Historic Harmony Museum Antique Show Slated
AAN Current News
Annual Show Will Be Held Sept. 17 And 18 In Harmony, Pa. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 • VOL. 47, NO. 38
“An Ohio Childhood: 200 Years Of Growing Up” On View At Decorative Arts Center New Exhibition Features More Than 100 Objects Depicting Or Used By Ohio Children Between 1816 And Today The Decorative Arts Center of Ohio in Lancaster, Ohio, has launched an innovative family-friendly exhibition with hands-on activities inspired by and designed for Ohio children. “An Ohio Childhood: 200 Years of Growing Up,” presented by PNC Arts Alive, illustrates the evolution of Ohio childhood from the frontier period to today through fascinating photographs, paintings, textiles, books and other objects and interactive experiences that make for an ideal first museum experience for children and their families. “It’s a great way to integrate whole families into an arts event,” said exhibition cocurator Andrew Richmond. “It’s an exhibition about kids, and it’s in part designed for kids. It’s a great way to get kids thinking about and interacting with arts and decorative arts in a way that they haven’t before.” Richmond and co-curator Hollie Davis have selected more than 100 paintings, photographs, toys, articles of clothing, pieces of furniture and other extraordinary and everyday items provided by individual lenders and institutions around the state and depicting or used by Ohio children between 1816 and 2016. Gallery labels – one set written specifically for elementary schoolage children, the other for adults – interpret a range of images of childhood, including those formed by the harsh and uncertain conditions of frontier life, those documenting experiences of children of more affluent families, and those of today’s culture of greater childhood leisure. “We all tend to look back with rose-colored glasses on our own childhoods,” said Richmond. “We’re
Americana At Christie’s on page 2
The Harmony museum’s annual antique show and sale fundraiser will be presented on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 17 and 18, at the historic barn museum annex located at 303 Mercer Road in Harmony, Pa. Show hours will be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Admission will be $5 per person. Admissions and sales of antiques donated to the museum for the purpose of the show support museum operations. A light lunch and refreshments will be available. Exhibiting dealers from Pennsylvania, Michigan, and
Indiana will offer quality antiques, including advertising, country and period furniture, ephemera, folk art, glass, jewelry, lighting, ceramics, paintings, primitives, textiles, tools, toys and smalls. Show chair is Tammy Gallagher of Sanford’s Antiques. The show is held in the region’s oldest barn, built in 1805, to shelter sheep belonging to the communal Harmony Society of German Lutheran Separatists that founded Harmony. Today, the heart of their community is a National Historic Landmark. Within walking distance
Back-To-School Display Set At The Grist Mill on page 2
Continued on page 2
Locati LLC To Hold Special Online Auction Locati LLC, of Maple Glen, Pa., will offer for sale the contents of 1910 Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia in a special online auction that will take place from Thursday, Sept. 15, to Monday, Sept. 26. The four-story luxury residence boasts four floors of living space, each full of fine furniture and decorative art. “This sale will be different for us in several ways,” said co-owner Michael Locati. “First, all lots will
remain at the house for the duration of the sale. Secondly, all lots will be sold without a reserve, and lastly we will hold the preview at the house with items in the room settings.” The preview for the special sale will take place at 1910 Rittenhouse Square on Saturday, Sept. 24, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and is open to the public. For further information, call Michael Locati at 215-619-2873 or email
The Original Semiannual York Show Slated For Sept. 23 To 25 on page 6
Quinn’s To Auction Merton D. Simpson Collection going to parse that out and show what a typical childhood in Ohio was in 1820, in 1920. Being a child in Ohio in the 21st century is a very different thing from being a child in Ohio in the 19th century.” Hands-on activities include drawing and coloring with Crayola crayons and Etch-a-Sketch – both invented in Ohio – and interacting with exhibition objects in special online activities offered on iPads in the galleries. Visitors are encouraged to bring cameras for a selfie contest and to pose for photos in life-size reproductions of exhibition photographs and paintings. Those photos could be posted on the Decorative Arts Center’s website and Facebook page. An app specially designed for the exhibition offers visitors additional enrichment and chances to win prizes. Children also can write their own gallery labels on blackboards in one of the exhibition galleries, or email them to DACO. The Decorative Arts Center recognizes studies linking early Continued on page 7
on page 7
C. Bechstein Grand Piano Sells For $173,000 At Leslie Hindman Auctioneers on page 18
In This Issue SHOPS, SHOWS & MARKETS . . . . . . . . . . starting on page 3 SHOPS DIRECTORY . . . . . . . . . on page 4 EVENT & AUCTION CALENDAR
on page 10
AUCTION SALE BILLS . . starting on page 10
FEATURED AUCTION: Bunch Auctions - Tuesday, September 20 in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania - Page 3
AUCTIONEER DIRECTORY . . . . on page 12 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . on page 23
2 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
Also featured in the auction is a robust and dynamic selection of Outsider Art, led by a spectacular limestone sculpture titled “Critter” (est. $50,000-$150,000) by William Edmondson (1874-1951); large scale mixed-media constructions by Thornton Dial (19282016); and works by iconic African-American artists Sam Doyle (1906-85) and Bill Traylor (1854-1949), among others.
Americana At Christie’s Sales Set for Sept. 17 To 22 the most crucial documents relating to the founding of America. During his nine years in France, Franklin also won over the hearts and minds of the French people, including Pierre Jean Georges Cabanis (17571808), to whom Franklin gifted this sword. It has remained in Cabanis’ family until now. Another highlight is a monumental carved, painted and polychrome-decorated spreadwing eagle (est. $100,000-$150,000) attributed to Wilhelm Schimmel (Cumberland
jewelry and artworks from the Reagans’ Los Angeles home, opening a window into the legacy of an iconic president. In all, the September 2016 Americana auctions at Christie’s will offer over 952 lots and are expected to realize upwards of $8.5 million. Christie’s sale of Important American Furniture, Silver, Outsider and Folk Art will present nearly 150 lots from the 17th through 21st centuries. It will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 2 p.m. Leading the sale is the Benjamin Franklin silverhilted small sword (est. $200,000-$300,000), which once belonged to America’s foremost statesman Benjamin Franklin (1706-90). Franklin was a key figure and signatory to the Declaration of Indepen-dence in 1776, the Treaty of Paris in 1783 and the United States Constitution in 1787 and stands as the only figure to have signed all of
Back-To-School Display Set At The Grist Mill
This horse and rider fraktur drawing attributed to the “Sussel-Washington” artist (active 1760-85), possibly Lancaster County, Pa., circa 1770 and inscribed “Jakob ist mein nahme” will be estimated at $8,000-$12,000. The Benjamin Franklin silver- It is from the estate of Daniel W. hilted small sword, possibly Dietrich II. Spanish, circa 1760, will be estimated at $200,000- carved mahogany eagle$300,000. based card tables (est. $40,000-$80,000), highly County, Pa., circa 1870- unusual in their motif and 90). Schimmel carved expertly carved. The and painted lions, roost- Schimmel eagle and pair of ers, parrots, dogs and card tables come from the other figures, but is most Warner Foundation, which known for spreadwing was originally compiled by eagles. The example the noted and highly regardoffered here is among ed collector Jack Warner of the largest in private hands Tuscaloosa, Ala. and exceptional not only for A grouping of excellent its scale but for the crisp carv- Pennsylvania fraktur are also ing, elongated, delicate form in the Sept. 20 auction. and surface. It possesses a 32- Among the offering is a rare inch wingspan and is 26 inch- Sussel-Washington artist es in height. horse and rider drawing Continuing the eagle inscribed “Jakob ist mein motif is a pair of nahme” and measuring 4-byClassical 3-inches. It will be estimated $8,000-$12,000 and came from the A pair of Classical carved mahogany eagle-base card tables, New York, 1810estate of Daniel W. 1820, will be estimated at $40,000-$80,000. Dietrich II. The brother of R i c h a r d Dietrich, Daniel Dietrich II left an important collection A monumental of modern art to the ™ carved and painted Philadelphia Museum of Art spreadwing eagle and was involved with many attributed to Wilhelm philanthropic causes in Schimmel Philadelphia. P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552 (1817-90) The sale also includes a 800-800-1833 717-653-1833 717-653-6165 fax Cumberland selection of Aesthetic and e-mail: County, Pa., Renaissance Revival material Editor - Karl Pass, 717-278-1404 circa 1870-90, will be estimated at from a distinguished e-mail: $100,000-$150,000. American collection.
Advertising Sales John Barilla, Ext. 2536 Arlene Bair, Ext. 2561 Circulation - Linda Deshler, Ext. 2541 Classifieds 1-800-428-4211 Fax 717-492-2566
a smile to their face. The Grist Mill’s semiannual flea market is just around the corner. It will take place on Sunday, Oct. 16, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dealers from both the Grist Mill and Haddon Heights Antiques Center will be participating in the popular event. For vendor information, call Barbara Lind at 609-726-1588 or email theplace@gristmill Limited spaces are available. There is always something happening at the Grist Mill. On the last Wednesday of each month, the center hosts a scavenger hunt. Lists are given out at 5 p.m., and the person who finds the most items is awarded a prize. Light refreshments are served. For more information on this and other events, sign up for the Grist Mill’s weekly emails by visiting The multi-dealer shop, with two floors of amazing inventory, is open seven days a week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with extended hours until 8 p.m. each Wednesday.
should stay out of New France, eventually resulting in the French and Indian War. On Dec. 27 of that year, the first shot of what became the global Seven Years War was fired at Washington near today’s Evans City by a
French-allied Indian from a northern tribe. The pacifist Harmony Society believed Christ’s return was imminent and adopted celibacy. When the Harmonists moved to Indiana Territory, resettlement was led in 1815 by Mennonites from eastern Pennsylvania who built the first Mennonite church west of the Allegheny Mountains. Now a museum property, it is on a hilltop overlooking the historic 1805 barn. Harmony is adjacent to Zelienople, at I-79 exits 8788, about 10 miles north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike and 30 miles south of I-80. To learn more, call 724452-7341.
Harmony Museum Continued from page 1
of the barn is the Harmony museum, a log house where museum volunteers demonstrate weaving, and a number of specialty shops, a restaurant, a coffee-and-lunch shop, and two bakeries.
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The area’s recorded history began with a Delaware Indian village visited by George Washington during a 1753 mission seeking French withdrawal from Britishclaimed territory. The French responded that the British
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Published weekly on Friday by Joel Sater Publications Contents Copyright 2016 C-9/16
As children begin their new school year, the fragrance of newly sharpened pencils and the stacks of school supplies may bring a sense of nostalgia. Who can forget the anticipation of walking into a new classroom for the first time, seeing old friends and making new ones - wondering if your new teacher would be nice and thinking about the school activities and clubs to join? All of those memories are housed in the September special display at the Grist Mill Antiques Center in Pemberton, N.J. Vintage schoolbooks, chalkboards, maps, inkwells, microscopes, rulers, pens and pencils, staplers, globes, desks, typewriters, yearbooks, school bells and lunch boxes are adorning the showcase as school days of years gone by are fondly remembered. The Grist Mill invites customers to recapture some of the magic of a time full of imagination and possibilities. Shoppers will be sure to find something to evoke memories and bring
Exp. Date
Christie’s is pleased to announce Americana at Christie’s New York, a series of live and online auctions, viewings and events, from Saturday, Sept. 17, to Thursday, Sept. 22. The week includes sales across American Art, American Furniture, Silver, Outsider and Folk Art and features the private collection of President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan. Works in all auctions will be on public exhibition starting Sept. 17 at Rockefeller Center. Americana at Christie’s New York embraces the patriotic spirit behind American furniture, folk art and silver and blends that energy with innovative outsider art. Highlights will include a sword owned by Benjamin Franklin, Tiffany & Co. and Gorham silver, a sculpture from Outsider artist William Edmondson and two pieces by the renowned self-taught artist Sam Doyle. The pulse quickens with the auction of the private collection of President and Mrs. Ronald Reagan, which encompasses furniture, decorative pieces, books, memorabilia,
The sale closes with a selection of silver, led by a Tiffany & Co. American silver water pitcher made for the Paris Exposition in 1900 (est. $15,000-$25,000). A fine selection of works of Gorham Martele and Tiffany Chrysanthemum round out the offerings. To view online catalogs, visit Images courtesy of Christie’s Images Ltd. 2016.
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Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 3
Collector Anecdotes And Antics Bunch Auctions Will
Open Fall Season With Fine Art Sale On Sept. 20
Let’s Talk About Pokemon Go By Shawn Surmick
Never underestimate Nintendo. The Japanese video game giant has been dealing with disappointed shareholders due to the fact that the company’s latest home video game system, aptly named the Nintendo Wii U, failed to excite consumers. Left with few options and unable to pull the plug on its struggling device without upsetting current Wii U owners, Nintendo needed a miracle. Its next home video game system (code named the Nintendo NX) isn’t scheduled to go on sale until March of 2017 at the earliest. This caused the company to look into other revenue streams to generate profit and excite fickle shareholders and gamers alike. The company scored a massive hit with its line of interactive toy figurines known as Amiibo, and sales of its portable video game system known as the New 3DS remain strong. Still, Nintendo failed to defend itself from criticism due to the massive failure the Wii U home video game system has become. As a result of this failure, Nintendo promised to enter the risky world of mobile interactive entertainment. On July 6, 2016, in a joint venture with software
developer Niantic Software, Nintendo would release Pokemon Go as a free downloadable application for Apple and Android smartphones. Since the software was free to download and use, revenues would be made by required inapp purchases that players would have to make to advance further into the game. Within 72 hours of the game’s release, multiple reports of servers crashing due to mass downloads of the app would be reported. Within one week of its launch, Pokemon Go would shatter all existing records for the number of downloads of a mobile game. The game required players to search real life locales in order to locate rare Pokemon creatures by using a form of augmented reality. News reports would start to surface on the craze. Nintendo’s stock doubled in price almost overnight, and with it Pokemon mania would overtake the globe, with some media outlets comparing it to the nostalgic “PacMan fever” that was noted during the early 1980s when video game arcades were across Main Street U.S.A. With the metamorphic rise in popularity of the 20-year Pokemon franchise thanks to the release of Pokemon Go, nostalgia took center stage. The values of vintage Pokemon collectibles have been rising exponentially as younger and older gamers
attempt to seek out the franchise’s humble beginnings. This effect has caused two types of merchandise to increase in price almost overnight. Vintage video games based on the Pokemon franchise from the classic Game Boy and DS era have risen in value. A complete and boxed copy of Pokemon Yellow for the popular vintage Nintendo Game Boy system now sells for close to $100 on eBay. Meanwhile, Nintendo was forced to put several recent Pokemon video game releases for its coveted 3DS portable video game system back into production due to high demand and reports of retailers selling out. The second type of merchandise exponentially enjoying a price increase due to the release of Pokemon Go are vintage Pokemon collectible playing cards from the Pokemon playing card game that was released in the mid1990s. Some of these cards are selling for hundreds to thousands of dollars when encapsulated and graded by a reputable third party grading company. In turn, these price spikes are causing speculators to consider hoarding modern collectible Pokemon playing cards, which is probably not a good idea due to massive increases of the amount of supply readily available at retail,. The Pokemon Go craze will
eventually die a slow death as more mobile applications take hold and Nintendo continues to release other products. Consumers and video game players are quite fickle. That being considered, the demand for Pokemon merchandise will continue to increase exponentially. In other articles I have written, I have commented on the rapidly changing face of both the antiques and collectibles marketplace. The Pokemon franchise is only 20 years young but is already bringing new collectors and enthusiasts into the secondary market. Young entrepreneurs entering the trade at a record pace already know this. The question is when will auctioneers and dealers who have been in the business for decades or more realize the secondary antiques and collectibles marketplace is quickly changing? Certain antiques and collectible categories are dying a slow death in a marketplace that has seen steady and increased demand for properties like vintage Pokemon merchandise, Magic the Gathering game cards, and even vintage Nike Air sneakers. Always remember that time is both an enemy and a friend. All markets change and morph, and the greater antiques and collectibles marketplace is not immune to these effects. Until next time!
Highlights Will Include Items From Daniel W. Dietrich II Estate
This pair of Meissen groupings of Neptune and Amphitrite, second half of 19th century, are each modeled in three parts and estimated at $20,000-$40,000. Daniel Dietrich was a well-known philanthropist, art collector, and patron of the arts living on the Main Line of Philadelphia. He was on the board of the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) at the University of Pennsylvania and before his passing in September of 2015 gave a gift of $10 million to the ICA. Bunch Auctions in Chadds
Ford, Pa., is pleased to offer 218 lots of mostly 20th-century modern art as well as 132 lots of decorative arts from the Dietrich collection. Highlights will include notable works by Jane Wilson, Charles G. Rosenberg, Kenneth Nolan, Warren Rohrer, Gregory Gillespie, Willy Heeks, Daniel Bennett Schwartz, Edna Andrade, Robert B. Wilson, Lennart Anderson, William Sartain, Bill Walton, Burton Silverman, David Leffel, Edward Baynard, James Penney, Kathy Grove, Robert Zakanitch, Harvey Dinnerstein, and Wes Mills, among other established and emerging artists, many of whom are represented by multiple lots in the sale. The addition of 60 lots from other collections to the art section include five A grouping of spatterware will be ship paintings by Scott sold, including this red spatterware Cameron, a portrait after plate with schoolhouse, est. $400- Francois Hubert Drouais, an Continued on page 8 $800.
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4 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
19809 N. Wilmington 302-792-0555 THE ZEPPELIN & THE UNICORN AT THE RED BARN, 400 Silverside Road, Sun., Mon., Wed. 12-5, Closed Tues., Thurs. thru Sat. 10-6. Antiques, unique items.
19958 Lewes 302-645-2309 HERITAGE ANTIQUE MARKET, 16168 Coastal Hwy. (RT1), 2 mi. N. of Five Points, Lewes. 65 Dealers. New Dealers Welcomed. Hrs 10-5pm (Summer) 11-5pm (Winter).
17225 Greencastle 717-593-9990 THE SHOP 144 E. Baltimore St. 1/2 mi. off I-81 Exit 5. Antiques, Collectibles & Decorative accessories. Open Wed. thru Fri. 10-5, Sat. 10-4.
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08054 Mt. Laurel 856-235-1830 CREEK MERCANTILE 118 Creek Rd. Our vendors have excellent taste! Antiques, Vintage, Mid Century, Salvage, Industrial, Jewelry, Primitive, Handmade goods. Vendors Wanted.
18014 Bath 610-390-0403 S SEEM ANTIQUES 100 S Chestnut St (RT 248) Multi-Dlr Co-Op, 2 flrs., M,T,W,F,Sa 10-6; Th 12-8; Su 11-5. Quality Antiques in 1840’s Brick Store, 5 other shops on block. 10% off with Ad.
21901 North East 410-287-8318 5 & 10 ANTIQUE MARKET, 115 S. Main St. Daily 10am-6pm. Cecil County’s largest! Buying/ selling antiques & collectibles. Gourmet chocolates.
08081 Sicklerville 856-545-3187 CARNIVAL OF COLLECTABLES 368 Cross Keys Rd. Open Tues.-Thurs. 10am-6pm, Fri. 10am-7pm, Sat. 8am7pm, Sun 8am-5pm, 12000 sq.ft Antique & Arts Mall, over 100 dlrs
18091 WIND GAP 610-863-1757 Wind Gap Indoor Flea Market 316 N Broadway. Open Sat. & Sun. 8am-4pm. A/C building, includes Nancy’s Cafe has homemade cheesecake & Marks Produce locally grown. The Brass Lady has Vintage Antiques everything country collectible milk bottles. NASCAR Bill.
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-4834 ANTIQUES AT SILVER BELL FARM, 1641 Horseshoe Pike (Rts.322 & 82). 30+ Dlrs- antique/ vintage furniture, primitives, timepieces, jewelry, home decor, plants, garden items. daily 10-5, Thur. until 7.
18229 Jim Thorpe 610-850-5660 ANTIQUES ON BROADWAY 52 Broadway. Primitives, militaria, art, autographs, glass, pottery, artifacts & vintage collectibles. Wed-Sun 10-5.
19343 Glenmoore 610-942-7500 CRICKET’S ANTIQUES & GARDEN MARKET 1641 Horseshoe Pike 2nd floor. Antiques, Artisians & Gardening! Hrs. 10am-5pm daily, Thurs. 10-8:30.
18251 Sybertsville 570-788-1275 HAL’S ANTIQUE FLEA MARKET, 732 State Rte. 93, Exit 256 off I-80, take 93 S. or Exit 145 off I-81, take 93 N. Sundays 9am-4pm.
19543 Morgantown 610-913-1953 MORGANTOWN MARKET 2940 Main St. Hours 10-5 daily. “We invite you to come fall in Love”. Antique, collectibe, vintage home & garden decor.
07060 North Plainfield 908-222-2085 NORTH PLAINFIELD ANTIQUE GALLERY 1006 RT22 E Specialize in buying and selling Asian Antiques. Open Wed.-Sun. 11-5. 07901 Summit 908-273-9373 SUMMIT ANTIQUES CENTER, 511 Morris Ave. 2 floors, 60+ dealers. Antiques, collectibles. Smalls to furniture. Open 7 days 11-5. Free parking. 08005 Barnegat 609-698-3020 BAY AVENUE ANTIQUES 349 S. Main (Route 9). Open Tues.-Sun. 10am-5pm. Book Seller: New Jersey Books, Maps, Pottery, Ceramics, Fiesta, Dinnerware, Antiques & Vintage items, etc.
Open 77 DAYS Days OPEN 11-5 Daily 10-5
16159 W. Middlesex 724-528-2490 TREASURE COVE ANTIQUE MALL RT18 S. Open Wed. thru Sun. 9am5pm. Visit us on facebook 16686 Tyrone 814-684-5088 I-99 ANTIQUES, conveniently located off the Tyrone Exit of Interstate 99, 1222 Pennsylvania Ave. Quality antiques & collectibles. 40 Dlrs. Open Daily 10:304:30, Closed Sundays Dlrs welcome. 16801 State College 814-238-2980 APPLE HILL ANTIQUES, Rt. 26N to 169 Gerald Street. Distinctive antiques in a gallery setting. Over 60 dealers. Open daily 10 to 6. Wide variety. 17062 Millerstown 717-589-7810 STITCH IN TIME ANTIQUE & GIFT MALL 43 N. Market St. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Quality Handmade Crafts & Gifts. Open 7 days 10-5, Fri. til 8. Millerstown exit off RT322.
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18930 Kintnersville 610-847-1966 GRISTIES ANTIQUES AND ODDITIES, Rt. 611 near Rt. 32. 30 Dealers. Smalls and primitives to fine furniture. Open every day 11-5. Free parking.
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Monday- Friday 8:00am-4:30pm
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From Frazer Exit On Rt. 202 Go 2 Miles East On Rt. 30
We purchase single items or entire estates.
Frazer Antiques Affordable Prices • 24 Dealers • Great Selection Furniture, China, Glass, Majolica, Silver, Shabby Chic, Primitives, Decorative Items, Clocks, Artwork, Linens, Collectibles & Jewelry
1-800-428-4211, ext. 2561
Pennsylvania (formerly Boothwyn)
Fine Antiques, Collectibles, Jewelry, Coins, Art Deco, Roseville, Rare Books, Glass, Vintage Clothing, Stamps, Postcards, Christmas Collectibles, Old Toys, Advertising & Much, Much More. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9-5 Ph. 610-489-7388
in your shop. For information: Phone (717) 653-1833 or write
18944 Perkasie 215-257-3564 TREASURE TROVE, 6 S. 7th Street. Estate jewelry, furniture, linens, vintage clothing, glass, china, books, toys, kitchenware, advertising, postcards. Primitives to Deco. Dealers Welcome. Mon.-Sat. 10-5. Since “1980”
Mon., Thurs., Sun. 10am-5pm; Fri. & Sat. 10am-6pm.; Closed Tues. & Wed.
Shouldn’t your SHOP be listed in this guide?
Rt. 29 3 Mi. N. Of Rt. 422
We Offer: Furniture; Advertising Signs; Gas & Oil Cans & Bottles, Black Memorabilia; Trains; Toys (including Pressed Metal Trucks). Soda & Dairy Bottles. A variety of Antiques & Collectibles.
The Power House
Located inside
18962 Silverdale 215-453-1414 THE FACTORY ANTIQUES AND COLLECTIBLES, 130 West Main Street, Rt 113, Bucks County. Featuring 40 Dealers. Open Wednesday thru Saturday 10 -5, Sundays 11-4
TJW Antiques & Collectibles Phone:
18337 Milford 570-409-8636 OLD LUMBERYARD ANTIQUES 113 7th St., 2 large Multi-Dealer Shops, 10,000 sq. ft. Mon., Thur-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-5.
18951 Quakertown 215-536-4547 ANTIQUES AT 200 EAST/ EAST BROAD ANTIQUES, 215-536-4408, Multi-DLR shops. One Stop Shopping. 2 Fantastic Stores. Intersections Rts. 212 & 313. Shop where Dealers Buy! Open 7 days.
19711 Newark 302-733-7677 MAIN STREET ANTIQUES, 23 Liberty Plaza. Hrs. Mon-Sat. 10-8, Sun. 11:305:30. Over 45 Showcase/ Room Dlrs selling quality antiques/ collectibles.
08006 Barnegat Light 609-361-8039 THE SEAWIFE, 1901 Bayview Ave. at Viking Village. Country primitive antique furniture, quilts, folk art, architecturals & garden. Open Daily.
19711 Newark 302-454-8007 AUNT MARGARET’S ANTIQUE MALL 294 E. Main St. Mon- Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-5. 2 flrs. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, much more.
21028 Churchville 410-734-6228 YE OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, Route 22 & Aldino Rd. Minutes from I-95. Oak furniture, advertising, toys, militaria, glassware, general line. Hrs daily 10-4
19709 Middletown 302-376-7022 ATTIC TO BASEMENT, ETC. 4380 Summit Bridge Rd. Antiques, collectibles, books, vintage clothing, unique finds. open 7 day a week 10am6pm. Visit us on Facebook!
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 5
A D A M S T O W N , PA
1,000+ Dealers & Dozens of Antique Markets Along 7 Miles of Rt. 272
Take PA Turnpike to exit 286, Continue 1 mile straight to Rt. 272, Turn N. or S. for markets in both directions.
Shop Everyday for the Best Antiques and Collectibles Anywhere in the USA DON ’ T MISS SEPTEMBER EXTRAVAGANZA Mother Tucker’s Lancaster County Antiques Antique Center, LLC
Pine Hills Antique Mall
566 N. Reading Road Route 272 Thurs. Thru Mon. 9-5 Extrav Hours Wed. 9-5, Thurs.-Sat. 9-8, Sun. & Mon. 9-5 717.738.1297 19
2255 N. Reading Rd., Rt. 272, Denver 17517 Regular Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. 9-5; Fri. & Sun. 9-7:30; Sat. 9-9 Extended Hours & Open Wed. 9-9 For Extrav 717.336.2701 15
Regular Hours: Thurs.-Mon. 10-5 Extrav Hours: Mon.-Tues. 10-5; Wed. 10-8; Thurs.-Sat. 9-9; Sun. 9-6 717.484.6313 1
Tex Johnson Antiques
General Heath’s Antiques
Antiques Showcase & German Trading Post
40 Willow St., Adamstown Primitives, Furniture, Accessories Open Sat. & Sun. 10-4 Mon.-Fri. By Appt.
2760 N. Reading Rd. Rt. 272, Reinholds Mon., Wed., Thur., Fri. 10-5 Sat. & Sun. 9-5 Open Tues. 10-5 For Extrav
2152 N. Reading Road, Route 272, Denver Open Everyday 10-5 Extrav Hours Wed. Sat. 10-8, Sun. 10-5
Adamstown Antique Mall 3014 N. Reading Road, Route 272, Adamstown Open Mon., Thurs., Fri. 10-5 Sat. & Sun. 9-5 Extrav Hours: Mon.-Tues. 10-5; Wed. 10-8; Thurs.-Sat. 9-9; Sun. 9-6 717.484.0464 5
Special Event Featuring More Dealers, More Stuff, Extended Hours to Shop!
SEPTEMBER 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 For More Information on Lodging, Bed & Breakfasts, Restaurants & Specialty Shops Visit Destination Stoudts!
BLACK ANGUS ANTIQUES MALL 50+ yrs. in business
300+ High Quality Antique Vendors - 70,000 sq. ft. in one location! Great Food, Beer and Antiques!
Outdoor Pavilions - New Dealers! Antique Tool Show Extrav. Saturday!!! Extravaganza Saturday + Sunday outside 5 a.m. / Mall 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
2800 N. Reading Rd., Route 272, Adamstown, PA
Mad Hatter Antique Mall Corner of Rt. 272 & Willow Street Regular Hours: Thurs.-Mon. 10-5 Extrav Hours: Mon.-Tues. 10-5; Wed. 10-8; Thurs.-Sat. 9-9; Sun. 9-6 717.484.4159 2
C E L E B R AT I N G O V E R 5 0 Y E A R S
Shupp’s Grove Antique Market NEW LOCATION 2664 N. Reading Road, Rt. 272, Reinholds Mon.-Thurs. 10-5, Fri. & Sat. 9-7, Sun. 9-6 Extended Hours For Extravaganzas: Wed.-Sun. 10 717.484.1514
Beautiful Outside Market Just off Rt. 897 South Open Saturday & Sunday April-October, 7-4 Friday Hours For Extrav
Morphy Auctions
Heritage Antique Center
272 Antiques Mall
2750 N. Reading Rd., Rt. 272 Reg. Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10-5, Fri.-Sun. 10-6 Extrav Hours: Wed.-Thurs. 10-8, Fri.-Sat. 9-8, Sun. 9-6 VISIT OUR 50% OFF TENT SALE
1300 N. Reading Rd., Rt. 272, Stevens Reg. Hours: Everyday 10-5, ‘til 6 Fri.-Sun. Open ‘til 8 Wed.-Sat. During Extrav
10%-50% Discounts 18
Specializing in fresh to the market collections. Visit our gallery and preview upcoming auction items. Open Everyday 9-4 2000 N. Reading Road, Denver
Renningers Antiques/Collectibles Market 12
2500 N. Reading Road, Route 272, Denver, PA 17515 100s of Dealers With Fresh Merch Every Week Outdoors Open Sunday 4am-4pm Indoors Open Sunday 7:30am-4pm 717.336.2177
The Original Semiannual York Show Slated For Sept. 23 To 25
days Closed Mon. 12 until Sept 1918 Brownsville Rd. Like Us On Trevose-Feasterville, PA 19053
Minutes from PA Tpk., Exit 351, I-95 & Rt. 1
215.364.8846 number of participants. For the fall edition of the York Show, there will be five new exhibitors, including, Antiques by the Falls of Painesville, Ohio; Hannah Humes of Westerville Run, Ohio; Rush Antiques of Rochester, Mich.; Taylor Thistlethwaite of Glasgow, Ky.; and Don and Betty Jo Heim from Jersey Shore, Pa. Because of the outstanding overall quality of merchandise offered, the York Show is considered one of the premier antiquing events in the Mid-Atlantic region. It is also one of the oldest shows in the country. To learn more, visit www.theoriginal or call Arion at 302-542-3286.
CARLISLE, PA 17013 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-7 And Sunday 10-5
Two Floors With Over 100 Quality Antiques & Collectibles Dealers
& COLLECTIBLE SHOW October 1 & 2, 2016
Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 10am-4pm
In Frederick, Md.
110 Dealers A Fun Place To Shop!
16 Chestnut Street
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877
Antiques & Collectibles
“19th Year Serving Mid-Atlantic Region & Washington, DC�
Furniture Art & Prints Advertising • Textiles Records • Pottery • Civil War Items
Many Dealers with Quality Antiques and Collectibles for sale including furniture, jewelry, toys, advertising, movie memorabilia, paintings, silver, linens, books, porcelains, posters, coins, etc.
5862 Urbana Pike (Rt. 355 So.) Frederick, MD Open Daily 10-6 “Late� Thursdays ‘til 8 pm
Admission: $6, $5 w/this ad
★ OPEN 7 Days 10-5 ★
Bank Barn offering 15,000 Sq. Ft. of Quality Antiques, Primitives, Estate Furniture, with Appropriate Accessories & Smalls.
(Exit 120 - I-80, 879 W To 322 W)
878 Baltimore Pike (Rt. 1), CHADDS FORD, PA 19317 Open 10-5 Wednesday Thru Sunday
Phone 610-388-2000 Fax 610-388-2720 E-Mail Located Directly On Rt. 1 “At The White Barn� Limited Space Available for Quality Dealers Only
Reasonable Booth Rental Rate: $165 - 9’x10’
32,000 Ft. Of Authentic Merchandise
In The Historic “White Barn�
44 North Bedford St.
In Central PA
Saturday Saturd aturday day 11-5 and
and much more. Melvin L. Arion, show promoter, does an outstanding job of assembling topnotch participants while keeping the variety as broad as possible to ensure that nearly anyone can find a “new� treasure. In addition, all major credit cards are accepted, making buying as convenient as possible. Admission will be $10/person, or $9 with this article, an ad, or show card. The hours both Friday and Saturday will be 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parking is free. The building is smoke-free and air-conditioned. In addition, food will be available. This show has an outstanding reputation, and there is little dealer turnover, remarkable especially considering the
14 E. KING
One Of The Largest And Finest Antique Malls In PA Dutch Country!
Central PA’s Newest Antiques Shop
Shop In Our Clean, Brightly Lit & Climate Controlled Building. We Offer A Huge Variety Of Fine Antiques & Collectibles Displayed By Over 125 Dealers.
Sept. 22-24th 10am-5pm
3371 Lincoln Highway East, Paradise, Find us on Facebook
Hours: Mon. Fri. Sat. 10:30-4:00 or by appointment.
Visit Our Web Site
• Most Major Credit Cards Accepted • Convenient Parking • Bus Tours Welcome • Climate Controlled • Handicapped Accessible • Dealer Inquiries Welcome • Prime Location
CALL FOR INFO: 717-442-8805
14 E. King St. (rear) enter on E. Water St. Abbottstown, PA 17301 717-619-3170 or 609-202-6870
PA 17562
Open Monday Through Saturday 9:30 A.M. To 5:00 P.M. Sunday 10:00 A.M. To 5:00 P.M. - Closed Tuesday
The Original 167th Semiannual York Antiques Show and Sale is scheduled for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Sept. 23, 24 and 25, at Memorial Hall East, located within the York Fairgrounds Convention and Expo Center at 334 Carlisle Ave. in downtown York, Pa. This popular event features 96 carefully screened exhibitors in room settings offering an impressive breadth of antiques, including 18th and 19th century period American and English furniture, country pieces in original paint and decoration, fine early porcelain and pottery, Oriental carpets, quilts, hooked rugs, samplers, and other textiles, early kitchen, lighting, and fireplace items, Native American artifacts, pueblo pottery and baskets, estate jewelry, vintage toys,
6 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 7
Quinn’s To Auction Merton D. Simpson Collection African Tribal Art To Be Sold In Two Sales Quinn’s Auction Galleries has been chosen to auction the important African tribal art collection of renowned dealer, artist and collector Merton D. Simpson (19282013). The estate collection will be offered in two major sales at Quinn’s northern Virginia gallery, the first to be held on Saturday, Oct. 1, and the second in late fall or early winter of this year. The New York County Public Administrator, which This is Merton D. Simpson (19282013) with a prized African tribal art acquisition.Archival image provided by the estate of Merton D. Simpson.
serves as fiduciary of the Simpson estate, confirmed Quinn’s appointment and said the proceeds will “directly benefit Mr. Simpson’s estate.” With an acclaimed eye for spotting exceptional art and a career as an art dealer that spanned more than 50 years, Simpson was one of the world’s most respected African and tribal art dealers. He was instrumental in helping individuals and institutions around the world to build comprehensive, historically significant collections. He was also a gifted artist in his own right and an early member of the Spiral group, a collective of black artists founded in 1963 by Romare
Bearden, Hale Woodruff and others. The 2,000-plus pieces to be auctioned consist of artworks and rare tribal relics from Simpson’s personal collection, as well as selections from the New York art gallery he operated, along with some of his own works. With his passion for collecting African art and
artifacts, Simpson enlightened the public with an otherwise untapped perspective of a continent with diverse and rich cultures and traditions. The mystery behind some of those traditions was unraveled by Simpson’s uncompromising desire to document and collect art and artifacts that otherwise would have remained obscure. Quinn’s executive vice president Matthew Quinn said Simpson had maintained
extensive archives documenting his acquisitions as far back as the 1960s. “It’s one of the most impressive archives of its type that I’ve ever seen,” said Quinn. “Quinn’s is known for selling entire collections with care and respect. Because of the historical importance of the Simpson collection, we hired John Buxton of Arttrak to serve as our auction consultant,” Quinn continued. “John has an impeccable reputation as a specialist in his field and will be evaluating each and every item in the two sales.” For more information, call 703-532-5632 or visit
35,000 Sq. Ft. Over 130 Booths
38 Dealers 2 Somerset Street
Hopewell, NJ 08525
6148 Lower York Rd. (Rt. 202) New Hope, PA 18938 Tuesday-Sunday 10am-6pm
484.949.8130 Thursday through Saturday 10-6 • Sunday & Monday 10-4
Thurs.-Mon. 10 A.M.-5:30 P.M.; Closed Tues. & Wed. H Special Car Show Hours H October 2nd-7th Open 7 Days - 10 A.M.-7 P.M. 2200 31st St. SW,
Located At The “Crossroads” Of Rts. 743 And 322
Located Just Off Rt. 78, Lehigh St. Exit, 1⁄4 Mile S. To 31st St. On Left. S689619
Two-Floor Multi-Dealer Mall Featuring A Variety Of Antiques And Collectibles With Reasonable Prices
62 North Third Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360
I-80 Exit 307 to Main St. to Third Street. Convenient off street parking.
Hrs.:M-F 12-5; Sat. & Sun. 10-5
Select Dealer Space and Showcases Available OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: 10 A.M.-6 P.M. The Jersey Shore’s Largest Co-Op
Featuring Quality Antiques & Collectibles,
1 Mile S. of Historic Smithville Village and 9 Miles N. of Atlantic City
Over 150 Dealers
110 South New York Road (Route 9), Galloway, NJ
3,000 sq. ft. space
Over 125 Friendly Dealers inside a 100-year old machine shop in Downtown Stroudsburg IN NOW R Dealer Space Available OU AR or call us at 610-766-7495
PRESENTLY SHOWCASING 70+ VENDORS WE ARE EXPANDING AND WELCOMING NEW VENDORS. Our low rates with no commissions or extra charges make this a great place to have your business. Checkout our website at
f Olde Antique Cente o s y r Da Come Spend The Day!
at historic FREED’S MARKET
VISIT Berks Montco’s NEWEST gateway to the best deals around! 2030 SWAMP PIKE, GILBERTSVILLE, PA 19525
8281 Rt. 873, Slatington, PA 18080
Multi-dealer Antique & Collectable Center open year-round Thursday 9-5, Friday 9-8, Saturday 9-6 & Sunday 10-5.
Inside Store Hours: Thurs. 8-8, Fri. 10-8, Sat. 8-8 & Sun. 8-5 Outside Flea Market: Thurs. 6:30-3, Sat. 7:30-2 & Sun. 6:30-3
Rt. 206 South, Columbus, NJ
Over 1500 Vendors
• Collectibles s t f i G • s
Delaware Valley’s Largest Flea Market ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES
Antique Center Hours: Monday Thru Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 11-5
Open Daily 10-5 P.M. 1 Chesapeake Ave.
ue Antiq
(301) 447-6471
Emmitsburg, MD
Everything From Antiques To Collectibles
(Off Main St.)
through Saturday, Dec. 31. For information about programs and classes associated with this exhibition, call 740681-1423 or visit www.decarts This is Merton D. Simpson (1928-2013) with a prized African tribal art piece ated by the Luba people of central Africa. Archival image provided by the estate of Merton D. Simpson. The Decorative Arts Center is housed in the Reese-Peters House, 145 E. Main St. in Lancaster’s Historic District. Admission is free. They are open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m.
The PNC Foundation that supports visual and performing arts groups with the goal of increasing arts access and engagement in new and innovative ways. “Arts Alive is at its heart a driver of economic development,” said Michael Gonsiorowski, PNC regional president for Central Ohio. “By encouraging the tremendous efforts to foster a vibrant and active arts scene in and around Columbus, we are working to attract young talent, provide access to new audiences - including those traditionally underserved by the arts - and fuel the economic engine of the region.” “An Ohio Childhood: 200 Years of Growing Up” runs
Continued from page 1
museum experiences for children to intellectual and cultural benefits that enrich their adult lives. Parents and grandparents visiting the exhibition with youngsters can help them interpret the images of past childhoods, some similar to their own and others of differing ethnicities, socioeconomic resources and contrasts in rural and urban “growing up.” This exhibition is made possible by PNC Arts Alive and with continued support from the Ohio Arts Council. PNC Arts Alive is a multi-year, $2.5 million investment initiative of
“An Ohio Childhood”
8 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
Bunch Auctions
This pair of Mintons Louis Solon decorated pate-sur-pate vases, England, with looped handles, marked with gold globe and Mintons mark, with restoration, circa 1873-1891, 15.75-inch high, are estimated at $30,000$60,000.
groupings of Neptune and Amphitrite with cherubs, maidens, and sea creatures; a Meissen figural wall clock case; and a pair of lidded Meissen sucres. Two pairs of 16-inch Louis Solon Minton’s pate sur pate lidded vases will be sold along with other pate sur pate items. An assortment of Amphora figural sculptures come from the same collection as well as other KPM, Fischer, Niderville, Hebert Freres, Rosenthal, Jerome Massier, Holzners, and Thieme porcelains. Argy Rousseau and Daum, Nancy pate de verre will too be sold along with Baccarat, Lalique, Waterford, and other crystal. Forty-eight carved and painted wood animal sculptures from the Louis Paul Jonas Studios will be sold in 19 lots. The wood gives way to bronze and other sculpture in the form of a 26-inch Henri Chapu, bronze, “Jeanne d’Arc a Doremy” cast at Barbedienne, on a period ebonized pedestal. A large pair of white metal statues of Viking warriors on ornate Victorian custom pedestals is quite impressive, as is a pair of recumbent bronze sphinx. Four steel yard sculptures by Charles Fahlen are from the Dietrich estate, and Jason Seley is represented by two “found auto parts” steel sculptures. An important identified Model 1851 Colt Navy revolver that was carried by a chaplain in the 43rd Pennsylvania Regiment in the Civil War will be sold as well as other Civil War-era handguns and accoutrements. A 1824 newspaper with President John Quincy Adams’ “Message to Congress” signed by Adams will go on the block as well as an extensive collection of leather bindings
C O L L E C T O R ’ S C O R N E R
The 1907 Saint Gaudens $20 gold coin, MS63, high relief, flat edge, PCGS #9135.62/4532317, will be estimated at $20,000-$24,000.
from Easton Press and Franklin Library. About 50 lots of fine furniture will be offered, from a carved four-post canopy bed in the manner of Querville to dragon carved Asian pieces, to traditional high-end carved American Victorian bookcases, sofas, and sideboards. There is a pair of John Fiske cast-iron garden urns and fern pattern garden seating. A variety of Victorian style and period lighting will brighten the auction sales room considerably. A Steinway Model 40 console piano is also among the offerings. Roughly 100 lots of Asian porcelain, art, sculpture, and jade will also be sold. Last, but not least, a rare 1907 High Relief Saint Gaudens $20 American gold coin, slabbed and graded MS63 by PCGS, will be offered. The auction will be offered online at LiveAuctioneers, Invaluable, and AuctionZip. The Bunch Auction facility is located at 1 Hillman Drive, Chadds Ford, Pa. The sale will begin at 10 a.m., on Tuesday, Sept. 20. To learn more, call 610558-1800.
Open Every Sunday 7:30 to 4
2500 North Reading Road Denver, PA 17517 717-336-2177 Hundreds of Vendors Indoors and Outdoors RENNINGER’S ANTIQUES & COLLECTORS EXTRAVAGANZAS ADAMSTOWN September 25
More of our story at Social Media - Adamstown All locations -
Exhibit with us. Regular Sundays Outdoors $15 Pavilion $30 Outdoors Opens at 5 am Indoors please call 717-336-2177 Regular fees do not apply to Extravaganza Weekends
Open Saturdays 8 to 4
740 Noble St. Kutztown, Pa 610-683-6848 M-Th. 570 385-0104 RENNINGER’S ANTIQUES & COLLECTORS EXTRAVAGANZAS KUTZTOWN September 22-24 Hundreds of Dealers Buying and selling Antiques & Collectibles. Thurs. 10 - 4 Adm. $15. Fri. 8 - 4 Adm. $6.Sat. 8 - 4 Adm. $4 Exhibitor Space Available - Call NOW
More of our story at Social Media - Kutztown All locations -
Continued from page 3
equestrienne oil by William Vanderbilt Allen, and a portfolio by Philippe Halsman. There will also be three lots descended from Joseph Napoleon, brother of Napoleon I. One example is an oil painting depicting Point Breeze, an estate overlooking the Delaware River. In the Dietrich decorative arts, 42 lots of silver will be headlined by Georg Jensen, Kirk, Sheibler, Tiffany, David Andersen, and more. Sixteen lots of sponge and spatterware ceramics in unusual patterns and colors including rainbow, schoolhouse, and thistle accompanied by Gaudy Dutch war bonnet and Kings Rose will be sold. The estate includes 13 lots of cultural collectibles featuring a carved bear or wolf mask, probably Northwest Coast, along with Roman, Greek, and other prehistoric pottery artifacts. Other estate consignments besides the Dietrich collection will include a porcelain collection featuring a 28-inch Meissen multi-part figural centerpiece depicting
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 9
The Original 167th Semi-Annual
YORK, PA ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE York Fairgrounds Convention & Expo Center H MEMORIAL HALL EAST H 334 Carlisle Ave.,York, Pennsylvania 17404 From Rt. 30, Take Rt. 74 South
September 23, 24, 25, 2016 Friday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Saturday - 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday - 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
96 Selected Exhibitors featuring 18th- & 19th-Century American, English, Primitive and Period Furniture and Accessories Fine Early China and Glassware • 18th- & 19th-C. Silver • Chinese Export Porcelain • Oriental Rugs Fine Antique Jewelry • Antique Toys • Pewter • Early Kitchen & Fireplace Accessories • Historic American Militaria American & English Sampler • Navajo Rugs, Pueblo Pottery, Baskets and Native American Artifacts GENERAL ADMISSION $10.00 EACH - WITH THIS AD $9.00 EACH Managed by: AIR CONDITIONING MELVIN L. ARION Show Phones: GOOD FOOD P.O. Box 119 • Laurel, DE 19956-0119 (717) 718-1097 FREE PARKING (302) 875-5326 (302) 542-3286 NO SMOKING IN BUILDING Credit Cards Accepted Adlib Antiques, Raleigh, NC Ron Van Anda, Lititz, PA Mark and Marjorie Allen, Gilford, NH Antiques by the Falls, Painesville, OH Antique Store in Wayne, Wayne, PA Athena Antiques & Estate Jewelry, Timonium, MD Axtell Antiques, Deposit, NY Dennis and Valerie Bakoledis, Rhinebeck, NY Barometer Fair, Sarasota, FL Scott Bassoff • Sandy Jacobs, Swampscott, MA Beaver Creek Antiques & Arms, Dillsburg, PA A Bird In Hand, Florham Park, NJ Philip H. Bradley Co., Downingtown, PA Jeff R. Bridgeman, Historic York County, PA Bertolet House Antiques, Oley, PA Stephen C. Burkhardt, Felton, PA Scott Buchanan, Pottstown, PA Alice and Art Booth, Wayne, NJ Brill’s Antiques, Newport News, VA Thomas Brown, McMurray, PA John Chaski Antiques, Lewes, DE Peter W. Chillingworth, Scenery Hill, PA Don and Pat Clegg, East Berlin, PA Robert M. Conrad, Yeagertown, PA Country Treasures, Preston, MD B. Hannah Daniel, Athens, AL DBR Antiques, Hadley, MA Dover House Antiques, Louisville, KY Emele’s Antiques, Dublin, PA Elliott’s Antiques, Akron, PA Christopher Evans, Waynesboro, VA J. & R. Ferris Antiques, Boonesville, NY Tucker Frey Antiques, Woodbury, CT Sam Forsythe, Columbus, OH Fryling’s Antiques, Green Lane, PA
O f
E x h i b i t o r s
Sally Good, Dresher, PA Pat and Rich Garthoeffner, Lititz, PA James and Nancy Glazer, Bailey Island, ME Matt Greig Antiques, Milton, DE James B. Grievo, Stockton, NJ Samuel Herrup, Sheffield, MA Don and Betty Jo Heim, Jersey Shore, PA Groundhog Hollow, Felton, PA The Haneberg’s Antiques, East Lyme, CT Hanes and Ruskin, Old Lyme, CT Heller and Washam, Portland, ME H. and L. Antiques, Princeton, NJ Holden Antiques, Sherman, CT Hannah Humes, Westerville Run, OH Ingle Nook Antiques, Reedville, VA James Island Antiques, Charleston, SC Jewett • Berdan, New Castle, ME James M. Kelvington, Inc., Greenville, DE Kelly Kinzle, New Oxford, PA Bill Kelly, Limington, ME Greg K. Kramer & Co., Robesonia, PA William and Teresa Kurau, Lampeter, PA Joseph J. Lodge, Lederach, PA Thomas R. Longacre, Marlborough, NH Lisa S. McAllister, Clear Spring, MD Neverbird Antiques, Surry, VA Newsom • Berdan, Thomasville, PA Hallowell, ME Hilary & Paulette Nolan, Falmouth, MA The Norwoods’ Spirit Of America, Timonium, MD Daniel and Karen Olson, Newburgh, NY Robert Perry & Nancy Fishelman, Orchard Park, NY
Perkins and Menson, Ashby, MA Pratt’s Antiques, Victor, NY James L. Price, Carlisle, PA Dennis Raleigh, Wiscasset, ME Gene Rappaport, Strasburg, PA Bruce Rigsby, Lancaster, KY Rush Antiques, Rochester, MI Salt Box Antiques, Sugarloaf, PA Schoolhouse Farm, New Holland, PA Shaeffer’s Antiques, Glyndon, MD Robert Snyder • Judy Wilson, Mount Joy, PA John H. Rogers, L.L.C., New London, NH Steve Smoot Antiques & Navajo Textiles, Lancaster, PA Jef & Terri Steingrebe, New London, NH Barbara Rew, Lewes, DE Stephen • Douglas, Rockingham, VT Steven F. Still, Manheim, PA Stiles House Antiques, Woodbury, CT Margaret Johnson Sutor, Lafayette Hill, PA Tanning Antiques, Pittsburgh, PA Jeffrey Tillou, Litchfield, CT Taylor Thistlethwaite, Glasgow, KY Thomas Thompson, Pembroke, NH Lorraine Wambold Estate Jewelry, Doylestown, PA Michael Weinberg, Pelham, MA Cecilia B. Williams, New Market, MD Marc Witus, Gladstone, NJ Richard M. Worth, Chadds Ford, PA Douglas R. Wyant, Cassopolis, MI
L i s t
10 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
SHOW & FLEA MARKET CALENDAR CONNECTICUT 09/17/16, MADISON, SAT 9 AM4 PM, Antiques, Rt 1, Madison Town Green 09/20/16, GOSHEN, TUES 9 AM1 PM, Dealer's Fair, 116 Old Middle St, Goshen Fairgrounds DELAWARE 09/18/16, NEWARK, SUN 10 AM3 PM, Sports Card & Collectibles, 400 Ogletown Rd, Aetna Fire Hall GEORGIA 09/16-18/16, CUMMING, FRI 9 AM-5 PM SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques Market, 1321 Atlanta Hwy, Lakewood 400 Antiques Market 10/06-09/16, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center 11/10-13/16, ATLANTA, THURSSUN, Antiques & Collectibles, Atlanta Expo Center MASSACHUSETTS 09/17/16, BOXBOROUGH, SAT 9 AM-3 PM, Paper, Book & Advertising Collectibles, 242 Adams Place, Boxborough Holiday Inn MARYLAND 10/01-02/16, GAITHERSBURG, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 16 Chestnut St, Montgomery County Fairgrounds NEW HAMPSHIRE 09/18/16, PORTSMOUTH, FRI 10 AM-3 PM, Antiques, Rt 1 Bypass, The Frank Jones Center NEW JERSEY 09/17/16, SICKLERVILLE, SAT 9 AM-4 PM, Antique Show & Vintage Marketplace, 368 Berlin Cross Keys Rd, Carnival of Collectibles Antique Mall
09/18/16, BARNEGAT LIGHT, SUN 9 AM-5 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, 19th & Bayview Ave, Historic Viking Village
09/30-10/02/16, WASHINGTON COURT HOUSE, FRI-SUN, Antique Extravaganza, Fayette County Fairgrounds
09/18/16, RINGOES, SUN 10 AM4 PM, Antiques Fair, Rt 179, Hunterdon County Fairgrounds
PENNSYLVANIA 09/17-18/16, HARMONY, SAT 11 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques, 303 Mercer St, Barn Museum Annex
09/24-25/16, PARSIPPANY, SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Postcard, 33 Baldwin Rd, PAL Center 10/02/16, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor 10/08-09/16, MULLICA HILL, SAT & SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Fall Festival, Streets of Mullica Hill 10/08/16, BORDENTOWN, SAT 8:30 AM-3 PM, Stamp, 3 Municipal Dr, Bordentown Senior Center 10/16/16, WAYNE, SUN 9 AM-3 PM, Antiques & Collectibles, N Cove Rd, Wayne PAL Indoor
09/22-24/16, KUTZTOWN, THURS 10 AM-4 PM FRI & SAT 8 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectibles Extravaganza, 750 Noble St, Renningers Antique Market 09/23-25/16, YORK, FRI & SAT 10 AM-6 PM SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 334 Carlisle Ave, York Fairgrounds Conv & Expo Ctr Memorial Hall East 09/25/16, DENVER, SUN 7 AM-4 PM, Antiques & Collectors Extravaganzas, 2500 N Reading Rd, Renningers Antique Market
10/22-23/16, EAST HANOVER, SAT 10 AM-5 PM SUN 10 AM-4 PM, Antiques Expo, 130 Rt 10 W, Fair Bridge Inn
09/28-10/02/16, CARLISLE, WED-SUN, Collector Car Swap Meet, Car Corral & Live Car Auction, 1000 Bryn Mawr Rd, Carlisle Fairgrounds
NEW YORK 09/14-18/16, INDIAN LAKE, WED-SUN 8 AM-5 PM, Antiques, Rt 28, Adirondack Mountain
10/22/16, KEMPTON, SAT 9 AM4 PM, Antiques, 83 Community Center Dr, Kempton Community Recreation Center
09/17-18/16, BLUE MOUNTAIN LAKE, SAT & SUN 10 AM-5 PM, Antiques, 9097 State Rt 30, Adirondack Museum
VIRGINIA 09/17-18/16, CHANTILLY, SAT 9 AM-6 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, DC Big FM/Antq. Mkt, 4320 Chantilly Shopping Center, Dulles Expo Center
09/18/16, COLD SPRING HARBOR L I, SUN 10 AM-4:30 PM, Antiques, Rt 25A, Cold Spring Harbor Fire Dept. 10/08-09/16, STORMVILLE, SAT & SUN 8 AM-4 PM, Antique Show & Flea Market, 428 Rt 216, Stormville Airport OHIO 09/16-18/16, COLUMBUS, FRISUN 10 AM-5 PM, Country Living Fair, I-71 @ Exit 111, Ohio Village
10/14-16/16, FISHERSVILLE, FRI 9 AM-5 PM SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-4 PM, Antiques Expo, 277 Expo Rd, Augusta Expoland 10/22-23/16, FREDERICKSBURG, SAT 9 AM-5 PM SUN 11 AM-5 PM, Big Flea Market, 2371 Carl D Silver Pkwy, Fredericksburg Expo Center 10/22-23/16, FREDERICKSBURG, SAT & SUN, Big Flea & Antiques Market, Fredericksburg Expo Center
09/17/16, HARRISBURG, SAT 10 AM, Collectibles, building equipment, tools, house, home, yard; boat and trailer 11 am; Real Estate Noon; furniture (starts 12:30-1 pm), Onsite @ 817 S Progress Ave, Cordier Auctions & Appraisals
09/10-9/18/16, LAUREL, SAT 9/10 BIDDING STARTS 4 PM SUN 9/18 BIDDING ENDS 4 PM, Antiques, quality reproduction furniture, country items, clocks, lamps, gold & sterling silver jewelry, glassware, decorative accessories etc., Online Only @, Jos. C. O'Neal, Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers
09/17/16, NEW BLOOMFIELD, SAT 9 AM, Antiques, collectibles, vintage toys & games, guns, gun safe (noon), Fahnestock's Auction House 328 Brady Rd, Fahnestock's Auction Service
INDIANA 10/1/2016, SHIPSHEWANA, 09/30-10/01/16, 1400 Lots of Coleman items, Auction Center 890 S Van Buren St, Chupp Auctions & Real Estate LLC
09/17/16, ORWIGSBURG, SAT 9 AM, Quality antiques, primitives, crocks, glassware, cast iron dogs, antique furniture, large amount of tools, household goods etc., OnSite @ 1697 Breezy Acres Rd, Dean R. Arner
NEW JERSEY 09/24/16, PHILLIPSBURG, SAT 9 AM, Antique furniture, Stangl birds, Hummels, glassware, 2 Gurley transits, records, books, many box lots; Milk Bottle Collection 10 am, Auction House 224C Stockton St, Michael Stasak
09/17/16, QUARRYVILLE, SAT 9 AM & NOON, Sporting Goods 9 am; Guns Noon, 3164 White Oak Rd, PA Auction Center 09/18/16, DOUGLASSVILLE, SUN 10 AM, Velte antique pedal car, other toys, Lionel standard trains & accessories, furniture, Merritt's Antique Clock Complex 1860 Weavertown Rd, Cabin Fever Auctions
NEVADA 10/15-16/16, LAS VEGAS, SAT & SUN, Coin-Op & Advertising, 4520 Arville St #1, Morphy Auctions Las Vegas
09/19-23/16, READING, MONFRI LOTS BEGIN CLOSING @ 7 PM, Show worn costumes, props, clothing & new old stock from the wardrobe department of "The Late with David Letterman" wardrobe department. Bid now through the close of each auction, Five Online Auctions @, The Renaissance Auction Group
OHIO 09/24/16, CARROLLTON, SAT 10 AM, 500 + pc. Farm Toy Auction, Auction Center 1186 Canyon Rd SE, Larry W. Garner PENNSYLVANIA 09/15/16, QUARRYVILLE, THURS 1:30 PM, Antiques, furniture, coins, toys, box lots, 3164 White Oak Rd, PA Auction Center
09/19/16, MAPLE GLEN, MONDAY ONLINE AUCTION ENDS, Art, Italian 14K gold leopard design bracelet, Chinese art deco period wool rug, American walnut chest on frame, c.1780, etc. Preview - 9/17 from 10 am-5 pm or by appt. at 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, Online @, Locati, LLC
09/16-17/16, COATESVILLE, FRI 5 PM SAT 11 AM, 9/16 Large Train Collection; 9/17 Antiques & Collectibles, Wagontown Fire Hall 412 W Kings Hwy, Smith Auction Company
09/20/16, CHADDS FORD, TUES 10 AM, Decorative & Fine Arts Catalog Auction, 1 Hillman Dr, William Bunch Auctions Appraisals 09/20/16, HATFIELD, ONLINE ONLY BIDDING BEGINS NOW THROUGH TUES 8 PM, Jewelry, Online @, Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers
09/20/16, SCHNECKSVILLE, TUES 10 AM, Upscale to include artwork, bronzes art glass, oriental items, African art, seed display cabinet Laliqque, frakturs, coverlets, quilts etc., Gallery 4644 Main St (Rt 309), Tom Hall Auctions, Inc.
09/21/16, HATFIELD, ONLINE ONLY BIDDING BEGINS NOW THROUGH WED 8 PM, Toy & Train, Online @, Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers 09/22 & 09/24/16, MANHEIM, THURS & SAT 8:30 AM, Historical & Architectural building materials, lumber, hardware, doors, shutters, shop & woodworking tools, tractors, furniture, ice box, Player piano Danbury Mint dolls, Moyer sleigh etc., 1495 Lebanon Rd (Rt. 72), Miller & Siegrist Auctioneers 09/22/16, HATFIELD, THURS 9 AM LIVE AND ONLINE, Discovery Art, 501 Fairgrounds Rd, Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers 09/23-24/16, DENVER, FRI & SAT, Toy, Doll & Train, 2000 N Reading Rd, Morphy Auctions Continued on page 22
4/2 Days ($1 off with ad) 3/1 Day ($1 off with ad) 35-40 Dealers $
how S l ua Ann
Co., Centre Twp., 328 Brady Rd.,
PAL Center 33 Baldwin Rd. (off Rt. 46 at Burger King) Parsippany, NJ
For Information: (732) 442-4234 or (908) 418-3326 (c)
Sept. 24 & 25, 2016 • Sat. 10-6; Sun. 10-4
Geneva, Switzerland music box; Leedy Mfg. 5643 “Junior Marimbanette” (xylophone); Oscar Schmidt auto harp; Hohner “The 64 Chromonica”; Machino Gakki chromatic; Clocks & Watches - Early Rolex wristwatch (runs); Elgin, Waltham, S.W. pocket watches; Seth Thomas & Ansonia shelf clocks; Kyoritu reg. clock; early tall clock; Furniture - Oak 2 pc. hutch; oak 3 dwr. chest; oak wash stand; sm stands & tables; 4 wrought iron ice cream parlor chairs; youth arm rocker & 2 side chairs; Kitchen Collectibles Sterling utensils, creamer, sugar bowl, small teapot & tray (14 pcs.); Japan flatware w/mother-of-pearl handles; Bone handled flatware; Robeson Cutlery carving set; Belleek, Limoges, Nippon & Noritake (1958 era, svc. 4-12) china; Flow Blue pcs.; glass castor set; Fenton glass pcs.; Griswold No. 8 chicken fryer w/lid, sq. egg skillet; green spice jars; 6 gal. crock; wall salt crock; cloth sugar bags; coffee, tobacco & medicine tins; Erdman (Lykens, PA) dairy bottle; Longaberger® corn basket; Tilso figural head mugs; Weller vase & pitcher; Shawnee corn pattern dinner pcs.; Stafford corn cookie jar; Misc. collectible McCoy turtle sprinkler; early papier-mâché rabbits; chalk Santa bank; old padlock w/key; ink pens & mech. pencils; various razors; dog figurine collection; Scrapbook w/assorted cards; early photo album; 8Quilts; woolen blankets; table spreads; WWII era Army jacket & hat; Air Force jacket, pants & shirts; 39 star & 48 star flags; men’s hats & ties; old Halloween costumes; early Christmas decors.; Spencer microscope & slides; stethoscopes; South West arrow points (12 lots); Copper fire exting.; Cameras Petri, Ricohflex, Contax Vitar, Brownie Flash Six - 20; Zeiss & Nippon lenses; early slide projector; desk dial telephones; J.R. Bauman dress form; Early Power Tools - 1950’s Moto-mower; O&R gas hedge trimmer; Jacobson 321 Trim-O 3 whl. push gas mower; Sears traveling tractor yard sprinkler w/box; Books - Popeye No. 1 “The Gold Mine Thieves,” (1935), Mutt & Jeff No. 16, (1931) & No. 18 (1933) comic books; 25-Big Little Books (1930’s); The Adventures of Pinocchio, 1925; The Wizard of Oz, (1899); The Hungry Tiger of Oz by Ruth P. Thompson, 1926; Addt’l children’s books; Little Leather Library (50+ vols.); Hardback sets - Works of R.L. Stevenson (15 vol.); Dickens (14 vol.); Waverly Novels (12 vol.); Foreign Classic & French Classic Romances (20 vol./set); 1922 Kipling “Prose” & “Verse” 1st Ed. Books; Magazines - 1904 & 05 Book Lovers (9 issues); numerous Playboy’s (1950’s2000); American Rifleman (1940’s-60’s); Penna. Game News.
VINTAGE TOYS & GAMES Marx windup Universal Transfer truck; Marx gas pump; Marx Moon Mullins & Kayo handcar w/box; Marx All American Marble game w/box; Craft Corp. metal Coca-Cola truck; Wyandotte dump truck; Tootsietoy metal airplanes & cars; Marks Bros. “Dandy” periscope & telescope w/box; Deluxe Kaleidoscope w/box; Space Trip set (batt. op.); Britain 459993 Tumbrel cart 4F; farm animals (Eng.); lead soldiers; early metal race car; Wolverine “Olympic Runner” game; Wolverine Tipit; 1924 The Greatest Show on Earth game board No. 36; AS Payne Bristle Archery No. 20 game; Lincoln Log Timbers w/box; Snyder “Little Giant” metal radio; German metal submarine; Master Made Marbles w/box; variety of other marbles; The Brinkman Baseball Game No. 760; Lone Star game; Pressman Electric Speedway Classic game; Rose Bug Art “Three Game Cabinet” No. 118; Spears 1890 Table Croquet set; 3-Wright-Dayton Mod. 33 balsa wood airplanes w/orig. box; wicker baby buggy; composition dolls (need work); ventriloquist dummy dolls; cap guns; Plasticville bldgs. w/boxes (10); addt’l small toys; Japan Hakata Ursaki dolls (4); Japan dollhouse.
SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 10 A.M.-4 P.M.
RT. 179 (just off Rt. 202)
Beretta 70S, 22 cal. w/box; Beretta 950 BS, 22 short w/box; Iver Johnson TP22, 22 cal. w/box; Iver Johnson 38 cal., 5 shot revolver; High Standard 9344 Sentinel, 22 cal. w/2” barrel; Star PD 45ACP; Springfield Armory 1911 A1, 45ACP; H&R 22 Special, 9 shot revolver; MAS 45 Mauser, 22 cal.; Savage Anschutz Mark 12, 22LR; Win. 1400, 20 ga.; early ball & cap muzzleloader w/half stock, brass patchbox & J.W. Vanmeter on barrel; Plainsman 9401 BB pistol w/box; Win. shotgun stock; Browning Pro-Steel gun safe w/space for 10 long guns & 5 shelves; Hoppes adjustable shooting rest; leather gun holsters; sport shooting vests; NRA Bulleyes & paper targets; misc. shooting acc’s; assortment of gun books & magazines. Auctioneer’s Notes - The guns & safe will be offered at 12 noon. A large quantity of the merchandise dates back to the 1920’s & 1930’s. We believe we have something for everyone. Doors will be open on Friday, Sept. 16, from 3-6 P.M. for preview and at 7:30 A.M. the day of auction. Please visit (ID#1909) for photos and last minute updates. S943348
Guns - Gun Safe (12 Noon)
Auction Service AU-2553-L
(717) 853-4025
Selling for Ginny Leidich, Harrisburg Terms - Cash or Penna. check only.
obe oct
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 11
r 15 & 16, 20 16
Imhof & Muckle Badenia Orchestrion with Glass Moving Scene
1927 Weber Brabo Orchestrion
Gaudin 125 Key Dance Organ
1926 Weber Maestro Orchestrion
1912 Wurlitzer Style 32A Concert Pianorchestra
Mortier 115 Key Dance Organ
4520 ARVILLE ST. #1 | LAS VEGAS, NV 89103 | MORPHYAUCTIONS.COM | 877-968-8880 S945207
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 13
14 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
film of actor-director Quentin Tarantino, “The Glory Stompers� produced some wild movie promo material. The film’s insert poster (14-by36-inches) - promising “the Deadliest Cycle War ever to be waged!� - represents an outstanding piece of biker movie history. One example in rolled very fine condition brought a top bid of $30 at auction. 6. “Werewolves on Wheels� (1971). The unbeatable combination of horror and hell-raising converge in this offbeat biker film from Fanfare Corporation. Steve Oliver as Adam and D.J. Anderson as Helen head the cast, with Billy Gray (Bud Anderson on TV’s “Father Knows Best�) and singer Barry McGuire (“The Eve of Destruction�) also along for the ride into Hades. The biker gang of note in this flick is The Devil’s Advocates, who trash a monastery inhabited by devilworshipping monks, only to be hit with a curse later when one of their “mamas� is transformed into a werewolf. “Werewolves on Wheels� movie material commands excellent prices today. The film’s standard one sheet poster (27-by-41 inches) executed by Joe Smith is hog wild, featuring outstanding,
Outlaw Biker Gang Movies And Memorabilia Hell hath no fury in Hollywood like a biker gang scorned. The venerable outlaw motorcycle gang movie replete with wild, marauding bikers, ear-splitting road machines, rough-looking “mamas� and scared, milkdrinking “straights� - has been traversing the highways of Tinseltown since the early 1950s. Here are 10 great outlaw biker films and the colorful movie memorabilia they spawned. Fasten your seat belts for a bumpy, nostalgic ride down one of Hollywood’s more wild and interesting cinematic sub-genres.
A one sheet poster for “The Wild One� (1953) sold for $1,314.50. 1. “The Wild One� (1953). Based on the Frank Rooney short story “The Cyclists’ Raid� (Harper’s Magazine, January 1951), producer Stanley Kramer’s “The Wild One� is considered by many to be the original outlaw motorcycle gang movie. The film stars Hollywood’s quintessential rebel Marlon Brando as Johnny Strabler, leader of the hell-raising Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Lee Marvin co-stars as Chino, leader of the rival Beetles biker gang. The two hooligan entities converge in Wrightsville, Calif., where local police chief Harry Bleeker (Robert Keith) struggles to maintain law and order. Directed by Laszlo Benedek, “The Wild One� is a
big favorite with collectors. The film’s standard one sheet poster (27-by-41 inches) is sure to get a collector’s engine racing, with one restored example in very good condition on linen selling at auction for $1,314.50. A half sheet poster (22-by-28 inches) in rolled very fine+ condition brought a top bid of $418.25. 2. “The Wild Angels� (1966). Peter Fonda of legendary “Easy Rider� (1969) fame has the lead role. The Heavenly Blues are a Hells Angels chapter operating out of Venice, Calif. and Fonda is their lead man. Also along for the wild ride are Nancy Sinatra, Bruce Dern, Diane Ladd, Buck Taylor, Michael J. Pollard, and a sprinkling of actual members of the real-life Hells Angels and Coffin Cheaters motorcycle clubs. Produced and directed by Roger Corman and released by budget-conscious American International Pictures (AIP), “The Wild Angels� remains a cult classic among biker film aficionados. The eight-card lobby set, originally displayed in movie theater lobbies to promote the picture, represents biker film art at its best. One complete set of 11-by-14-inch color cards in very fine condition sold at auction for $179.25. 3. “C.C. and Company� (1970). Directed by Seymour Robbie and released by AVCO Embassy Pictures, “C.C. and Company� stars fabled New York Jets quarterback and Super Bowl III hero “Broadway Joe� Namath as C.C. Ryder, an ex-grease monkey who tells his boss to shove it and joins the Heads motorcycle gang. The latter is led by big, brawny William Smith (a familiar heavy in many biker films) as the evil Moon. The film’s climax takes place at a motocross where Namath and Smith lock horns, with pretty Ann-Margret as fashion writer Ann McCalley figuring prominently in their macho rivalry. “C.C. and Company� memorabilia is still quite affordable. The picture’s standard one sheet poster (27-by-41 inches) is the big draw, promising a
the blurb: “Kitten On Wheels With Her Bike‌Her Boots and Bikini! Out for kicks‌in for trouble! She’s going to join the‌Born Losers.â€? One example in folded very fine- condition sold at auction for $107.55. 5. “The Glory Stompersâ€? (1967). Dennis Hopper - Peter Fonda’s co-star in 1969’s “Easy Riderâ€? - stars as Chino, the soulless leader of the Black Souls motorcycle gang in this low-budget entry from American International Pictures. Chino and his grubby
This lobby card set for “The Wild Angels� (1966) sold for $179.25. “Joe Namath - loving, brawling and bustin’ it up!� One example in folded fine/very fine condition brought a top bid of $40 at auction. An insert poster for “The Glory 4. “The Born Losers� (1967). Stompers� (1967) sold for $30. An important entry in biker film lore as this picture introclan leave rival Glory Stompers duced Tom Laughlin as Billy biker gang leader Darryl (Jody Jack, an ex-Green Beret McCrea) for dead, kidnap his Vietnam vet who takes on the girlfriend Chris (Chris Noel) Born Losers motorcycle gang and hightail it to the Mexican in a small California town. border. In hot pursuit is the Jeremy Slate plays the gang’s resurrected Darryl and leader Danny Carmody, with ex-Glory Stompers member Elizabeth James and William This one sheet poster for “The Born Smiley (Jock Mahoney). Wellman Jr. (son of the great Losers� (1967) sold for $107.55. Continued on page 19 A favorite exploitation movie director) also on hand. Laughlin directed the film under the pseudonym “T.C. Frank� and later shot to stardom playing the title role in the 1971 sleeper hit “Billy LOCATED: 1 mile north of US 20 on State Rd 5 to the Chupp Auction Center Jack.� The standard one sheet ADDRESS: 890 S Van Buren St, Shipshewana, IN 46565 poster is a real blast, featuring
˨'$< &2/(0$1 $8&7,21 â&#x20AC;˘ ERNIE & CAROLYN HIATT COLLECTION â&#x20AC;˘
6(37(0%(5 2&72%(5 Two RARE Coleman Sport 5.3 Motor Bikes
1400+ LOTS â&#x20AC;˘ 3 SESSIONS
SESSION #1: FRIDAY, SEPT. 30: 12:00 Noon Some of th 300 Uncataloged lots - Many e most RAR box lots of parts, lanterns, lots of E investment-grade Coleman items Coleman items known! plus many surprises! SESSION #2: FRIDAY, SEPT. 30: 4:00 PM 350 Cataloged lots - live & internet bidding SESSION #3: SATURDAY, OCT.1: 8:30 AM 450 Cataloged lots - live & internet bidding
The one sheet poster for â&#x20AC;&#x153;C.C. and Companyâ&#x20AC;? (1970) sold for $40.
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2016 8:00 A.M. LOCATION: 47 MOYER STREET, SACRAMENTO, PA ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Swab Work Wagon; Horse Drawn Buggy w/spindle seat; Lg. Country Store Wall Cupboard w/12 Drawer Base; 2-pc. Salmon Colored Blind Door Dutch Cupboard w/Drawer; Early Double Door Dutch Cupboard Base; 2-Drawer Dutch Cupboard Base; ž Dry Sink painted Red & Green; (2) Low Dry Sinks - 1 w/Drawer; (2) Painted Stepback Kitchen Cupboards; Kitchen Cabinet; â&#x20AC;&#x153;FW Sanner Hardware/Tremontâ&#x20AC;? Punched Tin Hanging Pie Cupboard; Bucket Bench; 1884 Green Immigrantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chest; Mahanoy City Immigrantâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Chest; Red Decorated Blanket Chest; Grained Blanket Chest; (3) Blanket Chests-1 w/Strap Hinges; Cherry Sheraton Chest of Drawers w/Reeded Front; Empire Chest of Drawers - 2 with ½ - Columns; Asst. Cottage Bureaus - Some w/original graining; Grain Painted Cottage Bureau; Oak Furniture (Round Table w/Claw Feet, Princess Dresser w/Mirror; Sideboard; Dresser w/Mirror, Treadle Machine w/Bonnet, Floor Mod. Victrola, Small Hanging Cupboard, etc.); New England Decorated Washstand; Trundle Bed; Childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rolltop Desk; 1-Drawer Stand; 3-Drawer Stand; Hanging Wall Cupboard; Edison Photograph; (2) Round Top Trunks; Paneled Wood box; 2-Lid Wood box; Asst. Mortised Benches; Odd Decorated Plank Bottom Chairs; Cane Seated Pressed Back Chairs; Asst. Wicker Furniture; Sawbuck Table; Farrierâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Box; (2) Green Raised Paneled Doors; Vendo Model 10-Cent Coca Cooler Machine; Coca-Cola Ice Cooler; Wooden Washtub & Barrel; Dovetailed Adv. Boxes; Cast Iron & Brass Crib; Lehigh Valley Milk Can; Galvanized Buckets & Tubs; Half-Shade Lamps; Mercury Reflectors; Stained Glass Half-Shade Table Lamp; Sessions & Ingraham Oak Case Mantel Clocks; United Bronze Cowboy Clock; Asst. Frames; Currier & Ives Prints; Mirrors; Wards Glass Butter Churn; Lincoln & Snowcrest Banks; Cookie Jars; Planterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Peanut Jar; Hull; Peanut Butter Glasses; Green Dated Jars; Milk Bottles (Erdman, Martz, etc.); Kiefferâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Produce Ashtrays; Avon Cape Cod Glass; Ever Ready Tabletop Display Case; Hooked Rugs; Quilts; Tin Quilt Patterns; Air Force Uniform; Redware Handled Crocks & Chicken Waterers; Cowden Crocks; Adv. Jugs (Atlas, Pottsville, Phila.); Breweriana; Gilbert Milkshake Maker; Magic Maid Stand Mixer; Gilchrest No. 30 Ice Cream Scoop; Granite; Western Electric Oak Case Phone; RR Lanterns; Barn Lanterns; Minerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Lunchbox; Detonator; Copper Canteen; Tin First-Aid Chest; Chalk Carnival Statues; Lg. Asst. Tin Lunchboxes; Arthur Godfrey Islander Uke, IOB; Gilbert No. 20605 American Flyer Arrow Train Set; Marx Mechanical Train Set; Lumar US Mobile Guided Missile Squadron Truck; Marx Cities Service Tow Truck; Lindstrom Speed Boat; PA Game News; Life Magazines; Playboy Magazines; Wooden Rocking Horse; Schoenhut Childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Piano w/Bench; Sewing Rooster; Tin Fire Engine Riding Toy; Frontier Express Tin Train Riding Toy; Strawberry Shortcake Tricycles & Bicycles; Asst. Tricycles; Bendix & Motorola Tabletop Radios; Beam Scales; Wash boiler; Adz; Drawknives; Scribes; Gigs; Asst. Box Lots; Etc. Items listed are being sold in â&#x20AC;&#x153;as foundâ&#x20AC;? condition. Check website for photos. TERMS: Cash. Personal checks accepted w/established account or prior approval. No Buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Premium! No absentee or phone bids accepted! Carolyn Miller, Owner
Yvonne Dockey-Romberger #AU1683L R.R. Romberger #AU4051 Lee D. Dockey #AU229L
LOTS of NOS Coleman parts for lanterns, stoves, lamps, irons plus lantern and iron tools. Many of the parts are NOS that are not in production anymore! COLEMAN LANTERNS: Variety of Quick-Lite; USFS; variety of Arc; Yale Arc; IL Air-O-Lanterns; Canadian Scout & other Scouts; #249 Australia; Coleman Skiroule S-400 snowmobile variety of Col-Max; variety of Air-O-Lite; Easi-Liwith helmet & snow boots tes; #639 CPR; #635; #223W; #327K; #241G; #242K; #200A military; variety of military; #206 kerosene; Gold Bonds; #238B; 2LQ half pump; set of #252Aâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in US Marine Corp box; Christmas tree lanterns; NIB Japanese Seasons lanterns; #247 CPR; #5104 pink bottom; nickel bottoms; #237 Kero; plus many moreâ&#x20AC;Ś Many red Coleman #200A lanterns to be sold in the Friday 12 PM session! OTHER COLEMAN ITEMS: Rare signs & store displays; variety of rare shades; variety of vase lamps including the RARE 3-mantles; collection of gas irons in RARE colors; variety of military burners; #160 Ker-O-Lite with tripod; experimental lamp for RVâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (1 of 6 known!); The Aristocrat lamp â&#x20AC;&#x201C;RARE; Ker-O-Man lamp with Veritas Speed Lamp set (1 of 3 known!); HQ329 â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Sunshine of the Nightâ&#x20AC;? hanging lamp; various Welsbach hydro-carbon lights; Model 180 # 250 hollow wire outdoor lights; variety of reading lamps; variety of Quick-Lite table lamps; hanging chandelier lights; camp stoves; Gold Bond items; military dental sterilizer set; collectable coolers; all kinds of globes; â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sunshine of the Nightâ&#x20AC;? catalog; many Canadian irons & lanterns
NOTICE: This is a VERY abbreviated listing. Go online for more! For a complete listing of the catalog items and to BID ONLINE, go to INVALUABLE.COM or AUCTIONZIP.COM (Auctioneer ID#11841) No Buyer Premium for On-Site Buyers paying with cash or check!
By William J. Felchner
Chupp Auctions & Real Estate LLC We Specialize In YOUR Auction â&#x20AC;˘ 574-536-8005 Lyle Chupp #AU08800826
Dale Chupp â&#x20AC;˘ 260-499-0093 #AU19800030
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 15
Fall Carlisle Returns To Wrap The Carlisle Events/Pennsylvania Season
Phone (610) 799-0808 4644 (Rt. 309) Main Street Schnecksville, PA 18078
Flagship Event Will Launch Sept. 28 At The Carlisle Fairgrounds
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20TH 4644 Main Street (Rt. 309) SCHNECKSVILLE, PA 18078 10 A.M.
W.E. Baum
Artwork, Bronzes, Art glass, Asian items, African Carvings, Seed Display Cabinet, Lalique, Frakturs, Canes, Herend, Cut Glass, Sterling, Animal mounts incl. Alaskan Brown Bear, Black Wolf & White Wolf, plus! Books: “Mein Kampf” Adolf Hitler 1933, “The Waste Land” T.S. Eliot. Artwork by W.E. Baum “Lady Mollisfont,” C.I. Dreisbch, Peter Ruhe, R. Bernard de Hoog, Dr. Danny Byl (dan byl), L. Bullied, Enrique Montenegro, Martin Zipin, Albert Caullet, Thos M. Ash, M. Jacques, M. Lesta Bertoia, R. E. Brennan, Bob Mackie, J. Mike Dalnodar… bronzes by Klau Ihlenfeld.
Early Preview 12 Noon-4 P.M. Sunday, September 18th & 4-6 P.M. Monday,September 19th Doors Open 9 A.M. Auction Day!
Peter Ruhe
Info, photos, terms
Lesta Bertoia
“Mein Kampf” Adolf Hitler 1933
Internet bidding available at Note: No Furniture this Auction.
Tom Hall Auctions, Inc. 610-799-0808 (AU-1734)
P.E. Brennan 1908
J Staffordshire Watch Stands
1796 Fraktur 1 Of Several Mounted Animals Albert Caullet Japanese Bronze Tazza
Dan Byl Klaus Ihlenfeld Bronzes
Nice Selection Of Herend, Sterling, Asian Items
and advertising collectibles for the garage, basement or “man cave,” toys, literature or memorabilia - they can all be found here. Why else do folks flock to Carlisle? How about a massive car corral where classics are for sale by owner or for the Daily Driver Blowout (DDB), which offers daily drivers with a survivor appeal (original paint and equipment). This dedicated area of cars for sale by owner or dealers is from the more modern era (2000 or older). Yes, Carlisle Events and Fall Carlisle have it all. Further, along with the vendors who bring cars and parts to sell, Fall Carlisle also features a massive Manufacturers Midway that includes some of the biggest brand names within the hobby. Confirmed for the midway will be the AACA Museum, AMSOIL,, CPI Truck, Meguiar’s, Woodward Fabrications, Flowmaster, Edelbrock, Heacock Classic Insurance, More Than Tires, and many more companies who recognize the value of vending at Carlisle. Fall Carlisle also includes a two-day collector car auction presented by Carlisle Auctions at the neighboring Carlisle Expo Center. Complete details about the auction are available by calling 717-960-6400 or visiting For additional information, call 717-243-7855.
FRI., SEPT. 23RD ~ 3 P.M. - General Merchandise Session SAT., SEPT. 24TH ~ 9 A.M. Antiques & Collectibles 476 S. CHURCH STREET, ROBESONIA, PA 19551 FRI. SESSION 3 P.M.: Great Sel. Country Primitives Incl. Sausage Stuffers, Egg Baskets, CI Frying Pans, Stoneware Crocks & Jugs, Art Pottery Jardinière, Books, Paper & Ephemera, Galvanized Tubs, Watering Cans, Stools, Shelves, Primitive Furniture, Home Décor, Hundreds of Vintage Pictures & Prints, Vintage Clothing, Spittoons, Hardware, Breininger Redware Pottery, Orig. Breininger Redware Bowls, Glassware & Porcelain, hundreds of items too numerous to mention. SAT. SESSION 9 A.M. Nice Sel. of Antiques: Woodenwares, Agateware, Antique Redware Incl. W. Smith Womelsdorf, Peter Derr Metalwares, Tin Cookie Cutters, Beaded Handbags, 19th Century Oil on Canvas Paintings, Fraktur & Book-Plates, Barbara Strawser Prints, J. Bastian Carvings, Victorian Art Glass, Antique China, Nice Sel. Breininger Redware Incl. Early 1970’s Hard To Find Pcs., Seagreaves Pottery, Local Adv. Ephemera, Countertop Disc Player. FURNITURE TO BE SOLD AT 1 P.M. Including All Victorian Period Furniture From Mansion.
John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. AY000253L
717-664-5238 or 877-599-8894
The 2016 Carlisle Events season schedule is nearly complete. By the time Fall Carlisle gets underway on Wednesday, Sept. 28, nine events will have been completed with just two remaining, Fall Carlisle in Carlisle, Pa., and Fall Florida AutoFest in Lakeland, Fla. What started with Auto Mania in Allentown, Pa., in January will end in Florida in November, and in between, the Carlisle Events staff and Carlisle Fairgrounds have played host to a half a million guests looking for all things automotive. Fall Carlisle is the organziation’s flagship event and the one that started it all. It will run for five days, from Wednesday, Sept. 28, through Sunday, Oct. 2. This show will welcome guests from around the world who trek to Carlisle to buy, sell and trade automotive classics, pieces and parts until their wallets are lighter and truck beds, containers and arms are full with weighted anticipation and excitement for the trip home. Carlisle Events expects to sell 8,100 vending spaces and anticipates an attendance of nearly 100,000. The show will make the fairgrounds the fifth largest city in the state. Hidden gems are always found, and rare, unique and random items add to the mystique of Fall Carlisle. Those items will include original or after-market restoration parts to support projects. Whether it’s gas, oil
16 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
Morphy Auctions’ Militaria Sale Declares Victory With Over $1.6 Million In Sales
This Russian Hussar’s shasqua with scabbard sold for $8,540.
This Russian presentation regimental silver korch sold for $7,320. korch dated 1887-97 was a sterling highlight as well realizing $7,320. This heavy metal favorite, weighing in at five pounds, was presented to Vladimir Verekin for 10 years of service in his military regiment. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience to handle such an extensive, inclusive, one-owner collection of militaria. Our partner, Greg Martin & Associates, did a phenomenal job throughout the entire
sales cycle, and we look forward to working with his fine team of professionals again in the future. Clearly, there is enormous interest in militaria, and it was quite interesting to see bids come in from all over the world. It is a category we will continue to build, and
buttons, and bullion wire embroidery, realized $9,760. Military themed ephemera, artwork, and ceremonial items ranked highly in this sales event as well. The book, “Relation De La Bataille De Marengo,” Paris, 1806, The English Napoleonic era officer’s sword and scabbard sold for $24,400. which was presented to Marshal Nay from Napoleon, was a best-seller at $9,760. A stunning bronze bust of Napoleon by Renzo Columbo came to life at $5,000, doubling its low estimate. And a Czar Nicholas II-era Russian This book presented by Napoleon to presentation regimental This Indo-Persian tulwar with scabbard sold for $32,940. Marshal Nay realized $9,760.
A Napoleon bronze bust sold for $6,100. highlight, here at Morphy’s,” said Dan Morphy. For additional information, call 717-335-3435 or visit
public auction Sales held at our Auction House
224C Stockton St.,
Auction contents of 3 NJ Estates. Cokesbury, Peapack & Lambertville; Hellertown & North Wales, Penna. Homes. Antique Furniture; Stangl Birds; Hummels; Glassware; 2 Gurley Transits; 50+ Lots of Records; 150+ Lots of Books; 400++ Milk Bottle Collection; Many Box Lots ! 2 Auctioneers Selling!
** MILK BOTTLES ** (224 Stockton St.)
SAT., SEPT. 24, 2016 AT 10 A.M. We will be selling a private collection of more than (400++) milk bottles, (40) creamers & other related milk items ~ many of the bottles are from NJ, PA & NY, plus bottles from various other states. Please check ID #30658 or for photos and details. Terms: Cash, NJ/PA check, Visa/MC/Dis. 13% buyer’s premium (3% dis. if paid by cash/check). 7% NJ sales tax w/o valid exemption cert. Auctioneer: Michael Stasak AU-002867E (908) 763-3171 or (908) 305-3266
Horst Auction Center
CATALOGUED ANTIQUE AUCTION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 - 1 P.M. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2016 - 9 A.M. Preview: Friday, September 30, 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Saturday, October 1, 7:00 A.M. throughout the sale
Sale to be held at the Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Rd., 17522 (Located at the corner of Route 322 & Durlach Road approx. 21⁄2 miles west of Ephrata, Lancaster County, PA) Contemporary Pennsylvania Folk Art including Carvings, Pottery, Artwork, Baskets, and Hand Wrought Iron by H.W. Dietrich, J. Bastian, W. Gottshall, G. Shooner, L. Breininger, N. Foltz, R. Henry, and Others; Primitives including The Herbert Telfors Collection of Hearth & Fireplace Tools, Utensils, Cookware, & Roasting Equipment; Enterprise Double Wheel Coffee Grinders, Tin Squirrel Cage, Wooden Paint Decorated Sleds, Wooden Mortars & Pestles, G. Tryon Teakettle & Other Copperware, Wrought Iron Hinges, Hogscraper Candlesticks, Butterprints, Coleman & Other Stove Plates, Painted Pantry Boxes & Firkins, Wooden Utensils, Wooden Trenchers, Iron Butcher’s Utensils, Baskets, Duck Decoys, Feather Tree, Snuff Boxes, Wallpaper Boxes, Pewter, Silver Lighting, and Early Toys; Folk Art including Two Wooden Paint Decorated Dome Top Trinket Boxes, Carved and Paint Decorated Horse & Sulky Statue Attributed to John Reber, Lehigh Co., Horse Weathervanes, Joseph Lehn Turning, Peter Derr Dough Scraper, Iron and Copper Inlaid Utensils Signed by Jewell, Hans, & June, Paint Decorated Bride’s Box, Paint Decorated Hanging Wall Cupboard, and Frakturs including Fine Hand Drawn Taufschein by Daniel Peterman of York Co.; Artwork including Three Original David Brumbach Paintings [A Watercolor of Musser Park in Downtown Lanc., A Mixed Media Painting of a Corner Row House in Lanc., and an Abstract Watercolor Marked “Happy Birthday Carl #43”], B. Austrian Prints, V. Shearer Painting, Oil Portraits, and Silhouettes; Pottery including Cobalt Decorated Stoneware Batter Jug, Cooler, Crocks, & Jugs; Pennsylvania Redware, Rockingham, and Yellowware; Early China & Glassware including Gaudy Welsh, Ironstone, Salopian, Early Bottles, Collection of Cosmos Milk Glass, and Carnival Glass; Advertising & Signs including Large Champion Sparkplug Weatherforecast Sign, CocaCola Button Sign, Coca-Cola Flange Sign, Coca-Cola Cardboard Sign, Several Local & Other Wooden and Paint Decorated Signs; Books & Paper including Ephrata and Other Local Imprints, Printed Form Taufscheins, Lancaster & Berks County Deeds, Benjamin Franklin Memorial Ribbon, and a Civil War Payment Certificate Signed by Generals Hartranft and Geary; Textiles including a Fine Collection of Pennsylvania Quilts & Coverlets, Samplers, and Hand Towels; Period & Antique Country Furniture including Fine Red Paint Decorated Pennsylvania Dry Sink, Grain Decorated Dutch Cupboard, Gardner Parker Tall Case Clock, Cherry Dutch Cupboard, Refurbished Blue Paint Decorated Horse Drawn Sleigh, Wooden Wagon Made by Richard Reinhold of Reinholds, PA, Tall Chests of Drawers, Corner Cupboards, Farm & Tavern Tables, Jelly Cupboards, Decorated Blanket Chests, Pie Safes, Benches, Early Turned & Splayed Leg Stands, Desks, and Chairs. *Full Color Catalogues are available by sending $20 to Horst Auction Center, 50 Durlach Road, Ephrata, PA 17522; or by pickup at the Auction Center for $15. Catalogue is also available on our website, *Live Online Bidding Available At:
*Accepted Payments: Cash or PA Check; Visa, MasterCard, and Debit Card with 3% fee. No out-of-state checks without prior approval. NO BUYER’S PREMIUM
floral enameling, and a matching scabbard. An elaborately decorated English Napoleonic-era officer’s sword and scabbard, estimated at $8,000-$10,000, fought its way to $24,400. And also on the bleeding edge was a marked Russian Hussar’s shasqua, extensively detailed with religious and figural references and inscriptions. Estimated at $1,000-$1,500, it realized $8,540. Also generating uniform appeal was this sale’s vast offering of coats, vests, pants, shirts, footwear, and other military garments. A British General officer’s coatee with sash was tailor made for one collector. Estimated at $1,000$2,000, this handsome woolen A British General officer’s coatee with ensemble, featuring sash sold for $9,760. epaulettes, decorated brass
Morphy Auctions’ fine militaria sale, held July 8, 9, and 10 at the company’s Las Vegas, Nev., auction gallery, was a force to be reckoned with. This sale featured the estate collection of a southern California gentleman who had a lifelong passion for all things militaria. As such, this was the largest single owner collection of swords, cannons, armor, uniforms, headgear, firearms, accessories, and artwork ever to be offered at auction that we know of. When the last hammer fell, this event had 116 lots realizing $2,000-$4,999; 15 realizing $5,000-$9,999; and three lots topping over $10,000. All prices reported include Morphy’s 22 percent buyer’s premium. This auction’s remarkable selection of hand weapons was right on target with collectors. An Indo-Persian tulwar, estimated at $1,000$2,000, won the day at $32,940 - over 30 times its low estimate. This handsome sabre featured a 31.25-inch curved blade, Islamic writing, blue
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 17
Tribal Art Scholar’s Discoveries Spanning 70 Years Will Be Sold haunted galleries and bought from fellow collectors specializing in African art, purchasing items such as an alluring and important Pwo Female Mask from Angola, representing the Chokwe founding female ancestor (est. $15,000$25,000), and a Seated Female Figure from Igala, Nigeria, (est. $10,000-$20,000).
specially constructed fences (est. $8,000-$10,000). Additional masks include one made by the Lwena people in Angola and their counterparts, the Lovale in Zambia (est. $4,000-$6,000). This mask represents a founding
made in Cameroon (est. $4,000-$6,000). During the 1960s, Silberman became a close associate of Warren Robbins, who began the Museum of African Art, the predecessor of the National Museum of
African Art at the Smithsonian Institution, and he helped mount two major exhibitions at the National Gallery of Art on North West American Indian Art and African Art. During this time, he Continued on page 23
Michael Jackson Skit Coat
Klingon Mask Gecko Costume
By the mid-1950s, having moved from the DOL to the U.S. foreign assistance program, he began traveling extensively to West Africa and the Congo, where he again bought extensively, both in galleries in the main cities and also while traveling through rural areas. A Hemba Ancestor Figure from the Democratic Republic of Congo (est. $8,000-$10,000) is on offer, as is a fine old Songye Divination Implement in the form of an Oracle (est. $8,000-$10,000). A small, heart-shaped Mask from Lega, Democratic Republic of Congo, was formerly owned by members of the Bwami society, who displayed the masks on
ancestor who acts as a guardian of the boys during initiation and sequestration in the bush-camp. An expressive Bamileke Dance Mask – customarily used during festivals and funeral celebrations of important individuals - was
Paul Shaffer Suits
MONDAY, SEPT. 19TH – FRIDAY, SEPT. 23RD LOTS BEGIN CLOSING AT 7 P.M. Show Worn Costumes, Props, Clothing & New Old Stock From The Wardrobe Department Of “The Late Show with David Letterman.” 850 LOTS OF COSTUMES, APPAREL, PROPS & ACCESSORIES ALL LOTS START AT $5.00 & SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER Bid Now Through The Close Of Each Auction At
Howard Cosell Mask NY Yankee Head Sports Sports Uniforms, Uniforms, Apparel Apparel
D. Letterman Suits 1000th Week Sash
Shaggy Dog Costume
Alien Mask
Ronald McDonald Costume Strait Jacket
Bill Murray Skit Outfit
Ironman Costume
An outstanding selection of pieces from renowned PreColumbian and Tribal Art scholar James M. Silberman will be offered for the first time in decades in a singleowner auction on Friday, Sept. 16, at Heritage Auctions. The selection spans more than 200 lots collected during 70 years of travel and consultation right up until his passing at age 103. “Few collections have received as much exposure as those items belonging to Mr. Silberman,” said Delia Sullivan, senior specialist of Ethnographic Art at Heritage. “His collection helped many institutions better understand the art and culture of Africa, and he later became a consultant on the subject.” Silberman became passionate about tribal art and especially African art during his college years at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in the 1930s. He joined the Department of Labor in 1941, working on production of war material for World War II and then became chief of the productivity division in the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This expertise led to invitations from European governments in the post-war period to do productivity surveys of their industries and, subsequently, to develop the Marshall Plan technical assistance program, for which the Government of France named him “Chevalier de la Legion d’Honneur” in October 1953. This program resulted in frequent trips to Europe, and it was during these trips in the late 1940s that Silberman
5 Days of Online Only Auction Madness! Bid NOW online & 8PM on Auction Day LIVE online! Online Only Jewelry Auction Tuesday, Sept. 20 @ 8PM
Online Only Live & Online Only Toy & Train Auction Discovery Art Auction Wed., Sept. 21 @ 8PM
Thurs., Sept. 22 @ 9AM
Online Only Decoy Auction
Online Only
Fishing Equipment Auction Friday, Sept. 23 @ 8PM Saturday, Sept. 24 @ 8PM
1. You can place pre-auction bids now, 2. Bid while the auction is live (starting at 8PM on auction date), 3. Or both!
Applicable Buyer’s Premium Applies. Absentee Bids Accepted. Like us @SanfordAlderfer
501 Fairgrounds Rd. • Hatfield, PA 19440 215.393.3000 •
View & Bid at
Bidders Go Wild For Exotic Taxidermy And Vintage Tools At Cordier’s Sale A white rhino shoulder mount charged the leading results among the past its estimate to sell for $9,000 at firearms. A W.L Evans 1826 Navy pistol, Cordier’s July 31 Firearms and Militaria dated 1831, sold for $1,000. In the Auction, which featured the Military handexotic taxidermy collecguns category, tion of Jim and Barb German Lugers McCarthy. Other highremained popular, This Colt 6-inch Blue with a Mauser Code lights at the sale Python sold for $2,750. included Colt 42 1940 dated Luger revolvers, military selling for $1,200. hand and long guns, Modern handguns sold well, highlightand a vintage tool ed by a Colt 6-inch blued Python ($2,750) collection. Prices quoted are hammer and a Browning Hi-Power GP Competition prices and do not include buyer’s pistol ($1,200). premium. The exotic taxidermy collection, the result of McCarthy’s A Springfield Armory M1A decades of professional advenrifle realized $1,700. turing, also included two full body leopards In long guns, a Vietnam War commemmounted orative Thompson model 1927A1 shot past together its high estimate of $1,200 to sell for $1,900, ($4,500) while a brand new Springfield Armory M1A and a full rifle in 7.62 NATO caliber sold for $1,700. body lion Military collectibles drew heavy interwith an est at this auction, with the Home Service i m p a l a Helmet of British Colonel Hugh Fortescue mounted Coleridge of the 1st Loyal North Lancashire under its Regiment selling for $1,300. Edged f r o n t weapons also did well, notably an early p a w , Prussian staff officer’s sword, which which sold for $450, and a Civil War era sold for D-Guard bowie knife, which $2,300. brought $550. Another Rounding out the day The helmet belonging to Hugh F. full body l i o n was the Coleridge sold for $1,300. h a m vintage mered down at $2,800. Other notable tool colpieces included a European brown bear lection ($1,300) and a musk ox on a base, which This Stanley #85 from the plane sold for $375. sold for $1,600. estate of Antique firearms featured an 1851 Colt William Navy revolver inscribed to John G.B. Snyder of Carlisle, Pa., which featured Adams. Adams was a Prisoner of War and a numerous Stanley Planes in original boxes. Medal of Honor recipient during the Civil Over half a dozen of Stanley’s popular #55 War. The revolver brought $8,500, one of plane were sold, ranging in price from $250
AT 9 A.M.
NEW RINGGOLD, SCHUYLKILL CO., PA 17960 (between McKeansburg & New Ringgold). Visit for full details, photos & terms. Auction for: Daniel Gangloff Christopher Gangloff, POA
Wagner Auction Service This White Rhinoceros mount sold for $9,000. to $475 each. Other standout lots include a Stanley #444 dovetail tongue and groove plane in the original box ($600), a Stanley #85 Plane ($375), and a Miller’s Patent Stanley #141 combination plane ($450). Information about Cordier Auctions & Appraisals can be found at www.Cordier or by calling 717-731-8662.
This 1851 Colt Navy revolver belonged to John G.B. Adams and sold for $8,500. Adams was a Prisoner of War and a Medal of Honor recipient during the Civil War.
Dennis & Tracy Wagner Auctioneers AU-001427L, AU-003172L Phone: 610-741-3828, 610-562-7445
18 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
500+ PC. FARM TOY AUCTION We are Pleased to be selected to sell the Excess Toy Inventory of the HCEA Museum plus additions. At Our Auction Center: 1186 Canyon Rd. SE. 3 mi. S.E. of
CARROLLTON, OHIO (25 mi. S. of Canton, OH) SATURDAY SEPT. 24, 2016 AT 10:00 A.M.
The Stanley #444 dovetail tongue and groove plane sold for $600.
Set of 5 Int. 66 Series (NIB), Yoder Super MTA (NIB), Degelman Rock Picker (NIB), IH 5Millionth 1066, (NIB), J.D. Dealer Tilt Bed Truck, (3) Franklin Mint Precision Farmalls (NIB), Frey IH W-4 (NIB), Pioneer IH W-6 (NIB), Ertl I.H. W-9 (NIB), White 4210 w/Duals, White 2-135 4x4 (NIB), M-F 1080 w/Cab, (2) J.D. Lawn and Garden, INT. Cub Cadet, Dinky Leyland 384 Tractor, David Brown 1412 Tractor & Tipper Trailer, J.D. 6600 Combine (NIB), A-C Two-Twenty, A-C 8030 both (NIB), 1996 Case AgriKing 1170 (NIB), Case Spirit of 76, (NIB), Original Case 1070, Case 1030 Mint Condition, Int. 1256-1466-1566, MMUDX, J.D. 2 Btm. Trailer Plow w/Hyd. Lift. Several White Tractors, Lots of 1/64th Scale, Also Ken Coble Super MTA w/ Weights, J.D. Self Loading Scraper, Sheep Foot, J.D. Industrial 5010, J.D. M C Crawler w/Blade, J.D. 450 Dozer, J.D. 1990 720 Hi-Crop, J.D. 568 Rd. Baler, Agco Allis L&G, J.D. Baler w/Kicker, Tonka T-9 Dozer, Tonka Dump Truck. Note: Collection is 98% NIB w/ Great Varity. Live Bidding on or View
The July 18 and 19 Fine Furniture, Decorative Arts and Silver Auction at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers based in Chicago, Ill., featured a C. Bechstein gilt bronze mounted marquetry grand piano that sold for $173,000 against a presale estimate of $30,000$50,000. Circa 1900, information obtained from C. Bechstein’s record archives indicates that the piano was shipped from Berlin to the firm’s London branch on May 31, 1901. Sold to a West Coast collector, the lot drew international attention from 11 bidders in California, Florida, Georgia, New York, Pennsylvania, Utah, Egypt and London. Exceeding presale estimates, the sale totaled $1,240,585. Over 1,100 lots were auctioned, including French, Continental, English and American furniture and decorative arts, as well as sculpture, silver, Middle Eastern works of art and Chinese export.
Among highlights of the likely Francois Linke, which property sold was an 1817 sold for $13,750 with a George III silver-gilt tureen by presale estimate Benjamin Smith II & Benjamin of $5,000-$7,000, Smith III from the estate of and a Roman Ann Downey, Palm marble porBeach, Fla. trait head of Modeled a woman, after the which sold Warwick to a buyer in vase, it Paris for sold to a pri$ 1 6 , 2 5 0 vate collector for against a pre$55,000, with a sale estimate of $5,000-$7,000. This C. Bechstein gilt The Fine bronze mounted marquetry grand Furniture, Decorative piano sold for $173,000 (est. $30,000- Arts and Silver Department at $50,000). Leslie Hindman Auctioneers will hold a fall auction presale estimate on Tuesday and of $20,000-$30,000. Wednesday, Oct. 18 and A 1788 19. George III For addis i l v e r tional informaepergne by tion, call 312-280Thomas Pitts 1212. from a private collecA George III silver tion of a epergne, Thomas Pitts, Pittsburgh, London, 1788, sold for Pa., family sold $28,750 (est. $10,000-$20,000) for $28,750, with a presale estimate of $10,000-$20,000. A pair of large Meissen porcelain Schneeballen urns sold for $81,250. They had a presale estimate of $5,000-$7,000. Additional lots of interest included a A George III silver-gilt tureen, Benjamin Louis XVI style gilt Smith II & Benjamin Smith III, London, bronze mounted 1817, which was modeled after the A pair of large Meissen porcelain Schneeballen mahogany and fruit- Warwick vase, sold for $55,000 (est. urns sold for $81,250 (est. $5,000-$7,000). wood vitrine cabinet, $20,000-$30,000).
Larry W. Garner - Auctioneer - Carrollton, OH
330-627-5573 or 330-806-0145
S945640 Antiquesand AuctionNews
Auction by Order of: Historical Construction Equipment Association, Bowling Green, OH. and Others. Auction conducted by:
ONSITE AUCTION 817 S. Progress Avenue,
HARRISBURG, PA 17111 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 AT 10 A.M. Real Estate at Noon Approx. 2,000 SF on .25 Acre Lot ; 3 Bedroom, 2.5 Bath Split Level, Excellent Condition, 4 Season Sunroom, Skylights, 2-Car Attached Garage; Dauphin County, Susquehanna Twp Schools. TERMS: $10 K down. Settle in 45 days. See web or call for complete terms. Agent/Broker participation fee offered.
Personal Property to be sold at 10 A.M. FURNITURE (STARTS 12:30-1 P.M.): Living, Dining, and Bedroom Furnishings; Love Seat; Danish Mod. Curio Cabinet; Tier Table; Mod. Bedroom Set; Moderate Posterior Side Chairs; Dinette; Dining Nook; Hall Table; Floor & Table Lamps; Rugs. PIANO: Estey Spinet. BOAT & TRAILER (11 A.M.): 16’ Grumman Boat with 20HP Mercury Outboard Motor; 12’ Carry-All Utility Trailer. COLLECTIBLES: Books; Art; Ceramics; Glass. BUILDING EQUIPMENT AND TOOLS: Cement Mixer; Wheelbarrow; Hand Tools: Masonry & Plumbing; Shop Vac; Carhart Coveralls; 32’ Extension Ladder; Pump Jacks; Aluminum Plank Scaffolding Deck and Scaffolding Frame; 20” Scroll Saw; Chop Saw; Floor Jacks; Tech Forge Drill Press; Magna Router Table; Delta 9” Band Saw. HOUSE, HOME, YARD: Lawn Jockey; Universal Gym; 4 Lawn Mowers: Troy-Bilt, Lawn Boy, Ariens, Black & Decker; Office Equipment incl. Mita 3060 Copier; Leaf Blower; Appliance Dolly; Sanyo Stereo; Fishing; Gitane 10 Speed Bike; Murry 24” Snowblower; KLHI Recliner; Master Grill; Ryobi Small Tiller; American Push Mower; 42” Flat Screen TV; Camping. Real Estate Showings by Appointment Call 717-731-8662 10% Buyer’s Premium on Personal Property Only. Terms: Cash, PA State Check, Out-of-State Check with Prior Approval. All Major Credit Cards. Food Concession. Bring Chairs!
David Cordier, AU005321
C. Bechstein Grand Piano Sells For $173,000 At Leslie Hindman Auctioneers
‘Like’ Us On Facebook
Outlaw Biker Gang Movies
PA Auction Center
Continued from page 14
Wooden Dough Bowl Trencher
Pressed Copper Bird
Antiques - Furniture - Coins - Toys & Box Lots THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 2016 AT 1:30 P.M.
Corner Cupboard
The one sheet poster for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Werewolves on Wheelsâ&#x20AC;? (1971) sold for $334.60. promotional material. The standard one sheet poster (27by-41-inches) incorporates elements of the old Confederate battle flag. One example in folded very fine condition brought $71.70 at auction. 9. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hells Angels on Wheelsâ&#x20AC;? (1967). Released by U.S. Films Inc. and directed by Richard Rush, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hells Angels on Wheelsâ&#x20AC;? stars Adam Rourke, Jack Nicholson and Sabrina Scharf. Nicholson plays the role of Poet, a bored gas station attendant who joins the Angels for kicks. Also appearing in the film is Ralph â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sonnyâ&#x20AC;? Barger, the real-life president at the time of the Oakland chapter of Hells Angels. The standard one sheet poster (27by-41 inches) - promising â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Shattering True Story of the Hells Angels of Northern California!â&#x20AC;? - is replete with biker themes and symbols. One example in restored fine/very fine condition on linen sold at auction for $155.35. 10. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Mini-Skirt Mobâ&#x20AC;? (1968). Yet another American International Pictures biker film but with a unique twist: the gang is all female. Diane McBain stars as Shayne, the
Block 1 at 1:30 P.M. with approx. 300 lots of Winross trucks, toys and trains â&#x20AC;Ś Block 1 at 3:00 P.M. Antique smalls to include a C.F. Martin 4-string 21â&#x20AC;? Ukulele - baskets - glassware - large Chalkware lion figure - pressed copper birdbath - Red Ryder BB gun in original box - Carnival glass bowls - Griswold pan - wooden Orig. PRR Caboose C.F. Martin Stove No. 54094 dough bowl trencher, lots of country primitive items and much more â&#x20AC;Ś 4-String 21â&#x20AC;? Block 1 at 5:00 P.M. Furniture to include PRR Caboose Stove No. 54094 - mahogany desk with Ukulele swell front drawers - early serpentine game table - PRR railroad milk can - early floor cupboard in old white paint - 2 Stickley stamped chairs - rockers - school desk - chairs - early mortised porch bench - pressed copper birdbath and much more â&#x20AC;Ś Block 2 at 3:30 P.M. Box lots and misc. items out of Estate cleanouts â&#x20AC;Ś Block 3 at 5:45 P.M. Misc. jewelry followed by approx. 300 lots of coins â&#x20AC;Ś Lots more information, pictures and the coin catalog can be found on our website or call us at 717-687-7018 â&#x20AC;Ś Lg. Chalkware Lion Figure
SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 2016 9:00 A.M. GUNS SELL AT 12:00 NOON Smalls to include ammo, gun accessories, hunting clothes, fishing gear, tools and more â&#x20AC;Ś Gun highlights to include Remington 12B Gallery Special 0 Glock 23 40 - Parker D grade 12 ga. SXS - Ruger 10/22 - Remington 870 Glock 23 Wingmaster 12 ga. - 1895 Winchester 1892 44.40 - LC Smith Eagle Grade 12 Gen. 4 40 ga. SXS - Savage Ansley Fox A grade 12 ga. SXS - Winchester 42 410 twin barrel â&#x20AC;&#x153;skeetâ&#x20AC;? and much more â&#x20AC;Ś Cal. Pistol See complete list at or call for a catalog. Taking consignments for this monthly auction, one gun or your complete auction, Call today!!! 717-687-7018
Remington 12B Gallery Special 22 S Winchester 42 410 Skeet
Terms by PA Auction Center AH001873. All major credit cards accepted. 13% buyerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premium discounted to 10% with check or cash. Auction day announcements take precedence over all advertisements â&#x20AC;Ś
3164 White Oak Road, Quarryville, PA 17566
LC Smith Eagle 12 Ga. Side-by-Side
over-the-top graphics along with the blurb: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Gang Thought It Was Toughâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;til it found a new type of hellâ&#x20AC;ŚThe Bride of Satan!â&#x20AC;? One example in folded very fine condition roared to a top bid of $334.60. 7. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Hard Rideâ&#x20AC;? (1971). Vietnam vets and biker gangs often commingled in Hollywood biker films of the 1960s and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;70s. In this flick from American International Pictures, Robert Fuller plays newly-discharged Vietnam veteran Phil, who returns home from the war to fulfill a promise to a dying friend. He takes charge of his buddyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s beloved motorcycle â&#x20AC;&#x153;Baby,â&#x20AC;? meets up with said buddyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s girlfriend Sheryl (Sherry McBain) and runs afoul of a biker gang in the desert. The eight-card movie theater lobby set - dominated by the beautiful, saucy, red-headed Sherry McBain clad in all black - is a winner with collectors. One set in very fine+ condition sold at auction for $36. 8. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Rebel Rousersâ&#x20AC;? (1970). Jack Nicholson, Bruce Dern and Harry Dean Stanton star in this low-budget biker film which these gentlemen have been collectively trying to forget ever since they filmed it in 1967. The boys are members of the Rebel Rousers, a biker gang on the loose in a small town in coastal California. Also on hand are Cameron Mitchell and Diane Ladd - the obligatory â&#x20AC;&#x153;straightsâ&#x20AC;? - who run afoul of the gang. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Rebel Rousers,â&#x20AC;? released in 1970 in order to capitalize on Jack Nicholsonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Oscar-nominated performance as George Hanson in â&#x20AC;&#x153;Easy Riderâ&#x20AC;? (1969) features some wild movie
Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; September 16, 2016 - - 19
Say You Saw It In Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sparkling Splendor in Septemberâ&#x20AC;? Dolls, Dollhouses & Miniatures Auction Friday & Saturday September 23rd & 24thĂ&#x160;£ä\ääĂ&#x160; ° °Ă&#x160;UĂ&#x160;*Ă&#x20AC;iÂ&#x2021;V>Ă&#x152;>Â?Â&#x153;}Ă&#x160;Ă&#x192;>Â?iĂ&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;`>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;-iÂŤĂ&#x152;iÂ&#x201C;LiĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x201C;Ă&#x17D;rd 8:30 A.M. *, 6 7Ă&#x160;\Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x192;`>Ă&#x17E;Ă&#x160;ÂŁ\ääĂ&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;{\ääĂ&#x160;*° °Ă&#x160;>Â&#x2DC;`Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160;Â&#x2026;Â&#x153;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;ÂŤĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x192;>Â?iĂ&#x160;i>VÂ&#x2026;Ă&#x160;`>Ă&#x17E;°Ă&#x160;
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Continued on page 23
A lobby card set for â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Hard Rideâ&#x20AC;? This one sheet poster for â&#x20AC;&#x153;Hells Angels (1971) sold for $36. on Wheelsâ&#x20AC;? (1967) sold for $155.35.
BIDDING STARTS ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 AT 4:00 P.M. BIDDING ENDS ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 AT 4:00 P.M. Preview of all lots will be held at the office of
Jos. C. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neal, Inc. Auctioneers & Appraisers at
11475 Commercial Lane, Unit B, Laurel, Delaware 19956 across from Dadâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Workwear. Preview dates will be Tuesday, September 13, Wednesday, September 14, & Friday, September 16 from 12:00 Noon until 4:00 P.M. Pickup of purchased items will be Tuesday, September 20, Wednesday, September 21, & Friday, September 23 from 10:00 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. Visit our website at to register to bid and view the online catalogue with full descriptions of all lots & over 1,000 photos. This auction will feature some very nice items selected from local estates and collections from within the area.
11475 Commercial Lane, Unit B, Laurel, Delaware 19956 302.875.5261
Jos. C. Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Neal, Inc.
7iĂ&#x160;ÂŤĂ&#x20AC;iĂ&#x192;iÂ&#x2DC;Ă&#x152;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160; Â&#x153;Â?Â?iVĂ&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; i>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x20AC;Â&#x2C6;ViĂ&#x160; iÂ?Â?iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160; >Â&#x2DC;`iÂ&#x2DC;LiĂ&#x20AC;}Ă&#x160;EĂ&#x160;Ă&#x160;-Ă&#x153;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x152;âiĂ&#x20AC;Â?>Â&#x2DC;`]Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Ă&#x192;iÂŤÂ&#x2026;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x17E;Ă&#x160;`Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;}Ă&#x2022;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Â&#x2026;i`Ă&#x160;Â&#x201C;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x192;Ă&#x160; `i>Â?iĂ&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;vĂ&#x20AC;Â&#x153;Â&#x201C;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;ÂŁÂ&#x2122;{ä½Ă&#x192;]Ă&#x160; >Ă&#x20AC;}>Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x152;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x160; iÂ?`Â&#x201C;>Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;vĂ&#x160;"Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Â&#x153;Ă&#x160; Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;>Â&#x2DC;Ă&#x160; Â&#x2C6;Â&#x2DC;Â&#x2C6;>Ă&#x152;Ă&#x2022;Ă&#x20AC;iĂ&#x192;]Ă&#x160;iĂ&#x152;°>Â?°Ă&#x160;/Â&#x2026;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;Â&#x2C6;Ă&#x192;Ă&#x160;Â&#x153;Â&#x2DC;iĂ&#x160;vÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;Ă&#x160;Ă&#x152;Â&#x2026;iĂ&#x160;,iVÂ&#x153;Ă&#x20AC;`Ă&#x160; Â&#x153;Â&#x153;Â&#x17D;Ă&#x192;t Stetkowicz, Walton, Jones, Hoeltge, Zerkel, Hoffman, Prescott, Carlisle, Singer, Chambers, Tag,
" -\Ă&#x160;Several Jumeau Dolls, #9, Eden Bebe #8, Eden Baby #$9, Tete Jumeau #10, French Valentine, Kruger, Ethel Hicks, and many of the magniďŹ cent Rugs and Cross Stitch created by Fashion â&#x20AC;&#x153;Smiling Bruâ&#x20AC;?, Two All Original French Fashion, Two Child Fashions, one closed mouth, Margret Feldman they are extraordinary, Massive Collection of Olzewski to be sold as one lot, FG#8 Gaultier, closed mouth, FG #11 closed mouth, Eden Bebe, closed mouth, Belton, Kestner Messer, Roundtree, Krupick, Large collection of Mary Grady Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Paul Moore, J. Tag, Gans, closed mouth, Kestner F, Belton, Kicking Steiner, Paper Mache , Marrotte Doll, SFBJ #251 By Doll, Kraegar, and many others. Included will be the Joseph Gray Collection, to include hundreds of Pouty China, German Bisque, A & M, Simon Halbig, Baby K*R #126, Many China Head Dolls all pieces of old stock: Grandmother Stover, Lamps, Tools, Food, Glassware, Miniature animals, boxes different hair styles and colors, large and small, composition, Small all Bisque, Molded Babies , and boxes of accessories. TOYS: Steiff collection, Small Schoenhut Circus in original box, Large many in original clothing, Shoulder head dolls with outstanding clothing, Floradora, All Bisque Size Schoenhut Animals, Old dome Trunks, Doll carriages and more. Child Dolls, Queen Louise, Kuppelsdorf #320, 30â&#x20AC;? Kestner, CM Bergman, Unis, Frozen Charlotte,
" "1- -\ We will present a large selection of Dollhouses: One Several 30â&#x20AC;? Bisque Dolls, Sasha, R. John Wright, SFBJ #251 Toddler, K * of a Kind English Mansion built in England by Dennis Young, opens R #126 Baby, Schoenhut, Compo Pinocchio , Old Teddy Bears, Incredible front and back, with extremely detailed interior, Inlaid Parquet ďŹ&#x201A;oors, Rare cloth Slave Doll all original, Superior Large Griner Style Doll, Wax, Winding Staircases, Grand Ballroom, The only description isâ&#x20AC;? GRANDâ&#x20AC;?! Kewpie, Composition Shirley Temple all original, Beautiful Madam Bliss â&#x20AC;&#x153;Gutterâ&#x20AC;? houses, Seaside Cottage, and Villas, several Gottschalk Alexander Composition Doll with original tag, Black Bisque, Steiner, so Red and Blue Roof Houses, Gottschalk Stable, English Pine House, many more. Carriages and accessories. This is thirty years of collecting! DOUGLASSVILLE, PA. American Lithograph, Converse Stables, Christian Hacker Cottage,
" "1- Ă&#x160; /1, -\Ă&#x160; Incredible Collection of Vintage and General Store, Half Scale Painted Lady, Haunted Cabin, New England Artisan Sterling, European, Aquisto, Cini, and others, Schneegass, 610-385-4818 House, Tudor Cottage, Three Story Country Store, Maitland Smith Baby Weiss Miniature Art Glass, Porcelains, Enamels, Austrian Bronze WEB: WWW.ECHANT.COM House, Shaker House, Classic Plantation House, Pink Victorian from Figures, Collection of Bone Figures, Satsuma vases, Bronze Figural and Ron Rhoads AU 002045L the Jerry Floor Collection, Brick Federal House, Millennial Castle, Hat Enamel Louis IX Clock, other Fancy clocks, German Furniture, Maerklin, Shoppe, Conservatory, China Shop, Antique roombox, Gold Dolphin Biedermeier, Tynietoy, German Stoves, Rare Vienna Bronze Piano, Vienna Eileen Rhoads AU 003750L roombox, David Krupick Pavilion, Vintage Music Room, German Double Bronze Desk, Seating, Parlor, Instruments, Gottschalk, Incredible book roombox, American Lithograph House, and more. Pre-Sale 8:30 A.M. Collection : Barbara Raheb, Artesian Books, borrowers Press, Rodger Friday: To include, Accessories, doll clothing, Doll Houses, Miniature Huet, Glenifer Press, Armisted Press, Mosaic Press, Black Cat Press, Libris Furniture, Boxes of glassware, miniature animals, roomboxes, Rugs, lots Judaica, Miniature Book society, Victoreen, Frank Matter, Chestnut Hill, of old stock from Joseph Gray, Toys, dollsâ&#x20AC;Śso much more. Gerald Crawford, Moore, R. Gutheil, Schlosser, W. Dick, Ceiriog, Partelow, 18% Buyers Premium 21% Online Bidding
Fooled By Fakes By Anita Stratos Gold coins are a piece of history as well as being considered a good investment - as long as they’re the real thing. Nothing is sacred when it comes to counterfeiting, and old gold coins are another target of fraudsters - not surprising when you realize that some pieces can sell for thousands of dollars. At first glance, counterfeit $5 gold coins can look authentic and not give the buyer a second thought; however, the devil is in the details of these pieces. One of the easiest tests is to hold a magnet to the coin - some fake gold coins have base metal centers dipped in a thin layer of gold or gold color, and their metal centers will react to magnets. But other times the metal center isn’t a type that’s magnetic, so that’s not always a conclusive test. If possible, you can do a scratch test with an acid test kit. All that having been said, even if the coin tests as gold in the correct percentage for a U.S. mint and the weight is correct, that still doesn’t mean you don’t have a fake. Counterfeiters will melt down an authentic gold coin of lesser value and use that same gold to make a rarer coin of the same denomination, so the counterfeited coin will have the right weight and gold content. Letter and image details on
the coin can speak volumes. In order to check out the surface details of the coin in question, all you’ll need is a 10x loupe. It’s best to either familiarize yourself well with authentic gold coins of the same type or, even better, bring a photo of an authentic coin with you and carefully compare it with the coin you’re looking at. Some differences are more minute, so a side-by-side comparison between the coin and the image is best. One of the most common signs of a fake coin is exceptionally long serifs on letters like “F” and “T.” You need to check every letter on the coin because in many cases, only one or two of these letters has the elongated serif. Once you know the correct length of serifs on an authentic coin, it will be easy to spot an elongated one. Another thing to look for is the length of the tail on the “R” inside the banner on the reverse that reads “In God We Trust.” On an authentic coin, all the letters are evenly sized, but on some fakes, the tail of the “R” can extend beyond the rest and touch the edge of the banner. Not only that, but there are fakes where the lettering around the top and bottom of the reverse are larger than the words on the sides; all letters should be of a uniform size. Compare the letters on the coin to a known authentic coin of the same type; on a fake, you may see slight differences not noticeable without a
direct comparison. Some of the letters may look off or just not “right” in some way - a line may be too bulky or too narrow or it may not be as straight or sharp as it should; there might even be a tiny extra blob of gold. Whenever there’s a distinguishable difference between a coin for sale and a known authentic piece, no matter how seemingly small the difference, it can be a sign of a fake. Keep looking, and you’ll probably find other small issues as well. Letter sizes and serif lengths are more obvious to spot, but sometimes you need to look at even smaller details. For example, on a known fake $5 Indian Half Eagle gold coin, the tail feathers on the eagle were too shallow; on an authentic coin of the same type, the image is deeper. This can be missed because some wear might be assumed, but there’s more - there were fewer tail feathers on the counterfeit and there was a wider gap between the eagle’s leg and the filled space. The image was also generally not as sharp as an original - feather ends come to a very pointed end on genuine coins whereas
Joe Bodnar Wins Bid-Calling Championship Event Sponsored By The New Jersey State Society Of Auctioneers The New Jersey State Society of Auctioneers (NJSSA) hosted the eighth annual statewide bid-calling championship at TD Bank Ballpark, with all proceeds from the July 31 auction donated to Operation Shoebox New
Jersey (OPSHBX NJ). Joe Bodnar of Bodnar’s Auctions was selected as the winner by a group of three judges, including Chaser/reporter Jessica Nutt of “Chasing News,” who was there to film a segment on the event, which was later broadcast on several TV stations in the metropolitan New York and Philadelphia markets. There were six auctioneers in the NJSSA contest. Together, they raised $2,100 for OPSHBX NJ during the 15minute auction, which was held under threatening skies in between games of a doubleheader at the home of the Somerset Patriots, reigning champions of the Atlantic League of Professional Baseball. This was Bodnar’s third
659 N. State Route 934, ANNVILLE,
17003 ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Edmonds & Co. crock w/blue stenciling, #5 Pioneer pottery jug w/blue stenciled imprint, Whitts Utica jug w/blue bird stenciling, few other good crocks, glass J. B. Dickey root beer dispenser w/stand, nice blue decorative water jug crock w/lid, large barrel butter churn on stand, and much, much more! ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Nice store seed bin cabinet, good Victorian settee w/2 side chairs, side-by-side secretary desk, oak 60 drawer library cabinet, double door book cabinet, oak icebox, maple deacon’s bench, oak secretary desk, nice oak washstand w/side mirror, blanket chest and more. SPECIAL MENTION: 1955 T Bird power car co. Mystic Connecticut w/ wizard charger (6’ Electric Kid car in excellent condition). HUNDREDS OF BOX LOTS-2:00, MAIN GALLERY-3:00, ANTIQUES - 4:30, FURNITURE & RELATED ITEMS - 7:30 **THIS IS A PARTIAL LISTING. PLEASE CHECK OUR WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL ITEMS. FOR PHOTOS VISIT: AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: or ROY D. SHIRK - PHONE 717-269-0654 LICENSE #AU-003248-L #AH-001946-L
time winning the championship; auctioneers were graded based on their overall presentation, their “chant,” and their ability to engage the crowd. “It’s nice to win, especially when you’re competing against your peers, but it’s more about going out there
they may appear to fade away on fakes. Experts have said that Philadelphia mint gold coins are most often counterfeited
because some still have remnants of gold on them. All photos belong to the author. At A Glance: 1. Elongated serifs on letters 2. Shallow details 3. Inconsistently sized letters 4. Metal under gold coating Reference books, websites and collecting groups are the best ways to keep from being fooled by fakes. Here are a few: Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (; Coin Talk (; “United States Gold Counterfeit Detection Guide” by Bill Fivaz.
SEPT. 24
TOY AUCTION in the Blue Room. Highlights Include: BRITAINS FIGURE SETS in original boxes: Circus, Equestrian, US & Royal Marines, Irish, Scottish, Welsh Regiments. Bands, Cavalries, Mounted Guards. ACTION FIGURES: GI Joe figures, different series like US Marines, A&N Football, Deep Sea Diver, Pilot, etc. Accessories, too. STAR WARS & STAR TREK FIGURES, Figure sets and Special Edition paks. Hundreds of pieces, worth the trip! Why not Beam In? PRESSED STEEL TOYS: Buddy L, Doepke, Nylint & Tonka. DIECAST, Lots of it! Vehicles by Dinky, Corgi, Matchbox, Tootsietoy. Decades worth. JOHNNY LIGHTNING, Racing Champions, Winner’s Circle, all OB. NASCAR, Texaco. Brooklyn autos. A few dozen WINROSS. Farm Tractors. Barclay, Manoil & Grey Iron Figures. DOLLS: 1976 Happy Days Fonzie. Effanbee Dolls of the World. Lissi, Peggy Nisbet, Goldberg Princess Diana & Chas. Campbell’s Kids. Cabbage Patch dolls: Olympikids, etc. BARBIES in original boxes: Cinderella, Holiday, Wedding, International. Hallmark Ornaments. Avon steins. Danbury Mint Cinderella & Fairy Godmother. Dept. 56 Snowbabies. Dickens, Heritage & Snow Village Structures. TRAINS in the Pavilion: Old and new! 575 Lots from two collectors, make for a fun day! LIONEL PREWAR & POSTWAR TRAINS. Std. ga. 33 locos, 10E locos, 800, 2800 & semi scale series freights. 250E Hiawatha. 1668E 6M L&T. Accessories. Madison cars, Alco diesels, freights galore. O gauge sets (prewar). AF PREWAR: Cast iron & steam-type locos. Stations. ‘O’ SCALE: AMT aluminum coaches. Homemade Doodlebug. Walthers kits Kris Boxcars. KMT. G GAUGE Bachmann Royal Blue & Express sets. MODERN ERA TRAINS: Quality selections by Lionel, Williams, Weaver, MTH & K-Line. Impressive motive power, passenger car sets, freight cars, Mow vehicles, structures & accessories, many of which are in original boxes. Please review complete listings at Preview Friday, Sept. 23 from 6 P.M.-8 P.M. and from 8 A.M.-10 A.M. day of auction. All items as-is, where is. 12% Buyer’s Premium. (AY-003006-L)
MAURER’S AUCTIONS Successful Auction Management
Kathy Maurer, Auctioneer
$5 Gold Coins
because it’s easier to fake a coin that doesn’t have a mint mark. Still, no coins are beyond a counterfeiter’s reach. We’ve talked about counterfeit $5 gold coins, but how about a nickel masquerading as a $5 gold coin? The 1883 nickel was very close in size to the $5 gold coin, so some fakers coated them in gold and passed them off as $5 coins. At a glance the piece would pass because of its size, so unless the recipient actually looked at the markings on the coin, the faker would get away with it. You can spot some of these socalled “racketeer nickels”
Continued on page 22
1860 Weavertown Rd.
DOUGLASSVILLE, PA 19518 (In The Merritt’s Antique Clock Complex) Absentee & Phone Bids Accepted. VELIE ANTIQUE PEDAL CAR: Very Early. LIONEL STANDARD TRAINS & ACCESSORIES With Original Boxes. OTHER TOYS: Die Cast, Action Figures, Hess Trucks & More. FURNITURE: Dining Room Furniture; Oak Library Table; Vintage Floor Fan; Victorian Chairs; Settee; Stained Glass Lamp; Floor Lamps; Victorian Chairs & Others. Please check ID#5793 for photos and details. This Will Be A Large Sale From Several Local Estates. Hope To See You There!
Always Accepting Quality Consignments: One Item Or Entire Estate FULL SERVICE AUCTION CO. Reasonable Commissions. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE. Terms Of Sale: Cash, Approved Check, Visa, MC or Discover; 13% Buyer’s Premium, 3% Discount for Cash or Check. Plus 6% Sales Tax. A Lifetime Of Experience! TED MAURER: Auctioneer BOB HOMAN: Auctioneer GARY SCHOENLY: General Manager JARED SCHOENLY: Proprietor Service Beyond Our Years! Call Gary at 800-789-5068 or 610-587-8139 Auction Co. #AY002122
20 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; September 16, 2016 - - 21
LL & TRAIN O D , Y TO S E P T E M B E R 23 & 24, 2016
2000 N. READING ROAD | DENVER, PA 17517 | MORPHYAUCTIONS.COM | 877-968-8880 S945205
22 - - Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016
Continued from page 20
and raising money and awareness for Operation Shoebox and the auction profession,” Bodnar said. “I believe in the profession; it’s the best way to liquidate an estate or to sell what you don’t want anymore versus a yard sale or online. This really put us in the spotlight.”
Operation Shoebox New Jersey is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit volunteer organization that ships personal care packages to U.S. troops deployed around the world. More than 100,000 care packages have been received by soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines since the New Jersey organization was founded in 2005. Auctioneers stood on the roof of the Patriots’ dugout, with bidders seated in the box seats behind the dugout. The auction was shown on the ballpark’s video scoreboard, which looms over right field. Bidding was spirited. A game-used base, signed by all members of the Patriots, sold for $200; a team-signed bat sold for $170; a signed team jersey sold for $140; and a luxury suite sold for $340. Each auctioneer also brought an item to be sold, including a gift basket with a
gift certificate and $100 worth of lottery tickets from Robert Babington of South Jersey Auctions by Babington Auction Inc. He is also president of the NJSSA. Bodnar also brought a gift basket that included a $100 gift certificate, a bottle of champagne, an antiques reference guide for the beginner and a cigar. “After you make your first million buying at auction, you can sit back, crack open a bottle of champagne and smoke a cigar to celebrate,” said Bodnar. Also competing were Robert Cammarieri, a member of the NJSSA board of directors; former winner Tommy Graves of Bodnar’s Auctions; Bob Dan of Max Spann Realtors Auctions; and Alfred Finocchiaro, Alfred’s Auctions, also a past winner. “We are extremely grateful for the continuing support of the NJSSA,” said Rod Hirsch, founder and executive director of Operation Shoebox New Jersey. “The auction format is a real crowd pleaser; the fans absolutely love to watch the auctioneers and participate. “Each year, the auctioneers give it their all, which helps to drive up the prices and raise more money to help pay for shipping our care packages overseas,” said Hirsch. A complete list of NJSSA members is available on the organization’s website, Further information on Operation Shoebox New Jersey is available at
Auction Calendar Continued from page 10
09/23-24/16, ROBESONIA, FRI 3 PM SAT 9 AM, 9/23 - General Merchandise to include country primitives, books, paper, ephemera, primitive furniture etc.; 9/24 Antiques & Collectibles to include woodenwares, agateware, antique redware, 19th C oil on canvas paintings etc., Furniture 1 pm including all Victorian period furniture from mansion, OnSite @ 476 S Church St, John M. Hess Auction Service, Inc. 09/23-24/16, SPRING CITY, FRI & SAT 10 AM, Dolls, dollhouses, miniatures, 20 Bonnie Brae Rd, Ron Rhoads
09/23/16, HATFIELD, ONLINE ONLY BIDDING BEGINS NOW THROUGH FRI 8 PM, Decoy, Online @, Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers
09/24/16, SACRAMENTO, SAT 8:00 AM, Antiques & Collectibles to includ Swab work wagon, horse drawn buggy w/spindle seat, furniture etc., OnSite 47 Moyer St, Dockey Auction Services, LLC
09/24/16, HATFIELD, ONLINE ONLY BIDDING BEGINS NOW THROUGH SAT 8 PM, Fishing Equipment, Online @, Alderfer's Auctioneers & Appraisers
09/24/16, SPRING CITY, SAT 10 AM, Toy & Train Auction, Ridge Fire Company 480 Ridge Rd, Maurer's Auctions
09/24/16, NEW RINGGOLD, SAT 9 AM, Real Estate, primitives, coins, pocket watches, jewelry, guns, shop tools, compresser, tools, 1915 Int. truck frame, OnSite @ 1002 Summer Valley Rd (Rt 895 E), Wagner Auction Service
AUGUST 2010 VOL. 32 NO.
Smithsonian Art Museum Is Sole Venue For Rare Rockwell Exhibition. Check out this story, and more, inside this issue of P.A.C.M.
3 easy ways to Subscribe! 1. www.* * 2. Phone: 717-492-2541, M-F, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm 3. Order by Mail: Online orders receive a 10% discount
The Paper & Advertising Collectors’ Marketplace P.O. Box 500, Mount Joy, PA 17552
Spi lbergg, Steven Spielber Collecti n of . 1936 Collectio 1936, n Art Museum d Reporters, nian America vie Starlet aand Movie ll, M reserved. Smithso Norman Rockwe Indianapolis, IN. All rights cover, Image: Publishing C taloguee cover Catalogu Licensed by Curtis © 1936 SEPS:
❑ $14.95 One Year (6 issues - 3rd class) ❑ $19.95 Two years (12 issues - 3rd class) ❑ $18.95 One Year (6 issues - 1st class) ❑ $30.00 Two Years (12 issues - 1st class) ❑ RENEWAL ❑ Check # ❑ Money Order Card #
10/01/16, MANHEIM, SAT 8:30 AM, Historical & Architectural building materials, lumber, hardware, doors, windows, shutters, shop & woodworking tools, tractors, furniture, ice box Player piano Danbury Mint dolls, Moyer Sleigh etc., 1495, Miller & Siegrist Auctioneers
Your Numb One Source fo er rP Advertising aper, , Rar e Books, Post cards, and Mor e!
TM dadver tisingc www.paperan
09/30-10/01/16, EPHRATA, FRI 1 PM SAT 9 AM, Contemporary Pennsylvania folk art, primitives, other folk art, artwork, pottery, early china & glassware, advertising & signs, books & paper, textiles, period & antique country furniture, Horst Auction Center 50 Durlach Rd, Horst Auctioneers
Airmail To Canada and Overseas Call 717-492-2541 or e-mail for information
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SEEKING VINTAGE SPORTS CARDS AND MEMORABILIA As the World’s Largest Collectibles Auctioneer, only Heritage Auctions can supply the market strength to provide the highest possible financial return for your vintage trading cards and sports collectibles. Cash advances and outright purchase offers are always available for quality material, and we are happy to provide free appraisals. And Heritage has never been late with a single consignment settlement check in our thirty-five+ years in operation. That’s a guarantee you can take to the bank.
ALWAYS ACCEPTING: • Pre-1980 trading cards
• Advertising and display pieces
• Game used uniforms and equipment
• Championship rings, trophies and awards
• Vintage autographs
• Vintage photographs and more
• Early tickets and programs
Call 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) to discuss opportunities Free catalog and The Collector’s Handbook ($65 value) for new clients. Please submit auction invoices of $1000 + in this category, from any source. Include your contact information and mail to Heritage, fax 214-409-1425, email, or call 866-835-3243. For more details, go to
Annual Sales Exceed $800 Million ❘ 850,000+ Online Bidder-Members 3500 Maple Ave. ❘ Dallas, TX 75219 ❘ 877-HERITAGE (437-4824) ❘ DALLAS ❘ NEW YORK ❘ BEVERLY HILLS ❘ SAN FRANCISCO ❘ HOUSTON ❘ PARIS ❘ GENEVA TX & NY Auctioneer license: Samuel Foose 11727 & 0952360. Heritage Auction Galleries CA Bond #RSB2004175; CA Auctioneer Bond: Carolyn Mani #RSB2005661. Buyer’s Premium 19.5%. See for details. HERITAGE Reg. U.S. Pat & TM Off. 31567
Bid-Calling Championship
Outlaw Biker Gang Movies
Tribal Art
Continued from page 19
Continued from page 17
leggy leader of a biker gang known as the Mini-Skirt Mob (actually it should be the Micro Mini-Skirt Mob given the length of their skirts). Instead of Harleys and Triumphs, the girls unleash hell on lightweight Hondas while kicking tail in wild go-go boots.
developed a new career as an appraiser of African art and a consultant to other collectors, notably as consultant to Lee Bronson as he assembled his collection, which became a major traveling exhibition, “A Survey of Zairian Art,” and the accompanying book edited by J. Cornet. Silberman retired from government in 1973 and increased his appraising and consulting work with hundreds of collectors and dozens of colleges, universities, and museums. He also added extensive additional travel to Africa to buy traditional works of art that were becoming increasingly difficult to find. His love of tribal art and collecting continued well into his 100s, and he loved nothing more than to sit
“Nothing is more vicious than a scorned, guilt-ridden blonde,” the movie trailer warns. The standard one sheet poster, which features the blurb “They Play Around with Murder Like They Play Around with Men! They’re hog straddling female animals on the prowl!” (whew!), pictures Diane McBain sprawled out on a motorcycle. One example in folded very fine condition zoomed to a top bid of $191.20 at auction. Other notable entries in the genre include “Motorcycle Gang” (1957), “Chrome and Hot Leather” (1971), “Nam’s Angels” (1970), “The Black Six” (1973), “Hells Angels ‘69” (1969), “Naked Angels” (1969), “The Cycle Savages” (1969), “Hell’s Belles” (1969), “The Hellcats” (1968), “The Wild Rebels” (1967) and “Run, Angel, Run!” (1969). Auction results and photos The one sheet poster for “The Minicourtesy of Heritage Auctions. Skirt Mob” (1968) sold for $191.20.
ALWAYS BUYING PHOTOGRAPHS, Archives, Albums, Snap-shots, Collections. Call Jim 800-872-9990.
Have Something to Sell? Looking For Something? Have a Service to Offer? Let us show you how to reach 60,000+ collectors & dealers in the EAST! Call Arlene in Classified Sales 717-492-2561 or 1-800-428-4211 x2561
AUTOMOBILES WANTED. LOOKING to buy old foreign cars, especially British. Will purchase in any condition, also buying parts. Call Ed, 856-816-7321. CARNIVAL, CIRCUS, FREAKS, Sideshow, Amusement Parks, Coney Island, Nude Photos, Steel Pier, Pinups, Strippers, Burlesque, Auto Thrillshow. Nostalgia Enterprises, Box 300, Lockport, NY, 14095. 716-433-9418.
Antique & Modern Firearms ART- OLD OIL PAINTINGS wanted, any condition, New Hope School artists, PAFA artists, gold leaf frames and mirrors. 20 years experience. Immediate payment. Call 215-348-2500.
800.888.1063 47-15 36th ST., LIC, NY 11101
Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols Revolvers, Edged Weapons
MILITARY & SPORTING Licensed Dealer - Will Travel Century 20 LLC Highland Park, NJ 08904
732-249-1345 MOVIE POSTERS Highest Prices Paid Lobby Cards, 1-Sheets, Window Cards, Glass Slides Displays, Dwight Cleveland, POB 10922 Chicago, IL 60610 773-525-9152, Fax 773-525-2969, OCEAN LINER MEMORABILIA china, glassware, silver, paper, souvenirs, posters or models. Cunard, French Line, White Star Line, Italian Line, etc. 607-625-3947
down with close friends to discuss pieces, ones collected decades earlier or recently acquired by his friends. He died this year on his 103rd birthday. “His family selected Heritage Auctions to offer ‘the best of the best’ to its clients,” said Sullivan. “Most all of these works have not been made available outside his collection in decades.” Additional highlights from the James M. Silberman collection include an elaborate Polychrome Offering Plate, circa 650-850 AD from Maya, Naranjo Area, Guatemala (est. $3,000$5,000), and a Mississippian Platform Pipe, composed of green stone, with a raccoon on the platform (est. $2,000$3,000). For more information, visit
SHEET MUSIC WANTED, any era. Sandy Marrone, 113 Oakwood Drive, Cinnaminson, NJ 08077, 856-829-6104 E-mail
1800-1970 SELL YOUR ANTIQUE TOYS, TRAINS, SPACE TOYS & ROBOTS for the HIGHEST PRICES! No one will pay you higher for Tin Toy Collections! 856-547-5521
WANTED OLD RADIOS, Tubes, Hi-Fi Equip., Amplifiers, Speakers, Ham Radios, Tube Testers & related items. Large and small collections. Call Rich 484-948-8044, Pottstown, PA.
TONKA DUMP TRUCK, 1957 only, Hydraulic unit only. Must be in excellent condition, box not important. Color is in bronze, call David Kasny 845-735-7463
Antiques & Auction News — September 16, 2016 - - 23
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opens your door to customers!
VINTAGE WRIST WATCHES & Pocket Watches, various brand names, call for details, 570-980-9112.
Vintage Tube Electronics DEAD OR ALIVE
TELEPHONES: 1892-1982, over 85 different & associated. Free Cataloge. Wish to sell entire business. 608-582-4124
Audio Equip. - Vacuum Tubes Speakers - Ham & Military Radios Surplus Parts - Test Equipment Hi-Fi Stereo & More
610-649-4151 WANTED: MUSIC BOXES, slot machines, old Juke boxes, any cond. Call or write Frank Zygmunt, PO Box 542, Westmont, IL 60559 630-985-2742
SPORTS CARDS AND other sports related items. Publications, pins, pennants, tickets, etc. Pre-1975. Philadelphia items especially wanted. Ellis, 158 Stratford Dr., Philadelphia, PA 19115, 215-934-5618.
$5 BOOK BOOTH, 272 Antique Mall, 1300 N. Reading Rd, (RT 272) Stevens, PA. No book over $5. Book dealer liquidating warehouse. Total 20 carton turnover by 5th of every month.
DO YOU COLLECT Old Paper, Ephemera, Advertising, Country Store, etc? Subscribe to "THE PAPER & ADVERTISING COLLECTORS’ MARKETPLACE", the monthly collector's newspaper that covers this specialty. For a FREE sample copy, phone 1-800-800-1833, ext. 2541, 8am-4:30pm daily.
THE BRASS LADY Antique Buddha 53lbs, 43" tall, over 50 yrs old, 100 yr old - ash buckets, brass doorknocker, fireplace trivets with brass balls, 100 yr old solid brass outside mailbox, Air Soft Metal Pistols, Crossbow Pistols. Delicious Homemade Cheesecake at Nancy's Corner Cafe! Everything Country: Collectible Milk Bottles. Bill's NASCAR Is Back! Mark's Produce: Locally Grown! English Mary: Teapots & Crystals. Dwayne Buys Antiques. Booth 44, 45, 46 at Wind Gap Indoor Flea Market, 610-573-7266.
To place your classified ad Call 1-800-428-4211
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SERVICE OR SUPPLIES in the Classifieds! Call 1-800-428-4211, x2561 or
OLDER FIREWORKS OR Packs Wanted by Collector, 573-474-5030 or 573-881-0090.
ALL HUMMELS WANTED, Antiques, Collectables, Household items. etc. Call John Rokicki 610-213-2361.
AUTO, TRUCK and Motorcycle: catalogs, brochures, manuals and any showroom related items. Ron Ladley, 210 Stone Rd., Barto, PA 19504, 610-584-1665.
TIFFANY DESK PIECES, lamps, glass. Bill Holland 610-470-5925 or Renningers Sunday Antique Market, Booth A-53, Adamstown, PA 8am-1pm. email
WANTED OLD LETTER Press Equipment, wood/ lead letters, or anything printing related. Also looking for Blacksmith Anvils. Call 440-693-4232. WANTED: WHEAT PENNY ROLLS AND BAGS, 1909 TO 1958, NO JUNK; WE ALSO BUY COIN COLLECTIONS AND STERLING SILVER JEWELRY. DEALERS ARE WELCOME. PLEASE CALL TODAY FOR OUR TOP DOLLAR OFFER. CALL MATT AT 570-994-3877
BUYING 1 PIECE or Collection- Lamps, Lighting, Coins, Books, Records, anything Vintage, contact Dan at South Mall Merchantile Allentown, PA 484-756-9772.
MUSIC BOXES WANTED Buying and Selling Cylinder & Disc Music Boxes, Bird Cages, Bird Boxes, Phonographs, Automatas. Specializing in all Antique Resortation Services for over 60 years. Ask for Gerald Wright. Rita Ford Music Boxes, 1253 Springfield Ave. #304, New Providence, NJ 07974, 908-377-3225, 212-535-6717.
GUITARS, VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, banjos, early brass & woodwinds. We buy, sell, & appraise. In business since 1974. Vintage Instruments, Philadelphia, 215-545-1100.
24 - - Antiques & Auction News â&#x20AC;&#x201D; September 16, 2016
SEPTEMBER SALE Online Sale Ends On
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2016 Preview: Saturday, September 17th from 10am to 5pm or by appointment.
Where: 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, PA 19002 Contact: 215.619.2873
4 1 2 6 5 3
10 8 12
13 11
15 17 16
1. An Italian 14k Gold Leopard Design Bracelet. 2. A Duffner and Kimberly Table Lamp, Early 20th Century. 3. A Japanese Satsuma Bowl, Kinkozan. 4. Arthur Sparks (1870-1919) Two Works. 5. A Hispano-Filipino Oil Painting on Tin. 6. A Good French Tole Tray. 7. A Group of Portrait Miniatures. 8. A 1776 English Map, American Revolution. 9. George Gardner Symons (1863-1930) Oil on Canvas. 10. A Pair of Councill Craftsman Mahogany Federal Style Pembroke Tables. 11. An Assembled Set of Six Knoll Tulip Chairs. 12. A French Ormolu Mounted Chinese Celadon Porcelain Lamp/Vase. 13. A Russian Gold and Enamel Badge/Medal, Order of Saint Stanislas. 14. A Circa 1939 Poster, Albert Sebille, S.S. Paris Cruise Ship.
Locati, LLC 1425 Welsh Rd., Maple Glen, PA 19002 PA License #TRA00011
15. A Harvey Probber Lingerie Cabinet. 16. An Adams Style Neoclassical Vitrine. 17. A Chinese Art Deco Period Wool Rug. 18. An American Walnut Chest on Frame, Circa 1780.