Abner And Aaron Zook Artworks Sell At Witman Auctioneers Sale
AAN Current News
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17, 2017 • VOL. 48, NO. 7 Haddon Heights To Celebrate Valentine’s Day
American Antique Auctions To Hold Specialized Autograph Sale Unreserved Sale From Cordelia Platt Estate Will Be Held March 5 American Antique Auctions is a Philadelphia area auction house specializing in antique toys, advertising, and antiques. On Sunday, March 5, the company will hold a specialized autograph auction from the estate of Cordelia Platt. With over 50 years of com- These signatures of the bined experi- $3,000-$5,000. ence, American Antique Auctions looks forward to growing their sales range of historical items with this significant collection. The Platts’ imprint on the autograph collecting community has been enormous. The Platts’ autograph company was formed in the mid-1970s with humble beginnings as C.D. Price Inc., only to grow into one of the field’s most esteemed autograph authorities. Anyone who had the pleasure of meeting with Cordelia immediately realized her love and passion for history and autographs and her deep devotion to customers. Cordelia Platt was the president of the UACC (United Autograph Collectors Club) for many years and also the official authenticator for Marilyn Monroe signatures. There are signatures from many fields, including historical signers of the Declaration of Independence to popular culture, music, and entertainment. Highlights of the collection include the full crew of the first NASA Mercury Space Mission, including a letter from John Glenn, a Ulysses S. Grant letter of recommendation for the Naval Academy, and signatures from
on page 4
This Abner Zook artwork sold for $11,550. Signed “Abner Zook/Womelsdorf, Pa.,” the piece was dated “1983.” The artist was known for his three-dimensional work combining painting and sculpture. Witman Auctioneers Inc., of Manheim Pa., conducted a public auction on Jan. 21 at Encks Banquet and Conference Center in Manheim. There were 207 registered bidders. The following were some of the items sold. A large Abner Zook three-dimensional diorama-style artwork dated “1983” brought $11,550, and an Aaron Zook piece
Glass Works Auctions To Present Annual “Cabin Fever” Auction on page 7
dated “1987” sold for $3,300. The two were twins who grew up within the Amish community. Throughout the 1970s and ’80s, both men produced hundreds of three-dimensional, diorama-style artworks, Continued on page 4
Mercury Astronauts will be estimated at
Harrisburg Chapter Of The National Railway Historical Society Sets Show Date
Martin Luther King’s signature will be estimated at $1,000-$1,500.
Martin Luther King, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Morse, Winston Churchill, Clara Barton, Orville Wright, 20 different presidents, and many artists, sports figures, authors, and movie stars. There will also be plenty of humorous and playful drawings from cartoonists such as Peanuts’ Charles Schulz. Vince Sarchese, co-owner of American Antiques Auctions, was surprised to find a signed Thomas Edison telegram draft sitting on the bottom of a bin when he examined the collection. “The telegram itself is a wonderful reference to what was hightech at that time. It was the 19th century’s version of the internet. A draft from Edison’s hand really puts it in perspective,” said Sarchese. “The collection has surprised us in its scope and depth. Holding a piece of history from FDR and Walt This Andy Warhol signature will be estimated at $500-$1,000. Continued on page 2
The Railroad Show and Collectors Market sponsored by the Harrisburg Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society will take place Saturday, March 11, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In a new location, the show will be held at the First Church of God on 245 W. High St., Middletown, Pa.. In its 31st year, the event will feature model railroads, railroadiana, train layouts in several gauges, movies, and a test track. Trolley historian Ken Springirth will present an illustrated talk titled “Philadelphia Area Trolleys.” His presentation will start at 11 a.m. Since 1959, Springirth has been researching, photographing, and collecting information on railroad and trolley car lines in the United States and abroad. He is the author of 32 books on trains and trolleys, such as “Southeastern Pennsylvania Trolleys,” “Suburban Philadelphia Trolleys,” “Philadelphia Electrified Rail Lines,” “Pennsylvania’s Trolley Heritage,” and “Trolleys of Pennsylvania.” He is the son and grandson of trolley motormen of Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., and earned a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia. Donation at the door is $5, with
Diamonds And Gold Captivate Bidders At Cordier’s Jewelry Auction on page 14
Fooled By Fakes Satsuma Pottery on page 16
free admission for youngsters under the age of 12. Proceeds benefit the chapter’s ongoing preservation projects. A snack bar is on the premises. Harris Tower, the chapter’s restored 1931 Pennsylvania Railroad interlocking tower featuring the original electro-pneumatic levers now linked to a computer for simulated action, will be open for visitors to view. There is free admission to the tower, located at 637 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. The Harrisburg Chapter, one of over 135 chapters of the National Railway Historical Society, is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to studying railroad history and preserving significant local railroad artifacts. Major projects include maintaining Pennsylvania’s official electric locomotive (GG-1 # 4859) and preserving and operating Harris Tower. To learn more, contact Sloan Auchincloss at 717-439-9744 or email
Steeling Terminology on page 17
In This Issue SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 6 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 8 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 8
FEATURED AUCTION: Morphy Auction - Feb. 23 in Denver, Pennsylvania - Page 11
AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . on page 10 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 19
2 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
Heritage Conducts Fifth Straight Million-Dollar Animation Art Auction Art From Walt Disney Studios Claimed Lion’s Share Of Bids A production cel and key master background of the “Evil Queen and her Magic Mirror” from Walt Disney’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” conjured $59,750 to lead Heritage Auctions’ $1,385,924 Animation Art Auction that was held in Beverly Hills, Calif., on Dec. 10. The speciality sale is the fifth straight animation auction to surpass $1 million during the last two years, realizing a grand total of $7.4 million. “This only proves the animation market is increasingly being considered as fine art,” said Jim Lentz, director of animation at Heritage Auctions. “No other auction house has been able to deliver consignors anywhere near our $7 million in successful bids over the last two years.” A rare production cel sequence and pan key master background setup from the
This rare production cel sequence and pan key master background setup from the 1965 holiday classic, “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” sold for $59,750.
The production cel and key master background of the “Evil Queen and her Magic Mirror” from Walt Disney’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” brewed up $59,750. Concept art from artist Mary Blair Concept art from artist proved popular, as her imagining of 1965 holiday classic, “A Charlie Brown Christmas,” sold for Mary Blair proved popular, as Disneyland’s “It’s a Small World” $59,750, but it was art from her imagining of Disneyland’s attraction sold for $31,070. Walt Disney Studios that “It’s a Small World” attraction “Pinocchio” sold for $21,510, claimed the majority of the sold for $31,070. Her concept and production cels and painting for the mermaid master pan production backinterest and top lots. sequence in 1953’s “Peter Pan” ground setup of the main ended at $26,290, and concept characters from 1955’s “Lady art of Pan and Wendy, and the Tramp” ended at Michael, John and Tinker Bell $13,145. Warner Brothers cels by flying off to Neverland sold for Chuck Jones saw intense bid$14,340. A handpainted cel setup der interest as 15 bidders of the Blue Fairy chatting with competed to own a single proJiminy Cricket from duction cel of Elmer Fudd and
A color painting of “Bugs Bunny and Friends” hand-drawn by Chuck Jones sold for $12,547. Bugs Bunny from the animated short “What’s Opera, Doc?,” which sold for $13,145. A color painting of Bugs Bunny and Friends hand-drawn by Jones realized $12,547. A group of four original drawings of various Disney characters published by Good Housekeeping A drawing of the Horned King by Tim in the 1930s and 1940s sold for Burton for the 1985 film “The Black Continued on page 5 Cauldron” sold for $11,950.
American Antique Auctions Continued from page 1
Whitman has been inspiring,” said Bob Stirner, another coowner. “We are both proud and excited to be able to present this important collection in its entirety.” Mary Blair’s concept painting for the mermaid sequence in 1953’s “Peter Pan” Part one of the vast sold for $26,290. collection will be sold without reserve on March 5 through For further information, readers may visit www.amer
A letter from Orville Wright will be estimated at $1,000-$1,500.
This Charles Schulz signature and Lucy drawing will be estimated at $300-$500.
P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 800-800-1833 717-653-1833 717-653-6165 fax e-mail: Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 e-mail: Advertising Sales John Barilla, Ext. 2536 Arlene Bair, Ext. 2561 Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Classifieds 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566
A drawing and signature by Batman cartoonist Bob Kane will be estimated at $300-$500.
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Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s signature on presidential seal stationary will be A letter from Ulysses Grant will be estimated at $1,500-$2,000. estimated at $500-$1,000.
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Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 3
Collector Anecdotes And Antics Chaos And Confusion Among The “Roaring Skies” Another Lesson In Speculation By Shawn Surmick
and “Magic: The Gathering” collectible card games as a result of this decision. I have been asked if I will be buying any boxes of the reprint of Roaring Skies, and
modern-era mass-produced collectibles. Let this serve as a warning that solidifies my previous points. Hardcore investors should be looking at vintage ’90s era Pokemon cards and not just the new stuff. Consider this another unfortunate warning as to the dangers of speculation in modern mass-produced collectibles. Those pesky Pokemon!
On May 6, 2015, the Roaring Skies expansion set for the Pokemon collectible card game was released in the U.S. The set contained over 100 new cards for the series and was a relative hit with established enthusiasts and novice collectors alike. As with most collectible card games, the Roaring Skies expansion set would be just one of several releases within the year, and by Aug. 12, 2015, U.S.based Pokemon collectors would already be introduced to the next set in the series, titled Ancient Origins. Within months, Roaring Skies would be almost forgotten among casual enthusiasts leaving only hardcore collectors and investors to ponder its fate. The expected shelf-life of a collectible card game’s expansion set is generally only one to two years, and most manufacturers of these games readily release between three to six expansion sets per year, leaving most dedicated enthusiasts and players hurting financially due to the available amount of product. This keeps the game from getting stale, introduces new cards and play mechanics, and also ensures a large flow of money continues to permeate the coffers of the game’s creators. As such, the year 2015 would end with yet another expansion set for the Pokemon collectible card game being released in November. Earlier sets like Roaring Skies were still readily available at the distribution level at this time, but supplies were dwindling rapidly. By mid-2016, Pokémon fever would hit new heights in both its home country of Japan and domestically here in the United States. The date was July 6, 2016. It was on this date that Nintendo, working with software creator Niantic, would release the mobile phone application “Pokemon Go” to critical acclaim. Within days after its release, the media would begin to report on the frenzy, setting off a new craze that would propel demand for Pokemon related products and merchandise to new heights. Manufacturers, distributors, and retailers were surprisingly blindsided by the increased demand. Nintendo attempted to act quickly by placing thought-to-be out-ofprint Pokemon games for its
handheld 3DS system back into production. Meanwhile, prices on current and thought-to-be discontinued Pokemon collectible card game products started to rise exponentially. Prices on several rare vintage game cards doubled almost overnight. The world was about to experience another bout of Pokemon fever - not seen since the height of the craze in the late 1990s. In the world of the Pokemon collectible card game, business was still being done as usual, as it should. New expansion sets for the game were released, and older ones discontinued, as always. Roaring Skies was quietly discontinued and noted as out-of-print by the game’s manufacturer. As a result of the popularity of the set, this caused prices for sealed product to rise rather quickly. Speculators and hardcore investors started eyeing sealed booster boxes of the set as prices rose from their initial cost of $90 for a booster box of 36 sealed packs, each containing ten random cards from the series. Prices went from $90 a box to upwards of $200 within months. By the end of 2016, prices would near and exceed $300 for a sealed booster box of Roaring Skies. Speculation was at an all-time high. This was not uncommon, as a lot of out-of-print factory-sealed booster boxes for collectible card games such as “Magic: The Gathering” and “Pokemon” generally increase in value over time. In fact, sealed boxes are usually thought to be one of the best ways to invest in any kind of collectible card game because it is equivalent to buying a basket of unknown individual cards all in gem mint condition as opposed to buying single cards and having to ensure accurate condition grading and storage. Fast forward to Friday, Jan. 6, 2017. I had a very long day and just wanted to go home and relax. Upon booting up my trusty Macbook Pro and logging online, I would be greeted to several interesting and alarming emails that would lead to mass chaos and confusion on internet-based collecting forums. Several now infamous YouTube videos stated Roaring Skies would see a direct reprint and impending re-release toward the end of January 2017. Speculators and investors were furious. The $300-plus sealed booster
boxes of Roaring Skies that collectors and investors were holding would now be worth roughly $90 to $100 each. The reprint would be exactly the same as the previous run with no discerning difference to the actual cards, packaging, or boxes themselves. A quick look at eBay would result in mass confusion. Sellers who were still selling on hand booster boxes of Roaring Skies for $300 had to compete with other legitimate directto-consumer distributors offering the same boxes available for preorder for about $100 a box. The online forum Reddit quickly dissolved into a war of words, as players were overjoyed at the news, while hardcore investors were now holding inventory that was essentially worth a third of its price from one day ago. Some of the top YouTubers engrained in the Pokemon collecting community made hastily produced videos to express their dismay and the consequences of this action. Two of my favorite YouTubers on collectible card games, “SMPRATTE” and “Rudy of Alpha Investments,” expressed grave concern for the fact that Pokemon’s credibility is now blown. If collectors and investors who help drive the secondary market cannot be sure that a set won’t be reprinted at will, they will not have the confidence to invest in it. I agree fully with their assessments. There is absolutely no justifiable reason to hoard numerous quantities of sealed boxes of modern era collectible card games due to the risk of undisclosed reprintings. And while I own no factory-sealed boxes of Roaring Skies for fear that something like this would happen, going forward I will be adjusting the amount of sealed booster boxes I buy and hold for my growing collections of both “Pokemon”
the answer is a resounding yes. Since I don’t own any, I am not taking a loss in this current scenario. As a result, I think this is a great opportunity for the collector or cautious investor to buy one or two sealed booster boxes if they want to collect the Pokemon collectible card game, but rest assured this is why I always caution about investing and speculating solely in
20% OFF
ENTIRE SHOP * Except New Dealer Supply Booth THX
February 10 through 20
The Discontinuation Of PACM Announced
Engle Printing & Publishing Co., Inc. (EPC) recently announced the discontinuation of the Paper Advertising Collectors’ Marketplace (PACM). Many factors contributed to the difficult decision. PACM has been a dedicated resource for many
Located off Exit 286 of the PA Turnpike - 2 Miles NORTH on Route 272
In Antiques Capital, USA, Adamstown, PA 717-484-4159
years, connecting buyers and sellers with all things ephemera. For additional information or to learn about advertising opportunities with Antiques & Auction News, contact the circulation department at 800-800-1833, ext. 2541.
OPEN Thurs. Through Mon. 10am to 5pm
Witman Auctioneers Inc.
Haddon Heights To Celebrate Valentine’s Day In a month that contains the most romantic holiday of the year, it is only fitting that the special display at the Haddon Heights Antiques Center in February is dedicated to hearts and flowers and beautiful things that would make special gifts for anyone’s sweetheart, especially anyone who likes antiques. Take a break from the chilly weather, and warm your heart with lovely china, glass, porcelain figurines,
Continued from page 1
jewelry, romantic prints, and, yes, vintage valentines. The Haddon Heights Antiques Center is located just off I-295 on Clements Bridge Road where Barrington and Haddon Heights meet at the railroad tracks. The center is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours on Fridays. For directions or more information, readers may call 856-546-0555.
combining very finely executed painting and sculpture. A Remington Model 14 35500 sold for $550, and a Smith & Wesson five-shot revolver, $412. A German Luftwaffe helmet went for $660 and a
German officers hat, $330. A 1970 Hess toy truck sold for $450; a Tonka livestock truck, $187; and another Tonka toy truck, $176. To contact Witman Auctioneers Inc., readers may call 717-665-5735.
Minutes from PA Tpk., Exit 351, I-95 & Rt. 1
19 91 18 8B Broow w wnnsv sv svi ville llee Roadd FFEA AS STE T RVILL LLEE, PA S956663
4 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
215.364.8846 2 15..3 36 3 64..8 8846
The Power House Antiques & Collectibles Rt. 29 3 Mi. N. Of Rt. 422 Fine Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Coins, Art Deco, Roseville, Rare Books, Glass, Vintage Clothing, Stamps, Postcards, Christmas Collectibles, Old Toys, Advertising & Much, Much More. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9-5 Ph. 610-489-7388 This Aaron Zook artwork dated “1987” realized $3,300.
614 Second Street Pi ke (Rt. 232), Southampton, PA 18 966
Deli, General Store, Antique Shop Across from Kings Gap State Park
OFFICE: 717-243-5400 | CELL: 717-226-2127
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Consider talking with us prior to selling.
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An original painting featuring “Snow White” by Peter Max sold for $11,950.
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This circa 1935-39 production cel and background setup featuring both Mickey and Minnie Mouse from the short “Brave Little Tailor/Music Land” realized $10,755.
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a combined $21,569. An original painting featuring Snow White by Peter Max sold for $11,950. A drawing of the Horned
the Governor Wolf
Continued from page 2
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 5
Heritage Auction
King by Tim Burton for the 1985 film “The Black Cauldron” brought $11,950. A circa 193539 production cel and background setup featuring both Mickey and Minnie Mouse from the short “Brave Little Tailor/Music Land” realized $10,755. A rare, detailed model sheet from 1940, showing early renditions of title character “Pinocchio,” sold for $9,560, nearly double its $5,000 pre-auction estimate. A “Gulliver’s Travels” production cel setup and key master background setup (Max Fleischer, 1939) sold for $7,170, and a rare title cel and master background setup for the “Super Friends” animated television program sold for $1,673. For more information, visit
20% OFF for the entire month of FEBRUARY
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your total bill at The Brickerville House Family Restaurant with your receipt of any purchase over $10.00
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Yesteryear is Open 7 Days, 10am-6pm
19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more. 19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUES, 23 Liberty Plaza. Hrs. Mon-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:305:30. Over 45 Showcase/ Room Dlrs selling quality antiques/ collectibles. 19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items. 19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 115pm (Winter).
21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4 21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in North Eastern Maryland with 50+ quality dealers. Open M-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles. 21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6.
21788 Thurmont 301-471-5158 THE EYLER STABLES FLEA MARKET 137 Emmitsburg Rd. Open Fri., Sat., Sun. 9-5. Wide Variety, 40 Dealers. Like us on facebook 21901 North East 410-287-8318 5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Gourmet chocolates.
07060 North Plainfield 908-222-2085 NORTH PLAINFIELD ANTIQUE GALLERY 1006 RT22 E Specialize in buying and selling Asian Antiques. Open Wed.-Sun. 11-5. 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking. 08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Pottery, Ceramics, Fiesta, Dinnerware, Antiques & Vintage items, etc. 08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs 08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.
To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211
16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome. 16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety. 17023 Elizabethville 717-905-2019 SOUTH CHURCH ANTIQUES & CRAFTS 200 Spruce St., Hrs. Wed.-Fri. 10-5; Sat. 9-5, Sun.12-4. Something for Everyone! 17023 Elizabethville 717-905-2244 SHOPS ON MARKET 85 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Crafts, Jewelry, Trains, Clocks, Natural Soaps, Carnival Glass. Open Wed-Sat 10am6pm Fri 10-7. Follow us on Facebook! 17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.
18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5. 18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm. 18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES 113 7th St. 2 large Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. 18914 Chalfont 215-997-3227 BUCKS COUNTY ANTIQUE GALLERY, 8 Skyline Dr. 12,000 sq.ft. of historic & hip finds. Tue.-Sat 10-5, Sun. 12-5. facebook/instagram 18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.
17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 the shop 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4.
18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980�
18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad.
18951 Quakertown 215-536-4547 ANTIQUES AT 200 EAST/ EAST BROAD ANTIQUES, 215-536-4408, Multi-DLR shops. One Stop Shopping. 2 Fantastic Stores. Intersections Rts. 212 & 313. Shop where Dealers Buy! Open 7 days.
FREE Gift Basket Raffle
1-800-800-1833, ext. 2561 or
717-492-2561 Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day
19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Wed. through Sun. 11-6,
E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at
19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. “We invite you to come fall in Love�. Antique, collectible, vintage home & garden decor. Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition
Frazer Antiques The Best Kept Secret On The Main Line
110 Dealers
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.
Open 7 Days 10-5
GROVE, NJ 07756
In Frederick, Md.
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7.
351 Lancaster Ave., Frazer, PA 19355
Open: Thursday-Monday 11 A.M.-5 P.M.
Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?
From Frazer Exit On Rt. 202 Go 2 Miles East On Rt. 30
Girlfriends Getaway Weekend
In Central PA
18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4
Affordable Prices • 24 Dealers • Great Selection Furniture, China, Glass, Majolica, Silver, Shabby Chic, Primitives, Decorative Items, Clocks, Artwork, Linens, Collectibles & Jewelry
19709 Middletown 302-376-7022 ATTIC TO BASEMENT, ETC. 4380 Summit Bridge Rd. Antiques, collectibles, books, vintage clothing, unique finds. open 7 day a week 10am6pm. Visit us on Facebook!
6 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
2205 Bristol Pike (Rt. 13), Croydon, PA on the corner of Rt. 13 and Franklin Avenue
5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD
(Exit 120 - I-80, 879 W To 322 W)
“We’re Bigger ★ Than We Look�
PHONE: (732) 349-5764 ★ ESTABLISHED SINCE 1969
Open Mon.-Fri. 10AM-3:30PM, Sat. 10AM-4:30PM & Sun. 12-4:30PM
★ ★
Exit #82 Garden St. Parkway Rt. #37 East First Light right 1/2 mile on Main St. Dealer Business Welcomed
★ S856696
1 Mile S. of Historic Smithville Village and 9 Miles N. of Atlantic City
Select Dealer Space and Showcases Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 10 A.M.-6 P.M. The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op
Grist Mill Haddon Heights Antiques Center Antiques Center 80 Dealer Co-Op Clements Bridge Rd. & E. Atlantic Ave.
PEMBERTON, NJ 08068 Limited Space Available Route 616, 127 Hanover Street
Haddon Heights, New Jersey
Head east on Rt. 38; turn left at light after Rt. 206 intersection
(856) 546-0555 (609) 726-1588 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 8 PM
will continue from 2/1 thru 2/28. Some exceptions
Due to customer response
110 South New York Road (Route 9), Galloway, NJ
)LVWRULF #XUOLQJWRQ $QWLTXHV DQG $UW (PSRULXP Burlington City ~ 424 High Street
f Olde Antique Cente s oCome y a r Spend The Day! D
H OPEN 7 Days 10-5 H
CLEARFIELD, PA Open Daily 10-6 “Late� Thursdays ‘til 8 pm
32,000 Ft. Of Authentic Merchandise
609-466-9833 Open Daily 10-5, Sun. 11-5
Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Records • Pottery • Civil War Items
Hopewell, NJ 08525
Antiques & Collectibles
The new phone is
Same Friendly Faces, Same Quality Merchandise, Same Great Prices Come in and browse through yesterday‌ S612460
A Fun Place To Shop!
38 Dealers 2 Somerset Street
Open Everyday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs. 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. visit for details
Antique Emporium of Asbury Park OVER 15,000 SQUARE FEET OF DEALER SPACE! Antique and art dealers of fine European and American furniture, art, bronzes, statuary, porcelain, glass, china, silver, primitives, jewelry, clocks, decorative items, linens, collectibles, and much more!
6 46 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey
Just minutes from Exit 102, Garden State Parkway
732.774.8230 MON - SAT. 11 TO 5, SUN 12-5
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 7
Glass Works Auctions To Present Annual “Cabin Fever” Auction
Auction #114 Closes Feb. 20
Visit our new location in
Over 150 Dealers
COLUMBUS FARMERS’ MARKET Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3
Over 1500 Vendors D224157
Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ
SLATINGTON MARKETPLACE Antiques & Collectibles 8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 Wed. & Thurs. 9-5; Fri. & Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 WE ARE OPEN YEAR ROUND.
(Follow Us On Facebook)
1st & 3rd Saturday Of Every Month Now Thru March
Everything From Antiques To Collectibles
Free Parking / Free Admission / ATM / Food Court
(301) 447-6471
820 Spring Garden Street (9th & Spring Garden)
Open Daily 10-5 P.M. 1 Chesapeake Ave. (Off Main St.)
35,000 Sq. Ft. Over 130 Booths
Emmitsburg, MD
(Buying & Selling)
PHILADELPHIA, PA 19123 8 A.M. til 4 P.M. 215-625-FLEA (3532)
Saturday, March 4th, 2017 - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sunday, March 5th, 2017 - 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
40 Selected Dealers Admission $5.00 ($4.50 with ad) For Information Call: Children 12 & under Free Carl von Rhine Refreshments - Seafood 856-785-1026 All Proceeds go to The Mauricetown Fire Co.
8 miles South of Millville, New Jersey * Off Route 47
Antique Center Hours: Monday Thru Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-5
9544 Noble Street Located in “Historical” Mauricetown, New Jersey 08329 Located Just Off Rt. 78, Lehigh St. Exit, 1 ⁄4 Mile S. To 31st St. On Left.
“BIG CITY Antiques at Country Prices”
Mauricetown Fire Hall
20202 National Pike Hagerstown, MD
44th Annual Winter/Spring Antique Show
2200 31st St. SW,
February 18th March 4th & 18th
1102 Naamans Creek Road, Garnet Valley, PA 19060 610-558-4411 • 610-789-6622 Hours: Friday, Saturday & Sunday 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. Ardmart Antiques is a multi-dealer market with shops & showcases
Time to Advertise in
Pennsylvania (formerly Boothwyn)
This glass target ball, “Sure/Break Patent/APL’D/For,” is American, circa 1880-1900, in bright yellow amber. The hexagonal form with indented panels has a rough sheared mouth. In mint condition, this target ball is light in weight and was designed so that the shot would not easily deflect without breaking the ball. Obviously, few Sure Break balls exist today intact. It will be estimated at $6,000-$9,000.
HISTORIC GARNET VALLEY, We purchase single items or entire estates.
517 St. Mary’s Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837 OPEN 7 DAYS 10-5
We’ve Moved!
On Monday, Feb. 20, Glass Philadelphia to commemoWorks Auctions will finalize rate the Whigs’ political party’s National A Dyottville Glass Works, Convention and nominaPhiladelphia, circa 1848-1855, tion of Zachary Taylor dark olive green pint with as their candidate open pontil, sheared and during the 1848 tooled lip, will be estipresidential mated at $700–$900. election. Several pretwo weeks of bidCivil War mediding on auction cine bottles in This glass target ball, “Sophienhutte #114, the Cabin various colors are IN - Ilmenau (THUR)” (in a center Coca-Cola had color standards. This Fever Auction. also in the sale. The band), is German, circa 1880-95, in circa 1952 wooden-veneered box Offered are 320 lots headliner is a “Dr. J.S. cobalt blue. A scarce ball when found with sliding lid contains five Coca-Cola covering most Wood’s Elixir, Albany, in amber, it is considered to be very bottles. A typed paper notice on the lid categories of N.Y.,” in a deep green color. It rare in deep blue. The Sophienhutte reads, “Visual Color Standards for antique bottles has a $7,000-$10,000 estimate. Glassworks was located near the Coca-Cola Bottles/All Production Must town of Ilmenau in the Thuringian Meet These Standards.” This is foland flasks. Of speThis cobalt blue, 7.5-inch-high fire grenade Forest. It started production in 1852 lowed by five specification limits and, cial interest to the from Illinois, circa 1880-1900, with smooth and closed due to its demolition in “Keep production within working trap shooting combase, sheared and ground lip, will be esti1991 following the wall coming down range if possible - do not exceed limmunity is a mated at $1,500-$2,500. separating East and West Germany. It its. Keep standards in this box and fine group of guard against loss or breakage.” Each 25 antique A “Beekman’s Pulmonic will be estimated at $800-$1,200. glass tarSyrup, New York,” in olive Philbrook & Tucker, Boston,” in of the five bottles has a number on a get balls, amber is estimated at an olive yellow glass leads the neck label that matches the specificaselection with a $5,000-$7,000 tion numbers on the lid. They are estifresh to $4,000-$7,000. estimate. One of the mated at $400–$600. the market A small collection most unusual items J.H. Toulouse, author of “Bottle from a priof circa 1870 to 1890 in the auction is a Makers and Their Marks,” estivate collecfire grenades also Coca-Cola Glass House mated at $400-$600. tion. Patented highlight the offerA catalog illustrating all “Color Standards” ings. The top lot This “Beekman’s-Pulmonic-Syrup-New 320 lots in color is available case with five botof this group is a York” bottle from New York, circa tles and produc- for $20. rare “Babcock 1835-55, in deep olive amber, eightTo learn more, call tion standard Fire Grenade, sided, with pontil scarred base and 609-483-2683 or visit i n s t r u c t i o n s Chicago,” and applied double collar mouth, will be signed by is estimated estimated at $4,000-$7,000. at $1,500Multisided examples are desireable. Impressed, “Dr. J.S. Wood’s/Elixer/Albany/N.Y.” from New $2,500. A rare Peter S. Beekman had a shop at 49 1/2 York, circa 1840-60, in deep emerald green color, tombstone spring water Cortland St. in New York City. form, it will be estimated at $7,000-$10,000. Normally found b o t t l e in blue green, only a very few exist in this deep vivid emerald in 1877 by Adam Henry embossed green glass. Also note the unusually large, predominate Bogardus, whose name is “Susquehanna Mineral applied mouth. embossed on several of the Springs, Pennsylvania,” in balls, they remained the emerald green, from the late standard trap shooting target Howard Dean collection, ball during the last quarter of carries a $2,500-$3,500 the 19th century. A rare, mulestimate. tisided ball embossed In the popular bitMILROY EXIT U RT. 322 U MILROY, PA U LEFT AT LIGHT “Sure Break” carries a ters category, a 22 miles E of State College - 65 miles W of Harrisburg $6,000-$9,000 estimate. “Suffolk Bitters, An “E.E. Sage & Co. Glass Over 125 Active Antique Dealers Co-Op The “Susquehanna/Mineral Manufacturer/Chicago, 2 Floors Full of Antiques & Collectibles Springs/Pennsylvania,” Ill.,” example has a circa 1865-75, emerald $4,000-$7,000 estimate. green quart with smooth Open 7 Days 10 am to 5 pm A number of early Auction Circle, Milroy, PA 17063 base and applied double 47 Ph: (717) 667-2400 historical flasks are collar mouth, will be estibeing offered, including Paid for by the Big Valley Antiques Dealers S945476 mated at $2,400-$3,500. 12 blown in 1848 at the Dyottville Glass Works in Antiques • Furniture • Art • Jewelry • Collectibles since 1974
8 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR 03/11-12/17, STATEN ISLAND, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN NOON-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 505 Watchogue Rd, Zion Luthern Church
FLORIDA 02/18-19/17, VENICE, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 326 S Nokomis Ave, Venice Community Center
GEORGIA 03/09-12/17, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center
02/25-26/17, COLUMBUS, SAT & SUN, Antiques, Ohio Expo Center 03/25-26/17, COLUMBUS, , Antiques Market, Ohio Expo Center
04/06-09/17, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center
NEW JERSEY 02/25-26/17, MORRISTOWN, SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 430 Western Ave, Morristown National Guard Armory
02/18-19/17, PITTSBURGH, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 164 Fort Couch Rd, Crowne Plaza Hotel
03/04-05/17, MAURICETOWN, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antique, 9544 Noble St, Mauricetown Fire Hall
02/18/17, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antique & Vintage Flea Market, 820 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia Flea Market Spring Garden Indoor
03/05/17, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor
03/04-05/17, BATH, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 6600 Jacksonville Rd, Governor Wolf Historical Society
03/18/17, WALL, SAT 9:00 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 18th Ave & New Bedford Rd, Wall Township High School
03/04/17, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antique & Vintage Flea Market, 820 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia Flea Market Spring Garden Indoor 03/11/17, LINGLESTOWN, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Postcard, 5901 Linglestown Rd, Linglestown Fire Company 03/18-19/17, PHOENIXVILLE, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 2276 Kimberton Rd, Kimberton Fire Company 03/18/17, PHILADELPHIA, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antique & Vintage Flea Market, 820 Spring Garden St, Philadelphia Flea Market Spring Garden Indoor 03/24-25/17, LANCASTER, FRI 11 AM-6 PM SAT 10 AM-4 PM, Postcard, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Farm and Home Center TENNESSEE 02/16-18/17, NASHVILLE, THURS & FRI 9 AM-5 PM SAT 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 500 Wedgewood Ave, The FairgroundsNashville
04/02/17, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor
03/04-05/17, NEW HOPE, SAT 8:00 AM-3 PM SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Indoor Flea Market, Rt 202 & 46 N Sugan Rd, New Hope Eagle Fire Co Eagle Banquet Hall
VIRGINIA 03/04-05/17, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center
NEW YORK 02/18/17, ALBANY, SAT 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 225 Washington Ave Ext, Polish Community Center
03/04/17, LANCASTER, SAT 9 AM-1 PM, Hunting & Fishing, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster Farm & Home Center
VERMONT 02/18/17, QUECHEE, SAT 10 AM-4 PM, Antique, 399 Gilson Rd, Mid-Vermont Christian School
NEW JERSEY 02/18/17, PHILLIPSBURG, SAT 9 AM, Gold coins, silver coins, gold & silver jewelry, pinball machines, ferris wheel seat, amusement park whip car, carnival high striker, oak rolltop desk, toys, antiques, tools, box lots, Auction House 224C Stockton St, Stasak Auctioneers 02/22/17, SOUTHAMPTON, WED 6 PM, Furniture, collectibles, glassware, dolls etc., Allen's Auction 231 Landing St, Richard P. Allen, Jr. OHIO 02/25/17, WILLOUGHBY, SAT 10 AM, Vintage toys, still & mechanical banks, antique, dolls, door stops, horse racing games, Coca Cola, advertising signs clocks, antique furniture, mid century items, autographed sports memorabilia etc., 3860 Ben Hur Ave, Milestone Auctions Gallery PENNSYLVANIA 02/16/17, YORK, THURS 10 AM, Antiques, primitives, old advertising items, antique & modern furniture, box lots, power & hand tools etc., York Expo Center John & Paige Smith Bldg York Fairgrounds 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, Inc. 02/18/17, ANDREAS, SAT 9 AM, Large local milk bottle collection, Indian Head collection, tomahawk heads, hatchet heads, spears, Indian artifacts, carnival glass collection etc., Andreas Station House 42 Andreas Rd, Dean R. Arner 02/18/17, GLEN ROCK, SAT 9 AM, Spectacular Coin & Currency, 4067 Snyder Rd, Rene Snyder
Add A
02/18/17, HARRISBURG, SAT 10 AM, Antiques, lighting, art, collectibles, Hummel collection, cut glass collection, house & home, 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals
of color to your ad! CALL:
717-492-2541 MK5750
02/18/17, HUMMELSTOWN, SAT 9 AM, Vintage musical instruments to include various string and many others, antiques, collectibles, tools, furniture, fishing lures/rods & supplies etc., 25 N Early St, John Carl Auction Company
02/18/17, QUARRYVILLE, SAT 8 AM, Gun & Sporting Goods, 3164 White Oak Rd, PA Auction Center 02/18/17, SPRING CITY, SAT 8:30 AM, Glassware, antiques, dolls, tools, 20 Bonnie Brae Rd, Ron Rhoads 02/18/17, WILLOW STREET, SAT 8:30 AM, Fine antiques & collectibles, primitive tools, awesome early 1900's cast iron Hotel Brunswick (Lancaster) street signs, textiles, early tinware, CI Hubley toys etc., Al Starr Firemans Bldg 2901 Willow Street Pike N (behind fire hall), Probst Family Auctions 02/18/17, YORK, SAT 9 AM, Outstanding antique auction featuring antique furniture, Weaver York piano, great selection of antiques, primitives, quilts, large advertising signs, 2008 Buick Lacrosse etc., York Expo Center John & Paige Smith Bldg York Fairgrounds 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, Inc. 02/19/17, CAMP HILL, SUN 11 AM, Quality Antiques, 2228 Gettysburg Rd Lower Allen Plaza, Costea's Auction Gallery 02/19/17, DOUGLASSVILLE, SUN 10 AM, Antiques, Ralston trucks, tools etc., Merritt's Antique Clock Complex 1860 Weavertown Rd, Cabin Fever Auctions 02/20/17, CHAMBERSBURG, MON 10 AM, Vintage, antiques, vehicles, firearms, Fender guitar, textiles, collectibles, personal property, 643 Kriner Rd, Gateway Gallery Auction, Inc. 02/20/17, MAPLE GLEN, MON ONLINE AUCTION ENDS, Thomas Chambers oil on canvas, PA walnut chest on frame 18th c., Mervin Jules oil on canvas, collection of American coins, French bronze & marble shelf clock etc., Online @, Locati, LLC 02/20/17, YORK, MON 9 AM, Antiques, furniture, glasswware, china, tools, personal property, two rooms of box lots, 240 Hatchery Rd, Toomey Auction Service, Inc.
02/21 & 02/23/17, HATFIELD, TUES 10 AM THURS 9 AM-5 PM, 2/21 - Firearms Live w/online bidding; 2/23 - Sportsman: taxidermy, fishing & tools Live w/online bidding, 501 Fairgrounds Rd &, Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers 02/21/17, DALLAS, TUES 5 PM, Quality antiques & collectibles, antique furnishings, jewelry etc., Travers Auction Barn 56 Dorchester Dr, Traver's Auctions 02/22/17, EAST EARL, WED 5 PM, Train featuring LG "G" scale train, HO brass & locomotives, Shady Maple Banquet Hall 129 Toddy Dr, Cabin Fever Auctions 02/22/17, POTTSTOWN, WED 10 AM, Formal period furniture, sterling silver, Steiff bears, antique clothing & hats etc., Wilson's Third Street Gallery 132 E 3rd St, Curtis Wilson 02/22/17, QUAKERTOWN, WED NOON, Trains, dolls, action figures, video games, comic books, 18 S 5th St Su 200, Sellersville Auction LLC 02/22/17, RICHLANDTOWN, WED 2 PM, Antiques, collectibles, vintage electronics, jewelry, coins, firearms, furniture etc., Benner Hall 1260 E Cherry St, J. Pandur Auction Services, Inc. 02/24-25/17, PUNXSUTAWNEY, FRI NOON SAT 9 AM, 2/24 Collectibles, advertising, coins, primitives; 2/25 - Cars, collectibles, advertising, 14342 Rt 36, Freeman Yoder 02/24/17, ICKESBURG, FRI 5 PM, Large toys & collectibles antiques Auction, Ickesburg Auction Ctr 43 Black Alley, Peachey Auctions & Real Estate 02/25/17, BATH, SAT 9 AM, Antiques, collectibles & accessories, Klecknersville Rangers Vol Fire Co Banquet Hall 2718 Mountain View Dr, Robert H. Clinton & Company, Inc. Continued on page 18
SEEKING VINTAGE SPORTS CARDS AND MEMORABILIA As the World’s Largest Collectibles Auctioneer, Heritage Auctions can provide the highest possible financial return for your vintage trading cards and sports collectibles. Cash advances and outright purchase offers are always available for quality material, and we are happy to provide free appraisals. And Heritage has never been late with a single consignment settlement check in our 40+ years in operation.
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Call 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) or email to discuss opportunities
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Always Accepting Quality Consignments in 40 Categories Immediate Cash Advances Available 1 Million+ Online Bidder-Members Paul R. Minshull #16591. BP 19.5%; see 43718
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 9
may 11, 2017
2000 n. reading road | denver, pa 17517 | | 877-968-8880 S961761
Thursdays: 4-7PM All-day Fridays from 9AM
Weekly listings and hundreds of photos online every Wednesday
Ted Maurer: Auctioneer & Auction Manager Bob Homan: Auctioneer Gary Schoenly: General Manager Jared Schoenly: Proprietor
“Service Beyond Our Years�
800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139
Camp Hill, PA (717) 737-0000
6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!
Auction Co. #AY002122
NAZARETH AUCTION CENTER Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)
Since 1911 Auctions Every Wednesday Starting At 3 P.M.
Advertise Your Business in the Antiques & Auction News Auctioneer Directory Phone Us Today For Details! 1(800) 800-1833 Ext. 2541
AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS Visit Our Website For Dates 2501 E. Ontario St., Phila., PA 215-425-7030 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME
Chester Heights, PA 19017 Phone:
(610) 358-9515
ANDREAS, PA 18211 Large Local Milk Bottle Collection, Large Local Indian Head Collection, Tomahawk Heads, Hatchet Heads, Spears, Indian Artifacts, Lg. Carnival Glass Collection, Early Grain Box, Country Smalls, Old Paper Items And Much More!!! Check Full Listing And Photos At WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM ID#21038.
DEAN R. ARNER AUCTIONEER, LLC AY-002077L 570-386-3389
SATURDAY, FEB. 18 AT 8:00 A.M. BLOCK 1 8:00 A.M. Misc. sporting goods to include ammo, scopes, knives, fishing items and more. BLOCK 1 12:00 NOON Approx. 130 firearms to include pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns. Visit our website for pictures and complete gun list, or call 717-687-7018. All guns sold according to FFL regulations. Have guns to sell? Contact us today.
Online Sale Closing February 18th at 5 P.M. 100 Pieces of Quality Cast-Iron Cookware. We Are Taking Prebids And Absentee Bids That We Will Execute At Live Auction February 19th
Terms by PA Auction Center AH001857. 13% Buyer’s premium discounted to 10% with check or cash. Auction day announcements take precedence over all advertisements.
Auctioneer #AU005142 Christian Z. Stoltzfus See more info at
PUBLIC AUCTION 20 Dollar Gold Piece
Auctioneers & Appraisers
Guns & Sporting Goods
3164 White Oak Road, Quarryville, PA 17566
Phone: (570) 494-0170 Or: (800) 955-ROAN Fax: (570) 494-1911
344 Valleybrook Road,
A Lifetime Of Experience
Specializing In Antiques
Sales Every Mon., Wed. & Every Other Sat. Phone (717) 764-5403 - 792-3837 Auctioneers: Jack & Sheryl Hooks
5 Miles N. Of Williamsport
Bodnar’s Auction Sales
Member Of The NJSSA For More Info. Call
Auctioneers & Appraisers
3530 Lycoming Creek Road COGAN STATION, PA
1347 Naamans Creek Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 Phone: Email: ! " Web: # $! "
5 miles W. of YORK on Rt. 30
S539389 Members Of AAM & NAA
Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS
Bel Air Auction Gallery
Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers
:((./< $8&7,216
Public Estate Variety Auction Every Friday.
1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12-6pm
Selling Large Amount of Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods From Local Homes & Estates Office: 610-274-8525 Jim Hill: 484-576-6368 For Sale Schedule & Highlights Visit:
Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182
23(1 $335$,6$/ '$<
Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors
Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078
Auctions every other Friday & Saturday Starting 9 A.M. Preview 8 A.M.
Landenberg, PA 19350
Â?Â&#x2013;Â&#x2039;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2014;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022; ĆŹ Â&#x201D;Â&#x2013;ÇĄ Â&#x2021;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2022;Â&#x2018;Â?Â&#x192;Â&#x17D; Â&#x201D;Â&#x2018;Â&#x2019;Â&#x2021;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2013;Â&#x203A;ÇĄ Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;ÇĄ Â&#x2039;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x201D;Â?Â&#x2022;ÇĄ Â&#x2021;Â&#x192;Â&#x17D; Â&#x2022;Â&#x2013;Â&#x192;Â&#x2013;Â&#x2021; Â&#x2019;Â&#x2019;Â&#x201D;Â&#x192;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2022;Â&#x192;Â&#x17D; Â&#x2021;Â&#x201D;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2039;Â&#x2026;Â&#x2021;Â&#x2022;
(302) 734-3441
Adjacent To Black Diamond At The Schuylkill Mall FRACKVILLE, PA Monthly Bid Board Auctions 570-622-3089
105 Chapel Street
1465 New London Road
550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901
BLUMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUCTION
Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.
Spenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction & Flea Market Auction Every
Stephensonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction
HILLâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUCTION
10 - - Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; February 17, 2017
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH AT 9 A.M.. S 224C Stockton St., PHILLIPSBURG, NJJ (22) Gold Coins; Silver Coins; Gold & Silver Jewelry; Pinball Machines; Ferris Wheel Seat; Amusement Park Whip Car; Carnival High Striker; Oak Rolltop Desk; Toys; Antiques; Tools; (500)+ BOX LOTS.
2 auctioneers selling simultaneously
PREVIEW BEGINS AT 8:30 A.M. 1860 Weavertown Rd.
DOUGLASSVILLE, PA 19518 (In The Merrittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Antique Clock Complex) Absentee & Phone Bids Accepted. ANTIQUES: Industrial Stool; Wire Baskets; Metal Bins; Vintage Skates; Mid Century Modern Chairs; Stained Glass Panels; Imported Rugs, Orientals & Braided & More! OVER 50 PIECES OF RALSTOY TRUCKS From Ralstoy, NE TOOLS: Diamond Lazer Tools Bandsaw; Lots of Stained Glass Supplies; Tool Chest; Electric Ceramic Kiln; Sander; Hand Tools & More! Check ID#5793 for photos and details. Hope To See You There! Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item Or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MC or Discover; 13% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check Plus 6% Sales Tax.
Stasak Auctioneers (908) 763-3171 or (908) 305-3266 Terms: Cash, NJ/PA check; Visa/MC/Discover; 13% buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premium (3% dis. for cash/check). NJ State sales tax, if applicable.
Please Check #8258 For Photos And Details
Silver Dollars
Amusement Park Whip Car
A Lifetime Of Experience! TED MAURER: Auctioneer BOB HOMAN: Auctioneer GARY SCHOENLY: General Manager JARED SCHOENLY: Proprietor Service Beyond Our Years! Call Gary at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139 | Auction Co. #AY002122
Carnival High Striker
Ferris Wheel Seat
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 11
Premier Coin Sales Event To Offer Top-Tier Selection enthusiasts with its selections of early- and mid-20th century United States coins. Two selections from this group deserve a high five. The first, lot #11, is a 1936-D 3.5 legged buffalo nickel. This fine and seldom seen example is PCGS-graded VF20 and is estimated at $1,100-$1,400. The second, lot #12, is a 1937-D three-legged buffalo nickel. This collectible coin is PCGSgraded VF35 and is estimated at $400-$500. And it’s easy to take a shine to lot #43, a 1903-O Morgan silver dollar. It is PCGS-graded MS 65 and estimated at $600-$700. Modern coin sets are another key category in this sale, with several world-class examples on offer. Lot #144, a 2000 Sydney, Australia, Olympic gold proof set, is a first-prize contender and is estimated at $4,000-$5,000. It includes seven total 1/3 oz. coins in their original wooden case. The eagle soars with lot #155, a 1998 American platinum eagle set in its original box, estimated at $2,000-$2,500. This four-piece collection features the Statue of Liberty and includes 1, .5, .25, and 1/10 oz. coins. And bird’s the word with lot #107, a gold proof issue flamingo Bahamas coin set,
estimated at $600-$1,000. This boxed trio, dated 1992, includes $25, $10, and $5 coins and is 1 of 750 sets produced. There’s also plenty of money on the line with this auction’s selections of paper currencies. Lot #186, a pair of 1917 Jefferson $2 notes, is estimated at $200-$300. These F and F-plus red sealed bills include the signatures of Speelman and White. And lot #183, an Indian $5 silver certificate, is estimated at $1,500$2,500. This XF/AU blue sealed example features the signatures of Elliot and White. This currency sale rounds out with a selection of other outstanding coins, including antiquities and U.S. silver dollars. Lot #161, a Macedonian Kingdom Alexander III AU Stater posthumously issued coin from circa 325-315 B.C., is estimated at $2,500-$3,500. Fit for royalty, this XF/AU coin features great detailing for an
example of its era. And lot #150, a roll of 20 American silver dollar eagles, is estimated at $350-$450. This sterling selection includes 17 2003 coins, a 2004 coin, a 2006 coin, and a 2013, all graded BU. “The range of coins and currencies available through this auction is truly outstanding and offers something for
COSTEA’S AUCTION GALLERY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2017 11:00 A.M. • DOORS OPEN AT 9:00 A.M. Building full of Quality Antiques Plus Collections and Quality items wanted for Auction Phone 717-737-0000 Harrisburg Magazine Simply The Best Auctioneer Check
Lower Allen Plaza,
AUCTIONEER: Michael Costea AU-1759-L
SAT., FEB 18TH 9:00 A.M.
Weather makeup date: Sat., Feb. 25th 9:00 A.M.
& New Area r e g r a L
PUBLIC AUCTION Antiqs. & Collects., Primitive Tools, Awesome Early 1900s Cast-Iron Hotel Brunswick (Lancaster) Street Sign, Cast-Iron RR sign, Textiles, CI Hubley Toys, Early Tinware, Lot Adv. Items, Books & Ephemera, Blue Dec. Stoneware Crocks, Lot Tin ABC Plates, Betty Fat Lamps, Demuth Snuff Jar, Brickers Cookie Jar, Graniteware.
Lancaster Farm & Home Center • 1383 Arcadia Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601 Take Service Road off Rt. 72 South (Manheim Pike) off Rt. 30 & Rt. 283 Turn between Jones Honda (follow show signs)
Adm.: $5.00
8 Ft. Tables Available
w/Ad: $4.00
Early Bird Admission: $10.00 - 8:00 A.M.
Loc.: AL Starr Fireman’s Bldg., Village of
Probst Family Auctions (717) 464-3700
Rain O Snow r
SATURDAY, March 4, 2017 - 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M.
AT 8:30 A.M.
(2901 Willow Str. Pike N., Behind Willow Str. Firehall) Nice diversified sale! No BOX LOTS!!!! All top of table items! Lot Pics. & Terms at Preview Friday 2/17 (9:30 A.M. til Noon)! Auction by Jim & Sis Stoner, Professor John Tannehill, etc.
Of Fine
SAT., FEB. 18, 2017
100s of Vintage Musical Instruments to include: Various string and many others, Antiques & Collectibles, Tools, Furniture, Large selection of fishing lures/rods and supplies, and much more. To consign to upcoming sales text, call or email us today. For a list of upcoming sales visit our website, or #34420 or like us on Facebook (John Carl Auction Company). Estate of: Jack Clifton Shope JOHN CARL AUCTION COMPANY AY002149 Contact Info: (717) 286-8282 | Website:
The Macedonian Kingdom Alexander III AU Stater is estimated at $2,500$3,500. This 1899 Indian $5 Silver certificate is estimated at $1,500-$2,500.
Public Auction
Info: Ron & Sue Funk (717) 687-8101 Eves. 3045 W. Meadowview Drive, Gordonville, PA 17529
Next Lancaster Show - Saturday, August 12, 2017
Gallery Auction
Vintage, Antiques, Vehicles (Harley, Toyota, Honda, Boat), Firearms, Fender Guitar, Textiles, Collectibles and Personal Property A 1909 $10 Gold Indian coin is estimated at $700-$800.
Telephone (717) 737-0000
PUBLIC AUCTION 25 North Early St.,
The 1903-O Morgan Silver dollar is A 2000 Sydney Olympic Gold Proof set is estimated at $4,000-$5,000. estimated at $600-$700.
TERMS: Cash, Visa/MasterCard, Checks. 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM.
This 1798 8 Over 7 $10 Capped Bust Gold coin is estimated at $40,000$80,000.
This American Platinum Eagle set is estimated at $2,000-$2,500.
For Photos
LOCATION: 2228 Gettysburg Road,
A 1937-D Three-Legged Buffalo nickel A roll of 20 American Silver Dollar Eagles is estimated at $350-$450. is estimated at $400-$500.
This 1936-D 3.5 Legged Buffalo nickel is estimated at $1,100-$1,400.
or coin collector wouldn’t love to add this crown jewel to their collection? We welcome you to visit our gallery in Denver, Pa., to view these outstanding items firsthand, or, of course, check them out online anytime at,” said Dan Morphy, president of Morphy Auctions. Morphy Auctions can be reached by phone at 717-335-3435 or email at
Morphy Auctions is pleased to announce this can’t-miss sale to be held on Thursday, Feb. 23. All lots from this sale are on display in Morphy’s auction gallery and available for preview now. This sale offers collectors a golden opportunity to own some of the rarest and most desirable early precious metal coins. Lot #88, a 1798 8 over 7 $10 capped bust gold coin, estimated at $40,000-$80,000, is a head-turner indeed. The breathtaking example features a profile of Lady Liberty, nine stars to her left, four stars to her right, and a Heraldic eagle on the reverse. Only 900 of these coins were minted, making them hard to find on the open market. And lot #92, a 1909 $10 gold coin featuring the bust of a proud Indian, also rises head and shoulders in this category and will be estimated at $700$800. It is graded MS 60-plus, has nice luster, and a standing eagle on the reverse. It makes perfect cents that this auction will also tempt
collectors at every level. Many of the modern boxed sets are really eye-catching and perfectly capture an important moment in time, like the 2000 Sydney Olympics. However, the 1798 $10 capped bust gold coin is truly in a class by itself. A pair of 1917 Jefferson $2 notes is estimated at What numismatist $200-$300.
Morphy’s Coin Auction Will Be Feb. 23
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 AT 10 A.M. 2501 E. Ontario Street
PHILADELPHIA, PA 19134 Franklin Mint Archive Collection Including: Quality sample & other diecast cars, trucks, tractor & planes, most in original Franklin Mint boxes, many with Green Franklin Mint Quality Sample stickers. Artist signed bronzes, pewter& porcelain figures, collector pocketknives & watches, Harley-Davidson & other, swords, Monopoly & other games, collector mugs, display cases & tables, original Franklin Mint car molds, coin sets, original artist drawings for book illustrations, Franklin Library leather-bound books, some author signed, Oriental scrolls. Much More! Plus: Estate Furnishings. Inspection: 9 A.M. Day of Sale. Terms: Cash/CC; 15% Buyer’s Premium In-House. Live Auctioneers 20% Online Full payment day of sale.
Complete Listing and Photos on website Selling for Robert C. Booth Estate, The Roberta King Estate and others.
MONDAY, FEB. 20 AT 10 A.M. Held at 643 Kriner Road,
CHAMBERSBURG, PA just off I-81, Exit 14 Preview Sunday, Feb. 19 from 1-3 P.M. and Sale Day from 8 A.M. Terms: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 13% buyer’s premium discounted 3% for cash or approved check. Online bidding on cataloged items on our website. Statements made day of sale take precedence.
GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION, INC. Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L Auctioneer Heather Kohler AU005651 Apprentice Auctioneer Tye Schwartz AA019486
263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AH002001, AY002190 This 1992 Gold Flamingo Bahamas Coin set is estimated at $600-$1,000.
Our Service is the Difference
Phone (717)
12 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
Lincoln Forum Presents Awards To James Robertson And The Gettysburg Foundation Union, or leave it.” “This year alone, at age 86,” Holzer acknowledged, “and after a bad fall and surgery that would have slowed most younger men, Bud Robertson published not one, but two new
books: a riveting look at the aftermath of the war, and a much-needed annotated edition of one of the conflict’s most important original sources, a wartime diary by Rebel war clerk John B. Jones. And he went
on tour to promote both of them!” Previous winners of the Richard Nelson Current Award of Achievement are historian Gabor Boritt (1996); C-SPAN Continued on page 13
PA 18612 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2017 Inspection: 3:30 P.M.
Start: 5:00 P.M.
LOCATION: Dallas, PA -- 1/4 Mile South of Rts. 415 / 309 Junction -- Turn off Rt. 309 onto Dorchester Dr. (at Sunoco Gas Station), 300 Yards up hill on right -- From I81 take Exit 170B onto Rt. 309N -- From Northeast Extension (PA Turnpike) take Wilkes-Barre Exit 105, then left on Rt. 115 to 309N, follow signs to the Back Mountain/Dallas - at the 8th traffic light (on Rt. 309N), make a right onto Dorchester Dr. (Sunoco Gas Station on your right hand side), approx. 300 yards up hill on right. COLLECTIBLES - Inc. a nice selection of blue decorated stoneware (scarce pitcher, batter jug & more!!) + spongeware, Wattware & others - other country collectibles incl. wooden pitch forks, wagon wheels, cast iron, wooden egg crate, antique wagon jack, old sleigh bells, and lots more! antique & collectible radios incl. Atwater Kent Model 84 Cathedral, Zenith floor model many more - advertising incl. thermometers, very scarce McHenry Whiskey crate from Benton, PA, cone top Stegmaier & Gibbons beer cans + other advertising items - antique & collectible bottles (incl. scarce Water of Life Wilkes Barre) & insulators - sterling silver - clocks - very early estate quilt - large vintage copper coffee urn - nice horse drawn wagon/buck board w/wooden wheels - early milkshake mixer pat. 1923 - Keen Kutter hatchet - caramel slag Arts & Crafts style table lamp, early whale oil lamp, B&H nickelplated oil lamps other lighting - antique doll carriages - from the House of Faberge sterling Imperial Eagle 150th Anniversary Egg by Franklin Mint - C.I. elephant bank - vintage farriers tote w/ tools somuch more! ANTIQUE FURNISHINGS - corner cupboard - large apothecary cabinet - oak sideboard - oak china cabinet - unusual narrow country cupboard in white paint - 2 door chestnut cabinet - oak eye glass case (unusual) - early one drawer stand - heavily carved mahogany rd. side table & matching coffee table - set of early country chairs - scarce model oak phonograph - early country blanket chest w/drawer - marble top Victorian table - Karastan room size rug - mahogany corner china - mahogany buffet + other ‘30’s & ‘40’s mahogany furniture - oak curved glass china - fancy Eastlake dresser w/mirror - lots more!! JEWELRY - sterling jewelry - 10k & 14k jewelry some with gemstones + more! WE WILL BE SELLING FROM MANY NE PA ESTATES + a Washingtons Crossing, PA estate! Please visit: (ID#2280) or Travers Auction Barn: RH926/Travers Auction Company: AY97 Auctioneers: Steve Traver AU3367L & Bernie Girman Jr. AU5786L Telephone: 570-674-2631 (8 rings to voicemail) TERMS: Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover. Statements made sale date take precedent over previously published info. Food / refreshments available. 10% Buyer’s Premium (same for cash or credit).
mer Rhode Island Chief Justice who serves as Chairman of The Lincoln Forum. “Bud Robertson is a beloved and scholarly author, preservation advocate, public speaker, and leader in the movement to remember the Civil War from all perspectives. And the Gettysburg Foundation has done brilliant work to create a new visitor center, preserve the historic site where so much was lost and won, and to create new public sites for the visitors who still come in the hundreds of thousands to bear witness to this American shrine. Both award winners exemplify the forum’s tradition of acknowledging people and groups who advance the cause of exploring, remembering, and consecrating the Civil War and its greatest leader, Abraham Lincoln.” Richard Nelson Current Award to “Bud” Robertson In presenting the Current Award to Robertson, Lincoln Forum Vice Chairman Harold Holzer acknowledged the honoree’s scholarship, public service, television appearances, and battlefield tours, but began by noting: “Fifty-five years ago, a
brand-new president entered office to find the rapidlyapproaching Civil War centennial in disarray - with only three months left until the commemoration of the opening guns at Fort Sumter. In desperation, John F. Kennedy turned to historian Allan Nevins to take over as chairman. And in his first and wisest move, Nevins hired a young, new executive director Bud Robertson. Bud helped rescue the centennial, and just two years later, when President Kennedy was killed, his widow turned to Bud to create an East Room funeral that would be just like Lincoln’s. “Bud plunged into the records at the Library of Congress, reimagined the scene, and found the original Lincoln catafalque to hold the remains of the latest chief to fall victim to an assassin. Now, fast forward half a century - as the state of Virginia led the nation in planning for the sesquicentennial of that same war. This time - after all the books, all the tours, all the guest lectures, all the television appearances, plus a lifetime of teaching, to 22,000 students over four decades, this time the powers that be wasted no time in turning to the veteran who had led the battles of 1961.” Robertson helped lead plan and lead Virginia’s commemoration of the Civil War’s 150th anniversary. Holzer also cited Robertson’s magisterial biography of Stonewall Jackson, his “deep dives” into the lives of “Billy Yank” and “Johnny Reb,” the war’s common soldiers - including “every aspect of the life, labor, and courage Vice chairman Harold Holzer (left) and Chairman Frank J. Williams (center) preof the fighting men who sent the Lincoln Forum’s annual Richard N. Current award of achievement to waged the war to save the James I. Robertson Jr. Photo courtesy of Henry Ballone. The Lincoln Forum has presented its coveted annual achievement awards to a revered Civil War historian and a respected battlefield preservation organization. The 2016 Richard Nelson Current Award, honoring individuals who have elevated the study of Lincoln and the Civil War era, went to Dr. James I. (“Bud”) Robertson Jr., retired history professor at Virginia Tech and author of definitive biographies and studies related to the Civil War. The Wendy Allen Award, recognizing organizations that enhance knowledge of the war, went to the Gettysburg Foundation, which supports preservation and visitation at America’s most famous national military park. Both awards were given at the closing banquet at the 21st annual Lincoln Forum symposium at the Wyndham Gettysburg Hotel on Nov. 18. More than 300 enrollees and guests were in attendance, and Professor Robertson offered the keynote address. “We are honored by the opportunity to honor this year’s extraordinary award recipients,” said Frank J. Williams, the for-
Lincoln Forum Continued from page 12
founder Brian Lamb (1997); “historian of the century” John Hope Franklin (1998); U.S. Sen. Paul Simon of Illinois (1999); biographer David Herbert Donald (2000); historian Garry Wills (2001); historian James M. McPherson, with an honorary award to the dean of Lincoln scholars, Richard Nelson Current himself (2002); actor Sam Waterston (2003); Ulysses S. Grant authority John Y. Simon (2004); the award’s sculptor of record, John McClarey, together with an honorary award for founding chairman Williams (2005); historian Doris Kearns Goodwin (2006); novelist Jeff Shaara (2007); documentary filmmaker Ken Burns (2008); Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (2009); historian Mark E. Neely Jr. (2010); battlefield guide extraordinaire Ed Bearss (2011); Reconstruction scholar Eric Foner (2012); playwright and scenarist Tony Kushner (2013); dean of Lincoln re-enactors James Getty (2014); and in 2015, Lincoln assassination authority Edward Steers Jr., historian William C. “Jack” Davis, and an honorary award to forum founding vice chair Holzer. The annual Lincoln Forum
Award of Achievement is named for the late, Bancroft Prize-winning scholar Richard Nelson Current (1912-2012), author of “The Lincoln Nobody Knows,” “Lincoln and the Last Shot,” and many other classics of the Lincoln literature. The Current Award comes in the form of Decatur, Ill., sculptor John McClarey’s impressionistic statuette, “Freedom River.” Wendy Allen Award to Gettysburg Foundation The Lincoln Forum’s annual Wendy Allen Award for organizational achievements and excellence went to the Gettysburg Foundation, a nonprofit educational group that works to enhance both the understanding and preservation of the heritage of Gettysburg, along with the nation-saving battle that raged there July 1-3, 1863, and the iconic speech that Abraham Lincoln later offered there in tribute to those “who here gave their lives that that nation might live.” Working in partnership with the National Park Service, the foundation notably raised the funds to build the highly-acclaimed and wellattended new Museum and Visitor Center at the National Military Park and to restore and re-hang there Paul award: “In preservation, acquiPhiloppoteaux’s monumental sition, education and leaderCyclorama painting, “The Battle ship, the foundation has been of Gettysburg.” The foundation extraordinarily successful with also contributes to the preser- its public outreach and private vation of land, monuments, financial support, with 20,000 buildings, and artifacts and current ‘friends.’ Its record of supports battlefield rehabilita- achievements - including the tion. It maintains an active $105 million raised for the website (www.gettysburgfon- design and construction of the to provide informa- Gettysburg National Military tion on tours and sites and to Park Museum and Visitor promote attractions and Center; general landscape events. And, the foundation restoration; restoration of the hosts leadership programs, George Spangler Farm, which annual “Sacred Trust” lectures, our Lincoln Forum members and book events, as well as visited; the Gettysburg Lincoln educational activities for both Railroad Station; the Cemetery teachers and K-12 students. Ridge Rehabilitation; the The group was formed in 1998 Lincoln 1863 iOS Smartphone with the merger of the app; and the Gilder Lehrman Gettysburg Battlefield Museum Special Exhibits Gallery in the Foundation and the Friends of Museum and Visitor Center the Gettysburg Foundation has Gettysburg. Commented Chief Justice clearly proven not only its Williams in presenting the 2016 worth, but its success in getting
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 13
things done. For these reasons, the Lincoln Forum is pleased to present this year’s Wendy Allen Award of Achievement to the Gettysburg Foundation.” The Wendy Allen Award was accepted at the Nov. 18 Lincoln Forum Symposium’s closing banquet by the Gettysburg Foundation’s board chairman, Robert A. Kinsley, together with the organization’s vice chair, Barbara J. Finfrock. Some 25 Gettysburg Foundation board members attended the event. The award is a framed color print of an original Lincoln portrait by Gettysburg’s most celebrated artist, Wendy Allen, who helped again this year to present it. “I am proud to have my name and work associated with the esteemed organization, The Lincoln Forum, and with founders and living legends
Chief Frank Williams and Harold Holzer. And to have my artwork, created in Gettysburg, given as the award to the distinguished Gettysburg Foundation in recognition of its nonprofit work is very special,” commented Allen. In previous years, the forum’s award for institutional excellence has gone to such organizations as the Friends of Ford’s Theatre in Washington, D.C.; President Lincoln’s Cottage at the Soldiers’ Home in Washington, D.C.; the Lincoln Home National Historic Site in Springfield, Ill.; The LincolnDouglas Society in Freeport, Ill.; the Ulysses S. Grant Association in Starkville, Miss.; the Lincoln Shrine in Redlands, Calif.; The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, New York City; and the Lincoln Heritage Museum at Lincoln College in Lincoln, Ill.
AT 5:00 P.M.
Between Rt. 322 & Rt. 23, Off Of Rt. 897 Absentee & Phone Bids Accepted. LGB, ARISTO, POLA,RAILKING, USA TRAINS, BACHMANN, LIONEL, Locomotives, Rolling Stock, Track & Accessories MORE THAN 100 PIECES OF HO BRASS This Sale Is Very Heavy In Diesel Locomotives ALCO, NJ BRASS, FUJIYAMA, SAMHONGSA, PRONTO 100 & 2000, KATO, BROADWAY LIMITED, SPECTRUM, BOWSER, STEWART, WALTHERS, GENESIS, AJIN Check ID#5793 for photos and details. Hope To See You There! Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item Or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MC or Discover; 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check. Plus 6% Sales Tax.
Ickesburg Auction Center at 43 Back Alley,
ICKESBURG, PA 17037 Large Toys & Collectibles Antiques Auction Ertl, Buddy L, Tonka, Winross, Norscot spec-cast, Wen-Mac, numerous airplane banks, scale model sow crop tractor, JD mod. D, MM tractor, Perry Co. old iron club 1995 Minn-Moline tractor, Ertl corn sheller, Lionel 027 gauge flood tower in box, Kraft series 70 radio controlled, Cox HO scale tractor set, Lionel hauler N scale train set, Canadian trapper knife, collector’s pocketknives, Bunker Hill color security camera, Red Cal Ale light, Genny Light advertising, Hensey beer taps, Kim Rowe duck decoy, kerosene bracket lamps, Hoffman and Kauffman milk bottle, Ritz drugstore Lewistown bottle, German Bible, Mike Schmidt framed poster, blacksmith shop print by Bradley Shoemaker 252/425, Robert Hiltz Pintails prints, World’s Fair 1904 framed print, framed Columbia Co. honor roll for US Service album photos of Duncannon collectibles, Purina Feeds sign, Coca-Cola sign board, race car drivers start signs, 2 ft. Richfield hi-octane sign, reprv. signs Coca-Cola, John Deere, Ease thrash machine, McCormick Deering, genuine Ford parts, Studebaker, Oliver Tractors, Texaco, Hopalong Cassidy, Pepsi-Cola, 7-Up, 12” Coca-Cola buttons, Pepsi sign board, household oil can collections - Richfield, Gulf, and much more. NOW ACCEPTING FULL OR PARTIAL ESTATES, ALSO QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED. CALL (717) 438-3970 for information. PICTURES CAN BE VIEWED AT WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM ID#7810 TERMS OF SALE: Cash OR Good Checks. All verbal information day of auction takes precedence over written advertisements. ALL ITEMS SOLD AS-IS.
Call Gary at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139 Auction Co. #AY002122
Valentine Antique Auction SATURDAY, FEBRUARY18TH AT 8:30 A.M.. PREVIEW: FRIDAY, FEB. 17TH 1 TO 4 P.M.; SAT., FEB. 18TH FROM 7:30 A.M. TO 8:30 A.M. M.
Snow Date February 19th at 8:30 A.M. 20 Bonnie Brae Road,
Directions: Route 724 to Bonnie Brae Road, follow signs.
GLASSWARE: Collection of Lenox, Dishes, Lenox Birds, Over 50 pieces RS Prussia, A cabinet full of Belleek, Virginia Rose Dishes, Dan Fitzgerald traveled extensively to Heisey Shows all over the east to amass Massive Collection of all kinds, Colored Heisey Glass Empress ,Heisey Rose Stemware, Candelabras, Moonglean, Marigold, Sahara, Baskets, Flamingo, Cobalt Blue, Pink, Green and Yellow Several Special Issue Pieces, Limelight Vase, Stemware, Ridgely Pattern, Orchard, Pink and Green Depression, Pressed Glass, Cut Glass, Waterford, Assortment of Teapots, Hall, Hull, Pattern Glass, Cobalt Glass, Lots of Bottles, Blue Glass, Bristol Glass, Milk glass, Wedgwood, Copper Revereware, Fire King, Pyrex, Luster, Adv. Beverage Bottles, Pressed and Blown Glass, Figurines, Fostoria Glass, Red Glass, Ruby Glass, Art Glass, Paperweights, Sets of China, Victorian Glass, Hummels, one of the finest collections we have sold in 30 years! ANTIQUES: Oil Lamps, Vintage Photos, Old Tins, Knickknacks, Cast-Iron Toys, Arcade, Banks, Tractors, Farm Equipment, Champion Motorcycle, Trucks, Cars, Star Trek Plastic Figures, Robots, Baseball Cards, Tonka Trucks, Jewelry, Clocks, Linens, Cement Figures, Country Items, Wood Boxes, Trays, Molds, Modern End tables, Sofas, Leather Three Pc. Set, Lamps, Tables, Stands, Cedar Chest, 1960s Lane Bedroom Set, Park Bench, Sailing Ships, Vessels, Nautical Bookends, Wood Wagon, Country Rakes and Forks, *300 Byers Choice Carolers* Taxidermy: Deer, Mule Deer, Antelopes, Many Heads, Bear Standing and full standing Grizzly Bear, Antlers, Maine Old Hickory Style Furniture and more. DOLLS: Large Collection Barbie, Effanbee, Danbury Mint, Franklin Mint, Madame Alexander, Artist Dolls, Robert Wood, Nun Dolls, Cher, Compo, Shirley Temple, Germany Bisque, Japanese Dolls, World Dolls, Cloth Dolls, Dolls, Black Dolls, Hundreds……….of boxes of dolls!!! TOOLS: Simplicity Lawn Tractor, Lawn Trailers, Hand Tools, Pipe Wrenches, Axes, Rakes, Shovels, Hammers, 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount Cash or Check
383 Ben Franklin Hwy. W., DOUGLASSVILLE, PA
610-385-4818 WEB: WWW.ECHANT.COM
Ron Rhoads AU002045L Eileen Rhoads AU003750L
Ephraim J. Peachey Lic. #AU-5301
A Lifetime Of Experience! TED MAURER: Auctioneer BOB HOMAN: Auctioneer GARY SCHOENLY: General Manager JARED SCHOENLY: Proprietor Service Beyond Our Years! S962215
14 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
Diamonds And Gold Captivate Bidders At Cordier’s Jewelry Auction A very fine white and cognac diamond pendant was the top lot at Cordier’s Fine Jewelry and Sterling Auction on Dec. 3, hammering for $14,000 after enthusiastic bidding. The sale featured over 200 lots of fine and designer
jewelry, as well as sterling silver flatware and hollowware. Prices quoted are hammer prices and do not include buyer’s premium. Bidders responded eagerly to the diamond and gold offerings, with a 14k 2.27-carat diamond ring selling for $7,000 and a 14k white gold and 3.48-ctw diamond bracelet bringing $4,000. A marked 14k Dudley
Masonic pocket watch also attracted attention, selling for $4,600. In sterling, a 64-piece set of Stieff Rose Repousse flatware sold for $1,300 to become the best performing silver lot of the auction. Questions can be directed to Cordier Auctions & Appraisals at arundle@cordier or by calling 717-731-8662, ext. 101.
ANTIQUE AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2017 AT 9 A.M. 163 E. Market Street, HALLAM, PA - Hellam Fire Co. Social Hall Colonial Grandfather clock, 9 pc. Dining room suite, antique prism hanging lamp, Ingraham Regulator clock, decorated deacon’s bench, Chandelier, Sterling candlesticks, sugar, creamer, Jerome & Co. 30 hour clock, black mantel clock, Gustav Becker wall clock, 40+ Hummel figurines, asst. jewelry, gold rings, round & rectangle marble top stands, Gent’s chair, Victorian side chair, Asst. antique glassware, portrait plate, salts, souvenir glass, stone bear, elephants, eagle mirror, hanging curio cabinet, asst. prints, pictures, oil on canvas painting, glass basket, pedestal, Atlas Halilari Turkey rug, 3 pc. Marble top coffee table, sadirons, asst. oriental throw rugs, brass bucket, umbrella stand, drop leaf table, silver on copper tea service, asst. small stands, lamps, jardinière, camelback trunk, antique wall stand, mirrors, round oak table & chairs, coffee mill, cuckoo clock, settee, GB hanging clock, needlepoint footstool, mahogany bookshelf, single drawer stand, kitchen clock, perfume bottles, slant front lady’s desk, metal ox, baskets, 2 botanical prints, Duncan Phyfe style couch, cedar chest, Kaplan Mahogany 4 pc. twin poster bedroom suite, 5 pc. double bedroom suite, reverse glass mirror, rocking chairs, Steiff bunnies, reverse glass painting, Occupied Japan wall clock, coverlet, Karastan Feraghan 4x6 rug, nude statue, sm. washstand, floral GWTW lamp, Wallace Nutting billows of blossom, cast-iron trivets, over 100 Beanie Babies (many in cases), plus much more. 10% Buyer’s Premium. All auction announcements supersede all printed material. See website for pictures.
Preview: Friday, Feb. 24 from 6-8 P.M. & 1 hour prior to auction. S961738
Terms: Cash or Check w/auctioneers approval. Credit Cards accepted 3% premium.
Selling for Jean Kucinsky & others
Brian Gilbert AU002256L - Jacob Gilbert AU00336L 717-252-1656 -
Antiques - Furniture - House & Home SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 AT 10 A.M.
This 14k white gold and 3.48-ctw diamond bracelet sold for $4,000. This 10.6-ctw white and cognac diamond pendant necklace sold for $14,000.
Preview Friday, February 17 from 12 Noon-4 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. through Auction
A 14k 2.27-carat diamond ring sold for $7,000.
240 HATCHERY ROAD IN Located 5 miles east of York, PA, take Rt. 30 east to the Hallam Exit, go south to light and turn left. Go thru Hallam Boro to Accomac Rd. on left. Turn left and go 1 mile to Hatchery Rd. on right. Signs posted. PA House matching sofa and love seat (reclining), 3-section wall unit, rd. oak table and chairs, oak china closet, curio cabinet, matching sofa and chair, wingback chair, recliners, end and coffee tables, wool Oriental and other carpets, lg. pine sideboard, safe, 12 adult classroom desks, hanging leaded lights, cookie cutters, Depression glass, cookie jars, many pictures and prints (many originals by Thelma Rutherford), Chandler litho, costume jewelry, TV & radio tubes, Toro Power shovel, Expedi tion child’s stroller, interior doors, skis, chicken waterer, fishing rods, flies, lures, etc.; Underwood typewriter, lots of 45 records, sports cards, books, luggage, copper fire extinguishers, peanut butter water & juice glasses, milk caps from Hill View Dairy, Yorkana; milk bottles, cigar labels & bands (Elvis, etc.), Snowbabies, Japanese Lithophane tea set w/Geisha girl in bottom of cups, Barbies & other dolls, guitar cases, sets of dishes, teapots, cups & saucers, stereoscope & pictures, copper items, David Kline coverlet, Goebel figurines, Winross, Hess & other cars & trucks, Christmas items, buttons, brass blowtorch, Pepsi cooler, hand, power and garden tools, two rooms of box lots. Check our website at or #1893 for additions and photos. Preview: Sunday evening from 6 to 8 P.M. Terms: Cash or Approved PA check, VISA, MC, DISC, AMEX. Jewelry sells at 12 noon, Furniture sells at 4 P.M.
1500 Paxton Street, 17104 FURNITURE (12 NOON): Antique and Modern. Bedroom Sets; Dining Sets; Lacquer Chest of Drawers; Carpenter & Blanket Chests; Broyhill Coffee & End Tables; Empire Chest of Drawers; 5 Pc. Wicker Living Room Set; Antique Oak & Wicker Wheelchair; Jewelry Cabinet; Steamer Trunks; Benchcraft Sofa & Chair; Fireplace Mantle; Antique Icebox; Curio Cabinets; Lighting: Banker’s Lamps; Antique Hanging Fixtures w/Glass Shades. ART: Prints and Paintings, Antique and Modern. 2 George Bickham Engravings; Yale & Amherst Engravings. COLLECTIBLES: Political Buttons; Doll Collection; Wedgwood; Meerschaum Pipes; Beer Steins; Victorian Mantle Clock; Asian: Wood Ganesh; Soapstone Buddha; Large Jade Tree; Wood & Hardstone Panels; Ceramics; Cloisonné; Hummel Collection; Cut Glass Collection; Victrola; Zippo Lighters; Kitchen Copperware Collection; Walking Sticks; 1860 Deed; Vintage Microphones; Pollack Wheeling Thermometer. HOUSE & HOME: Estate Alcohol; EdenPURE Heater; 7 Camera Tripods incl. Sachtler Munchen; More. Selling for the Estate of Jane Clarke, Harrisburg, and others Severe Weather Date: Sunday, February 19 10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off of Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg, PA!
PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2017 AT 9:00 A.M. Klecknersville Rangers Volunteer Fire Company Banquet Hall, 2718 Mountain View Drive,
BATH, NORTHAMPTON CO., PA 18014 Wide Variety of Antiques, Collectibles & Accessories from Reading, PA Estate incl.: Vint. c. iron doorstops & still banks, Bakelite muddler sets (2), Royal Doulton, Nippon, Carnival Glass, vint. green Dep. glass, vint. Blue Willow china incl. Buffalo Pottery pcs., vint. gray & blue agateware, Vict. oil lamps, RR lanterns; contemporary Native American pottery pcs., Franciscan Pottery water set - Apple Blossom, other art pottery, student lamp, vint. Matchbox toys, jointed Teddy bear, Mack Truck memorabilia, selection/quality hard covered books, vintage radios/components, 1950s/1960s Silvertone Medalist port. TV, etc. Plus: Vict. walnut & burled maple medicine cab., 19th C. plank seat settee, selection/leather/ naugahyde sofas & chairs, birch chifferobe, appliances & electronics, etc.; Sporting Items: Collection of hunting/sport knives: Fox, Schrade, Sog, CRKT, Black Bear, Al-Mar, Gold Steel & Helle Besseggen; Bear, IA & Damon Howatt archery bows; quality golf clubs by Ping, Callaway, Cobra & Taylor, etc. Also: Sterling Silver flatware set & coffee set; quantity of older Costume Jewelry, Ladies’ & Men’s Wristwatches & Pocket Watches; selection of U.S/Foreign Coins, small Stamp Collection, Etc. Terms: 13% Buyer’s Premium * 3% Discount w/Cash or Apprd. Check * Multiple Auctioneer’s Selling * Full & Interesting Auction. View; auctioneer #1888.
ROBERT H. CLINTON & COMPANY, INC. Auctioneers & Appraisers P.O. Box 29 * Ottsville, PA 18942 610-847-5432 * AY-000093-L Email:
This 14k Dudley Masonic pocket watch sold for $4,600.
240 Hatchery Road, York, PA 17406 Frederick L. Toomey, CAI Mark A. Toomey AU-1297-L Phone (717) 755-6105 AU-3266-L Phone (717) 840-1193 Auction Center Phone (717) 252-0289 “The Trusted Name In Auction Services”
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 15
Smithsonian Acquires Major Collection Of Self-Taught Art Robson Collection Represents Largest Acquisition Of Its Kind In 20 Years The Smithsonian American Art Museum has announced a gift of 93 works of art from the collection of Margaret Z. Robson. The Robson collection includes important paintings, drawings and sculptures by 48 major self-taught artists, including James Castle, Ulysses Davis, Thornton Dial Sr., William Edmondson, Howard Finster, Bessie Harvey, Judith Scott, Bill Traylor and many others. The collection adds strength and depth to this specialty area of the collection with 11 new artists. The Robson gift comprises the largest acquisition of self-taught artworks in 20 years and signals the museum’s deep and lasting commitment to this area of artistic production. The museum’s acquisition of the collection, given by her son, Douglas O. Robson, was approved by the museum’s Board of Commissioners at its
This is James Castle’s “Untitled,” n.d., found paper, color of unknown origin and soot, Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Margaret Z. Robson collection, gift of John E. and Douglas O. Robson, 2016.38.16. November meeting. “We are truly honored to be entrusted with the stewardship of this work,” said Leslie Umberger, curator of folk and self-taught art. “The Robson collection has enormous range. It includes major works, such as William Edmondson’s ‘Untitled
This is Ulysses Davis’s “Untitled,” 1942, painted and carved wood, Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Margaret Z. Robson collection, gift of John E. and Douglas O. Robson. (Birdbath)’ and Bill Traylor’s ‘Untitled (Seated Woman).’ A 1942 relief carving by Ulysses Davis is a key example of the early work of a master woodcarver who would become known for his presidential busts and wild beasts. The collection also includes exceptional works by lesserknown artists such as Albert “Kid” Mertz, whose painted stack of 1,265 railroad spikes
was part of his vivid painted environment, and Leroy Person, who carved patterns into the window sills and doors of his North Carolina home before creating a large body of similarly incised abstract woodcarvings.” Robson began collecting
Continued on page 19
MEGA TOY & COLLECTIBLE AUCTION Trains, Dolls, Action Figures, Video Games & Comic Books WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND AT 12 NOON 18 South 5th Street, Suite 200,
QUAKERTOWN, PA 18951 855-765-3001
SAT., FEBRUARY 18 , 2017
Full Catalog & Photos w/Online Preview & Absentee Bidding Available at Trains Incl. LGB Circus Train, Marx Army Supply, Mixed HO & NOS Accessories. Vtg. Diecast w/Redline Hot Wheels. Mixed Diecast & Vehicle Toys NIP. Other Vtg. Toys Incl. 12” GI Joe, Sealed AFX Jackie Stewart Slot Car Set, Slot Cars NIP, Playsets & Space Toys. Custom Made 1/12 scale R/C Construction Crane. Dolls & Character Toys Incl. Barbie & Bratz NIP, Cabbage Patch Kids, American Girl, Board Games, Fisher-Price, Snoopy & Disney Items w/Serigraphs. Vtg. GI Joe ARAH Collection w/Boxed General, Moray, Skystriker, Cobra Glider & Night Raven. Army Builder Vehicles Incl. Hurricane, HISS Tanks, Rattlers & Cobra RAGE. Figures Incl. Steel Brigade Gold Head, Mickey Mouse Cobra Commander, Silver Chest Grand Slam & Mission Brazil. Vtg. Star Wars Incl. Boxed Vehicles w/AT-AT, Ewok Village, Minirigs & Sealed Rebo Band. Vtg. Star Wars Figures Incl. NIP, Complete Loose & Sears Blue Snaggletooth. Transformers Incl. Boxed G1, Beast Wars & Kingdam Roboheli in Box. Thundercats, Ninja Turtles TMNT, Knight Rider Dash, Voltron, 6 Million Dollar Man, MUSCLE Men, Battle Beasts, Vtg. T-Shirts, Back to the Future 2 Shoes, NonSports Cards, Wrestling Magazines, MASK, Ghostbusters, Unused Dark Tower Game & Lego w/Bulk Parts & Sealed Kits. Video Games Incl. Sealed Intellivision 2 & Atari Consoles, Sealed SNES Games w/NES TMNT 3. Other Video Games & Acc. from Atari, NES, Game Cube, Genesis, Playstation & XBox. Warren Magazine Monster Posters. Comic Books Incl. Golden Age w/Superman #35 & 38, All Star #12 & 21, Flash #7 & All Flash #12 w/Black Terror & Doc Strange Books. Silver Age Incl. Early Strange Tales, Fantastic Four w/#11, Dr Strange #169, Daredevil & Spiderman w/ Keys. Some Graded Books w/1980-90’s Bulk Lots. Terms: 13% Buyer’s Premium w/3% Discount for Cash/Check.
AT 9:00 A.M. PREVIEW AT 7:30 A.M.
ROCK, PA 17327
Rene Snyder Auctioneer Lic. #AU5316 (717) 880-7217 ighlights Include: 1908 $20.00 Gold Piece NGC MS62, 1914-D $10.00 Indian Head Gold Piece MS63, 1908 $5.00 Indian Head Gold H Piece MS62, 1878 $2.50 Liberty Head Gold Piece MS60, Gold Eagles, Gold Pandas, and Other Gold. CC Morgan Dollars Include 1878, 1880, 1882, 1883, 1890, 1891, 1892 and many other key date Morgan’s 1895-O, 1899 MS64, 1903-S, 1904-S & others. National Currency, Fractional Currency, Confederate Currency, Obsolete Currency, Foreign Currency. Lots of Silver 5 OZ. National Parks, 5 OZ. & 2 OZ. Australia Lunar year coins Silver Pandas and so much more. For a complete list go to AUCTIONZIP.COM ID#5338 If you would like to consign to our Next great auction April 22, 2017 please give a call (717) 880-7217
This is William Edmondson’s “Untitled (Bird Bath with Figures),” made around 1932-40, carved limestone, Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Margaret Z. Robson collection, gift of John E. and Douglas O. Robson.
This is Gertrude Morgan’s “Fan,” circa 1970, paint and ink on card, Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Margaret Z. Robson collection, gift of John E. and Douglas O. Robson. Currently, four works from the Robson collection, hanging mixed-media assemblages by Emery Blagdon are on view in the museum’s first-floor galleries. Other pieces from the collection will debut in 2017. Five Bill Traylor paintings from the gift will be included in the 2018 retrospective
Preview Day of Sale 10 A.M.-12 Noon
4067 Snyder Rd., GLEN
the work of folk and selftaught artists in the 1980s and became a highly respected collector and advocate. The artworks she selected reveal her personal point of view and preference for works that exemplify a particular culture, time and place. “Margaret Robson was a thoughtful woman, with a keen eye and a unique personal vision,” said Umberger. “She began collecting at a time when few grasped the inherent value of art that was often made amid challenging circumstances and by those who lacked the agency of the mainstream art world. The collection speaks of empowerment and a ‘can-do’ spirit, and it will be cherished and shared here at the Smithsonian American Art Museum.”
Sellersville Auction LLC (AH001943)
FEBRUARY SALE Online Sale Ends On
MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2017 Preview: Saturday, February 18th from 10am to 5pm or by appointment.
Where: 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, PA 19002 Contact: 215.619.2873
5 3 4
6 7 2
8 9
Locati, LLC 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, PA 19002 PA License #TRA00011
1. Thomas Chambers (American, 1808-1869) Oil on Canvas. 2. A Chinese Rosewood and Marble Side Chair. 3. Roy De Forest (American, 1930-2007) Lithograph. 4. An American Scherenschnitte Circa 1820. 5. Martin Style A Mandolin. 6. Rufino Tamayo (Mexican, 1899-1991) Lithograph. 7. A Pennsylvania Walnut Chest on Frame, 18th Century. 8. A Mid Century Poul Hundevad “Gold Hill” Stool, Wenge Wood. 9. A Collection of American Coins. 10. A Tiffany Platinum and Diamond Circle Pin. 11. Mervin Jules (American, 1912-1994) Oil on Canvas. 12. A French Bronze and Marble Shelf Clock.
Satsuma Pottery By Anita Stratos Satsuma - the word is practically synonymous with intricately detailed painted Japanese pottery. Most of the antique Satsuma pottery seen today was made between the 1860s and the early 1920s for the export market and sent to Europe and America. Satsuma has actually been made since around 1600, but those were not for export, and very few featured faces until the mid19th century. In fact, the very first Satsuma pieces were made by a Korean potter living in Japan, who was asked by Lord Shimazu to open a kiln. There the potter created heavy stoneware pieces made with dark, iron-rich clay and finished with thick, black glaze. These pieces are extremely rare today and, according to, mostly reside in museums. Once white clay was discovered in the area, potters used it to make lighter-colored Satsuma pieces, the forerunners to the Satsuma we
know today. However, those oldest pieces were far less elaborately decorated than the pieces created for export and the more modern pieces still being made throughout the world. While a good number of factories produced lower quality Satsuma wares for export (mostly between the 1890s and the 1920s), other potters continued creating extremely fine quality pieces but still of relatively simple design. The more complex imagery that emerged sometime between 1867 and 1875 was the inspiration behind Japonism in Western cultures. One of the earliest cases of Satsuma fraud - or possibly just gross misinformation with no substantiation whatsoever that I could find occurred in 1877, when wares referred to as “old Satsuma” were sold in London. These pieces were represented as having been made in the 16th century - the century before the first Satsuma had first been made specifically to be presented to the Pope. It wasn’t until the 1890s that the record was set straight. Once Satsuma became popular internationally through exhibits around the world, Japanese potters from all regions of the country began making it. The Shimazu family crest, a cross within a circle (called a mon), was added to the mark to tie these pieces to the Satsuma name. These marks, which include Japanese symbols, are typically handpainted in “liquid gold,” so if you see a mark that’s been stamped, it’s either a modern
artwork, they’re modern. Also, check the moriage work (sometimes called beading) - these raised enamel dots should be evenly applied, with very minimal to no difference between the size of the dots, and the placement should be methodical. In fakes and reproductions,
moriage placement can be scattered or random looking, and the dots are typically sloppy and different sizes. Finally, authentic Satsuma is pottery, not porcelain, so it doesn’t ring when tapped, and it usually has a fine crackle in its glaze. Photos via Wikipedia. Continued on page 19
Very Large One-Day
PUBLIC AUCTION SATURDAY, FEB. 25, 2017 8:00 A.M. (INSPECTION OF ITEMS AUCTION DAY ONLY - 7:00 A.M.) LOCATION: The Gathering Place, 6 Pine Street,
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2017 6:00 P.M. ALLEN’S AUCTION 231 Landing Street,
Furniture, Collectibles, Glassware, Dolls, Etc. Mahog. Breakfront w/Butler’s Desk, Depression DR Table, 4 Chairs, Server and Buffet, Depression Dresser w/Harp Mirror, Depression Half Moon Dresser w/Mirror, Vict. Marble Top Washstand (Cracked), Claw Foot Oak Dresser w/Mirror, Brass and Black Lacquered Oriental Armchair, Lane Cedar Chest, Columbia Grafonola Cabinet (Only), 8 Pc. DR Antiqued White, Repro Oak Rolltop Desk, Curio Cabinet, Cherry Coffee Table, Game Table, 5 Pc. BR Set w/3 Sect. Mirror, Repro Carved Sofa & Love Seat, 3 Inlaid Tables, QA Style Desk, High Chest, Wardrobe, Set 6 DR Chairs, Armchairs, Hutch Top Desk, Credenza w/Mirror, Small Marble Top Tables. Waterford Crystal Decanter w/5 Glasses, Pitcher, 2 China Dish Sets, Alabaster Eggs And Balls w/Stands, Julius Caesar Bust Lamp, Rooster Figures and Paintings, Canadian Goose Print Signed Floyd Hubbard, Annalee Doll Collection, Asst. Dolls, Mantel Clock, Repro. Clocks, Metal Machinist’s Chest, More to Come. See, auctioneer #18968 for complete list and photos Terms: Cash or Check Approved By Auctioneer NO BUYER’S PREMIUM ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING ON PREMISES
Richard P. Allen, Jr. Auctioneer 609-267-8382
• Christopher Sauer German Bible/1768, 1800s, 1900s German Bibles & Books • Books Novels/Comic • Stoneware • Early Hernley Pencil Drawing • Bill Rank Theorems • Isaac Graybill 1842 Coverlet/Hooked Rugs/Quilts/ Textiles • Guns & Sword • Oliver Sign/Pedal Tractor/Advertising/Memorabilia • Manheim Items • Antiques • Glassware/China • Pottery • Tinware/Metalware • Cast Iron • Wooden Decorated Turnings • Woodenware • Milk Bottles • Decorator Items • Large Amount Of Earlier Baseball Cards • Hess • Toys/Dolls • Hubley/Tonka/ Nylint/Winross/Ertl Toys • Oak/Victorian/Country Furniture • Equipment & Tools • Plus Much More!!! For Photos, Full Listing, Terms See Website: Auction by: Witman Auctioneers, Inc. Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, & Doug L. Ebersole 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300 • AY-000155-L
Fooled By Fakes reproduction or an outright fake. Likewise, seemingly handpainted marks that are identical on multiple pieces could not have been painted by hand, as each would have at least some variations. Another stamped mark that’s the sign of a reproduction is “HandPainted Satsuma.” Many times, these repros, most of which are poorly done, are ceramic and made in China, but the “Made in China” label will most likely have been removed. True antique Satsuma wares never signs of a copy may include bore a mark with the English brighter or newer colors, more word “Satsuma,” except for or less surface coverage, or Royal Satsuma Nippon. various features done differIf you plan to invest in an ently than the original artist is antique piece of Satsuma that’s known for. attributed to a particular Antique Satsuma pieces painter, study the work of that were decorated by individual artist before bidding or buying. artists, the artwork was never Some modern reproductions factory applied. So if you see can be quite good, and telltale multiple pieces with identical
16 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
FENTON GLASS & WHISKEY PITCHERS 600+ Pieces Fenton, 1,000+ Advertising Water Jugs
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 Preview: Friday, February 24 from 12 Noon-4 P.M. & 9 A.M. thru auction 1500 Paxton Street,
FENTON GLASS – 10 A.M. 600+ pieces. Most artist signed & limited edition incl. Family Signature; Connoisseur Collection; Anniversary; Historic Series; Glass Messenger; Honor Series; Gold Treasures; Robert Barber; factory samples; QVC. Includes epergnes; hanging & table lamps; vases; punchbowl sets; baskets; fairy lamps; bowls; compotes; pitchers; logos; plates; eggs; bells; bears; Christmas. Patterns/styles include favrene; Burmese; rosalene; velvarose; hanging hearts; Mary Gregory style; cameo; stretch; Carnival; custard; opalescent; satin; iridized; crest; overlay; opaline; optic stripe; milk glass. Many with original boxes and/or paperwork.
WHISKEY ADVERTISING PITCHER COLLECTION – 1 P.M. 1,000+ piece estate collection of whiskey advertising water jugs, various ages. Includes Squires; Bushwills; James Martin; Old Charter; Old Taylor; Penfolds; Seagrams; Ballatines; Johnnie Walker; Glenfiddich; Seagrams; Cutty Sark; Antiquity; Hiram Walker; Old Crow; Black & White; Paddy; Tullibardine; Old Smuggler; Ainslies; Queen Anne; Tamnavulin; Jamie Stuart; Macallan; Dewars; Dandie Dinmont; Lauders; Laphroaig; Grants; Burnetts; Burroughs; Ambassador.
Applicable Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Outof-state checks with prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off of Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits. See catalog for complete terms and conditions.
for catalog, photos & more details
From Our Files By Andrew Richmond Damascus steel is yet another example of a term’s original definition becoming almost inextricably conflated with a different concept. Damascus steel, used historically in blades manufactured in the Middle East, is also a bit of a mystery. The process, as best we can tell, started with
Many tests have been performed on original examples of Damascus steel, but because there are so many variables in the production process – raw materials, techniques, equipment – efforts to replicate the steel have failed. True Damascus steel production seems to have stopped around the middle of the 18th century for reasons lost to us now, but historians offer a number of
A detail from a Clark and Sneider (Baltimore) double-barrel shotgun shows a combination of a Damascus finish on the barrels and engraving on the frame, which results in a rich variety of surface textures. It sold at Pook & Pook in May of 2015 for just over $1,500. wootz steel, a type of steel that appears to have originated in India approximately 300 years B.C. Beyond that, we have no idea how it was originally crafted. The origin of the name Damascus itself is a bit of a puzzle, as it is also unknown if it was first used for swords made or sold in Damascus or if it was applied based
hypotheses, including the possibility of a trade route disruption (such a lengthy route, India to the Middle East, could have quite possibly have been disturbed long enough and to such an extent that the tech- A detail from the Parker shotgun, nique was lost in the interim), a showing the intricate pattern of a change in the manufacturing Damascus finish. process that removed the necessary impurities, or
simply an obsessive degree of secrecy regarding the tricks of production. Regardless of the reasons, pattern welded steel blades offer the closest replication, at least in terms of appearance. Pattern welding, which is similar to laminating steel and has been done since the Middle Ages, is accomplished by forge welding a group of different metals together and then twisting and manipulating
tion: Antiques, Primitives, Old Advertising Items, Ant. & Modern Furniture, Box Lots, Lots of Power & Hand Tools, Lots of Variety Nice Auction!!!
SAT., FEB. 18, 9:00 A.M.: Huge Antique Auction, selling w/2 Auctioneers: 75 pcs. of Ant. Furniture, Antiques, Primitives, Quilts, Large Adv. Signs, 2008 Buick Lacrosse 20K miles Sellers: York Co. History Center Deaccessioned Items & others. Regina Fry, Hellam The Nicest Antique Auction held this Year
SAT., FEB. 25, 9:00 A.M.: (30) Hit & Miss Engines, Antiques, Primitives, Honda 70, Kayak, Farm Antiques, Primitives & more.
FRI. & SAT., MARCH 3 & 4 9:00 A.M.: Huge 2 Day Antique
This is a British flintlock pistol from the late 18th century that has a Damascus barrel. It realized $1,560 at Pook and Pook in May of 2015. on a perceived connection between the appearance of the steel and Damask cloth, which also derives its name from Damascus. Perhaps it is this mystery or the distinctive appearance of Damascus steel, which is said to look like flowing water or watered silk because of the banded look of the surface, but Damascus steel has a reputation filled with legends about its sharpness and durability.
Auction, Great Selection of 100s of Antiques, Primitives, Furniture & More
1,000s of pics. online FREE ADMISSION This exquisite Mughal-style dagger from the late 19th century not only has a patterned Damascus finish blade, but also a carved, rock crystal hilt. It brought nearly $4,700 at Dallas Auction Gallery in early 2014. RENTZELS AUCTION SERVICE INC. 717-577-1886
Steeling Terminology
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 17 them to create the appearance of a patterned surface. Blades and barrels formed by this technique (or from laminated or piled steel) are also often referred to as Damascus, even though the production process is completely different. Historians attributed this to bladesmith True Damascus steel is hard to come by, but it does appear on the market once William Moran, who debuted in a while. This Middle Eastern cannon dates to about 1700 and has a Damascus patterning wasn’t just for his “Damascus knives” in Damascus steel barrel. This fact, in addition to the fine carving on the carriage weaponry! This set of eight English 1973. Early on, there appears and tailstock, pushed the sale price to over $26,000. Georgian table knives have sterling to have been some distincsilver handles and Damascus finish properly termed production. As for us, true blades.They sold for $1,150 at Garth’s tion in the use of the term more Damascus steel is rare enough in 2007. “Modern Damascus,” but for “Damascus finish.” Meanwhile, experts in the that, with the additional the most part, weapons, historic and modern, with bar- field of experimental archaeol- restriction of adequate detail technique is to see them in rels and blades forged by ogy continue to try to unravel photographs, the best way to person at museums or at gun pattern welding are also sim- the secrets of Damascus steel experience this mysterious auctions and shows. ply referred to as Damascus. To add to the confusion, many makers have mimicked the “watered” appearance of Damascus steel by simply Rentzels Auction Service Inc. etching the design into the blade or barrel, and thus, a Held at York Fairgrounds, John & Paige Smith Building good percentage of 19th- and 334 Carlisle Ave., 20th-century weapons described as “Damascus” are THURS., FEB. 16, 10:00 A.M.: Multi -Estate Auc-
Auctioneer: Dave Conley AU-003269
ANTIQUES AUCTION IMPORTANT PHILADELPHIA HISTORICAL ESTATE 10 A.M. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND, 2017 at Wilson’s Third Street Gallery, 132 East Third Street, POTTSTOWN, PA 19464 FORMAL, PERIOD FURNITURE • STERLING SILVER • STEIFF BEARS • ANTIQUE CLOTHING & HATS Absentee bidding on 107 Select Lots available at HiBid Link from Auction Zip #8374.
An Exciting Live Auction Full Of Estate Antiques Fresh to Market. From An Old Family Estate Mansion.
Public Auction • Wed. Feb. 22 Auction @ 2 pm • Preview @ 1 pm
Benner Hall • 1260 East Cherry St, Richlandtown, PA 18951
Antiques/Collectibles: Coin-op drugstore scale, Singer Featherweight sewing machine, pachislo slot machine, Rigart Rubus violin, sterling flatware, silver-plate serving pieces, silver age comic books, Lionel and HO scale trains and accessories, Herend porcelain, Bavarian dish service, Limoges dinnerware, Longaberger baskets, local advertising items, Gilbert fan, Monarch oak wall phone, Royal typewriter, Hess trucks, Barbie and other dolls, Amco hat stretcher, Necchi Supernova Julia sewing machine, pottery, glassware, fountain pens, dress form, stoneware crocks and jugs, Kodak cameras, Griswold pans, acupuncture models, desktop skeleton, sleigh bells, clocks, guitar, prints and paintings, pocket knives, books (Civil War, WWII, novels), Craftsman bandsaw, power tools, box lots and more. Vintage Electronics: Atwater Kent model 36 radio, GC electronics resistor store display, vintage MAC 512k computer, Arista phono needle display, Motorola reel to reel, Mercury tube tester, Tandy and Commodore computers and more. Jewelry: sterling and costume jewelry, Dooney & Bourke and more handbags. Coins: silver dimes, quarters, half dollars, dollars, wheat pennies, nickels, mint sets and proof sets, foreign coins. Firearms: Smith & Wesson model 63 .22 cal. and Smith & Wesson model 640 .38 cal. Furniture: cedar chest, spinet desk, secretary desk, Morris chair, drop-leaf table, accent tables, lamps, benches and more. Delicious refreshments served!
Photos at • 215-208-6481 Terms: All items sold 'as is', 'where is' with no guarantees. Accepted forms of payment: Cash, Check (out of state checks must be accompanied by a bank letter of credit), Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express. In-house bidders 13% buyer's premium reduced to 10% for cash or check. Absentee bidders - 15% buyer's premium. All absentee bids must be secured with a credit card. No exceptions. • Lic. # AY002016 S962396
Go to #8374. Please go to HiBid link thru Auction Zip to absentee Bid.
610.970.7688 Spencer Gorman, Estate Broker.
Parker shotguns are known for their high quality craftsmanship, and this includes the finishing work. This Parker double-barrel shotgun retains its original case and accessories, as well as its original Damascus finish on the barrels. It topped its estimate in March of 2012 and sold for nearly $11,000.
FORMAL PERIOD FURNISHINGS: Sheraton Period fretwork bookcase, Philadelphia. Bench-made, late 19th Century English chest-on-chest with dental moulding. Burled-wood linen press. 19th Century German tall case clock, having works by Jacob Mollinger Nevstatt. Sheraton Range of tables. Set of six Chippendale dining chairs with slip seats. Hepplewhite chest of drawers with flaired feet. Pleasing arrow of Federal, Sheraton & Hepplewhite writing desks, side tables and one-drawer stands. Hepplewhite stand with inlaid urn and beehive brasses. Philadelphia Chippendale sofa, having original, period frame. Antique wing chair. EARLY AMERICAN FURNITURE: Early 19th Century American Tavern Table with breadboard top. Anhtique, sponge-painted PA Blanket Chest w/original finish. Numerous other blanket chests and old trunks. 17th Century, tooled-Spanishleather-covered trunk w/original hardware. Windsor & tiger maple chairs. Antique ladder and pilaster-back chairs. William & Mary (Chippendale Period) commodes. Sheild shape shaving mirror. Eastlake wardrobe. Three door bookcase. 7 ft. barrister bookcase. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Sheraton square - case Piano, dated 1796, made by John Broadwood & Son. Old cello, among other musical instruments, both Antique & Modern. Vertical spinning wheel with ivory fittings. Spinning wheel signed HWB, 1810. Antique walking wheel. Trundle bed, canopy rope bed, Acanthus carved poster bed w/canopy. Early tool chest w/drawers. General Store bookkeeper’s file drawers, a case of 16 drawers, dated back to 1909. Mid-18th Cen. fireplace mantel, as found. Several 18th & Early 19th Century andiron sets, fire dogs & fireplace tools. Brass - topped andirons. Hand wrought fireplace implements. Charcoal irons & tongs. Two fancy, 18th Cen., hand wrought standing trivets. Two early tin & iron rotisseries. Three different antique bellows. Early, painted decorated plate warmer on legs. Nice Early brass kettles. Several early, pierced - brass bed warmers. Selection of pushup brass candleholders. Dovetailed candle box. Inlaid boxes. Early lanterns. Hanging gas light fixutre. STERLING FLATWARE: Gorham sterling silver flatware service, 68 pieces. Tiffany & Co. sterling silver flatware service. Black, Starr & Frost sterling teapot. English silver Salvor, 1860. J.W. Cusack ladle. British & American coin silver. Sterling cigarette cases. 18K gold pocket watch. Sword cane w/whale bone handle. Sterling & Costume jewelry, 14K ring, etc. Vintage Rhinestone jewelry. ANTIQUE CHINA: FEATHER EDGE CHINA, c.1790. Platters, in Blue and Green, plus shallow bowls & plates. Large English Ironstone platter with well, by SPODE. Adams ware. Phila. Sesqui-Centennial bowl by Royal Doulton. Doulton figurines. Lenox. Antique Glassware. STEIFF TEDDY BEARS: A collection of 20 Antique Mohair Teddy Bears. Steiff Growling Bear on Wheels. Rare Schuco “Yes-No” Elephant on wheels. Dozen new Steiff Bears in original boxes. Antique Bisque dolls & doll clothing. Barbie dolls. Byer’s Carolers. HATS, CLOTHING & TEXTILES: Red & White “Hotel Columbia” coverlet, dated 1868. Jaquard coverlet by Yordy, Lancaster Co. 1852. Crewelwork curtain panels. Linens. Brooks Bros. Top Hats. Bowler hat. MILLINERY: 19th Century Quaker Bonnets. Calashe hats, circa 1790. Amish bonnet. Selection of antique silk, straw & lace bonnets from the twin of the 19th century. Victorian clothing. Pair of Ladie’s Dalsimers, Tutone leather shoes, as well as child’s pair. Costumes of historic, period dress. History of French Fashion, 1882. Antique military hat. 18th, 19th, 20th Century hats & wigs. Lancaster County Quilt dress. Mannequins & Dress forms. ARTWORK: Joanna Krasnansky Villace Scene watercolor. Duck Painting by Bob Elgas. Francis Baylies print. Cyanopogon Bird Print. Phila. Zook Photos Studies Collection by JOHN GRISWOLD, JR. Bird sculptures. Oil on canvas portrait. 1727 English leather-bound Bible. Arriflex 16mm Camera. Large Graflex Camera in leather case. Zeiss Ikon Flektoscop. Tripods. Civil War Appt. Inspector Badge. Clawfoot, moulded porcelain commode. All above-mentioned material found in an 18th Century Philadelphia home, occupied by the same family for 150 years. This is a full sale, fresh to the market, from a single estate with no additions. An auction not to be missed! All items sold with No limits or reserve. 10% Buyer’s Premium. 6% PA Sales Tax (AU002827L) Preview: Tuesday, February 21st from 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. and from 10 A.M. day of auction.
18 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
Colonial Williamsburg To Undertake $40 Million Dollar Expansion Of Its Art Museums The first large-scale expansion and upgrade to the building that houses the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum and the DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum since its opening in 1985 is slated to break ground in April 2017, marking the conclusion of a $40 million capital campaign announced two years ago. The project has been the primary capital priority of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation’s $600 million Campaign for History and Citizenship. To date, all but $1.6 million has been raised, and the remaining amount is anticipated to be raised by the end of 2016. Both the Boards of Trustees for the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg (as the two museums are collectively known) and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation gave their final approvals of the expansion plans when they held their respective meetings on Nov. 17 and 19. The Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg are home to internationally renowned collections of American folk art through the present day and to British and American fine and decorative arts from 1670-1840. The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum, which will celebrate its 60th anniversary in 2017, is
the oldest continuously operating institution in the United States dedicated solely to the collection, exhibition and preservation of American folk art. The DeWitt Wallace Decorative Arts Museum, which marked its 30th anniversary last year, features furniture, paintings, silver, numismatics, ceramics, tools, textiles, maps, weapons and other media. Combined, these diverse and extensive collections play critical roles in Colonial Williamsburg’s mission to inform and engage Americans in the dramatic story of their country’s founding. “The Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg are the crown jewels of the foundation. The collections they house are the foundation upon which we tell America’s enduring story,” said Mitchell B. Reiss, president and CEO of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. “We can now provide our guests a grand museum entrance worthy of the priceless artifacts they contain.” When complete, the new wing will add 65,000 squarefeet with a 22 percent increase in gallery space to the Art Museums, which will enable the Art Museums to show considerably more of their
Auction Calendar
02/25/17, MOUNT JOY, SAT 8 AM, Christopher Saver German Bible, 1768, 1800's, 1900's German Bibles, books, novels, comic books, stoneware etc., The Gathering Place 6 Pine St, Witman Auctioneers, Inc.
Continued from page 8
02/25/17, HALLAM, SAT 9 AM, Colonial grandfather clock, other clocks, furniture, Hummel figurines, assorted, jewelry, gold rings, antique glassware, baskets, Steiff bunnies, Beanie Babies, oriental throw rugs etc., Hellam Fire Co Social Hall, Gilbert & Gilbert Auctioneers, Inc.
02/25/17, YORK, SAT 9 AM, Hit & miss engines, antiques, primitives, Honda 70, kayak, farm antiques, primitives etc., York Expo Center John & Paige Smith Bldg York Fairgrounds 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, Inc.
celebrated collections. It will also significantly improve public access to the building through a new visitor-friendly entrance on Nassau Street. This new entryway will replace a circuitous, partly-underground route with a tunnel and multiple stairs through the reconstructed Public Hospital of 1773, which was the first building in North America dedicated to treatment of the mentally ill. Additional enhancements will include the following: - A new lobby and orientation space overlooking the pastoral site of the John Custis House and Garden and a grand concourse that will provide access to both museums, which will improve visibility of the complex to guests approaching on foot from the Historic Area. - Guest services, such as an expanded museum café and store, will move to lobby level, where they may be accessed without a ticket and will be bathed in natural light through new, expansive windows overlooking the picturesque Bicentennial Park. Car parking, 02/26/17, HARRISBURG, SUN 10 AM & 1 PM, 10 am - Fenton Glass; 1 pm - Whiskey Advertising Pitcher Collection, 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals 02/26/17, PHILADELPHIA, SUN 10 AM, Quality sample & other die cast cars, trucks, tractor & planes, artist signed bronzes, pewter & porcelain figures, collector pocket knives & watches, Franklin Library leather bound books, oriental scrolls etc. also estate furnishings, Gallery 2501 E Ontario St, Barry S. Slosberg, Inc.
including that for the mobility challenged, will also be considerably improved. In addition, the Colonial Williamsburg bus stop will move to the museum entry area from its current location near the intersection of Henry and Francis streets. - Enhanced programming and activities to engage visitors. - Space and equipment for efficient museum operations and exhibition presentations. - New and upgraded mechanical and climate-control systems. New York-based architectural firm Samuel Anderson Architects has been selected to design the expansion, construction for which is anticipated to take approximately 24 months to complete. In 2006, the same firm designed the space that now houses the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Museum when it moved from its previous location. “Annual visitation to the Art Museums has been on the rise for several years, but that growth will accelerate with the creation of a more visible and guest-friendly entrance, expanded exhibition galleries and improved guest services,” said Ronald L. Hurst, the foundation’s Carlisle Humelsine chief curator and
vice president for collections, conservation and museums. “The expansion means the creation of dedicated gallery spaces for fine art, costumes, archaeological artifacts, weapons, numismatics and a host of other materials that are now too rarely seen.” Major gifts to the capital campaign for the Art Museums expansion have been pledged from across the country, proving that expanding the Art Museums is an important and essential component of fulfilling the foundation’s goals of strengthening and re-imagining its role in the 21st century as a leader in both historical preservation and history education. In addition to generous giving from Virginia residents, donations have been pledged by supporters of the Art Museums in California, Texas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Massachusetts. “Colonial Williamsburg is a place that grounds us in the principles that have sustained us as a nation for more than 240 years, and our world-class Art Museums—unparalleled in their collections, exhibitions, and programming—are critical to telling our unique American story,” said Steve Miller, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation trustee and campaign chairman. “The Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg will soon take their rightfully prominent place in the Williamsburg landscape, and we are thrilled.” To see a brief video of the expansion plans, please visit Image courtesy of the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.
03/03-04/17, YORK, FRI & SAT 9 AM, Great selection of antiques, primitives, furniture etc., York Expo Center John & Paige Smith Bldg York Fairgrounds 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, Inc.
“I’d love to buy one, but I’m unemployed and don’t shave.”
SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE AUCTION EVENT!!! SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25TH, 2017 10:00 A.M. Preview Starts at 8:00 A.M. Outstanding Auction includes Vintage Toys, Still & Mechanical Banks, Antique Dolls, Doorstops, Horse Racing Games, Coca-Cola, Advertising Signs, Gas & Oil, Nautical Items, Automotive Items, Clocks, Wood Showcases, Antique Furniture, Mid Century Items, Autographed Sports Memorabilia, and MUCH MORE!!!!!! LIVE BIDDING THRU: MILESTONEAUCTIONS.COM, LIVEAUCTIONEERS, PROXIBID, & INVALUABLE
MILESTONE AUCTIONS GALLERY Located at 3860 Ben Hur Ave.,
WILLOUGHBY, OHIO 44094 (440) 527-8060
Auctioneer: Miles King A 20% Buyer’s Premium - 2% Discount For Cash or Check; Credit Cards Accepted MILESTONE AUCTIONS IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS! ONE PIECE OR ENTIRE COLLECTIONS!!! CALL 440-527-8060 FOR DETAILS
Smithsonian Continued from page 15
“Between Worlds: The Art of Bill Traylor” that Umberger is organizing. The museum will produce an exhibition and book dedicated to the Robson collection in its entirety at a future date. The Smithsonian American Art Museum was among the first major museums to collect works by self-taught artists and to advocate for a diverse populist voice within the context of what is traditionally considered great art. The museum began collecting this kind of work in 1970, when the astonishing “The Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations’
This is Bill Traylor’s “Untitled (Seated Woman),” circa 1939-42, pencil and opaque watercolor on paperboard, Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Margaret Z. Robson collection, gift of John E. and Douglas O. Robson.
ALL HUMMELS WANTED, Antiques, Collectables, Household items. etc. Call John Rokicki 610-213-2361. Millennium General Hemphill Jr., which firmly Assembly,” made by James established the museum’s Hampton, came to light in a ongoing commitment to this makeshift studio not far from work. Important gifts from Bill the museum following the Arnett, David L. Davies, the artist’s death. Several donors Kallir Family, Judy A. Saslow, made it possible for this icon- Mike Wilkins and Sheila ic work to become the corner- Duignan, and others followed, stone of a collection that and the collection has grown aimed to tell an ever-expand- to be one of the most visited ing story of America through and widely admired of its kind. the art of its people. Recent exhibitions featurIn the early 1980s and ing major acquisitions have 1990s, Chuck and Jan Rosenak included “Untitled: The Art of donated many important James Castle” (2014), “Ralph works to the museum. The Fasanella: Lest We Forget” museum’s largest single (2014) and “Mingering Mike’s acquisition of works by self- Supersonic Greatest Hits” taught artists came in 1986 (2015). The museum has had with more than 500 works dedicated gallery spaces for from the ground-breaking col- folk and self-taught art for lection of Herbert Waide more than 45 years. A new
ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. LOOKING to buy old foreign cars, especially British. Will purchase in any condition, also buying parts. Call Ed, 856-816-7321.
AIRLINES & AIRPORT chrome cards, esp. domestic, published during the 1950s & 1960s, a permanent want. Armen Avakian, 4560 Pinehollow Ct, Apt 170, Indianapolis, IN 46254, 317-298-8913.
Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561
ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.
ANY EPHEMERA RELATED to Chess including photographs, autographs, envelopes, etc. Lewis Kellert MD, 7421 Hawkins Creamery Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20882, 301-873-8473 BARRINGTON, ILLINOIS POSTCARDS and real photos. Send xerox copy and price. Ken Munson, Post Office Box 616, Wyandotte, MI 48192 OLD COMIC BOOKS Wanted Pre-1965, top dollar, Comic Art Foundation, Box 1414, Oklahoma City, OK 73101, 405-2365303, email
POSTCARDS WANTED: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, not Prague: Austria, not Vienna; Germany any smaller city Gruss Aus; Pozdrav & Eastern Europe. All before 1929. Approvals welcome. Penny Kleinman 516921-0184 or email:
800.888.1063 47-15 36th ST., LIC, NY 11101 LOUIS ICART ETCHINGS Bill Holland, 610-470-5925 or Renningers Sunday Antique Market, Booth A-53, Adamstown, PA. 8am-1pm, email:
NON-SPORTS CARDS any kind. War, Elvis, Gilligans Island, Davy Crockett, Mars Attacks, Laugh-In, etc. any pre-1975 title wanted. Walt Meder, P.O.Box 640, Downers Grove, IL 60515. 630-379-1947
POSTCARDS*LABELS*PHOTOGRAPHSBUYING VINTAGE TRAVEL Ephemera (especially Airline & Hotel Labels) Stamp Collections and Postal History, Postcards, Old Photo Albums and Snapshots, ALWAYS buying & traveling throughout USA (201) 294-4110
CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418.
SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail
Antique & Modern Firearms Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Revolvers, Edged Weapons
WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.
Licensed Dealer - Will Travel Century 20 LLC Highland Park, NJ 08904
MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-525-2969, OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947 OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090. WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232.
WANTED: WEEKLY MAGAZINES from 1900 to 1980, Life, Time, SEP, Liberty, Colliers, Newsweek, Literary Digest, Look, Leslies. Fran DiBacco, 123 Blue Heron Dr., W. Deptford, NJ 08086.
WANTED: OLD LETTERPRESS printing equipment. C&P presses, Vandercook proof presses, metal & wood type. Let me know what you have. CASH PAID. call Joe at 814-203-8902
Would You Like To Be An Antiques Dealer?
A N Since 1966, The Asheford Institute of Antiques has been offering a Profit and T Pleasure Home Study Course that has tremendous financial and personal rewards. C PROFESSIONAL-LEVEL HOME STUDY I O Q U U R ASK HOW … HERE! E S Name Address State Zip Code E City You Can:
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SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618. TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709,
1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521
To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211
Continued from page 16
At A Glance: Signs of a reproduction. 1. “Satsuma” stamped in English 2. Stamped mark 3. Piece rings when tapped 4. Evidence of a paper label 5. Sloppy workmanship Reference books, websites and collecting groups are the best ways to keep from being fooled by fakes. Here are a few: “Treasury of Satsuma” by Sandra Andacht; “Satsuma: Masterpieces from the World’s Important Collections” by Louis Lawrence;
FOR SALE: OLD BARN for salvage and 2 early carpet looms, Tamaqua, PA 570668-2287. TV/ MOVIE TIE-IN paperbacks/ hardbacks. Many old favorites. Check it out, couch potatoes! Mark Simpson, 123 St. George’s Avenue, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4.
ADULT GIRLIE MAGS. Private collection spanning 50’s - present. Many titles, Celebrities, Ginger Lynn, Seka, & others most N. Mint, Must have want lists. Reasonable prices. Looking for those rare girlie mags? I may have them! Al Nazario, #12P 400 W. 43rd St, NYC, 10036 or call 212-868-9203 CATHOLIC HOLY CARDS. Protestant Bible lessons, lace cards, scripture cards, paper icons. Brent Devitt, 35 Hawthorne Glen, Beavercreek, OH 45440. 937-238-0183. Email
STATE HUNTING/ FISHING Stamps. Pay up to $5 plus each. No tears, creases or tape stains. Check by return mail. John Marquardt, 609 Woodridge Dr., Columbia Missouri, 573-474-7254.
Asheford Institute of Antiques
GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.
Satsuma Pottery
FREE CATALOG FROM Heroes & Legends for Hollywood and Rock & Roll autographs. 18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316. We also buy! 818-342-2800. FREE LIST. SEND for sales list of assorted lots of topics and foreign and state views. Gary Radtke (PACM), 11415 Green Ridge Dr., Waynesboro, PA 17268 FREE MONTHLY CATALOG of Authentic Entertainment Autographs, 10% discount on first order, call Starshots at 941-6976935, email write Star Shows, 5389 Bearup St., Port Charlotte, FL 33981. HEEYY, COLLECTORS! COMICS! DC’s, Marvel, Dell, Gold Key, Japanese Manga, TV tie-ins, etc. Mark Simpson, 123 Saint George’s Ave, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada P6B 1X4
VINTAGE CAR ADS wholesale to the trade. Call 954-803-7544. WANTED CHICAGO TRIBUNE will pay $75 for Aug. 31, 1999, good condition, complete paper, no ad circulars, David Rhys, 995 S. Lorraine Rd. Apt. 2E, Wheaton, IL 60189,
IF YOU COLLECT Matches please contact me Joe De Gennaro, 212-876-1730 Matchcover Collecting is a Matchless Hobby.
MEDICAL, SURGICAL, DENTAL, Apothecary, Old Baby Items, Ophthalmology, Quackery, circa 1850-1920 for details visit OLD GRIST MILL equipment, wooden chutes, floor boards, belts and pulleys, call 717-806-3092. TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124
PLAYER PIANO ROLLS over 900, from 1920-1940’s, all for $450, pick-up only, Whiting, NJ. 732-350-2962.
ATTENTION Get the Word Out!! Advertise Your
SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or
Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer?
WANTED: WORLD COINS, U.S. paper money, currency, medals, tokens, gold, diamonds. CASH paid 610 371 0505
Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017 - - 19
installation of these galleries, organized by Umberger, opened to the public this past fall. About the Smithsonian American Art Museum The Smithsonian American Art Museum celebrates the vision and creativity of Americans with artworks in all media spanning more than three centuries. Its National Historic Landmark building is located at Eighth and F streets N.W., above the Gallery Place/Chinatown Metrorail station. Museum hours are 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily (closed Dec. 25). Admission is free. To learn more, visit
20 - - Antiques & Auction News — February 17, 2017
2 DAY PUBLIC AUCTION 14342 Route 36,
From Punxsutawney, take Route 36 South approximately 4½ Miles. Auction is on the Left. Watch for Auction Signs.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2017 FRIDAY AUCTION STARTS AT 12:00 NOON Selling 547 - Lots on Friday
COLLECTIBLES - ADVERTISING - COINS - PRIMITIVES COLLECTIBLES: Sterling Silverware Service for 6 (Approx. 60 Oz), Sterling Silver Wright Brothers Plane (Limited Edition), Traps, Coffee Grinders, Butter Churns, Vintage Telephones, Railroad Items, Zippo Lighters, Case Knives, Cast-Iron Toys, Fishing Buttons, Whiskey Crock Jugs, Pocket Watches, Mining Items, Cottage Cheese Crocks, Sleigh Bells, Lead Soldiers & Other Lead Items, Tin Toys, Child’s Buck Saw, Tip Trays, Cap Guns, Griswold Items, Porcelain Light Shades, Misc. Lighting, Jumbo Peanut Butter Jars, Primitives, Dr. Lesures Veterinary Cabinet, Vintage Car & Motorcycle Parts, Primitive Rakes, Winchester 1887 12 Gauge, Dye Cabinets, Wood Icebox, Cuckoo Clocks, HarleyDavidson Items, Pinup Girls, Davy Crockett Items, Primitive Plows, Anvils, Commercial Wagner Sausage Stuffers, Marbles, Black Smith Vises, Child’s Barber Chair and Much More. ADVERTISING: Coca-Cola Items, Handy Oilers, Thermometers, Clocks, Signs, Neon Lights, Beer Advertising, Farm Advertising, Country Store Advertising, Some Gas & Oil Advertising, Oil Cans, Wood Signs, Tobacco Advertising, Misc. Soda Advertising, Bread Signs and Much More. COINS: Silver Eagles, Silver Certificate Blanket Note, Morgan Silver Dollars, $5 - $10 - $50 Gold Coins, Silver Bullion and More.
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2017 AUCTION STARTS AT 9:00 A.M. Selling 381 - Lots on Saturday
CARS - COLLECTIBLES - ADVERTISING CARS: Model A 4-Door Sedan Titled as 1929, 1980 Camaro Z-28 4-Speed T-Top 350 Engine 13,900 Miles (Sells with Reserve). COLLECTIBLES: Country Store Hat Display, True Type Holstein Friesian Cow & Bull, Ingersoll Watch Display, Toys, WWII German Nazi Items (Helmets, Daggers, Swords, Pins, Phone), Gerstner Machinist’s Toolbox, 1940 Cadillac Hood Ornament, Sheer Seed Cabinet, Model of a Cutter Sleigh, Child’s/Goat Express Wagon, 1954 Large M Farmall Pedal Tractor, 1939 Lincoln Pedal Car, Earth Mover Pedal Car, 2-John Deere Pedal Tractors, Associated Dairies Porcelain Churned Buttermilk Dispenser, Children’s Wagons, International 1.5-2.5HP Engine, Indian Motorcycle Items, 1947 Seeburg Jukebox & More. SALESMAN’S SAMPLES: Charter Oak Cast-Iron Stove, Mascot Porcelain Stove, Wheelbarrow, Coal Miner’s Bucket, Coal Bucket, Sink, English Saddle. ADVERTISING: Mack Desk Clock, Tobacco Tins, Large Variety of Oil Cans, Coca-Cola Signs, Coal Signs, McCormick Signs, Nicholson File Cardboard Sign & Thermometer, Baby Ruth Saf-T-Pops Lollipop Display, Advertising Clocks & Thermometers, Tire Stands, Perfection Cardboard Easel Back Ladies’ Advertising Oil Stoves, Freedom Map Holder, 6-Gas Pumps, Gas Globes, Eco Air Meters, Sweet - Orr Overalls Sign, Pump PLates, License Plate Toppers, Neon Signs, Rest Room Signs and More. SIGNS: Renault, Pennsbest, Coreco, Kendall, Batteries, Shell, RPM, Pennzoil, Tiolene, Williard, Veedol, Texaco, Gillette, Sunoco, Tydol, Mobil, Pure, Walsh Motors, OK, Sinclair, Firestone, National Carbide, Railroad, Greyhound, Lakes to Sea, Feed, Bread, Quaker State.
AUCTIONEER: , PA Lic.#AU005487 TERMS: Cash, Credit Card or Approved Check with ID. 6% PA Sales Tax applies. Announcements made on the day of sale, take precedence over any in the advertising.