The Irish Volunteer - Volume 1 - Number 41

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Vol. l.

No. 41

Satur_ .,. d ay.

1914 \



t~t - the pr~e nt sy~:em is nqt yet a the. operat:on of the Act has on1y been pro\' ed failure. Anyhow COD;lpulsory . ser- postponed, and short of a mirade, combe' resorted to before the war is p ulsory service will be an absolute neces, sity before the war is -over. England knows already what · the response will be ' from Irela nd, and already , steps are being taken ' t o-Tende.r any opposition to it nu gatory, .

In Eng(and.


The Arms Questioiz.

ridicule. The pledge of the Convention to deal with the matt~r will be adhered to and everywhere act ive preparations should be made to red~m that pl~drc . if and when ·necessary . .- . RHles <lire the qrgent need of the hour, and corps e ver.ywhere should make a great effprt to arm. The re are tens ' of thousands -of real rifles in the country as well as the gas weapon s) and 'their place is in the hands of the youn g men of Ire land. Rifles and ,pikes are the freeman's weapons, and we , .are free if we onlij r ealise it now.

The compara.ti vely p8-or resp onse t o the ' need of King and country in England is to some extent explained ihy {he " business ,_ English statesmanship is certainly not a s ' u s'U!ll-" - patriotism wll) ch is one of t~ <1ev'O,id of cunning . and fore sight, wliat.1J.igh esf i deals of the nation,: the bnly : ;nicrhcl: ,eea' beine,. ' <husiness 'betterthan cv·e r -etheT aUri~utes it m.a~ j ack, and En,g. '-d~:,'l.r.~; It' l~ ~I;o~~plained 'b y ~he ':new ' ,lana foresa~ ~e pre:s'eni Ylar. _, Ana i:ri ,tb:? ,j>;rf.e.vid · p.a'triotiSm · of : Some 'o f our 'own -light of~ ihat t-he attitude of the ' Goveni. - _ ... . , '/ - i:ec-mit:eTs "W1:t-o l ~d Enghnd t o belie ve .' Inent· to:wa-rGs the Volunfeers a few months Mere s:1lecto.cular ddl 'is' no use. Formthat we had m illions of me n here ready ago is qU'ite inte lligible.· The Liberal Go- ' vernment knew then _as well as now tho.t j ng fours and str-e etparading are e qually to fight for any cau se at all. 1.:he reflex. futile . and we must get du,,;n to the real i,e influence ' of recruiting oratory was h-owever he might threaten , Sir Edwa,rd bu ~iness o f. the soldier-field practice and such th1t ~he men available in Ireland -Cars.on was their frienct'. and hence rifles rifle shooting. There , are plenty of opincreased quicker than Falstaff's men in poured into Ulster with the connivance portunities for both, and no corps in heBuckram. Before the war Ireland h .3,d of Gov-e rnment officials, if not o~ the Goland that really means business but can vernment itself. They knew also that ar ms no men, wo.s depending u pon the English make themsel ves thoroughly ,efficient. For in the hands of Nationalist Irishmen wo uld Army to d\ fend her, and ' but 'for ·t he the wnter miniature rifle ranges should be English Fleet would h.ave be~n blown to wr,~s t Home Rule from them in a crisis fitted up, a nd members chllged to b ecome Jericho. But when "the Empire" w,a n· and resist any attempt t-o ·enforce conscri,pprofident. The provision of such a range They. knew that they cou ld . ted men I re1an'd ' s mili,t ary population flrew tion h ere. hold up t o each other Ulster and the rest , ·is not at all costly, and the shooting could large and effective -once. " l reland would de£eI).d h er own shores." A rea- at Ireland as wa'iting enemies ready to de. be so ar-ranged as to recreate as well as . instruct the Volunteers takin!!: part. sonable proposition enough; then Ireland cide their differenoes with the rifle, and ha.cI moore . than enough men for herself; that whichever sent the most men to the she would send a brigade t o h elp- England, front t o fight for: England would have the then a Division, then an Army Corps . best army in Ir-e land after the war. They No wonder Englishmen ' said "business kn-ew th e v·eritable pass:on f-or arms and as," and no wonder the W,ar Office military training th at swept Ireland, and arranged a special hei,ght for . Ireland, calculated that if arms were proclaimed and it will Ite littfe surprlse when in a that · every young Irishman would go to vVe mu st h ave more enthusiasm in the few weeks hence England wants the the front to get traine d to the use of arms m-ovement, more pride in it; above all, BaJlot ~ct "in Ireland. so a s : ubsequently t-o decide vital i ssues ·more relianoe in its. power and its capa~ at home, Knowing well all these thillgs, bilities. Let us rem-embel' that we' tre ad ~

From ,the' -*- .Olltpost Conscription. -Con",c r:pt ion is b eing discussed everywheI'e a s the p robable solution of the difficulty of r eplenishing the English forces at the ho.nt. The -advent of the 'Turk into :the . wodd:struggle will in all probability t end t o t his ;Qy limiting the suppli ~s that might be drawn from India, and qUlte possibly necessitate more men to deal wi:h u nrest there. Cut off from foreign supplies . E nK1an d wiII be compelled to se ek them nearer home, and the response .to th-3 recruiting ,appeals in England h as n ot been at alI commensurate with t h e m ighty issues m'volved in th ~ w ar . F or weeks past a sedion of the English l"1:,esS h o.s ;J:.een urging that con scription should be enforced, ,and respon!;jble 'l ike Hie Daily News, have been o'bii ged t o. t a.k e n otice of the demand f.or ,so me sort of compulsion and ar'gue


More Enthusiasm.


and believing them, the Government t old the path that I reland' s h eroes and mar• the Irish race they were worse than the tyrs have trod for centuri,es, and that we black fellow s and unfit to bear arms a are near the goal. If some have fallen few months ago, w.hile to.d ay they · r ·egardaway through indifference or enthusiasm Kite Flying. them a s quite a ~oo d enough substitute optworn, if some have follo,w ed the flesh for the Englishma'n who is capturing trade IpOts, all the mor·e r eason why we "should by worKing at home. keep unfl inchingly on the . way. There is The art icles a.bout the imminence of the the same ca'u se and the same crown alBil·llot Act being enforoed in Jr.e1and.which ways, and we must win. appeared in the Press recently were IJart of the procedure known in politics as fly. ~~ ing a kite. It was -a n attempt t o find -cut More Than Ridicule. . . /. exactly the public a ttitude towards it, -a nd it succeeded so effectively in doing this The Tecruiting campaign was ridif:uled that the operat ion of t he Act · has been, postponed. The'ctiscussion th at follo,v ed -out of existence in Ireland in a few week s, tl1e articles was as di shonest as e ver Dub- but England has probably realised for 'lin Castle dictated in the past , and W1. 'l. years , past th2.t the voluntary system is Gaku:late€l. _mer-ely to sav·e fmm p6pular in· inadequate 'a'nd must be superseded. And dignation the ,people who h ad led the any form of conscription that will be apcountry i nto such a foolish ,p ositron. Bt1! ,plied to Ireland ,w ill not be vulnerable to



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