w~ek . . , me~s~,gc w a."; iin.ally delive,~ ; (c} office are mcunted, .i\r~ (0 ) Th e umpire will decide on the min~: Volu n~eer-Tnanks .for . lettet:;. was reo· fro-m wllRxe.· sent; (.d ) poin:s 0(1_ theoou:rse, the situ;tion ~ing o f origin~pkce nw.m tim e ' for c~mpletion b eforeh~nd, the r s urprised to ~ he~r that G1enties' had The Q'l.ir.ier ' should 'unknowl1 t o ' competitors. · sender's nnmbcr. . ( 4) 'At tbe start th e competitors are and will de~~lct m.arks for oyer. tim.e. ' followed ' the b;ea:ct car. GI~ it is n.ot keep a. ..1:.r.i~f ;rocord of a ll 1pc~sagcs, 5i.at· , bearing their name (10) The t eam . obt:lining the highest true. ing- the time anu. manner in which finally handed a message .a.nd . ,,-,:·ord-ep. .<l,.s. fol1ow,s,:".. ,. to tal· .of maI;ks wms.. An .cr.airi.n.. .D.ubh-,He1d ol'er. ~U .,:witll· . Q
and of
~he , tru~.
...·····:.s.·:IICHA· ••••••• ,.~••m.~~~~: ••••••••••••••••••••• Ii-eiand. : EL SCAPS ALL ~~~ . :
• • •
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.35.8d HATS . ; .
• •
•. All 0be'Prce .
IriSh 'Made Boots tor
•• CARLO\V BOOTS on t . __ lMade henand,.
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5d ~ ·BOar·~.
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sewn 1>rincil>le. .:sm.:u:t.~~t 'anti be!;t .See tho·t • the name GOVERNEY. Car-Io_. • is stamped on every bo&t. and den' t acc"f,t . . substitutes ~ . ~ ~~~
:", ,.. ~
~ ~~.~