Antiques & Auction News 032417

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President’s Day Auction At Gateway

FRIDAY MARCH 24, 2017 • VOL. 48, NO. 12

Gateway Gallery Auction, located at 643 Kriner Road in Chambersburg, Pa., held a diverse President’s Day Auction on Feb 20. Among the highlights was a 2003 Harley Davidson soft tail springer, 100th anniversary, screaming eagle

Cordier’s March 26 Firearms Auction To Feature Colts, Rare WWII Flight Jacket, And Much More

Continued on page 3

Swann Galleries’ Historic Photographs Sale Generates $1.5 Million Nine Works By Edward S. Curtis Sold On Feb. 14, Swann Galleries offered “Icons and Images: Photographs and Photobooks,” an auction featuring masterworks spanning the lifetime of the medium. The Valentine’s Day auction was well-timed, precisely 65 years to the day after Swann held the first U.S. auction dedicated to photographs, The Marshall Sale, on Feb. 14, 1952. The auction house, which is also celebrating A 1910 orotone by Edward S. Curtis, titled “The Rush its diamond anniversary Gatherer,” in its original frame, sold to the trade for $20,000. this year, has continued to honor that historical pedigree with such innovations as the first auction dedicated to vernacular photography, a field that vice president and director of photographs and photobooks Daile Kaplan has helped to bring into the mainstream. The Feb. 14 sale offered premier examples of both vernacular and fine art

A 1904 orotone by Edward S. Curtis, titled “Chief of the Desert, Navajo,” in its original frame, sold for $23,750. photography, earning more than $1.5 million in an auction that lasted nearly five hours. The sale featured a run of lots related to the moon landing and space exploration in the second half of the 20th century. There was heated bidding for a group of 22 “Portrait of Dorothy Norman,” by Alfred large cibachrome prints from NASA Stieglitz, is a silver print done 1930-36. It missions, 1965-84, leading to a final sold to a private collector for $20,000. price of $43,750, above a high estimate of $25,000. The lot sold to a private collector. A related archive of approximately 280 photographs of various Apollo missions, 1969-72, earned $5,460, while a set of 10 contemporary assemblages depicting the moon was sold for $6,250. Though 20th century works commanded most of the highest prices, the top lot of the sale “Clearing Winter Storm,” silver prints, 1944, by Ansel was a collection of 50 Adams, and printed in the 1970s, sold for $32,500 to a plates from Eadweard private collector. Continued on page 2

AAN Current News

on page 2

This 2003 Harley Davidson soft tail springer, 100th anniversary, with screaming eagle exhaust, custom Harley wheels, mini ape hanger bars, upgraded top end, security system, and 9,575 miles, sold for $8,750.

The Flash #105, DC Comics 10 cents 2-3/59, CGC graded 4.5, sold for $1,500.

Rare One Sheet For “The Invisible Man” To Be Sold on page 4

Delaware Train Show And April Fool’s Toy Show Set For April 1 And 2 on page 4

A Paul Reed Smith six-string electric guitar realized $675.

New Gurley Show At Deerfield Fairgrounds Slated For New Hampshire Antiques Week Nan Gurley’s Children Unite And Form The Newest Show At Their Mother’s Favorite Venue Joshua and Rachel Gurley, the children of Nan Gurley, have announced the new Deerfield Antique Show at the Deerfield Fairgrounds to take place Monday, Aug. 7, at the beginning of Antiques Week in New Hampshire. This popular venue, just minutes from the heart of Manchester, N.H., is wellknown to most regular shoppers. It was not in use last year, as the late Nan Gurley had moved her “Americana Celebration” show to the Everett Arena in Concord, which is now managed by her husband, Peter Mavris. For the many dealers who could not adapt to that show’s format, the return to Deerfield is greeted with great enthusiasm. Many are already asking for their former spaces from when the show was held at the fairgrounds. “It’s really back by popular demand. So many dealers told us that they missed Deerfield, we just had to do it for them,” said Joshua Gurley.

Gurley’s Deerfield Show has a history of providing other dealers with last-minute pieces for their exhibits at other shows later in the week. Already committed are dealers from throughout New England, but also exhibitors from Indiana, Iowa, Illinois, South Carolina and Maryland. Rachel Gurley has been taking calls from dealers, who are quickly filling the roughly 100 exhibitor spaces. This show is not connected with Peter Mavris’ “Americana Celebration” at Everett Arena in Concord, which will be held on Tuesday, Aug. 8. Deerfield Fairgrounds offers both indoor and outdoor exhibitor spaces and easy access to parking. The show will open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission will be $10, with no early buying. For additional information, call either Joshua at 207-229-0403 or Rachel at 207-396-4255 or visit

Morphy Auctions’ Las Vegas Coin-Op Event Is A Royal Flush, Realizing Over $3.8 Million on page 8

Bertoia’s Signature Sale On March 25 Sets New Standard For Quality And Rarity on page 10

In This Issue SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 6 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 6

FEATURED AUCTION: Bertoia Auction - March 25 in Vineland, New Jersey - Page 10

AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . . on page 7 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 15

2 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017

Swann Galleries

Cordier’s March 26 Firearms Auction To Feature Colts, Rare WWII Flight Jacket, And Much More

Continued from page 1

Three German crosses decorate the front of the leather flight jacket, each a marker of an enemy aircraft downed by the garment’s former owner, Tech. Sgt. gunner A group of 22 photographs from NASA missions, 1965-84, cibachrome prints, printed circa 1985, sold for $43,750 to a collector. Picasso, was purchased for $15,000. An early travelogue by Scottish photographer John Thomson, titled “Illustrations of China and its People,” volumes I and II, 1873, went to a collector for $15,000. Several editions of “Camera Work,” the photograph magazine published by Alfred Sieglitz at the dawn of the 20th century, were offered with a 100 percent sell-through rate. “Our Valentine’s Day auction was a sweet success, with an impressive roster of new buyers actively bidding. The relationship between science and art told a fascinating story, given the success of the Muybridge and NASA sets. Overall, the sale featured a selection of fine art and vernacular photographs that offered choice opportunities to better understand photography’s growing role in visual culture,” said Daile Kaplan. The next photographs sale at Swann Galleries will be held Thursday, April 20. For more information, readers may email Daile Kaplan at Images courtesy of Swann Auction Galleries.

P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 800-800-1833 717-653-1833 717-653-6165 fax e-mail: Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 e-mail: Advertising Sales John Barilla, Ext. 2536 Arlene Bair, Ext. 2561 Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Classifieds 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566

James F. Byrd of the 305th bomb group “Can Do.” The jacket, together with a bomber shearling cap, associated photos, and B-29 gunner’s manual, is estimated to bring between

Colt Python revolver (est. $2,000-$2,500), a Colt SA Army revolver (est. $900-$1,200), and a Colt Model 1908 hammerless pistol (est. $1,000- attention from bidders. $1,200) leading the pack. Military long guns are

$2,000 to $3,000. Fine antique long guns, The World War II arti- including a Sharps .50-70 confact is just one of the high- version rifle (est. $1,500-$2,000) lighted lots at Cordier’s Firearms and Militaria Auction, to be held at the company’s auction house in Harrisburg, Pa., on Sunday, March 26. The auction will feature antique and modern handguns, including an Enfield 1884

tang (est. $600-$1,000). Bidders will be able to compete on a full range of modern long guns, which will include a Winchester Model 23 XTR Pigeon Grade SXS shotgun (est. $1,000-$1,500) and a Winchester pre-64 Model 70 rifle (est. $1,000$1,500). A Browning auto-five Sweet Sixteen shotgun in 16 gauge (est. $800-$1,200) will also cross the block. Also of interest will be hunting and collector’s items, including numerous duck decoys from makers including John Bede, Clay Bunting, Roe “Duc-Man” Terry, and others, with estimates up to $400. A reproduction suit of Medieval-style armor made by Armadura (est. $500-$700) will also be sold. A full online catalog is available by visiting

highlighted by several semiautomatic rifles, including a TNW Model 1919 in .30 caliber (est. $2,500-$3,500) and a TNW Model RG34 (est. $3,000$4,000), as well as a BREN MK II (est. $3,000To contact $4,000). In Cordier Auctions military and Appraisals, handguns, call 717-731-8662. a Remington Rand 1911A1 pistol (est. $1,000-$1,400) and a Mauser Banner P.08 Luger dated 1940 (est. $1,500$2,000) should interest

National Association Of Milk Bottle Collectors To Meet June 1 To 3 The National Association of Milk Bottle Collectors (NAMBC) will hold its 37th Annual Convention at the Holiday Inn in Grantville (Hershey), Pa., at the junctions of Interstates 80 and 81 on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June 1, 2, and 3.

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Throughout the convention, members will sell and trade milk bottles, caps and dairy-related memorabilia. There will also be seminars relating to milk bottles and dairy collectibles. On Friday night, there will a banquet with a guest


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speaker. An auction of milk bottles, caps and a wide range of related dairy items will take place on Saturday evening. All attendees must register, beginning Thursday morning, June 1. A registration fee is required of all attendees over

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Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2017 C-3/24

Mark II revolver (est. $1,200- and a Winchester 1886 rifle in militaria enthusiasts. $1,500) and an E. Whitney 2nd .33 WCF caliber (est. $1,000In addition to the World Model 4th Type revolver (est. $1,500), are also sure to draw War II A-2 flight jacket, mili$600-$800). In modern handtary collectors will find a guns, Colts are expected to superb World War I 29th draw heavy bidding, with a Division uniform grouping ID’d to Cpl. Raymond E. Platts, originally of York, Pa. (est. $800$1,000), and items from the Civil War, as well as Vietnam. Edged weapons will include a Japanese World War II-era Samurai sword with a signed

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Muybridge’s “Animal Locomotion,” 1887, which sold to a private collector for $62,500. All five offered lots by Muybridge sold. One highlight of the sale was a rare sixth-plate tintype of Edgar Allan Poe, taken after a daguerreotype captured just three weeks before this death, which more than doubled its high estimate of $15,000 to sell to a collector after competitive bidding for $37,500. A run of nine works by Edward S. Curtis all found buyers, led by “Chief of the Desert, Navajo,” a 1904 orotone portrait in its original frame, which sold for $23,750 to the trade. Bidding moved swiftly, especially for rare scenes such as “The Rush Gatherer,” a 1910 orotone also in its original frame and also selling to a dealer. It went for $20,000. Both offered lots by Roy DeCarava sold above their estimates, with the 1956 silver print “Dancers” earning $40,000, above a high estimate of $25,000, and setting a new auction record for the image. “Empire State Building,” circa 1930, a dramatic silver print by Lewis W. Hine, sold for $37,500, above a high estimate of $18,000. An album of approximately 265 photographs depicting the 1906 San Francisco earthquake was purchased by an institution for $13,750, more than twice its high estimate of $6,000. The sale closed with a selection of photobooks. A maquette by Lucien Clergue for his unpublished book “Picasso en Provence,” featuring 150 candid, intimate and rarely seen photographs of Pablo

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the age of 10. On-site registration will be $10 for members (all three days), $12 for non-members (all three days) and $5 for one day only. The registration fee also includes participation at the auction. Preregistration is highly recommended prior to Monday, May 15. To join NAMBC’s nearly 660 members, yearly membership is $25 U.S., $27 Canadian (U.S. currency) and $30 international (U.S. currency - via air mail). This also includes a subscription to “The Milk Route,” a monthly newsletter that is the official publication of NAMBC. Membership includes free advertising in the publication and a directory of members. For further information, readers may visit www.milk or contact Penny Gottlieb at

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Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017 - - 3


Gateway Gallery Continued from page 1

exhaust, custom Harley wheels, mini ape hanger bars, upgraded top end, security system, selling for $8,750. It had 9,575 miles. Several comics sold, including a Flash #105, DC Comics 10 cents 2-3/59 - CGC graded 4.5, which brought $1,500. A Fantastic Four #45, Marvel Comics 12 cents - 12/65, VG with fold on top right corner of cover and tanning, sold for $260. An array of musical equipment also sold. A Paul Reed Smith six-string electric guitar went for $675; a Fender Blues Junior amp, $230; and a Music Man 65-reverb amp, $220. A


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Hammond organ sold for $525. Gateway Gallery Auction, To learn more about call 717-263-6512 or visit

This Fender amp, the Twin, sold for $230. A Hammond organ sold for $525.

A Fantastic Four #45, Marvel Comics 12 cents 12/65, VG with a small fold to top right corner of cover and The Music Man 65-reverb amp sold This Fender amp, the Blues Junior, tanning, sold for $260. sold for $230. for $220.

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Lancaster furniture, and, of course, the Winterthur Museum in Delaware has more great furniture than anywhere else. Southern regionalism can be explored in incredible detail in the Art Museums at Colonial Williamsburg. In the meantime, I would encourage you to get out and visit the shops and co-ops to start to learn, firsthand, about regional furniture variations. And regionalism is not just about the Colonial and Federal periods; there are regional variations in furnishings up to and including the Arts and Crafts movement. While outside furniture factories came to dominate the market by the 1840s, local shops continued to make custom orders for a long time. Shops in Elizabethville (Dauphin County) produced handmade furniture well into the Victorian period. 3371 Lincoln Highway East, (Rt 30), 1BSBEJTF 1" r 717.442.8805


I recall many years ago talking to my friend John Snyder about regional furniture attributions. Regionalism in furniture is nothing new. However, for many previous generations of collectors, it was always about furnishings from major style centers. One wanted a Philadelphia highboy or a Duncan Phyfe table. Anything that did not fit into those broad categories fell into the realm of what John would call outsider art. His use of the phrase was apt in that

furniture, the desk was not highly valued. However, when it was identified to a regional school, then the doors opened to a host of other collectors who previously might not have been interested. The field of regional furniture is fascinating, as one can see all sorts of influences on design. Work from York and Cumberland counties can demonstrate inlays imported from and cabinetry techniques associated with Baltimore. Dauphin and Lancaster counties show both Philadelphia and German influences in their work. If you would like to see great examples of regional furniture, I encourage you to visit the collections of the York, Cumberland and Berks Counties’ historical societies. Rock Ford in Lancaster has wonderful collections of


By Peter Seibert

he referenced that regional furniture that was not folksy simply did not fit into a mold and thus was outsider. Today, thanks to a host of museum exhibitions, catalogs and publications, we know more about regional furniture than probably any other period. The other night when I was up at 2 a.m., looking at online auction sales while suffering from the flu, I saw an interesting desk. It was in a regional auction house and was cataloged as Philadelphia. The piece was clearly not Philadelphia, with its odd construction and decoration. Estimated low, the auction house then did some research and re-cataloged it more accurately as a regional Pennsylvania piece. It brought a good price. The interesting point for me is that as a quirky and odd piece of Philadelphia

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4 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017

Rare One Sheet For “The Invisible Man� To Be Sold

Pocono Peddlers Village

Antique Mall

Heritage Auctions’ Vintage Poster Auction Will Take Place On March 25 And 26

A Hidden Treasure Awaits

will be the Summer Fever Toy Show at the New Hope Fire Company (Event Center by Cornerstone), located at 46 N. Sugan Road, New Hope, Pa., on Sunday, July 23. For information on attending or participating in any of these shows, call 856-302-3606 or visit


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collections. Posters from silent films will include rarities from 1926’s “The Black Pirate,� starring Douglas Fairbanks (est. $10,000), and the never before seen large-format poster from “The Perils of Pauline� from 1914 (est. $10,000). For more information, visit

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This poster for “The Day the Earth Stood Still� from 20th Century Fox, 1951, is estimated at $10,000.


Saturday only. On Sunday, April 2, the April Fool’s Toy Show moves into the Nur Shrine Center. This is the largest toy show on the East Coast, showcasing new, collectible, and antique toys for sale. The show will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission will also be $5, and children under the age of 12 will be admitted free of charge. There will be a $10 special early buyers’ preview at 9 a.m. These are rain or shine events. The Nur Shrine Center/Temple, is convenient to I-95, I-295 and U.S. Route 40 and three miles from the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Food and free parking will be available. Another upcoming show

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considered by many collectors to be one of the most beautiful ever made for the film, depicts an elegant, windswept Ingrid Bergman set against the backdrop in French Morocco. Likewise, a poster for Columbia’s 1946 film “Gilda� (est. $20,000) sets heroine Rita Hayworth center stage on this classic film noir Style B one sheet. Half sheet posters from classic films such as a Style A

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A rare 1933 one sheet teaser poster for “The Invisible Man� is estimated at $80,000.

depicting five major cast members and two important scenes from the 1939 MGM classic “The Wizard of Oz� (est. $30,000) will be on offer, as well as the elusive Style B for “The Maltese Falcon,� which shows a double-fisted, gunslinging Humphrey Bogart and the sultry Mary Astor (est. $8,000). Large-size international paper for “La Dolce Vita� (est. $18,000); Warner Brothers’ 1935 poster for “Bordertown� ($12,000) with art by Luigi Martinati; and the 1928 film “The Passion of Joan of Arc� (est. $12,000) would be at home in the most advanced

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This rare half sheet Style A poster depicting five major cast members and two important scenes from the 1939 MGM classic “The Wizard of Oz� is estimated at $30,000.

Delaware Train Show And April Fool’s Toy Show Set For April 1 And 2 On Saturday, April, 1, the Delaware Train and Slot Car Show will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nur Shrine Center, Route 13 / 198 South DuPont Highway, New Castle, Del. Admission will be $5, and children under the age of 12 will be admitted free of charge. There will be a $10 special early buyers’ preview at 8 a.m. This long-running show will feature over 150 tables of trains, accessories, slot cars, and some types of toys. The Delaware Train Show is known for having a diversity of trains in all scales and makes for sale. A variety of unique dealers from up and down the East Coast will be exhibiting. Please note, the train show is

Voted #1 in Northeast PA



Perhaps one of the most impressive of all of the great Universal Studios horror posters, a terrifying 1933 one sheet teaser poster for “The Invisible Man,� could sell for as much as $80,000 in Heritage Auctions’ Vintage Posters Auction being held Saturday and Sunday, March 25 and 26, in Dallas, Texas. “Even the most advanced collectors have never seen this poster in person,� said Grey Smith, director of vintage posters at Heritage Auctions. “(Artist) Karoly Grosz does a hauntingly wonderful job capturing the insanity that slowly takes hold of the film’s mad scientist. In only a few instances did the studio produce a teaser for their horror greats, but when they did they were often outstanding.� Additional posters from Universal Studios’ greatest monsters include a title lobby card for “The Bride of Frankenstein� (est. $30,000) and a lobby card for the 1935 film “Werewolf of London� (est. $10,000). A rare Italian four-fogli from the 1953 re-release of “Casablanca� (est. $30,000),

19709 Middletown 302-376-7022 ATTIC TO BASEMENT, ETC., 4380 Summit Bridge Rd. Antiques, collectibles, books, vintage clothing, unique finds. open 7 day a week 10am6pm. Visit us on Facebook! 19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL, 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more. 19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUE, 23 Liberty Plaza. Hrs. Mon-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:305:30. Over 45 Showcase/ Room Dlrs selling quality antiques/ collectibles. 19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items.

19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 115pm (Winter).

21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4 21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in North Eastern Maryland with 50+ quality dealers. Open M-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles. 21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL, 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6.

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IIndoor doo d Sho Sh Shops sA Available il bl ble


Come visit our New “Bob’s Breakfast & Lunch Cafe�! Open Wed.-Sun. 6am-4pm


16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety.

18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES, 113 7th St. 2 lge Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5

21901 North East 410-287-8318 5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Gourmet chocolates.

17023 Elizabethville 717-905-2019 SOUTH CHURCH ANTIQUES & CRAFTS, 200 Spruce St., Hrs. Wed 107, Thurs.-Fri. 10-5; Sat. 9-5, Sun.12-4. Something for Everyone!

18914 Chalfont 215-997-3227 BUCKS COUNTY ANTIQUE GALLERY, 8 Skyline Dr. 12,000 sq.ft. of historic & hip finds. Tue.-Sat 10-5, Sun. 12-5. facebook/instagram

17023 Elizabethville 717-905-2244 SHOPS ON MARKET, 85 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Crafts, Jewelry, Trains, Clocks, Natural Soaps, Carnival Glass. Open Wed-Sat 10am6pm Fri 10-7. Follow us on Facebook!

18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.

07052 West ORANGE 973-323-1711 VALLEY VINTAGE, 168 South Valley Rd. Open Mon-Sat. 11-6, Sun. 12-5. 2100 sq.ft, 25+ dealers. Antiques, vintage, collectibles, furniture, decor, kitchenware, jewelry, books, LPs, ephemera. 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking. 08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES, 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Pottery, Ceramics, Fiesta, Dinnerware, Antiques & Vintage items, etc.

08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER, 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers. Enter our buildings and discover the many ďŹ ne shops OFFERING: Furniture - Ephemera - Textiles - Jewelry - Pottery - Glass - Coins - Toys Sports Memorabilia - Autographs - Photography - Handcrafted Furnishings Rock Minerals - Books - Pinball - Woodcarving - Militaria - Trains - Art Records - Silverware - Retro Kitchen - Modern - Tribal Art - Architectural Salvage

21788 Thurmont 301-471-5158 THE EYLER STABLES FLEA MARKET, 137 Emmitsburg Rd. Open Fri., Sat., Sun. 9-5. 40+ Vendors. Something for Everyone. Like us on facebook

08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES, 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs

New Jersey’s premier market for Antiques and Collectibles 400 Outdoor Dealers - 50 Indoor Shops - Cafes

Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017 - - 5

16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome.

RENNINGERS KUTZTOWN, PA " # $ %' (') * Outdoor Market Sat. Open at 7. " # ! $ + (') 6 8 %' (') * Located at 740 Noble St. Kutztown, Pa. 6 * ! 9

Don’t forget to Visit the Farmers Market

17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL, 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322. 17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 the shop, 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4. 17901 Pottsville 570-628-3350 MARGUERITE’S ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES, 8 South Center. Pottery, toys, vintage clothing, antiques - midcentury furniture, jewelry- glassware. Primitives to Deco. Open Tues-Sat 11-5 18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES, 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad. 18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY, 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, guns, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5. 18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm.

18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980� 18951 Quakertown 215-536-4547 ANTIQUES AT 200 EAST/ EAST BROAD ANTIQUES, 215-536-4408, Multi-DLR shops. One Stop Shopping. 2 Fantastic Stores. Intersections Rts. 212 & 313. Shop where Dealers Buy! Open 7 days. 18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4 19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7. 19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET, 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.

19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Wed. through Sun. 11-6, 19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET, 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. Berks Co. Largest Antique Boutique. Antiques, collectibles, vintage home & garden decor.

AT T E N T I O N Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?

CALL 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2561 or

717-492-2561 Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day

E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition

Renninger’s Adamstown, PA Antiques Market Open Sundays 7:30 to 4 Rt. 272 Adamstown, Pa 2500 North Reading Road Denver, Pa. 17517 !

2017 April 27, 28, 29 - June 22, 23, 24 - Sept. 28, 29, 30 2017 The Antiques Extravaganza is where dealers and collectors get together in one place to buy, sell and trade among themselves and the general public. Hundreds of dealers and thousands of buyers are expected to meet up for this event. Exhibitor Space available. Mon-Thurs. 570-385-0104, Fri- Sat 610-683-6848 The Show is Located at 740 Noble St. Kutztown, Pa 19530

Special Events - Special Sunday Sundays Outdoors & Pavilions begins at 5 AM. Indoors Opens at 7:30 AM. 350 dealers indoors and up to 250 outdoors.


at Renninger’s Adamstown is Sunday after Extravaganzas. April 30 - June 25 - Oct. 1

SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR CONNECTICUT 03/25-26/17, HARTFORD, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 360 Broad St, The Hartford Armory

MASSACHUSETTS 03/25/17, BOXBOROUGH, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Paper Town (Paper, Book, Advertising, Collectibles), 242 Adams Place, Boxborough Holiday Inn

DELAWARE 04/01/17, NEW CASTLE, SAT 9 AM-2 PM, Train, Rt 13 198 S Dupont Hwy, Nur Shrine Temple

NEW JERSEY 04/02/17, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor

04/02/17, NEW CASTLE, SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Toy, Rt 13 198 S DuPont Hwy, Nur Shrine Temple

04/29/17, TITUSVILLE, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Pinback Button, Cor of River Rd & Church Rd, Titusville United Methodist Church

GEORGIA 04/06-09/17, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center

05/05-07/17, PRINCETON, Vintage Perfume Bottle & Vanity, 102 Carnegie Ctr, Hyatt Regency

05/11-14/17, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center IOWA 04/08-09/17, IOWA CITY, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN10 AM-2 PM, Postcard, Stamp & Collectibles, 4265 Oak Crest Hill Rd S E, Iowa City Iowa 4-H Fairgrounds ILLINOIS 04/23/17, ST CHARLES, SUN 8 AM-3 PM, Antique -Collectible Toy & Doll, 525 S Randall Rd, Kane County Fairgrounds

OHIO 03/25-26/17, COLUMBUS, Antiques Market, Ohio Expo Center 04/28-30/17, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, Antique Extravaganza, Fayette County Fairgrounds PENNSYLVANIA 03/24-25/17, LANCASTER, FRI 11 AM-6 PM SAT 10 AM-4 PM, Postcard, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Farm and Home Center 04/08-09/17, MALVERN, SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 583 Sugartown Rd, Phelps School


04/08/17, MARYSVILLE, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Indian Artifacts, Off Rts 11/15, Marysville Lions Club 04/21-23/17, PHILADELPHIA, FRI & SAT 11AM-8 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, The Philadelphia Antiques & Art Show, 4747 South Broad St & Intrepid Avenue, The Navy Yard - Marine Parade Grounds 04/23/17, LANCASTER, SUN 9 AM - 2 PM, Doll, Toy, Teddy Bear, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster Farm & Home Center 04/27-29/17, KUTZTOWN, THURS FRI SAT 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectors Extravaganzas, 740 Noble St, Renningers Antique Market 04/29-30/17, ALLENTOWN, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Advertising, Book, Paper, Photography & Postcard, 1929 Chew St, Allentown Farigrounds Agricultural Hall 05/06-07/17, WORCESTER, SAT 8 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles Market, 1031 Valley Forge Rd, Community Hall VIRGINIA 04/29-30/17, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Washington Modernism Show, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center

Delaware Train Show Saturday, April 1st

April Fool’s Toy Show Sunday, April 2nd


150+ Tables of New, Old, & Vintage Trains

175+ Tables of Collectible & Antique Toys





Antiques. Collectibles. Coins. Jewelry. Glassware. Consignment Furniture. Candles. Baskets. Wrought Iron. Decorations. Etc. HOURS: 9AM TO 5PM 3625-3653 Lincoln Way East Fayetteville, PA 17222


Indian Artifacts Show


Iowa City Postcard Club Hwy. 218 South of Iowa City Airport, Exit 89 4-H Fairgrounds Address:

4265 Oak Crest Hill Rd. SE, Iowa City, IA 52246

P.O. Box 5233, Coralville, Iowa 52241

PENNSYLVANIA 03/24/17, GARNET VALLEY, FRI 3 PM, Fine Estate Auction featuring modern furnishings, fine art, decorative arts etc., 1347 Naamans Creek Rd, Briggs Auction, Inc. 03/25/17, EPHRATA, SAT 9 AM, Antiques, primitives, collectibles, toys, model trains, dolls, household goods tools, Horst Auction Center 50 Durlach Rd, Horst Auctioneers 03/25/17, HARRISBURG, SAT 10 AM, Automotive, antiques, hunting, fishing, tools, yard & garden, wildlife artwork; Real Estate Noon; Furniture 12:30 pm, OnSite @ 7845 Moyer Rd, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals 03/25/17, HORSHAM, SAT 10 AM, Vintage clothing, accessories & textiles, Horsham VFW Post #9788 324 Sawmill Ln, Andi Charkow 03/25/17, WILLOW STREET, SAT 10 AM, Carnival Glass, Al Starr Willow Street Community Bldg 2901 Willow St Pike (rear of fire co.), Enterline Auction Service

03/29-30/17, HATFIELD, WED ONLINE ONLY BID NOW THROUGH 8 PM; THURS NOON LIVE, 3/29 - Online Only Collector's Auction featuring an eclectic mis of decorations, art, jewelry, furniture, carpets; 3/30 - Fine & Decorative Arts Noon; Discovery Art 9 am, 501 Fairgrounds Rd & w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers 03/29/17, KINZERS, WED 10 AM, Furniture, fine art, vintage toys, Majolica collection, musical instruments, fire fighting equipment etc., 5336 Mine Rd, Embassy Auctions International 03/31-04/1/17, MILLERSVILLE, FRI-SAT 9 AM, 3/31 - IH & Farmall tractors, farm equipment, trucks, shop equipment etc; 4/1 Five older buicks, antique farm related items etc., OnSite @ 398 S Duke St, Leaman Auctions Ltd. 04/01/17, BARTO, SAT 9 AM, Firearms, hunting, fishing, trapping, antiques, jewelry, primitives, furniture etc., Jakes F/M 1380 Rt 100 Treasure Barn, Kimberly Hemingway Continued on page 7


BARTO, PA 19504

Selling for The Estate of Elmer Heintz of Sumneytown, PA, The Estate of Frank W. Bullington of Pottstown, et. al. TERMS: All items sold AS-IS; 10% Buyer’s Premium; 6% PA Sales Tax; Cash, Check & Credit Card accepted.

Marysville Lions Club • 215-416-8837

Just Off Rts. 11/15



Dealer Spaces & Info. Contact: Herb Staub Cell (319) 400-6498 Home (319) 351-3848 E-Mail:

04/07/17, DELAWARE, FRI 9 AM, Eclectic featuring furniture, tall case clock, guns etc., Garth's Eclectic Gallery 2097 London Rd Ste F, Garth's Auctioneers & Appraisers

for more information

(Open to members not setting up at 8 A.M.)

Show Times: Sat., April 8 - 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. Sun., April 9th - 10:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M.

03/27-28/17, HATFIELD, MON ONLINE ONLY BID NOW THROUGH 8 PM; TUES 4 PM LIVE, 3/27 - Online Only Train Auction; 3/28 - Coin & Currency Auction Live, 501 Fairgrounds Rd &, Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers

1380 Rt. 100,

9 A.M.-3 P.M.



BEGINS 9:00 A.M. - PREVIEW 7:00 A.M. FIREARMS AT 9:30 A.M. Location: “Treasure Barn” at Jakes Flea Market,

SAT., APRIL 8, 2017


04/06/17, SALISBURY, THURS ONLINE BIDDING ENDS 5 PM, Massey Ferguson tractor, tools, gokart,furniture, household goods, trailer etc. Preview - 4/4 4-6 pm @3792 St Lukes Rd, Salisbury, Online Only, Allen & Marshall Auctioneers & Appraisers

03/25/17, YORK, SAT 9 AM, Pocket watches, antique gold jewelry, antique, vintage costume jewelry & sterling jewelry, sterling silver flatware & Hollow ware, silver plate, silver plate flatware & serving items etc., York Expo Center John & Paige Smith Bldg York Fairgrounds 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, Inc.




04/05/17, OCEAN PINES, WED ONLINE BIDDING ENDS 5 PM, Furniture, jewelry, coins, dolls etc. Preview - 4/3 4-6 pm @ 35 Federal Hill, Ocean Pines, Online Only, Allen & Marshall Auctioneers & Appraisers

03/27/17, BURLINGTON, MON 5 PM, Japanese celluloid figures, sets of Wade Whimsies, steels records, wood wall clocks, leather football helmet, 1950's boy scout items, Vietnam era canvas paintings, obsolete coins, estate jewelry, ephemera, glass & pottery etc., Burlington City VFW Post 159 W Pearl St, Chris Doerner


22nd Annual Marysville

Authentic Indian Artifacts Available To Buy/Sell/Trade For Info. Call Damon

410-490-7411 e-mail Sponsored By I.A.C.A.N.E.


SAT. & SUN., APRIL 8TH & 9TH, 2017

03/29/17, PARSONSBURG, WED ONLINE BIDDING ENDS 5 PM, Historically important American Indian artifacts, Henry Progar oil painting, vintage petroleum advertising, coins/currency, historical Worcester Co. land documents, primitives, furniture etc. Preview 3/24 & 3/27 5-7 pm @ Auction Facility 8000 Esham Rd, Parsonsburg, Online Only, Allen & Marshall Auctioneers & Appraisers

03/25/17, VINELAND, SAT 10 AM, Comic Toys, early motorcycles, European race cars, Fernand Martin toys, Marklin boats, tinplate trains Steiff bears, Santa & holiday items, Auction Gallery 2141 DeMarco Dr, Bertoia Auctions S911932 / 856-302-3606





Rt. 13 / 198 S. Dupont Hwy., New Castle, DE 19720

03/29/17, WILMINGTON, WED 5:30 PM, Antiques, vintage, toys, artwork, jewelry, collectibles, 1323 Newport Gap Pike, Delaware Estate Sales

Antique & Craft Mall

$5.00 Admission $5.00 Admission $10.00 8:00am Early Buyers $10.00 9:00am Early Buyers Children under the age 12 FREE




6 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017

49th Annual Spring Sale ~ All Day Auction

8:30am • Saturday • April 8, 2017 Lawn & Garden Equipment, Building Materials, Antiques, Collectibles, Bicycles, Tools, Crafts & Wooden Items, Flowers & Shrubs, Carriages, Livestock, Horses, Hay & Straw, Fruit & Baked Goods, Power Tools, Quilts, Retail Vendors, Western Wear, and Many More Items too numerous to mention. Lots of Good Food including Chicken BBQ & Ice Cream!


April 5 & 6 at 8:00am to 7:00pm ~ April 7 at 8:00am to 6:00pm Featuring Fine Quality 18th and 19th Century Antiques.

at t h e p h e l p s s c ho ol

m a lv e r n , p a



610-692-4800 |



. rist



ww .m i l l


04/06-09/17, DENVER, THURSSUN ONLINE AUCTION BEGINS 4/9 1 PM, Watches & Timepieces from Roles, Patek Phillippe, Omega, Vacheron Consantin etc. in conjunction with the International Watch & Jewelry Guild. Pre-bidding & online preview live 4/6/17, Online @, Morphy Auctions

04/08/17, WAYNESBORO, SAT 9 AM, Antiques & Collectables from Charlotte's Web Antiques gallery & Catacombs, Outside Visitor's Ctr @ Renfrew Museum & Pard (under tent) 1010 E Main St, Robert Benchoff Gary Carbaugh John Hoover


Auction Calendar Continued from page 6

1347 Naamans Creek Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 Phone: Email: ! " Web: # $! " Weekly listings and hundreds of photos online every Wednesday


To view items or bid, go to



04/01/17, FRACKVILLE, SAT 11 AM, Firearms, furniture,jewelry, coins/currency, military, toys, local items, local bottles, mining, antique/vintage, china/pottery, glassware, paper & ephemera, sports cards, collectibles etc., Schuylkill Mall I-81 & Rt 61, Blums 04/01/17, NEWVILLE, SAT 9 AM, Advertising signs, porcelain signs, farm advertising & antiques, Newville Lions Club Fairgrounds 433 Shippensburg Rd, Jones & Martin Auctions 04/01/17, SPRING CITY, SAT 10 AM, Two Train Auctions featuring Modern Era & HO, Ridge Fire Company 480 Ridge Rd, Maurer's Auctions 04/01/17, WAKEFIELD, SAT 8:15 AM, Quilts, related items, crafts, antiques, furniture, household goods, storage sheds, lawn furniture, building materials, tractors, carriages, new & used farm equipment, contractor tools, sporting goods etc., Robert Fulton Fire Co. 2271 Robert Fulton Hwy, Local & Well Known Auctioneers






Auctioneers & Appraisers Since 1911 Auctions Every Wednesday Starting At 3 P.M. 344 Valleybrook Road,

Chester Heights, PA 19017 Phone:

(610) 358-9515

Visit Us On Our Website To See More:



ESTATE COLLECTION OF MODERN ERA TRAINS in the Pavilion LIONEL 'O' GAUGE: Quantity of Special Edition Engines. Numerous sets. Fallen Flags series. Big, expensive engines. Plenty of freight car and passenger car sets. NYC J1e Hudsons, Mohawks, SP Daylight, UP Challengers. Amtrak Accela set w/Odyssey system. PRR 2-10-4 w/Odyssey system. Berkshire Jr. & Mikado Jr. Century Club Berkshire & Coal Train set. Subway and Commuter car sets. Huge variety of Road names: Milwaukee Road, Grand Trunk, BNSF, C&NW, Chessie. A dazzling display of diesels. Ready-to-Run sets. Standard Gauge Lionel Reproductions. Celebration Series Trains. Loads of beautiful accessories tons of Fastrack, switches & crossovers. HO MODEL TRAINS in the Blue Room An extensive collection from Willow Street, PA. Over 550 Quality, like-new lots! A full Range of Models and Equipment from a multitude of manufacturers. Accurail, Athearn, Atlas, Bowser, Bachmann, Kato, Life-Like, Mantua, Proto 1000/2000, Roundhouse, Spectrum, Stewart, Walthers. Lionel HO. Athearn Special Edition diesels. Many ready to run sets. Bachmann Amtrak Metroliner set, DeWitt Clinton set. Woodland Scenics. Accessories. N gauge Trains.

Please review complete listings at Preview: Friday, March 31st from 6 P.M.-8 P.M. and from 8 A.M.-10 A.M. day of auction.



E-MAIL WEB Auctioneer ID #4741

Successful Auction Management



04/08/17, HOLTWOOD, SAT 8:30 AM, Antiques, quilts, lawn & garden equipment, building materials, collectibles, bicycles, tools, crafts, wooden items etc., Rawlinsville Fire Co 33 Martic Heights, RVFD Auction

04/14-15/17, DENVER, FRI & SAT 9 AM, Doll & Toy, 2000 N Reading Rd, Morphy Auctions


Kathy Maurer, Auctioneer (AU003006-L)

10 A.M.

ANOTHER GREAT SALE WITH A WONDERFUL MIX OF FINE PIECES FROM PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY AND CONNECTICUT FURNITURE AT 10 A.M.: A Set Of 4 George Roper Mid Century Modern Chairs. Bedroom, Dining Room And Living Room Furniture. Heywood-Wakefield Rattan Chairs, Several Pieces Of Mid Century Modern Furniture. 1790 Hepplewhite Writing Table. FINE ART To Include Many Listed Artists: A J. Catulle Miniature Oil On Porcelain. A Raffaello (Sanzio) Raphael 19th C. Copy On Paper Of The Madonna And Child With A Young St. John. A Christian Dull Woodcut Of A Cathedral. An R C Gorman Lithograph Double Signed In Pencil. A Hovsep Pushman (1877-1966) Collotype Print Titled “Cherished Echoesâ€? Signed In Pencil. A Terence Cuneo (1907-1996) Offset Lithograph Titled “Royal Stallionâ€? Signed In Pencil. A Kit Leese Abstract With Label From Pringle Gallery, Phila. A Robert Heilman Oil On Canvas. Two Hannah Hirsch Cohen Oil Paintings. ALSO - Reginald Watkins, Casey Jones, David Coolidge, Jane Zimmerman, M.C. Esher And Others ‌‌ A Large Mix Of VINTAGE TOYS From The 40’s To The 70’s. tin Litho, Pressed Steel, Schuco Wind Ups, Cap Guns, Cowboys And More ... A Large Antique MAJOLICA Collection Of Pitchers, Plates And A Toothpick. Treacle Ware (Brown Glazed Earthenware) Pottery Toby Teapot With Cover Circa 1840, Rockingham Spittoon. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: L’Artigiana, Italy Circa 1940’s Piano Accordion, An Evette Clarinet, And A Very Old Italian Accordion Of Unknown Make. See The Photos And The Unusual Buttons Written In Italian! Coulter & Long, Philadelphia Terra-cotta Charger With Hand Painted Dog. A Collection Of Mid 20th Century FIREFIGHTING EQUIPMENT Including Helmets, Sirens, Fire Extinguishers, Fire Grenades, Sprinkler Heads, Pikes, Fireman’s Tunic And More ... Just Received 38 Stained Glass Panels/ Windows From A Church, Some In Disrepair, Others Just For Glass Fragments, Some Nice. I Will Be Putting Out Some Of The Better Windows In This Auction. Very Old And Colorful! Some As Large As 7 Ft. Tall! A Lot Of 3 Carriage Clocks French And U.S., A Miniature Camelback Trunk. A Vintage 4 Piece Glass Water Antonio Romano Cooler/Beverage Dispenser With Spigot, A Rare Red Diamond Wood Ice Cream Maker, Antique Foot Warmer With Tray. A More Detailed Listing Up Soon. Photos Too So Keep Watching!!!

PUBLIC AUCTION SAT., MARCH 25, 9:00 A.M.: Preview: Friday, March 24, 5:00-7:00 P.M.

Fire Tunic

Free Admission York Fairgrounds ~ John & Paige Smith Building 334 Carlisle Ave., YORK,

40+ Pocket Watches, Antique Gold Jewelry Ant., Vintage Costume & Sterling Jewelry Sterling Silver Flatware & Hollowware 300 + Pcs. of Nice Silver Plate 500+ Pcs. Silver-plated Flatware & Serving Items 75+ Glass Cruets, Ruby Glass Water Set Ruby Souvenir Glass, Few Pcs. Ant. Glassware

Church Stained Glass


Terms: 10% Buyer’s Premium Cash or Check, 13% for credit card. Check website for 100s of pics.


19th C. Iroquois Beaded Pouch Majolica With Dog Treacle Ware Pitcher PENNSYLVANIA AUCTION LIC. AY001987 AUCTIONEERS: LEON KURTZ LIC. AU000522L GABI JARAMILLO LIC. AU005728 ROB LAMANO LIC. AA01952


717-577-1886 Dave Conley AU-003269


Thursdays: 4-7PM All-day Fridays from 9AM

NS t









Member Of The NJSSA For More Info. Call

Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182


Public Estate Variety Auction Every Friday.

Selling Large Amount of Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods From Local Homes & Estates Office: 610-274-8525 Jim Hill: 484-576-6368 For Sale Schedule & Highlights Visit:


:((./< $8&7,216



Stephenson’s Auction

Auctions every other Friday & Saturday Starting 9 A.M. Preview 8 A.M.

1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month, 12-6pm

AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS Visit Our Website For Dates 2501 E. Ontario St., Phila., PA 215-425-7030 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME



Â?–‹“—‡• ĆŹ ”–ǥ ‡”•‘Â?ƒŽ ”‘’‡”–›ǥ Â•Â–ÂƒÂ–Â‡Â•ÇĄ ‹”‡ƒ”Â?•ǥ ‡ƒŽ •–ƒ–‡ ’’”ƒ‹•ƒŽ ‡”˜‹…‡•

23(1 $335$,6$/ '$<

6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!


Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078

1465 New London Road Landenberg, PA 19350



105 Chapel Street



Bodnar’s Auction Sales



Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors


S539389 Members Of AAM & NAA



Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)


(302) 734-3441

Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS


550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901

Bel Air Auction Gallery

Richard L. Dotta Auction Co. S807585

Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.

Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers


Spence’s Auction & Flea Market Auction Every

BLUM’S AUCTION Adjacent To Black Diamond At The Schuylkill Mall FRACKVILLE, PA Monthly Bid Board Auctions 570-622-3089






Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017 - - 7

8 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017

Morphy Auctions’ Las Vegas Coin-Op Event Is A Royal Flush, Realizing Over $3.8 Million

FRIDAY, MARCH 31ST AT 9:00 A.M. (Day One of 2-Day Sale)

IH and Farmall Tractors, Farm Equipment, Trucks, Shop Equipment Held at 398 S. Duke Street


17551 TRACTORS: Farmall 806-D w/turbo; Farmall 400 gas; Farmall SC with fast hitch; Farmall Super A with cultivators; good TA F-30; several F-20’s; T-20 and 10-20 on steel, etc. EQUIPMENT: NH#55 Hay Rake; Grimm Hay fluffer; Pequea Hay fluffer w/pto drive; JD TWA; Brillion 10’ cultipacker; Brillion 12’ cultipacker; HD offset drag disc; #10 McCormick seed drill; IH 2-MH mtd cornpicker w/husker; IH 311 plow; JD bale elevator; 16’ cardinal style elevators, etc. SHOP TOOLS. FOR PARTS OR REPAIR: Caterpillar D-6 track loader; (4) New Holland 1469 haybines; John Blue trailer sprayer w/300 g stainless tank; (2) IH 400 air planter, etc. Lots of older equipment, trucks and pickups, several wagon loads of smalls. Trucks: 1976 Transtar II 4070 Brown in color, 400 Cummins w/12513 RR trans, Reyco suspension, 3 axle tractor; 1979 Transtar II Green in color, 400 Cummins w/RTO 9513 3 axle on 24.5 Bud style wheels, on Reyco suspension and w/156” wheelbase, Has a wetline system; 4070B Transtar “Eagle” cab on front axle and cut off frame; 1950’s IH R-160 dump; Ford F-600 w/dump; 1940’s IH KB5 parts; 26’ Dump trailer.

The five-cent Charles Fey Liberty Bell slot machine and shipping crate sold for $174,000. dispensing a pack of gum with every play. Lot 156, an early 1900s one-cent Caille Hy-Lo poker machine, took the high road to realize $36,900. And lot 5, a late 1930s five-cent Mills Novelty Co. Hoke Snake slot machine featuring a distinctive serpentine motif on the upper and lower castings, more than doubled its low estimate to make $60,000. Now let’s hit the ground running with some floor slot machine sales highlights. Lot 306, a rare circa 1905 five-cent Mills roulette slot machine in all original condition with nickel plated iron castings

PUBLIC AUCTION This five-cent Mills Novelty Co. Hoke Snake slot machine sold for $60,000.

and a handsome quarter sawn oak cabinet, spun its way to $289,050. Collectors took a double take on lot 902, a rare five-cent and 25-cent Pace Royal Comet Twin slot machine, which realized $25,200, more than three times its low estimate. This double console machine’s mechanisms can be used separately or together with the center pull handle. Bidders found lot 304, a five-cent Mills “The Judge” musical cabinet slot machine, guilty of being remarkably desirable. This unusual example, featuring an oak cabinet with recessed panels and carved applique details and ornate cast-iron elements, realized $29,520. And one buyer struck gold with lot 307, a 1949 life-sized A one-cent Caille Hy-Lo poker carved wooden five-cent Pace machine realized $36,900. “8” Star Bell Frank Polk miner slot machine. This signed rarity made $39,600. This event’s outstanding selections of trade stimulators left nothing up to chance. This ten-cent Lukat “The Lucky Cat” Collectors were certainly countertop trade stimulator sold for “feline” groovy over lot 253, a $27,060. 1920s era ten-cent Lukat “The Lucky Cat” trade stimulator. This pretty kitty, which realized $27,060, rewards winning players with a gumball and cigars. Lot 191, an early 20th century cast-iron five-cent Watling “Color Match” trade stimulator, with its unusual The five-cent Watling “Color Match” Continued on page 12 trade stimulator sold for $30,000.

SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST AT 9:00 A.M. (Day Two of 2-Day Sale)

5 Older Buicks, Antique Farm related items, Household goods, etc. 1949 Buick Super 2 door streamliner, straight 8 with Dynaflow trans.; 1937 Buick Special straight 8 and stick shift, 4 door with suicide doors, very complete, very solid; 1969 Wildcat 4 door w/430 and auto trans.; 1956 Buick Special 4 door w/322 and auto trans.; 1979 Lincoln Mark V; 1949 Dodge Coronet, fluid drive, needs timing chain repaired; 1996 Roadmaster Buick 4 door sedan, average in condition. Pickups and trucks: 1984 Chev. Silverado C10 4 WD; 1960’s Chev. C-20 2wd w/4 spd.; 1948 Chev. 2 ton dump truck; 1953 GMC 2 ton? Farm Related antiques: L.M. Dellinger Lancaster, PA. Burr Mill/Crimper; New Holland Machine Co. belt driven corn sheller; 20 milk cans; hog scalding trough; tobacco press. Mountville Mfg.; Lite lift #1 hand pump for well; poultry feeders; egg baskets and chicken crates. Lawn and Garden: Jaeger Cement mixer; Caldwell Cub 2 cylinder lawn mower engine. IH and McCormick items, 3) hit and miss engines, appear complete and turn over; McCormick Milk cooler with McCormick/IH compressor and A O Smith electric motor 41”x44”x36” H; Approx. 70 IH parts books for tractors and implements as well as a few service and owners manuals. 40 lawn mowers, 50 bikes, some are parts or repair. Many more IH parts expected to be found. Selling for Ken and Nancy Shertzer WE WILL HAVE PREVIEW Saturday the 25th 9 till 5 and Thursday the 30th 9 A.M. till 3 P.M.! Leaman Auctions Ltd. AY002063

717-464-1128 AUCTIONZIP.COM Auct. #3721


Morphy Auctions is pleased to announce the results of its recent Coin-Op Sale, which was held on Jan. 28 and 29 at the company’s Las Vegas, Nev., auction gallery. All sales prices noted include a 23 percent buyer’s premium. It’s no gamble to say that this sale’s offerings of countertop slot and poker machines generated enormous interest amongst buyers. Lot 155, a Charles Fey Liberty Bell slot machine and shipping crate, rang true to realize $174,000. This 1895 example, in working, all original, untouched condition, is considered the apex of all coin-op gambling machines ever manufactured. Lot 903, a circa 1905-10 five-cent Caille Liberty package gum slot machine, believed to be the only known surviving example, made $126,000. It was designed to sidestep the gambling laws of the time by


Pick Up Copies of Antiques & Auction News At Any Of The Businesses Advertised In This Issue


SATURDAY, APRIL 1ST, 2017 AT 9:00 A.M. Auction held at Newville

433 Shippensburg Rd.,

Lions Club Fairgrounds,


From I-81, Newville Exit 37, take 233 North 3.8 miles to 533 West for 1.2 miles

Preview: Friday, March 31st from 5-7 P.M. ADVERTISING SIGNS: PORCELAIN SIGNS: FARM ADVERTISING & ANTIQUES Pictures & Full listing at ID5648 OR Darryl Jones AU5194

717-226-0776 Jason Brubacker AU5608

An original five-cent Pace “8” Star Bell This five-cent Superior Vendomat cigFrank Polk miner slot machine sold for arette vender trade stimulator sold for $39,600. $33,210.



Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017 - - 9



PREVIEW: Mon., April 3 thru Fri., April 7

TERMS: 20% Buyer’s Premium (25% online) Absentee Bids Accepted Online Catalog: Online Bidding


PO Box 369, Delaware, Ohio 43015

Online Catalog available S966113


GARTH’S Eclectic Gallery: 2097 London Road, Ste. F. Delaware, OH 43015

10 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017

Bertoia’s Signature Sale On March 25 Sets New Standard For Quality And Rarity Auction Includes Top-Shelf European And American Pieces From Renowned Toy And Train Collections Bertoia Auctions will present a connoisseur’s selection of high-quality toys and trains in a Saturday, March 25, Signature Sale containing 530 expertly curated lots. The auction will feature pieces consigned by several high-profile collectors, including train aficionados Jerry Greene and Jerry Loman, and a number of other specialist collectors who added exquisite German boats, teddy bears, rare zeppelins, and antique store-display Santas to the mix. The generous grouping of rare trains will include not only locomotives and cars by Marklin, Ives, Boucher, Lionel and Voltamp, among other European and American

manufacturers, but also ‘once-in-a-lifetime buydesirable cast-iron ing opportunity.’ I think trains and a wealth of in this case, it might realrailway accessories. ly apply,” said Bertoia. Service will be first Collectors will be able class only on a Marklin 1 to pick some real gems gauge Kaiser train, one from the array of train of the key lots in the stations, tunnels, bridges, train section. Boasting lights and other fine phenomenal condition extras that add a crownand bright, original ing touch to any train laypaint, this desirable set out. A fastidiously is expected to attract a detailed Marklin mounflurry of bids. Its presale The Marklin Battleship HMS Edward VII, well pre- tain cut tunnel with estimate is $30,000- served and complete, 20.5 inches long, German, is pedestrian bridge is $50,000. tipped to be the top estimated at $75,000-$100,000. A boxed 1904 Marklin accessory lot. The tunpassenger set made for the $10,000-$12,000 estimate. nel’s appealing design incorpoAnother choice U.S. pro- rates a passenger pathway and American market came to Bertoia’s from an estate in the duction is an American pedestrian bridge, and its conPacific Northwest. “The set Miniature (AMR) clockwork dition is bright and shiny. The had been kept in a dry attic passenger set in near-mint estimate is $15,000-$20,000. and is in absolutely beautiful condition. Bertoia explained A number of European condition. I especially like the that AMR was in business for race cars will be lined up and label on the box, which has a only four years before being ready for action. Some repliscene of all sorts of trans- absorbed by Ives. “The set is cate sought-after Alfaportation from the era of extremely rare to begin with Romeos and Ferraris, but the manufacture,” said Michael because of the company’s auction track may well be Bertoia, who cataloged all of short lifespan, but for the pas- dominated by a prized the train lots. The estimate is senger cars to still be with the engine, and in near-mint $10,000-$15,000. Four colorful Boucher two- condition, is unheard of. We’ve This Tippco Mickey & Minnie motorcyinch passenger cars were pur- placed a $3,000-$5,000 esticle, circa 1932, German, is estimated chased by Jerry Greene in the mate on it, but it wouldn’t at $35,000-$45,000. 1970s from a father and son in surprise me if it sold for New York City. The cars are double or triple that amount. being offered as one lot with a You hear the expression

This Steiff apricot mohair rod teddy bear with elephant button in ear, circa 1905, German, accompanied by X-ray showing interior rod mechanism, is estimated at $10,000-$12,000. example of the largest-size Gordon Bennett racer. Made by Gunthermann, it is expected to reach $18,000-$22,000. Approximately 16 tin windup motorcycles will be vying for bidder attention. The pack of eye-catching bikes is led by

The Bing GBN 1 gauge passenger set, German, is estimated at $8,000$12,000.

This Ubelacker zeppelin with pontoons, German, with original box and label with instructions for operation, only example known to Bertoia’s, is estimated at $20,000-$30,000.

one of the rarest and most desirable of all character toys, a sensational Tippco Mickey/Minnie motorcycle estimated at $35,000-$45,000. Other highlights include an M&K single cycle, a Gunthermann touring ’cycle, and an early Fisher motorbike. Antique automotive toys include several Citroens, early examples of JEP’s HispanoSuiza and Rolls-Royce; a Bing Spider steam runabout and steam-fire pumper; and other excellent Bing cars. A collection of German military toys ranges from army trucks and trailers to a staff car and two Nazi airplanes. Continued on page 11




Located At The Schuylkill Mall, Directions: Interstate 81 & Route 61

HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: FIREARMS: Marlin Mod. 1894 Lever action 44-40/40 Win. Rifle, DPINS Panther Arms a-15 .223 Rifle, Norinco SKS 7.62 Rifle, Smith & Wesson Mod. 6946 9mm Pistol, Uberti Mod. 1873 .45 LC Revolver, Winchester 1300 12 Ga. Shotgun, Finnish Mosin Nagant 7.62x54R Rifle, FN-49 7.92x57 Rifle, Remington Sportsman 58 12 Ga. Shotgun, Remington Mod. 29 12 Ga. Shotgun, Mosin Nagant M91/30 7.62x54 Rifle w/Bayonet, Remington Mod. 24 22 cal. Rifle, Springfield Enfiled MK-1 .303 Rifle, La Faucheaux Pinfire Revolver, Winchester Mod. 190 22 cal. Rifle, Phoenix Arms HP25A Pistol, Taurus .22 cal. Revolver, Taurus PT 140 Pro .40 cal. Pistol, Euscaro .32 cal. Revolver. Ammo, Holsters, Reloading, Scopes, Stocks. JEWELRY: 14K: White Gold Bridal Set, Aquamarine Pendant, Tennis Bracelet; 10K: Herringbone Chains & Necklaces, Diamond Bracelet; Much Sterling, Costume incl. Vintage, Estate Lots and Full Jewelry Boxes. FURNITURE: Country Kitchen Table and China Set, PA House Bedroom Pcs., Hall Bench, Corner Cabinets, Modern & Ant. Dining Room & Bedroom Sets, Barrister Bookcase, Hitchcock Chairs, Cedar Wardrobe, Dining Room Tables incl. Cherry, Maple & Oak; Game Tables, Jewelry Armoire, Howard Miller Grandfather Clock, Sectional Sofa, Stainless Steel Kitchen Carts. MILITARY: WWII German Helmet, Arm Patches, Belt Buckle, Pins, Small Flag & Stamps; Silk Japanese Flag, Bayonets. COINS & CURRENCY: Silver Eagles, Morgan & Peace Dollars, Silver Halves, Qtrs. & Dimes; Indian & Wheat Cents, Mint & Proof Sets incl. Silver, 1923 Large $1 Note. TOYS: Lionel, HO & G Scale Trains, Manoil Cars, Shirley Temple Doll Carriage, GE Refrigerator Wild West Rodeo (MINT), Models, Cap Guns, Hot Wheels incl. Sizzler, BB Guns, Video Games incl. NES, N64, Genesis, Atari. LOCAL: Rising Sun Beer Mug - Shamokin, 1959 Columbia Beer Calendar (MINT), (3) Early Nick Koech Bar - Hazleton Photos, Arnold & Krell Bar - Hazleton Photo, John O’Hara From the Terrace 1st Ed/1st Print. LOCAL BOTTLES: Schmeltzer - Pottsville (2), Empire Bott. Works - Reading, J W Reiss Pottsville, J Allenbach - Cressona, F C Bender - Minersville, H A Leidich - Tremont, Columbia Brew Co. - Shenandoah, J W Marks - Mt. Carmel, Brockhoff’s Baby Bottle Set, and more. MINING: Wick Lamps incl. Geo Anton, Grier Bros., Crown Wick, Carbide Lamps, Turtle Shell Hat, Lunch Pail, Canteens, Hercules Multi Tool. ANTIQUE/ VINTAGE: Large Copper Kettle, Carpenter’s Chest, World’s Fair and Exposition Collectibles, Westclox 8 Day Starburst Clock, Child’s Riding Horse Toy, Jugs incl. Thomas Maier - Shamokin Sherwood Bros. - New Brighton, PA & Wm. J Campbell - Phila., Royal Crown Cola Thermometer, Neuweilers Wall Clock, Crocks incl. Redware, CI Banks incl. Black Americana, 1940’s/50’s Fishing Licenses, RR Lock, Time Checks and Lanterns, Gold Masonic Pins, Masonic Belt, 45’s & LPs incl. Beatles, Saddle. GLASSWARE: Fenton, Jadeite, Ruby Cape Cod, Pyrex Nesting Bowls, Carnival. CHINA/POTTERY: Fiesta, Royal Doulton Rip Van Winkle, Limoges Tankard, China Sets. COLLECTIBLES: 1945 Detective Comics #101 Batman Comic, 50+ Hummel Figurines, Lenox Angels & Santas, Longaberger®, 1950’s/60’s Topps Baseball Cards. TOOLS: Grizzly Heavy Duty: Lathe Mod. G1495, 6” Jointer Mod. G1182, 18” Band Saw Mod. G1012, 1.5 HP Shaper Mod. G1035, 15” Planer Mod. G1021, 10” Table Saw Mod. G1022, Dust Collector Mod. G1028; Shop Smith w/Many Attachments, Gas Generators, John Deere Riding Mower. OTHER: 3’x4’ Ornate Stained Glass Window, Bally Yachy Club Pinball, Rugs incl. Karastan, Fishing incl. Lures, Reels and Rods incl. Bamboo; Guitars, Violins, Banjo, Autoharp, Rainbow Vacuum, Bowflex Treadclimber TC10 (Like New). VOTED BEST AUCTION IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY 4 YEARS IN A ROW!!! No Personal Checks S966080

The Fernand Martin hand-painted tin A CIJ Alfa-Romeo clockwork racer wind-up Barber toy, circa 1904, with original box, 20.5 inches long, French, is estimated at $4,000- circa 1937, French, is estimated at $5,000. $5,000-$7,000.

A composition with fur-beard Santa Claus on clockwork nodding donkey with movable open/close mouth, store display, 36 inches tall, is estimated at $12,000-$16,000.

“Proven Reliability for Buyers And Sellers”

Schuylkill Mall


See Our Web Site: Phone: (570) 622-3089 • (570) 874-1651 Fax: (570) 874-1653


Zeppelins will be clearing for takeoff, including a boxed, German-made Ubelacker with pontoons that enable it to zip across either water or a wire or to spin from a string. The well-preserved original box retains a detailed label with directions on the toy’s use. “This is a very rare toy – the only one of its type that we’ve ever seen,” said Jeanne Bertoia. The zeppelin is estimated at $20,000-$25,000. One section of the sale with a decidedly French accent consists of more than a dozen amusing Martin wind-up toys – many of them boxed – from the Tony Daval collection. Julian “Tony” Daval is a Parisian whose collecting journey started 60 years ago when he bought his first toy from Grover Van Dexter’s Second Childhood in Greenwich Village. In addition to his antique toys, Tony also built an enviable robot collection. He sold his robots at Bertoia’s in 1999 but had kept the Martin toys, which were always his favorites. Daval’s exceptional Martins include a Jockey and Barber, both accompanied by their Martin factory boxes, and a cloth-dressed “Vaillant” with its original store box from Au Nain Bleu, an upscale Paris toy store established in 1836. The Vaillant – which depicts a soldier from the Boer War – wears cloth pants, a jacket with bullet band, and a hat. Dressed for a more leisurely pursuit, a pristine “Perfect Fisherman” displays his talent as a sportsman by landing a fish with his rod. The estimate is $5,500-$7,500. Each of the French horsedrawn carriages entered in the sale is elegantly appointed and impressively sized. The largest expands to 39 inches in length, while others measure 37 and 25 inches long, respectively. Several sought-after European biscuit tins will sweeten the sale, including a 1905 Olibet Railway Dining Car in superb condition, a very fine red Monocoupe Aeroplane with 26-inch wingspan, and a circa-1925 Crawford Limousine. More than 40 comic character lots are ready to cross the auction block, many of them boxed. The panorama of characters depicted includes Charlie McCarthy, Krazy Kat, Buttercup and Spare Ribs, and several by Disney. Alongside the aforementioned Tippco Mickey and Minnie Motorcycle, there will be a boxed example


SAT., MARCH 25, 2017






Continued from page 10


from CHARLOTTE’S WEB ANTIQUES GALLERY & CATACOMBS of Waynesboro, PA, which owners MARTY & ROZ FREEMAN have generously donated to RENFREW MUSEUM & PARK 1010 EAST MAIN STREET,

WAYNESBORO, PA 17268 along PA Rt. 16 just east of town

SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2017 AT 9:00 A.M.

Held RAIN or SHINE outside the VISITOR’S CENTER AT RENFREW MUSEUM & PARK, If needed, held under a Tent. Listing & photos at auctioneer #5611

PREVIEW: Friday, April 7, 4-7 P.M. & Saturday, April 8, 7:30 A.M. TERMS: Photo ID needed for signature bid number contract card; Cash; Checks with prior approval unless known by auctioneers or Renfrew staff; Credit/Debit cards w/3% admin. fee; No buyer’s premium; Everything sold absolutely to the highest bidder; Sorry not able to accommodate phone bidding; Auction day announcements take precedence over printed material. ALL PURCHASES must be REMOVED BY 5:00 P.M. auction day. ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT RENFREW MUSEUM & PARK Food Stand by FETTERHOFF CHAPEL United Methodist Church Auctioneers: Gary Carbaugh AU-003646-L, John Hoover AU-005578-L, Robert Benchoff AU-001892-L Questions - Call Bob at 717-377-4729


Bertoia Auction

Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017 - - 11 by two nodding rein- Sale featuring toys, trains, deers, another nod- boats, bears, and antique ding reindeer pulling Santa Store displays will begin Santa in a sled, and a at 10 a.m. Eastern Standard magnificent 36-inch- time at Bertoia Auctions’ Of tall Santa riding a nod- gallery, 2141 DeMarco Drive, CARNIVAL GLASS ding donkey. Standing Vineland, N.J. All forms of bid(200+ PCS.) 30 inches tall, an auto- ding will be available, includAT 10 A.M. A Marklin train accessory depicting a mountain motive-themed store ing absentee, phone, and live cut with railed pathways, houses, tower, and display consists of a via the Internet through Sale to be Held at Al Starr Willow Street Community Building other details, German, is estimated at $15,000- wicker and wood auto- 2901 Willow Street Pike, 17584 mobile with Santa at All auction lots may be $20,000. Rt. 272 N. to the rear of Willow Street Fire Co. the wheel. German previewed Monday through Preview to be held on Fri., March 24, of a pre-war Japanese cellu- kugels and a collection of Friday during the week leading from 12:00 Noon-5:00 P.M. loid Mickey on a Pluto rocker. candy containers, including up to the sale, on auction day Food Served A virtual fleet of Marklin several with patriotic themes, from 9 to 10 a.m., or by Sale by Enterline Auction Service, LLC boats is highlighted by two will also be sold. appointment. Agent for Robert L. Enterline (717) 872-1948) great treasures: a 20.5-inch Around 40 teddies comTo contact Bertoia Auctions, Owner Auctioneer (AU-003690-L) Battleship HMS Edward VII in prising Part I of the world- call 856-692-1881 or email Rick Jones (AU-003811-L) extremely well-preserved class Catherine “Sue” S960064 original condition with masts, McKinney collection will be Additional information is availlifeboats, cannons, and other ready to impress bear able online at www.bertoia accessories, est. $75,000- fanciers. Many of the bears in For Display Advertising Information $100,000, and an all-original the collection were book All images courtesy of Phone 1-800-800-1833, Ext. 2541 circa-1900 Battleship New examples that illustrated Ken Bertoia Auctions. York with an especially fine Yenke’s 1990s Teddy Bear patina, est. $80,000-$100,000. Treasury, Volumes I and II. In Each of the boats has had only any great teddy bear collec“Horst Auction Center” two owners and has benefited tion, one will find early Steiff from uncompromising care. rarities, and the McKinney Other Marklin nautical grouping is no exception. ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES, COLLECTIBLES, TOYS, beauties include a 38-inch- Steiff’s 1905 rod bear with eleMODEL TRAINS, DOLLS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, TOOLS long, circa-1920 ocean liner phant button is from the very Phoenix, pristine to near mint, first teddy bear line produced AT 9:00 A.M. $45,000-$65,000; a Wien river- by the revered German comPreview Times Friday, March 24 from 2:00 P.M. thru 5:00 P.M. and Saturday, March 25 from 7:00 A.M. boat; 22-inch Battleship pany. Ms. McKinney’s apricot * The Following Is Just A Very General List Of Items To Be Sold. Photos Representing The Entire Indiana, and second series 34- mohair rod bear, which is estiAuction Will Be Posted On Our Website On Friday, March 24. inch Battleship Cincinnati. In mated at $9,000-$12,000, will Sale To Be Held At The Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., 17522 addition to Marklin entries, convey to its new owner with (The Corner Of Rt. 322 & Durlach Rd., Approx. 21⁄2 Miles West Of Ephrata) there are several boats by an X-ray confirming the toy’s ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES & COLLECTIBLES - Collectibles of Vintage Brass & Cast-Iron other prestigious German interior rod mechanism. Locomotive Plaques & Signs, Lg. Brass Steam Whistle, Cast Iron & Tinware, Woodenware, Gettysburg & manufacturers. Bears of all colors in the Civil War Memorabilia & Collectibles, Longaberger® Baskets & Access.; CHINA & GLASSWARE; Bertoia’s has a loyal fol- Steiff rainbow found a place of FRANKLIN MINT PORCELAIN FIGURINES; POTTERY; LINENS & TEXTILES; ESTATE & lowing with collectors of honor in the McKinney collecCOSTUME JEWELRY; BOOKS & PAPER; COMIC BOOKS; ARTWORK & PRINTS; TOYS Lg. Assortment Farm Toys, Precision Model Tractors, Hess Trucks, Ertl Bank Trucks, Model Kits, MODEL Christmas antiques. The tion. An early 28-inch apricot TRAINS - Lg. Assortment Lionel Trains, Lg. Assortment Vintage American Flyer Trains & Access.; Lg. gallery will be filled with the Steiff teddy is estimated at Assortment Of HO Scale Trains, G Scale Trains & Access.; DOLLS & STUFFED ANIMALS; SPORTS Christmas spirit when a 20- $8,000-$10,000, while a 19CARDS & MEMORABILIA; HOUSEyear collection of early inch Steiff Teddy Clown, circa HOLD GOODS, TOOLS & MUCH German Santas is auctioned. 1926-28, is entered with a MORE! There are many large (up to 31 $5,500-$7,500 estimate. The Accepted Payments: Cash or PA Check. Visa, MasterCard & Debit Card with 3% Fee. No inches) clockwork store-dis- latter bear is from the Bowers Out-Of-State Checks Without Prior Approval. play Santa nodders, a coveted estate of Mannington, W. Va. Sale For: COLLECTION OF Santa in a loofah sled pulled The March 25 Signature DR. JOHN M. RUTT & OTHERS




1323 Newport Gap Pike, 19804 1938 Coca-Cola tray, Bronze horse statues, Vitalac cottage cheese crock, Meerschaum pipes, coin silver spoons, cast-iron BP & Esso banks, Cast-iron trucks, figures & doorstops, 1979 Ringling Bros. and Barnum Baily Circus program, B&O RR items, Civil war cutlery, Japanese wood block prints, old Bibles, gold top walking stick, MOP writing quill w/ gold tips, gold, silver, gemstone & costume jewelry, signed oil paintings, pictures, prints & watercolors, Marx tin toy windup train, tin toy cars, Magic lantern, brass ship lamp, advertising tins & wooden boxes, duck pictures w/stamps, Sterling items, glassware, primitives, vintage camera collection, crocks & jugs, comic, vintage books, SW pottery, Murano, old scales and so much more. Terms: Cash, MC, Visa & approved checks. 13% buyer’s premium discounted to 10% for payments in cash. All items are being sold in as is condition. All sales are final. “Food Service Available” 302-327-9017 or

for more details.

S965894 Vist ID #17998


302-668-7309 held on Saturday and Sunday, information, readers may visit,” said Dan May 27 and 28, at our the website at www.morphy Morphy, president of Morphy Las Vegas gallery. For more Auctions.

12 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017

Continued from page 8

and original side vendor, realized $30,000. Lot 937, an early 1900s five-cent Mills Bulls Eye Counter Wheel trade stimulator featuring ornately detailed castings affixed to a matching cast-iron rotating base and a near-mint tin litho color wheel, hit $36,900. And lot 1049, a circa 1935 five-cent Superior Vendomat cigarette vender trade stimulator, met its match at $33,210, more than twice its high estimate. “It was especially thrilling to be at this auction in person. The energy and excitement in This five-cent Mills floor model roulette the room from start to finish slot machine sold for $289,050. was simply amazing. It was an honor to handle the Barry The five-cent and 25-cent Pace Royal A five-cent Mills Bulls Eye counter Goldfarb collection, and I am Comet Twin slot machine sold for wheel trade stimulator sold for certain that buyers will be $25,200. $36,900. extraordinarily happy with their purchases from this fine grouping. Please mark your calendars for our next premier coin-op sale, which will be

LANCASTER DOLL, TOY, TEDDY BEAR Antique, Modern, Collectible

2017 Show & Sale Show Times 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. Admission $6.00 With Ad $5.00 at 10:00 A.M.

Lancaster Farm & Home Center 1383 Arcadia Road, Lancaster, PA 17601

Early Bird Admission 9:00 A.M. $10.00

Sunday, April 23, 2017 Sunday, November 5, 2017 Info: Ron Funk - 3045 W. Meadowview Drive, Gordonville, PA 17529 (717) 687-8101 Show Time 9:00 A.M.-2:00 P.M. SHOW LOCATION: Take Service Road off Rt. 72 South (Manheim Pike) Off Rt. 30 & Rt. 283. Early Bird 9:00 A.M. $10.00 • Children Free


Morphy Auctions

Visit Us On Our Website To See More:

A five-cent Mills “The Judge” musical The five-cent Caille Liberty package cabinet upright slot machine sold for gum slot machine sold for $126,000. $29,520.

17 TH ANNUAL Robert Fulton Fire Co.

Spring Auction Held At The Fire Co. 2271 Robert Fulton Hwy. (17563) Route 222/272, WAKEFIELD, PA (Lancaster County)

SATURDAY, APRIL 1 BEGINS AT 8:15 A.M. Quilts, Related Items, Crafts, Antiques, Furniture, Household Goods, Storage Sheds, Lawn Furniture, Building Materials, Firewood, Tractors, Carriages, New & Used Farm Equipment, Hay, Straw, Contractor’s Tools, Sporting Goods, Shrubbery.

Consignments Wanted And Donation Appreciated

(717) 330-2373

(717) 548-8995 S966121


Visa, MasterCard & Out-Of-State Check Accepted With Letter Of Credit From Bank Accepting Items March 29-30 - 8 A.M.-7 P.M.; March 31 8 A.M.-5 P.M. Quilt Delivery Call (717) 548-2787 ext. 2. No Sunday Calls or Pickups Lots Of Good Food By Ladies Auxiliary Local & Well-Known Auctioneers Bus. Routes & Parking At Swift School, 1866 Robert Fulton Hwy. (17566) Log Yards 101 Pilottown Rd. (17563)

ONSITE AUCTION 3 Bedroom Bi-Level on 7.5+ Acres Automotive - Antiques - Hunting and Fishing

Two Auctioneers Selling at Once! 7845 Moyer Rd., HARRISBURG,


early spring auction

SATURDAY, MARCH 25 AT 10 A.M. REAL ESTATE AT NOON • Approx. 1,700 SF, 3 BR, 1.5 BA Bi-Level • Built in 1973 • Garages: 3-Car Attached and 2 Bay

MONDAY, MARCH 27, 2017

• Commercial Size Detached • In-Ground Pool • West Hanover Township • Central Dauphin School District TERMS: $10K down. Settle in 45 days. See web or call for complete terms. Agent/Broker participation fee offered.

PREVIEW AT 4 P.M. AUCTION AT 5 P.M. Burlington VFW - 159 West Pearl St.



FURNITURE (12:30 P.M.): Sofas; Coffee and End Tables; Kitchen; Futons; Cupboards; Lift Chair; DR Set; Lingerie Chest; Bedroom Sets; Desks; Sentry Safe; Antique: Oak Buffet, Victorian Rocker, Jelly Cupboard. LIFT AND COMPRESSOR: To be sold after sale of real estate. Eagle Lift: Model TP0101, 10,000 LB Capacity; Craftsman 7HP 80 Gallon Compressor. AUTOMOTIVE AND TOOLS: Contents of Two Bay, Four Car Commercial Size Garage. 1957 Chevy Fender and Other Parts; Vintage 1957 283 Chevy Engine SN GM3731548; Air Tools; Wrench and Socket Sets incl. Craftsman; ¾ Ton Hoist; Rotary Hammer; Easy Mig Welder; Parts Cabinets; Tool Cabinets incl. Craftsman, Snap-On, and Hout; Tap and Die Set; 300 LB ATV Jack; Books and Manuals; Parts; Collectible: Signs; License Plates; Advertising; Texaco Gas Station Shirts. TOOLS: Stihl Chain Saws; 1,000 Watt Generator; 10 and 12 Foot Ladders; Shop Vacs.; 10’ Master Mechanic Table Saw; Cordless Drills; Vises. YARD & GARDEN: Cub Cadet Riding Mower Super LT 1554; Poulan Pro Pruner; Patio Furniture; Weed Whackers incl. Stihl; Utility Trailers; Lawn Mowers; Pressure Washers 2200 PSI; Garden Tools; Edge Hoe; Lawn Jockey; Picnic Tables; Grill; Windmill; Birdbath. COLLECTIBLES: Die-Cast Cars and Trucks; Winross; Ertl; Cuckoo Clocks; Valencia Nativity Set; Cut Glass; Antique and Collectible Dolls; 20+ Longaberger® Baskets; Jewelry; Watches; Vintage Hats; Militaria incl. Medals; Large Country Store Jars. HUNTING & FISHING: Aluminum Fishing Boat; Deer Mounts; Fishing Rods; Cross Bows; Browning and Buck Knives; Weaver Scope; Hunting Gear and Clothing; Cutco Sheath and Knife; Turkey Calls; Ammo; Gun Cabinets; Game Commission Patches and Collectibles; Daisy Power Line 93 BB Pistol; Books; Hunting Licenses. WILDLIFE ARTWORK: Prints and Paintings. J. Fegan; Ned Smith; George Losch; Rob Shine; Duane Raver; Ken Ziylla; Kasey Scott; B. Banco; Stephen Leed; Jack Pulah; Others. Ned Smith Glasses. HOUSE AND HOME: Aiwa Stereo System; Purses; Laredo Cowboy Boots; Brother XL-5600 Sewing Machine; Appliances: Chest Freezer; GE Side-by-Side Refrigerator/Freezer. Selling for Shirley Mummert and the Late David “Larry” Mummert Two Auctioneers at Once! Bring Family and Friends and Chairs!! Severe Weather Date Sunday, March 26 10% buyer’s premium on personal property only. TERMS: Cash, PA state check. Out-of-state check with prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Bring chairs!


BURLINGTON, NJ 08016 Items of Interest: Japanese celluloid figures, sets of Wade Whimsies, steel records, wood wall clocks, leather football helmet, 1950s Boy Scout items, barometer, old hats & boxes, postal scale, orig. Van’s sneakers MIB, Vietnam era canvas paintings, vintage parade flags, Obsolete coins - wheat pennies, buffalo nickels, Liberty dimes, silver dimes & quarters, Large cent, V Nickels, Indian penny, Estate jewelry - costume & fine, watches, more. Ephemera: Maps, pictures, photo albums, postcards, WWII colorized fighter plates, antique bank checks, vintage & antique sports magazines & books, giant 60’s Coloring Books incl. Hulk & McDonald’s, 40’s scrapbook, comm. Stamps incl. Grace Kelly, Ron Reagan, Civil War, A.A. Milne children’s books, non-sports trading cards - Star Wars, ET, original artist sketches, etc. Glass & Pottery: Japanese & Mexican pottery, lamps, invalid feeder, figurines, Corningware, glass turkey on nest, glass candy container, Budweiser steins, Hummel & other cabinet plates, pottery vases, +++. Misc.: Vintage soda & beer bottles and cans, advertising, vintage toys, silver plate, cameras, wooden boxes & other primitives, kitchen, antique ad tins, Annalee Easter bunnies, crocheted & fancy linens & hankies, teapots, agate, candlesticks, flatware set, vintage pipe collection, cigar boxes, Asian items, souvenir spoons, vintage holiday items, Roy Rogers TV tray, Westinghouse open grill fan, 1949 figural fireplace mantle clock, Longaberger® baskets & books, more unlisted. Directions: from North - Rt. 295 S. to Burlington/ Mount Holly Exit. 541 North/west toward Burlington. Once in Burlington City, 541 becomes High Street. Continue on High St. into Burlington, cross Rt. 130. Turn left on West Pearl - last left you can make. VFW is about 2 blocks up on right. From Phila.: 95 N. to Betsy Ross Bridge, cross into New Jersey. Rt. 130 North for about 10 miles. Left on High Street (Rt. 541). Follow above directions. Signs posted. Food by Hog Day Afternoon. Terms: Cash or Check w/proper ID. CC w/3% processing fee. No Buyer’s Premium. New Jersey sales tax collected w/o a valid resale number. Questions? Call 609-877-6843 email to Day of sale please call 609-560-3247. Auctioneer not responsible for accidents. Check ID #1049 for pictures and more details.


PA 17112

Real Estate Showings by Appointment Call 717-731-8662

Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017 - - 13

Rare Emeralds And Star Rubies To Appear At Auction

“Tears of Fura” are a matched pair of large teardrop-shaped Muzo emeralds from the Marcial de Gomar emerald collection. The Marcial de Gomar emerald collection consists of more than 20 loose emeralds (both cut and rough), plus 13 pieces of emerald jewelry. The emeralds were collected by Manuel Marcial de Gomar over a long career spent both in the United States and in the jungles of Colombia, where for years he worked in the legendary Muzo mines, widely known for producing the world’s finest emeralds. His knowledge of rare emeralds has placed him in demand as an author, lecturer and consultant, and while his family continues in their involvement with rare emeralds, it is his lifelong personal collection that is being sold. Featured lots in the Marcial de Gomar collection include “La Gloria,” which, at 887 carats, is the largest Muzo rough emerald in North

America. The Marcial de Gomar “Star” is the largest of only 11 star emeralds known to exist and perhaps the first of its kind as a double-sided star emerald, and “Tears of Fura” is an impressive matched pair of large, teardrop-shaped Muzo emeralds. Decades ago, Marcial de Gomar befriended Mel Fisher, the famed treasure hunter best known for his work with the sunken Spanish galleon “Nuestra Señora de Atocha,” which is considered among the most important wreck yet discovered. Several Muzo emeralds and rare gold coins from the Atocha passed into the Marcial de Gomar collection and will be included in this auction. The Mountain Star Ruby collection consists of four extraordinary star rubies – each with an exquisite “star” and collectively weighing 342 carats. Experts have described this collection as potentially the finest in the world. “The Smokey Mountain Two-Star” ruby, as its name suggests, has distinctive stars on both front and back. Volumes could easily be written about the remarkable find by a modest mountain man from western North Carolina who, as a selfdescribed “rock hound,” was constantly in search of rare and unusual stones in his native Appalachia. Star rubies, such as the fabled “Rajaratna Star” ruby in Bangalore, are the rarest form of ruby and have been coveted for centuries. Most often discovered in areas of Burma and Sri Lanka, the Mountain Star ruby collection is astounding for its North American origin. Following their discovery in 1990, the four stones were examined by the leading gemological testing labs in the

U.S. and Europe prior to an exhibition of the 139-carat “Appalachian Star” at the Natural History Museum, London, where a record audience of 150,000 people viewed the ruby over a two-week period. Shortly thereafter, the gentleman who found the stones passed away, and the collection was returned to his

family, where it has resided since. A comparison can be made between the 138-carat “Rosser Reeves Star” ruby currently on display at the Smithsonian Museum, where it has been described as the “largest and finest star ruby in the world,” and the “Appalachian Star” included in the four-stone

The Mountain Star ruby collection collectively weighs 342 carats. It includes the “Appalachian Star,” which at 139 carats is among the largest and finest in the world.

Andi Charkow Presents:

Vintage Clothing, Accessories & Textiles Auction SATURDAY MARCH 25TH, 2017 10:00 A.M. • Preview 8:30 A.M. Preview 3/24: 4:00 P.M. To 7:00 P.M. Horsham V.F.W. Post #9788 324 Sawmill Lane



For Hundreds Of Photos, Full Listing & Directions, Go To: Auctioneer ID #10685 TERMS: Announcements made day of sale take precedence of all printed material. 15% Buyer’s Premium. Credit Cards: MC, Visa or Discover. PA sales tax must be paid unless you hold a valid resale number and provide it to the cashier day of sale.

Andi Charkow AU005294 Phone: 215-356-8413


Guernsey’s, the New York City-based auction house, is delighted to announce two extraordinary events. On Wednesday, April 12, the Marcial de Gomar collection of spectacular emeralds sale will be held, followed less than a month later by the Wednesday, May 3, auction of the Mountain Star Ruby collection. Both events will be conducted live at the Americas Society at 680 Park Ave., with online bidding at

Mountain Star ruby collection being sold together as one lot in the May 3 auction. One carat smaller than the “Appalachian Star,” the “Rosser Reeves” has an imperfect, five-ray star, compared to the perfect six rays of the “Appalachian Star.” In the early 1980s, the “Rosser Reeves” was appraised at $25 million, which later was increased to $40 million. For more information, visit

7 AUCTIONS BY ALLEN & MARSHALL View to Register & Start Bidding!

Exquisite Unreserved ONLINE ONLY Auction Allen & Marshall Auction Facility - 8000 Esham Road, Parsonsburg, MD Bidding Ends Wednesday, March 29th, 2017 at 5 P.M. All items will be sold as-is, where-is with no minimums and no reserve.

Historically Important American Indian Artifacts Henry Progar Oil Painting, Vintage Petroleum Advertising Coins/Currency, Historical Worcester Co. Land Documents Primitives, Furniture, 50+ Royal Doulton Character Mugs, Early Chinese Import Collection Preview: 3/24 and 3/27 5 P.M.-7 P.M. Directions: Our Auction Facility is located in Parsonsburg on the Eastern Shore of Maryland Approx. 100 Miles north of Norfolk, VA, 55 Miles South of Dover, DE, 100 East of Washington, DC and 18 miles West of Ocean City, MD. At the intersection of Rt. 50 and the Rt. 13 Bypass merge onto Rt. 50 East towards Ocean City and follow for 3.9 miles to the intersection of Rt. 50 & Forest Grove Rd. Turn North (left) onto Forest Grove Rd. and follow for 0.5 miles to Old Ocean City Rd. Right onto Old O. C. Rd. and follow for 1.2 miles to Esham Rd. Left onto Esham Rd. and follow for 1.2 miles to burgundy/tan building on left. Signs Posted. Historically Important Indian Artifacts: Several Extremely Rare and Important Sioux Indian Artifacts owned by famous US Calvary Brigadier-General and Indian War fighter John Green Ballance (1853-1910). Items include: Incredible beaded knife sheath, stunning beaded pipe bag with unusual side pouch, magnificent Sioux war club, beaded horse hair Quirk, leather beaded awl case, and Dutch influence wooden pioneer pipe. These items were scavenged on a clean-up mission days after the Battle of Big Horn on the battlefield of Custers Last Stand. Items come with documented provenance, notarized family letters and have been featured in several Indian Artistry books.

Online Only Estate Auction - Ocean Pines, MD Items & Property located at: 35 Federal Hill, Ocean Pines, MD Auction Held Online Only with Bidding ending April 5th, 2017 at 5 P.M. Furniture, Jewelry, Coins, Dolls & more! Preview: Monday, April 3rd from 4 P.M.-6 P.M.

Online Only Auction - Salisbury, MD

Additional Upcoming Auctions: Online Only Estate Auction - Georgetown, DE. The Estate of Charles R. O’Day. Items & Property located at: 18864 E. Redden Road, Georgetown, DE. Auction Held Online Only with Bidding ending April 19th, 2017 at 5 P.M. 1999 Cadillac DeVille, Tools, Riding Mower Furniture, Jewelry, Coins, Firearms & more! Online Only Estate Auction - Salisbury, MD. The Estate of well-known Robert Ennalls “R.E.” Powell. Items & Property located at: 720 Riverside Drive, Salisbury, MD. Auction Held Online Only with Bidding ending April 26th, 2017 at 5 P.M. Primitives, Stoneware, Tools, Antique Furniture & more! Onsite Auction at 31648 Curtis Chapel Road, Westover MD on Friday, May 12th at 4 P.M. Nice Selection of Glassware, China, Collectibles, Furniture, Artwork and more! (1) Auction at 8000 Esham Rd, Parsonsburg, MD Absolute Complete Jewelry Store Liquidation Auction Sale Selling by order of secured party all equipment, stock, and merchandise of K. Scott Jewelers, Bear, DE. Bidding ends Wed., May 17, 2017 at 5 P.M. 1,000s of pcs. of Jewelry, Diamond Rings, Engagement Rings, Necklaces, Watches, Pendants, Men’s and Women’s Seiko, Pulsar, Artcarved, D’Amico, Carla and more!!!

Previews Thurs., May 11th and Mon., May 15th 4 P.M.-7 P.M.! View Website for Additional Information & Pictures!

Auctioneer - Dave Allen 410-835-0384 or 302-545-1903


Items & Property located at: 3792 St. Lukes Road, Salisbury, MD Auction Held Online Only with Bidding ending April 6th, 2017 at 5 P.M. Massey Ferguson Tractor, Tools, Go-Kart, Furniture, Household Goods, Trailer & more! Preview: Tuesday, April 4th from 4 P.M.-6 P.M.

14 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017


Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561

WANTED: PAPER DOLL Books, 1930’s1980’s, Saalfield, Merrill, Lowe and Witman. Please send infromation - title, company and price to: David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Apt. 3, Denver, CO 80203. WANTED: PRESIDENTIAL & Other Historic Autograph Material. Pages of History, PO Box 2840, Binghamton, NY 13902. 607-724-4983

ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.

1930’S-50’S BUBBLE GUM Cards, showing Airplanes, Pirates, Baseball, G-Men, Superman, Indians, War, Tarzan, Tobacco Cards. Vin Minner, 21 Boulevard Rd., Cedar Knolls, NJ 07927, 973-267-3132. ALL NON-SPORTS CARDS: Tobacco, Coffee, Candy, Gum, Bread cards wanted. Other old cards too. Good prices and friendly transactions. Alan Miley, 2403 Sugarberry, Reston, VA 20191-2727. 703391-9156, NON-SPORTS CARDS any kind ex: War, Elvis, Gilligans Island, Davy Crockett, Mars Attacks, Laugh-In, etc. any pre-1975 title wanted. Walt Meder, P.O.Box 640, Downers Grove, IL 60515. 630-379-1947

ALL HUMMELS WANTED, Antiques, Collectables, Household items. etc. Call John Rokicki 610-213-2361.

MAGAZINES WANTED: SPRING/ SUMMER and Fall/ Winter catalogs- JCPenny, Sears and Montgomery Wards, 1970’s up to 2010. Please send information- store name, seasons, year and price, including postage/ shipping to: David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Apt. 3, Denver, CO 80203.

AUTOMOBILES WANTED. LOOKING to buy old foreign cars, especially British. Will purchase in any condition, also buying parts. Call Ed, 856-816-7321. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. FORD 1928-1934 CAR - TRUCK Ads magazine or newspaper. Sales literature, catalogs, manuals, mailers, letterheads, posters, signs, photos, body, accessory, speed etc. Jordon 630-816-1932


Antique & Modern Firearms Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Revolvers, Edged Weapons AIRLINES & AIRPORT chrome cards, esp. domestic, published during the 1950s & 1960s, a permanent want. Armen Avakian, 4560 Pinehollow Ct, Apt 170, Indianapolis, IN 46254, 317-298-8913.

AUTOGRAPHS, BANNERS, POLITICAL pins, leathers, baseball cards, sports memorabilia music, comics, wanted. Highest price paid. Write: Stan Block, 128 Cynthia Rd, Newton, MA 02459. BUY/SELL ILLUSTRATOR CALENDARS, 1900-1959 Hunting/ Fishing, Pinups, Indian Maidens, Children, RAFOX, Parrish, Goodwin, Florals, animals, also calendar company salesman sample books Brown & Bigelow, TD Murphy. Email or call Wendy Hoffman Gallery 702-839-9999. COLLECTABLES BOUGHT - SOLD any and all, write me maybe we can do business. Lou Zeelsdorf, 317 E. 8th St., Erie, PA 16503-1103. Won’t cost you anything postage repaid. MAGIC LANTERN SHOWS, Stereopticon Shows, Illustrated Lectures, etc. Broadsides, Programs, Advertising, American only. Terry Borton, 860-345-2574 American Magic Lantern Theater. TEACHER MEMORABILIA WANTED, Pre1940 photos, documents, postcards, other public school ephemera. Send to: common School, Box 20, Old Saybrook, CT 06475. WANTED CHICAGO TRIBUNE will pay $75 for Aug. 31, 1999, good condition, complete paper, no ad circulars, David Rhys, 995 S. Lorraine Rd. Apt. 2E, Wheaton, IL 60189, WANTED THOROUGHBRED HORSE Racing Programs, Passes, Cigar Labels, Postcards, Tobacco Cards, older items, Gary Medeiros, 1319 Sayre San Leandro, CA 94579,

PAPERBACK CATALOG 40+ pages 1,800+ very good to about fine Dective, SF, Sleaze, send $1 to Weathertop Paper, 1910 S. Westhaven Dr., Oshkosh, WI 54904.

SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail

THE “RED BOOK”. A guide book f U.S. Coins, all years available from 1947 to 1992. Ray Drapeau, 1 Polk Ave., Portsmouth, NH 03801.

WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.

DISABILITY RELATED POSTCARDS and other paper. Also superior real photo postcards. Bob Bogdan 802-948-2664 157 Stevens Orchard Rd., Orwell, VT 05760.

MODEL AIRPLANE AND Aviation Collectibles wanted: Books, magazines, kits, engines, accessories. I buy estates. Aeroindex, PO Box 1135, Cheshire, CT 06410. 203-250-0720

MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-525-2969, OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947 OLD 8X10 B&W photos of Factory interior or exterior Scenes, Street Scenes. Must be original. Debold Gallery, PO Box 1037, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, 973-4297616. OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090. WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232. WANTED: OLD LETTERPRESS printing equipment. C&P presses, Vandercook proof presses, metal & wood type. Let me know what you have. CASH PAID. call Joe at 814-203-8902

WANTED: WORLD COINS, U.S. paper money, currency, medals, tokens, gold, diamonds. CASH paid 610 371 0505

PAPERBACKS FOR COLLECTORS and Readers. All genres. Low prices. Free lists. Cris Kocher, Books, 534 Meigs St., Athens, GA 30601.

BOBSNONSPORTS.COM NO BUYERS premium, also coins, auction bid email call 215-822-1834, on website go to Bob’s cormer. Mail bids to Bob Osifchin, 108 Cornwall Dr., Chalfont, PA 18914 BUYING AND SELLING Non-Sport cards, call 215-822-1834 all conditions wanted from poor to mint, also check my auction ad “Bob Osifchin”

SPRINGFIELD, IL. SCHOOLS and Churches, used or unused. David Anderson, 1843 W. Lunt Ave., Chicago, IL 60626.

I WANT OLD Baseball Cards; Football Cards; Hockey Cards; Pennant, buy old memorabilia, highest price paid. Write: Stan Block, 128 Cynthia Rd, Newton, MA 02459. SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618. TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709,



BOOKS ON EUROPEAN and Asian Royalty. Free price list. Lee Poleske, PO Box 871, Seward, AK 99664.

MUSIC BOXES WANTED Buying and Selling Cylinder & Disc Music Boxes, Bird Cages, Bird Boxes, Phonographs, Automatas. Specializing in all Antique Resortation Services for over 60 years. Ask for Gerald Wright. Rita Ford Music Boxes, 1253 Springfield Ave. #304, New Providence, NJ 07974, 908-377-3225, 212-535-6717.

Licensed Dealer - Will Travel Century 20 LLC Highland Park, NJ 08904

ARCADE CARDS WANTED: Barbara Britton, Joanne Dru, and Gail Russell. David Anderson, 1843 W. Lunt Ave., Chicago, IL 60626.

GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.


ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990.

FREE MONTHLY CATALOG of Authentic Entertainment Autographs, 10% discount on first order, call Starshots at 941-6976935, email write Star Shots, 5389 Bearup St., Port Charlotte, FL 33981.

BUYING SHEET MUSIC Collections contact Kevin Lanagan 410-965-0544

1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521

To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211

AUTOGRAPH COLLECTION CLEARANCE Vintage Hollywood, Sports, Political, Music, Cartoonists, Military, Playbills, Authors, Movie Stills and Steel Engravings too! Want Lists? Odlaw Sellers, Grafton, MA 01519. AUTOGRAPHS FOR SALE: FREE bi-monthly list available. Also buying. Mike Hirsch, 11 Philips Mill Dr., Middletown, NJ 07748, 732-787-1202. CALENDAR COLLECTION 20 yrs. of collecting antique tractors, classic cars, cowboy/ western scenes. 100 calendars for $100. Call 361-550-5488. CATHOLIC HOLY CARDS. Protestant Bible lessons, lace cards, scripture cards, paper icons. Brent Devitt, 35 Hawthorne Glen, Beavercreek, OH 45440. 937-238-0183. Email

STEEL ENGRAVINGS COLLECTIONS “1850’s” Presidents, Signers, Supreme Court, Civil War, Authors, Cabinet, Revolutionary, Europe. Ready to frame. Cheap! Want Lists! Odlaw Sellers, Grafton, MA 01519. VINTAGE MOVIE STILLS 1910’s-1940’s Classics, Disney. M.Monroe, H.Bogart, W.C.Fields, O.Wells, J.Crawford, M.Pickford, L.Barrymore, J.Garland. Cheap! Autographs too! Want Lists? Odlaw Sellers, Grafton, MA 01519.

MIRRORBACK, ONE DRAWER Shertaton shaving mirror, asking $275 + shipping, excellent condition, call 413-773-7298 or 413-824-6951.



1950’S MOVIE STAR Magazines, also Elvis and ohers LPs. List favorite stars, singers, groups. Anna Labbate, 63 Oxholm Ave., Staten Island, NY 10301, ADULT GIRLIE MAGS. Private collection spanning 50’s - present. Many titles, Celebrities, Ginger Lynn, Seka, & others most N. Mint, Must have want lists. Reasonable prices. Looking for those rare girlie mags? I may have them! Al Nazario, #12P 400 W. 43rd St, NYC, 10036 or call 212-868-9203 MENS’ GIRLIE MAGAZINES! Beauty Parade, Eyeful, Titter, Wink, Whisper and Flirt WANTED. Title, describe cover (photocopies helpful) and prices to: David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Apt. 3, Denver, CO 80203. PEOPLE (WEEKLY) MAGAZINES for Sale. Send for free list of issues and prices. Also buying/ wanted. Send for list. David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Apt. 3, Denver, CO 80203. TV GUIDES FOR Sale! Send for free list of issues and prices. Also buying/ wanted. Send for list. David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Apt. 3, Denver, CO 80203. WANTED JOHN DEERE page Ads. Richard Van Gosen, PO Box 44, Street, MD 21154-0050. 410-836-0466.

EPHEMERA SALE INVENTORY reduction S.H. Jemik PO Box 753, Bowie, MD 20718 send stamp for list over 100 lots. FREE CATALOG FROM Heroes & Legends for Hollywood and Rock & Roll autographs. 18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316. We also buy! 818-342-2800. FREE LISTS! FREQUENT Mail Auctions for Collectors/ Dealers. Paper, Miscellaneous Collectibles, Auctions since 1987. $1 Minimum Bids! Mike Baeten, 511 Nathan Dr., De Pere, WI 54115, email

MEDICAL, SURGICAL, DENTAL, Apothecary, Old Baby Items, Ophthalmology, Quackery, circa 1850-1920 for details visit TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124

LARGEST STOCK OF Original Movie Posters, Lobby Card and Stills in the United States for sale- 200,000 Posters and 500,000 Photos, 440-256-3660 Kirtland, Ohio 44094. MOVIE POSTERS! ONE Sheets! (27x41) For Sale. Send for free list of movies’, prices’ to: David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Denver, CO 80203.



30 COLORADO POSTCARDS! $20 includes postage. Buildings, Mountain Scenes/ Views and Wildlife. David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Apt. 3, Denver, CO 80203.

APPROXIMATELY 1,300 VINTAGE College Football Programs; 475 Vintage Football Pins at least $30,000 in value, asking $14,000 as a lot, call 973-865-6169.



DISCOUNT POSTAGE/ COLLECT. $25 face MNH USA Commemorative Stamps for $20. NO Forevers, 3¢ to 44¢ issues. David Hume, 321 East 11th Avenue, Apt. 3, Denver, CO 80203.

STAMPS COINS COLLECTABLES Lou Zeelsdorf 317 E. 8th St. #2 Erie, PA 16503.

FREE BOOK SEARCH for Out Of Print Books. M.M. Davies/ Bookfinder, 762 Route 23A, Catskill, NY 12414-5634. 518-755-4294,

ATTENTION Get the Word Out!! Advertise Your

SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or S948095

Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer?

WANTED: NATIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE CO. Indianapolis, IN (1900-1924). And early auto racing, CASE, STUTZ, INDY 500 1900-1917. Cars, parts, postcards, photos, information, sales literature, magazine articles & ads, newspapers, souveniers... anything. June 17, 1911 & June 15, 1912 Colliers mags., 1900-1917 THE BOSCH NEWS pamphlets. Charles Test, Minneapolis, MN 612-874-8531.

Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017 - - 15

16 - - Antiques & Auction News — March 24, 2017

19th C. Trade Sign

Tiffany & Co.


FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 3PM Preview: Wednesday, 3/22: Noon-5pm | Thursday, 3/23: Noon-7pm Friday, 3/24: from 9am

Featuring: Paul McCobb for Calvin Group


" " # ! $ $ % & " ' & ( $ & )

Estate Fine Jewelry

Buyer’s Premium: *+; < ( = >?; B Live, Online Bidding:


Czech Art Glass Lamp

1347 Naamans Creek Road | Garnet Valley, PA 19060 Phone: 610.566.3138 | Email: Web:

19th C. Pennsylvania Dry Sink


Cabinet-Made Furnishings Chinese Watercolors

Late 19th C. Cane with Pistol Handle

Collection of Glove Forms

Robert Strong Woodward

Chinese Export Porcelains

Collection of 18tth/19th C. Verre Eglomisé Silhouettes Collection of Candy Containers & Nodders Buccellati Sterling, Italy Fisher Sterling


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