The Irish Volunteer - Volume 2 - Number 32

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V o l. 2 : 'N d. 32

(New Series).





··i ' . . . I REL A;-m· S l'ERlL. ·

th-: t~rr.iGie ;gra1'. it): ,6f tne_ situa tion that now th;eatens !~eland's fin anciar ,a nd economic future is beg~n{1i,ng slowf~· to d '.lwn ()n peopl_e here and, the country 1Yi1\ ·o l'i e no thanks to those to wh~m it has b een ta~ght to look for light and guidance . The country now knows thal:" -i t was deluded by a conspiracy of si,l ence abO~:t thb C6ai"itiori' of · British parties. The s~1~~ Coaliti(1h \~·hid~· no,v: is-.'i ii office. ~vas · in e~i s~ei1ce a:l1d Hz op~~atio;i at"· the beginning of J;st year. ~fnde'r 'the ·compulsion ·e xerc ised by rha_t· Coalition the' Ulster sutte.i1der was forced, and under the s·a:ine ·compulsioi1 tb"e Irish Vohmteer «::;ro-anisati6d · \vas i~vaded .ind enfeebled: 0 Every single b erid iri the who le rotind · of the sharp cdrve : nas' tke11 a con1pu1sory bend, forced by the t5)1i1bined i)r ess\.ire · of· the sanie


Coa lition. H ONE ·r THINKING ::\EED"EJ? . t:-1




B ut the ~-risi s Je'mands h nest · and outs11Joken ,rnrds ,' not ;il~'i-ice" or abs tentio~ . Ireland is now. 'threatened with a ruinous ~ddition to her already mort~l burden of ta:xafit {1 .-- As we ll as l can estimate, 'and as moderateiy, (he Imperial 1iabi.Jities already-incurred, if they are a llowerl to fall upon Ireland, will average an addi- · tional taxation of at least Three Pounds a year in r)e rr>etuitY out of eve ry household ) n the. t • count ry . One me1~1ber of Parliament alone has J~ad courage to speak out. Speaking near K il kenny the other day , Mr. Meagher, M.P . , warned the farmers t hat tbey were threatened with a new taxation which he estimated at five ;;hillings an acre . · And that .is onl y a begin-








A f e w weeks ago the Government proposed a n increase of taxat ion which would have







SATURDAY; JULY 17, 191 5. diminished the Ol\tP,1Jt a nd the profit · Of Lre\\"ers" and di ·tirter..· ...:.... ;;1d, of.. the •license.d ..... • -· ~:'°". ., - ~ ; retail-trade, and "."·ou)'d . have reacted on I risb tillage . .-The Iris~1 . Par! iamentary P arty, under Mr. Redmond;' ~01~t~~t~d themselves with mere abstention from voting . Mr. Field, heckled about it at a public meeting, said that the Party acted unde r Mr. Redrnond· s orders- a strange discl 0sure ~vhich '· impl _i es tha~ whoever ":ishes to command the ' Irish Party ·has only to secure a ·personal 'ascendancy over Mr . Redmond . Mr. - D evlin · found an engagement- in Pads, · cementing "the histqric f rie_ndship bet;\:e-:ei~ I ~·eland ancf '.F.rance, ancl ~ura1;ging that M. Vi1j ani, ·who'"'i s able' to " out the lights of Heave11 " in the school of his own coun try, will in clue time put out the lights of Unionism in England a11d set old -Ireland free . But the Irish manufacturers of alcohol and, the retail t~aders were rtble in · a f~w days to organise a vigorous actiYe campaign, putti1?g the National claim in the forefront . Abstaining was not to their taste, and they promptly killed the poli cy of abstention under orders . They were supported by the Press and by the P.e ople . . _Compulsion is no t a Coalitioq morn?poly. _W ithin a week the abstentionists we re forced to " about turn " a ncl t9 -m.arcJ-i. qn J>arliame))L They had to declare war .on, the 1iq uo r. supertax, though_:· they prefixe d to their declaration a servile and truckling apology, expressing Ireland's eagerness to bear " Ireland's share. " Sir Edward Carson · was likewise compelled to resist the supertax, and obeyed, but said nothing about Ulster's intense desire to carry burdens ·for the Empire.



.:\'0\1" the liquor tax p roposed by Mr. Lloy 1 George was a trifle compared with " Irel?-nd·s share" in the new financial burdens. Already since la st autumn Ireland has been paying additional taxation to an enormous amou~t, and her tried and experienced guides have not once opened their mouths to offer the mildest remonstrance , nor have the y ·sought in any way to brin g the facts to the knowledge of the pub lic. If the y dirl , l\fr. Birrell might ques-

Pric e ·o ·ne. Penny. tion their loyalty and frighten them by complirnen ti~g his ~oll~gue , Sir Edward Carson

for loyalty of the right brand. Say nothing, take £ 400 a year, and let Ireland pay-it is a g reat game. Mr. 0 1Brien and his colleagues do not take commands from the Coalition-, but they are ;10t much bette'r than if t hey did . They opposed the liquor super tax, ·kx_x>wing the pow r·of an organised-interest, but they let the other taxes go without opposition, because the ordinar y Irish taxpayer is not organised or well informed . There is a marvellous discretion compatible with lof ty professions when an organised vote has to be reckoned with'. The ·Li lste r . D-nionist four. ·hundred pounders are equally dis_creet . Capt~ in (now . Colonel) Craig, M .P., can afford the· in~me t~ out of his emolumen ts, but he won·t stand a superta.x o n D unville's whisky, and he will let his wise supporters be taxed on their incomes and their proper ty. Neither he nor his colleagues , nor their handsomely rewarded leader; will take undue care to enl ighten Ul ·te r Un ionists about what tbe tax-collector has in wait for them. -::-



T he ne w Chancell-0J· of the Exchequer; whos~ father, by the way, was once an Irish H ome Rule me mber of Parliament, is K:eeping back his B udget to give the biggest War Loan in the When the world's his to ry a fair chance. Budget comes along the silence will 'be b roken. According to the "Daily Independent" the additional taxes required to pay the additional interest on the additional Imperial Debt will alone be equal to the entire taxation of G reat · Britain and Ireland thirty years ago. At that time " I reland'·s share, " it is confessed , was extortionate and oppressive . What will it be under the new Budget? How will the " T rade" come off ? Where will Ireland, in her eagerness to bear he r share, find the additional few millions? Will the farmers pay them? Will tlfe towns pay them ? . Don't ask your guides on the platform or in the Nathanal Press . Th~y are ·busy looking after Europe and have .no time for trumpery Irish matters.

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