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Bleeding to death…The devastating impact of feminine hygiene products on mother earth.
Compiled by Kerry-Ann Scrase
Most modern menstrual products contain a high percentage of plastic – from the little sleeves tampons or sanitary pads are wrapped in, to plastic applicators to the actual material they are made from. The unfortunate reality is that all of this ends up either in landfill or worse in our oceans and on our beaches. And whilst the impact on the environment is one issue, the other uncomfortable truth is that the lives of many girls and women is still impacted by the lack of access to feminine hygiene of any kind. Interestingly there are new products on the market which provide a solution to both problems.
Latest research indicates that most women will go through about 11 000 disposable pads and/or tampons in their life. But it is not just the actual products themselves, which are creating a significant waste or pollution problem, but the entire lifecycle of these products.
Most pads and tampons are made of synthetic materials like rayon or SAPs (Super Absorbent Polymers). Others are made with traditionally grown cotton (i.e not organically produced cotton).
Cotton is widely recognised as one of the world's thirstiest crops, requiring up to 3 litres of water to grow just one little bud) and most use nonorganic cotton, which has been grown using pesticides and insecticides.
Sanitary pad design has seen a lot of changes over the past number of years – the intention of which was honourable, that being to make women's life easier and more comfortable. So, pads started to incorporate thin, flexible, leak-proof poly-propylene or polyethylene. Advances in adhesive technology improved the use of flexible plastics, allowing the pads to be attached to underwear
directly. Then came flexible plastic “wings” that would wrap around underwear and anchor a pad in place and most recently designs incorporated thin polyester fibres to draw fluid away into the absorbent core of the pad. These were all great from a design point of view, but they mostly increased the use of plastics.
Tampons have followed a similar pattern with applicators being incorporated into tampon designs to improve the 'hygiene' and ease-of-use, but whereas these applicators were originally made from cardboard, plastic applicators started making their appearance in the late 70's due to their improved comfort.
The impact of this became abundantly clear when in 2010, a UK beach clean found an average of 23 sanitary pads and 9 tampon applicators per kilometre of British coastline.
However, change is now afoot as environmentally conscious consumers put pressure on manufacturers to be more responsible.
In Europe, most tampons are sold without applicators and in the U.S, there's growing interest in alternatives. Research has also shown that more women are considering reusable products such as reusable pads, which are essentially better-designed versions of old technology. Others have embraced menstrual cups (which have also been used in the past) and some companies are designing underwear that absorbs period blood directly and can be washed and used over and over.
These are made from medical grade silicone and are designed to replace tampons. Unlike tampons, they are reusable and can last for 5-10 years. Besides being better for the environment, they're also better for your health and come with a lower risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome and will save you money.
Check out the following options: Pink Cup; Evogal; Elle Cup; Princess D
These are similar to their disposable counterparts except that they're made from natural materials like cotton, bamboo and even charcoal. They can be used several times. After use, they need to be washed well in order to remove all traces of blood. They can then be reused. These have provided an ideal and cost effective solution for underprivileged communities which cannot afford or do not have access to disposable sanitary items.
Check out the following options: Moontime. Palesa Pads; Subz Pads
These are made from organic cotton and if there is an applicator, it is generally made with biodegradable/sustainable/renewable material. The main advantages are that there are no toxins and little (some brands still have tampons wrapped in plastic to protect them against moisture) to no plastic. Check out the following options: Flo; Anna Pure Organics; Sheba Feminine
Tampons, pads and panty liners along with their packaging and individual wrapping generate more than 200 000 tonnes of waste per year, and they all contain plastic (pads can be made of up to 90% plastic).
The average user throws away 125 to 150kg of tampons, pads and applicators in their lifetime.
Plastic waste ends up in a landfill or, even worse in the oceans, rivers and beaches.
The time it takes for a tampon or pad to degrade in a landfill is centuries longer than the lifespan of the individual who used it – particularly when it's wrapped in plastic.
A year's worth of disposable period products leaves a carbon footprint of 5.3 kg CO2 equivalents.
Entrepreneurs Tara Priya Chandra and Susan Allen started FLO when they saw a gap for women-designed sanitary products. The two realised that the corporate tampon brands were using synthetic materials and harsh chemicals and were also mostly owned and operated by men. They wanted to create a product that wasn't just better for the body and the planet, but also honoured and empowered women.
In addition to being designed using all-natural and organic materials (to be kind to the planet and women's bodies) they wanted the brand to celebrate women and exude positivity – hence the playful, irreverent branding and clever icecream tub packaging (inspired by menstrual cravings).
FLO products are certified vegan and crueltyfree by PETA are made in the EU from 100% certified organic cotton and come in nonapplicator and applicator styles. The cotton tampons are biodegradable, hypo-allergenic, sanitised naturally and free from 'nasties' like chlorine bleach, dyes and fragrances. For more info: www.hereweflo.co.za
Information sources: National Geographic; Organicup;