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Guest of Authors
Cook, Malcolm Visiting Senior Fellow at the ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore, Visiting Fellow at the National Security College in Canberra, and Nonresident Fellow of the Lowy Institute in Sydney
Dang, Cam Tu PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy DirectorGeneral of the Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam India’s Act East Engagement: From Southeast Asia to the Indo-Pacific
Southeast Asia at the Crossroads of Power Rivalry: a Vietnamese Perspective
Dang, Minh Duc Prof. Dr, Senior Researcher, Research of Political and Law, Deputy Director of Institute for European Studies, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences ASEAN–EU Cooperation: Present And Future
Daniel, Thomas Senior Analyst, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia The Indo-Pacific Strategy and ASEAN
Fang, Nicholas Director of Security and Global Affairs, Singapore Institute of International Affairs
Háda, Béla Research Fellow at the National University of Public Service and its Center for Strategic and Defense Studies Great Power Competition from a Singaporean Perspective
Maritime Competition in the Indo-Pacific— The Role of ASEAN Nations
Hung, Dat Hung MA, Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City
Klemensits, Péter Ph.D., Senior Researcher at the PAGEO Geopolitical Institute, Pallas Athene Domus Meriti Foundation in Budapest, Temporary Lecturer at the Department of International Studies, Institute of International Studies and Political Science, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
Lee, Poh Onn Dr, Senior Fellow in the Regional Economic Studies Programme at ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute, Singapore
Mishra, Rahul Senior Lecturer at the Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya, Co-author of India’s Eastward Engagement: From Antiquity to Act East (SAGE Publications, 2019)
Morris, David Vice President of the United Nations Sustainable Business Network, Political risk Consultant, and Senior Research Fellow at Beijing Foreign Studies University
Pach, Judit Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Hungary to Jakarta Sustainable Development Towards an Integrated Asean Economic Community—Lessons from the Fight Against Covid-19 in Vietnam
Philippine Foreign Policy in the Context of the Southeast Asian Great Power Competition
The Singaporean Growth Model
India’s Act East Engagement: From Southeast Asia to the Indo-Pacific
Australia’s Role in the Indo-Pacific’s Shifting Power Dynamics
Southeast Asian Regional Processes from Indonesia’s Perspective
Puteri Nor, Ariane Yasmin Analyst, Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia The Indo-Pacific Strategy and ASEAN
Teixeira de Sousa Sénécaut, Bárbara Junior Researcher at the European Institute of Asian Studies, specialising in China and ASEAN, and their relations with the EU
Tran, Dinh Lam Director, Center for Vietnamese and Southeast Asian Studies, Vietnam National University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Völgyi, Katalin Research Fellow, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Institute of World Economics EU–ASEAN Trade Relations: Beyond the Impasse
Sustainable Development Towards an Integrated Asean Economic Community—Lessons from the Fight Against Covid-19 in Vietnam
Regional Economic Integration for Global Access?—The Case of ASEAN