Frank Feather Cane Sells For $6,900 At Gateway
FRIDAY JULY 8, 2016 • VOL. 47, NO. 28
Garth’s Early American Auction And 10th Annual Ohio Valley Session Regional Pottery And Glass Ruled The Day By Paul Locher Garth’s Auction marked a milestone on May 14 with its 10th annual edition of the Ohio Valley Session. The unique, and always much anticipated auction was designed to showcase antiques from the so-called Ohio Valley region, which encompasses not only the Buckeye State, but also western Pennsylvania, northern Kentucky and eastern Indiana. Prices reported are hammer prices and do not include buyers premiums. Since Garth’s (Delaware, Ohio) is an easy drive for many collectors in that region, most of the bidding typically takes place in the room, with Attributed to Joseph Sala, this Soap Hollow cherry chest of drawers retained its original red and black paint graining on the sides, although it had been cleaned from the front, along with some of the floral decoupage designs. It was hammered down for $2,800 (est. $2,000 to $4,000).
Here is one (front and back image) of a trio of important jars made by the H o m e r Laughlin Co. of East Liverpool, Ohio that were offered in the session. These finely crafted paste-on-paste porcelains were made by handpainting on successive layers of slip, the laborious process allowing the decorative images to retain their translucence. Auctioneer “Jeff” Jeffers pointed out that each of the pieces would have taken months to craft. None of the jars made it close to their low estimates. This one sold for $8,000 against an estimate of $12,000 to $14,000. The other two sold for $7,000 (est. $10,000 to $12,000) and $2,800 (est. $4,000 to $8,000). only a small percentage done on the internet. And the May 14 session was no exception, with about three-fourths of the seats in Garth’s sales room filled with collectors who generally knew one another, making for something of a reunion-type atmosphere. Auctioneer Amelia Jeffers said that 90 percent of the items in this year’s auction “came from deep, old collections,” which made the “milestone event” all the sweeter. Top money in the 188-lot session was brought by a Wayne County, Ohio, Continued on page 2
Carol Haven of Wooster, a leading collector of pieces produced by the Houghton Pottery in Dalton, Ohio, examines a small log cabin bank. It was part of a lot that also included a Houghton wren house and a small planter and realized a winning bid of $750 (est. $250 to $450).
The prize for the bid most out of sync with the pre-sale estimate had to go to this Pittsburgh diamond design cobalt footed master salt. Made in the mid 1800s, the three-inch-high specimen was made of flint glass with a broken pontil. It garnered a winning bid of $4,900, against an estimate of $200 to $400.
AAN Current News
The May Antique Show And “Pick A Pearl” Promotion Is Back on page 4
The Frank Feather cane with hand rest and reading on the shaft “Charity, Faith, Trust in the Lord, Love, Give us this day our daily bread, God is our refuge, Hope, Jesus is the light of the world,Ye must be born again, Peace, Jan. 1941” sold for $6,900. Gateway Gallery Auction in Chambersburg, Pa., held a variety sale on May 30 highlighted by a Frank Feather cane selling for $6,900. Feathers (1877-1951) was an itinerant wood carver. He spent time during the first half of the 20th century on both sides of the Mason-Dixon line in Hagerstown and Thurmont, Md., and also Greencastle and Mercersburg, Pa., among other places. He is known mostly for his canes and spoons. He likely carved over 1,000 canes often incorporating themes such as patriotism or Biblical phrases. Gateway has a history of selling his work, which has a strong,
Hake’s Pop Culture Auction Offers Rarities on page 6
Continued on page 4
This Native American squash blossom with turquoise insert necklace has eight half dollars and 96 dimes and is circa 1940. It sold for $650.
Roycroft Cabinet Sells For $15,950 At Hemingway Auction Kim Hemingway Auctions held its third auction for the estate of Elmer Heintz of Sumneytown, Pa. The Heintz collections filled the building and attracted close to 200 attendees on Saturday, June 11. The large sale was held in the “Treasure Barn” located at Jake’s Flea Market in Barto, Pa. The enthusiastic crowd was able to bid on items from the Heintz collection with two and sometimes three auctioneers selling consecutively. Items sold included antique tools and hardware, furniture, books and ephemera and a wide selection of general line antiques. There were 18 antique quilts, redware, stoneware, unusual kitchen items, weathervanes, bucket benches, country cupboards and many more items. The top seller of the day was a Roycroft book cabinet with original finish. The cabinet realized $15,950 (prices realized include buyer’s premium). A primitive wooden painted carving of a penguin, standing over 30 inches tall, sold for $522.50. Two top quilts of the day were an eight-pointed star pattern selling for $440 and a
Ivankovich Celebrates Two-Year Radio Anniversary on page 9
Farming Collectibles Sizzling Hot At Rich Penn Sale on page 10
The Roycroft book cabinet with original finish realized $15,950.
Schiffer Releases New Book On American Firecrackers on page 13
In This Issue
Continued on page 7
The glass Planters salted peanut jar with original label brought $165. A Stanley Bedrock #603 Flatside plane brought $143.
SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 8 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 8
FEATURED AUCTION: Cordier Auction & Appraisals - July 9 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania - Page 9
AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . on page 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 15
2 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016
Continued from page 1
You almost had to slap yourself in the face to make sure you weren’t dreaming when you heard the auctioneer gavel down this Ohio decorated corner cupboard for only $700 (est. $900 to $1,500). The circa 1840, poplar 12pane, one-piece cupboard was vibrantly paint-grained to resemble book-matched tiger maple. With outstanding construction throughout, it seems the attractively crafted cupboard should have fared somewhat better.
A centerpiece in the preview area was this jaw-dropping array of pottery pieces, many of which were the products of early Ohio establishments. Some of the wares came from the S. Routson potteries in Doylestown and Wooster, the Houghton Pottery in Dalton, and Graham & Hower Pottery, also in Doylestown.
This sign, nearly 10 feet long, originally hung over the entrance to an Ohio covered bridge and defined the early rates, tolls and fines for its use. Signed by its painter, H.C. Spindler of Tiffin, Ohio, what made the piece especially eye-catching was that the unprotected wood around the paint-protected letters had weathered away, making the text stand out in relief. It sold for $1,500, its low pre-sale estimate.
Nearly five feet wide and more than three feet high, this pencil portrait of a farm in eastern Wayne County, Ohio, drawn by noted itinerant Swiss artist Ferdinand Brader, was gaveled down for $14,000 to an Internet buyer, within the pre-sale estimate of $10,000 to $15,000. The drawing, which depicts the “Residence of Joseph and Anna Gindlesperger” in Baughman Township, 1888, was sold along with a printed and hand-watercolored taufscheim for Mary Gindlesperger, born August 28, 1846 in Baughman Township. The paper on which the drawing was made was quite darkened with age and appeared to be very brittle. the room. piece was also elaborately piece, it was stored in an outBut if that piece of glass signed and dated by the carv- building and covered with wet fared unexpectedly well, er, “Wm. V, S, Roberts, 1827.” outdoor carpeting to protect another lot, pictured on the The fabulous piece had it. She said it was anticipated cover of the catalogue, did been removed many years ago that the stone would dry out unexpectedly poorly. That from an early home on old and the water staining would piece was a monumental Route 22 near Cadiz in vanish. However, what turned carved sandstone mantel with Harrison County, Ohio. out to be oil staining a superbly detailed bald eagle Estimated at $8,000 to appeared permanent, with no worked in high relief, flanked $12,000, the mantel only gar- one being able to offer a good by serpent-entwined trees nered a winning bid of $3,700, solution on how to remove it. and almost three-dimensional leaving many in the sales Moreover, said Amelia, urns. The legs of the mantel room stunned. many would-be bidders were had vining bellflowers which The problem with the frightened by the nearly sixwound their way upwards and piece appeared to stem from foot width of the pediment across the pediment. The the fact that it was badly and concerned it might break stained overall during a move. from oil. Amelia also expressed A m e l i a some disappointment with the said that when prices realized for a trio of she and her monumental ceramic jars husband Jeff made by the Homer Laughlin Jeffers went to Co. of East Liverpool, Ohio, in pick up the the late 1880s. The
This poplar Soap Hollow blanket chest was a real eyecatcher with its original sponged orange-red paint, large gold-stenciled urn of flowers and dark green trim. It was gaveled down for $1,900 against an estimate of $1,500 to $2,500.
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This poplar and butternut Soap Hollow blanket chest, initialed “S.A.W.,” had a lot going for it in terms of detail, including a center tombstone-arched panel, stenciled flowers on the drawers and case front, grain painting with dark green trim, and dovetailing that included the high bracket feet. The winning bid of $3,100 was in the middle of the $2,500 to $3,500 estimate.
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A rarity in Ohio pottery, this cobalt-decorated ovoid one-gallon jug stamped “Graham & Hower, Doylestown (Ohio)” caught fire and raced to a high bid of $1,650, against an estimate of $200 to $400. The Graham & Hower Pottery succeeded - though for only for a brief period - the S. Routson Pottery in Doylestown in the early 1840s when Samuel Routson abandoned the business to go into the mercantile trade.
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This nine-inch tall 1920s Houghton Pottery spaniel-shaped doorstop was a real eye-catcher, being decorated with green and both light and dark brown mottled glazes. With a final bid of $2,500 (est. $400 to $600), it almost certainly set a record for the form, many of which were made by the pottery located in Dalton, Ohio.
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Undoubtedly one of the biggest letdowns of the sale was this monumental carved Ohio Federal sandstone mantle with eagle, urns, vining bellflowers and serpent-wrapped trees. Removed from an early home near Cadiz, Harrison County, it was signed by the stonemason,“Wm.V, S, Roberts 1827.” Estimated at $8,000 to $12,000 and pictured on the cover of the catalogue, it was gaveled down for a disappointing $3,750. The problem was that the sandstone was extensively stained with what appeared to be oil, and no one seemed very confident that it could be removed from the highly porous ashlar.
This whimsical art pottery vase in the shape of a frog at the base of a bunch of cattails was ink-stamped by the E. Houghton & Co. pottery in Dalton, Ohio, and may have set a price record for the form. In nice bright colors and great condition, the 1920s piece was gaveled down for $875 (est. $250$500). classical-style jars, 19 inches tall, utilized pate-sur-pate technique of building up successive layers of slip - a process that would have taken months - to retain the translucence so sought after in porcelain of the day. One of the jars (est. $12,000-
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Garth’s Auction
farm scene sketched in 1888 by itinerant Swiss artist Ferdinand Brader. The “Residence of Joseph and Anna Gindelsperger, Baughman Township, Wayne County, Ohio,” measuring 38by-57-inches, it fetched a winning bid of $14,000. The drawing, which had greatly darkened with age and appeared quite brittle, was sold along with an Aug. 28, 1846 printed and hand-watercolored taufshein for Mary Gindlesperger of Baughman Township. Ferdinand Brader’s artwork was the subject of a major exhibition and accompanying catalogue at the Canton, Ohio Museum of Art in 2014. A pleasant surprise in the sale, Jeffers said, was a Pittsburgh diamond design cobalt footed master salt. Measuring three inches high and 2.25 inches in diameter, it carried a pre-sale estimate of $200 to $400. However, in spirited and tenacious bidding, it reached a sales price of $4,900, creating quite a stir in
This three-gallon ovoid stoneware butter churn stamped “S. Routson, Doylestown, O.,” with a primitive freehand rendition of a feather or fern, fared well, being knocked down for $1,000 against a pre-sale estimate of $200 to $400.
Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016 - - 3
Collector Anecdotes And Antics A “Spotlight” On Contemporary Movie Poster Collecting By Shawn Surmick “Aliens,” “Back to the Future,” “Blade Runner,” “Die Hard,” “Dune,” “Ghostbusters,” - all of these movie titles are iconic in some way or another. They also premiered in the 1980s at a time when contemporary movie poster collecting was not a mainstream hobby. At that time, movie poster enthusiasts were much more interested in acquiring classic and much harder to come by posters from the golden age of pop culture. Posters from the classic Universal monster flicks like “Dracula” and “Frankenstein” are and were always in demand as well as classic science fiction offerings from the 1950s and 60s. This caused a lot of great movie posters minted in the 1980s to go unnoticed by the average collector. Ironically, most of these posters featured great artwork and designs. Flash forward to present day and some of these posters are almost impossible to find in near mint condition or better. What was once thought as an over hoarded gamble on speculation is turning out to be liquid gold to those who were able to collect and preserve some of the hottest posters of the modern era. It
is not uncommon to see a lot of movie posters from iconic films from the 1980s (and even the 1990s) selling for hundreds of dollars each and steadily rising in value. Unlike other paper collectibles like comic books and currency that have a wide range of products designed for archival storage, movie poster collectors have very few options for affordable storage outside of costly framing. With the average poster having a size of 27-by41-inches most enthusiasts choose to keep their posters in cheaply made cardboard shipping tubes for long-term storage. Unfortunately, these tubes were not meant for long-term storage and due to the materials they were made with, the posters became yellowed and damaged over time. This is one reason why there are not as many near mint or better posters from this time frame as originally thought. A second issue compounding the movie poster enthusiast’s collecting habits is the fact that no third party grading and encapsulation service exists for movie posters. CGC (Comics Guaranty Corporation), the same company that grades and encapsulates comic books, does grade and encapsulate movie lobby cards in archival Mylar
sleeves. The company also started to grade full-size vintage concert posters featuring bands like The Grateful Dead and Pink Floyd, but no service exists for full-sized movie posters as of yet. This has left a lot of collectors feeling both relieved and saddened at the same time. It is no secret that once third party certification becomes readily available in most collecting fields, prices inevitably rise due to an influx of new investment minded collectors who like the security and peace of mind that third party grading brings to the secondary marketplace. One of the best kept secrets in the movie poster collecting field isn’t a secret any more. Heritage Auction Galleries has entered the secondary marketplace en masse and has a whole department devoted to the buying and selling of vintage and contemporary movie posters. Every Sunday evening, they have a dedicated onlineonly auction where beginner and also more experienced fans alike can bid on all the latest offerings. The company also offers several of its high profile Signature Movie Poster Auctions a few times a year for more expensive offerings in which well experienced collectors and investors can go head-to-head. These auctions have started to increase
demand for posters from the 1970s through the 1990s and later. Would you believe that a near mint poster to the cult classic film “Pulp Fiction” now sells for several hundred dollars or more? This is just one of the many price trends affecting the secondary marketplace. And while most near mint posters for iconic ’80s films can be had for about $100 or less, there are some exceptions. Anything with “Star Wars” or “Indiana Jones” is steadily increasing in value. As is anything related to an iconic film franchise that is still relevant today. 2016 will mark the reboot of the new “Ghostbusters” film franchise. Classic films that have their roots in the 1980s but are getting revived today are becoming quite scarce. Since they announced that a new “Blade Runner” film is in the works the original movie poster from the cult classic film is now in heavy demand. It is expected that demand for vintage movie posters will only increase going forward. With the advent of media rooms and man caves, casual and hardcore enthusiasts will want something they can connect with to put on their walls. In an upcoming article I will provide some tips to buying and collecting vintage movie posters. Until that time, thanks for reading!
The Excitement Is Building For Selinsgrove’s “Antiques On The Avenue” Popular Summer Show Will Be Held July 10 Excitement is growing in Selinsgrove, Pa., as the Chamber of Commerce is preparing for the 27th Annual Antiques on the Avenue show and sale. This year’s event will be held on Sunday, July 10, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on University Avenue between Broad and West Pine Streets. The chairmen are pleased to report that the show is filled with 40 antiques and collectible vendors. A wide variety of merchandise will be displayed by vendors from all over the central and eastern portions of the state. Items for sale will include glassware, primitives, clocks, toys, furniture, jewelry, pottery, textiles and more. There will be appraisals conducted by Cordier Auctions and Appraisals of Harrisburg. Tickets will be $5 per item or $10 for three items. The tickets will be on sale beginning at 10 a.m. The actual appraisals will begin at 11 a.m. and end at 2 p.m. The appraisals will be sponsored by Chris Kenawell State Farm Insurance.
The food for sale at the show will be provided by three Selinsgrove restaurants; B.J.’s will be serving Bongo chicken, BBQ chicken and pulled pork sandwiches; Bot’s Tavern will serve beef brisket sandwiches, and walking tacos and Michael’s Family Restaurant will be serving hot sausage, hot dogs, french fries, haluski, funnel cake fries. Each restaurant will be offering a variety of drinks. The food stands will be in the same location as in previous years and there will be tables and chairs to sit, eat and relax. The Friends of the Rudy Gelnett Memorial Library will once again participate by selling quilt raffle tickets. Keith Foote of Cooper’s Battery B will have a Civil War display, the Northumberland County Historical Society will have Fort Augusta information available and the Snyder County Historical Society will also have a display. This well-attended oneday summer antique show is free to the public and there is ample parking within a short walking distance. The show will be held rain or shine.
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Gateway Gallery Auction Continued from page 1
The William McKinley horn noisemaker and cane read “Patriotism, Protection, Prosperity,� impressed on the side and “Pat. Apl’d for - The Winfield Mfg. Co. - Warren, O.� It sold for $450.
This Frank Feather spoon with acorn and “1942 A.D.� was 13 inches in length and brought $1,000. dominantly regional market. The cane at the Gateway sale had a hand rest with his signature acorn. In the body of the cane in relief read “Charity, Faith, Trust in the Lord, Love, Give us this day our daily bread, God is our refuge, Hope, Jesus is the light of the world, Ye must be born again, Peace, Jan. 1941.� It was 38 inches in length. A Frank Feather spoon with acorn on the underside of the bowl and reading “1942 A.D.� sold for $1,000. It was 13 inches in length. Other material sold included a grouping of Gorham sterling selling for $1,350; a paintdecorated pie safe with worn surface for $1,000; and a Jimmy Thompson tiger maple twopiece hutch/cupboard which sold for $925. A Tootsie Toy set (Air Mail) sold for $800 and a Tootsie Playtime Toy set with A paint-decorated pie safe sold for The paint-decorated blind door corner original box but missing one $1,000. cupboard went for $800. soldier sold for $525. A 1940 era Native American squash side and “Pat. Apl’d for - The blossom necklace with Winfield Mfg. Co. - Warren, O� turquoise insert, eight half sold for $450. It was 33 inches dollars and 96 dimes realized long. To learn more about this or $650 and a William McKinley horn noisemaker in a cane future Gateway auctions, call or visit with “Patriotism, Protection, 717-263-6512 Prosperity,� impressed on the
ANTIQUE MALL 35,000 Sq. Ft. Over 130 Booths
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4 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016
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8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 Multi-dealer Antique & Collectable Center open year-round Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-8, Saturday 9-6 & Sunday 10-5. PRESENTLY SHOWCASING 70+ VENDORS WE ARE EXPANDING AND WELCOMING NEW VENDORS. Our low rates with no commissions or extra charges make this a great place to have your business. Checkout our website at S925115 or call us at 610-766-7495
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celebration a special visitor came to greet shoppers Santa Claus! He heard about the celebration and decided to stop by on his way to the Jersey shore for his one week summer vacation. Santa also said, “I will be at the Emporium for two or three days in December.� Times and dates have yet to be determined. The Emporium is open seven days a week from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours until 7 p.m. on Thursday and Friday during the summer. Find them on Facebook or call 609-747-8333 for directions. The Emporium is located at 424 High Street in Burlington, N.J., and is a 30 minute drive from Philadelphia.
Located inside Quaker Antique Mall
70 Tollgate Road, Quakertown, PA 18951 Phone:
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We Oer: Furniture; Advertising Signs; Gas & Oil Cans & Bottles, Black Memorabilia; Trains; Toys (including Pressed Metal Trucks). Soda & Dairy Bottles. A variety of Antiques & Collectibles.
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It is hot, hot, hot in New Jersey and people are flocking to the shore for the cool breeze, beach, boardwalk, and great cuisine. Fresh oysters are on many menus at the shore and inside an oyster one may find a pearl. During the month of July, the Historic Burlington Antique and Art Emporium is once again offering customers its “Pick a Pearl� promotion. With a purchase, customers have an opportunity to receive a store gift certificate, dealer gift certificate, or a dealer discount on a future purchase. Also during the month, the Emporium display case will have items associated with the Jersey shore and summer fun. On May 22, the Emporium held its 4th biannual antique and garden market show. More than 500 shoppers attended to make deals with the Emporium dealers and were treated to complimentary snacks and coffee. Auctioneer Christopher Doerner and his wife Elaine of 21st Century Antiques raised $130 to benefit the Burlington City Music Boosters with their evaluations of antiques and art. The fall antique and garden market show will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2. On June 10, at the Emporium’s 15th anniversary
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21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4 21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in Havre de Grace with 50+ quality dealers. Open 7 days, M-S 10-5, S 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles.
21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days / week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6.
07060 North Plainfield 908-222-2085 NORTH PLAINFIELD ANTIQUE GALLERY 1006 RT22 E Specialize in buying and selling Asian Antiques. Open Wed.-Sun. 11-5. 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking. 08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Prints, Civil War, Baseball, Chess, old bookends & signed books, ephemera. 08006 Barnegat Light 609-361-8039 THE SEAWIFE, 1901 Bayview Ave. at Viking Village. Country primitive antique furniture, quilts, folk art, architecturals & garden. Open Weekends. 08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-0300 YELLOW GARAGE ANTIQUES 66 S. Main St. Multi-dealer co-op, Wed Sun.11am-5pm. Fine 18th & 19th C furniture, stoneware, textiles, folk art, Americana, decoys, jewelry, dolls, etc. 08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs
08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.
16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome. 16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety. 17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322. 17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 THE SHOP 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4. 18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad. 18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5.
Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016 - - 5
18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm. 18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES 113 7th St. 2 large Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. 18612 Dallas 570-674-2646 HERITAGE GALLERIES / HERITAGE COINS & STAMPS 52 Carr Ave. Tues. Sat. 10am-5pm. NE PA’s largest selection of quality postcards, coins, stamps, lead soldiers, autographs, Hist. & Pol. items. Buying - Selling - Trading. 18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking. 18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980” 18951 Quakertown 215-536-4547 ANTIQUES AT 200 EAST/ EAST BROAD ANTIQUES, 215-536-4408, Multi-DLR shops. One Stop Shopping. 2 Fantastic Stores. Intersections Rts. 212 & 313. Shop where Dealers Buy! Open 7 days.
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7.
Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.
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19365 Parkesburg 610-857-4700 WRIGHT’S BARN SHOPPES 3618 Limestone Rd. (Route 10). Selling High End Estate Furniture & Antiques. Open Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10-4.
FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day
19446 Landsdale 215-361-7910 THE ARCHIVE, 725 W. 2nd St. 1000’s of used & antique books, magazines, postcards, ephemera, coins, records, furniture, antiques, collectibles. 21,000 s.f. Wed. through Sun. 11-6.
E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at
19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. “We invite you to come fall in Love”. Antique, collectibe, vintage home & garden decor.
Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition
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Limited Quality Dealer Space Available
For directions, times, and schedules, visit us at: Scott Antique Markets P.O. Box 60, Bremen, OH 43107 ~ PHONE: 740.569.2800 S933722
Hake’s Pop Culture Auction Offers Rarities
collectors are sure to find issues that have eluded them in the past. More than 300 are certified, and there are many first issues as well as issues with key first appearances of superheroes and villains. The comics are worthy of careful scrutiny, as there are some real gems in the mix, such as Lot 1,432, an Amazing Spider-Man #1 estimated at $5,000-$10,000. The collection is strong on Continued on page 7
JULY 9TH, 2016 ‌ 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M.
Grist Mill Haddon Heights Antiques Center Antiques Center 80 Dealer Co-Op Clements Bridge Rd. & E. Atlantic Ave.
PEMBERTON, NJ 08068 Limited Space Available Route 616, 127 Hanover Street
Haddon Heights, New Jersey
Head east on Rt. 38; turn left at light after Rt. 206 intersection
(856) 546-0555 (609) 726-1588 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 8 PM
New Jersey’s premier market for Antiques and Collectibles 250 Outdoor Dealers - 60 Indoor Shops - Restaurant
OPEN WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY 6AM to 4PM - Indoor Shops Open at 8AM 1850 River Road (Rt. 29), Lambertville, NJ (609) 397-0811
WANTED QUALITY OUTDOOR ANTIQUE VENDORS Furniture - Ephemera - Textiles - Jewelry - Pottery - Lighting - Glass Coins Toys - Sports Memorabilia - Autographs - Framing - Books - Pinball Architectural & Industrial Salvage - Asian Art - Woodcarving - Cameras - Militaria Trains - Art - Records - Silverware - Retro Kitchen - Art Deco - Modern - Tribal Art Awarded “Best of Philly� Flea Market by Philadelphia Magazine Flea Market Finds Magazine “50 States/50 Shows� Picked Golden Nugget in New Jersey LIKE/FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK
A Ken Kelly oil painting of Conan the Barbarian, 30.5-by-42-inches, painted in 1986 in the style of Frank Frazetta, served as cover of 1987 paperback “Conan the Champion.� It is estimated at $5,000-$10,000.
Lincoln/Hamlin flag America Godaikin entered in our July sale Tetsukin 28 (aka would be considered a “Gigantor�) which is milestone acquisition estimated at $2,000for even the most $5,000. advanced collection,� Another compresaid Alex Winter, presihensive, highly pedident of Hake’s greed collection conAmericana. “In our sists of toys, advertisMarch auction, a very ing and other elusive rare 1864 Lincoln and memorabilia pertainJohnson parade flag ing to the popular sold for nearly $24,000. The 1860 campaign parade flag promoting the presiden- 1960s TV spy series The 1860 flag differs in tial and vice-presidential candidates “Abram� Lincoln and “The Man From that it is larger and from Hannibal Hamlin is estimated at $20,000-$35,000. U.N.C.L.E.� This quality an earlier campaign. It’s collection containing to collectors than actual winin beautiful condition – truly ners’ medals, like this one. The many impossible-to-find deserving of the description fact that it’s a winner’s medal items was astutely amassed ‘investment grade’ – and we from the 1936 Olympics, with over many years by Tesco Vee, expect it to sell in the $20,000- its political controversy and singer for the groundbreaking $35,000 range.� Jesse Owens’ dominant perfor- D.C./Michigan punk rock band A special section mance, makes it even The Meatmen. Two standouts under the political more desirable.� from the collection are Lot heading is devotThe estimate is 2,646, a large and impressive ed to the Civil $ 5 , 0 0 0 - tri-fold cardboard display proR i g h t s moting the 1966 Marx Man $10,000. Movement, One of From U.N.C.L.E. Counterspy with a timethe most Outfit, $2,000-$5,000; and Lot line that anticipated 2,647, a colorfully boxed, capstarts with an sections of firing THRUSH multi-purpose early chrothe auction weapon manufactured by molithograph is the out-of- Ideal and copyrighted by MGM t h i s - w o r l d in 1966. In near-mint condition This silver winner’s assemblage of and from old store stock, it is medal from the 1936 robot and space toys. expected to target a winning Summer Olympics held in Nazi-era The selection contains bid of $2,000-$5,000. Berlin, Germany, is estimated at extraterrestrial toys from the More than 3,000 comic $5,000-$10,000. 1950s to 80s, including wind- books await bidders, and with ups and battery ops of tin, die- that much choice available, featuring Frederick Douglass cast and other metals. Along (Lot 428, est. $2,000-$3,000) to with classic robots of the postitems from the heart of the war production period, there turbulent 1960s, when the Rev. are popular Japanese toys Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and depicting fantasy characters the Black Panther Party made of animated and live-action TV headlines. shows. “Black Panther Party Classic robot highlights posters are in great demand. include, Lot 1,185, a boxed 1957 Of the grouping in our auction, Asakusa Thunder Robot, one to watch is Lot 470, a $5,000-$10,000; poster by Emory Douglas depicting martyred leader Fred Hampton,� said Winter. The striking image of Hampton is accompanied by his quote “You Can Jail A Revolutionary, But You Can’t Jail The Revolution.� It From a collection of 3,000-plus comic is estimated at $2,000books, will be this Amazing Spider$5,000. “It is a great time to Man #1, estimated at $5,000lock up rare items of this $10,000. type when they’re fresh to the market. There can be no doubt that these kinds of opportunities eventually will end,� said Winter. Americans have been absorbed by politics for many This 1967 Yonezawa Conehead Robot months now, but another topic with extraordinarily rare original box is will compete for the nation’s estimated at $5,000-$20,000. attention in August, when the Summer Olympics open in Rio Lot 1,186, a coveted Masudaya de Janeiro. In recognition of “Gang of Five� Target Robot the Summer Games founded with accessory dart gun and MARKETPLACE in 1896, Hake’s will auction a darts, $5,000-$10,000; and Lot In Frederick, Md. silver medal from the histori- 1187, a superb 1967 Yonezawa cally significant 1936 Olympics Conehead Robot with an held in Nazi-era Berlin. extraordinarily rare original Entered as Lot 782, the medal box, $5,000-$20,000. A leader A Fun Place stands out among others auc- in the ultra-collectible tioned in recent years because Japanese superhero section is To Shop! it is an actual winner’s medal. Lot 2,396, a boxed Bandai “Participation medals are far more accessible
The Selinsgrove Chamber of Commerce presents:
110 Dealers
Antiques & Collectibles
Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Records • Pottery • Civil War Items
A 1966 Ideal Official “Man From U.N.C.L.E.� Counterspy The display box for The Lone Ranger 1-Cent Gum is estimat- Outfit, trifold display complete with all contents is estimated at $2,000-$5,000. ed at $2,000-$5,000.
5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD Open Daily 10-6 “Late� Thursdays ‘til 8 pm
Beginning at 301 University Avenue, Selinsgrove, PA
Sunday July 10th 9am-3pm Featuring: Show & Sale of quality Antiques Antique Appraisal Booth by Cordier Auction, Harrisburg Bring your own treasures, learn their value! Tickets: $5 per item or 3 for $10 Local History Displays by area Museums
Free Admission
A Black Panther Party/Civil Rights Movement poster by Emory Douglas depicting martyred leader Fred Hampton is estimated at $2,000$5,000.
Hake’s Americana has had its finger on the pulse of pop culture since 1967, when it innovatively merged the auction format with nostalgic and historically important memorabilia. For nearly half a century, the Hake’s team has continuously monitored the market and brought the best of popculture collectibles to buyers through its online, phone and absentee sales. Their ability to access top-notch consignments from long-held private collections comes into focus once again in Hake’s Auction #218, which closes for bidding Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, July 12, 13, and 14. More than 2,800 lots are included in the sale, with 200plus categories represented. The main spotlight will shine on the selection of more than 500 political items, a specialty that has been a hallmark of Hake’s events since the company’s beginning. The centerpiece of the grouping is Lot 15, an 11-by-17-inch 1860 campaign parade flag promoting the presidential and vicepresidential candidates “Abram� Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin. “Abraham Lincoln parade flags consistently rank among the most coveted items by political memorabilia collectors, and an example like the
Among The Highlights Are Political Memorabilia, Toy Robots, And 3,000-Plus Comic Book Collection
6 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016
Continued from page 6
Continued from page 1
The Caesar’s Crown patchwork patAn eight-pointed star pattern quilt sold tern quilt sold for $412.50. for $440. Advertising items held the attention of many bidders and a g l a s s Planters salted peanut jar This Stanley #2 Sweetheart model with original plane sold for $399. A #1 model (not label brought shown) sold for $440. $165 and a Caesar’s Crown patchwork pattern for $412.50. A stretcher- Cinco Cigar based farm table brought sign realized Also $467.50, a red painted two $715. included in door milk cupboard realized $742.50 and a Montgomery the auction County blanket chest with red was a large The Cinco Cigar collection of sign sold for wash sold for $440. antique tools. $715. Some of the highlights included a Stanley plane #1 Sweetheart model for $440, a Stanley #2 Sweetheart for $399. A Stanley Bed-rock #603 Flat-side plane brought $143. The owner of the auction company, Kimberly K. Hemingway, has over 20 years’ This red painted two door cupboard experience as an auctioneer realized $742.50. with Graduate Personal Property Appraiser (GPPA) and Gemologist (GG) designations. She is based in Boyertown, Pa. Her next auction will be on Saturday, July 9 which will also take place at Jake’s Flea Market. For additional information, 215-416-8837, email The Montgomery County blanket call chest with old red wash sold for $440., or visit www.kkhemingway
Shupp’s Grove Antique Market Adamstown, PA Beautiful Outdoor Antiques & Collectibles Market (April thru October) Sat. & Sun. 7am-4pm
1 Mile S. of Historic Smithville Village and 9 Miles N. of Atlantic City
Select Dealer Space and Showcases Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 10 A.M.-6 P.M. The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op
PICK A PEARL PROMO Closed - Monday, July 4
Looking For Back Issues?
20202 National Pike Hagerstown, MD
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“BIG CITY Antiques at Country Prices� (Buying & Selling)
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Silver Age and Modern Age publications. The consignor acquired many of the comic books straight off the rack in the 1970s. Later, he went back and filled in the blanks with The Fantastic Four, Thor, The Avengers and other musthaves. “Collectors will be excited by the breadth of this collection,� said Winter. The auction also includes one of the finest sections of non-sports cards and related material ever to be offered by Hake’s. There are 100 lots of cards, sets, wrappers, boxes, promotional items and test issues. Many rarities are waiting to be discovered, like Lot 2,500, a display box for The Lone Ranger 1-Cent Gum, $2,000-$5,000; and Lot 2,551, a vibrant display box for The Munsters trading cards that contains its complete supply of 24 unopened wax packs. Issued in 1964, this very desirable full box with a portrait of the Munster family on its lid carries an auction estimate of $2,000-$5,000. Every Hake’s auction
contains outstanding original cartoon or pulp magazine art. Auction 218 answers the call for rare artworks with Lot 1,729, a 30.5-by-42-inch Ken Kelly oil painting of Conan the Barbarian as seen on the cover of the 1987 paperback titled “Conan the Champion.â€? Kelly was a protĂŠgĂŠ of the legendary Frank Frazetta, and painted the artwork in 1986 in the iconic style of his mentor. The depiction of Conan on a rearing horse is compelling and richly colorful. It is expected to sell for $5,000-$10,000. Hake’s Americana Auction #218 has opened for bidding by phone, mail or online at The first session will close on July 12, while the second session will conclude on July 14. July 13 is an interim day in which bidders can peruse the catalog and prepare for further bidding. To request a free printed catalog or for information on any item in the sale, call toll-free 866404-9800 or 717-434-1600 or email For the online auction catalog, visit All images courtesy of Hake’s Americana.
interesting tombstonearched panel between the drawers sold for $3,100. A reddish-orange sponge grained blanket chest having a lavish gold-stenciled floral urn on the front went for $1,900. The three-over-four drawer chest of drawers retained its original red and black graining on the sides, but most of the decoration had been stripped from the front. It sold for $2,000. A cherry flatwall cupboard with raised panels on the front and sides (est. $500-$700) rocketed to a winning bid of $2,300, while a really nice Ohio 16-pane, one-piece corner cupboard with vibrant faux tiger maple graining went begging at $700 (est. $900-$1,500). The auction included a large selection of Pittsburgh glass, which Amelia thought sold very well. A pair of eye-catching cobalt-accented pillar mold decanters sold for $1,300, within estimate; a pillar mold pitcher sold for $500 (est. $600-$900), and a pillar mold sugar bowl brought $400, high estimate. Two pieces of blown clear Pittsburgh flint glass - a cream pitcher and pedestal sugar - sold for $3,000 (est. 200-$400). Faring less well was a pillar mold covered apothecary jar which was knocked down for $300, against an estimate of $600$1,200. A deep amber-color Zanesville pint glass flask with eagle and farmer’s arms went for $1,000 (est. $400$600) and an amber blown glass flask with 18 ribs went for $700 (est. $150-$350). Asked what she hoped customers would take away from the Ohio Valley Session experience, Amelia responded, “That we get high prices for our clients.� For additional information, visit
Hake’s Americana
Continued from page 2
$14,000) sold for $8,000, another (est. $10,000$12,000) went for $7,000, and the third (est. $4,000 to $8,000) sold for $2,800. Amelia said the jars are in an odd category of ceramics, being “neither fish nor fowl.� She said the pieces “fall into an academic category with a thin market,� but she was pleased all of them sold. The auction included numerous utilitarian pieces of stoneware made by one of Ohio’s first potters, Samuel Routson, at his potteries in Doylestown (1832-42) and later Wooster, Wayne County (1852-82). Those wares, as well as numerous early 20th century art pottery pieces made by the Houghton Pottery of Dalton, also in Wayne County, were from the collection of the late Nellie Momchilov of Jeromesville, Ohio. Most of those pieces sold substantially above estimate, with a few possibly setting records for the forms. Of particular note was a one-gallon cobalt-decorated jug made the Graham and Hower pottery in Doylestown which briefly succeeded the Routson pottery there. Estimated at $200 to $400, the jug soared to $1,650 in competitive bidding. The sale included more than a dozen pieces by Ohio folk art sandstone carver Ernest “Popeye� Reed (191985). Standout pieces of Reed’s carvings included a baby with its toes in its mouth which sold for $1,000, a footlong pig that went for a reasonable $350, and a standing nude woman that realized a winning bid of $925. Furniture included two decorated Soap Hollow blanket chests and a Soap Hollow chest of drawers, all of which sold within estimates. A twodrawer grain-painted blanket chest dated 1881 with an
Hemingway Auction
e-EDITION tab to the left.
Fri., July 15th, Early Buyers 3-7 P.M. $20 Gate Fee
Garth’s Auction
Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016 - - 7
See you soon!
Tables $5 Special Section
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Very large quantity of wood patterns (incl. gears up to 5’), wood flat file cabinets, blueprints, pendant lights and more.
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Antiques & Collectibles Rt. 29 3 Mi. N. Of Rt. 422 Collegeville, PA 19426 Fine Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Coins, Art Deco, Roseville, Rare Books, Glass, Vintage Clothing, Stamps, Postcards, Christmas Collectibles, Old Toys, Advertising & Much, Much More. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9-5 Ph. 610-489-7388
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SAT., JULY 30TH & SUN., JULY 31ST ★ Special Themes Every Weekend ★ FIRST SATURDAY
8 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016
SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR GEORGIA 07/07-10/16, ATLANTA, THURS-SUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center
PENNSYLVANIA 07/09-10/16, ALLENTOWN, SAT 9 AM-4 PM SUN 9 AM-1 PM, Antique & Modern Arms, 17th & Chew Sts, Allentown Fairgrounds Agri-Plex Center
08/11-14/16, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center MASSACHUSETTS 07/12/16, BRIMFIELD, TUES 1 PM-5 PM, Antiques, 74 Palmer Rd, Brimfield Acres North
07/09-10/16, HARRISBURG, SAT 9 AM-4 PM SUN 9 AM-2 PM, Political, Pop-Culture, Americana, Ephemera Nat'l Convention, 1 N 2nd St, Hilton Hotel Downtown Harrisburg
07/12/16, BRIMFIELD, TUES 11 AM, Antiques, Rt 20, Dealer's Choice Antique Shows
07/09/16, SCHNECKSVILLE, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Indian Artifact, 4550 Old Packhouse Rd Rt 309N, Schnecksville Fire Co
07/13-17/16, BRIMFIELD, WED-SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 37 Palmer Rd, Heart-O-The Mart
07/10/16, BREINIGSVILLE, SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Dollhouse & Miniatures, 7736 Adrienne Dr, Holiday Inn
7/13-17/16, BRIMFIELD, WED 6 AM-5 PM THURS-SUN 8 AM5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 30 Palmer Rd, New England Motel
MARYLAND 07/08/16, SMITHSBURG, ONLINE NOW THRU FRI 7/8, Antiques, furniture, collectibles Preview: 7/6 11 am-1 pm @ 204 Winding Oak Dr Hagerstown MD closing begins 7/8 @ 1pm; Tools & advertising pieces Preview: 7/6 1 pm-3 pm @ 102 Greenwood Dr Hagerstown MD closing begins 7/8 3 pm, Online @, Stouffer's Auction
07/09/16, DOUGLASSVILLE, SAT 10 AM, Antique furniture, tools, machinery, toys, collectibles, antiques, Merritt's Antique Clock Complex 1860 Weavertown Rd SU 500, Cabin Fever Auctions
07/16/16, SPARKS, SAT 10 AM, Stoneware & Redware Auction, 15900 York Rd, Crocker Farm
07/12/16, HATFIELD, TUES 10 AM, Firearms/Sportsman Auction, 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Alderfer Auction & Appraisal
PENNSYLVANIA 07/09/16, AUDUBON, SAT 10 AM, Antiques & Collectibles, 100 W Merchant St, Audubon's Auctioneers
07/11/16, CHAMBERSBURG, MON 10 AM, Vintage & antiques, modern furniture, collectibles, personal property, 643 Kriner Rd, Gateway Gallery Auction, Inc.
07/13/16, POTTSTOWN, WED 10 AM, Antiques & Collectibles, Third Street Gallery 132 E 3rd St, Curtis Wilson
07/13/16, QUAKERTOWN, WED 6 PM, Eclectic Collectibles, sports, military, jewelry, collectibles, 18 S 5th St Su 200, Sellersville Auction LLC
07/15-16/16, HERSHEY, FRI 4 PM SAT 9 AM, 7/15 - Huge box lots; 7/16 - Quality antiques, collectibles, furniture, 2004 Ford Explorer, BCS tiller, early lamps etc., 515 W Chocolate Ave (rearbehind Hershey Auto Center), Lane Ryan Auctions
07/15/16, CARLISLE, FRI 9 AM, Country & Period Antiques, Rowe's Auction Barn 2505 Ritner Hwy, Rowe's Auction Service
07/15/16, MOUNT JOY, FRI 8 AM, Samuel Quest Tall Case clock, coins, Hubley cast iron, Penryn Park glass, antiques, mid-century furniture, quilts, textiles, Karastan Oriental rug, toys, stamps etc., The Gathering Place 6 Pine St, Witman Auctioneers, Inc.
07/16/16, SPRING CITY, SAT 10 AM, Toy Train Auction, Ridge Fire Company 480 Ridge Rd, Maurer's Auctions
07/23-24/16, DENVER, SAT & SUN 9 AM, Automobilia & Petroliana, 2000 N Reading Rd, Morphy Auctions
Advertising in
NEW JERSEY 07/09/16, BORDENTOWN, SAT 8:30 AM-3 PM, Stamp, 3 Municipal Dr, Bordentown Senior Center
07/16/16, LANCASTER, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Lock, 2300 Lincoln Hwy E, Lancaster Host Resort & Conf. Center
07/09/16, OCEAN CITY, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles Fair, 1735 Simpson Ave, Stainton Senior Ctr Ocean City Community Ctr
07/22-23/16, MOUNTAINHOME, FRI & SAT 10 AM5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 6680 Rt 191, Mountainhome United Methodist Church
ONLINE NOW: Beautiful antiques, furniture, collectibles: South Pointe. This is a MUST preview, the pictures don’t do justice to the items.
08/07/16, BARNEGAT LIGHT, SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 19th & Bayview Ave, Historic Viking Village
07/30-31/16, CAMP HILL, SAT 9 AM-3 PM SUN 10 AM-1 PM, Wade Fest, Rt 15 N, Camp Hill Radisson Hotel
*********************************** ONLINE NOW: Tools & advertising pieces including Mail Pouch Thermometer - Brightwood Acres
Preview 7/6 from 11-1 P.M.
opens your door to customers!
08/13/16, LANCASTER, SAT 9 AM-1 PM, Hunting & Fishing, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster Farm & Home Center
NEW YORK 07/08-09/16, CANDOR ETC., FRI 4 PM-8 PM SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Mega-Flea Market, Along Rt 96, Nine Flea Market Locations
08/13/16, SOMERSET, SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antiques, Streets of Somerset
OHIO 08/26-28/16, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, FRI SAT SUN, Antique Extravaganza, Fayette County Fairgrounds
07/23-24/16, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center
Preview 7/6: 1-3 P.M. ************************************ AND more coming …… ON SITE ESTATE auction with 2007 Ram 3500 dually - LOADED - 39,000 mi. To Preview all auctions go to: Sign up for emails on last minute additions! Call 301-791-6896 ~ Denny Stouffer
6 46 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey Just minutes from Exit 102, Garden State Parkway
out to ephemera and country store collectors. Call Arlene at
800-800-1833, ext. 2561 or 717-492-2561
Located At The “Crossroads” Of Rts. 743 And 322
717-520-1600 E411409
The Forks of the Delaware Historical Arms Society, Inc.
Eclectic Collectibles Sports, Military, Jewelry & Collectibles
Celebrating 56 Years Of Popular Gun Shows 1960-2016
HOURS: SATURDAY - 9 A.M. - 4 P.M.; SUNDAY - 9 A.M. - 1 P.M. A Donation Of $8.00 Is Requested At The Door. 100% Of Items Displayed Must Be In Related Arms Field!
Forks Of The Delaware Historical Arms Society Inc.
Full Listing & Photos w/Online Preview & Absentee Bidding Available at Estate Jewelry Incl. Platinum & Diamond Ring, 14k Rings w/Sterling & Costume. Pocket & Wrist Watches. Silver Dollars w/CC. Collectibles Incl. Watch Fobs, Tobacco Cards, Postcards, Coca-Cola, Mr. Peanut, Royal Doulton Figurines & Beyers Choice Collection w/Many Signed by Joyce Beyers. Toys Incl. Marbles, Dolls & Ertl Banks. Military Items Incl. Patches, Medals & Insignia. WWI Sterling Wings, German Iron Cross, US Service/Victory Medals & 90th Infantry Division. Vtg. Military Aircraft Parts. Advertising Items Incl. Signs w/Enamel Gulf Supreme Motor Oil. Hunting & Fishing Items Incl. Rods, Knives, Compound Bows, Minn Kota Endura Boat Motor NIB w/Old Hunting/ Fishing Badges. Sports Items Incl. Air Jordan #1 Shoes, 1960-70’s Star Cards, 1980-90’s Cases of Mixed Sports Cards, Signed Gartland Statues & Jerseys. Other Items Incl. Victrola, Dynaco 120 Tube Amp, Buescher Clarinet & 1930’s Airplane Photos. Terms: 13% Buyer’s Premium w/3% Discount for Cash/Check.
Sellersville Auction LLC (AH001943)
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2016 LOCATION: The Gathering Place, 6 Pine Street,
Agri-Plex, Allentown Fairgrounds 17th St. & Chew St. - Allentown, PA
PUBLIC AUCTION (Preview Auction Day Only - 7:00 A.M.)
Free Parking - Air-Conditioned Facility
8:00 A.M.
at 6 P.M.
Preview Day of Sale 4 P.M.-6 P.M. 18 South 5th Street, Suite 200
Sat., July 9 & Sun., July 10
PACM™ gets the word
2060 Northampton St. #1 - Easton, PA 18042 Phone 610-438-9006 - 6 P.M. to 9 P.M. Come See Military Collectibles, Firearms, And Firearms Related Items From All Countries And All Periods Of Time. Forks Of The Delaware Historical Arms Society Is A Nonprofit Organization Running Some Of The Finest Gun Shows In The Northeast Since 1960. To learn more about our shows & our organization, or to find directions to our events visit:
Don’t miss getting the best bids for any ephemera items you may be auctioning for your clients.
Two-Floor Multi-Dealer Mall Featuring A Variety Of Antiques And Collectibles With REASONABLE PRICES
Antique and art dealers of fine European and American furniture, art, bronzes, statuary, porcelain, glass, china, silver, primitives, jewelry, clocks, decorative items, linens, collectibles, and much more!
MON - SAT. 11 TO 5, SUN 12-5
Hey Auctioneers!
Samuel Quest Tall Case Clock • Coins • Hubley - Cast Iron • Penryn Park Glass • Antiques • Mid-Century Furniture • Quilts/Textiles • Karastan Oriental Rug • Toys • Stamps • Griswold Skillets • Early Hand Tools • Railroad Lanterns • Horse Weathervanes • Vintage Clothing • Music Box • Dolls • Modern Furnishings • Prints & Pictures • Glassware & China • Beaded Purses • Marbles • Carnival & Red Block Glass • THE HALL WILL BE FULL - PLAN TO ATTEND! Hall Is Air-Conditioned. For Photos, Full Listing, Terms See Website: Auction For: Gerald & Carol Hess Eric & Eileen Cristina & Others Auction By Witman Auctioneers, Inc. AY000155-L Luke R. & Clarke N. Witman, Doug L. Ebersole 717-665-5735 • 717-665-1300
Antique Emporium of Asbury Park
08/13/16, BORDENTOWN, SAT 8:30 AM-3 PM, Stamp, 3 Municipal Dr, Bordentown Senior Center
Stouffer’s Auction Listings
07/10/16, SELINSGROVE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques, 301 University Ave, Antiques on the Avenue
Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016 - - 9
Pennsylvania Historical And Museum Commission To Sell Items Deaccessioned Material To Be Sold By Cordier Auctions On July 9 The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission (PHMC) is inviting the public to an auction of items from its collection on Saturday, July 9. The auction will take place at Cordier Auctions & Appraisals, located at 1500 Paxton Street in Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 a.m. There will be a preview on Friday, July 8, from noon to 4 p.m. and the day of the sale from 9 to 10 a.m. The pieces being sold have no special significance to the history of the commonwealth or duplicate what is already in the state’s collection. Cordier Auctions & Appraisal is under
contract with the Commonwealth’s Department of General Services. Prior to being consigned for sale, the objects were offered to other PHMC properties as well as other historic museums state and nationwide. Money raised from the auction can only be used to buy or conserve artifacts that enhance the PHMC’s mission of preserving the commonwealth’s natural and c u l t u r a l This 1850 enclosed sleigh has a history of mail use in heritage as New England. steward, teacher and advocate Museum, Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania, for the people of Pennsylvania. Somerset Historical Center, Washington The items were formerly Crossing Historic Park and the State Museum held at the following sites - of Pennsylvania. A diverse array of items to be sold will Anthracite Heritage Museum, Cornwall Iron Furnace, Drake include 1960s travel posters, a stagecoach, a Well Museum, Ephrata Cloister, mail sleigh and an early automobile, foundry Eckley Miners’ Village, Fort Pitt patterns, books, furnishings, photographic Museum, Graeme Park, Landis records, agriculture and textile working tools This is a 1909 Zimmerman Model I high wheel touring car. Valley Village and Farm and equipment, prints, engravings, and an
This is a 1849 restored stage coach. assortment of 19th and 20th century household and merchandising objects. The Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission is the commonwealth’s official history agency. Visit PHMC online at Select lots will also be available for online bidding. Details are available by visiting To learn more, call 717-731-8662 or email
Ivankovich Celebrates Two-Year Radio Anniversary Author, auctioneer, appraiser, and home downsizing specialist Michael Ivankovich’s “What’s It Worth? Ask Mike the Appraiser” Radio Show will celebrate its twoyear anniversary on Friday, July 8. The show airs live on Friday mornings from 9 to 10 a.m. and can be
heard live on local radio (greater Philadelphia area) at WBCB 1490 AM, or anywhere in the world on the internet at Since the show debuted in 2014, Ivankovich has hosted more than 100 shows, with nearly 150
guests from around the country. The focus of each show is to help listeners understand the value of their antiques, collectibles and household contents, and how and where to sell their “stuff” for as much as possible. Each show includes new weekly “Selling
Topics,” the highly popular “What’s It Worth” Game, “Mike’s Insights Into the Trade,” Auction Highlights, Upcoming Events, Special Guest and Author Interviews, and more. For further details, call Mike Ivankovich at 215-264-4304 or visit
Pick Up Copies of Antiques & Auction News At Any Of The Businesses Advertised In This Issue PUBLIC AUCTION
Vintage & Antiques, Modern Furniture, Collectibles & Personal Property Will sell for the several local estates and downsizes at GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION located at 643 Kriner
Firearms/Sportsman Auction Tuesday,, July 12, 2016 at 10:00 A M Preview: Monday, July 11th, 1:00 – 7:00PM, Day of Auction 8:00AM
Over 650+ Lots of modern, collectible, sporting, military, antique arms and accessories; fresh and saltwater fishing rods and reels, vintage split bamboo fly rods and reels, tackle; Fighting chairs; vintage hunting and fishing licenses from 1915 to early 2000’s decoys and related items.
FURNITURE: Slant front desk; mahogany BR suite (bed, dresser, nightstand); drop leaf table; oak file; chairs; DR table/chairs; bookcases; high case/dressers; washstand; cherry stand; tea cart; office chair; marble top & other coffee table; side chairs; sideboard; nightstands; porcelain cabinet; hutch cupboards; blanket chests; claw foot & other end stands; dry sink w/ copper insert; Victorian sofa; bar stools; recliners; corner cupboard; breakfront; tall bookcase; DR chairs; DR table; drop leaf tables; buffet; BR suite; curios cabinet; Grandfather clock; couch; rockers; oriental rugs; love seat; china cupboard; rocking chairs; wingback chair; 1 drawer stands; Kling BR suite (dresser, high case, (2) nightstands, bookcase bed); sofa; barrel back chair; & more. VINTAGE/COLLECTIBLES/DECORATOR ITEMS: Musical instruments (guitar, auto harp, drums, organs, Boy Scout bugle, violin); games; artwork (O/C, prints, watercolors, 1950s Remington prints); LPs; clipper ship; books; Star Trek clock; christening clothes & vintage children’s clothing; quilts; coverlet; Russian nesting dolls; Hall & other pottery; silver plate; brass; paperweights; 1927 airplane; cameras (Yashica, Konica); china sets; Rogers flatware; coke bottles; typewriter; advert. boxes; Christmas village; toys (Fisher-Price, Hess, tractors, dollhouse, trucks); wooden bowls; Lionel train; Longaberger® baskets; modern sword collection; kerosene lights; glassware (candy dishes, Heisey bowl, Heisey berry set, Cathedral window, moon/star, cracker jars,); mud figurines; English lantern; braided rugs; alabaster & other bookends; Royal Copley; humidor/pipes; CI; advert. buttons; A&P memorabilia; flo-blue; pink lustre; milk can; linens/needlework; lamps; collection of Bradford Exchange dragons; & more. PERSONAL PROPERTY: Power scooter; concrete Buddha; vintage kitchen utensils; fishing rods; lateral file; cooler; Pyrex; general household dishes/pots/pans/small appliances; aluminum ladder; garden tools; Troy-Bilt 5550 watt generator; bicycle; AC; power tools; side mount mirrors; jack stands; hydraulic jack; sewing machine; Troy-Bilt weed eater; air compressor; sweeper; luggage; ice cream freezer; wood commode; file cabinets; bedding/ linens/knotted comforters; gas stove; washer; dryer; wringer washer; shampooer; dog crate; garden tools; spreader; bicycles; sleds; ladders; hoses; dehumidifiers; card table/chairs; kerosene heater; massage table; more. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: Another auction extravaganza! By popular demand - we are resuming our 10 A.M. auction schedule. Auction begins at 10 A.M. in Back Gallery. Main gallery showcased items at approx. 1:15 P.M. Furniture begins at 6 P.M.
Preview Sunday, July 10 from 1-3 P.M and Sale Day from 8 A.M. TERMS: Cash. Visa/MC/Discover accepted. 13% buyer’s premium discounted 3% for cash or approved check. Statements made day of sale take precedence.
GATEWAY GALLERY AUCTION, INC. Our Service is the Difference
Auctioneer Heather R. Kohler AU005651 Apprentice Auctioneer Tye Schwartz AA019486
Auctioneer John F. Kohler, Jr. AU000507L 501 Fairgrounds Rd. • Hatfield, PA 19440 215.393.3000 •
Applicable Buyers Premium Applies. Absentee bids accepted. Like us @SanfordAlderfer
Phone (717) 263-6512, (800) 315-3265, AY002190, AH002001
10 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016
Farming Collectibles Sizzling Hot At Rich Penn Sale While there was only a gentle spring breeze on auction day - the weathervanes at the Rich Penn Auction event sold with much more than gentle bidding! Bids were flying with the power of a strong west wind. The late Fred Schwartz collection was sold at the Iowa State
was made to stand in front of bidders liked more than just J. I. Case dealerships. It had an the signs. Wooden bins for Wilbur’s Seed old repaint. Meal, in origiWeathervanes showed nal mustard strength from start to paint and finish. The top vane, great stencilin zinc, featured a ing brought $2,500 standing mule. But and $2,400. the bidding didn’t The Sunday stand still on this one. It marched up to a top bid of $6,000. The mule was The zinc mule weathervane with arrow followed by another embossed “Electra” sold for $6,000. zinc figure. This one was a cow standing on an session shifted focus from the farm to the country store. unusual Store displays, vending machines, trade signs, display The zinc sheep weathervane with bullet hole on upper front leg on directional cases, radios and record players all offered collectors a arrow overall measuring 29.25 inches long sold for $3,500. new more diverse menu to fairgrounds in Des Moines, arrow. Even with bullet holes choose from. And choose they Iowa, on April 29, 30, and May and damage to the did. 1, and featured several hun- arrow, it took a The top lot on Sunday was dred weathervanes and relat- $4,750 winning a pristine Johnson’s ed farming items. L o g bid. A number of “I don’t think we’ve ever other vanes brought had an auction with this many over $3,000. Two ag related items. I guess being were sheep figures in Iowa it was a natural, and two were but bidders came from far beyond Iowa. Farming collectables are very hot today,” The zinc running horse with long tail weathervane on directional said Rich Penn. The auction arrow sold for $3,250. horse figures. A zinc touring car rolled to $2,900 and donkey on a “James” arrow brought $2,500. Other signs that attracted bidders included a 96-inch tall die-cut metal ear of corn advertising Pioneer corn. A happy bidder shelled out $2,900 for it. But
The country store coffee grinder, Enterprise No. 7, in cast iron, measuring 24-by-16-by17, sold for $2,250.
Cabin coffee bin. “This is the best one we’ve ever seen,” said Penn. The bidding quickly percolated up to a top bid of $6,000. Following close behind was a heartshaped ice cream dipper. This rare wooden handled dipper scooped up a tasty bid of
bidder. Also selling at $2,750 was an oak double tower showcase. With nickel trim and the Claes & Lehnbeuter maker label, it was a quality
display piece for any country store. At the $2,500 bid point came an excellent condition curved porcelain sign for Lawrence Barrett Cigars. A Continued on page 14
A curved porcelain trade sign for “Lawrence Barrett Cigar” mfgd by B.S.C. - Beaver Falls, Pa. with chips on three mounting holes otherwise in excellent condition with great color sold for $2,500.
This feed store advertising bin, “Wilbur’s Seed Meal Co. - Milwaukee” made of pine with good condition product stenciling on all sides and standing 25 inches high sold for $2,500.
A John Deere Waterloo Boy chromolithograph of the Waterloo Gasoline Engine Co., circa 1915 by Hayes Litho. - Buffalo sold for $8,750. The medallion below Waterloo Boy shows the 1915 Canada California Exhibition. This litho would likely have been used until 1918, when John Deere bought Waterloo Gas The John Deere chromolithograph in original “John Deere Plows” advertising Engine Co. frame is a rare print and sold for $4,000.
OUTSTANDING 2-DAY ESTATE AUCTION 2004 Ford Explorer, BCS Tiller, Antq. Furniture, Antiques & Collectibles, Early Lamps, Box Lot & Household Auction, Fishing FRIDAY, JULY 15TH AT 4 P.M. & SATURDAY, JULY 16TH AT 9 A.M. 515 West Chocolate Ave., HERSHEY
17033 (Rear - Behind Hershey Auto Center) FRIDAY AT 4 P.M.: HUGE Box Lot Auction! (300+) Box Lots of HH Goods, Knickknacks, Kitchenwares, Sm. Appl., Good Old Stuff, Smalls & Tbl. Lots. Will be selling across the block as well. Outdr. Furn., Decor Items, Lots for Resale, Furniture (Project Pcs. & Newer Furn.) … We’re still unpacking boxes! Something for everyone! Also, Preview items for Saturday. SATURDAY AT 9 A.M.: (500) Lots of Quality ANTQS., COLLECTIBLES and FURNITURE: Stereoviewer; Papier-mâché Candy Cont.; Comp & Bisque Dolls; Hummels; Occ. Japan Toby Mugs; Carnival & Vaseline Glass; Vict. Crazy Quilt Sampler; Ruby Flash Souv.; Goofus Glass; Opal. Hobnail; Mary Gregory; Art Glass; Primitives; Washboards; Cast- Iron Pans; EAPG, Cut Glass; Beaded Evening Bags; 1,000+ Pcs. Occ. Japan; Vict. Gingerbread & Mantel Clocks; Stovepipe Covers; Hubley Bttl. Openers; Repro. C.I. Banks; Orientalia; Pocketknives; Bossons; Ironstone; Flow Blue; Transferware; Gaudy Welsh; Soft Paste; Mochaware; Paperweights; Beer Steins; Vict. Hatpins; Marble Collection; Maxfield Parrish Prints; R. Atkinson Fox Print; Vict. Adv. Prints; McCoy Collection; Reverse Glass Ptd Picture; Huge Vict Mourning Hair Pc; Canes; Roseville; Gilt Mirrors; Kero Lamps; Adams Temple Applesauce Lamp; Antq. Slag Glass Lamps; S & P; Samsonite Salesman’s Sample. 100+ PCS. FURN.: (Will mix in after 11 A.M.) VICTORIAN: Chairs, Washstands, High Chair, Piano Stools, Marble Top Tbls., Dressers (Walnut & Oak), Baby Carriage, Carpet Rockers. Oak Rocker; Empire Game Tbl.; Oak Buffet/China Cab.; 19th C. Corner Cupbrd.; Oak Farm Tbl.; Massive Oak Bowfront China Cab. w/Carving; Mahog. Corner Étagère; Contemp. Oak King Size Bed; Empire Oak China Cab.; (2) Oak Side-by-Side w/Desk & Drawers; Waterfall Cedar Blkt. Chest; Plank Seat Chairs; Early 19th C. Stepback Dutch Cupbrd.; Oak Bowfront China Cab.; Stools; Side Tbls.; Dry Sink; Contemp. Barrister Bookcase; (2) Faux Lthr. D/R Chairs; Gateleg Tbl. AUTO/OUTDOOR: (Sold at Noon) ‘04 Ford Explorer, Gold/Tan Cloth, 105k Mi.; BCS 740 Rototiller w/ Attach.; (2) Chest Frzrs. TERMS: This is an all-day auction! Selling for the Estate of Michael D. Shatto of Newport. Preview Friday, July 15th 4-7 P.M. and auction day from 7:30 A.M. 10% Buyer’s premium applied to all purchases. Payment in full day of auction by cash, check or credit card (cc +3%). Call 717.489.3030 for more information. Auction Co. Lic. #AY002207. AUCTIONEERS: Ryan Groff, Erica Taylor, Kerry Pae, Zach Shelly, Alex Shenk. Visit This farm implement dealer trade figure, the original J.I. Case Eagle on Globe, two-piece cast iron on original base, some professional repair to hairline crack in back and bottom mounting tabs of globe, neither are visible unless disassembled, sold for $7,500.
The seed sign for Pioneer Corn is a die-cut metal oversized ear of corn in rare 96 inches high and 24 inches wide size. It had some minor rust at bottom and rippling in metal near letter “i” in Pioneer and sold for $2,900.
for Photos and Complete Listing!!! Like us on Facebook for Updates! Accepting collections/ consignments for future sales. Call for competitive rates! Open for quality drop offs every Tuesday from 10 A.M.-4 P.M. Pennsylvania’s leading auction solution!
had over 1,500 lots including 1,300 that were cataloged. As with all Penn auctions, there was an interesting variety that attracted on-site bidders from across the country and Internet bidders from around the globe. The cataloged sessions were Saturday and Sunday. About 250 uncatalogued lots sold on Friday. Saturday’s session, along with the weathervanes, included several hundred signs in porcelain, metal and wood. The top lot in the auction was an 80inch tall two-piece porcelain J. I. Case Eagle on globe sign. In excellent condition, the sign soared to a winning bid of $10,500 (all prices reported are hammer prices and do not include the 10 to 20 percent buyers premium). Another top lot was a rare circa 1915 chromolithograph for the Waterloo Gasoline Engine Company. This rare paper litho featured the John Deere Waterloo Boy tractor and was believed to be an exposition piece. It rolled away with a top bid of $8,750. A second John Deere cromolitho, this one showing a deer standing on a bluff overlooking the Deere factory and in the original s i g n e d f r a m e , plowed up a top bid of $ 4 , 0 0 0 . Another J. I. Case piece followed with a $7,500 winning bid. This 58-inch tall cast iron eagle on a globe
$5,000. Soda machines collected strong bids too. A restored Vendo 81D Coca-Cola machine popped open a top bid of $4,900. Its cousin, the restored Pepsi-Cola Vendo 81A dispensed a $4,000 bid. Another coin-op piece at the $4,000 mark was the c i r c a 1 9 0 0 Mutoscope viewing machine. For just a penny, this early cast iron arcade machine gave out a “misadventure.” Cast iron was offered in other forms as well. Another interesting piece was a restored garden gnome. The small happy fellow would greet backyard friends with a lantern in his hand. He looked happy enough to collect a $2,750 bid from a smiling
Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016 - - 11
A Look At Model Trains By Jeff Figler Many people are familiar with the saying that “the difference between men and boys is the cost of their toys.� That is probably a very true statement. I am a model train collector, and I admire other peoples’ train sets when I have the opportunity to see them. Believe me, some toy trains can be very expensive, and others are quite reasonable. However, how much a person spends on their model trains, and how elaborate they want it to be, will largely depend on, literally, how many bells and whistles they want their toys to have. But even though you see toy and model trains now across the world, and of
course, a company such as Lionel is universally known, it is interesting to consider how the hobby started. Collectors who follow this hobby market, of course, are interested as well. Well, there have actually been model trains for as long as there have been railways, as some of the early locomotive models were made as promotional tools for the early trains. Certainly they were not as sophisticated as today’s model, but they served their purpose. In Europe during the Victorian era, there were model trains not only for the commoner but for the wealthy and royalty as well. The trains were mostly made in Germany. However, the watershed event in
model train history was in 1891 when Marklin developed a complete system of trains. Marklin introduced a series of standard track gauges. The new system allowed model train collectors flexibility to build sets. Markets in various countries were also established. In the
United States electric trains were being devised, and from the late 1890s, they were available to the model train fan. In fact, the U.S. manufactures Ives and Lionel clashed before Lionel and American Flyer became the dominant U.S. manufacturers especially from the 1920s forward. The Marx Company also had a share of the market. The popularity of model trains was high in the 1920s and ’30s. There were now modelers magazines, which emphasized home construction and ways to improve your train layout no matter what gauge train you had. In the United States, Lionel train sets were given as gifts. Some of these packaged sets have now been passed down from one
generation to another. They can be worth thousands of dollars if they are in good running condition and if the original box is still in good shape. Of course, companies such as Lionel emphasized that model train collecting was a family hobby, and that people of all ages can enjoy it. Model railroading was popular, especially with HO scale trains, although smaller gauges often were used in areas that did not have a lot of room. Production slowed during World War II, but surged in the ’50s, and model trains were mass produced. However, as real trains began losing their dominant transporting role to cars and
airplanes, the model trains were losing popularity as well and slowly their appeal to children declined. Model trains were mainly for the adult collectors. They are still very much alive. The emphasis
i s often on trains for the adult modeler, as well as on the collector, but they still also for children too. With all the trains that have been produced there are plenty of opportunities for the collector to enjoy not only vintage trains from the
past but new productions as well. For example, a Lionel Mickey Mouse circus train set from 1935 sold for nearly $10,000 at a 2014 auction. Not
only were train collectors attracted to the set but Mickey Mouse collectors as well. A very rare Wilkins floor train from circa 1900 sold for $11,000, while a Hubley elevated
railway, a rare American clockwork toy, sold for $18,000. American Flyer trains from the late 1920s are always in demand. The President’s Special sets are expensive, and depending on condition, can cost upwards o f
$20,000 or more. Another American Flyer set, the Mayflower, is also rare. No matter what price point the collector wants to be in, model train collecting can be a very rewarding and enjoyable hobby.
13&7*&8 +6-: t 1. 1. +6-: t ". &/% 0' 4"-& :03, 30"% t 41"3,4 .% t 888 $30$,&3'"3. $0. t */'0!$30$,&3'"3. $0.
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Auctioneers & Appraisers
Route 512 (11 miles North of Route 22)
6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!
Wilsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s S654205
Exit No. 17, Interstate 295 PHONES: (856) 423-6800 OR 423-6801
Bodnarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction Sales
E485101 Members Of AAM & NAA
Sales Every Mon., Wed. & Every Other Sat. Phone (717) 764-5403 - 792-3837 Auctioneers: Jack & Sheryl Hooks
Bel Air Auction Gallery
5 miles W. of YORK on Rt. 30
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Service Beyond Our Yearsâ&#x20AC;?
Antiques - Residential Contents Auctions Every Friday - 4 P.M. In Our Gallery 1005 Industrial Blvd. Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 322-6182
Specializing In Antiques
Amoss & Freeman, Auctioneers Consignment Auction Every Fri. 6:00 PM Monthly Antique Auction First Sat. Of Each Month 13 Ellendale St., Bel Air, MD 1-800-451-BIDS
Ted Maurer: Auctioneer & Auction Manager Bob Homan: Auctioneer Gary Schoenly: General Manager Jared Schoenly: Proprietor
Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078
A Lifetime Of Experience
Estates Welcome - Over 150 Flea Market Vendors, Indoors & Outdoors
Camp Hill, PA (717) 737-0000
(302) 734-3441
NEW 15,000 Sq. Ft. Building with very large loading dock. LOW COMMISSION RATES CONSIGNMENTS ALWAYS WELCOME 15% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium 356 Swedesboro Avenue
550 S. New Street, Dover, DE 19901
105 Chapel Street
Tues. & Fri. - 12:30 P.M. Flea Market Every Tues., Fri. & Sat. 7:30 A.M.
Adjacent To Black Diamond At The Schuylkill Mall FRACKVILLE, PA Monthly Bid Board Auctions 570-622-3089
Stephensonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction
7:00 AM - Glassware & Outside 10:00 AM - Furniture Large amounts of oak, walnut, mahogany, glassware and collectibles
BLUMâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S AUCTION
Spenceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Auction & Flea Market Auction Every
The Morris Museum in Morristown, N.J., is presenting an exhibition exploring coinoperated entertainment from the early 20th century. Showcasing amusements, vending machines, and gambling devices, the exhibition will bring together objects from the museumâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Murtogh D. Guinness collection and also works from private collections. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For Amusement Only: Arcades and Cafesâ&#x20AC;? will be on view through Monday, Oct. 10.
In the early 20th century, coin-operated machines (known as coin-ops) contributed to the proliferation of vending, amusement and gaming devices. Historically, automatic vending machines delivered conveniences such as a matches, buttons, chewing gum, and cigars. In arcades, a variety of games of skill challenged individualsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; mental and physical abilities. In cafes, bars, and other public venues, coin-operated games of chance stimulated
DOUGLASSVILLE, PA 19518 (In The Merrittâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Antique Clock Complex) Absentee & Phone Bids Accepted. ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Pine Corner Cupboard; Secretary Desk; Jelly Cupboard; Oak Washstand; Pine Stepback Cupboard; Several Barrister Bookcases; Oak Kitchen Tables; Drop Leaf Table; Marble Top Victorian Tables; Oak China Cupboards; Beautiful Carved Oak Bed; Early Rope Bed; Pie Safe; Pressed Back Oak Chairs; Hand Decorated Plank Seat Chairs & More! TOOLS & MACHINERY: Grissley Thickness Planer; Delta UniSaw; Bandsaw; Dust Collector System; Bench Grinder; Quincy Air Compressor; Craftsman Hand Tools: Socket Sets, Wrench Sets, Drill Bits; Craftsman Tool Chest; Snap On Tool Chest & More! TOYS & COLLECTIBLES: Hess Trucks; Winross Trucks; Texaco & Ertl Banks; Baseball & Other Cards; Tonka Trucks; Diecast Cars & More. ANTIQUES: Coffee Grinder; Crocks; Sports Helmets; Beatles Poster; LongabergerÂŽ Baskets & Much More! Check ID#5793 for photos and details Hope To See You There!
Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item Or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, A Lifetime Of Experience! Visa, MC or TED MAURER: Auctioneer Discover; BOB HOMAN: Auctioneer 13% Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s GARY SCHOENLY: General Manager Premium, JARED SCHOENLY: Proprietor 3% Discount Service Beyond Our Years! for Cash or Check. Plus 6% Sales Tax. Call Gary at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139 Auction Co. #AY002122
trade and increased profits. Coin-ops inspired endless economic opportunities for manufacturers, business owners and entrepreneurs. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For Amusement Onlyâ&#x20AC;? will feature a re-created penny arcade and cafe from the early 20th century. The arcade will showcase popular amusements and automatic entertainment including a 1932 fortune-teller, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Grandmotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Predictions,â&#x20AC;? made by Mutoscope International Reel Company Inc., and the 1927 â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hercules Grip Testerâ&#x20AC;? by the Exhibit Supply Company. The cafe will feature numerous examples of vending and gambling machines complimented with a fascinating array of period coin-operated mechanical musical instruments. About the Murtogh D. Guinness Collection In 2003, the Morris Museum was awarded the Murtogh D. Guinness collection of 750 historic mechanical musical instruments and automata (mechanical figures) and more than 5,000 programmed media, ranging from player piano rolls to pinned cylinders. Highlights of the collection are displayed in a 4,300 square foot permanent exhibition â&#x20AC;&#x153;Musical Machines & Living Dolls: Mechanical Musical Instruments and Automata from the Murtogh D. Guinness Collection.â&#x20AC;? This interactive exhibition features more than 150 pieces from this extraordinary collection and takes visitors on a journey through the history of ondemand musical entertainment. Viewable storage provides visitors with broader access to the balance of the collection.
12 - - Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; July 8, 2016
This is a Grandmotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Predictions Fortune Teller, 1932, from the Mutoscope International Reel Company Inc., N.Y.
Morris Museum is an awardwinning, community-based arts and cultural institution which serves the public through high caliber exhibitions in the arts, sciences and humanities. The museum also offers educational programs, family events, and is home to the Bickford Theatre and its wide range of performing arts offerings. Continuously serving the public since 1913, the Morris Museum has been designated a Major Arts Institution and has received the New Jersey State Council on the Artsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Citation of Excellence, among other awards. The first museum in New Jersey to be accredited, the Morris Museum was reaccredited in 2013 by the American Alliance of Museums. The museum is located at 6 Normandy Heights Road (at the corner of Columbia Turnpike) in Morristown, N.J. For more information, call About the Morris Museum 973-971-3700, or visit Founded in 1913, the
Schiffer Releases New Book On American Firecrackers S c h i f f e r Publishing Ltd., is pleased to announce the release of “The Book of Great A m e r i c a n Firecrackers: Cherry Bombs, M-80s, Cannon Crackers, and More,” a book specifically designed for those interested in explosions, antics, and nostalgia involving the manufacturing of firecrackers and those who enjoyed them. This is the first book of its kind to focus on U.S. firecrackers. Many pyrobilia guides cover Chinese firecrackers, but the U.S. history on the subject is just as colorful, from fireworks’ inception into American celebrations as a replacement for dangerous celebratory gun and cannon fire, until the final federal ban with the Child Protection Act of 1966. Fireworks made the Fourth of July the best holiday ever, especially for generations of boys. Beginning with a brief history of the firecracker and how it came to America, the
July 4th), visit w w w . s c h i f f e r
Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016 - - 13
SEEKING VINTAGE SPORTS CARDS AND MEMORABILIA As the World’s Largest Collectibles Auctioneer, only Heritage Auctions can supply the market strength to provide the highest possible financial return for your vintage trading cards and sports collectibles. Cash advances and outright purchase offers are always available for quality material, and we are happy to provide free appraisals. And Heritage has never been late with a single consignment settlement check in our thirty-five+ years in operation.
About the Author Jack Nash is a musician, artist, and writer. He began collecting firework labels at a very early age, and eventually became a licensed pyrotechnician. Active in the entertainment field, Jack has developed special indoor pyrotechnic effects for the stage.
book details the types the U.S. produced - a wide array, from Cherry Bombs and Silver Salutes to Ash Cans and Torpedoes. Also covered is how the U.S. Industrial Revolution impacted fireworks, as well as the innovations throughout the American industry, from its successes to factory disasters. The 96 page book has 183 color and black and white images. For ordering information on this timely release (near
About the Publisher Schiffer Publishing, Ltd. is a family-owned, independent publisher of high-quality books. Since 1974, Schiffer has published thousands of titles on the diverse subjects that fuel our readers’ passions. From our traditional subjects of antiques and collectibles, arts and crafts, and military history, Schiffer has expanded its catalog to publish books on contemporary art and artists; architecture and design; food and entertaining; the metaphysical, paranormal and folklore; and pop and fringe culture, as well as books for children.
That’s a guarantee you can take to the bank.
ALWAYS ACCEPTING: • Pre-1980 trading cards
• Advertising and display pieces
• Game used uniforms and equipment
• Championship rings, trophies and awards
• Vintage autographs
• Vintage photographs and more
• Early tickets and programs
Call 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) to discuss opportunities Free catalog and The Collector’s Handbook ($65 value) for new clients. Please submit auction invoices of $1000 + in this category, from any source. Include your contact information and mail to Heritage, fax 214-409-1425, email, or call 866-835-3243. For more details, go to
Annual Sales Exceed $800 Million ❘ 850,000+ Online Bidder-Members 3500 Maple Ave. ❘ Dallas, TX 75219 ❘ 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) ❘
TX & NY Auctioneer license: Samuel Foose 11727 & 0952360. Heritage Auction Galleries CA Bond #RSB2004175; CA Auctioneer Bond: Carolyn Mani #RSB2005661. Buyer’s Premium 19.5%. See for details. HERITAGE Reg. U.S. Pat & TM Off. 31567
This Summer Fun Auction Features a Broad Spectrum of Toy Trains. Something for everyone, from Z to G!!! Big, Beautiful T-Reproductions, Buddy L Trains. Large scale and G gauge Trains. Prewar & Postwar Lionel, plus standard gauge. Lionel Classics Trains: Shiny & New! MTH Tin Plate Traditions Trains and Large Scale Structures. Williams standard gauge State Set in green. Lionel & MTH Modern Era Ready-to-Run sets, operating freights & accessories, Steam L & Ts and diesels, TCA & LRRC & convention cars. FastTrack. Marx. American Flyer ‘S’ gauge. BRASS HO LOCOMOTIVES. MARKLIN HO & MINI CLUB Z gauge assortment. Life-Like & Proto Series.
AUCTION Antiques and Collectibles
Please review complete listings at Next Train Auction: Saturday, August 13th. Preview: Friday, July 15th from 6 P.M.-8 P.M. and from 8 A.M.-10 A.M. day of auction. Fully AC! All items as-is, where is. (AU003006L)
10 A.M.
at the Third Street Auction Gallery, 132 East Third Street, POTTSTOWN, PA 19464
MAURER’S AUCTIONS 610•970•7588
Kathy Maurer, Auctioneer
VINTAGE GLASS & PORCELAIN: 10 A.M. TVs & RADIOS: 11:15 A.M. JEWELRY & WATCHES: 12 NOON VINTAGE BASEBALL, TOYS, ETC.: 12:30 P.M. FURNITURE: 1 P.M. BASEBALL CARDS: 1:30 P.M. TOY BOX LOTS: 2 P.M. LARGE QUANTITY OF GLASSWARE & PORCELAIN: Limoges service for 12 “Florence” pattern. Crystal by JG Durand. Two cases of Lenox. Brass & silver-plated wares. B&H 2 pc. desk set. Irish linens, plus. Vintage hats, purses, clothing. Needleworks. Paintings & prints. Atkinson Foxprints + 3. Large Wyeth Print “Skiing Mt. Kearsarge”.
Successful Auction Management
TVs & RADIOS: Ten of Each. Philco Predicta Television on Yoke. Wood cased TVs by Emerson, RCA Victor, Crosley & Motorola. Philco “Mid Century Style” Radio and Front load wood cased 78 record player. Tabletop Radios by Emud 196, Philco 48-482, Atwater Kent 145, Crosley Fiver, RCA Victor SSX, Admiral 69-M5 and Crosley 11-1040. Espey record player. Two Webster Chicago wire reel to reels. 21” Webster Electric horn on stand. Decca Phonograph suitcase. Fender Frontman & Randell RG75 amps. JEWELRY & WATCHES: Elgin 17 Jewel pocket watch. Elgin Grant 17 Jewel 14k pocket watch and chain. Vintage Elgin wristwatches. Gold filled wristwatches & chains. Elk’s tooth pendant. Fred Ludweck’s 14k & diamond stickpin. Old gold rings. Box of sterling & costume jewelry. Borhek Phila. Spectacles. Civil War daguerreotype of John Heck. ‘The Star’ 2.00 Safety razor in tin. Ethan Allen shaving mirror. Timex Store Display. Atlantic Dealer/Connie Mack Baseball Bank by Chein. Mid 1950’s Baseball & Football scrapbooks, Black & White photos, some cards & Sox-o-gram. 1958 Philly score cards. Postcards. Silk flags. Franklin Mint Wyatt Earp .44 revolver. 20 cases of 1980’s Bubble Gum Baseball cards. Charlie’s Angels cards. FURNITURE: Mahogany Westminster chime Grandfather clock, 7 ft. tall. Large, Empire style sideboard by Berkey & Gay, having 8 inch gallery. 54 in. Round table with five leaves and six chairs, by Berkey & Gay. Small mahogany breakfront. Seven piece Empire style bedroom suite. Carved, figural wing chair. PA House jewelry chest. Brass tray table. Oak bowfront china closet. Walnut vanity. Coromandel pedestals. Smoking stand. Cream Egg advertising bucket. Stienfeld coffee grinder. Enterprise sausage press. Copper teakettles. Batter Bowls. Buttons. Good sheet music antiques Reference Books. Shirley Temple dolls. Gaggle of small stands. Old 45 rpm records. TOYS: 18 Heartland 7” Baseball Figures: Willey Mays, Babe Ruth & Bat Boy, etc. 15 Heartland horses w/riders: Lone Ranger, Tonto, Wyatt Earp, etc. Plastic dollhouse furniture. Assorted wooden toys. Tiddly Winks, Chinese Jack Straws. Hard plastic Toys & Ships. 100 Cases Vintage Toys: Matchbox, Hess, M&M, McDonald’s, Action Figures, Furskins and more! 380 million (?!) year old Fossil.
CARLISLE, PA FRIDAY, JULY 15 9:00 A.M. Location: Rowe’s Auction Barn, 2505 Ritner Highway, Carlisle. Between exits 44 (Allen Rd.) & 37 (Newville) off Int. 81.
COUNTRY & PERIOD ANTIQUES Miniature Empire chest, other children’s items, decorated stoneware, early iron - tin - wood items, paintings & prints, 19th C. China, coaster wagon, National Bitters bottle, tramp art, folk art, etc. Furniture incl. Corner cupboards, dry sinks, wood boxes, blanket chests, set decorated plank chairs, Schoolmaster’s desk, Hepplewhite slant front desk, Sheraton & Empire chests, stands & tables, etc. Very brief listing, check website or Auctionzip for lots photos & updates Terms: Cash or Penna. Check, major credit cards w/3% surcharge, out-of-state checks w/prior approval. Note: Selling for Peg & the late John Fenstermacher, lots from Carlisle & Camp Hill. Furniture at 12:00.
Preview: Thursday, July 14, 2:00-7:00 P.M. Or 7:00 A.M. Morning or auction.
Please visit #8374 for photos Preview: Tues., July 12 from 4 P.M.-6 P.M. and from 8 A.M. day of auction. (AU002827L).
717-574-1008 215-1044 249-1978
10 A.M.
14 - - Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016
Rich Penn Sale Continued from page 10
working condition Edison opera cylinder phonograph came with a cygnet horn and played well for the audience, also selling for $2,500. There were a number of novelty radios in the auction and the top seller was an Emerson wood front Mickey Mouse radio. It also played well and pulled in a top bid of This farm equipment sign, J. I. Case Eagle on Globe, is a multicolored die-cut porcelain sign in excellent condition with small minor chips on globe and standing 80 inches high. It sold for $10,500.
This Edison opera cylinder phonograph, Type SM, Model A, with cygnet horn, oak, in working condition, sold for $2,500.
A coin-operated trade stimulator, the Rockola one-cent Official Sweepstakes with gum vendor, in restored condition, sold for $2,250. delightful to work with and were very happy with the results. That’s all we can ask for. Now it’s on to the next one,” said Penn. Rich Penn Auctions will be holding the Iowa Gas auction
The Western Pacific “Feather River Route” three color porcelain railroad sign in excellent condition sold for $2,250.
on Wednesday, Aug. 3, at the Des Moines Holiday Inn Airport. That auction will be packed with quality petroliana. Penn’s fall auction will be held Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 5 and 6, at the Iowa State
The Mickey Mouse radio, an Emerson Model BM411 in syroco wood front, top and sides, wood back, 1934, Serial No. 392118, sold for $1,100.
fairgrounds in Des Moines and will include advertising, coin-op machines, country store and toys. For more information, call 319-291-6688 or visit
A heart shaped ice cream dipper, likely John Manos, patented Nov. 1925 and nickel-plated brass wood handle, sold for $5,000.
This Pepsi-Cola vending machine, Vendo 81A, 10 cent, rare full blue body with embossed door, in restored conA metal Johnson’s Log Cabin country store coffee bin measur- dition and working order, sold for $4,000. ing 28-by-24-by-18 sold for $6,000.
Audubon’s Auctioneers
100 West Merchant Street, AUDUBON,
GALLERY AUCTION of Antiques & Collectibles
SATURDAY, JULY 9TH, 2016 AT 10:00 A.M. Yamaha Clavinova CLP-265 GP Baby Grand Electric Piano
Large Bronzed Cast-Iron American Eagle
Outstanding & varied offering that will fit EVERY taste. A PARTIAL list includes: A huge amount of contemporary & vintage musical instruments, new & used violins, viola, five string banjo, large, medium & small high quality Celtic harps, hammered dulcimers, 1950s Kay upright bass, 1919 King E flat tuba, strum stick instrument with 1877 US Indian head cent embedded in the body, 1950s Large WWII Metal Airline hollow body electric guitar, hardly used Yamaha clavinova model CLP-265GP, collection of Model Of Bell Asian & Mid-Eastern instruments & far more, EXTENSIVE collection of G gauge & N gauge model Airacobra P-39 Fighter trains including Aristocraft live steam engine & tender w/aluminum travel case, nice PRR passenger model w/engine & five passenger cars, Amtrak model w/engine, power car & 3 passengers cars plus MANY more all having been kept on display for a number of years, outstanding professional period metal model of WWII Bell P-39 Air Cobra aircraft w/base, large collection of model sailing ships including large assembled kits of HMS Bounty & The Thermopylae both w/glass display case also a large commercial wood model of the HMS Titanic plus many more, collection of vintage Vaudeville & other professional magic tricks, props & accessories, furniture includes assortment of high quality reproduction Egyptian furniture & decorator pieces including a throne room side chair, large three shelf etagere, console table held by two Egyptian figures, well rendered and highly decorated credenza, sarcophagus CD storage chest & much more, interesting “Book Nook” table & two chairs, Adams style spiderweb back armchair, Hale and Kilburn heavily carved Victorian furniture, Victorian side chairs, Ethan Allen queen size bed, sofa table, end table, mahogany Neoclassical pedestal, Chinese style ebonized Grandfather clock w/ornate inlay, collection of antique dolls, fine & costume jewelry plus so much more that time & space simply doesn’t allow. NOTE: There are VERY FEW coins mixed into this sale. Please arrive promptly at 10:00 A.M. to avoid disappointment. Check web site often for updates. Large Scale Models Of Famous Ships Terms: Cash or good check w/ID if known to us.
Dozens of Western and Asian Stringed Instruments
Egyptian Inspired Furniture And Decor Pieces
$1,100. Other items of note were four that all sold at $2,250 each. A figural horse head trade sign for a harness maker or livery, in gilded zinc made a glittering statement. That statement was well worth the $2,250 top bid. A #7 Enterprise coffee grinder also sold for $2,250. These pieces were always well used in the original country
store setting. It’s very unusual to find one in the condition of this example. Two other pieces at the $2,250 mark were a porcelain sign for Western P a c i f i c “Feather River Route.” This three color sign was in near new condition. The final lot at the $2,250 mark was a coino p e r a t e d machine. Coin operated machines not only came in large sizes but counter sizes, such as the Rockola O f f i c i a l Sweepstakes horse race themed machine. “This was a fun auction and we’re happy and proud the Schwartz family chose us to take this collection to mark e t . They were
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Appoints New Curator Neal Hurst Joins Museum As Associate Curator Of Costumes And Textiles Neal T. Hurst will join the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation as its new associate curator of costumes and textiles effective Aug. 22 and marks a return for him to Colonial Williamsburg. Hurst is currently employed as assistant curator at the Museum of the American Revolution in Philadelphia. Bringing a particularly deep understanding of 18th-century clothing to his new position; from 2004-2011, Hurst completed a seven-year apprenticeship in Colonial Williamsburg’s Department of Historic Trades to learn the trade of tailoring and worked as a journeyman tailor. There, he studied and recreated 18th-century men’s garments using only period construction techniques. In 20122013, he also served as Mellon Foundation Curatorial Intern at the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg. Since 2013, while at the Museum of American
Revolution, Hurst has been responsible for overseeing the reproduction of George Washington’s office tent at Williamsburg. “I am very excited to start work with the curatorial team (at Colonial Williamsburg),” said Hurst. “As humans, we come in contact with clothing and textiles every day, which makes
ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990.
Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer? Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561
ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.
800.888.1063 47-15 36th ST., LIC, NY 11101 LOUIS ICART ETCHINGS Bill Holland, 610-470-5925 or Renningers Sunday Antique Market, Booth A-53, Adamstown, PA 8am-1pm, email
ANTIQUE/ OLD GUNS WANTED1 piece or collections. House calls made. Cash paid. PO Box 83, New Tripoli, PA 18066 610-417-0909. Serious buying since 1959. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. LOOKING to buy old foreign cars, especially British. Will purchase in any condition, also buying parts. Call Ed, 856-816-7321. BUYING COINS & PAPER MONEY paying highest prices for coins, gold, silver and numisatic items! ABE RARE COINS located in South Mall Mercantile, 3300 Lehigh St., Allentown, PA 18103. Call or text 973-390-4606. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418.
these material objects engaging and relatable. Colonial Williamsburg maintains a wonderful and growing collection to share with the public.” “Neal Hurst is that rare variety of material culture curator who brings to the post both impressive research skills and firsthand knowledge of period trade practices,” said Ronald L. Hurst (no relation), the Foundation’s Carlisle H. Humelsine chief curator and vice president for collections, conservation and museums. “Neal is an outstanding addition to an already exceptional curatorial team and we look forward to working with him.” Hurst received a Master of Arts and Sciences degree from the University of Delaware’s Winterthur Program in American material culture and a Bachelor’s degree in history from the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg.
GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.
MUSIC BOXES WANTED Buying and Selling Cylinder & Disc Music Boxes, Bird Cages, Bird Boxes, Phonographs, Automatas. Specializing in all Antique Resortation Services for over 60 years. Ask for Gerald Wright. Rita Ford Music Boxes, 1253 Springfield Ave. #304, New Providence, NJ 07974, 908-377-3225, 212-535-6717. SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.
Audio Equip. - Vacuum Tubes Speakers - Ham & Military Radios Surplus Parts - Test Equipment Hi-Fi Stereo & More
Antique & Modern Firearms Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Revolvers, Edged Weapons
MILITARY & SPORTING Licensed Dealer - Will Travel Century 20 LLC Highland Park, NJ 08904
Special Red, White, & Blue Display At Haddon Heights July is red, white, and blue month at the Haddon Heights Antiques Center. In its special display, shoppers will find a wide variety of patriotic, presidential, and political collectibles. Collectors who favor patriotism over politics will find plenty of items with which to decorate. A nice variety of Liberty Blue china will team with red, white, and blue glassware as well as vintage figurines, flags, and patriotic jewelry. Those who collect political items will find a variety of pinback buttons from many eras, bumper stickers, novelty pieces, and
610-649-4151 WANTED: MUSIC BOXES, slot machines, old Juke boxes, any cond. Call or write Frank Zygmunt, PO Box 542, Westmont, IL 60559 630-985-2742
ephemera. There’s no doubt that 2016 will be a year to remember in the history books. Come out to the Haddon Heights Antiques Center to reminisce about elections past and to inspire red, white, and blue patriotism. This friendly multi-dealer
STICKLEY BOOK CASE 1912-1916; Chippendale dining chairs- 6; Fancy brass andirons; Murphy bed- oak; Farm tables & other items. Call for info. 717-968-7096
shop is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours until 8 p.m. on Fridays. It is located on Clements Bridge Road where Barrington and Haddon Heights meet at the railroad tracks. To learn more, call 856546-0555.
$5 BOOK BOOTH, 272 Antique Mall, 1300 N. Reading Rd, (RT 272) Stevens, PA. No book over $5. Book dealer liquidating warehouse. Total 20 carton turnover by 5th of every month.
Get the Word Out!! TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124
Advertise Your
SELLING MICHTERS BOTTLE Collection King Tut, Queen Neffertitti, all sizes, Liberty Bell, Ben Franklin, George Washington, Christmas Tree Bottle & Master mold, Packards, Doughboys, Pagoda, Fireman & others over 60, all in orig. pkg. for complete inventory email make offer on all. Will be at Shupps Grove on July 15 & 16.
in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or
Vintage Tube Electronics DEAD OR ALIVE
Antiques & Auction News — July 8, 2016 - - 15
DO YOU COLLECT Old Paper, Ephemera, Advertising, Country Store, etc? Subscribe to "THE PAPER & ADVERTISING COLLECTORS’ MARKETPLACE", the monthly collector's newspaper that covers this specialty. For a FREE sample copy, phone 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2541, 8am-4:30pm daily.
To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211
MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-525-2969,
OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947
SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618.
TIRED OF EBAY? Sell your Sports Cards and Memorabilia to a Collector. Ken Domonkos 848-448-4709,
OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090. WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232.
1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521
AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665.
16 - - Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; July 8, 2016