No. 45 (Ne.w
OCTOBER 116, 1915.
,at all events a triumph for Imperial statesmanship, whose obedient tool the "Northern Whig" had already become· the time of the Cross:rnaglen Conspiracy. · '.Phose who read sensational paragraphs * * * in the newspapers about German propaIt is a.further triumph for Imperialism ganda in Ireland ~:qd so. forth will do well when the Irish Parliamentary Party and to follow closely the"history of the Cross- its organs-Can be pressed into the service . ~agle.n Conspiracy. They w ill see there to supply munitions of war against Nathe .uses to which Dublin Castle can turn tionalist Ireland. The ·. irreconcilable ~ . subservient Press and subservient de- " Whig " informs us that the munitions part:ill.ents. The .government of Ireland thus kindly supplied are being . stored up is a continuity, and ' it~ tradition remains for the ruin of that Party . and the defeat ~nbroken. · · of its policy . In due time · the columns * * of the "Freeman's Journal," the "Irish · One :of the grel:j.test crimes of that go-. News," and other such papers, and the vernment h.as been tb,e studied and sedulspeeches of gentlemen like Mr. Thomas ous. poisoning and' degradation of the O'Donnell, M.P., who has nearJy boxed miii.d.s of -Protestants in Ir~land, espethe,- compass of Irish politics, will be: fo the N orth'-east; The historian of the brought home to roost ..· Every NaOrpss!'Ilaglen Corispir:acy. quo_te~ som·e, tionalist who differs from these organs striking eiamples of ho·w this process ~nd exponents of the: Sl;tarp Curve is .de~aS' catried some thirty ye~rs ago: clared by _them to be pro-German. In Under Gladstblie ;aii'il ·:F6rster, "Liberal their present factious cnndition of mind, Ministers' of no less eminence and respect- they can only t}iink of Irishmen as parti_al)llity than ' Asquith and Bir~eH~ we see sans of British Imperialism or of Germa!\ how t4e Tory Press in lr(lla'.:ri.d- is used as • Imperialism. This is a folly whicli will the prlvy channel for bloodpoisoning its have to be paid for, like most follies . readers. Do Irish Unionists ever refle~t * * * oh :tliei~ degrad~tion ' u~d,er thi~ ~yste~? Extremes meet, and the British JinWP.at · have they gain(l~ by it . in reputa-. gpe_s J:l,µd th~ B~tish 'Socialists are find.i~g tich1 or otherwise ? .. What can they hope common ,. ground· in the . demand for to gain by it? Their prejudices · are "'nationat s~rvice." . It .is true that Lord played upon to make them 'the.tools for Selborne says that Capital must not be the degradat,iqn and impoverishment of. sacrificed, · but when the British millions t]l~ir country. · ,. .· . have tasted the blood o~ "national ser... ·. * -· vi~e, '' they are · not· Fkely to confine the Irreconcilable. hatred . ·between ,, Irish· obligf!,tion to their ow_il lives and labo.ur11. 1JartieS' is -the chief specific for the domi- The Socialist National Defence Commit~ nation of : Ireland and · incidentapy of tee has ~he logiC of the Compulsionists Ireland's. resources. The Disestablish- 6n its. side,_ aJ!d will not lose sight 0£ the ment gave a special opportunity of ex- argum~nt in future . Mr. Birrell is quite. tending, the ·field of'.operations among the safe in predicting that this war of the Presbyterians and othe.r Protestant dis- Empires will have some unexpected con-senters. The opportunity was not lost. sequenqes .- _That is the very reason why The Belfast '' Northern Whig,'' once we Irish people; who have neither power friendly to Catholics; has long ~u~p~ssed· nor_responsibility for setti_ng the world the "Newsletter" as an exp~neDt '6'£ sec- right, should de~ote ourselves with-single~· t~rian rancour-in the :i;i.ame of Chrisminded purpose . to -our own concerns. tia-nity. The exact gain fo the declining .·· * *· * Presbyterian ·· population, _to W:"ho:m t_he • There are . only .two . parties -in Irish' appeal of hatred is chiefly addressed, need politics, the Nationalists and the Pronot invite estimate. The achie~~me:ftt" is viilcia.lists. The political issue in Ireland·
6n ,
is between '' Ireland a province '' and "Ireland a nation." The test of politi~ cal action in Ireland is, shall we act as a nation, using freely the recognised powers of a nation, or shall we ·act as something less than a colony or a do~ minion of. an Empire, doing what 'we are required to do by an authority which -is not ours . * * " , r:i:'he pr·e sent state of the Law in Ireland has received a beauti£ul illustration . U;nder. tli,e new dispensation, with B;ome Rule on the Statute Boo~, the p;roc~dure is to send a' ma!). to :jail and to inform_ him_ officially, when he h~ s fulfilled the term of his imprisonment, of the nature 6f the _ offence for wh_ich he has been. pu~ished. Just befo1~e his :release, Ernest Blythe was presented ~ith a. document sigped by General Friend. who states that the order b_anishing M;. Blythe from Ireland "was made in- consequence of there being reaso1n1to ~uspect that, as an organiser of .the Irish _V olunteers, you were, by your propaganda, prejudicing the recruitment of Irishmen fQr his Ma:jesty's forces, in contravention of No. 27 of the Defen.ce of the Realm (Consolidation ) y Regulations, 1914-. " . * * * So we experience the continuity of Lord Cowper and Chief Secretary Forster, under .whom, by a special statute for the be.nefit of Ireland, any Irishman whom tl:~e Castle could "reascnably s:uspect" could _be lock~d u·p : with no more ado. Marli: well that the General does D,ot say . that he- Jlersonally has · " reason to suspect/' nor does he say _who has reason to suspect. · It ma.y _be tl;te Czar, or Viviani, or Garibaldi, qr T'he O'Mahony, or Sir Matthew Nathan, or the Dalai Lama to whose mind the suspicion appears reasonab~e. In. any case,_ it cannot ·matter rirnch to_ ~rnest Blythe, since he is first locked up for three months. and then told ~ why: ··· · General Friend is probably aware by this time that, whoever may .have reason to suspect Ernest · Bl:ythe, ~ there are mil- _ lions .of people- who have reason1· to knA>·W 't hat. ·:cert.a.in other . persons, not Irish