Antiques & Auction News - January 27, 2023

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Alderfer Auction is looking forward to an exciting 2023. They have opened a second 14,000-squarefeet location at 584 W. Swamp Road in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pa. The new building is approximately 14 miles from the company’s corporate Hatfield location. Doylestown is a town rich in art, history, and modernism.

The decision to expand to a second location developed from a desire and need to increase the company’s product footprint, processing, offices and showroom, in addition to providing space for its newest specialty, Mid-Century Modern and Design. The showroom will allow for in-person previews, open valuation days and other events. From the Doylestown location, they will also further establish the regional real estate division. With over 60 years of experience, expertise and relationships with many local artists and collectors in the region, they hope to expand services, while continuing to assist individuals, families, financial institutions, and estate professionals in developing plans for both personal and real estate properties.

Alderfer Auction is known for selling Bucks County Impressionists, a group that came to prominence after 1915. The movement continued into the 1940s and ’50s. The Pennsylvania Impressionists did not have a primary style; it was a collaborative of many artist voices and views of the Bucks County landscape. These curated artists featured in quarterly fine art auctions include Daniel Garber, Fern Coppedge, George Sotter, William Lathrop,

and Walter Emerson Baum, among others

Alderfer’s soft opening in Doylestown occurred with its inaugural sale on Dec. 15. The MidCentury Modern and Design Auction focused on product from this period’s furniture, lighting, art, and home decoratives.

Alderfer will be moving forward with future auctions, including previews and product pick-ups.

The Doylestown location’s auction previews and pick-ups will operate similar to the Hatfield location but will be by appointment only.

Alderfer Auction looks forward to becoming further involved in the Bucks County community. They will continue to be involved with the Central Bucks Chamber of Commerce as well as the Art and Sculpture Exhibition, Artists Studio Tour and Brown Bag-It with the Arts. They will also continue to sponsor the Michener Art Museum and the Mercer Museum and Fonthill Castle, operated alongside the Bucks County Historical Society. It is a mission to be a part of a region with such dedication to its history, art, material culture and community awareness.

The next Mid-Century Modern and Design auction will take place online Thursday, Feb. 9, at 10 a.m. Stay tuned for preview times and an opportunity to tour the new location. The Hatfield location (501 Fairgrounds Road, Hatfield, Pa.) remains the corporate office and is available for walk-ins during business hours (Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m). For further information, call 215-393-3000.

Among the offerings will be a scarce early Gendron child’s pedal car with wooden spoke wheels; a large Civil War 35-star flag with medallion star arrangement; and a rare 1805 hand-drawn plot of “Poormans Hall” attributed to Hagerstown, Md. There will be three carvings by Frank Feathers,

including a wall magazine/paper rack with stag head and acorn, a very nice carved spoon reading “Luck Christmas Eve” with acorn tip, and a carved cane.

A period Chippendale high chest of drawers with early surface signed and dated by the maker “A. Getty of Taneytown, Md. 1770” is a furniture highlight. Quality reproduction furniture made by Ken Zeigler and Fred Hartman will include a corner cupboard and hanging cupboards. The collection has a period John Reynolds (Hagerstown, Md.) ca. 1797-1814 tall case clock, an 1891 school bell from the McShane Bell Foundry

The Original 180th Semiannual York Antiques Show and Sale is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 3 and 4, at Memorial Hall East, located within the York Fairgrounds Convention and Expo Center in downtown York, Pa. This popular event will feature carefully screened exhibitors in room settings offering an impressive and outstanding variety of antiques.

According to show manager Melvin L. Arion, the merchandise will run the full gamut, including 18th- and 19th-century period American and English furniture; American country pieces in original paint; early china and glassware; 18th- and 19th-century silver; Chinese Export porcelain; antique toys; Oriental carpets; pewter; estate jewelry; quilts, English samplers, and other textiles; early kitchen and fireplace accessories; Navajo rugs, Pueblo pottery, baskets, and Native American artifacts; historic American militaria; and much more. Arion does an exceptional job of making sure the scope

Randy Dickensheets of Pa. OnSite Auction Co. has a catalog sale of more than 300 lots on behalf of the late Fred Hartman estate scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 4. The sale will begin at 9 a.m. at the Porters Fire Company, located at 1199 Porters Road in Spring Grove, Pa. A preview is slated for Friday, Feb. 3, from 1 to 4 p.m.
Pa. OnSite Auction Co. To Sell Late Fred Hartman Collection Estate Sale Set For Feb. 4 FRIDAY JANUARY 27,2023 • VOL.53,NO.4 FEATURE AUCTION: Gehman Auctions January 31 Comics And Comic Art Sale - Page 5 In This Issue SHOPS,SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . starting on page 2 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 7 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . starting on page 8 AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . on page 8 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . .on page 11 ANTIQUES NEWS, P.O.BOX 500 MOUNT JOY, 17552 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ENGLE PUBLISHING CO. York Show Set For Feb. 3 And 4 High Quality Show Is Perfect Recipe For Fun Antiquing Trip Alderfer Auction Comes To Bucks County Doylestown Is Second Location For Company Continued on page 2 Continued on page 6
Alderfer Auction now has a second location at 584 W. Swamp Road, Doylestown, Pa.

fire wagons, ladders and apparatus; a large antique press steel toy fire ladder truck; and early child’s tricycle. There is a large grouping of fire memorabilia including lanterns, hats, buckets, “F.I. Co.” iron plaque, axes and other material.

The auction will have wooden butter molds, quilts, pottery, early flint and blown glass, Sterling silver flatware, WWII War Bond posters, and Pen Mar Park advertising souvenir pieces.

The late Fred Hartman and Tilly were longtime collectors and had a homestead. Fred was a career firefighter (Station 1, Towson), and both loved history.

A 10-percent buyer’s premium applies.

To learn more, call 717-451-5999. 2- - Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 (Baltimore, Md.), and an old cast-iron horse hitching post signed, “Calvin Gilbert Gettysburg, Pa.” There are late 1800s salesman sample farm equipment pieces; very good antique cast-iron horse-drawn Continued from page 1 PA OnSite Auction Co. SUBSCRIBE TODAY! 4 EASY WAYS TO SUBSCRIBE! ANTIQUES & AUCTION NEWSTM P.O. BOX 500, MOUNT JOY, PA 17552 Call: 1-800-800-1833, ext. 6022 Fax this form: 717-892-6016 Mail this form to address shown and receive 10% DISCOUNT Have your credit card number and expiration date ready when you call! 1 Year, 3rd Class $28.00 6 Months, 1st Class $48.00 1 Year, 1st Class $80.00 Each issue contains important, dated material. For timely delivery, subscribe by 1st Class. NOTE TO 3RD CLASS SUBSCRIBERS: No refunds available for late delivery. NAME _____________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________ CITY _________________________STATE ______ZIP _______ PHONE: ( _______) ___________________________________ DATE ______________________________________________ Where did you pick up this copy of ANTIQUES & AUCTION NEWSTM? COLLECTOR DEALER AUCTIONEER SHOW MGR. OTHERS PAYMENT ENCLOSED All checks must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on U.S. bank add $7.00 to sub. price outside of U.S. CHARGE TO: #____________________________ EXP. DATE _________ Receive Our Email Newsletter: Email Address _________________________________ C-01/27 F027603 e-mail: Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 e-mail: Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Classifieds 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566 Sample copy $2.50 1 YEAR, third class $28.00 1 YEAR, first class $80.00 6 MONTHS, first class $48.00 All checks must be in U.S. funds. Checks must be drawn on U.S. bank OR add $7.00 to subscription price. Antiques & Auction News is distributed at shops, shows, markets and auctions throughout the Northeastern United States. Doing Our Part P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 800-800-1833 717-653-1833 717-653-6165 fax F027604 Advertising Sales Tim Moore, 717-492-2534 Circulation - Tara Herr, 717-892-6022 1-800-800-1833, Ext. 6022 717-892-6022 Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2023 Advertising Deadlines Every Thursday at Noon Issues Are Mailed One Week Prior To Publication Date News articles, press releases, and feature articles about antiques, antiquing, collectors, collections, museums, shows, shops, auction results, historical sites, auctioneers, etc., are considered for publication. Photographs which enhance the articles are welcome. Manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped postcard in order that the editor may notify author of receipt of material. Address to Editor’s attention. We reserve the right to edit material submitted for publication to conform to the editorial style of Antiques & Auction News. Reproduction of artwork, editorial or advertising copy is strictly prohibited without the written consent of the publisher. Joel Sater Publications reserves the right to revise or reject at their discretion any advertisement they deem objectionable, whether in subject matter, wording, or make-up. Minimum depth R.O.P. - as many inches deep as columns wide. Antiques & Auction News and its advertisers are not liable for composition errors or misprints; nor is it responsible for errors in ads taken by phone. Advertisers submitting artwork and images for use in advertisements assume all liability in regards to trademark and copyright infringements. C-01/27 fax 3371 Lincoln Highway East, (Rt 30), 717 442.8805 We Are Open in Paradise, Lancaster County We One of the Largest & Finest Antique Malls in PA Dutch Country! All Under One Roof—On One Floor • Shop in a clean, brightly lit, climate controlled building that’s open all year long • Huge variety of fine antiques & collectables on display by over 125 dealers • Over 26,000 sq ft of merchandise • Convenient parking—handicap accessible • Most major credit cards accepted Monday-Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m., closed Tuesday R092198 Not Just An Antique Mall It’s Your Destination

Collector Anecdotes And Antics

Why Coin Collectors Should Be Cautious Of The New 10-Point Grading Scale

Anyone who knows the history of the antiques and collectibles trade is well aware of the devastating effects unchecked financial investment (i.e. speculation) can bring to trade. There are countless examples to cite, and if you want a current check on just how much damage can be done by this practice, then just look at the current values of certain vintage factory-sealed, graded video games and what their prices were just 12 to 24 months ago (spoiler alert, some are down well over 50 to 70 percent on average). The average collector, unless well versed in their chosen collecting market as well as finance, is at a disadvantage in most markets. Unfortunately, that is not without purpose. How is the average speculator supposed to compete against high-profile collectors, auction houses, grading companies, and the like when these groups have access to real time data and, potentially, inside information? And make no mistake, this inside information I am referring to is not illegal. We are discussing unregulated markets here, after all, not Wall Street.

I have personally made it my mission to educate as many collectors and speculators as possible to these dangers. And while I have a lot of respect for the thirdparty grading companies, the auction companies, and the high-profile investors who are readily able to pay any sum for a collectible at whim, I do not deny that they

understand their chosen markets more than anyone else. I also understand that the goal of any business or financial pursuit is to make a financial return on any capital invested. We have been seeing this firsthand, and it has gotten much worse over the past few years. Trying to keep up with who grading companies and auction houses are owned by is a lesson in forensic accounting. A lot of grading companies are now under the ownership of private equity companies, and some of these grading companies even own their own auction houses. In the quest to pursue profit, a lot of decisions are being made by some of these companies that I do not personally agree with. At the end of the day, my opinion means very little. I cannot, however, stay silent on one decision made by a current top-tier grading company that boggles my mind, and I do hope I am overacting. The market in question is modern era coins, and that company is no other than NGC (Numismatic Guaranty Company).

To the initiated, coin grading can be a complex market. Unlike other collectibles, coins and paper money are graded on a 1 to 70 grading scale. This grading scale has been in use before the rise of third-party grading companies. For years, there has been talk about changing this grading scale to that of a 1 to 100 grading scale or even a concise 1 to 10 grading scale. However, every time this discussion has come up, it has fallen on mostly deaf ears. I am considered old-fashioned in this respect, as I am one of the individuals who think the 1 through 70 Sheldon grading scale should stay and should not be replaced by a simpler scale. Up until this past year, no company dared to attempt to change the scale. In the words of one of my mentors in the rare coin collecting market, “The rare coin collecting market is supposed to be complex and sophisticated. It isn’t for the newbies.” (In full disclosure, he didn’t exactly use the

word newbies, but for my editor’s sake and my own, we are going to go with that here). Then on Nov. 16, 2022, I was in complete dismay after checking an online posting from the Numismatic Guaranty Corporation. The post stated that, “NGC has decided to introduce NGCX, a brand new 10-point grading system for coins!” Luckily, I took the time to read the full post before going into a meltdown. To be fair to NGC and readers, this new grading scale only applies to modern 1982 and later coins.

Therefore, all U.S. classic coinage and the mainstays of the rare coin marketplace will be spared. However, I do see this as a great Trojan Horse that will potentially one day become the norm in the overall coin grading marketplace, especially with increased competition now that CAC has decided to open up their own third-party grading company as opposed to just certifying the work of the other two grading conglomerates.

I wish I was naïve enough to believe that this new grading scale won’t bring in starry-eyed speculators and newbies into the coin collecting marketplace, but it will. And this is the part where critics will disagree with me and state this is a good thing long term. My question to them would be, is it? How would this even benefit the rare coin collecting market as a whole because if one of these speculators now decides to invest in a rare gold coin minted in 1908, he or she still has to still learn a whole new grading scale? I am sorry, but this development benefits only the grading companies and the

auction houses that will no doubt advertise and cater to this segment of the market. And before my critics have a chance to tell me that NGC could have just decided to have the new 10-point grading scale apply to all coins, which is probably their end goal, my question to my critics would be how much are you going to pay to get all of your current coins regraded under the new scale? Make no mistake, this is nothing

but a new way to make money off of a collectible market that is slowly running out of vintage and antique material to grade. The multibillion dollar companies have won again at the speculator’s expense. To all my coin collectors, investors, and dealers out there: I implore you not to allow this to occur at our expense either. It is bad enough we have to deal with a respected top-tier independent

certified company (CAC) going third party. Why should we have to deal with this too? Am I overacting? Time will tell, it always does.

Shawn Surmick has been an avid collector since the age of 12. He currently resides in his hometown of Boyertown, Pa.,andisapassionatecollector of antiques and collectibles. His articles focus on various topics affecting the marketplace. Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 - - 3 R092134 Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage Jewelry & Fashion, Toys, Ar twork, Vinyl and So Much More! Free Parking & Free Admission! Market: 484-320-8019 Office: 215-625-FLEA (3532) , 270 West Swedesford Road, Berwyn, PA @PhilaFleaMarkets Berwyn Indoor/Outdoor VintageMarketFlea Every Saturday & Sunday Now thru April Antiques & Collectibles Antique MARKETPLACE In Frederick, Md. 110 Dealers 5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD Open Daily 10-6 “Late” Thursdays ‘til 8 pm Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Records • Pottery • Civil War Items 301-662-9173 R091059 A Fun Place To Shop! Open Daily 10-6 Antique Mall R092139 R061243 In The Historic “White Barn” BRANDYWINE RIVER ANTIQUES MARKET Limited Space Available for Quality Dealers Only Bank Barn offering 15,000 Sq. Ft. of Quality Antiques, Primitives, Estate Furniture, with Appropriate Accessories & Smalls. 878 Baltimore Pike (Rt. 1) CHADDS FORD, PA 19317 Open 10-5 Wednesday Thru Sunday Phone 610-388-2000 Fax 610-388-2720 E-Mail Located Directly On Rt. 1 “At The W hite Barn”

Bertoia’s Wraps Stellar Year With Auction Of Toys And Christmas Antiques From Prestigious Collections

Nearly 1,200-Lot Sale Featured Marklin Fidelitas That Sold For $84,000

Bertoia Auctions concluded a memorable year of highprofile events with a $2.7 million sale of toys, banks and Christmas antiques held on Nov. 17 and 18 at their New Jersey gallery. The 1,179-lot selection was steeped in toycollecting history, with an abundance of well-provenanced pieces coming from the collections of Bob Brady, Jack White, and Curtis and Linda Smith.

“The interest was tremendous. The number of bidders who signed up for this sale surpassed that of many of our past auctions,” said Michael Bertoia, president and principal auctioneer at Bertoia Auctions. “There was a lot of international participation, including from countries where we had not seen bidders come from before, like Russia, Thailand and even

Ukraine.” Regardless, the majority of the auction’s contents went to domestic bidders in the room or on the phones, with additional successful buyers competing via the internet.

A very rare and iconic tin toy, a Marklin Fidelitas clown train, topped the list of prices realized during the busy twoday event. The 37-inch-long convoy of clowns riding in early vehicles was complete with all original paint, an astonishing level of perfection for a toy so rare that even the most advanced European toy collectors have never actually seen one in person. The Fidelitas came from a British consignor who had received it as a child but was never fond of it. Because it was not chosen for display in her bedroom, the toy was stored away and forgotten for the next 50

years, only to resurface after a clearing-out of the family home’s cellar. At auction, it more than redeemed itself by landing a within-estimate price of $84,000.

The magical Marklin name pulled in the big bids once again when a canopied Ogauge trolley crossed the auction block. Made ca. 1904, with handpainted French lettering on its side panels and roof placards, the 12-inch-long

of $4,500.

The Christmas spirit permeated the top 10 in a bevy of enjoyable forms. A 12-inchlong German Tippco Santa car was one of many great treasures offered from the holiday collection of Linda Smith and her late husband, Curtis Smith. With a brightly liveried Father Christmas at the wheel, the jaunty tin convertible was designed as a traveling “billboard” for what good boys

transportation crate in which it fit perfectly. Against an estimate of $20,000-$30,000, it sold for $50,400.

clockwork-driven toy in pristine/near-mint condition sold above estimate for $32,400.

Another German-made toy that created a stir was an “Indian Scout” skittles (bowling pins) container. Beautifully handpainted in vibrant colors, the 28-inch-long piece was intended to serve as the nesting receptacle for a set of skittles formed as Native American figures. A happy reunion lay ahead for the scout, which was purchased by a bidder who already happened to own the corresponding set of skittles in perfect condition. Against stiff competition, he prevailed with a $36,000 bid that went eight times over the high estimate

and girls might receive for Christmas, with lithographed images of teddy bears, dolls, trains and airships. Estimated at $12,000-$18,000, the colorful wind-up auto raced all the way to $60,000.

Another showstopper was the 37-inch-long Santa and reindeer sleigh platform pull toy that had been found in the attic rafters of a Victorian estate. Fastidiously detailed, each reindeer’s head was positioned differently, thus rendering an impression of movement even when standing still. Michael Bertoia said the toy’s phenomenal condition was no doubt attributable to the fact that it had been safely tucked away in a wooden

The last, and very best, of the Bob Brady American toy collection commanded the prices deserving of such a legendary collection. A past president of the Still Banks Collectors Club of America (SBCCA) and Mechanical Bank Collectors of America (MBCA), and a 40-year member of the Antique Toy Collectors of America (ATCA), Brady had sold some of his toys in past years but had retained a private reserve that he considered to be the crème de la

crème of his holdings. The common thread was that each of the remaining toys was the best example he had ever had the chance to buy.

One such toy was a Hubley cast-iron Hill Climber motorcycle, olive green with nickel wheels, in near-mint condition. Brady had spent many years chasing the toy and was always one step away from owning it, for one reason or another. The nicest of any of its type known to exist, Brady’s Hill Climber was 100 percent original and had a Sept. 29, 1929, Hicks Farm Hill Climb cardboard tag from the Waverly Motorcycle Club. With provenance from the late Andy Huffer’s collection, it sped to $48,000 against a pre-sale estimate of $20,000-$30,000.

An early cast-iron prize from the Brady collection was the Harris cast-iron double goat cart with its original driver figure. Measuring 13.5 inches long and in pristine to near-mint condition, it trotted off to a new owner for $22,800 against an estimate of $5,000$7,500. 4- - Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 We’re always trying to improve our publication to best serve you, our loyal readers! We are conducting a brief survey to receive feedback to improve and develop Antiques & Auction News! Enter to win one of three $100 gift cards! TAKE OUR SURVEY! To receive a print & mail survey, please visit As a token of our appreciation for your time & valuable feedback, you will be entered to win one of three $100 Gift Cards. Please take a few moments to complete our survey online. SCAN ME! R091971
A Masudaya Machine Man robot from the celebrated “Gang of Five” series, pristine to near-mint condition, sold within estimate for $60,000. The Yonezawa 27-inch Atom Jet racer in museum-quality condition with its rare pictorial box sold well above estimate for $40,800, a possible world record price. The Tippco lithographed tin Santa car, 12 inches long, sold to a U.S. buyer for a record-setting $60,000 against an estimate of $12,000-$18,000. This rare and important Marklin Fidelitas clown train, 37 inches long, complete with all original paint, from a UK collection where it has resided for the past half-century, sold within estimate for $84,000.
Continued on page 7
The Althof Bergmann (American) tin and cast-iron “Mary and Her Lambs” bell toy, all original near-mint condition, ex. Max Berry collection, ex. Hegarty collection, sold for $36,000, twice the high estimate. This Hubley cast-iron Hill Climber motorcycle, olive green with nickel wheels, near-mint condition, from the Bob Brady collection, sold for $48,000 against an estimate of $20,000$30,000. A Harris cast-iron double goat cart with original driver figure, 13.5 inches long, pristine to near-mint condition, ex. Bob Brady collection, sold for $22,800 against an estimate of $5,000-$7,500.

19711 Newark 302-454-8007

AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL, 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 floors. Antiques, collectibles, vintage, primitives, much more!

19711 Newark 302-733-7677

MAIN STREET ANTIQUES, 23 Possum Park Mall. Hrs.: Mon.-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:30-5:30. Over 45 Showcase/Room Dealers selling quality antiques & collectibles.

21901 North East410-287-8318

5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Approx. 65 dealers, variety & nostalgia. Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles.

08005 Barnegat609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES, 349 S. Main. Open Wed.- Sun., Noon - 6 PM. Book Seller, Pottery, Glass, Furniture, Holiday, Decoys, Antiques & UniquesPLUS Chalkpaint & Iron Orchid Design.

08016 Burlington609-747-8333

HISTORIC BURLINGTON ANTIQUES & ART EMPORIUM, 424 High Street. Open 6 Days: T, W, F, Sat., Sun: 11A-5P & Th.11A- 7P.

08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-9810

OLD MILL ANTIQUE MALL, 1 S. Main Street. Open Daily, 11-5; Sat. 10-5. Antiques, glassware, records, coins, stamps, military items, collectible toys, trains, linens, books & ephemera.

08081 Sicklerville856-545-3187

CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES, 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Wed.- Sat. 10am6pm, Sun. 10am-5pm. 12,000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs.

08525 Hopewell609-466-9833

TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER, 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.

17307 Biglerville717-503-4264 THIELEMANN’S ANTIQUES, 1 N. Main St. Wholesale & Retail. 4,500 sq. ft. furn. & smalls. See our Thielemann’s Antqs. Facebook page for photos & info. Open Sat. 10-4 & Sun. 12-4.

17350 NewOxford717-624-3800

ZELMA’S EMPORIUM (Formerly Golden Lane) 11 N. Water Street. Antiques, Americana, Art, Asian, Primitives, etc. Closed Mon., Tues.-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5 or by appt.

THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 45 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4

19543 Morgantown610-913-1953

MORGANTOWN MARKET, 2940 Main St.. Hours 10-5 daily. Berks Co. Largest Antique Boutique. Antiques,Collectibles, Vintage Home & Garden Decor.

07052 West Orange973-323-1711

VALLEY VINTAGE, 168 South Valley Rd. Open Mon-Sat. 11-6, Sun. 12-5. 2100 sq.ft., 25+ dealers. Antiques, vintage, collectibles, furniture, decor, kitchenware, jewelry, books, LPs, ephemera.

Gehman Auctions To Hold Large Comics And Comic Art Sale

Shane Gehman of Gehman Auctions, based in Ephrata, Pa., will hold a multi-consignor sale consisting of more than 800 lots of platinum age, golden age, silver age, bronze age, and modern comics. There will be key issues, first appearance issues and graded examples. Also included will be an assortment of original comic art spanning from the

1970s to 2000s, including monster and horror genres. Another highlight are several publisher-bound golden age books.

This online-only sale will end on Tuesday, Jan. 31, at 6 p.m. To register and bid, visit www.gehman

To learn more, call 717-863-9339 during business hours.

“Pattern and Flow: A Golden Age of American Decorated Paper, 1960s to 2000s,” published by the Thomas J. Watson Library at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and distributed by Yale

University Press, is the first expansive survey of American decorated paper arts beginning in the 1960s, a period when the field entered new heights of Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 - - 5 F063434 ATTENTION Shouldn’t Your SHOP Be Listed In This Directory? CALL 1-800-800-1833, ext. 6022 or 717-892-6022 Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at Deadline: Thursday at Noon for Friday’s edition COINS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, FURNITURE, CHINA, LINENS, MEMORABILIA, VINTAGE CLOTHING, TOYS, DOLLS, POSTCARDS & RETRO. 610-791-7910 2200 31st St. SW, ALLENTOWN, PA Monday Thru Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-5 WEIL R091731 Over 150 Dealers s ANTIQUE CENTER F059658 THE SLATINGTON MARKETPLACE Antiques & Collectibles 8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 Wed. & Thurs. 9-5; Fri. & Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 135+ DEALERS • 200+ SPACES 610-766-7495 (Follow Us On Facebook) Antique and art dealers of fine European and American furniture, art, bronzes, statuary, porcelain, glass, china, silver, primitives, jewelry, clocks, decorative items, linens, collectibles, and much more! 46 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey Just minutes from Exit 102, Garden State Parkway 732.774.8230 MON - SAT. 11 TO 5, SUN 12-5 R033457 R088201 Final Thursday! The Last Thursday Evening of each month, featuring wine, snacks & discounts! Open every day! 10am-6pm, Thurs. 10am-8pm, Sun. 11am-5pm 610-390-0403 100 S. Chestnut St. (Rt. 248) • Bath, PA 18014 Multi-Dealer Co-op • 5 other shops on block Co-op with 25+ dealers Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store ANTIQUE CENTER 517 St. Mary’s Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837 OPEN 7 DAYS 10-5 570-524-5733 R079635 400 ANTIQUE DEALERS Haddon Heights Antiques Center 80 Dealer Co-Op Clements Bridge Rd. & E. Atlantic Ave. Haddon Heights, (856) 546-0555 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM R091450 Limited Space Available 127 Hanover Street Head east on Rt. 38; turn left at light after Rt. 206 intersection (609) 726-1588 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM Happy New Year! R059727 DAYS of OLDE ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES 609-652-7011 | The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op • Open 7 Days a Week • 10am-6pm Visit our NEW 21,000 Sq. Ft. Facility BIGGER & BETTER! New Dealers Welcome! Check it Out! 150 S. New York Rd. (Rte. 9), Galloway, NJ Less than a 1/2 mile south of our old location NOW OPEN! Open Tues., Wed., Sat., Sun. 11 A.M. until 5 P.M. Thurs. & Fri. 11 A.M. - 7 P.M. , Closed Mondays R091813 JANUARY SALE - All Items $20 & Over 20% OFF (cash/check) 15% OFF (credit card) Exceptions: No Coins or Jewelry Burlington City ~ 424 High Street 609-747-8333 R091294 PINBACK BUTTON SHOW Saturday, Feb. 11 9 A.M.-3 P.M. Union Fire Co. Banquet Hall, 1396 River Rd. (Route 29) Titusville, NJ Pinback Buttons, Badges, Paper Ephemera & Posters In Such Categories As Political, Sports, Comic, Advertising, Protest & More! FREE Appraisals • Ample Free Parking Admission $3 ($1 Off Admission w/This Ad) For More Info.: Tony Lee 609-310-0817 Or R054156 2 ND LIFE ANTIQUES Previously Known As Antiques at 200 East on Broad Street 200 East on Broad Street, Quakertown, PA ANTIQUE FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES AND MORE STOREWIDE BARGAINS DEALER SPACE AVAILABLE Please Call 267.885.4523 ALL ADS IN GUIDE ARE LISTED IN ZIP CODE SEQUENCE WITHIN EACH STATE. SHOP DIRECTORY
SHREWSBURY ANTIQUE CENTER 65 N. Highland Dr. “A True Antique Mall” over 10,000 sq.ft. with over 55 dealers. Open 7 days, 10-5. Ample parking. Close to other shops in historic village.
52 Broadway.
militaria, art, glass, autographs, pottery, guns, artifacts, coins and vintage collectibles.
jewelry, furniture,
17361 Shrewsbury717-235-6637
18229 Jim Thorpe610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY,
Open Wednesday through Sunday 10-5. 18944 Perkasie215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate
linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. In business 42 years. 18962 Silverdale215-453-1414
08753 Toms River732-349-5764 MAIN STREET ANTIQUE CENTER 251 Main St. Open Mon.-Fri. 10am-3:30pm, Sat. 10am-4:30pm, Sun. 12-4:30pm. 16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Th., Fri., & Sat., 10:30am - 4:30pm, Dlrs. welcome. 16801 State College814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety. 17062
exit off RT 322.
Millerstown717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE
N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture,
Handmade Crafts &
Open 7
10-5, Fri.
8. Millerstown
available. To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 50+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free Parking.
Local honey
Quality Golden, Silver, Bronze Age Key Issues In Online-Only Auction
New Publication Chronicles American Decorated Paper Arts Stunningly Illustrated Book Features 280 Color Illustrations Of Innovative And Groundbreaking Decorated Paper Continued on page 7
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Heritage’s Hollywood Auction Filled With Golden Tickets, Holy Grails And A Century’s Worth Of Movie Magic

Heritage Auctions’ Hollywood and Entertainment Signature Auction, held Dec. 17, was a thrilling, rollicking affair defined by its numerous bidding wars over some of filmdom’s most recognizable props, costumes and vehicles.

offered,” said executive Vice President Joe Maddalena. “I knew it would do well, but from first lot to last, it exceeded every expectation. What’s most rewarding is that these pieces are going to new caretakers as dazzled as I am by

And by the time end credits rolled on the blockbuster event, it had realized more than $7.9 million.

More than 1,700 bidders followed the yellow brick road to the century-spanning auction, whose top lot was among its most fabled offerings, the Wicked Witch of the West’s hourglass from “The Wizard of Oz,” which sold for $495,000. The auction’s final item was the meticulously constructed piece made of wood, papiermâché and handblown glass filled with red glitter and decorated with gargoyles. The hourglass sold just before time ran out on bidders for whom this auction wasn’t a dream but a place quite literally filled with golden tickets and Holy Grails.

“From the moment this auction was announced last month, there was extraordinary interest in and affection for every single thing being

the memories and magic they carry with them.”

Two more Oz icons also sold in this auction. A “test” dress that comes closest to

matching the blue-and-white gingham pinafore Dorothy wore during her trip to see the Wizard realized $125,000. And an Emerald City townsman’s jacket sold for $37,500. Both classic garments will now

reside in The Wizard of Oz Museum in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Bidders sought to do more than just touch the hem of beloved garments; the calflength red and black-and-whitestriped robe Charlton Heston wore as Moses in the 1956 Cecil B. DeMille epic “The Ten Commandments” realized $447,000. The white ivory cotton bikini worn by Ursula Andress’ Honey Ryder in 1962’s “Dr. No” sold for $300,000, twice what it brought when first offered in 2001.

The candy-colored jacket Dick Van Dyke sported in the “Jolly Holiday” sequence from “Mary Poppins” danced to a $200,000 finish.

The dress worn by Julie Andrews in “The Sound of Music” while the Von Trapp children performed “So Long, Farewell” realized $100,000. That’s the same amount for which Marilyn Monroe’s pearl-encrusted mermaid gown from “The Prince and the Showgirl” sold. Speaking of Andrews, the acoustic Goya guitar she used during “The Sound of Music” sold for $93,750.

Ferris Bueller might have taken a day off, but bidders didn’t as they clamored for two pieces from John Hughes’ film; the patterned sweater vest Matthew Broderick wore while twisting and shouting

York Show

Continued from page 1

of merchandise offered is as broad as possible so nearly any visitor can find a new treasure. In addition, all major credit cards will be accepted for both admission and buying.

This show is considered

through Chicago sold for $143,750. But the big-ticket item from “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” was the precious convertible that belonged to Cameron’s dad; the prop Ferrari 250 GT California replica last seen diving out of the garage sold for $337,500.

Bidders likewise went bananas for cinema’s most famous Volkswagen, a modified 1961 Beetle from “Herbie Goes Bananas” drove off the lot for $212,500. And all but one lucky bidder had to bid hasta la vista, baby, to the 1991 HarleyDavidson FLSTF Fat Boy that Arnold Schwarzenegger rode in James Cameron’s “Terminator 2: Judgment Day,” which also realized $212,500.

Far smaller but no less sharp and lethal was Freddy Krueger’s

razor glove used by Robert Englund in “A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors,” which realized $112,500. A golden ticket from 1971’s “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory,” a gold-foil, screenused ticket gaining its lucky recipient admittance to Wonka’s candy factory, sold

for $137,500.

And then, there was the Holy Grail itself, the cup of a carpenter from 1989’s “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade,” which realized $50,000. No guarantees of eternal life were included with the sale.

For complete results, visit

among the premier antiquing events in the midAtlantic region and is the perfect antidote for cabin fever and winter blahs.

Show hours on Friday will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parking is free of charge,

and the building is smokefree. Food will be available.

Admission will be $10 per person, $9 with this article, an ad, or show card.

For further information, call Arion at 302-542-3286 or visit www.theoriginalyork 6- - Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 R059267 NorthGate Antique Mall (717) 243-5802 OPEN 7 DAYS 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Dealer Space Available 726 North Hanover Street, CARLISLE, PA 17013 Easy access from Route 81, Exit 52 - Go south 3½ miles on Route 11 or take the PA Turnpike to mile marker 226 - Go south 2½ miles on the right. Over 80 Quality Dealers • Two Floors • Air-Conditioned Building Closed New Year’s Day • Easter • July 4 • Thanksgiving • Christmas NOWOPEN!
Hourglass Sells For $495,000, And Moses’ Robe From “The Ten Commandments,” $447,000
“Wizard Of Oz’s”
The Wicked Witch of the West’s hourglass from “The Wizard of Oz” sold for $495,000. The calf-length red and black-and-whitestriped robe Charlton Heston wore as Moses in Cecil B. DeMille’s epic “The Ten Commandments” realized $447,000. The acoustic Goya guitar Julie Andrews used during “The Sound of Music” sold for $93,750. The patterned sweater vest Matthew Broderick wore in the John Hughes’ film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” sold for $143,750. A modified 1961 Beetle from “Herbie Goes Bananas” drove off the lot for $212,500. A golden ticket from 1971’s “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory” gained its lucky recipient admittance to Wonka’s candy factory and sold for $137,500. The Holy Grail chalice from 1989’s “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” sold for $50,000.


The Brady collection also housed many exceptional American tin and tin/cast-iron toys, like the Althof Bergmann “Mary and Her Lambs” bell toy. All original and in astonishing near-mint condition with rich paint, the toy had previously been part of the L C Hegarty collection and, later, the Max Berry collection. With Bob Brady’s name added to its illustrious provenance, “Mary and Her Lambs” achieved twice the high estimate, selling for $36,000.

Bertoia’s was honored to feature the entire mechanical



bank collection of the late John Forrest “Jack” White, which, like the Brady collection, included many rarities that had formerly belonged to pioneering collectors of the hobby. Among the top selections were these three favorites: Initiating First Degree bank, $18,000; Professor Pug Frog bank, $15,600; and Owl Turns Head bank, $13,200.

Japanese postwar toys definitely made their mark. A 27-inch Yonezawa Atom Jet racer in super condition was twice as desirable with its ultra-rare pictorial box. It defied its $20,000-$30,000 estimate to sell for $40,800, a possible world record price for an Atom Jet car. A Yonezawa Astro Boy Cadillac car made $21,600, more than four times its high

Pattern And Flow

Continued from page 5 tographs, and hand tools used by the artists.

artistry and commercial success. Featuring spectacular use of color, this lavish and immersive publication includes 280 vivid illustrations of intricate patterns and designs. Its chronological narrative surveys the development of the field and introduces the artists working from the 1960s to the 2000s. Written by The Met’s longtime Museum Librarian for Preservation at the Thomas J. Watson Library, Mindell Dubansky, “Pattern and Flow” also features an introductory essay by Sidney E. Berger, scholar and director emeritus of the Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, Mass.

The book will accompany the exhibition ,“Pattern and Flow: A Golden Age of American Decorated Paper, 1960s to 2000s,” at the Grolier Club in New York, curated by Ms. Dubansky and opening Wednesday, Jan. 18 (it will remain on view through April 8). The exhibition will feature approximately 150 objects from The Met’s Thomas J. Watson Library collection, with decorated papers displayed in context with rare books, objects, color recipe books, correspondence, pho-

As a grass-roots art community developed around decorated paper arts in the 1960s, new styles of paper, such as marbled paper, paste paper, and fold-anddye papers, became a phenomenon across the United States. “Pattern and Flow” includes a detailed illustrated reference section with essential biographical and professional information for each artist, providing an in-depth look at the knowledge and skills of these pioneering creatives. The book captures the passion that inspired the decorated paper movement through both the text, which explores the rise of the form and its enduring legacy today, and the hypnotizing and often iconic variety of designs illustrated in full color throughout the volume.

Providing the first contextualization of the history of contemporary American decorated paper, “Pattern and Flow” is the culmination of several years of hands-on research conducted by Dubansky, including visiting the studios of working artists both locally and across the United States. The Watson Library has a growing collection about the history of paper, papermaking, and

estimate, while a boxed Asakusa Mighty Atom Boy motorcycle earned $19,200, nearly five times its high estimate.

A coveted Masudaya Machine Man from the celebrated “Gang of Five” series of big, boxy robots came with blue-chip provenance from the collection of the late FH Griffith, one of the visionaries who first viewed Japanese toy robots as collectibles of the present and future. In pristine to nearmint condition, the Machine Man sold within estimate for $60,000.

Other notable auction highlights included a Holt Manufacturing salesman’s sample of a Model 75 Caterpillar bulldozer, ex. Ray Burgess collection, $22,800 (est. $12,000-$18,000), and a 13-inch Hubley full-figure Giraffe doorstop, $6,600 (est. $3,000-$5,000).

For additional information, call 856-692-1881 or email

All prices quoted in this report are inclusive of buyer’s premium.

All images courtesy of Bertoia Auctions.

decoration, and the Library has recently acquired many publications that feature the work of the Paper Legacy Collection artists. The significant collection demonstrates the creativity and variety of decorated paper in the book arts of the past 50 years.

Additionally, the Watson Library has launched a research guide for the Paper Legacy Collection that includes information on how to access the collection in person and online. The research guide includes links to all Watsonline catalog records, images of papers, and artist-provided documentation from its Digital Collections database, a list of basic biographical information for artists, Dubansky’s presentation “Documenting a Generation: The Watson Library Paper Legacy Project,” and a full run (1987–93) of the journal “Ink & Gall,” which is dedicated to the history and technique of marbling.

“Pattern and Flow: A Golden Age of American Decorated Paper, 1960s to 2000s” is available in hardcover from Yale University Press and The Met Store for $65.

For inquiries about the exhibition at the Grolier Club in New York, email Amanda Domizio at amanda@

02/04/23, WILMINGTON, SAT. AT 5PM, Antqs., Glassware, Artwork, Adv., & Collec. C.War era flatware, cabinets, primitive collectibles, coin silver, Atlas Powder Co. adv. box, Esso gas can, DE books, mahog. shaving mirror w/drawer, 18th cen. keyhole chopper, oil lamps, popcorn quilt, & more!, 1323 Newport Gap Pike, Delaware Estate Sale

01/28/23, UNION, SAT., Old West & Native American Auction., Online Only:, Donley Auctions

02/03/23, PARSONSBURG, FRI. AT 5:03PM, 17th Annual Firearm & Men's Night Auction! 190+ firearms incl. antq./ mod. rifles, shotguns, handguns, bayonets, swords, rifle scopes, ammo., shooting access., etc. Custom 2022 Corvette Stingray 3LT, 2012 Polaris 550 & 2013 Polaris 570 ATVs., Live & Online: 8000 Esham Rd.;;, A&M Auctioneers & Appraisers

02/01/23, BEACH CITY, BEGINS CLOSING WED. AT 6PM, McDonald's & Coca~Cola Collectibles. Sev. lg. Ronald figures, merry-go-round, store signs, happy meal displays, 450+ happy meal inserts. Coca~Cola incl. machines, signs, small items. + two juke boxes., Online Only:, Steve Chupp Auctions


01/20-29/23, HELLERTOWN, ENDS SUN. AT7PM, Vtg. & antq. items, primitives, ephemera, collectibles, hh, adv., uranium glass, WWII blackout lantern, Bell telephone horn., Online Only:, Les Beyer, Auctioneer

01/26/23, NAZARETH, THURS. AT 5PM, Oak file cabinets, Hotel Easton collec., Louis Vuitton suitcase, Christo "The Gates" posters, adv. signs, Vic. lighting, circa 1974 VWBeetle yard art- car cut in half, Beech Nut tobacco signs, Good Gulf, & more, antq. telephones, Grundig table radio, Vict. floor lamps/ lighting, stained glass windows, cast window grills, Waterford crystal & more!, Online Only:, Dotta Auction Co.

01/26/23, PHILADELPHIA, THURS. AT10AM, Crystal stemware/ pcs., Deco/ bisque/ porcelain figures, 18th-19th cen. coin flatware, Tiffany jars & jiggers, sterling candlesticks, candelabra, jewelry, clocks, Louis XV style boulle, mus. instruments, Les Paul guitars, mandolins & more, artwork, collec. Henri David prec. metal & stone mini-sculptures, vtg. door knobs/ hardware, & much more!, Online Only:; liveauctioneers &, Barry S. Slosberg, Inc.

01/27/23, CHAMBERSBURG, FRI. AT1:30PM, Workshop tools, furn., fireman's collec., Cumberland Valley & Friendship Fireman helmets, old Fire Co. photos, paper items, 1906 Fireman's Convention pin, brass hose couplings, axe, firetruck toys: plastic/ metal/ iron, firetruck pedal car, plaques, & more. Local milk bottles, blue crocks, old baskets, gumball mach., & much more!, 4401 Philadelphia Ave., Kenny's Auction

01/28/23, MOUNTWOLF, SAT. AT9AM, Author Gary D. Baldwin collec. (book: Moser Artistic Glass) incl. book examples, Moser glass, Behemian glass, 20+ lg. Parian statues, bust, Victorian glass, cut glass, Roseville Art pottery, sterling silver, silver plate, dolls & access., Live & Online: 4522 N. Sherman St. Ext. /, Rentzels Auction Service

01/28/23, POTTSTOWN, CLOSES SAT. AT4PM, Estate Auction incl. Sporting Goods, Collec., Firearms, Jewelry & More. Ammo., reloading dies, shot guns, pistols, vtg. military style bolt action rifle, Thompson 45 black powder pistol, bb guns, 10k & 14k gold jewelry, toys, 42" Cub Cadet tractor LT1042, machinist chest, & much more!, Online Only:, Geyer Auction Companies

01/29/23, YORK, BEGINS CLOSING SUN. AT9AM, Trading Card & Collectibles Auction incl. Pokemon, Yugioh, Baseball, Football & more!, Online Only:, Marburg Auctions

01/31/23, EPHRATA, BEGINS CLOSING TUES. AT6PM, Comic Book Auction! Selec. Bound Golden Age comics, graded books. Platinum/ Golden/ Silver/ Bronze/ Mod. age. Fantastic Four, The Amazing Spiderman, The Avengers, Jungle Comics, Cowboy/ Western, Werewolf By Night, etc., 564 N. Reading Rd., Gehman Auctions

01/31/23, GLEN ROCK, TUES. AT 9AM, Gigantic Art Auction incl. 500+ folk art items, 400+ framed pcs., mod. pottery, carvings, art glass paper wts., paintings, prints, & pics., carvings by Walter & June Gottshall, Daniel & Barbra Strawser, S.A. Shoemaker, Gary Foltz, Menno, others. Redware, slipware, dec. stoneware by Foltz, Breininger, Yoder & Logan, David Eldreth & others., 4067 Snyder Rd., Wehrly's Auction Svc.

02/02, KINZERS, THURS. AT 10AM, Militaria, weapons, firearms, military-related & rare ephemera and books, 5336 Mine Rd.,;, Embassy Auctions International

02/03/23, BANGOR, FRI. AT 10AM, 600 lots: Country, Primitives, Americana, Folk Art & Industrial. Blue dec. stoneware/ adv.jugs, slipdec. redware, painted pantry boxes, yellowware/ mochaware, wdn. bowls, game boards, Tramp Art frames/ dressers, decoys, clocks, books, architec. items, button press, penny scale, holiday decor., paintings, rugs, wdn. carousel horse & more!, Live & Online: 521 Richmond Rd.;, Hartzell's Auction Gallery, Inc.

02/03/23, MANHEIM, FRI. AT 5PM, Firearms Auction incl. tactical, modern & sporting arms. 353 lots!, Live & Online: 768 Graystone Rd.;, Hess Auction Group

02/04/23, SPRING GROVE, SAT. AT 9AM, 300+ lots antqs. & collec. incl. scarce/ rare. Early Gendron child's pedal car, lg. C.War 35 star flag, 1787 book plate/ sm. fraktur, 3 pcs. by Frank Feather, pd. Chippendale high case of drawers- "A. Getty of Taneytown, MD 1770," repro. furn. by Ken Zeigler of Littlestown, PA & Fred Hartman, tall case gfthr. clocks, antq. cast iron toys, much more!, Porters Fire Co., 1199 Porters Rd., PAOnsite Auction

02/05/23, LEBANON, SUN. AT 10AM, Coin & Currency Auction incl. fine silver coins, silver eagle dollars, Morgan dollars, Franklin halves, silver Kennedy halves, Walking Liberty halves, Peace dollars, foreign coins, wheat pennies, proof sets, Barber dimes/ qtrs. & more!, 2246 Lebanon Valley Mall, All Points Auction Company



02/09-12/23, ATLANTA, THURS.-SUN., Antique Market, 3650 Jonesboro Rd. SE, Atlanta Expo Center, North Bldg.


01/28-29/23, MILLVILLE, SAT. & SUN., 10AM-4PM, Mid-Winter Antique Show, 1000 Village Dr., Millville, NJ

02/11/23, TITUSVILLE, SAT. 9AM-3PM, Pinback Button Show: Buttons, Badges, Ephemera & Posters, 1396 River Rd. (Rte. 29), Union Fire Co.


01/28-29/23, COLUMBUS, SAT.SUN., Antiques & Designer Items Market, 717 E. 17th Ave., Ohio Expo Center

02/25-26/23, COLUMBUS, SAT.SUN., Antique Market, 717 E. 17th Ave., Ohio Expo Center


02/03-04/23, YORK, FRI. 10-6 & SAT. 10-5, York, PAAntiques Show & Sale, 334 Carlisle Ave., York Fairgrounds Conv. & Expo Ctr., Memorial Hall East

02/18-19/23, PITTSBURGH, SAT. 10-5 & SUN. 10-4, Pittsburgh Antiques Show, 164 Fort Couch Rd., Pittsburgh - Crown Plaza Hotel

03/24-25/23, LANCASTER, FRI. 10-6 & SAT. 10-4, 46th Annual Post Card Show, 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster Farm & Home Center

12/10/22 TO 04/23/23, BERWYN, EVERYSAT. & SUN., 9AM-4PM THROUGH APR., Indoor/Outdoor Vtg. Flea, 270 W. Swedesford Rd., Berwyn Vintage Flea Market


03/04-05/23, CHANTILLY, SAT. 9-6 & SUN. 11-5, The DC BIG FLEAAntiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center

It happens quite often when I perform a house or estate contents appraisal. A client brings out an item with a note from mom, dad or the grandparents that basically says, “This is extremely valuable,” or, “This is worth X.” Usually this “value” was

obtained from a well-intentioned individual with little or no expertise in the category and is nowhere near today’s realistic value.

Often it’s a piece of cut glass, artwork or print, furniture item, Limoges plate or vase, china set, or perhaps a

run-of-the-mill Chotchkee. The other day it was an antique and very primitive workbench that was 10 feet long, weighed several hundred pounds, and the young owner had been told it was worth at least $1,000 by a family member. I doubt that it Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 - - 7
Continued from page 4
A Santa belsnickel with reindeer-drawn sleigh on platform pull toy, accompanied by wooden crate in which it likely had been stored since its manufacture, sold for $50,400 against an estimate of $20,000-$30,000. A German-made Indian Scout skittles container, 28 inches long, sold for $36,000 against an estimate of $2,500-$4,500.
“What’s It Worth” Antiques Minute
Leave Loved Ones With Realistic Value Expectations
Continued on page 10

Hitting All The Right Notes: Novelty Music Boxes

Smack Dab In The Middle: Design Trends Of The Mid-20th Century

Snoopy, that fiddle-player from “Fiddler on the Roof,” Winnie the Pooh, the Easter Bunny. What could the members of this unlikely quartet possibly have in common? Well, at one time or another, they’ve each been featured on a novelty music box. Joining them: a multitude of other pop culture characters, from Minnie Mouse to Humpty Dumpty. Also churning out the music box tunes:

repository just right for miniature mementos.

Numerous novelty music boxes are fashioned of china, metal, or glass. A bit higher up on the value ladder are all-wood, hand-carved boxes. A bit lower down, all-plastic. But regardless of their base material, the function remains the same. Wind them up (or, on the newer batteryoperated versions, flip a switch), and the music boxes repeatedly tinkle out identifiable 18-note segments of a popular or semi-classical tune. You can even make a reasonably accurate stab at the date of manufacture by identifying the song that’s playing. If it’s the “Theme From Love Story,” chances are good the box dates from the 1970s.

The music box heritage is a lengthy one. The very first “mechanical musical instrument” is credited to a trio of

That lovable beagle, Snoopy and Woodstock, too! The ceramic windup plays “O Christmas Tree” and was from Schmid, 1980.

All the rage before the novelty music box, here is an 1897 ad for the Regina music box with removable discs.

plenty of easily recognizable things (souped-up ’50s roadsters, merry-go-rounds); easily recognizable places (Alpine hillsides, the “Little Brown Church in the Vale”); and easily recognizable generics (little kids with pets, old men puffing on pipes, sad-faced clowns, and the list is neverending).

Novelty music boxes were often gifts for special occasions (birthdays, graduations, weddings, etc.). Some celebrate certain times of the year (Christmas for sure, but Easter, Halloween, and St. Patrick’s Day are in the mix). Even holiday-themed music boxes usually stay out yearround, since many do double duty: open the lid, and there’s a velvety-cushioned

How it all works: simple windup music box showing interior cylinder and comb. The song segment played is a theme from “The Nutcracker,” from Creative Play Things, Princeton, N.J.

brothers in Baghdad, who created a “hydropowered organ” in the 9th century. By the 13th century, a bell-ringer in Flanders had come up with a means of making his job easier, with pins and cams mechanically striking out

He’s playing the title tune, a “Fiddler on the Roof” ceramic music box from Price Import, Japan.

of first day issues, wooden egg crate, bakelite radio’s, Hamilton Beach soda shop shake mixer, vintage coffee mill, cast iron grocery store scale w weights, cookie cutters, slag glass lamp, wooden & tin child’s riding horse, crocks & jugs, political buttons, advertising, lead figures, ceramic duck light, holiday noise makers, collection of dog plates, wooden canes, mixing bowls, black memorabilia, Brass gas torch, cut & pressed glassware, mantel clocks, shawnee pottery, silver plate tea set & other items, majolica, Murano glass pens, art glass perfume atomizers, old fountain pens, old kitchen molds, Hat’s & block, Beyer’s figures, Collection of Boyd & other bears, baskets, linens, records, tin items, Shells, Figurines, Scottie Dog bookends, colored glassware, lighting & much more.

AUTOGRAPHED & GRADED SPORTS ITEMS: Autographed: Dan Marino, Stan Musial, Joe Dimaggio, Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams, Whitey Ford, Sandy Koufax, Reggie Jackson, Hank Aaron, Joe Frazer & Muhammad Ali. Graded Items: Magic Johnson, Jim Kern, Steve Carlton, Wayne Gretzky, Ken Griffey Jr., Patrick Mahomes, Shaquille O’Neal, Emmit Smith, Anna Kournikova, Pokémon, Cello, Conor McGregor. Terms: Cash, Certified Checks, Visa & M/C Credit cards & Pre-Approved Checks.

It wouldn’t be the holidays without a music box. This Danbury Mint seasonal specialty plays “White Christmas” when open.

melodies on the church bells. Over the next several centuries, a variety of mechanized musical objects continued to pour forth from inventive minds. There were towering musical clocks and tiny musical snuff boxes, plus plenty of musical automata, like the

Continued on page 9 8- - Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 R030375 Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22) NAZARETH, PA 18064 610-759-7389 Trading Card & Collectibles Auction If you are interested in consigning, please contact us at at (717) 814-8699, or Marburg Auctions will be having additional sales of sports, Topps, Baseball, Football, Pokémon, Yugioh cards and other collectibles. R092205 Pokémon, Yugioh, Baseball, Football, & More! Lot Start Closing Sunday, January 29th, at 9 AM EST January 9 THIS IS AN ONLINE-ONLY SALE Online Bidding (Proxibid): Up for auction: a very large selection of quality & authentic sports cards, Yugioh cards & Pokémon cards from several collections that have been consigned to Marburg Auctions. There is a combination of loose cards, sleeved cards, cards in binders, sealed packs/boxes & graded cards from PSA and CGC. The first lot will begin ending on January 29th at 9:00am eastern, with lots closing 1 minute after another. If a bid does occur within the last minute, a clock will be restarted to provide an opportunity for bidders to place additional bids. Once bidding concludes, the lot will end. Cards & collectibles in this auction are sold as-is. Please refer to all pictures within the catalog in order to establish the condition and value of items. T KLEINFELTER’S AUCTION 492 E. Lincoln Ave. MYERSTOWN, PA 17067 Online Only Auctions Every Thursday 1PM For Information Phone (717) 272-7078 R075957 P A F , F 3 • 5 L O 768 Graystone Rd. Manheim, PA 17545 717-664-5238877-599-8894 See hessauc for more details. BUYER’S PREMIUM 15% In-House / 20% Online Preview: Friday, February 3 • 1-5pm Tac cal, Modern and Spor ng Arms 353 lots of Firearms to include Parker Bros. Side-by-Side Shotguns, large assortment of military rifles (W1 to W11), Colt 1911 Handguns, Winchester mod. 71 Rifle, M1 Garands, Tac cal, Modern and Spor ng Arms, Variety of Third Reich Handguns, a variety of Handguns to include Glock, Colt, Smith & Wesson, Ruger and much more. Be sure to check out our Online Only Militaria Auc on, running Jan. 24—Feb. 7. B AY000253L R092141 ESTATE AUCTION ANTIQUES, GLASSWARE, ARTWORK, ADVERTISING & COLLECTIBLES R092223 DELAWARE ESTATE SALES 1323 Newport Gap Pike, Wilmington, DE 19804 302-327-9017 or 302-668-7309 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH AT 5 P.M.  Preview: 4:00 P.M. 1323 Newport Gap Pike, WILMINGTON, DE 19804 115 Cent Ampollina Dye Cabinet, Civil War Era Flatware, 3 wooden Sailing Model Ships, Salesman sample China cabinet, Primitive Collectibles, Military patches, medal, pins, hats & other insignia, Belt Buckles, Lance cracker jars, Coin Silver, Atlas Powder Co. Advertising box, Esso gasoline can, Delaware Books, Lynch’s Turkey Call, Mahogany Shaving Mirror, Roseville & Weller Pottery, 18th Century keyhole chopper, 18th Century Wrought Iron fat oil lamp, glass oil lamps, fishing reels, numerous spice tins, depression glass, china, ruby glass, jewelry, marbles, Locks, postcards, Popcorn quilt, Hamilton “Dupont” Regulator wall clock, E.J. Alberts violin w case, Louis Marx Tin Toys: Coca Cola, Gold Star Transfer Co & Cities Service Trucks, Hubley toy crane, Lumar Hopper Loader, Collection
Check out our website at: for full listing and pictures to be posted shortly. R092135 Sunday, February 5TH AT 10:00 A.M. 2246 Lebanon Valley Mall, Lebanon, PA 17042 ABSENTEE BIDS by Phone 717-222-6191 or Email LIVE Coin & Currency Auction VERY FINE AUCTION! Silver Coins & Ingots, Silver Eagle Dollars, Morgan Dollars, Franklin Halves, Silver Kennedy Halves, Walking Liberty Halves, Peace Dollars, Foreign Coins, Silver Nickels, Indian & Lincoln Cents, Silver Maple Leafs, Barber Dimes & Quarters, Wheat Pennies, Proof Sets & much more! Visit for details. Rapid Payment - Consignments Wanted Coins/Currency etc.! Booking for Live Onsite Auctions, Real Estate, Estate & Commercial Liquidations Call 717-222-6191 All Points Auction Co. Lic #AU-002893-L A UCTIONEER DIRECTORY DELAWARE PENNSYLVANIA

jeweled singing bird Hans Christian Andersen wrote about in “The Emperor’s Nightingale.”

Early musical mechanicals were primarily toys for the well-to-do. More affordable music boxes had to wait until the early 1800s, when skilled Swiss watchmakers turned their talents to music-making. Essentially, what came to be

recognized as a “music box” played its simple melody when a set of pins on a revolving cylinder plucked the teeth of a steel comb. The music box industry received a major boost in 1870 with the introduction of removable discs. While the function was the same, a cylinder could play just one melody. With removable discs, a change of disc, a turn of the crank, a

music box could play tunes aplenty. By the early 1900s, they had become a musthave household staple. As the Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog put it: “In any home, rich or poor, the music box will be a pleasure. No costly music lessons are necessary, as the music produced by this beautiful instrument is just as charming and delightful as that of any piano.”

During its heyday, plenty of music boxes were sold. (Regina, the industry leader, is estimated to have moved at least 100,000.) But, by the 1920s, the player piano and the phonograph had captured the ear of those in search of mechanized music. Today, antique cylinder and disc music boxes command the big bucks, as do their modern re-creations.

Fortunately, vintage novelty music boxes, with their pop culture themes and 18-note instrumentals, remain perfectly in tune with today’s pocketbooks; most sell for well under $50. That’s one reason why they continue to attract giftgivers looking to please gift-getters. Well, and who can resist Snoopy?

Photo Associate: Hank Kuhlmann.

Photos by Donald-Brian Johnson.

Donald-Brian Johnson is the co-author of numerous Schiffer books on design and collectibles, including


Baskets and Woodenware, Tramp Art Frames and Dressers, Carved Birds and Decoys, Clocks and Books, Corner Cupboards and High Chests, Jelly Cupboard and Bucket Benches, Lowboys and Marble Top Tables and MORE.

Industrial: American Optical Base, Iron Plant Stands and Architectural Items, Wooden Easel, Stools, Library Ladder, Scroll Saws, Button Press, Penny Scale and MORE.

Holiday and Toys: Feather Tree, Belsnickles, Halloween Pumpkin, Turkey Candy Containers, Wooly Sheep, Cast Iron Doorstops and Banks, Miniature Croquet Set, Wooden Wagon, Porcelain Dolls, Teddy Bears, German Sewing Machines, Rocking Horses, Toboggan, Doll House, and MORE.

Paintings and Rugs: Cullen Yates, Sterling Strauser, Justin McCarthy, Victor J. Gatto, Jack Savitsky, Various 19th C. Portraits and Silhouettes, Miniature Portraits, Theorems and Needlepoints, Several Oriental Rugs (incl. Palace Size), Braided Rugs, Wiener Werkstatte Clothing and MORE.

Special Mention: Rye Bee Skep, Shaker Berry Bucket, New Jersey Coverlet, Wagner Pottery Dog Banks and Flowerpot, Portrait of a Gentleman (attr. Gilbert Stuart), Oak Fishing Case (J.B. Crook & Co.), Black Forest Cuckoo Clock, Quality Tiger Maple Sideboard and Corner Cupboard, Wooden Carousel Horse, Seth Thomas Regulator Calendar Clock, French Cast Iron Stove, John Bell Pottery Pitcher and MORE. Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 - - 9 Music Boxes
Continued from page 8 R092183 521 Richmond Road, Bangor, PA 18013 610-588-5831 1-800-724-6808 FAX: 610-588-6206 PA #AU-000395-L AH-1919 EST. 1943 600-LOTS OF COUNTRY, PRIMITIVES, AMERICANA, FOLK ART AND INDUSTRIAL ITEMS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD AT 10:00 A.M. Live in the gallery and online through Country and Primitives: Blue Decorated Stoneware and Advertising Jugs, SlipDecorated Redware, Painted Pantry Boxes, Yellowware and Mochaware, Butter Stamps and Wooden Bowls, Mortised Benches and Game Boards, Tea Caddies and Mangle Boards, Tinware and Ironware, Kerosene Lamps and Iron Lighting, Signs and Bottles, Quilts and Coverlets, Brass and Copper, Weathervanes,
CULLEN YATES (AMERICAN, 1866-1945) Pop,” a collection of his columns. Please address inquiries to: Vrooom! There goes a 1950s ceramic roadster music box, unmarked. Heidi welcomes visitors to the Swiss Alps in the wood box by Reuge (Switzerland) and plays “Edelweiss.” It’s a great day for the Irish! Themed for St. Patrick’s Day, the porcelain box plays “Danny Boy,” unmarked. Mice frolic on a ceramic upright piano in this Dept. 56 (Philippines) music box. The tune played, of course, “Hickory Dickory Dock.” “A Child’s Prayer” is the title of this fine porcelain figurine by Lladro, mounted on a revolving wood base. The mechanism plays “Waltz of the Flowers.”

What’s It Worth?

Continued from page 7

would have brought $5 at auction.

Frequently it’s up to me to break the bad news regarding value. And a sad reality today is that few in the younger generation want most antiques and collectibles the same way their parents or grandparents did.

When anticipating leaving treasures to loved ones, remember that there are actually two totally different types of value.

• Sentimental Value

This encompasses all of the stories, memories, family lore, and history associated with the item. Who owned it? Where did it came from? What makes it so special? Why should it remain in the family? Sentimental value can be valuable to family members who want to carry on the family legacy and share details with loved ones and future generations. If someone important or famous was associated with it, value can increase exponentially. That’s

called “provenance.” But you can’t spend “sentimental value.”

Cash Value

This is completely different from sentimental value. This is what someone can sell it for if they wish to convert it into cash. And unfortunately, all too often those who are left these “valuable” items want nothing to do with them and are disappointed when they hear how little they’re actually worth today.

My advice is that if you’re planning to leave some “treasures” to family members and loved ones, you need to do three things: First, make sure they actually want it. Second, create a written “sentimental value” legacy of the items you wish to pass on, which leaves no room for misunderstanding or confusion. Third, get a professional and impartial appraisal or opinion of “cash value” from a knowledgeable individual who has no interest in buying it.

After all, you’re leaving your

family treasures to your loved ones. It’s important and only fair that you leave them with an accurate history as well as realistic value expectations.

What’s it worth? We perform many “equitable distribution appraisals” for clients who wish to avoid any family disagreements after their passing. Some prefer to leave specific items to specific loved ones.

Others simply want their heirs to understand value so they can more equitably divide items among themselves. That’s precisely what an equitable distribution appraisal can accomplish. Another benefit is that values provided by an independent, unbiased, and impartial third party can protect you or the executor against undue criticism. Either way, you

need to remember that sentimental value and cash value are two totally different entities, and it’s only fair that you leave both to your loved ones.

Mike Ivankovich is an auctioneer,appraiser,homedownsizing expert, and host of the “What’s It Worth? Ask Mike the Appraiser” radio show. Now in its fifth year, “What’s It Worth”

airs live on Friday mornings

from9:30to10:30a.m.onWBCB 1490 AM in the greater Philadelphia area. It is available on the internet at

Listeners can also visit his radio show website at www.AskMikeThe

To contact Mike Ivankovich, call 215-264-4304.

SAT., FEB. 4, 2023


AUCTION STARTING AT 9:00 A.M. SHARP Sale For The Late Fred Hartman Collection

To Be Held At Porters Fire Co. , 1199 Porters Road, SPRING GROVE, PA 17362

Antique scarce outstanding early Gendron child’s pedal car, early great large Civil War 35 star flag, very good 1787 book plate or small fraktur with hand-drawn & colored heart & flowers with decorated frame, rare early 1805 hand-drawn plot of Poormans Hall Hagerstown, Md., 3 outstanding pcs. made by Frank Feather, important period Chippendale high case of drawers signed & dated by the maker “A. Getty of Taneytown, Md. 1770,” antique furniture, absolutely beautiful quality repro. furniture made by Ken Zeigler of Littlestown, Pa. & Fred Hartman, outstanding circa 1797-1814 John Reynolds Hagertown (Maryland) tall case grandfathers clock, very good 1891 school bed, antique cast-iron horse hitching post signed “Calvin Gilbert Gettysburg Pa,” scarce swan neck cast-iron horse hitching post, very rare set early 19th-century Victorian plantation servant bells, hard to find late 1800’s salesman sample farm equipment, antique lighting, outstanding fire memorabilia collection, antique cast-iron toys, antique “Imperial Mainsprings” 42 drawer pocket watch wooden

Also included is Original Comic book art from Golden Age - Modern Age. Nice selection of original Publisher Bound Golden Age comics, Graded Books. 10- - Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023
To View Full Sale Listing & Pictures Visit our
Sale Preview - Friday, Feb. 3 - From 1-4 P.M. SALE TERMS: 10% Buyer’s Premium. 6% Sales Tax to be applied. Cash & PA. Local check only. 3% administrative fee in addition when paying w/credit card. PA. OnSITE AUCTION CO. LLC RANDY DICKENSHEETS AUCTIONEER LICENSE #AU-003539-L For More Information Call (717) 630-9349 or (717) 451-5999 R092209 OUTSTANDING OVER 300 LOT CATALOG AUCTION OF ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES MANY SCARCE & RARE ITEMS R092206 Gehman Auctions Online Service Specializing in: Collection Liquidations, Antiques, Toys, Military, Coins, Comics, Cards 564 N. Reading Road,Ephrata, Pa 17522 LARGE MULTI-CONSIGNOR COMIC BOOK AUCTION Beginning to end Tuesday, January 31st at 6:00 P.M. LOCAL PICK UP | IN-HOUSE SHIPPING | OPEN 9-3 DAILY FOR PREVIEW | QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED Gehman Auctions Online Service Specializing in: Collection Liquidations, Antiques, Toys, Military, Coins, Comics, & Cards. 564 N. Reading Road, Ephrata, PA 17552 Shane
• AU#006279 Dillion
Auction Includes: Platinum age, Golden age, Silver age, Bronze & Modern age. Fantastic Four, The Amazing Spider-Man, X-Men, The Avengers, Jungle Comics, Large assortment of Golden Age Romance comics, Cowboy & Western, Werewolf by night, Tomb of Dracula, Captain Marvel, Superman, Batman, Wolverine, First App & Key issues.
parts chest, antique stoneware, 3 pcs. signed John Bell, butter molds, quilts, sterling silver, scare Indian motorcycle candy decanter, original WWII War Bond posters, woodenwares, cast
advertising, early glassware, much more.
Website at:
Gehman, 717-669-9668
Lehman, 717-466-9256
Clouser, 717-201-3797
let’s Tim Advertising Consultant
get social

American Impressionists, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, European paintings. 40 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.





SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 - - 11 F092238 PENNSYLVANIA AUCTION LICENSE AY001987 AUCTIONEERS: GABI JARAMILLO LIC AU005728 KATELYN CALLAHAN LIC AU005869 | DANIEL STOLTZFUS AU006214 EMBASSY AUCTIONS INTERNATIONAL 5336 MINE RD., KINZERS, PA 17535 717-442-8529 OR 302-438-1217 EMAIL: WEB: Auctioneer ID #4741 FOR ONLINE BIDDING GO TO ARE YOU AN AMBASSADOR FOR EMBASSY AUCTIONS? BRINGING THE FINEST PIECES TO AUCTION FOR 17 YEARS! MILITARIA, WEAPONS, FIREARMS, AND MILITARY-RELATED EPHEMERA AND BOOKS THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2 - 10 A.M. A Monumental, Varied Auction Of Military Weapons, Daggers, Swords, Nazi Helmets, Japanese Swords, Badges, Pins, Bayonets, Excavated Civil War Relics, WWII Posters, Quality Books And Ephemera Of All Kinds And Much More. From French 1870’s Bayonets, WWI Trench Knives, WWII German Army Officer’s Dagger Marked WKC, A WWII German Postal Protection Officials Dagger By Paul Weyersburg. A Japanese NCO Sword With Matching Numbers, An Early Japanese Katana Sword, A 1st Pattern SA / SS Standard Bearers Gorget. Three Adolf Hitler Hand Drawn Sketches, Signed And Dated With COA’s From The Nineteen Teens. 3 Matching Pieces Of Silverware From The Leibstandarte, Hitler’s Bodyguards, Marked “LAH”, Luftwaffe Officer’s Silver Coffee Cup Holder Marked Giessen 1938. Rare Ephemera: 27 Lots Of Paperwork From Dr. C. A. Traeckle, An Engineer In Hermann Goring’s Weapons Technology Plant “Luftfahrtfonschungsanstatt”. Including Photo Id’s, Membership Cards, Signed Contracts, Old Nazi Party Letterhead, Herman Goring Letterhead, Correspondences From Heads Of Many German Institutions, Factories And Companies. Then Later After The War He Was Brought To The U.S. And He Was Part Of Project Paperclip At Wright Patterson AFB, Also NASA Letters, Offers For Employment Signed By U.S. Generals. A Very Rare Archive Once Held By His Granddaughter. A Very Rare And Complete Set Of Books On The Hearings Before The Joint Committee On The Investigation Of The Pearl Harbor Attack Held By The 79th Congress Of The United States. This Set Includes All Maps And Is In Excellent Condition. Very Few Still Exist! Many Quality WWII Posters That Were Sealed In Plastic Back From 1942-1945 From A Postal Employee. They Are In Incredible Condition As If They Were Just Printed! Many Military Books, Books On Explosives, Accounts From The Wars. Just Too Many To List! Antique Firearms: A Collection Of Fine Flintlock Pistols, A Two Barrel Derringer, Pepperboxes, Revolvers. An 1838 Harper’s Ferry Musket. A Pair Of Percussion Cap Pistols, A Colt Revolver, A German Revolver, An 1884 Springfield Rifle, An 1896 Springfield And Others. Nazi Helmets: Luftwaffe With Decal, Wehrmacht With Decal, Kreigsmarine Helmet Shell With Decal (No Liner). A Huge Collection Of Britain Lead Soldiers!, Numerous Pins, Medals, Badges. Wood Clubs, Batons, And Swagger Sticks. Many More Items To List! A Huge Amount Of Quality Books! This Is A Can’t Miss Auction! PHONE AND ABSENTEE BIDS ACCEPTED. PREVIEW: TUESDAY, JAN 31, 2023, 10-5 PM & WEDNESDAY, FEB 1, 2023 10-4 PM DOORS OPEN AT 9 AM ON AUCTION DAY. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS BOOK 1916 BRITAINS WWII POSTER R068587 call 1-800-800-1833, Ext. 6022 or place your ad online F063435 ATTENTION! Get the Word Out! Advertise Your SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-800-1833, x6022 or R092168 R092197 WWW.GEYERAUCTIONS.COM Pottstown PA Online Estate Auction Sporting Goods & Collectibles Estate of James H. Graham Online Bidding Closes Sat., Jan. 28th at 4:00pm Preview and Inspection: Sat., Jan. 28th 10am-2pm Pickup & Removal – Sun., Jan. 29th 10am-4pm Location: 196 Snyder Road, Pottstown, PA 19464 Firearms: Savage 32 Semi Automatic Pistol; Civil War Style Cap & Ball Pistol with Case; Stevens 16 Gauge Single Shot Gun Model 940; Stevens Single Shot 410 Rifle Model 94; Remington Single Shot Bolt Action 22 Rifle Model 514; Glenfield Bolt Action 22 Rifle Model 25; Vintage Military Style Bolt Action Rifle; Marlin Bolt Action 22 Rifle Model SIDL; Thompson 45 Black Powder Pistol; Jukar Flint Lock Black Powder Pistol; Flint Lock Black Powder Pistol; Black Powder Pistol with Octagon Barrel; Frer Hawkenaz Black Powder Rifle; Navy Fab Arms 12 Gauge Black Powder Rifle; Jukar Black Powder Flint Lock Rifle; Jukar Black Powder Rifle; J.T. Randel Double Barrel 12 Gauge Shot Gun; Double Barrel 12 Gauge Shot Gun; Thompson 50 Cal. Black Powder Barrel; BB Guns; Reloading Dies; Ammunition; 42” Cub Cadet Tractor LT1042, Machinist Chest. 10k &14k Gold: Rings, Necklace, Earrings. 42” Cub Cadet Tractor LT1042, Machinist Chest, Toys & Much More! WE WILL NOT SHIP FIREARMS OR AMMO under any circumstance. All firearms must be transferred and picked up in Gilbertsville, PA by PA residents only. All Firearms (With the exception of Black Powder) will be taken by the family for FFL transfer to: D & R Locked & Loaded, 22 Wren Road, Gilbertsville, Pa 19525 - 610-342-2641. Please call the gun store to make an appointment for transfer. Any transfer fees are the responsibility of the buyer. View the catalog & bid online at Auction Terms - 13% Buyer’s Premium. All purchases will be charged to your credit card on file at the close of the auction. Geyer Auction Companies AY-000243-L 484-239-3273 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AT ANTIQUESANDAUCTIONNEWS.NET OR 1-800-428-4211 CLASSIFIEDS SEEKERS/SELLERS $ $POSTCARDS W W ORLD’S LAR ORLD’S LAR GEST GEST on-line store! 4 Stores, One Shopping Cart: * Topical * 50 States * World Countries * Victorian Trade Cards 2 Million Postcards! Email: Call Alan: 1-888-828-7811 ANTIQUE LAMP& METALS RESTORATION Antique Oxidized Patina Finishes, Polishing & more in Abbottstown, PA. Ask for John: 717-797-9194 FOR SALE: SM.WAREHOUSE FULL of ANTIQUES, etc., incl. Military Items, Jewelry, Indian Items, Artwork, & much more. Located in New Jersey. Moving to Florida, must sell. Call: 908-234-0367 or 908-715-9659. $ $MUSIC 1987 ERIC SCHULTE GUITAR Les Paul replica by Malvern, PA Luthier Eric Shulte. One owner. Cond. 9 w/HSC. CALL FOR DETAILS: 484-964-4151 Asking $3,995.00, but will consider all reasonable offers. To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211
Prices Paid. Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Glass Slides Displays
Dwight Cleveland, ph. 773-525-9152 POB 10922, Chicago, IL 60610
LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models.
Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-768-8740
TO BUY: OLD FISHING LINE 8 or 10 lb. Test. Must be off-white in color. Call Lee: 610-918-0620; cell: 302-766-4401.
to you.
father collects peanut butter cabinets.”
Will travel
Call Gary: 301-809-0291

SPS .270 Win,


Co 110 TACTICAL .308 Cal, Savage Arms Co 10 BA STEALTH 6.5 Creedmore, Savage Arms Corp Stevens 15-A .22 Cal, Savage Arms Inc AXIS Compact 6.5 Creedmore, Savage Arms Inc/Imp By Savage Arms Inc 93R17 .17 HMR, Savage Arms Inc/Savage Arms Inc B22 .22 MAG, Savage Arms Axis .243 Win, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc American Ranch Rifle .300 BLACKOUT, Thompson Center/Smith & Wesson Compass 5.56 MM, U.S. Remington 1903-A3 .30-06 Cal, Winchester 67A .22 S/L/LR, Winchester 70 Pre WWII Standard .222 REM, Winchester 70 Pre WWII Standard .30-06 Cal, Winchester Repeating Arms Co 69 .22 S/L/LR, Winchester Repeating Arms Co 69 .22 S/L/LR.


Lever Action Rifles: CBC/Imported By Braztech Rossi R92 Rio Bravo .22 GA, Henry H001TMER .22 Mag, Henry H001M .22 WRM, Marlin 336A .35 Rem, Two Winchester 9422 .22 S/L/LR.

Semi Auto Rifles: Anderson Manufacturing AM-15 .300 BLACKOUT, Armscorp M14 NM 7.62X51 MM, Browning Arms Co SA-22 .22 Cal, CBC/Imp By Mossberg Intl. 702 Plinkster Bantam .22 LR, CN Romarm Sa/Imp By Cai GP-WASR 10/63 7.62X39 MM, Del-Ton, Inc DTI-15 5.56 MM, Diamondback Firearms, LLC DB10 .308 Cal, DPMS - Panther Arms A-15 .223 Cal, German Sport Guns/Imp By ATI GSG-16 .22 Cal, Hi-Point Firearms 4595TS .45 ACP, Hi-Point Firearms 995TS 9 MM, Kel-Tec CNC, Inc SUB-2000 9 MM, Kel-Tec CNC, Inc CMG-30 .22 WMR, Remington 7400 .243 WinSmith & Wesson M&P 15-22 .22 LR, Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 Sport MOE .22 LR, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc AR556 .223 Grendel, Thompson Center Arms 22 CLASSIC .22 LR Slide/Pump Action Rifles: Winchester 62A .22 S/L/LR, Winchester 62A .22 S/L/LR, Winchester 62A .22 S/L/LR. Marlin Mdl 38 .22 Cal, Remington 760 Gamemaster .30-06. Combo Rifle/Shotgun: French – St. Etienne Drilling SBS Rifle/Shotgun Combo – 12 Ga/.40-65. Black Powder: U.S. Springfield Armory 1861 Percussion Musket .58 Cal. CVA - Connecticut Valley Arms Wolf V2 SS/EDGE .50 Cal, 2 Remington 700 ML .50 Cal 1Stainless/1Blued. Knight Revolution .50 Cal Disc Rifle.

Over/Under Shotguns: B. Rizzini/Imp By Sig Arms, Inc Aurora TR 40 .410 GA, Browning Arms Co 325 GRADE 1 Plus Sporting 12 GA, Browning Arms Co XS SKEET 12 GA, Browning Arms Co Special Sporting Clays 12 GA, Browning Arms Co Citori 12 GA, Browning Arms Co Lightning Superposed 12 GA, Two E.R. Amantino/Imp By Stoeger Condor I .410 GA, E.R. Amantino/Imp By Stoeger Condor-I 20 GA, FIAS 20 GA O/U, Kayhan Arthemis/Imy By Mossberg Intl Silver Reserve II 28 GA, Lanber Expulsor 12 GA, SKB 685 Field 28 Ga, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc Red Label 12 GA, Sun City Machinery Co/Imp By Savage Arms Inc/Stevens M301 .410 GA, Torun-Hatfield Gun Co/Imp By Savage Arms Co. Stevens 512 Gold Wings 28 GA, Utas USA/Hatfield Gun Co Field .410 GA, Weatherby Orion 12 GA.

Pump Action Shotguns: Akkar/Imp By CZ, USA 628 28 GA, Akkar/Imp By CZ-USA 628 Field Select 28 GA, Asena Arms/Imp By G-Force Arms FGF2P 12 GA, Huglu Makine/Imp By Tr Imports XM15 MARINE 12 GA, Miroku/Imp By Browning Arms Co. BPS Field 28 GA, Mossberg 510 Bantam .410 GA, Noble Mfg. Co. Westernfield XNH 480J .410 GA, Remington Arms Co 870 Express 28 GA, Remington Arms Co 31 12 GA, Remington Arms Co 870 WINGMASTER 12 GA, Remington Arms Co 870 Express DM Predator 12 GA, Sun City Machinery Co/Imp By Savage Arms Inc STEVENS 320 12 GA, Sun City Machinery Co/Imp By Savage Arms Inc STEVENS 320 12 GA, Winchester 25 12 GA, Winchester Repeating Arms Co 1893 12 GA, Winchester 1300 XTR 12 GA.

Semi Auto Shotguns: Aselkon/Imp By Adco Cia IT-1 12 GA, Aselkon/Imp By Adco Cia IT-1 12 GA, Benelli Armi Spa/Imp By Benelli USA Super, Black Eagle II 12 GA, Browning Arms Co B/2000 Magnum 12 GA, Franchi/Imp By Benelli USA Affinty 3.5 12 GA, Hatsan Arms Co/Imp By Hatsan USA, Inc ESCORT DF12 12 GA, Kayhan Armsan/Imp By Mossberg


Double 12- - Antiques & Auction News — January 27, 2023 R092221 8 AUCTIONS BY A&M AUCTIONS! View Website for Complete Ads, Terms, Directions, Photos, Additional Info. All Auctions Conducted Online @ 17TH ANNUAL FIREARM & MEN’S NIGHT AUCTION! Auctioneer - Dave Allen 410-835-0384 or 302-545-1903 FRIDAY February 3rd, 2023 Starting at 5:03 PM - Friday’s Auction will feature Live In Person bidding at the A&M Auction Facility with Live Online Webcast bidding available via (Online Absentee bidding via Live Auction/Live Webcast Bidding – Friday, Feb. 3rd, 2023 @ 5:03 PM A&M Auction Facility - 8000 Esham Road, Parsonsburg, MD 21849 Online Bidding will be available at via PROXIBID! 190+ Firearms including Antique/Modern Rifles, Shotguns & Handguns, Bayonets, Swords, Rifle Scopes, Ammunition, Shooting Accessories & more! SPECIAL ADDITION’s: Custom 2022 Corvette Stingray 3LT, 2012 Polaris 550 & 2013 Polaris 570 ATVs! Preview: Monday, Jan. 30th, 2023 from 4-7 PM and Friday, Feb., 3rd, 2023 from 4-5 PM. Bolt Action Rifles: DWM Molelo 1909 Argentino .7.65x53 MM, Marlin - Sears & Roebuck 103.2 RANGER .22 Cal, Marlin Firearms Co 25 .22 S/L/LR, Mauser 1891 Modelo Argentino .45 ACP, Mauser Werke A.G. Oberndorf ES340 .22 LR,
Stainless Stalker .300 WSM, Mosin Nagant 1891 7.62x54mm,
Miroku/Imp By Browning Arms Co. A-Bolt
Remington Arms Co 700 ADL .30-06 Cal, Remington 700 XCR .300 WIN MAG, Remington 700 ADL .270 Win, Remington 700 SPS Varmint .243 Win, Remington 700 ADL Varmint .308 Cal, Remington 700
Remington 700 ADL Tactical .22-250 Cal, Remington 722 .222 Rem, Remington 510-P Targetmaster .22 Cal, Remington 512-P
Savage Arms 11 Varmint .22-250 CAL, Savage Arms
Intl SA-28 28 GA, Kral/Imp By Tri-Star Arms Compact Tactical 12 GA, Mossberg Intl/Imp By Mossberg SA-28 28 GA, Remington Arms Co. Mdl 11-48 28 GA, Utas USA/Hatfield Gun Co SAS 410 .410 GA, Utas USA/Hatfield Gun Co SAS 28 28 GA. Shot Shotgun: Davenport Columbia 12 GA, Rossi/Imp By Braztech Intl Single Shot .410 GA, Harrington & Richardson Bay State .410 GA, H&R 1871 Pardner SB1P45 .410 GA, Iver Johnson A&CW Champion 12 GA, Winchester 37 12 GA, Winchester Repeating Arms Co 37 .410 GA. Bolt Action Shotguns: Stevens - Sears & Roebuck 24 .410 GA, Savage Arms Co Stevens 59A .410 GA. SXS Shotgun: E. Amarantino/Imp By Stoeger, Inc Coach Gun 12 GA, Four Savage Arms Fox Mdl B 12/20 GA Shotguns, Savage Arms – Stevens 311A 12 GA, Savage Arms – Stevens 311 Series F .410 GA, Gaucha-Iga/Imp By Stoeger, Inc Uplander 28 GA, Ithaca Gun Co Lefever Nitro Special 12 GA, Ranger SBS BBL 16 GA, Western Arms Co Long Range Dbl BBL 16 GA, Winchester 24 20 GA. Wm Parkhurst SBS Dbl BBL 12 GA. Black Powder Shotgun: Pa Fabier Baltimore Percussion Muzzle loader shotgun 8 GA. Unknown Maker SBS Black powder Shotgun 12 GA.
Astra Unceta SA Camper .22 Short, Astra
27 7.65 MM, Carl Walther Waffenfabrick- Manurhin/ Imp By Cai PP 7.65 MM, Femaru-Fegyver (Feg) 37 7.65 MM, Garate Anitua & Cia 1915 8 MM, Glock/ Imp By Glock Inc. Mdl 19 Gen 3 9 MM, Glock/ Imp By Glock Inc. Glock 43 OD 9, G48 Exclusive “Sugar Skull White & Black” 9 MM, Glock/ Imp By Glock Inc. G43X “Black Cherry & Paisley” 9 MM, Glock G42 .380 ACP, Glock/Imp By Glock Inc. G43X “Mandala w/Purple Pearl” 9 MM, High Standard Supermatic Citation 106 .22 LR, Iver Johnson TP Series 22 .22 Cal, IWI/Mangnum Research Desert Eagle XiX .50 AE, KEL-TEC CNC, PLR-22, Manufacture D’armes De Bayonne (Mab) D Type 1 7.65 MM, Manufacture D’armes Des Pyrenees Hendaye Unique 7.65 MM, Mauser Werk A.G. HSC 7.65 MM, Mauser/Imp By R. Guns P38 BYF 44 7.65 MM, Nambu 94 8 MM, Nambu Type 14 8 MM, P. Beretta/Imp By Armamentos 1934 .380 Cal, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc Mark IV 22/45 .22 LR, Taurus Int Mfg/Imp By Taurus Arms G2S 9 MM, Taurus Int Mfg/Imp By Taurus Arms G2S 9 MM, Tisas/Imp By SDS 1911 Duty B45 .45 ACP, Waffenfabrik Walther PP 7.65 MM. Ammunition: Thousands rounds of Rifle, Handgun & Shotgun ammo. Rifle from .17 HMR to .416 Rigby. Pistol from .22 S/L/LR to .50 Action Express. Shotshell including .410, 20 GA, 16 GA, 12 GA & 10 GA. Bows/Crossbows: Parker Compound Bow, Ten Point Stealth XLT Crossbow w/Scope, Devastator Compound Crossbow w/scope. Nazi/Japanese items: 1943 German Nazi Army Hand Book, Patches, Rare German Nazi poker Card/Ship set, Nazi Military Training Tank top shirt, WWII small car flag 10” x 12”. 1944 German Nazi Paper Document with Nazi seal and German Nazi Eagle Book end, Arm Bands & more! Japanese WWII Canteen with original US Navy Receiving Barracks letter of provenance, Japanese WW II Imperial “Meatball” silk flag. Scopes: Hawke Vantage 3-9x50mm Riflescope, Bushnell Banner 3-9x50mm, 2 AIM Sports 4x32mm compact scopes, Hawke Vantage IR 3-9x50mm, Sniper Precision Optics by Presma Inc. LT 6-24x50mm, Vortex Crossfire II 4-12x44mm, 2 Firefield 10-40x50mm, Vortex 4-12x44mm Copperhead, Two Vortex Crossfire II 6-18x44mm, Vortex Strike Eagle 3-18x44mm, Burris Eliminator III 4-16x50mm, Sig Sauer Whiskey 5 1-5x20mm. Terms: Cash, Visa/MC/Amex/Discover or approved check. 13% Buyer Premium. 3% Discount for payment with cash or check. For Live onsite bidders. 18% Buyer Premium for all Online/Absentee/Phone Bids. All property is sold “As Is, Where Is”, and All Sales are Final. Property is open to thorough public inspection. It is the Bidder’s responsibility to determine condition, age genuineness, authenticity, value or any other determinative factor. A&M Auctioneers and Appraisers, LLC may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising, on the phone, on the Internet and at the auction but makes no representations. In no event shall Allen & Marshall Auctioneers and Appraisers, LLC be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value. Auction conducted inside of our 10,000 Sq. Ft. facility. Some seating provided. All State and Federal Firearms laws will be complied with. FFL will be on-site to process required paperwork. Pickup: Friday Night the Feb. 3rd until the end of the Auction, Sat. Feb 4th 9 AM - 12 Noon or the following week Mon. February 6th – Friday Feb. 10th from 9 AM – 5 PM by Appointment. (4) Onsite Online Only Auctions: 22 Feb. 2023 - On-Line Only Auction – Bloxom, VA! Items @ 15431 Hall Street, Bloxom, VA 23308. Auction Held Online Only. Estate Jewelry, Coins and Currency, Sterling Silver, Antique and Modern Furniture, Riding Mower & more! VAAR#2907003739. 15 Mar. 2023 – Important On-Line Only “deGavre Family” Estate Auction, Deep Creek Plantation– Onancock, VA. A&M Auctions is honored to sell for The Estate of Brigadier General Chester “Chet” deGavre & Teresa Cameron deGavre! General Chet DeGavre Decoys and Hand Made Furniture, 18th and 19th Century Eastern Shore Raised Panel Furniture, Chippendale Period Furniture, Persian Rugs, Firearms, English Furniture, Silver, Tools & more! 22 Mar. 2023 - On-Line Only Auction – Pungoteague, VA! Items located at: 29503 Burton Road, Pungoteague, VA. Antique and Modern Furniture, Artwork, Primitives & more! 29 Mar. 2023 - Large On-Line Only Auction – Whaleyville, MD! Personal Property located at: 11517 Dale Road, Whaleyville, MD 21872. Auction Held Online Only w/Bidding ending Wed. March 29th, 2023 Starting at 5 PM! Antique and Modern Furniture, Sterling Silver, Glassware, Collectables, Clocks, Persian Rugs & more! (3) Upcoming Auction at 8000 Esham Rd, Parsonsburg, MD: 8 Mar. 2023 - On-Line Only Auction Sale – Parsonsburg, MD! Selection of Estate Glassware, China, Collectibles, Furniture & more! 12 Apr. 2023 - On-Line Only Auction Sale – Parsonsburg, MD! Selling from the Estate of Shirley Truitt and many Eastern Shore Estates and Consignors! Bidding Ends Wednesday April 12th, 2023 Starting @ 5PM. Selection of Antique & Modern Furniture, Art, Glass/China, Collectibles, Jewelry, Oriental Rugs, 1999 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible & more! Date to be Announced – 2023 Spring Sportsman Auction –Firearms, Decoys, Wildlife Art, Fishing & more! SPECIAL ADDITIONS:
& ATVs: VEHICLE: Custom 2022 Corvette Stingray 3LT, Rapid Blue with Natural Dipped Peanut Butter Leather Interior, 6.2 Liter V8, 8 Speed Dual Clutch Trans with limited slip differential. Loaded with removable roof panel and 8-way power GT2 Bucket Seats, showing just 2,150 miles. Too many upgrades to list must see in person. ATVs: 2012 Polaris 550 Sportsman EFI 4x4 ATV Vin # 4XATN55A7DA570968. Date on Vin Plate: 10/23/2012. Type ATV/VVT, RUM/MUR. Showing 659 KM, 74.4 Hours & 2013 Polaris 570 Sportsman EFI ATV Vin # 4XAMH57A3EA114959 Date on Vin Plate: 11/12/2013. Type ATV/VVT, RUM/MUR. Showing 1361 Miles. 68 Hours. View Website for Additional Information, Terms, Directions & Photographs!
Action Revolvers: Colt’s P.T.F.A. Mfg, Co. Trooper .22 LR, Colt’s P.T.F.A. Mfg Co Official Police .38 SPCL, Harrington & Richardson, Inc 999 Sportsman .22 LR, Nambu 26 Standard Production 9 MM, Smith & Wesson K22 - 3rd Model .22 Cal, Smith & Wesson Mod 19-3 .357 Mag, Smith & Wesson Governor .410/.45 LC/ .45 ACP, Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc Security Six Mdl 717 .357 Mag, Sturm, Ruger Super Redhawk .44 Rem Mag, Taurus Intl/Imp By Taurus Judge 4510 .410/.45 LC/ .45 ACP., H. Weihrauch Arminus HW7 .22 Cal. Single Action Revolvers: Heritage Mfg Co Rough Rider .22/.22 MAG, Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 Mag, Ruger Single Six .22 LR, Ruger New Mdl Blackhawk .45 COLT, Ruger Blackhawk .357 Mag. Semi
Unceta Model 202/3 Firecat Engraved 6.35mm/.25 ACP, Bohmische Waffenfabrik (CZ)

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