Territory landscape and heritage, Arabia Saudi, 2012

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International Heritage Restoration Group


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

"The imagination of the poet must order nature, should gather in a singular order and into a harmonious intellectual perception, the universe that our senses perceive as inconsistent and contradictory" Charles Baudelaire.

JosĂŠ Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect

Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

Territory, Landscape and Heritage, analysis and management methodologies ......................1 1. Territory, landscape and Heritage.....................................................................................3 1.1. Towards a more integrated concept of heritage values. .................................................................................... 3 1.2. The territorial dimension Heritage. .................................................................................................................... 4 1.3. The Heritage as Landscape. ................................................................................................................................ 4

2. Tools and technologies for the management of heritage ...................................................5 2.1. The mapping and surveying accuracy as a digital heritage dream. .................................................................... 5 2.2. Remote sensing and orthoimage. ...................................................................................................................... 5 2.3. Geographic information systems and geospatial databases. ............................................................................. 5 2.4. Spatial Data Infrastructures vs Google Earth. ..................................................................................................... 5 2.5. Social networking for an integrated and endo-perceptive. ................................................................................ 6 2.6. 3D modeling and temporary immersion (historical replicas). ............................................................................ 6 2.7. Immersion systems or virtual reality. ................................................................................................................. 6 2.8. The multimedia information, voice, video,... ..................................................................................................... 7 2.9. Historical Cartograhpy. ....................................................................................................................................... 7

3. Methodologies for the analysis of heritage in the territory from the perspective of the landscape ............................................................................................................................8 3.1. Inventory at different scales and perspectives................................................................................................... 8 3.2. Analysis and management methodologies. ....................................................................................................... 8 3.3. Integral and holistic dimension as a way to manage entire heritage. ................................................................ 9 3.4. Planning and Technological assistance in work implementation ....................................................................... 9

4. Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 10 JosĂŠ Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, PhD Architect, brief curriculum ................................................ 11

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

Yours Highnesses, authorities, ladies and gentlemen,‌ firstly, I welcome the opportunity to participate in this interesting meeting ‌ thanks again

1. Territory, landscape and Heritage. Heritage has to fit into a more integrated concept supported by the recognition of their values not only cultural, but also ecological, economical and social onesi. Heritage should also be considered from an integrated territorial dimension in the place. Routes, sites, networks, and territorial heritage systems allow us a more integrated planning. Elements considered individually have less interest. From a systematic and territorial landscape point of view, each element gains value and interest, is better understood, and better planned. This methodology enables us to prioritize joint actions within a large and complex heritage as Arabian Heritage is. In short, the Landscape Heritage is a formal statement of the symbiosis that occurs between nature and culture through technology and society that inhabits it. To plan the balance from this new perspective the use of information and communication technologies is considered essential. Thus we can understand heritage only as a landscape because it depends on the natural and cultural values and processes, as it is considered by a society. Every landscape experiences traumatic and continuous changes need to be reformulatedii, all around the world.

1.1. Towards a more integrated concept of heritage values. Cultural Heritage comes from the crossing between territory (space), history (time), and creation (technology). Past and contemporary creativity is applied to the elements to give them its own heritage dimension and integrity. The protection and enhancement of the items are obligations of the entire society. Understanding its environment and its landscape relationships must accompany these analytical processes oriented to wide planning and protection strategies. Cultural heritage assets are constituted by the archaeological heritage, ethnographic museums, archives, libraries, and the documentary and bibliographic heritage. But mostly heritage consists of coherent relationships and processes that connect the natural base, with technology, the artifice and the place, and society that builds them. Perception and participation platforms of knowledge should be part of the process. Authenticity is an important indicator in this new proposal. Declaration of cultural heritage aims to protect and promote the cultural elements due to human action beyond the constraints of their own nature, the uses, their age, or their economic value.

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

1.2. The territorial dimension Heritage. The assets considered individually acquire a better appreciation when we extend the environment establishing references to other similar or different groups. Inserting the element into the logics and processes that identify the place we can understand it better. Heritage interacts and establishes new links with environment, society and economic dimensions. Heritages elements create sets of legacy systems, interactive, and multi-scale, identifiable as Territorial Heritage Systems (THS). They share a common feature between its members, and develop cultural, economical and environmental relationships between themselves. These processes have agents, rhythms, ranges, frequencies and intensities that is necessary to know, identify and control, in order to ensure the preservation of the values and in order to put them into a new sustainable dimension. We propose to overcome merely static or contemplative dimension. The concept of monument we consider has to deal with more complex ecological, economical and social processes. It is related to a dynamic reality and closer to the people to which it belongs. These processes insert and define the values and characteristics that identify elements and the whole systems.

1.3. The Heritage as Landscape. “The landscape is a key element of individual and social well-being. Its protection, management and planning entail rights and duties for everyone� European Landscape Convention (ELC) This strategy should be considered in its relations to the land and territory to which it belongs. The protection of geographical features and natural elements gives a new dimension to the heritage components. Thus we transform simple heritage elements into Cultural Landscapes, CL, and Territorial Heritage Systems, THS. Any elements declared of Cultural Interest are inseparable from their landscape. In no case we should proceed to its displacement or removal unless rendered necessary by force majeure or social interest. This transformation must be done according to a guarantor procedure in order to maintain its core values and its more significant processes that ensure their protection in the medium and long term. In many cases the elements themselves take part in a network where their values coexist with others. Multifunctional faces of heritage are evident in the same place. This is manifested in functional richness and complementary elements. Landscape is constantly evolving. The subjective perception of its values depends on the time, society, and technological evolution. Today heritage evolves into a complex reading from the recognition of landscape and their territorial, economic, social and artistic values.

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

2. Tools and technologies for the management of heritage Mapping, remote sensing, orthoimages, geographic information systems, spatial data infrastructures, social networks, 3D modeling, historical replicas, virtual reality and multimedia information are becoming important allies of the evaluation and of the heritage planning and management. Social Networks, from an integrated and endoperceptive point of view, are an essential tool to integrate heritage in a new informational dimension. Called neocartography, this new technology can assure us a new way to manage heritage under the landscape and territorial paradigm.

2.1. The mapping and surveying accuracy as a digital heritage dream. Important challenges arising from the incorporation of digital technologies in the drawing and the characterization of the heritage are due to the semiotic capabilities of a digital representation. Multimedia technology incorporates other dimensions of landscape like sound, video, or 3D (three dimensional). Terrestrial laser, photograph and photogrammetric technology allow us to understand, represent and make inventories of heritage faster and better.

2.2. Remote sensing and orthoimage. Multiple sets of images from different satellites and planes, with space and time variable resolution, enable us to better analyze processes that transform the landscape and explain the historical construction of the territory. We can use that information to solve all the needs that may improve efficient management of Cultural Heritage. It requires the best technology and a multidisciplinary team of partners. The temporal, spatial and spectral resolution defines the necessary product depending on the scale and the precision needs to be fixed.

2.3. Geographic information systems and geospatial databases. A specific GIS is the first step in the consolidation of the Heritage management system. It is important for its ability to integrate, analyze and link various types of information. The GIS challenge begins with a specific guidance to Heritage values. It is necessary to adapt GIS to different needs, making easier its access modes and adapting their workflows. We also need to provide regular management procedures and interconnect with other sources of information, in order to allow us for coordination of sectorial policies. It can offer us the possibility of generating documentation for diffusion processes, training, or planning.

2.4. Spatial Data Infrastructures vs Google Earth. Spatial Data Infrastructure, SDI, is an instrument to promote interoperability for a new way of working that can put heritage in a new management context called Neocartography. SDI

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

allows us to promote Heritage Territorial Systems incorporating Spatial Analysis and multicriteria decision systems. SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) enables heritage planning, managing protection policy from this new perspective, using data models, normalized technologies, protocols, and metadata. We can use SDI to monitor and evaluate the policies we activate through adequate indicators.

2.5. Social networking for an integrated and endo-perceptive. Neo-mapping is not a technology; it is a way to build knowledge. SN offers new forms of representation and communication, new ways to participate, new ways to update and innovate in territorial diagnosis. On the basis of accurate mapping information, neocartography offers the possibility of incorporating users, managers, and experts in a collaborative action. The new generation of mobile phones also includes a variety of different forms and formats of communication, through the use of GPS, digital video, photography, social networking, and the hyperlink. Information, analysis and real-time decisions are different phases of this proposal. The geomashup consists of web pages or applications that use and combine data mapping, and features presentations from one or more sources to create, maintain, and disseminate new services. This implies easy and fast integration, often using API and open data sources to produce enriched results that were not the original reason for which the basic raw data were produced. 6

2.6. 3D modeling and temporary immersion (historical replicas). The three-dimensional representation begins in the territory. Digital Terrain Models and Elevations (DTM & DEM) allow us to understand the relationship of the monument and the other elements with the territory. Understanding spatial relationships we can also advance the economical, social and environmental dimensions, and thus better understand the landscape and reality. Terrestrial laser technology enables us to playback monuments and landscapes with high precision in a short time. The evaluation of pathologies, including 3D reconstruction and volumetric materials, simulation scenarios for restoration, or reconstruction of landscapes and environments, are some of the many applications of this technology.

2.7. Immersion systems or virtual reality. Augmented Reality permits interaction between the real and virtual world using geographical position systems, oscilloscopes and geo-information. AR integrates multimedia information inside cellular phones or laptops as well as in other computer interfaces. AR has recently been used for archaeological research and education, rebuilding landscapes, buildings and ruins, and promoting recreations of the historical sites in their own context. Maintaining environmental and cultural elements of the site, AR includes new information,

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect

Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

objects and data, based on its geography to rebuild a complex and expressive world, between reality and virtuality.

2.8. The multimedia information, voice, video,... The cultural content will have new formats and storage systems like: Digital Video 360 ยบ; explanatory locutions; georeferenced photographs; Gigapan of landscapes and panoramic views; interactive connections; interfaces web 2.0; b2b and central reserves; RSS syndication, and other elements to generate cultural sensitivity maps for visitors, tourists and the citizen.

2.9. Historical Cartograhpy. Historical maps are a key source for the reconstruction of the evolution of the landscape. Combining diagonal views and thematic mapping and drawings details we can understand territory from its fundamental elements. Limitations and the lack of adequate and specific instruments have contributed to the difficulties of integrating historic cartography reading and historical analysis.


I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect

Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

3. Methodologies for the analysis of heritage in the territory from the perspective of the landscape We have developed innovative and efficient methodologies that incorporate these technologies into the management of territorial planning in general and particularly in heritage. Asset evaluation deals with complex and advanced data models and with simple and user-friendly interfaces. For progress towards a coherent definition of the assets an efficient planning is necessary. Planning based on the use of territorial heritage systems and geo-technologies at different scales enables us to reconsider the value of the whole unit. They permit us to understand heritage across the functional, natural and cultural connections between different and valuable elements. This methodology permits us to pass from the “Protection Plan” to the “Management Plan” and from “Master Plan to “Territorial Strategies”. Technologies open for us creative perspectives for the new dimension of the Planning Heritage Systems, PHS.

3.1. Inventory at different scales and perspectives. It is necessary to protect the values (not only the elements) and propose a development in accordance with the principles and values identified in each case as dictated by time and space through social agreement. We need to work at multiple scales and in various fields in order to adequately protect and revitalize the Cultural Heritage: properties (architectural or urban), environment (immediate landscape), functional (social and economic) and spatial (environmental, ecological,...). The new dimension of heritage is to be incorporated into spatial planning processes as a key resource in a sustainable development strategy. Local dimension must be completed with the recognition of the universal values.

3.2. Analysis and management methodologies. Inventory and valuation are the first phases to manage complex heritage information when we need to transform data into knowledge. Heritage should be identified, understood and enriched with the help of Spatial Data Infrastructures and Social Networks. Multi-criteria analysis can help us to synthesis capability and fragility maps, and to diagnose and understand the territory. Geographic Information Systems are mainly characterized by their analytical skills and their "overlay mapping" capabilities. Management Heritage Plan research becomes the pillar for didactic programs, musealization and valorization. The management plan ensures sustainable use of the site, promoting a balance between development and conservation.

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

3.3. Integral and holistic dimension as a way to manage entire heritage. In this context traditional methodologies are not enough because they have limitations due to the complex context. They do not usually consider the need for evaluation and review. Now we have a lack of adequate implementation tools and it is because now is necessary to develop new original information systems. It is necessary to develop management tools using the geographic information technology, multimedia and communication technologies. A system must be able to streamline the implementation of strategies, to monitor the results and to review actions. It must be internal management oriented in order to face the dissemination and awareness. SHM must facilitate the implementation of economic policies and the management of different models of planning. They must integrate identification, studies and information, and they must be able to spatialize heritage and to evaluate it. This strategy will permit us to expand interoperability. We can make more flexible and adaptable plans and strategies, and we can facilitate the knowledge for an asset management.

3.4. Planning and Technological assistance in work implementation The Cultural Heritage is set in a dynamic landscape and influenced by the environment and must maintain that character against other priorities. This strategy means finding the manifestation of transcendence, the pursuit of excellence of the landscape, and the cultural and heritage maximum consistency of decisions, criteria, and management strategies. We must not fall into simplistic and partial sectorial point of view because we can be driven by an exclusively administrative logic. Heritage requires more interoperability and consensus. Cultural planning has to be done from a dynamic global context. It requires a holistic vision and spatially conceptually unified by the complexity of the phenomenon and the definition of values and criteria for intervention. The Landscape is manifested only as a tool for synthesizing and ordering that complexity. The Cultural Heritage has to become a broader concept than the limitations imposed by its spatial delimitation based on the character (that can build landscape quality objectives for management) rather than its form or its physical manifestation. Integrated and participatory planning is required, due to the interactions of the phenomenon in the territory, through all actors: international, national, regional and local in multiple object management.

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

4. Conclusions Heritage analysis has to support a holistic recognition of the multiple and complex heritage values. Landscape as Heritage Synthesis paradigm in the Territory has become a fundamental requirement of the public and private policies involved. Technology must serve and enhance heritage planning by incorporating landscape and territorial dimensions through the use of multimedia data, geospatial information and three dimensional technologies. Wealth management has to incorporate the endoperceptive and subjective values as inherent parts of this information system, through public participation (neocartograpy). Cultural heritage is composite of relations, traditions and processes (landscape concept) and not only necessarily by objects or single elements. We have to "deconstruct" a part of the concept of Cultural Heritage in order to understand every component on its place. Heritage needs a progressive management system that ensures real and efficient public participation of all actors involved, especially experts and civil society, through the use of neocartography, and information and communication technology supported by the use of spatial data infrastructures. 10

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect

Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

José Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, PhD Architect, brief curriculum José Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, is an architect from the ETS Architecture of Valladolid, a specialist in "Technical and urban management" by the Foundation San Pablo CEU, and has studied at the Polytechnic of Milan (Italy) and PhD ("Architecture and the City") at the University of Valladolid. He was guest lecturer and speaker at many universities: University of Corunna (Master of the Water of STD ICC), University Jaume I (Castellón), University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), University of León (laboratory of cartography), ISCTE ( Lisbon), San Pablo CEU University (graduate of urbanism in Valladolid for over 10 years), University of Santiago de Compostela, University of Burgos, University of Zaragoza, University of Valladolid, and National Institute of Public Administration (Madrid, INAP), between others. He currently heads the company TERYSOS (Territorio y Sostenibilidad, www.terysos.com), Territorio and Sustainability, SL (limited society), devoted to planning, broad management (OT, Planning, and Environmental Sector) and the development and advice in Planning Information Systems and Spatial Data Infrastructures, SDI. Research and Development (R & D) has worked in IDETRAMP Draft programs, MITRA (Frame VI Program, European Union), RISCMASS (INTERREG III, Medoc area), and projects ATYCA: SITMUN, SITCA and SITPLA (ADE, Line VII / 1999), among others like RedTur (Inteligence and Innovation Tourist Network) or GSI (Industrial Soil Management). His specialty is developed in the field of methodologies for the analysis of territorial projects (engineering, spatial planning, urban planning, cultural planning, landscape, environment, ...), and in the development of projects for the implementation of SDI and remote sensing in various fields of planning, and development of practical models and applications of different nature and scale, but always under the paradigm of spatial planning and sustainable development. His most relevant experience in the GIS area has been the direction of development LOCALGIS (GeoPista) now part of the Suite of Local Plan Avanza MITT (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade in collaboration with the DG of Cadastre, the INE, the IGN, ...). His experience in the field of landscape began with his participation as editor of the Guidelines for Planning and Environment Valladolid (in collaboration with the University of Phoenix, Arizona, and urbanism European prize 2003), Segovia Guidelines those of Palencia (instruments finally adopted and published in www.sitcyl.jcyl.es) or Territorial Plans (as Miranda de Ebro, Canal of Castilla Industrial Activities Area, etc ...). In the cultural context also serve as his work as director of the team that drafted the "Plan of the Fortifications of Lower Minho" (Iberian border war restoration and construction postfilipina bastioned), "Strategy of the Pathways to Santiago, Castilla y León "(which extends over 4000 kms of roads to Santiago, Castilla y León) or exhibition, held in Salamanca in September 2006 entitled" URBS IBEROAMERICANA: Memory, Territory, Place and Artifice of Latin American cities between the Treaties of Tordesillas and San Ildefonso (1494-1778) "that, around the idea of landscape, analyze the interactions between Castle and Portugal in the first 300 years of colonization of the Americas, and its different forms of urbanism and planning. In terms of Planning has directed the Regional Territorial Plan "Douro Valley." Domes of the Duero Program, Special Territorial Plan for Risk Prevention and Civil Protection Equipment (PTEOIE), the Regional Territorial Plan for the development of a technology park in Burgos, the Regional Waste Management Centre of Provincial scope of Salamanca, the Master Plan for the Lower Strengths Transboundary Minho, and has participated as coordinator coredactor or the Regional Planning Guidelines Segovia, Valladolid and Palencia (definitely approved and in force) and those of Zamora and Salamanca.Member, since its founding, the Institute of Urban Studies at the University of Valladolid, working with the Department of Analysis and Instruments of Architectural and Urban Intervention of the university, has been president of the Association of Town of Castile and Leon's COACYLE (College of Architects of Castile and Leon East) from 2002 to 2007, member of the Board of AETU (Spanish Association of Planners), treasurer of AESIG (Spanish Association of Geographic Information Systems), and belongs, since 2002 member of the Geomatics Commission into the Geographic High Council (Ministry of Development, www.idee.es ) and from 2010 he takes part of the Spanish Association of Landscape Architects, AEP (http://www.aepaisajistas.org/?page_id=25 ) and from the last seven years director of the course about “Spatial Data Infrastructure and Municipalities” into the UIMP, Menendez Pelayo International University, in Cuena (www.cuenca.es ).

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies



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Bibliography: Fernando COBOS, Xaime GARRIDO y Antonio HOYUELA. “Descubrir a historia. Plan Director das fortalezas transfronteirizas do Baixo Miño”. Xunta de Galicia. A Coruña 2006. http://media.culturaedeporte.org/cultura/PATRIMONIO/Fortalezas.pdf Fernando COBOS y Antonio HOYUELA. “Metodología de Estudio e intervención del Plan Director de las Fortalezas Fronterizas del Bajo Miño”. Actas del tercer congreso de castillología ibérica. Guadalajara 2005. HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO - . “URBS IBEROAMERICANA, Memoria, Territorio, Lugar y Artificio de las ciudades iberoamericanas entre los tratados de Tordesillas (1494) y San Ildefonso (1777)”, actas del V Congreso Internacional “Restaurar la memoria. Patrimonio y Territorio”, AR&PA 2006. ISBN 978-849718-510-3. HOYUELA, Antonio. “Patrimonio y Paisaje, Paradigmas para el análisis, ordenación y gestión del territorio mediante las tecnologías cartográficas digitales”. Universidad Internacional Menéndez y Pelayo y Ayuntamiento de Cuenca. En “Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación aplicadas a la difusión y conocimiento del Patrimonio”. Diciembre, 2008. Organizado por GCPHE, Grupo Ciudades Patrimonio de la Humanidad de España. ISBN: 978-84-9773-351-9. http://www.uimp.es HOYUELA, Antonio. “AGUA – DUERO, ORDENACIÓN DEL TERRITORIO Y PAISAJE”, en AGUA: ESTUDIOS Y EXPERIENCIAS. Eds. Álvaro Sánchez Bravo & Anselmo Henrique Cordeiro Lopes. 2011, ArCiBel Editores, S. L. - Sevilla (España) http://www.arcibel.es . ISBN: 978-84-15335-01-6 HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – The role of technologies of the information and the communication in the sustainable planning. In “The Sustainable City II”. Ed. WIT Press. 2002. ISBN 1-85312-917-8. HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – “Directrices de Ordenación del Territorio de la Provincia de Salamanca: DOTAPSA”. Publicación en el CIOT 2003 (IV Congreso Internacional de Ordenación del Territorio), Nuevos Espacios para Nuevos Territorios, Zaragoza. ISBN 84-96-223-20-5. Editan: Fundicot y Gobierno de Aragón. Publicaciones de ponencias en documentación o publicaciones de congresos:

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

HOYUELA JAYO, A. y Citores Fernández, M. (2007): “Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales como paradigma del desarrollo sostenible”. IV Jornadas Técnicas de la IDE de España (JIDEE07). 2007 HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO; JULIÁN MONTALBÁN ALMERA; CARLOS SAN MARTÍN – “Proyecto GEOPISTA, de los SIG a la IDEAL”, publicación conjunta en FORUM TIG-SIG, Barcelona 2004. HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – “La EIEL en el siglo XXI: información adicional y derivada”, publicación conjunta en Jornada sobre la información de las infraestructuras y los equipamientos municipales organizadas por la Consejería de Gobernación de la Junta de Andalucía. HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – “Sistemas para la gestión y construcción de carreteras provinciales en el siglo XXI: un ejemplo, Badajoz”.Publicación de las jornadas sobre “Carreteras: Orígenes, situación actual y perspectivas de futuro” organizadas por la Diputación de Badajoz con el título HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – “Directrices de Ordenación del Territorio de ámbito provincial”. En la publicación de las ponencias del congreso ibérico de urbanismo organizado por AETU en Viseu (Portugal). HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – “La planificación ante el reto de la convergencia en materia de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación”. Publicado en las actas del Congreso de “Ciudad y Territorio retos para el Nuevo Siglo” ,Salamanca, 2000. HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – SIG e Infraestructuras: La EIEL del MAP. Publicación de ponencias del Congreso de Información Geográfica. Valladolid. 2001 HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – Directrices de Ordenación Territorial: análisis de sostenibilidad. Publicación de las ponencias del Congreso Nacional de Información Geográfica. Valladolid. 2001 HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – “SIG y Planificación Territorial: Directrices de Ordenación Territorial de Valladolid y su Entorno”, Ponencias de la Conferencia TERRITORIAL 97, edita GOBIERNO INSULAR DE CANARIAS. HOYUELA JAYO, J. ANTONIO – Ponente en la VI Conferencia de Usuarios de ESRI con el tema: “Sistema de información geográfica para la encuesta de infraestructuras y equipamiento local del ministerio de las administraciones públicas”. Explicación de la aplicación desarrollada con la empresa INZAMAC. COBOS, F “Almeida on the Raia. Report on the fortifications of the Portuguese border line for its designation as a candidate for world heritage site” in Almeida, candidatura das fortificaçoes abaluartadas da raia luso-espanhola a patrimonio mundial da UNESCO. Almeida (Portugal) 2009. COBOS, F y HOYUELA, A. “Plano Director das fortalezas Transfronteriças do Baixo Minho” en CEAMA n 5 Almeida (Portugal) 2010. ISBN 1646-9089 COBOS, F “El sistema de fortificaciones abaluartadas- hispano portuguesas como Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Caracterización y valoración del sistema estado de la cuestión “ en VVAA Castillos de España nº 164-166 Madrid 2011 COBOS, F “Metodología para la Caracterización Tipológica y Tecnológica de la Fortificación de la Raya de Portugal como Sistema” en CEAMA n 8 Almeida (Portugal) 2011. ISBN 1646-9089

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect


Territory, landscape and heritage, analysis and management methodologies

HOYUELA, A "La deconstrucción de las fronteras de Brasil", en CEAMA n 8 Almeida (Portugal) 2011. ISBN 1646-9089 OTROS ESTUDIOS DE LOS AUTORES RELACIONADOS CON EL TEMA: COBOS,F y RETUERCE, M. Metodología, valoración y criterios de intervención en la arquitectura fortificada de Castilla y León Valladolid 2012 COBOS, F. Las escuelas de fortificación hispánicas en los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Segovia 2012 COBOS, F. "El Plan Director de las murallas de Ibiza" en Fortificaciones Americanas y la Convención del Patrimonio Mundial World Heritage Papers. nº 19. UNESCO World Heritage Center. París France 2006. COBOS, F “The perception of the value of the bastioned fortifications as monument heritage.”en Reconstruction or new construction of medieval castles in the 19th century. Europa Nostra Bulletin 61. Gianni Perbellini (editor). Verona. Italia. 2007. COBOS, F “Enginieers, teatrises and fortification proyects: a transfer of experiencies betwen Europe and America” en CHIAS, P. Y ABAD, T. (edit.) The Fortified Heritage: a Transaltlantic Relationship Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares 2001 COBOS, F « Réhabilitation, gestion et mise en valeur touristique de l’enceinte urbaine d’Ibiza (Espagne) », In Situ [En ligne], 16 | 2011, mis en ligne le 26 juillet 2011 URL : http://insitu.revues.org/792 HOYUELA, A Exposición URBS IBEROAMERICANA, presentación en la reunión de Otoño del CEU, Caminha, Portugal, 2009

14 HOYUELA, A La deconstrucción de las fronteras de Brasil: de Tordesillas a San Ildefonso (1498-1777), publicado en "Fronteras latinoamericanas y europeas, geohistoria y globalización", Universidad de León COBOS, F. CASTRO, J. y CANAL, R. Castros y recintos en la frontera de León en los siglos XII y XIII. Fortificaciones de tapial de cal y canto o mampostería encofrada Edición digital Valladolid 2012

I.H. Restoration Group Antonio Hoyuela Jayo, Architect

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