Antiques & Auction News 081817

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“Casablanca” Movie Poster Ties World Record, Selling For $478,000

AAN Current News

Only Surviving Example Of Italian Issue Poster Is Most Valuable “Casablanca” Poster Ever Sold FRIDAY AUGUST 18, 2017 • VOL. 48, NO. 33

Hake’s Americana Hits $1.1 Million With Rare Political Memorabilia, Comic Art And Other Pop Culture Categories 1860 Lincoln/Hamlin Campaign Flag Sets New Record, Selling For $40,124

This 1860 glazed-cotton parade flag emblazoned, “For President, Abraham Lincoln,” and, “For Vice President, Hannibal Hamlin,” sold for a new record price of $40,124. Celebrating its 50th anniversary year, Hake’s Americana cemented its reputation as “the home of million-dollar pop culture sales,” and then some, in achieving a $1.1 million total on July 11 and 13. In its second auction of 2017, Hake’s twosession online-only event blazed to new record highs in several categories, with political memorabilia and comic art putting in especially strong performances. All prices quoted include an 18-percent buyer’s premium. Unlike campaign promises that fade into thin air, predicted selling prices for the top five political items offered by Hake’s were not only met, but also surpassed, by healthy margins. A spectacular 1860 glazed cotton parade flag emblazoned, “For President, Abraham Lincoln,” and, “For Vice President, Hannibal Hamlin,” sold for $40,124, a world auction record for an 1860 Lincoln name flag. “Early political textiles have always been coveted by collectors of 19th-century campaign material, with Lincoln flags being at the top of collectors’ want lists,” said Scott Mussell, Americana specialist for Hake’s. “The example we offered

The only known surviving Italian issue movie poster for “Casablanca” sold on July 29 for $478,000 at a public auction of vintage movie posters held by Heritage Auctions in Dallas, Texas. Measuring a massive 55.5-by-78.25-inches, the 1946 “Casablanca” Italian four Fogli poster matched the world record for the most valuable movie poster ever sold at public auction. “The buyer has just set a world record and acquired what we in the poster collecting world would equate to a masterpiece,” said Grey Smith, director of Vintage Posters at Heritage Auctions. “The stunning artistry put into this poster makes it stand head and shoulders above any paper produced for the film.” Previous Italian posters for the film have sold for as much as $203,000, and U.S. issues of the poster have fetched $191,200. Each of the previous record holders were sold by Heritage Auctions. Italian posters are well known for their extraordinary quality, and this illustration by Luigi Martinati is considered perhaps the finest image found in any advertisements for the film, which went from being a film studio executives hoped would break a profit to one of the most beloved films ever produced.

Met Museum Welcomes 7 Million Visitors on page 2

Other rare posters for the film featured a half sheet poster, which sold for $65,725, and a post-war Spanish release poster selling for $35,850. The auction featured two offerings that drew $107,550, including a “Supernatural” (Paramount, 1933) one sheet. Believed to be the most ever paid for any poster featuring Carole Lombard, this is one of just three copies known to exist. Lombard resisted playing the role because she viewed herself as a Continued on page 4

Bunch Auctions Quarterly Catalog Auction Results on page 3

Embassy Sells Native American Material on page 6

The 1860 John Bell Constitutional Union Party handpainted, double-sided banner sold for $13,700.

Schiffer Publishing Announces Release Of “The Historic Barns Of Southeastern Pennsylvania” New Book By Greg Huber Delves Into Architecture And Preservation Of Barns Built 1750-1900

The 1955 Bill Haley and His Comets concert poster, Himmelreich’s Grove, Womelsdorf, Pa., sold for $17,785.

was fresh to market and had remained in Leon Rowe’s collection ever since he obtained it at a Pennsylvania flea market 30 years ago.” Historically, on any election day there’s no prize for second, but there was certainly a nice payoff for the political category’s runner-up on July 11. A John Bell Constitutional Union Party The 1930s Ohio Art lithographed-tin Atlantic City sand pail banner, the first of its type with images of Mickey and Minnie Mouse and Pluto sold to be handled by Hake’s, for $9,735. Continued on page 2

For anyone who has ever admired a barn on an old country lane, this is the story of that barn and many others in Southeastern Pennsylvania, or, specifically, “the hearth,” the area east of the Susquehanna River and south of the Blue Mountains. One of the earliest-settled areas in North America, this region of the Keystone State, which includes eleven counties, is home to an astounding 20,000 standing barns, in various states of repair, built from the late 1700s on. Discussed in this new book authored by Greg Huber, “The Historic Barnes of Southeastern Pennsylvania,” are the primary factors that have determined the fundamental structures and appearances of the six great barn classifications, including forest resources. Other featured topics are architectural aspects and regionalisms, dates of construction, survival of 18th-century examples, mysterious decorations, and barn preservation.

Converse Auctions’ East Meets West Sale Planned For Aug. 25 on page 9

Ceramic Arts Studio: Thoroughly Modern on page 11

Completing this treatise are representative color photographs, building plan sketches, charts conveying the prevalence of types, and a glossary of barn terms. The 288-page hardcover book retails for $50. For ordering information, visit

In This Issue SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 5 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR . on page 7 AUCTION SALE BILLS . . . starting on page 8

FEATURED AUCTION: Converse Auctions - Online-Only - August 25 in Malvern, Pennsylvania - Page 9

AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . . on page 8 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 15

2 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017

Hake’s Americana Continued from page 1

rose to an impressive $13,700. The handpainted, doublesided silk banner nearly tripled its high estimate of $5,000. Rounding out the top five political lots were a 1912 Debs/Seidel locket-motif jugate button, $11,682 (world auction record for any Debs button); a 1960 “Vote Straight Republican” Nixon/Lodge jugate button, $8,112 (world auction record for any Nixon button); and a large realphoto button promoting “Wilson Day/Dutchess County (N.Y.),” which garnered a remarkable $6,046 (world auction record for a Wilson button of its particular type) against a pre-sale estimate of $400-$700. Comic books and comic art were unstoppable. There were hundreds of CGC and CBCSgraded comic books from which to choose. Lassoing the top spot in the category was a scarce issue of All Star Comics #8, featuring the first appearance of Wonder Woman. Acknowledged as one of the most important issues in the history of DC Comics, Hake’s example of All Star Comics #8

An All Star Comics #8, Dec. 1941/Jan. 1942, with first appearance of Wonder Woman, realized $31,925. cashed out at $31,925, a record price for a certified copy. Comic art collectors were presented with a tantalizing opportunity. Within the selection of hundreds of one-of-akind pieces of original art from comic strips, comic books and other media, there were 22 lots of Mike Zeck’s art created for Captain America #265. The cover art plus all 21 interior story pages from the January 1982 comic book were auctioned consecutively and sold to various bidders for a total of $35,325. Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez’s Merkin collection, a 1905 realphoto postcard of the Negro League Cuban X-Giants was especially desirable because it included within the depicted lineup Hall of Famer Frank Grant. Early in his career, Grant was a star player in the International League, shortly before Jim Crow restrictions banned African-American players from organized baseball. The only known postcard of any type to include Grant’s image, it was a hit with collectors, who bid it to $13,664. Mickey Mouse and his Disney pals proved their popThis Mike Zeck original cover art for Captain America #265 comic book, ularity once again, in the form Jan. 1982, featured Spider-Man and of vintage toys, banks and Nick Fury. A selection of 22 lots other novelties. Estimated at consisting of cover art and all interior $1,000-$2,000, a 1930s Atlantic City sand pail with a wonderful story pages made $35,325. wraparound scene of Mickey original pen-and-ink art for a surfing, Pluto swimming, and DC Comics’ 1982 Justice League an airborne Minnie Mouse of America licensing style grasping balloons sold for guide was entered in the sale $9,735. Good things have always with a $5,000-$10,000 estimate, but summoning all its come in small packages at superpowers, it landed at Hake’s sales, in particular, premiums issued to con$12,214. “There was very active bid- sumers either as mail-in offers ding for the comic books and or as free gifts inside product comic art in our July sale,” said packaging. A sampling from Alex Winter, president of the July auction includes a set Hake’s Americana. “It contin- of three Canadian-market ues to be one of the fastest- Quisp and Quake (cereal) wigrising collector categories, in gle figures, $4,673; a 1943 part because everyone can Batman mail-in cardboard relate to comic books and mask issued in by the superheroes. Also, it’s possi- Philadelphia Record newspable to start a collection mod- per, $3,540; and a grouping of estly or to aim for the very top, 15 circa-1930s or earlier dieprice-wise. Anyone can join cut circus wagons, each adverthe hobby and really enjoy it.” tising Midway Candy Rolls, Once again at Hake’s, con- $4,130. An early 1940s Captain cert posters rocked the house. Battle Boys’ Brigade club kit, A 1955 Bill Haley and His complete with pinback button, Comets “boxing-style” poster membership card, welcome advertising a show in Berks letter and card listing memCounty, Pa., crushed its bers’ good-citizenship goals, $2,000-$5,000 estimate to take more than tripled its high estia final bow at $17,785. A 1964 mate at $6,490. To view the entire auction Caravan of Record Stars concert poster featuring the catalog, complete with prices Supremes also sailed past its realized, visit For additional information, estimate to make $9,540 – nearly five times its pre-sale call toll-free at 866-404-9800 or 717-434-1600. estimate. All images courtesy of With distinguished provenance from the Richard Hake’s Americana.

Met Museum Welcomes 7 Million Visitors Highest Fiscal Year Attendance In The Met’s Recorded History

The Metropolitan Museum of Art recently announced that it welcomed 7 million visitors across its three locations - The Met Fifth Avenue, The Met Cloisters, and The Met Breuer - in the fiscal year that ended on June 30 (FY17). The increase in attendance over the last fiscal year is due primarily to the influx of visitors to The Met Breuer, which saw a total of 505,590 visitors in FY17. “The Met is thrilled to see our visitors responding so enthusiastically to our collection, exhibitions, and programs,” said Daniel H. Weiss, president and CEO of The Met. “We’re honored that so many people decided to spend their time with us this year.” The museum also continues to be New York City’s most visited tourist attraction for domestic and international audiences. In FY17, international visitors accounted for This 1905 Negro League Cuban X-Giants real-photo postcard that includes 37 percent of the museum’s image of Hall of Famer Frank Grant, SCG authenticated, sold for $13,664. attendees. The Met is also a popular destination for local visitors: 30 percent of the museum’s visitors came from the five boroughs of New York City, while 12 percent were from the Tri-State area outP.O. Box 500, side the city. Also in FY17, The Mount Joy, PA 17552 Met was named TripAdvisor’s 800-800-1833 Travelers’ Choice for Best 717-653-1833 Museum in World, and The 717-653-6165 fax Met Fifth Avenue, The Met e-mail: Breuer, and The Met Cloisters Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 all won TripAdvisor e-mail: Certificates of Excellence. The varied and plentiful Advertising Sales exhibition program at The Met John Barilla, Ext. 2536 drew steady audiences Arlene Bair, Ext. 2561 throughout the year. Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Exhibitions such as “Jerusalem Classifieds 1000–1400: Every People 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566 Under Heaven” and “Max Sample copy ........................... $2.50 Beckmann in New York” each Doing 1 YEAR, third class ............... $28.00 saw over 200,000 visitors, and Our Part 1 YEAR, first class ................. $80.00 A Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez original pen-and-ink art for 1982 Justice League of “Age of Empires: Chinese Art of 6 MONTHS, first class .......... $48.00 the Qin and Han Dynasties America style guide sold for $12,214. (221 B.C.–A.D. 220)” had nearly All checks must be in U.S. funds.


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300,000 visitors as of June 30. Recently opened spring exhibitions are also drawing strong attendance: “Rei Kawakubo/Comme des Garçons: Art of the InBetween” had brought in over 275,000 visitors since it opened on May 4; “The Roof Garden Commission: Adrián Villar Rojas, The Theater of Disappearance” had brought in over 190,000 visitors since April 14; and “Irving Penn: Centennial” had brought in over 180,000 since April 24. The Met Breuer also drew robust exhibition attendance in FY17 with “Diane Arbus: In the Beginning” (176,281 visitors); “Kerry James Marshall: Mastry” (160,437 visitors); and the final months of “Unfinished: Thoughts Left Visible” (228,078 visitors from March 18 through Sept. 4, 2016). The Met remains committed to reaching and engaging the broadest audience and making art and programs accessible to all. In FY17, the museum welcomed 200,000 students, including more than 80,000 students and teachers from New York City, and offered tens of thousands of classes, programs, and activities. The twice-yearly Teens Take The Met! event continues to bring in teens from New York City’s five boroughs, this past year over 5,000 in total, many of whom were visiting The Met for the first time. Daylong celebrations such as the World Culture Festival and Lunar New Year Festival welcomed a total of over 6,000 visitors. The Met’s new Open Access policy - which made over 375,000 online collection images available for free and unrestricted use - resulted in 94,000 downloads since the policy was announced in early February, an increase of 128 percent over the previous five month period. Since it was founded in 1870, The Met has always aspired to be more than a treasury of rare and beautiful objects. Every day, art comes alive in the museum’s galleries and through its exhibitions and events, revealing both new ideas and unexpected connections across time and across cultures. Image courtesy of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 - - 3

Collector Anecdotes And Antics By The Power Of Grayskull: A “Classic� Re-Release Done Right By Shawn Surmick In 1982, Mattel Toys produced one of the greatest toy lines ever conceived. The line was created as a way for Mattel to compete directly with Kenner Toys, who controlled the infamous “Star Wars� license. Mattel answered this challenge with an original creation based on both fantasy and sci-fi elements. The line was called “The Masters of the Universe� and debuted alongside a weekly animated television series that highlighted the incredible characters and unique worlds that brought the toys to life. “Masters of the Universe� would go on to become one of the hottest original properties ever created in the 1980s and occupy a special place in the hearts and minds of toy enthusiasts everywhere. Unfortunately, the original toy line ran out of steam by 1986, but it did give rise to a somewhat successful spinoff series known as “She-Ra:

Princess of Power.� “She-Ra� was Mattel’s well-conceived, but failed attempt to market action figures to a female demographic. It would last less than two short years. Ironically, “She-Ra� brought a lot of “Masters of the Universe� fans into the forefront who were searching for something new, yet similar. Over the next two decades, Mattel would attempt to re-launch the original “Masters of the Universe� toy line to varying degrees of success. The first attempt came in 1990, when a spinoff series called “The New Adventures of He-Man� was launched. Fans liked the series, but instead of taking place directly on He-Man’s home world of Eternia, “The New Adventures of He-Man� focused more on the vast reaches of space. The line felt different from the original that fans had grown to love. This line would last only two short years and was quickly discounted by toy retailers looking for the next big thing. Today, the relaunched toy line that fans now refer to as just “He-Man� does have a cult following and is still highly

collectible on the secondary market. After the attempted relaunch of the brand in 1990, “The Masters of the Universe� toy line seemed destined to remain buried in the distant past. Aside from several commemorative and limited releases by Mattel, “The Masters of the Universe� toy line remained solely in the hearts and minds of the generation that grew up loving the franchise. It would take until the year 2010 for Mattel to come up with one of the most brilliant marketing plans to bring “The Masters of the Universe� back from the dead. Thanks to the rise of prices being paid on the secondary market for toys from the original series, Mattel started to take notice. “Masters of the Universe� was a brand not living up to its full potential. Not wanting to make the same mistakes the company made with the controversial 1990 relaunch, Mattel decided to create a commemorative limited release series of figures geared toward the adult toy collector. The result was one of the best direct to consumer

toy lines ever created in the last decade. Mattel would rebrand the line as “Masters of the Universe Classics,� and each figure would be carefully sculpted and produced in limited quantities. To ensure the line would not suffer the fate of discount retailers, the line would be sold exclusively by Mattel on its own website. This meant the company would handle all sales and distribution along with marketing and manufacturing as well. The first figures created went on sale and sold out within minutes! Mattel had successfully reinvigorated one of its most popular properties, and adult fans were eating it up. Figures retailed for $19.99 on up and came packaged in beautiful oversized packages protected in an outer box. Mattel would continue to sell the line on a special website known as “Matty Collector.� Today, the line is still going strong as of this writing, but Mattel no longer sells the franchise via the specialty website “Matty Collector.� Instead, the company broke new ground by offering their newest releases via eBay and

through their own, much easier to find Mattel Toys website. The line has a lot going for it, and there are literally well over 100 releases with a steady supply being released (and discontinued) on a yearly basis. Sales figures and production numbers are not available, but one can surmise that Mattel is only making enough of the toys to satisfy initial demand while also allowing a small, but steady backlog of releases to be sold. As a toy collector and enthusiast, I am not generally a fan of commemorative rereleases. Most toys produced as commemoratives are overproduced and lack any real collector value. When “The Masters of the Universe Classics� line was first announced, I was very skeptical of the brand and how Mattel would handle production. Seven years later, and I am not only a huge fan of the line but also a hardcore collector. Most of the early and more obscure releases in the line have all seen dramatic increases on the secondary market, with Mattel standing firm and refusing to rerelease sold-out figures in

their same exact form. I applaud Mattel for their handling of this line even as they continue to release obscure and exclusive figures that were not in the original series. This decision to release figures not originally featured has drawn criticism from some hardcore fans. Ironically, I welcome it. Mattel did an excellent job of bringing back a lot of the international-only releases like “Laser Power He-Man� and the sought-after 12-inch classic figure “Tytus.� These releases never saw launch in the United States because back when they were originally conceived the line was losing interest in the domestic market. Seeing them being created again in special packaging should bring joy to the hearts of any collector. If you grew up in the 1980s and have fond memories of the original “Masters of the Universe� toy line, you owe it to yourself to check out the “Masters of the Universe Classics.� Just let me warn you that collecting these toys is quite addictive, and your wallet is definitely going to feel the sting!

Bunch Auctions Quarterly Catalog Auction Results

plates, which are viewed as a perceived status. Plate “1� is status symbol as well as an reserved for the governor, investment. When Delaware plate “2� for the lieutenant govfirst began issuing license ernor, and “3� for the secretary plates, they were issued in of state. Everything beyond bidding, the hammer eventual- Delaware has an uncanny fas- numerical order. The lower the that is open to the public Continued on page 6 ly dropped at $27,000. Prices cination with low-digit license plate number, the higher the reported do not include buyer’s premium. Over 100 additional works of fine art and sculpture from the Daniel Dietrich II estate and the Forbes collection were highlighted in the catalog. One piece held in high regard was Monday—Friday 10am-7pm an abstract composition by Saturday & Sunday 10am-5pm Open O pen Every Ever y Day Da y Donald Keith Sultan (b. 1951), which brought $9,500. Two Across the river from paintings of sheep in pastures Easy access from I-81, 250 Quality Harrisburg, PA by British-American artist I-83, PA-581, PA-15, Vendors in US Rte 11 Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait (1819Furniture, Jewelry, 45,000 sq. ft.— 1905) sold for $8,000 and Art, Glassware, $5,500. All One Floor!

Abraham Lincoln Portrait By Franklin C. Courter Sells For $27,000

Pottery, Clothing, Postcards, and More!

A Tiffany Favrile art glass perfume bottle sold for $9,000. In the vehicle department, Delaware residents were excited at the opportunity to bid on two active sequential three-digit license plates: numbers 557 and 558.

It is well worth the trip–You will be thrilled!


On June 27, William Bunch Bunch’s best-attended aucAuctions hosted their Summer tions of the year. Quarterly Catalog sale. The The top lot of the sale was quarterly auction feaa portrait of Abraham tured an Lincoln, painted eclectic offerby Franklin C. ing of nearly Courter (1854500 lots of 1947). The painting depictThis portrait of ed a seated Abraham Lincoln holding Lincoln, painted by the Emancipation Franklin C. Courter Proclamation. (1854-1947), Courter is well depicting a seated known for his porLincoln holding the traits of President Emancipation Lincoln, and his Proclamation, sold work was shown for $27,000. in the 1893 fine and decorative arts. A con- Columbian Exposition in tinuing assortment from the Chicago. While a visual archive estate of Daniel Dietrich II was of Courter’s paintings has complemented by consign- been cataloged by the ments from the Malcolm Smithsonian American Forbes collection, in addition Art Museum National Art to the fine selections from Inventory, this painting Delaware Valley estates. The was undocumented and auction grossed over $403,000 fresh to the market. Driven at the hammer and was one of by competitive phone


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carrying torches, etc. – all horror film staples that originated in “Frankenstein.� The total for Heritage Auctions’ July 29 and 30 vintage movie posters auction was $2.7 million. For more information, visit

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to reviewing potential consignments for this auction,� said Withem. To contact Morphy Auctions, call 877-968-8880.

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comedienne first and foremost, but she turned in a stellar performance as the film’s homicidal heiress that highlighted her dramatic range. The other offering to realize the same price was a “Frankenstein� (Universal, 1931) Style A one sheet, which is one of only six known copies in existence. This stunning stone litho one sheet, which is heavily coveted by serious collectors, depicts the horror classic that some consider the most influential film in Hollywood history. Not only did this adaptation of Mary Shelley’s classic novel bring the young horror genre into the mainstream, but it also produced the horror vocabulary and imagery that remain today, including the mad scientist, the misunderstood monster, the angry villagers

8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080 Wed. & Thurs. 9-5; Fri. & Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5


Continued from page 1

Antiques & Collectibles


Heritage Auctions

to coming to Morphy’s, he owned a firearms shop in Southern Oregon. “We are thrilled to welcome Russ to our team of best-in-class firearms experts. His deep knowledge, combined with passion for research, accuracy, and collaboration, makes him a strong fit for Morphy’s,� said Dan Morphy. “I am certain that I will help to grow Morphy’s Firearms and Militaria division as well as its national visibility. I joined the team for its great reputation and to handle higher-end firearms on the East Coast. The division’s next sale is scheduled for Nov. 3, 4, and 5, and I look forward



collectibles, including World War I German militaria. He has expertise with Luger pistols, Winchesters, and Colt revolvers, and he has contributed to several books, including “History Writ in Steel German Police Markings 19001936� (Thai Watana Press Co., Ltd., 2009); “Simson Lugers: Simson & Co., Suhl, the Weimar Years� (Brad Simpson Publishing, 2007); and “Police Lugers: German Police Lugers and Their Markings 1918-1958� (Golden Belt Printing Inc., 2012). A current book project is about the Colt 1877 DA. Withem is a member of the Winchester Collectors Association and the Colt Collectors Association. Prior


Morphy Auctions recently announced that Russ Withem has joined the company as a firearms expert in the Firearms and Militaria Division. This new position was created in response to Morphy’s growth in these categories, demonstrated most recently by the company’s $3.3 million firearms sale in June. Withem will be responsible for identifying and valuing merchandise, cataloging, developing consignment networks, and representing Morphy’s at 30 to 40 trade and industry events annually. Withem has more than 40 years of experience collecting, appraising, and buying and selling firearms and sporting



4 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017

19720 New Castle 302-328-3506 2ND ACT ANTIQUES COLLECTIBLES & TREASURES, LLC 304-306 Delaware St. 5,000 sq. ft. antiques cooperative & art gallery. Open every day. Find us on Facebook. 19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items. 19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 115pm (Winter).


21157 Westminster 410-857-4044 WESTMINISTER ANTIQUE MALL, 433 Hahn Rd 25,000 s.f., furniture, military, toys, jewelry, coins, comics, LPs, glassware. Generally open 7 days/ week Mon. - Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-6. 21901 North East 410-287-8318 5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Gourmet chocolates.

07052 West Orange 973-323-1711 VALLEY VINTAGE, 168 South Valley Rd. Open Mon-Sat. 11-6, Sun. 12-5. 2100 sq.ft, 25+ dealers. Antiques, vintage, collectibles, furniture, decor, kitchenware, jewelry, books, LPs, ephemera. 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking. 08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES, 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Pottery, Ceramics, Fiesta, Dinnerware, Antiques & Vintage items, etc.

08062 Mullica Hill 856-478-0300 YELLOW GARAGE ANTIQUES 66 S. Main St. Multi-dealer co-op, Wed Sun.11am-5pm. Fine 18th & 19th C furniture, stoneware, textiles, folk art, Americana, decoys, jewelry, dolls, etc.


f Olde Antique Cente s oCome y a r Spend The Day! D 110 South New York Road (Route 9), Galloway, NJ

1 Mile S. of Historic Smithville Village and 9 Miles N. of Atlantic City OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 10 A.M.-6 P.M. The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op



“We’re Bigger ★ Than We Look”




PHONE: (732) 349-5764 ★ ESTABLISHED SINCE 1969


First Light right 1/2 mile on Main St. Dealer Business Welcomed

Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7.

FAX 717-492-2566 24 hours a day Your ad will be processed on the next business day

19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET, 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.

E-MAIL Submit your ad to us at

19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET, 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. Berks Co. Largest Antique Boutique. Antiques, collectibles, vintage home & garden decor.

Deadline: Wednesday 4:00pm for Fridays edition

We Offer: Furniture, Advertising, Metal & Porcelain Signs, Black Memorabilia, Coke & Pepsi Collectibles, Oil & Gas Advertising Cans, Petroliana, Primitives, Soda & Dairy, Toys, Nautical, Wood Advertising, Crates, Railroadiana, Fiesta, Tobacco, etc.


Open Daily 11-5

Over 9,000 Sq. Ft. of Vintage & Antique Furniture, Jewelry, Sports Cards & Memorabilia, Primitives, Clothing, Nautical & Much More. S978080

622 Trenton Ave. Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742

THE PEOPLE’S STORE Quality Antiques, Fine Art, Furniture, Silver, Books, Vintage Clothing, & Accessories



Open Everyday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Thurs. 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. visit for details

Antique Emporium of Asbury Park OVER 15,000 SQUARE FEET OF DEALER SPACE! Antique and art dealers of fine European and American furniture, art, bronzes, statuary, porcelain, glass, china, silver, primitives, jewelry, clocks, decorative items, linens, collectibles, and much more!


6 46 Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park, New Jersey

Select Items Excluded


4 Floors (Including 2 Artist Galleries) 28 North Union Street

Lambertville, NJ 08530

(609) 397-9808

Grist Mill Haddon Heights Antiques Center Antiques Center 80 Dealer Co-Op Clements Bridge Rd. & E. Atlantic Ave.

PEMBERTON, NJ 08068 Limited Space Available Route 616, 127 Hanover Street

Haddon Heights, New Jersey

Head east on Rt. 38; turn left at light after Rt. 206 intersection

(856) 546-0555 (609) 726-1588 OPEN 7 DAYS - 10 AM TO 5 PM OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 8 PM


Just minutes from Exit 102, Garden State Parkway

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Exit #82 Garden St. Parkway Rt. #37 East



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Antiques, Metal Polishing, Plating All Metal, Antique Oxidized Patina Finishes. 1 piece or on production level bases.



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(Buying & Selling)




“BIG CITY Antiques at Country Prices”

18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4

Hours: Wed., Thurs., Sun. 10am-5pm; Fri., Sat., 10am-6pm; Closed Monday & Tuesday Phone: 215-322-5868

Select Dealer Space and Showcases Available


Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?




Located at: 614 Second Street Pike (Rt. 232) Southampton, PA 18966

Looking for Treasures


★ ★

18914 Chalfont 215-997-3227 BUCKS COUNTY ANTIQUE GALLERY, 8 Skyline Dr. 12,000 sq.ft. of historic & hip finds. Tue.-Sat 10-5, Sun. 12-5. facebook/instagram

609-747-8333 Come Spend the Day with Us ~


18603 Berwick 570-371-7991 CW ODDS & ENDS, 7588 Columbia Blvd. Antiques & Collectibles. Open Wed. through Sun. 10am-6pm.

) # $QWLTXHV DQG $UW (PSRULXP Burlington City ~ 424 High Street



18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES, 113 7th St. 2 lge Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5

Mon.-Fri. 10-5



17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 the shop, 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4.

18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm.

Text your picture for a quote.

Hopewell, NJ 08525

20202 National Pike Hagerstown, MD

17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL, 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.

18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY, 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, guns, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5.

650 W. King St. (Rt. 30) Abbottstown, PA 17301

38 Dealers 2 Somerset Street Open Daily 10-5, Sun. 11-5

16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety.

18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980”




08006 Barnegat Light 609-361-8039 THE SEAWIFE, 1901 Bayview Ave. at Viking Village. Country primitive antique furniture, quilts, folk art, architecturals & garden. Call for hours.

16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome.

18091 Wind Gap 610-863-1757 WIND GAP INDOOR FLEA MARKET 316 N Broadway. Open Sat., Sun. 8am-4pm. A/C building, includes NASCAR Bill Visa/ MC; Jeff’s Bread fantastic daily deals! Forever Christmas Store; Nancy’s Corner Cafe, homemade cheesecake; Mark’s Produce locally grown Visa/MC; BrassLady Vintage Antique Brass Visa/ MC accepted.

19608 Sinking Spring 484-755-5586 THE PRIMITIVE BARN & FEATURED ARTISANS, 3809 Penn Ave. Retail/ Wholesale antiques, upcycled primitive furniture, handmade home & garden decor. Tues.-Fri., 11-5; Sat- Sun 11-4.

★ S856696

732.774.8230 MON - SAT. 11 TO 5, SUN 12-5



19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUE, 23 Liberty Plaza. Summer Hrs. Mon-Sat. 12-8, Sun. 12-5. Over 45 Showcase/ Room Dlrs selling quality antiques/ collectibles.

21078 Havre de Grace 410-942-0701 SENECA CANNERY ANTIQUES, 201 St. John St... Largest Mall in North Eastern Maryland with 50+ quality dealers. Open M-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. Wide Selection of antiques & collectibles.

08525 Hopewell 609-466-9833 TOMATO FACTORY ANTIQUE & DESIGN CENTER, 2 Somerset St. We Have It All! Open Mon. thru Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5. We have 38 Dealers.

18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.


21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4

18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES, 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad.



19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL, 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more.

08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES, 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs




20758 Friendship 410-286-5932 FRIENDSHIP ANTIQUES 3 W. Friendship Rd. In an 1806 Parsonage offering a wide range of Antiques, Art, Jewelry, Glassware, Collectibles, Fossils and Minerals. Thurs.-Sun. 11-5.


19709 Middletown 302-376-7022 ATTIC TO BASEMENT, ETC., 4380 Summit Bridge Rd. Antiques, collectibles, books, vintage clothing, unique finds. open 7 day a week 10am6pm. Visit us on Facebook!

Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 - - 5

6 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017

Embassy Sells Native American Material Apache Moccasins Bring $5,040 Embassy Auctions a Northern Plains Indian awl International in Kinzers, case brought $280. Lancaster County, Pa., held what it titled a Varied Collections Auction on June 28, consisting of a variety of Native American material. Among the highlights were a pair of thigh-high Apache moccasins, selling for $5,040, These Apache thigh-high moccasins sold for and a Kiowa ration $5,040. ticket pouch, $2,800. To learn more, readers A beaded may call 717-442-8529. Kiowa whetstone case sold for $1,512; a Plains Indian rattle, $952; a Catlinite smoking pipe, $700; and a pair of 19th-century Sioux sinew moccasins, $616. Also, a beaded Crow m e d i c i n e This beaded Kiowa charm sold whetstone case for $364, and realized $1,512. A Kiowa ration ticket pouch sold for $2,800. the November 2016 catalog for $19,000. Continued from page 3 Modern design continued marketplace. This pair of con- to sweep the salesroom, which secutive three-digit tags was studded with items such as brought $23,000 and $21,000. Along with the sought-after pair of plates, the sale offered a series of estate-fresh vehicles. Motor vehicle top sellers included a 2008 Cadillac STS that brought $6,500 at the hammer, and a 1930 Ford Model A Tudor that sold for $5,750. Furniture sales were strong, with many pieces going above This pair of consecutive three-digit and beyond their high esti- Delaware tags brought $23,000 and mates. Furniture was led by a $21,000. Gio Ponti Design for Singer four-drawer dresser. This mid- a George Nelson & Associates century modern design thin edge cabinet by Herman received exceptional bidding Miller ($2,600), a Herman Miller competition from all bidding Eames rosewood lounge chair outlets, closing out at $13,500. ($2,600), and a Wendell Castle This was the companion chest Collection Samba cabinet to an identical Gio Ponti sold in ($4,750). Highboys and lowboys

Bunch Auctions

impressed across the board, with a Queen Anne figured maple highboy ($3,250), a New Jersey Queen Anne lowboy ($3,000), and a walnut Queen Anne Delaware Valley highboy ($2,400). American history collectors were pleased with an assortment of exceptional Civil War artifacts and historical documents highlighted throughout the sale. An original copy of Gen. W.T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 120 sold for $6,000. These were military orders issued during the American Civil War on Nov. 9, 1864, by Maj. Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman of the Union Army. He issued these orders in preparation for his famous March to the Sea, also known as the Savannah Campaign. From another local area estate

came an important document signed by seventh U.S. President, Andrew Jackson ($4,250). The record is creating the position of Commissioner of Indian Affairs as authorized by the U.S. Congress on July 9, 1832, appointing Elbert Herring of New York as said commissioner. It is secretarially written and signed in Jackson’s hand, dated Dec. 22, 1832, and counter-signed by Lewis Cass, Jackson’s 2nd Secretary of War, 1831-36. No auction is complete without some surprise showstoppers. Some sale shockers included a Tiffany Favrile art glass perfume bottle, which sold for $9,000, and a Thai niello silver round deep bowl that brought $6,500, tripling its high estimate. To learn more, visit

The 50th Lititz Springs Park Outdoor Antiques & Collectibles Show SATURDAY, AUGUST 26TH, 2017 Lititz Springs Park,

Lititz, PA 17543 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Food Vendors On Site

A Plains Indian rattle sold for $952.

A catlinite smoking pipe sold for $700.

Lititz Springs Park is a private park maintained by the churches of Lititz



Free admission and free parking

September 17, 2017 Celebration

Renninger’s Adamstown Antiques Market Open Sundays 7:30 to 4

Rt. 272 Adamstown, Pa 2500 North Reading Road Denver, Pa. 17517 !

50th Anniversary Renninger’s Adamstown

Renninger’s Kutztown Antique Center " #$ %$& '

Outdoor Market Sat. Open at 7. Antiques Consignment & Farmers Market " ) %$& * + #$ %$& ' Located at 740 Noble St. Kutztown, Pa. * ' ! -

Hundreds of Exhibitors. Antiques & Collectibles Extravaganza Thurs. Opens 10 AM Admission $15.00 Fri. and Sat. Opens at 8 AM. Adm. Fri. $6.00 Sat. $4.00

Sept. 28, 29, 30 2017

6 8 # $- $9$ $8 ; <6 = * = * *'> ) #$ * ' The Show is Located at 740 Noble St. Kutztown, Pa 19530 S982159

SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR GEORGIA 09/07-10/17, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques Market, Atlanta Expo Center

10/01/17, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor

NEW JERSEY 08/19/17, OCEAN GROVE, SAT 10 AM-5 PM, Postcards, Collectibles, Shore Memorabilia, Auditorium Pavilion

NEW YORK 08/14-20/17, BOUCKVILLE, MON-SUN 8 AM-5 PM, Antique Week, On Rt 20, MadisonBouckville Antique Week Towne Wide

09/17/17, BARNEGAT LIGHT, SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 19th & Bayview Ave, Historic Viking Village 09/24/17, HAMMONTON, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antique, Glass, Bottle, Car, 21 Batsto Rd, Batsto Village Wharton State Forest

08/15-20/17, BOUCKVILLE, TUES-SUN 8 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 6769 Rt 20, Cider House 09/24/17, TROY, SUN 9 AM-4 PM, Postcard, 134 N Greenbush Rd, Elks Lodge #141

Affordable Prices • 24 Dealers • Great Selection Furniture, China, Glass, Majolica, Silver, Shabby Chic, Primitives, Decorative Items, Clocks, Artwork, Linens, Collectibles & Jewelry

09/29-10/01/17, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, FRI SAT SUN, Antique Extravaganza, Fayette County Fairgrounds PENNSYLVANIA 08/19/17, CARBONDALE, SAT 10 AM-6 PM, Antiques in the Park, 7 Park Place, Historic Memorial Park On Main Street 08/19/17, LANCASTER, SAT 9 AM-5 PM, Postcard Expo, 1383 Arcadia Rd, Lancaster Farm & Home Center


09/02/17, MONROE TOWNSHIP, SAT 8 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 1922 SR 29, Hayfield Outdoor

351 Lancaster Ave., Frazer, PA 19355 From Frazer Exit On Rt. 202 Go 2 Miles East On Rt. 30


COLUMBUS FARMERS’ MARKET Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3

Over 1500 Vendors



Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ

OHIO 08/25-27/17, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, FRI SAT SUN, Antique Extravaganza, Fayette County Fairgrounds

08/27/17, NEW CASTLE, SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Punk Rock F/M, 198 S Dupont Hwy Rt 13, Nur Shrine Temple

The Best Kept Secret On The Main Line

09/04/17, LANDISVILLE, MON 8 AM, Flea Market, Amos Herr Park 09/22-24/17, YORK, FRI & SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 334 Carlisle Ave, York Fairgrounds Conv & Expo Ctr Memorial Hall East 09/28-09/30/17, KUTZTOWN, THURS 10 AM-4 PM FRI & SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles Extravaganza, 750 Noble St, Renningers Antique Market 10/01/17, DENVER, SUN 7:30 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectors Extravaganzas, 2500 N Reading Rd, Renningers Antique Market VIRGINIA 09/16-17/17, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big Flea & Antiques Market, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center




NEW JERSEY 8/21/2017, BURLINGTON, MON 5:30 PM, Collection of records & memorabilia featuring LP's, 45's, 78's, reel to reels, 8-tracts, cassettes, posters, magazines, books, autographs, pins etc., Roma Club 739 Lincoln Ave, C & M Auctioneers OHIO 8/12/2017, WILLOUGHBY, SAT 10 AM, Vintage toys, trains, dolls, 3860 Ben Hur Ave, Milestone Auctions Gallery 8/26/2017, WILLOUGHBY, SAT 10 AM, Premier Firearms, Military Auction, 3860 Ben Hur Ave, Milestone Auctions Gallery PENNSYLVANIA 08/09-23/17, FOGLESVILLE, ONLINE ONLY MON 8/9-MON 8/23, Fine Chinese & Asian Arts Auction, Online @, Zettlemoyer Auction Co. 08/17-19/17, QUARRYVILLE, THURS 2 PM FRI NOON SAT 8 AM, 8/17 - Antiques, furniture, coins, box lots; 8/18 - Signs, advertising, automobilia;\\n8/19 - Guns & sporting goods, 3164 White Oak Rd, PA Auction Center

10/20-21/17, LEBANON, FRI & SAT 9 AM, Collector's cars, trucks, tractors, memorabilia, coaches, carriages, sleighs, appointments, antiques, Lebanon Fairgrounds 80 Rocherty Rd, Martin Auctioneers, Inc. S982261

20-75% OFF

MISSOURI 8/12/2017, SAINT LOUIS, SAT 10 AM (CENTRAL), American, European, Asian antiques, art, collectibles, jewelry. Online bidding @, Selkirk CWE Gallery 4739 McPherson Ave, Selkirk Auctioneers & Appraisers

09/02 & 09/04/17, QUARRYVILLE, SAT & MON 7:30 AM, Quilts, fine art, Amishmade food, furniture, vacations, sports memorabilia, used cars, Solanco Fairgrounds, Hospice & Community Care

AUGUST 16-20, 2017


MAINE 08/16-18/17, FAIRFIELD, WED THURS FRI 10 AM, Fine Asian & Antiques Auction; bid live during auction @, Skowhegan Rd Rt 201, James D Julia

08/18-19/17, COGAN STATION, FRI & SAT 10 AM, Indian artifacts, western art, civil war swords, Gallery 3530 Lycoming Creek Rd, Roan Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers



MARYLAND 8/26/2017, FREDERICK, SAT 9 AM, Antique & household furniture, fine glassware, china, oil paintings, framed art & prints, Lladro, antique clocks, clocks, watches, dolls, area rugs, lamps, costume jewelry, jewelry, sterling silver, old hot rod magazines, advertising etc., Frederick Fairgrounds (Indoors Bldg #12) 797 E Patrick St, Howard Parzow

8/12/2017, COGAN STATION, SAT 10 AM, Firearms & related, Gallery 3530 Lycoming Creek Rd, Roan Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers 8/12/2017, EPHRATA, SAT 9 AM, Antiques, collectibles, toys, model trains, household goods, tools, Horst Auction Center 50 Durlach Rd, Horst Auctioneers


8/12/2017, FREDERICK, SAT 9 AM, Furniture, antiques, collectibles, glassware, pottery, toys, dolls, tools, large collection of vintage Christmas items etc., OnSite 2642 Big Rd (Rt 73), JR's Auctioneering

8/12/2017, LEBANON, SAT 8:30 AM, Personal property featuring tractor/equipment, 84 Oliver 1 bottom plow S3-491, lawn & garden, woodworking tools, furniture, antiques, collectibles; Real Estate 2 pm, OnSite 15 Weaver Ln, Joel Heisey 8/12/2017, REINHOLDS, SAT 10 AM, Pottery, folk art, wood carvings, baskets, southern folk pottery, face jugs etc., OnSite Ned & Gwen's Shop 225 N Peartown Rd, Witman Auctioneers, Inc. 8/13/2017, SPRING CITY, SUN 8:30 AM, Collection of carnival glass, animal mounts, quilts, costume jewelry, mowers, toys, furniture, crocks, advertising, Roseville, Hummels, linens etc., 20 Bonnie Brae Rd, Ron Rhoads 8/14/2017, YORK, MON 9 AM, Antiques, furniture, glassware, china, jewelry, collectibles, tools, two rooms of box lots, 240 Hatchery Rd, Toomey Auction Service, Inc. 8/15/2017, HATFIELD, BID NOW AND LIVE ONLINE TUES 8 PM, Nostalgic Treasures featuring eclectic mix of period, primitive, mid-century, contemporary furniture, Persian rugs, sculptures, artwork, scientific items, china etc., Online @ w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 8/15/2017, HATFIELD, BID NOW AND LIVE ONLINE TUES 8 PM, Nostalgic Treasures featuring eclectic mix of period, primitive, mid-century, & contemporary furniture, Persian rugs, sculptures, artwork, musical items etc., Online Only, Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 8/16/2017, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING WED 8 PM, Military Toys from WWI to present day, Online @ w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 8/16/2017, KINZERS, WED 10 AM, Signs, automobilia, petroliana, advertising plus auto parts, vintage bicycles, tools & tool boxes, 5336 Mine Rd, Embassy Auctions International 8/16/2017, RICHLANDTOWN, WED 2 PM, Antiques, collectibles, books, ephemera, toys,jewelry, hunting & fishing, furniture, Benner Hall 1260 E Cherry St, J. Pandur Auction Services, Inc. 8/17/2017, EDISON, THURS 10 AM, Box lots, toys, collection of bulk fabric, Main Auction of glassware, antiques, smalls 3 pm, fine jewelry & sterling silver, doll collection, Main Auction of quality furniture 7 pm, New Jersey Conv & Expo Ctr 97 Sunfield Ave, Bodnars Auction Sales 8/17/2017, HATFIELD, BID LIVE AND ONLINE THURS 10 AM, Simulcast Military Auction, 501 Fairgrounds Rd &, Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 8/17/2017, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING THURS 8 PM, Ottsville, Pa featuring sporting, books, clothing, fine furniture, unique collectibles etc., Online @ w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 8/18/2017, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING FRI 8 PM, Pipersville, Pa featuring landscaping contractor equipment, household furniture, recreational items, Online @ w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers

8/18/2017, SOUTHAMPTON, FRI 1 PM, Antiques & Decorative Arts, 1005 Industrial Blvd, Stephenson's Auction 8/19/2017, BARTO, SAT 9 AM, Large early tool collection, camera collection, antiques & furnishings, Jakes F/M 1380 Rt 100 Treasure Barn, Kimberly Hemingway 8/19/2017, JONESTOWN, SAT 10 AM, Real Estate Noon; Personal property lighting, collectibles, textiles & coats, dolls, art, jewelry, militaria, tools, equipment, house & home; Vehicles 11 am, Furniture 12:30, OnSite 429 Jonestown Rd, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals 8/19/2017, REINHOLDS, SAT 8:30 AM, Unique country store advertising pieces from Sonny's Country Store Antiques, Adamstown featuring spool cabinets, country store display cabinets counts, decorative trade signs porcelain, tin, wood, cardboard, paper, country store related furniture items, primitives etc., 2651 N Reading Rd, John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. 8/19/2017, SPRING CITY, SAT 10 AM, Modern Era Toy Train Auction, Ridge Fire Company 480 Ridge Rd, Maurer's Auctions 8/2/2017, CHESTER HEIGHTS, WED 2 PM, Furniture, rugs, collectibles, artwork, Wilson's Auction Gallery 344 Valleybrook Rd, Wilson's Auctioneers & Appraisers 8/2/2017, PENNSDALE, WED 4:30 PM, Guns, ammo, coins, military items, antiques etc., Fry's Auction Hall 400 Village Rd, Fry's Auction, Inc. 8/20/2017, CAMP HILL, SUN 11 AM, Quality Antiques, 2228 Gettysburg Rd Lower Allen Plaza, Costea's Auction Gallery 8/20/2017, HARRISBURG, SUN 9 AM, Consignment Auction featuring BSA motorcycle, piano, art, collectibles, paper, books, house & home; Furniture Noon, 1500 Paxton St, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals 8/20/2017, ORWIGSBURG , SUN 9 AM, Early copper still, antiques, primitives, cast iron items, early trunks, stained glass windows, crocks, old bottles, depression & early glassware etc., OnSite 1511 Center Tpke Rt 61, Dean R Arner 8/21/2017, HATFIELD, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING MON 8 PM, Alderfer Online - Telford PA, Online Only @ w w w. a l d e r f e r a u c t i o n . c o m , Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 8/23/2017, KINZERS, WED NOON INTO THE EVENING, Guns & clock collection, tools, furniture, antiques, housewares, toys, collectibles, OnSite 901 Smyrna Rd, Penn Dutch Auction Service 8/24/2017, CARLISLE, THURS 3 PM, Antiques, collectibles, antique furniture, Rowe's Auction Barn 2505 Ritner Hwy, Rowe's Auction Service 8/24/2017, HAT, BID ONLINE NOW THROUGH CLOSING THURS 8 PM, Alderfer Online Zionsville, PA, Online, Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers 8/24/2017, HATFIELD, THURS 9 AM, Gallery/Estate featuring antiques, furnishings, collectibles including silver coin consumer sets, Hummels, David Winter cottages, oil lamps. ruby & amethyst glass, artwork, silver, jewelry etc., 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Alderfers Auctions & Appraisers Continued on page 8


TH 9:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M. 26 ST GU AU , AY RD TU SA

Artwork, Craft Items, Records, CDs, DVDs, Movies, Games, Horror, Toys, Collectables, Jewelry, Artists, Vintage Clothing, Food & Snacks, Instruments & Equipment, Old Stuff, Oddities, Bizarre Items, & General Weirdness






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08/26/17, LITITZ, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, Lititz Springs Park

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Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 - - 7


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Sales Every Mon., Wed. & Every Other Sat. Phone (717) 764-5403 - 792-3837 Auctioneers: Jack & Sheryl Hooks




Camp Hill, PA (717) 737-0000


Auction Calendar Continued from page 7

8/24/2017, YORK, THURS 10 AM, Modern & antique furniture, cranberry glass, carnival glass, set of willow-ware, ruby glassware, Hall china, Victorian decorative items, vintage toys etc., York Fairgrounds John Paige & Smith Bldg 334 Carlisle Ave, Rentzels Auction Service, Inc.

Phone: (570) 494-0170 Or: (800) 955-ROAN Fax: (570) 494-1911

Wilson’s Auctioneers & Appraisers Since 1911 Auctions Every Wednesday Starting At 3 P.M. 344 Valleybrook Road,

105 Chapel Street

Auctions Thurs. 1 P.M. For Information Phone (717) 272-7078



5 Miles N. Of Williamsport

Specializing In Antiques

6,000+ Lots sold in 5 rings all day! 2 Auctions Simultaneously Buy, Sell, Consign, Appraise At the New Jersey Convention & Expo Center 97 Sunfield Ave., EDISON, NJ Auction Held Monthly!

Selling Large Amount of Antiques, Collectibles & Household Goods From Local Homes & Estates Office: 610-274-8525 Jim Hill: 484-576-6368 For Sale Schedule & Highlights Visit:

8/26/2017, HONESDALE, SAT 9 AM, Pedal tractors, bear trap, farm collectables, farm toys & Tonka trucks, milk bottles, anvils, large bells, 2-MF Ski Whiz snowmobiles, OnSite 371 Miller Pond Rd, John H. Wetmore 8/26/2017, SPRING CITY, SAT 9 AM, Dollhouse & Miniature, doll, toy, 20 Bonnie Brae Rd, Ron Rhoads


8/26/2017, IRVONA, SAT 9:30 AM, Collections of vintage & antique toys, musical instruments & machinations, collectible & handcrafted dolls and more. Featured item: colossal 1895 GEB'R RICHTER 76 key concert band organ, Double K Auction House 1821 Dorsey Ave, Robert Kitchen & Tony's Antiques Gallery

AUCTIONEERS/APPRAISERS Visit Our Website For Dates 2501 E. Ontario St., Phila., PA 215-425-7030 ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS WELCOME

9/3/2017, STATE COLLEGE, SUN 9:30 AM, Blue decorated crocks, antique furniture, country collectibles, old bottles, pewter, baskets, clocks, glassware, quilts, toys etc., OnSite 200 W Whitehall Rd, Ron J Ron S Gilligan & David C Zentner 9/9/2017, MARTINSBURG, SAT 9:30 AM, C. Wayne Shultz Americana Collection, Memorial Park Sports Complex Bldg 201 S Walnut St, Adam Violet

Chester Heights, PA 19017 Phone:

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8 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 9/30/2017, HARLEYSVILLE, SAT 8:30 AM, John Deere Tractors, GMC pickup, tools, 56' X 99' Morton Bldg, antiques, primitives, nice furniture, collectibles, glassware, household goods, books, 167 Harleysville Pike (Rt 113), Tim Weaver Auction Service LLC












OVER 1,000 LOTS TO BE SOLD IN THIS ONE DAY AUCTION EVENT!!! Featuring Antique Furniture, Household Furniture, Vast Of All Types, Fine Glassware, Fine China, Oil Paintings, Fine Framed Art And Prints, Numerous Lladro, Antique Clocks, Clocks, Watches, Madame Alexander Dolls, Barbies Dolls, Area Rugs, Lamps, Costume Jewelry, Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Statues, Books, Records Including 45s And 33s, Guitars, Toys, Old Model Kits In Original Boxes, Old Board Games, Original Beatles Bobble Head Dolls Set Of 4, Cowboy Boots, Children’s Tea Sets, Old Hot Rod Magazines, LEGO Collection All In Original Boxes, Advertising And Adv. Tins, Plus Many, Many Box Lots Of Great And Interesting Items All Sold At No Reserve!!!

PLEASE VISIT WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM (AUCTIONEERS ID#2894) TO VIEW HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS WITH MORE PHOTOS COMING SOON NEW PHOTOS WILL ADDED THROUGHOUT THE WEEK WHILE THE STAFF SETS UP AND UNPACKS NUMEROUS BOXES SO PLEASE KEEP CHECKING AUCTIONZIP.COM RIGHT UP TO THURSDAY, AUGUST 24TH FOR ADDITIONAL PICTURES. TERMS OF AUCTION: 10% Buyer’s Premium Added To The Hammer Price. Checks Accepted From Out- Of- State Buyers With A Bank Letter Stating That You Have A No Bounce Check History Dated 3 Days Prior To August 26th, 2017 On Bank Letter Head. Bring A Copy Of Your Retail Sales Tax License Or Pay The Maryland Sales Tax. We Accept Out- Of- State Retail Sales Tax License But Must Current. All Items Sold Where-Is And As-Is With No Gurantees. All Announcements Made On Auction Day Take Precedence Over Previously Distributed Information. The Auctioneer Has The Right To Refuse Anyones Check If He Wishes To Do So. We Do Not Accept Credit Cards.








CLOCKS CAST-IRON DOORSTOPS See The Photos Now Posted On Our W Web Site WWW.PARZOWAUCTIONS.COM Or WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM (ID#2894). More Photos Will Be Posted Soon!!! Don’t Miss This One!!!




Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 - - 9

Converse Auctions’ East Meets West Sale Planned For Aug. 25

The colorful cloisonné tripod censer of three enameled cranes, 9.5 inches tall, with each crane shown holding a ruyi in its beak, is estimated at $3,000-$5,000.

Those are just two items in a 475-lot auction where Asian objects will be sold prior to items from the Western culture – hence the title East Meets West. Internet bidding will be provided by and, as well as through the Converse Auctions website at, plus via Google Play (for Android) and the App Store (for iPhone). The more than 250 Eastern lots will come up for bid beginning at 9 a.m. These will include antique bronze Buddha statues and censers, fine antique cloisonné, jade carvings, zitan and huanghuali furniture, porcelain vases and panels, paintings,

thangkas, kesi embroidery, screens, brush pots, ink stones and swords, many from local estates and collections. The Western lots – over 200 in number – will be sold starting no earlier than 3 p.m. (all times are Eastern). These will feature fine paintings and prints, fine gold and diamond estate jewelry, Native American silver, watches and clocks, antique silver and coins, vintage clothing, porcelain (including a Sevres lamp and a Belleek basket) and a group of tribal masks, statues and weapons. To say the auction will have diversity would be an understatement. Items will range from a Faust print by French artist Louis Icart (1880-1950), signed and numbered (est. $1,000-$1,500), to a 1900 U.S. Liberty $20 gold coin (est. $2,000-$4,000), to a 19th-century Mende figure, 23.5 inches tall, collected my missionaries around 1940 (est. $400-$600), to an Iranian throw rug displaying a blue and pink geometric

pattern, 42-by-60 inches (est. $300-$500). In the 9.5-inch-tall cloisonné triple crane censer, each of the three cranes is shown holding a ruyi in its beak. The birds’ elaborate plumage is enameled in bright gradated colors, with wire shapes simulating different kinds of feathers. The cranes’ feet fit into holes on the base for support. The lid is pierced with cloud forms, and the censer base is a tripod lotus pedestal under a top platform. The portrait attributed to Laurens depicts an unknown sitter (presumably a man of property) and is academically painted. In it, the gentleman’s arms are crossed, and he is standing in front of Art Nouveau style wallpaper of birds and flowers. The frame (33.25-by-37.5 inches) is elaborate and heavy in gold leaf, wood and plaster. The Eastern session will be a veritable feast for fans of Asian objects. A rare, elaborate Chinese Qian Long presentation long sword (35.5 inches in length) with a carved jade hilt, filigreed embellishments in gold gilt and an inlaid wooden scabbard should realize

A pair of huanghuali dragon arm folding chairs with heavily carved legs, arm rests and back all in a dragon and cloud motif, 31 inches tall, are estimated at $3,000-$5,000.

$5,000-$8,000, while a gold gilt bronze and Buddha, 11.25 inches tall and shown seated in a full lotus position, wearing robes in a floral cloisonné pattern in turquoise and edged in burgundy, is estimated at $1,000-$1,500. A Qing carved zitan painting table with ornately carved legs and skirtings of dragons, flaming pearls and clouds, with the feet carved as waves, has an estimate of $3,000-$5,000, and a rectangular white jade censer, translucent and highly polished, with two square pierced handles and four cylindrical legs, should make $2,000-$4,000. A pair of huanghuali cabinets comprising three shelves This oil portrait attributed to the French sitting atop a double-door cabartist Jean Paul Laurens (1838-1921) inet, with a low riser on the depicting an unknown man of means shelves made of carved spinis estimated at $2,000-$3,000. dles, 35.25 inches tall, has an estimate of $2,000-$4,000, while a lovely huanghuali jewelry chest with a lid that opens up and two doors below (inside the drawers are two over one) should command $800-$1,200. The auction will feature eleven A huge famille rose bowl thangkas (Tibetan Buddhist paintings with interior panels that alteron cotton, or silk applique), with esti- A 1900 U.S. Liberty $20 gold coin is nate between domestic scenes mates ranging from $300-$1,200. estimated at $2,000-$4,000. and scholars’ items under a

A gold gilt bronze and cloisonné Buddha, 11.25 inches tall and shown seated in a full lotus position, wearing The Faust print by French artist Louis floral pattered robes, is estimated at Icart (1880-1950), signed and num$1,000-$1,500. bered, is estimated at $1,000-$1,500.

Continued on page 13


Preview Friday, August 25

9:00 A.M.

1 to 4 P.M.



Directions: Route 724 to Bonnie Brae Road, follow signs.


Presenting the Collections of Anne Boomer, Diane Hutter of Colorado, and Adrienne Pershyn Dolls from Queens NY, et. al.


ORWIGSBURG, PA 17961 Early Copper Still, Antiques, Primitives, Cast-Iron Items, Early Trunks, Stained Glass Windows, Old Scales, Kero Lights, Pottery, Stick Phone, Old Lanterns, Depression And Early Glassware, Old Reading Wooden Beer Rates, Beer Trays, Industrial Shades, Old License Plates, Hit & Miss Motor, Crocks, Old Bottles And Much More! Huge On Site Auction, Rain Or Shine! Check Full Listing And Photos At WWW.AUCTIONZIP.COM ID#21038.

DEAN R. ARNER AUCTIONEER, LLC AY-002077L 570-386-3389 S981952


SATURDAY, AUGUST 26, 2017 AT 9:00 A.M. 371 Miller Pond Road,


18431 If this address is not working in your GPS try 371 Miller Pond Rd., Pleasant Mount, PA 50 Pedal Tractors, Bear Trap, Farm Collectables, Hundreds of Farm Toys & Tonka Trucks, Milk Bottles, Anvils, Large Bells, 2-MF Ski Whiz Snowmobiles!!!


GO TO AUCTIONZIP.COM ID#4665 FOR FULL LISTING AND PICTURES. AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: I am very proud to offer this collection at a Public Auction. I am clearing out years of collecting! All day sale bring a chair. PLEASE RESPECT PRIVACY OF OWNERS BEFORE SALE TIME. Inspection date is Friday 8/25 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. WATCH FOR UPDATES MANY ITEMS PACKED AWAY IN STORAGE TRAILERS. EXPECT SUPRISES!!! AS ALWAYS NO BUYER’S PENALTY Selling for Kim Curley Auction License #AU005268 Phone: 570-253-1648 Office 570-493-6995 Cell

floral border, and an exterior that repeats the themes of the interior, is expected to go for $1,000-$1,500, and a large and rare Beleek woven porcelain basket, a fine example of the delicate artistry for which this Irish company is known, should fetch $200-$400. Asian jewelry lots will feature an 18-carat jade ring with facing open-jawed dragons clasping the center stone with their extended claws and the back of the shank engraved to mimic overlapping dragon tails (est. $800-$1,200), and a vintage sterling and 14-carat bow pin with a green jade bezel set scarab in the center of the pin surmounted by five gold petals, circa 1940s (est. $500-$800). The East session will also include a group of five kesis, with estimates ranging from $800-$6,000, and eleven thangkas, with estimates ranging from $300-$1,200. Kesis are Chinese silk tapestries woven in a pictorial design (the word kesi means “cut silk”). Thangkas are Tibetan Buddhist paintings on cotton or silk applique, usually depicting a Buddhist deity or scene.

Summer Dollhouse, Miniature, Doll & Toy Auction 20 Bonnie Brae Road,

John H. Wetmore, Auctioneer

This jade double dragon seal in a gilt bronze case, elaborately carved on all sides with a central dragon over waves surrounded by ruyi clouds and a flaming pearl, is estimated at $3,000-$5,000.

DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES: Incredible Collection Kupjack Sterling, including rare Faberge Pieces, R. L. Guthiel Chippendale Furniture, Linda Wexler Oriental Screen, George Schlosser Dollhouse Paintings, Ron Stejkewiz tools, Painting by Gibson Winslow Homer Style, R. Partelow Grand Piano, R. Simms Knife Box, Gudgel Miniature Houses, C.J. Traill Hill Furniture, Crawford Music box, Mel Prescottt Miniature Silk Sofa and Chair, Large Olzewski Goebel Miniature Figures Collection, Aquisto Silver, Obadiah Fisher Silver, Dutch and English Silver, Kupjack Silver Roombox, Hal Weston Partner’s Desk, Robert Chucka Furniture, Four Robin Tyler Oil Paintings, Many pieces of Rosemarie Torre Painted Furniture, most was personally commissioned they are outstanding! Two incredible Ellen Krucker Blauer of the “The Miniature Mart” Handmade Rugs, just the best! Linda Gale Furniture, Outstanding Natasha Italian Secretary Desk, and other pieces, Mary Grady O’Brian Peter Rabbit Vignette, Callahan Copper Stove, Large Collection of Barbra Raheb Miniature Books, some rare, P. Bolton furniture, Many Phyllis Tucker Crystal Chandeliers, and Sconces, Mary Hoots Painted Animals, Clipper Collection China, Eileen McDaniel Easter Roombox, J. Tag Chamber Set, George Hoffman Tables and other pieces, Strombecker, German Pieces, Renwal Pieces, Moore, Lots of Accessories, Games, Glassware, Vienna Bronzes, Frozen Charlotte Dolls, All kinds of Vintage Dollhouses, Sets in Boxes, many accessories, there are hundreds of pieces. DOLLS: Collection of R.J Wright Miss Golli, Zinnia Fairy, Skippy, Patsy, Goldilocks, Clifford Berryman Bear, Rachel, Maggie Iacono, Annette Hempstead, Lee Middletown, Large Cloudland Shelly Thorton Doll, four Fancy Wendy Lawton Bisque Dolls Collection of Madame Alexander Cissy Dolls with wonderful clothing, Two Early Mary Hoyer Dolls one with original Case and Clothing, Sasha, R & B, Saucy Walker Doll in Box, Shirley Temple in Box, Betsey McCall, Ginny, Ideal Toni dolls, Early Barbie Lot, Ideal and American Character Dolls, Collection Child’s Sewing Machines, A&M Googley Eyed Doll, Demalcol Googley Eyed doll, Schoenhut Toddler, Early young Man China Head, Early Raggedy Andy with wooden Heart, Papier-Maché, China Heads, all kinds of Bisque Dolls, Kathie Kruse, Lenci, Jumeau Body Parts, Two Large Bisque unmarked, Boxes of Doll clothing, some with bustles, Early fabric, Victorian, Lots of Hard Plastic Doll Dresses, Several Ginny Dresses in original boxes, Littlechap Clothing in original boxes, Bergmann, and Hanwerk, Antique Milner Doll, Little Genius, Many Composition Baby Dolls, Effanbee Patsy, Princess Elizabeth, K*R, Composition Snow White and Dopey, Early Rag Dolls, Black Rag dolls, one Topsey Turvey, Antique tin Doll Bath, Chalk Kewpie, Hard Plastic Doll in Original boxes, Character Dolls, Effanbee Honey, Collection of Steiff Bears, many Artist Dolls, Many Small Alexander dolls with wonderful clothing, Poor Souls, Doll Accessories, Dishes, Christmas Collection, Halloween, Several Very Good Artist Bears, Hobby Horse Tricycle, C. Yenke Co. Reindeer, Moose, Rabbits, Good Selection of Doll Books, and others, Chein Merry-Go-Round in original box, Chein Rollercoaster in ob, other toys, Massive Cracker Jack collection from 1900’s to 80’s, K2 Mickey Skis, Radko AUCTIONEER Christmas Balls, glass Animals, groups of Ball Jointed Doll Clothing, Collection of 383 Ben Franklin Hwy. W., DOUGLASSVILLE, PA Skookum Dolls, and Several Still Banks, Barbies, etc. Furniture, so much more!



ON RHOAD 610-385-4818

18% Buyer’s Premium, 21% Internet Bidding


Ron Rhoads AU002045L Eileen Rhoads AU003750L


A colorful cloisonné tripod censer of three enameled cranes is expected to bring $3,000-$5,000, and a well-rendered oil portrait attributed to the French artist Jean Paul Laurens (1838-1921) carries an estimate of $2,000-$3,000 in Converse Auctions’ next East Meets West Sale, an onlineonly auction scheduled for Friday, Aug. 25, starting at 9 a.m.

By Amy Gale “I shall not erect a Grecian villa but a most substantial Catholic house, not very large but convenient and solid.” It was thus that Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin (1812-52) announced his plans to build a house in Ramsgate, on the coast of southern England. At the time, in the early 1840s, most detached middle class houses were built in the Classical style. Pugin, however, was a Gothic architect. Since adolescence, when he designed furniture for Windsor Castle, he had been working in the Gothic style. He was not the only architect to look to the Middle Ages for inspiration. The taste for ogee arches and fan vaulting dated back to the mid 18thcentury. But these early manifestations were playful and decorative. Pugin was the first to reattach the Gothic heritage to religion. Classical art was, he emphasized, pagan, and Gothic art was Christian. His zeal for

At the time the Grange was built, in the 1840s, the established taste was for Grecian villas. applying the truth and integrity white marble surround embellof Gothic to 19th-century living ished with enameled coats of is reflected in the family motto: arms. “En Avant,” which translates as For Pugin, the medieval “Forward.” interior was about color. He The Grange was the name knew that those cavernous, for the house Pugin was build- sparsely furnished castles had ing for his second wife Louisa been hung with tapestries. It and their children. Although was with wallpaper, a more fruthe construction took less than gal medium, that he brightened two years, the house was up the Grange. The rooms owe intended to look as if it had much of their cheer to the wallbeen pieced together over paper, with the reds, greens, many years. It has and pinks standing out against three ground-floor the dark paneling. For the reception rooms ground floor, he used the “En centered on a Avant” pattern, which depicts d o u b l e - h e i g h t the family motto and Pugin’s entry hall. Upstairs personal emblem, the black are the bedrooms martlet. The foliage and and nursery. The heraldic emblem are repremost distinctive sented as flat and stylized, feature, and the which was unusual for the perione that probably od. The established taste was set the gossip for naturalistic patterns. It is a Grange wallpaper (detail) with “En Avant,” the family going in Ramsgate, vivid instance of how Pugin motto, and the black martlet was Pugin’s personal is the Catholic adapted Gothic motifs to chapel that was avant-garde theories of design. emblem. built at the east Sadly, Louisa died before end of the house. Pugin the family moved to the Grange had converted to in 1844. She left behind a lonely Catholicism in 1835, and his widower and an unruly brood of faith was central to his life six. The “dismal solitude” was and work. unendurable, so four years Pugin was not notably later, Pugin married his third disciplined about costing wife, Jane Knill, with whom he his work for aristocratic had two more children. patrons, but he had to Accounts of those days keep expenses down when suggest a bustling, chaotic life. decorating the Grange, At full occupancy, the house which was, after all, a fam- counted more than a dozen ily home. Thus, the pine habitants plus the comings and paneling on the ground goings of friends and associfloor was stained to look ates. Pugin worked in the like mahogany. The fire- library, which was separated places are another exam- from the sitting room by a curple of the prevailing econ- tain. “Living in a pig market is The Grange Chapel. Pugin started the day omy. For country house less terrible,” he wrote. The with prayer in the chapel. commissions, Pugin library was cluttered with antid e s i g n e d quarian fragments and drawmonumental ings. His desk was in the bay mantelpieces. window, which looked out to There is noth- the sea. ing so grand at A good day was, in Pugin’s the Grange. lively idiom, a “Jack’s alive day.” The one in the It started early in the chapel, library is typi- and there were regular breaks cal, a carved for prayer. He was a fast

worker. “He poured out 15thcentury detail like a conjuror,” remembered his assistant. During his accelerated career, Pugin designed dozens of churches, houses, and schools. Punch magazine ran a mock advertisement for his services: “Designs for cathedrals made in five and forty minutes.” Despite his fame and energetic goodwill, the residents of Ramsgate were mistrustful. Pugin was probably more indifferent than flauntingly disrespectful of decorum. Still, his impetuosity and hectoring playfulness were at odds with the genteel conventions of a


11:00 A.M. • DOORS OPEN AT 9:00 A.M. Building full of Quality Antiques Plus Collections and Quality items wanted for Auction Phone 717-737-0000 Harrisburg Magazine Simply The Best Auctioneer Check


For Photos

LOCATION: 2228 Gettysburg Road,

Lower Allen Plaza,



En Avant: Pugin’s Grange Has Been Saved And Restored

TERMS: Cash, Visa/MasterCard, Checks. 10% BUYER’S PREMIUM. AUCTIONEER: Michael Costea AU-1759-L

Telephone (717) 737-0000

Continued on page 14



• 8:30 A.M.

2651 N. READING RD., REINHOLDS, PA 17569 PREVIEW: FRIDAY, AUGUST 18TH 10 A.M.-3 P.M. THIS IS A CONTINUATION OF OUR PREVIOUS HARTMAN AUCTION & PROMISES TO BE ONE OF THE MOST NOTABLE AUCTIONS THIS SEASON INCL. 100s OF UNIQUE COUNTRY STORE ADVERTISING PIECES FROM SONNY & MARY’S PRIVATE COLLECTION. SELLING WITH 3 AUCTIONEERS SIMULTANEOUSLY, BRING SEVERAL FRIENDS! 100+ Spool Cabinets & Country Store Display Cabinets, Counters, etc.; 100s of Decorative Trade Signs - All Materials, Porcelain, Tin, Wood, Cardboard, Paper, etc.; 100s of Country Store Related Furniture Items; 100s of Primitive Items Including Wooden Advertising Boxes & Farm Related Smalls, Tools, etc.; Cast-Iron Items, Troughs, Stoves, Pans, etc.; Enormous Inventory of New Old Stock Country Store Items, Advertising Items, etc. SEE HESSAUCTIONGROUP.COM FOR DETAILS & PHOTOS ADDITIONAL ITEMS SELLING AT CONESTOGA AUCTION GALLERY ON SEPTEMBER 5TH - 9 A.M. Auction for: Estates of “Sonny” Sterling Hartman & Mary Hartman

John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. AY000253L 717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894


10 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017

SEEKING VINTAGE SPORTS CARDS AND MEMORABILIA As the World’s Largest Collectibles Auctioneer, Heritage Auctions can provide the highest possible financial return for your vintage trading cards and sports collectibles. Cash advances and outright purchase offers are always available for quality material, and we are happy to provide free appraisals. And Heritage has never been late with a single consignment settlement check in our 40+ years in operation.

That’s a guarantee you can take to the bank.

ALWAYS ACCEPTING: • Pre-1980 trading cards • Vintage autographs • Early tickets and programs • Advertising and display pieces • Game used uniforms and equipment

Pugin’s flat and stylized wallpaper patterns were used to brighten the rooms, as seen in his bedroom.

• Championship rings, trophies and awards • Vintage photographs and more

Call 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) or email to discuss opportunities


Paul R. Minshull #16591. BP 19.5%; see 43718


Pugin’s desk was in the bay window of the library.

A view from the Grange library to sitting room. Pugin’s studio was in the library, which was separated from the sitting room by a curtain.

Always Accepting Quality Consignments in 40 Categories Immediate Cash Advances Available 1 Million+ Online Bidder-Members

Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 - - 11

Ceramic Arts Studio: Thoroughly Modern Smack Dab In The Middle: Design Trends Of The Mid-20th Century By Donald-Brian Johnson What do you do when the world passes you by? You catch up. The 1940s were banner years for U.S. manufacturers of decorative objects. With the onset of World War II, doors previously open to a deluge of overseas imports had clanged shut. New companies sprang up stateside, as consumers seeking a brief respite from the weariness of war brightened their homes with a variety of ceramic doodads. While most were located on the West Coast, out in the Midwest a little company also set up shop and quietly chugged along the road to success. The lifespan of Madison, Wisconsin’s, Ceramic Arts Studio was just 15 years, from 1940 to 1955. During its heyday, however, CAS turned out a remarkable 500,000 figurines annually from its make-do workspace: a converted garage. Almost all of the 1,000plus unique ceramics released by Ceramic Arts Studio were the work of designer Betty Harrington. Like her California contemporaries, Harrington’s figurines of the early 1940s were

designed with the interests of the buying public in mind. As one promo piece of the time put it, CAS specialized in “shy maids and dapper gents, dogs and cats, Bo-Peeps and Boy Blues.” For wartime consumers, cheery figurines like these were just the ticket. And then, the war ended. Domestic giftware manufacturers found themselves in fierce competition with overseas

competitors able to deliver similar products at cheaper prices. Since few domestic designs had been copyrighted, many competing items were outright knockoffs. But imports and knockoffs weren’t the only challenges facing postwar design firms. Buyer tastes in home décor were changing. “Winsome” and “homespun” were no longer the go-to trends. Now, the

focus was on the future. Design firms unable to cope with this shift, or to price their products competitively, abruptly shut up shop. For

many, the world was passing by, but not for Ceramic Arts Studio. It was time to catch up. For Betty Harrington, the winds of change couldn’t have blown in at a better time. During the late 1940s, she’d become entranced by the performances of modern dance pioneers Martha Graham and

Ted Shawn. In their works, individual gesture was deemphasized. Line and movement were the major focal points, the dancers creating abstract shapes and formations. Graham’s efforts in particular were aided by her unusual choice of costuming, sack-like cocoons of stretchy Continued on page 15

ONSITE AUCTION Real Estate - Vehicles - Furniture 429 Jonestown Rd., JONESTOWN,

PA 17038

SATURDAY, AUGUST 19 AT 10 A.M. REAL ESTATE AT NOON: 1,226 SF, 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath on 2.44 Acres; 2-Car Attached Garage; Additional Detached

One of Betty Harrington’s inspirations for CAS Modern was a Ted Shawn dance program, carefully tucked away in her sketchbook. Striking a Ted Shawn-like pose is the exceptionally limber “Adonis & Aphrodite,” by Betty Harrington, 1953, tallest figure, 9 inches, est. $450$500/pair.

Garage and Outbuildings; Current Rental Income for Portion of Land; Enclosed Porch, First Floor Laundry; Union Twp., Northern Lebanon Schools. TERMS: $10K down. Settle in 45 days. See web or call for complete terms. 2.5% Agent/Broker participation fee offered. UTILITIES & TAXES: Oil heat, electric hot water. Public water and sewer. 200 amp electric. Central air. Taxes approximately $3,266. PERSONAL PROPERTY AT 10 A.M.: VEHICLES (11 A.M.): 1997 Chrysler LHS, VIN: 2C3HC56F4VH703577, 104K Miles, Insp. 08/17; 2001 GMC Sonoma Extended Cab., VIN: 1GTC519W618184528, 89K Miles, Insp. 03/18; 2007 Lincoln Navigator, VIN: 5LMFU28597LJ22786, 131K Miles, Insp. 07/17. FURNITURE (12:30): Classroom Chalkboard; Cedar Wardrobe; Chest of Drawers; Dining Table; Single and Full Size Beds; Side Tables; Chairs; Telephone Seat; Porcelain Kitchen Tables; Patio Chairs; Jewelry Cabinets; 48” Park Bench; Lighting: Floor Lamps, Industrial and Residential, Table and Desk Lamps. COLLECTIBLES: World Globe; Dietz Lantern; Mid-Century Birdcage; Advertising; Majolica; Ant Carriage; Vint. Child’s Rider; Diecast Cars; Waltham Wall Clock; Corgi Juniors; Lesney Matchbox; Britains Limited; Cast Banks and Figures; Train Sets; Stainless Aluminum Christmas Tree; JC Higgins Ice Chest; Wood and Son Mugs; Coke Advertising; Dollhouse w/Furniture; Toy Barn; Wire Crates; Galvanized Tubs and Containers; Bikes; Sleds; Textiles and Coats: New and Vintage spreads, Comforters, Quilts, Vintage Coats, Tapestry, Vint. Hats, Silk Pillow Shams; Dolls: Ashton Drake, Barbie, Knowles, Cabbage Patch, Das Puppen Kunstarchiv, Mundia, Westminster, Steiff, Lee Middeton; Art: Framed and Signed Art; Jewelry: Necklaces, Bracelets, Pins, Rings, Costume, Pocket Watches; Instruments: Flute, Xylophone, Deluxe Children’s Guitar, Pianoette Advertising Co. MILITARIA: Ammo Box and Pouch; Trenching Tools; Bayonet; Helmet Liners; Mess Kits; Belts; Pouches; Clothing; 4 Jeep Tires. TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT: Tablee Mounted Sander; Toolboxes; Craftsman: 2 Table Saws, 15½” Drill Press, Snowblower, 3 HP 10” Compound Motor Saw; Delta Milwaukee Band Saw; Lawn Vac; Agway 5 HP Tiller; Yard Tools; Hand Tools. HOUSE AND HOME: Appliances incl. Frigidaire Upright Freezer; Sears Cold Spot Freezer; Refrigerator; Maytag Clothes Washer; Kenmore Dryer; Dish Sets; Noritake; McCoy; Porcelain and Glass; Local Made Crafts. Selling for the Estate of Helen Rzecka Real Estate Showings by Appointment Call 717-731-8662 to Schedule. w.CordierAuct


10% Buyer’s Premium on Personal Property Only. TERMS: Cash, PA state check, out-of-state check with prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Bring chairs!

The “Zorina” wall plaque was from 1952.“Zorina’s” partner was “Zor.” Each figure is 9 inches tall, est. $75-$100/pair.

“The sea commingles with these tall swirling figures,” as noted in the 1951 CAS catalog describing “Water Man & Woman.” They are 11.5 inches tall, est. $275-$300/pair.

901 Smyrna Road,


17535 1 Mile West of Gap Town Clock on Corner of Rt. 741 & Smyrna Rd.

The 1952 CAS catalog called the “Shadow Dancers,”“a modern plaque pair that conveys a feeling of swirling action.” The tallest figure is 8 inches tall, est. $50-$75/pair.

The 1952 CAS catalog billed this pair as “modest and modern.” “Maurice & “Dawn” and the “Modern Fox” were Michelle” were shelf-sitters, 7 inches two minimalist Harrington designs high, est. $75-$100/pair. from 1955, the last year of the studio’s existence. “Dawn” is 6.5 inches high, est. $175-$200; “Fox” is 6.5 inches long, est. $125-$150.

Another Harrington inspiration was dance pioneer Martha Graham, awash in stretchy fabric for her ballet,“Lamentation.” Photo courtesy of Barbara Morgan. The Graham-style costuming was utilized for airbrushed ceramics as seen in “Dance Moderne Man & Woman,” 1952, 9.5 inches high, est. $125-$150/pair.


Approximately 200 Clocks: Lg. amount of Antique Mantel & Hanging Clocks Including Seth Thomas etc. - 2 Grandfather Grandmother Clocks - Large Variety of Collector Clocks such as John Deere, Singing Birds, Monopoly and Cuckoo Clocks - Also an assortment of Alarm Clocks, Pocket Watches & Knives. 26 Guns, Hunting Supplies, and Sporting Goods: 12 Ga. Beretta Semiautomatic w/scope 2¾ or 3” Shells Plus Rifle Barrel - Browning 308 Lever Action w/scope - Win. 308 Model 1500 Bolt Action w/ scope (These guns in excellent condition) - Mossberg 12 Ga. Combo - 35 Cal. 760 Pump - Win. 12 Ga. Semi. - CZ 30-06 Bolt w/scope - Marlin 30-30 w/scope - Mossberg 26B 22 w/scope - 12 Ga. Winchester 1300 - Marlin 25M 22 Mag. - Glenfield Marlin 30-30 w/ scope - Mossberg 22 Mag w/scope - Marlin 22 w/scope - Japanese 6.5 Jap - Springfield 22 Bolt - Rossy 223 Single - Stevens 22 Single - Marlin 22 Bolt - Mossberg 12 Ga. - H&R 410 Single - Old 22 Model 315 Boys - CVA 50 Cal. Percussion - BB Gun - Hanging Tree Stand - Gun Cases - New Arrows - Hunting Clothes - Lg. Variety of Ammo - Dovetailed Ammo Box w/Wildlife - New Deer Grunts & Rattling Horns - Can Call - Drag Rope - Hunting Knives - Deer Lure, etc. - New Turkey Decoys - Fishing Lines - Tackle & Tackle Boxes - Waders - Wildlife Thermometers - Clay Pigeons, etc. New and Used Tools, Farm Items, & Misc.: Emglo, DeWalt & Port Cable Air Compressor on wheels - Model 325 Quincy 5 HP Air Compressor mounted on 120 gal. air tank - New Champion Generator - Craftsman 5 HP Air Compressor - Numerous New Air Tools Including 4 Impact Wrenches - 2 TrakFast Guns w/Ramset Fuel Cells Slugger JM101 Magnetic Based Drill - Senco Screw Gun - Routers - Nailer Drills, etc. - 6 New Inverters - New DeWalt Circular Saw & Many More New Tools - Electric Jack Hammer & Bits - 10 Ton Hydraulic Port Power Ram System - 2 Stihl Chain Saws - Numerous Weed Eaters - Sawszalls, etc. - DeWalt Battery Tools - DeWalt Vacuum Cleaner - Milwaukee m18 Battery Tool Set - New & Used Hand Tools Galore - New Kwikset Door Latches - Larger Hand Tools include Brooms, Rakes, Shovels, Hoes, Scrapers, etc. - Battery Charger - Booster Cables - Stepladder - Hand Carts - 20x40 Party Tent w/Sides and Windows - Shopping Carts - Totes - Gas Cans - Rubber Buckets - Misc. Wood & Metal Shelving - Propane Heaters Including Wall Mounts - Fans - 4 26”x28” Horse Collars like New - Tobacco Shears & More - Gallons of Paints & Stains. Furniture, Antique Furniture, & Misc.: 2 Oak & 1 Cherry Queen Bedroom Sets plus 4 extra beds - Also Extra Dressers & Chests, Some Antique - 4 AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: Lg. China Cabinets, Some With Beveled Glass and Lighting - Hutches & Misc. Cabinets - 2 Wardrobes - 5 Bookshelves - Office Desks and Nice Office Chairs - Cane Rocker - 2 & 4 Drawer File Cabinets (Some Oak) - Nice Antique Queen Anne Cabinet w/dressers, Doors, and Slide Outs Inside of Doors - Oak Rocking Horse & Lots of Smaller Pieces - Ample Bedding, Blankets, Pillows, & Quilts, etc. Antiques, Collectibles, & Misc.: Farm Bell - Buchs Straw Cutter - Hay Hooks - Radio Flyer Wagon - Old Boxes & Crates - Bushel Baskets - Old Doors & Windows - Rustic Bird Feeders & Houses - Octagon Martin House - Sewing Machine Drawers - Air Pump Torch - Lanterns - Sleds - Doll Coach & Crib World Globe - Paper Cutter - Framed U.S. Map - Walking Canes - Wooden Soup Bowls - Plates & Ladles - Old Pots, Pans, Buckets, Tins - Tobacco Tins - Milk Bottles - Blue Jars Galore w/Screw on Lids - Gumball Dispenser - Crocks - 50 Oil Lamps w/Various Designs - Old Bottles & Insulators - Sterling Silver Sconce - Nesting Ducks & Hens - Old & Unique Dishes - 1974 Gap Fire Co. Plate - Various Old Maps & Calendars Including 1928 Hogg Amos Fisher Motor Co., Atglen, PA & 1983 Norman Rockwell. Toy Trucks & Collectibles: Metal Frick Steam Engine and Auctioneers: Amos Fisher AU005735 Thresher complete w/Belt Totaling 12” high & 4’ long - 4 Lg. Wooden Handmade Tractor Trailers, one w/Bart Fire Elam Beiler AA019382 Co. 2004 and 1 Lowboy w/Crawler Loader Backhoe - Wooden Train Set - 1/16 Scale Rumley Oil Pull w/ Corn Daniel King AA019536 Mill - Civil War Cannon Lumber Cart - Numerous Winross, Hess, & Ertl Trucks plus 5 Large Boxes of Assorted Toy Trucks, Cars, Vans, Tractors & Airplanes - Construction & Farm Equipment still in Packages - Crown Race #30845 Car Carrier, etc. Housewares & Useful Items: Lg Hobart 20QT Model 300 Mixer - Hobart 10QT Model a 120 Auction for: Elam & Katie Stoltzfus Mixer - Various More Food Mixers, Choppers, Blenders, Grinders - Electric Farberware & Sunbeam Mixers 717-283-6778901 Extra Mixing Bowls - Coffee Dispenser - Ice Chest Cooler on Wheels - Numerous Pots & Pans - Pyrex Dishes Smyrna Road, Kinzers, PA - Tupperware - Single & Double SS Sinks - New Glow Lamps. Announcements Sale Day take precedence Auctioneer’s Note: There is much more. Couldn’t see everything. Elam has been collecting for years. Barns & over all advertising. Basement are full and got to be cleaned out. Guns in great shape. Selling with 2 auctioneers. Starting at 12:00 Noon with HH Items & Antiques. Small Clocks & Small Collectibles and Toys at 3:00. Sports Items at 6:00 and Large Food Stand to Benefit Parents of Guns at 6:30. Second Auctioneer selling clocks at 1:00, Furniture at 3:00 and Tools at 5:00. All Times Approx. neighboring 2 Year Old Boy w/Leukemia


uction PubEllaimc. SA toltzfus

Guns & Clock Collection Tools - Furniture Antiques - Housewares Toys & Collectibles

Appraisal Education Seminar Planned For Sept. 22 And 23

Join the Fun!

Annual Event Will Be Held At Dallas Auction Gallery

Presented by:


Sept. 2 & 4, Solanco Fairgrounds, Quarryville Quilts Fine Art Amish-Made Food Furniture • Vacations Sports Memorabilia Used Cars Proceeds benefit:

(717) 295-3900 •


The sixth annual educa- Contribution Appraisals,” by by Ray Richey, of the Texas Civil tional seminar of the Patricia H. Atwood, ASA, of War Museum; “Connections Foundation for Appraisal Timely Antique Appraisals LLC; between Art Forensics and Education (FAE) will be held on “Historic Cabinet Woods,” by Value: From Old Masters to Friday and Saturday, Sept. 22 Alton Bowman, owner of Alton Modern and Contemporary and 23, at the Dallas Auction Gallery, located at 2235 Monitor St. in Dallas, Texas. Like last year, the International Society of The sixth annual Foundation for Appraisal Education (FAE) seminar will be held Sept. 22 and 23 Appraisers (ISA) in Dallas, Texas. will provide 15 professional development credits Bowman Studio; “Genuine or Works of Art,” by Nica Rieppi, for those who complete full Forged: Methods of Identifying principal investigator at Art participation. Forgeries of Chinese Buddhist Analysis & Research; “Planning Appraisers, scholars, stu- Sculptures,” by Dr. Qing Chang, with Art and Collectibles,” by dents and collectors are all research curator at the Crowe Ramsay H. Slugg, national welcome to attend. Fourteen Collection of Asian Art; wealth planning strategist at top experts will speak over the “Techniques and Approaches U.S. Trust; “Identifying Hidden course of the two days on a to Fine Art Conservation,” by Treasures – New Trends broad range of industry topics. Helen Houp, of Fine Art Appraisal Analytics Don’t See,” Speakers have been drawn Conservation; “Evaluating by Russell Tether, president of Russell Tether Fine Arts Associates LLC; and “A Discussion on Texas Art,” by Ron Tyler, retired director of the Amon Carter Museum of American Art. Appraisers attending this year’s conference will receive As a fundraiser, a portion of the event’s fees will benefit the International Society continuing education class credits to remain in good of Appraisers (ISA), based in Chicago, Ill. (as is the FAE). standing with the International from various fields, to include Vintage Comic Books and Society of Appraisers (ISA), art, antiques, luxury and col- Original Comic Art,” by Ed based in Chicago, and with sislectibles. The schedule is sub- Jaster, senior vice president of ter organizations like the ject to change. Heritage Auctions; “What Appraisers Association of The registration fee for the Comes Out of the Closet? Texas America (AAA). As a fundraiser, seminar is $395 for both days Quilts and Quilters,” by Marcia the event’s fees will benefit ($220 of which is tax Kaylakie, ISA, Texas Quilt ISA future scholarships and deductible), or $200 for one appraiser and collector. appraisal education. The day. The deadline to register is Also, “Fake or Real? money raised is key to ensuring Thursday, Sept. 14. To obtain a Authenticating Designer Purses their continued success. registration form, visit the and Scarves,” by Jeff Keller, ISA, The Foundation for seminar page online at of Retro Relics; “Is It Really Appraisal Education was origiwww.foundationforappraisal Valuable or Is It Valuable Only nally formed as the ISA Registration and To You? How to Identify Education Foundation under coffee will signal the start of Collectible Rocks and Illinois law and was granted both seminar days at 8 a.m., Minerals,” by Craig Kissick, nonprofit status in 2003. In Central Time. director of Nature and Science 2008, the name was changed to The lectures will begin at Heritage Auctions; “The the Foundation for Appraisal promptly at 9 a.m. both days, Current State of the Archives Education (it has no affiliation lasting around 45 minutes each. Market,” by Adam Muhlig, with the similarly named These will include the following: owner of Muhlig Appraisals LLC Appraisal Foundation, a “Dotting the I’s and and QED Appraisal Group LLC; Congressionally authorized Crossing the T’s in Charitable “Collecting Civil War Artifacts,” Continued on page 15

PUBLIC AUCTION - Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 9:30 A.M. DOUBLE K AUCTION HOUSE

IRVONA, PA 16656

1821 DORSEY AVENUE, (RT. 53)

THE ESTATE OF HERBERT & AGNES DETRICH Tony’s Auction Gallery and Robert Kitchen Auctioneering are bringing the sequel auction for the Estate of Herbert & Agnes Detrich, owners of Rose Hill Antiques & Museum, which showcased their beloved collections of vintage and antique toys, musical instruments and machinations, collectible and handcrafted dolls and more. The original auction held earlier this year in March featured a few rare and unique pieces; this sequel auction promises to bring even more quality antiques including many unique and special pieces...truly a one of a kind collection and a sale you do not want to miss!!! A featured item: Colossal 1895 GEB’R. “Priscilla” 1895 RICHTER 76 key concert band organ in beautifully restored condition, may just be one of Concert Band Organ the last of its kind. Auctioneer: Robert B. Kitchen AU002917L

Electrified Light-Up Robot

Mike’s Mechanical Music Box


12 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017

Coin Operated Music Box

814-672-3006 or 814-934-5117 | For Details Visit ID #28560

CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Primitives to Small Appliances - Have it All! SUNDAY, August 20 at 10 A.M.

Preview Friday, August 18, 12 Noon-4 P.M.; Sunday 9 A.M. through Auction

1500 Paxton Street, HARRISBURG,

THURS., HURS., AUG. 24, 2017

PA 17104

BSA MOTORCYCLE: Frame and Engine. Parts Bike Only, No Title. FURNITURE (12 Noon): Antique and Modern; Wingback Chairs; Wicker Set; Dining and Bedroom Sets; Stepback Cupboard; Governor Winthrop Desk; Country Store Counter; Corner Chair; Iron Bed; Mirrors; Curio Cabinets; Leather Cub Chairs; Potbelly Stove; Adirondack Rocker; Camel Saddle; Yard and Patio Furniture; Carpenter’s Chest; Deco Bar Stools; Piano: Sohmen & Co. Spinet. ART: Antique and Modern Prints and Paintings; Don Trioni Civil War Prints, Asian Prints, Currier & Ives; French Oil Paintings; Jack Brubaker Hand Forged Wall Sconces; Sculptures; G. Losh, G. Putt, C. Dillingham, Rohrbach; A. Wyeth Print. COLLECTIBLES: Antique Barber Chair; Nesbitts Soda Cooler; Vintage Leonard Refrigerator; Dress Forms with Colonial Style Dresses; Kitchenalia; Ant. Farm Bells; Ant. Tools; 1899 Golf Trophy; Coffee Grinder; Beer Advertising incl. Bud Light Pool Table Lights; Hess Trucks; Board Games; Singer Sewing Machines; Nippon Chocolate Set; RS Prussia; Guitar; Asian Ceramics; Starter Pistols; Vintage Records; Paper and Books: 19th Century Bibles; 1795 Map; WWI Poster; 1742 Surveyor’s Document; 1849 PA Map. HOUSE AND HOME: Keurig; DVD Player; Fooseball Table; KitchenAid Mixer; Sewing Machine; Vacuums; Dinnerware; Lawn Boy Easy Mulch Lawn Mower; Commercial Refrigerator by True; Snowblower; Ladders; Garden Tools Selling for Regional Estates and Consignors

10:00 A.M.

York Fairgrounds, John & Paige Smith Building


17404 334 Carlisle Ave., Nice Lot of Modern & Antique Furniture, Thornet C Game Table & 4 Chairs, Hinkle Harris Cherry Corner Cupboard, Cranberry Glass, Carnival Glass, Set of Willowware, Ruby Glassware, Hall China, Victorian Ball Globe Lamps, Figural Lamps, Victorian Decorative Items, Vintage Toys, Lionel Trains & Accessories, Franklin Mint Cars, Model Kits, Vintage Barbie Dolls & Clothing, Old Toys, Monkeys Trading Cards, Stieff Animals, Old Soldiers, Antiques, Glassware, Primitives and much more to be unpacked. Terms: Cash, Check - 10% Buyer’s Premium, Credit Cards 13% Buyer’s Premium.



Dave Conley


10% Buyer’s Premium. Terms: Cash, PA checks. Out-of-state checks w/prior approval. All major credit cards accepted. Food concession. Located off of Interstate 83 between 13th Street and 17th Street exits, Harrisburg PA!

Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 - - 13

Rare View Of Charlestown, S.C., Acquired For The Art Museums Of Colonial Williamsburg after Leitch painted his scene within a year of his arrival in Charleston from London in 1773 and arranged for it to be shipped back there to be engraved for printing. Although little is known about Leitch, an advertisement that he placed in the South Carolina Gazette soliciting subscribers to assist with the cost of producing the print, and noting that he was sending the painting “home” to have it engraved, confirms he came from London. The artist rendered his painting in the Dutch panoramic style that enhanced the expanse of the coastline by increasing its width in relation to its height, forcing the viewer’s eye to move back and forth across the canvas. The image is curious, however; while earlier versions of Charleston show calm seas and dozens of

The Native American sterling cuff bracelet set with a large landscape jasper and framed in a feather and flower design border on each side is estimated at $300-$500. members of the 1927 Cincinnati Reds team, which finished fifth in the National League, should finish at $800-$1,200. An 18-carat Astin Swiss antimagnetic chronograph wristwatch with a two push-buttons, coin-edged crown has an estimate of $1,000-$1,500, while a 14-carat ladies’ bracelet watch with a mother of pearl dial having a pierced floral pattern set with eight five-point brilliant diamonds, and boasting a Swiss 17-jewel movement, is expected to rise to $800-$1,200. A Gorham miniature sterling match safe in the form of an envelope with inscribed recipient address, enameled stamp and post mark to the front and an enameled stamp to the reverse, should breeze to $1,000-$1,500. Also, a Native American sterling cuff bracelet

Charleston. The original painting is in the collection of the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts (MESDA). The print was acquired through The Friends of Colonial Williamsburg Collections Fund, which restricts its funds for object purchases. Colonial historians,

Southern art admirers and Revolutionary War enthusiasts alike will find “A View of CHARLES-TOWN, in the Capital of SOUTH CAROLINA” and Colonial Williamsburg’s other important prints of great interest, thus further solidifying this collection’s importance as it depicts American history.

Adam Violet will sell the

C. Wayne Shultz Americana Collection SATURDAY, SEPT. 9, 2017 • 9:30 A.M. Preview: Fri., Sept. 8, Noon-7:30 P.M. Located at


MARTINSBURG, BLAIR CO., PA In the Memorial Park Sports Complex Building

TERMS OF AUCTION Cash or personal check with letter of recommendation/credit or friends if not known by me! At sign-up full name, address, telephone number with area code, photo driver’s license number. Everything will definitely be sold as is with no returns! No reserves, buyer’s premium, absentee bids or telephone bids, (no credit cards)! All items must be removed auction day! If you don’t have a tax exempt number, you will be charged 6% sales tax.

“A View of CHARLES-TOWN, the Capital of SOUTH CAROLINA,” was engraved by Samuel Smith after Thomas Leitch. The hand-colored line engraving is from London, England, June 3, 1776, and was a museum purchase, from the The Friends of Colonial Williamsburg Collections Fund, 2017-287. Photo is courtesy of the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg.

Country furniture, watercolor drawings and samplers, approx. 20 quilts, 4 coverlets, sewing stands, 6 good long rifles, loads of primitives and baskets with old or original paint, lot of toys and related items, dec. stoneware and country pottery, adv. items, sterling silver, lamps, glass, chalkware, etc.

Adam Violet, Auctioneer AU-005541 • 814-937-0764 To view photos go to Adam Violet ID No. 16912 or C. Wayne Shultz ID No. 40905, S981004

On to the West, where the offerings are equally wonderful. A nine-tube, 96-inch-tall Herschede grandfather clock that chimes either Westminster or Whittington on the quarter hour and strikes on the hour, with a plaque revealing it was given as a Christmas present in 1916, has an estimate of $1,000-$1,500. Also, a nicely weathered baseball signed by

following year in which townspeople elected delegates to the Continental Congress. Although the print was engraved in 1774, it was not issued until 1776. Other known copies are held at the Yale University Art Gallery, the New York Public Library and the Gibbes Museum of Art in

Take Interstate I-99 north of Bedford and south from Altoona and get off at Exit 23, at stop light go straight through and follow 164 East to Roaring Spring, at Turkey Hill store, turn left (still 164 East) to Martinsburg, Blair Co., to Memorial Park sign and auction signs (only 8 miles from I-99 Exit 23) Nice Larger Building, Excellent Air Conditioning, Superb Parking!

Converse Auctions Continued from page 9

merchant ships in the harbor, in this one, Leitch included only one British trading ship in the harbor. Only about six months earlier, Massachusetts traveler Josiah Quincy noted of the Charleston harbor that “the number of shipping far surpassed all I had ever seen in Boston.” As Colonial Williamsburg’s deputy chief curator Margaret Pritchard speculates, “It is possible that the notable absence of trading vessels venturing into the choppy waters of the Cooper River, under stormy skies, was intended to suggest the political tension between Charlestonians and the Mother country.” In 1773, just months before Leitch painted his view, Britain passed the Tea Act, and Charleston’s outraged citizens left the British-imported tea on the docks to rot. It was the

Aug. 8th or before.

with a large landscape jasper call 610-722-9004 or visit Telephone No. 814-832-2582 and a frame having feather and flower design borders on each side should hit $300-$500. A pencil portrait attributed to Jean Clouet (French 14801541) of Anne de Polignac, Comtesse de la Rochefouchauld, with graphite accenting the blue of her eyes • 3:00 P.M. and sanguine tone of her lips, Location: Rowe’s Auction Barn, 2505 Ritner Highway, Carlisle. Between exits 44 24-by-20 inches in the black (Allen Rd.) & 37 (Newville) off Int. 81. and gold frame, has an estimate ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES of $1,000-$1,500, and an Art 40 Pcs. Decorated Stoneware, toys & trains, bisque & composition dolls, Paintings by Frank Panabaker, Nouveau Sevres lamp signed “E. Robt. Everett & James King Bonner, Parrish prints, other paintings & prints, Lemoyne Civil Defense Dabonevil,” showing a draped sign, wall & mantel clocks, violin, country items, large sterling flatware set, diamond ring, wood female floating among the iriscoaster wagon & sleigh, brass cash register, Sweger (Perry Co.) long rifle, CW Sword & photos, large es on the luster glazed, urnlot 18th-20th books (Pa. History, Medical, etc), wall maps, manuscripts, photographs, antique glass & china, RR lanterns, early popcorn machine, copper apple butter kettle & teapots, etc. Very brief ad, shaped lamp, with a silk shade, check website or Auctionzip for photos & updates. 24 inches tall, should bring $200-$400. ANTIQUE FURNITURE 3 Corner cupboards, stepback cupboards, dry sinks, flat wall cupboard, blanket chests, slant front desk, An Art Deco bias cut silk plank settee & chairs, one & 2 drawer stands, Pembroke & drop leaf tables, tea tables & candlestands, satin cathedral-length wedding flour chest, Empire Secretary, English Grandfather clock, oak icebox, oak wardrobe, oak stacked file gown with matching slip, the cabinet, oak hall rack, 3 pc. Oak BRS, sheet music cabinet, oak display veil edged in tulle, the lace case, wicker buggy, 2 Room size oriental rugs, etc. Brussels, with a label showing a Preview: Wednesday, Aug. 23, 12:00 Noon-7:00 P.M. wedding date of Oct. 7, 1930, or 9:00 morning of Auction and in the original box, has an Note: Nice lots from Harrisburg & Carlisle. Furniture at 6:30. Check estimate of $400-$600. Auctionzip or Website for lots photos & updates. Previews will be held in the Terms: Cash or Pa. check, major credit cards w/3% surcharge, out-ofConverse gallery at 57 Lancaster state checks w/prior approval. Ave. in Malvern, Pa. This auction ROWE’S AUCTION is online-only. Phone and absentee bids will be accepted. SERVICE (AU002295L) To learn more, readers may



717-574-1008 215-1044 249-1978

This 18-carat Astin Swiss anti-magnetic chronograph wristwatch with a two push-buttons and coin edged crown is estimated at $1,000-$1,500.


An historically important view of Charleston, South Carolina, showing its appearance at the time of the American Revolution, was recently purchased by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation for its collection. “A View of CHARLES-TOWN, in the Capital of SOUTH CAROLINA,” engraved in London by Samuel Smith after a painting by Thomas Leitch, depicts recognizable Charleston landmarks during its peak of prosperity prior to the outbreak of the war. “Acquisition of this exceptional, pre-Revolutionary view perfectly addresses the foundation’s core mission, particularly since it furthers our understanding of early America and its Southern colonies,” said Mitchell B. Reiss, president and CEO of Colonial Williamsburg. “I applaud our generous donors for making the purchase a reality.” “Eighteenth-century views of American cities are relatively rare, and those of southern centers even more so,” said Ronald L. Hurst, the foundation’s Carlisle Humelsine chief curator and vice president for collections, conservation, and museums. “At nearly three feet in width and retaining its original water coloring, this outstanding view of one of the South’s great seaports is exceptionally rare and important.” This print, in its full original color, was engraved in 1774

Pugin’s Grange

jokey ostentatiously formal invitations, so the snug dining Continued from page 10 room must have been crowded. provincial resort town. Nor did the guests always disAnti-Catholic prejudice was perse the next day because, another problem. Although when it came to Sunday travel, there were no longer any eco- Pugin was a strict Sabbatarian. nomic or political penalties in Pugin lived at a time of farEngland attached to being reaching changes. By the midCatholic, it was widely regarded 19th century, more than half the as an alien faith. Certainly, population was living in cities there was much at the Grange and more than 6,000 miles of to provoke the less ecumenical railroad track connected once townspeople. The chapel was distant places. His passion for clearly recognizable from the the Middle Ages was, probably, outside. The reception rooms, in part a reaction against the likewise, were fitted with horrors and rootlessness of the stained-glass windows of the early industrial age. saints. Visitors would have seen Yet far from romanticizing the large statue of the Virgin manual labor, he saw the possiMary and Child that was hang- bilities of applying mass proing in the hall, and an invitation duction to historic design. He to dinner meant sitting supported, for example, the use beneath a frieze of Saint of the steam-driven carving Augustine in majesty. Even machine, and he worked closebenevolent gestures, like invit- ly with manufacturers. In addiing foreign sailors to come wor- tion to wallpaper, he designed ship at the Grange, were apt to ceramics and metalwork. be misunderstood. Especially influential were A child of the Regency, his tile designs. Pugin collected Pugin never really adjusted to and studied samples of the seriousness and austerity of medieval encaustic tiles. In colearly Victorian society. He laboration with Herbert Minton, installed a stove in the chapel the ceramic manufacturer, he because, as he remarked, “Most revived their use for modern people pray better when interiors. Significantly, Pugin warm.” Holidays were celebrat- did not think that the new tiles ed with feasting and merrymak- were necessarily inferior to the ing. Pugin liked to send out old, quite the contrary, in fact. One batch that he designed was, he wrote Minton, “vastly superior to any ancient work.” At the Grange, Pugin’s tiles (some depicting the ubiquitous martlet) are in the hall and chapel. Pugin died at the age of 40, weakened Reservations are required to stay at the Grange, by exhaustion and which is furnished for eight guests. Here is a twin large doses of mercury, the prescribed bedroom. remedy for poor eyesight. The Grange remained in the family until the death of his last surviving son in 1928. It was then converted into a school, and its colorful interiors were transformed into drab academic quarters. In 1997, the Grange was bought by the Landmark Trust Bid Now through Closing Mon. Aug. 21st at 8:00 and restored to its original Check website for location, preview and pick-up details. polychrome splendor. Best of all, it is available as a holiday rental. Appropriately, in light of Pugin’s sociability, it has been Thursday, August 24th at 9:00 AM furnished to accommodate Live at Alderfer Auction. eight guests.

Alderfer Online – Telford, PA

Gallery/Estate Auction

Amy Gale is the author of “Shows, Shops and Auctions” (Witlings Press, 2013). The Landmark Trust was founded in 1965 to preserve historic architecture in Great Britain. The most important houses and castles tended to be privately owned or managed by the National Trust. There remained, however, much work to be done for the curious and overlooked buildings. It was these minor structures that the Trust set about rescuing. If they disappeared, argued founder Sir John Smith, the most important buildings would look out of place in a perennially modern landscape. Like “a diamond ring in the spaghetti,” was his analogy. To support the society, the buildings were made available as holiday rentals. Today, the Trust has a portfolio of some 200 properties. There is something for every taste, from stables, to prisons, to cottages, to bath houses. Please note, reservations are required, and many properties are booked months in advance. For more information, visit

ZETTLEMOYER AUCTION CO. Fine Chinese & Asian Arts Auction

Antiques; Furnishings; Collectibles including Silver Coin Consumer Sets, Hummels, David Winter Cottages, Oil Lamps, Ruby and Amethyst Glass, Silver and Brass Candlesticks, Belsnickels (some signed by 'The Merry Whittler', Phillip Gottshall, June McKenna), Hallmark Ornaments; Primitives; China including Royal Doulton figurines; Glassware including Steuben, Mary Gregory and Lalique; Artwork; Silver; Jewelry; Linens and more!​​

Alderfer Online – Zionsville, PA Bid Now through Closing Thurs. Aug. 24th at 8:00 PM Check website for location, preview and pick-up details.

Upcoming Auctions 28th

For more details and updates, visit our website

Mon. Aug. – Online Books Made Into Movies 1, 8:00 PM th Mon. Aug. 28 – Online, Doylestown PA, 8:00 PM Tues. Aug. 29th – Online Only Trains, 8:00 PM Tues. Aug. 29th– Online, North Wales PA, 8:00 PM Wed. Aug 30th – Books, Postcards, Ephemera, 11:00 AM Thurs. Aug. 31st – Alderfer Online Longaberger Pottery and Wrought Iron, 8:00 PM Wed. Aug. 30th – Simulcast Stamp Auction, 4PM Tues. Sept. 5th – Online Jewelry, 8:00 PM Thurs. Sept. 7th – Gallery/Estate, Live 9:00 AM Mon. Sept. 11th – Alderfer Online Telford, 8:00 PM Tues. Sept. 12th – Firearms/Gun Parts, Live 4PM

Tues. Sept. 12th – Simulcast Coins, 4:00 PM Thurs. Sept. 14th – Gallery/Estate, Live 9:00 AM Mon. Sept. 18th – Online Books Made Into Movies 2 – 8:00 PM Mon. Sept. 18th – Alderfer Online Upper Black Eddy, 8:00 PM Tues. Sept. 19th – Simulcast Firearms – 9:00 AM Thurs. Sept 21st – Simulcast Militaria – 10:00 AM Tues. Sept. 26th – Online 60s-90s Dolls – 8:00 PM Wed. Sept. 27th – Online Collector’s, 7:00 PM Thurs. Sept. 28th – Discovery Art, Live 9:00 AM Thurs. Sept. 28th – Simulcast Fine & Decorative Arts, 12:00 Noon


Absentee Bids Accepted. Buyer’s Premium Applicable. le 501 Fairgrounds Rd., Hatfield, PA 19440 215.393.3000 AY002260

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2017 - 9:30 A.M. Blue Decorated Crocks - Antique Furniture - Country Collectibles - Old Bottles - Pewter - Baskets Clocks - Glassware - Quilts - Toys

ONLINE ONLY August 9-23 Bidding Closes August 23

Ron J., Ron S. Gilligan, & David C. Zentner will conduct a Public Auction for Mr. & Mrs. John Jane Ziegler located at

Cambodian: Carved gilt & lacquered wood shrine w/Buddha; Buddha w/Dragon Form Stand; Bone Inlaid Sutra Cabinet; Large Wood Veneered Horses; two wheeled cart. Chinese: Fantastic Carved Hardwood Desk & Chair; Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid 21 pc. Rosewood Dining table & chair set; 2 Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Rosewood China Cabinets; Mother-of-Pearl Inlaid Rosewood Buffet; Large Carved Hardwood Altar Table; Carved Hardstone daybed; 10 pc. Carved Rosewood Living room set; metal Guardian figures on horseback; Famille Rose Faux Bois vase; large Porcelain Baluster vases; Sancai glazed figures; underglaze blue & red vessels; Celadon, Cizhou and other glazed vessels; large Blanc de Chine figure of Guanyin; 5 large Bone veneered figural groups - Heaven, Immortals, Mountainous Landscape; dozens of 4” to 48” carved and veneered bone figural groups; dozens of carved hardstone, soapstone & hardwood pcs.; dozens of carved Jadeite figures & mystical beasts; 2 rickshaws; pottery shrine, Ming or later; green glazed ceramic model of a cart and attendants; carved hardwood floor screen; 6 relief carved panels w/Guanyin; large carved wood statues of lions, dragons Buddha, Shoulao; set of Ink Stones in fitted box; Inlaid Mother-of-Pearl Rosewood shrine; 3 Terra Cotta Guardian figures; carved stone massive mythical beasts & Buddhistic Lions; dozens of carved hardstone Boats, Dragons & Horses; Cloisonné Tripod Censer; carved Gilt & painted wood Dragon Daoist Immortals Screen; Tang style Sancai glazed Horse; Buddha & Lotus stand; Hardstone Coin Form Screen; Asian Bone Inlaid Wood Tea House and table; Large gilt and painted Southeast Asian Assembled Altar w/Seated Buddha & Seven Attendants. Thai: Two wheeled cart; gilt wood Buddha; granite garden statue. Burmese: Large carved wood panel with Religious Vignettes; 4 Painted and Mirror Inset kneeling figures; carved wood figures of Musicians & Beauties; gilt & painted mirror stands; Pair carved wood Mythical Beast Architectural Supports. Full catalog at


Auction Co., LLC

Lic. #AY000131-L

(610) 395-8084 Fax (610) 395-0227 “Proven Service Since 1955”

200 W. Whitehall Rd., 16801 Sale due to moving. Centre Co. Chippendale 4-drawer chest, Antique 4-door 4-drawer cupboard, early Dutch desk, (2) Sheraton cherry 4-drawer chests, lg. cherry drop leaf dining table, blanket chest w/orig. red paint, ant. Centre Co. blanket chest (repainted), ant. country doctor’s desk, cherry drop leaf table, cherry stand from Beaver Estate, 2-drawer stand, ant. blind-door corner cupboard, nice antique blanket chest (repainted), Penna. dough tray, hired man’s daybeds, Shaker-style end table, blanket chest w/orig. finish, ant. zinc-lined dry sink, (2) Sheraton cherry 1-drawer stands, ant. poster bed, orig. paint 1800’s potty chair, early Windsor 9-spindle chair, ant. 2-pc. stepback cupboard, early Windsor 7-spindle chair, Windsor 5-spindle armchair w/orig. decoration, set of (6) PA decorated chairs, collection of old plank bottom chairs, early child’s chairs, Victorian child’s rocker, old high chair, chair from Nittany Lion Inn (1930s), (4) Cohasset ladder back chairs, Centennial chair, Chester Co. writing rocker, Penns Valley orig. paint rocker, set of (6) painted plank bottom’s, other blanket chests…The Ziegler’s have collected antiques & primitives throughout their life. Nice old King Bee wooden coffee bin, Bellefonte laundry basket, (5) Bellefonte baskets from small to large, collection of early rye baskets, nice ant. Dr. Daniel’s medicine hanging cupboard, 1834 sampler, redware crocks, redware chicken waterer, 5-gal. Donaghho Parkersburg, West Virginia stenciled blue crock, C. Hart Sherburne 2-gal. decorated jug, Roberts Binghamton, NY jug w/ bluebird decoration, Williams Greensboro unusual double handle decorated 5-gal. jug, Sipe & Sons Williamsport 3-gal. decorated jug, blue decorated crock, blue stenciled jar, nice 4-gal. decorated crock w/rim chip, N. White & Co. Binghamton, NY. decorated batter jug, Roberts Binghamton, NY jug w/blue decoration, J&P Coates spool cabinet, extensive collection of antique cookie cutters, large gentleman cookie cutter, 1783 framed German house saver, Schoenhut child’s piano, ant. pair of candle sconces from Lester Zettle, lg. collection of local postcards, original Anne Fisher drawing titled “Brothers”, 1826 fraktur (white deer), 1896 fraktur (Maggie Harpster), nice collection of antique paper-mâché candy containers, bear pull toy w/bells, hand-stitched quilts, assorted lard & meat containers, antique clocks, small copper kettle, child’s cherry 4-drawer chest, child’s cherry sideboard, child’s doll crib, nice antique rocking horse w/original paint, child’s ironing board, child’s iron ironstone tea set, early child’s sled, antique dolls, child’s toy horse & wagon, woo wooden arcs & German arc animals, child’s sewing machine & iron, child’s drop leaf table, doll’s table, iron doll toys, monkey metal climbing toy, FisherPric Price dog & Happy Hippo, other toys, handmade dollhouse, Mickey Mouse chil child’s spoon, blacksmith’s iron hanging kitchen holder, large collection of patent med medicine bottles, English ironstone pcs., coffee grinder, cast-iron balance scale w/w w/weights, stereoscope, butter mold, butter bowls, old wooden sausage grinder, Gri Griswold waffle iron, butcher shop organizer, antique kitchen items, 1930 PSU cam campus map, PSU memorabilia & PSU postcards, 1910 PSU campus aerial draw drawing, Lladro bullfighter and other Lladro figures, Roger Zellner blue & whi white bowl & platter, baseball card collection, set of green Depression, collection of antique a glassware, American pattern Fostoria, oil lamps, large collection of Blue B Ridge dishes, trunk, ferryboat model, ant. spice cabinet, cast-iron doo doorstops, extensive loop glass collection, variety of cut glass & Irish crystal, Nat Native American pottery (black), spinet piano, assorted ladies’ hats & fur stol stoles, plus much more not listed. Preview items day of auction from 8 A.M.9:30 A.M. … No Internet, absentee, or phone bids will be accepted - no buy buyers’ premiums. Terms: Cash or Check only by conclusion of auction. Foo Food & Job Johnny Available day of auction - tents if needed. ALL ORAL INFO DAY OF AU AUCTION TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER ANY & ALL WRITTEN ADS OWNER & AUCTIO AUCTIONEERS NOT RESPONSIBLE IN CASE OF ACCIDENTS. Auctioneers: Ron

J. & Ron S. Gilligan & David C. Zentner #AU339-L & #AU3430-L & #AU5442-L


Conducted by

S982083 Terms: As per the iGavel Auctions Site User Agreement and Conditions of Sale upon registration on their site. Pick up dates August 25, 26, 27 and 28 from 8 A.M. to 7 P.M. each day

820 Nursery St. • Box 215 Fogelsville, PA 18051-0215

Preview: Tues., Aug. 22nd and Wed., Aug. 23rd, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 8:00 AM Day of Auction





14 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017

Continued from page 11

fabric, which exaggerated the poses of her dancers. As Harrington explained: “It was complete body draping. No arms or legs showed - they simply moved the cloth in different positions, making shapes. For ceramics, this was a wonderful idea, because you could get all the detail you wanted, and accentuate it with an air brush, at a minimum of time and labor.” That “minimum of time and labor” was music to the ears of studio owner Reuben Sand. Previously, figurines were brush-decorated by hand; this could take up to a half-hour per figure. Figurines in Graham-inspired cocoons could be airbrushed in seconds, with minimal additional decorating needed on their bisque faces.

A mottled glaze was one of the varied decorating schemes for 1955’s “Modern Panther,” 6.5 inches long, est. $175-$200.

The “Accordion Lady” was part of 1955’s rare six-piece “Adult Band,” dependent on line rather than decoration for its visual appeal. It is 8.5 inches high, est. $375-$400.

Angularity and curves combine effectively for 1955’s “Stylized Roosters” and “Space Bowl.” The roosters are 7 inches high, est. $125-$150/pair; the bowl, 5.25 inches high, est. $50-$75.

BUYING MISSION FURNITURE, Hammered Copper, & Arts & Crafts Lighting by Stickley, Roycroft, Limbert & Van Erp. Call Ron 484-872-8216.

Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer? Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561

ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.

VINTAGE WATCHES WANTED Large or Small Lots - Wrist & Pocket Watches or watch movements NO CHERRY - PICKING - FAIR CASH PRICE PAID Contact RMON2004@GMAIL.COM or call 267-978-7297



OLD COMIC BOOKS Wanted Pre-1965, top dollar, Comic Art Foundation, Box 1414, Oklahoma City, OK 73101, 405-2365303, email


800.888.1063 47-15 36th ST., LIC, NY 11101 OIL PAINTINGS OR Original Commercial Artwork by JG Scott, Tamaqua PA Artist 1887-1975. Call Bob Stauffer 540-774-4319,

OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947

WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232. WORLD WAR II ration items wanted: ration books, tokens, forms, checks, newspaper articles, etc. Describe and price or ask for offer. Lee Poleske, PO Box 871, Seward AK 99664

GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100. SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail

ONLINE ART AUCTIONS ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418. CHRISTMAS ANTIQUES WANTED Pre1960 ornaments, lights, decorations, Call Mike 630-400-8678. AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665.

Antique & Modern Firearms

MAGIC LANTERN SHOWS, Stereopticon Shows, Illustrated Lectures, etc. Broadsides, Programs, Advertising, American only. Terry Borton, 860-345-2574 American Magic Lantern Theater.

Licensed Dealer - Will Travel Century 20 LLC Highland Park, NJ 08904

WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.

SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618.

GUNS WANTED Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Revolvers, Edged Weapons


1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521


VINTAGE 1941 White Wyckoff, Holyoke, Mass. calendar (about American inventions) Uwe H. Breker at WANTED THOROUGHBRED HORSE Racing Programs, Passes, Cigar Labels, Postcards, Tobacco Cards, older items, Gary Medeiros, 1319 Sayre San Leandro, CA 94579,

MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-5252969,

Appraisal Education Seminar Continued from page 12

not-for-profit that also services the appraisal industry). The FAE began awarding scholarships in 2004 and today presents four scholarships of $1,000 each, two scholarships of $500 each, plus $1,000 to one selected candidate in memory of Gloria Moroni. Grants for group educational opportunities, such as underwriting educational speakers for the ISA annual conference, are also awarded by the FAE. Appraisers and friends of appraisers can now join the Foundation for Appraisal Education and support the foundation’s ongoing work to promote the advancement of education related to personal property appraising by making a fully tax deductible contribution. To fund these programs, the FAE accepts memorials and gifts from groups and individuals, as well as corporate donations and sponsorships. The group is headquartered at 225 West Wacker Drive, Suite 650, Chicago, Ill. “M’amselle,” was from a limited ediBetty Harrington touted 1950s Betty Harrington’s “Modern Colt,” To learn more, readers tion of 100 created by Betty Harrington “Comedy & Tragedy” as “curvaceous 1955, emphasized the animal’s dancers with lovely lines.” They are 10 underlying musculature, 7.5 inches in 1996, the year before her passing. It may visit www.foundationfor is 7 inches high, est. $275-$300. inches tall, est. $175-$200/pair. high, est. $175-$200.

OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090.

BUYING LARGE DIAMONDS, Gold, Platinum, Silver, any condition, call Tony 484-872-8216

Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017 - - 15

theme is “Ceramic Arts Studio: Past, Present, & Future.” Full details are available by visiting the club’s website at Photo Associate: Hank Kuhlmann Donald-Brian Johnson is the co-author of numerous books on design and collectibles, including “Ceramic Arts Studio: The Legacy of Betty Harrington.” Please address inquiries to

ASIAN ANTIQUES INCLUDING many large beautiful Asian Vases at the German Trading Post Rt. 272, Denver, PA. Open Thurs. - Mon. Ask for the RAB cases.

FREE CATALOG FROM Heroes & Legends for Hollywood and Rock & Roll autographs. 18034 Ventura Blvd., Encino, CA 91316. We also buy! 818-342-2800.

HUGE SALE: (all rare) RAB Comics, reduced to $15 each. Plus 30,000 records $1 each. Located at The German Trading

FREE CATALOG HISTORICAL Autographs, Political, Actors, Military, Sports, etc, signed photos, signatures, lettters. Monetary LTD, PO Box 670202, Dallas, TX 75367, 972-3802798.

INDIAN RELICS B.C. $2 for a large color catalog. Indian, PO Box 246, Independence, KY 41051

ORIGINAL MOVIE POSTERS Horror, SciFi, Disney, Promo Super Hero Comic Book Posters. 1-sheet & smaller sizes, spanning 60’s - present. Must have want list. Reasonable prices. Looking for very rare items, I may have it! Al Nazario 400 W. 43rd St. Apt 12P, NYC, NY 10036 or call 212-868-9203 or email

PERIODIC LIST OF Paper Collectibles/ Ephemera/ Philatelic, etc. 150 lotssend for list- S.H. Jemik, PO Box 753, Bowie, MD 20718-0753. RFD POSTAL HISTORY Collection - pamphlets, books, flyers, advertising letterheads, over 250 pieces, 1898-1950, includes 21 photo postcards (circa 1908) showing postal carries with horse & wagon. Ron 860-642-6551.

To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211

Post on RT 272 Denver, Pa. Open Thurs.-Mon. Ask for the RAB cases.

MEDICAL, SURGICAL, DENTAL, Apothecary, Old Baby Items, Ophthalmology, Quackery, circa 1850-1920 for details visit TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124

APPROXIMATELY 130 VINTAGE Baseball Yearbooks, all 1960’s, $2,500 obo, call 973-865-6169.

ATTENTION Get the Word Out!! Advertise Your

SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds!

FOR SALE CLOTHES to fit American Girl Doll, also Amish Doll Clothing. Antique Vanity mid 1800’s, castiron parlor stove. Call 610-401-6687, Oxford Market, 195 Limestone Rd., (RT 10), Oxford, PA 19363.

Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or S948095

Smack Dab A lively troupe of futuristic Venturing even further into Harrington lived to see a dance and theatre characters the realm of modernism, resurgence of collector intersoon joined the CAS inventory. Harrington also created fig- est in her Ceramic Arts Studio urines depicting such con- figurines. And her devotion to cepts as “Water,” “Fire,” and ceramics continued unabated. “Dawn.” Even her animal fig- Harrington’s last piece, the urines became more modern, limited edition “M’amselle,” focusing less on realism than was created just a year prior on underlying bone structure. to her death in 1997. It hearEmbracing modernism. kened back to her first - an Cutting costs. Catering to a abstract kneeling nude. Betty shifting public taste. Ceramic Harrington and the world had Arts Studio had caught up with finally come full circle. the world, but then the world “CAS Collectors,” a group again moved on. In 1955, the for those interested in the operation once dubbed “the work of Ceramic Arts Studio, little studio that could” finally will host its annual convention closed its doors. on Saturday, Aug. 26, in Fortunately, Betty Madison, Wis. This year’s

16 - - Antiques & Auction News — August 18, 2017


PREMIER FIREARMS, MILITARY AUCTION EVENT SATURDAY, AUGUST 26TH, 2017 at 10 A.M. PREVIEW STARTS AT 8:00 A.M. Great grouping of military items from 18th century to Vietnam. FIREARMS: Many Remington rifles, Ruger rifles and pistols, Smith & Wesson .357 magnum in display box, and many more S&W pistols, Colt pistols, 1911, 1903 .32 ID’d to Japanese WWII Soldier, many more handguns, such as Taurus, Rossi, Berreta, and Star. 2 M1 Carbines, Russian Nagant, German Mauser, large selection of shotguns such as Lefever, Ithaca, Winchester and many more!!! ANTIQUE FIREARMS: Many Flintlock rifles and muskets, Flintlock pistols, Pin Fire Revolver, several M1853 British Enfields, several Kentucky type rifles in Flintlock and percussion, several U.S, Military percussion rifles and muskets, and much much more!!! CIVIL WAR: Many tintype and ambrotypes of soldiers, M1861 Springfield Rifle, U.S. Cartridge box, M1860 Cavalry Sword, many regiment history books and much more. WWII: Many Nazi German items, German double decal M-40 Police helmet, Kriegsmarine flag, General Officer’s belt, NSKK pennant, Officer’s daggers, photo postcards, and more. Japanese head gear, flags, swords and more. Several outstanding U.S. Army Airforce groupings and much more. MISC. MILITARY: 1,000’s of Ammunition, Bullet Boards, Dan Wesson .357 barrels, holsters, grips, sights, AK-47 parts and much much more!!!



Call 440-527-8060

MILESTONE AUCTIONS GALLERY Located at 3860 Ben Hur Ave.,

WILLOUGHBY, OHIO 44094 (440) 527-8060


Auctioneer: Miles King 20% Buyer’s Premium - 2% Discount For Cash or Check; Credit Cards Accepted MILESTONE AUCTIONS IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR QUALITY CONSIGNMENTS! ONE PIECE OR ENTIRE COLLECTIONS!!! CALL 440-527-8060 FOR DETAILS

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