Mask on

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Exciting reports from Italy featuring art, lifestyle, food, travel, fashion, design

我悅讀 Leggo Antipasto In the same manner as adding a few drops of olio piccante to pizza 就像吃 pizza來幾滴 olio piccante Some when, some where We were dancing; we were performing. But we did not ask for an audience. In front of you is a margarita pizza. I, Antipasto am not the competing cheese powder. In fact, I am the olio piccante inside the bottle. Stimulating your taste bud as the existing, unnoticed flavours are enhanced. Like rediscovering the buried creativity in the city. The dance was unintended. Neither we dare not to dream - dancing with you. Don’t be my partner, but be a part of us.

某年某月某日/ 某處/ 我們在「跳舞」/ 乍看/ 是場表演/ 但我們不/ 不要觀眾 就像一客/ 薄餅/ Antipasto不是那喧賓/ 奪主的芝士粉/ 而是/ Olio Piccante ──只為刺激你的味蕾/ 令本已存在/ 不易 察覺的滋味/ 再被發現/ 就像這城市中的創意 那段「舞」是/ 偶發的/ 只望你/ 妳來加入/ 不求共舞/ 但將舞非舞/ I read Antipasto/ 主菜/ 還看你的 Main course? Pick from your menu

“Ed Mask”, cover by Simone Massoni









DANIELE MARI after years experimenting different kind of visual arts, he has found his representing style in photography as a contamination between video-art and fashion. Based in Milan, he constantly works with several magazines, artists and blogs. One of his recent projects is the collaboration with Golab Agency, with a collection of unique and dreamlike editorial images for various fashion brands.

SIMONE MASSONI of SKETCHTHISOUT, is a visual artist based in Florence, Italy. He spreads his passion for everything that is visual stimulating and has founded his own brand SketchThisOut in 2005. Through his creations, messages are carried to express himself and defend art.

RAFFAELE LENTI has started his career when he was very young in Restaurants and Pizzerias until the year 2002, when his life has turned to a new page at the Exedra Hotel in Rome. Thereafter he has made various experiences in luxury hotels throughout Italy and Europe. And he is now the Executive Chef of the Best Western Hotel Selene.

GUIA ROSSI is a fashion stylist, a stop motion artist wannabe and an architect to be. She is from the seaside city Genoa and has transferred to Milan since 1997 and works as a fashion journalist for several Italian and American magazines. “ Research, curiosity and passion are the keys to compose the soul of styling!”

ROBERTO PRIOLO, 26, is an Italian travel journalist based in London and is a guidebook geek who has travelled to Africa, Asia, America and Europe. He loves meeting new people, discovering foreign cultures and visiting beautiful and inspiring places. He wants to travel everywhere, and if he can make a living out of it that is even better!

PIERDOMENICO BACCALARIO from Acqui Terme (Alessandria), who won the prize of Il Battello a vapore in 1998 with his novel “La strada del Guerriero”. And ever since then he has been publishing children’s books, fantasy novels and adventure fictions. Today he is the chief editor of Atlantyca Entertainment and his books are translated into 24 languages. 05

“All great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity” said FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE by LOU TAYLOR



Summer’s over. Shorts and t-shirts are packed away in the bottom drawer for another year and it’s time for a new outfit befitting the coming season.

To avoid being recognised as a living being and possibly cursed by a tormented soul, it would be necessary to appear in disguise as one of the dead.

Autumn - or Fall – marks the end of summer, a transition from light, sunny days to the cold, dark of winter. It’s a curious in-between space: summer holidays are a recent memory yet the shops are stocked with Christmas merchandise. Some 2,000 years ago, the Celts of northern Europe celebrated new year’s day on November 1st. At the end of the harvest, and with food stored to last (hopefully) through the long hard winter ahead, it was a time for remembering human death, when spirits would re-visit earth and cause chaos, damage crops and influence the Druids (Celtic Priests).

Just imagine, you’re a Celt cloaked in animal skins with an animal head masking your face. There’s a cacophony all around you from the crowds of villagers and the night air carries their fear.

Samhain, a pagan festival commemorating darkness and death, would take place on October 31st, New Year’s Eve. And those who had died during the past year would finally move on to the otherworld on this night. This was the night that the dead mixed with the living!

Well, the past-time of burning sacrificial sheep and wearing the carcass of an animal may not be so popular nowadays, thankfully, but the tradition of masquerade has evolved and continues today, inspiring many an artful imagination.

Everyone is masked, hoping to be mistaken as one of the wandering dead and be left in peace by them! No-one is recognisable to you. Nothing is what it seems. You’ll offer a sacrificial sheep to your pagan god on an enormous bonfire and hope that the bonfire’s flames will carry spirits on their journey to the next world.

Be inspired, be masked •

For more information:


Lucha Libre. Mexico wrestling mask

Exorciser’s mask. China, Ghizhou Province

Sailor Jenny. Traditional tattoo

Medico della peste (The Plague Doctor) Venetian Traditional Mask. Anti-gas Mask. Europe II World War

Pierrot Venetian Traditional Mask.

Tiki Face. Polynesian Culture, Pacific Ocean

In front of a mirror is a face that grins, a face that lies. It is an invisible suit that covers a body, as we wear our skin. Our dress is the Mask, the mask that hides, hide us from what we really are• 13

臉譜背後 an interview with Agostino Dessi, a renowned mask artist. 訪談傳統面具大師Agostino Dessi by Joe Baldi 由Joe Baldi採訪 翻譯Walter Tsang

alking down the winding passages in Florence, I let destiny lead. After several turns, in the middle of a narrow street, many pairs of eyes are looking at me. I turn around unconsciously. There are as many faces in a stupendous window calling to me. I have invited myself into this wonderland of mask – The kingdom of mister Dessi.

How did you start making masks and When? In the world of masks, what attracts you? I was lucky because I grew up in the country of Serdiana, near Cagliari in Sardegna, where the natural resources from the environment were ready to be used by my hands. I started at 14-15 years old. At first, I felt in love with sculpture. I remember I used to find clay from the meadow outside my home and I started to build huge masks with horns, with geometrical traits and etc. My inspiration came from the demon faces in Santa Maria di Sibiola (13th Century Roman-Pisan style church). I really enjoyed moving my hands with my father’s instruments like hammer, chisel, screwdriver and saw, to express myself. My happiness, fear, rage, pride, tenderness and sadness were all forged from an unshaped piece of wood or stone. Which school did you go to? And what is your background in art and culture? I attended the Belle Arti Academy in Turin and Florence from 1972 to 1976. Then I moved to Venice where I was

overwhelmed by Tiepolo’s paintings. Many of them were dedicated to Pulcinella and other characters from the 18th Century. Pulcinella’s long nose, the Baute and Morete masks, the extraordinary costumes, the scenes full of musicians and traditional entertainment were all fascinating to me. I used to go to the theatre in Venice. The first time I saw a Goldoni’s comedy Arlecchino Servitore di Due Padroni (Servant of Two Masters), it was love at first sight! Arlecchino, Stenterello, Brighella, Doctor Pantalone and many others, they were just gorgeous. On the other hand from M.Sand’s engravings, I discovered the classical and traditional ones. Where do you get your inspiration? I get my ideas from people and things around me. For instance, the Pierrot has my daughter’s face, Alice; and many friends of mine are very often my inspiration. In Florence, I had the chance to see Caravaggio’s Jellyfish Mask, and I decided to make my own version of papier-mâché with gold leaf. For the last few years, I’ve been experimenting the creation of masks in leather for the Art Comedy and


magic tales: fairies, elves, human sun, human moon…and Pinocchio – I like Pinocchio very much. And my new temptation is to make a cyber mask! Your works are very diverse, from comedy to fairy tales, ancient to modern. Besides your personal creation, have your ever had any special commissions for example from film or TV productions? If yes, are they dedicated to a specific use or purpose? Yes, I have. I made committed artworks, for example for the movie “La Maschera” by Fiorella Infascelli. I was asked to make the masks for some special characters in the movie: the leaf-shaped one for the actress Helena Bonham Cartner, the FireMask and the Bauta one… Masks are magically beyond time and without ends. But what do you think about the future of a traditional craftsmanship like yours? The future is bright, I assure you. My daughter Alice has helped me since she was 12 years old, and we now teach in a laboratory called “The Art of Mask”. Our students learn how to make basic models with clay or wood and realize the classical masks of the 18th Century Italian theatre with different techniques of decoration. They are coming from all over the world: America, Canada, Japan and lately from China too.

Which is the basis to realize your masks? My basis comes from a long experience with the traditional techniques from the 15th Century. They were widely adopted by papier-mâché artists like Sansovino, sculptor Bernini. Nevertheless I’ve never stopped experimenting novel concept in order to improve my work. Which is the secret of your job? Your talent, patience? Well, the thing is I love my job. Masks are my big passion and I enjoy working on them. I always say: “I don’t work to live, but I live to work”! I’ve met many other good artists in my career and some were even faster and better than me. But very often they gave up and switched to other job. Therefore my key to success is – be passionate in work. It is not necessary to have any special talent, but you must believe in yourself and in what you do. Could you name a memorable client, buyer or commissioner? The great British actor Anthony Hopkins. It was a pleasure for Alice and myself to work for him in the famous movie “Hannibal”. I still have the photo he gave to thank us; he wrote on the back: “To Alice with love - Anthony Hopkins”


沿著佛羅倫斯蜿蜒小徑,命運驅使我信步而行。彎過又彎,當我走 到一條窄巷中央,忽爾感到萬千目光落在我身上。我下意識回身, 只見喜怒哀樂人生百孔盡在偌大的櫥窗後呼喚著我。從而我自邀進 入這個妙境的面具世界 - Dessi 先生的王國。

你在什麼時候和怎樣開始造臉譜的呢? 在這片國土裡是什麼吸引了你? 我很幸運,我在薩丁尼亞卡利亞里港附 近的Serdiana市長大,那裡有豐富的自 然資源,給我雙手隨時運用。大約在我 十四、五的時候開始,我便對雕塑產生 興趣。我記得在家外面的園地隨手可找 來黏土,於是便開始堆砌出一個又一個 巨大 的臉譜,有大大的尖角和幾何圖 案等等。靈感來自位十三世紀教堂Santa Maria di Sibiola內的魔鬼相貌。 我非常喜愛舞動我父親的工具,如鎚 子、鑿子、螺絲擺和刀鋸,從奇形怪狀 的木頭和石塊雕琢成一件件寫我心情的 作品。有時歡樂、驚慌、憤怒,有時驕 傲、溫柔和傷心。 你在哪裡學習?而你的藝術和文化背景 是怎樣的? 一九七二至七六年,我在都靈和佛羅倫 斯的Belle Arti Academy修課。之後 我移居威尼斯,深受提埃坡羅的畫作風 靡,他的作品有不少以普爾欽奈拉和其 他十八世紀的人物或角色為題。普爾欽 奈拉的長鼻子、 Baute 和 Morete 的臉 譜、奇特的服飾、充滿音樂手表演和 傳統娛樂節目的場面,這一切都使我 著迷。我在威尼斯的時候經常會到劇院 去。而當我第一次欣賞Goldoni的喜劇 《一僕兩主》,簡直是一見鍾情。Arlec chino、Stenterello、Brighella、Docto r Pantalone,以及許多其他角色,個個 扮相獨特。相反全靠M. Sand的雕刻, 啟發了我對古典和傳統作品的情懷。

你從何處得到靈感? 我從我身邊的人和事得到意念,譬如說 這個意大利喜劇家 Pierrot 臉譜,有一 副像我女兒愛麗絲的臉,而很多我的朋 友亦經常給我靈感。在佛羅倫斯我看到 卡拉瓦喬的水母臉譜,於是決定要用紙 漿模型加上金薄,創作自己的版本來。 近年,我嘗試為藝術喜劇和魔幻故事創 作皮製臉譜,試驗角色包括仙子、小精 靈、人臉太陽和月亮,還有小木偶,我 特別喜歡小木偶這角色的。我下一個的 目標是數碼臉譜! 你的作品極之多元化,由喜劇到神話故 事,從古至今,比比皆是。除了你的個 人作品,有沒有一些特別應約的工作, 如電影或電視製作?這些創作有沒有特 定的用途或目的? 有啊!我製作過不少委約作品,例 如 Fiorella Infascelli 的電影“臉 譜”(“The Mask”)。我要為電影中 的特別角色創作臉譜:女角Helena Bonham Cartner的樹葉形臉譜、火臉 和威尼斯的節日傳統Bauta臉譜… 臉譜充滿魔幻,可穿越時空,創意無 限。而你又怎樣看你這種藝術傳統的將 來? 我肯定說臉譜一定有它的將來。我的 女兒愛麗絲從十二歲開始就喜歡幫我製 作,而我們倆現在於“臉譜的藝術“實 驗室授徒。我們教導學員怎樣用黏土和 木頭製作基本模型,用以不同裝飾技巧

來塑造十八世紀劇場的意大利臉譜。他 們來自世界各地,包括美國、加拿大、 日本,最近還有來自中國的學員哩。 你製作臉譜的基本程序是怎樣的? 我的基礎來自十五世紀的古老技 術和經驗。這些技術都是經紙漿 模型大師和雕刻家所採用的,如 Sansovino,Bernini。為了把我的作品 推到更 上一層樓, 我會仍然不斷嘗試新 穎的概念。 你工作的成功秘訣是什麼?是才華、耐 性……? 最重要的是我愛我的工作。我熱愛臉 譜,也很享受製作臉譜的過程。所以我 經常說:“不要為生活而工作,是要為 工作而生活!”我在製作臉譜的生涯遇 上多位出色的藝術家,他們有很多比我 造的更快更好,不過他們往往放棄了臉 譜而另覓工作。 因此我成功的鑰匙在於 對工作熱誠。不需要什麼特別的才華, 但是一定要相信自己和自己所做的東 西。 遇過難忘的顧客、買手或委託人嗎?是 誰? 最難忘的是著名英國影星安東尼鶴健 士。可以跟他在電影《沉默的殺機》 (“ Hannibal ”)合作, Alice 和我都感 到很榮幸。我還保留著他給我們致謝的 照片,背面寫道:“To Alice with love - Anthony Hopkins”

Translator’s note: Sir Philip Anthony Hopkins, CBE, is a an Academy Award winning Welsh actor of film, stage and television.

BLAIR: Coat (Future Classics from Dmop). Hat and Shoes (Emily London X Staccato). ABRAHAM: Jacket (Gene par YUKIO MISHIBA from Harvey Nichols). Knitted jumper (agnès b). Pants (Diesel).

The scene froze on the spur of the moment, when it was captured by the painter’s eyes. Before everything was turned into history; there was the elegance of poetry, love, hate, battle and killing. The kept emotions eternally hover along the corridor and are expressed in the centuries-old paintings. Styling and text by ATHENA CHOI Photo by CLEMENT CHAN, TOBY LAI Make up & Hair by VICKI KWOK, CHARMAINE CHEUNG, YVONNE TO (Backstage @ Bridal Academy) Models ABRAHAM SIU & BLAIR C (Retro Model Management)

Top (Plein Sud from The Swank). Net veil and hair accessories (Jaycow). Necklace (Utah Lee from House of Style)


Coat (agnès b). Shirt (Diesel).

Lace top (Marc by Marc Jacob). Skirt (agnès b). Necklace (Ela from Harvey Nichols). Hat (Emily London X Staccato).


BLAIR: Knitted vest (Diesel). Dress (Under.ligne Doo.Ri from Harvey Nichols). ABRAHAM: Knitted jacket (Andrew Crew from Dmop). Shirt and Pants (agnès b).

Cape (agnès b). Vest (Diesel). T-shirt (Valentino from Harvey Nichols). Belt (Diesel). Legging (Blue Heros from Dmop).

Cape (Alice by Temperley). Coat dress(Ni-Chi). Legging (Sass &bide). Necklace (Venna). All from Harvey Nichols 29

Foreigners who have just arrived in Italy usually don’t know what ‘‘aperitivo’’ is. Don’t worry: you’ll hear the word often and will soon fall in love (some may even get a little obsessed)! But as the aperitivo is intended, it is the Italian word for the special cocktail hour before dinner. 遊客甫到意大利,都不會知道甚麼叫aperitivo。沒所謂,你很快就會聽的很慣,而且 每次聽到都會興奮莫名。因為aperitivo即是意大利晚飯前的雞尾酒時段。

photos by DANIELE MARI


One or two cocktails aren’t seen as harmful to your health; instead, we know they stimulate your appetite before dinner. The word “aperitivo” is often translated as happy hour, but I can tell you that it is far more fashionable than happy hour. Rather than disgruntled people getting off work and staring into their beers, aperitivo is an occasion to treat your stomach to some delicious concoctions with a spread of nicely arranged food in small portions in a supplementary buffet: regional cold cuts, fresh sliced vegetables, meat balls and more. You may help yourself and pick what you like, while some bars prepare plates directly from the kitchen and deliver them to each guest.

crowd flows from offices to the network of bars. Some prefer to go a neighboring café for a spritz and to snack on olives and chips, while bars in Navigli, Brera and Porta Romana offer a variety of styles and ambience: from classic to modern, causal to cosmopolitan, underground to garden lookout, the super chic like Café Trussardi, Nobu and Bulgari Hotel and not forgetting the most featured watering hole for decades - Bar Basso.

Milan claims to be the city of aperitivo. When the night falls, the

House aperitivo is not uncommon either. Those of good hospitality invite friends home; these friends bring friends, jamming the party and bringing more drinks and food over. The party is prolonged as late as the laughs continue. So make sure you have the alarm on for the next morning

別為一兩杯雞尾酒會有害健康而擔心, 反之它們只會醒胃。一般而言,有人 會把aperitivo譯為HAPPY HOUR,但 我可告訴你知,aperitivo實在時尚得 多。滿肚嘮叨的人下班後會去劈酒,但 aperitivo不,不也。一份份量小而精美 的冷盤、蔬菜、一些肉丸等等分佈在吧 檯上,吃多少吃甚麼請隨意。而有些酒 吧則會選擇直接從廚房送上新鮮熱辣的 特選食物給每位來客。 米蘭被譽為aperitivo之城,每當夜幕 降臨,群眾甫下班即竄往酒吧裡,有人

會在鄰家茶館來一杯spritz配上橄欖和薯 片。而不同區的酒吧風格迴異任君選擇 ──無論是傳統/新潮、隨意/典雅、 開揚/隱閉......總有一間合你 心意。最時髦的例子有Café Trussardi, Nobu, Bulgari Hotel…啊!不得不提的 仍然是這迄立不倒的傳奇酒館Barbasso 吧。 當然自設aperitivo,招呼朋友連群結隊 來家盡興也絕不希奇。他們都會自帶酒 水食物,令派對笑聲不絕至天明──請 你別忘了調好鬧鐘就好了。

The revolutionary bar was born in 1936 and still remains top of the list in Milan today. It sits on a pointed edge of the roundabout on Viale Abruzzi...


Mr.Maurizio Stocchetto, son of the famed Mirko Stocchetto, preparing a Negroni Sbagliato. photo by DANIELE MARI


The bar is extended on two sides of the triangular block. On the posh 19th century style side, there are prizes and a couple of old photos (visit of presidents, actors and VIPs) on the wall. On the other side, it is decorated with wood giving it rustic feel. You can’t describe it as trendy in this period, but its drink is legendary and evergreen.“We are real barmen with experience and a real passion for this job! Here it’s different from other bars that pop up everyday.” Mirko Stocchetto (the owner of Bar Basso) told our reporter- Valentina Frasca. Negroni Sbagliato (Negroni mistaken) is the signature cocktail and one of Italy’s most well-known created by Stocchetto over 35 years ago. Quality never goes out of fashion, in fact Barbasso is a reference point in Milan for V.I.P. especially artists and designers. “We cured the Cattelan exposition’s aperitivo last week.” Stocchetto added. “I know my clients, lots of them have been coming here for years. I usually personalize their cocktails according to their tastes.”

Mr. Stocchetto - 1974

MIRKO STOCCHETTO’S BIOGRAPHY Born and grew up in Venice, started working in a bar when he was only a kid. After school he worked at “Trattoria Colomba” in Venice and was fascinated by that world. In 1944 he left school and was employed at Harry’s bar. Thereafter he was resident barman at Hotel Monaco in Venice and later at Hotel de la Poste in Cortina D’Ampezzo (famous ski site in Italy). He encountered high society clients, aristocrats, popular icons like Ernest Hemingway, Elizabeth Taylor and Peter Sellers. He has become a reliable friend to some of his clients and was often called for important events in their mansions. In 1967 he took over Bar Basso in Milan as the previous owners were retiring. The birth of the Negroni Sbagliato happened in one of those crazy days when he worked 24 hours a day.To avoid wasting what was in front of him, he replaced gin with prosecco in a negroni. The client sipped the cocktail and replied “Try it, it’s good!” Due to his expertise in bartending, he joined A.I.B.E.S. the association of Italian barmen. And, being a judge in many international competitions, he has travelled all over the world.

Bar Basso’s historical wall photo by DANIELE MARI 39

INGREDIENTS 30% of Bitter Campari 30% Vermouth Rosso Martini 30% Gin ( Stocchetto’s favourite one is Tanqueray) one slice of Orange PREPARATION A good cocktail is not only about the quality of the ingredients, but the exact measures too. Shake all the ingredients in an ice filled shaker until well chilled and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. OPTIONAL: GARNISH WITH A BURNT ORANGE Cut a stripe of peel off a ripe orange, takes as little pith as possible (the white interlayer between the skin and fruit). Hold the peel between thumb and index fingers firmly with skin facing out to the flame an inch away. A burst of flame is then released from the oil of the peel. The aroma will add a note of orange to the cocktail. NOTE: The recipe of Negroni Sbagliato is the same with processo replacing gin. Negroni Sbagliato from Bar Basso served with their typical giant glass and glass cube.


by RAFFAELE LENTI Executive Chef of Best Western Hotel Selene(Rome)

I believe that aperitivo is one of the most cheerful food breaks of the day. Whenever we talk about it the first thing that comes to my mind is “party making”! Perhaps I feel like this because “aperitif time”, most of the times, frees you from daily routine and psychologically prepares you to something beautiful: a special evening, a party or simply a dinner.

The Spritz cocktail is less chic than Bellini even though the taste is similar but it is, at the same time, very fashionable, perfect to combine with full flavoured tapas: chicken jambonette with prunes and foie gras (French specialty spreadable and made of goose liver) patanegra roll (famous Spanish ham) with vinegar artichokes etc.

In any case I firmly believe that in an excellent aperitif, a good prosecco is always present. It makes a good base of many varieties of cocktail.

To pair Campari cocktails: NEGRONI (Bitter Campari, Vermouth Red Martini, Gin) to drink with a small canapé made of maise “polenta” and patè of foie gras. AMERICANO (Bitter Campari, Red Martini, Soda), to drink with “bignè” made of sesame seeds ( a small round cake made of flour, eggs, milk, butter and yeast) spread over with bass and black olive cream.

My favourite aperitif is BELLINI made with prosecco and white peach nectar, two wonderful ingredients: the prosecco representing Italian wine all over the world and white peach- ripening in early summer. I love combining Bellini with tapas (typical hors d’oeuvre in Spanish cuisine) of delicate taste: lobster crudités with fennel chips, vanilla and lemon prawns with avocado tartare, lard oysters with crunchy fava beans and so on. Another very good cocktail is SPRITZ made with aperol, prosecco, and soda.

The aperitif is designed to excite the taste buds and stomach in preparation for a richer dish at dinner. Generally prosecco, vinegar, citrus fruit and salt work really well as such a stimulus while Vodka and Rum are better appreciated after supper

Aperitivo或許不是一天中最好的一餐, 但絕對是最有樂趣。每次說起它,腦海 總會聯想到派對所掀動的愉快心情 。 不落俗套的全情投入一個派對或簡簡單 單一頓小吃也別具意思。但無論如何, 一杯優秀雞尾酒绝不能少不了一支好的 prosecco 來幻變出無數款色香味美的 雞尾酒。 由 prosecco 和白桃溝成的 Bellini 是我 的最愛── pro sec c o 是意大利酒的 代表,而白桃則在每年夏天當造。而 Bellini最坐的拍擋莫過於脆口的小盤 ──半熟的龍蝦配茴香葉配青檸牛油果 他他汁,又或是脆焗石蠔等等。 S p r i t z 亦 是 心 頭 好 之 一 , 由 aperol、prosecco和梳打混成。它的 味道和 Bellini 很相近,但入口更醒神。

它和濃郁口味的小盤是完美組合──雞 鎚釀鵝奸、西班牙火腿包心菜等都是一 時之選。 當然還有其它雞尾酒和食物配搭 以Campari作酒基的: Negroni ──配意式玉米蓉和鵝肝肉醬 共用味道更相得益彰 Americano─ 與法國貝奈特餅再加上 一層厚厚的黑橄欖醬是最佳伴侶 Aperitivo 的神奇之處在於刺激味蕾和 胃液分泌,提高正餐的食欲令味道變得 更加富有。 prosecco 、醋和水果等等 效果最好。而含Rhum和Vodka的雞尾 酒,則較適合作為飯後酒。 43

Many think that making cocktails is just mixing everything together like fried rice, or that cocktails are only sickeningly sweet concoctions for girls. If so, I doubt if you ever have had a really good one. Among the countless cocktail recipes available in the universe, do you really think they are all pink drinks for sorority girls? Each cocktail has its own personality, just like us. Some people stay with the one to which they feel connected; I admit that I am the lover of many.

This CUCUMBER MARTINI is very easygoing, which lures you to sip and sip again. The delight opens your appetite to the range of freshest sustainable seafood on the bar menu. Behind the sheer curtain of the “surprise me” martini, the secret is the harmony created by Hendrick’s gin and honey from Austria, which was found by Paul, the bar manager, in his annual ingredient discovery trip in Europe. Also worth noting is the cocktail “Still in my head!” which has a gradual taste that grows and a last sip that lingers. SHORE, 3/F, the L Place, 139 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2915-1638

The strawberry version of Bellini - ROSSINI - is a typical champagne cocktail originally from Italy, and not often found on the Hong Kong drink menus. The sparkle is touched with strawberry puree and a sense of elegance and romance bubble up in rosy light. Its premium ingredients make this simple cocktail stand out in its category. Furthermore, it is an excellent accompaniment to the Italian styled buffet served in the aperitivo section, frittata, bruschetta, polenta chips…

W52 52 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: +852 6768-5252


Instead of the one sweet (triple sec) to one sour (lime juice) used in the regular tequila based margarita, the PEASANTS .MARGARITA offers a complexity of double sweet and double sour. In the icy chilled glass, a scattered of flavours can easily be figured out like lime, grapefruit and sweetener (agave nectar). The conclusive brush on the tip completes the sweetness that the sapor seems familiar, yet takes some effort to indentify it. The answer is honey. This unusual recipe has positively astonished the cocktail with an extra guessing game! CAFÉ GRAY, Level 49, The Upper House, Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong Tel: +825 3968-1106

Today in our fast-paced and material world, many bars concentrate on their appearance and have forgotten the basics of serving a good drink. I’m sad to report that many bar tenders in Hong Kong skip the muddling part when preparing a mojito, yet contrarily it is the soul of a decent mojito! A hidden watering hole next to Propaganda in the alley off Ezra Lane, besides the aperitif time (French runs) with the live jazz music, it makes fabulous GINGER MOJITOS. The characteristic scent and flavour of ginger enrich the refreshment of mint. Ginger and mojito, they are born to be a pair! GECKO, LG/F, Ezra Lane, Lower Hollywood Road, Central, Hong Kong, Tel: +825 2537-4680

Screening the sunset over Victoria Harbour, the note of mandarin peel brings in a clean sweetness of lychee emerged in the liquors. This is how .852 greet you with an after taste of acidity. A splash of fruity flavours in the splendidly rich foam ends spitefully with the bitterness from the grapefruit juice that adds freshness and integrates the sugariness. Accompany with the finger food served at Blue Bar hours, is doubtlessly a real treat to end a hectic day of work!

BLUE BAR, Four Seasons Hotel, 8 Finance Street, Central, Hong Kong Tel: +825 3196-8830

“You don’t know Hong Kong ‘til you have experienced a typhoon no. 10 at the penthouse. “ Just like its namesake, .TYPHOON NO. 10 is rebellious. Its ingredients contradict themselves: vanilla sugar, red chili and lemongrassinfused vodka are well blended with ginger beer and syrup, and topped with bubbles of prosecco. The imbiber first smells vanilla, then tastes the chilling essence of lemongrass and vodka, and chews the lemongrass a bit, enhancing the spicy chili. Finally you are swept away on winds of prosecco and sparkles of ginger beer. What an exciting adventure it is! AQUA SPIRIT, 30/F, One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong Tel: +825 3427-2288


They’re the great demand among journalists and photographers, the new Pop Stars of the century: more popular than the original ones, more stars than the Stars! THEY’RE MY LITTLE POP ICONS. by GUIA ROSSI photos courtesy of MARI KASURINEN


lamorous on the web Red Carpet, they make their fans all over the globe go frenzy. And nothing is approximate, every detail is super stylish: from My Little Lady Gaga’s platinum-blonde hair, as in the record cover of “The Fame”; to the fetish glasses, perfectly copied from one of her looks in the “Telephone” video, with sigarette butts . The blonde My Little Marilyn Monroe curls from the 50’s and her iconical pose are easily recognizable in Billy Wilder’s movie The Seven Year Itch of 1955; and from the catwalks, the English fashion stylist Vivienne W wears the famous Mock-Crock

Elevated Gillies from which Naomi C fell from during a fashion show in Paris in 1993. But don’t let them fool you, the My Little Pop Icons are real works of art. The beloved Hasbro pony, a nostalgic 80’s toy, sweetly submits to a young Finnish artist called Mari Kasurinen for a new transformation; her artistic research leads tothe reflection on how the icons of the modern pop era become an important and satisfying Alias for our own identity. The transfiguration of the Pop Icons’ facial features with the mini-horse icons are amazing. Most of the new models have already been sold out so we can only hope and await the next new edition of little icons •


“If Ernest Hemingway, James Michener, Neil Simon, Frank Loyd Wright, and Pablo Picasso could not get it right the first time, what makes you think that you will?� PAUL HECKEL said. There is no absolute on earth. In the process of finding makes discovery; discloses not only what is right but also those, which are wrong. by ATHENA CHOI

Hide and seek

design which enjoys finding

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body -- Joseph Addison. When both are combined, there is no better substitute than hiding inside books to seek inspiration. Then guess how many books DAVID A. GARCIA read to create the path of this walking library?

Where is salt? Where is garlic? Have you played enough hide and seek in the kitchen yet? Then take a look at this x-ray-like luminous cupboard and see whether you could precisely locate your grocery with the design of JEAN NOUVEL for Corian. Hurry up! You still have time left to re-organise your kitchen before the guests arrive! If the skyline of Hong Kong has shifted to Sweden, it will probably become somewhat like this glass tree hotel by THAM & VIDEGĂ…RD ARKITEKTER IN HARADS. The hotel itself is hidden in its reflection of the surrounding forest. The residence is instantly transferred to the fourthdimensional space.

To try the wrong routes will help you get it right or you may look out at the 16,000 plants to draw the exit if you ever get to the elusive centre of the maze where the observation tower is located. This three-dimensional hedge maze with six wooden bridges and a tower in the centre at Longleat House was designed by GREG BRIGHT in 1975.


Optical illusion

design which confuses you eyes Making impossible, possible; isn’t that what art is all about? Spending countless seconds in front of Escher’s Ascending and Descending, I only wonder. Gazing The Beauiful Steps leading to heaven, created by artists LANG AND BAUMANN, I have no words. Wehrli Müller / Fotografen, CH-8103 Unterengstringen (

I wish I could bring this fadeout chair back to my childhood to save many of us from being punished by sitting on one of those “chairs without shadows”. The attachment between clear acrylic and wood is hand painted for unifying the master creation of NENDO.

Don’t we play magic when we dress ourselves? Transforming your daily look requires only a wardrobe. Furthermore practice makes everything better. How’s about playing your trick with this creation of fashion master JEAN PAUL GAULTIER for Roche Bobois?

The external form and material of this house merge evenly in the natural landscape of L’Ardévaz, with the mountain on its back. It ought to be an imagined house that stands on one leg and everything inside tilts. Rub your eyes—the three-levelled Zufferey House by NUNATAK ARCHITECTES has one end raised up for parking and requires absolutely no particular balance ability to live in it. photo by Wehrli Müller

From afar, this could be a giant oyster. On closer inspection, its soft woollen fabric has betrayed our eyes. It is not an organism or a prop, but the Ostrea sofa (means oyster in Latin) by ANNIKA GÖRANSSON, who hand-sewed the cover and draped the rough shell structure. On the contrary, the sitting area remains as smooth as the meat for comfort.


Double personality

design which carries multi - character Long periods of sitting help peple to gain fat. This stool design Coppi from Campeggi is going to shut all the mouths of the fit keepers. The footrest transforms into a cycling facility after being combined with the pedal. Who says sitting cannot make exercise?

When a hedgehog has its spine pointed toward you, it is a warning, like, “If you ever give me cheese, I am gonna grate it into shreds, into powder.� Here we speak of this Kasimir Cheese Grater by PINKEYE. This pink hedgehog is not only useful, but it is also very user friendly! Its four legs stand still on any surface and an in bow body for hand gripping.

If the size of the diamond in an engagement ring can fasten love, does it fasten as firm as a screw? The M3 + M4 ring from the NATIONAL DESIGN COLLECTIVE has a detachable M3 or an M4 stainless steel hex- screw embedded in the sterling silver ring. Will you still marry me?

After office hours, we are allowed to have fun like kids do with their toys. If you liked spinning top, here is a bigger version with which you could even spin yourself. The fun spun seat by THOMAS HEATHERWICK keeps your mind young. The chair has been designed for Italian manufacturers Magis and is made of rotational moulded polyethylene.

No matter if you want a glass of wine, champagne, cognac or only water, hold on to your glass and the only one. EvOlverre (revolution + glass in French) has one glass container base that comes with different foot adaptors designed by Utopik Dzgn Lab. Simply switch to the right foot for the occasion. 59

Behind the tall and slender buildings, there is a world of nature. The territories and hundreds of islands are surrounded by sea, miles of mountains rose from the curvy coastlines where the habitat of the wildlife is, nourished by the sub-tropical climate. Separated by the concrete wall in the city, the entrance to the secret garden is not far from reach. In fact how many other cities on earth offer such a variety of discoveries like Hong Kong? Here are some isolated outdoor activities available in Hong Kong. Come and get close to the nature and take a good look of the spectacular scenery.

Kayaking Hong Kong National Geopark, a true gift from the Mother Nature. It is accessible by sea and via hiking route. KAYAKING is a good way to explore the gallery of natural art; row along the spectaculars volcanic coastline and pass under sea caves and arches. Basic swimming skill is required and prior kayaking experience is not necessary.

Photo is provided from Kayak and Hike Ltd (kayaking and hike tour operator)


Climbing Lies in between the border of the urban and nature, there are hills around. The magnificent bird eye view of the metropolis has made the treacherous terrain a prime location for the wealthy elites. However there is an alternative way to enjoy the scenery. A series of rock CLIMBING lessons of 3 -7 days could get you up there for a top rope climbing and costs only a fraction about $600 to $800. The sport is not affected much by weather, unless there is heavy rain or extreme condition. And disabled people are not restricted. Shek O, Beacon Hill and Kowloon Peak are some good venues in HK, while Tung Lung Island is suitable for advance climbers only.

Information and photo are provided from Asia Pacific Adventure (Specialist of outdoor skills training- mountain biking, adventure racing, kayaking, rock climbing etc.)

Paragliding The panorama of Hong Kong from above is probably amazing. Whenever flights taking off, it always attracts passengers (frequent and non frequent flyers) to lean toward the window for a gaze of the view. A close-up and much wider view is exactly what PARAGLIDING offers. As being one of the safest air sports, it is opened to people aged from 20 up to 60+ with training received and good judgment. A course for beginner pilot license costs around $7,200 and takes 7-8 lessons to learn about the basic before flying solo. Then there are other levels up to advance. Flying is indeed much easier than expected, to turn left simply apply controls to left side and vice versa. Confidence of control, stable takeoff and landing will be gradually developed from ground control and practice. Of course weather is an effective factor, do not fly under rain and strong winds. Popular spots in Hong Kong include Ma On Shan, Shek-O and Lantau. Usually in a normal condition, a flight could last from 30 min to all day, which is dependent on skill.

Information and photo are provided from Paraglide-Hk (A school of paragliding in Hong Kong taught by registered USAHPA instructor) 63

歡迎蒞臨洛奇恐怖晚會 shared by Isabella Rotti, the spectator of Rocky Horror at Cinema Mexico who is a fan of Rocky Horror from top to toe; In 1998 she wrote a book about Italian Rocky experience, titled “Rocky Horror: 25 anni di cult ” together with Dr. Scott and another spectator. 本文是由Isabella Rotti,墨西哥影院的The Rocky Horror Picture Show(下稱《 洛奇》)專家和一個徹頭徹尾的《洛奇》迷寫成。她與史葛博士等人著有“Rocky Horror: 25 anni di cult (1998)”一書,描繪意大利的洛奇實況。


London, 1972. Richard O’Brien, a young actor from New Zealand, wants to write a musical. He is thinking about a simple gothic plot, something “any ten year old boy could enjoy”, combining rock’n’roll, B-movies and science fiction. The result is “They Came from Denton High”. The musical is then developed in collaboration with Australian theatre director Jim Sharman. Musical arranger Richard Hartley, set designer Brian Thomson and costume designer Sue Blane scene also join the technical cast. The title changes into “The Rocky Horror Show” and is going to become the greatest musical cult of all time. “Rocky Horror”’s plot is really simple, yet weird. Brad and Janet, a perfect young American couple, is going to announce their engagement to Dr. Scott, their former science tutor. Driving during a cold rainy night, they take refuge to a strange castle, where they are greeted by Riff Raff, the hunchbacked handyman and the maid Magenta (Riff Raff’s sister). At the castle they meet Dr. Frank’N’Furter, a bisexual mad scientist and Columbia, a groupie who is in love with him. Frank is “a sweet transvestite” from planet Transsexual, in the galaxy of Transylvania. That same night he will create a blond, muscle man named Rocky Horror, with a part of brain of Eddie, a biker who happens to be Dr. Scott’s nephew and Columbia’s lover. Frank will have sex with both Rocky and the cute couple. But Riff Raff and Magenta kill Frank and Columbia in order to return to Transylvania. Dr. Scott, Brad and

Janet leave the castle, but their lives will never be the same. “The Rocky Horror Show” premieres in London, at the little Royal Court Theatre Upstairs on 16 June 1973 and runs until 20 July 1973. It is immediately a commercial and critical success. The production is then transferred to the larger Classic Cinema on Kings Road and, in 1974, to Los Angeles, at The Roxy Theatre. The musical play is soon adapted into a movie, produced by Lou Adler and Michael White. Technical and artistic cast is unchanged, with Richard O’ Brien as Riff Raff, Patricia Quinn as Magenta, Nell Campbell as Columbia, Jonathan Adams as Dr. Scott, Meatloaf (from the American production) as Eddie and great Tim Curry, the incredible “sweet transvestite” Frank’N’ Furter. Newcomers Susan Sarandon (Janet), Barry Bostwick (Brad), Charles Gray (the Narrator) and model Peter Hinwood (Rocky) join the group. The movie premieres in London on 28 August 1975 and is…a flop, both in Europe and US. The audience feels offended by Frank’s sexual ambiguity and often leaves the theatre before the end. But the movie has few enthusiastic fans. From 1976, in New York, at Waverly Theatre and Eight Street Playhouse Rocky gains notoriety as a Friday midnight movie and audience begin participating, dancing the famous “Time Warp”, replying to actors cues or throwing rice during the wedding scene. Hundreds of live casts arise all over the world. In Italy

the phenomenon is really impressive. Italian Rocky Horror House is located in Milan, at “Cinema Mexico”, which has been showing the movie every Friday since 1980. Its Diabolical Plan Cast is, according to Sal Piro – President of the Official Rocky Horror Fan Club - one of the best all over the world. Certainly Rocky is so successful because of its transgression, spontaneity and a kind of kitsch, camp and cinemagoer taste. Just in time for Halloween, on October 19, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment releases “Rocky Horror Picture Show 35th Anniversary Edition”. So what are you waiting for? As Frank says: “Don’t dream it, be it!” 1972年,倫敦。 李察(Richard O’Brien)是來自紐西蘭的 年輕演員,想創作一套音樂劇,初步構 思是一套歌德風格,老少咸宜得連10歲 稚子都能看懂的,同時融合搖滾、B片 和科幻小說,最終寫出“They Came from Denton High”。他接着和澳洲劇 院總監Jim Sharman合作將它搬上舞 台。編曲Richard Hartley、舞台設計 Brian Thomson和道具設計Sue Blane旋 即組成班底,劇名亦正名為“The Rocky Horror Show”── 一套無懼時間考驗的偉大劇作。 《洛奇》的情節確是簡單過頭── 一 雙美國璧人畢與珍妮特,正準備向他 們的前科學導師史葛博士宣佈婚訊。 他們在冷雨中駕車夜行,途經一座奇 怪的城堡投宿,在那裡受到駝背巧匠 Riff Raff和女傭Magenta(兩人為兄妹 關係)的熱誠招待。同時他們亦認識了 Dr. Frank’N’Furter這個雙性愛瘋狂科學 69

家,和傾慕他的Columbia。Frank是來 自Transylvania星系中「變性星球」的 「可愛的易服癖者」。恰恰在這夜,他 將造出名叫洛恐的金髮肌肉人──以他 的甥兒同時是 Columbia 的愛人 Eddie 的腦袋作為核心。Frank計劃與洛奇和 畢兩夫婦大搞特搞,不過最終Riff Raff 和 Magenta 為了回去 Transylvania 星 系,把Frank和 Columbia殺掉。史葛 博士、畢和珍妮特成功離開城堡,但他 們的命運從此改寫。 “The Rocky Horror Show”於1973年 6 月 16 日在倫敦一個小型劇院首演,公 演至同年 7 月 20 日。它叫好又叫座,成 功轉戰更大的劇院,1974年甚至越洋至 洛杉磯。 該劇不久就被拍成電影,大都沿用台前 幕後班底,並於翌年 8 月 28 日重返倫敦 首演,但無論在歐洲和美國,均慘淡收 場。觀眾無法接受 Frank 的雙性愛觀, 很多在放映中途已離座。不過電影仍 少數熱情支持者, 1976 年在紐約更是 「聲名狼藉」,觀眾不單跳着“ T ime Warp”,更會回答對白,甚至在婚禮一 幕時撒米,全球自此捲起了數以百計的 現場表演風,尤其在意大利。米蘭的墨 西哥影院,自1980年起逄周五晚放映《 洛奇》那裡幾近瘋狂的表演,正如官方 洛恐粉絲會主席所說,全球首屈一指。 《洛奇》以它的離經背道、合乎人欲, 游走在庸俗和超現實之間令他取得空前 成功。 臨近萬聖節,霍士(Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment) 在10月19日推出“Rocky Horror Picture Show 35th Anniversary Edition”。 你還在等甚麼,恰如 Frank 道:”不要 做夢,但讓它成真!•



There are films whose protagonists only exist on celluloid, roles that don’t need to be performed by great actors. When a striking idea and an indefectible screenplay can stand without the actor, mask enters the scene and creates the myth. Michael J. Fox will always be Marty McFly. So Harrison Ford is stuck with the unforgettable character of Indiana Jones, and the name ‘James Bond’ conjures up automatically reminds the traits of Sean Connery. Not forgetting Viggo Mortensen in the role of Aragorn. But who is Darth Vader? Who is Michael Myers? And who is V from V for Vendetta?

The list is endless. So let’s focus on the three above. The actor who played Darth Vader in the first three Star Wars episodes was David Prowse. And the character’s voice wasn’t his but that of James Earl Jones (which very few knows). The character of Anakin Skywalker has become the absolute protagonist of the whole saga. However Darth Vader is immortal, unlike any human actor who ages and dies. With his black helmet, sinister mask and his mechanic voice, Darth Vader is likely to be the number one villain in cinema history. The worldwide success of Halloween came as a surprise to the director

John Carpenter, who shot the movie with an extremely low budget and created an outright cult movie of the horror-slasher genre. The 80s saw the boom of this genre, other titles released include Nightmare and Friday the 13th. Michael Myers, despite the number of epigones, is still the most disturbing killer ever to appear on the silver screen. A white mask was sufficient to scare millions of watchers. Anonymous and inexpressive just like him, who could possibly feel indifferent froom his frenzied amok?

The mask can play with the mind, bringing memories and meanings to life, it is the trigger which allows us to rerun the emotions we felt the first time we watched the movie. And it will always be the same as the first time we saw it, in each single frame, not a different glance or smile, but fixed on celluloid and immortal. An unpredictable expressive power that delivers to the collective memory, a figure will never to be forgotten•

V, on the other hand, is a figment of Alan Moore’s genius, and belongs to the world of graphic novels. In the homonymous film V for Vendetta, the masked hero (played by Hugo Weaving) roams the city of London, repressed by a fascist regime that threatens the whole nation. With his face covered, the protagonist V struggles through incendiary actions to raise the consciousness of a people overpowered by the political regime. A smiling mask, inspired by the English conspirator Guy Fawkes, that embodies of subversion, rebellion, freedom and fight. A mask which Alan Moore elevated as a symbol, a message able to stir up an entire nation. Motionless masks, blank masks, sometimes bare and not particularly refined. They can move, thrill and frighten.

Michael Myers (Halloween)


The Bible is the most widely read and translated book in the world. It is the most interpreted, analyzed and contested one. It is the first book printed with movable type E’ il libro più letto e tradotto al mondo. Il più interpretato, contestato e analizzato. Il primo dato alle stampe con caratteri mobili. by PIERDOMENICO BACCALARIO

Whatever you may think, and anywhere in the world you may live, you cannot remain indifferent to its charms. If the basic texts of Islam, Confucianism and Buddism have been revealed or compiled by a single author or by the inner circle of his followers, the Bible has a more complex story: has been drawn up in more than 1500 years, from 40 generations of compilers, kings, visionaries, Prophets and simple fishermen. It has been written in three languages: Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek and in three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. Its real mistery,is its substantial coherence, instead of being its contradictions or far-fetched narratives (the world has been created in 7 days) and those which

should made us reflecting (Cain cursed by God for killing his brother Abel, is the one who founded the first city, and his sons created the technical tools of metal, and are dedicated to music). The main body of its myths draws even more on ancient myths: it is Sumerian the myth of the Great Flood, but for that there exits echoes in cultures all around the world; Mazdeist is the one related to the power of God’s Word and hence is its alphabet. For passionates of history and archeology, the Bible has dozens of pages to decipher: do the Giants mentioned in Genesis really existed??! Skeletons of huge men have been found in Sardinia, and the casts of Paluxy, in Texas, have also left the

imprints. Lovers of fantasy battles are probably familiar with the episode of Joshua, when he stopped the sun in order to win Gibeon. It was an impossible event, which astronomers deny, but at the other side of the world, during the reign of the Inca ruler Pachacuti Yupanqui Titus II, there was an appalling darkness which lasted twenty hours. Was it only a bad day?? It must beof some fun: so did the team of Carl Drews, who recently demonstrated the atmospheric possibility that Moses really opened up before him the Red Sea; their studies are on the Internet. Of course, there are also plenty of materials to work against: just search for Nag Hammadi or ‘Dead Sea Scrolls’ in order to read the truth that should have been kept in the dark. But there is also something true:

discovered in 1945, but published only in 1977, these scrolls contain unpublished writings abouts the life of Jesus and the early Christian communities. But this is enough to accuse the Church of Rome of disclosing only ‘his’ version of the events, rejecting the Apocryphal gospels (a Greek word meaning secret) and Gnostic gospels ( those that would contain other truths, and read by those initiated to secrets). If you want to believe it, the ‘Gospel of Thomas’ could be a really good starting point. For UFO enthusiasts, mosts of the visions of the Old Testament would be merely alien sightings: the Swiss Erich von Daniken, made out of them a successful book, with details like alien abduction and space travel. 75

To prove his theory he exploits the words of Ezekiel, when he wrote to have met beings with hands like men, but calf’s feet, with four wings, and above them were some rotating wheels, full of eyes all around and from which some lightnings departed. What can we say??? For the reactionaries, the fact that the Bible speaks of the ‘four corners of the world’ would be the evidence that Christians believed that the Earth was flat. It’s a pity that the same text describes the planet as a ‘globe’ few centuries before that it was

accepted (Isa. 40:22) Those who loves astrology, should take into consideration that in the Bible appear 2500 prophecies, of which 500 have yet to come true. But if your passion is IT, one of the more intriguing secrets is the one of Micheal Drosnin: this author reached the conclusion that the sequences of equidistant letters that form the Old Testament, if analyzed by computer, may unveil prophetic and mystical meanings. In fact, the ancient scrolls of Talmudists Jews have something of

“Joshua praying God to stop the Sun” GUSTAVE DORÉ 1832-1883

computer technology: written on special parchment with blank ink from a secret recipe, 60 lines to 30 letters each, reagularly spaced, form a single string of 304805 characters. If you look further, you would find the names of famous historical characters, like the inventor of the lightbulb and

the accident of Lady Diana. It’s not a novelty; for millennia, Kabbalists, fans of the hidden meaning of letters and numbers that make up the writing of the univers, were on the trail of those secrets. Maybe they were just waiting for a good computer! •

Comunque la pensiate, e in qualunque parte del mondo voi viviate, non potete rimanere indifferenti al suo fascino.

di tutto il mondo; Mazdeista quello del potere della Parola di Dio, e quindi del suo Alfabeto.

Se i testi fondamentali dell’Islam, del Confucianesimo e del Buddismo sono stati rivelati o compilati da un unico autore o dalla cerchia ristretta dei suoi accoliti, la Bibbia vanta una storia più complessa: è stata redatta in più di 1500 anni, da 40 generazioni di compilatori, Re e visionari, Profeti e semplici pescatori. E’ stata scritta in tre lingue: ebraico, aramaico e greco. E in tre continenti: Asia, Africa ed Europa. Il suo vero mistero, anziché le sue contraddizioni o le narrazioni inverosimili (il mondo venne creato in sette giorni) e quelle che dovrebbero farci riflettere (Caino, maledetto da Dio per aver ucciso suo fratello Abele, è colui che fonda la prima città, e i suoi figli costruiscono strumenti tecnici di metallo, e si dedicano alla musica) è semmai la sua sostanziale coerenza. Il corpo principale dei suoi miti attinge a miti ancora più antichi: è Sumero quello del Grande Diluvio, di cui però si trovano echi nelle culture

Agli appassionati di storia e archeologia, la Bibbia consegna decine e decine di pagine da decifrare; sono esistiti davvero i Giganti citati nella Genesi? Scheletri di uomini enormi si trovano in Sardegna, e nei calchi di Paluxy, nel Texas, hanno lasciato anche le impronte. Gli amanti di battaglie fantasy probabilmente conoscono l’episodio in cui Giosuè fermò il sole per vincere a Gabaon. Un evento impossibile, che gli astronomi negano, ma dalla parte opposta del mondo, durante il regno del sovrano Inca Tito Yupanqui Pachacuti II, si verificò una spaventosa oscurità, che durò venti ore. Una giornata nera? C’è da divertirsi: così ha fatto l’equipe di Carl Drews, che ha recentemente dimostrato la possibilità atmosferica che Mosè abbia davvero aperto davanti a sé le acque del Mar Rosso : i loro studi sono su internet. Naturalmente, c’è anche pane per 77

i complottisti: basta cercare Nag Hammadi o “rotoli del Mar Morto” per leggere di verità di cui saremmo stati tenuto all’oscuro. Qualcosa di vero c’è: scoperti nel 1945, ma pubblicati solo nel 1977, questi rotoli contengono brani inediti della vita di Gesù e delle prime comunità cristiane. Quanto basta per accusare la Chiesa di Roma di voler divulgare solo una “sua” versione dei fatti, rifiutando i vangeli apocrifi (una parola greca che significa segreto) e gnostici (ovvero quelli che, letti da coloro che sono iniziati ai segreti, conterrebbero altre verità). Se volete, il “Vangelo di Tommaso” è un buon punto di partenza. Per gli appassionati di UFO, gran parte delle visioni del Vecchio Testamento non sarebbero altro che avvistamenti alieni: lo svizzero Erich von Daniken ne ha fatto un libro di successo, con tanto di rapimento alieno e viaggio tra le stelle. A provare la sua teoria sarebbero le parole di Ezechiele, quando scrive di aver incontrato esseri mani come uomini, ma piedi di vitello, con quattro ali, e sopra di loro alcune ruote rotanti, piene di occhi tutt’intorno, da cui partivano fulmini. Che dire? Per i reazionari, il fatto che la Bibbia parli dei “quattro angoli del mondo” sarebbe la

prova che i cristiani credevano che la Terra fosse piatta. Peccato che lo stesso testo descrive il nostro pianeta come un “globo” qualche secolo prima che la nozione venisse accettata (Is. 40:22). Chi ama l’astrologia, poi, sappia che nella Bibbia si trovano 2500 profezie, 500 delle quali ancora da avverare. Se invece la vostra passione è nell’informatica, uno dei segreti più intriganti è quello di Micheal Drosnin: questo autore è giunto alla conclusione che le sequenze di lettere equidistanti che formano l’Antico Testamento, analizzate al computer, svelino significati mistici e profetici. In effetti, gli antichi rotoli dei talmudisti ebrei hanno un che di informatico: scritti su pergamene speciali, con un inchiostro nero dalla ricetta segreta, 60 linee per 30 lettere ciascuna, a spaziatura regolare, formano un’unica stringa di 304.805 caratteri. A cercare bene, si troverebbero i nomi dei Grandi della Storia, l’inventore della lampadina e l’incidente di Lady Diana. Non che sia una novità: per millenni i cabalisti, appassionati del significato nascosto delle lettere e dei numeri che compongono la scrittura dell’universo, erano sulle tracce di questi segreti. Stavano solo, probabilmente, aspettando un buon computer! •

A city like no other, Trieste is always in disguise. Aristocratic yet provincial, welcoming yet cold, Central European and yet Italian: this town will confuse you. Just choose one of its masks, and let yourself fall in love. by ROBERTO PRIOLO (photos courtesy of the author)

Castle of Miramare

The climb up the San Giusto hill in Trieste is possibly one of the steepest I have ever faced. Halfway up I was already panting like I was running the marathon, but when I finally reached the top I was rewarded of the effort (and the loss of a lung) by an amazing view.

Trieste lay in front of my eyes, its rooftops shining in the sun and its piers stretching into the calm waters of the Adriatic Sea. The slopes of the Carso mountains embraced the city like a benign mother protecting her precious offspring. 79

Located on a narrow strip of land in the easternmost tip of Northern Italy, six kilometres from Slovenia, Trieste is barley Italian. Its history, geographic location and heritage make it a unique place within the Belpaese. After visiting the Cathedral, built on ancient ruins (the Romans founded the city, calling it Tergeste), and admiring the view one more time, I started the much easier walk down the hill, back to the town centre, this time with the opportunity to enjoy what surrounded me. Once part of Austria-Hungary, Trieste still reaps the benefits of being for centuries the empire’s only port on the Mediterranean. Sovereigns made it a rich and beautiful little capital in a remote corner of the Adriatic as the economy grew, thanks to a tax-free harbour and the establishment of many insurance companies. I watched in awe at the elegance of the architecture around me. As soon as I stepped into the magnificent Piazza Unità d’Italia, the city’s main square whose southern side directly overlooks the sea, I felt like I was going through an art history book: the eclectic style of the City Hall matched perfectly with the delicate shape of the Palazzo del Governo. In truth is, the entire square is a breath-taking tribute to beauty. From there I walked past the Roman theatre, the busy Piazza della Borsa (where the stock exchange used

The Canal Grande

INFORMATION OF TRIESTE Trieste is located in North-Eastern Italy, in the Friuli -Venezia Giulia region. It is squeezed between the Carso mountains and the Adriatic Sea. How to get there Plane: Trieste’s airport is called Ronchi dei Legionari. It is located 33 kilometres from the city centre. The airport has routes to many European destinations, including Dusseldof, London and Brussels. Rail: Ferrovie dello Stato has direct links to Trieste from Venice, Milan, Rome and Naples. Where to stay Trieste offers a wide choice of accomodations, from hostels to boutique hotels. What to eat The local cuisine is influenced by the varied heritage of the city: it’s not uncommon to find Central European specialities, like goulash, together with dishes from the maritime tradition. Buffet da Pepi, in via Cassa di Risparmio, is an institution in town: it has been serving pork specialities since 1897. Events The Barcolana is a regatta that takes place every year on the second Sunday of October. Over 2,000 boats sail in the Gulf of Trieste, making for a spectacular show.

Molo Audace with Piazza Unità on background

to be) and entered the Borgo Teresiano, the area named after Mary Theresa of Austria, the empress who had the saltpans reclaimed and built a new neighbourhood. I suddenly found myself on the beautiful Canal Grande, where vessels used to dock to unload their holds in the warehouses that occupied the ground floor of the merchants’ buildings lining the canal. Along the canal, I noticed a number of religious buildings of different faiths. Trieste has always been extremely diverse, with Slovenians, Jews, Greeks, Italians, Austrians and Hungarians living side by side for hundreds of years: Within minutes, I was able to run into a catholic church, the Serbian orthodox temple

of San Spiridione, a Greek orthodox church and one of Europe’s biggest synagogues. Being the place where Western and Eastern Europe meet, the city has always been an important multicultural hub, which didn’t fail to impress artists and writers, like James Joyce, who found inspiration in Trieste’s streets and cafès and in the surly character of its inhabitants. Inspiration generated by confusion, I think. I, for one, was baffled by Trieste’s many faces: the city is a geographical, historical, social, cultural and linguistic oddity. Nothing of the city is easy to decipher. I decided to try and figure it out in front of a cup of coffee at the Caffè San Marco, one of the historical

第里雅斯特旅遊資料 第里雅斯特位於意大利東北部的 弗留利-威尼斯朱利亞區。它背靠 Carso山脈面向亞得里亞海。

前往方法 飛機:第里雅斯特的機場名叫 Ronchi dei Legionari, 距離市 中心33公里。有多條歐洲航線來往 Dusseldof、London 和 Brussels。 火車: Ferrovie dello Stato 提供直 通車往來 Trieste,Venice, Milan, Rome和 Naples.

住宿 View from San Giusto hill

第里雅斯特有民宿以至精緻酒店任 君選擇。

美食 cafès that dot Trieste’s city centre. Joyce was a regular here: as I sat at one of the cast-iron tables of the cafè, I thought I could almost see him ordering a coffee at the counter. The place hasn’t changed a bit over the past 100 years and the atmosphere seems authentically of a by-gone era. I would have sat there forever perhaps the amount tine needed to fully grasp the city’s spirit. I left the city centre and followed the seafront to the Castle of Miramare, a white wonder built in 1860 on the rugged coast. I walked in the gorgeous 54-acre park of the castle and visited the elegant interiors, where Austrian Archduke Fendinand Maximilian and his wife Charlotte of Belgium used to live•

T當地文化薈萃,菜式風格亦多樣, 包括中歐常見的菜燉牛肉,特別的 是配以充滿海洋風情的菜式。 在via Cassa di Risparmio 的Buffet da Pepi,是城中最著名的餐廳, 它有過200年歷史,主要提供豬扒菜 式。

盛事 Barcolana帆船節在每年10月第2 個星期日舉行,逾2千艘船揚帆出 海,煞為壯觀。


FASHION Agnès b : +852 2316 2929 Diesel : +852 2525 0540 Dmop : +852 2203 4130 Harvey Nichols : +852 3695 3388 Staccato : +852 27859011 DESIGN Annika Göransson: Campeggi: David A. Garcia: Jean Nouvel: Lang and Baumann: LongLeat House: National Design Collective: Nendo: Nunatak Architectes: Tham & Videgård Arkitekter: Thomas Heatherwick: Pinkeye: Utopik Dzgn Lab:

PHOTO ON THE RIGHT Happening “ I read Antipasto!” on 21.08.2010 at 20:30 Photographers: Clement Chan, Felix Chan, Toby Lai Actors/Actresses: Bon Tong, Georgina Li, Kenneth Au, Wenice Wong, Hephaistion + Saffie Make up & Hair by Alexandro Ng, Jenga Lee, Yuki Ng Make up assistants: Katherine li and Sayoko Yeung’s Class from Backstage @ Bridal Academy: Jerryash, Karen Chow, Vanessa Choi, Vicki Kwok Art director: Athena Choi Movement director: Billy Sy Production manager: Yanice Hui Production coordinator: Ip Wing Kwan

goodbye arrivederci

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