from: A R I S T I D E A N T O N A S to: soft_skinned_space <> date: 13 August 2012 12:57 subject: Re: [-empyre-] screen and desire/stepping out of the frame mailed-by:
Dear Johannes, Yes, I believe that Badiou usually disregards facts; he privileges events; he disregards norms in order to prioritize the exceptional: his concept for the "fact" is always represented as part of a finished archived past. His "event" as the exception to any such archiving: it would always stay open to an undetermined future. Nevertheless any exception is linked to the norm it overcomes. Outside the game, outside the frame Badiou finds the field of exception as the one that concerns politics. I do not agree. I think that it is more challenging to invent norms, not exceptions. The culture of gaming may help to understand this remark and orient towards this direction new concepts of the political. Excuse me for delaying my response. I am still considering your questions. They are not easy to answer. I try to suggest an urgent constructive awareness towards new communal norms; we may enter a phase where the political may be again identified to inventions of the normal; it seems that this will be the political task for tomorrow. We used to understand the political as a simple attitude of resisting the hegemonic. The hegemonic structures are less and less visible. Norms cannot anymore be stabilized through the function of a state, the state legislative platform seem already more and more old, unpractical and dysfunctional. Most governments cannot even act anymore within the field of their laws. Pressed by the banking system, the states succumb to demands related to the value of the citizen; the states cannot react anymore to a barbaric "lessez faire". From another point of view norms are produced everyday, mostly related to the Internet and its cultures; such Internet norms create already a multitude of different communal spaces through shared platforms; the platforms function out of the Internet as well, being thus always determined within the net, within this live archive. A multitude of clusterlike platforms will be controlled consciously or will be constructed as an uncontrolled archipelago of platforms. Controlled and uncontrolled formations can here exchange their meanings if we insist on a closer view to them. "Common platforms" will not define
areas accessible to all. Common platforms at the contrary are meant here as isolated spaces for communities, functioning towards a specific goal or into a given protocol. Common platforms may be considered as heteronomous structures: one will have to accept their rules or leave them; they can only be accepted or refused. One will be able to chose other heteronomies, different rules: a multitude of platforms can be accessed deliberately. But we cannot refuse the platform system by keeping our position on the platform; and if we leave the platform we will be soon included to another one. One may chose deliberately among other clusterlike systems but - while entering them- we shall immediately be limited to their own rules. Their complex world will be formed as an accumulation of heterogeneous matter marked by "free choice" between heteronomous structures. Nevertheless one will only accept fully a protocol by responding to it. There is no in between position in the Internet. Protocols will be less and less discussed; the ability to chose among them will be the user's sole possibility: and choosing was never the synonym to freedom. Freedom will form more and more impossible tasks tomorrow. A user may have the possibility to chose: enter the realm of different platforms or stay out of them. This will be the function of freedom tomorrow. We will be able to accept some protocols or refuse them. Their norms will be formed as applications or they may have the structure of games. We can already chose among some of them and participate to their prescribed systems, following the rules they propose or responding to their open questions. Protocols can be created through different procedures but they form always given systems we can only camp into. Protocols make the differences between platforms; but the protocols will not be questioned concerning their rationale or concerning their concepts. The protocols structure communal schemes; they can form dystopic systems of control or places of rest; they can also organize creative procedures or they can structure commodities. They cannot guarantee qualities of the future societies but they are building anyway already the societies of tomorrow; the consciousness about this process will be crucial in order to imagine and invent different political agendas. Some crucial questions will be: how those small scale structures, seemingly subordinated to the state, or how the big scale