Intra Muros- Issue 2

Page 1






Photograph: Thinus van Staden



Published in close co-operation with the Silver Lakes HOA

Information, ideas and opinions expressed in the Intra Muros are those of the authors concerned, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Silver Lakes Homeowners Association.


EIA Publishing (Pty) Ltd •


Zandré Lindeque Sel: 084 662 0001 - E-pos:

Projek Koördineerder:

Ancheri Luus Sel: 084 952 5576 - E-pos:


Martin Fourie Sel: 072 835 8405 - E-pos: Paola Chrisochos Sel: 072 615 0643 - E-pos:


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Pretoria Kantoor:

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Sperdatum vir advertensies en redaksionele bydrae is: 8 Maart vir uitgawe 3 van 2010 en 8 April vir uitgawe 4 van 2010.

Contents 05 07 09 13 14 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 36 38 39 53 54


Intra Muros is 'n onafhanklike tydskrif wat fokus op die Silver Lakes Residensiële Landgoed en word by elke huiseienaar en huurder op die Landgoed afgelewer. Intra Muros word gekoördineer en maandeliks uitgegee as mondstuk van en in noue samewerking met die Huiseienaarsvereniging van Silver Lakes Residensiële Landgoed deur EIA Publishing(Pty) Ltd.


INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 3

Office News

NEW DEVELOPMENTS Derek le Roux Silver Lakes Homeowners Association Chairman

Kungwini Debtors Incentive Scheme The 12 February 2010 cut off date to qualify for this scheme has now come and gone. We thank all of you who made the effort to benefit from the scheme by bringing your accounts up to date and/or making arrangements to pay off your outstanding balances in terms of the scheme. Many of you found the process quite painless and were pleasantly surprised thereby, whilst others experienced problems with the processes driven by the Kungwini Task Team, which problems we communicated to their senior management. They were more than willing to accommodate queries and have, as communicated, allowed ratepayers with queries to qualify for the scheme even if there were still disputes outstanding relating to valuations etc. Kungwini are currently 'auditing' the exercise in order to determine exactly how much of their outstanding book was collected in the process and how many queries were handled and settled. The amount saved by ratepayers will also be calculated. This information will only be available to us by the middle of March 2010. We will communicate the results in the next issue of the Intra Muros and via fliers.

his promise made during our AGM. We look forward to his continued assistance in addressing our issues at Kungwini council level.

Purchase of Clubhouse and Golf Course I would like to provide the following progress report on these matters: • • • • • •

The impact of the entire exercise on the community does not end there, as Kungwini have to, in terms of the settlement agreement, spend 30% of the revenue generated in wards 1, 2 and 3 back in those wards, in consultation with ourselves. As a result of the above, we urge all residents to now pay their monthly rates accounts as the more revenue they receive from us, the move they are obliged to spend back in our area in terms of the 30% on specified projects.

This is of huge significance to us as previously there was little evidence of any revenue spent in our area.

We have already commenced discussions in this regard with specific focus on the most pressing issues that affect our day to day living. The fixing and upgrading of Silver Lakes drive being one of the areas of focus. As there is now the potential to find a permanent solution to the problem with Kungwini, we have decided to keep the R275 000 collected in terms of the special levy for this exercise, in abeyance, until an informed decision can be made. Updates on this matter and others will be communicated. I would like to thank my fellow KWA directors for their commitment over the past few months and I would like to specifically thank André van der Walt, our new DA ward councillor for his tireless efforts in this regard. It is a breath of fresh air to deal with him and we are happy that he is keeping to

• •

The sale and purchase agreements with both entities have been signed. Without advertising, we have had numerous approaches and proposals from individuals and corporates relating to the running of the clubhouse. We are collating all of these proposals and will only make a decision once financing has been obtained. Various banks have been approached to provide finance for the transactions. On site meetings have been held with these banks in order to fully brief them on the background and reason for said purchases. Documentation including Balance Sheets, Income Statements, Budgets, Debtors Reports, Valuations, Due Diligence Reports, copies of the Agreements, etc have been provided to the banks. The process is taking longer than anticipated as applications generally need to go quite high up the corporate ladder, through various committees, before decisions are made. We are also being affected by current market conditions as two banks, namely ABSA and Investec, have declined our applications due to reputational risk on their side. It is public knowledge that both of the banks have lost a lot of money in “Pinnacle Point” and “The Hills” respectively. Despite the fact that our transaction differs vastly from these examples, as we are an established estate without the risks of a developer or stands that need to be transferred, and despite the fact that we have a 15 year track record in our levy collections, it seems that we are still being put into the same category. There is still light at the end of the tunnel as both BOE Private Bank and our own bank, Nedbank, are still evaluating our applications. We are also investigating numerous other avenues in order to raise finance for the purchases. As soon as the finance is finalised, we shall inform you accordingly. The requisite bank guarantees will then be issued and the process of registration of transfer will take place. I would like to thank both sellers for extending the due dates to 31 March 2010 and for their understanding in this regard.

I would like to thank my fellow trustees and the management of the HOA, specifically Paul Burchell, for going that extra mile and sacrificing their time over the holiday period whilst still keeping our Estate safe and operational in all aspects.

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 5

Office Update

S I L V E R L A K E S G O L F E S T AT E Paul Burchell General Manager The name Silver Lakes Golf Estate has become a very well known brand over the years. Golfers heap compliments on the estate about the lovely golf course, visitors comment positively on the neat and tidiness of the estate and residents are always telling me how 'de-stressed and safe' they feel as soon as they enter the estate because of our security protocol. Whilst all of the comments and observations may be true, there is a huge amount of effort required behind the scenes to create this 'impression' and 'atmosphere'. At the HOA we have a huge responsibility to ensure that you, our members, are well catered for and 'serviced' by our office, thereby ensuring that you enjoy the experience that you bought into and want to protect moving forward. We however cannot achieve this on our own. We have to rely on our members to do their part as well, in ensuring that Silver Lakes Golf Estate continues to remain a top class estate where members behave and act responsibly and apply and enforce the rules of the estate, that they voted for, by setting an example themselves. In the busy lives we all lead, we understand that people are always rushing, chasing the clock, late for meetings, etc.

The symptoms of these issues manifest themselves as transgressions on the estate, where people break rules. This results in penalties being issued and this in turn often leads to a long drawn out process of queries, letter writing, meetings, disputes and general conflict. This is certainly not the way we want to do business. Once again I urge all residents to take time and make the effort to familiarise themselves with the new rules. By residents being informed and behaving appropriately, the HOA would be in a position to concentrate its energies on far more positive issues that are in many cases more deserving of their time and energy. Presently examples of ongoing constant time consuming issues happening on the estate are, dogs barking, dogs roaming the streets, disturbance of the peace, speeding on the estate, not stopping at stop streets, illegal dumping, and illegally bringing people into the estate without them being processed through the gates. I appeal to all of you to make the effort to set an example, to all in your respective sphere of influence, in complying with the rules. If everyone makes the effort, together we can continue to elevate Silver Lakes Golf Estate to even higher levels thereby ensuring peace and harmony for all, whilst simultaneously protecting the value of your properties and lifestyles.

Help us to help you.

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 7

Estate Manager’s Report

I N T E R E S T I N G F E E D BAC K Danie van Niekerk Estate Manager

Interesting feedback – our Game Ranger In response to a letter from Concerned Resident/ Homeowner regarding a Blesbok that got hurt on the Estate, our Game Ranger, Dr Douw Grobler, has replied: “The little Blesbok is already two and a half weeks old, whilst the accident when it broke its leg took place exactly two weeks ago (it was mauled by our two zebras). I have looked at this lamb a few times and had to take the following standpoint on it: • It still moves fairly well. • Its condition is good; observed it drinking from its mother a few times and saw it defecating and urinating; all systems functioning. • The mother of the lamb is very good: she looks after the lamb; waits for it; lets it suckle; guards it, etc.

by the service provider at no extra cost, but causes difficulties for the service provider at the dumping sites when quantities and costs are calculated. The HOA has been approached officially regarding this matter of concern. In the near future only household refuse placed in the “wheelie bins” will be removed by the service provider. Household refuse placed in bags next to the bins will not be collected. The “wheelie bins” will also be officially marked and only such marked “wheelie bins” will be serviced to streamline the process. It is therefore imperative for all homeowners to contact the HOA offices regarding the number of “wheelie bins” required and to be serviced at each individual property. Please contact the HOA offices in this regard and complete an application form to request the correct number of “wheelie bins” required on the individual properties. The invoicing and billing can then be done accordingly – this will lead to a more accurate and streamlined invoice/billing system for all.

“To fix a broken leg on a small animal such a this, we would have to remove the lamb and this would place a lot of stress on the lamb, to the extent that it might not make it. I would have done this two weeks ago when we tried to find the lamb but could not locate it, let alone catch it. I am monitoring the situation and have seen loads of animals with broken legs heal with time without any human help or assistance… we as humans do not give them time as we like to interfere and often think we do the right thing! “Take care, “Douw”

Waste Removal – Notice

Refuse placed incorrectly

This article is aimed specifically at household refuse removals (also referred to as domestic refuse). Please note that the HOA contracted with an outside service provider to perform household refuse removals and they service the entire estate in terms of household refuse weekly. Household refuse is collected on Wednesdays in Phase 1 only and on Thursdays in Phases 2 & 3. This service is provided at a cost, which is charged monthly directly to the HOA and is then recovered from the homeowners via the monthly billing system. The amount charged on the invoice is calculated according to the number of “wheelie bins” (240l) delivered and serviced on the estate. The monthly billing is done according to the number of bins recorded on the admin system in line with application forms submitted by the homeowners. Furthermore, currently the household refuse that is placed in plastic bags next to the “wheelie bins” (240l) have been removed

Refuse placed correctly INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 9

Estate Manager’s Report

Pie Charts as at January 2010 only

Rainfall Update for 2010 Month

Quantity Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3





Please note the monthly backdated update of information, as it could rain after the date of recordal.

Update on information regarding stand statistics In the table and pie charts below are statistics for the last quarter of 2009 and January 2010.

Stand Status - Silver Lakes Date

Phase 1 Comp U/Const Empty


Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10

957 957 957 957 958

13 12 14 12 11


Phase 2 Comp U/Const Empty


Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10

456 456 457 457 458

4 3 3 2 1


Phase 3 Comp U/Const Empty


Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10

81 82 82 82 83

0 0 0 1 2


Total Comp

U/Const Empty


Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10

1494 1495 1496 1496 1499

16 18 17 17 15

17 15 17 15 14

Legend Comp U/Const Empty Add

1 1 1 1 0

7 8 7 7 6

8 9 9 9 9

14 14 14 14 14

53 52 52 52 52

70 68 68 68 67

137 134 134 134 133



83 9

= Completed = Under Construction = Vacant Stand = Additions & Alterations (Add column not to be added to rest of figures)

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 11

Estate Supervisor’s Report

G O L F C O U R S E P AT H WAY L I G H T S JC Steenkamp Estate Supervisor

The installation of the golf course pathway lights has been completed. This installation was not as smooth as everyone would have liked – there were many teething problems that caused frustration and recurring difficulties. However, it seems we have reached the light at the end of the tunnel. There were two infrastructures (cables/light poles/light fittings) that we had to contend with, the old (existing) and the new installation. The old infrastructure was re-used and comprised of cables that were already laid in the ground. We only had to install the light poles and do the connection to the old cables for the old infrastructure to work. However, this old infrastructure seriously hindered the process of successful installation and completion. Many of the existing cables were faulty and pinpointing these faults was an electrical nightmare. Many residents, however, assisted in reporting the problematic areas, which made it easier for the electricians to find the faults and to repair them. The old infrastructure consists of 100 lights.

the inspection form. For ease of reference, all the golf course light poles have been numbered. We ask residents/homeowners to please assist in monitoring and reporting faulty lights for a quick response regarding repairs. Whenever a fault is reported, the numbers on the poles should be used as reference to identify where the fault is. Those areas that were too brightly lit have been attended to by the installation of less bright globes and shade covers in some areas. Because of the clay soil in which the light poles are planted, some of the poles move and lean out of plumb from time to time. These skew light poles can also be reported and will be plumbed by our staff using a spirit level and compacting/ replacing some of the clay soil around the base of the light pole.

We thank the residents for their positive response to the golf course lights and we trust that their installation will brighten up the walkways for residents enjoying night walks.

Working on the new infrastructure was much easier due to the fact that there were new cables installed, presenting far fewer challenges. Most problematic regarding the new cable installation was the waterproofing of the connection points to the light poles. The new infrastructure consists of 47 lights. In total there are 147 lights installed on the golf course pathways. The lights are inspected on a weekly basis by our security. All faulty lights are repaired according to

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 13

Birding in Silver Lakes


Bugs Dryburgh

Although we can record the addition of two more bird species in Silver Lakes, birding seems to have started the year off reasonably quietly. The beautiful summer vegetation in the Game Reserve has really been at its peak this year with the well spread out rainfall and temperatures of the Highveld summer months. While this has been wonderful to see, it has made birding a little more difficult. The calls of the migrants referred to in Intra Muros December 2009, Issue 12 have been as noticeable as ever, although towards end January/early February have been expectedly less frenetic and heard. The fast-flying swallows and swifts have been very active and lovely to watch: swallows often resting, perched on telephone wires, bridges and reeds surrounding our dams or swooping over swimming pools and Silver Lakes waters. Lilians (368) and Black-cheeked Lovebirds (R369) have visited the Game Reserve, particularly in the area north of Guinea Fowl Street in increasing numbers to feed on the flowers and fruits of the Acacia thorn trees and the Karee (Rhus Lancea) – am I wrong in saying that their summer plumage has been more yellow than before summer? Those that are comfortable to nest in the gardens of Silver Lakes (sparrows, Cape Robin and the Fiscal Shrike) have done so, and their chicks have mostly made their way into the adult birding world. While I personally have not spent much time birding the lakes and shores of our Estate, I would imagine the water birds in numbers too, have enjoyed the morning and late afternoon summer fun. The water bird nesting activity on the islands of the golf course “2nd nine” has certainly been vibrant! The increasing numbers of domestic “bunny rabbits” in many areas of the Game Reserve is also noticeable – maybe of environmental concern to us in Silver Lakes? Neil Scott kindly reported a first-recorded sighting of the Groundscraper Thrush (Gevlekte lyster, R580) hopping and busy feeding and scratching around the fairways and surrounding rough of the 14th fairway. Its intermittent erect stance during this process and its black flecked chest and distinctly black marked face stand out. Habits are otherwise somewhat similar to its relatives, the Kurrichane Thrush (R576) and the more commonly seen Olive Thrush (R577), both species of which are on our bird list. Neil is keenly interested in birds and our environment (while, by his own admission not being a birding fundi), demonstrating the wide interest that many residents have in our environment and feathered friends! Johan Grobelaar reported only a few days later his sighting of the same bird feeding around the 1st hole of our golf course.

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 14

The month's second first-recorded sighting was made of the Titbabbler, or Chestnut vented Titbabbler (Bosveldtjeriktik, R621). Its habit of hopping about actively in the Acacia thorn trees and other dense thickets, before darting to the next tree or bush in quick, jerky flight make the identification of this smallish bird difficult. Its chestnut coloured vent (under tail) helps with the identification of this busy little bird. I have seen this bird on two recent occasions in the wooded areas of the Game Reserve, north of Guinea Fowl Street. The additions of these two new sightings raises our bird list to 173 recorded sightings. While we continue to update and record the Silver Lakes bird list, we should be aware that these birds are not necessarily “Silver Lakes” residents(!), but are rather Silver Lakes Residents or Visitors to Silver Lakes. However, we can all be proud that the beautiful and varied Silver Lakes environment has attracted such a wide variety of birds; we need to continue to nurture this beautiful natural asset that we have! Happy birding!

Bird list additions 580 621

Gevlekte lyster Bosveltjeriktik

Bugs Dryburgh 45 Guinea Fowl Street 012 809 0458 082 788 9092

Groundscraper Thrush Titbabbler or Chestnut vented Titbabbler

Birding in Silver Lakes

BIRD LIST 06 08 55 58 60 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 74 78 81 91 93 94 95 99 100 101 102 104 113 116 127 148 149 157 169 188 199 203 213 223 226 228 240 249 255 258 260 264 266 270 272 284 286

Kuifkopdobbertjie Kleindobbertjie Witborsduiker Rietduiker Slanghalsvoël Bloureier Swartkopreier Reusereier Rooireier Grootwitreier Kleinwitreier Geelbekwitreier Swartreier Bosluisvoël Groenrugreier Woudapie Hamerkop Skoorsteenveër Glansibis Hadeda Lepelaar Nonnetjie-eend Fluiteend Witrugeend Kolgans Geelbekeend Bruineend Wildemakou Blouvalk Visarend Bruinjakkalsvoël Kleinsperwer Kaalwangvalk Swempie Bosveldfisant Gewone Tarentaal Swartriethaan Grootkoningriethaan Grootwaterhoender Bleshoender Grootlangtoon Driebandstrandkiewiet Kroonkiewiet Bontkiewiet Lelkieweit Gewone Ruiter Bosruiter Groenpootruiter Krombekstrandloper Kemphaan Afrikaanse Snip

294 295

Bontelsie Rooipootelsie

297 315 349 350 352 354 355 368 369 373 377 386 391 392 401 411 416 417 421 424 426 428 431 433 435 437 451 452 454 457 464

Dikkop Gryskopmeeu Kransduif Geelbekbosduif Grootringduif Gewone Tortelduif Rooiborsduifie Njassaparkiet Swartwangparkiet Kwêvoël Piet-my-vrou Diederikkie Gewone Vleiloerie Nonnetjiesuil Gevlekte Ooruil Europese Windswael Horuswindswael Kleinwindswael Palmwindswael Gevlekte Muisvoël Rooiwangmuisvoël Bondvisvanger Kuifkopvisvanger Bosveldvisvanger Bruinkopvisvanger Gestreepte Visvanger Hoephoep Gewone Kakelaar Swartbekkakelaar Grysneushoringvoël Rooikophouthapper

Great Crested Grebe Dabchick or Little Grebe Whitebreasted Cormorant or Great Cormorant Reed Cormorant Darter Grey Heron Blackheaded Heron Goliath Heron (Ardea goliath) Purple Heron Great White Heron Little Egret Yellowbilled Egret or Intermediate Egret Black Egret or Black Heron Cattle Egret Greenbacked Heron Little Bitten Hamerkop Sacred Ibis Glossy Ibis Hadeda Ibis African Spoonbill Whitefaces Duck Fulvous Duck Whitebacked Duck Egyptian Goose Yellowbilled Duck Southern Pochard Spurwinged Goose Blackshouldered Kite African Fish Eagle Steppe Buzzard Little Sparrowhawk Gymnogene Coqui Partridge Swainson's Francolin or Spurfowl Helmeted Guineafowl Black Crake Purple Gallinule or African Purple Swamphen Moorhen Redknobbed Coot African Jacana Threebanded Plover Crowned Plover or Crowned Lapwing Blacksmith Plover or Blacksmith Lapwing Wattled Plover or Wattled Lapwing Common Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Greenshank Curlew Sandpiper Ruff Ethiopian Snipe (Gallinago nigripennis) Avocet (Recurvirostra avosetta) Blackwinged Stilt (Himantopus himantopus) Spotted Dikkop or Spotted Thick-knee Greyheaded Gull Rock Pigeon or Speckled Pigeon Rameron Pigeon or African Olive Pigeon Redeyed Dove Cape Turtle Dove or Ring-necked Dove Laughing Dove Lilians Lovebird Black-cheeked Lovebird Grey Lourie or Go-away Bird Redchested Cuckoo Diederik Cuckoo Burchell's Coucal Barn Owl Spotted Eagle Owl European Swift Horus Swift Little Swift Palm Swift Speckled Mousebird Redfaced Mousebird Pied Kingfisher Malachite Kingfisher Woodland Kingfisher Brown-hooded Kingfisher Striped Kingfisher (Halcyon chelicuti) Hoopoe Redbilled Woodhoopoe or Green Woodhoopoe Scimitarbilled Woodhoopoe Grey Hornbill Blackcollared Barbet

473 483 486 489 518 520 526 527 533 534 541 545 548 560 568 576 577 580 586 593 595 596 601 602 613 621 635 645 651 656 661 664 681 683 685 689 694 698 701 706 710 713 716 727 732 736 739 740 741 743 746 758 764 769 787 792 796 801 803 804 807 811 813 814 815 812 824 826 829 832 834 841 844 846 855 856 857 860 862 865 867 869 870 885 886

Kuifkophoutkapper Goudstertspeg Kardinaalspeg Draaihals Europese Swael Witkeelswael Grootstreepswael Kleinstreepswael Afrikaanse Oewerswael Gebande Oewerswael Mikstertbyvanger Swartkopwielewaal Witborskraai Pylvlekkatlagter Swartoogtiptol Rooibeklyster Olyflyster Gevlekte lyster Bergwagter Dassievoël Swartpiek Gewone Bontrokkie Gewone Janfrederik Witkeeljanfrederik Gestreepte wipstert Bosveltjeriktik Kaapse Rietsanger Bandkeelkleinjantie Bosveldstompstert Bruinkeelbossanger Grasvoël Landeryklopkloppie Neddikkie Bruinsylangstertjie Swartbandlangstertjie Europese Vlieëvanger Swartvlieëvanger Fiskaalvlieëvanger Witliesbosbontrokkie Fairy Flycatcher Paradysvlieëvanger Gewone Kwikkie Gewone Koester Oranjekeelkalkoentjie Fiskaallaksman Suidelike Waterfiskaal Rooiborslaksman Sneeubal Bontroklaksman Rooivlerktjagra Bokmakierie Indiese Spreeu Kleinglansspreeu Rooivlerkspreeu Witpenssuikerbekkie Swartsuikerbekkie Kaapse Glasogie Huismossie Gewone Mossie Gryskopmossie Dibekwewer Bondrugwewer Kaapse Wewer Swartkeelgeelvink Kleingeelvink Rooibekkwelea Rooivink Goudgeelvink Witvlerkflap Langstertflap Gewone Melba Jamesonsevuurvinkie Gewone Blousysie Rooibeksysie Bondkeelvink Rooikopvink Gewone Fret Koningrooibekkie Gewone Paradysvink Witpootblouvinkie Staalblouvinkie Geeloogkanarie Bergkanarie Rooivlerkstreepkoppie Geelpensbossanger

Crested Barbet Goldentailed Woodpecker Cardinal Woodpecker Redthroated Wryneck European Swallow Whitethroated Swallow Greater Striped Swallow Lesser Striped Swallow Brownthroated Martin or Plain Martin Banded Martin Forktailed Drongo Blackheaded Oriole Pie Crow Arrowmarked Babbler Blackeyed Bulbul or Dark-capped Bulbul Kurrichane Thrush Olive Thrush Groundscraper Thrush Mountain Chat or Wheatear Mocking Chat or Cliff Chat Anteating Chat Stonechat (Saxicola torquata) Cape Robin or Cape Robin-chat White-throated Robin White-browed Scrub Robin Titbabbler or Chestnut vented Titbabbler Cape Reed Warbler or Lesser Swamp Warbler Barthroated Apalis Longbilled Crombec Burnt- necked Eremomela Grassbird Fantailed Cisticola Neddicky Tawnyflanked Prinia Blackchested Prinia Spotted Flycatcher Black Flycatcher Fiscal Flycatcher Chinspot Batis Paradise Flycatcher Cape Wagtail Grassveld Pipit Orangethroated Longclaw or Cape Longclaw Fiscal Shrike Southern Boubou Crimsonbreasted Shrike Puffback or Black-backed Puffback Brubru Threestreaked Tchagra or Brown-crowned Tchagra Bokmakierie Indian Myna or Common Myna Glossy Starling Redwinged Starling Whitebellied Sunbird Black Sunbird or Amethyst Sunbird Cape White-eye House Sparrow Cape Sparrow Greyheaded Sparrow Thick-billed Weaver Spottedbacked Weaver or Village Weaver Cape Weaver Masked Weaver Lesser Masked Weaver Redbilled Quelea Red Bishop Golden Bishop or Yellow-crowned Weaver Whitewinged Widow Longtailed Widow Melba Finch or Green-winged Pytilia Jamesons Firefinch Blue Waxbill Common Waxbill (Estrilda astrild) Cut-Throat Finch Redheaded Finch Bronze Mannikin Pintailed Whydah Paradise Whydah Purple Widowfinch or Indigobird Steelblue Widowfinch or Village Indigobird Yelloweyed Canary or Yellow-fronted Canary Blackthroated Canary Cape Bunting Yellow-bellied Eremomela

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 15

Fishing Fun Receipt Number:

Angling Club / Hengelklub Application For Membership / Aansoek Om Lidmaatskap Personal Details: Name:


Residential Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………....... Stand Number: ……………....... Contact Details:

(Work): (.......) …………….. (Home): (.......) …………..

(Mobile): (.......) ……………

Email Address: (NB) …………………………………..................Please inform us of any change in contact details Interests: Preferred Angling Methods

(i) ………………………………………. (ii) ………..……………………………..

(Fly, Deep Sea, Bait, Species

(iii) ……………………………………... (iv) ………….…………………………..

Specific etcetera…)

Golf Club Member? Other interests:



If Yes, Membership Number:

(i) ………………………………………….


(ii) …………………………………………..

Member Details: Member Name

Adult / Child*

Member Age

Joining Fee**

Annual Subscription**

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total Bank Details: M L Brown ABSA Midrand Acc # 9119471404

Branch # 537 155

****Fee Structure Joining Fee: R150 per Adult; R100 per Child Annual Subscription: 150 per Adult; R100 per Child Please fax completed form to 012-3483500 or mail to

Signed: …………………………………………………










INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 17

Table Talk

TRENDY TABLES Anne Hildebrand Op 6 April 2009 is ons dogtertjie, Katelyn Elizabeth Hildebrand gebore. Na 3 energieke, besige seuntjies was dit asof daar 'n kalm, rustige, pastelpienk geur in ons huis neergedaal het toe sy haar opwagting maak! Dit was vir my, wat blomme en koeke vir 'n lewe doen, fantasties om uiteindelik pienk te koop en die beplanning van haar inseëning was 'n fees! Planning a ceremony like a Christening in your garden can be daunting, but if you plan and delegate properly it can be such a special experience. I wanted to do everything myself, I even dressed her up, but remember to ask for help if you feel you can't manage everything! First of all, limit your guest list to a manageable size. Beautiful invites give a wonderful first impression. With the wide variety of paper stock and embellishments available at scrapbook shops these days it is easy to make the invitations yourself. Die dekor is baie belangrik. Vir 'n doop of inseëning kan mens met 'n beperkte begroting 'n pragtige prentjie skep. Ek het byvoorbeeld baie linte oral laat hang met botteltjies blomme, voëltjies, babaskoentjies en geroeste woorde wat ek pienk geverf het. Ek het ook vetplantrosies met blomsprei pienk geverf en so met dit wat in my tuin is, ruikers “gerek”. Gebruik loof uit jou tuin of vra jou buurvrou of jy van hare kan pluk. Verskillende kleure blomblare kan ook die dekor aanvul. I used cut up tree stumps for extra seating. Cushions in different shapes made from pastel pink polka dot material looked pretty on the stumps, and I can use them again for parties in the future. For the children I covered empty milk tins with gift paper, decorated it with ribbon and flowers and filled it with sweets and toys. The guests helped themselves on bite-sized snacks and home made punch with lots of fresh fruit. Die doopkoek was in room en pienk. Katelyn se naam is in sjokelade geskryf en met fyn versiersuikerblommetjies afgerond. Dit het deel uitgemaak van die dekor op die tafel en is as poeding bedien. Elke gas is huis toe met 'n tunablikkie wat oorgetrek is met bedrukte sneespapier en gevul is met 'n witgeverfde vetplantrosie wat met fyn glaskraletjies versier is.

Trendy tables Contact me to order: Flowers, cakes, gifts etc. Anne Hildebrand 082 622 7835 or 012 809 1254

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 18

Young Masters

B U S Y A S H WA R I D R E A M S B I G Michelle van Staden Ashwari Pillay is a beautiful, young and talented resident of Silver Lakes. Stepping into her world, one soon realises that Silver Lakes is her kingdom, her mom and dad's beautiful house is her castle, and she of course is the pretty princess who rules over it all. Ashwari is a seven-yearold Indian girl who was born in Pretoria. Even at this very young age she is blessed with a sparkling personality, a strong sense of self-belief and a positive attitude towards life. Her enthusiasm towards her future is almost contagious. While nibbling away on her mom, Merlina's, mouth-watering snacks, she wastes no time on meaningless small talk and immediately starts to explain the inner workings of a day in her life.

provide any time to continue with that. Ashwari says that she would love to start singing lessons this year. Ashwari's favourite actress is Miley Cyrus, perhaps better known as Hannah Montana. She explains that Hannah has got two closets full of clothes, one for normal day wear and the other for her life on the stage. “I wish I had so many clothes,” she says. Her advice to other talented and busy young people is to never say that you cannot do something and never to cheat on spelling tests. Ashwari Pillay is a young girl with a passion for life. Her love for animals, nature and her family reflects her pure intentions. Her need to do more and better is most certainly a characteristic that sets her apart from her peers.

As an ambitious grade two student at St Mary's DSG in Hatfield, her day begins very early. Ashwari's favourite subjects are without a doubt Mathematics, Sepedi and Art. Reasons for this is that they are all relatively easy and also a lot of fun. Before she even finishes her sentence, she runs up the stairs and yells proudly that she would like to introduce someone. While she is intensely searching for this certain someone, Merlina explains that it might take a while due to the fact that her little princess' room is not quite as tidy as it should be. Ashwari returns with a funny-looking puppet. “This is Jack and he lives in a box, therefore I call this project Jack-in-a-box,” she explains. Jack-in-a-box is one of her latest art projects and with great pride she demonstrates how one would go about handling the puppet.

Ashwari with her funny-looking puppet, Jack

Ashwari is also part of St Mary's choir and explains that the songs they are performing make all of the hard work worth it. Songs like Pinocchio, Bibbitie Bobbotie Boo and When you wish upon a Star are amongst her favourites. On Tuesdays she has soccer practice and on Thursdays she devotes her time to basketball practice. “I can't throw the ball through the hoop yet, we only have to practice to make the ball hop,” she says. Even after school there is no time to waste. She loves to paint with water paint and runs up the stairs once again to fetch some of her latest masterpieces. Playing with her dolls and watching Scooby Doo and the Boomerang channel is what Ashwari does for fun. She loves to watch Barbie movies like Island Princess and the fact that Barbie can talk to animals makes Barbie her biggest hero of all time. She took piano lessons at a local music school in Silver Lakes, but this past year her schedule simply didn't

Ashwari is always smiling! INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 19

Pienkvoet Praatjies

RY M P I E S V I R D I E K L E I N TJ I E S Anelia Prinsloo

'n Prettige manier om jou kind se taal en spraakvaardigheid te verbeter, is om rympies op te sê. Babas word gestimuleer deur die klanke, ritme, rym, opeenvolging en verskillende buigings van jou stem. In kinderrympies is die taaleienskappe belangriker as die betekenis – dis juis waarom kinders dol is daaroor! Rympies ontwikkel ook jou kind se toekomstige leesvermoë. Hy leer reeds vroeg hoe om tussen klankpatrone te onderskei. Kleuters kan reeds op 'n vroeë ouderdom met woorde begin “speel” en kort voor lank 'n eenvoudige rympie opsê.

Pre oefe tning

Wenke vir rympie-tyd: •

• •

Begin jul eie eenvoudige rympies te maak vir bv. etenstyd, badtyd en slaaptyd. So sal jou baba vinnig in 'n roetine kan kom, en later presies weet wat gaan nou volgende gebeur: Doedoe baba slaap nou sag Buite hou die sterre wag Doedoe baba slaap nou gou Engele hou wag oor jou… Maak die rympies moeliker soos wat jou baba ouer word. Rympies word saam met handgebare opgesê om dit meer pret te maak. Dink aan die ou gunsteling: Handjies klap, koekies bak n iek e Mus ging Bring die meel, nie te veel e Klits die eiers gou-gou, bew Lekker eet ons net-nou Maak die rympies interessant deur sommige reëls hard te sê, en sommiges te fluister. Verander ook die ritme – soms stadig en soms lekker vinnig. Of, begin stadig, en sê dan al hoe vinniger. Maak jou rympies persoonlik en van toepassing op jou kind. Neem 'n A4 karton en plak 'n foto van jou kind daarop. Plak nou 'n karton (wat soos 'n deurtjie kan oopmaak) bo oor die foto. Leer jou kind die volgende rympie en wys hom hoe om te klop en wanneer hy die “deurtjie” moet oopmaak. Hulle is mal oor hierdie een! Klop klop, wie's by die deur? Maak oop die deur, hier's (kind se naam) weer! Die boekwinkels is propvol nuwe, byderwetse rympieboeke. Lees dit elke dag voor vir jou kind.


Leer speel-sp eel

Ek nooi jou uit om 'n gratis les te kom bywoon by PIENKVOETPRET hier in Silver Lakes, waar ons al spelende leer. Babas tussen 3 maande en 3 jaar woon die klas saam met mamma by. Klasse is 'n uur en 'n half lank en tydens die les word alle vlakke van ontwikkeling aangeraak. Ons leer jou hoe om jou baba speel-speel te stimuleer en gee vir jou wenke en idees wat jy tuis kan herhaal. Elke maand word 'n nuwe rympie ook aangeleer! Kontak my gerus vir meer inligting en om jou plekkie te bespreek! Besoek ook gerus ons webwerf by English classes in Wapadrand! Contact Hanneke @ 083 460 3236 Anelia Prinsloo @ 082 214 1987 (HOD Jnr Primêr, BA)

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 22

Managed Living

NO-FUSS LIVING Concierge at your service Welcome to Silver Lakes - No-Fuss Living, an exciting lifestyle programme created exclusively for the homeowners in our Estate. The Silver Lakes HOA understands the pressures you face on a daily basis, balancing personal and work demands while trying to get the most out of life. That is why Managed Living, in partnership with the Silver Lakes HOA, customised the No-Fuss Living Services to make your life easier: • • •

minimise frustration, save you a substantial amount of money and give you more of life's most precious resource: time.

Use the service as your personal concierge! You can access all these services through a single phone number:

The No-Fuss Living Services as listed below are available to you free of charge. Please familiarise yourself with the No-Fuss Living Services to ensure you make the most of the great specials. The specials include discounts on travel, cars, connectivity and many more.

No-Fuss Roadside Emergency

No-Fuss Home Emergency

No-Fuss Legal Assist

No-Fuss Labour Assist

No-Fuss Tax Assist

No-Fuss Financial Assist

No-Fuss Wheels

No-Fuss Bond

No-Fuss Connect

No-Fuss Travel

No-Fuss Insure

0861 NO-FUSS 0861 66 3877 or website: Also visit to explore great specials and other online deals available to you. We recommend you log on regularly to view the constantly changing special offers.


VACATION FREE Samsung E1080 + Samsung E1080 + Sinotec 32” LCD TV on 2 Cell C Casual Chat 100 24 month contracts @ only R290 per month!

Price includes: 2 X 100 FREE off peak minutes | Mandatory CLI | Itemised billing Additional Charges:R200 Sim and Connection (once-off) Prices subject to change without notification and value add subject to availability. Terms and conditions apply. E&OE.

All you need to do is call 0861 NO FUSS


Hazyview Hazyview Cabanas 4 diamonds Size: 1 Bedroom 4 sleeper unit, self-catering Suitable for: Family / Friends Driving time from Johannesburg: Approximately 5 hours Weekstay: In Friday Out Friday R2 069 per person For 7 nights based on 4 people sharing Total cost of unit: For this 7 night period is R8 276 Validity: 02 April 2010 -09 April 2010 These rates are not applicable during school holidays and public holidays. Prices valid at time of publishing. Please reconfirm rate before booking. Subject to availability and currency fluctuations. Valid for South African residents only. Terms and conditions apply. E&OE

All you need to do is call 0861 NO FUSS

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 23


E L E O S G O L F D AY Please join us for our annual Golf Day to be hosted on 14th May 2010 at Silver Lakes Country Club.

All funds raised will go to ELEOS COMMUNITY CENTRE in Pretoria West in aid of underprivileged children and their families.

For further information please contact Ane Worst at 082 923-6860 or Help ‘n gemeenskap om hulself te help Helping a community to help themselves

Genade in Aksie Mercy in Action

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 24

Contact Details Tel: 012-809 0814 (Mon to Fri 8am – 1pm) Fax: 0866 070 585 Email: Web: NPO 033-184 ABSA Lynnwood Ridge, Acc No 4050 671 221

Nature Talk


Houdini the springbok, who featured in an article in the Intra Muros of January 2010, is now ten weeks old. Through extreme patience and dedication, Houdini is now on the mend and is largely reunited with his parents and siblings whom he moves around with in the game reserve area. He still needs to be regularly bottlefed, as he has lost the natural instinct to suckle from his mother. Because of the terrible injuries he suffered to his leg in the attack by the zebras when he was barely three days old, one of Houdini's hind legs is shorter than the other. He is still able to move around and even run, but he has a pronounced limp. In the wild, Houdini would be a natural target for predators, who generally go after weaker or sickly prey, as well as aged animals that are not able to move freely. This is nature's way of ensuring that only the fittest survive.

Houdini is now on the mend and is largely reunited with his parents and siblings

It is not clear whether Houdini will ever be able to hold his own in the wild, but the sanctuary provided by our Estate should give him a better than even chance of living out his normal life span. Thanks once again goes to Dr Douw Grobler and the surrogate mothers Karen Naude and Carin Evans who have been instrumental in keeping Houdini bottle-fed, as he builds up his strength following his trauma last year. Please do NOT be alarmed about Houdini's condition and inability to move freely. We have many, well-meaning reports lodged at the office, but we are aware of Houdini's general state of health and are doing everything we can to make him as comfortable as possible. How you can help? Please remind anybody who drives on the Estate, to please refrain from using excessive speed, to avoid hurting or killing other wild animals and especially since Houdini might not be as fleet of foot as other, normal, healthy animals. We must ALL play our part in ensuring that we provide proper conditions for Houdini's speedy recovery and recuperation.

Houdini is able to move around and run, but has a pronounced limp

Please remind anybody who drives on the Estate, to please refrain from using excessive speed! Houdini has lost the natural instinct to suckle from his mother INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 25


Silver Lakes Sport Pages I have been trying to swim better and faster for many years now, then I read this article by Kevin Koskella about swimming on your side! I realised that part of me is doing some sort of 'swimming on my side' already, but not really as suggested by Kevin. Maybe it came from all the years of trying to get through the water with the least effort! I am going to try and see what difference this style of swimming/training will make for me in the next season!

Compiled by Corlia Mathews

Kevin Koskella said in his article: “When we learned to swim freestyle as children, most of us swim flat in the water, with little or no hip rotation as our arms are doing the majority of the work. Many tri-athletes and open water swimmers have found it necessary to change their stroke and swim more on their sides in order to conserve energy, swim faster, and get through potential rough water conditions with greater ease. Rotating from side to side as you swim is a method that has been around for over 30 years. When Mark Spitz was gaining national recognition in the early 70's, many critics said his only problem was that he did this side-to-side action as he swam! Little did they realise just how revolutionary that stroke was. Science has now backed up this style of swimming, and great swim coaches like Howard Furby and Ernie Maglischo have popularised swimming on your side with

many successful swimmers over the years. Good swimming is about using the core of your body – hips, stomach, lower back, and chest. Top swimmers rotate the core of the body from one side to the other, while keeping the head fixed. When you rotate in this way, you move through the water more like a fish, or a boat, reaching further forward on each stroke, and maximising your efficiency. Swimming freestyle on your side may seem like a foreign concept at first. But with consistent practice, you will be able to swim more efficiently, resulting in faster swim times and greater energy conservation.

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 26

Here is a drill to begin practising (you may use fins if you have them): 1.



Kick on your side with your left hand extended and your right hand by your side. Keep your head down and locked to your shoulder. On the second length, switch sides and extend your right hand, with your left hand by your side. When looking down, you should be at about a 90-degree angle in the water. When you need air, roll your hips into more of a 45-degree angle with your eyes looking straight up and water surrounding your face, take a few breaths, and repeat. Continue to practise this kicking drill and notice your balance in the water improving.

If you are new to being on your side in the water, practise these drills with fins on! The reason for this is that it allows you to take your mind off your kick and focus strictly on doing the drill properly. Once you start to feel more balanced in the water, do this without your fins. Just make sure you are not spending your energy kicking just to keep from sinking!

Here is a set to practise kicking on your side with:

12 x 25's Kicking on your side with fins. Odd 25's: Left side kicking; Even 25's: Right side kicking. Belly button pointed towards the side wall.

Take as much rest as you need between lengths.

Practise this every time you get in the pool for the next month.

By the end of that month, you should feel much more balanced in the water!

Notice board If you have any queries, please contact the following people regarding:


Dancing lessons

Bennie Bester 012 809 2123

Claudia Lessman 083 947 7584


Bi- Athlon / Tri-Athlon series

Alfie (Pro Shop) 012 809 0430

Running Hanneli van Tonder 082 564 9906 Brenda van der Merwe 082 825 0366

Bennie Bester 012 809 2123 Corlia Mathews 083 448 9441

Pilates Brenda van der Merwe 082 825 0366

Silver Lakes Sport Pages

MIDMAR MILE Corlia Matthews

In Silver Lakes one has the choice of getting fit through many types of sport. There is Pilates, Dancing, our Local Virgin Active (012 809 4119), jogging, cycling, walking‌ and my favourite, swimming. And obviously golf! You can join the Silver Lakes Club or enroll in courses at the Academy, or just book a round of golf. Phone Alfie and his team at the Pro Shop at 012 809 0430. Zelda of the Golf Academy will help you with specialised Pilates exercises, or to understand golf better at one of her courses, or Travis will help you better your swing, just contact them and ask for help! Zelda: 082 887 4050 or Travis: 072 434 0116 You can contact Brenda (082 825 0366) and Bennie (082 783 0086) to find out about any of the sports types we practise on the Estate. They are the members on the Social Committee who organise our sport features for us when we have our events on the Estate. They both will be able to tell you more about the Clubs, events and times for Pilates and cycling respectively. For Dancing classes and events in Silver Lakes you can contact Claudia on 083 947 7584. Or if you are really stuck, phone me, Corlia, on 083 448 9441! I will see how I can help. As you would have gathered form last month's Intra Muros, by the time you will be reading this issue, three teams of Silver Lakers will have done the 2010 Midmar Mile! We will bring back lots of photographs so you can see how we did. We will be swimming the non-company event as Silver Lakes Teams on Saturday the 13th and some of us the individual events on the Sunday as well! Spending Valentine's Day with our loved ones in and out of the water!

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 27

Silver Lakes Sport Pages


Flexibility is a joint's ability to move through a full range of motion. Flexibility training (stretching) helps balance muscle groups that might be overused during exercise or physical activity, or as a result of bad posture. It's important to clearly understand the many benefits that result from a good flexibility programme. • • • • • •

Improved physical performance and decreased risk of injury. Reduced muscle soreness and improved posture. Reduced risk of lower back pain. Increased blood and nutrients to tissues. Improved muscle co-ordination. Enhanced enjoyment of physical activities.

Be sure to check with your health care professional before making any changes in your activity habits.

Pilates Group Times for 2010 Monday



Wednesday Thursday 5:30am


6:30am 6:30am Private 7:30am Semi-Private 7:30am

6:30am 7:30am




17:30pm Semi-Private 17:30pm 18:30pm 18:30pm

17:30pm 18:30pm


INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 28

Friday 6:30am 7:30am 8:30am


Social Events in Silver Lakes

S O C I A L I S I N G I N S I LV E R L A K E S Corlia Mathews

Now that the year has started and more than a month is already gone it seems appropriate to start planning ahead for the rest of the year. By the time you read this we will have had our first HOA Meetings. So that by the time I write my next article we might actually already 'own' Silver Lakes! What with that and three Silver Lakes teams swimming the Midmar Mile as well as 2010 Soccer in full gear rushing towards us, it is going to be a momentous year, and one of many changes, including a change for the better for the homeowner in Silver Lakes: this year also marks the transfer of ownership of the Club House and Golf Course facilities to all Silver Lakers. At our AGM in November the 'yes' vote confirmed that we believe it would be best for us to own all the facilities within our walls. We have been voted the BEST SECURITY ESTATE IN THE COUNTRY, now we can become the Best Estate in the Country as well! Amenities around our Estate are expanding and the Silver Lakes Golf Estate will only go from strength to strength in the future!

We have been voted the BEST SECURITY ESTATE IN THE COUNTRY, now we can become the Best Estate in the Country as well! We have been listening to homeowners who made suggestions regarding: • • • •

Special Evenings for homeowners, such as bridge club evenings and family get-togethers; Special Prices for homeowners frequenting the Club and its facilities, such as the restaurant and golf course; A 'Morning Tea for over 60's' where the older, but still young at heart can meet, chat to each other and have some fun. How about a round of Bingo? A Youth Club - where we organise movies, dancing ('sokkies') for the kids at the Club on a weekly basis in a safe, alcohol-free environment. Overseen by Security (and some parents?); We already have a homeowner who wants to organise a day where the non-understanding, beginner golfers can play with a golfer who will help them understand the rules and what makes golf tick; We can also organise more regular Markets, such as a Food Market where we sell home-made foodstuffs on a Saturday/Sunday morning on the lawn in front of the Club House; Holiday Events such as golf, tennis, squash against one another with jumping castles for the smaller kids to keep them busy... And much more...please make some suggestions!

Now is the time to let us know what you want: we are listening to what Silver Lakers are saying... email us or phone!

Have a great February and March and please feel free to contact us for any questions or queries you may have: Corlia Mathews - Liaison and Social Trustee: 083 448 9441 Kathy O'Connor - Liaison Manager: 012 809 0142 Silver Lakes Trustees

Social responsibility As I mentioned last month we make a great effort during our winter Charity Month to collect and distribute donations from our residents. We had offers of starting a library at Lesedi school and we get asked for goods for Paul Junickel. Please do not hesitate to call and ask me anything you want about donations, and other suggestions you might have. As always, we would like to invite all Silver Lakers to continue during the year to contact us if you have any books, stationery, furniture, clothing, toys and all those 'what do I do with this' items. We will direct you to a charity that might be able to use it if you want to take it yourself, otherwise we will see what we can do ourselves. Have a great and generous year!

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 29

Social Events in Silver Lakes


This month I repeat the call to all Silver Lakes Residents: Would you like to have an input into the goings-on in Silver Lakes? Join the Social Committee, please contact myself or Kathy:

Upcoming Events

Corlia Mathews: 083 448 9441 Kathy O'Connor: 012 809 0142

August: September:

We have an active committee in Silver Lakes organising the yearly events I mention below. We organise events, get involved in charity and start 'clubs'. But, as you would have gathered, we are gearing up to 'go big': involve more homeowners and try and accommodate all our residents in the events we organise.

November & December:

So, get pro-active and email us, phone us or join the Social Committee! We would like to add more events, special happenings and 'Clubs' for Silver Lakers. Especially with the Soccer World Cup Events coming up and prices for airfare and accommodation going through the roof, most Silver Lakers will be stuck right here on the Estate. Do we need to start thinking about keeping ourselves busy? Organise our own fun events? Let me know what you think. Once again: Contact us if you have any suggestions about the existing events or for new events. Please join us and help us build a stronger Silver Lakes Community. Corlia Mathews 083 448 9441

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 30

March/April: May: June: June: June: July:


Easter holidays Mother's Day 2010 Soccer & Holidays Father's Day Youth Day – 16 July Winter Wonderland Charity Month Charity Month Charity Month Spring Day (2nd weekend) Garden Competition Halloween Christmas Lunch, lights and Carols – Last Sunday before school closes

Silver Lakes Flea Markets are fun If you have wares to sell, join us this year at one of our flea markets.

Important dates for Flea Markets - 2010: All the special days we organise events for as mentioned under 'Events' – we will let you know, so send us your email address and we can contact you! We are also looking at holding a 'Food Market' more regularly – let me know what you think please, Corlia at 083 448 9441.

Cost per exhibitor: 1st table 2nd table Children under 16

- R120 - R50 - R50

Bring own:

Tablecloths Advertising material Gazebo

All enquiries:

Email us for ANY queries Kathy: Corlia:

It is important to remember: Book your table and pay the fee at the HOA offices, Muirfield Boulevard, New Gate @ Hans Strydom; The contact person is Kathy O'Connor 012 809 0142.

Please send us all your information if you have not already done so previously: Name Your product Phone numbers Email address Vehicle registration number if you live outside Silver Lakes.


RUBEN KRUGER Corlia Mathews

Ruben Kruger (30 Maart 1970 - 27 Januarie 2010)

mense oor Ruben – word net goeie dinge gesê. Niemand kan eens 'n skewe woord van hom onthou nie! Soos Lize sê, hy was 'n 'huishen', sy gesin was heel eerste! Mense se posisie in die lewe het vir hom niks beteken nie. Almal was vir hom ewe belangrik. Die wat nood gehad het, het hy hoogste op sy prioriteitslys geplaas. As hy in die hospital ietsie te ete wou hê, moes Lize ook vir die verpleegsters bring. Lize het al die jare opgelees, navorsing gedoen en met dieet en ander hulpmiddels vir Ruben die lewe so gemaklik moontlik gemaak. In die amper 10 jaar wat die siekte gediagnoseer is het Lize altyd geglo dat 'n wonderwerk sal gebeur, dit het, dat Ruben vir soveel jare vir hulle gespaar is. Silver Lakes sal Ruben altyd onhou as 'ons rugby speler'. Ruben was die voorbeeld wat elke pa aan sy seun sal voorhou van hoe ons dink 'n Sprinbok moet wees en optree. Ons sal Lize, Zoë en Isabella altyd in ons midde hê om Ruben te onthou.

Vir iemand wat haar lewensmaat 24 jaar ken van sy 39 jaar het Lieze 'n ander soort paadjie geloop as meeste van ons. Sy het hierdie spesiale persoon in haar lewe verloor terwyl meeste van ons nog besig is om ons veskille uit te sorteer... Lize en Ruben op 'n foto met hul pragtige dogterjies, Zoe en Isabella lyk net soos enige gelukkige familie. Maar die drie vroue in Ruben se lewe moes 'n paadjie loop saam met hom wat niemand sal kies nie. Met Lize se ondersteuning was Ruben die hoof van die wonderlikste huisgesin ooit. Ruben is daardie ou wat mens op skool leer ken het waarvan almal hou. Wat dink almal is fantasties en almal is net so goed soos hy in als. En net so goeie ou soos hy. Praat mens met

Hierdie drie spesiale meisies in Ruben se lewe sal Silver Lakes help om hom ook te onthou deur vir ons te wys waar ons vir hom 'n bankie, met skadu bome, kan oprig sodat Silver Lakes 'n spesiale herinnering het van 'n baie spesiale Silver Laker.

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 31

Design in Silver Lakes


As you would remember from last year's articles, 'design' has a lot to do with line, form, texture and such elements. If you look at your own home, you will realise that no matter what a designer might say, the 'personality' of the resident becomes apparent when one looks at the design from the street. And obviously when one enters the home one will see the small details each and every homeowner ads to make their own special dwelling their own.

It is this involvement in our own affairs we spoke about in another article last year where we compared business to art and living just our normal day to day lives. Remember. But this same principle can also be applied to our homes. We buy or allow a decorator to design our home to our own subconscious specs. Without really thinking about it, we ourselves have a much larger say in the home we live in. Why did you buy that specific home? Some elements in the house must have made it agreeable to you. The same for the designer you use to design your home. Exterior or interior. You would have done some research in choosing the specific architect to design your dream house! That is how we subconsciously 'keep our hand in' such very personal choices. We do not really leave it all to the architect or interior designer, we not only tell them what we want, we already chose them for certain reasons!

According to one dictionary: “Design is the planning that lays the basis for the making of every object or system. It can be used both as a noun and as a verb and, in a broader sense, it means applied arts and engineering.�

And then, we start living in the house that Jack built or designed... we add a little bit here, we add a little bit there! We 'personalise' it. It is like when you get dressed, you do not wear the outfit exactly as you saw it in the shop window, you add a little bit of this, a little bit of that to personalise it! Granny's scarf and your new red shoes look much better than the brown shoes and silky scarf in the window!

This seems like a mouthful with no immediate meaning for the likes of us. What it basically boils down to is that in our normal day to day goings-on we each 'design' our own environment, destiny and future.

We do that to our homes as well. We add and take away, change and renovate, just so that the house that the original designer thought perfect, becomes our own.

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 32

Design in Silver Lakes This is self-design. It is timeless, goes with the person and never ages! Therefore, if you are planning some renovating, building your dream house, even changing your old house's design think: Will I tire of this? If not, go with it! It is exactly what you like and will like forever! Do not matter what fashion prescribes or the Joneses think... do it... it is you! Trust yourself, your own inner self. You know best what you want, what makes you happy. The accompanying photographs depict individual design, which speaks of the people living behind the front door! Usually it took a whole process of thought, individuals living at the residence discussing changes or starting an original design or feeling of a property. We do not just jump in and change or create – as the saying goes: it grows on you and the changes happens through a process of elimination and confirmation. In the coming months we will try and establish sections or divisions in the styles of our own in Silver Lakers. We will discuss the processes we go through to get to our own personalised style. With some it might take one day, with others months, or even years! It is about this process and the fruits thereof we will talk in the next few issues. Hoping that in some small way it will help us develop the confidence we need to believe that what we want is the right thing. Even if you say “I have no talent in design”, you do know what you want, you will know what is right for you and your family. By a process of elimination you will be able to choose the one or the other item. If you have any special features you want me to write about, please do not hesitate to contact me. We are going to publish a lot for and about Silver Lakers. Have a great month having fun getting your house personalised! Corlia Mathews (083 448 9441) PS I will come and take the photographs if you want me to publish something specific.

We add and take away, change and renovate, just so that the house that the original designer thought perfect, becomes our own...

Do not matter what fashion prescribes or the Joneses think... do it... it is you!

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 33

Energy Wise

LIVING GREEN Corlia Mathews

We went from calculators only the engineering students could understand to computers the smallest child can use in less than one lifetime!

In 2009 we looked at different ways to 'live green'. The costs we save, saving the planet, all the issues why we should think about what we do before we use energy, before we change a light bulb. We read about new designs in architecture, recycling, using different types of light bulbs, installing solar heaters and geysers.

I think we should try and make the effort to sit and evaluate where we think we can do our bit to save the earth “for our kids”. Yes, that is how they get to us... it is for our kids. I do not know how they get to you guys who do not have kids, but they will. Is this then a campaign to make us feel guilty about what we feel we deserve.

Yes, we all live in houses where energy consumption is at an altime high. When a survey was done about the increase in Eskom's electricity prices it was the likes of us who were the most troubled. The poorer households either did not use electricity, had none or were using so little that it didn't really matter. The young people said it “is one of those things”, prices go up. We are all very set in our ways and are at or are getting to an age where change either scares us or makes life very uncomfortable.

We have worked very hard to get where we are. To relax and enjoy the life we have created for ourselves. This includes relaxing, ordering stuff on the internet from Pick n Pay, and just keep on using what we are used to.

We are used to how it was. I always think the fact that I can remember that when “I was small” a bottle of cooldrink was 9 cents and you got 3 cents back for the bottle, or 6 cents if you drank it at the café... ages one tremendously! I do not really mind the age, but the fact that I might use this as an excuse not to change, that troubles me. Yes, I am used to my 100Watt light bulb in my reading lamps, and I am getting to that age where it is definitely not possible for me to read in bad light. Or as the saying goes: “my arm is getting too short”. So why change to an energy saver that doesn't even fit into the light fitting that has been in my house for the past how many years?

It might be exactly what previous generations did, but they did not live in the fast-changing world we live in. We went from calculators only the engineering students could understand to computers the smallest child can use in less than one lifetime! I think we should make a list of what we can do to do our bit for this fast-changing world of ours. We are used to change, we might be a bit tired of always adapting, but we can handle change. Now that we are a little older we might ask the questions, not just trust everybody, but in the end we will do the 'right thing'. Take it slowly, as you need, change bulbs, or re-fit fittings or appliances, do a bit of research and use the more environmentally conscious ones. Those are starting to fit into the same price range as normal ones and do definitely save energy in the long run.

Energy Wise

The Green Building Council of South Africa (GBCSA) has put out a new publication aimed at property owners, managers and consultants who are looking to upgrade and improve their existing buildings. This will mean all of us who own properties here in Silver Lakes, especially those with their own office buildings, factories and other developments. It is not to say you have to get in there and change everything in one go. Such a strategy is definitely not cost effective, and usually not thought through properly. Re-thinking your energy strategy and doing simple changes one at a time will definitely not only benefit you, but the country and the earth as a whole. The Council's Existing Buildings Survival Strategies is a practical, user-friendly guide to the step-by-step process of retrofitting existing buildings to become greener and more efficient. The publication, which is available in the form of a booklet, uses case studies to underline their suggestion of a six-stage plan to retrofitting a building. Obviously 'buildings' mean anything from small entities such as our houses here in Silver Lakes to office blocks, factories and shopping malls.

The six stages are: Stage 1: Decide what your baseline is. Stage 2: List your building's maintenance and operational issues. Stage 3: Set your targets and goals. Stage 4: Decide at what pace you could implement refurbishment. Stage 5: Prioritise the different upgrades. Stage 6: Implement your decisions. This retrofitting plan might include all or any of the following elements in your home: • • • • • • •

lights appliances air-conditioning heating recycling water-use using different products (recycled, biodegradable)

This publication is a wonderful basic reference for those of us who want to do our bit, but do not know where to start. For more information, advice on retrofitting and details of retrofitting training courses, contact the Green Building Council of South Africa at: Tel 021 659 5990, fax 021 689 3737, Have a fantastic month recycling, re-using and retrofitting! Corlia Mathews 083 448 9441

We are used to how it was. I always think the fact that I can remember that when “I was small” a bottle of cooldrink was 9 cents and you got 3 cents back for the bottle, or 6 cents if you drank it at the café... ages one tremendously! INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 35


W H AT I S H A P P E N I N G I N T H E HOMES MARKET? The Silver Lakes Estate Agents Council (SLEAC) was formed to serve as a forum between the HOA and the accredited estate agents on the Estate. At the last meeting between the Committee of SLEAC and the Homeowners Association the feeling was expressed that we as estate agents would like to inform the homeowners on a monthly basis about views, predictions and interesting news on the homes market. As can be seen, the request was approved and our first news page in Intra Muros is born! The first question, or I could even say the most standard question, buyers and sellers normally ask us is: “What is happening in the homes market?” Globally, housing markets are all suffering from a common denominator – lack of affordability. Some house prices may have come down (or according to us agents became more realistic!), but so have the levels of household disposable income. Interest rates may have fallen substantially, but remain high compared with other countries where lower- and middle-income buyers often enjoy government-sponsored housing support. South African buyers are slowly creeping back into the local market, but credit is hard to come by. Cash is king, but even cash buyers are wary and very street-wise. Demand for smaller, more affordable, homes has increased. Interest rates remain on hold and some banks reckon rates will continue drifting sideways. Although the outlook for South African residential property for 2010 remains overshadowed by scattered clouds of uncertainty, the tempo of activity has picked up slightly and will hopefully lead to an increase in the volume of signed and sealed sales.

sales plummeted from 242 000 in 2006 (equivalent to just over 20 000 transfers per month) to 131 000 in 2008 and 93 000 in 2009 (only about 7 700 transfers per month). This slump came on the back of the most extreme economic recession South Africa has experienced in the past 17 years, during which banks imposed the most stringent mortgage lending criteria and far more substantial deposits became the order of the day. These factors are still at play – so much so that there are clear indications of the likelihood that there will be more houses coming on to the market over the next six months than there will be sales. The biggest imponderable that overhangs the residential property market remains the stranglehold on home bond advances. Given the current market conditions, sellers would be wise not to cling too tightly to their asking prices! Liza Grobbelaar: Chairperson: SLEAC

However, there is little prospect of prices rising in tandem. The reason for this is that the market is coming off an extremely low base – after the two consecutive worst years during the past 20! Just how low a base is illustrated by the fact that national house

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 36

Sources: Ronald Ennik, MD: Pam Golding Properties Stuart Murray, Editor, Intellectual Property


SMALLS Housesitting / Babysitting services Reliable woman looking to house-sit. Excellent references. Tidy and neat. I love pets and am prepared to look after them. Long term would be great should you relocate for a period of time. Jill Anderson (082 417 7514). Looking for an au pair from Silver Lakes or surrounding area to collect our kid from school on a daily basis from 15h00 (German School in Wilgers) and drop him home or to extra-scholar activities (Hatfield) + occasional baby sitting. Remuneration of 3040 ZAR/hour according to experience + fuel refunded. Car and driver's licence with a clean record required. Previous experience will be considered. Contact Ferran at 079 465 1011. Claudine is an 18yr old student with own car and driver's licence. She can collect kids from school and help with homework. She also looks after pets. Please contact her on cell: 082 2600 480. Lauren loves pets, and will gladly look after yours when away on holiday and over weekends. Contact her on cell: 072 868 7755.

Husband and wife team, Edward and Maria (already employed in Silver Lakes) is looking for extra work within the Estate. Excellent gardener and reliable domestic. Please call Edward (Afrikaans speaking) on 079 794 0757. Family relocated, urgent employment required for competent, well trained, exceptional with children, Christian live-in maids, Bongi (082 967 3566), Rose (076 723 9047, has passport) literate, well spoken. Do grocery lists, shopping, caring, grooming of all kinds of domestic animals and fish, accompany family on holiday cook, clean and childcare. Reference Monique (079 505 7123), Leone (072 105 8573). Employment wanted. Isabel is reliable and honest looking for cleaning and house work. Speaks English and Afrikaans. She has worked for me for over 5 years and never missed a day of work. Excellent at ironing and done lots of gardening too. Great with children and pets. Gets the work done and happy to work late. Highly recommended. Any day of the week except Thursday however will look at full time and live in too. Please ring me for references on 082 909 3591 or Isabel on 078 007 7765.

Need a babysitter? Montenique is a second-year law student and a Silver Lakes resident with a valid driver's licence and own car. Rates: R30/hr for the first child and R25/hr for each additional child. Contact her on 083 575 5975 (References available).

Sarah is looking for employment on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday as a domestic worker. Speaks English and is good worker. Please phone Collette 083 306 9309.

Dani babysitting: I am a responsible, safety conscious first year university student with a valid driver's licence and have completed Family & Friends CPR & First Aid course by Netcare. Available school holidays and weekends. R30 for the first child per hour and for each additional child R25 per hour. Contact Daniela Venier 072 590 8502 or

Christina is looking for part time work doing cleaning, laundry, and ironing. She is available for 2 to 3 days a week, and comes with excellent references from her current employer in Silver Lakes who is relocating, as well as a retired UN Manager who she has worked for over the past nine years in Waterkloof Gardens. Please call Christina on 0765824783.

Cassidy is an 18 year old Graphic Design student available to babysit every day, except Thursdays. R30/hr for the first child and R25/hr for each additional child. 083 235 5155.

Olga Modipa seeks 3 days per week domestic work, Monday, Thursday, Friday – home number 012 702 8320.

Beauty and health

Lindiwe seeks 5 days per week, sleep out, domestic work. Call on 084 229 8341.

Natural health - Get some Noni Juice from Tahiti: The Tropical Fruit with 101 Medicinal Uses. Helps the body heal itself: No side effects. Call Anne 012 809 0385 or 072 811 7533.

Martha – seeks 2 days per week, sleep out, domestic work. Tuesdays and Thursdays. English and Afrikaans. 084 943 2181.

Avroy Shlain cosmetics delivered in Silver Lakes. Contact Liesl 084 506 3182.

Matlhatsi Sydney Molefe – Matriculated 2008 with Accounting 79%. Seeking position as shop assistant, admin assistant – any position where training is available. Phone 072 615 5530.

Domestic services Christine has been a loyal hardworking housekeeper for officials of the Argentinian Embassy who have returned home. Available, Monady and/or Friday. For reference phone Riet 012 809 0990 or Christina directly, 073 131 6514. Lindy is looking for live out domestic work inside Silver Lakes. Currently working for resident in Silver Lakes but is seeking a few extra days. Please call Lindy @ 073 516 6187 or current employer Melinda @ 012 809 1302. Sophie Masilela 'n huishulp met 'n goeie rekord soek werk vir Vrydae. Skakel Sophie 084 387 1848, navrae Anita 012 809 0601.

Alice seeks 5 days/week, sleep in, domestic. Call 076 614 2471. Anna Skhosana, 5 days/w domestic. Sleep out 072 694 7873. Cindy requires a full time, sleep out, domestic position - fluent in English, Afrikaans and Sotho. Excellent worker, good telephone manner, very presentable. Cindy cell 083 724 1873. Meisi seeks a 5 days/week position, domestic or any other, sleep out. 079 774 8893. Nono seeks a 5 days/week, domestic position. 082 750 8761. Johanna seeks 5 days/week domestic, sleep out, 079 9192 073.

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 39

Sophy seeks 5 days/week domestic, sleep out, 082 639 1781. Dorah seeks 2 days/week domestic, sleep in, 072 5232 073. Roselinah Skosana looking for a 5 days per week domestic position, sleep in or out, can cook and take care of children – English and Afrikaans – 078 179 3453. Linah Ntini looking for Saturday work (English and Afrikaans) 071 943 5651.

Eric is looking for garden work, he is available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays (or Thursdays). He is reliable and hard working. He has been working for me for the past 10 years. For more info contact me, Rita (012 809 0613 / 082 374 4679) or Eric (072 181 5984). Gardener/Handyman is looking for a job for 1 day a week. He is a diligent, trustworthy worker who addresses critical issues before I come across them. He has great experience in gardening as well as wood maintenance. For further references call Andrea on 083 284 2930.

Ellen seeks 5 days/week, sleep in, domestic – 073 707 7711. Christinah seeks 5 days per week domestic position, sleep out. 072 825 6291 - Ref phone Mrs Landsberg 083 376 7164. Sarah Mpyana seeks 5 days per week domestic work, sleep in. 076 319 1710. For Ref please phone Ria Nel 082 486 4539. Beauty Mpofu, speaks French and English. Ex Teacher (early childhood development Diploma )– seeks full time position, sleep in – please phone 078 694 8958. Dinah Mokoena is looking for a domestic position, three days per week, Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays – sleep out. Speaks English and Afrikaans – 084 646 6620. Sbongile Mtshweni is looking for a 3 days per week domestic position, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays – sleep in or out. 072 041 1500 or (mom) 082 396 5774. Esther seeks 5 days/week, domestic work. 071 600 8943. Nelly is looking for domestic work on Wednesdays. Cooking and child-minding. Has First-Aid certificate. – 083 745 1136. Ana Mahlanku looking for work on Fridays – 082 362 5702. Ivy Kobena seeks 5 days per week domestic work, sleep in – please phone 072 2223 633. Dikeledi is looking for three days per week domestic work. Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. 072 0969 840. For Ref phone Aletta Venter 083 653 9220.

Thompson is looking for one or two days work doing gardening. Thompson comes with excellent references from his current employer in Silver Lakes, whom he has worked for the past few years. Thompson is extremely hard working and reliable, and has extensive experience with plants and designing gardens in Silver Lakes. Please call Thompson on: 079 164 6568. Painter - Exterior/Interior. Contact Asaf at 072 830 4606.

For rent Mount Hope Private Game Reserve, Vaalwater. 2 Hrs from Pta. Hunting and leisure. Gameviewing, quads, horses, butchery. Luxury chalets, sleep 22. Fully catered and serviced. Call Chere 082 496 8888.

For sale Rod iron, square patio set for sale. Glass top, 8 chairs - R2000 or nearest offer. Call Elbie on 083 302 8947. EZ GO electric golf cart for sale. As good as new R25 000. Please call Johan cell: 083 325 0822. For sale: Full size Pearl River Violin and case. Excellent condition. R750. Evelyn 083 635 0843. Baby on the way? Looking for a lovely dark wood cot? We are looking to sell ours for half price - it's a beautiful cot from the Slumber Hub bought for R4000 and selling for R2000. Has three levels to raise or lower mattress and can turn into a toddler bed with rails on the sides. Comes with sheets and pink or blue cot bumper. Please call Shannon on 082 699 6410.

Nuku Kganye seeks domestic position, Mondays to Fridays, sleep in. 072 204 3773.

Piano: We are looking to buy a second hand piano that is in a good condition. Please contact Casne on 083 460 8639 if you want to sell yours.

Salome Mahlangu seeks full time, sleep in/out domestic position or security position. Has E.D.C. Cira qualification. Please contact 073 000 9880.

Jungle Gym: Do you want to sell your steel jungle gym? Please contact Casne on 083 460 8639.

Margareth Maphuthuma seeks full time admin/other position. Good matric results – Diploma in Office Management (Credo College Training Academy) 2007. Speaks Sotho, Zulu, English and Afrikaans. Please phone 082 790 3766. Mmina Molosi seeking 5 days per week domestic position – sleep in. Please phone 072 672 0419. Sylvia is looking for a full time position, sleep in or out. Good with cleaning, ironing and childcare. 079 902 7929. Margaret is looking for a full time 5 days/week position – sleep out. Good with cleaning, ironing and childcare. 078 049 6000. Joyce is looking for a full time position - sleep in. I take care of children, good with housework. Please contact 079 471 4138.

Gardening & Handyman services Jomo is 'n betroubare tuinjong wat beskikbaar is vir Maandae, Dinsdae en Woensdae. Het goeie verwysing. Kontak Pine Pienaar by 082 850 3106.

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6 pieces fabric daybed sofa, grey and black with flowery pattern on some cushions. Beautiful and chic Italian design, very good condition. Can be assembled in many different ways. Call the following number: 082 824 5316. For sale: 2 x single bed mattresses – Rest Assured (Posture Sport) 2 x single white washed bed sets incl: latticed headboards, latticed bedside tables, toy boxes. Contact Liane van Vuuren 082 468 9977. Stand for sale in The Hills Golf Estate. 889 sq. metres, proclaimed, ready for building. Stand 794 almost on the game park. R750,000o.n.o. Contact Dianne at 082 613 8388.

Miscellaneous “Are you no longer able to drive yourself around? Are you too busy to drive your parents/grand parents around? Do you need any special care? I can recommend Dave, he is very kind, patient and gentle and for a reasonable fee will help anyone who needs to be helped. Contact Dave: 076 072 1923.

To all single (unattached) 50+ Silver Lakers. Let's get together. Phone: 083 281 4664. Thomas Mtsweni, experienced driver with a valid license is looking for a full time position as driver – 083 987 4429. No time to cook. Contact Sandra 082 7834 932. Lasagne, Chicken a la King, Macaroni Cheese etc. Go on holiday without a worry in the world! I, a 3rd year law student, take care of homes and pets at an affordable rate. Call André 082 824 2617 / Kwilt: Indien jy belangstel om deel te word van 'n kwiltgroep in Silver Lakes, skakel Magda by 073 252 8635 of 012 809 1533. Piano lessons given by winner of many prestigious competitions in SA. Lessons are provided from beginner to professional levels to all ages. Contact Julia 072 622 6889. Innoverende somerslaaie! Kom woon ‘n demonstrasie by aangebied deur ‘n kenner. Skakel Sarie by 083 287 3288 vir meer inligting. Piano tuner/klavier stemmer - Kontak George by 082 259 4994, 073 222 9449 of 011 693 1994. Are your pets home alone? Have them looked after in the safety of your home from R40 per day! Jacques on 082 797 5317. Creative art and craft studio: All interested artists and crafters lets get together and be creative at my home-based studio. All art disciplines. Morning sessions from 9 – 12am. Weekly, small classes. Contact Evelyn – 083 635 0843/ 012 809 2844. Search rabbit/bunny for Eastern present, 2 baby rabbits or one pregnant mother rabbit, should be tame/handsome and used to live free in the garden. SMS or call 073 484 4835. Drawing technician required for casual work by a Silver Lakes based company. Work entails drawing process diagrams and plant and equipment layouts. Full technical support given. The technician should have a home based CAD drawing facility and printer. Workload varies from month to month. Please phone 082 772 1180 or email

Please note that Intra Muros will in future only offer free classified adverts for 'Personal' ads. A 'Personal' ad would be for: Sale of personal goods by a resident, goods wanted to buy, domestic workers looking for work, lost & found etc – no agents, no tutoring, beauticians and so on. The exception is children under 21 living on the Estate looking to make a bit of pocket money. All other income-generating adverts will fall under the 'Business' category and will be charged for. Contact Paola for more info @ 012 347 7530. INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 41

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012 809 0424/5

Security: Shift Manager

072 615 5862

(From 6pm to 6am, weekdays and 24 hours Sat, Sun and public holidays)

Boschkop Police

012 802 1087/4

Street lights

012 358 2540

Willows Hospital

012 807 8100

Netcare 911

082 911

Power failure

012 339 9111

HOA office

012 809 0142

Garden refuse removals (Waste Group)

012 562 0330/4

Fire Brigade



012 809 0281

Pro Shop

012 809 0430

Kungwini Water and Sewerage

082 958 2932

Emergency number

012 809 0424

Life Medical Centre

012 809 1004

Intercare Medical and Dental Centre

012 809 6000

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 53

A C C R E D I T E D E S T AT E A G E N T S Aida

012 348 3720

Ikonic Real Estate

Mpho Ntaka Esnat Makwinja

082 885 7402 073 266 7362

Zona-Lize Hayward Martin Hayward Magreta Lemmer

083 452 5588 083 452 5599 079 732 3469

Karien du Toit Properties

012 809 2763

Karien du Toit

082 378 7152

Leapfrog Properties

012 809 1707 082 749 5464 082 579 0690 082 443 9251

Ambassador Letting

012 343 6705

Hannelie Stopforth Fax

083 268 9498 012 809 2430

Bianca Properties

086 100 0002

Vino Baum Axel Uwe

082 372 6030 083 443 1996

Michelle Eysele Antoinette van Breda Anne-Marie Scholtz

Birdie Properties

012 809 0863

MMB Lifestyle Estates

Vincent Abbott Marietha Kotze-Abbott

082 785 9437 082 457 3770

Marlene Malherbe

082 565 3638

Meintjies Real Estate Brooklyn Properties Sarel Opperman Henriette Greeff

072 117 2636 072 599 5618

Century 21 Property Lane Jan Griessel Chris de Lange

Meims Meintjies Annatjie Botha

082 412 9421 073 316 9079

Menlyn Properties

012 991 3090

James van der Wal Lanaine van der Wal

083 227 5429 082 653 6615

082 375 3837 072 661 0413

Pam Golding Properties

Colliers International

012 460 3000

Liza Grobbelaar Mariette Schoeman

Justin Armstrong

082 414 9190

Deal Properties

012 809 0420

Joan Norris Danette van der Merwe

082 564 6201 082 450 8883

Fairways Realty

012 809 0873

Maritha van Rensburg Elbie Cameron Kobus Bezuidenhout

082 566 7332 083 595 4994 072 233 4177

Property Principle Group

INTRA MUROS | Issue 2, 2010 | 54

Ilse Crous Tertia Olivier

082 821 3813 083 514 0851

Realnet Properties

012 809 2787

Linda Bodenstein Juanette Menderoi

082 567 7963 084 476 0841


Golfing Estates Corinne Joubert Sacha Joubert

082 857 0054 079 874 5572

083 703 3330 084 330 2121

San-Karin Jacobs Rinus Buys

082 254 2504 082 891 7760

Seeff Residential Prop

012 452 2500

Antoinette Quinlivan Deliana Schoeman Carole Wengerek (Rentals)

083 381 0590 082 788 0942 082 902 7958

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