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EDITED BY ~OIN: MAql. NEILL. V o l. 2. ·No. 35
(New Series).
The British Liberals and Ireland.
A Chapter in Modern History. 'The pamphlet, "Ascendancy While You Wai t, " by one of England's criminals or enemies--to the chivalrous and virtuous mind of the Predominant P ar tner, whoever is believed to be an enemy is necessarily a criminal, for only wickedness incarnate could be the enemy of virtue incarnate, and thus it becomes a pious duty to attack, and if possible destroy, the character of those who are the enemies of so much holiness-the pamrihlet is a study of the mental life history of the British Oligarchy . The British Oligarchy professes a high code of houo,.ur, and takes great care to let the world When tbe hyJ_Jocrisy of the know about it. thing is laid bare- for example, by George Bernard Sbaw-<-the British Oligarchy neither winces uor bl ushes, but goes its way unchanged. It gives its Shaws and its Chesterton s what w~ call in Ulster "a .fool's I arJ on." They are its l icemeLl jesters . The ir duty and office is Like that of the charioteer in the old Irish stories, who stimulated his master the hero by taunting and reviling him. Superb virtue can afford to keep such amusing critics on its staff, and to pay them well. Does not virtue become superb in the very act of paying hard cash for the vilification it undergoes ? The most wonderful thing ;i;buut tbc Briti sh Oligarchy's code of honour is iLs geograpbi c;1l · or tribal boundary. It does not extend tu aliens. The same is said tu be true of savage heathen tribes. - We read that the tribesmen hold themselves bound by no law of honour, hone ty, or any sort of morality towards any b ut those of their own tribe. That this is true of heathen savages I am not at all convinced. There is a uni versa! law in the conscience of men, though the law may be obscured by enmities and prejudices; but so far as it resembles truth, it is a case of extremes meeting. The British Oligarchy is. the creain and champion of civilisation, and I can undertake to fill a volume with incontestable proofs showing that its cod~ of honour is bounded by the tribe, and - ~hat, .beyond .t he tribal- bo?ndar~, · as the ImperiaJ eulogist has sung, " there ain't no. Ten Commandments"; that "Thou shalt not kill, " 11 Thou shalt not steal," "~hou shalt not bear
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false witness,'' " Thou shalt . not coYet," are wholly ·null anJ void. Ireland · is outside of the tribal boundary. The most honourable me mbers uf L11c British Oligarchy will do thiDgs in Ireland and .in what concerns Ireland that they would shrink with horror from doing within the ir bouncfa. What British Minister would emJ_Jloy thieves and pros titutes in England on special servi ce again st British political opponents ? We reIt was member the "Marconi Scandal. " thought even a scandal to bring it forward, to suggest that British Ministers and their friend s could stoop to make money out of Cabinet secrets used as Stock Exchange tips. We h:Lve seen how the larges.t part of the British Press counted confidently on horrify ing the British Publi e by harp.iRg on, Llafch..George's d .;.ioci-_ ations of mere ar.istoc rat ic rapacity. Throughout all Ireland, .U niuni st as well a: Nationahst, these delicate deg ree. of British virtue excite amusement and de rision, fo r all Ireland kno ws tha t Loth sides of the British Oligarchy, the ho rriJie a1td the horrifted, are ec1ual I y tJreparcd 'to further their politica l uujects in [rcland by packed juries, corrupt officiab, perjury , forge ry, bri bcry, intimidation , oppre:sion, violetice, sectarian fury , extermination', murder atlll blooLlshed on any scale . There a rc honest Engfohmen who will ad mit that such arts of government have been employed in Ireland on behalf of Engla.nd in the bad old ,past. Let the dead :bury the ir dead ! But what has to be made clear is tha t every one of these arts of government is st ill a living thing in Ireland, kcvt living by the living reprcse;1lativcs uf the guyernmeut uf Ireland by England. Within the tribe, the code of honour is doubt-. less puwerful , well-nigh omnipotent. We behold a group of honourable men, men of gentle breeding, University men, men of high position and trust. Though they take different sides in British domestic politics, they honour one another, and each of them also receives from the others by reflection a share of the honour .which he sheds upon them. They permit themselves to reproach each other with reaction~ry ot revolutionary . tendencies, with rashness, with muddling, with improvidence_:_ but with disgraceful and dishonourable ·conduct never, ·or if ever, only in the last resort. Con· sider the long roll of British Ministers d uring the las t two hundred years, and recall, if you can, an instance of . one of them who, l.11 a dictionary of biographie.s, is plainly described as a d isho1)ourable man. Almost to a man they 0
Price, O.ne Penny. ha,·e been faithful to the tr ibal code. Ask honest Englishmen to belie\'C that such men, many of them, have behaved dishonourably and disgracefu lly in Irclawl a.ntl to wards lre L1nd , a nd yuu will ask in ,-a in. Thin gs 1rcnt 11·rong, no doubt, but- well, I reland is a strange coun try , and there must be some other explanation. The present Minister " for " Ireland, the Chief Secretary, is an J1onourable man . Mr. Arthur Balfour, a funner Chief Secretary, is an honourable man. They ba,·e ruled Ireland under honourabl e Prime Min isters. The late Mr. 'vV. E. Forster, Chief Secretary "for " Ireland, was ·a n hui1ourab le man, and his chief, Mr. Gbdstouc, was a Ycry Bayard of honour, without fear and without reproach. . These honmu-~ ble mcp, w~en :!_he ir ~E.!1~re ~f ,action passes over the Iri sh Sea, become afflicted with a pitiable calamity "Notliiug o f them But doth suf(er a sea-change Into something rich ~rnd s tr~u1ge . " Nut rnany years a.go a gentleman uf high station was sent u1·cr here 'by the British Go1·ernment on a s1iecial miss ion of great importance to tlic Government. A fri end of iniue, who kuew this gentleman well and knew thaL bis 111issio11 had a part icular interest for me, assured me in convers~Ltion tbat he was a mos t honourable man and incapable of being used as a mere tool of pol icy. " Wait one moment, " I re1 lied, "and you will see what use is made of your honourable men when the ends of Ir ish Government are to be served. " I produced the evidence, which was incontestable. My friend could only exclaim, "Well, is not that abominable !" lu a rece nt number of "America, " Mr. Cecil Chesterton shows from documents bow Gladstone tried to use Cardinal Newman as his tool · fo r a particular expedient in the governmen t of lrela~d . Mr. Chesterton's conclusion from the evidence is "that Gladstone stands, to use hi s , ' . I' .1 uwn energetic exJ_Jress1on , a utsgraceu man . » Mr. Chesterton may learn by degrees that Gladstone's disgrace was merely normal and typical, and that every English Minister who o-overns I reland · must be d isgracedwhether D . . the truth comes out or not- disgraced .either by what he does or by what he conceals. T here never was a m~ment in which British. Goveri1me~t in Ireland ~as ~ot d isgraceful. Mr. W . E . Fors.te1: was ·a;1 :hunO:urnbl'e man, as honottrabic as Mr. - Bi rJ:cll. : Tb~ " J.ri ., Ji Volunteer " has arranged to publish in succes-·