The Irish Volunteer - Volume 2 - Number 46

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No. 46 (New Serie&).


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_ Mr. T. W. Russell, Minister of AO'ricul. . . b ture of the approved kind in Ireland, went to a " 'tillage meeting" in Sligo recently. Rev. M. O'Flanagan, Cli:ffoney, spoke in the ministerial presence, to the effect that on the matter of agriculturalproduce Ireland ou·g ht to be able -to su'pply her own wants and produce a large surplus. This res.u lt, he said, could not be achieved "by going round the country summoning meetings · and making speeches." He advocated that some of the money .demanded 0£ the people in taxes should be spent on the restoration 0£ Irish · agriculture . " The Congested Districts Board informs us," he said, "that a Treasury that .: is . spending £5,000,000 a day. upon the war must economise by withdrawing the beggarly mite that has been doled out to the Board. Is it then going too far to ask whether this is a real tillage movement or only a sham tillage movemen.t ?" * * * "When it comes t9 England and Ireland starving, Ireland will have to starve first. Even though a· £a.mi~e appears in Ireland, England will go on with the war and allow Ireland to starve. When the famine reaches England, England will make peace . There . is one remedy in our own hands. Stick to the oats (hear, hear, and applause). l£ we have only enough wheat to give us bread for five weeks 0£ the year, we · have oats enough to give us better bread for the whole year round (applause). The fa.mine 0£ 1847 would never have been written across the pages of Irish history, if ·the men of that day were -men enough to risk death rather than pa~t ~ith their oat crop. Let each farmer keep at least enough oats ha;nd to carry himself. and hi;· ,f amily . through in case of: nece&sity till ~ext . yea;r! s harvest.. And if any G~:vernment dares to >command·e er your oats·, r'eb:i.'e mber that .it is - better to die like ·men :fighting f~·r yo·ur· dghts -th~.n .to






starve like our. poor misguided grandfathers seventy years ago" (loud ap* * * plause).

whoever they may be. Mr-. Redmond's advice, given not .many years ago, is .o n record: "Trust .no British Government, and keep your powder dry.'_' * * * 'l'he orthodox British Minister of Here is the statement attributed now orthodox Irish agriculture waxed wrathto Mr. Redmond and passed for pubiicaful in his righteousness and declared that tion by .the Government Censorship: the priest's statement and advice were "Ireland is in a state 0£ profound peace. only "play-acting," No meetings are suppressed or have been suppressed. Fr.eedom . of _speech has not At a meeting in Dublin a few days been interfered with. Three or .four .men later, Rev. T. A. Finlay, S.J., said: have bee~ imprisoned £or short terms for "Prolonged experience had taught them open pro-German declarations, for which' the real means 0£ promoting the counin simil(lr cases they would · have . b~en try's agricultural prosperity, and they shot in Germany. Indeed, my only had very little to le.a rn in that respect regret is .tha.t these men were lifted out of from the_; casual occupier of a position of their obscurity by being prosecuted, as . . public auth.01rity." they . were incapable of doing a.ny . rea.l harm." * * * * * It is well that there are men in Ireland. * As this is evidently an attempt to to whom the people can look for honest advice and who take. the question 0£ the whitewash the Government which br9ke Nation's future more seriously than it is its pledges to Mr. Redmond, a.nd the suclikely to. be taken by t~e British_Treasury ceeding · Coalition Government which is or the casual o.fficial. Nobody knows under no pledges to Mr. Redmond, it is . w ha.t the consequences of this war ci£ best treated as a British Government proEmpires will be, but people are beginning nouncement of a "diplomatic" character. to see that they will not be the conse- The pronouncement is inco~plete. quences that imperial statesmen and poli* * * ticians are hoping ~or . Ireland's duty, A proverbially grateful and faithful no m~tter what any ta1kers in tight · Government would appreciate some such ·places may say, is to take care 0£ herself, more ample statement as the following: and to £ace the new world as strong in '' Ireland is not alone profoundly peacepurpose, in men, and in resources · as she ful, but profoundly satisfied and happy. can keep and make herself. No meetings are suppressed or have been * · * * suppressed. A meeting t-0 be ·held in We are under a Censorship which h~s Sligo by Mr: Redmond's supporters was a special care for America~ The orily not suppressed because it was not held. sort 0£ information that it allows to get Many other meetings were not suppressed from Ireland to America or from America for the same reason. · L arge bodies of to Ireland is the sort that is agreeable to armed police haye been senVactually t{r '· our benevolent Gov"ernm.'e nt... It is" under take part in popuJar ·d.emon_sfrations; aS..c-f\. :; these circumstances tl:iat a - sfatenieilt proof of- tli.~ complete harillony between~ alleged . to have 'been made by Mr. 'John · theG.ovetn:n;i.ent and the people. CJe,f.tain:'_. Red~ond has beei:t sent for pu]5lication journals have' ceas~d, publication, in::Proeff'. in · America and sent_-from America: for of:..their h~art£ert ar si:re tO ·co~ply. ,"w):t~:;:. publication in -Ireland . . Reade'rE?· should ·- the · wishes of the Government. So .per-: ; the~efore: be On their ·. guard •about ' the feet is th1{ unity ' sentiment, that even . I, authenticity ' of ·statement, · lest ·it those - outcasts of society, :the bur·gIMs( -. · prove to be . a malicious invent-ion ·put' have· joined J13J1.ds with. tlie:~~o-verpn'.l.e°ii·t :'.'.forth by Mr. --Redmond's worst- enemies, . in the aaininistrati'On of !Tish ·a::ffa:irs '. H ·









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