The Irish Volunteer - Volume 2 - Number 44

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44 (New~ Se1ries).



into an "Imperial gat!')way,"-people Party and the constitutional Home Rule who have not the sense to see, or else policy are now held in England; and a honesty to say, that · Ireland since the measure of the prospects of that policy Union has always been governed as an in the absence of ,an Imperial crisis. We Imperial outpost, a heavily guarded fron- are told, th~ Dublin electors have been The exigencies of prin.t ing have made . tier fortress, and that e.very penny spent told by The O'Mahony, that England is it necessary to iyt.teriupt ~ the history of for military and naval purposes in Ireland more and more ·favourable to Home Rule.. the Grossmaglen·' Conspiracy, the~ Dublin is a part of the cos~ of Irish govern- Why then does England permit a Cabinet · Castle Conspiracy that took its name and Minister to repeat with impunity the me~t . . its victims from Crossmagl!')n. ' Readers * * Unionist menace of violence imd blood. will take note h@w the ·castle prepared Every day that passes is bringing more shed, of all times, at the present critical the ground by a succession of suggestive . clearly to light the insensate folly of time in the Imperial fortunes? .paragraphs in the obedient Press. ·. 'l'hey English statesmen in their attitude to* * * inay also have remarked tha.t a similar wards Ireland . They may attempt by The Imperialist statesmen: knew well, - ser:les· of p~ragraphs having ·reference· to and b:ye to throw the blame on Mr. Red- or ought to have known, that Mr .. Redthe Irish Volunteers, German propaganda mond, Mr. Dillon, and Mr. O'Connor. mond and Mr. T . P. O'Connor could not and German gold has recently been Tha.t will not do. When Mr .' Redmond work miracles in Ireland. What they going the rounds of the obedient and seemed on the point of ·winning some., require'd Mr. Redmond to do was· by a obliging newspapers. . The government thing for Ireland by constitutional wave of the hand· to effect a complete of Ireland is a continuity and the old methods, they' rounded on him most reconciliation between Ireland a.nd ' Engmethods never grow stale. They only shamefully and unfairly, and ren<l~red , land-appealing at the same time to that grow slightly :rp.ore artistic and elaborate. him, or made him believe they had ren- very prospect which Ministers in the Godered him and his cause powerless by vernment are: ailowed to publicly threaten * * * The effect of taxation on national pro- means of an anti-con~itutional con- and repudiate. I do not deny that, if sperity is a subject that has received spiracy. They cannot plead the suppor.t English misgovernment were to be withcomparatiyely little attention even from or the acquiescence that they have ob- drawn from Ireland and if Ireland were economists. Most -of · the writers on tained under this kind of · fraud and to be safeguarded. a.gainst any fresh Pitt economics have belonged to great indus- d'\lress . It is now ·b ecoming evident that · and Castle; conspiracy to violate the trial countries, and most of their writings English 'statesmen of both pa.rties have treaty, then Ireland in th~ pa1?sing years have been writteI). during times when succeeded in adding to the history of might become friendly to a friendly and these. countries have been rapidly increas- Eng'lish statesmanship in Ireland one well-disposed England. Thomas Davis ing their surplus wealth and have conse- more chapter that is in ~ pedect sequence entertained that hope seventy years ago, quently been able to bear large increasE)s with the chapters that have gone before, knowing well that we Irish are not a of taxation. The effect of taxation on a and that they have not recklessly but: vindictive· and intractable people. But country like Ireland has not interested callously trampled upon their oppor- it was nothing short of political insanity the econon_iists of England, Fr~nce, Ger- tunity. They have treated the Irish to imagine that this state 0£ things could many, or the United States . Nation and the elected representatives of have been accomplished in a turn of .the Ireland with contempt and ignomy, and hand and on the .strength of an offer * * " Before the . new taxes come forward. to this moment one of the Ministers and which those in power are free to repudiate Ireland was the most expensively and chief advisers of the Government is .per- a·n d have :i;:epudiated. The prancing prowastefully governed country in·the world. mitted · without protest to renew his consuls and Imperialist spouters · and This has been sho~n . by many writers threat of violenee, bas~d on English sup- "Defenders of the Realm" . who have and politicians, but even the full extent . port, against the fulfilment of the Home been let loose upon Ireland since the war of it has not been shown. They have Rule policy of Mr. Redmond and the la.t e began have not helped to make the imconsidered Ireland as a country under I.Jiberal Gabine_t . · When Sir Edward possible ·possible. civil government, a.nd · have dir.ected a.t- Carson, Cabinet Minister and Attorney* * * tention to the enormous cost· of civil go- General for England, can safely reaffirm, Mr. Redmond, in his own position, vernment. The civil government of Ire- as he publicly a.IJ.d emphatically re- claimed and accepted for support of his land is largely a cloak over the real re- affirmed the other day, the Unionist a.nti- attitud~ what was no more than tli.e prugime, which is purely militarist. When constitutional policy, and when. he can · dent reluctance of the Irish people to there is talk of what the Germans might do this .at the most critical stage of the allow their political affairs to drift into · do, we find certain people quick enough gravest Imperial crisis, .we have at once .a chaos · and confusion. They, have not to recognise that Ireland could be turned · measure of the regard in which the Irish been conciliated and won over by the





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