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The power of food. Why eating disorders are more about power and control than sustaining life.
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The Power Of Fd
Compiled By Kerry-Ann Scrase
Eating disorders are normally associated with teenage girls or boys who become obsessed with achieving the 'perfect body'… Over the years Barbie, ramp models and celebrities have all been blamed for eating disorders as their followers compare themselves to them. However, a new catalyst has appeared as Covid-19, restrictions and lockdown have led to a global rise in the frequency of eating disorders; with the real impact of mental disorders still anticipated to come. Registered Dietician, Nicky Pryor explains what eating disorders are, why they have become an issue in the 'new normal'.
By definition, an eating disorder is “any of a range of psychological disorders characterised by abnormal or disturbed eating habits”.
When one battles with an eating disorder, it is usually characterised by someone's life being preoccupied by eating, exercise and body shape. These disorders are not simply bad habits - they can interfere with daily life. Without proper treatment, they can lead to serious health problems.
Binge eating is characterised with episodes of overeating. These individuals are often overweight or obese, can be male or female and it can occur at any age, but mostly occurs in middle age. It is the most common eating disorder and can lead to Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease and High Blood Pressure.
When people binge eat, they often feel out of control when they eat. They are unable to stop themselves from eating and continue until they are overfull, or their stomachs are painful. They often eat when they are not even hungry. This behaviour is often triggered by stress, anxiety, or boredom.
This behaviour often results in guilt or shame or depression, triggering a vicious cycle of emotional distress. It can also result in the behaviour being hidden from family or friends, making it hard to diagnose.
Weight gain occurs more often than the desired effect of weight loss. Successful treatment involves a combination of medication, nutrition education, seeing a therapist.
Anorexia is characterised by a fear of weight gain and can result in someone becoming dangerously thin. It can affect males and females of any ages but is more common in females and can occur after a life changing or traumatic event, or by the desire to do well in ballet or gymnastics or athletics.
Weight loss is induced either through food deprivation or starvation. It is often accompanied by excessive exercise, as well as the use of laxatives, sweeteners, and diet pills. The rapid weight loss often goes unnoticed, as the individual covers up the weight loss by wearing bag gy clothes.
With this condition, food is a complete obsession. Most often very little food is consumed – if any – even though it is constantly top of mind. Food is weighed, dished in small amounts or simply pushed around the plate without any being consumed.
The biggest issue with anorexics is that even though they are dangerously thin, they do not see themselves as such as they battle with distorted body image where they still see themselves as fat. These people are often very critical of themselves and are perfectionists. Sometimes they feel that food and eating is the only part of their lives that they can control, especially if they have a very controlling parent or person in their lives.
Other physical symptoms of anorexia include brittle hair and nails, constipation, yellowing skin, loss of menstrual cycle. More long-term complications include heart damage, anaemia and thinning of the bones, organ failure and even death.
Diagnosis is made when an individual weighs less than 85% of normal body weight, when there is an intense fear of gaining weight and blood tests rule out any other possible underlying conditions. There may also be suicidal tendencies and substance abuse, as well as depression. Risky behavioural tendencies may also be present.
The treatment of anorexia often starts with hospitalisation. Treatment aims at restoring a healthy weight, treating any psychological issues and reducing any unhealthy behaviour that may lead to a relapse. The family is often involved in the treatment programme as well.
Ongoing Psychological therapy is key in the treatment of this disorder.
Bulimia is characterised by binge eating followed by purging. 85 – 90% of these individuals are females and it occurs mostly in the teenager or young adult. It often occurs because of stress and/or peer pressure to be thin.
Bulimics will eat too much food and then make themselves vomit to compensate for this behaviour. It can also include the use of laxatives or excessive exercise as well. The purging can initially occur a few times a week and may even continue until it occurs several times a day.
These individuals are also obsessed with their weight but are often only slightly overweight, if at all. Like anorexics they also have a distorted body image when looking in the mirror. The purging cycle is often an attempt to control negative feelings and there may also be underlying depression as well as substance abuse, especially of laxatives.
Other symptoms of Bulimia include a chronic sore throat, worn tooth enamel, swollen salivary glands in the cheeks, heartburn, and dehydration.
Treatment is multifactorial and includes psychological therapy, as well as nutritional counselling to establish healthy eating patterns. The use of antidepressants is also often helpful in the treatment and prevention of relapse of this condition.
The exact cause of eating disorders is unknown and varies from individual to individual. It can be a combination of genetic, biological, behavioural, social and psychological factors.
According to The Guardian, psychiatrists in the UK have reported a dramatic increase in the number of patients with eating disorders.
Dr Agnes Ayton, the chair of the Eating Disorder Faculty at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said the number of people experiencing problems had risen sharply with conditions such as anorexia thriving in the isolation of lock down.
She commented that eating disorders were likely rising due to people feeling out of control, and that they also thrived in the isolation accompanying the pandemic lock downs.
There has also been “unhelpful” messages around “weight loss and exercise” targeted at those with obesity “but triggering those with existing difficulties”.
Social isolation has generally had an effect on people's mental health with fear and uncertainty fuelling anxiety. This has been further exacerbated by changes to people's routine and home lives.
HOW TO SEEK HELP FOR AN EATING DISORDER The first point of contact is often your general practitioner or family foctor, who will then make recommendations or a referral to a specialist in this area of treatment.
The following organisations also offer assistance:
Cipla 24hr Mental Health Helpline 0800 456 789
Adcock Ingram Depression & Anxiety Helpline 0800 70 80 90
ADHD Helpline 0800 55 44 33
Akeso Psychiatric Response Unit 24 Hour 0861 435 787 Dept of Social Development Substance Abuse 24hr Helpline 0800 12 13 14 SMS 32312
Suicide Crisis Line 0800 567 567
SADAG Mental Health Line 011 234 4837
“Brown. Gooey. Thick. It lay on the table in front of me. I could smell it from where I sat. The scent made my stomach queasy, bubbling with anxiety. My friends surrounded me, smiling and laughing. They weren't concerned about it. I dared not join in. My hands shook, so I hid them under the table. I tried to smile along but failed miserably. I couldn't concentrate on what they were saying. Only one thing was on my mind. How on earth was I supposed to eat this?