Architecture PORTFOLIO AAM

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POR TFO LIO AntoniO Mastria

"This is a pivotal time for urban r e g e n e r at io n . We must take a long term view." Richard Rogers

ANTONIO MASTRIA Via Luigi Einaudi, 24 Tito (PZ), Italy +39 380 18 14 151

EDUCATION AND TRAINING 01/10/2009 22/07/2016

Master’s Degree in Architectural Engineering 4/S Universita’ degli studi della Basilicata, Matera (Italy)

EQF level 7

The architect is involved in drafting design and should master tools related to the feasibility of construction sites therefore be capable of designing and carrying out a project considering aesthetic, functional, technical and economic aspects of the draft.

15/09/2013 16/07/2014

LLP Erasmus 2013 14 Universidad de Les Illes Balears Escuela Politecnica Superior, Palma De Mallorca (Spain)

EQF level 7

Experience in architectural design and comparison with other professionals at the host university. This also give me the possibility expand my way of thinking.

15/04/2012 Qualification to the profession of land_Surveyor The Professional College of Land Surveyors of Potenza

EQF level 5

28/05/2008 ECDL_European Computer Driving License AICA, Italian Association for informatics and automatic calculation 15/09/2003 High school diploma as Land-Surveyor 30/06/2009 State Institute of Higher Technical Education ‘‘G.De Lorenzo’’, Potenza Italy

EQF level 4

EXPERIENCE 15/05/2012 16/04/2015

Student’s Rappresentative DiCEM Department, Universita’ degli studi della Basilicata, Matera (Italy)

01/11/2011 31/10/2012

Energy Broker Sale and project collaboration of photovoltaic systems at NWG s.p.a.

01/09/2009 31/10/2011

Internship Professional studio, surveyor Pace Tommaso, Potenza (Italy)

01/09/2011 30/09/2011

Collaborator Realization of architetural model with colleague Luigi Simone, assignment of work for Architectural office: B.E.AR.CHITETTURA .

JOB RELATED SKILLS Development of sustainable projects and not, from the aesthetic, functional, technical and economic points of view. Skills and experience of the project for the regeneration of brownfield and urban sites. To have attendedn the course of 120 hours to be coordinator for safety on construction sites (D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008, n. 81). Excellent expertise in designing and constructing architectural models.

COMPUTER SKILLS Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office tools (Basic Concepts of IT (Information Technology); Use of computer / file management; Word Processing(Word); Spreadsheet (Excel); Database; Presentation (PowerPoint); Computer networks_ Internet). Excellent use of GIS software (QGis) used at the university for urban planning course. Excellent use of CAD and BIM software (AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, Revit, 3DS Max) used for university and work. Excellent ability to use photo editing and pagination programs (Photoshop, Indesign), used at university and working.









CONTENTS 10 - 15

2014 - 2015

Organizzation of building site ExFornace Matera


18 - 23

2013 - 2014

Urban regeneration ExBarilla Matera


26 - 31

2012 - 2013Restoration project Santa Maria del Sagittario, Chiaromonte

34 - 53

2011 - 2012

Urban regeneration Serra venerdi’, Matera Urban planning Serra venerdi’, Matera Urban regeneration Ex factory Latte Rugiada, Matera

56 - 71

2010 - 2011

Work experience B.E.Ar.chitettura costructing architectural model Architectural Office Urban regeneration Spine Bianche, Matera Court-House Matera


Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Organization of buildin site Colleagues: Luigi Simone, Raffaele Petrozza, Rocco Nella

Il progetto sviluppato nell’ambito del corso di organizzazione del cantiere (D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008, n. 81) e’ stato molto interessante per comprendere, nelle sue varie fasi esecutive, come realizzare in sicurezza un manufatto edile. Per la realizzazione della "Scuola del Cinema”, si e’ passati dalla sistemzione del cantiere, alla demolizione delle pre- esistenze fino alla sua Realizzazione, con la redazione del PSC (Piano di Sicurezza e Coordinamento) e del DVR (Documento di Valutazione dei Rischi). Degli elaborati sono stati riportati il Layout di cantiere (sinistra), alcune fasi di realizzazione, prodotte con software BIM (Revit architecture) ed il manufatto al suo completamento.





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The project developed in the framework of the organization of building site course (D.lgs. 9 April 2008, n. 81) was very interesting to understand, in its various phases, how to achieve security in a building artifact. For the realisation of the "Scuola del Cinema", it started with the building site organization, then we did the demolition of the preexistence and in the end we did the realization with the PSC’s editing (Security Plan and coordination) and the DVR (Document for the Risk Assessment). From all the project documents I reported the layout of the building site, some realisation steps, made with BIM software (Revit Architecture) and the building conclusive development.





Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Urban Regeneration Colleagues: Luigi SImone, Roma Vincenzo,Signorelli Stefano

----La rigenerazione urbana dell’area ExBarilla e’ volta alla riconnessione di una zona potenzialmente strategica per la citta’ di Matera, che al momento risulta in stato di abbandono. Tre i principali comparti, da est a ovest, un grande edificio che ospita il teatro sullo sfondo della grande insenatura del fiume Gravina, nel mezzo l’area Residenziale, ed in fine un edificio dedicato ai servizi con adiacente orto e parco urbano. Le scelte progettuali e l’estetica architettonica valorizzano i principali assi del quartiere contiguo all’area e ridanno un grande significato al costruito e non, anche sotto il profilo della sostenibilita’.


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The urban regeneration of the Ex Barilla area wants to reconnect this area with the city of Matera because even though it is potentially strategic it is in a state of abandonment. There are three main compartments, from east to west, a large building that is a theatre situated on the background of the large bay of Gravina river, in the middle there is a residential area, and in the end a building allocated to services with adjacent garden and urban park. The design choices and architectural aesthetics enhance the main axes of the neighborhood adjacent to the area and restore a great significance to the constructed and not, even under the sustainability.


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----L’abbazia di Santa Maria del Sagittario fu eretta nel 1152 dal conte di Chiaromonte Ugone, per ospitare circa 150 persone, tra cui monaci cistercensi ed inservienti. E’ stato possibile realizzare il progetto di restauro solo dopo un accurato rilievo effettuato tramite misurazioni in sito e con il metodo del fotoraddrizzamento. Attraverso documenti storici e’ stato possibile ricreare l’impianto originario dell’abbazia. Per il progetto e la valorizzazione dell’area, che prevede il recupero di alcune preesistenze piu’

importanti come il campanile e l’accesso principale, sono state adottate le seguenti scelte: -rifacimento della pavimentazione su tutta l’area, con particolari in prossimita’ del campanile, costituiti da variazione di materiali che ricrea l’impronta della chiesa e del chiostro; -installazione di una copertura leggera con rivestimento in lastre di acciaio cor.ten; -Protezione del muro d’ingresso con una struttura in legno con capriata, ospitante un laboratorio ed uno spazio espositivo temporaneo realizzati ex-novo.

Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Architectural Renovation Colleagues: Roma Vincenzo, Signorelli Stefano, Luigi Simone





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The Abbey of Santa Maria del Sagittario was erected in 1152 by the earl of Chiaromonte Ugone, it was created to accommodate about 150 people, including Cistercian monks and attendants. It has been possible to realize the restoration project only after a careful assessment performed by on-site measurements and the method of straightening. Through historical documents it has been possible to recreate the original layout of the abbey. For the project and valorisation of the area, which provides for the recovery of some of the most important existing structures such as the bell tower and the main entrance, we took the following decisions: −− the resurfacing of the entire area with particulars near the bell tower; details, created with different materials, recreate the footprint of the church and of the cloister; −− installation of a light covering created with some cor.ten steel plates; −− protection of the entry wall with a wooden structure with truss, this space will host a laboratory and a temporary exhibition space made ex novo.


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--------L’obiettivo del progetto e’ quello di recuperare un edificio del quartiere Serra Venerdi’, uno dei primi costruiti dopo lo sfollamento dei Sassi di Matera (nel 1951), per migliorarne le prestazioni energetiche e la qualita’ della vita. Al fine di valorizzare lo stabile l’entrata delle botteghe e’ stata spostata da nord a sud per favorirne la visibilita’, vista la presenza della piazza principale, e l’installazione di pannelli fotovoltaici e solari per garantire una buona entrata di energia pulita. L’eliminazione dei ponti termici e la coibentazione unite ad un’ottima ventilazione diminuiscono il consumo di energia e di conseguenza le emissioni di co2.

1 9 5 7

Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Architectural technology II

2 0 1 2


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The objective of the project is to recover a building in "Serra Venerdi’" district, the goal was to improve the energy performance and the quality of life; this edifice was one of the first built after the displacement of Sassi di Matera ( in 1951). In this particular case, after a careful study of all the district, we took in consideration the building used as shops and flats. In order to enhance the stable, the entry of the shops has been moved from the north to the south to promote their visibility , thanks to the presence of a square , and the installation of photovoltaic and solar panels to ensure the entry of clean energy. The elimination of thermal bridges and the insulation joined to an optimum ventilation decrease energy consumption and consequently the emissions of CO2.


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----Nel progetto di pianificazione urbanistica e territoriale e’ stato sicuramente importante la fase di analisi, volta e raccogliere dati utili al fine di acquisire consapevolezza delle criticita’ dell’area. E’ stato possibile evidenziare lo stato attuale del quartiere (per quanto concerne la situazione sociale, culturale, viaria e insediativa) attraverso l’elaborazione dei dati acquisiti, una lettura critica del R.U. e ai sopralluoghi svolti all’interno dell’area. Cio’ e’ stato categorizzato in due grandi classi: punti di forza e punti di debolezza; tale lavoro ha il fine di valutare come intervenire per migliorare le condizioni attuali. Nella fase progettuale gli obiettivi perseguiti sono stati: −− l’eliminazione degli elementi e delle zone di degrado attraverso interventi di recupero; −− la progettazione di nuovi servizi insediativi, caratterizzati da una buona ubicazione; −− la riconnessione e la riorganizzazione della mobilita’ che e’ stata migliorata prevedendo la realizzazione di un parcheggio multipiano interrato, piste ciclabili e piste pedonali.

Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Urban Planning Colleague: Luigi Simone


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In the project of urban and territorial planning the most important step has been the analysis, which has as goal to collect useful data to gain awareness of the critical area. It was possible to show the current state of the neighborhood (as regards the social and cultural situation, as well as that of roads and settlements) through the processing of the acquired data, a critical reading of the urban plan and the inspections performed in the area. This has been categorized into two classes: strong and weak points; this work aims to evaluate how to intervene in order to improve the current conditions. In the planning phase the objectives are: −− The elimination of the elements and degradation areas through recovery interventions; −− The design of new settlement services with a good location; −− The reconnection and the reorganization of mobility which has been improved by providing for the creation of a multi-storey underground parking, walkpath and walkway.


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-------------- -------Il progetto di recupero dell’edifico in analisi e’ stato ideato al fine di valorizzare la raccolta di materiali recuperabili conferiti da parte dei cittadini residenti del quartiere Serra Venerdi’ e zone limitrofe. Il procedimento di raccolta rifiuti e’ strutturato in tre punti principali: punto di raccolta, che rappresenta il primo anello dell’intero processo; centro di separazione e valorizzazione, dove avviene la scelta dei materiali idonei alla trasformazione o al riutilizzo; 3.commercializzazione del materiale recuperato e trasformato, all’interno del polo acquisti. Per rafforzare il concetto di riutilizzo l’intera struttura recuperata e’ costituita per circa il 50% di materiali di ‘’scarto’’ che le conferiscono uno stile architettonico innovativo ed ecosostenibile.

Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Urban regeneration


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---The regeneration project of the building in analysis has been designed to enhance the collection of recyclable materials conferred by citizens that are residents in Serra VenerdĂŹ district and in the neighboring areas. The process for the waste collection is structured in three main points: 1.The Collection Point, which represents the first step of the entire process; 2.The center of separation and valorisation, where it takes place the choice of suitable materials for processing or re-use; 3. commercialization of the recovered and transformed material, inside the purchase area. To strengthen the concept of reusing the entire structure is constituted by approximately 50% of waste materials which give to the building an architectural innovative style and environmentally sustainable.





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---Realization of architetural models with colleague Luigi Simone, assignment of work for Architectural office: B.E.AR.CHITETTURA . Designer is Arch. Luca Lanini and Arch. Manuela Raitano for architetural contest ECO LUOGO

CONTEST: ECO LUOGO mountain house 2011




CONTEST: ECO LUOGO beach house /islands Eolie 2011


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Nel workshop con tema "balconi di spine bianche", celebre quartiere di Matera (1955) del progettista Luigi Piccinato, viste le esigenze degli abitanti, si pensa di creare spazi aggiuntivi dando una nuova identita’ agli edifici. Terminata la prima fase, di studio e rilievo, la nostra idea di balcone e’ stata quella di creare una struttura completamente estranea all’edificio (in acciaio e vetro) cosi’ da non mescolarsi con l’architettura esistente. L’aggetto del balcone e’ stato enfatizzato ed aumenta man mano che ci si avvicina in sommita’, culminando con un appoggio al di sopra della copertura con la possibilita’ di installarvi pannelli solari o fotovoltaici.

Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Architectural technology I Colleague: Luigi Simone

The workshop had the theme "Spine Bianche’s balconies", the famous district of Matera (1955) realized by the architect Luigi Piccinato. After considering the needs of the inhabitants, it plans to create additional spaces giving a new identity to the buildings. After the first phase of the study and relief, our idea of balcony has been to create a structure completely different from the building (created in steel and glass) so as not to mix itself with the existing architecture. The projection of the balcony has been emphasized and it increases gradually to the top, it culminates with a support placed above the cover, there is the possibility of installing on t solar or photovoltaic panels.


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C O U R T - H O U S E

Il progetto della casa a patio e’ stato fra i miei primi approcci alla progettazione presso la facolta’ di architettura. La possibilita’ di poter affiancare su tre lati questa tipologia di abitazione la rende molto funzionale, i patii interni sono pensati per rendere gli ambienti caldi e luminosi, ma allo stesso tempo alcuni aggetti combinati con oscuramenti meccanici gli conferiscono ventilazione e riparo dai raggi solari. The project of the patio house was one of my first approaches to design at the architecture faculty. The possibility of placing side by side three facades of this kind of building makes it very functional. The interior patios are designed to make warm and bright the interiors , but at the same time the projections, combined with mechanical occulting, confer ventilation and shelter from the sun rays.

Academic work during study at University of Basilicata Subject : Court-house


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last update Jul 2015

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