The Navy Gazette // Mémoire de diplôme

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T H E N AV Y G A Z E T T E Mensuel de culture locale

B R O O K LY N N AV Y YA R D Territoire industriel chargé d’histoire

EAST RIVER S H O R E PA R K Désafection et réappropriation d’un morceau de ville

T H E N AV Y A Q U A R I U M Equipement de renouveau culturel et social

antoine vacheron directeur de projet de fin d’étude : olivier bro chet

Session Juin 2015

ta b l e d e s m at i è r e s

partie 1 : analyse urbaine + enjeux


partie 2 : intentions + recherches


partie 3 : Proposition urbaine


partie 4 : Proposition architecturale


partie 5 : annexes


PA R T I E 1

A N A LY S E U R B A I N E + E N J E U X


Le territoire sur lequel nous envisageons un projet se situe dans la ville de New York, aux Etats-Unis, en Amérique du Nord. Ce continent, en total contraste avec l’Europe n’est constitué que de deux pays seulement. C’est également un continent jeune, l’urbanisme et l’architecture en sont témoins, tout comme l’organisation du territoire de manière générale. Nous voyons sur cette image satellite nocturne que les foyers de population sont disposés de façon très hétérogène. Notre intervention se situe au Nord-Est des Etats-Unis, au cœur du territoire moteur du pays. Après avoir parcouru la ville de New York, et s’en être impreigné, il nous a semblé que le Brooklyn Navy yard présentait un véritable potentiel, économique, architectural, urbain

et sociologique. En effet, cet ancien site militaire a été abandonné en 1966 après avoir été un acteur industriel majeur de la ville. C’est ici que les bâtiments de guerres de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale étaient construits. Les besoins en matière de navire de guerre étant devenu très faible ont conduit à la fermeture du site. La ville de New York a racheté à l’état ce territoire en 1986, et il est aujourd’hui un pôle mettant en valeur les nouvelles technologies au cœur de Brooklyn. Il abrite également les plus grands studios de cinéma de la côte Est. Cependant, ce site n’est pas accessible au public. Nous allons donc chercher comment préserver les activités présentes sur le Brooklyn Navy Yard, tout en le donnant à voir aux divers visiteurs, que ça soit la population locale, ou les touristes.

amérique du nord // de grandes disparités entre les territoires 05


new jersey m a n h at ta n


relation à l’eau et à la végétation

réseau routier



new jersey

new jersey

m a n h at ta n

m a n h at ta n



réseau de transports en communs

réseau maritime


north brother isl and south brother isl and rikers island randall isl and mill island

new jersey m a n h at ta n r o o s e v e lt i s l a n d queens

b r o o k ly n n av y ya r d

s tat u e o f l i b e r t y i s l a n d governors isl and


réseau d’îles

L’ensemble de ces documents positionne New York dans son contexte. Nous avons relevé un certain nombre de caractéristiques. Tout d’abord la très forte relation à l’eau avec à l’Ouest, l’Hudson River qui sépare les états de New York et du New Jersey. A l’Est, l’East River sépare l’île de Manhattan et Long Island, sur laquelle nous trouvons le Queens et Brooklyn. Nous avons également noté une découpe du rivage façonnée par l’homme, celui-ci est composé de nombreuses digues qui servaient au commerce maritime. Elles sont aujourd’hui peu à peu transformées en parcs. Malgré la forte urbanisation, la végtation ponctue très régulièrement ce territoire. La géographie est également très marquée par les infrastructures routières. Celles-ci sont hiérarchisées selon les flux qu’elles reçoivent. Les grands axes des Inter-States traversent simplement le territoire, alors qu’une grille vient organiser le territoire pour les flux d’une densité inférieure.

Parrallèlement aux flux maritime, nous notons que l’ensemble des activités de plaisance prend place sur l’Hudson River. Il nous semble donc opportun de développer des activités semblables sur les rives de l’East River. Malgré l’absence de port, l’East regorge d’îles. En partant au Sud de l’île de la Statue de la Liberté, jusqu’à North Brother Island au Nord, nous observons que ces îles sont généralement peu exploitées, et peu fréquentées, sauf durant la belle saison où les habitants et les touristes viennent profiter de la nature et du calme de ces lieux. Le Brooklyn Navy Yard semble lui aussi se comporter comme élément insulaire, isolé du reste de la vie urbaine, et inaccessible. Nous verrons par la suite, dans l’analyse historique que ce caractère insulaire est dû à la présence d’une île sur ce site, qui a été raccordée au territoire au XXe siècle.

Il est aussi intéressant de mettre en évidence les relations entre Manhattan et le New Jersey, qui sont assurées seulement par deux tunnels et un pont, alors que les connexions avec Long Island sont beaucoup plus présentes. Cinq ponts et deux tunnels assurent le lien entre les différents bouroughs de New York. Nous avons voulu attirer l’attention sur le fait que les transports en commun contournent le Brooklyn Navy Yard. Le réseau de métro irrigue l’île de Manhattan du Nord au Sud, et Brooklyn d’Est en Ouest. Nous voyons donc que malgré sa situation stratégique, le Brooklyn Navy Yard est contourné par ce réseau. Les voies maritimes quant à elles sont davantage développées entre Manhattan et le New Jersey afin de palier au manque de connexion physique avec ce territoire.

une ville globale parcourue par des réseaux 07











vinegar hill

brooklyn navy yard

downtown brooklyn


transports en communs


des typologies urbaines spĂŠcifiques

fort greene

clinton hill

Brooklyn heights

clinton hill


henry st residentiel // brownstone

c l i n t o n av e residentiel // brownstone

j ay s t tertiaire

brooklyn navy yard

south williamsburg

vinegar hill

m o r r i s av e industriel

b e d f o r d av e usage mixte

gold st residentiel // social housing

Le Brooklyn Navy Yard se situe de façon stratégique à la jonction de plusieurs quartiers de Brooklyn dont les délimitations physiques et socio-économiques sont très marquées. Comme nous le voyons à grande échelle, le Navy Yard est enclavé, sans connexion ou presque avec les réseaux de transport. Flushing Avenue, située au Sud du territoire est une artère passante, assurant le lien entre l’Est et l’Ouest, mais ce n’est pas un lieu de pause. La troisième carte met en évidence les typologies de bâtis, spécifiques et représentatives des différents quartiers. Ces typologies laissent présager les usages qu’elles accueillent.

résidentiel :

: maison en brique, typique de Brooklyn, généralement composée de trois étages, plus un entre-sol. L’entrée s’effectue par un escalier menant au premier niveau. social housing : Destiné aux populations les plus modestes, ces ensembles sont inspirés des grands ensembles français. brownstone house

tertiaire :

Généralement composées de briques, ces anciennes manufactures ont connu pour la plupart, énormément de modifications de leur aménagement intérieur afin de répondre aux besoins actuels. industriel :

Ceux sont des bâtiments de grandes dimensions, à structure métalique, dont l’activité est souvent en mutation, généralement ils passent d’activités industrielles à tertiaires.

brooklyn, un territoire en rupture 11

réseau de parcs

un territoire en mutation


des activités variées

une activité navale très ralentie

peu de connexion avec la ville

Malgré l’absence d’activités de plaisance, la politique de la ville de New York est de réaménager les berges de l’East River en développant de nombreux parcs, agrémentés d’activités sportives, afin de créer une promenade végétale. Dans ce processus, le Brooklyn Navy Yard n’est pas intégré, malgré la reconverstion de nombreux édifices dans le but de s’adapter aux nouveaux besoins. Cependant, celui-ci commence à s’ouvrir sur la ville par ses angles sud, et propose des services à la population qui pourra donc découvrir se lieu un peu mysté-

rieux. L’analyse économique de ce territoire renforce l’idée d’une spécialisation des quartiers, comme nous l’avions vu par l’intermédiaire des typologies de bâtis. De plus, nous pouvons noter que le Brooklyn Navy Yard est d’une très grande échelle, spécialisée dans un seul domaine. L’activité navale reste en revanche présente sur ce site, bien que seules trois câles-sèches soient encore en activité. L’isolement de ce territoire est renforcé par le faible nombre d’accés.

brooklyn, un territoire en rupture 13


b r o o k ly n n av y ya r d

b r o o k ly n n av y ya r d

Grâce à ces coupes, nous pouvons voir que le territoire est très plat. La topographie est créée par les bâtiments qui la composent, et les infrastructures telles que les ponts sont de forts marqueurs du paysage urbain. Nous remarquons que la densité des constructions est plus élevée sur Manhattan alors que du côté de Brooklyn, nous avons des bâtiments de plus faibles hauteurs et plus espacés. L’East River et les câles-sèches marquent également de façon singulière ce territoire.


L’évolution des espaces situés au Sud du Brooklyn Navy Yard a été plannifiée par la Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation et est en cours de réalisation. L’Admiral’s Row, est une projet de $120 Millions, qui va être composé de bâtiments à usages mixtes, de bureaux et de commerces. Le Media Campus va investir l’ancien hôpital militaire et offrira à la population un accés à des entreprises de haute technologie.

ADMIRAL’S ROW prévu pour 2016


L’évolution des espaces situés au Sud du Brooklyn Navy Yard a été plannifiée et sont en cours de réalisation. La nécessité d’ouverture sur la ville du site industriel a été prise en compte par les autorités locales. Il est donc maintenant nécessaire d’ouvrir le Navy Yard sur le fleuve.


MEDIA CAMPUS prévu pour 2016

Redéfinir la continuité des berges de l’East River, tout en conservant la singularité de la découpe du littoral du Brooklyn Navy Yard. Amemer les habitants et touristes au bord du fleuve afin de leur faire redécrouvrir cet aspect de la ville.

dans le but de rétablir le lien rompu par le Brooklyn Navy Yard, il serait intéressant d’établir une connexion entre les différents parcs de la rive l’Est de l’East River.




Mise en évidence du lien rompu sur la rive Est de l’East River par les darses du Brooklyn Navy Yard.

Afin de rétablir le lien rompu par le Brooklyn Navy Yard, il serait intéressant d’établir une connexion entre les différents parcs de la rive l’Est de l’East River.


Le bâtiment principal se situant sur le bras de terre avançant sur l’East River va bientôt être désaffecté, en effet il abrite un laboratoire médical qui pas être transféré dans le Building 77.

Investir la friche industrielle en saillie sur le fleuve.


Nous mettons en évidence les parcs de rive et leur prolongations possible. Nous mettons également en avant, les bâtiments sujet à démolition dans le but de redessiner la berge et de libérer des emprises au fort potentiel.

Réinterpréter le passé du Navy Yard, en redonnant son autonomie à l’île, parle creusement d’un canal en lieu et place d’une câle-sêche, tout en reconnectant les rives.


Réutiliser la matière soustraite au Brooklyn Navy Yard afin de créer de nouvelles bandes de terres, pouvant accueillir des activités de loisirs, le tout connectées entre elles et au territoire par une passerrelle légère.



PA R T I E 2

intentions + recherches




Redonner une autonomie à l’île, tout en la connectant par l’intermédiaire d’une passerelle qui redéfinie la ligne de rive. Cette île, autonome, mais possédant néanmois des activités complémentaires au Navy Yard. Elle devient un lieu de rencontre, d’échange et de savoir, comme un carrefour entre Manhattan et Brooklyn, entre la terre et la mer, entre les visiteurs et les acteurs économiques. L’accés aux darses est maintenu, grâce à un pont amovible, le Navy Yard conserve ainsi son identité. Nous pouvons voir, au Sud du Brooklyn Navy

Yard, qu’une ferme urbaine a été mise en place. Etant un site maritime, il serait intéressant de développer un centre océanographique, cela occasionnerait une réutilisation des darses, mais cela permettrait également de sensibiliser la population aux enjeux environnementaux. Afin de rendre ce nouvel équipement vivant, il est nécessaire de créer un service de restauration et d’hébergement. Nous allons détailler ce programme sur les pages suivantes, à l’aide de diagrammes. 16





Surfaces au sol : 1. 11 600 m2


5 14



Total : 90 800 m2 3



2 4




Plan d’eau :


6. 22 800 m2




7. 42 400 m2 180 m


5. 41 800 m2




4. 13 800 m2







3. 12 000 m2

m 26



2. 11 600 m2

Total : 65 200 m2 Total : 156 000 m2








Développer une passerelle reliant Williamsburg à Dumbo, rétablisant la continuité de la rive et prolongeant la promenade urbaine proposé par les parcs de l’East River. Cette passerelle se comporte comme la High Line, mais au dessus de l’eau et sera ponctuée par diverses activités.

m a n h at ta n

b r o o k ly n



Connectant Willimasburg à Dumbo, cette passerelle offre également un accès aux digues du Brooklyn Navy Yard, aujourd’hui inexploitées. Ces digues reprennent vie grâce à l’aménagement de parcs et à la création d’équipements culturels.

m a n h at ta n

b r o o k ly n



Afin de conserver l’activité maritime du Brooklyn Navy Yard, la passerelle est amovible en un point. Celle-ci s’abaisse dans l’eau et autorise le passage de navires. Cela offre une spectacle aux usagers de cet équipement.

m a n h at ta n

b r o o k ly n



m a n h at ta n

Tout au long de cette promenade, des activités son proposées aux usagers. La passerelle se comporte ainsi comme une colonne vertébrale, ponctuée par des événements, plus ou moins éphémères.

b r o o k ly n


Pensée de manière rectiligne, la passerelle est un élément unificateur. Les batiments qui seront développés sur cet axe rétabliront quant à eux le caractère organique de la rive. Du côté de la rivière, les bâtiments adopteront des formes fluides, évoquant l’eau en movement venant se confrontée à la terre ferme. Du côté du Brooklyn Navy Yard, les édifices seront eux plus géométriques et rectilignes, rappelant la découpe stricte des multiples darses. Des jeux de transparence sont également essentiels à la lecture de ce projet. Désirant connecter Brooklyn à Brooklyn, physiquement, nous mettront en place des dispositifs jouant sur la transparence. Alors que la connection de Booklyn à Manhattan est souhaitée plus ponctuelle. Nous créerons donc des cadrages de part et d’autre de la passerelle.


m a n h at ta n

b r o o k ly n



m a n h at ta n

b r o o k ly n



PA R T I E 3

proposition urbaine


Au travers ces différents plans, nous avons voulu expérimenter un certain nombre de possibilités pour connecter les berges de l’East River au travers du Brooklyn Navy Yard, et redéfinir une ligne de rive. Dans un premier temps, nous avon envisagé une infrastructure s’inspirant des ponts existants, en terme de géométrie, cela a donné


une connexion rectiligne sans veritable point de départ et d’arrivée, sans lien avec le tissu urbain existant. Nous avons par la suite expériementé une forme plus souple, venant en continuité du rivage, là encore, la connexion avec le réseau viaire se faisait difficile. C’est pourquoi nous avons fait le choix de développer un système moins radical, qui ne se compose pas d’un

seul élément, mais qui vient se décomposer pour s’intégrer au site. Ici encore, nous avons étudié plusieurs solutions. Celle d’une passerelle composé de deux segments rectilignes, mais il nous semblait que celle-ci étaient encore trop brutale et pas assez intégrée. Cela nous a conduit à imaginer une pont piéton plus fin, évoquant davantage une infras-

tructure légère, qui s’intègre de façon plus douce dans le paysage. Cette passerelle est constituée de deux segments principaux, sur lesquels viennent se greffer des pontons annexes, assurant ainsi un lien avec le tissu urbain existant.


Après avoir effectué les précédentes recherches, nous avons abouti à ce plan général. Les passerelles ne sont pas complétement rectilignes, leurs largeurs varient au fur et à mesure du parcours, pour offrir aux usagers des expériences variées, avec tantôt des espaces de pauses et de contemplation du paysage, tantôt des segments plus propices à la promenade et au déplacement. La forme de ce pont piéton s’inspire du tracé des voies ferrées, très utilisées sur le Brooklyn Navy Yard durant ses années d’exploitation. Il reste encore aujourd’hui des traces de ces chemins de fer. C’est donc un élément réintèrprété qui permis de s’insérer dans le paysage. Ce dessin permet également de determiner des espaces et de leur apporter des spécificités,


ainsi nous passons d’une ambiance minérale, à une ambiance végétale et même aquatique, car en certains points, le passerelle s’ouvre sur ce qui se situe en dessous, c’est à dire l’East River.

Ce travail de connexion physique entre Williamsburg au Nord du Brooklyn Navy Yard et Dumbo au Sud constitue une part importante du projet car il en est l’élément fédérateur. Mais cette union se fait également grâce à la création de l’île. Parallèlement à la redéfinition de la ligne de rive, nous avons pour objectif de rendre accssible le Brooklyn Navy Yard par le Sud, et les quartiers de Fort Greene et Clinton Hill. Cela a été rendu possible par la création d’une bande végétale, se prolongeant par une passerelle au cœeur du Navy Yard. Cette espace végétalisé se situe entre le studios de cinéma Steiner à l’Est, et le reste des activités économiques du site à l’Ouest. Tout comme les voies de chemins de fer étaient présentes sur le territoire, l’île fait elle aussi partie intégrante de ce passé. Entre les années 1890 et 1920, une île existait en cet endroit, avant d’être raccordée à la terre ferme. Certaines câle-sèches n’étant plus utilisées, il nous a semblé judicieux de les utiliser afin de recréer un canal, qui redonne son autonomie à l’île. Cela permet en outre de conserver les activités existantes au sein du Brooklyn Navy Yard, sans en autoriser l’accés pour des raisons de sécurité. Mais on le donne à voir, les visiteurs pourront enfin découvrir ce territoire, tout en conservant une certaine distance, et une autonomie des usages. L’île est pensée comme un lieu d’échange, de détente et de loisir, un trait d’union entre ces quartiers très hétéroclites. Un équipement majeur vient prendre place sur cette île, et sera le signe de cette réunion. C’est un aquarium, qui créera le lien entre les populations, mais également entre la terre et la mer. Cette situation stratégique, au dessus de l’eau permet au monde terrestre de découvrir ce qui se passe caché au fond des océans. Cette équipement aura également une voca-

tion de sensibilisation aux enjeux de la montée des eaux dûe au réchauffement climatique, et à la nécessité de favoriser la reproduction animale, en présentant nottemment des espèces en voie de disparition, à cause de la sur-pêche, ou des changements environnementaux. Le choix de l’implantation de l’aquarium à mi-distance entre Williamsburg et Dumbo témoigne du désir de ne pas donner plus d’importance à un quartier qu’à l’autre, mais de les établir sur un pied d’égalité, malgré les diparités socio-économiques qu’ils connaissents. Cette île accueillera d’autres activités, comme la possibilité de faire du canoë-kayak comme c’est déjà le cas sur l’Hudson River, des terrains de sport seront emmenagés afin d’encourager l’exercice physique pour lutter contre l’obésité et casser les barrières sociales. Mais notre projet ne porte pas seulement sur le Brooklyn Navy Yard, il cherche aussi a établir la continuité entre les différents parcs de rive. que ça soit au Nord ou au Sud. Nous avons donc proposé des aménagements pour les friches de bord de mer, tout en conservant l’idée d’un passé industriel et développé des cheminements eux aussi inspriés du tracé des chemins de fer. Les besoins en logements dans la ville de New York sont en croissance constante, nous avons donc imaginé la création de nouveaux ensembles résidentiels, comme une suture entre les parcs et le tissu urbain existant. Cela donne vie à ces quartiers, et le dynamisme est apporté par l’implantation de commerces, restaurants et services hôteliers. Comme nous l’évoquions au cours de l’analyse urbaine, les réseau de transport ne sont pas favorable à la croissance du Brooklyn Navy Yard. c’est pourquoi nous envisageons la création d’un nouveau quai de débarquement pour les


du Brooklyn Navy Yard. Pour cela, nous avons réfléchis à un système permettant de conserver l’accès des navires depuis l’East River, vers les câles-sêches, malgré la présence de la passerelle. Celle-ci est donc équipée d’un dispositif faisant coulisser le tablier en deux sections. Nous voulions que ce segement mobile du pont piéton soit le plus discret possible afin de ne pas rompre l’unité de la promenade par des éléments structurels lourds. Ce système fonctionne grâce à l’utilisation de vérins hydroliques et de rails coulissants.

ferries de l’East River compagny, connectant la nouvelle île à Manhattan, au Queens, mais également au New Jersey. Un souci a aussi été apporté à la conservation de l’activité de chantier naval caractéristique


pôle maritime

recherche pédagogie sensibilisation






restauration ferry hotellerie



bike repair restauration BASSIN LOISIRS auditorium VERS brooklyn navy yard

nautisme fleamarket


artisanat maritime


pôle participatif

La passerelle se comporte comme une colonne vèrtébrale sur laquelle viennent se greffer diverses programmes. Comme nous l’évoquions précédement, le pont piéton offre différentes expériences, cela est rendu possible pas la création d’activités sur son tablier. Des espaces de pique-niques et de barbeque seront aménagé afin que les usagers puissent profiter pleinement du panorama offert sur l’île de Manhanttan et les ponts la reliant à Brooklyn. Afin de promouvoir les déplacements propres, des stations de vélos partagés, et de réparation rythmeront le parcours.



Intéressons nous maintenant au fonctionnement de l’île. Articulation au cœur de Brooklyn The Navy Island, comme nous proposons de la nommé Comme nous l’évoquions au cours de l’analyse urbaine, les réseaux de transport ne sont pas favorable à la croissance du Brooklyn Navy Yard. c’est pourquoi nous envisageons la création d’un nouveau quai de débarquement pour les ferries de l’East River compagny, connectant la nouvelle île à Manhattan, au Queens, mais également au New Jersey. Pour cela, nous avons réfléchis à un système permettant de conserver l’accès des navires depuis l’East River, vers les câles-sêches, malgré la présence de la passerelle. Nous voulions que ce segement mobile du pont piéton soit le plus discret possible afin de ne pas rompre l’unité de la promenade par des éléments structurels lourds. Ce système fonctionne grâce à l’utilisation de vérins hydrauliques et de rails coulissants.

b r o o k ly n n av y ya r d


PA R T I E 4

proposition architecturale



Ce projet d’équipement entre le ciel et l’East River vient se poser délicatement sur les digues du Brooklyn Navy Yard, comme une vague venant heurter cet élément contruit par l’homme. Cet édifice, est pensé comme un lieu d’échange, de rencontre, de partage, mais surtout de savoir. Au travers d’un parcours initiatique au travers de différentes ambiances climatiques, il est proposé aux visiteurs de s’immerger dans le monde marin, et ainsi de découvrir les trésors cachés au fonds de nos océans C’est donc un aquarium, qui vient s’établir comme élément de connexion, sur l’île du Brooklyn Navy Yard. Ce projet a été pensé à partir d’une expérience physique du lieu, et dans le souci de respecter son évolution, tant physique que les pratiques qui le compose. Venant reposer sur une digue existante, nous avons recrée une darse, en lieu et place de celle qui pré-existait à partir de la matière extraite pour recréer l’île. Cette darse, intègre également des éléments d’architecture pensés de façon autonome, et parallélépidédique en contraste avec la forme organique de l’aquarium. Ces deux digues composent l’assise de l’équipement, qui est à cheval au dessus de l’eau et prend racine dans l’eau grâce à une multitude de pieux métal-

liques qui évoquent les constructions anciennes des Piers avoisinants. Le choix du métal, vient du désir de faire écho à l’héritage des chantiers navaux qui ont donné naissance au Brooklyn Navy Yard. Cette structure métallique, se prolonge par des portiques, rayonnants, et tous uniques. Ils déterminent un cercle parfait à l’extérieur du bâtiment, alors qu’à l’intérieur, ceux-ci se dilatent et se compriment afin de créer des spacialités singulières et variées. La géométrie courbe de ces portiques évoque elle aussi les contructions navales. Au fur et à mesure de la progression sur le parcours, les visiteurs ont l’impression de s’avanturer dans une coque de bateau renversée. Dans son aspect extérieur, le Navy Aquarium se pare d’une peau presque lisse, laissant apparaître subtilement la structure interne, et rythme ainsi son enveloppe à chaque través. L’enveloppe a été pensé comme une véritable peau, venant englober ce squelette de métal. Des écailles de titane recouvrent donc cette édifice et offre tout au long de la journée une évolution de la perception du bâtiment, en fonction de l’éclairage qu’il reçoit. Les reflets qu’il dégage ne peuvent qu’évoquer un banc de poissons en mouvement dans l’océan. 44


2035 M 2 750 70 50 20

M2 M2 M2 M2


70 M 2 50 M 2 20 M 2


50 M 2


50 M 2

exposition temporaire

300 M 2

1.2_BOUTIQUE réserve espace de vente caisse

270 50 200 20

M2 M2 M2 M2

1.3_CAFé réserve comptoir office de préparation salle local déchets

225 20 40 30 120 15

M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2

1.4_restaurant salle cuisine réserves préparations froides cuisson légumerie plonge sanitaires local déchets sanitaires

780 300 440 90 90 90 60 60 20 30 40

M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2

2.0_A q u a r i u m 2.1_AQUARIUM INTérieur

12785 M 2 7960 M 2


200 M 2

2.1.2_auditorium 500 PLACES

550 M 2


710 400 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 150 80 80

M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2

1700 M 2 1000 M 2 400 M 2 100 M 2 200 M 2 50 M 2

2.1.6_TEMPERED PACIFIC 710 M 2 6 BASSINS 400 M 2 corail vivant 90 M 2 ANIMAUX DES EAUX PROFONDES 90 M 2 MURAINES 90 M 2 POULPE Géants 90 M 2 méduses rayées 90 M 2 invértébrés 90 M 2 CIRCULATION PUBLIQUE 150 M 2 CIRCUIT SOIGNEURS 80 M 2 LOCAL TECHNIQUE 80 M 2


AQUARIUM 70 M 2 2.1.7_NORTH ATLANTIC 6 BASSINS récifs rocheux poissons plats poissons de banc méduses de la lune

90 90 90 90

M M2 M2 M2


90 90 150 80 80

M2 M2 M2 M2 M2

1000 M 2


2280 M 2 1710 M 2 570 M 2



850 M 2 110 M 2



2.2_CAFé réserve comptoir office de préparation salle local déchets

3.0_A D M I N I S T R A T I O N

710 M 2 400 M 2

185 20 30 20 100 15


M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2

3270 M 2 1720 M 2


700 M 2


700 M 2 150 M 2


920 M 2


150 M 2


150 M 2

traitement eau sale

150 M

salle de filtration de l’eau

150 M 2

salle de la climatisation

150 M 2


vestiaires du personnel

50 M 2

sanitaires du personnel

40 M 2

cafétéria du personnel

80 M 2

50 20 40 40

M2 M2 M2 M2

70 M 2 30 M 2 20 M 2 20 M 2 120 M 2


30 M 2 20 M 2


50 M 2 20 M 2


120 M 2 30 20 50 20

M2 M2 M2 M2

120 M 2 30 20 50 20

M2 M2 M2 M2

70 M 2 30 M 2 20 M 2 20 M 2 120 M 2 30 20 50 20

M2 M2 M2 M2

120 M 2 30 20 50 20

M2 M2 M2 M2






coupe aa’

niveau R-1

coupe BB’


niveau r+2


coupe dd’ d B’


coupe cc’


niveau R+1


Indépendemment de cet ensemble d’éléments métalliques, les bassins viennent s’intégrer au projet, pour recevoir la multitude d’espèces présentées. Ces bassins sont en béton, détachés de la structure, ce qui permet une organisation libre de l’espace. Nous avons donc organisé un parcours qui permet d’appréhender les océans, de façon géographique. Après avoir découvert un espace d’introduction à l’aquarium, les visiteurs sont invités à assister à une projection dans un auditorium, en béton, indépendant de la structure anulaire, et offrant des vues sur la skyline de Manhattan. Après ces éléments introductifs, le secteur polaire accueille les visiteurs, qui poursuivent leur déambulation par les océans Indien et Pacifique. Une pause visuelle et rafraichissante et offerte sur l’extrémité de la digue Nord en se désaltérant au café, qui s’ouvre sur un vaste espace extérieur. La visite se poursuit par une promenade architecturale au dessus de l’eau, parsemée de bassins, dont certains sont tactiles avant de se diriger vers un second espace extérieur en hauteur, sur la digue Sud. Une rampe offre une ascension vers cette terrasse et vers des aquariums pouvant être observés en contreplongée. L’élément le plus attraillant du projet et probablement le suivant, un tunnel de

liaison pieu-bassin

liaison portique-enveloppe

navette poissons

dĂŠtail vitre bassin

liaison pieu-ortique

liaison portique-enveloppe

verre traversant un gigantesque bassin. Il offre une sensation d’immersion totale dans le monde marin. Pour les visiteurs, la visite touche presque à sa fin, une seconde rampe permet de retrouver le niveau du sol naturel, au cours de ce dernier élément du parcours, ceux sont des espèces locales qui sont mises en avant. Se retrouvant au point de départ, un restaurant, un café et une boutique-librairie permettent de prolonger l’expérience au cœur de l’aquarium. Comme nous l’évoquions précédemment, la digue abrite elle aussi un édifice, c’est l’administration. Cette écriture distincte de l’aquarium accessible au public offre une grande lisibilité des éléments. Les usagers du parc peuvent également de cette façon profiter des vues offertes sur Manhattan, sans nécessairement visiter l’aquarium.

PA R T I E 5


L’île aux Cygnes est une île artificielle, qui a été créée en 1807 sur la Seine, entre le XVe et XVIe arrondissement de Paris, elle s’appelait dans un premier temps, la digue de Grenelle. Elle avait pour vocation de protéger le port de Grenelle, situé sur la rive gauche du fleuve. Sa géométrie est très singulière et pure, toute en longueur, elle est la plus longue des îles parisiennes et possède un longue allée plantée en son centre.

i l e au x c yg n e s

D AT E D E C R é at i o n : supérficie :

Sa structure est maçonnée et son utilisation a varié selon les époques. Tout d’abord faisant partie d’une infrastructure portuaire, elle est aujourd’hui une lieu de promenade sur laquelle des équipements sportifs ont été créés.


0,013 km2

l o c a l i s at i o n :

Paris, XVe,, France

0 habitant

p o p u l at i o n :


Territoire à dominante résidentielle entre Manhattan et le Queens, elle est principalement un lieu de passage rythmé par le flux des véhicules qui la traverse. A son extrémité Sud se situe le Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial dessiné par Louis I. Kahn. Ce monument constitue la seule attraction de l’île, avec le téléphérique la reliant à Manhattan de façon singulière.





De nombreux projets de réhabilitation de l’île ont vu le jour et propose de tranformer ce site en pôle culturel. Nous allons ici mettre en parallèle le projet de Steven Holl, et le projet lauréat, de Jean Nouvel.

r o o s e v e lt i s l a n d

Tout comme sur le Brooklyn Navy Yard, un ancien hôpital est présent, il a pour vocation d’être transformé en campus pour les sciences appliquées, à l’image de la Silicon Valley à Cupertino.

D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n : supérficie :

Roosevelt island se réinvente en se spécialisant, elle ne cherche pas a devenir une destination touristique majeure.

L’île aux cygnes est donc un espace de détente, où les loisirs se sont développés. C’est une infrastructre technique qui a été repensée.

L’île Seguin est un ancien site industriel, sur lequel était implantée une usine Renault.


D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

2 km

Un ensemble de programmes va investir le site de 300 000 m2, cela inclus, des équipements culturels, des commerces, des parcs, jardins et terrasses, qui s’adressent tant aux résidents qu’aux touristes. Ce projet est plannifié sur le long terme, commençant en 2010 et devant s’achever en 2023.

ile seguin

XVIIe siècle

D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

300 000 m

l o c a l i s at i o n



New York City, NY, USA

9500 habitants

p o p u l at i o n :




0,60 km2

l o c a l i s at i o n :

Le premier projet, est composé d’un socle, volume sculpté qui déterminera des spacialités intérieurs, ainsi que des jeux de lumière. Le pojet s’ouvre largement sur la Seine et offre en son centre un refuge spirituel.

ile seguin

supérficie :

Roosevelt Island est une île longiligne qui émerge de l’East River à New York.

supérficie :


l o c a l i s at i o n





p o p u l at i o n :

0 habitant

p o p u l at i o n :

0 habitant


Steven Holl


Jean Nouvel




XVIIe siècle

300 000 m


1 km

A vocation résidentielle et touristique, cette île artificielle en forme de palmier constitue une innovation technologique. Les activités présentes sur l’île sont, des hôtels, des restaurants, des commerces et des logements. Une marina prend également place sur ce projet C’est donc un élément très spécialisé dans le secteur des loisirs. Ces îles ont été réalisées avec du sable ayant été dragué dans le golf persique et projeté par la suite à partir de navires, vers le site souhaité. La base de ces îles est cependant constituées de tonnes de pierres permettant la stabilisation.

Pa l m j u m e i r a h


D AT E D E C R é at i o n :

ingénieur :

l o c a l i s at i o n :

0 habitant

Rogers + Partners


Rogers + Partners



4 km


D AT E D E C R é at i o n :


1 km


Egalement spécialisé dans les transports, Osanbahsi Pier et lui aussi un territoire gagné sur la mer, en baie de Tokyo. C’est un terminal accueillant des ferries. Il a été pensé comme un espace public, tout le toit est une grande place, offrant des possibilités de promenades, dans un environnement valonné.

Ce site est un lieu de transit offrant les services nécessaires aux voyageurs, restauration, hôtellerie, entertainment.


osanbahsi pier


D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

13 km2

l o c a l i s at i o n : p o p u l at i o n :

supérficie :

Osaka, Japan

Renzo Piano Building Workshop








48000 m2

l o c a l i s at i o n :

0 habitant



St. Petersburg, FL, USA

p o p u l at i o n :

Pour ce projet un mur de 30 m de haut détermine les limites de l’île, et le remplissage a été réalisé grâce à l’excavation de trois montagnes, soit, 21 000 000 m3 de remblai.




supérficie :

Infrastructure aéroportuaire , le Kansai airport est un territoire gagné sur la mer, pour palier à la forte densité de bâti de Osaka et sa banlieue.


D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

8000 habitants

p o p u l at i o n :


t h e p i e r pa r k

Dubaï, UAE

l o c a l i s at i o n :


Ici aussi, nous sommes dans le monde des loisirs, qui réinvestissent une infrastructre existante. Une jetée. Le programme développé inclus des activités nautiques, pédagogiques, culturelles et éphémères.

5,72 km2

supérficie :


Ayant la volonté de redynamiser son littoral, la ville de St. Pete en Floride a procédée à un concours visant à redéfinir l’identité de la côte.

Yokohama, Japan

p o p u l at i o n :

0 habitant



2 km

Vaste zone portuaire délaissée dans les années 80, Puerto Madero a fait l’objet d’un reconvertion totale en lieu de loisirs. De nombreux restaurants, bars, hôtels et musées se sont implantés et dynamisent à nouveau ce territoire. Des aménagements urbains ont également été réalisé rendent cette endroit propice à la détente. En complément, un grand nombre de logements haut de gamme ont vu le jour.

puerto madero

p o r t d e va l e n c e

D A T E D E r é n o va t i o n :

l o c a l i s at i o n : p o p u l at i o n :


A partir de 1991



supérficie :

Buenos Aires, Argentine


Valence, Espagne

l o c a l i s at i o n :

6726 habitants



D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

5,03 km2

supérficie :






p o p u l at i o n :

9500 habitants

architecte :

Jean Nouvel


4 km

Situé face à l’île de Hong Kong, dans le quartier de Kowloon, le district culturel offre une diversité d’équipements jamais vu au paravant. Un opéra, des espaces de performances musicales, visuelles, théâtrales, etc... Desservit par des axes verts, en relation direct avec la mer de Chine, un centre des congrés, des hôtels, cafés et restaurants donneront vie à cet sesemble culturel.

w e s t k o lw l o o n c u lt u r a l d i s t r i c t

L’objectif a été de conserver l’identité du monde de vie de Hong Kong, tout en intéfrant de nouveaux paramètres.

port de vigo

West Kowloon Cultural District Kowloon, China 2009 - 2011

D AT E D E C R é at i o n :


D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

West Kowloon Cultural District – the largest cultural initiative of its kind in the world – will establish a major centre for music, performing and visual arts on a dramatic harbour-front site in the heart of Hong Kong. The seventeen new cultural venues include a Great Opera House; ʻM+ʼ museum of modern art; concert halls; and a 15,000-seat

400 000 m

Arena with an Expo Centre below and will support everything from 2 traditional Chinese theatre to pop concerts and opera. Equally important are 30,000 square metres of arts education facilities that will encourage home-grown artistic talent and ensure that the district provides long lasting benefits for the people of Hong Kong.

supérficie :

supérficie :

Honk Kong, Hong Kong

Bringing together places to live and work, with galleries, studios, shops, cafes and restaurants, the mixed-use district is designed to capture and recreate the energy and unique urban character of Hong Kong, integrating the

l o c a l i s at i o n :

l o c a l i s at i o n :

cultural venues with the everyday life of the city. West Kowloonʼs familiar street pattern is reflected in a rich mixture of colonnades, alleyways, lanes and tree-lined promenades – streetscapes that recall the bustle of Lan Kwai Fong and Shanghai Street. The district features a magnificent 23-hectare public park – its sculpted terrain, with dense tree planting, will provide shade and shelter and bring the countryside into the city, while a series of outdoor terraces and promenades will link the cultural buildings to the waterfront with vistas to Hong Kong Island.

p o p u l at i o n :


Vigo, Espagne

0 habitant

p o p u l at i o n :

9500 habitants

Foster + Partners

architecte :

Jean Nouvel

An uninterrupted two-kilometre-long harbour-front promenade will give the people of Hong Kong their first chance to look back at the cityʼs iconic skyline and the needs of pedestrians and cars are balanced by sinking the main

architecte :





1 km





2 km

Situé face à l’île de Hong Kong, dans le quartier de Kowloon, le district culturel offre une diversité d’équipements jamais vu au paravant. Un opéra, des espaces de performances musicales, visuelles, théâtrales, etc... Desservit par des axes verts, en relation direct avec la mer de Chine, un centre des congrés, des hôtels, cafés et restaurants donneront vie à cet sesemble culturel.

w e s t k o lw l o o n c u lt u r a l d i s t r i c t

L’objectif a été de conserver l’identité du monde de vie de Hong Kong, tout en intéfrant de nouveaux paramètres.

port de vigo

West Kowloon Cultural District Kowloon, China 2009 - 2011


D AT E D E C R é at i o n :

400 000 m

supérficie :

supérficie :

Honk Kong, Hong Kong

Bringing together places to live and work, with galleries, studios, shops, cafes and restaurants, the mixed-use district is designed to capture and recreate the energy and unique urban character of Hong Kong, integrating the cultural venues with the everyday life of the city. West Kowloonʼs familiar street pattern is reflected in a rich mixture of colonnades, alleyways, lanes and tree-lined promenades – streetscapes that recall the bustle of Lan Kwai Fong and Shanghai Street. The district features a magnificent 23-hectare public park – its sculpted terrain, with dense tree planting, will provide shade and shelter and bring the countryside into the city, while a series of outdoor terraces and promenades will link the cultural buildings to the waterfront with vistas to Hong Kong Island. An uninterrupted two-kilometre-long harbour-front promenade will give the people of Hong Kong their first chance to look back at the cityʼs iconic skyline and the needs of pedestrians and cars are balanced by sinking the main

l o c a l i s at i o n :


D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

West Kowloon Cultural District – the largest cultural initiative of its kind in the world – will establish a major centre for music, performing and visual arts on a dramatic harbour-front site in the heart of Hong Kong. The seventeen new cultural venues include a Great Opera House; ʻM+ʼ museum of modern art; concert halls; and a 15,000-seat Arena with an Expo Centre below and will support everything from 2 traditional Chinese theatre to pop concerts and opera. Equally important are 30,000 square metres of arts education facilities that will encourage home-grown artistic talent and ensure that the district provides long lasting benefits for the people of Hong Kong.


l o c a l i s at i o n :

Vigo, Espagne

p o p u l at i o n :

0 habitant

p o p u l at i o n :

9500 habitants

architecte :

Foster + Partners

architecte :

Jean Nouvel



1 km






2 km


nemo museum

D AT E D E C R é at i o n : supérficie :

l o c a l i s at i o n : architectes :


En cours

D AT E D ’ i n s ta l l at i o n :

12 350 m2


supérficie :

Bordeaux, France

l o c a l i s at i o n :

B.I.G. // Freaks Freearchitects


architecte :

100 m






km2 Amsterdam, Pays-Bas

Renzo Piano

800 m

«The River» ce projet se situe à l’aéroport international de Zurich, il a été pensé comme une rivière, fluide du côté convexe, et ayant subi l’érosion du côté concave. Cette équipement imposant possède une urbanisme interne, qui en fait une ville autonome. Des canyons permettent d’apporter de la lumuère et clarifient la lisibilité du site. Le toit a été pensé comme une rue, avec de nombreux restaurants, cafés, commerces et hôtels. C’est une véritable promenade.

the circle @ zurich airoprt

D AT E D E r é a l i s at i o n : supérficie :

the circle @ zurich airoprt


D AT E D E r é a l i s at i o n :

37000 m2

l o c a l i s at i o n :

supérficie :

Zurich, Suisse

l o c a l i s at i o n :

Zurich, Suisse

p o p u l at i o n :

0 habitant

p o p u l at i o n :

0 habitant


Zaha Hadid






400 m





37000 m2

400 m











De Blasio Administration Launches Major Manufacturin... De Blasio Administration Launches Major Manufacturin...

technology and modern manufacturing. OverviewNewsMayor's BioOfficials

De Blasio Administration Launches Major Manufacturing Expansion at Brooklyn Navy Yard November 17, 2014 New investment doubles job creation at Building 77 to 3,000 good-paying jobs, converts warehouse space to 21st century manufacturing facility Employment Center to expand, increasing job training and placement opportunities for local residents NEW YORK—Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced a major investment to transform the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s Building 77 into a modern manufacturing facility generating 3,000 good-paying jobs. The $140 million investment from the City, Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation, Brooklyn Borough President and City Council will be used to renovate the vacant industrial building, significantly expanding a project begun under the previous administration and doubling the projected number of good jobs at the facility. The project will upgrade all aspects of the one-million square foot building, including the installation of windows on the existing windowless floors to convert underutilized warehouse space into open spaces for active manufacturing and technology-based businesses. When completed, Building 77 will increase employment at the Navy Yard by more than 40 percent. Mayor de Blasio also announced that the City and Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation will expand the yard’s highly successful Employment Center, which recruits, screens and trains area residents for jobs created in the industrial park. “We are jump-starting a new wave of manufacturing and job creation at the Navy Yard. It will mean more opportunity for people in this community to not only secure a job, but also get the skills and upward mobility they need to support a family,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We believe in the kind of economic investments that will spur good jobs and spark the type of growth that can lift up whole neighborhoods. We’re thrilled to work with all our partners to get this project moving.” The project is financed through a combination of BNYDC investment, $73.1 million of Mayoral City Capital and $3.7 million from the City Council and Brooklyn Borough President. The latest investment is part of a broader strategy of investing in growing sectors that provide good-paying jobs. Earlier this year, the City invested $100 million in Sunset Park’s Brooklyn Army Terminal to transform the neglected building into a hub for De Blasio 1 sur 4 Administration Launches Major Manufacturin...

“Thanks to the Mayor and his administration, as well as Brooklyn Borough President Adams and the City Council, Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, and Council Members Steve Levin and Laurie Cumbo, the Brooklyn Navy Yard is not only supporting 21st Century manufacturing, but also generating real job opportunities for thousands more local residents seeking to secure a bright future for themselves and their families,” said Navy Yard President David Ehrenberg. Seeking to fulfill the de Blasio administration’s goal of creating good-paying jobs for local residents, BNYDC, with support from the Robin Hood Foundation, will expand the placement and training facilities at the Navy Yard’s Employment Center at BLDG 92. The additional resources will accommodate the expected job growth in the Navy Yard and demand for services from local residents. Since it opened in BLDG 92 three years ago, the Employment Center has helped more than 600 New Yorkers find jobs. On average, 70 percent of them are Brooklyn residents, 24 percent from immediate surrounding communities, 21 percent are public housing residents, 11 percent formerly incarcerated and 10 percent veterans. Through the Employment Center, BNYDC will continue to work with all Navy Yard tenants to ensure that jobs in the city-owned industrial park remain accessible to New Yorkers across all skill and education levels. “For over two hundred years, the Brooklyn Navy Yard has been an economic engine, as well as a source of civic pride, for our borough, city, state and nation. I am proud to have helped fund the transformation of the Navy Yard's Building 77, which will advance Brooklyn’s reputation as a 21st century manufacturing hub. Where we once built the great ships of our naval fleet, we are now building great jobs that are advancing opportunities for the middle class,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. “The Brooklyn Navy Yard is already bringing jobs to Brooklyn, and with this major investment in Building 77, we are taking it to the next level. Building 77 will provide the Navy Yard a brand new, modern manufacturing facility, and with it, the types of jobs that will help New Yorkers support their families. I am proud to support the Brooklyn Navy Yard and am eager to see the positive impacts this investment has for hard-working New Yorkers,” said Council Member Steve Levin. “As a longstanding hub for media and technology, the Brooklyn Navy Yard has been a tremendous resource for the economic empowerment of local residents through job training and placement. I am ecstatic that the modernization of Building 77 into a manufacturing facility will spur job creation for the men and women of our vibrant, diverse community. The joint investment by the de Blasio administration, the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation, the New York City Council and Brooklyn Borough President Adams demonstrates our shared commitment to support the continued economic development of our families, our borough and the City of New York,” said Council Member Laurie A. Cumbo. “The redevelopment of Building 77 is a truly transformative project for the Brooklyn Navy Blasio 19/03/2015De 212:49 sur 4 Administration Launches Major Manufacturin...

Yard and the entire borough. Reinvestment in this space will generate good-paying jobs for hard-working New Yorkers while supporting the city’s burgeoning manufacturing and technology sectors. I thank the Mayor, the City Council, the Borough President and the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation for realizing the potential of—and need for—a project such as this, and working to make it a reality,” said Representative Nydia Velazquez. “The City’s return on its investment in Building 77 will come through the jobs that the project will generate. This is exactly the type of partnership needed to grow the industrial sector and create real opportunity for New Yorkers,” said Brooklyn Navy Yard Chairman Henry B. Gutman. “Robin Hood’s support over the past three years has helped the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s Employment Center grow to serve 1,000 jobseekers a year. Individuals from surrounding neighborhoods, including nearby NYCHA public housing developments, have found work in a range of sectors including manufacturing and construction, which have traditionally offered a path out of poverty for poor New Yorkers,” said Suzi Epstein of the Robin Hood Foundation. 19/03/2015 12:49

About the Brooklyn Navy Yard The Brooklyn Navy Yard is owned by the City of New York and managed by the not-forprofit Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation (BNYDC). BNYDC leases space in the Yard, promotes local economic development, develops underutilized areas and oversees modernization of the Yard’s infrastructure. Established in 1801, the Brooklyn Navy Yard served as one of America’s preeminent military facilities for more than 150 years. Today, the Yard is a thriving industrial park with more than 330 businesses that employ 7,000 people. In 2011, BNYDC opened the Brooklyn Navy Yard Center at BLDG 92—an exhibition, visitors and employment center—to celebrate the Yard’s past, present and future and its role as a national model for sustainable urban industry and job creation. Visit for more information. (212) 788-2958

In addition to the City’s investment, BNYDC secured $42 million in financing through a loan from New York City Regional Center and $4 million of New Markets Tax Credits from Dudley Ventures and Goldman Sachs. Goldman Sachs is also serving as the New Market Tax Credit investor on the project. “The Brooklyn Navy Yard is an important economic engine for the city, and its growth is critical to expanding the capacity of small businesses that offer high-quality jobs,” said Dina Powell, head of the Goldman Sachs Urban Investment Group and President of the Goldman Sachs Foundation. “We are thrilled to continue our partnership to redevelop this iconic building into a modern hub for manufacturing and technology-based businesses.” “DVCI’s New Markets Tax Credit investment in the refurbishment of Building 77 will help to create a substantial number of new, quality jobs for local Brooklyn residents, a key part of the NMTC Program, “ said Jim Howard, the CEO of DV Community Investment, an NMTC Program allocate. “We are proud to partner with the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation by helping finance the transformation of the Brooklyn Navy Yard into a thriving industrial park. The Navy Yard’s focus on launching local businesses and generating jobs in the surrounding community perfectly complements our mission of creating quality jobs for New Yorkers,” said George Olsen, Principal of the New York City Regional Center. BNYDC will lease 240,000 square feet of Building 77 to Jack Basch, a Brooklyn-based entrepreneur. Basch is the CEO of Shiel Medical Laboratories, the Navy Yard’s fastestgrowing business and job creator. For the remaining space in the building, BNYDC plans to curate a mix of job-intensive businesses that support 21st century manufacturing, many of which are on a waiting list of over 100 prospective tenants seeking to locate or expand in the Navy Yard.

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19/03/2015 12:49

New Project Brings Anchor To Navy Yard - WSJ New Project Brings Anchor To Navy Yard - WSJ

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New Project Brings Anchor to Navy Yard By LAURA KUSISTO Building 77 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, above, is slated for renovation. KEVIN HAGEN FOR THE WALL STREET

Updated March 5, 2013 11:11 p.m. ET


Once the barren symbol of a lost age, the Brooklyn Navy Yard has been at the center of the city's efforts to revive its dying manufacturing sector. Now, the 10-year undertaking has reached a milestone. The nonprofit Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corp. plans to announce Wednesday that it will begin renovating the site's largest structure, Building 77. With 1 million square feet of room, it contains about a quarter of the yard's usable space and is the last large building to be developed on the site. The project already has landed an anchor tenant: a Brooklyn-based developer and entrepreneur who is taking over 240,000 square feet for his own medical lab and to rent to other companies. But Building 77 represents a gamble that the Navy Yard can build on past, more modest successes and create a bustling hub of biomedical, technology and small manufacturing companies to rival other thriving districts.

"We're really peaking right now," said Andrew Kimball, the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corp.'s president and chief executive. A recent study by the Pratt Center for Community Development found the Navy Yard gave a $2 billion boost to the local economy in 2011 and sustains 10,000 jobs, compared with 10 years ago when it contributed $516 million and supported 2,700 jobs. "It has become this incredible economic engine," said Adam Friedman, director of the center and a member of the Navy Yard's board. To be sure, the site has a fraction of the 70,000 workers it employed during its heyday as a shipyard in World War II. It is not likely to recapture that moment: The city's diminished manufacturing sector is now dominated by small companies creating niche products.

The development corporation plans to spent $60 million to renovate the building, money raised through the federal EB-5 program, which grants visas to foreign investors in local development projects, and state and federal tax credits. It is the corporation's largest investment in a single project to date. It is part of an upswing in activity planned at the Navy Yard in the next few years, as 1.8 million square feet of space—including a green manufacturing center—is set to be redeveloped. Still empty: a few spaces scattered throughout the site and a Civil War-era hospital that developers envision as a media campus. There are

New Project Brings Anchor To Navy Yard - WSJ 1 sur 4

also 20 undeveloped acres that the corporation hopes will attract developers who want to build new construction.

Renovating Building 77, a 16-story former ammunition depot that has been largely unused for 50 years, is a daunting task. The building has windows only on the top floors and walls that are more than 2-feet thick. The interior is scattered with debris and gives off the odor of decades of decay. But the upper floors also have clear potential to attract Brooklyn's growing technology sector with huge floor plates and views on four sides of Manhattan, Williamsburg and Downtown Brooklyn. New Project Brings Anchor To Navy Yard - WSJ 19/03/2015 2 sur 20:52 4

That helped convince developer Jack Basch to move his own Shiel Medical Laboratory from another building on the site into Building 77, where he expects to add another 300 to 400 jobs to his current 600-member payroll. He is spending $20 million and taking on 180,000 additional square feet to lease to other companies in his field. Mr. Basch moved the lab to the Navy Yard from Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, in 2001. 19/03/2015 20:52

urban manufacturing and other sectors that show sings of healthy growth. "We're not going back to corsets, we're not going back to building ships," said Mitchell Moss, a New York University urban-planning professor who has been a Bloomberg campaign consultant. "What makes this great, what makes New York different, is not how we build new buildings, it's how we reuse old buildings." Copyright 2014 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies, please contact Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit

"It will be no problem because the Navy Yard is one of the hottest areas," Mr. Basch said. If the plan is successful, it will be an impressive turnaround for the Navy Yard, a center of shipbuilding since the early 19th Century that declined into a windswept home of a police tow pound and warehouses. The Bloomberg administration spent $250 million on upgrading the water, sewer, electrical systems and roads. Another $750 million in private money went into the yard. But experts said its revitalization until the past few years remained uncertain. The investment led to the creation of Steiner Studios, a 15-acre film production facility that includes five soundstages and office and support space, hundreds of thousands of square feet of new light-manufacturing space, the planned 220,000-square-foot green manufacturing center, and the planned redevelopment of Admiral's Row into a supermarket and retail center. "I don't think they understood how successful it would really be," Mr. Friedman said. "At the time, it was like, 'We're going to break even. We're going to maintain the yard.'" Some critics note that other industrial areas around the city haven't fared as well, with less robust public investment and a cloud of uncertainty over whether spaces could be converted to hotels or office spaces that have made companies reluctant to invest. But others said that the city has made a concerted effort to boost the type of 3 sur 4

19/03/2015 4 sur20:52 4

19/03/2015 20:52








50 YEARS (/50-YEARS)



These include establishing an “Industrial Development Fund” for nonprofit acquisition and development of industrial space; considering net leasing publicly owned industrial sites, rather than selling them outright; encouraging partnerships between for-profit and nonprofit developers; adapting traditional economic development tools such as tax credits, loan guarantees or other credit enhancements, and bonds so that developers of industrial rental space are eligible; and aligning zoning and land-use policies and infrastructure investments to advance economic development strategies. The Brooklyn Navy Yard has been transformed from a naval shipyard to a modern industrial park fueled by a culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, and increasing sustainability. Its transformation and success not only offer a viable model for other cities to consider as a strategy to cultivate a strong, local industrial base, but are reminders of the evolving nature of manufacturing—a sector that is fundamentally linked to NYC’s most prominent and creative industries, and should be nurtured through City, State, and federal policies.

The Brooklyn Navy Yard, a 300-acre active industrial park, is a model for sustainable industrial development and strengthening urban manufacturing.

To learn more about this project, click here to read our Brooklyn Navy Yard report ( SHARE






Revitalizing American manufacturing is increasingly recognized by leaders across the political spectrum as a core economic strategy to create well-paying jobs and spur economic growth. Cities throughout the US are testing new and varied ways to advance these objectives, and NYC’s Brooklyn Navy Yard (BNY) is one such example.


WHO'S WORKING ON THIS? Jen Becker (/our-mission /our-people/jen-becker)

The BNY is a 300-acre active industrial park that houses over 330 businesses and 5,800 employees, and supports several key industries, including film, media, arts and culture, architecture, and design. City-owned and managed by the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation (BNYDC, a nonprofit organization with a board of directors appointed by the mayor), the BNY has emerged as a successful model for urban industrial development, with an emphasis on sustainability, that other cities can evaluate and use to inform how they retain and grow industrial jobs. In an effort to learn more about the BNY and its economic impact, and identify tangible and replicable factors that contribute to its successful functioning, Pratt Center organized an extensive research initiative. For this project, we conducted in-person interviews with board members, staff members, BNYDC executives, and elected officials for information on the history, management, current operations, and political context of the BNY. We also collected detailed information about current tenants through a survey administered over the course of several months.


Equitable Innovation Economies (/equitable-innovation-economies) The Equitable Innovation Economies (EIE), launched by Pratt Center and the Urban Manufacturing Alliance (UMA) will help cities design strategies to increase access and...

Made In NYC (/projects/urbanmanufacturing/made-nyc) Made In NYC enhances the capacity of small businesses to create jobs, foster entrepreneurial innovation, and grow sustainable local markets.



Urban Manufacturing Alliance (UMA) (/projects/urban-manufacturing /urban-manufacturing-alliance-uma) The UMA is a national collaborative of public and private stakeholders working to foster sustainable manufacturing initiatives in cities across the U.S.




FEBRUARY 26, 2015

MARCH 6, 2015

Hotel Development in NYC: Room for Improvement (/research/hotel-report)

Pratt Center's Joan Byron Gives Testimony on East New York Rezoning Proposal (/pratt-centers-joan-byron-givestestimony-east-new-york-rezoningproposal)

JUNE 19, 2014

A 50,000 Job Challenge: Creating Quality Jobs in the New Industrial New York (/research/50000-job-challenge-creatingquality-jobs-new-industrial-new-york)

OCTOBER 23, 2014

Four US Cities Unite To Launch New Economic Development Initiative (/fourus-cities-unite-launch-new-economicdevelopment-initiative)

MAY 31, 2014

Nonprofit Real Estate Development Toolkit: Stable, Affordable Space for Manufacturing (/research/nonprofitreal-estate-development-toolkit-stableaffordable-space-manufacturing)

MAY 13, 2014

Pratt Center Seeks Partners from U.S. Cities to Launch the Equitable Innovation Economies (EIE) Initiative (/pratt-centerseeks-partners-us-cities-launchequitable-innovation-economieseie-initiative)

From the results of our survey, we were able to collect extensive data on business tenure and location choice, employees, growth projection and business activity, and sustainability at the BNY. Our findings also demonstrate specific core elements that are fundamental to its successful functioning. These elements include: mission-driven, on-the-ground nonprofit management; public ownership; consistent City capital; the ability to reinvest surplus and leverage rent rolls; a campus setting with 24/7 entry and security; a diverse tenant base; a commitment to green development; and zoning for industrial land use, making the needs of industrial tenants the highest priority.

SUPPORT Help Build a More Sustainable & Equitable NY! PRATT CENTER (/NODE/10) OUR APPROACH (/OUR-




Sustainable Reports We found that the BNY’s economic output for 2011 was $1.93 billion, and was responsible for 10,350 APPROACH) (/RESOURCES) Community (/research?field_research_type_tid=7) direct and indirect jobs and $392 million in earnings. This economic activity in turn induced anotherNews Releases ( Solutions ( Knowledge Center (/knowledge-center) Blog (/blog) Contact Us (/contact-us) Core Values Pratt Center Send a (/ourRelease ( Development Maps approach/coreResources $1.96 billion in earnings and an additional 15,500 jobs. The BNY also contributes construction(/projects (/research?field_research_type_tid=10) values) (/resources/pratt/sustainablerelated, economic impacts that vary from year to year depending on construction activity. In 2011, Presentations center-resources) What We Do (/ourcommunity(/research?field_research_type_tid=8) BNY construction activity was responsible for $100 million in economic activity, 454 direct and approach/whatPartner Resources development) we-do) (/resources/partnerSee more news releases in annual impacts are expected to grow indirect jobs, and over $21 million in earnings. These Transportation Equity resources) Who We Work With (/projects significantly in the coming years as new developments come on line, and by 2015 are expected to (/our-approach Neighborhood Data Banking & Financial Services ( to $2.35 billion in recurring annual output; over 30,000 direct, indirect, and induced jobs; and /who-we-work) Portal equity) (/neighborhood$2.37 billion in induced additional earnings. financial-services-list/) Why We're Different Urban Manufacturing (/our-approach

Real ( /why-were-different) manufacturing) We also identified citiesEstate where the BNY model could be replicated. We focused specifically on Energy Efficiency Philadelphia, Chicago, and Detroit in order to showcase a range of increasing/decreasing population, Venture Capital ( (/projects/energygeography, and existing elements of the BNY model. In addition to city-specific recommendations for efficiency) these three cities, our project also offered general recommendations that governments at all levels Archived Projects (/projects/archivedcan use when looking for ways to nurture and expand a nonprofit industrial development sector. (/projects/urban-




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New York City Regional Center Providing $247 million for Projects in the Brooklyn Navy Yard

NYCRC facilitated the construction of five new television and commercial soundstages totaling 45,000 square feet as well as the renovation of a historic but vacant seven-story 235,000 square foot building into production and support NYCRC is providing $247 million of critical loans to assist with the continued redevelopment of New York City's space largestwithin the Navy Yard. industrial park $80 million of capital to increase the production capacity of Steiner Studios and further reinforce the Navy Yard as a central location for media production in New () York City. This capital will help construct six new soundstages and production support space totaling over 177,000 square feet. The new facility will contain specialized stage and production space to support the increased demand from NEW YORK, Aug. 11, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- The New York City Regional Center film and television companies. ("NYCRC") ( is providing $247 million of capital to help fund the continued redevelopment of the Brooklyn Navy Yard ("Navy Yard"), New York City's largest industrial park. The federal government closed the Navy Yard in 1966 and subsequently sold it to the City of New York, which reopened it as an industrial complex. Today, the Navy Yard is becoming one of the most successful urban manufacturing districts in the country. The Navy Yard is spread out over 300 acres on the Brooklyn waterfront and encompasses 40 buildings totaling approximately 4 million square feet, 3 functioning dry docks, and 4 active piers. Over the past few years, the City of New York has embarked on the largest expansion of the Navy Yard in 65 years. The redevelopment of the Navy Yard is a key element of the City of New York's plan to spur economic growth, refurbish its industrial manufacturing sector, and create additional jobs. The NYCRC was selected to provide capital via the EB-5 program to assist with the redevelopment efforts in the Navy Yard. EB-5 funds from the NYCRC are directly helping to implement a broad range of new construction, infrastructure and building improvements, and the renovation of over 1.2 million square feet of vacant and dilapidated buildings. Examples of NYCRC funding within the Navy Yard include the following: $60 million of capital to facilitate the construction and renovation of the Green Manufacturing Center and surrounding infrastructure work. The Green Manufacturing Center is a 215,000 square foot vacant industrial building that is being transformed into New York City's leading hub for green manufacturing and sustainable design. This building was previously used as a machine shop for the United States Navy during WWII but has sat vacant for decades. EB-5 funds were also used to assist with surrounding infrastructure improvements in the Navy Yard such as the building of new roads, sewer and water lines and pile foundations and bulkhead walls to allow for the continued use of dry docks and adjacent berths to support maritime activity in the New York harbor. $42 million of capital to facilitate the construction and renovation of Building 77, an approximately one-million square foot industrial building and the largest facility in the Navy Yard. Building 77's core systems suffered heavily from years of neglect and exposure to the elements and need substantial renovation. Given the building's importance to the overall redevelopment of the Navy Yard, the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation sought EB-5 funding from the NYCRC to assist with a major restoration and fit-out of the building. $65 million of capital to assist with the expansion of Steiner Studios, the largest film and television studio complex in the eastern United States. Capital from the

"The New York City Regional Center is a tremendous alternative lending source that accelerates the largest expansion of the Navy Yard since WWII and creates more than a thousand jobs, many of which will go to residents in the surrounding community," said Andrew Kimball, former President & CEO of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation. "It is not a surprise that securing private financing for economic development projects has been challenging. Affordable financing through the New York City Regional Center will jump-start some of our projects and create good paying, greencollar careers," said Alan Fishman, Former Chairman of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation. "The NYCRC is proud to provide financing to help the redevelopment of New York City's largest industrial park and further the Navy Yard's mission to spur economic development and create new jobs," said Paul Levinsohn, Managing Principal of the NYCRC. "The redevelopment of the Navy Yard is a key element of the City of New York's plan to refurbish its industrial manufacturing sector and create additional jobs. We are pleased to play a role in this effort," added George L. Olsen, Managing Principal of the NYCRC. The NYCRC was approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services in 2008 to secure foreign investment for real estate projects within Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx. The NYCRC was the first regional center approved in New York City. The NYCRC works in conjunction with the government and designated developers to fund critical economic development projects in New York City. The NYCRC has become an important contributor to New York City's economic revitalization by helping to fund a series of public/private real estate projects that are creating much needed jobs. NYCRC projects include EB-5 funding to assist with the redevelopment of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York City's largest industrial park, as well as funding to assist with the expansion of Steiner Studios, the city's largest film and television production facility. The NYCRC has also provided capital for the Atlantic Yards project as well as the redevelopment of Downtown Brooklyn's central business district. The NYCRC is assisting with the redevelopment of the George Washington Bridge Bus Station and the continuing efforts to revitalize Lower Manhattan's waterfront and the business corridors in Washington Heights and the Bronx. SOURCE The New York City Regional Center














New York













Historic Admiral’s Row at the Brooklyn Navy Yard to be leveled for supermarket, Historic Admiral’s Row at the Brooklyn Navy business space Yard to be leveled for supermarket, Officials plan to tear down nine of the 11 crumbling buildings business space BY ERIN DURKIN / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS / Published: Friday, January 27, 2012, 11:42 PM

Officials tear27, down ninePM of the 11 crumbling buildings / Updated: plan Friday, to January 2012, 11:42



BY ERIN DURKIN / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS / Published: Friday, January 27, 2012, 11:42 PM 57 19 7 / Updated: Friday, January 27, 2012, 11:42 PM






From Weeds and Bricks to Media Hub in Brooklyn By JULIE SATOW

AUG. 16, 2012

Hidden behind weeds and broken bricks, amid the hum of traffic from the nearby Brooklyn-Queens Expressway, lie 20 acres of abandoned grassy hills, crumbling


Greek Revival mansions and Second Empire structures that few New Yorkers have ever seen. There is the home of Dr. E. R. Squibb, who built the first still for making pure anesthetic ether, and a grand naval hospital with antebellum staircases and soaring windows, where Confederate soldiers were reportedly imprisoned during the Civil War. There is a tennis court, barely visible through vines, with a sign warning users to wear proper attire, and a laboratory, an officers’ club and even a morgue. After decades of neglect, this hidden corner of the 300-acre Brooklyn Navy Yard, known as the Naval Annex Historic Campus, may be ready for a long overdue makeover. The nonprofit Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation and a private developer, Douglas C. Steiner, have reached an agreement, contingent on city, state and federal financing, to convert the hospital complex into a media, technology and film hub. Mr. Steiner, who owns the adjacent Steiner Studios movie and television production center, would connect the site to his property to create a 50-acre lot to be called a media campus. The project, which would cost JESSE A. WARD FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Admiral Row houses at the Brooklyn Navy Yards are slated to be demolished. January 27th 2012. JESSE A. WARD FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Work is set to begin at slated the Brooklyn Navy Yard’sJanuary Admiral’s Row now Admiral Row houses at the Brooklyn NavyMonday Yards are to be demolished. 27th 2012.

that city has control of theknown site from the feds.B and a Timber and the keep two — finally one ofwrested the original houses as Building Work iswhich set towas begin Monday at ships’ the Brooklyn Navy Row now Shed, used to store masts and is Yard’s the lastAdmiral’s of its kind in the City officials planfinally to tearwrested down nine of the historic but crumbling that the city has control of the site from the feds. naval residences country. and keep two — one of the original houses known as Building B and a Timber City officials plan to tear of the historic Shed, which was used todown storenine ships’ masts and thecrumbling last of its naval kind inresidences the Instead, they’ll build a supermarket and space forisbut industrial businesses.

nearly $400 million and take 12 years to build, would use the nine historical buildings on the site and create five new structures for a total of 328,000 square feet, housing media companies and academic programs. There would also be 100,000 square feet of new stages for film and TV, including the first underwater stage in the country and the first back lot on the East Coast to feature a New York City streetscape. The developers estimate that the project will create 2,500 direct jobs, many of which would be high-paying union positions; 1,500 indirect jobs from ancillary


services like carpentry and dry cleaning, and 2,600 construction jobs. When

SEE PHOTOS OF ADMIRAL'S ROW THROUGH THE YEARS, AS WELL AS Instead, they’ll build a supermarket andNAVY spaceYARD. for industrial businesses. BIG MOMENTS IN THE BROOKLYN

completed, the 50-acre media campus would employ some 6,000 New Yorkers, its backers say. Mr. Steiner, whose Steiner Studios is the Navy Yard’s largest tenant, has,

SEE PHOTOS OF ADMIRAL'S ROW THROUGH YEARS, and AS WELL “For too long, local residents in Farragut, Whitman THE and Ingersoll parts ofAS BIG MOMENTS IN THE NAVY YARD. nearby Fort Greene haveBROOKLYN not had acceptable food shopping options,” said Sen.

since it opened in 2004, committed $185 million to build and expand it. He has

Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who announced the deal at the Navy Yard on Friday. “For long,alocal residents in Farragut, Whitman and Ingersoll and parts of “Thistoo is truly win-win-win.” nearby Fort Greene have not had acceptable food shopping options,” said Sen.

responsible for shoring up the historical buildings, erecting the new structures

Chuck Schumer announced the deal at the Navy Yard on Friday. The once stately (D-N.Y.), buildingswho fell into bad disrepair during decades of neglect by “This is truly Guard, a win-win-win.” the National which owned the site, and now stand in ruins. The stately buildings into bad disrepair decadesthe of Guard neglect by Evenonce the two buildings set fell to be restored were atduring risk because the National which ownedthem the site, in ruins. refused to doGuard, any work to shore up orand givenow thestand city access the site, citing liability worries. Even the two buildings set to be restored were at risk because the Guard refused to do any work to shore them up or give the city access the site, citing liability worries.

agreed to commit just shy of $346 million for the hospital complex. He would be and finding the tenants. To make the plan viable and to build out the site’s infrastructure, including water, sewers and electricity, the developers are seeking $35 million from New York State and New York City and $2.5 million from the federal government. Over the years, the site has been the focus of a series of failed proposals, most recently as a possible location for the city’s applied sciences campus, which eventually went to Roosevelt Island. But the developers say they are hopeful that this project will have more traction. Andrew H. Kimball, president and chief executive of the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation, said: “This is a very unique and special part of the yard, and we have wanted to be careful, as the stewards, that we really have the right plan for it. And this time we feel like we do.” There is growing demand for office space from technology and new media industries here, as well as the entertainment industry — 23 prime-time television shows are based in New York City, compared with 7 in 2002, according to the Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment. In addition, Mr. Kimball said, “We have the right geography — this is the only place in the city where you could do a 50-acre media campus of this kind, and we have the right mayor and governor


Admiral Row houses at the Brooklyn Navy Yards are slated to be demolished. January 27th 2012.

Advocates were afraid they would collapse before a deal was struck.


Admiral Row houses at the Brooklyn Navy Yards are slated to be demolished. January 27th 2012.

The feds finally handed over the property after Schumer and other pols turned Advocates up the heat.were afraid they would collapse before a deal was struck. The finallytohanded over the property Schumer andand other pols turned The feds city plans start emergency fixes onafter the Timber Shed Building B up the heat. Monday, and the other homes will be demolished after a supermarket developer is chosen, possibly this summer. The city plans to start emergency fixes on the Timber Shed and Building B Preservationists had fought to save all the buildings, but settled for two. Monday, and the other homes will be demolished after a supermarket developer is chosen, possibly this summer. “Am I sad to see the other buildings demolished? Yes, I think it’s going to be very upsetting, but I’m going to be very excited to see the restoration of the two buildings,” said Alex Herrera of the New York Landmarks Conservancy.

who recognize that this will create the kinds of 21st century jobs that are critical to the city’s economy.” The public financing is an important piece of the project: Last month the developers applied to the Empire State Development Corporation’s Regional Council for $17.5 million. It is petitioning the city for an equal amount, and expects feedback on the proposal in the fall. Mr. Steiner serves on the board of the Regional Council, but has recused himself from the matter; another member of the Council, who insisted on anonymity because of the competitive nature of the process, said there was a good chance the hospital complex would receive the necessary financing. Julie Wood, a spokeswoman for Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, said, “The Brooklyn Navy Yard is an economic success story if there ever was one, and we are very proud that our investments there have yielded high-quality jobs in some of our fastest-growing industries, like film and TV production.” “The medical campus,” she added, “has long represented a prime

“Before, there was no hope for anything,” he said. “Now, at least we can have

opportunity for development and we’re very excited about the potential of this

hope for those two buildings, and for the fact that the site won’t be this eyesore it’s been for so long.”

project.” The 60,000-square-foot Greek Revival hospital, built in 1838 from Tuckahoe marble that may, according to the Navy Yard’s museum, have been quarried by

prisoners from Sing Sing, would be the campus’s centerpiece. “My dream is to have an anchor tenant like Google or Apple,” said Mr. Steiner, who also envisions turning some of the smaller buildings on the site into writing bungalows that could be leased by production companies, producers and directors.



Mr. Steiner is also proposing several academic buildings at the site. Long Island University’s graduate screenwriting program has a location at Steiner


Studios, and Mr. Steiner is currently building a center for the Brooklyn College


Graduate School of Cinema.


In addition, Mr. Steiner is hoping to build a Hollywood-style back lot, where filmmakers could recreate quintessential New York locations, like Chinatown in Manhattan or the interior of a subway station, that are otherwise hard to capture on film. The hope is that the back lot would not only spur more film production but also become a draw for tourists.


[ Discussion Guidelines]

“There is no reason we couldn’t see this become a stop for the double-decker tourist buses, with tourists coming to take photos and get a glimpse of a star,” Mr. Kimball said.

POST A COMMENT Write a comment

Correction: August 20, 2012 An article on Friday about an agreement between the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation and the developer Douglas C. Steiner to convert the

What Is the Greenway? The Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is a planned ➜ 14-mile pedestrian and bicycle

route connecting communities along Brooklyn’s waterfront. Separate paths for bicycles and pedestrians will allow cyclists and walkers to commute, exercise, explore, and relax from Newtown Creek in north Brooklyn to the

t t n n ro ild u y B l rf y k o te wa o a r B W een Gr ing



River Greenway, the Shore Parkway Greenway and Jamaica Bay Greenway. Over the past decade, New York City has truly opened public access to the waterfront with over 60 miles of public space planned or under construction. There are over 500 miles of greenways proposed throughout the five boroughs. The completion of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is a crucial part of these visions. Five miles of the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway are already in place and include some of the most popular bicycle and pedestrian routes in the City. Two additional miles along West Street and around the Navy Yard are now being designed. Altogether, this unique set of pathways, green spaces, and public programs are transforming Brooklyn’s waterfront.

beginning of the Shore Parkway Greenway in Bay Ridge, creating a full 27-mile greenway along Brooklyn’s waterfront. The Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway is a trunk segment in New York City’s expanding network of greenways – linking via three East River bridges to Manhattan, and to the Queens East

Increase Mobility Create efficient new commuting options that connect waterfront neighborhoods to the rest of the city.

Improve Public Health Provide all New Yorkers with easily accessible active recreational opportunities and green spaces.

Green Streets & Sidewalks Create more inviting streetscapes with new trees and vegetation to improve quality of life and clean the air.

Improve Water Quality Create absorbent landscapes that treat stormwater and reduce releases of raw sewage through the combined sewer system.

Community Involvement

End Pa 6

Manhatt Bridge



Plymouth Ave



Navy St


Flushing Ave.

Flushing Ave


Clymer St


N 14th St


South 4th/5th Williamsburg

Quay St

23 Capital Projects

Greenpoint Ave.

Eagle St

McGuinness Blvd

Pulaski Bridge

Williamsburg St W


Bike & Pedestrian Connections

Stormwater Management

This picture of West Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn demonstrates a ty border the riverfront. The opportunity exists to maximize the reconstru ways, which provide the soft landscapes that - in our urban environme

spital Cemeter y Ho


St an att

Green Spaces

Navy Yard and N lyn a ok

Epic Ride


l va

wick In l et Bush

Br o

Jersey Barrier Painting

Ma nh

Greenpoint & Williamsburg

Building the Greenway

DOT and BGI are also looking ahead at maintenance needs for the Greenway. Some local businesses and property owners are stepping up to help BGI’s volunteers and they will have a continuing role to play as new professional services are added. To help as a volunteer go to





rcia l


Greenpoint & Williamsburg


Plymouth & Water St



2,200 ft. $$$$ Build separated path and sidewalk extension adjacent to Newtown Creek


Kent Ave



Red Hook

Navy Yard & Downtown

Brooklyn Bridge Par



8,300 ft.


Upgrade bike path with improved curbs and pedestrian islands Williamsburg St West LENGTH


$$$$ Extend curb line to include existing bike path and additional landscaping LENGTH


2,000 ft.




3,000 ft.

5 6 less than $1M 1M to 5M 5M to 10M 10M to 20M+

St W

$$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$

g bur

Extend sidewalk to include shared use path connecting Kent Ave to Flushing Ave


Sunset Park

Kent Ave South lia Wil

Funding for the production of this document is made possible by the NYS Department of State with funds provided under Title 11 of the Environmental Protection Fund sponsored by the Office of the Brooklyn Borough President. Printing courtesy of the New York City Department of Transportation. Designed and produced by Regional Plan Association.

Coordinate with Brooklyn Bridge Park to create separated path


2,000 ft.

under constructio

bia St

Brooklyn Greenway Initiative 153 Columbia Street Brooklyn, NY 11231 718.522.0193


7,000 ft.

Kent Ave Upgrade

Contact Us New York City Department of Transportation 55 Water Street New York, NY 10041 brooklynwaterfrontgreenway


Create separated bike path with street plantings


Elected officials will need to support the Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway by appropriating capital funding. The project has already benefited from the actions of Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez and other leaders. Continued progress requires that you and your neighbors show your support for this project. Go to to find out how you can help get the Greenway built!

under construction


t rS

te Wa

vy Na

Contact Your Elected Representatives


3,150 ft.

t hS

e Park Bridg

Become a member of Brooklyn Greenway Initiative and you will stay connected with the Greenway’s progress and learn how you can lend your voice to insure its completion, while having fun and meeting new people. Go to

$$$$ Expand sidewalk to complement Bushwick Inlet Park (proposed)




2,175 ft.


900 ft.

Enhance sh smooth cob bike lane


Become a BGI Member







Franklin St

Visit the Greenway The entire Greenway is marked now as a New York City bicycle route. Already 2,500 people per day use Flushing Avenue at the Brooklyn Navy Yard – one of the most popular bicycle routes in the City. Other recreation areas are also being built in Brooklyn Bridge Park and Erie Basin Park. As the segments currently in design are built, the Greenway will become useful to more people. Keep up to date at



$$$$ 5,340 ft. Resurface and restore cobblestone street to include bike lane

Ash St to Commercial St

t tS es W

Stewardship & Maintenance

Greenpoint / Williamsburg

NYC DOT has identified 23 distinct capital projects along the Greenway. These projects will be implemented over time and as funding is made available and street reconstructions are scheduled. As DOT works to design, fund and construct the greenway route, Brooklyn Greenway Initiative and Regional Plan Association are working to create and improve new green spaces along the route and maximize the “green” in the Greenway.




Expand and com existing bike pat

How Will It Happen?

Raised bike lane with mountable curb separated from pedestrian paths by a planted buffer. [On-Street Lane]

Bike and pedestrian paths separated by a planted buffer with jersey barriers separating bike lanes and roadway.

k Par ers Pi

Community Workshops


Yard & Downtown




29th St


3rd Ave.

Hamilton Ave


Clinton/ Smith

Court St


Halleck St


Columbia St


Erie Basin Park


Pioneer St



Bowne St


Congress/ Kane

Van Brunt St


Atlantic Ave

Brooklyn Bridge

Bklyn Bridge Park

tan e


Red Hook

Waterfront Festivals

Park ead H





Owl’s Head Park


Shared bike and pedestrian path separated from roadway with a planted buffer. [Barrier Protected Path]

Neighborhood Clean-Up Projects

e ad

ypical street section along many of the roadways in the neighborhoods that uction of these roadbeds to accommodate new amenities, including greenent – can help mediate both environmental and social problems.

On-street painted bike lane.

bia Street Es pla lum n Co

Youth Education

ia Waterfron tP mb olu

➜ for more information

[Raised Lanes]

Ow l’s

ge Park Brid

n kly


Br oo


[Shared Path]

Bike and pedestrian paths separated by a planted buffer, also buffered from the street.

58th St


[Separated Path]

51st St

organizations, including the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT), Brooklyn Greenway Initiative (BGI), Regional Plan Association (RPA), and Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez. Since 2004, BGI has been the catalyst for the greenway’s planning, construction, and stewardship. Working with RPA, BGI has engaged community, business, and governmental partners to create a vision for a comprehensive network including concept plans, design guidelines, stewardship options, and stormwater management approaches. At the same time, UPROSE facilitated a community driven design process for a Sunset Park Greenway-Blueway. This focused on streetscape improvements connecting Sunset

and long term improvements. In addition to sections on the NYC DOT right-of-way, the Greenway route and associated open spaces will rely on the cooperation of public and private landowners including the Brooklyn Navy Yard Development Corporation, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey, New York City Parks and Recreation, New York City Economic Development Corporation, Brooklyn Bridge Park Development Corp, and IKEA Brooklyn. Stewardship will be shared by these landowners and BGI. Get involved by becoming a BGI member or volunteer! Show your support for a completed Brooklyn Waterfront Greenway and work to make sure this extraordinary public space gets built.

Bush Te rm ina l

Park to its waterfront. In 2008, NYC DOT began work on the Implementation Plan that will guide future development of the Greenway and ensure its completion. This detailed plan, summarized here and available at, provides information on the 23 capital projects along the Greenway. These NYC capital projects – and other improvements and activities that engage neighboring communities, create new green spaces, and connect pedestrians and bicyclists to the waterfront – will be implemented over time and as funds become available. More than $20 million in federal funding has been secured for the greenway. Over $14 million was sponsored by Congresswoman Nydia Velázquez’s office. NYC DOT has made the Greenway a priority project, allocating additional money for both short

The Greenway is happening thanks to a unique partner➜ ship of public agencies and private

What Will the Greenway Look Like?

Bush Term. Piers Park

y Build the Greenway?


Sunset Park

Navy Yard & Downtown

Red Hook

Sunset Park

19 Atlantic Basin Connector LENGTH


1,200 ft.

Gowanus Connector / Hamilton Ave



$$$$ Continue Columbia Street bike path treatment

hared street with bblestones for





e Av


$$$$ 5,500 ft. Expand sidewalk to create a shared use path between Red Hook and Sunset Park Smith St




1,200 ft.


Expand sidewalk to create a shared use path


Atlantic Basin LENGTH


3,400 ft.


Expand the sidewalk along Third and Second aves to improve waterfront access


2,000 ft. $$$$ Provide access within Atlantic Basin

Conover St


Sunset Park North LENGTH

Second Ave



Third Ave

Hill Connector





4,600 ft.

under construction



Expand existing sidewalk to accommodate the Greenway


t ck S


Beard St



Red Hook Recreation Area LENGTH



bia Colum

2,200 ft. $$$$ Create park path and repurpose existing right of way

Bush Terminal Piers Park LENGTH


3,700 ft.

under construction


Create a new path in the proposed park


First Ave


Bush Terminal

Navy Yard


bia St COST

$$$$ mplete th

Valentino Pier Connector LENGTH

Columbia St Extension


$$$$ 3,400 ft. Create shared street with path markings and smooth cobblestones


Erie Basin Park Upgrade LENGTH


2,500 ft.


Sign and improve existing park path


1,300 ft. $$$$ Expand sidewalk to connect Erie Basin Park to Red Hook Recreation Area

Sunset Park South LENGTH


$$$$ 1,900 ft. Expand the sidewalk to create a multi-use path along periphery of Brooklyn Army Terminal

Second Ave



Owl’s Head Connector LENGTH

4,000 ft.


$$$$ Expand the sidewalk and improve existing lanes to Owl’s Head Park

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